Cobalt Electrowinning - A Systematic Investigation For High Quality Electrolytic Cobalt Production
Cobalt Electrowinning - A Systematic Investigation For High Quality Electrolytic Cobalt Production
Cobalt Electrowinning - A Systematic Investigation For High Quality Electrolytic Cobalt Production
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Keywords: The process of Minera y Metalúrgica del Boleo recovers cobalt from a complex oxide and sulfide ore by solvent
Cobalt electrodeposition extraction and electrowinning after the recovery of copper and zinc (as copper cathode and zinc sulfate
Anti-pitting monohydrate). As part of the process development, cobalt electrowinning was systematically studied with re-
Deposition stress spect to temperature, pH, pitting behavior, deposit morphology, deposition stress and interfacial tension.
Phase separation
Electrowinning test work was conducted in a bench scale diaphragm cell in a sulfate medium with control of the
catholyte pH. Cobalt was deposited on a coated stainless-steel mandrel cathode with exposed circles to allow
plating of disk shaped deposits over the surface of the cathode that could be easily stripped after 5–7 days of
deposition. Limiting the area of plating prevents the detachment of the cobalt deposit from the cathode due to
high deposition stress. The morphology and pitting behaviour varied for different commercial cobalt raw ma-
terials used for making cobalt sulfate solution as they contained different impurities or additives. The deposition
behaviour changed after the solutions had an activation carbon treatment as some impurities (mainly organic
compounds) were removed. In the temperature range from 50 to 65 °C, a higher temperature resulted in a
brighter deposit with more pits and smaller lateral dendrites. The cobalt deposition current efficiency was
around 98% at pH 3.0 and was not sensitive to temperature. With decreasing catholyte pH from 3.5 to 2.0, the
cobalt current efficiency decreased from 99 to 88% and the growth of lateral dendrites were significantly
suppressed. The formation of pits resulted from the adhesion of hydrogen bubbles on the cobalt deposit. The
adhesion of hydrogen bubbles was determined by the prevailing surface and interfacial tensions. Anti-pitting
agents were used to change the interfacial and surface tensions in such a way that the detachment of bubbles was
facilitated, resulting in a pit-free cobalt deposit. The anti-pitting agents affected the deposit morphology and
internal stress. The impact of the anti-pitting agents on the disengagement of organic and aqueous phases during
cobalt solvent extraction was also investigated. The internal stress of the cobalt deposit as a function of tem-
perature and anti-pitting agent dosage and the conductivities of the CoSO4-Na2SO4-H2SO4 system are reported.
1. Introduction leaching to extract copper, cobalt, zinc and manganese from the Boleo
The Boleo property is held by the Mexican company, Minera y The copper solvent extraction raffinate is split with a portion of the
Metalúrgica del Boleo S.A. de C.V. (MMB). The MMB process devel- raffinate returning to leaching and the balance advancing to cobalt, zinc
opment for Cu, Zn and Co production was led by Baja Mining and manganese recovery. The raffinate for cobalt, zinc and manganese
Corporation (now Camrova Resources). KORES, along with a con- recovery is first neutralized to remove iron and aluminum from solution
sortium of Korean companies is now the operator of the Boleo plant. and then subjected to a novel direct solvent extraction process (DSX)
The project consists of underground and surface mining operations, developed by CSIRO (Australia) (Cheng and Urbani, 2005 and Cheng,
providing run-of mine ore to a fully integrated hydrometallurgical fa- 2006). The direct solvent extraction process uses a mixture of Versatic®
cility. The overall hydrometallurgical process for Boleo has been re- 10 (Shell) and LIX® 63 (BASF) extractants to separate cobalt and zinc
viewed in earlier publications (Dreisinger et al., 2005; Dreisinger et al., away from manganese in the neutralized, iron-free raffinate. The raf-
2006; Dreisinger et al., 2008). The process is a whole-ore leach in finate from the DSX extraction can be treated to recover manganese by
seawater using a combination of acid oxidation and acid reduction precipitation as manganese carbonate.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Lu).
