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Krama Paatam
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3 Krama Paatam
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4 Krama Paatam
Our Rishis and compilers of Veda had devised methods to ensure that the Veda
is not changed and there is a control. They have designed ways to ensure it is
well memorized and assimilated.
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5 Krama Paatam
The main purpose of these types of studies is to that the Vedas are protected
through distinct ways to repeat the contents of the mantra. Any unintended
change any of the method will conflict with the type of learning. The learning
becomes thorough. The Sruti is well protected to be handed over generations
through the word of mouth.
We shall concentrate on Krama Paatam in this note and Ghana Paatam in a
different note as they are more relevant to followers of Krishan Yajur Veda.
Krama Paatam becomes easier when one understands/studies the Pada
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6 Krama Paatam
the letter is
2b) a Anuswaram (letters ending as tam, sam, sham etc. with a dot in Sanskrit).
This is indicated through a “>” (arrow pointing to the right in our books for
convenience of readers). Kindly note there are slight differences in the Font
size/format of Sanskrit, Malayalam and Tamil texts. The Method of elongation
varies between few schools in actual practice. Please refer to your Guru for
further clarifications on rendering if the school of different.
Krama Paatam is normally rendered as two teams. When one team finishes the
rendering, the other team starts their recital.
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7 Krama Paatam
1. Letter marked in Green have Swaritam or Dheerga Swaritam.(third
letters in a pattern)
2. The previous letter is UdAttam (medium note)
3. Letter prior to it marked in yellow shall be generally acquire
anudAttam (lower note)
This is only one of the major rules. Readers should not construed that it is
universally applicable everywhere. The swaram shifts to a previous or next
letter if an intented letter, cannot acquire swaram. Similarly, if two successive
letters acquire swaritam, one will be dropped, subject to some rules.
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8 Krama Paatam
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9 Krama Paatam
2 GaNanaamthvaa Example
Let us see the explanation of Krama Paata with well known mantra “GaNanAm
thavA Ganapathim”
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10 Krama Paatam
K—pz–dxI- D—e–iöq—psëiI |
6 7
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11 Krama Paatam
iuÉÉýý aÉýýhÉmÉþÌiÉÇ
Words 2,3
Normally words or padam without any
swaram in the Vakyam gets lower
î¢õ£… è…3íð†î¤ñ¢ swaram (anudAtta) in Pada Padam
Zûx–– M––Ye—ZyI
aÉýýhÉmÉþÌiÉóè WûuÉÉqÉWãû
Words 3/4
M––Ye—Zyóè tpxi¥t
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12 Krama Paatam
WûýuÉÉýqÉýWãûý MüýÌuÉÇ
Now we continue with 4/5
Then 5/6
The ‘ka’ in kavInam acquires swaritam
since the ka of kavim has designated
è…õ¤é¢è†õ¦…ù£ñ¢ anudAttam
K–pyI K—pz–dxI
Then 6/7
‘m’ of kavInaam with following ‘u’
becomes mu
EýmÉýqÉ´Éþ/uÉxiÉqÉý/ÍqÉirÉÑþmÉýqÉ´ÉþuÉÈ -
Now the ruk has ended.
So we say 7 iti 7.
Seven has two padams which is split
iÉýqÉýÇ > and recited
Srva: visargam is followed by letter ‘ta’
à…ð…ñŸ¢ó†õ so the visargam is replaced with ‘s’.
‘iti’ followed by ‘u’ becomes ‘tyu’ as per
ú¢îñ…ñ¤î¢»†ð…ñŸ¢ó†õ: --- Vowel Sandhi rule.
‘tamam’ extended with lower note for
î…ñ…ñ¢ >
anuswaram ‘mam’
D–e–iöq—psëi– iyZõ¡—e–iöq—pJ-
Z–i–I >
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13 Krama Paatam
erÉãý¸ýUÉeÉýÇ oÉë¼þhÉÉÇ
Now start with the new Ruk.
Words 1,2
Jam in raajam acquires anudAttam to
ü¢…«ò…û¢ì…2ó£ü…ñ¢ support the following ‘hma’ in
brahmanaam which is a designated
ð¢3óý¢ñ†í£ñ¢ swaritam.
¥Rõ–rç–kxR–I ögÖ—YxI
¥Rõ–rç–kxR–iyZy— ¥Rõrç -
kxR˜I >
oÉë¼þhÉÉÇ oÉë¼hÉÈ
Continue with 2/3
ð¢3óý¢ñ†í£ñ¢ ð¢ó3ý¢ñí:
ögÖ—YxI ögÖYJ
oÉëý¼ýhÉýxmÉýiÉãý >
Words 3/4
This is BrahmaNa + pate.. The
visargam becomes ‘s’ as a rule .
ð¢3ó…ý¢ñ…í…ú¢ð…«î… > ‘te’ with lower swaram extended since it
is dheeram.
ög–Ö–Y–sð–¥Z– >
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14 Krama Paatam
mÉýiÉý AÉ
Words 4/5
The pate is converted to pata since the
sound ‘ae’ is followed by Vowel ‘aa’. It
ðî… Ý becomes ‘a’ of ta sound as per Vowel
Sandhi rule.
e–Z– B
Words 5/6
Ý ï†:
B d—J
‘sh’ comes for visargam
Words 7/8
‘n’ and ‘U’ combines to give ‘NU’
Words 8/9
‘s’ comes due to visargam
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15 Krama Paatam
Split as per padam Uti+bhi:
UtibhiH iti UtibhiH
In the first part the visargam of bhi
á…î¤ð¤…4/ó¤î¢Î…î¤ -- ð¤…4: becomes ‘r’ to make it bhir as per
Visarga Sandhi. Then combining with
D¦–Zyhy–kyZõ¢–Zy - hy–J ‘e’ sound of ;iti’ becomes ‘ri’
U follows ‘ti’ and becomes iyuu as per
vowel sandhi.
Words 9/10
ú¦…î…3 ú£î†3ùñ¢
sz–b– sxb—dI
End of Ruk. 10 iti 10
‘SAdanam’ is a single word with no
padam split so it is rendered without
ú£î†3ù…ñ¤î¤… ú£î†3ùñ¢ any pause. No separator will be
indicated like --.
sxb—d–iyZy– sxb—dI ‘na’ get anudAttam to support ‘ti’ which
has acquired anudAttam to support ‘da’
in sAdanam
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16 Krama Paatam
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17 Krama Paatam
Cr—¥p | di—J |
7 8
di—J | ¥Z– | A–së¡– | cdû—¥d | gx–t¡hõx–iyZy gx–t¡ - hõx–i§ |
1 2 3 4 5
D–Z | ¥Z– | di—J ||
6 7 8
Now the Pada Padam gives all the padams only. While reciting we need to take
care of all Recital rules, Word formation, grammar etc. Let us see how this
converts into Kramam. We have indicated the dheerga swaritam in Pada words.
In classical books, it will be indicated as swaritam and during rendering the
specific rules are applied and rendered as Dheerga Swaritam.
(HxI) di—¥së
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18 Krama Paatam
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19 Krama Paatam
Start of second ruk.
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