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The Chesapeake Laser Tracker in Industrial: Metrology

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Robert E. Ruland
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Stanford University

0. Abstract
In the summer of 1992, the survey and alignment team at the Stanford Linear Accelerator
Center acquired a CMS3000 laser tracker manufactured by Chesapeake Laser Systems in
Lanham, Maryland. This paper gives a description of the principles of operation and
calibration of the tracker. Several applications are explained and the results shared.

1. Introduction
Until recently, the determination of coordinates in industrial metrology applications has
usually required two instruments or two set-ups. In the most common triangulation
approach, horizontal and vertical angles measured from at least two stations are necessary
to determine object coordinates. The polar method which provides sufficient parameters
from only one station was rarely used because prior to State-of-the-Art the laser tracker,
two different instruments were required to gather the necessary observables, one
instrument for angles, the other for distances. Traditional total stations did not meet the
accuracy requirements of most industrial metrology applications. Promising solutions were
not developed through to a commercial product. The laser tracker is now a high accuracy
total station combining horizontal and vertical angle measurements with interferometric
distances, thus providing for real-time coordinate determination.


Fig. 1 Laser Tracker CMS-3000 Fig. 2 Schematic of Tracker Set-Up


The concept of laser trackers goes back to independent studies and efforts undertaken at
2 3
the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST) , at Chesapeake Laser Systems , at the
University of Surrey, England and at the Fraunhofer Institut für Informations- und
Datenverarbeitung . From these studies, two products have evolved: the Leica SMART310
and the Chesapeake CMS3000.
The material below is based on the Chesapeake CMS3000 tracker, but in a general
technical sense, it is applicable to the Leica tracker as well.

2. System Description
The Chesapeake Laser Systems (CLS) Coordinate Measurement System CMS-3000 (see
Fig. 1) is a servo-controlled tracking laser interferometer measuring tool. The tracker
follows a retroreflective target, providing real-time coordinate information of the target
center location. A laser interferometer measures the linear distance to the target, and two
angular encoders measure the azimuth and elevation angles of the laser beam. This gives
the position of the target in spherical coordinates which are converted to Cartesian
coordinates by the system computer. The tracker system comprises of 2 major components:
the measurement head, and the controller with system software. The remote power unit
and several accessories complete the tool list.

Fig. 3 Schematic of servo-controlled tracking System

2.1 Measurement Head

The measurement head acquires the raw angle and distance information. Like a theodolite,
the tracking head provides rotation about two orthogonal axes. Attached to these axes are
encoders for angle measurements. Both axes are driven by servo motors. To permit random
motion of the target retroreflector, a servo control loop consisting of the tracking mirror
and servo system with a position sensing detector is used. For simplicity in this explanation,
the term “mirror” is used. However, the CMS-3000 employs a prismatic beam steering
scheme which provides significant advantages. Fig. 3 shows the beam path. The laser beam

passes straight through the interferometer optics to the servo mirror and hits the
retroreflector. After reflection, the beam returns to the servo mirror and from there through
a beamsplitter to the interferometer where it merges with the interferometer reference
beam. The beamsplitter redirects 15% of the signal to a position sensor. If the laser beam
strikes the retroreflector in its center, the reflected beam in a correctly calibrated system
will focus on the zero position of the position sensor. Moving the retroreflector causes the
reflected beam to move away from the center position. The position sensor measures the
new beam position and translates the offsets into steering signals for the servo motors such
that the laser beam will strike the retroreflector and consequently the position sensor in the
center again. This correction process takes place up to 1000 times per second. The sensor
resolution translates into a 1 arc second angular correction resolution at 5m range. The
measurement head has a field of view of ±60º vertically and ± 135º horizontally. The
mechanical arrangement of the axes permits plunge and reverse measurements without
breaking the beam.
The resolution of the angular encoders is 1 arc second. It should be -pointed out that this
angular resolution applies not only to the encoders and to the mechanical shafts they are
mounted on, but applies directly to the horizontal and vertical angles of the beam itself
This is possible because the unique optical design of the prismatic beam steering
mechanism assures that the beam rotates in a 1: 1 relationship with both the encoders rather
than the 1:2 relationship of a mirror based beam steering.

