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Lucid Light Brochure 2017

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Lucia N°03 Hypnagogic Light Machine

(The Lucid Light)

Lucid Light LLC

Austin, TX, USA



(512) 969-7417

How Does it Work?
Lucia N°03 is a neuro-stimulator made up of 8 LEDs and a halogen
light. The computer-controlled interaction of these light sources
activates different areas of the brain and elicits a variety of
experiences such as seeing intense worlds of color and shapes, a
sense of leaving the body, or even lucid
dream states.

There are over 100 different sessions and

each experience is unique to the user. Since
this involves true neuro-stimulation and not
an optical post-image phenomenon, even if
you experience the same session multiple
times in a row you will have different
“journeys” each time.

Viewed scientifically, the Lucia N°03 stimulates harmonic EEG

brainwave patterns that usually only appear after decades of
meditation practice.

The Lucia N°03 opens up the possibility for someone who has never
meditated or has always had difficulty meditating to reach amazing
brainwave states that tend to produce transcendental experiences.

Participants not only experience a magnificent internal visual display,

they subsequently are able to recognize the impacts of a
transcendental meditation session. There is an increased release of
neurotransmitters and hormones. This added impact is what we
believe lead many to report having a lasting impact on their state of
well-being, their sleep cycles, and their increased ability to focus and
to drop into their meditations.

This a visual of an EEG illustrating typical distribution frequencies of
normal brain activity at rest.

Notice the difference in the distribution of frequencies during a

hypnagogic light experience.

Meet the Inventors

D r . D i r k P r o e c k l  i s a
neurologist and psychologist
with his own medical practice
in Wörgl, Tirol, Austria. He
focuses on the interaction
between the psyche and the
nervous system and has
studied psychosomatic
rehabilitation of migraines, the
distribution of
neurotransmitters within the
central nervous system, and
epileptic potentials in the

Engelbert Winkler is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, and legal

consultant for children and youth with his own clinical practice in Wörgl,

Austria. He studied philosophy, pediatrics and

psychology in Innsbruck, and completed
further studies in existential analysis,
hypnotherapy and other disciplines. In 1994 he
founded a family counseling institute named
K o o p e r a ti v e F a m i l i e n b e r a tu n g a n d i s
particularly interested in the neuronal basis
and effects of Near Death Experience as well
as the development of new uses for the
hypnagogic light experience.

Hypnagogic Light Experience.

In recent years the doctors have been collaborating on the topic of

optimizing their methods within the Hypnagogic Light Experience with
the Lucia N°03 and expanding their knowledge of resulting
neurophysiological and psychological processes (including the
implications for understanding synesthesia).

Synesthesia is the experience of mixing senses – for example, in the

light experience, you can perceive sound as images – the experience
of seeing music.

The Development of the Hypnagogic Light Experience

As a child, Dr. Winkler had a near-death experience. It was characterized

by a “luminous glow” and caused fundamental shifts in his perception.
These shifts led to changes in his attitude and outlook on life, which were
so profound he was moved to research deeper into the subject. Dr. Winkler
found that many people who had a near-death experience reported the
same importance of returning to the
essential and seeing illness and suffering in
a completely different light. Feelings of self-
worth increased dramatically after the
experience, and are an essential part of
psychological wellness (and positive

Paradoxically, close brushes with death

even caused suicidal people to realign their
perception towards a more positive outlook.

Central to the reports of survivors of near

d e a t h e x p e r i e n c e s ( N D E ’s ) i s t h e
experience of moving toward a light and
losing the sense of ego. As brain scientist
Jill Bolte Taylor describes, “[M]y perception
of my physical boundaries was no longer
limited to where my skin met air. I felt like a genie liberated from its bottle....
My entire self-concept shifted as I no longer perceived myself as a single, a
solid, an entity with boundaries that separated me from the entities around
me. I understood that at the most elementary level, I am a fluid."

Dr. Winkler and Dr. Proekl began a series of experiments with their clients
they called “the Elias project”. In the framework of the Elias project, clients
were exposed to others’ near-death experiences. As a result, therapy
processes could be shortened considerably and satisfactory results were
achieved even in seemingly hopeless cases (for methodology, materials
and cases see “The Occidental Book Of Death And Dying” by Dr. Engelbert

Winkler). Taking into account that key functional areas of the brain do not
differentiate between imagination and real occurrences, Dr Engelbert
Winkler and Dr Dirk Proeckl started working with external sources of light to
explore the possibilities of exploring altered states of consciousness and
NDEs through stimulation with a light. Therefore, the Lucia light was
developed from understanding of the power of light and near-death
experiences, which have helped many people find strength, courage,
tenacity and hope.

DMT, the Pineal

Gland and the

In the context of
comprehensive research,
Rick Strassmann (DMT –
The Spirit Molecule,
2001) speculated that a
massive release of DMT
is to be regarded as the
neurological cause of
near-death experiences
as well as profound
mystical, insightful,
cathartic, healing
experiences. It has been
proposed that DMT may
be manufactured and
released in the pineal
gland, a pea-sized, cone-shaped gland located in the center of our brain.
The chemical is postulated to be secreted directly into the liquor (brain
fluid) and can thus reach the receptors in contact with brain fluid even after
a cardiac arrest.

