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Waking the Global Heart:

Hu manity's Rite of Passage from the Love of

Power to the Power of Love

By Anodea Judith

Will we survive into the next age? If so, what will it look
like and what will it take for us to get there? For the first
time since the planet cooled, five billion years ago,
humanity is capable of influencing––for better or
worse––the trajectory of evolution. This requires a
tremendous responsibility and maturity of the heart,
and in this revolutionary book, best-selling author
Anodea Judith charts the challenges and opportunities
of our time. Only through a rite of passage will humanity
shift from the love of power to the power of love. This
initiation will uproot and transform every aspect of
human civilization. It will demand of humankind a new
myth, one that insists on cooperation rather than
competition, co-creation rather than procreation,
networks rather than markets, and sustainability rather
than exploitation. Waking the Global Heart is a
handbook for this initiation, taking us on a journey
through the twists and turns of our collective history to
emerge with a guiding vision for our next awakening.

Click here for the comprehensive

"Waking The Global Heart" site


The Drama of Our Time

The only myth that is going to be worth talking about in the immediate
future is one that is talking about the planet, not this city, not these people,
but the planet and everybody on it. And what it will have to deal with will be
exactly what all myths have dealt with—the maturation of the individual,
from dependency through adulthood, through maturity, and then to the exit;
and then how to relate this society to the world of nature and the cosmos…
And until that gets going, you don’t have anything.1

—Joseph Campbell

t he human drama is nearing its denouement. The great unveil-

ing is approaching, a time when the power structures of the
world begin to crumble and people of the heart sing out a new truth.
Many voices are joining the chorus, many feet are walking the path,
many minds are dreaming possibilities for a magnificent future. For
beneath the crises that are looming at every level of civilization, the
global heart is awakening, beating out the rhythm of a new and glori-
ous dance, calling us to a better way of living.
You who are dreamers and poets, executives and laborers, healers
and teachers, artists and visionaries, parents and lovers–each of you
plays a part in bringing forth the new dawn. You are the ones who
will be leading humanity’s rite of passage into the next age. For the
awakening of the global heart occurs as each of its many cells opens to
18 2 THE CURTAIN RISES The Drama of Our Time 2 19

the power of love in its own heart and joins together to pump life and cast, playing to an instantaneous feedback system that continually
breath into every corner of the globe. Physically, the heart is an organ shows us our reflection. But rather than the image of a single char-
that keeps us alive through a coordinated network of cells beating acter, we are witness to a global tapestry, weaving itself into a new
together. Spiritually, the heart is the center of love, the primordial picture. Its threads were spun from archaic forces long ago, woven
force that calls things into relationship, the force that makes our lives together by the myths, legends, and heroic deeds of our ancestors.
worthwhile. Globally, the heart is a symbol of a new organizing prin- To weave a new picture, we must engage with these forces and take
ciple for how to live together on this finite jewel of a planet. them into our own hands–with maturity, with consciousness, and
The cultural transformation from the love of power to the power of most of all, with heart. For we who are alive at this time–whether we
love is the drama of our time. Ours is an era that future historians will like it or not–are entering a rite of passage into the future. This rite is
look back upon, marveling at the magnitude of the challenges and both personal and collective. We are no longer separate strands in the
changes we are now experiencing. They will call it a time of Great web of life, but the very weavers of the web that holds us all.
Awakening, a time when the best and the worst of humanity played We stand at the dawn of a new era. Immersed in technology,
their parts in the fate of human evolution. But if future generations yet hungry for the sacred, there is deep longing for a story that bal-
are alive to tell this story, it will only be because the best of humanity ances masculine and feminine, progress and sustainability, order and
prevailed and pulled together with a love so profound that the seem- freedom, power and love. The stories we tell ourselves shape our
ingly impossible was achieved. world. They guide our relationships to each other, to the environ-
Human consciousness is being drawn inexorably toward the same ment, and to the future. Life in the twenty-first century is spinning
issues, the gaze of collective attention focused like never before. a new myth. It is time to listen to the growing chorus of voices that
Center stage is now everywhere, broadcast from living rooms, auto- make up this story. Together, we are discovering and inventing a
mobiles, airports, and cell phones, from radios, newspapers, maga- way to the future.
zines, and the Internet. Increasing numbers of people watch the To weave a new story, we must inquire into the essential ques-
unfolding events with bated breath. Some have been watching for tions asked by myths and legends of all ages: Who are we? Where do we
quite some time, with growing concern. Others are just waking up, come from? Where are we going? It is these questions that give meaning
rubbing their eyes in confusion. Still others prefer to remain asleep, to the drama, and define the parts that each of us has to play. It is to
doing their best to ignore the signs that point to an impending and these questions, wrapped around the unfolding human mystery play,
massive shift at every level of civilization. that this book is addressed. Here we find guidance for the mythic
As we meet for coffee, for dinner, for business meetings, or for journey, not only as individuals, but also for the emerging story of
romantic dates, the conversation buzzes like an audience murmuring what we are becoming together.
between acts. Where’s it all going? What will happen next? What’s
wrong? Who’s right? What should we do? What can we do? And most
frightening of all–especially among the youth today–are those who WHO ARE WE?
wonder if we will even survive into the next age. For the emerging
generation is watching in despair as the adults in charge recklessly In the drama thus far, humans have become an astounding species
spend their inheritance with little regard for the future. unlike any other. Birthed from the primal womb of nature, billions
In the theatre of our world, we are simultaneously audience and of years in gestation, we have risen out of Stone Age infancy, crawled
20 2 THE CURTAIN RISES The Drama of Our Time 2 21

