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Phases in the design process
for any concrete structure
• Conceptual design: Select type & layout of the lateral-load-
resisting system and preliminary member sizes.
• Analysis: Calculate the effects of the design actions,
including the seismic one, in terms of internal forces &
deformations in structural members.
• Detailed design: Verify adequacy of member dimensions;
dimension the reinforcement on the basis of the calculated
action effects.
• End product of the design to be applied in the field: Material
specifications, construction drawings that include the
detailing of the reinforcement, and any other information that
may be necessary or helpful for the implementation of the
Eurocode 8 – Design of structures
for earthquake resistance
• EN1998-1: General rules, seismic actions and
rules for buildings
• EN1998-2: Bridges
• EN1998-3: Assesment and retrofitting of
• EN1998-4: Silos, tanks and pipelines
• EN1998-5: Foundations, retaining structures
and geotechnical aspects
• EN1998-6: Towers, masts and chimneys
Objectives of the Eurocodes
The Member States of the EU and EFTA recognise that
Eurocodes serve as reference documents for the following
purposes :
→ as a means to prove compliance of building and civil
engineering works with the essential requirements of Council
Directive 89/106/EEC, particularly Essential Requirement N°1 –
Mechanical resistance and stability – and Essential
Requirement N°2 – Safety in case of fire;
→ as a basis for specifying contracts for construction works and
related engineering services;
→ as a framework for drawing up harmonised technical
specifications for construction products (ENs and ETAs)
European Standards (ENs)
Design standards : The Eurocodes

Material standards (steel, ETAs: European

concrete, etc.) and Product Technical Approvals
standards (Structural (FRPs, Prestressing
bearings, Isolation devices, systems,
etc.) Isolation/dissipation devices,
Execution standards (e.g., standards for the execution of
concrete or steel structures)

Test standards
Structural safety,
serviceability and
EN1990 durability

Actions on
EN1991 structures

EN1992 EN1993 EN1994 Design and

EN1995 EN1996 EN1999

EN1997 EN1998
and seismic
• Comprehensive & integrated system covering:
– all structural materials;
– practically all types of construction works;
• in a consistent, harmonized & user-friendly manner
(similar document structure, symbols, terminology, verification
criteria, analysis methods, etc.),
• with hierarchy & cross-referencing among different ECs & EC-
• w/o overlapping & duplication.

• EC-system ideal for application in a large number of countries

w/ diverse traditions, materials, environmental conditions, etc.,
as it has built-in flexibility to accommodate such differences.

