Planning: Planning involves choosing tasks that Quality is a measure of the user satisfaction
must be performed to attain organizational goals, provided by a product. It includes functional
outlining how the tasks must be performed, and efficiency, appearance, ease of installation and
indicating when they should be performed. operation, safety reliability, maintainability,
running and maintenance cost.
Planning activity focuses on attaining goals.
Managers outline exactly what organizations
should do to be successful. Planning is concerned DEFINITIONS OF QUALITY
with the success of the organization in the short
term as well as in the long term. 1. Quality is conformance to requirements
2. Quality is fitness for use
Organizing: Organizing can be assignment of the 3. Quality is the degree to which performance
tasks developed in the planning stages, to various meets expectations
individuals or groups within the organization. 4. Quality denotes an excellence in goods and
Organizing is to create a mechanism to put plans
into action.
It is the pre-qualification step within the purchasing 1. Management Commitment: Whether the top
process on the basis of which a supplier is management is committed to the development
approved or not approved. It is also known as of the quality management system.
Supplier Performance Management. This includes 2. Customer Focus: Whether the top
approval of various aspects of the supplier business management ensures that customer needs and
including: expectations are determined considering
Capacity obligations related to product including
Financials regulatory and legal requirements, converted
Organization Structure, and into requirements and fulfilled with the aim of
Performance achieving customer satisfaction.
3. Quality Policy: Has the top management
Benefits defined its Quality policy? Is it appropriate to
the purpose of the organisation, committed to
Suppliers provide high standard of products meeting requirements of customers and to
and services continual improvement, provides a framework
Suppliers offer sufficient capacity and business for establishing and reviewing quality
stability objectives, communicated and understood at
Identification and removal of hidden cost in appropriate levels in the organisation, reviewed
supply chain for continuing suitability and controlled?
4. Provision of Resources: Has the organisation
Drawbacks determined and provided in a timely manner
the resources needed to implement and
Include resources and cost commitments in improve the processes of the quality
establishing and maintaining an effective management system and to address customer
system satisfaction?
Without going through the root cause of 5. Assignment of Personnel: Whether the
supplier’s problem or inconsistent scoring may Personnel assigned responsibilities defined in
result in inaccurate assessment. the quality management system are competent
on the basis of applicable education, training,
CAPACITY VERIFICATION skills and experience.
6. Training, Awareness and Competency:
For capacity verification, following points need to Whether the organisation has established a
be verified: system for identifying competency needs of
personnel and provides training, Evaluate the
General Requirement effectiveness of the training provided, and
maintains appropriate records of education,
1. Whether the organisation has established, experience, training and qualifications of its
documented, implemented, maintained and personnel?
continually improves a quality management 7. Facilities: Has the organisation identified,
system (QMS) in accordance with the provided and maintained facilities such as
requirements of ISO 9000-2000? Workspace, Equipment, hardware and software
2. Whether the organisation has identified the and supporting services it needed to achieve
processes needed for the quality management the conformity of product?
system, determined the sequence and 8. Work Environment: Whether the
interaction of these processes, criteria and organisation has a system for identification and
methods required to ensure the effective management of human and physical factors of
operation and control of these processes, the work environment needed to achieve
ensure the availability of information conformity of product.
necessary to support the operation and 9. Planning of Realization Processes: Whether
monitoring of these processes, measures, the organisation has determined Quality
monitors and analyses these processes and objectives for the product, project or contract,
implements action necessary to achieve processes and documentation, resources and
planned results and continual improvement. facilities specific to the product verification
and validation activities, the criteria for
acceptability, and records that are necessary to
provide confidence of conformity in the
process planning for product realization.
1. Actual Process
a. Name of the process
b. Starting and ending points
c. Inputs and outputs
TECHNIQUES OF MANUFACTURING d. Customers and suppliers
2. Areas of Improvements
1. Just-in-Time (JIT) Manufacturers a. Durability
a. To keep the process moving and schedule b. Material
supplies to arrive at the factory just-in- c. Toxicity
time for them to be used in production d. Disintegration of parts
2. Kanban 3. Solution for the problems
a. An automatic request for new supplies to a. Brainstorming
the suppliers when supplies are running b. Consultation through specialists
short c. Feedback from those who work on the
3. Just-in-Sequence (JIS) process regularly
a. Supplies arrive at the factory at the exact 4. Detailed Solution
moment they are needed within the a. The personnel necessary for making
manufacturing sequence improvements
4. Total Productivity Maintenance (TPM) b. Project cost analysis
a. To repair minor issues with the machines c. Time frame for completing the overall
to avoid stopping production improvements
5. Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) d. How the improvement will affect rest of
a. To short the time period elapsed between the plant
customer’s request for a product and its 5. Put Plan into Action
delivery a. Involve everyone who utilize the process
6. Cellular Manufacturing in implementing the action plan
a. Factory floor is divided into different 6. Evaluate
sections or cells a. The process should have desired
b. Machines are placed in the order that effect
facilitate the material flow to the b. The problem is fixed
completion of the product c. Waste eliminated
d. Improvement within budget and time