across the land in teeming toddlerhood, and labored through thou- through practices that open a direct connection to higher and deeper
sands of years of sibling rivalry, to arrive at the present time–in the states of consciousness. Not only are we “on our own” in terms of
tumultuous throes of adolescence. Some are just entering this ado- parental guidance, we are simultaneously the first few generations
lescent period, others are right in the middle of it, while an increas- saddled with the responsibility of saving the entire world. Our ances-
ing number are transitioning to adulthood, undergoing the rite of tors worked to save their tribe, expand their empire, or defend their
passage from power to love. country. Now the protection of the planet itself is at stake.
With technological power that far surpasses our maturity, our Power no longer resides outside of ourselves, but awakens when
species stands poised between epic creation and potential annihila- we speak the truth within our own hearts. The root of the word
tion, equally capable of either. Whether through genius or lunacy, authority is author, which means that we are all writing this story
our actions today affect the future of us all. Issues of power and love, together through the collective speaking of our truth. Gandhi used
war and peace, poverty and prosperity, tyranny and freedom, indi- the term satyagraha, from the Sanskrit word meaning “force of truth.”
vidual rights and community needs hang unresolved in our story thus This force has the power to change the world.
far. In the past, these issues were local affairs–but now they have Duane Elgin reports that in his questioning of people across
global proportions. Though our time is one of unprecedented change, cultures–from India to Japan, England to Brazil–over two-thirds
major players in this drama still read from outdated scripts that fail agree that humanity is in its adolescence.2 It’s easy to see why. We
to address the needs of the present, let alone those of the future. The need only turn on the television to see adolescent behavior rag-
next act has not yet been written. It is about to begin. ing through all ages, races, creeds, and genders. Creative but dis-
respectful, powerful but reckless, narcissisticly obsessed with our
looks, and bursting with teenage libido, we are sorely lacking in
ADOLESCENT INITIATION social and environmental conscience. We are fascinated by flashy
gadgets and fast changes. We are driven by the whimsy of our
As the curtain rises, we see an adolescent culture entering into a monu- desires. Like teenagers thoughtlessly cleaning out the refrigerator
mental rite of passage into adulthood. The elders who have been in while entertaining their friends, human populations are insatiably
charge are no longer showing us the way–for the way is so different, consuming the once vast cupboards of oceans and forests in the
they truly don’t know what it is. They can only go along the roads they attempt to satisfy their voracious appetites.
know best, even when these roads appear to be leading us in the wrong And why not? Hasn’t Mother Nature always kept the cupboards
direction. Those roads took us to where we are now and they have well stocked in the past, free to her children, just for the asking?
formed a deep groove in the collective psyche. Yet their linear routes Hasn’t our sole responsibility been to take in resources, to grow and
have taken us so far from the center that they are now leading us astray. to learn? Did we ever think it was possible that Mom’s cupboards
The old maps can’t tell us how to get to the future. could run out?
In this rite of passage, then, there are are no figureheads to lead Adolescence is a time when physical growth comes to a halt. It’s
the way, no authority figures who will solve the big problems for us. the time when we take that prodigious life force and learn to grow in a
For the task of initiation is to awaken our own authority. Where most new dimension. At best, this dimension is spiritual, growing towards
previous religions have posited a Mother Goddess or Father God, the deeper understanding of ourselves and our world. But if this passage is
current trend in spirituality is to awaken the divinity found within, blocked, adolescents act out recklessly, often harming themselves and

their environment–even before they know what they are losing.

