Information Brochure For ME, MBA, MCA
Information Brochure For ME, MBA, MCA
Information Brochure For ME, MBA, MCA
1. General 3
2. Eligibility 3
7. Fee Particulars 10
8. Important Dates 10
Other state candidates can also appear for the Entrance Test, but the eligibility conditions will be
fixed by the admitting authority / University.
2.2 Permission to appear for the Common Entrance Test is only an enabling provision and does not
mean that the candidate satisfies all the requirements stipulated for admission to the MBA / MCA
/ M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch courses as listed above.
3.1 The application form (Data Sheet) is common for MBA / MCA / M.E/ M.Tech/ M.Arch Common Entrance
Test. Candidates have to submit one application form only. The application form (Data sheet) for
MBA / MCA / M.E/ M.Tech/ M.Arch can be obtained in person on payment of Rs.50/- (Rupees Fifty
only) by cash from the Consortium office and MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch member colleges
of the consortium (Refer Website : or can be obtained by post by sending
a requisition letter (written in english with clear address, Pincode & Mobile Number) addressed to
The Secretary
MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch Common Entrance Test - 2018
Consortium of Self-Financing Professional, Arts and Science Colleges in Tamilnadu,
along with demand draft for Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) drawn in favour of “Consortium of
Self Financing Professional, Arts and Science Colleges in Tamilnadu” payable at Chennai, obtained
from any nationalised bank
3.2 Detailed instructions and guidelines to fill applications for appearing in the Common Entrance Test
are given in Section 6.
3.3 The Hall ticket must be brought to the Examination hall and produced for verification.
3.4 Schedule of MBA/MCA/M.E/M.Tech/M.Arch Common Entrance Test is as follows:
MBA 04.08.2018 Saturday 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 Noon
MCA 04.08.2018 Saturday 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
M.E., / M.Tech., / M.Arch. 05.08.2018 Sunday 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 Noon
3.5 The MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch Common Entrance Test Center will be indicated on the Hall
3.6 Mark Sheet showing the marks scored by the candidates in the Common Entrance Test - 2018 will be
mailed soon after the publication of results.
3.7 Mark Sheet must be produced by the candidates at the time of admission.
4.0 Details of MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch Common Entrance Test - 2018 Centers:
Refer Annexure -1 for the list of MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch CET - 2018 Examination Centers
(Visit our consortium website for updated list of MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech
/ M.Arch Common Entrance Test - 2018 Centers)
4.1 Every effort will be made to comply with his/her choice of the Examination Center for the MBA /
MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch Common Entrance Test. However, for reasons like non-availability of
seats, another center may be allotted for a few candidates. In any case, a center once allotted
cannot be altered.
4.2 If an applicant does not receive the Hall Ticket, the same can be obtained from the examination
centre of his / her choice after producing the relavant proof (Xerox copy of the MBA / MCA / M.E /
M.Tech / M.Arch CET-2018 application form (Data Sheet) and xerox copy of the demand draft) thereof.
4.3 Candidates will appear for the MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch Common Entrance Test at the
allotted Centres at their own cost and risk.
5.1 Syllabus for Entrance Test
(a) M.B.A. Degree Programme:
The Question paper will be of 5 parts with the following topics
Part 1 : To evalute the candidate’s ability to pick out critically the data and apply the data to
business decisions from given typical business situations.
Part 2 : To evalute the skill of the candidate in answering questions based on the passages
in the comprehension.
Part 3 : To evalute the skill on solving mathematical problems of graduate level including
those learnt in plus two or equivalent level.
Part 4 : To test on determining data sufficiency for answering certain questions using data
given plus the knowledge of Mathematics and use of day-to-day facts.
Part 5 : To test the knowledge on written English with questions on errors in usage, grammar,
punctuation etc.,
Candidates are required to answer 100 objective type questions in 2 hours. Each question will
have four probable answers. The candidate has to choose the correct answer and shade
the appropriate box against the question in the answer sheet with HB Pencil.
(b) MCA Degree Programme:
The question paper will be designed to test the capability of the candidates in the
following areas:
1. Quantitative ability 2. Analytical reasoning
3. Logical reasoning 4. Computer awareness
There may also be a few questions on verbal activity, basic sciences etc.
The question paper will have 100 objective type questions, each objective type question will have
four probable answers, the candidate has to choose the correct answer and shade the appropriate
box against the question in the answer sheet with HB pencil.
(c) MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch Degree Programme:
As per the detailed syllabus given in Annexure 2.
While evaluating the answer, one mark is awarded for each correct answer. No deduction will be
made for incorrect answers and unanswered questions.
The candidate is expected to attempt all the questions to secure the highest mark. In other words
there is no choice among the questions.
The model questions are given in annexure 2. The candidate has to choose the correct answer and
shade the corresponding box in the answer sheet with HB pencil for that question.
A specimen answer sheet is given in annexure 3. By taking photo copies of this specimen answer
sheet, you can practice yourself before appearing for the Common Entrance Test.
During evaluation, the answer sheets are fed into a scanner. The shaded information are captured by
the scanner and the details are transferred to computer for evaluation. Even a small stray
Pen / Pencil mark on the sheet will be captured by the scanner which may mislead the evaluation
process. When you wish to make changes in the answer, erase the previous shading completely and
shade the appropriate box. Shade the box fully so that alphabet printed inside completely
disappears. Improper shading and light shading are likely to be missed by the scanner which may
result in reduction of marks.
If more than one box is shaded for a question, it will be treated as wrong answer.
The candidates are advised to shade the boxes with HB pencil as this will help them to make
changes if needed.
The candidates will not be permitted to take home the Question Book at the end of the
MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch Common Entrance Test.
Candidates desirous of appearing for the MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch Common
Entrance Test - 2018 conducted by the Consortium should fill their applications in the
prescribed format through any of the following two modes.
