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Anorectal Malformation

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Case Report _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

High Type Imperforate Anus We report a rare case of high imperforate anus without
associated anomalies in a 4-day old neonate.
Without Associated Anomalies in a
Nigerian Child: A Case Report CASE REPORT
Baby S.E is a 4-day-old male Nigerian, delivered to a 34-
*Maduforo CO1, Okpala OC 2, Etawo US3 year-old para 2+1 woman. The patient presented at the
surgery department of the University of Port Harcourt
Teaching Hospital on the 6th May, 2010, with failure to
ABSTRACT pass meconium, progressive abdominal distension and
Background: The High type imperforate anus is usually refusal of feeds since birth. There was no associated
associated with congenital anomaly in the other systems or projectile vomiting. The pregnancy was uneventful and
organs. It is rare to have the above type without delivery was by Spontaneous Vertex Delivery (SVD) at
accompanying anomalies. term at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching
Hospital. The child cried immediately after delivery.
Aim: To report a case of high imperforate anus without
associated anomalies of the other systems or organs in a The Baby weighed 3.5kg at birth. There was no history
Nigerian child who was presented at the University of Port of abnormal increase in abdominal girth or skin rash on
Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt. the mother during pregnancy.

Methods: A case report of a 4-day old Nigerian male Physical examination revealed a neonate in respiratory
delivered to a 34-year old para 2+1 woman by spontaneous distress but was not pale, anicteric or febrile, T =
vertex delivery, presented with failure to pass meconium 36.40C.
after 4 days. Clinical and imaging examinations revealed a
high type imperforate anus without associated anomalies of The abdomen was distended, but there was no
the other systems. Relevant review of literature was also hepatoslenomegally or palpable mass. Rectal exam
done. showed no visible patent anus, but dimple on the anal
region was seen. The respiratory rate was 38/min.
Conclusion: This is a rare clinical entity. The role of There was intercostal recession with flaring of alae nasi.
radiological imaging in the management of this condition is Breath sounds were essentially normal.
An impression of imperforate anus was made. Plain
abdominal x-ray (supine and cross table lateral) was
Key Words: Imperforate anus, High type, Associated
done to determine whether it was a high or low type.
Abdominal ultrasound was done to exclude associated
congenital malformations of abdominal viscera.
Afrimedic Journal 2011;2(1):24-27
Abdominal radiograph showed dilated large and small
bowels (See fig. I). Plain radiography of the pelvis and
spine that were done to exclude associated vertebral
Anorectal anomalies (imperforate anus) are a group of
and sacral abnormalities were normal. Plain cross table
related anomalies of the hindgut. The incidence of
lateral radiograph of the abdomen demonstrated the
imperforate anus in Nigeria is unknown, but in the
upper level of the rectal gas. The estimated distance
developed countries, it is 1 in 5,000 live births.1 Males
from the anal verge to gas filled rectum was 50mm (See
are more affected than females with a ratio of 3:2. The
fig. II).
aetiology of imperforate anus is unknown, but the most
acceptable theory is faulty development of the primitive
Abdominal ultrasound scan showed distended bowel
mesoderm at about 7th week of intrauterine life.2, 3
loops, but all other intra-abdominal viscera (kidneys,
liver, gas bladder, spleen) were normal in positions and
Anorectal anomalies (imperforate anus) are classified
echopattern. Spinal ultrasonograhpy did not show any
as high, intermediate and low. The intermediate and
evidence of tethered cord or any other spinal
high anomalies in particular, are associated with
fistulae into the urinary system.4 The frequency of
additional anomalies in patients with imperforate anus
Haematological indices were all normal with Packed Cell
is nearly 50%. 5
Volume of 0.40, White Blood Cell count = 7 x 103 mm3,
differential count of neutrophil 45%, lymphocytes 35%,

Department of Radiology, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Rivers State, Nigeria. *E-mail: gcecilsmaduforo@yahoo.com
Department of Radiology NAUTH, Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria. 3Department of Surgery, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Rivers State, Nigeria.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________Case Report

eosinophil 10% and basophil 1%. Blood urea and The baby was referred to the surgical team and 3 days
creatinine were within normal limits. Urinalysis was later, surgical operation involving divided sigmoid
also normal. A nasogastric tube was successfully colostomy was performed successfully and patient was
passed; thus, excluding oesophageal atresia. discharged on the 14th post operative day. The definitive
surgery which is a pull through procedure was
performed on our patient at the age of 14 months with
satisfactory result.
Fig I: Plain abdominal radiograph showing Fig II: Plain cross table lateral radiograph
dilatation of small and large bowel loops demonstrating the upper level of the
(arrows) with symmetrical abdominal rectal gas (arrow) with rounded margin.
distension. The level is 50mm from the coin in the
anal region, being the area of symphysis
pubis, indicating the high type of
imperforate anus.

females. Our patient is a male. Bhargava et al reported

that imperforate anus occurred equally in males and
females among Indian children.11 Kim et al reported
slightly increased incidence of this disease in females
than in males, especially in low type.12

DISCUSSION Although the precise embryologic defect that causes

Anorectal malformations include a wide spectrum of the spectrum of malformations described as
defects in the development of the lowest portion of the imperforate anus has not been determined, defects in
intestinal and urogenital tracts. Many children with the formation of shape of the posterior uro-rectal
these malformations are said to have an imperforate septum account for many of the described anomalies of
anus because they have no opening where the anus imperforate anus.11 No clear risk factors predispose a
should be. person to have a child with imperforate anus, but a
genetic linkage is sometimes present.13 Most cases of
Anorectal malformation presents with a wide spectrum imperforate anus, are sporadic, without a family history
of defects, ranging from relatively low malformations to of the condition.13
very complex cloacal anomalies.6, 7 Reports of incidence
of anorectal malformation (imperforate anus) range Prenatal ultrasonographic examination findings are
from 1 per 1,500 to 1 per 5,000 live births.8, 9 Uba et al often normal, although the demonstration of
reported an average of 8 cases per year from Jos, polyhydramnious or intrabdominal cyst may suggest
although the overall incidence in Nigeria is unknown.10 imperforate anus with associated foetal hydrocolpos or
They also reported that males were effected more than hydronephrosis. 11

AFRIMEDIC Journal 25 Volume 2, No. 1, January - June, 2011.

