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Ohio EPA NOI Guidelines

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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003



A. Permit Area
B. Eligibility
C. Requiring an individual permit or an alternative general permit
D. Permit requirements when portions of a site are sold
E. Authorization


A. Deadlines for notification
B. Failure to notify
C. Where to submit an NOI
D. Additional notification
E. Renotification


A. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
B. Timing
C. SWP3 Signature and Review
D. Amendments
E. Duty to inform contractors and subcontractors
F. Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) allocations
G. SWP3 Requirements


A. Failure to notify
B. When to submit an NOT
C. How to submit an NOT


A. Duty to comply
B. Continuation of the expired general permit
C. Need to halt or reduce activity not a defense
D. Duty to mitigate
E. Duty to provide information
F. Other information
G. Signatory requirements
H. Certification
I. Penalties for falsification of monitoring systems
J. Oil and hazardous substance liability
K. Property rights
L. Severability
M. Transfers
N. Environmental laws
O. Proper operation and maintenance
P. Inspection and entry



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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003

A. Permit Area.

This permit covers the entire State of Ohio.

B. Eligibility.

1. Construction activities covered. Except for storm water discharges identified under
Part I.B.2, this permit may cover all new and existing discharges composed
entirely of storm water discharges associated with construction activity that enter
surface waters of the State or a storm drain leading to surface waters of the State.

For the purposes of this permit, construction activities include any clearing,
grading, excavating, grubbing and/or filling activities that disturb one or more acres
of land. Discharges from trench dewatering are also covered by this permit as
long as the dewatering activity is carried out in accordance with the practices
outlined in Part III.G.2.g.iv of this permit. The threshold acreage includes the
entire area disturbed in the larger common plan of development or sale.

This permit also authorizes storm water discharges from support activities (e.g.,
concrete or asphalt batch plants, equipment staging yards, material storage areas,
excavated material disposal areas, borrow areas) provided:

a. The support activity is directly related to a construction site that is required to

have NPDES permit coverage for discharges of storm water associated with
construction activity;

b. The support activity is not a commercial operation serving multiple unrelated

construction projects and does not operate beyond the completion of the
construction activity at the site it supports;

c. Appropriate controls and measures are identified in a storm water pollution

prevention plan (SWP3) covering the discharges from the support activity;

d. The support activity is on or contiguous with the property defined in the NOI
(off-site borrow pits and soil disposal areas, which serve only one project, do
not have to be contiguous with the construction site);
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part I.B

2. Limitations on coverage. The following storm water discharges associated with

construction activity are not covered by this permit:

a. Storm water discharges that originate from the site after construction activities
have been completed, including any temporary support activity, and the site
has achieved final stabilization. Industrial post-construction storm water
discharges may need to be covered by an NPDES permit;

b. Storm water discharges associated with construction activity that the director
has shown to be or may reasonably expect to be contributing to a violation of
a water quality standard; and

c. Storm water discharges authorized by an individual NPDES permit or an

alternative NPDES general permit;

3. Waivers. After March 10, 2003, sites whose larger common plan of development
or sale have at least one, but less than five acres of land disturbance, which would
otherwise require permit coverage for storm water discharges associated with
construction activities, may request that the director waive their permit
requirement. Entities wishing to request such a waiver must certify in writing that
the construction activity meets one of the two waiver conditions:

a. Rainfall erosivity waiver. For a construction site to qualify for the rainfall
erosivity waiver, the cumulative rainfall erosivity over the project duration
must be five or less and the site must be stabilized with at least a 70 percent
vegetative cover or other permanent, non-erosive cover. The rainfall erosivity
must be calculated according to the method in U.S. EPA Fact Sheet 3.1
Construction Rainfall Erosivity Waiver dated January 2001. If it is determined
that a construction activity will take place during a time period where the
rainfall erosivity factor is less than five, a written waiver certification must be
submitted to Ohio EPA at least 21 days before construction activity is
scheduled to begin. If the construction activity will extend beyond the dates
specified in the waiver certification, the operator must either: (a) recalculate
the waiver using the original start date with the new ending date (if the R
factor is still less than five, a new waiver certification must be submitted) or
(b) submit an NOI application form and fee for coverage under this general
permit at least seven days prior to the end of the waiver period (see
Attachment A); or
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part I.B.3

b. TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) waiver. Storm water controls are not
needed based on a TMDL approved or established by U.S. EPA that
addresses the pollutant(s) of concern or, for non-impaired waters that do not
require TMDLs, an equivalent analysis that determines allocations for small
construction sites for the pollutant(s) of concern or that determines that such
allocations are not needed to protect water quality based on consideration of
existing in-stream concentrations, expected growth in pollutant contributions
from all sources, and a margin of safety. The pollutant(s) of concern include
sediment or a parameter that addresses sediment (such as total suspended
solids, turbidity or siltation) and any other pollutant that has been identified as
a cause of impairment of any water body that will receive a discharge from
the construction activity. The operator must certify to the director of Ohio
EPA that the construction activity will take place, and storm water discharges
will occur, within the drainage area addressed by the TMDL or equivalent
analysis. A written waiver certification must be submitted to Ohio EPA at
least 21 days before the construction activity is scheduled to begin.

4. Prohibition on non-storm water discharges. All discharges covered by this permit

must be composed entirely of storm water with the exception of the following:
discharges from fire fighting activities; fire hydrant flushings; potable water sources
including waterline flushings; irrigation drainage; lawn watering; routine external
building washdown which does not use detergents; pavement washwaters where
spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (unless all spilled
material has been removed) and where detergents are not used; air conditioning
condensate; springs; uncontaminated ground water from trench or well point
dewatering and foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with
process materials such as solvents. Dewatering activities must be done in
compliance with Part III.G.2.g.iv of this permit. Discharges of material other than
storm water or the authorized non-storm water discharges listed above must
comply with an individual NPDES permit or an alternative NPDES general permit
issued for the discharge.

Except for flows from fire fighting activities, sources of non-storm water listed
above that are combined with storm water discharges associated with construction
activity must be identified in the SWP3. The SWP3 must identify and ensure the
implementation of appropriate pollution prevention measures for the non-storm
water component(s) of the discharge.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part I.B

5. Spills and unintended releases (Releases in excess of Reportable Quantities).

This permit does not relieve the permittee of the reporting requirements of 40 CFR
Part 117 and 40 CFR Part 302. In the event of a spill or other unintended release,
the discharge of hazardous substances in the storm water discharge(s) from a
construction site must be minimized in accordance with the applicable storm water
pollution prevention plan for the construction activity and in no case, during any
24-hour period, may the discharge(s) contain a hazardous substance equal to or
in excess of reportable quantities.

40 CFR Part 117 sets forth a determination of the reportable quantity for each
substance designated as hazardous in 40 CFR Part 116. The regulation applies
to quantities of designated substances equal to or greater than the reportable
quantities, when discharged to surface waters of the State. 40 CFR Part 302
designates under section 102(a) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, those substances in the statutes referred
to in section 101(14), identifies reportable quantities for these substances and sets
forth the notification requirements for releases of these substances. This
regulation also sets forth reportable quantities for hazardous substances
designated under section 311(b)(2)(A) of the Clean Water Act (CWA).

C. Requiring an individual NPDES permit or an alternative NPDES general permit.

1. The director may require an alternative permit. The director may require any
operator eligible for this permit to apply for and obtain either an individual NPDES
permit or coverage under an alternative NPDES general permit in accordance with
OAC Rule 3745-38-04. Any interested person may petition the director to take
action under this paragraph.

The director will send written notification that an alternative NPDES permit is
required. This notice shall include a brief statement of the reasons for this
decision, an application form and a statement setting a deadline for the operator
to file the application. If an operator fails to submit an application in a timely
manner as required by the director under this paragraph, then coverage, if in
effect, under this permit is automatically terminated at the end of the day specified
for application submittal.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part I.C

2. Operators may request an individual NPDES permit. Any owner or operator

eligible for this permit may request to be excluded from the coverage of this permit
by applying for an individual permit. The owner or operator shall submit an
individual application with reasons supporting the request to the director in
accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 122.26. If the reasons adequately
support the request, the director shall grant it by issuing an individual NPDES

3. When an individual NPDES permit is issued to an owner or operator otherwise

subject to this permit or the owner or operator is approved for coverage under an
alternative NPDES general permit, the applicability of this permit to the individual
NPDES permittee is automatically terminated on the effective date of the individual
permit or the date of approval for coverage under the alternative general permit,
whichever the case may be.