While a large release of DMT is thought to be attributed to NDE’s, DMT is a
naturally occurring hormone that is an integral part of our dreams, birth,
death, psychic and visionary experiences. After application of DMT doses
to a healthy patient, Strassmann’s test subjects repeatedly referred to
impressive experiences in a supernatural light to which they attributed
healing and insight-inducing properties.

DMT is the centrally active substance in a South American plant

combination known as “ayahuasca”. Indigenous healers claim that by
consuming this plant they can reach a dimension of light where all healing

Because of its link to this

powerful substance, the pineal
gland has been called ‘the seat
of the soul,’ or even the bridge
to higher consciousness. From
a metaphysical perspective,
opening the ‘3rd eye’ is the key
to awakening our psychic
senses, allowing access to
other realms and dimensions,
and connecting to Spirit. And
from a physical point of view, by
accessing these states, the
viewer can tap into a source of
well-being that may not be
available in day-to-day life.
Often this is because in many
adults, the pineal gland is calcified through refined food, fluoride in water,
mercury in seafood, bromide, pesticides, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and
tobacco. If the gland isn’t fully functioning the circadian rhythm is out of
balance and the psychic ability to access altered states also decreases.

Studies have shown that a calcified pineal gland affects sense of direction
(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1419179/) and sleep
patterns (www.unboundmedicine.com/.../Degree_of_pineal_calcification).

While exposed to the frequencies of Lucia
N°03, the traveler will experience a white
light passing through the retina towards the
pineal gland. The pineal gland is
responsible for producing melatonin (which
helps regulate sleep cycles) and for
producing pinoline, a beta-carboline, among
other types of hormonal regulation. If the
gland is brought back to its optimum state
of health, the brain is in a better position to
activate a range of healing powers, whether they be physical, spiritual, or
both. Images of brain activity show increased harmonization of frequency
during the light experience, and depending on the willingness of the viewer
to let go, this corresponds to a state of deep relaxation and the highest
level of concentration. The activity of the brain is reflected in the eye of the
beholder in completely unique ways and the client learns be guided by this
(bidirectional neuro feedback).

Neuro Art

While in classical art the artist is the creator of his work, modern art
involves the consumer and his awareness of the entire process. Neuro art
goes one step further. It transfers creation and consumption of the artwork
to the viewer.

Behind closed eyes, limits removed, the traveler is able to enter his own
work of art as both creator and observer. The hypnagogic light utilizes

pulses of white light to allow an individual to experience an expansive,
unique, multi-dimensional cascade of colors and shapes.
The intense sensory stimulation makes it easy for people to surrender, and
music guides the traveler into an experience of seeing the sounds, better
known as synesthesia.
The Lucia N3 can open an inner portal, but it depends on whether the user
can “tune in” with the experience by finding a frequency where they feel
comfortable enough to “let go”.

Light as a Portal

Talk of enlightenment has spread far and wide these days, quite a leap
from its origins in Eastern Philosophy. Buddhism defines it as “the
awakening to ultimate truth by which man is freed...” and Hindus say it is “a
state of transcendent divine experience.”

The word found its place in the West to describe a period in the 18th-
century, “The Enlightenment.” This historical term represented a time when
the importance of human reason was stressed above all else to promote
religious tolerance and freedom from tyranny. Investigation of this word,
“enlightenment” establishes a context of how one can use light as a portal
to deeper awareness.

Victor E. Frankl, the founder of Logotherapy and existential analysis,
describes the spiritual dimension of man as the pure and untouchable basis
of all life, which is critical for any level of self-awareness. He likens light and
consciousness as a mirrored aspect of the same phenomenon, where light
manifests as matter and energy, and consciousness as body and mind.
Therefore a strong connection with pure consciousness of the inner self, or
the inner “light” is the starting point for whole-ness, health, and well-being.
This is the goal of meditators seeking to find a space between thoughts,
feelings, and judgments. This space of pure emptiness and inner peace is
something one can return to in times of stress to re-center and re-connect
with divine truth.

Therefore, we can literally view “light” as a portal back to this taste of

“enlightenment,” which is where the Lucia N3, a hypnagogic light machine,
enters as a tool. While this is not a replacement for other therapies
involving psychological and spiritual wellness, the Lucia N3 helps us
journey to a state of well-being that is constantly available. This kind of
access to consciousness is usually only attainable after practicing
meditation for decades, and is critical, as Frankl stated, to developing self-

Lucia N°03 and Tibetan Buddhism

In 2010, the Lucia team went to Tibet. A meeting had been arranged in
Lhasa with Buchung Changlochen, who said he was prepared to test Lucia
N°03. Buchung is a grandson of the former Tibetan foreign minister and a
long-standing student of Lamrim Renpoche and he comes from the family
of the 11th Dalai Lama, His Holiness
Khedrub Gyatsho.

