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1, FEBRUARY 1998 19

Ray Analysis of Electromagnetic

Field Build-Up and Quality Factor of
Electrically Large Shielded Enclosures
Do-Hoon Kwon, Student Member, IEEE, Robert J. Burkholder, Senior Member, IEEE,
and Prabhakar H. Pathak, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— A high-frequency asymptotic ray solution is inves-

tigated for predicting the electromagnetic field build up and
steady-state parameters of shielded enclosures or cavities, which
are large with respect to wavelength. It is found that the ray
solution can deterministically predict the early-time field build
up after the source is switched on, but cannot predict the steady-
state fields of high- enclosures because of the intractably large
number of ray reflections required for convergence. However, it
is demonstrated that the steady-state Qfactor may be predicted
from the early-time energy density build up at a point by
coherently summing the power in each ray. The Q
factor is
obtained via its relationship to the cavity time constant, which
may be extracted from the early-time energy density curve. A
clear indication of polarization diversity throughout the enclosure
may also be obtained by plotting the polarization components
of the early-time fields and energy density build up at different
points. The advantage of the ray method is that it can be used to
treat large closed cavities of relatively arbitrary shape.
Index Terms—Arbitrary geometry, cavity, high frequency, ray
analysis, shielded enclosure.

Fig. 1. Reverberating cavity of arbitrary shape with metallic wall having

I. INTRODUCTION conductivity  . The cavity has a transmitter and a mechanical mode stirrer

T HE electromagnetic (EM) analysis of electrically large

closed cavities is important for understanding the field
build-up and steady-state behavior of high- shielded enclo- a wave reflects from the highly conducting walls, the field
sures and reverberation chambers. The procedure presented in the cavity can build up to a very large value a short time
here has been specifically applied to a completely enclosed after a steady-state source is turned on. For the case of the
high- chamber, although the same approach could be used reverberation chamber, it is desired that the field inside be
in the analysis of other electrically large closed or shielded uniformly distributed in amplitude, polarization, and -space
EM environments, such as below decks of a ship or inside spectral content so that a device under test is exposed to
aircraft cabins. a highly diverse electromagnetic environment. As shown in
The EM reverberation chamber has become a useful tool Fig. 1, a mechanical “mode stirrer” is sometimes placed so that
for testing EM shielding effectiveness of electronic enclo- it can stir up the steady-state fields and obtain time-averaged
sures and for emissions measurements and other EM inter- uniformity for the interior fields as it rotates [3]. Alternatively,
ference/compatibility applications [1], [2]. Fig. 1 shows an “frequency stirring” may be used for producing the same effect
electrically large closed cavity. The cavity has metallic walls [4]. The analysis described here is applied to a large static
with very high conductivity and is excited by a transmitting chamber, although it may be easily extended to the analysis
antenna or aperture. (For emissions testing the antenna or of time-varying reverberation chambers.
aperture would receive radiation from an active test object At microwave frequencies room-size cavities are very large
in the chamber.) Since very little power is dissipated when with respect to wavelength, so numerical analysis of the
interior fields becomes intractable. For these cases, most the-
Manuscript received March 17, 1997; revised November 7, 1997. This work oretical approaches for predicting cavity characteristics have
was supported by the Joint Services Electronics Program, Grant N00014-89- been based on cavity modal analysis for uniform geometries
J-1007. [5], [6] or statistical methods which assume at the outset that
The authors are with the ElectroScience Laboratory, Department of Elec-
trical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43212 USA. the average power density is uniform throughout the cavity
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9375(98)01715-3. [7]–[9]. An alternative high-frequency asymptotic ray-based
0018–9375/98$10.00  1998 IEEE