D. Permit requirements when portions of a site are sold

If an operator obtains a permit for a development, and then the operator (permittee)
sells off lots or parcels within that development, permit coverage must be continued on
those lots until a Notice of Termination (NOT) in accordance with Part IV.B is
submitted. For developments which require the use of centralized sediment and
erosion controls (i.e., controls that address storm water runoff from one or more lots)
for which the conveyance of permit coverage for a portion of the development will either
prevent or impair the implementation of the controls and therefore jeopardize
compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit, the permittee will be required
to maintain responsibility for the implementation of those controls. For developments
where this is not the case, it is the permittee’s responsibility to temporarily stabilize all
lots sold to individual lot owners unless an exception is approved in accordance with
Part III.G.4. In cases where permit coverage for individual lot(s) will be conveyed, the
permittee shall inform, in writing, the individual lot owner of the obligations under this
permit and ensure that the Individual Lot NOI application is submitted to Ohio EPA.

E. Authorization

1. Obtaining authorization to discharge. Operators that discharge storm water

associated with construction activity must submit an NOI application form in
accordance with the requirements of Part II of this permit to obtain authorization
to discharge under this general permit. As required under OAC Rule 3745-38-
06(E), the director, in response to the NOI submission, shall notify the applicant
in writing that he/she has been granted general permit coverage to discharge
storm water associated with construction activity under the terms and conditions
of this permit or that the applicant must apply for an individual NPDES permit or
coverage under an alternate general NPDES permit as described in Part I.C.1.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part I.E

2. No release from other requirements. No condition of this permit shall release the
permittee from any responsibility or requirements under other environmental
statutes or regulations. Other permit requirements commonly associated with
construction activities include, but are not limited to, section 401 water quality
certifications, isolated wetland permits, permits to install sanitary sewers or other
devices that discharge or convey polluted water, permits to install drinking water
lines, single lot sanitary system permits and disturbance of land which was used
to operate a solid or hazardous waste facility (i.e., coverage under this NPDES
general permit does not satisfy the requirements of OAC Rule 3745-27-13 or ORC
Section 3734.02(H)). This permit does not relieve the permittee of other
responsibilities associated with construction activities such as contacting the Ohio
Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water, to ensure proper well
installation and abandonment of wells.


A. Deadlines for notification.

Initial coverage: Operators who intend to obtain initial coverage for a storm water
discharge associated with construction activity under this general permit must submit
a complete and accurate NOI application form and appropriate fee at least 21 days
prior to the commencement of construction activity. If more than one operator, as
defined in Part VII of this general permit, will be engaged at a site, each operator shall
seek coverage under this general permit. Where one operator has already submitted
an NOI prior to other operator(s) being identified, the additional operator shall request
modification of coverage to become a co-permittee. In such instances, the co-
permittees shall be covered under the same facility permit number. No additional
permit fee is required.

Individual lot transfer of coverage: Operators must each submit an individual lot notice
of intent (Individual Lot NOI) application form (no fee required) to Ohio EPA at least
seven days prior to the date that they intend to accept responsibility for permit
requirements for their portion of the original permitted development from the previous
permittee. The original permittee may submit an Individual Lot NOT at the time the
Individual Lot NOI is submitted. Transfer of permit coverage is not granted until an
approval letter from the director of Ohio EPA is received by the applicant.

B. Failure to notify.

Operators who fail to notify the director of their intent to be covered and who discharge
pollutants to surface waters of the State without an NPDES permit are in violation of
ORC Chapter 6111. In such instances, Ohio EPA may bring an enforcement action for
any discharges of storm water associated with construction activity.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part II

C. Where to submit an NOI.

Operators seeking coverage under this permit must submit a signed NOI form, provided
by Ohio EPA, to the address found in the associated instructions.

D. Additional notification.

The permittee shall make NOIs and SWP3s available upon request of the director of
Ohio EPA, local agencies approving sediment and erosion control plans, grading plans
or storm water management plans, local governmental officials, or operators of
municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) receiving drainage from the permitted
site. Each operator that discharges to an NPDES permitted MS4 shall provide a copy
of its Ohio EPA NOI submission to the MS4 in accordance with the MS4's
requirements, if applicable.

E. Renotification.

Upon renewal of this general permit, the permittee is required to notify the director of
his intent to be covered by the general permit renewal. Permittees covered under the
previous NPDES general permits for storm water discharges associated with
construction activity (NPDES permit numbers OHR100000 and OHC000002) shall have
continuing coverage under this permit. The permittees covered under OHR100000 or
OHC000002 shall submit a letter within 90 days of receipt of written notification by Ohio
EPA expressing their intent that coverage be continued. There is no fee associated
with these letters of intent for continued coverage. Permit coverage will be terminated
after the 90-day period if the letter is not received by Ohio EPA. Ohio EPA will provide
instructions on the contents of the letter and where it is to be sent within the notification
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003

A. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans.

A SWP3 shall be developed for each site covered by this permit. For a multi-phase
construction project, a separate NOI shall be submitted when a separate SWP3 will be
prepared for subsequent phases. SWP3s shall be prepared in accordance with sound
engineering and/or conservation practices by a professional experienced in the design
and implementation of standard erosion and sediment controls and storm water
management practices addressing all phases of construction. The SWP3 shall identify
potential sources of pollution which may reasonably be expected to affect the quality
of storm water discharges associated with construction activities. The SWP3 shall be
a comprehensive, stand-alone document, which is not complete unless it contains the
information required by Part III.G of this permit. In addition, the SWP3 shall describe
and ensure the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) that reduce the
pollutants in storm water discharges during construction and pollutants associated with
post-construction activities to ensure compliance with ORC Section 6111.04, OAC
Chapter 3745-1 and the terms and conditions of this permit.

B. Timing

A SWP3 shall be completed prior to the timely submittal of an NOI and updated in
accordance with Part III.D. Upon request and good cause shown, the director may
waive the requirement to have a SWP3 completed at the time of NOI submission. If
a waiver has been granted, the SWP3 must be completed prior to the initiation of
construction activities. The SWP3 must be implemented upon initiation of construction

Permittees continuing coverage from the previous generations of this permit

(OHR100000 and OHC000002) that have initiated construction activity prior to the
receipt of the first written notification from Ohio EPA to submit a letter of intent to
continue coverage, as required in Part II.E, are not required to update their SWP3 as
a result of this renewal (OHC000003). Permittees continuing coverage from the
previous generations of this permit (OHR100000 and OHC000002) that have not
initiated construction activity prior to the receipt of the first written notification from Ohio
EPA to submit a letter of intent to continue coverage, as required in Part II.E, are
required to update their SWP3 as a result of this renewal (OHC000003).

C. SWP3 Signature and Review.

1. Plan Signature and Retention On Site. The SWP3 shall include the certification
in Part V.H., be signed in accordance with Part V.G., and be retained on site
during working hours.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.C

2. Plan Availability

a. On-site: The plan shall be made available immediately upon request of the
director or his authorized representative during working hours. A copy of the
NOI and letter granting permit coverage under this general permit also shall
be made available at the site.

b. By written request: The permittee must provide a copy of the SWP3 within
10 days upon written request by any of the following:

i. The director or the director’s authorized representative;

ii. A local agency approving sediment and erosion plans, grading plans or
storm water management plans; or

iii. In the case of a storm water discharge associated with construction

activity which discharges through a municipal separate storm sewer
system with an NPDES permit, to the operator of the system.

c. To the public: All NOIs, general permit approval for coverage letters, and
SWP3s are considered reports that shall be available to the public in
accordance with the Ohio Public Records law. The permittee shall make
documents available to the public upon request or provide a copy at public
expense, at cost, in a timely manner. However, the permittee may claim to
Ohio EPA any portion of an SWP3 as confidential in accordance with Ohio

3. Plan Revision. The director or authorized representative, may notify the permittee
at any time that the SWP3 does not meet one or more of the minimum
requirements of this part. Within 10 days after such notification from the director
(or as otherwise provided in the notification) or authorized representative, the
permittee shall make the required changes to the SWP3 and, if requested, shall
submit to Ohio EPA the revised SWP3 or a written certification that the requested
changes have been made.

