Bjorl: Lambs' Temporal Bone Anatomy Under Didactic Aspects
Bjorl: Lambs' Temporal Bone Anatomy Under Didactic Aspects
Bjorl: Lambs' Temporal Bone Anatomy Under Didactic Aspects
Keywords: Abstract
H uman temporal bones in teaching ear surgery are rare. The lamb’s temporal bone might be a
possible alternative.
temporal bone,
Material and Methods: Temporal bones of the lamb were dissected with a typical temporal bone
lab drilling program. We included a mastoidectomy, endaural approaches, but also analyzed the outer
appearance, the external ear canal and the hypotympanon. Some steps differed from preparation
done in humans. The morphometric results were compared to the known anatomy of human in
order to verify the lambs` temporal bone for suitability in otosurgic training.
Results: The lambs’ temporal bone appears smaller than the human one. We found a bullous
extended hypotympanon located under the external ear canal. The tympanic membrane is very
similar to the human one. The external ear canal is smaller and shorter. The ossicular chain shows
analogies to human one.
Discussion: This study shows, that especially the middle ear, the tympanic membrane and the
external ear canal are morphologically equal to the structures found in human temporal bones. The
lamb seems feasible for teaching the anatomy of the ear. The smaller scales of some structures,
especially the outer components of the temporal bone are a disadvantage.
Dr. med. (ENT-Specialist)
Prof. Dr. med. (Director of the Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, Head- & Necksurgery, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)
Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Necksurgery, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Send correspondence to: Dr. med. A. Gurr Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, Hea- & Necksurgery, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany c/o St. Elisabeth Hospital Bleichstraße 15 44787
Bochum, Germany 0049 234 612 0
Paper submitted to the BJORL-SGP (Publishing Management System – Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology) on January 23, 2010;
and accepted on April 3, 2010. cod. 6892
Figure 1. The skull of a sheep with view on the right ear. The human
like external ear canal (EEC) is cranially separated from the skull by
the zygoma (Z) which expand to the linea temporalis (LT). Below the
big hypotympanal bulla (H) is visible. The mastoid plane (MP) and the
mastoid process (M) can also be identified. The course of the facial
nerve (F) is marked yellow.Man = Mandibula, O = Orbita, AOJ =
Atlanto-occiptal joint, Oc = Occiput.
Figure 3. Lambs` middle ear anatomy (right ear) seen from the ope-
ned hypotympanon. The external ear canal (EEC) has been opened
for measurements and exposes the epitympanal extend (EE) of the
tympanic membrane. The tympanic membrane (TM) with the curved
malleus’ handle (M) can be seen. The tensor tympani muscle (MTT)
inserts directly on the handle with the chorda tympani (CT) bending
around. The stapes (S) is encircled by the facial nerve (FN) and con-
nected to the long process of the incus (I). RW = round window, JN =
Jacobsons’ nerve, ET = Opening to the Eustachiian tube
Figure 4. A mastoidectal approach to a lambs’ middle ear (right ear). External ear canal and tympanic membrane
The bony labyrinth block is enclosed by cranial cells (cC) containing The tympanic membrane of the lamb is as round
fat and a spongiform structured skull occipital and caudal. The axis of
the lateral (blue) and the superior (green) semicircular canal
as it can be found in humans except for an epitympanal
are made visible. The access to middle ear is artificial by a partial extension of approximately 4 mm. The average diame-
resection of the external ear canal. The stitched grey line shows the ter of the tympanic membrane is nearly the same as in
margin of this opening. The facial nerve (FN) encircles the stapes (S) humans with a scaling factor of 0,93. The position and
as in humans and serves the chorda tympani (CT). The incus (I) is to
be found medial of the lateral arcade. M = Malleus, E = Epitympanon,
the angle of the external ear canal are the same too,
V = venous vessel, * = short process, ** = long process. but the bony portion is very small compared to human
one. With approximately 3 mm it is even to narrow to
use common microsurgical instruments8. Endaural use
The dissectional work in the mastoid is difficult, without a modification is not possible. An opening of
caused by some variations and the missing pneumatiza- the caudal external ear without removal of bone directly
tion as well as the missing antrum. The inner ear structures surrounding the tympanic membranes can give better
are difficult to identify, because of the late change of color access but reduces realism compared to human biologics.
in the bone. Additionally the semicircular canals seem to The tympanic membrane has an expanded epi-
be smaller. The facial nerve and its anatomical relation to tympanic fold. Opening of this extension provides a
the lateral semicircular canal is similar to human anatomy. direct view on the ossicular chain. In humans, parts of
the posterior ear canal wall have to be removed to see
DISCUSSION major parts of the ossicular chain. On one hand this can
The existing studies of animal’s temporal bone be seen as a disadvantage as the missing removal of bone
anatomy rarely focus on the didactic use of those bones. can not be trained, but on the other hand it is an easy
Most measurements are done using computer tomogra- way to understand the position of the ossicular chain,
phy1,7 as well as with anatomical dissection1,2,6.The surgical the facial nerve and the tympanic chord in relation to the
orientated dissection is rare. tympanic membrane.