their views are on the left, centre or right political regimes of all kinds in,
for instance, western Europe, the eastern bloc, Latin America and Asia
claim to be democracies. Democracy seems to bestow an "aura of
legitimacy " on modem political life. Secondly little is said about
democracy from ancient Greece to Eighteenth Century Europe and North
America. The wide spread adherence to democracy as a suitable fonn for
organizing political life is less than a hundred years old. In edition, while
states today may be democratic, the history of their political institutions
reveals the fragility and vulnerability of democratic arrangement. The
history of the twentieth century western Europe alone makes tllis clear:
Fascism and Nazism came very close to obliterating democracies.
Thus one can argue that Prof. Rajni Kothari stresses the need
to defend the ideological nlirage of liberal democracy which has three
(a) Constitutionalism (b) Parliamentarismand (c) Competitive
multi - party system.
He tries to create a meaningful association between the demands of
social justice with individual civil and political liberty. Prof. Kothari would
like to argue that Marxism has wrongly assumed that with the abolition of
private property, class and state will disappear. The political mathematics
of socialist countries has demonstrated the creation of monolithic -
bureaucratic state and more coherent and self -serving governing elite.
Liberal democracy is not a contradiction in term, as the Marxist
theoreticians have maintained, but it guarantees the existence and
persistence of freedom and liberties.
It seems that following Schumpeter, Dahl and Sartori, Prof.
Rajni Kothari adopts a nllnimal definition of democracy as a set of rules
issue is less a question of who votes? than of where does one vote ?
Technocracy and democracy are antithetical. Further, bureaucracy and
democracy are antithetical. The necessary precondition for any democratic
government is the guarantee of civil liberties, will, freedom of press,
freedom of assembly and equal distribution of resources. These are ideal
conditions of democracy ; but in reality the bulk of history is the history
of Fratricide or what Hegel would like to say the immense slaughter
house.Political slogan like "Garibi Hatao" a slogan given by Indira Gandhi
, was pregnant with evocative power, not with any precise meaning.
The destruction of the bourgeois state does not mean the
suppression of all its ground rule, but a profound transformation of its
apparatus. This thesis is implied in the writings of Rajni Kothari, but it
seems that he is not so kind to tell us which ones to be retained and
which bad ones will be done away with . Shall we keep universal suffrage
but not the freedom of opinion? or shall we keep freedom of opinion but
not a multi-party system ? or shall we keep a multi-party system but not
the legal protection of civil right ? The biggest dilemma is whether politics
is not every thing and, whether politics is not for every one or politics is
for every one. It seems that there is an antagonism between the state and
democracy. But following Hegel,we can say that what is reasonable is
real and what is real is reasonable. Political philosophy can be complete,
mature, perfect etc. If the world itselfhas become mature, complete and
perfect. Max Weber makes a distinction between ethics of conviction
and ethics of responsibility. Ethics of conviction stands for absolute
values and it does not compromise with reality. Prof. Kothari, it seems,
stands for ethics of conviction in politics.Ethics of responsibility denotes
moral approach which judges particular situation in a pragmatic fashion.
(1) Rajni Kothari (ed) : Caste in Indian Politics ( New Delhi : Orient
Longman Ltd, 1986) p. 4
(2) Ibid., P. 3
(3) Ibid., P. 23
(4) Rajni Kothari (ed.): STATE AND NATIO-BUILDING: A Third
world perspective (New Delhi: Allied publishers private limited, 1976)
p. 196
(5) Ibid., P.l95.
(1 0) Ibid. , p. 5
(11) Ibid. , PP. 31-32
(20) Ibid; p. 12
(21) Ibid; p. ii.
(22) Ibid; p. 99.
demise. on the other hand , the principal critic ofliberalism namely marxism
has suffered from the same basic inadequacies despite the early Marx
who was deeply concerned with the issues of human alimentation and
commodity fetishism. These early writings of Marx have been resuscitated
by Lukacs and his followers in Hungry and elsewhere and further
developed and reformulated by members of Frank Furt school like
Habermas and reformers of the Marxist school it self like Gramsci"( )
(xxiv) "We need a new theory of democracy that can comprehend
the incapacities of existing institutional and ideological models, identify
the reason for this in capacity in a fast changing global historical setting
and provide a framework of active interventions at different level of
world reality to deal with an altogether new human agenda. At present ,
we have no theory of democracy. The erstwhile(Now defunct) theory
that emanates from the west was based on atomistic, a view of both the
individuals and the state, too homogenous; a conception of social and
cultural reality and too grounded in the competitive ethos of bourgeois
capitalism. Neither the socialist attempt to establish a welfare state nor
the communist model of" people's democracy" has been able to cope
with the new consciousness of rights and dignities of diverse population
that has emerged all around the world and particularly in the "Third
World" (24 )
(23) Ibid.,p.l51.