(i) The candidates have to fill in the application form (Data Sheet) given along with the information
(ii) Send the completed application form (Data Sheet) along with the Examination fees in the form
of a crossed demand draft for Rs.400/- (Rupees Four Hundred Only) (Rs.200/-
for Tamil Nadu SC/SCA/ST candidates) drawn in favour of “Consortium of Self Financing
Professional, Arts and Science Colleges in Tamilnadu” payable at Chennai, obtained from any
nationalised bank (Refer Table -1 of Page 10, for Fee particulars). The SC/SCA/ST candidates will
have to enclose and attested xerox copy of their permanent community certificate card issued
by competent authority along with the application.
(iii) If the Candidate is desirous of attending both MBA / MCA and M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch Common
Entrance Test, he/she has to enclose an additional Common Entrance Test fees in the form of a
demand draft for Rs.800/- (Rupees Eight Hundred Only) (Rs.400/- for TamilNadu SC/SCA/ST
candidates) along with the filled in application form (Data Sheet). (Refer Table -1 of Page 10, for
Fee particulars.)
(iv) The completed application form (Data sheet) along with the enclosures should reach the
following address on or before 5.00 p.m. on 10.07.2018.
The Secretary
MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch Common Entrance Test - 2018
Consortium of Self - Financing Professional, Arts and Science Colleges in Tamilnadu,
(v) After processing, the hall tickets will be sent by post to the eligible candidates.
Candidates residing outside Tamilnadu and who are unable to reach the application distribution
center to fill applications, may opt for this mode. The procedure is as follows:
(I) Log into internet / Go to any internet browsing center
(ii) Log on to
(iii) Read the instructions thoroughly by downloading the MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch
COMMON ENTRANCE TEST - 2018 information brochure and follow the steps.
(iv) For online registration of your application click on MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch
(v) Open the application format by clicking the MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch CET-2018
ONLINE APPLICATION and type required data. Verify whether all data are correctly entered.
(vi) Submit the application by clicking the submit button at the bottom of the application format.
(vii) After a short time, your filled in application along with an application number will appear on
the computer monitor screen. Take a Printout of this application on a A4 size standard copier
(viii) Affix your recently taken colour passport size photograph on the application in the space
provided for this purpose.
(ix) Affix your signature in the space provided for this purpose.
(x) Send the completed application form (Data sheet) along with the enclosures and a crossed
demand draft Rs.450/- (Examination fee Rs.400/- and application fee Rs.50/-), Rs.250/- for
Tamilnadu SC/SCA/ST candidates (Examination fee Rs.200/- and application fee Rs.50/- drawn
in favour of “Consortium of Self Financing Professional, Arts and Science Colleges in
Tamilnadu” payable at Chennai, obtained from any nationalised bank (Refer Table - 1 of Page
10, for Fee particulars).
The SC/SCA/ST candidates will have to enclose an attested xerox copy of their permanent
community certificate card issued by competent authority along with the application.
If the Candidate is desirous of attending both MBA / MCA and M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch Common
Entrance Test, he/she has to enclose an additional Common Entrance Test fees in the form of a
demand draft for Rs.850/- (Rupees Eight Hundred and fifty Only) Rs.450/- for Tamilnadu
SC/SCA/ST candidates) along with the filled in application form (Data sheet). (Refer Table - 1 of
Page 10, for Fee particulars).
(xi) The application must be sent to the following address so as to reach the Consortium Office
on or before 5.00 p.m on 10.07.2018.
The Secretary
MBA / MCA / M.E / M.Tech / M.Arch Common Entrance Test - 2018
Consortium of Self-financing Professional, Arts and Science Colleges in Tamilnadu,
(xii) On receipt of your application along with demand draft, processing will be done and the Hall
Ticket will be despatched by post to eligible candidates.
1. Candidates are requested to put a tick mark in the relevant boxes provided in the cover and
also requested to write the six digit application number in the space provided for it.
3. Candidates are advised to post the completed application form (Data sheet) well in advance so
that it will reach before the above specified date and time.
4. The Consortium will not be responsible for postal or any other delay. Applications received
after the above said date and time will be summarily rejected.
5. Candidates must write their Application Number and their Name on the back side of the Demand
Draft, and also on the right hand top corner of all the xerox copies of certificates enclosed.
6. Xerox copy of the filled in apllication form (Data sheet) and Demand Draft can be retained by
the candidates for future reference.
7. Do not punch or staple the Data sheet. Do not fold, smudge or scribble on the Data sheet.
8. The Data sheet should be kept loosely and safely and sent in the same cover provided for this
9. All enclosures can be stapled together, but the Data sheet should be kept separately in the
same cover along with the enclosures.
10. The SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging to Tamilnadu desirous of availing fee concession should
submit an attested xerox copy of the permanent community certificate card.
11. Individual Application form should be enclosed with prescribed fee (Refer Table 1, Page 10).
Bulk applications and DD with Bulk Amount will not be accepted.
12. All the columns on both sides of the Application Form (Data sheet) must be filled without fail.
13. Xerox copies of the application Form (Data Sheet) should not be used.
14. The downloaded blank application from the Consortium Website should not be used.
15. For further Correspondence kindly quote your application number and contact phone number.
Candidates can track the status of their applications through Consortium website by typing in the application number or name of the candidate and
date of birth as input.
This part contains reading passages. You have to read the passages carefully. Each passage
will be followed by questions based on its contents. Choose the best answer to each question
out of the four probable answers given.
