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The Transition To Led Illumination: A Case Study On Energy Conservation

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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

© 2005 - 2008 JATIT. All rights reserved.




NARENDRA B SONI, Member IEEE, Certified Energy Auditor and P. DEVENDRA, MISTE

This paper deals with the energy saving potential possible with changing in illumination schemes. The case
study in an engineering institute deals with the replacement of existing conventional lighting scheme with
LED lighting scheme will have huge energy saving potential, with pay back period of even less than 18
months. The LED lighting scheme provides additional advantages as cool light, decreased maintenance
cost, longer life, more flexibility, easier handling With increase in energy crisis there is a need of looking
for additional energy sources or reduce in energy consumption in any form without loosing comfort. It is
always preferred over energy conservation over energy generation, as energy generated is many fold energy
generated. Energy audition is the new trend in the present scenario. An energy auditor can play a major role
in energy saving. Energy saving potential is possible at every part of life. One of the energy saving scheme
in illumination is, by using natural light and/or use of LEDs. LEDs are having major advantages of longer
life & almost negligible power consumption compared to any type of illuminating source(s).

Keywords: Compact fluorescent lamp, Efficacy, Organic LED, Pay back period,
different colour improving RI and giving a
I. INTRODUCTION better look and cool light. To produce a white
(Solid State Light) SSL device, however, a
In olden age, incandescence and fluorescence
lamps were the main focus in illumination
technology. With development in SV, MV and
metal halide (in recent), make possible to blue LED was needed, which was later
replace this old technology. But none of these discovered through materials science and
technologies could improve the efficacy extensive research and development
exceeding 200 lumens per watt and efficiency In 1993, Shuji Nakamura of Nichia Chemical
beyond 60-70%. The current technology of Industries came up with a blue LED using
CFL has improved the efficiency and it has Gallium Nitride (GaN). With use of GaN, now
really proved standards. The obstacle in it is possible to create white light by
becoming popular is the initial cost and the combining the light of separate LEDs (red,
decrease in illumination over the use. These green and blue) or by placing a blue LED
days with support of government (in taxes) within a special package with an internal light
and improvement in manufacturing conversion phosphor (some of the blue output
technology the initial cost has come to the becomes red and green) with the result that the
vision of common man. LED light emission appears white to the
With the advent of commercial LEDs in the human eye.
1960s, however, a new kind of lighting
became available. LEDs will consume less
electricity than conventional lighting including II. LED AS LIGHTING SOURCE
CFLs and can produce less of the parasitic by-
product heat. Now the LED are available with A. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION[1]

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

© 2005 - 2008 JATIT. All rights reserved.


high current through a LED higher

lumens/watt can be obtained with increase in
power rating as well. Generally 1 w LEDs are
considered high watt LED and are in use for
illumination purpose.
Organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) can be
a revolutionary change in display purpose.
With development of OLED, it is possible to
make LED displays as thin as paper. A
electronic paper which can be folded &
carried away. Such displays can be very useful
LEDs differ from traditional light sources in for advertisement purpose.
the way they produce light An LED, is a
semiconductor diode. It consists of a chip of C. COMPARISON OF LEDS WITH OTHER
semiconducting material treated to create a TYPE OF LIGHT SOURCES:
structure called a pn junction. When connected
to a power source, current flows from the p-side As discussed earlier the efficacy of LEDs is
(or anode) to the n-side (or cathode) and not in not very high, but the efficiency. Following
the reverse direction. The charge-carriers chart shows the comparison of efficacy of
(electrons and electron holes) flow into the various illumination schemes:
junction from electrodes. When an electron Type of Scheme Efficacy
meets a hole, it falls into a lower energy level, (lm/w)
and releases energy in the form of a photon Incandescence 18-20
(light). The specific wavelength or color emitted Fluorescent 60-70
by the LED depends on the materials used to Sodium Vapor 40-120
make the diode. Mercury Vapor 50-60
Metal Halide 80-125
LED 20-60
From above table it can be observed that the
The efficacy of light source is measured in
efficacy of LEDs is on par with CFLs, but as
lumens/watt. The efficacy of LED is
the driver losses are negligible and there no
compatible with the present light source but
production of heat, thus giving higher
the efficiency of LED lighting is very high. As
in normal incandescence lamp is having
efficacy of around 18 lumens/watts and LEDs
are in the range of 40 Lumens/watt, but in
incandescence lamps most of the power
1) The high efficacy of LEDs makes them
(watts) lost in heat as the efficiency of
useful in battery powered or energy-saving
incandesce lamp is very low in the range of
10-15%. As there is no heat developed in
2) The correct RI makes pleasant and cool
LEDs this power towards heat will be reduced,
only losses taking place will be in driver
3) LEDs can emit light of an intended color
circuits which account for 10-15% losses, thus
without the use of color filters that traditional
a higher efficiency in the range of 85-90 %
lighting methods require.
can be obtained. That makes a potential
4) The SSL can be designed to focus its light
difference in saving in energy in LED lighting.
without use of reflector as in conventional
The research is going on in development of
LED with high lumens/watt output. The
5) LEDs can be used for dimmer applications
maximum achieved efficacy is 132 lm/w , but
without change in colour, as the current
it is yet to be commercialized. By passing a