Option Resolution Velocity The interferometer is of the single beam type. It uses a
helium-neon laser with 632 nm wavelength. The
maximum tracking speed at the highest resolution is
1.06 m/sec. The tracking speed is inversely correlated
to the resolution (Table 1). Additional optical hardware
c a n e x t e n d t h e r e s o l u t i o n t o 0 . 0 7 9 pm. T h e
Table 1: Tracking Speed vs Resolution measurement range is 0.17 m to 40 m.
Mounted to the measurement head is the re-set or home point. The re-set point serves two
purposes. Firstly, it provides a known offset distance from the inaccessible effective
tracking head axis to an easily accessible reference point. The offset distance is used to set
the interferometer’s initial distance. Secondly, it provides for a convenient reference point
on which to close measurement loops or from where to re-start an interrupted
2.2 Controller with System Software
Data management and tracker control are executed on the same computer. The tracker
system operates on a 286 or higher, MS-DOS based computer. One expansion slot is
required to mount the proprietary communication interface card. 486 Portables with VGA
color screen are preferred choices. TCHost is the standard DOS-based tracker system
operating software. The program contains all of the functions required to operate the
tracker and to collect data. The user views a screen which shows the x, y, z Cartesian
coordinates of the target in real time, and data is saved to a file in response to a function
key or remote push button. TCHost allows for the storage and export of data files in
standard ASCII format which can be imported into most commercial spreadsheet

programs, and in partial DXF format, which can be imported into commercial CAD
software packages. The user can add labels and comments to the file during the data
collection session for easy future point reference. Any beam interruptions, resets or error
flags are automatically written to the file, giving an active history of the data collection
session. A typical data file will contain the following information for each point.
Data index,
X, Y, Z Cartesian coordinates in user coordinate system and units,
Azimuth, Elevation angles in user selected units,
Interferometer distances, both absolute and relative in user selected units,
Tracker serial number and system number,
File header name, time and date when opened.
TCHost contains a command language which can be used to program the tracker to
perform precise pointing, search patterns, change environmental compensation parameters
or display diagnostic data. TCHost is also available as a function library. Based on this
library, we have built our own front end running under Windows . Fig. 4 shows a typical
screen during the measurement process.

Fig 4 Data capture screen of SLAC control software

2.3 Remote Power Unit

The remote power unit conditions and supplies the required voltages to the tracker. An
electronic barometer is built into the power supply housing to provide the barometric
pressure information for the calculation of the velocity of light.

front surface again collimates the light. A

field of view of 270º can be achieved.
Therefore, retrospheres are used where a
large angular field of view is required, e.g.
if the target cannot be rotated to face the
Magnetic Mount With Tooling Pin
The magnetic mount with tooling pin is a
magnetic mount as described above which
has a shank precisely located in line with Fig. 7 Cat’s Eye Reflector
the center of the SMR. The shanks are
available in different diameters to match the dimensions of tooling balls. This mount is
useful for obtaining dimensions of the centers of tooling holes as well as for
measurements of edges and bores.

3. The CMS-3000 Calibration Conditions

There are three major categories of residuals in the single beam tracker :
1 . Residuals in the measurement of the angular direction of the beam in the air.
2 . Residuals in the determination of the center of the target with respect to the centerline
of the beam, and of the centerline of the beam with respect to the pivot point of the
beam steering mechanism.
3. Residuals in the measurement of the distance along the beam from the pivot point to
the target.

3.1 Angular Direction of the Beam

The angular direction of the beam is obtained by reading the two angular encoders. Errors
therefore distribute themselves into the following categories:
1, Encoder error: Each encoder has a residual error which is directly measured with a
calibration fixture and a traceable angular standard. Reported angular measurements are
corrected in the software by means of a lookup table.
2 . Coupling error: To the extent that the encoder reading does not represent the actual
rotation of the shaft due to compliance, there will be a residual error introduced. The CMS-
3000 tracker uses a precision ground shaft which carries both the optics and the encoder
3 . Alignment error: The system is designed to place the laser beam coincident with the
axis of rotation of the beam steering assembly. This means that an observer attached to the
beam steering assembly will see no change in the angle of the beam as the assembly is
rotated. To the extent that the beam is not precisely parallel with the rotation axis, the
observer will see the beam precess in a conical pattern about its ideal direction as the axis is