approach is presented here for analyzing electrically large

cavities of relatively arbitrary configuration. To within the
accuracy of the high-frequency asymptotic approximation, this
method can deterministically predict the fields at any point in
the cavity during the early part of the transient field build-up
after the source is turned on. The steady-state fields cannot
be directly computed for realistic high- chambers using this
method because the rays would have to be tracked through
thousands of reflections from the chamber walls to reach
a convergent solution. However, a method is presented for
predicting the steady-state behavior from the early-time energy
density build-up, which allows the cavity time constant
to be extracted, and from that the cavity quality factor
may be computed. Furthermore, the early-time ray solution
allows one to plot the individual polarization components at
different points throughout the cavity in order to visualize
the polarization diversity. The ray approach presented here
is intended to be used as a diagnostic tool for evaluating the
performance of shielded enclosure and test chamber designs. Fig. 2. Two consecutive reflection points Q m m+1 and direct and mul-
tiple-bounce rays contributing at an observer.
In the following, it is assumed that the primary loss mech-
anism in a well-designed high- enclosure such as a re-
verberation chamber is due to the finite conductivity of the be written as
walls. Power loss due to signal feedback into the source
antenna may also be computed using the method presented (1)
here, but it has been shown that this is much less signif-
icant than the wall loss at microwave frequencies [9]. In where is the th ray originating from the transmitting
Section II, the high-frequency ray method is described and it antenna and arriving at after experiencing a particular
is demonstrated with numerical results for a static rectangular number of reflections along its unique ray path to . Several
chamber in Section III. Section IV introduces the approach rays contributing to the total field at an observer are depicted
for calculating from the early-time behavior and compares in Fig. 2. Note that (1) is in general an infinite sum for a closed
the results with the formulas derived in [8]. Conclusions and cavity and it must be truncated for computational purposes as
suggestions for further extensions of the method are discussed discussed later.
in Section V. An harmonic time convention is assumed Each individual ray field can be found by ray tracing
and suppressed for the frequency-domain fields throughout. according to the laws of GO. The complete path a particular
The medium filling the cavity is free-space with impedance ray goes through needs to be found and if a ray experiences
and wavenumber where is the steady-state multiple reflections from the walls, the reflection points and
wavelength. the sequential order of reflections should also be determined.
One can then march along the ray path and compute the field
along the ray throughout a sequence of reflections.
After reflections, the th ray field at the point is given
In the high-frequency asymptotic sense, the field at a
point inside a cavity can be described as a superposition of (2)
ray fields originating from the transmitting antenna. Since
the fields associated with the multiple-reflection of rays are
dominant compared with the fields associated with the effects where denotes the total ray path length from the source to
of diffraction (assuming the mode stirrer is electrically large), and is the field incident at the first reflection
one can represent the cavity fields by the geometrical optics point , but with its phase propagation to extracted
(GO) approximation [10], i.e., by the sum of the fields of (and absorbed into ). At each reflection point ,
the direct ray and multiply-reflected rays. Unlike the cavity the incident ray field is decomposed into two components
mode expansion, which has been conventionally used for PEC transverse to the ray propagation direction which are parallel
cavities of canonical shapes [11], [12] the ray method can be and perpendicular to the plane of incidence at . The
applied to relatively arbitrarily shaped cavities and it can also incident field may then be written as
very easily take into account the effect of slight wall loss. The (3)
latter is achieved by incorporating the finite conductivity
into the reflection coefficients associated with high-frequency where the parallel and perpendicular unit vectors are denoted
ray reflections [13]. Thus, inside a general cavity the ray by and . is in the plane of incidence and
description of the electric field at an observation point can is perpendicular to it while both of these unit vectors are

denotes the geometrical optics spatial divergence

factor which accounts for the amplitude variation of the ray
field. For an electrically small transmitting antenna and planar
walls, the divergence factor is given by


where is the distance from the transmitter to and

denotes the total path length of the th ray from
all the way back to the transmitting antenna. For curved
walls, the divergence factor may be computed using the
method presented in [10] and [14]. Finally, it is noted that
(2) is a product of matrix multiplications so the order of
the multiplications is important and should be interpreted as
The magnitude of the plane wave reflection coefficients
and are plotted in Fig. 3 as a function of incidence
angle for three highly conducting nonmagnetic metallic
surfaces. Note that and are very close to unity
for high as expected, indicating that very little energy is
absorbed at each reflection. (It is noted that both reflection
coefficients and go to one in magnitude for grazing
incidence, i.e., as , although the rise of occurs
too close to to be visible on the plot scale. This
behavior of reflection coefficients for plane wave incidence on
planar interfaces is well documented as, for example, in [15].)
Fig. 3 also shows the aforementioned transverse unit vectors
associated with the incident , and the reflected ,
Fig. 3. Reflection coefficients 0? and 0k versus incidence angle i .

transverse to the propagation direction of the incident field.