• Withdrawal of all conflicting national standards: 2010

• Eurocodes (ECs) or National Annexes cannot allow design with rules
other than those in the ECs.
• National choice can be exercised through the National Annex, only
where the Eurocode itself explicitly allows:
1. Choosing a value for a parameter, for which a symbol or range of values is
given in the Eurocode;
2. Choosing among alternative classes or models detailed in the Eurocode;
3. Adopting an Informative Annex or referring to alternative national document.
• Items of national choice in 1-2: Nationally Determined Parameters NDPs
• National choice through NDPs:
– Wherever agreement on single choice cannot be reached;
– On issues controlling safety, durability & economy (national competence) &
where geographic or climatic differences exist (eg. Seismic Hazard)
• For cases 1 & 2, the Eurocode itself recommends (in a Note) a choice.
The European Commission will urge countries to adopt
recommendation(s), to minimize diversity within the EU.
• If a National Annex does not exercise national choice for a NDP,
designer will make the choice, depending on conditions of the project.
European Commission, Guidance Paper L:
“Application and use of Eurocodes”
CONSTRUCT 01/483 Rev.1, Brusells, 2001
• The determination of the levels of safety of buildings & civil engineering works & parts there-
of, including aspects of durability & economy, is within the competence of Member States.
• Possible difference in geographical or climatic conditions (e.g. wind or snow), or in ways of
life, as well as different levels of protection that may prevail at national, regional or local leve
will be taken into account by providing choices in the EN Eurocodes for identified values,
classes, or alternative methods, to be determined at the national level (named Nationally
Determined Parameters, NDPs). Thus allowing the Member States to choose the level of
safety, including aspects of durability & economy, applicable to works in their territory.
• When Member States lay down their NDPs, they should:
– choose from the classes included in the EN Eurocodes, or
– use the recommended value, or choose a value within the recommended range of values, for
a symbol where the EN Eurocodes make a recommendation, or
– when alternative methods are given, use the recommended method, where the EN Eurocodes
make a recommendation,
– take into account the need for coherence of the NDPs laid down for the different EN
Eurocodes and the various Parts thereof.
• Member States are encouraged to co-operate to minimize the number of cases where
recommendations for a value or method are not adopted for their nationally determined
• The NDPs laid down in a Member State should be made clearly known to the users of the
EN Eurocodes and other parties concerned, including manufacturers.
• When EN Eurocodes are used for the design of construction works, or parts thereof, the
NDPs of the Member State on whose territory the works are located shall be applied.
• Any reference to a EN Eurocode design should include the information on which set of NDPs
was used, whether or not the NDPs .. used correspond to the recommendations given in the
EN Eurocodes.
European Commission, Guidance Paper L:
“Application and use of Eurocodes”
CONSTRUCT 01/483 Rev.1, Brusells, 2001
• National Provisions should avoid replacing any EN Eurocodes provisions, e.g. Application
Rules, by national rules (codes, standards, regulatory provisions, etc.).
• When, however, National Provisions do provide that the designer may – even after the end
or the coexistence period – deviate from or not apply the EN Eurocodes or certain
provisions thereof (e.g. Application Rules), then the design will not be called “a design
according to EN Eurocodes”.
• When Eurocodes Parts are published as European standards, they will become part of the
application of the Public Procurement Directive (PPD).
• In all cases, technical specifications shall be formulated in public tender enquiries and
public contracts by referring to EN Eurocodes, in combination with the NDPs applicable to
the works concerned.
• However, the reference to EN Eurocodes is not necessarily the only possible reference
allowed in a Public contract. The PPD foresees the possibility for the procuring entity to
accept other proposals, if their equivalence to the EN Eurocodes can be demonstrated by
the contractor.
• Consequently, the design of works proposed in response to a Public tender can be prepared
according to:
– EN Eurocodes (including NDPs) which give a presumption of conformity with all legal
European requirements concerning mechanical resistance and stability, fire resistance and
durability, in compliance with the technical specifications required in the contract for the works
– Other provisions expressing the required technical specification in terms of performance. In
this case, the technical specification should be detailed enough to allow tenderers to know the
conditions on which the offer can be made and the owner to choose the preferred offer. This
applies, in particular, to the use of national codes, as long as Member States maintain their
use in parallel with EN Eurocodes (e.g. a Design Code provided by National Provisions), if
also specified to be acceptable as an alternative to an EN Eurocode Part by the Public tender
European Commission: “Commission Recommendation on
the implementation and use of Eurocodes for construction
works & structural construction products”.
Document No. C(2003)4639, Brussels (2003)
• Member States should adopt the Eurocodes as a suitable tool for designing
construction works, checking the mechanical resistance of components or checking
the stability of structures.
• The Eurocodes are to be used by contracting authorities in technical specifications
relating to the coordination of procedures for the award of public service contracts ...
Technical specifications are to be defined by the contracting authorities by reference to
national standards implementing European standards.
• Member States should take all necessary measures to ensure that structural
construction products calculated in accordance with the Eurocodes may be used, and
should therefore refer to the Eurocodes in their national regulations on design.