2.4 Accessories
Because the servo loop needs to receive part of the reflected beam, a suitable reflector is
necessary as target. Two kinds of retroreflector are commonly used:
• Magnetic Mount for SMR
In order to provide truly forced center position for the SMR in all three coordinate
axes, a magnetic centering nest with a three point kinematic mount keeps the center of
the SMR in the same accurate position (see Fig. 5). The kinematic mount is realized by
either three conically shaped resting pads or by three pins. The position of the SMR in
a centering nest is independent of the direction in which it is pointing. Centering errors
do not exceed 5 p.
• Spherically Mounted Retro-Reflector (SMR).
Three mirrors are mounted orthogonally inside a 1.5” sphere. The standard SMR has a
finished sphericity of less than 5 p rms. Mechanical centering of the assembly is
within 10 w rms. The advantage of this type of mounting arrangement is significant.
Since the outside surface is a sphere, there is always a known and constant offset
between the actual point being measured (the center of the sphere) and the part surface
in contact with the outside of the ball. The SMR field of view is approx. ±20º. Fig. 6
shows a picture of a SMR sitting in a forced centering mount. The total centering
error budget using different spheres in the same nest is approx. 12 p.

Fig. 5 Mounting Nest Fig. 6 Sphere Mounted Retrorefector

• Cat’s Eye Retroreflector
The retroreflector consists of two glass hemispheres (see fig. 7). The bigger
hemisphere is silver-coated, the smaller one is coated to minimize reflection. Parallel
rays impinge on the front hemispherical surface. The focal length of the front surface
accurately equals the distance from the front to the rear surface, causing the beam to
converge to a point focus on the rear reflective surface and diverge back to original
size as it returns to the front surface. Upon exiting the cat’s eye, the focal length of the

rotated. This error can be determined by the simple procedure of plunge and reverse
measurements of a series of fixed targets.
4. Mechanical runout: If the bearings on which the beam steering assembly rides are
improperly aligned or are of insufficient quality, mechanical runout or bearing wobble will
result. The plunge and reverse measurements will reveal if this is a problem, but it can be
difficult to compensate for.

3.2 Target and Beam Centering

1. Target centerline: The position of the center of the target is determined by measuring
the location of the centroid of the returning beam and comparing it with the ideal location.
As the target is moved, there will normally be a small deviation in the center of the
returning beam, and it is this deviation which provides a signal for the servo control system
to follow the target. When the target is stationary, there will be a small “hunting” error of a
few seconds of arc which is random. The actual displacement between- the target centerline
and the outgoing beam is measured with a position sensitive photo detector.
2. Beam centerline: Just as a lack of parallelism between the rotation axis of the beam
steering assembly and the centerline of the beam results in an angular runout, so does a lack
of centering of the beam centerline on the axis of rotation result in a circular runout of the
beam position.
3. Target centerpoint location: The precise location of the center point of the target must
often be known with respect to the desired point to be measured. This offset can easily be
determined for the spherically mounted retroreflector (SMR). Knowing the diameter of the
ball, one may compute the location of the target center point with respect to any other
mechanical feature of interest.

3.3 Measurements of Range

The laser interferometer is the most accurate component of the laser tracker. Nevertheless,
there are still residuals which must be considered in evaluating its accuracy, and these come
from environmental sources and from residual alignment errors and mechanical tolerances.
1. Environmental residuals: Since the range measurement is based upon the wavelength
of the laser light and the wavelength in air depends upon the temperature and pressure of
the air, compensation must be made for these parameters. The tracker contains temperature
and barometric air pressure sensors, calibrated against NIST-traceable standards. Internal
compensation for refractive index is automatic.
2 . Deadpath: Range measurements are scaled by the appropriate factor to compensate
for changes in the ambient temperature. A correction must also be applied for the change in
the apparent range between the position where the interferometer reads zero and the actual
location of the interferometer itself. This additional distance is referred to as the deadpath.
3. Thermal Expansion: Since the reset mount is used as a reference for the
interferometer, its location must be precisely known. Thermal expansion of the tracking

unit with changes in the ambient temperature affect this distance to an amount measurable
by the interferometer itself. The procedure to determine the reset mount position can be
used to measure the actual condition.
4. Path Length Runout: Slight misalignments of the beam with respect to the axis of the
beam steering assembly will result in a slightly longer or shorter optical path length as the
beam steering assembly is rotated.
5 . Coincidence of axes: The horizontal and vertical axes are constrained to intersect at
the pivot point. Assembly techniques and subsequent precision measurement assures that
this tolerance is held to within a few microns.
6 . Location of the reset mount: The tracker
mounted reset point is the alternative reference
in lieu of the inaccessible true zero point, the
intersection of the horizontal and vertical axes.
The reset mount location (see fig. 8) may be
determined by a simple field procedure.

