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Good Neighbor Festival Announces 2018 Good Neighbor Award Winners

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Good Neighbor Festival Announces 2018 Good Neighbor Award Winners

Molly Duffy, Gary Gmur, Jennifer Broadley, Scott & Deb Bram Receive Awards
Four Middleton Good Neighbor is also credited with helping raise the scription to make the pool a truly neigh- Scott and Deb Bram have spent de-
Awards have been given to Middleton kids in his neighborhood. Gmur uses his borly place, and to encourage the best cades entertaining the children of Middle-
residents. Molly Duffy, Gary Gmur, Jen- handyman skills to help a neighbor build a qualities in her lifeguards, teachers, staff, ton on Halloween night by turning their
nifer Broadley, and Scott and Deb Bram patio, build playground equipment for an- and students. yard into a haunted forest. Hundreds of
have all contributed significantly to our other neighbor, mow another’s lawn when One example of Broadley’s care for kids from all over the city come to their
community. needed, and is the neighbor that helps on our community is the extra work she put home on Wood Road to experience the
Molly Duffy started the Middleton moving day and who is always keeping an in to make sure that a young swimmer spooky spectacular. The Brams and their
United Soccer program, which now has eye out for his neighbors. who developed a seizure disorder from kids dress up as all manner of frighten-
over 900 youth members. Duffy has a re- Thanks to Gmur’s neighborhood a severe form of epilepsy at age seven ing creatures; a son walks the grounds as
lationship with nearly every child and can watch, he saved a house in his cul-de- would be able to participate with the a 10-foot tall grim reaper, Scott is usu-
be found on weekends going from game sac from burning down. Gmur works swim team. Broadley coordinated com- ally manning a macabre grill, and Deb is
to game– and not just soccer–where she for the Middleton Fire Department, but munication between the Middleton Gator the witch at the front door with full size
engages with each of the players so that his saving the house was not part of his coaches, pool staff, the City of Middle- candy bars for the brave souls that can
they know she cares. To Duffy, guiding a regular workday. He noticed a fire in the ton and the swimmer’s family to ensure muster the courage to make it all the way
young athlete is not about the game or the neighbor’s garage that was started by a the swimmer’s safety and her ability to through the haunted path. Neighborhood
score, but about creating positive experi- grill. Gmur and another neighbor extin- continue to swim with the team. She as- kids who’ve outgrown trick or treating
ences, modeling good sportsmanship and guished the fire, which could have easily signed a guard to the child during prac- are recruited to dress up in scary cos-
mentoring children who care about those destroyed the entire home due to nearby tice and had the staff trained in seizure tumes and hide in the shadows or lie in
around them. propane tanks and flammable items. response and rescue. Even open swim wait in a creepy casket. The Brams begin
When not on a soccer field, Duffy is Gmur’s quick thinking saved the house sessions were accommodating for the working on their haunted yard in early
often working on the foundation that helps before the homeowners knew it was on swimmer. After the swimmer suffered October, and all of it is done at their own
orphans in Haiti and which is building a fire. additional setbacks, Broadley again expense.
school for 450 students. And yes, when in Jennifer Broadley is the Aquatic Di- stepped in to help make swim part of Look for the 2018 Middleton Good
Haiti she’s playing soccer at the school! rector at the Walter R. Bauman pool. the child’s physical therapy. In this and Neighbor Award winners in the Festival
Gary Gmur is an everyday hero to his Broadley has had an impact on nearly other situations, Broadley has shown a Parade on Sunday. If you happen to see
neighbors, who say he exemplifies the every family in Middleton that has passed commitment to ensure that all neighbors, them around town, please take the time
idea that it takes a village to raise a child. through swim lessons at the Middleton including those with disabilities, are able to thank them for all that they do to make
Gmur, who is a father to two young teens, Pool. Broadley goes beyond her job de- to fully participate at the pool. Middleton the Good Neighbor City.

