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This is to certify that I have completed the Project titled “A study on customer
satisfaction with special reference to RB Group India" under the guidance of "Ms
SAKSHI GUPTA” in the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree
of “Bachelor in Business Administration” from “Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced
Studies, New Delhi.”

This is an original work and I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Name of the Student- Varnika Khanna

Enrolment No. - 04480301714

Class & Section= BBA - VI (E)


This is to certify that the project titled “A study on customer satisfaction with
special reference to RB Group India” is an academic work done by “VARNIKA
KHANNA” submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the
degree of “Bachelors in Business Administration” from “Rukmini Devi Institute of
Advanced Studies, New Delhi.” under my guidance and direction.

To the best of my knowledge and belief the data and information presented by him in
the project has not been submitted earlier elsewhere.

Name of the Faculty


ASST. Professor


I offer my sincere thanks and humble regards to Rukmini Devi Institute Of Advanced
Studies, GGSIP University, New Delhi for imparting us very valuable professional
training in BBA

I pay my gratitude and sincere regards to “Ms SAKSHI GUPTA”, my project Guide
for giving me the cream of her knowledge. I am thankful to her as she has been a
constant source of advice, motivation and inspiration. I am also thankful to her for
giving her suggestions and encouragement throughout the project work.

I take the opportunity to express my gratitude and thanks to our computer Lab staff
and library staff for providing me opportunity to utilize their resources for the
completion of the project.

I am also thankful to my family and friends for constantly motivating me to complete

the project and providing me an environment which enhanced my knowledge.

Name of the Student- VARNIKA KHANNA

Enrolment No. – 04480301714

Class & Section- BBA- VI(E)

List of tables

Table no TOPIC
1 Table showing Occupation of Customer
2 Which product is preferred the most?
3 Are you satisfied with By RB group Household Products?
4 Will you recommend RB Group product to anybody?
5 What do you think about Effectiveness Of household products of RB
6 Did you receive the product before being expired?
7 How do you feel about the company's response towards Customers?
8 How are you satisfied with your new product?
9 Have you ever contacted customer care?
10 Is it easy to find the product in the market?
11 Is it convenient to use the product?
12 Compared to our competitors, are our prices higher, lower, or about the
13 How do you like the packaging of the products?
14 How well do you feel that our company understands your needs?
15 Do you find the products costly?




Customer satisfaction, a term frequently used in marketing, is a measure of how products

and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer
satisfaction is defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total customers,
whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds
specified satisfaction goals." In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 71
percent responded that they found a customer satisfaction metric very useful in managing
and monitoring their businesses.

It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is often part of a Balanced
Scorecard. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers,
customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key
element of business strategy.

"Within organizations, customer satisfaction ratings can have powerful effects. They
focus employees on the importance of fulfilling customers’ expectations. Furthermore,
when these ratings dip, they warn of problems that can affect sales and profitability. . . .
These metrics quantify an important dynamic. When a brand has loyal customers, it gains
positive word-of-mouth marketing, which is both free and highly effective."

Therefore, it is essential for businesses to effectively manage customer satisfaction. To be

able do this, firms need reliable and representative measures of satisfaction.

"In researching satisfaction, firms generally ask customers whether their product or
service has met or exceeded expectations. Thus, expectations are a key factor behind
satisfaction. When customers have high expectations and the reality falls short, they will
be disappointed and will likely rate their experience as less than satisfying. For this
reason, a luxury resort, for example, might receive a lower satisfaction rating than a
budget motel—even though its facilities and service would be deemed superior in
'absolute' terms." The importance of customer satisfaction diminishes when a firm has
increased bargaining power. For example, cell phone plan providers, such as AT&T and
Verizon, participate in an industry that is an oligopoly, where only a few suppliers of a
certain product or service exist. As such, many cell phone plan contracts have a lot of fine
print with provisions that they would never get away if there were, say, a hundred cell
phone plan providers, because customer satisfaction would be far too low, and customers
would easily have the option of leaving for a better contract offer.There is a substantial
body of empirical literature that establishes the benefits of customer satisfaction for

 Purpose

A business ideally is continually seeking feedback to improve customer satisfaction.

"Customer satisfaction provides a leading indicator of consumer purchase intentions and

loyalty." "Customer satisfaction data are among the most frequently collected indicators
of market perceptions. Their principal use is twofold:"

1."Within organizations, the collection, analysis and dissemination of these data send a
message about the importance of tending to customers and ensuring that they have a
positive experience with the company’s goods and services."

2."Although sales or market share can indicate how well a firm is performing currently,
satisfaction is perhaps the best indicator of how likely it is that the firm’s customers will
make further purchases in the future. Much research has focused on the relationship
between customer satisfaction and retention. Studies indicate that the ramifications of
satisfaction are most strongly realized at the extremes." On a five-point scale,
"individuals who rate their satisfaction level as '5' are likely to become return customers
and might even evangelize for the firm. (A second important metric related to satisfaction
is willingness to recommend. This metric is defined as "The percentage of surveyed
customers who indicate that they would recommend a brand to friends." When a
customer is satisfied with a product, he or she might recommend it to friends, relatives
and colleagues. This can be a powerful marketing advantage.) "Individuals who rate their
satisfaction level as '1,' by contrast, are unlikely to return. Further, they can hurt the firm

by making negative comments about it to prospective customers. Willingness to
recommend is a key metric relating to customer satisfaction."

 Construction

Organizations need to retain existing customers while targeting non-customers.[4]

Measuring customer satisfaction provides an indication of how successful the
organization is at providing products and/or services to the marketplace.