The difference between the local value and face value of 7 in the numerical 657903 is:
Each question will be followed by two statements (a) and (b). Your have to determine whether
the data given in the statement are sufficient for answering the questions, use the data given,
plus with your knowledge of mathematics and every day facts, to choose your answer.
e.g.: Had you been told me about your problem, I would have helped you
(a) If you would have told (b) Had your have told
e.g.: A man has Rs. 480 in the denominations of one-rupee notes, five-rupee notes and ten-
rupee notes. The number of notes of each denomination is equal. What is the total number of
notes that he has?
a) 45 b) 60
c) 75 d) 90
a) 36 b) 216
c) 218 d) 432
a) A b) B
c) C d) D
e.g.: Browser is a
a) Software b) Assembler
c) Interpreter d) Converter
This section consists of questions, that evaluate the knowledge of the candidate in English
Language. Also questions will be asked on General Sciences
e.g. : The following word in capital letters is followed by four likely synonyms one of them is NOT
the correct synonym. Pick up that.
a) Bouquet b) Sallow
c) Perfume d) Scent
M.E. / M.Tech / M.Arch Degree Programme
This section contains mathematical problems of graduate level including those learnt in plus
two or equivalent level.
xdy ydx where C is the curve
2 c
e.g.: Use Green’s theorem in a plane to evaluate
x2 y 2
a) 1 b) c) 2 d) 1
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d)
a) Wind b) Water
c) Glacier d) Gravitational Force
e.g.: A planar mechanism has 8 links and 10 rotary joints. The number of degrees of freedom
of the mechanism, using Gruebler’s criterion, is ___________.
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
e.g. : If two gears having 24 and 96 teeth mesh with each other, they must have been cut with
a) Same cutter
b) Cutter of same diameter as that of gear
c) Cutter of same module
d) One cutter
a) 3.6 V b) 2.5 V
c) 3.0 V d) 6.0 V
a) Re-enterable b) Non-reusable
Chennai - 40
PART - 1 i) Structural Engineering Division:
Mechanics: Stress-Strain Relationships - Principal stresses
ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS and Principal strain in two dimension and three dimension.
(Common to all Candidates) Composite Bars -Composite Beams - Elastic Constants.
Determinants and Matrices: Solving system of equations - Rank of Beams and Bending -Shear Force and Bending Moment
the Matrix - Eigen values and eigen vectors - Reduction of Diagrams - Flexural and Shear Stresses. Slope and
quadratic form to canonical form. Deflection of Beams. Thin and Thick Cylinders. Theories
Calculus and Differential Equations: Partial derivatives - Jacobians of Failure - Unsymmetrical Bending - Curved Beams -
- Taylor’s expansion - Maxima and Minima. Linear ordinary Theories of Columns. Combined Direct and Bending
differential equations with constant coefficients -Simultaneous Stresses.
first order linear equations with constant coefficients. Formation Strucutural Analysis: Static and Kinematic Indeterminancy
- Energy Principles - Deflection of pin jointed plane frames
of partial differential equation (PDE) - Solution of first order PDE
- rigid frames. Classical Method of Analysis of
- Solution of linear higher order PDE with constant coefficients.
Indeterminate structures (Slope deflection and Moment
Vector Calculus: Double and triple integrations and their Distribution) - Matrix Method. Arches and Suspension
applications - Gradient, Divergence, Curl and Laplacian - Green’s, Bridges - Influence, Line for Determinate and
Gauss divergence and Stroke’s theorem. Indeterminate Structures. Plastic Analysis of Structures.
Functions of Complex Variables and Complex Integration: Analytic Building Materials: Cement - Concrete - properties of
functions - Conformal Mapping- Bilinear transformation - Cauchy’s ingredients - Mix Design - Quality Control - Special Concrete
integral theorem and integral formula - Taylor and Laurent Series - Concreting Methods - Brick - Brick Masonry - Stone -
- Singularities - Residues - Residue theorem and its applications. Timber -Steel.
Transforms: Laplace Transform - Inverse transforms - Application Concrete Structures: Design Methods - Limit State Design
to solution of linear ordinary differential equations with constant for beams, slabs, columns and footings - retaining walls -
coefficients. Fourier integral theorem - Fourier transform pair- Water Tanks, Prestressed Concrete - Principles - Methods
Sine and Cosine transforms. Transform - Inverse Z-transform - -Losses - Deflection - Design.
Solution of difference equations using Z-transform. Steel Structures: Steel Sections - Connections - Design of
Numerical Methods: Solution of Linear system by direct and Tension and Compression Members - Beams, Column
iterative methods - Interpolation and approximation - Numerical Bases - Plate Girders and Trusses.
Differentiation and Integration - Solving Ordinary Differential ii) Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering:
Equations. Soil Mechanics: Nature of soil - phase relationships - Soil
Applied Probability: Probability and Random variables - Standard classification: Soil water - static pressure - effective stress
Discrete and Continuous distribution - Moments - Moment principle: permeability - seepage: Stress distribution in
generating function and their properties. Two-Dimensional soil - Consolidation (Terzaghi’s one dimension
consolidation theory): Compaction shear strength of soil -
Random Variables-Covariance-Correlation and Regression.
Mohr - Coulomb theory -determination of shear strength
by different methods: slope stability analysis - protection
PART - 2 measures.
BASIC ENGINEERING & SCIENCES Foundation Engineering: Site investigation - Scope and
(Common to all Candidates) objectives - drilling techniques -depth and spacing of
Applied Mechanics: Law of Mechanics - Lame’s theorem - Forces, boreholes - sampling Techniques - penetration tests (SPT
Moments and Couples -Displacement, velocity and Acceleration - and SCPT) -plate load test - selection of foundation:
Friction - Moment of Inertia. Foundation types - shallow foundation - bearing capacity
Mechanical Engineering: Laws of thermodynamics-Open and closed (Terzaghis Theory and BIS formula) - allowable bearing
pressure - bearing capacity from field tests - settlement
systems - Equation of state - Heat and Work.
of foundation - allowable settlement- Codal provisions;
Physics: Sound - Latices - Ultrasonic flaw detector - X-ray
Design of foundations - Isolated, combined and raft
radiography - Interference Fringes- Planck’s quantum theory - foundation; Pile foundations- static and dynamic pile
Laser and Fibre Optics. driving formulae (Engineering News and Hiley method) -
Material Science: Fracture - Magnetic and Dielectric materials - Pile groups - capacity and settlement - Codal provisions -
Conductor and Semi conductor materials - Ceramic and Super pile load test - negative friction of piles; Earth pressure
conductor materials. theories - Earth pressure on retaining walls - stability
Civil Engineering : Fluid Statics and Dynamics - Boundary Layer- analysis of retaining wall.
