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JUNE 2018 V. 40 No.

24 A Capstone Course for Reinforced Concrete Buildings
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JUNE 2018 V. 40 No. 6
The Magazine of the Concrete Community


24 A Capstone Course for Reinforced Concrete Buildings

Bridging the gap between academia and practice
by David A. Fanella and Michael C. Mota

32 Concrete Fabricated into Finessed Artwork

A question-and-answer session with concrete artist David Umemoto

38 Insights on Pile Cap Construction

An updated detail for caps on single piles offers significant cost savings
by Tadeusz Granosik and Guy Michel Chovelon

41 Working Safely on the Edge

Anchored guardrail post provides a tie-off point
by Manny Carrillo


21 ACI Board Committee Members Thanked

22 Code Advocacy
36 ACI impacts model code development

44 Knowledge to Practice: ACI Foundation

2018-2019 ACI Foundation Fellowship and Scholarship recipients

60 Concrete Q&A
Lateral pressure of concrete in formwork


www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 3

Concrete international
John C. Glumb, CAE
( john.glumb@concrete.org) 18
Rex C. Donahey, PE
(rex.donahey@concrete.org) departments
W. Agata Pyc
8 Calls for Papers
12 News
Keith A. Tosolt
(keith.tosolt@concrete.org) 18 Chapter Reports
EDITORIAL COORDINATOR 47 Products & Practice
Lacey J. Stachel 50 Product Showcase
52 Industry Focus
The Concrete Reinforcing Steel
ADVERTISING Institute (CRSI) recognized the Faena 54 Public Discussion
Meredith Schwartz
Arts Center of Miami Beach, FL, with
Network Media Partners
a 2016 Honors Award for excellence
55 Sinopsis en español
in design and construction. CRSI’s 56 What’s New from ACI
Capstone Course for Reinforced
PUBLISHING SERVICES Concrete Buildings introduces students 57 Meetings
MANAGER to some of the experiences and
constraints they are likely to encounter 58 Membership Application
Barry M. Bergin
in a structural engineering consulting 59 Advertiser Index
office. Decision-making and team
EDITORS collaboration skills are practiced while
Carl R. Bischof, Kaitlyn J. Dobberteen, working on a class project to create a
Tiesha Elam, Angela R. Matthews, set of structural drawings, developed
Kelli R. Slayden from architectural drawings for a real
six-story building. More details about
GRAPHIC DESIGNERS the capstone course can be found
Susan K. Esper, Ryan M. Jay, starting on p. 24 (photo courtesy of
Gail L. Tatum Layton Construction Company, LLC).

Copyright © 2018 American Concrete Institute. Printed in the United States of America. All correspondence should be directed to the
headquarters office: 38800 Country Club Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331. Telephone: +1.248.848.3700. Facsimile (FAX): +1.248.848.3701.
Concrete International (US ISSN 0162-4075) is published monthly by the American Concrete Institute, 38800 Country Club Drive,
Farmington Hills, MI 48331. Periodicals postage paid at Farmington, MI, and at additional mailing offices. Concrete
International has title registration ® with the U.S. Patent Trademark Office. Subscription rates: $172 per year (U.S. and
possessions); $181 (elsewhere) payable in advance: single copy price is $27.00 plus shipping, prepaid. POSTMASTER: send ad-
dress changes to Concrete International, 38800 Country Club Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48331. The Institute is not responsible
for the statements or opinions expressed in its publications. Institute publications are not able to, nor intended to supplant
individual training, responsibility, or judgment of the user, or the supplier, of the information presented. Permission is granted by
the American Concrete Institute for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) to photocopy
any article herein for the fee of $3.00 per transaction. Payments marked ISSN 0162-4075/97 should be sent directly to the Copyright
AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE Clearance Center, 21 Congress St., Salem, MA. 01970. Copying done for other than personal or internal reference use without the
express permission of the American Concrete Institute is prohib­ited. Requests for special permission or bulk copying should be
http://www.concrete.org addressed to the Publisher, Concrete International, American Concrete Institute. Canadian GST #126213149RT
Tel. +1.248.848.3700
Fax. +1.248.848.3150

4 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

American Concrete Institute
Board of Direction
IN President Directors
David A. Lange Heather J. Brown William M. Klorman
Mark A. Cheek Neven Krstulovic-Opara
Bridging Gaps Past President
Frances T. Griffith Tracy D. Marcotte
Board Members
H.R. Trey Hamilton Antonio Nanni

