Earthquakes in Serbia
Earthquakes in Serbia
Earthquakes in Serbia
Earthquakes in Serbia
August 19, 2018
by Branko Babic
Earthquakes in Serbia are a recurring phenomenon and indeed not many
lifetimes go by without people in this region of the world being subjected to
violent tremors, shaking of the ground that causes damage to all concerned.
My own family recalls two major earthquakes in the Kraljevo region and tell of
the panic and damage caused by such events. In the old days people used to
be terrified of such “Wrath from God” for earthquakes were perceived as
punishment for the evils and sins committed. But in our time science has a
good understanding of what is happening during earthquakes and why they
The central volume of our lovely planet is made up of a molten mass which is
constantly moving about. Above that is the largest volume of earth called the
Mantle. This layer has the consistency of viscous tar that flows about and
gradually becomes more solid as it extends towards the solid crust we live on.
The Mantle supports the thin crust of solid ground that contains all the seas of
the world and forms the continents. The thin layer of solid ground on which we
live is called the Lithosphere but this layer is not in one piece but rather a
tightly compressed solid hard mass of earth with many separate parts that
interlock, somewhat like a giant jigsaw puzzle. These interlinked sections are
constantly moving about sliding past each other, responding to the dynamics
of the deeper core layers as they restructure. It is the movement of these
superficial land masses as they collide and rub against each other that result
in huge dissipations of stress energy between plates.
Because the sides of these Plates are irregular the jagged, edges get stuck as
the main part of the land mass continues to move and at some point in this
natural movement, the edge surfaces suddenly slip against each other to
cause severe tremors in the ground. Along the edges of the large land mass
are many smaller such interlocking sections called Faults. Fault sections
along the vast boundary of the moving land masses are the sites of localised
earthquakes so that as the entire Plate moves about earthquakes are
generated at various interacting sites. Slippage occurs at different places
along the plate boundary and modern science is accurately predicting where
the next release in stress along the fault is likely to be. Modern computer
programmes have been refined to predict stress release along the faults and
these programmes have been used to great effect along the fault lines in
Turkey and elsewhere.
It is the violent and sharp movements of the ground along these plate
boundaries that causes buildings to collapse and cause death, injury and
destruction of all things. This process of “Continental Drift” has been occurring
for all time and will continue for as long as there is a molten centre to the
planet. Movement of land masses occurs on many planets and heavenly
bodies and the entire universe is subject to these dynamics.
Our planet is divided into several large tectonic plates which encompass vast
areas of our world but of interest to us in the Mediterranean Sea region where
the Eurasian Plate and the African Plate collide to cause earthquakes in
Serbia. The dynamics of these tectonic plates relates to the way the Eurasian
Plate is being impacted by the African Plate. At the plate boundary this
compressive dynamic causes slippage of land masses.
White lines mark the boundaries of major tectonic plates and the red dots the
volcanic activity
Subduction Zone.
One plate is forced to move below the other and in the Serbian earthquakes
the tremors are caused by the friction generated as the African Plate is forced
below the Eurasian Plate. In this graphic the African Plate would be on the
left, being subducted below the Eurasian Plate, on the right.
A well understood example of this type of continental collision is seen in the
Himalayas where the highest mountains on earth are formed as the Indian
Plate sinks below the Eurasian plate. The collisions of the land masses here
result in frequent and often devastating destruction of property along the fault
edges as the Eurasian plate is pushed upwards.
In all cases the disruption caused by colliding masses results in the sinking or
upheaval of land which creates the hills and valleys we see in all parts of the
world. In Serbia, land movements due to earthquakes are seen on many
levels and there are many fault lines so far identified. Several useful studies
are published and most recently Katic et al (2013) and Morovic et al identified
and measured many fault lines. Below is a graphic specifying fissures in the
Kraljevo region expanding along the West to North and North to East region of
Serbia. This study extended as far as Čačak because the region again
suffered a major earthquake in 2010.
Red lines represent fissures in the ground below the Kraljevo region.
World wide there are some 500,000 registered earthquake tremors each year
but thankfully, most of these do no damage but a few severe earthquakes are
the cause of immense damage and loss of life but comparatively rare. The
Haiti, earthquake in 2010 cause massive destruction to infrastructure and
ended up costing some 300,000 people their lives. Similarly, large
earthquakes in Indonesia in 2004 caused huge damage to property
devastating the local populations.
Elsewhere, large Tsunami events wipe out entire cities and devastate large
areas of land. The powerful surge of seawater resulting from the snapping
movement of the sea bed along the subductive zone forces billions of cubic
metres of sea water to move suddenly. This rapid, fast moving wave travels
from one end of the oceans to the other at a super fast speed and moves too
quickly for emergency services to warn and remove entire populations from
impact areas. Unbelievable damage is done to coastal sites impacted by
Tsunamis. As most of the human populations are spread along coasts the
damage done by Tsunamis is extreme.
To better explain how the innovator has solved the problem of buildings being
demolished by tremors further patent registered drawings are used to explain
the essential elements of the concept of energy dissipation. Figs 6, 7 and 8
explain the action of the components of the above design in more detail.
Protrusions 2, Fig 1, accommodated in the receptacles 3, Fig 3 are not fixed
but are free to move about the receptacle space 3, Fig 6. The effectiveness in
preventing transmission of energy into the building above the foundations
relates to the inclined surfaces 6 and 7 demonstrated in Fig 8 and surfaces 10
and 11 in Fig 7. Here it can be seen that as the lower brick 5a moves in
sympathy with the moving foundation, the shifting ground forces the brick 5a
to moves against gradient 6. This movement in effect has a lifting effect on the
brick above and the entire structure of the building is lifted along inclined
surface 7. Lifting of any weight requires energy and in lifting the entire
building, enormous amounts of energy are used up. This lifting process
wastes energy to in effect dissipate the energy available to shake the building.
The amount of energy being transferred to the fabric of the building is minimal
because most of it has been dissipated in the lifting process. Buildings remain
intact and undamaged and the bricks always have to slide back to the only
stable position along axis 4 Fig 6, to reposition the building back to its original
Further technical solutions have been registered at Zavod and another useful
system is described by another Serbian registration which also allows the
foundation to move about freely without transferring the tremor to the structure
of the building. In this design the foundation sitting and in direct contact with
the ground is separated from the main building ground floor slab by a thin
layer of bitumen which acts as a damp proof coarse and a sliding surface. The
building is constructed on a separate floor slab with a built in receptacle to
accommodate a protrusion as in Fig 1 and Fig 3. The sliding effect is
extremely effective against energy transfer into the main structure of the
Yet further examples of Registered anti-earthquake methodology is to be
found in the literature base registered in Zavod and in this example the
foundation and the building slab has inclined receptacles specifically designed
to allow the load bearing spheres to roll about within the receptacle space.
The ground foundation 1, Fig 7, judders about in sympathy with the seismic
wave and as the foundation moves in any given direction the spheres
supporting the building slab 2 are forced to clime up the inclined surfaces 4 of
the receptacles 5. The ground and the slab moves about in sympathy but the
movement of the spheres on inclined sides of the receptacles uses up energy
in the lifting process, to in effect dissipate tremor energy and prevent the
building being shaken to bits. In all cases the building slab 2 and the
foundation realign to their original relationship as the tremors subside
because the only stable position for this design is along the central positions
of the receptacles, where the sphere rests because of the inclined surfaces of
the receptacles. Extremely effective anti-earthquake methodology becomes
available to architects to prevent structural collapse due to earthquakes.