• Member States should inform the Commission of all national measures in accordance
with the Recommendation.
European Commission: “Commission Recommendation on
the implementation and use of Eurocodes for construction
works & structural construction products”.
Document No. C(2003)4639, Brussels (2003)
• For each Nationally Determined Parameter (NDP), the Eurocodes give a
recommended value. However, Member States may choose a different specific value
as the NDP, if they consider it necessary in order to ensure that building and civil
engineering works are designed and executed in a way that does not endanger the
safety of persons, domestic animals or property.
• Member States should use the recommended values provided by the Eurocodes when
NDPs have been identified in the Eurocodes. They should diverge from those
recommended values only where geographical, geological or climatic conditions or
specific levels of protection make the necessary. Member States should notify the
Commission of the NDPs in force on their territory within two years of the date on
which the Eurocodes became available.
• In order to achieve a higher level of harmonization, a comparison of the various NDPs
implemented by the Member States should be undertaken and, where appropriate,
they should be aligned.
• Member States should, acting in coordination under the direction of the Commission,
compare the NDPs implemented by each Member State and assess their impact as
regards the technical differences for works or parts of works. Member States should, at
the request of the Commission, change their NDPs in order to reduce divergence from
the recommended values provided by the Eurocodes.
• Member States should inform the Commission of all national measures in accordance
with the Recommendation.
• Self-sufficient packages of ENs for design of each
type of construction works (building, bridge, etc.) with a
specific construction material.
• EC0 (Basis of design), EC1 (Actions), EC7
(Geotechnical) & EC8: Not basis of any EC-package; in all
packages as service items.
• EC8 parts to be included in EC-packages:
•EN1998-1, -5 & -3: in packages for concrete, steel,
composite, etc., buildings
•EN1998-1, -5 & -2: in packages for concrete, steel etc.
•EN1998-1, -5 & -4: in packages for concrete liquid retaining
structures & for steel silos, tanks, pipelines
•EN1998-1, -5 & -6: in package for steel towers & masts.
EN 1998-1:2004
General rules, seismic actions, rules for
1. General
2. Performance Requirements and Compliance Criteria
3. Ground Conditions and Seismic Action
4. Design of Buildings
5. Specific Rules for Concrete Buildings
6. Specific Rules for Steel Buildings
7. Specific Rules for Steel-Concrete Composite Buildings
8. Specific Rules for Timber Buildings
9. Specific Rules for Masonry Buildings
10. Base Isolation
Annex A (Informative): Elastic Displacement Response Spectrum
Annex B (Informative): Determination of the Target Displacement
for Nonlinear Static (Pushover) Analysis
Annex C (Normative): Design of the Slab of Steel-Concrete
Composite Beams at Beam-Column Joints in Moment
Resisting Frames
Seismic performance requirements
for concrete buildings
Performance-based Seismic Engineering

 Design for different "Performance Levels" at different Seismic

Hazard levels
 "Basic Objective" (ordinary buildings):
Performance Level Hazard Level
Operational Frequent EQ (25-72 yrs)
Immediate occupancy Occasional EQ (72-225 yrs)
Life safety Rare EQ (475 yrs)
Near collapse Very rare EQ (800-2500 yrs)
 Safety-critical facilities: "Enhanced Objective“

 Pros: Better property protection; flexibility in conceptual

 Cons: Lots of work in design.
Performance Levels
• “Operational”:
Facility can be used according to original intention; any repairs will not disrupt
occupancy or use. Practically no structural or nonstructural damage. Lifelines
undamaged, or back-up systems operational.
• “Immediate occupancy”:
Facility can return to full use, as soon as utility systems are back in operation &
cleanup is complete. Structure is very lightly damaged, possibly beyond yielding, w/
some residual cracks; no permanent drifts or other permanent structural deformations:
pre-earthquake strength & stiffness fully retained. Non-structural components may
have minor damage (e.g. distributed cracking in infill walls) to be easily & economically
repaired later.
• “Life-safety”:
Life-threatening injury to occupants avoided by prevention of collapse of parts of the
structure & retention of structural integrity and residual load capacity after the
earthquake. Structure significantly damaged, w/ moderate permanent drifts, but retains
full its vertical load-bearing capacity and sufficient residual lateral strength & stiffness
to protect life during strong aftershocks. Non-structural components are damaged, but
prevented from collapsing or falling. From the economic point of view, repairability is
questionable and demolition may be preferable.
• “Near collapse”:
Structure heavily damaged, at the verge of local or even total collapse. Structure may
have large permanent drifts and retain little residual strength or stiffness against lateral
loads, but its vertical elements can still carry the gravity loads. Most non-structural
elements (e.g. infill walls) collapse. Substantial but not full life safety, as falling hazards
may cause life-threatening injury. The building is unsafe, as it may not survive a strong
aftershock. Repair may not be technically feasible and is not economically justified.
Seismic performance requirements for concrete
buildings -
The current code situation: Emphasis on life safety
IN EUROPE, SINCE 1960s (also in seismic
• Instead of “Performance Level”:
• “Limit State” (LS) = state of unfitness to (intended)
– ULS (Ultimate LS): safety of people and/or structure;
– SLS (Serviceability LS): operation, damage to
• LS concept:
– According to EN 1990 (Eurocode: Basis of structural
design): LS-design is the basis for all Eurocodes
(including EC8).
From EN1990 (Eurocode – Basis of structural design):
• Seismic design situation: G
j 1
k, j "" P"" AEd ""  2,i Qk ,i
i 1
 Gk , j : Permanent actions (characteristic or nominal values)
j 1

