Cpw-Fed Fractal Multiband Antenna
Cpw-Fed Fractal Multiband Antenna
Cpw-Fed Fractal Multiband Antenna
magnification. There are many mathematical structures that are fractals; e.g.
Sierpinski’s gasket, Cantor’s comb, Von Koch’s snowflake and the Mandelbrot set.
The terms fractal was coined by Mandelbrot, the first person associated with the
mathematics of fractals (Mandelbrot, 1983). Fractals have unique properties that can
of antennas since electrically large features can be efficiently packed into small areas,
When the operating wavelength is large compared to the size of the antenna, the
magnitude of the antenna reactance becomes large compared to its radiation resistance
(McDonald, 2003). This poses the challenge that an effective impedance matching
circuit is needed between the feed line and the antenna. Fractals present the advantage
that it is possible to lower the reactance of the antenna by changing the shape of its
conductors without increasing the overall size of the antenna. Since any arbitrarily
random shape can pick up electromagnetic waves, fractals as antennas may offer more
controlling parameters to the designer. A brief account of some of the recent work
al. (2011). The antenna can support operation in upto five bands and has an overall
size of 62×89.6 mm2 on a substrate of thickness 0.78 mm and relative permittivity 4.7.
Triple-band and quad-band structures are fabricated and operating bands are suitable
for global system for mobile (GSM), digital cellular systems (DCS), international
mobile telecommunications for year 2000 (IMT-2000) and world inter-operability for
Saidatul et al. (2009) developed a fractal planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) for
and high performance radio local area network (HiperLAN) bands with -6 dB operating
frequency ranges from 1.9-2.1 GHz, 1.885-2.2 GHz and 4.8-5.8 GHz respectively. The
3.38 and has an overall size of 27×27 mm2. The antenna is incorporated into a mobile
phone and a detailed study is also carried out on specific absorption rate (SAR) levels.
This is done to evaluate the antenna performance in the presence of a human body with
Mirkamali et al. (2010) have presented a modified multiple ring monopole antenna for
multiband applications. The antenna consists of four half rings and a half disk and is
antenna is then mounted perpendicularly over a metallic ground plane of size 150×150
mm2. The -10 dB bands are 1.65-2.35 GHz, 3.5-5 GHz and 6.5-10.1 GHz respectively.
A CPW-fed multiband antenna using the Sierpinski gasket fractal is proposed by Kaur
thickness of 1.59 mm and loss tangent 0.02. Overall size of the antenna is 40×40 mm2
and it is suitable for IEEE Bluetooth/wireless local area network (WLAN), WiMAX
A multiband CPW-fed slot antenna with fractal stub and parasitic line is proposed by
Hongnara et al. (2012). The conventional wideband slot antenna with a fractal stub is
modified to obtain multiband operation by inserting the parasitic line, resulting in the
dual harmonic notched frequency in wideband operation. The antenna has an overall
Oraizi and Hedayati (2014) developed a CPW-fed slot antenna using Giusepe Peano
permittivity 4.4 and thickness 1.6 mm and has an overall size of 33.5×26.5 mm2. The
fractal pattern in the slot increases the electrical length of the antenna without increase
in the overall area occupied by the antenna. The antenna is suitable for WLAN and
WiMAX applications and covers the bands from 2.9-3.3 GHz, 3.8-5.1 GHz and a
From the review carried out on the various fractal antennas proposed in existing
antennas for multiband transmission. Also, taking into consideration the advantages
offered by CPW-feeding technique, a planar fractal antenna is developed for multiband
operation suitable for GSM, IMT advanced system and upper WLAN applications. The
The evolution of the proposed CPW-fed fractal multiband antenna is shown in Fig.3.1.