To become adults, adolescents who have previously been nur-
tured, cared for, and educated by elders must learn to provide for CHILDREN ADOLESCENTS ADULTS
themselves, and others in turn. They must learn about the mean-
ing of life, the structure and order of the world, and their purpose
within it. Yet they are also compelled–by the unique life force within
them–to question and change that structure as they grow into it. It is
Dependent Independent Interdependent
a tumultuous time, as any parent knows, and there are days when we
may look at our teenagers with exasperation and wonder if they will
ever grow up. Yet we have no choice but to move forward as best we
can, and hold a container for their process.
Continuous growth Growth spurt Growth stabilized
Just as adolescence marks the end of physical growth, our human
population has grown to its adult size and can no longer continue to expand
in a physical dimension. We have reached (if not surpassed) the carry-
ing capacity of our biosphere. World population has doubled in the
Lives in present Rebels against past Plans for future
last half-century, climbing from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 6.3 billion in
2005.3 Just for perspective, this means there has been more popula-
tion growth in the last half-century than in the four million years
since the earliest humans walked on their hind legs! If not checked, Parents fall
this number could double again in the next fifty years. From the Parents are Gods from grace Become parents
depletion of top soil and underground aquifers used to grow our
food, to the diminishing oil reserves that bring our groceries to the
table; from the disappearing forests and the creatures who live there,
to the greenhouse gases that are raising global temperatures; from Obedient Rebellious Cooperative
urban smog, to waste disposal; from the billions who live in poverty
to the epidemic diseases that threaten life–every facet of human and
non-human society is impacted by our unchecked population growth.
What Malthus predicted back in 1798 is now a reality: No power Reckless power Shared power

“…I say, that the power of population is indefinitely greater

than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man.
Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio. Needs help Resists help Gives help
Subsistence increases only in an arithmetical ratio. A slight
acquaintance with numbers will show the immensity of the
first power in comparison of the second.” 4
24 2 THE CURTAIN RISES The Drama of Our Time 2 25

It is not only population growth that must be curbed, but the The culmination of four billion years of evolution now rests in our hands.
way that we view progress and success. Ever since the Industrial With the ability to permanently change climate through global warm-
Revolution, progress has been measured by growth. The success of a ing, the potential of mass destruction through nuclear warfare, with
company is usually defined by its expansion, not its social contribu- gene-splicing and cloning occurring in our laboratories, we are the
tion. Growth is measured in terms of more products, bigger markets, first race of creatures with the capacity to influence the direction of
larger infrastructure, and ultimately greater profits. Whether that evolution and the future of life on this planet. Such potential has never
means building more housing developments, expanding roads and occurred before in our evolutionary history. It signals an extraordi-
highways, infiltrating indigenous cultures with Western products nary need for responsibility and a driving imperative to wake up. At
and lifestyles, or simply crafting a way to make more with less–our the very least, it requires the maturity of adult wisdom and behavior.
“industrial growth society” must place its value on something other But even more, it calls for an awakening of the heart. For love is the
than growth before we exhaust our life support systems. That the key to that which endures.
word “downsizing” has entered our vernacular shows that much of We are now facing a collective adolescent identity crisis. Our
this expansion is already reaching its limit. We are quickly discover- challenge is to foster a new identity, as elements of a larger matrix,
ing that growth-based futures have no sustainable future. and as parents of a new millennium. But we are not yet adults. We
Yet, just like an adolescent, growth has been the driving force are, as Jean Houston has said, “people of the parentheses,”5 living
of our biology since its earliest beginnings. Prehistoric nomads in the nebulous ground between the old age and the new, neither
focused on images pertaining to birth. The Bible tells us to go forth child nor grown-up, undergoing the tremendous changes of ado-
and multiply. In our earlier eras, this was entirely appropriate. Yet lescent transformation. In one way or another this transformation
it created a force that has its own momentum. Like the infamous will eventually come to us all. We may resist the call and remain
ship, Titanic, it’s not easy to turn such a colossal system around– stubbornly attached to the old ways, or we can surrender to the
even when we see the iceberg up ahead. In order to survive, we transformation, and advance to the other side. We cannot remain
must harness that creative urge to multiply and point the evolution- the same and still survive.
ary arrow in a new direction.
Let’s face it: Mother Nature is stressed out. Our days are num-
bered as innocent children living in the ever-abundant Garden of GLOBAL RITE OF PASSAGE
Eden, where divine parents supply every need and whim without
replenishment. No longer can we be the semi-conscious parents of A rite of passage is an initiation into an unknown world. The instiga-
unlimited offspring, overpopulating the planet while remaining our- tors of our current initiation are not individuals, but the combined
selves as indulged children in an illusory garden of delights. It’s time results of human civiliziation. These initiating elements bring us into
we outgrew our adolescent war games of sibling rivalry, where we blinding paradox at every turn. They parade across television screens
leave Mother Nature to clean up the ravages of our destruction. No that bombard us with images of father figures granting the illusion of
longer can we define ourselves as isolated individuals, seeing our- safety–while feeding the rise of terrorism through aggressive mili-
selves as uniquely entitled to take whatever we want from wherever tary actions. They come from the capacity to witness the birth of
we find it, while social malaise and growing poverty crawl in the galaxies in the macrocosm, to the manipulation of tiny genes in the
shadows of the wealthy few– whom we regard as heroes. microcosm. Initiating factors appear as data that tell us our world
26 2 THE CURTAIN RISES The Drama of Our Time 2 27