"Customer satisfaction is measured at the individual level, but it is almost always

reported at an aggregate level. It can be, and often is, measured along various dimensions.
A hotel, for example, might ask customers to rate their experience with its front desk and
check-in service, with the room, with the amenities in the room, with the restaurants, and
so on. Additionally, in a holistic sense, the hotel might ask about overall satisfaction 'with
your stay.’ “As research on consumption experiences grows, evidence suggests that
consumers purchase goods and services for a combination of two types of benefits:
hedonic and utilitarian. Hedonic benefits are associated with the sensory and experiential
attributes of the product. Utilitarian benefits of a product are associated with the more
instrumental and functional attributes of the product (Batra and Athola 1990).

Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual manifestation
of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person and product/service to
product/service. The state of satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and
physical variables which correlate with satisfaction behaviours such as return and
recommend rate. The level of satisfaction can also vary depending on other options the
customer may have and other products against which the customer can compare the
organization's products.

Work done by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (Leonard L) between 1985 and 1988
provides the basis for the measurement of customer satisfaction with a service by using
the gap between the customer's expectation of performance and their perceived
experience of performance. This provides the measurer with a satisfaction "gap" which is
objective and quantitative in nature. Work done by Cronin and Taylor propose the

"confirmation/disconfirmation" theory of combining the "gap" described by Parasuraman,
Zeithaml and Berry as two different measures (perception and expectation of
performance) into a single measurement of performance according to expectation.

 Importance

Here are the top six reasons why customer satisfaction is so important:

 It’s a leading indicator of consumer repurchase intentions and loyalty

 It’s a point of differentiation

 It reduces customer churn

 It increases customer lifetime value

 It reduces negative word of mouth

 It’s cheaper to retain customers than acquire new ones

1. It’s a leading indicator of consumer repurchase intentions and loyalty.

Customer satisfaction is the best indicator of how likely a customer will make a purchase
in the future. Asking customers to rate their satisfaction on a scale of 1-10 is a good way
to see if they will become repeat customers or even advocates.

Any customers that give you a rating of 7 and above, can be considered satisfied, and you
can safely expect them to come back and make repeat purchases. Customers who give
you a rating of 9 or 10 are your potential customer advocates who you can leverage to
become evangelists for your company.

Scores of 6 and below are warning signs that a customer is unhappy and at risk of
leaving. These customers need to be put on a customer watch list and followed up so you
can determine why their satisfaction is low.

That’s why it’s one of the leading metrics businesses use to measure consumer
repurchase and customer loyalty.

2. It’s a point of differentiation

In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers; customer

satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator. Businesses who succeed in these cut-throat
environments are the ones that make customer satisfaction a key element of their business

Picture to businesses that offer the exact same product. What will make you choose one
over the other?

If you had a recommendation for one business would that sway your opinion? Probably.
So how does that recommendation originally start? More than likely it’s on the back of a
good customer experience. Companies who offer amazing customer experiences create
environments where satisfaction is high and customer advocates are plenty.

This is an example of where customer satisfaction goes full circle. Not only can customer
satisfaction help you keep a finger on the pulse of your existing customers, it can also act
as a point of differentiation for new customers.

3. It reduces customer churn

An Accenture global customer satisfaction report (2008) found that price is not the main
reason for customer churn; it is actually due to the overall poor quality of customer

Customer satisfaction is the metric you can use to reduce customer churn. By measuring
and tracking customer satisfaction you can put new processes in place to increase the
overall quality of your customer service.

I recommend you put an emphasis on exceeding customer expectations and ‘wowing’

customers at every opportunity. Do that for six months, than measure customer
satisfaction again. See whether your new initiatives have had a positive or negative
impact on satisfaction.

4. It increases customer lifetime value

A study by InfoQuest found that a ‘totally satisfied customer’ contributes 2.6 times more
revenue than a ‘somewhat satisfied customer’. Furthermore, a ‘totally satisfied customer’
contributes 14 times more revenue than a ‘somewhat dissatisfied customer’.

Satisfaction plays a significant role in how much revenue a customer generates for your

Successful businesses understand the importance of customer lifetime value (CLV). If

you increase CLV, you increase the returns on your marketing dollar.

For example, you might have a cost per acquisition of $500 dollars and a CLV of $750.
That’s a 50% ROI from the marketing efforts. Now imagine if CLV was $1,000. That’s a
100% ROI!

5. It reduces negative word of mouth

McKinsey found that an unhappy customer tells between 9-15 people about their
experience. In fact, 13% of unhappy customers tell over 20 people about their experience.

Customer satisfaction is tightly linked to revenue and repeat purchases. What often gets
forgotten is how customer satisfaction negatively impacts your business. It’s one thing to
lose a customer because they were unhappy. It’s another thing completely to lose 20
customers because of some bad word of mouth.

To eliminate bad word of mouth you need to measure customer satisfaction on an on-
going basis. Tracking changes in satisfaction will help you identify if customers are
actually happy with your product or service.

6. It’s cheaper to retain customers than acquire new ones.

This is probably the most publicized customer satisfaction statistic out there. It costs six
to seven times more to acquire new customers than it does to retain existing customers.
If that stat does not strike accord with you then there’s not much else I can do to
demonstrate why customer satisfaction is important.

Customers cost a lot of money to acquire. You and your marketing team spend thousands
of dollars getting the attention of prospects, nurturing them into leads and closing them
into sales.

Why is it that you then spend little or no money on customer retention?

Imagine if you allocated one sixth of your marketing budget towards customer retention.
How do you think that will help you with improving customer satisfaction and retaining

Here are some customer retention strategies to get you thinking:

 Use blogs to educate customers

 Use email to send special promotions

 Use customer satisfaction surveys to listen

 Delight customers by offering personalized experiences


 To study the customer satisfaction with the usage of Household products of RB

 To study the impact of different factors of marketing on customer satisfaction.
 To study the opinion of the Consumers for household products of RB Group in
comparison of other brands.

