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Lesson Plan - 2

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Lesson Plan Form

Class: Year 4 Date: 11th September 2018 Time: 45 minutes

Key Learning Area: History Lesson Topic: Exploring the history and interrelationship of the Earth’s environment and its people (4 of

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):

Syllabus Outcome(s): Indicators of Learning for this lesson: Assessment:

One or two only. Please note the Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of Strategies which will be used to assess
syllabus reference number AND write outcome(s). Quote syllabus numbers. Must be clear, specific, learners’ attainment of learning outcomes.
out in full. observable. Curriculum Content Strands may be used as Should be linked to each learning
headings. indicator.

By the end of this lesson, the students will:

- HT2-4 – Describes and explains - Investigate the importance of land and ways people, - Observations – Informal observation
effects of British colonisation in including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of student to determine the students’
Australia value and interact with their environment. motivation and engagement within
- GE2-2 – Describes the way - Draw on from sources, the traditional Aboriginal way of life the lesson.
people, places and environments including, people, beliefs, food, shelter, tools and - Work samples – What the students
interact weapons etc. have completed
- Learning through different perspectives. - Discussions – Use to reflect, assess
and extend student’s knowledge.

Any safety issues to be considered: Resources:

• Cultural and emotional issues when List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.
teaching Australian history in relation
towards colonisation • iPads/Laptops
• A3 paper, pen, pencils,
• Smartboard
• Whiteboard
• Exercise books

Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning Timing Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences: Resources and Organisation:
(What is Taught): (mins) (How it is taught)
Note key skills, concepts and values Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do
addressed in each section. Link to your and what students (Ss) will do.
Indicators of Learning.
To set the context (What they are 10 min • Teacher will gather students on the floor. The Whiteboard
expected to complete in the lesson). teacher will explain to the students that they are to
create a brainstorm as a whole class in relation
towards the excursion.
Working as a whole class – Students are • The brainstorm will include:
able to learn through others within a - What they have learned during the excursion
social environment. - What they were interested in during the excursion
- What information/content do they want to inquiry
more about
- Different perspectives

To support prior learning. • The students will write the brainstorm down into
their books as a form of revision.
Provide collaborative learning • The teacher will inform the students that they will Smartboard – To display
experiences be working in small groups of 3-4. information
• The students are to be allocated to research and
investigate the different sections, cultures and
practices of the Garrigarrang Seas Country focused
during the excursion.
Engages students to investigate and • The topics include:
research further of topics presented 25 min - Section one – Warra Warra Warra – Go away!
during the excursion. To extend students’ - Section two – Buranyi yagu barrabugu – Yesterday
knowledge from prior experiences. today tomorrow
- Section 3 – Ngara – Listen hear think
- Section 4 – Gurugal Darimi – Long ago, long time
- Seasonal calendars
- Ghost nets
- Native animals as totems

To provide opportunities for student to • Students will research and investigate using iPads iPads/laptops – ICT to research
reflect and share point of view and and/or laptops. Students are also to include their topic.
opinion. own reflection of their experience during the
excursion in relation towards their topic.

• Students can use a variety of mediums to present Paper, pen, pencil, stationary.
their information. For example:
To provide choice for students to deliver - Role play
their information. Support multiple - Comic strips
intelligences. - PowerPoints
- Photo slideshow and presentation (With photos
taken from the excursion)
- Poster
• Each group will present their work to the class. Students’ work – work samples
Referencing learning and allowing 10 min • The class will comment and ask questions to the
students to reflect on their experience. group.
Provides opportunities for student to • Students are to write down information of other
become confident communicators by groups in their exercise books.
having them talk in front of an audience.

(add further pages as required)

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