is in danger, and a news media that keeps us preoccupied with sto- In working with a client in crisis, a good therapist not only tries
ries of mass distraction. They come from instantaneous access to the to mitigate the crisis itself, but also examines the client’s past, to
world’s knowledge base–and gross ignorance about our collective identify the events, beliefs, and assumptions that created the client’s
reality. Both positive and negative, these factors are the by-products situation. With a world in crisis, we must do the same self-examina-
of the values that shape our society. They are the wake up call ema- tion on a collective level. We must examine our history and expose
nating from the possibility of environmental and economic collapse, the assumptions and beliefs that have led to the current situation.
epidemic diseases, nuclear disaster, and a technology that is loading We must understand the preceding acts of the human story from
real time Technicolor into the global brain and taking it to the stars. an archetypal perspective, in order to keep from repeating our mis-
The time has come. The rite of passage has begun. We must enter takes and perpetuating our traumas. From this examination, we can
the mystery to emerge on the other side. rise into wisdom.
What does it mean to “come of age” as a species? How do we For this reason, our story will begin by examining the child-
outgrow dependent childhood and adolescent rebellion to grow into hood of our collective history as the roots for our collective future.
sustainable maturity? How do we weather the coming storms and To argue that we are, indeed, adolescents that are “coming of age
create the necessary transformation? And how do we make sense in the heart,” the stages of childhood development will be mapped
of what we’ve done in the past, so as to better understand what we onto the eras of history. This history is largely Western, because
must do now? it is Western culture that has the greatest influence on the shap-
ing of the global tapestry right now–for better or worse. But this
history also goes back to pre-historic roots that are common to
WHERE DO WE COME FROM? us all. Because any viable vision of the future must integrate both
masculine and feminine values, these historical stages will also be
This question might be more appropriately framed as, “How did we viewed in light of the archetypal masculine and feminine valences
get into this mess?” How did we get to a place where we can fly to that shaped each era. This is not to blame either gender for events
the stars, but not feed the children? How did we get to a place where along the way, but to better illuminate the dynamic interplay that
we fight wars over oil, so we can pollute our air sitting in traffic jams? defines our future roles together.
How did we create a world in which we don’t know our neighbors, An equally important thread that runs through my telling of this
have little time for our friends, and abuse our children? How is it that tale comes from the Eastern mystical tradition of yoga, through the
we have discovered and learned so much about the world around us, map described by the ancient system of energy centers known as the
yet still seem to be dangerously lost on our path to the future? chakras. As a comprehensive system, the chakras form a profound for-
In tribal cultures, an essential part of a rite of passage was to teach mula for wholeness, not only for individual awakening, but for the evo-
the history of the tribe from the beginning of time. Only initiated men and lution of society as a whole. As a result of my life’s work in this area,
women who understood this history and the sacred forces that shaped it my deep understanding of the chakra system has illuminated a pat-
were allowed to become elders in the tribe. This is not to inhibit inno- tern that leads me to believe that we are moving from a culture based
vation by binding the initiate to an inflexible tradition, but to ground largely on the third chakra, which is associated with power and the
their actions in an understanding and experience of the sacred realm. emergence of ego-based consciousness, to the fourth chakra, whose
We must understand our history to harvest its energy for the future. focus is love, relatedness, and a more transcendent consciousness. In
28 2 THE CURTAIN RISES The Drama of Our Time 2 29