Davis to Serve as 2018 Parade Marshal A Note from the GNF President, Kristi Warriner
Middleton’s City Admin- making it such a special
istrator, Mike Davis, will place to live and work. “Our
be the Good Neighbor Fes- thriving economy is a great
tival Parade Marshal in this source of pride. The way
year’s parade, which will be we work with the Chamber
on Sunday, August 26. and the school district is
Festival Trustees and pretty unique. I’ve talked to
president Kristi Warriner re- a lot of colleagues across the
cently made the announce- country, and I’ve never seen
ment. “Mike has been with anything like what we have
the city for 20 years. He’s here.”
been there through our “Good Neighbor is a great
growth as a community, and alumni. moniker for the city,” Davis
I think he’s helped engineer Mayor Gurdip Brar thinks added. “I think it attracts
much of what keeps landing Davis is an outstanding people who want to be a
Middleton at the top of the choice. “Mike has been here part of a city with that repu-
‘Best Places to Live’ lists,” since 1998. He’s made a tation,” Davis said.
said Warriner. “We felt like huge difference for the city. “Mike has been a mas- What’s your favorite memory of the ing hard on a float to put in the parade,
it was time to thank him for He cares about the people ter collaborator,” said Van Middleton Good Neighbor Festival? Car- marching in the parade, driving a digni-
everything he’s done.” and he cares about the city,” Nutt, Middleton Chamber nival rides as a kid, bringing your own tary in the parade, or winning an award
For his part, Davis is said Brar. of Commerce Executive Di- children to the kiddie rides as little ones, for the best entry in the parade?
humble about the honor. Though he won’t take rector. “That doesn’t hap- or watching them grow up enough to get All of these memories are my own
“I’m just shocked and credit for it, Middleton has pen just by showing up. The their own wristbands to spend the after- favorites from a lifetime of ushering out
thrilled to have the opportu- been in the top 10 of Money growth and quality of life in noon with their friends at the Carnival summer at the Good Neighbor Festival.
nity to be parade marshal,” Magazine’s Best Places to the city will always be part creating a new generation of memories? While my memories are those of a native,
Davis said. “I’m just a guy Live in the biannual small of his legacy”. Is it returning from your college town to what I like best about Middleton and the
who tries to do his job as cities category four times Davis and his wife Julann meet up with old friends in the beer tent? Good Neighbor Festival is that everyone
best as possible.” Davis said during Davis’ tenure. Mid- Jatczak live in Middleton’s Or getting together with an entire MHS is welcome to create their memories and
that he thinks it’s cool to be dleton was ranked number historic downtown district, graduating class to celebrate a reunion? their traditions here no matter that they
in the company of other one in 2007. a short walk to City Hall. Is it seeing all of the amazing art and cre- are life-long residents or brand new to
past parade marshals, such Instead, Davis likes to Davis is the father of three ativity in the craft fair and finding a trea- town.
as Shirley Abrahamson, a adult children, Andrew, Pat- sure of your own to take home? Maybe A great thing we get to do with the
point to Middleton’s col-
it’s setting your chairs and blankets out Good Neighbor Festival is to take the
Wisconsin Supreme Court laboration between the city, rick and Sarah.
early on Sunday morning to watch the
Justice and fellow Indiana the school district and the
parade with family and friends. Or work- See Note, page 7
University Law School Chamber of Commerce for See Davis, page 7

