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Holistic Medicine

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By Wanda J. Bedinghaus, MD
February 2011

For many years I have wanted to practice a more holistic medicine. I knew
something was missing in my conventional pediatric medical practice. I was
writing prescriptions but not taking the whole person into consideration. I grew
more and more dissatisfied with medicine…enough so that I sold my practice and
went to seminary. After 4 years of ministry I felt this tremendous call to return to
medicine, but this time, it had to be in a more holistic way.

I met a homeopathic physician, Dr. Dennis Kay, and what he told me about
homeopathy astonished me. I knew I needed to learn more about this amazing
scientific system of healing. I searched for a training program that would prepare
me for the practice of homeopathy. I flew to Minneapolis monthly for 3 years to
attend the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy… and began my homeopathy
practice here in Lakewood in 2000.

Why is homeopathy so powerful as a healing therapy?

It is holistic. In traditional/conventional medicine, each organ system is treated as
a part. What we forget to consider is that every time you take a prescription drug
or put any substance into your body, there is an effect on the whole body system.
That’s why drugs have side effects…those side effects are the effects on the whole
system. Every thing is connected to every thing…the cells communicate with each
other in an amazing synchronistic and synergistic manner.

Homeopathy is holistic medicine because we are treating diseases as something

that affects the whole being…mentally, emotionally and physically.

Homeopathy is individualistic.

Each person has his own individual, different, peculiar disease even though they
may all have the same diagnosis.
Because, when you study one state of being from the state of being of another, it is
different…they may have the same pathological entity like diabetes or
hypertension, but the expressions of it will be completely different from one
individual to the other. And each one’s individual disease shows its individuality
by individualized, peculiar and characteristic symptoms. When you listen to and
examine the expressions of each one, it is individual.

Every living being is a unique expression of life. I may see 10 people with the
same diagnosis, but each one experiences their disease in their own unique way.
This is why the homeopathic consultation is the key to finding the best remedy.
We cannot take anything for granted. As a homeopath, I must let go of everything
I know about a particular disease, and open myself up to listening deeply to what
the person says and how she says it…how much energy does she express by hand
gestures. What is her experience of this symptom? How does it impact her life?
There can be no judgment on either the part of the homeopath or the patient. There
must be a willingness to go into the seeming mystery of what the core issues are
that have caused this particular distunement of the vital energy to lead to this state
in this one person. In homeopathy we use the word “distunement” to mean
anything that causes an imbalance in the vital energy away from harmony.

That’s why when people call and ask me if I can help them with a particular
disease or how many people with this disease have I treated, the answer is
simple…the name of the disease doesn’t matter…what is important is YOU who
has this condition. We are treating YOU and not the disease. We have to find the
homeopathic remedy that best suits YOU and not the disease. Homeopathy has the
potential to help anyone with any disease. There may be some life style obstacles
that must be overcome, but homeopathy heals at a deep, core level. Homeopathy
heals the whole being…mentally, emotionally and physically.

Why do we get sick in the first place?

Something happens to distune the vital energy of the person. It could be a belief
system: “My father had a heart attack at age 40 so I am afraid I will, too.”
Stress, either mental, emotional or physical can distune our energy system.
Infections, injuries can also cause an imbalance in our system.
I deeply believe the cause of almost all our illnesses is Thought.

I wanted to spend time in introducing this idea of holism and individuality because
it is vital to understanding homeopathy. It is not necessary that you understand
homeopathy as a scientific system of healing, but it is important that you
understand that when you take a homeopathic remedy, it is affecting your whole
being for the purpose of stimulating your body’s innate capacity to heal itself.
Conventional medicine cannot do this. Prescription drugs suppress symptoms and
cannot stimulate the healing response. Most of the prescription drugs are anti-
something…against something. Listen to the words you hear from conventional
medicine: war on cancer, attack the infection, kill the cancer cells, battle the
disease…etc. I’m not sure why anyone would want to go to war against his or her
own precious body.

My teacher, Dr. Rajan Sankaran, compares modern medicine and homeopathy like
this: With modern medicine, it says if your pain, your disease symptom is gone,
then you are happy. Homeopathy says, “if you are happy, then the pain or disease
symptom is gone.” Happiness is a state of mind and a choice. When there is
harmony at the mental/emotional level, there is peace and harmony in the body.


Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician, is the founder of
homeopathy. While the fundamental principle of homeopathy, “Like cures
Likes,” had been used by Hippocrates and others before him, Dr. Hahnemann
brought this principle to practical application.