my previous book, Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra WHERE ARE WE GOING?
System as a Path to the Self, (Celestial Arts, 1997) I chart the correlation
between the chakras and stages of individual development. In the book In the body, heart cells beat together, coordinating their actions.
you now hold, I map this pattern onto our collective development. A When heart cells are separated, they beat independently at differ-
simple chart showing how these stages map onto the chakras, appears ent rhythms. When they make contact with each other, they beat
on pages 30 and 31. A more complex chart, featuring elements dis- in unison, pumping oxygen and nutrients throughout the entire sys-
cussed in the pages ahead, appears on pages 214 and 215). tem, nourishing every cell. It is through contact and connectedness
The progression through the chakras begins at the survival-ori- that we coordinate our rhythms and beat together. It is time for the
ented root chakra of our ancestral beginnings, and moves steadily many parts of our world to come together and awaken the global
upward, through the socialization of early cultures (second chakra), heart, beating in unison with love for our world. These parts include
into the struggle for power and empire (third chakra), and partly genders, races, religions, and nations, as well as the many aspects of
into the fourth chakra, associated with love, compassion, and rela- civilization such as economics, education, technology, media, gov-
tionship. It is argued here that we have not fully arrived in the heart, ernment, science, and philosophy.
having gotten trapped in the ego’s love of power and the masculine To come of age in the heart is to enter a rite of passage that trans-
rigidity of imperial power structures. The result is a fragmented forms ego-centered self-interest into an embodied expression of love.
society divided against itself: men against women, civilization against Guilt, fear, or manipulation will never produce lasting evolutionary
Nature, and war within ourselves and between each other. A divided change, but what is inspired by love is fueled by natural willingness,
world cannot fully enter the heart. Nor can it find peace. even excitement, to serve a higher purpose. Think of the efforts we
In chakra theory, it is only by embracing the full spectrum of human put forth for the people and things we love. What else but love could
consciousness that we can bring about a true awakening of the heart. This get us up in the middle of the night to change a soiled diaper? What
involves developing the upper chakra realms of communication, else but love could keep an activist woman in a redwood tree through
vision, and spirituality, and integrating them with the lower chakra two hard winters, in defiance of loggers and timber corporations?
attributes of the body, the emotions, and personal power–attributes What else but love makes us care for things that we value, and do the
that have been largely repressed by the predominant spiritual trad- work of that caring willingly, even joyfully?
tions. Modern technology has only recently opened the upper chakras Yet it seems too many of us have fallen out of love with the world.
on a planetary scale, through the ability to communicate words and Like a bad marriage, we have forgotten the once-shining beauty of
images through mass media and the Internet. Simultaneously, we are our partner, forgotten even that we are engaged in a partnership.
entering a spiritual revolution, one that focuses more on the process Disenchanted, we use and abuse our environment, spinning without
of individual awakening – through such practices as meditation, yoga, anchor through a life of destruction and disconnection, broadcasting
fasting, and a smorgasbord of self-help techniques. Because we have this destruction through our newscasts, and simultaneously distracting
the capacity to organize humanity through a world-wide technologi- ourselves with addictive consumption of cheap substitutes to fill the
cal network, we are–for the first time in history–ready to awaken the emptiness. In an estranged relationship, we have forgotten the sanctity
global heart as an organizing principle for a planetary society. and rights of the other person. As we dishonor them, we are no longer
engaged with a “thou” but are instead acting out against an “it.” We lose
touch with the numinosity, power, and beauty of the Sacred Other.


