John Orsborn Diversity
John Orsborn Diversity
John Orsborn Diversity
MAT Student
Candidates understand how elementary students differ in their development and approaches
to learning and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse students.
Thirty years ago when we heard the word diversity, we thought of different cultures or
races, and socioeconomic status. Today diversity is so much broader a term. Merriam Webster
(2015) defines diversity as: the condition of having or being composed of differing
elements: variety; especially : the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different
Now diversity in the classroom means different races, religions, class, gender, and disability all
play a role in the classroom, and all affect the way a lesson is created. As we look at the expanse
of cultures in America, we soon realize that the norm we grew up with is quickly fading. The
majority is becoming the minority, and the influx of different cultures is quickly changing the
way we teach. In Arizona, the Hispanic population was the growing ethnic group, now it is not
only them but the Asian, Somali, Native Hawaiian, and Asian Pacific Islander. This influx of
ethnic groups may or may not require special services for learning.
Because we live in a world rich in diversity, our nation becomes more diverse, and our
schools have to keep up (de Marquez, 2002). A multicultural approach to education cultivates a
school environment that should celebrate diversity, support acceptance, respect, and an
in teaching.
Alaska I was able to work with children and families that, for the most part, were concerned
about education and the impact it would have in the future. I was able to work with families
from native cultures, from Hispanic cultures, and from white cultures. This mix allowed us, as a
class, to have rich conversations about diversity, about beliefs, and about respect. Those
conversations helped students understand their peers and the culture they come from. Those
students were empathetic to social needs, personal needs, and personal beliefs. Because Alaska
was such a rich diverse mix of students, learning took on a new meaning. We could go deeper
into social studies, traditions, and beliefs based on the demographic of the classroom. Each child
was able to contribute and to learn from the others. The community in Alaska was involved in
education, from the elders, to the local government. It was easy to get a guest speaker to come
and give insight on a topic, or have parents involved with planning and producing ethnic days,
where children could experience another culture through food, music, or stories. Everyone was
multicultural understandings in the classroom is easier than in the community. At least in the
classroom we have to opportunity to give the children a perspective beyond the paradigm they
live in. Creating a multicultural environment in the classroom is more than just pretty pictures
and bulletin boards. We must be genuine and non-judgmental when dealing with students.
Today's classroom can be a diverse mix of students, or not. Some children may be refugees
from war-torn countries, and some may be second-generation immigrants. Some may be poor,
others rich, and some just in the middle. In Mexican culture, children show respect by hugging,
in the Chinese culture it is bowing. Whatever the circumstance, we need to respect the children
for who they are and be open to their thoughts and concerns. At the same time we have a duty to
discover why students do what they do. The reason may be cultural instead of behavioral. Basic
explorations of a learner’s world are creative exercises in problem solving; this exploration is a
catalyst for a learner’s lifelong process of inventing themselves (Sloan, 2013). Effective
strategies and student learning. We must set high expectations for our students and scaffold the
learning to meet the needs of those students; this provides us with the opportunity to
acknowledge diversity in the classroom. This also allows the students to respond with sensitivity
to each other and creates a learning atmosphere where students move toward an understanding of
different ideas, beliefs, and practices. This turns a multicultural education into both a concept
and a practice.
Along with ethnic groups, we have students that have different identities in sexual
orientation than what we may have held in the past. Sexual orientation is not a belief however it
is the way gender identity refers to one’s internal sense of being male, female, or something else.
Just because a person is assigned as a male or female at birth doesn’t mean that is how they see
educated on gender issues, never make assumptions, and support them in the classroom like any
other student. These students have the same right to an education, and the same right to
acceptance as all students. This simple growth changes the demographics of a classroom in my
opinion for the better. It allows all of us to see and hear things differently, and to think beyond
Following gender identity, we have to realize that boys and girls are far different in their
learning beyond the cultural and identity boundary. Boys and girls create very distinct cultures;
when they are in same-gender groups they act and play very differently. Girls are talkative and
cooperative; boys are competitive and physical (Kommer, 2006). Teachers need to understand
these differences and be mindful in the treatment of each so as to send the best messages to
students. Boys receive spikes of testosterone which can make them anxious, moody, and
sometimes aggressive, while girls estrogen and progesterone rise and fall giving them mood
swings but usually spread-out over time rather than intense changes like boys (Kommer, 2006).
This can lead to boys wanting to be with boys, and girls with girls. As educators we need to send
the message that both boys and girls are equal in the classroom. We need to ensure that we
utilize both sexes in the question and answer period and not reward poor behavior. Girls receive
the same message as boys, if you act out you get the attention, and if a student is coy, you will be
left alone. We need to encourage students to be sensitive to one another. Group activities with
mixed genders allow the group to be competitive, not just the boys. We want the group to work
together, to maintain the balance of competitive and cooperative. If the content is “intimidating”
to one gender, a group dynamic can overcome the fear, and create a joint effort. This practice is
not only good for the boys and girls in the class, but for the LGBT students that are present as
well. The classroom and school must be a safe and balanced cooperative learning environment.
Everyone in the group and classroom needs to feel that their voice is heard and that there is a
mutual respect for their thoughts in the decision making process. We the teachers need to set the
example that everyone is equal in the classroom, everyone has a voice, and each person’s
questions and decisions are valid. To teach only one way with a mixed gender classroom would
Special Needs
This brings me to the special needs students. The core of effective differentiated
instruction is that the needs and learning styles of each student must be identified, and
appropriate learning activities and assessments aligned to meet those needs (Cry et al., 2012).