P : Prestressing

 2,iQk ,i : Variable actions (quasi-permanent values)

AEd    AEk : Design Seismic action
AEk : Characteristic Seismic action,   : Importance factor of structure
From EN1990 & EN1998-1 (Eurocode 8 – General):
AEk : «Reference Seismic action»:
Reference Probability of Exceedance, PR, in design life TL of
(or Reference Return Period, TR)

Importance Building Recommended

class γI value (NDP)
I Minor importance for public safety 0.8
II Ordinary 1.0 (by
III Large consequences of collapse 1.2
(schools, assembly halls, cultural
institutions etc.)
IV Of vital importance for civil protection 1.4
(hospitals, fire stations, power plants,
EN1990 - Eurocode: Basis of structural design:
Design working life: the assumed period for which a
structure is to be used for its intended purpose with
anticipated maintenance but without major repair being
For :
•Definition of design actions (e.g. wind, earthquake)
•Determination of material property deterioration (f.i. fatigue, creep)
•Life cycle costing
•Development of maintenance strategies

In EN1998-1 – Eurocode 8 – General:

•Presumed design working life TL : 50 years
•Different values can be considered through Importance factor of
the structure (reliability differentiation).
In EN1990 - Eurocode: Basis of structural design:
• Ultimate limit states concern:
– the safety of people
– the safety of the structure
• Serviceability limit states concern:
– the functioning of the structure
– the comfort of people
– the appearance of the structure
• loss of equilibrium of the structure or any
Limit part of it, considered as a rigid body;
• failure by excessive deformation,
State transformation of the structure or any part of it
U.L.S. into a mechanism, rupture, loss of stability of S.L.S.
the structure or any part of it, including
supports and foundations;
Design • failure caused by fatigue or other time-
Situation dependent effects.
Persistent  
Transient  
Accidental 
Seismic  
EN 1998-1: Adaptation of L.S. Design of new
buildings, to Performance-based concept:
 Verify explicitly No-life-threatening-collapse requirement
("Life Safety" performance level) for "rare" Earthquake
(reference seismic action for structures of ordinary
importance: NDP – recommended: 475 years).
 Limit damage through damage limitation check for
"frequent" Earthquake (EQ for structures of ordinary
importance: NDP – recommended: 95 yrs).
 Prevent collapse under any conceivable Earthquake through
"Capacity Design”
EN 1998-3: Assessment and retrofitting of buildings:

Assessment & Retrofitting for different Limit

States under different Seismic Hazard levels
 Limit States (Performance Levels)
Damage Limitation (: Immediate Occupancy)
Significant Damage (: Life Safety)
Near Collapse.
 Flexibility for countries, owners, designers:
• How many & which Limit States will be met and for what Hazard Level:
– to be decided by country, or
– (if country doesn’t decide in National Annex) by owner/designer
• Hazard Levels: NDPs - No recommendation given
Noted that Basic Objective for ordinary new buildings is:
– Damage Limitation: Occasional EQ (225yrs)
– Significant Damage: Rare EQ (475yrs)
– Near Collapse: Very rare EQ (2475yrs)
• Safety-critical facilities: Enhanced Objective, via multiplication of
seismic action by importance factor I
• Seismic action for “damage limitation”: NDP.
Recommended for ordinary structures: 10%/10yrs (95yr EQ); ~50% of
“design seismic action” (475 yr seismic action).
• In buildings: Interstorey drift ratio calculated for “damage limitation”
action via “equal displacement rule” (elastic response):
 <0.005 for brittle nonstructural elements attached to structure;
 <0.0075 for ductile nonstructural elements attached to structure;
 < 0.01 for nonstructural elements not interfering w/ structural response.
• Although the recommended ~50% of 475 yr (design) seismic action is
a low estimate of the 95 yr seismic action, in concrete, steel or
composite frame buildings damage limitation checks control member
Conclusion: In Eurocode 8:
The Design Seismic action is defined as the one for which the
No-(life-threatening-)collapse requirement is verified
The Reference Return Period of the Reference Seismic action
is a NDP, with recommended value of 475 years
(corrresponding Reference Probability of Exceedance in the
structure’s design life of 50 years: 10%)

The Reference Seismic action is described (through the national

zonation maps) in terms of a single parameter:
the Reference Peak Ground Acceleration on Rock, agR.
The design ground acceleration on rock, ag, is the reference PGA
times the importance factor: ag = γIagR