4. The CMS-3000 Self-Calibration Routine

The tracker is designed to minimize all errors
due to the geometry of the equipment and the
optical alignment. Nevertheless, even the best
of mechanical tolerances and most careful
alignment procedures will result in angular
errors of at least a few seconds of arc and
displacement errors of at least several microns Fig. 8 Tracker Mounted Reset Point
over an arc of 180º.
It is necessary to have a method for the determination of the magnitude of these residuals in
order to assure confidence that the instrument is measuring accurately. It is also important
that the user can utilize simple methods to verify the calibration condition of the
instrument. To obtain such verification, a calibration process has been developed that will
let the user measure and correct for nearly every systematic error present in the equipment.
The first step in developing the calibration procedure was the definition of a mathematical
model describing the beam path. It was found that three groups of four parameters each
define the beam path characteristics. The first two groups describe the possible two
rotational and translational conditions of the laser beam as it enters the prismatic assembly
in both the Azimuth and Elevation plane. The third group describes the collimation
condition, i.e. the collinearity of the laser beam axis with the axis of the optical
components. Two additional parameters, defining the quad cell centering, complete the
mathematical model.
Like a theodolite, plunge and reverse techniques are employed to determine the observables
of the calibration verification problem; the CMS-3000 tracker has been designed
specifically to permit plunge and reverse techniques for both angular and range
measurements without breaking the beam. Five targets in four vertical planes distributed

evenly around the horizon are measured in both positions, plunge and reverse. Additionally,
every target is also measured with a Sphere Mounted Mirror (SMM); this observation type
yields a very accurate collimation measurement. This measurement sequence produces a
total of 80 observations, which are then used to solve for the 14 unknown calibration
condition parameters.
These 14 parameters, some basic constants, and the interferometer offset value are stored
in the tracker configuration file.
Once the calibration parameters are known they can be used to correct the raw
observations. Inverting the mathematical model equation yields the correction equation.

5. Coordinate Measurements
Trackers, in their present designs, cannot be used in a forced centered set-up. The basic
tracker observables are the azimuth [Az] and elevation [El] angles and the radial distance
[d] (see fig. 9). Furthermore, the radial distance in effect is only the radial difference from
the previous point (see fig. 10). At the beginning of a measurement set this is the tracker
reset position or afterwards the last measured point. The tracker control software takes the
raw readings, applies all the required offsets and corrections, and converts the spherical
coordinates into Cartesian coordinates in the local tracker coordinate system. It is possible
to intercept the corrected spherical parameters. The tracker has been interfaced to our
Stanford Industrial Measurement Software (SIMS). This allows us to integrate
measurements from different stations into one least squares bundle solution, and also to
combine additional theodolite observations, distance measurements, leveling data and
hydrostatic height differences into the solution.

Fig. 9 Tracker Observables Fig. 10 Radial Distance Measurement Principle

In preparation for a measurement session, the tracker should be set up close to the object in
the most appropriate vertical orientation; it does not need to be leveled. For measurements
in the micron domain the floor must be absolutely stable. Before starting the measurement
sequence, it should be verified that all points can be reached without breaking the beam. If
necessary, offset bars should be used. We find that a scale bar should always be integrated
into the set-up.

All tracker measurements should be started from the re-set position. This will set the
absolute distance and lock the laser beam on to the SMR. Now the SMR is moved to the
first object point with the beam tracking. For point measurements the SMR is centered on
to a point by e.g. setting it into a magnetic mount. There, it should be carefully pointed
towards the tracker. To randomize the SMR internal systematic alignment residuals, the
SMR should be rotated around the beam axis without lifting out of the mount in about 4
increments while taking readings in each position. If the laser beam is interrupted, the
interferometric fringe count is lost, and measurements must be re-started from the reset
point. It is possible to define any object point as reset point.
For dynamic continuous measurements, the data rate needs to be selected and start/stop
commands will control the measurement sequence.

6. Measurement Results
The following results have been obtained with a CMS-3000 tracker with was updated to
the latest revision in March/April this year. The modifications yielded a significant
improvement in measurement accuracy.

6.1 Warm-up Test

After turning the tracker on, it should warm up for at least 120 minutes. Fig. 11 shows the
variations in azimuth and elevation caused by thermal changes over a five hour period. Fig.
12 shows the changes in distance of the same run. For very high precision measurements, a
warm-up software control routine was developed. It monitors the variation of the tracker
observables and determines against pre-set thresholds when thermal stability is achieved.