1.3 Literature review


The need for customer satisfaction measurement is well documented. Increased revenue and
incremental profitability due to higher customer retention and share-of-category-spending are
obvious benefits, among others.

However, customer satisfaction tracking is an area of market research that is often not
fully utilized as a management tool. Generally speaking, it is typically used as a simple
"report card" of various metrics used to reward and punish. The metrics used are not
always those most indicative of true satisfaction or those which are most important in
differentiating the company.

There are two notable shortcomings in the implementation of many customer satisfaction
studies that combine to reduce their value to management and marketers:

Assuming that a high score is the ultimate goal on all variables, and

Assuming that just the variables that are measured, or those that generate the most
dramatic response, are the most important to creating satisfaction.

These shortcomings, among others, greatly limit what Crestwood calls the Return-on-
Research (ROR).

Lessons Learned Regarding Return-on-Research (ROR)

In past customer satisfaction work conducted by Crestwood Associates, we have learned
to look beyond just the measures themselves and evaluate the attributes as part of
a dynamicsituation - which can be not only evaluative, but instructive as well. For
marketers and managers alike, for example, knowing not only which attributes to
emphasize, but how much to emphasize each one will yield a much greater Return-on-
Research, or ROR.

At Crestwood, the actual motivation value of each attribute is determined and
characterized into two broad value groups: "leverage" attributes, and "price-of-entry"
attributes. These terms are illustrated in the diagram above.

The customer satisfaction attributes are then plotted against the client’s delivery level on
each attribute (example below). This technique is highly effective in identifying
the actionable strategies that will result in the highest Return-on-Research:

Satisfaction attributes that are highly-rated but poorly delivered by the client are
classified as a "Critical Need". Improving delivery against those attributes will provide a
high ROR.

Attributes that are highly-rated and well-delivered by the client are classified as "Critical
to Maintain". Because these are critical differentiators, a slip in the quality of delivery
will have a significant negative impact.

Satisfaction attributes that are lower-rated by customers and are delivered at a lower level
by the client are considered "Restrict Investment". Even if the client invested in

improving its delivery level regarding these attributes, the ROR would be low due to their
relative lack of importance to customers.

Satisfaction attributes that are lower-rated by customers but are delivered at a high level
by the client are characterized as "Re-evaluate". The level at which the client chooses to
maintain or enhance delivery may depend, in part, on how well that attribute helps
differentiate the client from multiple competitors who may deliver poorly. Perceptual
mapping of all attributes for all competitors is a useful analysis tool for maximizing the
ROR in this category.

Lessons Learned About Design and Processes

Over the years, Crestwood Associates has evolved a number of design and process
guidelines that are key to a successful customer satisfaction research project. Among
them are:

1. Ensure that the work is done on a regularly-scheduled basis. Quarterly is

preferred, but semiannual is also acceptable.

2. Leverage prior studies to provide trending, whenever possible.

3. Avoid pre-supposing that all the key variables can be identified up front. There
should always be a portion of each study devoted to exploring unanticipated attributes
that might be even more predictive of satisfaction. These will help the client better
understand and address important issues.

4. Track against key customer segments. This might include multi-category clients
and heavy vs. lighter usage clients, etc., as relevant.

5. Include attitudinal and performance data in a variety of service areas and segment
results by types of customers, as relevant, to gain feedback on the issues most important
to each.

6. Incorporate open-ended responses for a variety of critical reasons:

a. Most importantly, they allow customers to openly express themselves.

b. They often reap new learning about other subject areas to watch.

c. Verbatim allow management to get a true flavor of the responses.

Reporting and Deliverables
Understanding the customer satisfaction issues is only the beginning. Just as important, if
not more so, is the communications of the results in an accurate and motivational manner.
Reporting is a specialty of Crestwood Associates and one where the client can be assured
that we will take all efforts to ensure full value of the program is recognized.

A report will be made showing the results in total and by key segments. Beyond the
reporting, analysis would be made that allow the client to understand the relative
importance of each of the attributes and characteristics to contribute to greater customer
satisfaction and overall brand performance. All analysis and recommendations would be
completed in a reporting fashion suitable for senior management.

Prior Experience Regarding Customer Satisfaction

and Complex Relationships

AT&T Wireless
For a period of over 2 years, Crestwood Associates has performed monthly business
trackers for AT&T Wireless, including customer satisfaction issues in both B2C and B2B
arenas. The wireless customer relationship is a complex one, especially in the B2B arena,
where businesses have high switching costs if they switch providers. Over the 2 years,
Crestwood has not only steadily improved quality while cutting costs, but has developed
creative analysis techniques that have been highly praised by the company’s management
and several different advertising agencies.

Interlink (mortgage software)

For this financial services client, Crestwood evaluated sources of both customer
satisfaction and frustration. The results were used, in part, to revise the customer service
representative system.

Our primary client contact at e-Loan has retained Crestwood Associates to perform
market research at five different companies over the years. For Medem.com, a health-care
information site for professionals, Crestwood did an extensive study of the company’s
multi-faceted relationship with physicians. For Healthshop.com Crestwood provided
extensive competitive benchmarking services, including customer satisfaction.
eHelp (software to manage online customer services)
Crestwood assessed the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, with
particular focus on customer satisfaction issues.

Microsoft Developer Network (regional director program)

Regional directors serve as good will ambassadors for Microsoft. This Crestwood study
evaluated the ambassador’s satisfaction with MS and how to obtain the utmost value
from the proselytizing they carried out for the company. The results were used worldwide
to improve the MS brand and increase market penetration.

Symantec (enterprise level products)

Crestwood Associates established a customer service model for this enterprise software
firm, which allowed for enhanced service with a revised cost structure.

Sumitomo (financial services)

This project-leveraged what we learned about satisfaction among current Sumitomo

financial service customers to help broaden the company’s market beyond its core Asian
and B2B real estate base.