D. Amendments

The permittee shall amend the SWP3 whenever there is a change in design,
construction, operation or maintenance, which has a significant effect on the potential
for the discharge of pollutants to surface waters of the State or if the SWP3 proves to
be ineffective in achieving the general objectives of controlling pollutants in storm water
discharges associated with construction activity. Amendments to the SWP3 may be
reviewed by Ohio EPA in the same manner as Part III.C.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III

E. Duty to inform contractors and subcontractors

The permittee shall inform all contractors and subcontractors not otherwise defined as
“operators” in Part VII of this general permit, who will be involved in the implementation
of the SWP3, of the terms and conditions of this general permit. The permittee shall
maintain a written document containing the signatures of all contractors and
subcontractors involved in the implementation of the SWP3 as proof acknowledging
that they reviewed and understand the conditions and responsibilities of the SWP3.
The written document shall be created and signatures of each individual contractor
shall be obtained prior to their commencement of work on the construction site.

F. Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) allocations

If a TMDL is approved for any waterbody into which the permittee’s site discharges and
requires specific BMPs for construction sites, the director may require the permittee to
revise his/her SWP3.

G. SWP3 Requirements

Operations that discharge storm water from construction activities are subject to the
following requirements and the SWP3 shall include the following items:

1. Site description. Each SWP3 shall provide:

a. A description of the nature and type of the construction activity (e.g., low
density residential, shopping mall, highway, etc.);

b. Total area of the site and the area of the site that is expected to be disturbed
(i.e., grubbing, clearing, excavation, filling or grading, including off-site borrow

c. An estimate of the impervious area and percent imperviousness created by

the construction activity;

d. A calculation of the runoff coefficients for both the pre-construction and post
construction site conditions;

e. Existing data describing the soil and, if available, the quality of any discharge
from the site;

f. A description of prior land uses at the site;

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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.1

g. An implementation schedule which describes the sequence of major

construction operations (i.e., grubbing, excavating, grading, utilities and
infrastructure installation) and the implementation of erosion, sediment and
storm water management practices or facilities to be employed during each
operation of the sequence;

h. The name and/or location of the immediate receiving stream or surface

water(s) and the first subsequent named receiving water(s) and the areal
extent and description of wetlands or other special aquatic sites at or near the
site which will be disturbed or which will receive discharges from disturbed
areas of the project. For discharges to an MS4, the point of discharge to the
MS4 and the location where the MS4 ultimately discharges to a stream or
surface water of the State must be indicated;

i. For subdivided developments where the SWP3 does not call for a centralized
sediment control capable of controlling multiple individual lots, a detail
drawing of a typical individual lot showing standard individual lot erosion and
sediment control practices.

This does not remove the responsibility to designate specific erosion and
sediment control practices in the SWP3 for critical areas such as steep
slopes, stream banks, drainage ways and riparian zones.

j. Location and description of any storm water discharges associated with

dedicated asphalt and dedicated concrete plants covered by this permit and
the best management practices to address pollutants in these storm water

k. A copy of the permit requirements (attaching a copy of this permit is


l. A cover page or title identifying the name and location of the site, the name
and contact information of all construction site operators, the name and
contact information for the person responsible for authorizing and amending
the SWP3, preparation date, and the estimated dates that construction will
start and be complete;

m. A log documenting grading and stabilization activities as well as amendments

to the SWP3, which occur after construction activities commence; and

n. Site map showing:

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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.1.n

i. Limits of earth-disturbing activity of the site including associated off-site

borrow or spoil areas that are not addressed by a separate NOI and
associated SWP3;

ii. Soils types should be depicted for all areas of the site, including locations
of unstable or highly erodible soils;

iii. Existing and proposed contours. A delineation of drainage watersheds

expected during and after major grading activities as well as the size of
each drainage watershed, in acres;

iv. Surface water locations including springs, wetlands, streams, lakes,

water wells, etc., on or within 200 feet of the site, including the
boundaries of wetlands or stream channels and first subsequent named
receiving water(s) the permittee intends to fill or relocate for which the
permittee is seeking approval from the Army Corps of Engineers and/or
Ohio EPA;

v. Existing and planned locations of buildings, roads, parking facilities and


vi. The location of all erosion and sediment control practices, including the
location of areas likely to require temporary stabilization during the
course of site development;

vii. Sediment and storm water management basins noting their sediment
settling volume and contributing drainage area;

viii. Permanent storm water management practices to be used to control

pollutants in storm water after construction operations have been

ix. Areas designated for the storage or disposal of solid, sanitary and toxic
wastes, including dumpster areas, areas designated for cement truck
washout, and vehicle fueling;

x. The location of designated construction entrances where the vehicles will

access the construction site;

xi. The location of any in-stream activities including stream crossings;

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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G

2. Controls. The SWP3 must contain a description of the controls appropriate for
each construction operation covered by this permit and the operator(s) must
implement such controls. The SWP3 must clearly describe for each major
construction activity identified in Part III.G.1.g: (a) appropriate control measures
and the general timing (or sequence) during the construction process that the
measures will be implemented; and (b) which contractor is responsible for
implementation (e.g., contractor A will clear land and install perimeter controls and
contractor B will maintain perimeter controls until final stabilization). The SWP3
shall identify the subcontactors engaged in activities that could impact storm water
runoff. The SWP3 shall contain signatures from all of the identified subcontractors
indicating that they have been informed and understand their roles and
responsibilities in complying with the SWP3. Ohio EPA recommends that the
primary site operator review the SWP3 with the primary contractor prior to
commencement of construction activities and keep a SWP3 training log to
demonstrate that this review has occurred.

Ohio EPA recommends that the erosion, sediment, and storm water management
practices used to satisfy the conditions of this permit should meet the standards
and specifications in the current edition of Ohio’s Rainwater and Land
Development (see definitions) manual or other standards acceptable to Ohio EPA.
The controls shall include the following minimum components:

a. Non-Structural Preservation Methods. The SWP3 must make use of

practices which preserve the existing natural condition as much as feasible.
Such practices may include: preserving riparian areas adjacent to surface
waters of the State, preserving existing vegetation and vegetative buffer
strips, phasing of construction operations in order to minimize the amount of
disturbed land at any one time and designation of tree preservation areas or
other protective clearing or grubbing practices. The recommended buffer that
operators should leave undisturbed along a surface water of the State is 25
feet as measured from the ordinary high water mark of the surface water.

b. Erosion Control Practices. The SWP3 must make use of erosion controls
that are capable of providing cover over disturbed soils unless an exception
is approved in accordance with Part III.G.4. A description of control practices
designed to restabilize disturbed areas after grading or construction shall be
included in the SWP3. The SWP3 must provide specifications for stabilization
of all disturbed areas of the site and provide guidance as to which method of
stabilization will be employed for any time of the year. Such practices may
include: temporary seeding, permanent seeding, mulching, matting, sod
stabilization, vegetative buffer strips, phasing of construction operations, use
of construction entrances and the use of alternative ground cover.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2.b

i. Stabilization. Disturbed areas must be stabilized as specified in the

following tables below. Permanent and temporary stabilization are
defined in Part VII.

Table 1: Permanent Stabilization

Area requiring permanent stabilization Time frame to apply erosion controls

Any areas that will lie dormant for one Within seven days of the most recent
year or more disturbance

Any areas within 50 feet of a surface Within two days of reaching final grade
water of the State and at final grade

Any other areas at final grade Within seven days of reaching final
grade within that area

Table 2: Temporary Stabilization

Area requiring temporary stabilization Time frame to apply erosion controls

Any disturbed areas within 50 feet of a Within two days of the most recent
surface water of the State and not at final disturbance if the area will remain idle
grade for more than 21 days

For all construction activities, any Within seven days of the most recent
disturbed areas that will be dormant for disturbance within the area
more than 21 days but less than one year,
and not within 50 feet of a surface water For residential subdivisions, disturbed
of the State areas must be stabilized at least seven
days prior to transfer of permit coverage
for the individual lot(s).