Time [h:min]

Fig. 11 Azimuth and Elevation Angle Changes during Warm-Up


Fig. 12 Distance Changes during Warm-Up

6.2 SMR Centering

The SMR centering budget has three entries: the SMR’s internal alignment, the SMR
sphere’s sphericity, and the centering in the mount. Measurements on a Leitz CMM with a
certified accuracy of 0.6 p were performed to check the sphericity of SMRs. It was found
that the sphericity of earlier SMRs was out of specifications. the sphericity along the
equator was within 5 km, whereas the sphericity along the main meridian was distorted by
up to 18 p.m. However, the latest generation of SMRs has overcome this machining
problem; their sphericity variation is less than 3 pm. To distinguish between the internal
alignment effect and the centering effect, we first used the CMM again to measure the
centering accuracy of the SMR in the mount. The SMR position was determined by
probing the coordinates of 10 points on the sphere surface of the SMR and subsequently
performing a sphere shape fit through these points. The SMR was removed and re-
mounted 20 times. The sphere fits had standard deviations of less than 1 w. Fig. 13 shows
the variations in the sphere’s center point coordinates. Then we repeated the removing and
re-mounting sequence under the control of the tracker. Fig. 14 shows these results. The
standard deviation of the error vector between the true position of the center point to its
actual position is 12 pm. From these test we deduct that the internal centering of the SMR
is in the order of 10 pm. This is certainly a significant contribution to the overall tracker
measurement error budget. It is our hope that the mechanical centering technique can be
improved to bring this number into the low p range. In the meantime, the only remedy
available is in trying to randomize this centering error by measuring the same point with the
SMR in different rotational orientations.

Fig. 13 Sphere Centering Test

Fig. 14 SMR Centering Test


6.3 Interferometer Test

To check the distance measurement accuracy, tracker measurements were compared
against interferometer measurements. In this test the tracker was carefully aligned with
the measurement axis of a HP interferometer in order to avoid angular contributions to
the distance readings. Fig. 15 shows the results. In summary, a negligible scale factor of
0.35 ppm was observed. It could not be determined whether the scale factor is
attributable to the tracker or the interferometer measurements. After removing the scale
factor, the measurement comparison carries a standard deviation of 2.5 ~.Kv.

Distance [mm]

Fig. 15 Tracker versus HP Interferometer Distances

6.4 Single Face versus Two Face Measurement Test

It is well understood that in order to be able to determine horizontal and vertical angles
with a theodolite, the horizontal axis/circle has to be horizontal, the vertical axis/circle has
to be vertical and the collimation axis has to move within the vertical plane when tilting the
telescope. The axes calibration conditions can be checked ‘using procedures based on
plunge and reverse measurements. Since the construction principle of the tracker is very
similar to that of theodolites, it can be assumed that the plunge and reverse behavior applies
as well. To estimate the quality of the axes alignment of the tracker, we observed a test net
first in a front face orientation, then in a reverse face orientation. Fig. 16 shows the results.
The systematic appearance of the data is due to the arrangement of the measurement points
in groups. From the data we can see that there remains a significant difference between the
measurements in both faces even with the full data correction enabled. In comparison to the
classification of thedolites , the tracker axes conditions are equivalent to the standards of
high precision theodolites. Consequently, in order to determine accurate coordinates, all
measurements should be taken in both faces.

Fig. 16 Differences in Coordinates based on Sightings in Direct or Reverse

6.5 Test Net

The tracker was originally acquired as the necessary tool enabling us to achieve the
positioning tolerances demanded by the Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) project .
Consequently, we chose the FFTB as the accuracy test field. The test was conducted in
two steps. Test 1 was designed to test the measurement repeatability. Fig. 17 shows the
observation geometry. The measurements were repeated three times in exactly the same
configuration by the same operators. Direct and Reverse sightings were taken and averaged
before introduced into a Bundle Least Squares fit to estimate coordinates. To strengthen
the geometry in the vertical plane, leveled height differences were included in the
adjustment. All points were observed from at least three set-ups, thus providing ample

Fig. 17 Repeatability Test Observation Geometry


redundancy. Fig. 18 shows the coordinate differences between the first and the third data
set. The histogram in Fig. 19 shows more directly that the majority of the resulting
coordinates are less than 20 p. From this we may deduct that the measurement precision
is in the 20 p range.