Received 17 December 2017; Received in revised form 13 March 2018; Accepted 1 April 2018
Available online 03 April 2018
0304-386X/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Lu et al. Hydrometallurgy 178 (2018) 19–29
The cobalt and zinc are stripped from the DSX loaded organic so- bath), and finally back to the bottom of the catholyte compartment. The
lution and the strip solution advances to zinc recovery using a phos- feed solution (66.7 g/L Co as CoSO4, 120 g/L Na2SO4, 0.07 g/L Mn as
phinic acid extraction circuit. The zinc is stripped as a concentrated, MnSO4) was pumped to the mixing reservoir using a second peristaltic
high purity solution and is evaporated and granulated/crystallized to pump at such a rate that a constant cobalt concentration was main-
make a saleable zinc sulfate monohydrate product. The raffinate from tained in the catholyte. The feed solution pH and catholyte initial pH
zinc solvent extraction advances to cobalt solvent extraction and elec- were controlled by adjusting the pH of the feed solution using NaOH
trowinning to produce high purity cobalt cathode according to the and H2SO4 solutions. During the electrowinning, the catholyte pH was
following reactions: controlled by adjusting the feed solution pH. The cathode and anode
Cobalt Extraction were separated by a 26 K3 polyester diaphragm from Crosible Filtration
Limited. The cathode-anode distance was 100 mm. The catholyte
CoSO4(aq) + 2HR (org) + Na2CO3(s) = CoR2(org) + Na2SO4(aq) + CO2(g) + H2 O(l)
flowed through the diaphragm to the anode compartment due to the
(1) hydraulic head. The anolyte was drawn out of the anolyte compartment
Cobalt Stripping of the cell using a third peristaltic pump to maintain a constant anolyte
CoR2(org) + H2 SO4(aq) = CoSO4(aq) + 2HR (org) (2) The cathode blanks for cobalt button deposition were 304 stainless
Cobalt Electrowinning steel mandrels with a coating of dielectric ink supplied by Ionic
Technology Limited that formed a number of exposed circles for cobalt
CoSO4(aq) + H2 O(l) = Co(s) + H2 SO4(aq) + 0. 5O2(g) (3) deposition (Fig. 2). The diameter of an exposed plating circle was
In full-sheet cathode cobalt production, cobalt electrodeposits can 24.7 mm. The anode was made of Pb-0.75% Ag alloy. To initiate a test,
become highly stressed and peel off the blanks. Therefore, it was the starting catholyte was heated to a target temperature and used to fill
decided to produce round cobalt “buttons” in divided cells for optimum the cell and the solution reservoirs. The catholyte composition was:
cobalt electrodeposition similar to a product currently produced by 45 g/L Co as CoSO4, 120 g/L Na2SO4, 0.07 g/L Mn as MnSO4. The initial
Vale Canada (Agnew et al., 1988). The quality of cobalt buttons can be anolyte (36 g/L H2SO4, 45 g/L Co as CoSO4, 120 g/L Na2SO4, 0.07 g/L
affected by the formation of pits in the electrodeposit. In the Vale cobalt Mn as MnSO4) was heated to the target temperature and added to the
recovery process, sodium laurel sulfate (SLS) that is used for foam anode compartment. A number of different cobalt salts, reagent grade
stabilization acts as an anti-pitting agent (Ettel et al., 1981). In the sulfuric acid, manganese sulfate and sodium sulfate, and deionized
Boleo cobalt recovery process, cobalt tank house anolyte is used to strip water were used to prepare the solution. An activated carbon treatment
cobalt from the cobalt-loaded organic solution. The presence of SLS in of feed and catholyte startup solutions was conducted in a 6-L flask and
the anolyte is known to interfere with cobalt stripping and even ex- the slurry was agitated using a magnetic stirrer for over 6 h. The acti-
traction by causing problems with phase separation and can therefore vated carbon was separated from the treated solution by vacuum fil-
not be used in conjunction with a solvent extraction process for the tration using Whatman No. 42 filter paper and a 0.2 μm membrane
recovery of cobalt. The formation of pits in an electrodeposition results filter in the final stage of activated carbon treatment.
from the adhesion of hydrogen bubbles. The adhesion of hydrogen The solution conductivity measurement was conducted using a
bubbles is determined by the interfacial properties that change with the Jenway 4320 conductivity meter and the solution temperature was
deposition conditions. Some surfactants can change the interfacial controlled within ± 0.1 °C using a water bath. The cobalt deposition
properties of the cathode deposit for pitting elimination. stress was measured using the equipment from Specialty Testing &
The objective of this work was to eliminate or minimize pitting by Development Co. The surface and interfacial tensions were measured
operation condition optimization, and the use of anti-pitting agents for using a DuNouy ring interfacial tensiometer (Model 70,545, CSC
the production of high-quality cobalt buttons. Scientific Company, Inc.).