Juri-Search (online services for attorneys)

For Juri-Search, Crestwood analyzed the complex information needs of attorneys and
how they could best be served by this online legal research service.


With over 40 years of combined experience in a wide variety of customer satisfaction and
marketing work, our principals have been at the forefront of many changes in marketing
and service models for numerous notable clients with complex customer relationships.

We are confident that the client will find our well-developed design, interviewing,
analysis and recommendation processes do a superior job of providing actionable
strategies to improve the Return-on-Research.

A client repeat rate of over 80% is testament to Crestwood Associates’ own customer
satisfaction performance.


2.1 NAME OF THE COMPANY - Reckitt Benckiser
Reckitt Benckiser plc is a multinational consumer goods company headquartered
in Slough, Berkshire, England. It is a major producer of health, hygiene and home products. It was
formed in 1999 by the merger of the UK-based Reckitt & Colman plcand the Netherlands-
based Benckiser NV.

Reckitt Benckiser's brands include Dettol (the world's largest-selling antiseptic), Strepsils (the world's
largest-selling sore throatmedicine), Veet (the world's largest-selling hair removal brand), Air
Wick (the world's second-largest-selling air freshener), Calgon,Clearasil, Cillit Bang, Durex, Lysol,
and Vanish. It has operations in around 60 countries and its products are sold in almost 200 countries.

Reckitt Benckiser is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.
It had a market capitalisation of approximately £34.75 billion as of 12 February 2014.

RB India is a dynamic, vibrant and exciting place due to the strength and potential of our
Powerbrands that are being rolled out in India. Our innovations over the last year have
been Dettol Hand Sanitiser, Harpic Hygienic Toilet Rim Block and Veet wax strips.

2009 Reckitt Benckiser revamped its corporate identity to reposition its brand as "the
power behind the Powerbrands". This saw the launch of a new logo to replace the logo
which had been introduced at the time of the Reckitt/Colman merger in 1999. The new
logo is a pink Kitemark containing the letters RB. The logo is often used with the
company's full name Reckitt Benckiser in grey alongside the Kitemark logo, using a
typeface designed especially for the company

The new logo, created by branding agency The Workroom, was inspired by a sports kite
and is intended to reflect the "loud, confident personalities of its Powerbrands". The

identity has been introduced on packaging, and is used on internal and external


Reckitt Benckiser organises the majority of its products into three main categories – health, hygiene
and home – with other brands belonging to three further categories: food, pharmaceuticals and
portfolio brands. The company's strategy is to have a highly focused portfolio concentrating on its 19
most profitable brands, which are responsible for 70% of net revenues.

Reckitt Benckiser currently produces the following products,

 Air Wick:Air Wick is a leading player in global air freshener market. A true
pioneer, launched in 2008, made the category alive with its step changing innovations
like Air Wick Freshmatic Automatic Spray, Air Wick Electrical Diffuser, and Air Wick
Airfresh spray. Air Wick believes in brightening up your world with its wide range of
pleasant fragrances.

 Cherry Blossom: In the Indian shoe-care market, Cherry Blossom is the leading
brand. This iconic shoe-care brand has been associated with “Cherry” Charlie advertising
since 1980’s. Cherry Blossom in India, has an entire range for shoe-care namely Wax
Polish, Liquid Shoe polish, Canvas cleaner and a sponge shiner called Handyshine.

 Colin:Colin is a leading Glass & Household cleaner, which makes cleaning all
kinds of glass surfaces and appliances a breeze. It is the number one player in the glass
cleaner category.

 Dettol: an iconic brand has stood for “trusted protection” in India since 1933. The
brand is endorsed by the Indian Medical Association and has been voted consistently as
one of India’s Most Trusted Brands (ORG Marg Brand Equity Survey) since 2002. Today
multiple product offerings of the brand Dettol touch the consumers in many more aspects
of personal and home care in their daily lives. Consumers use Dettol in multiple ways and
the brand has grown with introductions in synergistic segments like Bar Soaps, Liquid
Hand Wash & Hand Sanitiser. The Dettol Antiseptic Liquid has been a household name
for the family mainly used for first aid and personal care uses. Expanding the portfolio
we have Dettol soaps, easy to hold and in four variants including Dettol Original, Dettol
Fresh, Dettol Cool and Dettol Skincare. Dettol liquid hand wash provides 10 times better
protection and Dettol Instant Hand Sanitizer assure us of 99.9% germ kill, rinse free and
ideal for the entire family.
 Disprin: Disprin, one of the world’s first stable soluble analgesics, is a fast acting
formulation of Aspirin. Disprin an international brand is now available in over 70
countries and has been synonymous with effective analgesia. In India, Disprin was
launched nationally in 1977. It has been a leading analgesic brand since then.
 Easy Of Bang: Easy Off Bang with its range of Multiuse Power Cleaners offers a
complete solution for a variety of cleaning needs across surfaces, be it tough stains or
Daily Dirt. It boasts of a unique powerful formula that removes variety of stains across
different surfaces that ordinary cleaners, detergent or phenyls cannot remove even on
rigorous scrubbing. For removing tough stains, pour Easy Off Bang directly over affected
area and remove the toughest of stains with minimum effort. For removing daily dirt, add
Easy Off Bang to a bucket of water and remove dirt with ease. Its unique formula retains
power even when it is diluted thus removing stains with ease. It has two variants: Easy
Off Bang Lime & Grime Multiuse - that can be used both neat and diluted. It removes
tough stains like Hard Water Marks, Soap Scum and Daily dirt with ease. Easy Off Bang
Degreaser - that is very effective in cleaning tough Oil & Greasy stains in the kitchen and
around the home.
 Finish: Finish is the brand of Automatic Dishwashing. Due to its excellent
performance, all Finish products carry the endorsement of leading dishwasher
manufacturers across the globe. Finish Detergent for cleaning the toughest stains, Finish