Kiddie Parade Kicks Raffle Tickets Offer Variety of Prizes

Off Friday Night Fun Due to the popularity of the
limited ticket Good Neighbors
Festival raffle sale last year, or-
Cash prizes of $1500, $1000,
$500, $250 and $100
Other Fantastic Prizes in-
Friends of the Performing Arts
2 Performance Season tick-
ets at the PAC valued at $280–
3-Free 30-Day Pass–Burn
Boot Camp
Gift Certificate $169 Value–
ganizers are continuing it again clude: Friends of the Performing Arts Grand Stay Hotel & Suites
this year. Since tickets sold out 10 Punch family Swim pass,
last year early on Sunday, fes-
tival organizers are going to up
the tickets to 500 tickets this
valued at $85–Swim West
2-$150 Gift Certificates–
Isthmus Eye Care
Youth Hockey to
year for $10 apiece. Top prize is
and there are many other great
prizes to win. Tickets are now
2-Complimentary Night
Stays valued $119 each–Coun-
try Inn & Suites
Offer GNF Beer Tent
Middleton Youth Hockey, The Wings, host a music and beer
available so don’t delay in get- 2 Brewer Tickets, Gold Park- tent at the Festival.
ting yours before they are sold ing pass, Johnson Controls Sta- They are open throughout the weekend with beer from Capital
out Please see the Good Neigh- dium Club guest pass, valued Brewery, wine from Botham Vineyards and great food too. They
bors Festival website http:// over $150 –Melcher CPA’s will be selling grilled sweetcorn all weekend. The Middleton BBQ
goodneighbotfestival.com/ to 1 Free Night room including will help with the grill and smoker. They have ample seating at the
see which service organizations breakfast valued at $199–Hil- tent to enjoy the food.
you can purchase tickets from. ton Garden Inn Madison West The funds raised during the Festival allow the Wings to provide
Times-Tribune Archive You can also buy them at the 4-60-minute jump passes hockey scholarships and equipment for kids in need. Middleton
The Good Neighbor Festival is a great place to bring kids and Monona Bank Middleton office valued at $64–Sky Zone Tram- Youth Hockey, the Middleton Wings, promotes the advancement
grandkids for a weekend of fun. Most activities are absolutely free. before the festival. Tickets will poline Park of young athletics for boys and girls ranging from 4-16 years of
While there are exciting activities each day of the festival, Friday also be available on the grounds 4-Free sandwich certificates– age through hockey, by developing team work, sportsmanship, and
night is especially geared toward kids. at the festival at the Chamber Milo’s Sandwiches camaraderie, while enhancing hockey skills, social development
The entire Festival weekend is kicked off by a Kiddie Parade. booth. 2 Performance Season tick- and competition, and having a lot of fun participating in the fast-
The popular event is enjoyed by hundreds of kids each year. Some Raffle Prizes include: ets at the PAC valued at $280– moving sport.
walk, some ride in their stroller or wagon powered by their parents,
some ride their decorated bikes or tricycles and some watch the fun
from the sidelines. The theme of the Festival this year is “Mardi
Gras in Middleton” and participants can have fun incorporating
14th Annual 5K Run/Walk Set for Saturday Morning
The Middleton GNF 5K Run/Walk is a Shirt. Registration can be made on line at tivities. There is a youth 1K for youth ages
the theme into their own entries. The parade, which lines up at 5 fundraiser with the proceeds supporting the runsignup.com or visit the Good Neighbor 6-12 starting at 10:15 a.m. Each partici-
pm in front of Middleton High School and begins promptly at 5:30 non-profit Good Neighbor Festival member Festival Website for the 5K Brochure and pant will get a completion ribbon/medal or
pm, is led by Bucky Badger and the Middleton Fire Department. organizations. Help us make 2018 a record link to the online signup. prize. No pre-registration is needed for the
The parade route is south on Bristol Street, west on North, north breaking year. Join us for a scenic, family- Harbor Athletic Club youth staff will youth or toddler activities.
on Clark and east on Lee Street (the route goes around Middleton friendly 5k Run or Walk through the quiet again be offering free on-site babysitting Plan on heading to the Good Neighbor
High School) where it ultimately ends up on the Good Neighbor streets of Middleton and through scenic for children of parents participating in the Festival for more food and fun after these
Festival grounds. The first 200 parade participants will receive a Pheasant Branch Corridor. Run/Walk! Registration is required be on- activities.
goodie bag of treats and treasures at the end of the route. Brian Finnel, Middleton Cross Country line. First come first serve. Register at Har- “I love supporting small town races.
When the parade arrives on the Festival Grounds it will be Coach and winner of the 2018 Crazy Legs borathletic.com/gnf5k. (ages 3+, must be That’s why I participate annually in the
greeted by face painting, balloon-twisting, a caricature artist, Sci- Race, will be the starter for the 2018 GNF potty trained.) Middleton GNF, the Waunafest Run and
ence is Fun with Shakhashiri, and magic performed to delight kids 5K Run/ Walk. The event will begin and In addition to the overall Male and Fe- the Stoughton Syttende Mai! They wel-
of all ages. Middleton Good Neighbor Festival with its partner end at the Middleton Hockey tent on the male finishing awards, the top 3 male and come the runners to support great causes
Willy Street Co-op is excited to announce Friday Night Movie Festival Grounds making it easy to enjoy female finishers in each of these classes and they all have beer after the race!”
Night. Bring a blanket to spread out on the athletic field to watch the festivities after the race! The course will be presented with an award: 12 & Chuck, Fleet Feet employee and avid run-
Princess and the Frog at 6:30 pm and The Incredibles 2 at 8:30 is shady, cool and mostly downhill, and it under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, ner.
pm. Dinner is available at the Good Neighbor Festival Food Court gives participants a chance to take in the 60-69, 70+. For more information, trail map or reg-
and the Dessert Court. Treats from Sugar River Kettle Corn and beauty of Middleton’s nationally-recog- There will be a toddler “Diaper Dash” for istration information, visit goodneighbor-
the Mini-Donut stand are also available for a great old-fashioned nized community trail system, as well as youth ages 2-5 at 10:00 a.m., led by staff festival.com/5k-run-walk and stay in touch
evening of fun. the charm of its neighborhoods. from Harbor Athletic Club’s Youth Fitness with all the latest news leading up to the
Special thanks to Willly Street Coop, Chick Fil A, Menchies, Registration includes fruit, beverages, program. At least one parent or caregiver race on the Good Neighbor Festival Face-
Pizza Hut, I9 Sports, Infinity Marshall Arts, Fleet feet, Culvers, one free beer or Gatorade and a Tech T- will need to be present at the toddler ac- book page.
and US Bank.