Snell’s law of reflection applies, which states that the reflected III. RAY FIELDS IN A RECTANGULAR
ray lies in the plane of incidence and the angle of reflection CAVITY WITH MONOPOLE EXCITATION
is equal to the angle of incidence [10]. is the reflection Consider a rectangular cavity with a small monopole an-
matrix at , which relates the reflected field components to tenna radiating on the bottom surface, as shown in Fig. 4.
the incident components and is defined by For this geometry, finding ray paths and reflection points is
greatly facilitated by employing image theory [11]. One can
(4) remove the walls and place image sources of the monopole
at appropriate locations in space. Then, the field value at
where and are plane wave reflection coefficients any observation point is determined by summing up the
given by contributions from the original source and all the image
sources. Some of the image sources and rays are illustrated
in Fig. 5. For more complicated chamber geometries, which
(5) may also have a mode stirrer present, a ray shooting approach
[13], [16] is recommended to find the ray paths and reflection
points. A static rectangular chamber with a simple monopole
(6) excitation is chosen for the results presented here to illustrate
the field build-up as more and more image rays add to the
field at the observation point.
(7) The current on the original monopole antenna is determined
from the method of moments [17] using the electric field
for a highly conductive nonmagnetic metallic surface. The integral equation for a monopole on a lossy ground plane. The
incidence angle is defined in Fig. 3. excitation of the antenna is a magnetic frill generator, modeling
accounts for the coordinate transformation from a coaxial probe opening into the cavity. Once the current
and to and and is defined by on the monopole is found in the presence of a lossy ground
plane of infinite extent, image theory gives the corresponding
(8) currents on all the image sources. It is noted that (2) assumes
the observation point in the cavity is in the far zone of the

with the size of the cavity. Finally, it is noted that the moment
method analysis of the monopole can also be used to compute
received fields which may be generated by an active or passive
test object and also be caused by feedback from the cavity.
Now assume that the input antenna is excited by a step
function modulated signal operating at the frequency (ra-
dian frequency ). The time domain electric field at
point may then be written as


where is the frequency response of the stepped

input source given by


From (2), may be written as


Fig. 4. A rectangular cavity with a monopole antenna. The conductivity of
the wall is  .
Since is band limited around and we can
safely assume that is a slowly varying function of
(where ) around , (10) is well approximated by



denotes the total ray path length from to the th image

source and is the unit step function that accounts
for the delayed time of arrival of each ray. is the speed of
light in free-space with permittivity and permeability .
Also, with being the applied frequency. The
envelope of is given in the high-frequency
limit by

Fig. 5. Image sources and rays contributing at P.
Fig. 6 shows the envelope of the early time fields at a point
obtained via (16) for three values of conductivity ,
source antenna. While small monopoles easily satisfy this , and S/m (Siemens per meter). The chamber is a 1.75-
requirement, it is possible that some antennas may be too m cube and the frequency of the step-modulated signal is
large to employ ray tracing in the simplified format of (2). 10 GHz. Along with the time axis, the number of included
In this case, a generalized ray expansion may used instead images and the maximum number of ray reflections are also
[14]; however, it is expected that most antennas employed in shown in Fig. 6. Since the image sources are evenly placed in
practice as sources of EM waves would be small compared space, the number of images contributing to (16) at time is

Fig. 6. The envelope of early time fields versus time: The chamber is a cube Fig. 7. Envelope function of e(P; t) in each coordinate direction: the ob-
with a = b = c = 1:75 m and the modulation frequency is 10 GHz. The servation point P is at (x; y; z ) = (0:6; 0:7; 0:8). The chamber is a cube
observation point P is at (x; y; z ) = (0:6; 0:7; 0:8). with a = b = c = 1:75 m,  = 106 S/m, and the modulation frequency
is 10 GHz.