The simple circular monopole has a very wideband radiation characteristic and its
Inscribing a hexagon within the monopole forms the iteration 0 structure as shown in
Iteration 1 structure results in dual-band operation suitable for GSM and IMT advanced
system applications. Due to the hexagonal slot, the current is forced to flow along a
longer path created by the perimeter of the slot. This lowers the frequency of operation
of the monopole without an increase in its physical size. The diameter of the circle with
inscribed hexagon is then scaled down and six such structures are arranged in a
hexagonal manner to form a fractal pattern as shown in Fig. 3.1 (c) in the configuration
of iteration 1. This results in the second band shifting to lower frequencies and an
additional band close to WLAN frequency. Thus a total of three 2:1 VSWR bands are
obtained. Now within each smaller hexagon, the pattern is repeated to obtain the
structure of iteration 2. The results obtained with the iteration 2 structure did not vary
significantly from that of iteration 1 structure. Also, due to fabrication difficulties, this
configuration is not considered further. Fig. 3.2 shows a plot of S11 for the different
impedance, there are several solutions for the geometry of a CPW line. The desired
However, there is a tradeoff between size of the circuitry and the line loss; narrow lines
can be quite lossy. Taking into consideration this tradeoff and fabrication limitations,
the width and gap dimensions of the CPW feed line are chosen as 3 mm and 0.3 mm
respectively. The circular monopole has a diameter D and is spaced from the truncated
support GSM (1.71-1.98 GHz), IMT advanced system for 4G mobile communication
(3.4-4.2 GHz) and upper WLAN (5.725-5.875 GHz) bands. The geometry is shown in
Fig. 3.3.
Lh g2 Lhi Di
Lg Wf
= 4.4 and loss tangent tan δ = 0.02 and has an overall size of 34×51.3 mm2. For the
optimized dimensions, the simulated reflection characteristics show that the antenna
exhibits triple-band operation from 1.63-1.98 GHz, 3.46-4.05 GHz and 5.38-6.58 GHz.
This makes the antenna suitable for GSM, IMT advanced system and upper WLAN
applications respectively.
To gain insight on how the various dimensions of the antenna determine its
A CPW-fed circular monopole can exhibit an extremely wide -10 dB bandwidth. The
first resonant frequency is predominantly determined by the diameter of the disc. The
frequency (Liang, 2006). Also, the optimal feed gap, s is found to be same as the CPW
line gap, g1. This is because this dimension ensures a smooth transition from the feed
designed for a resonance frequency of 2.45 GHz. From the current distributions, it is
established that the performance of the antenna is almost independent of the length of
the ground plane. However, a variation in the ground plane width shifts all the
Effect of ground plane width, Wg
It is seen that to obtain the desired resonance, the width of the ground plane on either
side of the feed line should be around 33 mm. Thus, the overall size of the antenna
becomes 69.6× 38.3 mm2. However, the antenna should be integrated in the system
circuit board of a communication device. The limited space of the circuit board
imposes a constraint on the size of the antenna and its ground plane.
To make the antenna more compact, width of the ground plane, Wg can be reduced.
Since it is observed that this causes a shifting of the operating band to higher
Effect of diameter, D of circular monopole
Compact monopole antennas can be designed on truncated ground planes with the
additional advantage of broadband behavior. To make the antenna more compact, the
diameter of the monopole is increased while using a smaller ground plane width. The
0.566λc and 0.433λc respectively where λc is the guide wavelength at center of the
UWB operating range. The parametric analysis on diameter of the monopole with this
monopole with truncated ground yields the first resonance at 3 GHz. As diameter of
the monopole is increased, the resonance shifts to lower frequency side and at D = 34
mm, the first resonance is obtained at the desired 2.45 GHz. For this dimension of
monopole and truncated ground, the overall antenna size is 34×51 mm2. This structure
has significantly less area compared to the structure without truncated ground.
The spacing between the monopole and ground plane plays an important role in
optimum required spacing for the truncated ground structure, a parametric analysis is
As spacing between the monopole and ground plane is increased, impedance matching
improves and for s = 0.55 mm S11 ≤ -10 dB throughout the operating band. This
With the monopole optimized for wideband response, a hexagonal slot of side Lh is
The parametric analysis of Lh for the structure of iteration 0 is shown in Fig. 3.7. All
other dimensions are the optimized values for wideband response for the simple
circular monopole.
As Lh is increased, the perimeter of the hexagon increases and the two resonances shift
to the lower frequency side. Also, the bandwidth of the second resonance band
decreases. This is because the current on the outer edge of the circular monopole, which
increased beyond 16.7 mm due to a fabrication tolerance of 0.3 mm. Thus, the iteration
0 geometry with Lh = 16.7 mm offers two resonant bands. The first resonant band (1.63-
2.07 GHz) supports GSM application and the second band (3.58-4.8 GHz) covers the
IMT advanced system for 4G mobile communication application band. This optimized
parametric analysis of dimensions of the inner circles. The simulated S11 results with
It is seen that for fractal scaling factor F of 0.3 and greater, the structure exhibits very
wideband characteristics. This is because the inner circles merge with the sides of the
hexagon of iteration 0 structure and the antenna behaves as a simple circular monopole.