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Boy Scout Troop 140 One of the Largest in the State

Sponsored by St. Luke’s able, this group is the only one for our scouts and to get out of
Lutheran Church, Troop 140 where the boys run the show. their way. I have the privilege
is one of the largest Boy Scout They plan what to do and to watch and mentor so many
troops in Wisconsin with ap- where to go, everything from boys turn into outstanding men.
proximately 80 active scouts. activities in the outdoors to the Our future is our youth. Hope-
The troop has achieved the weekly meetings. Together as fully I and the other adult lead-
highest level of the Boy Scouts teams (patrols) they learn how ers have prepared them to make
of America “Journey to Excel- to work and lead each other, a difference.”
lence” Award for several years. giving them opportunities to Troop 140 is proud to serve
Troop 140 provides a rich gain self-confidence and de- Middleton and the surround-
program with many opportuni- velop skills that they will use ing communities. Since 1959,
ties and outdoor experiences for throughout their lives. hundreds of Middleton area
young men ages 10-17. Its goal “Scouting challenges these youths have shared the values
is to promote the three aims of young men both physically and of Scouting through outdoor
scouting: character develop- mentally to discover that they activities, leadership develop-
ment, citizenship training, and can do so much more than they ment, teamwork and commu-
mental & physical fitness. think. As a scout, they learn nity service. At least 167 scouts
As Scoutmaster Ed Grindle that they are part of the com- have attained the rank of Eagle
explains, “Boy Scouting is a munity and their actions can Scout.
unique opportunity for today’s touch so many others. I have More information about BSA
youth to take ownership in the been the Scoutmaster of Troop Troop 140 and the Boy Scouts
events that shape their lives. 140 for over 15 years. As an of America is available on our
While there are several great adult, my job is to guide and website: http://www.troopmas-
youth organizations avail- provide a safe environment terweb.com/Troop140. Boy Scout Troop 140 on a group trip to Colorado.

Parade Awards Back for 2018 Middleton Lions Club Serves

The Good Neighbor Festival parade committee
is excited about the Mardi Gras theme for this
year’s festival and is looking forward to seeing
tertainment and volunteer entertainment.
There will also be a people’s choice award for
one overall best entry. Voting will open when the
Community, Humanitarian Needs
how our parade entries express the Mardi Gras parade begins at Noon on August 26, and there The Middleton Lions Club is part of the largest 100% of the money raised goes right back into
spirit. To encourage some extra effort, the com- are two ways to vote: by commenting on social international service organization in the world. Its the community. Middleton Lions serve the com-
mittee is bringing back parade awards. A panel media posts on the Festival’s Facebook, Twitter mission is “To empower volunteers to serve their munity doing children’s vision screening. They
of judges will score each entry based on effort, and Instagram accounts, or by voting in person at communities, meet humanitarian needs, encour- also support Restoring Hope Transplant House,
adherence to the theme, appearance, originality the Information Booth on the Festival grounds. age peace and promote international understand- Lions Camp, Reach-a-Child, Middleton baseball,
and enthusiasm. The highest scoring overall entry One vote per person per voting method. ing through Lions clubs.” The Middleton Lions Braille Library & Transcribing Services, Inc and
will receive an award, as will the highest scoring Voting for the people’s choice award ends at club motto is “We Serve.” Cub Scout Pack 540. They offer scholarships to
entry in each of four categories: business/com- 2:30 p.m., and an award ceremony will be held Lions have two main fundraisers: the Jim Teff local graduating seniors, and provide and service
mercial, community/non-profit, professional en- at 3 p.m. Memorial Golf Outing, and the GNF Food Court. the local used eyeglass drop box.