I think it is important that you know a little about this amazing man. Hahnemann
was brilliant, as are so many people in the history of scientific discovery and
development. He began his medical career at a time when “modern medicine” was
using very toxic methods on people. He gave up the practice of medicine because
he claimed that the medicine of his time did as much harm as good:
My sense of duty would not easily allow me to treat the unknown pathological state
of my suffering brethren with these unknown medicines. The thought of becoming
in this way a murderer or malefactor towards the life of my fellow human beings
was most terrible to me, so terrible and disturbing that I wholly gave up my
practice in the first years of my married life and occupied myself solely with
chemistry and writing.

Hahnemann was proficient in over 11 languages and he made his living translating
scientific books. His inquiry into what is in a substance that would help heal a
patient with a particular disease began with his translation of a book about
chinchona, the bark of the Peruvian tree. This is the source of the drug, quinine,
which has been used to treat malaria. So, Hahnemann took the chinchona himself
and developed malaria-like symptoms.
This led him to postulate a healing principle: "that which can produce a set of
symptoms in a healthy individual, can treat a sick individual who is manifesting a
similar set of symptoms."[3] This principle, like cures like, became the basis for an
approach to medicine to which he gave the name homeopathy, which means
“similar suffering”. By the way, Dr. Hahnemann also coined the term “allopathy”
to mean different suffering.


In the development of homeopathy, Hahnemann experimented on himself, his
family and friends. This experimentation is what we call provings (our clinical
drug trials)…how we find out what a particular substance can cause in healthy
people, and what this substance, our homeopathic remedy, can help a person with
similar symptoms heal at the whole state of being. Remember, what we take into
our vital energy has an effect on the whole.
As a chemist, Dr. Hahnemann, began diluting the material substance and found
that they no longer caused toxic side effects. He further realized that if he shook
the liquid dilution, that the side effects were eliminated. This shaking is called
succession or potentization. At a certain level, the material substance is diluted out
and what is left is the energy of the substance. Current research now shows that
water holds the memory of what comes in contact with it. It is this energetic
essence that then when introduced into the dynamic energy of the sick person can
retune, rebalance and bring the whole state of the person’s vital energy back into
harmony and homeostasis. In this state of harmony the symptoms individually
expressed by each person are thrown off or healed. The natural state of the whole
state of being of each of us is HARMONY. And when there is harmony, there can
be no distunement or disease.
HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE” Posted Jan. 30, 2011
In a remarkable interview published in Science magazine of December 24, 2010,
(1) Professor Luc Montagnier, has expressed support for the often maligned and
misunderstood medical specialty of homeopathic medicine. Although homeopathy
has persisted for 200+ years throughout the world and has been the leading
alternative treatment method used by physicians in Europe, (2) most conventional
physicians and scientists have expressed skepticism about its efficacy due to the
extremely small doses of medicines used.
"I can't say that homeopathy is right in everything. What I can say now is that the
high dilutions (used in homeopathy) are right. High dilutions of something are not
nothing. They are water structures which mimic the original molecules."
Here, Montagnier is making reference to his experimental research that confirms
one of the controversial features of homeopathic medicine that uses doses of
substances that undergo sequential dilution with vigorous shaking in-between each
dilution. Although it is common for modern-day scientists to assume that none of
the original molecules remain in solution, Montagnier's research (and many of his
colleagues) has verified that electromagnetic signals of the original medicine

remains in the water and has dramatic biological effects. I have copies of this
article for those who would like to read it in its entirety.
We are treating each patient with the energy of a substance that comes from the
plant, mineral or animal kingdom. The reason homeopathic remedies are safe is
because of the dilution and succession process of preparing them. The more dilute,
the higher the potency because of this process of succussion. That makes
homeopathy a dynamic medicine…energy medicine. Dynamic, a force that
stimulates change or progress within a system or process and for
homeopathic treatment that progress is in the direction of healing.

Let’s talk about a few of our patients who have received and been healed by
Patient with chronic sinusitis: This man had suffered from chronic sinus infections
for years, and had to take antibiotics almost constantly. After the initial
consultation, I studied and found a remedy that best matched his whole being. He
took the remedy several times over months and gradually the episodes of sinus
infections began to subside. After about 9 months, he no longer had recurrences.
He has gone about 2 years now without needing an antibiotic.
Patient with chronic eczema: This 52 year old man had had chronic eczema since
he was an infant. When I first saw him his skin, from scalp to feet, was thick, red
and scaly. I call him my “red man.” He suffered from constant itching and flare-
ups that came in times of high stress in his job. The words he used to describe his
symptoms helped me find the best remedy for his condition. He used words like
“fight”, “force”, I have to battle the eczema…etc” This lead me to understand that
he needed a remedy from the mineral kingdom, specifically from the 4th row of the
periodic table. I chose ferrum (homeopathic iron). Over a period of a year, his
eczema gradually cleared. IT was amazing to see. After 50 years of suffering with
this chronic skin disease, he now had normal skin.
Let me say this: the longer a condition has been going on, the longer the healing
process. That’s why commitment to homeopathic treatment is so very
This man’s eczema had been suppressed for decades with the use of oral and
topical steroids, but now with homeopathic treatment he was healed.
Patient with chronic plantar warts: This woman had had warts on her feet for over
10 years. She had tried everything conventional medicine offered: chemicals,
freezing, even surgically removing them, but they always came back. She was so
embarrassed by the appearance of her feet that she never wore sandals. Only her