Disturbed areas that will be idle over Prior to the onset of winter weather
Where vegetative stabilization techniques may cause structural instability or are otherwise
unobtainable, alternative stabilization techniques must be employed.

ii. Permanent stabilization of conveyance channels. Operators shall

undertake special measures to stabilize channels and outfalls and
prevent erosive flows. Measures may include seeding, dormant seeding
(as defined in the current edition of the Rainwater and Land
Development manual), mulching, erosion control matting, sodding,
riprap, natural channel design with bioengineering techniques or rock
check dams.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2

c. Runoff Control Practices. The SWP3 shall incorporate measures which

control the flow of runoff from disturbed areas so as to prevent erosion from
occurring. Such practices may include rock check dams, pipe slope drains,
diversions to direct flow away from exposed soils and protective grading
practices. These practices shall divert runoff away from disturbed areas and
steep slopes where practicable. Velocity dissipation devices shall be placed
at discharge locations and along the length of any outfall channel to provide
non-erosive flow velocity from the structure to a water course so that the
natural physical and biological characteristics and functions are maintained
and protected.

d. Sediment Control Practices. The plan shall include a description of

structural practices that shall store runoff allowing sediments to settle and/or
divert flows away from exposed soils or otherwise limit runoff from exposed
areas. Structural practices shall be used to control erosion and trap sediment
from a site remaining disturbed for more than 14 days. Such practices may
include, among others: sediment settling ponds, silt fences, earth diversion
dikes or channels which direct runoff to a sediment settling pond and storm
drain inlet protection. All sediment control practices must be capable of
ponding runoff in order to be considered functional. Earth diversion dikes or
channels alone are not considered a sediment control practice unless those
are used in conjunction with a sediment settling pond.

The SWP3 must contain detail drawings for all structural practices.

i. Timing. Sediment control structures shall be functional throughout the

course of earth disturbing activity. Sediment basins and perimeter
sediment barriers shall be implemented prior to grading and within seven
days from the start of grubbing. They shall continue to function until the
up slope development area is restabilized. As construction progresses
and the topography is altered, appropriate controls must be constructed
or existing controls altered to address the changing drainage patterns.

ii. Sediment settling ponds. A sediment settling pond is required for any one
of the following conditions:
• concentrated storm water runoff (e.g., storm sewer or ditch);
• runoff from drainage areas, which exceed the design capacity of silt
fence or other sediment barriers;
• runoff from drainage areas that exceed the design capacity of inlet
protection; or
• runoff from common drainage locations with 10 or more acres of
disturbed land.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2.d.ii

The permittee may request approval from Ohio EPA to use alternative
controls if the permittee can demonstrate the alternative controls are
equivalent in effectiveness to a sediment settling pond.

The sediment settling pond volume consists of both a dewatering zone

and a sediment storage zone. The volume of the dewatering zone shall
be a minimum of 1800 cubic feet (ft3) per acre of drainage (67 yd3/acre)
with a minimum 48-hour drain time for sediment basins serving a
drainage area over 5 acres. The volume of the sediment storage zone
shall be calculated by one of the following methods: Method 1: The
volume of the sediment storage zone shall be 1000 ft3 per disturbed acre
within the watershed of the basin. OR Method 2: The volume of the
sediment storage zone shall be the volume necessary to store the
sediment as calculated with RUSLE or a similar generally accepted
erosion prediction model. The accumulated sediment shall be removed
from the sediment storage zone once it’s full. When determining the total
contributing drainage area, off-site areas and areas which remain
undisturbed by construction activity must be included unless runoff from
these areas is diverted away from the sediment settling pond and is not
co-mingled with sediment-laden runoff. The depth of the dewatering zone
must be less than or equal to five feet. The configuration between inlets
and the outlet of the basin must provide at least two units of length for
each one unit of width (> 2:1 length:width ratio), however, a length to
width ratio of 4:1 is recommended. When designing sediment settling
ponds, the permittee must consider public safety, especially as it relates
to children, as a design factor for the sediment basin and alternative
sediment controls must be used where site limitations would preclude a
safe design. The use of a combination of sediment and erosion control
measures in order to achieve maximum pollutant removal is encouraged.

iii. Silt Fence and Diversions. Sheet flow runoff from denuded areas shall
be intercepted by silt fence or diversions to protect adjacent properties
and water resources from sediment transported via sheet flow. Where
intended to provide sediment control, silt fence shall be placed on a level
contour downslope of the disturbed area. This permit does not preclude
the use of other sediment barriers designed to control sheet flow runoff.
The relationship between the maximum drainage area to silt fence for a
particular slope range is shown in the table below.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2.d.iii

Maximum drainage area Range of slope for a particular

(in acres) to 100 linear drainage area (in percent)
feet of silt fence
0.5 < 2%
0.25 > 2% but < 20%
0.125 > 20% but < 50%

Placing silt fence in a parallel series does not extend the size of the
drainage area. Storm water diversion practices shall be used to keep
runoff away from disturbed areas and steep slopes where practicable.
Such devices, which include swales, dikes or berms, may receive storm
water runoff from areas up to 10 acres.

iv. Inlet Protection. Other erosion and sediment control practices shall
minimize sediment laden water entering active storm drain systems,
unless the storm drain system drains to a sediment settling pond. All
inlets receiving runoff from drainage areas of one or more acres will
require a sediment settling pond.

v. Surface Waters of the State Protection. If construction activities disturb

areas adjacent to surface waters of the State, structural practices shall be
designed and implemented on site to protect all adjacent surface waters
of the State from the impacts of sediment runoff. No structural sediment
controls (e.g., the installation of silt fence or a sediment settling pond)
shall be used in a surface water of the State. For all construction
activities immediately adjacent to surface waters of the State, it is
recommended that a setback of at least 25-feet, as measured from the
ordinary high water mark of the surface water, be maintained in its natural
state as a permanent buffer. Where impacts within this setback area are
unavoidable due to the nature of the construction activity (e.g., stream
crossings for roads or utilities), the project shall be designed such that the
number of stream crossings and the width of the disturbance within the
setback area are minimized.

vi. Modifying Controls. If periodic inspections or other information indicates

a control has been used inappropriately or incorrectly, the permittee must
replace or modify the control for site conditions.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2

e. Post-Construction Storm Water Management Requirements. So that the

receiving stream’s physical, chemical, and biological characteristics are
protected and stream functions are maintained, post-construction storm water
practices shall provide perpetual management of runoff quality and quantity.
To meet the post-construction requirements of this permit, the SWP3 must
contain a description of the post-construction BMPs that will be installed
during construction for the site and the rationale for their selection. The
rationale must address the anticipated impacts on the channel and floodplain
morphology, hydrology, and water quality. Post-construction BMPs cannot
be installed within a surface water of the State (e.g., wetland or stream)
unless it’s authorized by a CWA 401 water quality certification, CWA 404
permit, or Ohio EPA non-jurisdictional wetland/stream program approval.
Note: localities may have more stringent post-construction requirements.

Detail drawings and maintenance plans must be provided for all post-
construction BMPs. Maintenance plans shall be provided by the permittee to
the post-construction operator of the site (including homeowner associations)
upon completion of construction activities (prior to termination of permit
coverage). For sites located within a community with a regulated municipal
separate storm sewer system (MS4), the permittee, land owner, or other
entity with legal control of the property may be required to develop and
implement a maintenance plan to comply with the requirements of the MS4.
Maintenance plans must ensure that pollutants collected within structural
post-construction practices, be disposed of in accordance with local, state,
and federal regulations. To ensure that storm water management systems
function as they were designed and constructed, the post construction
operation and maintenance plan must be a stand-alone document, which
contains: (1) a designated entity for storm water inspection and maintenance
responsibilities; (2) the routine and non-routine maintenance tasks to be
undertaken; (3) a schedule for inspection and maintenance; (4) any
necessary legally binding maintenance easements and agreements; and (5)
a map showing all access and maintenance easements. Permittees are not
responsible under this permit for operation and maintenance of post-
construction practices once coverage under this permit is terminated.

Post-construction storm water BMPs that discharge pollutants from point

sources once construction is completed, may in themselves, need
authorization under a separate NPDES permit (one example is storm water
discharges from regulated industrial sites).
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2.e

Construction activities that do not include the installation of any impervious

surface (e.g., soccer fields), abandoned mine land reclamation activities
regulated by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, stream and wetland
restoration activities, and wetland mitigation activities are not required to
comply with the conditions of Part III.G.2.e of this permit. Linear construction
projects, (e.g., pipeline or utility line installation), which do not result in the
installation of additional impervious surface, are not required to comply with
the conditions of Part III.G.2.e of this permit. However, linear construction
projects must be designed to minimize the number of stream crossings and
the width of disturbance and achieve final stabilization of the disturbed area
as defined in Part VII.H.1.

