Our Sun, located in a Local Bubble, orbits our Milky Way Galaxy in 200 myr at 230 km/sec, while
spiral density waves orbit in 290 myr at about 160 km/sec at the 8.5 kpc = 27,700 lyr radius of the Sun.
See astro-ph/9802174
● 340,000-330,000 years ago - Geminga supernova explosion irradiates Earth. Glaciation of Earth.
Neanderthals displaced Homo Erectus.
● 270,000-230,000 years ago - Glaciation of Earth.
● 160,000-130,000 years ago - Glaciation of Earth, beginning the African/Oceanic Ice Age
Civilization, as Modern Humans displaced the Neanderthals in Africa and Oceanic areas.
● 115,000 years ago - Early Wisconsin Glaciation of North America.
● 70,000 years ago - Early Wurm Glaciation of Europe - Toba Explosive Volcanic Eruption of 800
cubic kilometers of ash into the air - a stress event that may have produced a bottleneck minimum
of human population at the level of about a few thousand people.
● 35,000 years ago - Geminga shock wave hits Earth. Late Wisconsin Glaciation of Earth,
beginning the European Ice Age Civilization, as the Cro-Magnon Modern Humans displaced the
Neanderthals in Europe.
● 21,000 to 18,000 years ago - last Glacial Maximum of Earth.
● 11,600 years ago - Younger Dryas cold snap, with temperatures 14 degrees C below present-day,
after which the Vela X supernova was seen on Earth and the Taurid/Encke comet fragmented,
and a very sudden (50 years or so) warming event ended the Ice Age and marked the start of the
HOLOCENE AGE of warm climate and glacial retreat.
After the end of the Ice Age about 11,600 years ago, the glaciers melted and sea level rose about 35
meters to its present level, a process that took about 4,000 years. In the very early stages of the process,
about 11,600 years ago, the northern Sunda Shelf near China, Korea, and Japan began to flood, forcing
the Jomon people to move to the high ground of what is now the Japanese Islands, and disrupting the
Jomon/Sunda Shelf part of Ice Age Civilization. In Africa, Arabia, and India, things were more gradual
and displacements less severe. The African part of Ice Age Civilization had large lakes for another 1,000
years or so following the 4,000 year melting process, so that the Abyssinian/African Nile Lake area of
the Ice Age Civilization was its most highly organized remnant, and the probable source of ways to cope
with the changed circumstances of the post-Ice Age world, including agriculture, mining,written
communication, and organized armies, thus forming a Global Early Civilization with a Global Early
Language. After about 6,000 years ago, higher mathematics and related theories were lost, except as
preserved in the structure and patterns of the Pyramids at Giza or in the underlying patterns of
divination, poems, and games such as IFA of Africa, Rig Veda of India, Futomani of Japan, I Ching of
China, and Tarot.
11,600 years ago to about 6,000 years ago may have been the period about which Diodorus of Sicily
said: "Now the Ethiopians ... were the first of all men. ... the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the
Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony ... Osiris ... gathered together a great army, with
the intention of visiting all the inhabited earth and teaching the race of men how to cultivate ... for he
supposed that if he made men give up their savagery and adopt a gentle manner of life he would receive
immortal honors. ...", and that Osiris then went from Egypt and Ethiopia to Arabia, Greece, and India.
● the first and third circles from the center, which have 12 points, to each of which 2 vertices are projected, so
that each circle represents 24 vertices; and
● the central point of each of the 6 clusters corresponding to the 27-dimensional exceptional Jordan algebra J3
(O), to each of which 3 vertices are projected, so that each cluster represents 27 vertices
Cl(8) = 1 + 8 + 28 + 56 + 70 + 56 + 28 + 8 + 1 =
D4 = (24+4)
D5 = D4 + 1 + 8 + 8
E6 = D5 + [32] + 1
E7 = E6 + ([16]+8+3+1) + [16]+8+3
Note that each of the [16] above live in the 27-dimensional exceptional Jordan algebra J3(O), which is the algebra
of 3x3 Hermitian Octonion matrices
Note that in the above image some of the 240 E8(8) vertices are projected to the same point:
● each of the 6 vertices in the center (with white dots) are points to which 3 vertices are projected, so that each of the 6
circles with a white dot represents 3 vertices;
● each of the 24 vertices surrounded by 6 same-color nearest neighbors (with yellow dots) are points to which 2 vertices
are projected, so that each of the 24 circles with a yellow dot represents 2 vertices.
Using the color-coding, the 240 root vector vertices of E8 correspond to the graded structure of the 256-dim Cl(8) Clifford
algebra as follows:
Cl(8) = 1 + 8 + 28 + 56 + 70 + 56 + 28 + 8 + 1 =
In the above, the black underlined 4+4 = 8 correspond to the 8 E8 Cartan subalgebra elements that are not represented by root
vectors, and the black non-underlined 1+3+3+1 = 8 correspond to the 8 elements of 256-dim Cl(8) that do not directly
correspond elements of 248-dim E8.
Frank Dodd (Tony) Smith, Jr. 2007-2008
( E8, the Lie algebra of an E8 Physics Model, is rank 8 and has 8+240 = 248 dimensions - Compact Version - Euclidean
Signature - for clarity of exposition - much of this is from the book Einstein Manifolds (by Arthur L. Besse, Springer-
Verlag 1987):
Type EVIII rank 8 Symmetric Space Rosenfeld's Elliptic Projective Plane (OxO)P2
E8 / Spin(16) = 64 + 64
The Octonionic structure of (OxO)P2 gives it a natural torsion structure *
Type BDI(8,8) rank 8 Symmetric Space real 8-Grassmannian manifold of R16 or set of the RP7 in RP15
The 64-dim Base Manifold looks like ( 8-dim Kaluza-Klein spacetime ) x ( 8 Dirac Gammas )
Due to the special isomorphisms Spin(6) = SU(4) and Spin(2) = U(1) and the topological equality RP1 = S1
Spin(8) / U(4) = Spin(8) / SU(4) x U(1) = set of metric-compatible fibrations S1 -> RP7 -> CP3
CP3 contains CP2 = SU(3) / U(1) x SU(2) and so gives SU(2) weak force
The dark yellow root vectors are grouped this way
The bright yellow root vectors are grouped this way
The blue root vectors are grouped this way
The red and green root vectors are grouped this way
The interpretation point of view, for all the E8 root vectors, is
(Note that, unlike the first root vector view of 8 circles of 30 root vectors
each in which all 8x30 = 240 root vectors of E8 are shown as distinct points,
from the interpretation point of view, some of the root vectors are projected
onto the same point, so some of the points (white center) correspond to 3
root vectors and some (yellow center) correspond to 2 root vectors.)
The 240 root vectors of my E8 physics model can also be projected as in this image made using a root
vector rotation web applet by Carl Brannen
Note that the points are grouped (roughly from left to right) in red-green sets (RG) and blue-purple
yellow sets (BPY) as
that, if you add 8 Cartan elements of E8 to the central 56 blue-purple-green, you get a representation of a
7-grading of E8 described by Tomas Larsson when he said in a post to the spr thread Re: Structures
preserved by e_8 : "... e_8 also seems to admit a 7-grading,