Organic-aqueous phase disengagement tests were conducted in a
water-jacketed reactor with an inner diameter of 104 mm at 50 °C. The
2. Experimental
impeller (supplied by BASF) was driven by a Caframo high torque
stirrer and its rotational speed was controlled at 1750 ± 17 rpm. The
Cobalt electrowinning was conducted in a divided cell, which was
volumes of both the organic and aqueous phases were 375 mL. The
placed in a water bath for temperature control (Fig. 1). Catholyte was
organic phase (30% Cyanex 272 in SX80) was first loaded with 18 g/L
circulated with the use of a peristaltic pump, from the top of the cell to
Co before stripping (phase separation test). When the Co-loading was
a mixing reservoir, then to a heat exchange reservoir (in the water
J. Lu et al. Hydrometallurgy 178 (2018) 19–29
over 18 g/L, the viscosity of the loaded organic phase increased very
J. Lu et al. Hydrometallurgy 178 (2018) 19–29
Fig. 5. Cobalt buttons produced at 65 °C, 435 A/m2, pH 3.5, and 5 days of deposition from the solutions prepared using (a) cobalt sulfate from Alfa Aesar, (b) cobalt
carbonate from Alfa Aesar, (c) cobalt carbonate from Shepherd Chemical Company, (d) purified cobalt carbonate from Shepherd Chemical Company.
forming buttons at 55 °C (Fig. 6 b), and the deposit surface was rougher.
The deposit dendrites grew upwards laterally. At 60 °C, the dendrite
growth reduced but pits appeared. (Fig. 6a). The dendrites grew up-
wards laterally possibly due to the upward flow of catholyte in the
cathode compartment and as result of hydrogen bubbles being detached
more readily from the tips of the dendrites. This would result in de-
creased inhibition and blocking of crystal growth on the tips of the
dendrites and increased dendritic growth.
The reagent grade cobalt sulfate from Shepherd Chemical Company
was manufactured by dissolving cobalt metal in sulfuric acid and no
additional chemical was used in its production. With the use of this
cobalt sulfate, at 65 °C, pitting was significant (Fig. 7a) and the cobalt
buttons were similar to those produced using reagent grade cobalt
sulfate from Alfa Aesar. At 55 °C, there were practically no pits in the
non-edge area (Fig. 7b). The lateral dendrites did not grow like those
with the use of cobalt sulfate from Alfa Aesar (Fig. 6b) indicating some
impurities affected cobalt deposition. These impurities were not speci-
fied and easily detected by normal analytical methods. The cobalt
current efficiency decreased slightly from 99.9 to 99.4% with de-
creasing temperature from 65 to 55 °C.
At a pH above 3, cobalt is deposited through a pH-dependent me-
chanism by the formation of a cobalt hydroxide complex (Co(OH)2 or
CoOH+) (Kongstein et al., 2007; Matsushima et al., 2006). At a constant
potential, the cobalt deposition current decreases with decreasing pH,
indicating an increase in the inhibition of cobalt deposition. Therefore,
dendrites should be suppressed at a lower pH. At a pH below 3, cobalt
electrodeposition occurs through the direct reduction of Co2+and is
practically independent of pH (Matsushima et al., 2006).
At a lower pH, more hydrogen evolves and hydrogen bubbles
quickly grow and detach, which in turn enhances the agitation of the
catholyte near the cathode surface and facilitates the detachment of
hydrogen bubbles. More atomic hydrogen is also adsorbed on the cobalt
deposit surface, which affects the nucleation and crystal growth, and
modifies the structure, morphology, surface properties (interfacial
tension and surface free energy) and shape of a cobalt deposit.
Therefore, further investigation was conducted at a lower temperature
and pH.