Fig. 18 Coordinate Differences between two Surveys with same Geometry

Fig. 19 Histogram of Coordinate Differences


Test 2 was designed to estimate the accuracy of tracker coordinate determination. We

repeated the same survey again, but this time using different geometries insofar as possible
within the constraints of the beam line housing. Fig. 20 shows the geometry of survey. The
difference in geometry ensures that the observations are as much uncorrelated as possible
while using the same type of instrument. Also included in this survey are two scale bar
readings per set-up, and very accurate hydrostatic level measurements. These two
additional independent observables act like an accuracy gauge; the indicator here is the chi-
square test normalized over the degree of freedom.

Fig. 20 Geometry Accuracy Test Observations

The bundle adjustment did not show any abnormal results, the normalized chi-square test
yielded a value very close to one. Fig. 21 shows a graph of the coordinate differences
between the survey 1 of test 1 and this new survey 6. Fig. 22 again shows a histogram Fig.

Fig. 21 Coordinate Differences between two Surveys with different Geometry


plot of the coordinate differences and the normal distribution at a 95% probability level.
From the histogram we can see that the differences are normally distributed, indicating that
the data is not systematically biased. From these results we can deduct that careful laser
tracker measurements can yield coordinate accuracies in the 30 w domain. However, we
must note that a considerable number of points may carry offsets three times that amount.
If these points cannot be tolerated, the observation plan and geometry has to be changed

Fig. 22 Histogram of Coordinate Differences with different Geometry

7. Conclusion
The above described tests represent only a small subset of all the tracker surveys which
have been performed over the last year at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center to
familiarize our survey staff with this new tool and to qualify itscapabilities. We feel that we
now can routinely achieve results in the 100 ~U+Z range and with appropriate care and
planning perform surveys at the 50 pm level. In this regard, the laser tracker has opened a
domain which was in most cases not accessible with theodolite systems. The tracker also
brought an increase in productivity. What used to take with a theodolite system two
experienced theodolite operators one shift takes with a tracker 75% of a shift for one
operator and a helper. However, all of the above does not mean that the theodolite systems
have become obsolete. They might not longer be State-of-the-Art, but on the other hand a
tracker requires the equivalent investment of two theodolite systems.
The Chesapeake tracker has seen almost constant improvement over the last years.
Fortunately, we were able to have our model upgraded to the most recent version. But, as
e.g. the plunge and reverse measurements indicate, there is still ample room for further

improvements. Axis alignment conditions, thermal stability and weight are very high on our
wish list. As a long range goal, I wish to see a substitution of the interferometric distance
measurement with a method which can tolerate an interrupted beam.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the many helpful discussions with Larry Brown, Scott
Ackerson and their team at Chesapeake Laser Systems, the tremendous effort in tracker
programming by Robert Pushor, Mike Gaydosh’s support in running the data analysis,
Bernard Bell’s helpful suggestions and careful proof-reading, and the careful field
measurements by our field personnel, especially by Hans Imfeld and Levirt Griffin.


[1] Greve, A. and Harth W. (1984). “Laser-diode distance meter in a KERN DKM 3A
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[2] Lau, K., Hocken, R., and Haight, W. (1986). “Automatic Laser Tracking Interferometer
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[ 3 ] Brown, L.B., Merry, J.B., and Wells, D.N. (1986). “Coordinate Measurement With a
Tracking Laser Interferometer”, Laser & Applications, Oct.86, pp. 69-71.
[ 4 ] Gilby, J.H., and Parker, G.A. (1982). “Laser Tracking System to Measure Robot Arm
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[ 5 ] Lasertriangulations-Meßsystem zur genauen dynamischen 3D-Bewegungsanalyse”,
Fraunhofer-Institut für Informations- und Datenverarbeitung”, Karlsruhe, 1989
[ 6 ] CMS-3000 Manual: Description of a CMS-3000 system, Chesapeake Laser Systems,
Lanham, 1990
[ 7 ] In this context, horizontal and vertical do not necessarily refer to the direction of the
vertical. Rather, they apply to the orientation of the local coordinate system in which the
tracker is set-up.
[ 8 ] Ruland, R., Fischer, G. (1990). “The proposed Alignment system for the Final Focus
Test Beam at SLAC”, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on
Accelerator Alignment, Hamburg, pp. 4 19-453

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