Pumps and Turbines Environmental Pollution. iii) Transportation Engineering:
Electrical Engineering : Ohm’s Law - Kirchoff’s Law - A.C. Circuits - Highway Planning: Road Classification, Geometric Design
D.C. Machines -Transformers - Synchronous machines - of Highways, Construction of Earth, WBM, Bituminous and
Instrumentation. concrete roads, Design of flexible and rigid pavements.
Computers: Computer organization - Architecture - Arrays - Drainage of roads, maintenance of roads.
Pointers - User defines function - C program. Railways, Airways, Docks and Harbour Planning: Railway
Chemistry: Adsorption - Chromatography - Chemical kinetics - alignment, components of permanent way, geometric
Electrochemistry -Spectroscopy- Fuels and Combustion. design Airport planning, components of airport, site
selection, planning for terminal building runways. Harbour
planning, components of harbour, inland water transport.
Traffic Engineering: Traffic characteristics, Traffic surveys, PART - 4
Traffic Signals, Road markings and signs. MECHANICAL, AUTOMOBILE &
iv) Water Resources Engineering: AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics: Properties of fluids. Fluid i) Mechanics: Statics of Particles, Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies,
statics and relative equilibrium. Basic concepts of fluid Properties of Surfaces and Solids, Dynamics of Particles,
flow-kinematics and dynamics. Concept of system and Friction and Elements of Rigid Body Dynamics - Basics of
control volume application to continuity, momentum and Mechanisms, Kinematics of Linkage, Mechanisms,
energy equations. Dimensional analysis and model studies. Kinematics of Cam Mechanisms, Gears and Gear and
Laminar and turbulent flow through pipes. Boundary layers. Trains, Friction, Force Analysis, Balancing and Vibration.
Steady uniform and gradually varied flow in open channels. ii) Strength of Materials and Design: Stress, Strain and
Rapidly varied flows. Turbines and pumps and positive Deformation of Solids, Transverse Loading on Beams and
displacement pumps. Stresses in Beams, Deflection of Beams, Energy Principles,
Hydrology and Ground Water : Hydrometeorology. Thin cylinders and spherical resells Torsion - Fundamentals
Hydrologic cycle. Precipitation and its measurements. of Design for Strength and Stiffness of Machine Members,
Abstractions. Runoff estimation. Hydrograph analysis. Unit Design of Shafts and Couplings, Design of Fasteners and
Hydrograph. Hydrologic extremes floods and droughts. Welded Joints, Design of Springs and Engine Parts, Design
Rainwater harvesting. Properties of aquifer. Groundwater of Engine parts, Bearings and Flywheels, Design of
development. GEC norms. Well hydraulics. Steady and Transmission System for Flexible Elements, Spur Gears
unsteady flows. Ground water quality. and Parallel Axis Helical Gears, Bevel, Worm Gears and
Irrigation Engineering: Irrigation system. National water Crossed Helical Gears, Design of Gear Boxes, Design of
policy. Components of irrigation network. Design of lined Cam, Clutches and Brakes.
and unlined channels. Waterways, head works, gravity iii) Material Science and Metallurgy: Constitution of Alloys
dams and spillways. Design of weirs on permeable and Phase Diagrams, Heat Treatment, Ferrous and Non
foundation. Soil water relations. Crop water requirements. ferrous Metals, Non-Metallic Materials, Mechanical
Irrigation scheduling and methods. Dury, delta and base Properties and Testing, Crystal Defects and Strengthening
period. Irrigation water quality, Irrigation water of Materials Conducting and Semi conducting Materials,
management. Participatory approach. Magnetic and Dielectric Materials, Nuclear Physics,
v) Environmental Engineering: Superconducting and New Engineering Materials.
Water and Waste water Engineering: Water requirements; iv) Thermodynamics: Basic Concepts and First Law, Second
water demand, quality standards; Development of water Law, Entropy and Availability, Properties of Steam,
supply source, conveyance system; basic unit processes Psychometric, Ideal and Real Gases and Thermodynamic
and operations for water treatment; water distribution; Relations, Fuels and Combustion - Gas Power Cycles,
sewage characteristics; sewage treatment, primary and Stream Turbines, Internal Combustion Engines, Internal
secondary treatment of sewage, sludge disposal, sewage Combustion Engines Testing and Performance, Gas
disposal. Turbines - Steam Nozzle, Air Compressor, Refrigeration
a) Air Pollution and Control: Types of Pollutants, their and Air-Conditioning, Boilers, Cogeneration and Waste
sources and impacts, air pollution meteorology, air Heat Recovery.
pollution control, air quality standards and limits. v) Heat Transfer: Conduction, Phase Change Heat Transfer
b) Noise Pollution and Control: Impacts of noise, and Heat Exchangers, Radiation, Mass Transfer
permissible limits of noise pollution, measurement of Refrigeration Cycle, Refrigerants, System Components and
noise and control of noise pollution. Balancing, Psychrometry, Air Conditioning Systems,
vi) Surveying And Remote Sensing: Unconventional Refrigeration Cycles.
Surveying: Chain survey-traversing-plotting; Compasses- vi) Production Technology: Foundry Technology, Hot & Cold
bearings-plane table-leveling - bench marks-temporary Working, Forging, Advances in Forming Process, Principles
and permanent adjustments-reduction: contouring and and Applications of Joining Processes, Theory of Metal
volumes - theodolites - Gale’s table-lay out - setting out Cutting, Centre Lathe and special Purpose Lathes,
works-curve ranging-mine surveying- techeometric survey- Reciprocating Machines, Milling Machines and Gear
triangulation-base line -corrections - trigonometric Cutting, ABRASIVE Process, Broaching, CNC Machine Tools
leveling - errors and sources classification or errors - and Part Programming.