COMPARISON OF LOSS PER REFLECTION, NUMBER OF IMAGES AND NUMBER OF magnitude. The minimum number of reflections required for
FOR FIVE VALUES OF  : THE SETTLE TIMES ARE BASED ON A CUBIC CHAMBER OF convergence may then be calculated approximately from
and are given in Table I for each along with the corre-
sponding number of images and the time to convergence (settle
time). The table indicates that a realistic chamber (
S/m) requires an intractably large number of images and
reflections to be computed for convergence.
Fig. 7 shows the envelope functions in each coordinate
direction as a function of time for the S/m case
of Fig. 6. Plotting these field components at several different
roughly where is the volume of the chamber. locations allows one to visualize the polarization diversity
The number of reflections denotes the maximum number of throughout the chamber.
reflections any ray goes through to reach by time . The
jagged appearance of the field plots is due to the ideal step IV. SEMIDETERMINISTIC PREDICTION OF QUALITY FACTOR
input being used here; in reality, the limited bandwidth of the
source antenna and transmission line feed would cause the The most commonly used parameter for characterizing
source to have a less abrupt turn on and provide small scale closed cavities such as reverberation chambers is the quality
factor . As with other types of resonant systems, the of a
smoothing of the field plots without affecting the general shape
closed cavity will tell how effective the cavity is in building
of the curves.
up and storing energy. With a very large , the field in the
As Fig. 6 illustrates, in the lossiest case with S/m,
chamber can build up to a very large value even with small
the field reaches steady-state relatively early. This is because
input power. This is because upon turning on the excitation,
the rays that take a long time to reach have undergone a
the energy in the cavity will build up to a steady-state level
large number of attenuating reflections and become too weak
where the total input power is exactly compensated by the
to contribute significantly to the total field. As expected, it dissipated power from all the loss mechanisms combined.
takes a longer time for the field with S/m to settle The classical definition of for a single frequency of
down because there is less attenuation per reflection. For the operation at steady state is given by
more realistic case of S/m, which corresponds to a
good metallic conductor, convergence could not be reached (18)
within a reasonable amount of computer time.
It was observed computationally that the field reaches its where is the total stored energy and is dissipated
steady-state value after a time when all the subsequent rays are power. A simple formula for the of a closed cavity was
attenuated by reflections to less than 6/10 of their free-space obtained in [8] by treating the cavity field as a uniformly

Fig. 8. Coherent energy density build-up for five values of  : a = b = c = 1:75 m. Observation pointis at (x; y; z ) = (0:6; 0:7; 0:8). Coherent
sum of ray power and exponential curve fit overlay each other.

distributed spectrum of plane waves and calculating average if one sums the power in the rays using magnitude only, the
power dissipation statistically, arriving at energy density build-up at a point may be written as

Skin depth (19) (22)

where is the relative permeability of the cavity which is expected to have a behavior similar to (21). This
wall, is the volume, and is the inner surface area of the function is plotted in Fig. 8 for various cases of values.
cavity. A time constant was suggested in [9] defined by Also plotted for each is a best curve-fit of the function