family knew of her condition. What helped me find the best remedy for her was
this problem of embarrassment. It was very important that people did not see these
warts so she covered them up. She also suffered from performance anxiety…she
could not make a presentation in front of group of people. She would literally
shake and no words would come out. Now you might say, what does this have to
do with her warts. Everything. The remedy I chose for her was from the mineral
kingdom, from the 3rd row which is all about appearance. How others see me. I
chose silica for her treatment. Silica has a fixed image of themselves. They want
others to see them exactly as they want to be seen. People who need silica are also
very perfectionistic and brittle. They fall apart if criticized. And of course, silica
also has lots of skin overgrowths, specifically warts.
I started with a low potency and nothing happened. Increased the potency and
nothing happened. I restudied the case and even had her come in for another
consultation with me and one of my homeopathic colleagues. We were both
convinced that silica was the remedy. Finally, we raised the potency again. She
came back for followup in about 6 weeks. I held my breath when she walked in.
She excitedly exclaimed “there gone.” No, I resounded. Let me see. She took off
her shoes and there was absolutely normal, pink beautiful skin on the soles of both
feet. Remember, she had had both soles of her feet covered in thick, painful
warts…not one inch of normal skin for 10 years!!!
I recently heard from her mother who is also a patient of Healing Unleashed, that
the warts have never returned. That’s been over 2 years.
Now, in homeopathy, we don’t considered a patient healed of their condition until
they have been symptom free for 3-5 years. I am certain she will call me at the
first sign of a recurrence of the wart. But, I will do another consultation to be sure
silica still fits her whole state.
Patient with chronic shoulder pain, anxiety and depression: The patient, a 72 year
old woman, had terrible pain in her left shoulder for years. She also suffered from
anxiety and occasional depression. She is the caretaker of her husband with a
chronic heart condition. I asked her to describe her shoulder pain: she said
something is stuck, trapped in there…like a band around the tissue. As the
consultation unfolded, she talked about the situation of having to take care of her
husband…she said I am stuck, trapped in this situation. This theme of stuck and
trapped ran through all her symptoms both physically, mentally and emotionally.
This led me to understand she needed a remedy from the plant kingdom,
specifically from the Anacardacea family. The sensation that runs through this
family is stuck, caught, trapped, cannot move, but needs to move. I gave her the
remedy Rhus radicans. On her first followup the pain was much improved, her
anxiety was gone and she was much happier and feeling more freedom. She also
has been seeing Dr. Joan for some corrective work at the connective tissue level.

Homeopathy and medical massage work beautifully together. We practice
integrative medicine.
Homeopathy works on the whole vital energy and every symptom a person
experiences will in time be healed. We are treating the person, not the condition.
Another patient with chronic eczema: This woman came to see me about 4 years
ago. She is a nurse and been suffering from eczema for several years. During the
consultation, she showed me her legs. The worse case I think I have ever seen.
Her entire legs from hip to feet were red, raw and oozing. Also the eczema was on
her arms and trunk. Based on what I understood of her unique experiences in life
and with this chronic eczema, I gave her a remedy, also from the Anacardacaea
family, called Rhus Toxicodendrum (poison Ivy). I started with a low potency so
as not to aggravate her eczema. Over a 3 months period, the eczema began to
dramatically improve. She would relapse occasionally and the remedy was
repeated as needed. After a year, her eczema was completely gone. She was
thrilled. I was amazed. After four years, she is still symptom free and a believer in
homeopathic medicine.
An infant with constipation: I first saw this baby when he was about 6 months old.
He literally would not have a bowel movement without help. Mom was very
concerned. I took her case also because an infant is frequently in the same state as
the mother… and from my observations of the baby and the nature of his severe
constipation, I gave him silica. Mom called me the next day and said he had a
bowel movement when she got him to the car immediately after taking the remedy
in my office. He continued to have ease of passing stool and has not had any
problem with constipation since.
A child with autism: A 3 1/2 year old boy with autism symptoms for 2 years came
with his parents for homeopathic consultation about a year ago. He was running
around the room, clicking his tongue, swirling around with his arms flapping
(called stemming), and making no significant eye contact with me. But, he was
very loving with his mother, caressing her face, smiling at her.
The biggest concern for the parents was his lack of speech.
Based on what the parents told me and my observations of this little boy, I gave
him a plant remedy called Pulsatilla. On followup the stemming had decreased,
and he began to spontaneously use appropriate language. He is about 40% better.
Now we have a long way to go, but homeopathy has had dramatic results in the
healing of this pervasive condition.
There is a book I highly recommend called “Impossible Cure” written by Amy
Lansky. Her autistic son was healed with homeopathy and because of this, she
became a homeopath and is an ardent spokesperson for this wonderful, healing