Fig. 6. Cobalt buttons produced from the solution prepared using cobalt sulfate With the use of reagent grade cobalt sulfate from Alfa Aesar, as the
from Alfa Aesar at (a) 60 °C and (b) 55 °C under the conditions of 435 A/m2, pH decreased from 3.5 to 3.0, there was nearly no pitting, and the
pH 3.5, and 1 day of deposition. dendrites were significantly suppressed (Fig. 8a for pH 3.0 and Fig. 6b
for pH 3.5) at 55 °C while the current efficiency decreased from 99.4 to
97.6%. With further decreasing pH to 2.5, the morphology of cobalt
J. Lu et al. Hydrometallurgy 178 (2018) 19–29
Table 1
Test conditions and results at different current densities at 435 A/m2⁎
Temp./°C pH Co CE/% Average cell Energy consumption/kWh/kg
voltage/V Co
pH was measured at room temperature.
buttons did not change significantly (Fig. 8b) while the cobalt current
efficiency decreased to 96.4%. The dendritic cobalt button edge was
probably caused by the electroplating tape that was used for repairing
the broken ink edges.
As discussed above, temperature and pH significantly affected the
cobalt button quality, twelve 5-day tests were carried out to investigate
the effects of temperature (50, 55, 60 and 65 °C) and pH (2.0, 2.5 and
3.0) and find an optimum condition for cobalt button production. The
purified cobalt carbonate from Shepherd Chemical Company was used
for all twelve tests. The summarized results are presented in Table 1.
At pH 2.0, there were a few pits in the cobalt buttons produced at
50, 60 and 65 °C while there were slightly more pits in those at 55 °C
(Fig. 9). Smaller pits (less 1 mm) were mainly developed after 3 and
4 days.
At pH 2.5, there were very few pits in the cobalt buttons produced at
50 °C while there were a few of pits at 55 °C and a lot of pits at 60 and
65 °C (Fig. 10).
At pH 3.0, there was practically no pitting in the cobalt buttons
Fig. 7. Cobalt buttons produced from the solution prepared using reagent grade
produced at 50 °C while there were a few of pits at 55, 60 and 65 °C
cobalt sulfate from Shepherd Chemical Co at (a) 65 °C and 2 days of deposition
(Fig. 11). The cobalt current efficiency was around 98% and almost
and (b) 55 °C and 1 day of deposition under the conditions of 435 A/m2 and
pH 3.5.
independent of temperature. The deposit morphology and surface
condition varied with changing temperature.
As shown in Table 1, generally the cobalt current efficiency in-
creased from 88 to 98% with increasing pH from 2.0 to 3.0. At pH 2.0
and 2.5, it increased slightly at pH 2.0 and 2.5 with increasing tem-
perature while it was practically independent of temperature at pH 3.0.
If cobalt electrowinning is operated at a pH range between 2.5 and
3.0, the temperature should be controlled around 50 °C to produce
cobalt buttons with few pits. If it is operated at pH 2.0, a higher tem-
perature (60–65 °C) can be used.
As shown in Fig. 12, the maximum size and adhesion time of a
growing hydrogen bubble is dependent on the wetting or contact angle
(θ) which is determined by the surface (liquid-gas) tension (σl-g), solid-
liquid interfacial tension (σs-l) and the solid surface free energy (σs-g)
according to the following equation:
J. Lu et al. Hydrometallurgy 178 (2018) 19–29
Fig. 9. Cobalt buttons produced at (a) 50 °C, (b) 55 °C, (c) 60 °C and (d) 65 °C under the conditions of 435 A/m2, pH 2.0, and 5 days of deposition.
droplet completely wets a rough surface, the effect of roughness on the In order to operate cobalt electrowinning in wider ranges of tem-
contact angle is given by the Wenzel equation (Wenzel, 1936): perature and pH and produce high quality cobalt buttons, surfactants
that do not interfere with solvent extraction should be tested. A proper
Cos (θ W ) = r Cos (θ) (5) surfactant does not necessarily need to decrease the catholyte surface
tension significantly if it can reduce the interfacial tension between
where θ is the contact angle on a smooth surface, θW is the contact angle cobalt metal and the catholyte.
on a rough surface, r is the roughness ratio. Since the roughness ratio The addition of sodium sulfate improves the catholyte conductivity.
compares the true surface area of a rough surface with the surface of a However, it also increases the surface tension of the catholyte
comparably sized smooth surface, it is always larger than one. There- (Mamontov and Chernov, 1974). A lower concentration of sodium
fore, surface roughness decreases the contact angle on a hydrophilic sulfate may be preferred.
surface or increases the contact angle on a hydrophobic surface.