equation -level nets - astronomical survey - practical vii) Automotive Engines: Engine Construction and Operation,
astonomy - photogrammetry - EDM-hydrographic survey - SI Engine Fuel System, Cooling and Lubrication System,
river. Combustion Chambers, Two Stroke Engines, Diesel Engine
Electronic survey: Infrared EDM-microwave system-modern Basic Theory, Fuel Injection System, Air Motion,
positioning systems-trilateration. Combustion and Combustion Chambers, Supercharging and
Remote Sensing: Satellite system - EMR interaction with Turbo charging, Diesel Engine Testing and Performance.
each feature, spectral signature -image characters - viii) Automotive Transmission and Pollution: Clutch and Gear
interpretation keys - Image enhancement, filters, Box, Hydrodynamic Drive, Planetary Gear Boxes, Automatic
classification -accuracy assessment-thematic maps. Transmission Applications, Hydrostatic and Electric Drive
GIS and Cartography: Cartography-map projection-map -S.I. Engine Combustion and Emissions, Cl Engine
design-map compilation-generalization-map production- Combustion and Emissions, Control Techniques for
software and hardware GIS-data types-data base types- Reduction of SI and Cl Engine Emission, Test Procedure &
raster and vector-topology-data input-data analysis-DEM Instrumentation for Emission Measurement and Emission
and TIN-data output-applications. Standards.
ix) Aerodynamics: Basic Fluid Mechanics, Two Dimensional Decision Analysis, Game Theory, Waiting Line Models,
Inviscid Incompressible Flow, Airfoil Theory, Subsonic Wing Markov Processes.
Theory, Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Fundamental Aspect vii) Operations Management: Forecasting, Aggregate Planning,
of Compressible Flow, Shock and Expansion Waves, Two Capacity Management, Production Activity Control,
Dimensional compressible Flow, High speed flow over Estimation and Costing, Product Cost Estimation, Software
Airfoils, Wings and Airplane Configuration. Cost Estimation, Costing Methods, Cost Analysis for
x) Aerospace Propulsion: Fundamentals of Gas Turbine Planning and Control.
Engines, Subsonic and Supersonic Inlets for Jet Engines, viii) Quality Control Reliability and Maintenance: Quality
Centrifugal and Axial Flow Compressors, Combustion Concepts, Statistical Process Control, Process Capability
Chambers for Jet Engines, Turbines for Jet Engines, Nozzles Analysis, Advanced Control Charts, Acceptance Sampling,
for Jet Engines, Ramjet Propulsion, Hypersonic Reliability Concepts, Failure Data Modeling, Reliability
Airbreathing Propulsion, Chemical Rocket Propulsion, Prediction and Modeling, Reliability Management, Risk
Advanced Propulsion Techniques. Assessment, Maintenance Concept, Maintenance Models,
Maintenance Logistics, Total Production Maintenance,
PART - 5 Fault Diagnosis.
i) Basic Mechanisms and Elements of Design: Mechanisms,
PART - 6
Friction, Gearing and Cams, Balancing, V ibration, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING
Fundamentals of Design, Design of Basic Machine AND INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING
Elements, Design of Mechanical drives, Design of i) Electrical Circuits and Fields: KCL, KVL, Nodal & Mesh
Automotive components, Recent Advances. analysis, transient response of D.C and A.C networks:
ii) Casting, Metal forming and Metal joining processes:Casting sinusoidal steady-state analysis; resonance in electrical
Processes, Welding Processes, Special Casting Processes, circuits; concepts of ideal voltage and current sources,
Testing of Castings & Weldments -Fundamentals of Metal network theorems, driving point admittance and transfer
Forming, Forging and Rolling, Extrusion and Drawing functions of two port network, three phase circuits; Fourier
Processes, Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Recent series and its application; Gauss theorem, electric field
Advances, Mechanisms, Friction, Gearing and Cams, intensity and potential due to point, line, plane and
Balancing, Vibration, Fundamentals of Design, Design of spherical charge distribution, dielectric, capacitance
Basic Machine Elements, Design of Mechanical drives, calucations for simple configurations; Ampere’s and Biot-
Design of Automotive components, Recent Advances. Savart’s Law, inductance calculations for simple
iii) Tool Engineering, Machine tool operation, Metrology and configurations.
Inspection: Mechanics of Metal Cutting, Tool Material, ii) Electrical Machines: Single phase transformer - equivalent
Tool Wear and Tool Life, Gear Manufacture, Concept & circuit, phasor diagram, tests, regulation and efficiency;
Programming of CNC machines, Advanced CNC three phase transformer-connections; auto transformer;
programming & Tooling - General Concepts of principles of energy conversion windings of rotating
measurements, Linear and Angular measurements, machines; D.C generators and motors - characteristics,
Measurement of Surface Finish Measuring Machines, starting and speed control armature reaction and
Metrology of Screw Thread & Gears, Computer Aided commutation; three phase induction motors - performance
Inspection and Laser Metrology - Strength and rigidity of characteristics, starting and speed control; single-phase
machine tool structures, Slideways, Spindles and spindle induction motors; synchronous generators-performance,
supports, Machine Tool Dynamics. regulation, synchronous motors-starting characteristics,
iv) Engineering Materials, and Computer Aided applications, synchronous condensers; fractional horse
Manufacturing: Introduction and Constitution of Alloys power motors; permanent magnet and stepper motors.
and Phase Diagrams, Heat Treatment, Ferrous and Non iii) Power Systems: Electric power generation - thermal, hydro,
Ferrous Metals, Mechanical Properties and Testing, nuclear; transmission line parameters, steady-state
Welding and Foundry Metallurgy, Manufacturing Processes performance of overhead transmission lines and cables
for Plastic, Mechanical, Chemical and Electro - chemical and surgepropagation; distribution system, insulators,
energy based processes, Electrical Energy based Waste bundle conductors, corona and radio interferences
Processes, Thermal Energy Process, Rapid Prototyping and effects; per-unit quantities; bus admittance and
Rapid Tooling - polymer Matrix Composites, Metal Matrix impedence matrices; load flow; voltage control and power
Composites, CERAMICS Matrix Composites, Advances in factor correction; economic operation; symmetrical
Polymers & Composites.. components, analysis of symmetrical and usymmetrical
v) Product and Process Design, Design of Jigs and Fixtures faults; principle of over current, differential and distance
and press Tools: Computer Aided Design, Computer protections; concepts and solid state relays and digital
Graphics Geometric Modeling, Product Design Concepts, protection; circuit breakers; principles of system stability-
Recent Advances, Process Planning, Estimating, Costing swing curves and equal area criterion.
and Elements of Cost, Analysis of Overhead Expenses, iv) Control Systems: Principles of feedback; transfer function;
Estimation of Costs for Forging, Casting and Welding, block diagram; steady-state errors; stability-Routh and
Estimation of Machine Time, Purpose Types and Functions Nyquist criteria; Bode plots; compensation; root loci;
of Jigs and Fixtures, Jigs, Fixtures, Press working elementary state variable formulation; state transition
Terminologies and Elements of dies and Strip Layout, matrix and response for Linear time Invariant systems.