For a scaling factor of 0.25, triple-band behavior is observed with a lowering in the
for GSM, IMT advanced system for 4G mobile communication systems and upper
WLAN is obtained for optimum fractal scaling factor F = 0.25 which results in Di =
The effect of varying the gap g2 between the inner circles of iteration 1 structure and
The gap variation does not have much effect on the first resonance. However, there is
a change in the bandwidth of second and third resonance band. As the gap decreases,
impedance bandwidth decreases in second band and increases in third band. This could
be due to variation in coupling from outer monopole edge to inner circles as well as
mutual coupling between the inner circles. From the exhaustive simulation, g2 is
optimized as 0.5 mm so that second and third bands cover the intended application
frequencies. This corresponds to 0.014λg3 where λg3 is the guide wavelength at third
The surface current distribution of the antenna at the three resonance frequencies is
At the first resonance, a full wave variation in current is seen along the perimeter of
the hexagon. This confirms that the first band can be designed based on the side of the
hexagon Lh. The current distribution on the inner circles indicates that they have
minimal effect on the first resonance band. At the second resonance, there is a variation
in current on the upper and middle inner circles which shows an increased coupling of
energy between monopole and inner circles. This results in the shifting in resonance of
the second band to the lower side when the structure is iterated to iteration 1, as seen
in Fig. 3.2. At the third resonance, current variation is seen on all the inner circles and
different set of antenna parameters. Accordingly, the design equations for the triple-
band antenna are formulated. The step by step procedure for designing the antenna is
as follows:
2) The length of the ground plane on either side of the feed line is calculated using
= 0.566X (3.1)
3) The width of the ground plane on either side of the feed line is calculated using
c = 0.433X (3.2)
4) Design a circular monopole of diameter
= 0.405 (3.3)
= 0.017X (3.4)
6) Design the hexagonal slot side length using the regression equation
7) The inner circles that form the fractal pattern are designed using fractal scaling
= 0.25 (3.6)
= 0.014& (3.7)
To validate the design equations, the antenna dimensions to obtain three resonance
frequencies 1.8 GHz, 3.8 GHz and 5.8 GHz are computed for different substrates as
shown in Table 3.1. The simulated reflection characteristics obtained for the antennas
Table 3.1 CPW-fed fractal multiband antenna parameters for
different substrates obtained from design equations
Parameter 1 2 3 4
(mm) Rogers Rogers
Rogers 5880 FR-4 Epoxy
RO4003 RO3006
Gr = 2.2 Gr = 4.4
Gr = 3.55 Gr = 6.15
h 1.57 0.8 1.6 1.28
Wf 4 6 3 2.58
On all the substrates, the designed antenna resonances are in reasonably good
agreement with desired results which ensures repeatability of the proposed design. The
resonances obtained by simulation are compared with the desired resonances and
percentage error is shown in Table. 3.2. On all substrates, the design results in triple-
band operation for similar frequency ranges with a maximum error less than 3 %.
Simulated Frequency
Substrate Error (%)
f1 f2 f3 f1 f2 f3
Rogers 5880
1.77 3.71 5.89 1.6 2.3 1.5
(¡r = 2.2, h = 1.57 mm)
Rogers RO4003
1.79 3.79 5.82 0.55 0.26 0.34
(¡r = 3.55, h = 0.8 mm)
FR-4 Epoxy
1.82 3.7 5.91 1.11 2.63 1.86
(¡r = 4.4, h = 1.6 mm)
Rogers RO3006
1.81 3.86 5.72 0.55 1.5 1.37
(¡r = 6.15, h = 1.28 mm)
The antenna is fabricated on a substrate of thickness 1.6 mm and permittivity 4.4 with
optimized dimensions as shown in Fig. 3.12 (a). Measurements are carried out using
Agilent PNA E8362B. The reflection characteristics show fairly good agreement as
(a) (b)
Simulated and measured results show similar behaviour and desired triple-band
At higher frequencies, the measured and simulated results show some difference. This
soldering effects of the sub miniature version A (SMA) connector, which have been
neglected in the simulations. But the structure still exhibits triple-band behaviour as
observed in simulated results. The measured bandwidths are from 1.63 - 2.07 GHz,
3.63 - 4.22 GHz and 5.08 - 6.48 GHz for S11 ≤ -10 dB.
plotted in Fig. 3.13. As is seen in the current distribution of Fig. 3.10, the first
resonance is due to perimeter of the hexagon alone and there is negligible contribution
of the ground plane. This results in a doughnut shaped pattern which is typical of a
dipole antenna.