Sanskrit Name Sanskrit

Name Swadhisthana
Muladhara Manipura
Swadhisthana Anahata
Manipura Anahata
Vissudha VissudhaAjna Sahasrara
Ajna Sahasrara
meaning meaning
root support One’s own
root support One’s
own gem, lustrousunstruck
gem, unstruck
purification to perceive
purification and to perceive
and thousandfold
place place citadel jeweled citadel
jeweled unhurt unhurt to command to command lotus lotus

Location Location
base of spine base of
spinearea sacral
plexus solar plexus
heart heartthroat throatbrow brow
top of head top of head

Element Element
earth earth
water waterfire fire air air sound soundlight light
thought thought

Psychological Psychological
grounding pleasure
grounding pleasure andlove
power and will power relationship
will communication
love intuition
communication consciousness consciousness
association association
security security
sexuality sexuality relationship
creativity creativity
imagination imagination
intelligence intelligence

Individual Individual
womb to 1 year womb6tomonths
developmental developmental 2 year to
1years 18 months
6 months
2 years
to to
3-4 years
18 months
4 – 7toyears
3-4 years 4 – 77-12
yearsyears 7-12adolescence*
years adolescence*
adulthood adulthood
phase phase

Historical Historical Bronze and BronzeBegan

and c. BeganBegan
c. in Began
Began in 20th BeganNow
20th Now
Time period TimePaleolithic
period Paleolithic
Neolithic Neolithic
Iron Ages Iron600
AgesB.C.E. 600 Renaissance
B.C.E. Renaissance
century century
dawning dawning

I n both individual and cultural development, the opening of a particular

chakra does not mean that its development is completed in that phase.
Often higher levels of realization are necessary in order to consolidate a
heart, is that we are suffering from arrested development, a topic dealt with
fully in these pages.
In the collective tasks, it can be seen that we have achieved, at least
previous chakra phase. partly, the tasks of the upper chakras, yet have not yet arrived at peace
In the maturation of the individual, the heart phase is early childhood, and freedom for all. It is argued that global communications in the
while adolescence is equated with the opening of the sixth chakra.The reason fifth, sixth, and seventh chakra realms are necessary to achieve a global
we are now at our adolescence culturally, yet still not consolidated in the awakening in the heart.
32 2 THE CURTAIN RISES The Drama of Our Time 2 33

To come of age in the heart is to fall back in love with the world, to Such transformation begins with a shift in the archetypal frame-
find that our world is subject, not object; to realize that, yes, the work that tells the story of who we are and why we’re here. Our cur-
self is sacred, but so is the entire web of life. In the realm of the rent age of power has delivered vast knowledge, sophisticated tech-
heart, we reconstitute the archetype of sacred partnership: balanced, nology, and personal freedom, greater than at any time in our history.
respectful, and mutually enhancing. Here we are inspired to act from Yet the shadow side of our power has created pollution and tyranny.
passionate dedication, not spineless obedience; to be repossessed by Power and domination, where one part rules over another–such as
the sacred, rather than dispossessed by its lack; to be pulled forward mind over body, male over female, white over black, civilization over
by an evolving vision from the future, rather than held back by the nature, or personal gratification over the needs of others–has typified
decaying patterns of the past. our world for the last several millennia. The Age of Power brought us
This coming of age transformation is simultaneously individual the initial steps of individuation from an undifferentiated tribal unity,
and collective. In our private lives, many of us are being forced by much as our personal autonomy emerges from an initial fusion with
the acceleration of events around us to face our own depths, exam- our mother. Separating from the archetypal Mother and giving birth
ine unconscious motives, and upgrade our values and belief systems to the ego brought us the Heroic Age. The heroic journey has been a
to meet the pace of a rapidly changing world. But these individual rightful quest for power, but this quest has now overshot its mark.
changes are small compared to what is being asked of us collectively: The Hero’s journey mirrors the initiation process: heeding a call
to not only change ourselves, but to transform the world in which we to serve something greater, separating from what is known and dis-
live. We are products of this world. We think with its forms, depend solving the structures of one’s individual consciousness, entering the
on its products, breathe its very air. belly of the underworld, facing trials and ordeals, meeting and merg-
The path toward wholeness, which Jung called the archetype ing with archetypal forces, opening to new vision, then rebirth and
of individuation, is now being thrust upon the collective psyche. return. We are all at different stages of this journey. Some of us are
Individuation is the soul’s process of maturing and awakening to its experiencing dissolution; some of us are in the underworld. Others
true nature. It often begins in a crisis that forces deeper self-examina- are battling their ordeals, and many are discovering and opening to
tion. Here we find forgotten selves, reclaim disconnected parts, such archetypal forces, returning with new vision. We are all a part of this
as our shadow or wounded child, and bring our inner masculine and initiation, each in our own way.
feminine into balance and relationship. This process calls us to break Sometimes the most demanding task of the Hero’s quest is the
the confines of cultural conformity and begin to live authentic and return home, where the fruits of the quest—the elixir of healing or the
embodied lives. enlightened vision–are brought back to a broken and ailing world.
Just as it occurs for individuals, our task is to collectively face our The Hero’s quest begins with the striving of an individual–but ends
hidden shadow of violence, greed, and domination and stop project- in the healing of community. The quest illuminates our power, but
ing it onto others. We must balance the powers of masculine and the return is an act of love.
feminine not only in socio-economic status, but also in terms of our The return is seldom easy. Who wants to leave their new-found
innate values, making emotional intelligence as necessary as cogni- paradise to return to an ailing world? Who wants to have doors
tive genius, nurturance as important as accomplishment, receptive slammed in their face, or confront the apathy of a world that wants
wisdom as valuable as creative expression. Only through this integra- to remain in denial? Who wants to return a hero but be treated
tion of values will we transform our larger cultural systems. like the child that left? Sometimes the Hero chooses not to return.
34 2 THE CURTAIN RISES The Drama of Our Time 2 35

