You’ll need an envelope for each player, and each envelope
should contain a Secret Role card, a corresponding
OBJECT Allegiance card, one Lumos Vote card, and one Nox Vote
Every player has a secret identity as a member of either the
Use the table below to determine the correct distribution
Order of the Phoenix team or the Death Eater team.
of roles.
Players on the Order of the Phoenix team win if either:
Order of the Phoenix Secret Role cards must always be
Five Order of the Phoenix Proclamations are enacted. packed together with an Order of the Phoenix Allegiance
OR card, and Death Eater and Voldemort Secret Role cards
Voldemort is assassinated. must always be packed together with a Death Eater
Allegiance card.
# Players 5 6 7 8 9 10
Players on the Death Eater team win if either: Phoenix 3 4 4 5 5 6
Death Eater 1+V 1+V 2+V 2+V 3+V 3+V
Six Death Eater Proclamations are enacted.
Voldemort is elected Headmaster any time after the Make sure you have the correct number of ordinary Death
third Death Eater Proclamation has been enacted. Eaters in addition to Voldemort!
Once the envelopes have been filled, be sure to shuffle
them so each player’s role is a secret! Each player should
get one envelope selected at random.
WHY ARE THERE SECRET ROLE AND ALLEGIANCE CARDS? At the beginning of a new round, the Minister of Magic
placard moves clockwise to the next player, who is the new
Secret Voldemort features an investigation mechanic that
Minister of Magic Candidate.
allows some players to find out what team other players
2. Nominate a Headmaster
are on, and this mechanic only works if Voldemort’s special
The Minister of Magic Candidate chooses a Headmaster
role is not revealed. To prevent that from happening, every
Candidate by passing the Headmaster placard to any other
player has both a Secret Role card and an Allegiance card.
eligible player. The Minister of Magic Candidate is free to
Voldemort’s Allegiance card shows a Death Eater party
discuss Headmaster options with the table to build
loyalty, but gives no hint about a special role. Order of the
consensus and make it more likely the Government gets
Phoenix members who uncover Death Eaters must work
out for themselves whether they’ve found an ordinary
Death Eater or their leader.
Once each player has been dealt an envelope, all players The last elected Minister of Magic and Headmaster are
should examine their Secret Role cards in secret. Randomly “term‐limited,” and ineligible to be nominated as
select the first Minister of Magic Candidate and pass that Headmaster Candidate.
player both the Minister of Magic and Headmaster
For games of 5‐6 players, give the following directions to all
Term limits apply to the Minister of Magic and Headmaster
who were last elected, not to the last pair nominated.
Everybody close your eyes. Term limits only affect nominations to the
Death Eater and Voldemort, open your eyes and Headmastership; anyone can be Minister of Magic,
acknowledge each other. even someone who was just Headmaster.
If there are only five players left in the game, only the
[Take a long pause] last elected Headmaster is ineligible to be Headmaster
Candidate; the last Minister of Magic may be
Everyone close your eyes.
Everyone can open your eyes. If anyone is confused or
There are some other rules that affect eligibility in
something went wrong, please tell the group now.
specific ways: the Expelliarmus Power and the Election
For games of 7‐10 players, give the following directions to Tracker. You don’t need to worry about those yet, and
all players: we’ll talk about each one in its relevant section.
Everybody close your eyes and extend your hand into a
fist in front of you.
All Death Eaters who are NOT Voldemort should open 3. Vote on the government
their eyes and acknowledge each other. Once the Minister of Magic Candidate has chosen an
Voldemort ‐ keep your eyes closed but put your thumb eligible Headmaster Candidate, players may discuss the
out into a thumbs‐up gesture. proposed government until everyone is ready to vote. Every
Death Eaters, take note of who has an extended thumb player, including the Candidates, votes on the proposed
‐ that player is Voldemort. government. Once everyone is ready to vote, reveal your
Vote cards simultaneously so that everyone’s vote is public.
[Take a long pause]
If the vote is a tie, or if a majority of players votes no:
Everyone close your eyes and put your hands down.
Everyone can open your eyes. If anyone is confused or The vote fails. The Minister of Magic Candidate misses this
something went wrong, please tell the group now. chance to be elected, and the Minister of Magic placard
moves clockwise to the next player. The Election Tracker is
GAMEPLAY advanced by one Election.
Secret Voldemort is played in rounds. Each round has an Election Tracker: If the group rejects three governments in
Election to form a government, a Legislative Session to a row, the Ministry and Hogwarts are thrown into chaos.
enact a new Proclamation, and an Executive Action to Immediately reveal the Proclamation on top of the
exercise governmental power. Proclamation deck and enact it. Any power granted by this
Proclamation is ignored, but the Election Tracker resets,
ELECTION and existing term‐limits are forgotten. All players become
eligible to hold the office of Headmaster for the next
1. Pass the Minister of Magic Candidacy Election. If there are fewer than three tiles remaining in the
Proclamation deck at this point, shuffle them with the
Discard pile to create a new Proclamation deck.
Any time a new Proclamation tile is played face‐up, the elected Headmaster after three Death Eater Proclamations
Election Tracker is reset, whether it was enacted by an have been enacted.
elected government or enacted by the frustrated populace.
If a majority of players votes yes: If there are fewer than three tiles remaining in the
Proclamation deck at the end of a Legislative Session,
The Minister of Magic Candidate and Headmaster
shuffle them with the Discard pile to create a new
Candidate become the new Minister of Magic and
Proclamation deck. Unused Proclamation tiles should never
Headmaster, respectively.
be revealed, and they should not be simply placed on top of
If three or more Death Eater Proclamations have been the new Proclamation deck.
enacted already: If the government enacted a Death Eater Proclamation
Ask if the new Headmaster is Voldemort. If so, the that covered up a Minister of Magic Power, the sitting
game is over and the Death Eaters win. Otherwise, Minister of Magic gets to use that power. Proceed to the
other players know for sure the Headmaster is not Executive Action.
Voldemort. If the government enacted an Order of the Phoenix
Proceed as usual to the Legislative Session. Proclamation or a Death Eater Proclamation that grants
no Minister of Magic Power, begin a new round with a new
Share – copy and redistribute the game in any
medium or format
Adapt – remix, transform, and build upon the
Attribution – If you make something using this
game, you need to give credit to the original
creators and link back to them, and you need to
explain what you changed.
Non‐Commercial – You can’t use the Secret Hitler
game and rules to make money.
Share Alike – If you remix, transform, or build
upon Secret Hitler, you have to release your work
under the same Creative Commons Licence that
Secret Hitler uses (BY‐NC‐SA 4.0).
No Additional Restrictions – You can’t apply legal
terms or technological measures to your work that
legally restrict others from doing anything the
licence allows. That means you can’t submit
anything using the Secret Hitler game to any app
store without the creator’s approval.
You can learn more about Creative Commons at (Our license is available at‐nc‐sa/4.0/legalcode).