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risk across the entire software portfolio. Rational AppScan Source Edition users
rely on its consistent measurement and metrics and organize the information in
a way that meet the needs of their business.
December 2009
Ryan Berg
IBM Senior Security Architect
IBM Software Group
Trust, but Verify
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Executive overview
Save money. Speed development. Augment staff resources. Tap expertise not
available internally. The reasons for outsourcing application development are
many and varied. Outsourcing can be a cost-effective and efficient solution to
the demand for new and specialized applications in today’s Internet-based
“ 84 percent of Information It is absolutely critical, however, that the team responsible for evaluating
Week companies the outsourced application makes security one of its principal criteria prior to
acceptance of each release. There must be a mutually agreed-upon process to
outsourced application
articulate and certify the security of the delivered project. Armed with that
development and information, organizations can manage application risk and balance remedia-
integration.” tion priorities. This white paper:
— InformationWeek report
● Discusses the need for addressing security concerns in outsourced
● Outlines a framework for addressing these concerns with outsourcing
● Explores the role of source code review and related technologies to assess
and certify outsourced applications
B2B e-com
Other in-house apps
B2C e-com
Business processes
Financial mgt/svcs
Call center
Content Mgt
Sales automation
Knowledge Mgt.
Supply chain
Not only are organizations increasingly outsourcing development, but they are
Highlights choosing to outsource their most mission-critical and sensitive application
projects (Fig. 1). E-commerce applications, human resource information sys-
Organizations are choosing to out-
tems, financial services applications solutions using the most critical data and
source their most mission-critical
operating the most fundamental processes are increasingly being developed
and sensitive application projects.
out of house and out of the country.3 For businesses that frequently outsource
these kinds of applications, ensuring the security state of these delivered proj-
ects must be a priority.
diligence, which help ensure that the delivered software is secure prior to
acceptance. This framework is vital for explicitly educating outsourcers on the
security requirements for the application being developed:
● Proprietary data
● Confidential data
● Privacy concerns
● Authorization to critical functions
have high traffic, but expose little in the way of functionality to visitors.
E-commerce sites allow virtually anyone to shop and exchange real money
and confidential information. Dimensions of exposure must also include a
description of the security of the deployment environment, to further explain
the conditions under which each application could potentially expose back-
end data and resources.
internal Audience and Exposure external
According to these analysts, there are four major areas that should be iden-
tified by a security contract addendum:
Trust, but Verify
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Remediation: When the audit identifies any flaws, there must be a well-
defined process for the remediation of serious vulnerabilities prior to final
acceptance. The details of this remediation phase must be clearly spelled out
in the contract.
Certification and accreditation activities are traditionally driven by external or
internal audit requirements. These are applied to address governance, privacy,
and stability issues for new, updated, or redeployed applications. In the case of
outsourced applications, the issue is of paramount importance. Certification
becomes the final acceptance criteria before payment. Critical to certification
and accreditation activities are:
Security budgets can seldom bear the cost of analyzing and remediating all
flaws across all applications. As a result, software security analysis tools used
to prioritize these efforts must present two different measures of criticality.
Managers from both the provider and the contracting organization can focus
on flaws for remediation according to their severity or location.
Security is not static, but rather a process. Absolute security is neither afford-
able nor achievable. Organizations must set a goal of an appropriate level of
security. Any software vulnerability analysis product must offer the capacity to
baseline the vulnerability of outsourced applications at a fixed point in time,
and then apply consistent methodologies to track the progress of remediation
efforts over time. In order to make this information most useful, there are two
criteria for tracking and progress reporting.
Remediation of vulnerabilities takes a variety of forms based on the nature
of the application, the vulnerability, and the organization. Baselines and
threshold criteria drive acceptance decisions for outsourced applications.
Remediation must be undertaken by those groups prior to deployment and
full payment. This approach not only ensures reduced operational risk from
the outsourced application, but also lowers development and support costs as
well. The Constructive Cost Model or COCOMO II research by Dr. Barry
Boehm at the Center for Software Engineering at the University of Southern
California determined that a bug that costs a $1 to fix in the design phase cost
$100 to correct in the field. (Fig. 3).