At the second resonance, the current distribution along the perimeter of the hexagon
resembles a second order harmonic. Thus the pattern changes its shape to a slightly
pinched doughnut with a radiation increase along θ = 45º as shown in Figure 3.13 (b).
At the third resonance, current distribution along the perimeter of the hexagon
corresponds to a higher order mode. There is a current variation on the lower and
middle inner circles which also causes radiation. Due to the combined effect a slight
Measured radiation patterns of the antenna at the resonances observed during testing
Co- polarization
Normalized patterns of the antenna are plotted in two principal planes. The antenna
has a figure-8 pattern in the E-plane (X-Z). In the H-plane (X-Y) the pattern is non-
directional in all the frequency bands of interest like that of an ordinary dipole antenna.
The radiation patterns show good cross polarization levels at the first and third
resonance. At the second resonance however, the antenna exhibits poor cross
polarization which could be attributed to the second harmonic characteristics seen at
this resonance.
The antenna gain and efficiency are measured and the results are shown in Fig. 3.15.
(a) (b)
Fig. 3.15 (a) Peak gain and (b) Efficiency of CPW-fed fractal
multiband antenna with ϵr = 4.4, h = 1.6 mm, D = 34 mm,
Lg = 17 mm, Wg = 13 mm, Wf = 3 mm, g1 = 0.3 mm, s =
0.55 mm, g2 = 0.5 mm, Lh = 16.7 mm, Di = 8.4 mm and
Lhi = 3.9 mm (for F = 0.25)
The antenna has a peak gain of 2.51 dBi in the first band, 2.45 dBi in the second band
and 2.67 dBi in the third band. The efficiency plot shows a similar variation as the gain
This chapter presents a CPW-fed fractal antenna design for triple-band applications.
The overall antenna size is 34×51.3 mm2 on a substrate of relative permittivity 4.4 and
thickness 1.6 mm. The operating bands are 1.63-2.07 GHz, 3.63-4.22 GHz and 5.08-
6.48 GHz which makes the antenna suitable for GSM, IMT advanced system for 4G
mobile communication systems and upper WLAN applications. The results of the
proposed antenna were published initially, however further optimization led to better
results which are presented in this chapter. The antenna is compared with some of the
No. of Lowest
Antenna Size(mm3) Peak
operating operating ¡r
bands frequency
Mirkamali et 5 0.89 GHz 4.4 1.9-7.1
Ground plane-
al. (2010) dBi
15 cm×15 cm
Aziz et al. 4 0.88 GHz 62×89.6×0.78 4.7 1-4 dBi
Hongnara et 3 1.67 GHz 48×50×0.8 4.2 1-3.5
al. (2012) dBi
Oraizi and
Hedayati 3 2.9 GHz 26.5×33.5×1.6 4.4 3-5 dBi
In the antenna proposed by Mirkamali et al. (2010), higher number of operating bands
with a much lower operating frequency is reported. The antenna monopole is also
compact; however, a very large ground plane is required. The antenna by Aziz et al.
(2011) also has a higher number of operating bands with a much lower operating
frequency for the first resonance, but the antenna size is much larger compared to the
proposed structure. The performance of the antenna by Hongnara et al. (2012) is quite
similar to the proposed antenna but is of larger size. Three operating bands are achieved
in the antenna by Oraizi and Hedayati (2014), and the antenna size is smaller than the
proposed geometry. However, the lowest operating frequency is much higher for this
antenna. The antenna proposed by Kumar et al. (2014), has much higher gain than the
proposed antenna. However, a stacked design involving two types of substrates with
an air gap in between is used which makes the antenna very bulky. Hence on
comparison with some of the antennas developed on substrates with similar relative
permittivity, it is seen that the proposed antenna has a compact size and appreciable
gain. The antenna is thus suitable for multiband wireless applications in handheld
and then creating a fractal pattern. However, on introducing the hexagonal slot, UWB
while retaining UWB characteristics, the shape of the hexagonal slot is modified to