Large Construction Activities. For all large construction activities (involving

the disturbance of five or more acres of land or will disturb less than five
acres, but is a part of a larger common plan of development or sale which will
disturb five or more acres of land), the post construction BMP(s) chosen must
be able to detain storm water runoff for protection of the stream channels,
stream erosion control, and improved water quality. The BMP(s) chosen
must be compatible with site and soil conditions. Structural (designed) post-
construction storm water treatment practices shall be incorporated into the
permanent drainage system for the site. The BMP(s) chosen must be sized
to treat the water quality volume (WQv) and ensure compliance with Ohio’s
Water Quality Standards in OAC Chapter 3745-1. The WQv shall be
equivalent to the volume of runoff from a 0.75-inch rainfall and shall be
determined according to the following equation:

WQv = C * P * A / 12
WQv = water quality volume in acre-feet
C = runoff coefficient appropriate for storms less than 1 inch
(Either use the following formula: C = 0.858i3 - 0.78i2 + 0.774i + 0.04,
where i = fraction of post-construction impervious surface or use Table 1)
P = 0.75 inch precipitation depth
A = area draining into the BMP in acres
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2.e

Table 1
Runoff Coefficients Based on the Type of Land Use
Land Use Runoff Coefficient
Industrial & Commercial 0.8
High Density Residential (>8 dwellings/acre) 0.5
Medium Density Residential (4 to 8 dwellings/acre) 0.4
Low Density Residential (<4 dwellings/acre) 0.3
Open Space and Recreational Areas 0.2

Where the land use will be mixed, the runoff coefficient should be calculated using a weighted
average. For example, if 60% of the contributing drainage area to the storm water treatment
structure is Low Density Residential, 30% is High Density Residential, and 10% is Open
Space, the runoff coefficient is calculated as follows (0.6)(0.3) + (0.3)(0.5) + (0.1)(0.2) = 0.35.

An additional volume equal to 20 percent of the WQv shall be incorporated

into the BMP for sediment storage. Ohio EPA recommends that BMPs be
designed according to the methodology included in the Rainwater and Land
Development manual or in another design manual acceptable for use by Ohio

The BMPs listed in Table 2 below shall be considered standard BMPs

approved for general use. However communities with a regulated MS4 may
limit the use of some of these BMPs. BMPs shall be designed such that the
drain time is long enough to provide treatment, but short enough to provide
storage for successive rainfall events and avoid the creation of nuisance
conditions. The outlet structure for the post-construction BMP must not
discharge more than the first half of the WQv or extended detention volume
(EDv) in less than one-third of the drain time. The EDv is the volume of storm
water runoff that must be detained by a structural post-construction BMP.
The EDv is equal to 75 percent of the WQv for wet extended detention
basins, but is equal to the WQv for all other BMPs listed in Table 2.
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Part III.G.2.e

Table 2
Structural Post-Construction BMPs & Associated Drain (Drawdown) Times
Best Management Practice Drain Time of WQv
Infiltration Basin^ 24 - 48 hours
Enhanced Water Quality Swale 24 hours
Dry Extended Detention Basin* 48 hours
Wet Extended Detention Basin** 24 hours
Constructed Wetland (above permanent pool)+ 24 hours
Sand & Other Media Filtration 40 hours
Bioretention Cell^ 40 hours
Pocket Wetland# 24 hours
Vegetated Filter Strip 24 hours
* Dry basins must include forebay and micropool each sized at 10% of the WQv
** Provide both a permanent pool and an EDv above the permanent pool, each sized at 0.75
* WQv
Extended detention shall be provided for the full WQv above the permanent water pool.
^ The WQv shall completely infiltrate within 48 hours so there is no standing or residual water
in the BMP.
Pocket wetlands must have a wet pool equal to the WQv, with 25% of the WQv in a pool and
75% in marshes. The EDv above the permanent pool must be equal to the WQv.

The permittee may request approval from Ohio EPA to use alternative post-
construction BMPs if the permittee can demonstrate that the alternative BMPs
are equivalent in effectiveness to those listed in Table 2 above. Construction
activities shall be exempt from this condition if it can be demonstrated that the
WQv is provided within an existing structural post-construction BMP that is
part of a larger common plan of development or if structural post-construction
BMPs are addressed in a regional or local storm water management plan. A
municipally operated regional storm water BMP can be used as a post-
construction BMP provided that the BMP can detain the WQv from its entire
drainage area and release it over a 24 hour period.

Transportation Projects The construction of new roads and roadway

improvement projects by public entities (i.e., the state, counties, townships,
cities, or villages) may implement post-construction BMPs in compliance with
the current version (as of the effective date of this permit) of the Ohio
Department of Transportation’s “Location and Design Manual, Volume Two
Drainage Design” that has been accepted by Ohio EPA as an alternative to
the conditions of this permit.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2.e

Offsite Mitigation of Post-Construction Ohio EPA may authorize the offsite

mitigation of the post-construction requirements of Part III.G.2.e of this permit
on a case by case basis provided the permittee clearly demonstrates the
BMPs listed in Table 2 are not feasible and the following criteria is met: (1) a
maintenance agreement or policy is established to ensure operations and
treatment in perpetuity; (2) the offsite location discharges to the same HUC-
14 watershed unit; and (3) the mitigation ratio of the WQv is 1.5 to 1 or the
WQv at the point of retrofit, whichever is greater. Requests for offsite
mitigation must be received prior to receipt of the NOI applications.

Redevelopment Projects Sites that have been previously developed where

no post-construction BMPs were installed shall either ensure a 20 percent net
reduction of the site impervious area, provide for treatment of at least 20
percent of the WQv, or a combination of the two. A one-for-one credit towards
the 20 percent net reduction of impervious area can be obtained through the
use of pervious pavement and/or green roofs. Where projects are a
combination of new development and redevelopment, the total WQv that must
be treated shall be calculated by a weighted average based on acreage, with
the new development at 100 percent WQv and redevelopment at 20 percent

Non-Structural Post-Construction BMPs The size of the structural post-

construction can be reduced by incorporating non-structural post-construction
BMPs into the design. Practices such as preserving open space will reduce
the runoff coefficient and, thus, the WQv. Ohio EPA encourages the
implementation of riparian and wetland setbacks. Practices which reduce
storm water runoff include permeable pavements, green roofs, rain barrels,
conservation development, smart growth, low-impact development, and other
site design techniques contained in the Ohio Lake Commission’s Balanced
Growth Program (see www.glc.org/landuse/ohroundtable/ohiobgi.html). In
order to promote the implementation of such practices, the Director may
consider the use of non-structural practices to demonstrate compliance with
Part III.G.2.e of this permit for areas of the site not draining into a common
drainage system of the site, i.e., sheet flow from perimeter areas such as the
rear yards of residential lots, for low density development scenarios, or where
the permittee can demonstrate that the intent of pollutant removal and stream
protection, as required in Part III.G.2.e of this permit is being addressed
through non-structural post-construction BMPs based upon review and
approval by Ohio EPA.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2.e

Use of Alternative Post-Construction BMPs This permit does not preclude

the use of innovative or experimental post-construction storm water
management technologies. However, the Director may require these
practices to be tested using the protocol outlined in the Technology
Acceptance Reciprocity Partnership’s (TARP) Protocol for Stormwater Best
Management Practice Demonstrations (see

The Director may require discharges from such structures to be monitored to

ensure compliance with Part III.G.2.e of this permit. Permittees must request
approval from Ohio EPA to use alternative post-construction BMPs if the
permittee can demonstrate that the alternative BMPs are equivalent in
effectiveness to those listed in Table 2 above. To demonstrate this
equivalency, the permittee must show that the alternative BMP has a
minimum total suspended solids (TSS) removal efficiency of 80 percent.
Also, the WQv discharge rate from the practice must be reduced to prevent
stream bed erosion and protect the physical and biological stream integrity
unless there will be negligible hydrological impact to the receiving surface
water of the State. The discharges will have a negligible impact if the
permittee can demonstrate that one of the following four conditions exist:

i. The entire WQv is recharged to groundwater;

ii. The larger common plan of development or sale will create less than one
acre of impervious surface;

iii. The project is a redevelopment project within an ultra-urban setting (i.e.,

a downtown area or on a site where 100 percent of the project area is
already impervious surface and the storm water discharge is directed into
an existing storm sewer system); or

iv. The storm water drainage system of the development discharges directly
into a large river (fourth order or greater) or to a lake and where the
development area is less than 5 percent of the watershed area upstream
of the development site, unless a TMDL identified water quality problems
in the receiving surface waters of the State.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2.e

The Director shall only consider the use of alternative BMPs on projects
where the permittee can demonstrate that the implementation of the BMPs
listed in Table 2 is infeasible due to physical site constraints that prevent the
ability to provide functional BMP design. Alternative practices may include,
but are not limited to, underground detention structures, vegetated swales
and vegetated filter strips designed using water quality flow, natural
depressions, rain barrels, permeable pavements green roofs, rain gardens,
catch basin inserts, and hydrodynamics separators. The Director may also
consider non-structural post-construction approaches where no local
requirement for such practices exist.