Others, like Galileo, who dared to suggest that the Earth just might sense of community. Disasters are one form of initiation. However,
be traveling around the sun, are locked up, censored and punished. a proper initiation can also mitigate disaster by awakening a guiding
Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King were murdered, while vision. Without that vision, we are stuck in old belief systems, with
Nelson Mandela spent most of his life in jail. Yet, if we understand only guilt to guide our current behavior. We know we shouldn’t drive
this archetypal drive—and longing—to come home again, we can so much, use so much, waste so much. But most people feel they have
open the passage for our heroes to return, and embrace the gifts they little alternative. Others are not even aware of their impact. Nor is it
bring with an open mind. easy to give up privileges we have come to rely upon.
By contrast, a guiding vision can give us something to move toward
instead of something to move away from. No disaster was necessary to
EVOLUTION IS THE GODS’ WAY switch from an electric typewriter to a word processing computer;
OF MAKING MORE GODS it was simply a better idea. It didn’t require a failure of the telephone
system to make room for cell phones. When a better way becomes
This is a basic premise of this book. You can replace the concept apparent, we choose it naturally. A destructive lifestyle is simply ignorant
of God with whatever term, gender, or pantheon you like, but the of a better way. What’s needed is a vision of the future as an organizing
point is that evolution proceeds, not only toward greater complexity principle, much as the blueprints for a house organize the laborers who
and freedom, but also towards ever more potent god-like powers of build it. Without something positive to move toward, we are much like
creation and destruction. When we can influence the course of life an adolescent who is acting out, suffering from lack of guidance.
on our planet through global warming, species extinction, or gene Yet the public media broadcasts information that is often more
splicing–to say nothing of nuclear warfare–we are approaching the destructive than creative, attacking or destroying innovation before
power of gods. But have we evolved the wisdom and grace equal to it has time to mature. Progressive ideas in politics, new discoveries
that power? If not, what does it take for us to get there? in science and medicine, the leading edges of social movements, and
Some say it will take a global disaster for humanity to wake up. alternative spiritualities–these frontiers are often dismissed as unre-
They may well be right, for we know that rites of passage include alistic elements of a fringe society. When new ideas are so blatantly
some kind of death. There are values and behaviors that are so deeply necessary, one has to wonder why this is so. Our collective vision of
embedded in Western culture, and are so pointedly unsustainable, what is possible is the organizing principle for our transformation.
that clearly something needs to die. Do we need to go through a global But none of us can create this alone, for that is part of the old way,
“detox” in order to remain healthy? And while natural and man-made and is, by nature, counter to the vision of collective awakening.
disasters have always occurred, the difference today is one of scale. The evolutionary biologist, Elizabet Sahtouris, has popularized a
Because of Earth’s population density, disasters now affect millions. metaphor for transformation based on the metamorphosis of the cater-
On some level, they affect us all. pillar into the butterfly. This process has so many parallels to our col-
Disasters do open our hearts. This was evident in the outpour- lective rite of passage that we will refer to it again and again through-
ing of public support following the destruction of the World Trade out these pages, as a guiding image for our collective changes.
Center on September 11, 2001, the Tsunami of 2004, and the flood- When a caterpillar nears its transformation time, it begins to eat
ing of New Orleans in 2005. Earthquakes and hurricanes, floods and ravenously, consuming everything in sight. (It is interesting to note
droughts, all break down the isolation of individuals, and awaken a that individuals are often called “consumers” and one of the largest
36 2 THE CURTAIN RISES The Drama of Our Time 2 37