Case Report_______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Physical exam may not show any external orifice but a described a triad of sacral defect, presacral mass and
dimple at the position of the anus may be seen.7 There imperforate anus.18 This finding emphasizes the
was a dimple in the position of the anus in our patient. importance of plain radiography of the sacral region and
pelvic ultrasound. This triad was not seen in our patient.
Other associated findings may include absence of an 50% of patients with imperforate anus have urological
umbilical artery, abdominal masses (dilated kidney, abnormalities, vesico-ureteric reflux, and renal-
bladder, hydrocolpos, ectopic kidney, duplication) and agenesis. Cryptorchidism has been reported to occur in
external fistulous tracts.4 These were not seen on our 3%-19% of males.19 In females, vaginal and uterine
patient. The remainder of physical examination is abnormalities are common.20 It has been documented
focused on associated malformations for example, that bicornuate uterus and didelphys occur in 35% of
cardiovascular, urogenital, gastrointestinal and female patients with imperforate anus.20 Vaginal
musculoskeletal systems. duplication and agenesis have been reported with
vaginal agenesis being associated with ipsilateral
Barnes et al documented that the frequency of dysplastic ovary and kidney.20
additional anomalies in patients with imperforate anus
is nearly 50%. 5 They described non-random The radiologic modalities employed in imaging of
associations of anomalies with imperforate anus to imperforate anus are in inverted radiography, (which
include Vertebral and Tracheo-oesophageal, Radial and has been replaced by cross table lateral radiography),
Renal anomalies (VATER). Other anomalies involving distal loopography, ultrasound, computerized
the heart (cardiovascular system) and limbs (muscular tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
system) have been included (VACTERL). They are used to determine the level of the distal pouch,
identify the presence of fistulas, and to diagnose any
Cardiovascular malformations occur in 12% - 22% of associated anomalies. Plain sacral radiography in two
patients, the most common lesions being tetralogy of views, lateral and antero-posterior, are used to
Fallot and ventricular septal defect. 1 4 Many measure sacral ratios and look for defects and presacral
gastrointestinal malformations that have been masses. Cross table lateral radiography demonstrated a
described include oesophageal fistula without atresia high type imperforate anus in our patient. The proximal
with and without fistula, which may be proximal or rectal gas shadow seen was more than 1cm from the
distal and trachea-oesophageal fistula without atresia.5 radio-opaque marker in the anal dimple. The
Up to 10% of patients have trachea-eosophageal puborectalis is the landmark for distinguishing low from
abnormalities of which the most common form is high type of imperforate anus. This means that the
proximal oesophageal atresia that accounts for 82% of descent of the rectum below the puborectalis sling
trachea-eosophageal abnormality.5,14 Bello et al indicates low type and above it indicates high type.20, 21
reported a case of high imperforate anus with Abdominal ultrasonography is used to examine the
associated trachea-esophageal fistula in a Nigerian genito-urinary tract and to look for any other masses.
child.15 Ultrasonography is usually performed before surgery
and repeated after 72 hours because early
Duodenal obstruction due to annular pancreas or ultrasonographic findings may be insufficient to exclude
duodenal atresia occurs in a small percentage of hydronephrosis due to vesico-ureteric reflux. 23 This is
patients.7 Malrotation with Ladd bands that causes because vesico-ureteric reflux builds up over a period of
obstruction has also been reported.7, 8 Hirschsprung's time. It is also used to evaluate the type of imperforate
disease has also been described in association with anus. Itan et al demonstrated that infracoccygeal
imperforate anus, although the incidence of this ultrasonography is an excellent diagnostic modality for
combined condition is unknown.15 demonstrating high and low imperforate anus.23
Ultrasound displays directly the puborectalis muscle
The association of imperforate anus and vertebral and demonstrates the relationship between the distal
anomalies has been recognized and patients with high pouch to the puborectalis muscle.
type anorectal anomalies have an increased risk of this
association. Lumbosacral anomalies predominate and Computed Tomography (CT) scan may demonstrate the
occur in approximately one-third of patients with presence of puborectalis muscle and external anal
imperforate anus.5 The frequency of spinal dysraphism sphincter prior to surgery. It may also display the
increases with the severity of the lesion, that is, 17% in anatomic relationship between the pulled-through
patients with low type and 46% in patients with cloacal intestine and the levator sling in post-operative scans.24
anomalies.17 The commonest type of dysraphism being MRI would exclude associated malformations such as
tethered cord is present in 25% of cases. Cord lipomas meningocoele or myelomeningocoele, teratoma or
and syringohydromelia are also common.17 Lee et al mixed lesions as well as demonstrate the presence of

AFRIMEDIC Journal 26 Volume 2, No. 1, January - June, 2011.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________Case Report

the puborectalis muscle and anal sphincter prior to 13. Shaul DB, Harrison EA. Classification of Anorectal
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AFRIMEDIC Journal 27 Volume 2, No. 1, January - June, 2011.

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