Small Construction Activities. For all small land disturbance activities (which
disturb one or more, but less than five acres of land and is not a part of a
larger common plan of development or sale which will disturb five or more
acres of land), a description of measures that will be installed during the
construction process to control pollutants in storm water discharges that will
occur after construction operations have been completed must be included
in the SWP3. Structural measures should be placed on upland soils to the
degree attainable. Such practices may include, but are not limited to: storm
water detention structures (including wet basins); storm water retention
structures; flow attenuation by use of open vegetated swales and natural
depressions; infiltration of runoff onsite; and sequential systems (which
combine several practices). The SWP3 shall include an explanation of the
technical basis used to select the practices to control pollution where flows
exceed pre-development levels.

f. Surface Water Protection. If the project site contains any streams, rivers,
lakes, wetlands or other surface waters, certain construction activities at the
site may be regulated under the CWA and/or state non-jurisdictional stream
and wetland requirements. Sections 404 and 401 of the Act regulate the
discharge of dredged or fill material into surface waters and the impacts of
such activities on water quality, respectively. Construction activities in
surface waters which may be subject to CWA regulation and/or state
requirements include, but are not limited to: sewer line crossings, grading,
backfilling or culverting streams, filling wetlands, road and utility line
construction, bridge installation and installation of flow control structures. If
the project contains streams, rivers, lakes or wetlands or possible wetlands,
the permittee must contact the appropriate U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
District Office. (CAUTION: Any area of seasonally wet hydric soil is a
potential wetland - please consult the Soil Survey and list of hydric soils for
your County, available at your county’s Soil and Water Conservation District.
If you have any questions about Section 401 water quality certification,
please contact the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Section 401
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2.f

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Section 404 regulation):

Huntington, WV District (304) 399-5210 (Muskingum River, Hocking River,
Scioto River, Little Miami River, and Great Miami River Basins)
Buffalo, NY District (716) 879-4191 (Lake Erie Basin)
Pittsburgh, PA District (412) 395-7154 (Mahoning River Basin)
Louisville, KY District (502) 315-6733 (Ohio River)

Ohio EPA 401/404 and non-jurisdictional stream/wetland coordinator can be

contacted at (614) 644-2001 (all of Ohio)

Concentrated storm water runoff from BMPs to natural wetlands shall be

converted to diffuse flow before the runoff enters the wetlands. The flow
should be released such that no erosion occurs downslope. Level spreaders
may need to be placed in series, particularly on steep sloped sites, to ensure
non-erosive velocities. Other structural BMPs may be used between storm
water features and natural wetlands, in order to protect the natural hydrology,
hydroperiod, and wetland flora. If the applicant proposes to discharge to
natural wetlands, a hydrologic analysis shall be performed. The applicant
shall attempt to match the pre-development hydroperiods and hydrodynamics
that support the wetland. The applicant shall assess whether their
construction activity will adversely impact the hydrologic flora and fauna of the
wetland. Practices such as vegetative buffers, infiltration basins, conservation
of forest cover, and the preservation of intermittent streams, depressions, and
drainage corridors may be used to maintain wetland hydrology.

g. Other controls. The SWP3 must also provide BMPs for pollutant sources
other than sediment. Non-sediment pollutant sources, which may be present
on a construction site, include paving operations, concrete washout, structure
painting, structure cleaning, demolition debris disposal, drilling and blasting
operations, material storage, slag, solid waste, hazardous waste,
contaminated soils, sanitary and septic wastes, vehicle fueling and
maintenance activities, and landscaping operations.

i. Non-Sediment Pollutant Controls. No solid or liquid waste, including

building materials, shall be discharged in storm water runoff. The
permittee must implement all necessary BMPs to prevent the discharge
of non-sediment pollutants to the drainage system of the site or surface
waters of the State. Under no circumstance shall concrete trucks wash
out directly into a drainage channel, storm sewer or surface waters of the
State. No exposure of storm water to waste materials is recommended.

ii. Off-site traffic. Off-site vehicle tracking of sediments and dust

generation shall be minimized.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2.g

iii. Compliance with other requirements. The SWP3 shall be consistent

with applicable State and/or local waste disposal, sanitary sewer or septic
system regulations, including provisions prohibiting waste disposal by
open burning and shall provide for the proper disposal of contaminated
soils to the extent these are located within the permitted area.

iv. Trench and ground water control. There shall be no turbid discharges
to surface waters of the State resulting from dewatering activities. If
trench or ground water contains sediment, it must pass through a
sediment settling pond or other equally effective sediment control device,
prior to being discharged from the construction site. Alternatively,
sediment may be removed by settling in place or by dewatering into a
sump pit, filter bag or comparable practice. Ground water dewatering
which does not contain sediment or other pollutants is not required to be
treated prior to discharge. However, care must be taken when
discharging ground water to ensure that it does not become pollutant-
laden by traversing over disturbed soils or other pollutant sources.

v. Contaminated Sediment. Where construction activities are to occur on

sites with contamination from previous activities, operators must be aware
that concentrations of materials that meet other criteria (is not considered
a Hazardous Waste, meeting VAP standards, etc.) may still result in
storm water discharges in excess of Ohio Water Quality Standards. Such
discharges are not authorized by this permit. Appropriate BMPs include,
but are not limited to:
• The use of berms, trenches, and pits to collect contaminated runoff
and prevent discharges;
• Pumping runoff into a sanitary sewer (with prior approval of the
sanitary sewer operator) or into a container for transport to an
appropriate treatment/disposal facility; and
• Covering areas of contamination with tarps or other methods that
prevent storm water from coming into contact with the material.

Operators should consult with Ohio EPA Division of Surface Water prior
to seeking permit coverage.

h. Maintenance. All temporary and permanent control practices shall be

maintained and repaired as needed to ensure continued performance of their
intended function. All sediment control practices must be maintained in a
functional condition until all up slope areas they control are permanently
stabilized. The SWP3 shall be designed to minimize maintenance
requirements. The applicant shall provide a description of maintenance
procedures needed to ensure the continued performance of control practices.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2

i. Inspections. At a minimum, procedures in an SWP3 shall provide that all

controls on the site are inspected at least once every seven calendar days
and within 24 hours after any storm event greater than one-half inch of rain
per 24 hour period. The inspection frequency may be reduced to at least
once every month if the entire site is temporarily stabilized or runoff is unlikely
due to weather conditions (e.g., site is covered with snow, ice, or the ground
is frozen). A waiver of inspection requirements is available until one month
before thawing conditions are expected to result in a discharge if all of the
following conditions are met: the project is located in an area where frozen
conditions are anticipated to continue for extended periods of time (i.e., more
than one month); land disturbance activities have been suspended; and the
beginning and ending dates of the waiver period are documented in the
SWP3. Once a definable area has been finally stabilized, you may mark this
on your SWP3 and no further inspection requirements apply to that portion of
the site. The permittee shall assign “qualified inspection personnel” to
conduct these inspections to ensure that the control practices are functional
and to evaluate whether the SWP3 is adequate and properly implemented in
accordance with the schedule proposed in Part III.G.1.g of this permit or
whether additional control measures are required.

Following each inspection, a checklist must be completed and signed by the

qualified inspection personnel representative. At a minimum, the inspection
report must include:
i. the inspection date;
ii. names, titles, and qualifications of personnel making the inspection;
iii. weather information for the period since the last inspection (or since
commencement of construction activity if the first inspection) including a
best estimate of the beginning of each storm event, duration of each
storm event, approximate amount of rainfall for each storm event (in
inches), and whether any discharges occurred;
iv. weather information and a description of any discharges occurring at the
time of the inspection;
v. location(s) of discharges of sediment or other pollutants from the site;
vi. location(s) of BMPs that need to be maintained;
vii. location(s) of BMPs that failed to operate as designed or proved
inadequate for a particular location;
viii. location(s) where additional BMPs are needed that did not exist at the
time of inspection; and
ix. corrective action required including any changes to the SWP3 necessary
and implementation dates.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G.2.i

Disturbed areas and areas used for storage of materials that are exposed to
precipitation shall be inspected for evidence of or the potential for pollutants
entering the drainage system. Erosion and sediment control measures
identified in the SWP3 shall be observed to ensure that those are operating
correctly. Discharge locations shall be inspected to ascertain whether
erosion and sediment control measures are effective in preventing significant
impacts to the receiving waters. Locations where vehicles enter or exit the
site shall be inspected for evidence of off-site vehicle tracking.

