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Brake - Performance

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Form Number: DVT 920

Issue: 5
Origin: DVT
Review: 1 June 2011



 Vehicles with brakes for which the servo operates only when the vehicle is moving.

 Vehicles with 3 wheels

 Motorcycle based Quadricycles

These vehicles should be tested using a properly calibrated and maintained decelerometer,
see Sub-Section Decelerometer Test.

A roller brake test is also not appropriate for vehicles with damaged, under-inflated or
studded tyres.

Vehicles with more than 2 axles should only be tested on the Heavy vehicle test lane.


Vehicles with automatic transmission must never be roller brake tested with the gear
selector in the “P” park position.


For vehicles with servo assisted or power braking systems, the engine must be idling while
the service brake is being tested.

With a veteran car or a vehicle with special controls, special care should be taken to ensure
no damage is caused to the vehicle.


With some vehicles, the required brake efficiency is just obtained or just exceeded, but the
examiner knows that a higher performance figure is normally obtained for the type of
vehicle. Although the vehicle has passed the brake performance test, the examiner should
advise the vehicle presenter that the braking system appears to need adjustment or repair.


BRAKE Vehicle with a Vehicle with a
single line split (dual)
braking system braking system

1 Vehicles with 4 or more 50% 25% 16%

wheels having a single
service brake (foot-brake)
operating on at least 4
wheels and a parking
(handbrake) operating on
at least 2 wheels.
Excluding vehicles in item
4 of this table.

2 Vehicles with 3 wheels

with a single service brake
operating on ALL wheels
and a parking brake
operating on at least one
axle which were first used:

I before 1 January 1968 40% 25% 16%

ii on or after 1 January 50% 25% 16%

Excluding vehicles in item

4 of this table.
3 Vehicles first used before 1 30% from first 25% from second means of control
January 1968 which do means of control
NOT have one means of
control operating on at
least 4 wheels (or 3 for
three wheeled vehicle) and
which have one brake
system with two means of
control or two brake
systems with separate
means of control.

4 3 wheeled moped or light

quadricycle with single
service brake control
operating the brakes on all
40% 25% 16%

5 3 wheeled moped, light 30% from either N/A 16%

quadricycle, motorcycle system and 25%
based tricycle or from other
quadricycle with 2 service system
brake systems each (secondary
having a separate means system)
of operation.

6 Vehicles first used before 1 One efficient braking system required

January 1915

16% parking brake efficiency equates to a vehicle holding on a gradient of 1 in 6.25.



1. Examine the tyres of the vehicle to ensure that they are not obviously under-inflated.

2. Determine whether the vehicle has a split (dual) braking system.

To determine whether the vehicle has a split (dual) braking system, check the number
of pipes from a hydraulic master cylinder or air foot valve. Split (dual) systems
normally have at least 2 pipes. Some hydraulic systems have 2 master cylinders.
3. If four wheel drive or differential locks are fitted to a vehicle, ensure all are

4. Normally the direction of rotation of the roller brake testers will be set so that the
vehicle wheels rotate forward. It is important to note that damage can be caused to
vehicles with certain types of differentials, if the rotation of the rollers are in the
opposite direction. e.g. Limited slip differential

Brake roller rotation should only be changed when testing vehicles with permanent four
wheel drive, which do not have a central differential (see sub-section on testing permanent
four wheel drive vehicles)


Drive the vehicle sharply over the Side-slip tester onto the Shock absorber test plates.
These plates not only test the shock absorbers but also weigh the vehicle’s axles, which
allows the equipment to later calculate the brake efficiency. When the shock absorber test
is complete, position the front wheels of the vehicle in the rollers of the brake tester, then
both sets of rollers will run together, aligning the vehicle. Allow time for vehicle to align on
the brake rollers, then apply the hand brake (if operates on rear axle) This will help to retain
the vehicles front wheels in the rollers to achieve maximum brake force.


1. Follow the instructions on the screen. Gradually depress the service brake until
appropriate effort is achieved for ‘brake ovality’ to be tested. When the ovality test is
complete further depress the service brake slowly and observe the rate of brake force
increase, then gradually release the service brake and observe the rate of decrease.
During this process also watch for brake imbalance, grab and judder. Then apply the
service brake until maximum brake effort is achieved or until wheel lock occurs.
Release the service brake.

2. The brake tester will automatically switch to the parking brake mode when wheel lock
occurs. If the vehicle has a parking brake (handbrake) which operates on the front
wheels and wheel lock was not achieved on the service brake. Drive the vehicle
forward until the front wheels are out of the rollers and then reverse back into them.
This will switch the system to parking brake mode. Both brake rollers will start to
rotate, apply the parking brake, keeping the “hold-on” button or trigger in the
disengaged position the whole time. As the brake is applied one of the brake rollers
will stop and each brake will be tested individually. When wheel lock occurs the brake
roller will stop and the other one will start. Apply the hand brake again in the same
manner and when wheel lock occurs the results will be stored. In the case where
wheel lock was not achieved a timer will count down and after 10 seconds the highest
brake readings will be stored.