Design and Development of Dies. v) Power Electronics and Drives: Semiconductor power
vi) Operations Research: Linear Programming, LP Extensions, devices-diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs, GTO,
Networks, Inventory Models, Dynamic Programming, MOSFETs and IGBTs-static characteristic and principles
of operation; triggering circuits; phase control rectifiers; Response to different inputs - variable Resistance,
bridge converters-fully controlled and half controlled; Inductance and capacitance transducers-Piezo electric,
principles of choppers and inverters, basic concepts of Magnetostrictive, IC and smart sensors - Digital, Fibre
adjustable speed dc and ac drives. optic, Hall effect and feedback transducers.
vi) Digital Electronics:
(a) Digital Logic Theory: Number systems-Combinational PART - 7
logic circuits-Minimization of Boolean functions-IC families ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION
- Arithmetic circuits, Multiplexer & decoders - Sequential ENGINEERING
circuits - Flip flops, counters, shift registers, Schmitt trigger, i) Circuit Analysis: DC Circuit analysis, Thevenin’s and Norton’s
timers and multivibrators. equivalent circuits, Sinusoidal steady state analysis,
(b) Microprocessor: General 8 bit microprocessor Transient and resonance in RLC circuits.
Architecture-8085, 8086 processor-Architecture, Memory, (a) Electronic Devices: Diodes, bipolar Junction
I/O interfacing, Instruction set, Addressing modes, Timing Transistors, FET, MOSFET, UJT, Thyristor.
diagram & delays, Machine (b) Electronic Circuits: Small signal amplifers using BJT
cycles, Interrupts, counters, Assembly language and FET Devices, Large signal amplifiers, Power supplies
programming. Feed back amplifiers, Oscillators, Pulse shaping circuits.
(c) Microcontrollers: 8 bit microcontroller - 8051 (c) Digital Electronics: Logic gates, Combinational
architecture, bus configuration, Instruction sets, Circuits, Sequential circuits.
programming & applications. (d) Linear Integrated Circuits: Operational amplifiers and
vii) Digital Signal Processing: Analog signals-sampling & its applications, PLL, Voltage regulators, A/D and D/A
Aliasing-Discrete time signals & systems - LTI systems - converters.
Convolution sum-Difference equation representation - Z (e) Measurements and Instrumentation: Transducers,
Transform & its Inverse-Discrete Fourier series & Fourier Digital Instruments, Display and Recording systems.
transform - Radix 2 FFT - Decimation in me and frequency- (f) Microprocessor and its applications:
Inverse DFT using FFT-Analog Butterworth & Chebyshev Microprocessors-8085 and 8086 architectures and
filter design-IIR & FIR filter design and Realization. interfaces, Micro-controller and applications.
viii) Computer Control of Processes, Networks: State models ii) Electromagnetic Fields: Static Electric and Magnetic fields,
and state equations-controllability & observability-pole Time varying Electric and Magnetic fields, Maxwell
assignment-discrete data system - state space equations.
representation-stability-data hold, Z & modified Z (a) Transmission Lines and Networks: Transmission line
transform - Pulse transfer function -programmable logic equations, impedance matching, Filters.
controllers. (b) EM waves and waveguides: Guided waves, Rectangular
Data networks - switching OSI, Data link control, Media and cylindrical waveguides.
access protocol-BISYNC, SDLC, HDLC, CSMA /CD,TCP / IP (c) Antennas and Propagation: Aperture antennas,
Bridges, routers, gateways, Ethernet and Arcnet arrays, Propagation of radio waves.
configuration. (d) Microwave Engineering: Microwave tubes,
ix) Communication Engineering : Modulation and semiconductor devices, Passive components, Microwave
demodulation systems - Types of transmission lines - losses Measurements.
- standing waves - Ground wave and space wave iii) Communication Theory and Systems: AM, FM and PM,
propagation -Digital communication concepts - Data Sampling and Quantisation, PCM, DM, ADM, Multiplexing.
Communication codes, serial and parallel interface - (a) Digital Communication: Base band signaling, Band
Network protocol -Types of satellites -Advantages of pass signaling, Error control coding, Spread spectrum
optical fibre communication. techniques.
x) Measurements, Instrumentation and Transducers: (b) Computer Communication Networks: Definition of
Measurement of R, L and C-BRIDGES POTENTIOMETERS & layers, data link protocols, Network interconnection.
GALVANOMETERS - Measurement of voltage, current, Message routing technologies, End-End protocols.
power, power factor and energy- Instrument transformers, (c) Optical Communication: Optical Fibers, Optical
Q meter, Waveform Analyzers - Digital voltmeter, transmitters and receivers.
Multimeter - Time, Phase and frequency measurements - iv) Signals and Systems: Continuous time signals and systems-
Oscilloscope - display and recording devices - Noise and Fourier Transform, Laplace transform, Discrete time signals
interference in Instrumentation. and systems - DTFT, DFT, Z-Transform.
xi) Industrial Instrumentation: Measurement of displacement, (a) Digital Signal Processing: IIR and FIR filters, Realization
stress, strain, force, torque, velocity, Acceleration, Shock, and implementation, Quantization effects.