The water contact angle on cobalt metal is about 66° (Winesett
et al., 2000). The cobalt deposit was most likely hydrophilic in the 3.3. Use of anti-pitting agents
catholyte. A rougher cobalt deposit should result in a smaller contact
angle. As the temperature and pH varied, the surface morphology and Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) has been used as a foam stabilization
roughness changed, affecting the contact angle and thus adhesion of a and anti-pitting agent for cobalt electrowinning at Vale's Port Colborne
gas bubble on the deposit. Generally, at 65 °C, the cobalt deposits were plant for many years (Agnew, 1988). The typical SLS dosage used is
shiny and smooth, and there were large pits. At 50 or 55 °C, the deposits 20–30 mg/L. At this dosage, SLS interferes with a solvent extraction
were dark and rough, and there were either small pits or no pits due to process and make the organic/aqueous phase separation difficult. The
the decrease in the contact angle, which partially resulted from the 3 M FC1100 (Fluoroalkyl Acrylate adduct) is a low foaming surfactant
increase in the deposit roughness. that has been used as an acid mist suppressant in copper electrowinning
Fig. 10. Cobalt buttons produced at (a) 50 °C, (b) 55 °C, (c) 60 °C and (d) 65 °C under the conditions of 435 A/m2, pH 2.5, and 5 days of deposition.
J. Lu et al. Hydrometallurgy 178 (2018) 19–29
Fig. 11. Cobalt buttons produced at (a) 50 °C, (b) 55 °C, (c) 60 °C and (d)65 °C under the conditions of 435 A/m2, pH 3.0, and 5 days of deposition.
Fig. 12. Adhesion of a gas bubble on a metal deposit at (a) a large solid-liquid
interfacial tension and surface tension and low solid surface free energy, and (b)
a small solid-liquid interfacial tension and surface tension and high solid sur-
face free energy.
and as does not interfere with copper solvent extraction. it was tested as
an anti-pitting reagent. A further three anti-pitting agents - AP1
(2,4,7,9-tetramethyl- 5-decyne-4,7-diol ethoxylate), AP2 (2,5,8,11-
Tetramethyl-6-dodecyn-5,8-diol ethoxylate), AP3 (Carbowet GA-210
surfactant from Air Products) were also selected for testing as they can
significantly decrease the solution surface tension. The surface tension
and interfacial tension between the aqueous and organic solution were
measured to evaluate the potential effectiveness of these additives as Fig. 14. Interfacial tension between organic phase (30% Cyanex 272 in SX80)
and feed solution (pH 2.5) at room temperature.
anti-pitting reagents.
As shown in Fig. 13, the surface tension was decreased rapidly from
J. Lu et al. Hydrometallurgy 178 (2018) 19–29
77.1 to ~30 mN/m with the addition of SLS or AP2 while it decreased
relatively slowly with increasing dosages of the other additives. FC1100
is the least effective. The decrease in the surface tension indicates that
these additives have a potential to suppress pitting.
The organic/aqueous interfacial tension decreased with increasing
concentrations of AP1, AP3, SLS and FC1100 (Fig. 14). The interfacial
tension practically did not decrease with the addition of 1 to 5 mg/L
AP3. Thermodynamically AP2 may potentially have the least effect on
the disengagement of the aqueous and organic phases. However, anti-
pitting agents affect the coalescence of droplets both thermo-
dynamically and kinetically.
Drop-interface coalescence occurs through five consecutive stages:
(1) approach of a drop toward the interface, resulting in both drop and
interface deformation, (2) damped oscillation at the drop near the in-
terface, (3) formation of a film of the continuous phase between the
drop and its bulk (discontinuous) phase, (4) drainage of the film, its
rupture and removal, with the initiation of the coalescence process, (5)
transfer of the contents of the drop into its bulk phase (Ritcey and
Ashbrook, 1984). Stages 1 and 2 are very fast, and Stages 3 to 5 con-
stitute the time of coalescence. The time for Stage 5 is 0.06 to 0.08 s.