2018 Daily Schedule of Events

Friday, August 24 and the Frog at 6:30 and Incredibles 2 under America’s Pub Quiz will provide an entertain- art in their home because all portraits done by
5 p.m.-closing, Carnival Rides, Tickets $1 ea. or the stars at 8:30. Food, beverages, dessert and ing experience, including an emcee and fun Expressively You at Good Neighbor Festival
$20 for 22 tickets kettle corn are available to purchase on the fes- music. Entry fees are $60 per team of up to six are free!! Lindsey will be at Good Neighbor
5-10 p.m., Food Court Open tival grounds. participants, with all proceeds going to support Festival on Friday night and Saturday.
5:30 p.m., Kiddie Parade, grounds Saturday, August 25 the Middleton Cross Plains Area School District Packer Experience, Grounds, A new activity
5-9p.m., Ultrazone Lazer Tag, Grounds 9:30-10:30 a.m., 5K Run/Walk, grounds Education Foundation. Under 21 welcome but you won’t want to miss!
• Laser tag out in the wild! A course has been 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Kids Games and Books with the must be accompanied by an adult. Sunday, August 26
set up for you and Ultrazone will help create Middleton Library Register at https://inspiringexperiences. 9:30 a.m., Good Neighbor Yoga
teams who will enter the tent to test their skill 11 a.m.-10 p.m., Food Court Open org/2018/07/06/join-the-foundation-for-trivia- 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Food Court Open
and strategy finding out who can be the last one 11am-Close, Carnival Rides, Tickets $1 ea. or at-the-middleton-good-neighbor-festival/ 11am-Closing, Carnival Rides, Tickets $1 ea. or
standing. $20 for 22 tickets Beer and soft drinks will be available for pur- $20 for 22
5-8 p.m., Expressively You Portraits *Wristband Special 1-5 p.m., $20 per wristband chase in the tent, and food can be brought in 12 p.m., Parade
• Lindsey LaPlant is a local artist with a pas- 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Infinity Martial Arts–come and from the festival food court. 12-4 p.m., Patrick’s Funny Farm
sion for capturing You! She says that everyone be inspired by the talent of Infinity Martial Arts 12-4 p.m., Patrick’s Funny Farm Middleton’s Good Neighbor Festival will host a
should have art in their home that is truly art students. Watch a demonstration of all that is • Middleton’s Good Neighbor Festival will host group of animals you can get up close and per-
that they can afford. Middleton Good Neighbor possible through the training and excitement of a group of animals you can get up close and per- sonal with! Come to the Patrick’s Funny Farm
Festival is making sure everyone can have that a world-class martial arts program! sonal with! Come to the Patrick’s Funny Farm to meet chickens, goats, ponies and other ani-
art in their home because all portraits done by 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Blue Accordion & Friends (Pa- to meet chickens, goats, ponies and other ani- mals. There is no charge to enjoy meeting the
Expressively You at Good Neighbor Festival tricia Stone, Neb Macura, and Anna Graupner) mals. This is free thanks to Infinity Martial Arts. animals. https://www.facebook.com/patricks-
are free!! Lindsey will be at Good Neighbor live in Middleton and have been playing to- 1-2 p.m., Coin Dig, with State Bank of Cross funnyfarm/
Festival on Friday night and Saturday. gether for several years. They play folk / polka Plains 1-5 p.m., Ultrazone Lazer Tag, Grounds
5-8 p.m., Science is Fun with Shakhashiri music popular in Wisconsin and around the 2-6 p.m., Science is Fun With Shakhashiri Laser tag out in the wild! A course has been
6-7:30 p.m., James the Magician Strolling world. They’ve played at the Middleton Good 2-4 p.m., Balloon Artist and Face painting, Bal- set up for you and Ultrazone will help create
Magic Neighbor Fest for a number of years now and loon Animals! Balloon Hats! Balloon sculp- teams who will enter the tent to test their skill
• Keep an eye out for James the Magician – he they’re excited to be playing for their Middleton tures! Bianca Bono will be on hand to twist and strategy finding out who can be the last one
will be strolling the grounds of the Good Neigh- neighbors again this year balloons in awesome and crazy shapes for you. standing. Laser Tag is presented at no charge
bor Festival astounding festival-goers with his 12-8 p.m., Ultrazone Lazer Tag, Grounds 2-2:30 p.m., James the Magician Strolling thanks.
magic! Look for James on Friday right after the •Laser tag out in the wild! A course has been Magic 2-4 p.m., Crazy Kids’ Games, Bonners Leaders
Kiddie Parade! set up for you and Ultrazone will help create • Keep an eye out for James the Magician – he Program is a group of future leaders from Edge-
6-7:30 p.m., Balloon Artist and Face painting, teams who will enter the tent to test their skill will be strolling the grounds of the Good Neigh- wood College who will be playing old-fash-
Balloon Animals! Balloon Hats! Balloon sculp- and strategy finding out who can be the last one bor Festival astounding festival-goers with his ioned field games your kids may never have had
tures! Bianca Bono will be on hand to twist bal- standing. magic! Look for James on Friday right after the the chance to play. Sack races, 3-legged races,
loons in awesome and crazy shapes for you. 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Trivia, VFW Tent Kiddie Parade! bean bag toss, water balloon games and more.
6:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m., Movie Night 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Harry Potter Theme 4-7 p.m., Expressively You Portraits 2 p.m., Infinity Martial Arts–come and be in-
Friday Night Movie Night is new to Good 12:30-1:30 p.m., General Trivia • Lindsey LaPlant is a local artist with a pas- spired by the talent of Infinity Martial Arts
Neighbor Festival! Bring a blanket to spread • Bring your friends and family, and challenge sion for capturing You! She says that everyone students. Watch a demonstration of all that is
out on the MHS practice field and enjoy free other teams in a trivia contest! should have art in their home that is truly art possible through the training and excitement of
movies on a big LED movie screen. Perfect Enter as a team of up to six participants to that they can afford. Middleton Good Neighbor a world-class martial arts program!
viewing even in daylight. We’ll show Princess compete for terrific prizes and bragging rights. Festival is making sure everyone can have that


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Jaycees Make Vibrant Art Fair Happen at Festival