The focus for special needs students is to tailor the instruction for them to succeed. It is our
responsibility to positively influence how children with special educational needs and disabilities
are supported in the classroom. Educating children with special needs in the mainstream/general
education classroom is an increasingly preferred option in many countries for reasons associated
with equity; children with additional needs have an entitlement to the same high quality
Webster & Blatchford, 2015). By giving children with disabilities in an inclusive classroom the
opportunities to problem solve we can increase their learning and social outcomes. All students
need to learn how to develop an approach and strategies for solving problems. By demonstrating
the “how to” portion, these students can work with peer partners collectively and generate an
outcome. The key to the method is a clear direction to the group and good rich conversation
among all partners. This too should be modeled for the understanding of what the outcome
should look like. Educators may need to use pictures, sounds, and video for a special needs
student to understand what is required for a task. It may be necessary for the class to use these
models as well for an understanding. Some students with severe disabilities may need an adult
assistant with them to perform the task, but they should be part of the group dynamic as well. It
is up to the educator to make the assignment attainable through differentiation for that student
with support, but the work needs to come from them. Students with disabilities, regardless the
severity must be included through interaction. Just because a student has a disability does not
mean they cannot do the work, it just means they need help whether from the teacher, a peer
Working in Alaska I have been able to see all of this diversity effectively work in the
classroom. And along with the cultural, gender, and special needs differences I have seen the
effects of poverty and the learning process. Just because you’re poor doesn’t mean you can’t
learn but it does mean that resources for the student can be limited. Students living in
generational poverty often exist in survival mode. They endure stressors such as abuse, hunger,
and early-imposed responsibilities for younger siblings. They lack goal-setting skills that will
help them plan ahead (Stewman, 2014). Giving the students structure, guidance, accountability,
and love all help to combat the situations at home. If the students know you truly love them, and
you truly care about their success they will work hard to be the best they can be, but this does not
happen over night. As teachers we have to understand three basic concepts, it’s not personal,
seek to understand, and rigor, relevance, and relationships are required (Stewman, 2014).
Students in severe poverty, homelessness, and abusive households are the hardest to crack. To
combat the frustrations these children have, we need to constantly provide a safe space, celebrate
all successes, have a common purpose with regard to education, work together, and have an
inclusive classroom. These children have a host of barriers to combat daily at home; the
classroom needs to be a place of equality for everyone. We need to ensure that we understand
the situations at home, be flexible with outside work, and treat everyone the same. Collaboration
in the classroom provides all students the opportunity to succeed. Everyone in the class needs to
be accountable for their actions, and for their learning. Because poverty is usually, but not
always, associated with drug and alcohol addiction, there may be no support system outside of
school. Giving a classroom the opportunity to set the rules and goals of the class means
everyone has a vested interest, and for those that have no structure at home, it gives them a sense
of control.
Teaching on an Apache Reservation is far from the benefits of Alaska. The demographic
is one-sided. The minority in the building are the teachers. The classes are one hundred percent
Native American, no cultural diversity. There are no songs, or foods, or groups of people willing
to push these children beyond the boundaries of what they have or know besides teachers. Many
Native American students have problems in traditional American schools, and the dropout rate of
Native American students indicates this (Morgan, 2009). Few children live outside of poverty
here, in fact the poverty rate is at 90%. Most see abuse of alcohol, drugs, and family members,
gang violence, and corruption in the system that is supposed to protect them. For me, diversity
in my classroom touches every aspect of this paper. From the students with two parents to the
thirteen kids living with grandma, I have them all in my room. I see them act out to get in
trouble so they don’t have to go home. Have them ask to go home with you “just once” to taste
your wife’s food. It is heartbreaking; it keeps you up at night, and makes you question whether
you are the right person for the job. To be the difference in the classroom, you must be firm,
fair, and consistent. I follow the four keys designed by Regina Stewman (2014). As a school we
celebrate all success of the students form kindergarten to fifth grade. As a faculty we discuss
what has been accomplished and share it through the school. We take the time to talk to the
students and discuss behavior, academics, peer interactions, and considerations. We have
monthly good buddy awards where students are rewarded for helping their classmates. We have
a common purpose as a professional community. As a staff we discuss our schools vision and
mission and take it back to the classroom. This process is discussed with the students and they
are able to see how their actions with each other regardless of socioeconomic status build them
into better citizens of their community. We work collaboratively to foster success and develop a
culture where all students work together to reach a common goal. This is viewed first hand in
the classroom when higher performing students use their skills to help their classmates instead of
them trying to hide their understanding and ability. We are working hard on providing
professional development for teachers to better create conditions of success and hope. This last
step is the key, there is always people saying there is no hope for these children, and we counter
These children face a mound of barriers that negatively impact their success. We teach
them it doesn’t matter what you face, it is how you face it. Poverty, abuse, neglect, and negative
attitudes do not have to be the answer. Education can take you anywhere. We constantly
provide them with our history, experiences, and hurdles that we had to overcome in life to get to
where we are today. This combined with true caring reinforces the fact that diversity is good, we
each bring something different to the table even if we all seem to be the same, whether its
previous knowledge, reading skills, math skills, writing skills, or pure kindness, we can all
Cry, E., McDiarmid, P., Halpin, B., Stratton, J., Davis-Delano, L. (2012). Creating a Dual
9(3), 19-20.
Kommer, D. (2006). Boys and Girls Together: A Case for Creating Gender-Friendly Middle
Morgan, H. (2009). What Every Teacher Needs To Know To Teach Native American Students.
Radford, J., Bosanquet, P., Webster, R., Blatchford, P. (2015). Scaffolding learning for
independence: Clarifying teacher and teaching assistant roles for children with special
Stewman, R. (2014). Open Doors For Students In Poverty. Principal, 93(4), 18-21