The rate of coalescence is determined by Stages 3 and 4. Drop-drop
coalescence is different from drop-interface coalescence. However,
drop-drop coalescence still undergoes the steps similar to Stages 3 and
A high interfacial tension results in a high resistance to drop de-
formation by decreasing the drainage film area. Besides, the flow of the
film is inhibited by an increase in interfacial tension. Kinetically, coa-
lescence rates normally decrease with increasing interfacial tension
(Ritcey and Ashbrook, 1984). However, if the interfacial tension is too Fig. 16. Cobalt buttons produced at 65 °C, pH 3.0, and 5 days of deposition with
low, there is little driving force for coalescence, and then phase dis- the addition of (a) 2.0 mg/L AP1, (b) 1.0 mg/L AP2 and (c) 1.0 mg/L AP3.
engagement can be difficult. If the interfacial tension is below 1 mN/m,
significant emulsification occurs, significantly impairing phase disen- As shown in Fig. 16, there was practically no pit in the three cobalt
gagement. buttons produced with the addition of 2 mg/L AP1, 1 mg/L AP2 and
Surfactants accumulate at the interface and coalescence can be re- 1 mg/L AP3, respectively. With the use of AP1, the catholyte surface
tarded. The effect of the surfactants on coalescence varies significantly tension gradually increased to a certain value after one day and then
since each surfactant is different. From the interfacial tension values stabilized. In the repeated cycle testing (as soon as the old cathode was
shown in Fig. 14, it was difficult to judge whether these additives would taken out, a new cathode was immediately inserted into the cathode
affect phase disengagement and therefore, the additives were evaluated compartment to start a new test), the cobalt button morphology was
further in both electrowinning and phase separation tests. similar to that produced in the previous run. However, with the use of
In the presence of 10–20 mg/L FC1100, pitting was not suppressed AP2 or AP3, in the repeated cycle testing, pits formed in the cobalt
and FC1100 did not function as an anti-pitting agent. With increasing buttons. This indicates that AP1 degraded to some degree, but it still
SLS dosage from 0.5 to 5 mg/L, pitting was gradually suppressed effectively suppressed pitting while AP2 and AP3 degraded to such a
(Fig. 15). At 5 mg/L of SLS, there was no pitting except at the bottom great degree that they were not able to effectively suppress pitting. The
edge. The deposit morphology changed as the SLS dosage varied. addition of 1 to 10 mg/L AP1, or 1–5 mg/L AP2 or 1–5 mg/L AP3
practically had no effect on cobalt current efficiency. The interfacial
tension between the anolyte and organic solution was about 20 mN/m
for all these three additives. When the anolyte was neutralized to pH 2.5
using 10 M NaOH solution, the interfacial tension between the neu-
tralized anolyte and organic phase was 17.5 mN/m, which was slightly
higher than that between the feed and organic phase (16.5 mN/m). This
indicates that these three additives degraded so significantly in the
anode compartment that they did not function well as fresh surfactants.
J. Lu et al. Hydrometallurgy 178 (2018) 19–29
Table 2
Phase separation time (seconds) under the different conditions.
Aqueous phase Continuous aqueous phase Continuous organic phase
Synthetic anolyte 37 27
Anolyte produced from feed with 2 mg/L AP1 34 27
Synthetic anolyte +1 mg/L AP1 34 26
Synthetic anolyte +2 mg/L AP1 36 26
Synthetic anolyte +5 mg/L AP1 36 25
Synthetic anolyte +10 mg/L AP1 35 25
Anolyte produced from feed with 2 mg/L AP1 42 28
Synthetic anolyte +1 mg/L AP2 85 30
Synthetic anolyte +2 mg/L AP2 137 30
Synthetic anolyte +5 mg/L AP2 150 30
Anolyte produced from feed with 1 mg/L AP3 35 27
Synthetic anolyte +1 mg/L AP3 34 25
Synthetic anolyte +2 mg/L AP3 34 24
Synthetic anolyte +5 mg/L AP3 34 23
Synthetic anolyte +10 mg/L AP3 33 22
J. Lu et al. Hydrometallurgy 178 (2018) 19–29
based on push testing. The cobalt buttons were easily stripped by vi-
bration. The deposition stress as a function of AP1 concentration is
shown in Fig. 19. The deposition stress increased from 92.3 to
119.5 MPa with increasing AP1 concentration from 0 to 10 mg/L.
J. Lu et al. Hydrometallurgy 178 (2018) 19–29
The authors would like to thank Minera y Metalúrgica del Boleo for
4. Conclusions permission to publish this work.
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