A source code security audit is the critical component to ensure the security
Highlights of the delivered outsourced application. Until recently, there was only one
proven way to accurately ascertain the security state of an application. An
organization establishes a security review team to manually examine the
source code to identify vulnerabilities and request remediation from the out-
sourcer. This team might be an internal resource, or often an outside services
organization with specific security expertise. While an effective way to evaluate
source code, it is typically very expensive and time-consuming, and can be
performed only once or twice a year. To fulfill the audit and certification
requirements of for outsourcing, a more cost-effective, consistent, and metrics-
based method of application vulnerability analysis and remediation is
The minimum set of concerns includes the basics, such as buffer overflows
and input or output validation. However, merely identifying these areas does
not secure an application. The improper implementation of other security
mechanisms, including appropriate use of cryptography, secure network com-
munication practices, access controls, can pose an even greater risk to the
Software security does not just exist within a single departmental silo, but is,
in fact, an enterprise-wide responsibility, touching security analysts, develop-
ers, executives, and auditors. Code auditors and certification and accreditation
professional need to obtain results in minutes, not days. Reports must be cus-
tomizable to suit the SLA put in place, and they must highlight areas of rela-
tive concern. This enables SLA issues and resolution to be quickly and clearly
identified and agreed on. Through the use of the Rational AppScan Source
Edition solution, customers achieve market-leading time to productivity
through its precise, actionable findings, reports, and remediation advice.
For the developer, the Rational AppScan Source Edition runs inside the
integrated development environment (IDE), providing rapid pinpointing of
vulnerabilities at the line of code level and advanced relevant guidance. It
enables developers to be full participants in developing and maintaining
secure code. It also integrates with leading defect tracking systems to acceler-
ate time between vulnerability detection and remediation.
Trust, but Verify
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These capabilities provide the entire organization with the tools and infor-
mation needed to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities, at all stages of the
development life cycle. Within tight development schedules, the Rational
AppScan Source Edition solution provides an affordable, practical, and consis-
tently measurable way to validate the security of outsourced applications prior
to acceptance.
With Rational AppScan Source Edition users can understand and measure
software risk across the entire software portfolio, relying on its consistent
measurement and metrics, and organize the information in the ways that
meet the needs of the business. Rational AppScan Source Edition patented,
compiler-based analysis technology allows for rapid analysis of some of the
world’s largest and most complicated applications. Its deployment flexibility
allows users to use the tool how it best suits their organization. Users can use
the tool in the IDE to access and scan code anywhere in the network, or
remotely, allowing mobile users to operate on a single laptop, anywhere in the
Built-in security
Ensuring the security of the applications that drive organizations can no
longer be an afterthought. While it should not be assumed that a software
vendor would intend to maliciously insert vulnerabilities into these applica-
tions, most vulnerabilities are introduced through lack of training in secure
Trust, but Verify
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development processes. He holds patents and has patents pending in multi- IBM, the IBM logo, ibm.com, AppScan
and Rational are trademarks or registered
language security assessment, kernel-level security, intermediary security trademarks of International Business Machines
assessment language, and secure remote communication protocols. Corporation in the United States, other
countries, or both. If these and other
IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first
occurrence in this information with a trademark
symbol (® or ™), these symbols indicate U.S.
registered or common law trademarks owned
by IBM at the time this information was
published. Such trademarks may also be
registered or common law trademarks in other
countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is
available on the Web at “Copyright and
trademark information” at ibm.com/legal/
Other product, company or service names may
be trademarks or service marks of others.
Greenemeier, Larry, “Companies Reconsider
Offshore Outsourcing,” InformationWeek,
December 10, 2001.
Lewis, Diane E., “Increase in Tech Outsourcing
Seen,” The Boston Globe, May 14, 2004.
Perkowski, Mike, “Outsourcing: The CIO Insight
Research Study,” CIO Insight, May, 2002.
Federal Financial Institutions Examination
Council, “Information Security IT Examination
Handbook,” December 2002.
Federal Information Security Management
Act of 2002, Public Law #107-347,
December 17, 2002.
Federal Information Security Management Act:
2006 Report to Congress from White House.
Schinasi, Katherine, “Defense Acquisitions:
Knowledge of Software Suppliers Needed to
Manage Risk,” GAO-04-768, May 2004.
Rasmussen, Michael, “Security Assurance in
Software Development Contracts,” Forrester
Research, May 24, 2004.