Make sure to take a stroll through the Jaycees Good Neighbor
Festival Art Fair! Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday,
there are over 60 booths with handmade arts and crafts, with ev-
erything from wood and stone art to jewelry and textiles, everyone
will be sure to find something to suit their tastes.
Founded in 1975, the Middleton Jaycees is a civic organization
of young professionals (age 21-40) focused on community service,
personal and professional development, networking, leadership
training and fun! All the money raised at the Good Neighbor Fes-
tival is instrumental to the events the Jaycees plan in Middleton.
The Jaycees have created awareness and volunteering oppor-
tunities with many local non-profits such as REACH-A- Child,
MOM, Adaptive Sports USA, Habitat for Humanity, DAIS and
Heartland Farm. The Jaycees also host networking nights and pro-
vide an opportunity to make new friends and introduce others to the
local chapter. These events in addition to the monthly meetings are
open to the public. Some of the professional development events
throughout the year include educational tours and group fitness ac-
tivities. Members have gained ample leadership training by learn-
ing from other Jaycee Leaders at the national and state leadership
conventions hosted by both JCI USA and JCI WI.
Another perk of being part of the Jaycees are the member-only
social events including an annual game at the Mallard’s Duck
Blind, holiday parties, wine tastings, brewery tours and more.
Check out www.middletonjaycees.org or like us on Facebook to
learn more about how to become a member.

Photos: Near Right: Jaycees work on a Habitat for Human-

ity home; Far Right: Road Clean up was a Jaycees Service

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Middleton Kiwanis Serve Community Service Cornerstone of Middleton VFW Community service is an im-

Children, Community portant priority for the Middle-

ton Veterans of Foreign Wars
(VFW) Post 8216 and its mem-
Stop by the Food Tent at sponsoring a Canstruction bers. Volunteering countless
the Good Neighbor Fest this team to benefit MOM; pro- hours each year, the members
year and help Middleton Ki- viding scholarships for col- of Post 8216 work closely with
wanis members support local lege bound students and for other national and community
kids and families. kids to attend Camp Waw- organizations as well as indi-
Middleton Kiwanis is a beek (which offers a true vidual citizens to meet unful-
diverse, informal group of camp experience to people filled needs. Post 8216’s various
Middleton area men and with physical disabilities); service programs are designed
women whose goal is to do sponsoring a pizza party for to encourage community ser-
things in our community to MHS Best Buddies program; vice, civic responsibility, and to
improve the lives of area chil- sponsoring Cub Scouts pack stimulate interest in America’s
dren and families. We meet in 240; maintaining flower gar- history and traditions.
the basement of the Hody Bar dens at Lakeview Park and at Post 8216 was chartered in
and Grill, Middleton at 5:30 the Vilas Zoo; and support- 1946 and named for Private First
p.m., on the second and fourth ing student leaders on Spring Class (PFC) William Laverne
Thursdays of each month. We Break trips to historically “Sonny” Simon, a Middleton,
invite you to consider joining black colleges and universi- Wisconsin native son. PFC
us in our service to the com- ties. Simon was declared Missing in
munity. Kiwanis’ primary fund- Action (MIA) and later declared rehabilitation and service pro- Middleton Community Veter- Entertainment Tent at the Good
Recent Kiwanis projects raising event is the Middle- Killed in Action (KIA), fighting grams at the William S. Middle- ans Tribute at Lake View Park Neighbor Festival.
include sponsoring and men- ton Good Neighbor Festival, with the 109th Infantry Regi- ton Memorial Veterans Hospital. dedicated to the Citizens of Support your community
ment, 28th Infantry Division in We also provide support to the Middleton on July 22, 2017. with a celebration of music, en-
toring Key Club students at where the members partici-
the Hurtgen Forest, Germany VFW National Home for Chil- The tribute is rich with meaning, tertainment, refreshments and
Middleton High School as pate at the Food Tent. All the
on 5 November 1944. Only 20 dren in Eaton Rapids, Michigan meant to recognize the guiding camaraderie as Post 8216 hosts
they learn leadership skills money raised during the festi-
years old when lost, PFC Simon where the children of deceased principle that military service is a diverse musical lineup fea-
and do service projects; teach- val is returned to the Middle-
is still missing. Post 8216 helps or incapacitated Veterans can to be honored and respected. It turing LUBE, performing their
ing kids the value of sustain- ton Community by helping
keep his memory alive, along live quality lives despite the loss was designed as a place for sol- last gig ever, on Friday evening
able farming through the support our activities through- of a Veteran parent. In addition, emn reflection, inspiration, and followed by The Tent Show
with his family, thru the dona-
Builders Club at Kromrey; out the year. we provide civic donations to recognition of those from our Troubadours and for the very
tions and services provided in
his name by the Post to the com- the Middleton Boy Scout and community that have served our first time Angels and Outlaws