3. If the vehicle has a parking brake (handbrake), which operates only on the rear
wheels. Drive the vehicle forward, the rear axle will be weighed on the shock absorber
plates. When the shock absorber test is complete on the rear axle, position the rear
wheels of the vehicle in the rollers. The parking brake was not tested on the first axle,
therefore the brake tester will test the parking brake on the rear axle before testing the
service brake. Both brake rollers will start to rotate, apply the parking brake, keeping
the “hold-on” button or trigger in the disengaged position the whole time. As the brake
is applied one of the brake rollers will stop and each brake will be tested individually.
When wheel lock occurs the brake roller will stop and the other one will start. Apply
the hand brake again in the same manner and when wheel lock occurs the results will
be stored. In the case where wheel lock was not achieved a timer will count down and
after 10 seconds the highest brake readings will be stored.

4. When the parking brake test is complete, the brake tester will automatically change
back to the service brake mode. For the service brake test on the rear axle, repeat
process outlined in 1 above.

Test results are recorded when wheel lock is achieved, when the vehicle is driven out of the
brake tester, or in the case of totally defective brakes on an axle when a predetermined
time has elapsed. The rollers must be rotating before leaving the brake tester.


Carry out the following procedure:

 The system is set to default to the brake mode that tests the handbrake on individual
wheels therefore select the brake test mode that tests both wheels together.

 Keep the handbrake ratchet disengaged for as long as the brake is applied.

 Apply the brake slowly and progressively without causing transmission snatch.

A transmission handbrake fitted to a permanent four-wheel drive vehicle can not be tested
using the brake roller tester.


1. Before entering the brake tester rollers, select the 4WD program which will change the
direction of the roller rotation, so that one will rotate forward and the other backwards.

2. Follow the previous procedure, ‘Testing the brakes’. However, note that each brake
will be tested separately. The brake test equipment will only record results for the
wheel, which is rotating forward.

3. When the brake on the first wheel has been tested, stop the rollers and change the
roller rotation to the opposite direction. Conduct a brake test on the other front wheel.

4. Drive the vehicle forward and repeat the above procedures for the rear axle.

It is very important that the examiner ensures that the brake roller rotation and program is
returned to its normal setting before proceeding to stage 4.
1. Little or no braking effort is recorded from the brake on any wheel, indicating clearly
that the brake is not functioning correctly.

2. A significant braking effort recorded on a Roadwheels, even though the brake is not
applied, indicating that a brake is binding, (this should be confirmed at stage 4)

3. Evidence of severe brake grabbing or judder as the service brake is applied,

4. The service braking efforts at the Roadwheels do not increase at about the same rate
when the service brake is applied gradually,

5. The service braking efforts at the Roadwheels do not reduce at about the same rate
when the service brake is released gradually,

6. The out-of-balance of the service brakes on any axle greater than 30% (This is
automatically calculated and either passed or failed by the brake testing equipment).

7. The service/parking brake efficiency is too low (This is automatically calculated and
either passed or failed by the brake testing equipment).

The brake percentage efficiency is considered satisfactory providing wheel lock occurs on
more than half of the wheels braked by that braking system.



The requirement for a steady speed during a brake test by decelerometer means that the
vehicle must always be driven on an area which:

a. Has a good surface,

b. Is suitable for brake tests when dry or wet,

c. Has a minimum of traffic.


When using a decelerometer to test a transmission handbrake, keep the ratchet

disengaged for as long as the brake is applied. Take the efficiency reading without the
occurrence of transmission snatch or judder.


With some vehicles, the required brake efficiency is just obtained or just exceeded, but the
examiner knows that a higher performance figure is normally obtained for the type of
vehicle. Although the vehicle has passed the brake performance test, the examiner should
advise the vehicle presenter that the braking system appears to need adjustment or repair.


1. If the vehicle is of a type which cannot be tested on a roller brake tester:

 Set up the decelerometer in the vehicle in accordance with the equipment

manufacturer’s instructions,

 Drive the vehicle on a level surface at a steady speed of approximately 20 mph

(32 kph) and note the brake efficiency recorded when applying only

i. the service brake,

ii. the parking brake,
iii. secondary brake if approperate,
2. While the vehicle is decelerating under the action of the service brake, note if the
steering wheel tends to pull or the vehicle tends to swerve.

3. If half the number of wheels on a brake system lockup then it is assumed that the
efficiency requirements are met.


1. The service brake efficiency recorded on the decelerometer does not meet the
requirements specified in the Brake Efficiency Table.

2. The parking brake efficiency recorded on the decelerometer does not meet the
requirements specified in the Brake Efficiency Table

3. When the service brake is applied:

a. There is a service grab or judder, or

b. There is a severe pull one way on the steering wheel, and/or

c. The vehicle swerves appreciably

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