The permittee shall maintain for three years following the submittal of a notice
of termination form, a record summarizing the results of the inspection,
names(s) and qualifications of personnel making the inspection, the date(s)
of the inspection, major observations relating to the implementation of the
SWP3 and a certification as to whether the facility is in compliance with the
SWP3 and the permit and identify any incidents of non-compliance. The
record and certification shall be signed in accordance with Part V.G. of this

i. When practices require repair or maintenance. If the inspection

reveals that a control practice is in need of repair or maintenance, with
the exception of a sediment settling pond, it must be repaired or
maintained within three days of the inspection. Sediment settling ponds
must be repaired or maintained within 10 days of the inspection.

ii. When practices fail to provide their intended function. If the

inspection reveals that a control practice fails to perform its intended
function and that another, more appropriate control practice is required,
the SWP3 must be amended and the new control practice must be
installed within 10 days of the inspection.

iii. When practices depicted on the SWP3 are not installed. If the
inspection reveals that a control practice has not been implemented in
accordance with the schedule contained in Part III.G.1.g of this permit,
the control practice must be implemented within 10 days from the date of
the inspection. If the inspection reveals that the planned control practice
is not needed, the record must contain a statement of explanation as to
why the control practice is not needed.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part III.G

3. Approved State or local plans. All dischargers regulated under this general
permit must comply, except those exempted under state law, with the lawful
requirements of municipalities, counties and other local agencies regarding
discharges of storm water from construction activities. All erosion and sediment
control plans and storm water management plans approved by local officials shall
be retained with the SWP3 prepared in accordance with this permit. Applicable
requirements for erosion and sediment control and storm water management
approved by local officials are, upon submittal of a NOI form, incorporated by
reference and enforceable under this permit even if they are not specifically
included in an SWP3 required under this permit. When the project is located
within the jurisdiction of a regulated municipal separate storm sewer system
(MS4), the permittee must certify that the SWP3 complies with the requirements
of the storm water management program of the MS4 operator.

4. Exceptions. If specific site conditions prohibit the implementation of any of the

erosion and sediment control practices contained in this permit or site specific
conditions are such that implementation of any erosion and sediment control
practices contained in this permit will result in no environmental benefit, then the
permittee shall provide justification for rejecting each practice based on site
conditions. Exceptions from implementing the erosion and sediment control
standards contained in this permit will be approved or denied on a case-by-case

The permittee may request approval from Ohio EPA to use alternative methods
to satisfy conditions in this permit if the permittee can demonstrate that the
alternative methods are sufficient to protect the overall integrity of receiving
streams and the watershed. Alternative methods will be approved or denied on
a case-by-case basis.


A. Failure to notify.

The terms and conditions of this permit shall remain in effect until a signed Notice of
Termination (NOT) form is submitted. Failure to submit an NOT constitutes a violation
of this permit and may affect the ability of the permittee to obtain general permit
coverage in the future.

B. When to submit an NOT

1. Permittees wishing to terminate coverage under this permit must submit an NOT
form in accordance with Part V.G. of this permit. Compliance with this permit is
required until an NOT form is submitted. The permittee’s authorization to
discharge under this permit terminates at midnight of the day the NOT form is
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part IV.B

submitted. Prior to submitting the NOT form, the permittee shall conduct a site
inspection in accordance with Part III.G.2.i of this permit and have a maintenance
agreement is in place to ensure all post-construction BMPs will be maintained in

2. All permittees must submit an NOT form within 45 days of completing all permitted
land disturbance activities. Enforcement actions may be taken if a permittee
submits an NOT form without meeting one or more of the following conditions:

a. Final stabilization (see definition in Part VII) has been achieved on all portions
of the site for which the permittee is responsible (including, if applicable,
returning agricultural land to its pre-construction agricultural use);

b. Another operator(s) has assumed control over all areas of the site that have
not been finally stabilized;

c. For residential construction only, temporary stabilization has been completed

and the lot, which includes a home, has been transferred to the homeowner.
(Note: individual lots without housing which are sold by the developer must
undergo final stabilization prior to termination of permit coverage.); or

d. An exception has been granted under Part III.G.4.

C. How to submit an NOT

Permittees must use Ohio EPA’s approved NOT form. The form must be completed
and mailed according to the instructions and signed in accordance with Part V.G of this


A. Duty to comply.

1. The permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit. Any permit
noncompliance constitutes a violation of ORC Chapter 6111. and is grounds for
enforcement action.

2. Ohio law imposes penalties and fines for persons who knowingly make false
statements or knowingly swear or affirm the truth of a false statement previously

B. Continuation of an expired general permit.

An expired general permit continues in force and effect until a new general permit is
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part V

C. Need to halt or reduce activity not a defense.

It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have
been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance
with the conditions of this permit.

D. Duty to mitigate.

The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in
violation of this permit which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human
health or the environment.

E. Duty to provide information.

The permittee shall furnish to the director, within 10 days of written request, any
information which the director may request to determine compliance with this permit.
The permittee shall also furnish to the director upon request copies of records required
to be kept by this permit.

F. Other information.

When the permittee becomes aware that he or she failed to submit any relevant facts
or submitted incorrect information in the NOI, SWP3, NOT or in any other report to the
director, he or she shall promptly submit such facts or information.

G. Signatory requirements.

All NOIs, NOTs, SWP3s, reports, certifications or information either submitted to the
director or that this permit requires to be maintained by the permittee, shall be signed.

1. These items shall be signed as follows:

a. For a corporation: By a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this

section, a responsible corporate officer means:

i. A president, secretary, treasurer or vice-president of the corporation in

charge of a principal business function or any other person who performs
similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation; or
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part V.G.1.a

ii. The manager of one or more manufacturing, production or operating

facilities, provided, the manager is authorized to make management
decisions which govern the operation of the regulated facility including
having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment
recommendations and initiating and directing other comprehensive
measures to assure long-term environmental compliance with
environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the
necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete
and accurate information for permit application requirements; and where
authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the
manager in accordance with corporate procedures;

b. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: By a general partner or the

proprietor, respectively; or

c. For a municipality, State, Federal or other public agency: By either a principal

executive officer or ranking elected official. For purposes of this section, a
principal executive officer of a Federal agency includes (1) the chief executive
officer of the agency or (2) a senior executive officer having responsibility for
the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency (e.g.,
Regional Administrators of U.S. EPA).

2. All reports required by the permits and other information requested by the director
shall be signed by a person described in Part V.G.1 of this permit or by a duly
authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized
representative only if:

a. The authorization is made in writing by a person described in Part V.G.1 of

this permit and submitted to the director;

b. The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having

responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility or activity, such
as the position of manager, operator of a well or well field, superintendent,
position of equivalent responsibility or an individual or position having overall
responsibility for environmental matters for the company. (A duly authorized
representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual
occupying a named position); and

c. The written authorization is submitted to the director.

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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part V.G

3. Changes to authorization. If an authorization under Part V.G.2 of this permit is no

longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the
overall operation of the facility, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of
Part V.G.2 of this permit must be submitted to the director prior to or together with
any reports, information or applications to be signed by an authorized

H. Certification.

Any person signing documents under this section shall make the following certification:

"I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were
prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system
designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and
evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person
or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible
for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of
my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that
there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including
the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations."

I. Oil and hazardous substance liability.

Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action
or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities or penalties to which the
permittee is or may be subject under section 311 of the CWA or 40 CFR Part 112. 40
CFR Part 112 establishes procedures, methods and equipment and other requirements
for equipment to prevent the discharge of oil from non-transportation-related onshore
and offshore facilities into or upon the navigable surface waters of the State or
adjoining shorelines.