www.middletontimes.com munity. Girl Scout programs through the nation. on Saturday evening. Finally,
With over 177 members, Post Middleton Flag Program, and The donations and support closing out the entertainment on
8216 prides itself as a commu- to the Middleton High School, to the community would not Sunday for the second year in
nity leader and is a founding Middleton Library and Swim- be possible without the gener- a row with 60’s and 70’s Rock
member of the Middleton Good ming Pools, Middleton Fire and ous support of the Middleton will be Pacific Coast Highway.
Neighbor Festival and has been Police Departments, Middleton Community through our “Tee it If you are a qualifying Vet-
proud to continue to support the Outreach Ministry (MOM), Up for the Troops” golf outing eran who served the country
goals of the Fest for over 50 Middleton Senior Center and a (held annually at Middleton’s please join your brothers and
years. host of other community agen- Pleasant View Golf Course), sisters on the first Wednesday of
As part of VFW Post 8216’s cies and individual Veterans in the United States Flag Program every month at 7 p.m. at the Post
continued service to our com- need. that places flags throughout the Headquarters located at 6710
munity and county, we provide A visible reminder of the community on seven patriotic Century Avenue. https://www.
financial assistance in maintain- work that VFW Post 8216 days each year, the “Buddy facebook.com/William-Sonny-
ing state and national veterans’ does for the community is The Poppy” program and the VFW Simon-VFW-Post-8216

in 1953
The Middleton Good
Neighbor Festival Carnival is

sponsored by the Middleton
“Sonny” Simon VFW Post
8216 Auxiliary. The Auxiliary

Concrete Mixers
was chartered in1953 and has
been providing support to ac-
tive military families, veterans
and their families for more
than 60 years. VFW Auxiliary
membership is open to both fe-
Culver’s of Middleton male and male spouses and the
2906 Parmenter St immediate family of veterans
Middleton, WI 53562 eligible for VFW membership
(608) 836-5577 including parents (step or adop-
tive), grandparents, siblings /
half siblings, children and
grandchildren (step & adop-


The Auxiliary provides
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The organization donates to
at participating Culver’s® restaurants. © 2018 Culver Franchising System, LLC.
© 2018 Culver Franchising System, LLC.
See Auxiliary, page 7

Optimists Place Focus on Helping Area Youth Sponsors

The Middleton Optimists
foster their core mission of
“Serving the Youth of Our
20 18
Community” through a variety Diamond Sponsor – $5,000
of activities. We recognize a Willy Street Co-op, Middleton Tourism Commission
“Student of the Month” and a Presenting Parade Sponsor – $3,500
“Rising Star” student through- UW Credit Union
out the year. We host the an- Platinum Sponsor – $2,500
nual “Cops & Bobbers” kids Monona Bank, TDS Telecom and Capital Brewery
Special Exhibit Sponsor – $2,000
fishing event, help fund base-
US Cellular
ball/softball participation, sup-
Gold Sponsor – $1,000
port the Police Department’s
Artis REIT, Infinity Martial Arts, MGE and Middleton Ford
“GREAT” program and engage Silver Sponsor – $250
our members in other commu- BMO Harris Bank, Bristled Boar, Capital Coffee, Chartwell
nity activities focused on youth. Midwest Wisconsin, Chocolaterian LLC
We welcome men and Clasen Quality Chocolate, Gallina Management, Inc., Goben
women interested in supporting Cars, Gunderson Funeral and Cremation Care, Knothe &
Middleton youth to join us on Bruce Architects, Madison Community Montessori School,
most Wednesdays in the lower Pictured above: Optimists teamed up with local law encforment to teach kids fishing at the 2018 Memorial Pet Services, Middleton Farmer’s Co-op, River
level of SOFRA Bistro at 7 a.m. Cops and Bobbers event. Valley Bank, State Bank of Cross Plains, Standard Imaging,
Inc and T Wall Enterprises Mgt. LLC

Education Foundation Provides

5k Run/Walk Sponsors
Summit Credit Union, Harbor Athletic Club American
Girl, State Farm- Aaron Achenbach, American Trans-
mission Company, Assemblage Architects, Capitol

Opportunities to Connect
Bank, Cress Funeral Home, Fleet Feet, Midwest Open
MRI, Murphy Desmond, Springs Window Fashions,
Top Promotions, Zoup! Costco, Willy Street Co-op