(From the book, “The Homeopathic Revolution: Why famous people and cultural
heroes choose homeopathy” by Dana Ullman.
As our email flyer said: “The Queen of England uses homeopathy.”
In the beginning of this book, there is a quote I will share with you:
“I believe what prevents men from accepting the homeopathic principles is
ignorance, but ignorance is criminal when human lives are at stack. No honest
man faced with the facts of homeopathy can refuse to accept it. He has no
choice. When I had to face it, I had to become a follower. There was no choice
if I were to continue to be an honest man…Truth always demands adherence
and offers no alternative.” From Sir John Weir, physician to six monarchs,
including 4 generations of British monarchs.

CHER: was struck with a debilitating viral illness that caused chronic fatigue and
pneumonia. She was disabled from work for 2 years. She tried conventional
medicine, but without any help. Doctors told her it was all in her head. She turned
to a homeopathic physician and within four months, she was up and back on the
road again.
TINA TURNER: powerful musician and strong advocate of homeopathic medicine
was healed of tuberculosis with homeopathy. In her autobiography she writes,
“Life in the fast lane wore me down. Changes in diet and the use of homeopathy
saved me. Thanks to my homeopathic physician for bringing me back to health
and always being available for me.”
QUEEN ELIZABETH II: the current queen of England is an active supporter of
homeopathy. She is a patron of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. Her
personal physician, Dr. Peter Fisher, is the medical director of this hospital and
editor of the journal “Homeopathy”.
The Queen Mother, who lived to be 102, was the principal royal patron of the
British Homeopathic Association.
PRINCE CHARLES: has been the most outspoken modern day royal family
member to advocate for homeopathy. In 1982 he became the president of the
British Medical Association. He made it his mission to get the medical community
to understand the problems and limitation of conventional medicine…and to
appreciate the contribution of holistic therapies, esp. homeopathy. Prince Charles
and (Diana) only use homeopathic medicine.
Dana’s book is filled with hundreds of famous people from the arts, to music, to
sports, to politics and even to spiritual leaders around the world who have
successful used homeopathy for their health needs.

I hope you can begin to see that homeopathy really does work. It is not a placebo
effect. It works wonderfully with animals and children who don’t know the word

Where do you begin your healing with homeopathic medicine?

The initial consultation is key to understanding you as a unique individual. I spend
about 2 hours listening carefully to what your symptoms are in great detail and esp.
what is your experience of these symptoms. I am listening for the language you
use to describe your chief complaint and what impact this has had on your life. I
may want to know about what it was like for you as a child to be in your family. I
will ask about your fears, dreams, your nature, hobbies, etc. to get a more complete
view of your state of being so I can begin to understand what the core issue is.

After taking your remedy, you will come for follow-ups about every 4-6 weeks
until we see the direction of your healing progress. Healing is a process and takes
a varying amount of time depending on the duration, intensity and depth of the
condition you are suffering from. Our goal in homeopathy is assist you in healing
so you are free to be who you are in the world. Ultimately health is FREEDOM.

Let me summarize the key points of this article:

• Homeopathy is holistic medicine
• Homeopathy is treating you and not just your disease
• Homeopathic remedies are safe and effective.
• Homeopathic remedies are diluted and successed (energized)
• The homeopathic remedy can cause similar symptoms that you are suffering
from and thus retune your vital energy.
• Homeopathy stimulates the body’s innate capacity to heal itself.
• Homeopathic healing is a process that takes time and commitment from you.
• Over the last 200 plus years millions of people have been healed with
homeopathic medicine

Copyright 2011 by Wanda J. Bedinghaus, MD

Healing Unleashed, LLC
3609 W. Wadsworth, #132
Lakewood, CO 80235


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