Rinse Agent which prevents water spots and streaking for a brilliant shine and Finish
Special Salt which removes water hardness that has a negative effect on the dishwasher
performance results.
 Harpick: Harpic is the leading lavatory care brand in India. Its product range in
liquid toilet cleaners consists of Harpic Power Range, Harpic Fresh Range and Harpic
Bleach. Harpic Power Range is available in 3 variants- Harpic Power Original, Power
Rose and Power Orange while Harpic Fresh is available in 2 variants- Pine and Citrus.
Harpic is also present in Automatic Block segment with HarpicFlushmatic (In the cistern
toilet cleaner) and the recently launched Harpic Hygienic (In the bowl Toilet cleaner).
 Lizol: Lizol is the No.1 disinfectant floor cleaner in India. Since its launch in
1997, Lizol has become the gold standard in disinfection. Lizol has 3-in-1 cleaning
action - 99.9% germ kill, unique formulation for removing the toughest stains and fresh
new fragrance for your entire house. It is available in four fragrances – Pine, Citrus,
Floral and Lavender.
 Mortein: Mortein is one of India's leading pest control brands that stand for
"Trusted Protection" against disease causing pests like mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats etc.
It has an entire range of effective mosquito repellent products in India, namely Mortein
Coils, Mortein Liquid and Mortein Aerosols. Recently Mortein launched the new
MorteinPowerGard range of Coils, Liquid Vaporizers and Aerosols.

 Strepsils: Strepsils is the world's leading sore throat medicine. Trusted by

consumers and pharmacists alike, the brand is now present in over 100 countries. From
its inception as a sore throat gargle in 1950, the range has grown to a wide range of
lozenges giving consumer the choice they require in treating their sore throats.

 Vanish: Vanish was launched in 2005 in India. This global brand, effectively
removes tough stains such as tea, coffee, ink, fruit, ketchup etc, which are difficult to
remove by detergents alone. Also it works on removing stains from both colored and
whites, and delicates without any worry of damage. The brand was re-launched in 2010
with new powerful formulation. It has 10 times more active oxygen and a stain lifting
formula. Bollywood star Sridevi is the brand ambassador. Its powerful ingredient ‘Active
Oxygen’ gets released in water and penetrates fabric to remove even tough stains, leaving

the fabric cleaner and brighter without any excessive scrubbing or brushing. In addition
to regular laundry, Vanish works well on delicates, Sports Kits, Curtains, Baby clothes,
Tablecloths, Towels, etc.
 Veet: Veet is an example of a successful innovation in the depilatory category.
Veet hair removal cream was launched in 2004 in a market where there had been little
innovation for several years. Veet has two variants in India – Veet Hair Removal Creams
and Veet Wax Strips. Veet hair removal creams come with international ingredients to
give best care for different skin types; double moisturizers for greater consumer
satisfaction. The VEET Ready–to-Use wax strips were launched in 2009. All Veet
products feature Veet brand ambassador, Katrina Kaif. The most recent launch is
VeetSuprem’ Essence reformulated with a blend of beauty oils and new velvet rose
fragrance for a smoother experience.

 Krack Cream: Dry skin (xerosis) is common and can get worse with wearing
open-back shoes, increased weight, or increased friction from the back of shoes,
prolonged exposure to water. Dry cracking skin can also be a subtle sign of more
significant problems, such as diabetes or loss of nerve function (autonomic neuropathy).
Krack cream is an antiseptic cream that relieves severely damaged and cracked heels. It is
fortified with the power of 7 herbs trusted in Ayurveda. Krack cream repairs and relieves
dry skin disorders such as rough and cracked heels, chapped hands, fissures and

 Ichgaurd: ItchGuard cream provides fast relief from itching. It contains

clotrimazole which acts as antifungal and menthol which soothes the skin and gives a
cooling effect. Itch Guard cream provides fast relief

 Ringaurd:Prolonged exposure to water, humid environment and excessive heat,

results in a skin affliction called ringworm, commonly known as 'Daad'. RingGuard
cream provides fast relief from ringworm and other skin infections. It has double action
formula - having active ingredients like miconazole nitrate which acts as anti-fungal &
neomycin sulphate which acts as an anti-bacterial

 Stopache: Stopache is an analgesic and antipyretic tablet that ensures fast relief
from headache, toothache and an aching body. It has an effective formula that contains
paracetamol (acetaminophen) 500 mg and caffeine 50 mg.

 Moov: Moov is a backache specialist. The specialised ayurvedic ‘Fast Pain Relief
Formula’ with the power of nilgiri oil contains other active ingredients such as tarpin oil,
oil of wintergreen and mint flowers. Moov penetrates deep inside, produces warmth and
helps you recover fast. Moov is also available in an aerosol spray. Ideal for consumers
with hectic lifestyles, prone to recurring backaches, they can now avail of instant pain
relief by means of a spray. This spray is convenient and easy to use. The New Moov
Neck & Shoulder with its unique ‘Anti-inflammatory System’ acts fast to reduce swelling
& inflammation and thus relieve pain. Moov Neck & Shoulder is fortified with the power
of ‘oil of wintergreen’ and ‘diclofenac’ which act fast to reduce inflammation and relax
the strained muscles. Moov Neck and shoulders is a non-greasy formula with a pleasant

Corporate Governance
Reckitt Benckiser's current directors are: RakeshKapoor, Adrian Bellamy, Richard
Cousins, Dr Peter Harf, Adrian Hennah, Ken Hydon, Graham Mackay, André Lacroix,
Judith Sprieser, and Warren Tucker. Current members of the executive committee are:
Rob de Groot, AmadeoFasano, Heather Allen, Roberto Funari, Gareth Hill, Frederic
Larmuseau and Simon Nash.