(20) (23)
where the time delay has been introduced because unlike
which determines the exponential decay rate of the stored , stays at zero until the first ray arrives at
energy when the source is suddenly turned off. Since the same . However, these two curves overlay each other to within
applies to the case of energy build-up when the source is graphical resolution [except for the small fluctuations near zero
suddenly turned on, it can be written that caused by the ideal step function in (22)], which supports the
(21) hypothesis that the point-wise energy density build-up defined
by (22) has the same functional behavior as the total energy
where is the steady-state energy. build-up in the rectangular chamber.
It is of interest to extract numerically using the ray method It remains to be seen if the time constant which gives the
presented here. However, to extract directly using (21), one best numerical curve-fit in (23) agrees with the time constant
would have to compute the total stored energy as a function in (21). Using (20) to define the -factor in terms of the curve-
of time, which would require integrating the field over the fit time constant in (23), Table II lists for the five cases of
entire volume of the chamber at each time step. Supposing values and compares it with the statistical formula of (19).
that the numerical sampling is on the order of a fraction The agreement is very good between these two very different
of a wavelength, a numerical integration scheme becomes approaches. The physical explanation of this result is that the
impractical for electrically large cavities. Therefore, the energy large set of rays involved in the evaluation of (16) and (22)
build-up at a single point or a small set of sample points is experience reflections nearly everywhere on the chamber walls
investigated instead. Sampling a small set of points randomly so that the field at any point is directly influenced by the wall
distributed throughout the chamber should indicate whether loss and chamber geometry.
the energy density build-up at a point has a form similar to For the static rectangular chamber considered here, it has
the total energy build-up in the cavity. been found that the curves of Fig. 8 are nearly independent of
As Figs. 6 and 7 show, there is no simple exponential build- the chosen point of observation in the chamber. It is known
up of the fields at a point because phase interference between that for a low-loss cavity, the steady-state field distribution
the various rays creates oscillations in the curves. However, due to a single frequency excitation is highly oscillatory as

TABLE II by ray methods, but it is not practical to compute the steady-

QUALITY FACTOR Q: A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE STATISTICAL state fields of high- cavities because rays typically need to
be tracked through thousands of reflections to reach a conver-
gent solution. However, the ray solution appears to contain
sufficient information to predict the steady-state parameters
and pointwise from the early-time coherent energy density
curve well before reaching convergence. Furthermore, plotting
the individual polarization components of the early-time fields
and energy density build-up serve as excellent indicators of the
polarization diversity at different points throughout the cavity.
One of the main advantages of the ray method is that it can
be applied to relatively arbitrarily shaped cavity geometries.
It is, therefore, of further interest to apply the ray method to
more complex time-varying chamber geometries, which may
contain a movable mode stirrer and/or a test object in the
target zone, which will, of course, perturb the chamber fields.
This preliminary study of the static rectangular chamber has
shown that the ray method can provide considerable insight
into the operating characteristics of realistic shielded enclosure
and test chamber designs without relying on measurements or
statistical analysis.

The authors would like to thank Dr. D. A. Hill of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO,
for his technical assistance.