In addition to the Reference Peak Ground Acceleration on Rock,

the Reference Seismic action is defined in terms of the Elastic
Response Spectrum for 5% damping.
Force-based design for energy-dissipation &
ductility, to meet no-(life-threatening-)collapse
requirement under Design Seismic action:
• Structure allowed to develop significant inelastic deformations
under design seismic action, provided that integrity of members
& of the whole is not endangered.
• Basis of force-based design for ductility:
– inelastic response spectrum of SDoF system having elastic-
perfectly plastic F-δ curve in monotonic loading.
• For given period, T, of elastic SDoF system, inelastic spectrum
– ratio q = Fel/Fy of peak force, Fel, that would develop if the SDoF
system was linear-elastic, to its yield force, Fy, (“behaviour factor”)
– maximum displacement demand of the inelastic SDOF system,
δmax, expressed as ratio to the yield displacement, δy :
displacement ductility factor, μδ = δmax/δy
Inelastic spectra (Vidic et al)
μδ = q if T TC
adopted in Eurocode 8
  1  ( q  1) if T <TC

Inelastic spectra for TC=0.6s normalised to peak ground acceleration, PGA

Implementation of Eurocode 8 seismic design
1. Damage limitation (storey drift ratio < 0.5-1%) under the
damage limitation earthquake (~50% of “design seismic
action”), using 50% of uncracked gross section stiffness.
2. Member verification for the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) in
bending under the “design seismic action”, with elastic
spectrum reduced by the behaviour factor q.
3. In frames or frame-equivalent dual systems: Fulfilment of
strong column/weak beam capacity design rule, with
overstrength factor of 1.3 on beam strengths.
4. Capacity design of members and joints in shear.
5. Detailing of plastic hinge regions, on the basis of the value of
the curvature ductility factor that corresponds to the q-factor
Control of inelastic seismic response
through capacity design
• Not all locations or parts in a structure are capable of ductile behaviour &
energy dissipation.
• “Capacity design” provides the necessary hierarchy of strengths between
adjacent structural members or regions & between different mechanisms of
load transfer within the same member, to ensure that inelastic deformations
will take place only in those members, regions and mechanisms capable of
ductile behaviour & energy dissipation; the rest stay in the elastic range.
• The regions of members entrusted for hysteretic energy dissipation are
called in Eurocode 8 “dissipative zones”; they are designed and detailed to
provide the required ductility & energy-dissipation capacity.
• Before their design & detailing for the required ductility & energy-dissipation
capacity, “dissipative zones” are dimensioned to provide a design value of
ULS force resistance, Rd, at least equal to the design value of the action
effect due to the seismic design situation, Ed, from the analysis:
E d  Rd
• Normally linear analysis is used for the design seismic action (by dividing the
elastic response spectrum by the behaviour factor, q)
NDP-partial factors for materials, in design
value of ULS force resistance, Rd:
• Recommended in Eurocode 8:
• Same values as for persistent & transient design
• In concrete buildings:
 γc=1.5,
 γs=1.15.
Criteria for the selection of elements where inelastic
deformations are allowed to take place, instead of
being capacity-designed to stay in the elastic range:
• “Ductility”: the inherent capacity of the element to develop large
inelastic deformations & dissipate energy under cyclic loading,
without substantial loss of its force-resistance.
• The importance of the element for the stability of other
elements & the integrity of the whole (greater importance of
vertical elements compared to the horizontal ones; importance
increases from the top of the building to its foundation).
• The accessibility of the element and the difficulty to inspect &
repair any damage.
Ductile behaviour: (a) monotonic loading; (b) cyclic loading;
Brittle behaviour: (c) monotonic loading; (d) cyclic loading.
Control of inelastic seismic response: Soft-storey
collapse mechanism, to be avoided through proper
structural configuration:
 Strong-column/weak beam frames, with beam-sway
mechanisms, involving:
plastic hinging at all beam ends, and
either plastic hinging at column bottoms, or
rotations at the foundation.
 Wall-equivalent dual frames, with beam-sway mechanism,
plastic hinging at all beam ends, and
either plastic hinging at wall & column bottoms, or
rotations at the foundation.
The importance of a stiff & strong vertical spine in buildings
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aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa

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aaaa aaaa
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aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa
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aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa

aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa
aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaa
aaaa aaaa aaaa
aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa
aaaa aaaa aaaa

(a) (b) (c)