Vibration, Humidity, Viscosity & density - Pressure, (b) Control Systems: Transfer function, Time and
temperature, flow & level measurement. frequency response analysis, Stability analysis, state
xii) Analytical Instrumentation: Spectro Photometers-Spectral
variable analysis.
methods of analysis-source detectors and applications-
Ion conductivity - sampling systems, ion selective PART - 8
electrodes, conductivity and pH meters-Analyzers- COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING
Chromatography - NMR & X ray spectroscopy-GM and
proportional counters Mass spectrometer. AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
Units and standards-Calibration methods-Errors- i) Applied Probability and Operations Research: Random
Transducer classification, static characteristics, Processes, Probability Distributions, Queuing Models and
mathematical mode, zero, I and II order transducers - Simulation, Testing of Hypothesis, Design of Experiments.
ii) Discrete Mathematical Structures: Formal Language and analysis, Flow through pipes, boundary layer concepts,
Automata-Graph Theory. Flow through fixed and fluidized beds, pumps -
iii) Compiler Design : Optimization - Code Generation - classification affinity laws, performance curves.
Implementation - Principles of Programming Languages- Characteristics of solids, size analysis, Screening, Storage,
Programming Paradigms. Conveynance, Size reduction, Classifer, Centrifuges,
iv) Operating Systems and System Software: Process Cyclones. Filtration, Mixing and agitation.
Management, Storage Management, ii) Chemical Technology and Process Calculations: Gas
I/O Systems, Design and Implementation of LINUX OS, calculations Material balance and Energy balance - Steady
assemblers, Loaders, Linkers, Macro Processors. and unsteady state, Humidity and Saturation, Combustion,
v) Distributed Systems: Communication and Distributed Thermo chemistry, Role of Chemical Engineers in Process
Environment, Distributed Operating Systems, Distributed industry, cement, glass and ceramic industries, paper
Shared Memory, Protocols, Fault Tolerance and Distributed industry-Oil, Soap, Detergent industries, Petroleum
File Systems, Distributed Object Based Systems. refining and petrochemicals - Polymer industry, Fertilizers,
vi) Programming and Data Structures: Problem Solving Food industry and other important process industries.
Techniques, Trees, Hashing and Priority Queues, Sorting, iii) Thermodynamics and Kinetics: Laws of thermodynamics,
Graph, Heap Search. PVT behavior of fluids, Thermodynamic formulations,
vii) Algorithm Analysis and Design Techniques: Dynamic compression of fluids, Phase equilibria - Application of
Programming, Greedy Algorithms, Advanced Algorithms, the correlation and prediction. Free energy change and
NP Completeness and Approximation Algorithms. reaction equilibria. Refrigeration -Principles, performance.
viii) Microprocessors and Microcontrollers - Computer Reaction rate - Laws, theories, analysis. Design of reactors,
Architecture and Organization: - Digital Fundamentals, Factors affecting design, Thermal reactors and rates of
Combinational Circuits, Synchronous and Asynchronous heat exchanges. Non-ideal reactors, Heterogenous
Sequential Circuits, Instruction Set Architecture (RISC, CISC, reactors and solid catalysts, Gas-solid catalytic reactors,
ALU Design), Instruction Level Parallelism, Processing Unit Gas-solid non -catalytic reactors, Gas-Liquid reactors.
and Pipelining, Memory Organization. iv) Heat and Mass Transfer: Modes of Heat transfer. Heat
ix) Digital Signal Processing: FFT, Filter Design. conduction - steady and unsteady state, Natural and forced
x) Computer Networks: Data Communication Systems, convection, Heat transfer to fluids with phase change,
Applications. heat transfer coefficients, evaporation, heat exchangers-
xi) Database Management Systems: Relational Model, design and construction. Diffusion, Mass transfer
Database Design, Implementation Techniques, Distributed coefficients, humidification, drying, absorption,
Databases, Object Oriented Databases, Object Relational distillation, extraction, leaching, crystallization,
Databases, Data Mining and Data Warehousing. adsorption and ion exchange, analogies.
xii) Software Engineering Methodologies: Software Product v) Process Control and Computer Applications in Chemical
and Processes - Software Requirements Management - Engineering: Open loop systems, closed loop systems,
Requirements Engineering, Elicitation, Analysis, Frequency response, advanced control systems,
Requirements Development and Validation, Requirements instrumentation. Application of spread sheet packages in
Testing - Object Oriented Analysis And Design - Modular Chemical engineering, Process flow sheeting, Development
Design, Architectural Design, User Interface Design, Real of software for design of equipments. Dynamic
Time Software Design, System Design, Data acquisition programming in Chemical engineering.
System - Software Testing and Quality Assurance - SQA vi) Organic and Surface Chemistry: Carbohydrates, Oils, Fats
Fundamentals, Quality Standards, Quality Metrics, and Waxes, Heterocyclic compounds, proteins, dyes and
Software Testing Principles, Defects, Test Case Design dyeing, Pharmaceutical chemistry. Adsorption - types,
Strategies, Software Quality and reusability, Software adsorption of gases over solids, isotherms, applications,
Project Management, Software Cost Estimation, Function ion exchange, adsorption chromatography, Catalysis-types,
Point Models, Software Configuration Management, Equations.
Software Maintenance. vii) Electro, Polymer and Corrosion Chemistry: Factors
xiii) Artificial Intelligence : Intelligent Agents, Search influencing Corrosion, types of corrosion, corrosion control.
Strategies, Knowledge Representation, Learning, Laws of migration of ions, conductometric titrations,
Applications. advantages, galvanic cells, reversible and irreversible cells,
xiv) Mobile Computing : Wireless Communication Standard electrodes, electrode potentials, electrochemical
Fundamentals, Telecommunication Systems, Wireless series, Nernst equation. Polymeric materials, Teflon,
Networks. Polymide, Nylon66, Kevlar, Polysters, Polythylene
xv) Security In Computing : Program Security, Security in teryphthalate, poly butylenes, tetra phthalate,
Operating Systems, Database and Network Security, polycarbonates bakelite, reinforcement, composites.