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[4] D. A. Hill, “Electronic mode stirring for reverberation chambers,” IEEE
However, once the phase information is taken out as in (22) Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 36, pp. 294–299, Nov. 1994.
so that the power of individual rays are summed to form a [5] B. H. Liu, D. C. Chang, and M. T. Ma, “Eigenmodes and the composite
quality factor of a reverberating chamber,” NBS Tech. Notes, no. 1066,
monotonically increasing function with time, (22) is expected Aug. 1983.
to be a slowly varying function of position. More complex [6] C. T. Tai, Dyadic Green’s Functions in Electromagnetic Theory. Scran-
cavity geometries are expected to show more spatial variation ton, PA: Intext Educat. Publ., 1971.
[7] R. E. Richardson, “Mode-stirred chamber calibration factor, relaxation
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Fig. 9 shows the energy density curves for each polarization 573–580, Dec. 1985.
component of the S/m case. They also have the [8] J. M. Dunn, “Local, high-frequency analysis of the fields in a mode-
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(However, it has been found that the time constant for the [9] D. A. Hill, M. T. Ma, A. R. Ondrejka, B. F. Riddle, M. L. Crawford, and
R. T. Johnk, “Aperture excitation of electrically large, lossy cavities,”
cavity is most accurately computed using total field values.) IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 36, pp. 169–178, Aug. 1994.
These curves will change for different observation points and, [10] G. A. Deschamps, “Ray techniques in electromagnetics,” Proc. IEEE
therefore, may be used to characterize the polarization diver- vol. 60, pp. 1022–1035, Sept. 1972,.
[11] R. F. Harrington, Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields. New York:
sity throughout the cavity more clearly than the fluctuating McGraw-Hill, 1961.
field plots of Fig. 7. For example, it is clear from Fig. 9 that [12] C. T. Tai and P. Rozenfeld, “Different representations of dyadic Green’s
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[13] H. Ling, R. Chou, and S. W. Lee, “Shooting and bouncing rays:
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[14] P. H. Pathak and R. J. Burkholder, “High-frequency electromagnetic
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[15] C. A. Balanis, Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics. New York: Prabhakar H. Pathak (M’76–SM’81–F’86)
Wiley, 1989. received the B.Sc. degree in physics from the
[16] S. Chen and S. Jeng, “An SBR/image approach for radio wave prop- University of Bombay, India, in 1962, the B.S.
agation in indoor environments with metallic furniture,” IEEE Trans. degree in electrical engineering from the Louisiana
Antennas Propagat., vol. 45, pp. 98–106, Jan. 1997. State University, Baton Rouge, in 1965, and the
[17] R. F. Harrington, Field Computation by Moment Methods. New York: M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering
Macmillian, 1968. from The Ohio State University, Columbus, in 1970
and 1973, respectively.
He has been with The Ohio State University
since 1973 and is currently a Professor there. He
Do-Hoon Kwon (S’94) was born in Seoul, Ko- has participated in invited lectures and several short
rea. He received the B.S. degree from the Ko- courses on the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction and other high-
rea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology frequency methods, both in the United States and abroad. He has authored
(KAIST), Korea, in 1994, and the M.S. degree from and co-authored chapters on the subject of high-frequency diffraction for five
The Ohio State University, Columbus, in 1995. He books. Currently, he is serving as a member of the editorial board of the
is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at The International Series of Monographs on Advanced Electromagnetics (Tokyo,
Ohio State University. Japan: Sci. House). He has dealt primarily with the development of uniform
Since April 1994, he has been a Graduate Re- asymptotic solutions that improve and extend the geometrical theory of
search Associate with the ElectroScience Labora- diffraction solutions for solving antenna and scattering problems associated
tory, Department of Electrical Engineering, The with complex structures, such as aircraft and spacecraft. In addition, he has
Ohio State University. His main research interests been involved with the development of efficient hybrid methods of analysis
are high-frequency electromagnetic scattering and computational electromag- for reflector and microstrip-type antennas and, more recently, for dealing
netics. with electromagnetic wave propagation in the presence of complex radiating
structures such as those involved in shipboard and urban environments.
His work also includes the areas of geometrical theory of diffraction and
asymptotic methods and the analytical inversion of the solutions obtained
therefrom into the time domain to arrive at a progressing wave picture for
Robert J. Burkholder (S’85–M’89–SM’97) transient radiation and scattering and he is involved with the analysis of
received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees electromagnetic penetration into and scattering by deep as well as shallow
in electrical engineering from The Ohio State open-ended cavities and the development of Gaussian beam techniques for
University, Columbus, in 1984, 1985, and 1989, antennas and other applications. His research interests include electromagnetic
respectively. theory, mathematical methods, antennas, and scattering.
From 1989 to 1994, he was a Postdoctoral Dr. Pathak is a member of Sigma Xi and a member of the U.S. Commission
Research Associate at The Ohio State University B of URSI. He was named an IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer for a three-
ElectroScience Laboratory, where he is currently a year term beginning in 1991. He is a former Associate Editor of the IEEE
Senior Research Associate. His research specialties TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION.
are high-frequency asymptotic techniques and their
hybrid combination with numerical techniques for
solving electromagnetic radiation and scattering problems. He has contributed
extensively to the electromagnetic analysis of large cavities (such as jet
inlets/exhausts) and is currently working on the more general problem
of antenna radiation, propagation, and coupling in complex multibounce
Dr. Burkholder is currently serving as Associate Editor for the IEEE
Columbus Joint Chapter of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation and
Microwave Theory and Techniques Societies. He is also a full member
of URSI Commission B, and a member of the Applied Computational
Electromagnetics Society (ACES).

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