Lucia N°03 was also thoroughly tested

by Mr. Lhada who is very experienced
in Tibetan dream yoga as well as by
Prof. Haraldsson. All three were very
impressed with Lucia N°03, above all by
the intensive color perception that was

generated, which was similar to “seeing a mandala with one’s eyes shut”.
Particularly in Tibetan Buddhism mandalas play an especially important
meditative role. After the Lucia N°03 session, Buchung Changlochen
reported that the lamp made it possible for him to focus his spirit inward
and cut out the outside world. In addition, he had the impression that he left
his body together with the colors. The same was experienced by Lhada,
who, under the influence of Lucia N°03, fell into a particularly deep trance
after only a few minutes.

After the successful

experiments in Lhasa,
the Lucia team devoted
its attention for a few
days on research into
the importance of the
pineal gland in Tibetan
Buddhism, in other
words, in the much
older shaman Bön
tradition. There are
calcified natural history
specimens in the
palace of the Dalai
Lama – probably pineal
glands taken from the
brains of elephants –
which are particularly
revered as holy relics.
This can be seen as an indication of the importance laid on this part of the
brain as a central channel for spiritual experiences. In the Bön tradition the
experience of enlightenment as a non-dual source of the consciousness of
experience corresponds to a multicolored sphere of light. According to
Winkler, “Both the impressions of our test subjects and also old Tibetan
learning support the thesis that the effect of Lucia N°03 can be directly
compared to spiritual experiences. The hypnogogic light experience
corresponds to experiences in deep meditation”.

Tuning fork for the mind

Without any effort or long-term practice, the Lucia N°03 enables:

• rapid and sustained deep relaxation

• increased learning capacity and performance
• an experience of “slowing down” or mindfulness
• shifts in perception of time and space
• awareness detached from the body
• immersion in worlds of color and shape and never before seen beauty
• deep emotions and a strong feeling of happiness
• spiritual experiences

The Lucia N3 is not a replacement for a meditation practice, nor is it an
addictive experience. Rather, the sessions provide a form of brain
entrainment that allows the viewer to temporarily experience a state of
deep meditation.

After a series of sessions, it is easier for the user to return to this space of
deep meditation, but it is still the responsibility of the person to meditate
regularly on their own to make significant changes in their life.

The Lucia N3 experience takes place in three steps:

TURN ON (into the light)

After study of the various programs available on Lucia N3, a light session with
the appropriate duration, frequency sequence, and intensity is selected or
created. The role of the light attendant is to support the client in the process of
letting go, so he can abandon himself to the Hypnagogic Light Experience.

Learning to let go, as a way of “abandoning oneself”, is a central element of a

light session.

•TUNE IN (understanding)

A trained light attendant answers any questions from the traveler and tests
their comfort level with the light through a short demonstration. Travelers
are encouraged to tune into their body and state of mind in the ‘present’,
letting go of any outside concerns for the duration of the experience.

DROP OUT (the quest)

In this final phase one has the opportunity for post discussion about his
“journey into the light” and hopefully seeks to align the self with the state of
mind brought to awareness with the light. Meditation is an incredibly useful
tool at this time, and is encouraged as a practice to better integrate the
experience. While sitting with the light one touches this inner source of
well-being, and returns to everyday consciousness to evaluate the resulting
insights and attempt to incorporate them into daily understandings.

Purchasing a Lucia N°03

Lucia N°03 originated in the middle of the Tyrolean Alps; not as an

assembly line product, but in a small-batch series from a factory in
Kufstein, Austria. Lucia N°03 is a computer-controlled lamp system with an
international registered patent. It combines a stroboscope (flickering light)
featuring variable speed and intensity with a constant light operating in
different brightness levels.

A Lucia N°03 system purchase includes:
• A retractable lamp-head with 8 cold light sources and 1 hot light source
• An adjustable lamp-stand made of stainless steel
• Power supply with international power plug adapters
• Wireless control via Bluetooth;
USB port, and cable.
• Lucia N3 configured software
• Lucia N3 USB stick
• Spare halogen lamp
• User Manual

The purchase of the Lucia N°03
system includes a 1 year limited
warranty. The system comes with
an extra halogen bulb. The
computer that comes with the
Lucia N°03 is easy to use and
access. If any problem occurs, the
turnaround time is about 1.5
weeks (including shipping to and
from Austria). As your distributor,
we will arrange this if necessary.

Lucia Light Training:

The price includes the obligatory
basic Light Attendant Training
which contains theoretical and
hands-on experience. Continuing support is offered as well as needed.

Lucia Academy:
Additionally, every Light Attendant has access to Lucia Academy, an online forum
to exchange ideas and experiences in the light.

Lucia N°03 system: $23,000
Insured Shipping from Austria (to the USA): $1,500
(for other countries please inquire specifically)


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