(24) Ibid., P IV.
them. Not all of them have led to undemocratic results; indeed some
have only stren!,rthened democracy by challenging authoritarian tendencies
in their societies. In other places, direct action has resulted in subversion
of democracy Italy, Spain, various Latin American countries, Indonesia,
Turkey and Pakistan are a few example of the process of subversion of
democracy. Even the French system has given rise to periodic outbursts
of Bonapartism. In England and the United states too, direct actions
have occasionally taken place, though this has more often not been in
defense of democratic right. Democratic theory also suffers from excessive
fonnalism: parliamentary democracy versus direct democracy, state aided
culture versus cultural freedom; party politics vs non-party politics. In
fact real democracy exists in the mind of men and women. So the real
problem is: how to enlighten them. Some liberals argue that there should
be cultural freedom while other stress cultural planning through
government as a source of enlightenment of the people. The successful
functioning of an institution depends upon the extent to which the value
system implied by it, becomes operative. The anomaly in Indian society
is that the values embodied in traditional institutions continue to persist,
and on the one hand the modem values have not yet been institutionalized
on the other The result is that politicians exploit and manipulate the
traditional structures like caste, region, language and religion which serve
there interest - be it political or material. The traditional institutions also
work as a pressure group politics in Indian democracy.
Thus, Prof. Rajni Kothari generates the concepts of self-
government and participation as a workable definition of democracy.
Its distinction from parliamentary democracy is that it considers both the
rights and responsibility of individual as inalienable, its emphasis is less
with unanimity in the decision making process. But if care is not taken,
unanimity by eschewing competition and criticism will be degenerated
into a perpetual oligarchy. The stress often laid down on the need for
unanimity in discussions on Panchayati Raj in this country points precisely
to such a danger. Such an approach leads to a coercive order. The general
consensus without resort to elections may be reached by primary groups
and also by secondary groups that would work as a continuum between
the individual and the state. This involves the representation from lower
to higher levels. Thus the assumed theory of direct democracy , advocated
by Prof. Rajni Kothari,does eliminate the importance of intermediary
agency that is secondary groups which will connect individual to that of
The Concept of representation implied in a decentralized
democracy would differ from the concept as used in representative
democracy. A representation is no longer considered alienated from the
independence of the community he or she represents. Rather community
takes and provides accountability.But the fact in Indian case is that with
the passing of the tall man of Indian politics who occupied positions of
authority at so many levels both inside and out side the government and
with the gradual closure of the political process within the congress and
the under mining of state and local body and other autonomous institutions
under Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the centralizing tendencies inherent in the
constitution which was based on the Westminister model, came to the
forefront. To dismiss the role of a large mass of the people from the active
political process is to ignore the principal character of modem society,
which is steeped in democratic tradition by continuous contrast with
authoritarian political process.
welfare state etc. have all been demonstrated to be irrelevant to the world
we live in and the problems that such a world encounters. The need is to
transform the basis of democratic cosmology from , what Althusser calls
the typical ideological and repressive state apparatuses, to the life
experienced by ordinary men and women in all societies. The teclmological
and bure_aucratic apparatuses have made our lives too complex and
problematic. Now the entire function of modem education is to what
Althusser calls produce and reproduce the trained, efficient and disciplined
labor force which is essential for the smooth fimctioning of modem
capitalism in India. Further, it could be noted down that those working
in the institutions of learning including those in the social sciences tend
to be increasingly alienated from social reality Over specialization and
compartmentalization lead to the fonnation of what Marcuse calls "one-
dimensional man". Restoration of the concept of "totalman" envisaged
by Karl Marx, could only be found in what Prof. Rajni Kothari called
"the direct democracy."
What is happening in India and elsewhere , should be
evaluated on the basis of clear understanding of the relationship between
the modes of technology and agents of social interventions and modes of
popular participation of the common people in the decision making process.
This evaluation is essential because technocratic mode is a mode that
limits participation and does not enhance it. Technology is becoming a
substitute for politics.Now the modem capitalism runs its business on.
What Foucault, a French historian, calls" political teclmology of body"
and "political teclmology of sex ". There is a tendency of erosion of
political currency in Indian politics.During NehruJi's times nationalism
was the main factor of articulation of democratic politics, and tllis factor
was the main factor of articulation of democratic politics, and this factor
was enough to establish the congress hegemony in Indian parliamentary
politics. When Mrs.Indira Gandhi came to power; she established her
hegemony or domination of congress and projected herself as a messiah
of poor and minorities, Harijan etc by manipulating bureaucratic and
managerial apparatus. There was an excessive concentration of power in
her hand, the chief manifestation of which could be seen during the
emergency period. Even Morarji Dasai's Janata Government could not
democratize the entire socio- economic processes; through this party
had promised to establish an alternative political culture to socialize the
citizens of Indian society.
With coming in power ofMrs.Indira Gandhi in 1980, the
ideology of the left of the center was replaced by liberalization of industry.
This process got a further libidinal energy through the technological
modernization by the Rajiv Gandhi's Government. The "left of the center"
ideology was further got a dialectical shock by V.P. Singh government
with its the political agenda of Mandalization of society and by A.B.
