4 Ps
4 Ps
4 Ps
Oil - extracted oil from sampaguita flower, with its fragrance, can be used in
different cosmetics such as perfumes, hair oils, lotions, and even deodorants. The oil can
even be used as a raw material in making candles that are usually used in aromatherapy.
Petals/Flowers - are used in making herbal tea which people use to alleviate
different ailments such as headache, cough, fever, and diarrhea. Sampaguita flowers or
buds are usually used in making garlands which are used to welcome guests, and as an
offering to religious ceremonies.
Plant – sampaguita plant roots are used as treatment for shallow skin-cuts and
snakebites. Sampaguita plants are effective herbal medicines with their antipyretic agents
and decongestants ingredients.
Sampaguita plantation will also raise the awareness of the Philippines national
flower and will encourage new research about sampaguita. The plantation itself will
provide more jobs to the residents and local farmers of Mabalacat City which will provide
them an additional income.
To be more accessible to the target market, we have decided to use the four (4)
hectares of land in Mawaque, Mabalacat City for our company and plantation. Since there
is only one existing plantation of sampaguita in Pampanga which is in Lubao, San
Fernando City, 40 kilometers away from our target markets which are Angeles City and
Mabalacat City.
Mabalacat City houses different bus stations which makes it more accessible to
the market. Also, different churches, where sampaguita vendors stay, can also be found
in Mabalacat City.
To reach more target market, a public market will be opened near SCTEX of
Mabalacat City which will serve as the meeting point of seller and buyer. Also, a spot in
Golangco Market in Lubao, Pampanga, where different sampaguita vendors operate, will
be taken to compete in the market.
Price as one of the four major marketing strategies, affects both the sales of a
company and the profit it will earn for given time. Hence, the proponents have devised a
pricing strategy which is the dynamic pricing strategy. Dynamic pricing strategy is pricing
the product according to the level of demand, quality and quantity of the product, state of
the market, or the current weather because it greatly affects the sampaguita flower.
Usually, the market for sampaguita is basing their price according to the conditions
mentioned above which will almost be the same for our company. Also, different factors
would affect the price of the sampaguita such as operating expenses, discounts (if any),
or losses for damaged goods.
The standard price on the market for sampaguita based from calculations of data
gathered from surveys, with an assumption of two different seasons—Lean and Peak:
Table 2.5 Price of Sampaguita per 1L - Can of Car Oil
Lean P326.00
Peak P47.00
Dynamic pricing strategy means charging the customer higher if the demand is
high and the supply is low, or lower when the demand is low, but the supply is high. Also,
geographical areas would play a role as there would be a freight charge that would be
added. Discounts and losses for damaged goods will also be considered.
The pricing strategy is a critical decision as this will help in determining the gain
and profit of the company and if they are enough to cover the different expenses of the
Methods that will be used for the advertising include direct method and indirect
method. Direct method would be giving fliers, setting up a place in the market, and direct
advertising such as personal selling to the target market. Indirect method would include
media such as newspapers and local television. Strategic advertising concept is as
Persuade – this time, giving the advantages and benefits of the company that it
will give to the customers will be done. Image branding plays a vital role in this stage as
this will decide if the customers will trust the company or not based from the message
given by the company.
Remind – maintaining the interests of the customers is never easy. It could only
be done by establishing relationship between the buyer and seller through constant
communication. This will remind the customers of the company if it’s seen more frequently.