From the company's creation in 1999 until he retired in 2011, Bart Becht was CEO. He
was widely credited with the company's recent success. The Guardian called him "one of
the most successful businessmen of his generation". Under him, the company focussed on
its core brands, and on improving efficiency in the supply chain. It also increased its
marketing budget. Business Week noted that "40% of Reckitt Benckiser's $10.5 billion in
2007 revenues came from products launched within the previous three year .Becht was
Britain's highest-paid businessman, taking home more than £90 million in 2009. In April
2011, he announced that he would step down in September of that year, to be replaced by
RakeshKapoor, who had been with the company since 1987. Reckitt Benckiser shares fell
by 6.6% on the news.

MEANING:-“Research comprises, defining and re-defining, formulating hypothesis or
suggesting, collecting, organizing, evaluating data, making deduction and reaching
conclusion and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the
formulating hypothesis.”


Research Methodology is defined as a more systematic activity directed towards

discovery and the development of an organized body of knowledge. An efficient research
contributes to the evaluation of a proper decision, which ultimately affects the path the
organization will choose. The data collected is of paramount importance and hence the
research process has to be effective and an efficient one.

Research is a logical and systematic search for new and useful information on a particular
topic. It is an investigation of finding solution to scientific and social problems through
objective and systematic analysis. It’s a search of knowledge, i.e. a discovery of hidden
truths. Here knowledge means information about matters. The information might be
collected from different sources like experience, human beings, books, journals; nature
etc. a research can lead to new contributions to the existing knowledge. Only through
research it is possible to make progress in field. Research is done with the help of study,
experiment, observation, analysis, comparison and reasoning. Research is in fact
ubiquitous. Research methodology is a systematic way to solve problem. It is a science of
studying how research is to be carried out. Essentially, the procedures by which
researchers go about their work of describing, explaining and predicting phenomena are
called research methodology. It is also defined as the study of the methods by which
knowledge is gained. Its aim is to give the work plan of research.


The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of

scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden

and which has not been discovered as yet. Though each research study has its own
specific purpose, we may think of research objectives as falling into a number of
following broad groupings:

1. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it (studies with
this object in view are termed as exploratory or formulative research studies);
2. To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group
(studies with this object in view are known as descriptive research studies);
3. To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is
associated with something else (studies with this object in view are known as diagnostic
research studies);
4. To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables (such studies are known
as hypothesis-testing research studies).

Research Objective:
Any task without sound objectives is like trees without roots. Similarly in case of any
research study undertaken, initially the objectives of the same are determined and
accordingly the further steps are taken on. A research study have many objectives but all
these objectives are revolving around one major objective which the focus of the study.
The objective of this study is:
How many people use RB group household products and how many of them are

Research Methodology

Research methodology is considered as the nerve of the project. It is a way of doing

something and methodology is a set of methods used in a particular area of activity.
Therefore, research methodology is the way to systematically solve the research problem.
It not only talks of the methods but also logic behind the methods used in the context of a
research study and it explains why a particular method has been used in the preference of
the other method. The research methodology employed in the research is as given by
Philip Kotler.

 Developing the problems and research objective

 Developing the information sources.
 Collecting and analysing the information
 Presenting the information

The formidable problem that follows the task of defining the research problem is the
preparation of the design of the research project popularly known as the research design.
It is needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various research operations,
thereby making research as efficient as possible yielding maximum information with
minimal expenditure of effort, time and money.

A research design is a type of blueprint prepared on various types of blueprints available

for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. A research design calls for
developing the most efficient plan of gathering the needed information. The design of a
research study is based on the purpose of the study.

A research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the
information needed. It is the overall pattern or framework of the project that stipulates
what information is to be collected from which source and by what procedures.


Research is a process of collecting, analysing and interpreting information to answer

questions. But to qualify as research, the process must have certain characteristics: it
must, as far as possible, be controlled rigorous, systematic, valid and verifiable, empirical
and critical. Every research needs lots of dedication mainly depends on the subject matter
of research. Before undertaking any research in any subject areas one must be sure about
the intended purpose of the research- this purpose determines what type of research one is
going to undertake. Any scientific research may fall into the following three broad

Descriptive vs. Analytical

Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The
major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state affairs as it exists at

present. In social science and business research we quite often the term Ex post facto
research for descriptive research studies. The main characteristic of this method is that
the researcher has no control over the variables; he can only report what has happened or
what is happening. Most ex post facto research projects are used for descriptive studies in
which the researcher seeks to measure such items as, for example, frequency of shopping,
preferences of people, or similar data. Ex post facto studies also include attempts by
researchers to discover causes even when they cannot control the variables. The methods
of research utilized in descriptive research are survey methods of all kinds, including
comparative and correlational methods. In analytical research, on the other hand, the
researcher has to use facts or information already available, and analyze these to make a
critical evaluation of the material.

Applied vs. fundamental:

Applied vs. Fundamental: Research can either be applied (or action) research or
fundamental (to basic or pure) research. Applied research aims at finding a solution for
an immediate problem facing a society or an industrial/business organization, whereas
fundamental research is mainly concerned with generalizations and with the formulation
of a theory. “Gathering knowledge for knowledge’s sake is termed ‘pure’ or ‘basic’
research?” Research concerning some natural phenomenon or relating to pure
mathematics are examples of fundamental research.

Quantitative vs. qualitative:

Some methods provide data which are quantitative and some methods data which are
qualitative. Quantitative methods are those which focus on numbers and frequencies
rather than on meaning and experience. Quantitative methods (e.g. experiments,
questionnaires and psychometric tests) provide information which is easy to analyses
statistically and fairly reliable. Quantitative methods are associated with the scientific
and experimental approach and are criticized for not providing an in depth description.

Qualitative methods are ways of collecting data which are concerned with describing
meaning, rather than with drawing statistical inferences. What qualitative methods (e.g.

case studies and interviews) lose on reliability they gain in terms of validity? They
provide a more in depth and rich description.

