1.1Origin of the Report
To relate theoretical knowledge with practical experience, it is mandatory for the students
of BBA program to work as an intern in an institution, which is known as internship
program. An internship program is essential for the fulfillment of BBA program. This
program provides wide range of opportunities to the potential graduates to gain life long
experience and also help to start a good career.
In Bangladesh today financial area is one of the most recognized areas in the macro-
economic sector. Economy and finance is carrier of the country. So for the aspects of
economic development banking sector must be developed. In the process of developing a
good economic system private banks are playing an important role in the country. For
this reason, the internship report on “Loans and Advances of Jamuna Bank Ltd” has been
Loans and advances mean lending made by the bank to weak clients for earning interest.
Main purpose of loans and advances is to earn profit for the bank. On an average of 70%
to 80% of the bank’s earning comes from interest received against the loans and advances
of the bank. Not only that, loans and advances considered as an asset for the bank as well
as the primary source of earning. On the other hand loan is also the major sources of risk
for the bank management. Bank management always tries to make an appropriate balance
between return and risk involved with the loan portfolio. Although loans and advances
are also helpful for the people to meet up their urgent needs.
1.2Objectives of the Report
This internship report is prepared with the combination of practical experience and
theoretical knowledge. As I have my theoretical academic knowledge and also have a
practical experience of banking activities. I have collected data from different sources.
Such as:
To prepare this report primary data is used mostly. This data is collected from the people
who are related to Jamuna Bank Ltd Dhanmondi Branch. I have gathered primary data by
various ways:
Face to face conversation with bank manager and other staff of Dhamnondi
Observation of banks activities.
In this report I try to focus on loans and advances of Jamuna Bank Ltd, Dhanmondi
Branch. The bank has different loans schemes for their different types of customers.
Types of various loans, interest rate, different terms and policies maintain by the bank in
case of providing loans all are considered in case of preparing this report.
While preparing this report I have faced some limitations which are as follows:
Lack of proper information as this report is done on the bases of only Dhanmondi
Un-availability of recent statistical data.
Lack of knowledge and experience.
Difficulty in collecting relevant documents.
Loans and Advances of
Jamuna Bank Ltd
Chapter -2
Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) is a Banking Company registered under the Companies Act,
1994 of Bangladesh with its Head Office currently at Hadi Mansion, 2, Dilkusha C/A,
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. The Bank started its operation from 3rd June 2001. Being a 3rd
generation Bank of Bangladesh, it focuses on
The Bank provides all types of support to trade, commerce, industry and overall business
of the country. JBL's finances are also available for the entrepreneurs to set up promising
new ventures and BMRE of existing industrial units. The bank was established by a
group of local entrepreneurs who are well reputed in the field of trade, commerce,
industry and business of the country.
The Bank offers both conventional and Islamic banking through designated branches.
The Bank is being managed and operated by a group of highly educated and professional
team with diversified experience in finance and banking. The Management of the bank
constantly focuses on understanding and anticipating customers' needs. Since the need of
customers is changing day by day with the changes of time, the bank endeavors its best to
devise strategies and introduce new products to cope with the change. Jamuna Bank Ltd.
has already achieved tremendous progress since its beginning. The bank has already built
up reputation as one of quality service providers of the country.
At present the Bank has real-time Online banking branches (of both Urban and Rural
areas) network throughout the country having smart IT-backbone. Besides traditional
delivery points, the bank has ATMs of its own, sharing with other partner banks and
consortium throughout the country.
2.2 Vision
To become a leading banking institution and to play a significant role in the development
of the country.
2.3 Mission
The Bank is committed for satisfying diverse needs of its customers through an array of
products at a competitive price by using appropriate technology and providing timely
service so that a sustainable growth, reasonable return and contribution to the
development of the country can be ensured with a motivated and professional work-force.
Place customer interest and satisfaction as first priority and provide customized
banking products and services.
Value addition to the stakeholders through attaining excellence in banking operation.
Contribute significantly for the betterment of society.
Ensure higher degree of motivation and dignified working environment for their
human capital.
Committed to protect the environment and go green.
Employees of JBL share certain common values, which helps to create an unique
Search for professional excellence.
Ensure best quality service to their clients.
Quick decision making.
Flexibility and prompt response.