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

© 2005 - 2008 JATIT. All rights reserved.


through element is lowered to dim the light; lighting on inverters, torch lights etc. In
where as, conventional lamps turns yellow commercial building and shops also they find
when used with low voltage to dim the light. applications where back up lighting (with
In fact with fluorescent and pressured lamps independent power supply) is provided
dimming is not possible at all. through out the day irrespective of power
5) LEDs are ideal for use in high speed supply.
applications and where frequent ON-OFF is Street Light: LEDs are used in street lighting
required, unlike in incandescence lamps, the because they have extremely long life makes
maximum failure rates of lamps are during them more economical to operate over their
ON-OFF only. span of operation and LEDs can provide a
6) LEDs, being solid state components, are more pleasant spectrum.
mechanically more rugged compared to The city hopes to be able to cut street lighting
delicate other lamps. budget in half by switching to LED street
7) The life span of LEDs is an extremely long lighting, and that accounts for just the energy
compared to any other type of lamps. The life savings.
span is around 1, 00,000 hours, Vigilance: The other application of LED
approximately 12 years non stop! Where as lighting is in corridors, parking place and
the incandescence lamps has a life span of places where vigilance is required. Generally
1000-2000 hours, maximum of 3 months….. the vigilance lighting is thought the night, and
8) The turn on time of LED is very high just sufficient enough to illuminate, LED
compared to Pressure lamps and Fluorescent lightings are ideal choice and pay back period
lamps. is also very less.
9) LEDs do not contain mercury, as compact Rural areas: The LED lighting can be very
fluorescent lamps do. helpful in remote rural areas, where grid has
10) LED do not produce any heat making stay not reached. With the help of solar PV panels,
comfortable, and reducing further air batteries can be charged and if it is used
conditioning load. through LED lighting system, a long back can
11) Only one LED is not sufficient for be possible.
illumination purpose, LEDs are used in Street Reflectors[2]: LED lighting is a
packed form. It can be made practically wondrous application for street reflectors. The
possible to replace only faulty LED, reducing self charging LED lighting scheme can be
inventory and maintenance cost. used as reflectors on road. During day time
they will store energy and later same will be
E. DISADVANTAGES OF LEDS: used for glowing during night time, as
reflectors, thus avoiding accidents.
The major disadvantage lies with LEDs, is Operation Theaters: LED lighting can be
only initial cost. As the initial cost of LEDs is life saver, when used in operation theaters. As
very high, it is not so popular in common man. the operation theater light need to be ON
The other drawback is that of production of irrespective of grid power available, LED
beam, as the efficacy is low (compared to system can be used as backup lighting,
pressure lamps) and beam can not be produced operating on battery and giving backup for a
the application of LEDs in flood lighting is long time.
limited. Under water & mines: As the under water
lighting and mined headlight. As they are light
III. APPLICATIONS OF LED SYSTEMS: in weight & as power consumption is less, a
small battery size will provide the required
Backup lighting: The LEDs can be used in back up.
every part of life, including applications from Organic LEDs[3]: As mentioned earlier
house hold to industries. As the power organic LEDs will be very useful as display
consumption is very low, the LEDs are very boards for advertisement purpose. Also they
useful for battery operated systems like home have applications in small gadgets like digital

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

© 2005 - 2008 JATIT. All rights reserved.