Quantitative methods have come under considerable criticism. In modern research, most
psychologists tend to adopt a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches,
which allow statistically reliable information obtained from numerical measurement to be
backed up by and enriched by information about the research participants' explanations.

Conceptual vs. empirical:

Conceptual research is that related to some abstract idea(s) or theory. It is generally used
by philosophers and thinkers to develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones. On
the other hand, empirical research relies on experience or involves observation alone,
often without due regard for system and theory. It is a data-based research, with analyses
coming up with conclusions, which are capable of being verified by observation or
experiment. We can also call it as ‘experimental type of research. In such a research it is
necessary to get at facts at the firsthand, at their source, and actively to go about doing
certain things to usually stimulate the production of the desired information. In such a
research, the researcher must first provide himself with a working hypothesis or guess as
to the probable results. He then works to get enough facts (data) to prove or disprove his
hypothesis. He then sets up his experimental designs, which he thinks will manipulate the
persons or the materials concerned so as to bring forth the desired information. Such
research is thus, characterized by the experimenter’s control over the variables under
study and his deliberate manipulation of one of them to study its effects. Empirical
research is appropriate when proof is sought that certain variables affect other variables
in some way. Evidence gathered through experiments or empirical studies is today
considered to be the most powerful support possible for a given hypothesis.




USES Formulate problems  Describe characteristic of Provide evidence

more precisely. certain groups. regarding causal
 Develop hypotheses. Estimate proportion of relationship between
 Establish priorities. people in a population variables by means of :

 Eliminate impractical who behave in a certain  Concomitant variation.

ideas. way.  Time order in which
 Clarify concepts.  Make specific predictions. variables occur.
 Elimination of other
possible explanations.

 Literature search.
TYPES  Sample survey.  Laboratory experiment.
 Experience survey.  Field experiment.
 Focus groups.
 Analysis of selected


Descriptive research is used in this project report in order to identify the purchasing
behaviour of customers. This is the most popular type of research technique, generally
used in survey research design and most useful in describing the characteristics of
consumer behaviour. The method used was questionnaire and interview of people
belonging to the age group 18-25.

Data Collection and Techniques

Data Collection

Data collection is a term used to describe a process of preparing and collecting data, for
example, as a part of a process improvement or similar project. The purpose of data
collection is to obtain information to keep on record, to make decisions about important
issues, or to pass information on to others. Data are primarily collected to provide
information regarding a specific topic. Data collection usually takes place early on in an
improvement project, and is often formalized through a data collection plan which often
contains the following activity.

1. Pre collection activity- agrees on goals, target data, definitions, and methods.
2. Collection- data collection
3. Present findings- usually involve some form of sorting analysis and/or

Primary Data is the data that you collect yourself using direct observation, surveys,
interviews etc. It is the data that has been collected from first- hand- experience. Primary
data has not been published yet and is more reliable, authentic and objective. Primary
data has not been changed or altered by human beings; therefore, its validity is greater
than secondary data.

Secondary Data is data collected by someone other than the user. Common sources of
secondary data for social science includes censuses, surveys, organizational records and
data collected through qualitative methodologies or qualitative research. It is collected
from external sources such as TV, radio, internet, magazines, newspaper, articles,
reviews etc.

The research is based on primary and secondary data sources.

Questionnaire Design:
As the questionnaire is self-administrated one, the survey is kept simple and user
friendly. Words used in questionnaire are readily understandable to all respondent. Also
technical jargons are avoided to ensure that there is no confusion for respondents.
In addition to that, analysis of social and economic change considers secondary data
essential, since it is impossible to conduct a new survey that can adequately capture past
and/or developments.
Descriptive research design


Sample size- 50 students


PRIMARY DATA: Primary data is collected from households section from more.
Megastore, Rohini city centre Delhi with the help of a self-administered Questionnaire.

SECONDARY DATA: Internet, websites, other research papers were been used.


The statistical tools used are graphs, tables, pie chart, diagrams, etc.


1- Some of the respondents refused to fill the questionnaire during the research
2- Generally the respondents were busy in their work and were not interested in
responding rightly.
3- Respondents were reluctant to disclose complete and correct information about
themselves and the organization
4- Due to lack of awareness it is difficult to get proper data from the employees.
5- The most important point that survey was carried through Questionnaire and the
Questions were based on perception.
6- In the end of every month there are some closing details which the employees
have to file to the head, so at that time everyone is very busy.
7- Many of the respondents have not given proper response that makes the data
collection vague to certain extent.
8- There is small sample size of the study due to organizational constraints.


Data Analysis & Interpretation

1. Table showing Occupation of Customer

S.No. Occupation No. of respondent

1 Business 20

2 Service 25

3 Job 3

4 Other 2

Occupation of Customer



Occupation of Customer


Buisness Service Job Other


It is observed that, 20 customers are doing the Business and 25customer are the employee
service sector and 3 are doing job, 2 are from other field.

2. Which product is preferred the most

SI no. Product No. of people

A Dettol 46

B Harpic 5

C Easy Of Bang 16

D Lizol 18

E Mortein 13

F Vanish 9

40 Dettol
35 Harpic
Easy Of Bang
15 Mortein
10 Vanish


The above mention graph showshouseholdProducts considered of Rb group; Dettol by

14, and Harpic by 5, and Easy Of Bang by 16, Lizol by 18, Mortein by 13, and Vanish by
3. Are you satisfied with By RB group Household Products?

Sr. no. RB Products No of percentage

A Yes 63

B No 37

No A B



The above mention graph shows no. of people who satisfied with Household product in
the respondents’ response given yes by 65% and No by 35%.

4. Will you recommend RB Group product to anybody?

S.No Recommendation No of

A Yes 70

B No 30

A, 70


The above mention graph shows the number of people who recommend household
products by RB Group in the total persons yes by 70%and No by 30%.