The Middleton-Cross Plains Area School 12:30. Each session will last approximately Foundation and provided another $75,000
District Education Foundation will once an hour in the VFW tent. Teams of up to six in grants and other donations to the District.
again hold a trivia contest at the Good Neigh- participants will compete for prizes and brag- The Foundation also sponsors the Cardinal We have exciting news!
bor Festival. The event is a great opportunity ging rights. America’s Pub Quiz will provide Alumni Network, which seeks to keep Mid-
for alumni and members of the community an entertaining experience, with questions dleton alumni in touch with each other and
to connect, and proceeds from the event will separated by great music. our schools. We’re excited to announce the grand opening of our
raise funds that will be used to provide in- The cost to enter each contest is $60 per For more information about the Founda- new clinic! Our brand new Middleton location opened
spiring experiences to students in our school team. Register at the Foundation’s website, tion, please visit the organization’s website, it’s doors on August 1st, and is already accepting new
district. www.inspiringexperiences.org. www.inspiringexperiences.org. For more clients. Clinic hours are available on the website.
New this year, two separate sessions of The Education Foundation was formed information about the Cardinal Alumni Net-
trivia! One Harry Potter themed, and one in 2011 to provide inspiring experiences for work, please visit its website, www.cardina- Visit www.proptgroup.com for more information, or call
general knowledge. The trivia contest will District students and staff. The Foundation lalumninetwork.org. us today to schedule your free consultation!
kick off at 11 a.m. on Saturday with Harry has raised nearly $200,000 for its endow-
Potter trivia, followed by General Trivia at ment fund through Madison Community
Nissenbaum and Schleusner

Davis Continued from page 1 Note Continued from page 1

PRO Physical Therapy, LLC
6649 University Avenue, Suite 100
Middleton, WI 53562
Davis earned his law degree from the Indiana University School time to recognize the people people who are already com- (608) 841-1290
of Law in 1987, his Masters of Public Affairs from the University that have made this city so mitted to our town through
of Texas at Austin in 1984 and his Bachelor of Science degree from great. Our 2018 Parade Mar- their work with the Optimists,
Indiana University in 1982. shal is our City Administrator, the Lions, the VFW, the Ladies
Besides his official work for the City of Middleton, Davis has Mike Davis. Mike works be- Auxiliary, the Kiwanis, Youth
been active in many volunteer and service organizations. He is on hind the scenes day in and day Hockey, Boy Scouts, The Edu-
the Board of Directors for the Middleton Chamber of Commerce out to ensure that Middleton cation Foundation, Jaycees,
and has served for years on the boards of Middleton Outreach Min- keeps its Good Neighbor repu- and the Middleton Chamber of
istry and the Middleton Area Historical Society where he is also tation, remaining the city that Commerce.
past president. He is an active member of the Kiwanis and volun- has won several ‘Best Places to I hope you enjoy the Festival
teers with United Way of Dane County. Live in America’ awards. The this year. That you take in pe-
The Good Neighbor Festival has been bringing the Middleton 2018 group of Good Neighbor rennial favorites like the Kiddie
community together since 1964. The event includes family fun, Award winners are people who Parade, that you run or walk in Let us assist you in finding the home
live music, food, carnival rides, crafts and a 5-kilometer run/walk. give of themselves when they one of the most beautiful 5k’s
don’t have to just to make sure in the area, or that you enjoy
that can accommodate your needs at
As the major fundraiser of the year for Middleton’s non-profit a price that is affordable to you!
that we continue to live in a beer and bands in the VFW and
organizations, the festival supports charities and worthy causes
place where creating commu- Youth Hockey tents. Perhaps
throughout the Middleton area.
nity really means something. you’ll make new traditions like

Then there are our volun- spreading a blanket on the field
Continued from page 6 teers. The Good Neighbor Fes- for Friday Night Movie Night
tival Trustees put in countless under the stars. I also hope
hours throughout the year plan- you’ll consider joining one of Mike Roessler Rich Roberts Kendall Kahl Lori Zander
a number of area groups such the Festival’s beginning. This ning every detail of the week- our Trustee organizations. I 212-2006 215-6600 576-2409 279-0270

as: Middleton-Cross Plains El- is the major fundraiser for the end. Each of them comes from hope you’ll decide to be one of
ementary Schools, Middleton Auxiliary that makes its chari- a service or sports organization the people that gives of your-
Outreach Ministry, Madison table donations possible for the in the community–those same self to continue to make this the
Dry Hooch, local scouting pro- upcoming year. charitable groups that provide Good Neighbor City.
all of the volunteers that are And in the spirit of Mardi
grams, school scholarships as “It is a pleasure for us to be
pouring your beers, serving Gras in Middleton, I’d like to
well as giving support to many able to provide fun and lasting Dan Cady Kate Isaacson Mary Deneen Lee Mayrack
your food, building the grounds be the first to say “let the Good
other local organizations in memories to our area communi- 438-2987 225-2053 516-0480 445-7741
and emptying the garbage are Neighbor Fest times roll!”
their charitable efforts. ties and neighbors and in doing
The Auxiliary was one of the so, enabling us to support our
founding members of the Good veterans and community.” said
Neighbor Festival and has been by Marta Bechtol, Past Auxil-
operating the carnival since iary President.
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Don’t miss out on the fun at the Middleton Good

Neighbor Festival ... then see coverage of the
weekend next week in the Times-Tribune! Subscribe
today for your very own copy ... 767-3655.

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