ä aaaa
è aaaa
aaaa aaaa
è aaaa
aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa
aaaa aaaa aaaa

(a) soft-storey mechanism


è è

è aaaa
è aaaa
in weak column/strong
è è
beam frame
è aaaa
è aaaa
è aaaa
aaaa aaaa aaaa
aaaa aaaa aaaa
(b), (c): beam-sway
Hto t

aaaa aaaa

è è
aaaa aaaa aaaa

mechanisms in strong
è aaaa
è aaaa
aaaa aaaa
column/weak beam

aaaa aaaa aaaa
aaaa aaaa aaaa

aaaa aaaa

aaaaa è
aaaaa (d), (e): beam-sway
mechanisms in wall
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa aaaa
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa
aaaa aaaa

(d) (e) system

Maximum chord rotation demands in plastic mechanisms
•In beam-sway mechanisms of strong column/weak beam frames
or wall systems:
 at beam ends or at the base of vertical elements: θ=δ/Htot
•In soft-storey mechanisms of weak column/strong beam frames:
 at the base of vertical elements: θ=δ/hi (Htot/hi times greater)

Definition of chord
rotation at member ends
Fulfilment of strong column/weak beam capacity design
rule, with overstrength factor γRd on beam strengths:
 M Rc   Rd  M Rb
• Eurocode 8: γRd = 1.3; strong column/weak beam capacity design required
only in frames or frame-equivalent dual systems (frames resist >50% of
seismic base shear) with more than two storeys (except at top storey joints).
• US codes: γRd = 1.2; strong column/weak beam capacity design required
for all columns that are taken into account for earthquake resistance
Beam & column flexural capacities at a joint in Capacity Design rule
column 1 column 1

beam 1 beam 2 beam 1 beam 2

column 2 column 2
Width of slab effective as tension flange of beams at the support
to a column: b c

b c

2hf 2hf hf 4hf 4hf hf

bc bc

b d
2hf 2hf
hf hf

Eurocode 8 (a, b: at exterior column; c, d: at interior column): too small

– unsafe for capacity design;
US codes (25% of beam span on each side of web): realistic.
Strong column/weak beam capacity design not
required in wall or wall-equivalent dual systems
(walls resist >50% of seismic base shear)
design of ductile
walls in flexure, to
ensure that plastic
hinge develops
only at the base:

Typical moment diagram in a concrete wall from the analysis &

linear envelope for its (over-)design in flexure according Eurocode 8
Trading-off strength & ductility in
earthquake-resistant design
(ductility as an alternative to strength)
• For given period, T, of elastic SDoF system, inelastic spectrum
– ratio q = Fel/Fy of peak force, Fel, that would develop if the SDOF
system was linear-elastic, to its yield force, Fy, (“behaviour factor”)
– maximum displacement demand of the inelastic SDOF system, δmax
expressed as ratio to the yield displacement, δy : displacement
ductility factor, μδ = δmax/δy
  1  ( q  1) if T < TC
μδ = q if T TC
• The higher the value of μδ, the higher is the value of q
The pros of ductility (high μδ, high q)

• Resistance to seismic action greater than “design seismic

action” (thanks to capacity design & detailing for ductility).
• Easier verification of foundation.
• Better protection of equipment or nonstructural parts that are
sensitive to accelerations (due to reduction of floor response

• But: Little cost difference (savings in longitudinal steel & in

beams offset by increases in transverse reinforcement &
vertical members).
The pros of strength (low μδ, low q) :
• Much easier and simpler construction.
• Certain buildings have significant resistance to earthquake
forces, w/o been designed for them:
– low-to-moderate seismicity,
– gravity-load-controlled low-to-medium-rise buildings,
– tall & flexible buildings dominated by wind, etc.
Benefit from margin of lateral strength, to avoid complex/
expensive detailing for ductility.
• If layout of structure is complex/irregular: better to design for
nearly elastic response under design seismic action.
• Less structural damage, not only during frequent & moderate
earthquakes, but also due to design seismic action.