5. What do you think about Effectiveness Of household products of RB Group?

S.No RANK No of people

A Excellent 30

B Good 15

C Better 4

D Poor 1


15 Better

10 Poor

Excellent Good Better Poor


From the above table shows that the respondents of the people about effectiveness of
household products of RB Group is excellent i.e. 30, the next group is good i.e. 15, the
remaining people who feel better is 20 and other who feel poor experience are 10

6. Do you find festive packs of our products useful?

S.No Remarks No of percentage

A Yes 63

B No 37

B, 37

Yes NO

A, 63


The above mention graph show the no of customers who found festive packs of our
product useful is yes by 63% and No by 37% customers.

7. How do you feel about company’s response towards customers?

S.No Source No of percentage

A Excellent 45

B Good 30

C Better 15

D Poor 10


15 Poor


45 Excellent

0 10 20 30 40 50


The above mention graph shows the numbers of response of customers towards the
products from the total number of 75 people are Excellent 38, Good 30, Better 15, Poor
are 10.

8. Overall, how satisfied were you with your new Product?


Satisfied 80%

Not Satisfied 20%




80% of RB Group household product users are satisfied being compared to 20% of
unsatisfied users.

9. Have you ever contacted customer service?

S.NO Remarks Customers

A Yes 06

B No 14

Customers Who Contacted Customer

8 Customers Who Contacted
6 Customer Care

Yes No


Only 6 out of 20 customers contacted customer care whereas on 14 out of 20 customers did not
contact the customer care.

10. Is it easy to find the product in the market?

S.No Remarks Percentage

A Yes 95%

B No 5%

Is it easy to find the product in the

Yes No




95% of the people found it easy to find the product in the market whereas only 5% found
it difficult.

11. Is it convenient to use the product?

S.No Remarks No. of people

A Yes 48

B No 2

Is the product convienient ?

Is the product convienient ?


Yes No


48 out of 50 customers found the product convenient whereas only 2 out of 50 didn't find
it convenient

12.Compared to our competitors, are our prices higher, lower, or about the same?

Price No. of people

Higher 25

Lower 25

About the same 50

Higher Lower About the same


50% people considered the price to be the same whereas 25% considered the price to be
hiked and 25% feels the price are lower than its competitors.

13. How do you like the packaging of the products?

S.No. Remarks No. of people

A Yes 40

B No 10

Packaging likes and dislikes

Packaging likes and
Yes No


40 out of 50 people like the packaging whereas 10 dislike the packaging of the product

14. How well do you feel that our company understands your needs?

S.No. Remarks % People

A Yes 70

B No 30

Do Company understand needs?



70% think that the company understands the need of the customers whereas 30% thinks
that the company do not understand the problem.

15. Do you find the products costly?

S.No Remarks % people

A Yes 40

B No 60

Are products costly?



40% of people found the product costly whereas 60% of people Found it affordable being
compared to household products of other company.




It is observed that

1. The prospective segment is from the business and self-employed class.

2. RB group should continue to maintain the standard of the service.
3. It is observed that, 45% customers are doing the Business and 25% customer are the
employee in private or government sector, 10% are farmer and 20% in other field
4. The product should reach the customers before time
5. The customer highest priority is for LIZOL
6. Customers are highly satisfied with Products.
7. Company has created goodwill among the customers which will help them to recommend
Products to others

It has been observed that customers are happy with the household products manufactured
by the company. The quality driven thinking of RB group and Customer first attitude has
given them the no.1 worldwide tag. The performance in India is also very decent. Be it in
sales or consumer choice RB is recommended and used by most of the Indians. With a
vision of becoming a vision healthcare giant sky should be the limit for RB group.


After conducting the survey and knowing the market, I realize that:

 The company should keep in mind the need of young generation.

 Company should improve promotion strategy of product.
 The company should know its customers satisfaction level throughout doing periodic
surveys. Periodic surveys can treat customer satisfaction directly.
 Company should improve/upgrades its competitor’s knowledge by giving proper training
to employee.
 Company should upgrade or innovate its new product.
 The company should not only concentrate on the customer satisfaction but also the
company led to monitor their competitor’s performance in their areas of operations.
 The company should make changes according to the other competitors & according to the
customer’s expectations.



I have taken reference from the following:

 Business Today (February Edition)

 Outlook Money (March Edition)
 Business India (August Edition)
 Forbes India (August Edition)
 Economic and political weekly(June Edition)
 Herald Of library science(August edition)





Dear Sir / Madam,


research project on “Marketing study of RB group India"

I request you to fill this questionnaire & I assure that this data will be used only for study
purpose it will be kept confidential

1. What is your Occupation?

o Business
o Service
o Job
o Other
2. Which product do you prefer the most?
o Dettol
o Harpic
o Easy of bang
o Lizol
o Mortein
o Vanish
3. Are you satisfied with By RB group Household Products?
o Yes
o No
4. Will you recommend RB Group product to anybody?
o Yes
o No
5. What do you think about Effectiveness Of household products of RB
o Excellent
o Good
o Better
o Poor

6. Do you find festive packs of our products useful?
o Yes
o No
7. How do you feel about the company's response towards Customers?
o Excellent
o Good
o Better
o Poor
8. How are you satisfied with your new product?
o Satisfied
o Not satisfied
9. Have you ever contacted customer care?
o Yes
o No
10. Is it easy to find the product in the market?
o Yes
o No
11. Is it convenient to use the product?
o Yes
o No
12. Compared to our competitors, are our prices higher, lower, or about the
o Higher
o Lower
o About the same
13. How do you like the packaging of the products?
o Yes
o No
14. How well do you feel that our company understands your needs?
o Yes
o No
15. Do you find the products costly?
o Yes
o No


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