Scientific Computing, Information Coding Techniques, Introduction to spectroscopic analysis, Molecular
Cryptography, Network Security. spectroscopy, IR, NMR, Mass Spectrometry.
viii) Environmental Pollution and Control: Various methods of
PART - 9 reduction of pollution, types of pollution, Air Pollution -
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, CERAMIC sources and effects - control techniques, Water pollution
TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY - sources and effects - control techniques, Soil pollution -
sources and effects - control techniques and Solid waste
i) Fluid Mechanics and Particle Technology: Classification disposal.
of fluids, flow patterns, manometry,continuity equation, ix) Bioprocess Engineering: Analysis of STR, Analysis of other
Navier-Stokes equation, Bernoulli equation, Dimensional configurations, Bioreactor scale-up, Modeling and
simulation of Bioprocesses, Bioreactor considerations in water proofing; Pest control; Construction systems and
Enzyme systems. equipment; Pre - stressed concrete and Tensile Structures;
x) Cell and Molecular Biology: Cells, Cell lines, Cell culture, Grids domes; folded plates; Flat Slabs. Low cost
Cell Organelles and its functions, types of Cell divisions, construction & appropriate technologies.
cell cycle and its regulations mechanism. Transport ii) History of Architecture: Indian architecture - Hindu and
Mechanism (passive, Active, ATPase pumps and Na+ / K+ Islamic; Indo Saracenic; Secular architecture of the princely
pumps), Receptors, Signal Transduction, Models of Signal states; Colonial and Post Independence Architecture;
Amplification Secondary Messengers, Structure of Nucleic Works of masters such as Charles Correa; B V Doshi; Ananth
Acids, Replication, Transcription, Translation and DNA Raje; Raj Rewal; Laurie Baker; Nari Gandhi; Kanvinde.
repair mechanism in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. (a) Western architecture: Ancient Greek and Rome; Early
Promoters, Enchancers and Transcription factors. Genetic Christian; Gothic and Renaissance:
Codes and Lac & trp operons. Baroque: Neo Classicism: Chicago School and development
xi) Biochemistry and Microbiology: Structure, function and of skyscraper.
metabolism of Carbohydrates, lipids Nucleic Acids and (b) Modern architecture: Art and Crafts: Art Noveau;
proteins. Enzymes and its mechanism. Electron Transport Expressionism and Cubism; Bauhaus;
Chain system, High energy compound and reducing International style; Post Modernism and Constructivism;
equivalents. History of Microbiology, Classification of Critical Regionalism; Theories and Projects of F L Wright;
Microorganism, Structural organization and multiplication Le Corbusier; Gaudi, Groupius Aalto; Mies; Eisenmann;
of Microorganism. Physical and Chemical control of Zaha Hadid; Soleri; Hasan Fathy; Ando; Bawa; Gehry,
Microorganisms, Primary and Secondary metabolites and Libeskind; Toyo Ito Lou Khan; Tschumi; Greg Lynn;
their applications. Assymptote.
xii) Genetic Engineering: Genes, control of gene expression, iii) Theory and Principles of Architecture: Elements of ordering
Restriction enzymes, Vectors, (prokaryotic and Eukaryotic) principles; Organization of form and space; Design
construction of cDNA and genomic Library. Screening of methodology and Creative thinking; Pattern Language;
DNA libraries, PCR, RACE PCR, RAPD, RFLP, AFLP Site Contemporary Process Diagrams, Shape grammar, fractals,
directed mutagenesis, Methods of Nucleic acid Digital hybrid, Liquid architecture.
sequencing. Cloning vectors in plants, Transgenic and iv) Building Services: Water supply and distribution systems;
Knockout animals. water and waste management Sewerage system;
xiii) Immunology: Immune system, Immunity, Lymphoid organs, Electrical systems; Illumination and lighting; Air
antigens, adjutants, types of immune response. Activation conditioning; Fire Safety; Building automation and IBMS.
and different ion of T-cells and B-Cell responses. Immunity v) Building Science: Climate responsive architecture; design
to viruses, Bacteria fungi and parasites, cytokines, of solar shading devices; acoustics & building design;
complements, immunosuppression, allergy and Architecture & Energy-Active & passive solar architecture,
hypersensitivity. Vaccines, Transplantation, Tumor Day lighting & natural ventilation, Landscape designs;
Immunology, Autoimmunity and Autoimmune disorders. Landscape & environment control.
xiv) Bioinformatics: Search engines and algorithms, data vi) Housing Urban Design and Town Planning: National Housing
management, data echnology, biological databases and Policy; Indra Awas Yogana Housing standards; housing
their uses. Pair wise sequence alignment (local and global), projects in India: Urban morphology of early and
multiple sequence alignment, dot matrix, dynamic contemporary cities; Case Studies on urban revitalization
programming and Bayesian methods, BLAST, FASTA, from developed and developed economies; Planning
machine learning and Hidden Markov models. concepts - Patrick Geddes, Ebeneezer Howard, Le
Phylogenetic tree analysis. Bimolecular and celluar Corbusier, C A Perry; Urban planning, regional planning
computing, microarray analysis and system Biology. and Urban renewal in the Indian context
xv) White wares, ceramic processing and fine ceramics:
Quarrying of ceramic materials, size reduction,
mechanical separation, mixing and conveying, powder
characterization, Classification of whiteware products,
heavy clayware, tests and quality control.
xvi) Glass, Cement, Refractory and Ceramic coatings: Formation
and Structure of glass, preparation of glass batch, glass
melting process, Special glasses, annealing, different types
of refractories, different types of cement, concrete,
properties of cement and concrete.
PART - 10
i) Building Materials, Construction and Technology: Lime,
Brick, Stone, Clay products, Timber, Industrial Timber;
Paints and varnishes, Concrete, Special Concrete and
lightweight concrete; Ferrous metals; non ferrous metals;
Glass; Plastics; Eco friendly materials; Thermal Insulation
materials and acoustic materials. Construction techniques
and practices using the above listed materials; damp and
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