• But: non-structural damage to parts sensitive to deformations ~

same (response displacements ~ same).
1. Design for energy dissipation & ductility: q>1.5
 Global ductility:
 Structure forced to remain straight in elevation through strong shear
walls or columns (ΣMRc>1.3ΣMRb in frames):
 Local ductility:
 Plastic hinges detailed for ductility capacity derived from q-factor;
 Brittle failures prevented by overdesign/capacity design
 Capacity design of foundations & foundation elements:
 On the basis of overstrength of ductile elements of superstructure.
(Or: Foundation elements - incl. piles - designed & detailed for ductility)
2. Design w/o energy dissipation & ductility: q  1.5 for
overstrength; design only according to Eurocode 2 (Ductility
Class “Low”– DCL) Only:
 for Low Seismicity (NDP; recommended: PGA on rock 0.08g)
 for superstructure of base-isolated buildings.
EUROCODE 8 Ductility Classes for
Dissipative Structures:
 Two Ductility Classes (DC):
DC H (High).
DC M (Medium).
• Differences in:
q-values (usually q > 4 for DCH, 1.5 <q <4 for DCM)
Local ductility requirements
(ductility of materials, member detailing, capacity design against
brittle failure modes)
Seismic Design Philosophy for RC buildings
according to Eurocode 8
• Ductility Classes (DC)
– Design based on energy dissipation and ductility:
• DC (M) Medium q=3 x system overstrength factor (1.3).
• DC (H) High q= 4-4.5 x system overstrength factor (1.3).
• The aim of design is to control inelastic seismic response:
– Structural layout and relative sizing of members to ensure a beam-
sway mechanism.
– Detailing of plastic hinge regions (beam ends, base of columns) to
sustain inelastic deformation demands.
• Plastic hinge regions detailed for deformation demands
related to behaviour factor q:
– μδ=q if Τ>Τc
– μδ=1+(q-1)Tc/T if Τ≤ Τc
Basic value, qo, of behaviour factor for regular
in elevation concrete buildings in Eurocode 8
Lateral-load resisting structural system DC M DC H
Inverted pendulum system* 1.5 2
Torsionally flexible structural system** 2 3
Uncoupled wall system (> 65% of seismic base 3 4u/1
shear resisted by walls; more than half by uncoupled
walls) not belonging in one of the categories above
Any structural system other than those above 3u/1 4.5u/1
* : at least 50% of total mass in upper-third of the height, or with energy dissipation at base of a single
element (except one-storey frames w/ all columns connected at the top via beams in both horizontal
directions in plan & with max. value of normalized axial loadd in combination(s) of the design seismic
action with the concurrent gravity loads ≤ 0.3).
** : at any floor: radius of gyration of floor mass > torsional radius in one or both main horizontal directions
(sensitive to torsional response about vertical axis).

 Buildings irregular in elevation: behaviour factor q = 0.8qo;

 Wall or wall-equivalent dual systems: q multiplied (further) by (1+aο)/3 ≤ 1,
(aο: prevailing wall aspect ratio = ΣHi/Σlwi).
u/1 in behaviour factor of buildings designed for
ductility: due to system redundancy & overstrength
á uV b d
u & 1 from base shear - top displacement
curve from pushover analysis. á1Vb d global plastic
 u: seismic action at development of global 1st yielding
 1: seismic action at 1st flexural yielding
anywhere. äto p
• u/1≤ 1.5; Vbd =design base shear
• default values given between 1 to 1.3 for buildings regular in plan:
• = 1.0 for wall systems w/ just 2 uncoupled walls per horiz. direction;
• = 1.1 for:
one-storey frame or frame-equivalent dual systems, and
wall systems w/ > 2 uncoupled walls per direction;
• = 1.2 for:
one-bay multi-storey frame or frame-equivalent dual systems,
wall-equivalent dual systems & coupled wall systems;
• = 1.3 for:
multi-storey multi-bay frame or frame-equivalent dual systems.
• for buildings irregular in plan:
default value = average of default value of buildings regular in plan and 1.0
Capacity design of members,
against pre-emptive shear failure
I. Beams
Equilibrium of forces and moments on a beam
M 2  M1 g+q
V1 = Vg+ψq,1+ V
1 V2
l cl
1 2

M1  M 2 M
V2 = Vg+ψq,2- 2

l cl M1

Capacity-design shear in a beam weaker than the columns:

 
M Rd ,b1  M Rd ,b 2
 
M Rd ,b1  M Rd ,b 2
Capacity-design shear in beams (weak or strong) - Eurocode 8

   M    M  
γ Rd MRd,bi  min1;
Rd,c  
 MRd,bj min1;
Rd,c 
   MRd,b    MRd,b  
   i  j
maxVi,d (x)   Vgψq,o (x)
l cl
   M    M  
γ Rd MRd,bi  min1;   MRd,bj min1;  
Rd,c Rd,c
   MRd,b    MRd,b  
   i  j
minVi,d (x)    Vgψq,o (x)
l cl
Eurocode 8:
• in DC M γRd=1.0, minVi,d ( xi )
• in DC H γRd=1.2 & reversal of V accounted for, depending on:  i 
max Vi,d ( xi )
II. Columns
Capacity-design shear in column which is weaker than the
beams:   
M  M _

M Rd,c1  M Rd,c2

VCD   Rd
Rd,c1 Rd,c2
VCD   Rd
hcl hcl
Capacity-design shear in (weak or
strong) columns - Eurocode 8:
   M Rd, b  
  M Rd,c2 min 1;  Rd, b
  M
γ Rd M Rd,c1 min 1;
  
  M   M  
 Rd, c 1  Rd,c 2 
VCD,c 
h cl
Eurocode 8:
• in DC M γRd=1.1,
• in DC H γRd=1.3

Capacity-design shear in (weak or

strong) columns – Other codes:
 min(  M Rd ,c ,  M Rd ,b )   min(  M Rd ,c ,  M Rd ,b ) 
 min( M Rd , c ; M Ec    min( M Rd , c ; M Ec 
  M Ec  1   M Ec  2
V CD   Rd
h cl
III. Walls
Eurocode 8:
Over-design in shear, by multiplying shear forces from the
analysis for the design seismic action, V’Ed, by factor ε:
V Ed
DC M walls:  '
 1.5
V Ed
DC H squat walls (hw/lw ≤ 2):
Over-design for flexural overstrength of base w.r.to analysis
MEdo: design moment at base section (from
MRdo: design flexural resistance at base section,
V Ed  M Rdo 
γRd=1.2  '
  Rd    q
DC H slender walls (hw/lw > 2): V Ed  M Edo 
Over-design for flexural overstrength of base
w.r.to analysis & for increased inelastic shears
Se(T): ordinate of elastic response spectrum
TC: upper limit T of const. spectral
acc. region
 Se TC  
2 2
T1 : fundamental period. VEd  MRdo 
   Rd   0.1  q   q
 Se T1  
VEd  MEdo 
Design shear forces in “ductile wall” of dual
structural systems per Eurocode 8
Vwall, top>Vwall, base/2

design diagram h
3 w

shear diagram 1h
from analysis 3 w

Vwall, base

To account for increase in upper storey shears due to higher

mode inelastic response (after plastic hinging at the base)
Seismic design of the foundation
• Objective: The ground and the foundation system should not
reach its ULS before the superstructure, i.e. remain elastic while
inelasticity develops in the superstructure.
• Means (in Eurocode 8):
– The ground and the foundation system are designed for their ULS under
seismic action effects from the analysis derived for q=1.5, i.e. lower than
the q-value used for the design of the superstructure; or
– The ground and the foundation system are designed for their ULS under
seismic action effects from the analysis multiplied by Rd(Rdi/Edi)q, where
Rdi= force capacity in the dissipative zone or element controlling the
seismic action effect of interest, Edi= seismic action effect there from the
elastic analysis and Rd=1.2
• For individual spread footings of walls or columns, Rdi/Edi is the
minimum value of MRd/MEd in the two orthogonal principal directions at
the lowest cross-section of the vertical element where a plastic hinge
can form in the seismic design situation;
• For common foundations of more than one elements, Rd(Rdi/Edi) =1.4;
– The ground is designed for seismic action effects as above, but the
foundation system is designed and detailed for ductility like the
Implementation of Eurocode 8 seismic design
approach for ductility
• Damage limitation (storey drift ratio < 0.5-1%) under the damage limitation
earthquake (~50% of “design seismic action”), using 50% of uncracked
gross section stiffness.

• Member verification for the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) in bending under the
“design seismic action”, on the basis of analysis results for elastic spectrum
reduced by the behaviour factor q.

• In frames or frame-equivalent dual systems: Fulfilment of strong

column/weak beam capacity design rule, with overstrength factor of 1.3 on
beam strengths.

• In wall systems or wall-equivalent dual systems: ULS dimensioning of wall

in bending above base for overstrength w.r.to analysis results for “design
seismic action”.

• Capacity design of members (& joints) in shear.

• Detailing of plastic hinge regions, on the basis of curvature ductility factor

derived from the q-factor.

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