manufacturers of heavy construction machinery is called “Caterpillar, It is from this abundance that we can love and cherish our world.
Inc.”) The caterpillar body then becomes heavy, outgrowing its own This book is the story of that passage. It examines the beginning stages
skin many times, until it is too bloated to move. Attaching to a branch of the Hero’s journey of dissolution and darkness. It takes us back to the
(upside down, we might add, where everything is turned on its head) beginnings of humanity, to our ancient birth from the Great Mother,
it forms a chrysalis—an enclosing shell that limits the caterpillar’s where we reclaim our roots. It takes us through the twists and turns of
freedom for the duration of the transformation. our collective infancy into early childhood, and then through the struggle
Within the chrysalis a miracle occurs. Tiny cells, called “ima- for power and freedom, the attempts and failures at unity, the develop-
ginal cells,” begin to appear. These cells are wholly different from ment of technology and communication, and the hunger for a new vision
caterpillar cells, carrying different information, vibrating to a differ- at this time. We will examine the archetypal Mother and Father, with
ent frequency–the frequency of the emerging butterfly. At first, the their Son’s and Daughter’s emancipation from oppression and depen-
caterpillar’s immune system perceives these new cells as enemies, dence, finally leading into the budding maturity of both men and women
and attacks them, much as new ideas are called radical, and viciously capable–perhaps for the first time–of truly egalitarian relationships. This
denounced by the powers now holding center stage. But the ima- takes us historically from a basic thesis, into its complete antithesis, for the
ginal cells are not deterred. They continue to appear, increasing in purpose of finally creating a new and dynamic synthesis.
numbers until the new cells are numerous enough to organize into From the love of power to the power of love, this rite of passage is
clumps. When enough cells have formed to make structures along the emerging myth of our time.
the new organizational lines, the caterpillar’s immune system is over-
whelmed. The cells of the original body then become a nutritious
soup for the growth of the butterfly. ESSENTIAL POINTS
When the butterfly is ready to hatch, the chrysalis becomes trans-
parent (much as the Internet is making many hidden actions transpar- • We live at a time of unprecedented challenge and opportunity.
ent). The need for restriction has been outgrown, yet the struggle • Our power to affect the future of life on Earth is dangerously
toward freedom is part of the process. Were the chrysalis opened more developed than our emotional and spiritual maturity.
too soon, the butterfly would die. As the butterfly emerges, it fills its
wings with liquid, (a “right wing” and a “left wing,” we might note), • We are culturally like adolescents, undergoing an initiatory rite
and then flies away to dance among the flowers. of passage into adulthood and the next era of civilization.
The awakening of the global heart results from transforming the • This passage marks the transition from the love of power to the
body politic from the unconscious, over-consuming bloat of the cat- power of love as an organizing principle for society.
erpillar into a creature of exquisite beauty, grace, and freedom. This
• Our cultural values are formed by an ongoing play of arche-
coming of age process takes us to a new mythic reality, a larger story,
typal energies that have definable patterns. These patterns
ripe with meaning and direction. It takes us from the naïve egocen-
have been woven through history and make us what we are
tricity of childhood into a larger reality of interdependent reciprocity.
today. Part of the initiation process is to learn the archetypal
It is not a passage that ends in the gray grimness of adult responsibil-
patterns of the past.
ity, denying the colorful spirituality of childhood innocence. Rather,
it is a reclaiming of wholeness that denies little, and embraces all.

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