cameras, palm tops, MP3 players etc. Also Rs. 47,450/-

LEDs have applications in Optical Investment (Initial cost) to replace Tubes with
communication systems, and some other CFLs:
modern electronic trends. Cost of one CFL = Rs. 110/-
Cost of fitting to fix CFL = Rs. 12/-
IV. A CASE STUDY OF REPLACING Total of one CFL with fitting = Rs. 122/-
CONVENTIONAL LIGHTING No. of tubes to be replaced = 113.
SYSTEM (FLUORESCENT) BY LEDS Equivalent number of CFLs = 226 (@ Two
AND/OR CFL: CFLs per tube light)
Total Initial investment = 226 * 122 = Rs.
In an Engineering college there were 113 27,572/-
conventional tube lights, which were ON for Pay back period = 27572/47450 = 0.58 years
the purpose of vigilance through out the night. = 0.58 * 12 = 7 (Appro. seven months)
The tube lights use to ON from 8 PM to 6 PM ii) If tube lights were replaced with LED
(Timing use to vary subject to season change). lighting system:
The tube lights were of standard make. After The white color LEDs, in LED Pack form (24
testing on choke it was observed that chokes LEDs per pack) manufactured by SECO
are consuming 13 watts of power (average). Instruments Pvt Ltd are used.
Thus total power loss using tube lights Two LED systems of around 1.4 - 2 W each
PLoss=113*13= 1469 watts. will produce a required illumination that
The tube lights (on an average) working for 10 produced by one tube light.
hours a day. Total power consumed by two LED systems =
Total Energy loss per day = 14.69 kWH 4W
Financial Loss per day = 73/- @ 5/- per unit Power saved = 53-4 = 49 W
This amount for accounted per day only to Energy saved per day = 0.049 * 113 * 10 =
make up the losses. 55.37 units
These fixtures were provided with 40 W tube Financial Saving / day = 55.37 * 5 = Rs. 277/-
lights. Per year saving = Rs.1,01,105/-
Total power consumed with 40 W tube lights Cost of ONE LED system = Rs. 500/-
(for purpose of vigilance) =113*40 = 4520 Total LED system required = 113 * 2 = 226
W (@ 2 LED system per tube light)
The financial burden = 4.52 * 10 * 5 = Rs. Total cost of LED systems
226/- = 226 * 500 = 1, 13,000/-
Total Expenditure per day (towards vigilance) Pay Back period = 1, 13,000/1, 01,105 = 1.12
= 226 + 73 = RS. 300/- Years = 14 months.
In one year = Rs. 1, 09,500/-
i) If these lights were replaced with CFLs:
Lux obtained by a fluorescent Tube = 2200 Pay
Lighting Annual
The commercially available CFL of 15 W will Investment back
system Saving
provide a lux of 1000, so number of CFLs Period
required to produce required lighting = 2 Prese
Nil Nil Nil
Power consumed by TWO CFLs = 30 Watts nt
(53 watts in case of Tube lights). 6
NOTE: Though the lux produced by CFLs is CFL 47450 27,570
less, it is sufficient enough to produce required 1,01,1 14
illumination. LED 1,13,000
05 Month
Power saved = 53 – 30 = 23 Watts
Energy saved per day = 0.023 * 113 * 10 = 26 From above comparison it can be seen that by
units per day replacing the present system of conventional
Financial saving = 26 * 5 = Rs.130/- per day. tube lights, energy saving potential is possible
Saving over one year = 130 * 365 = 47,450

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

© 2005 - 2008 JATIT. All rights reserved.


with CFLs and LEDs. The CFL system is Mueller-Mach, Gerd 0. Mueller, Dave
seems to be have quicker pay back period. But Collins, Robert M. Fletcher, Daniel A.
the above analysis can be compared depends Steigerwald, Stefan Eberle, Yoke Keem Lim,
on the life of the Lighting system as well. Paul S. Martin, Mike Krames
CFLs are having a life span of around 5000- [5] LEDs in Real Lighting Applications:
7000 hours. At the rate of 10 hours per day a from Niche Markets to General Lighting;
CFL will not stand for more than two years. Matthias Wendt - Philips Research
Thus an investment of Rs. 30,000/- is bound Aachen, Germany & Jan-Willem Andriesse -
over two years. Whereas LED last for 75000 Philips Lighting,Eindhoven, The Netherlands
to 100000 hours. Taking 75000 hours life, a [6]Solid-State Pressure-Tolerant Illumination for
LED system will last for at least 10 years. MBARI’s Underwater Low-Light Imaging
Comparing over 10 years: System Lance R. McBride, Member, IEEE,
CFL system: and James T. Scholfield
Saving in CFL system = Rs. 4,75,000/-
Investment ( 5 times) = Rs. 1,32,000/-
Nett Saving = Rs. 3, 43,000/- AUTHORS:
Saving in LED system = 10, 00,000/-
Investment (One time) = 1, 20,000/- Narendra B Soni,
Nett Saving = 8, 80,000/- Member IEEE, is currently working as
It can be observed that CFL system is no way Associate Professor in department of EEE,
comparable with LED system, over a period of GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam. He has
10 years. completed his M.E. from Shivaji University.
Note: Cost of technology is coming down and Currently he is pursuing Ph.D from Osmania
that of energy is increasing. The saving will be University. He has 11 years of experience in
at higher side with increase in energy cost and teaching & research. His current areas of
investment will be at lower side with decrease interest are Energy conservation & Energy
in cost. Auditing, Renewable Energy Sources,
Electrical Machine. He is also a qualified
V. CONCLUSION Energy Auditor, Certified by Bureau of
Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, GOI,
It has been observed that LED illumination is New Delhi. He is member of various
better than any general illumination systems professional Societies.
(including CFLs) in terms of energy saving
and cost effectiveness .The technology is P. Devendra,
being improved and full conversion will is currently working as Associate Professor in
‘save‘many generating stations in the world. department of EEE, GMR Institute of
Technology, Rajam. He has completed M.E
REFERENCES: from Anna University; Chennai .He has
[1] Light Emitting Diodes: The future of lighting, around seven years of teaching experience.
IEEMA Journal, Volume XXVII no. 10 His areas of current interests are Energy
October 2007 conservation, Energy efficient drives and
[2] LED Road Illumination Communications Adaptive control systems.
System by Shogo Kitano, Shinichiro
Haruyama and Masao Nakagawa,
[3] A Batteryless optical-wireless system with
white-led illumination; Takakuni Douseki,
2004 IEEE pp 2529-2533

[4] The LED Light bulb: Are we there yet?

Progress and Challenges for Solid State
Illuminatiion ; Man Ochiai Holcomb, Regina


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