J. Property rights.

The issuance of this permit does not convey any property rights of any sort, nor any
exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property nor any
invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of Federal, State or local laws or

K. Severability.

The provisions of this permit are severable and if any provision of this permit or the
application of any provision of this permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, the
application of such provision to other circumstances and the remainder of this permit
shall not be affected thereby.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part V

L. Transfers.

Ohio NPDES general permit coverage is transferable. Ohio EPA must be notified in
writing sixty days prior to any proposed transfer of coverage under an Ohio NPDES
general permit. The transferee must inform Ohio EPA it will assume the responsibilities
of the original permittee transferor.

M. Environmental laws.

No condition of this permit shall release the permittee from any responsibility or
requirements under other environmental statutes or regulations.

N. Proper operation and maintenance.

The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems
of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used by the
permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this permit and with the
requirements of SWP3s. Proper operation and maintenance requires the operation
of backup or auxiliary facilities or similar systems, installed by a permittee only when
necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit.

O. Inspection and entry.

The permittee shall allow the director or an authorized representative of Ohio EPA,
upon the presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law,

1. Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located
or conducted or where records must be kept under the conditions of this permit;
2. Have access to and copy at reasonable times, any records that must be kept
under the conditions of this permit; and
3. Inspect at reasonable times any facilities or equipment (including monitoring and
control equipment).


A. If there is evidence indicating potential or realized impacts on water quality due to any
storm water discharge associated with construction activity covered by this permit, the
permittee of such discharge may be required to obtain coverage under an individual
permit or an alternative general permit in accordance with Part I.C of this permit or the
permit may be modified to include different limitations and/or requirements.

B. Permit modification or revocation will be conducted according to ORC Chapter 6111.

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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003

A. “Act” means Clean Water Act (formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act or Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972) Pub. L. 92-
500, as amended Pub. L. 95-217, Pub. L. 95-576, Pub. L. 96-483, Pub. L. 97-117 and
Pub. L. 100-4, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et. seq.

B. “Best management practices (BMPs)” means schedules of activities, prohibitions of

practices, maintenance procedures and other management practices (both structural
and non-structural) to prevent or reduce the pollution of surface waters of the State.
BMP's also include treatment requirements, operating procedures and practices to
control plant and/or construction site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal
or drainage from raw material storage.

C. “Commencement of construction” means the initial disturbance of soils associated with

clearing, grubbing, grading, placement of fill or excavating activities or other
construction activities.

D. “Concentrated storm water runoff” means any storm water runoff which flows through
a drainage pipe, ditch, diversion or other discrete conveyance channel.

E. “Director” means the director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.

F. “Discharge” means the addition of any pollutant to the surface waters of the State from
a point source.

G. “Disturbance” means any clearing, grading, excavating, filling, or other alteration of land
surface where natural or man-made cover is destroyed in a manner that exposes the
underlying soils.

H. “Final stabilization” means that either:

1. All soil disturbing activities at the site are complete and a uniform perennial
vegetative cover (e.g., evenly distributed, without large bare areas) with a density
of at least 70 percent cover for the area has been established on all unpaved
areas and areas not covered by permanent structures or equivalent stabilization
measures (such as the use of landscape mulches, rip-rap, gabions or geotextiles)
have been employed. In addition, all temporary erosion and sediment control
practices are removed and disposed of and all trapped sediment is permanently
stabilized to prevent further erosion; or

2. For individual lots in residential construction by either:

a. The homebuilder completing final stabilization as specified above or

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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part VII.H.2

b. The homebuilder establishing temporary stabilization including perimeter

controls for an individual lot prior to occupation of the home by the
homeowner and informing the homeowner of the need for and benefits of,
final stabilization. (Homeowners typically have an incentive to put in the
landscaping functionally equivalent to final stabilization as quick as possible
to keep mud out of their homes and off sidewalks and driveways.); or

3. For construction projects on land used for agricultural purposes (e.g., pipelines
across crop or range land), final stabilization may be accomplished by returning
the disturbed land to its pre-construction agricultural use. Areas disturbed that
were previously used for agricultural activities, such as buffer strips immediately
adjacent to surface waters of the State and which are not being returned to their
pre-construction agricultural use, must meet the final stabilization criteria in (1) or
(2) above.

I. “Individual Lot NOI” means a Notice of Intent for an individual lot to be covered by this
permit (see parts I and II of this permit).

J. “Larger common plan of development or sale”- means a contiguous area where

multiple separate and distinct construction activities may be taking place at different
times on different schedules under one plan.

K. “MS4" means municipal separate storm sewer system which means a conveyance or
system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets,
catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels or storm drains) that are:

1. Owned or operated by the federal government, state, municipality, township,

county, district(s) or other public body (created by or pursuant to state or federal
law) including special district under state law such as a sewer district, flood control
district or drainage districts or similar entity or a designated and approved
management agency under section 208 of the act that discharges into surface
waters of the State; and

2. Designed or used for collecting or conveying solely storm water,

3. Which is not a combined sewer and

4. Which is not a part of a publicly owned treatment works.

L. “National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)” means the national

program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, terminating, monitoring and
enforcing permits and enforcing pretreatment requirements, under sections 307, 402,
318 and 405 of the CWA. The term includes an "approved program."
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part VII

M. “NOI” means notice of intent to be covered by this permit.

N. “NOT” means notice of termination.

O. “Operator” means any party associated with a construction project that meets either of
the following two criteria:

1. The party has operational control over construction plans and specifications,
including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications; or

2. The party has day-to-day operational control of those activities at a project which
are necessary to ensure compliance with an SWP3 for the site or other permit
conditions (e.g., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out
activities required by the SWP3 or comply with other permit conditions).

As set forth in Part II.A, there can be more than one operator at a site and under these
circumstances, the operators shall be co-permittees.

P. “Owner or operator” means the owner or operator of any “facility or activity” subject to
regulation under the NPDES program.

Q. “Permanent stabilization” means the establishment of permanent vegetation, decorative

landscape mulching, matting, sod, rip rap and landscaping techniques to provide
permanent erosion control on areas where construction operations are complete or
where no further disturbance is expected for at least one year.

R. “Percent imperviousness” means the impervious area created divided by the total area
of the project site.

S. “Point source” means any discernible, confined and discrete conveyance, including but
not limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, container,
rolling stock, concentrated animal feeding operation, landfill leachate collection system,
vessel or the floating craft from which pollutants are or may be discharged. This term
does not include return flows from irrigated agriculture or agricultural storm water

T. “Qualified inspection personnel” means a person knowledgeable in the principles and

practice of erosion and sediment controls, who possesses the skills to assess all
conditions at the construction site that could impact storm water quality and to assess
the effectiveness of any sediment and erosion control measures selected to control the
quality of storm water discharges from the construction activity.
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Ohio EPA Permit No.: OHC000003
Part VII

U. “Rainwater and Land Development” is a manual describing construction and post-

construction best management practices and associated specifications. A copy of the
manual may be obtained by contacting the Ohio Department of Natural Resources,
Division of Soil & Water Conservation.

V. “Riparian area” means the transition area between flowing water and terrestrial (land)
ecosystems composed of trees, shrubs and surrounding vegetation which serve to
stabilize erodible soil, improve both surface and ground water quality, increase stream
shading and enhance wildlife habitat.

W. “Runoff coefficient” means the fraction of total rainfall that will appear at the
conveyance as runoff.

X. “Sediment settling pond” means a sediment trap, sediment basin or permanent basin
that has been temporarily modified for sediment control, as described in the latest
edition of the Rainwater and Land Development manual.

Y. “State isolated wetland permit requirements” means the requirements set forth in
Sections 6111.02 through 6111.029 of the ORC.

Z. “Storm water” means storm water runoff, snow melt and surface runoff and drainage.

AA. “Surface waters of the State” or “water bodies” means all streams, lakes,
reservoirs, ponds, marshes, wetlands or other waterways which are situated
wholly or partially within the boundaries of the state, except those private waters
which do not combine or effect a junction with natural surface or underground
waters. Waters defined as sewerage systems, treatment works or disposal
systems in Section 6111.01 of the ORC are not included.

BB. “SWP3” means storm water pollution prevention plan.

CC. “Temporary stabilization” means the establishment of temporary vegetation,

mulching, geotextiles, sod, preservation of existing vegetation and other
techniques capable of quickly establishing cover over disturbed areas to provide
erosion control between construction operations.

DD. “Water Quality Volume (WQv)” means the volume of storm water runoff which must
be captured and treated prior to discharge from the developed site after
construction is complete. WQv is based on the expected runoff generated by the
mean storm precipitation volume from post-construction site conditions at which
rapidly diminishing returns in the number of runoff events captured begins to

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