Bajpayee's government by putting the political agenda of communization
of society. Thus, we can see how there is a progressive degeneration of
Indian politics and democracy. Now it has fallen into the traps of caste,
language, region, although it could be forcefully argued that the manifest
interest of nationalist leaders were to create a new state in a secular, non
communal manner. Born out of the pyres of one of the biggest cmmnunal
holocaust in history, it accepted the secular character in which a
considerable role was assigned to politics and to parties for moderating
social conflicts especially those based on caste or communal lines.
On the economic front it has now become fairly clear that
which was sufficient to look after the consumer needs and life styles of
the upper middle classes. There after as the pressures for redistributive
policies grew, the belief, in a positive state which had earlier produced
the infrastructure was gradually given up and with the policy of
liberalization on the one hand and the rising power of local coalition
between businessman, administrators,contractors, and politicians on the
other, the development process was directed in such a manner that kept
large sections of the people out of it. Elections have become in themselves,
the apparatus of the statusquo and self perpetuation rather than of change.
Prof. Rajni Kothari argues that till 1967, there was politics
of consensus and one party (ie congress) dominance. The 1967 election
highlighted a shift of power both within the conf,rress and between congress
and opposition parties. The dialectics of power started in 1971 and
1972,When Mrs. Indira Gandhi got a massive electoral victory on the
ideological populism of "Garibi Hatao".Rebuilding consensus was the
major task for Mrs. Indira Gandhi. The loss of consensus arises out of
two conflicting phenomena, a heightened sense of expectations around
increasing populist a appeals and declining fonnance of the system and
an elite that is highly centralized and hence takes recourse to populist
slogans. According to Prof. Kothari such a convergence of expectations
and centralization have destabilized most third world societies. They have
been destabilized because the politics of confrontation and polarization
takes an ontological primacy over a politics of consensus based upon
fundamental values and goals. Indira Gandhi's contribution to the Indian
political process was to inculcate in the masses a desire for change at a
time. when twenty years of democratic functioning had instilled in them
an awareness of new values and of the possibility of change in social
structures and attitudes that were at one time held to be sacrosanct. She
was able to do this by passing her appeal on an undefined genre of
radicalism b:rrounded in a purposely diffuse populist rhetoric and dramatic
over tones to socialism. The resulting mix of populism, personalized
authority, national self- aggrandisement provided the ground to establish
congress hegemony which is equal to her personal hegemony. She had
broken down the nerves of various factions and power blocs, pressure
group, tactic and countervailing forces within congress party. She was a
charismatic leader who had typical Bonaparist appeal - savior of the
down- trodden and idol of the privileged. During the emergency period
(1975-77) it appeared that she can make a muscular attack on all
oppositional currents and factional party-politics. At times, it seemed
that she is the march of "God" on the earth so far as the questions of
nationalism, secularism and socialism are concerned in Indian society.
The resultant effects of centralized, hegemonic and bureaucratic power
system are as follows.
(i) There was a new ideological crystallization of various social
forces and political parties.
(ii) popular social unrest produced what Habermas calls, a
legitimization crisis in the capitalist system.
(iii) Poverty and disparities got accentuated and even the traditional
access to community resources got eroded. As a result of it the congress
party lost its popular support among "dalit" and "tribals".
(iv) In the new historical conjecture, the congress was left with no
choice but to create a new social base primarily among the middle classes
and among the diffused and unstructured masses whose level of anxiety
neurosis was rather high and among whom newer commitments had not
neurosis was rather high and among whom newer corumitments had not
yet emerged.
(v) The side effect of new strategies was the emergence of
communalism coached in the language of the unity -in-danger. Hindu
symbolism started working even among the poor , among the lower castes
and among the hill people .It is quite interesting that immediately after the
army action in Punjab , Mrs. Gandhi said openly in Garhwal that the
Hindu dhanna was under attack. Thus there was a communalization of
(vi) There is a development of technological model of state especially
during the period of Rajiv Gandhi.
(vii) There is a geometrical increase in violence and terror of the
state along with development of chauvinist sentiment in order to maintain
its stability.
(viii) There is a ' politics of survival'. This politics was essential for
establishing dominance over electoral sprectum.
(ix) Virtually the left of center political philosophy vanished without
trace when Mrs. Gandhi came to power in 1980. Trade union movement,
tribal movement, youth movement etc. depended on the politics of survival
or what Lanin calls " the philosophy of economism."
(x) There was a development of what Louis Althusser calls the "
cult of personality"at the cost of erosion of institutional apparatuses in
Indian democratic political order. This was assisted by the phenomena of
corruption, gangsterism and murders.
(xi) The overall consequences of such a brand of politics , the ideology
of a strong and centralized state and the cult of personality have damaged
the true spirit of democracy and brought the country close to ruin.
been backed by world capitalism on the one hand and sophisticated military
hardware on the other. Whether the trend towards disunity and
fragmentation and the growth of regional sub- nationalism will be arrested
or accentuated, will depend on the nature and dimension of politics of
(xiii) True politics demands the operationalization of the process of
regenerating our democratic consciousness or what Rajni Kothari calls,
participation, decentralization and equality as a major tenants of
participatory democracy. The questions of relationship between liberty
and equality is yet to be examined in the light of collapse of communism
in Soviet Union. Decentralization does not mean more economic transfer
of investment from urban and rural areas, but also political