Sharon L. Wood
hen I was on the faculty at Michael J. Schneider R. Doug Hooton Michael J. Paul
Oklahoma State University Khaled W. Awad Joe Hug Michelle L. Wilson
(OSU), I heard tales of the
OSU surveying camp in the mountains
of Colorado. I can only imagine how Vice Presidents Executive Vice President
Randall W. Poston Jeffrey W. Coleman Ronald Burg
difficult it must have been for students to
conduct surveys over very steep grades
and through deep brush, using only a
Technical Activities Educational Activities Certification Programs
compass, chain, plumb bob, rod, and Committee Committee Committee
level. Nevertheless, I’m sure that those chair chair chair
that persevered were productive on day Lawrence F. Kahn Thomas M. Greene Joe Hug
one of their careers—quite literally able secretary staff liaison staff liaison
to hit the ground running. Although such Matthew R. Senecal Kathryn A. Amelio John W. Nehasil
intensive, hands-on training programs Michael C. Brown Diana Arboleda Bryan Castles
fell out of favor long ago, engineering Harry A. Gleich Seamus Freyne William Ciggelakis
firms still want new graduates to be Fred R. Goodwin Arturo Gaytan Covarrubias Werner Hellmer
Kamal H. Khayat Joe Hug Augusto H. Holmberg
productive as soon as possible. Capstone Neven Krstulovic-Opara Kimberly Kramer Steve Lloyd
courses can help satisfy that need, as Kimberly Kurtis Anthony Lamanna Warren E. McPherson Jr.
they can link the milieu of academe to Carl J. Larosche Jackie Sempel Christopher Robinson
the world of practice. Tracy D. Marcotte John B. Robertson Thomas L. Rozsits
Barzin Mobasher Ronald Vaughn Xiomara Sapon
In this month’s CI, David Fanella and Michael Stenko David M. Suchorski
Mike Mota describe the Concrete Bruce A. Suprenant Wayne M. Wilson
Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) Andrew W. Taylor
capstone course (p. 24). The course
features construction documents for a
real reinforced concrete building; the
capstone project is developed within
realistic design and construction phases;
ACI Staff & Departments
and the lecture topics include practical
Executive Vice President: Ronald Burg (ron.burg@concrete.org)
aspects of detailing, fabrication, and
Senior Managing Director: John C. Glumb (john.glumb@concrete.org)
construction. These features of the
design and construction landscape may ACI Foundation: Human Resources:
be rarely discussed in initial analysis and ann.daugherty@acifoundation.org lori.purdom@concrete.org
design courses, so students that complete Certification: Information Systems:
the course will be months ahead of their aci.certification@concrete.org support@concrete.org
competition in the workplace. Faculty Chapter Activities: Marketing:
john.conn@concrete.org kevin.mlutkowski@concrete.org
members that teach the course will also
be months ahead of their competition Engineering: Member/Customer Services:
techinq@concrete.org acimemberservices@concrete.org
because the CRSI capstone materials
include PowerPoint slides. Many faculty Event Services: Professional Development:
conventions@concrete.org claire.hiltz@concrete.org
members might take further advantage
and record lectures so that students can Finance and Administration: Publishing Services:
donna.halstead@concrete.org barry.bergin@concrete.org
view them at any time.
Prerecorded lectures are proliferating
on the internet, so it’s now possible to
learn about almost anything—including
Sustaining Members
concrete materials. I won’t go into detail
here, but I encourage you to read this See pages 10-11 for a list of ACI’s Sustaining Members.
month’s On the Move department about To learn more about our sustaining members, visit the ACI website at
a new channel of learning. www.concrete.org/membership/sustainingmembers.aspx.
Rex C. Donahey

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 5

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Charting the Future
saac Asimov led a new wave environment. The AIA team envisions that future buildings
of science fiction in the will emphasize customizable and personalized spaces. Highly
post-war era. His books were adaptable and reconfigurable space allows for schemes where
immensely popular and fitting offices turn into restaurants and then into residential housing
for the emerging space-age with ease. The AIA foresees that the future of buildings will
generation. Asimov was in the be led by advances in materials science and manufacturing
business of imagining a bold technologies that feature modularity and adaptive
and exciting future as he wrote components. Buildings of the future will bring transportation
about space, aliens, and time into the urban setting more effectively, and we will see
travel. He was so good at it that multimodal transportation integrated into the building
a new term was coined for envelope. Buildings will be more resilient and resistant to
him—futurist. He was a futurist earthquakes and terror threats. ACI needs to position itself to
David A. Lange who not only predicted the thrive in this future.
ACI President future but who gave the future Predicting the future is an engaging parlor game—anyone
life through his books and short can play! In that spirit, I would like to offer up predictions for
stories. His avid readers marveled to think that Asimov’s 50 years from now. Some of these calls are easy. In 50 years,
world might someday become their reality. Now that time has self-driving electric cars will dominate and drones will be
passed, it is interesting to consider what Asimov predicted in common for delivery of goods and services. Trends underway
1964 about the year 2014. He foresaw gadgetry to relieve today suggest that urban areas will be denser and more
people of tedious jobs, kitchen units to make automeals, huge efficient. Beyond that, research groups are working the kinks
3-D televisions, nuclear power, solar arrays, self-driving cars, out of 3-D printing of concrete structures, and so I would
video telephones, cell phones, and road-building factories. predict that a great amount of construction will be
All came to be. accomplished with robots.
Futurists like Isaac Asimov may be rare, but I see many Durability will be a relentless focus throughout the next
future-oriented leaders making impacts in our industry. ACI 50 years, and so concrete with a 100-year service life will be
has been profoundly affected by a 10-year run of planning the norm. The expansion of wealth in society and advances
activities that have challenged ACI members to think about in materials and methods will cause construction to be
changes in the world around. The ACI Strategic Plan in place effectively less expensive than at any point in history.
today dates from 2013, and it led to a task group that Resource depletion may still be debated, but it will not
produced the Outlook 2030 report. This report contemplates limit us because we will be masters of recycling, efficiency,
societal megatrends that affect ACI. As it identified these and sustainable building practices. Structural health
external forces, the task group articulated a vision for ACI in monitoring will be incorporated into every building and
the year 2030, along with an action plan to reach that vision. bridge, with an exciting generation of sensors far beyond
Strategic planning has created a proliferation of like-named our experience today.
reports that draw our attention to challenges of the future. ACI ACI codes for building and construction must keep pace
produced Outlook 2030; NAE came up with The Engineer of with these advances, supporting improved materials and form
2020; ASCE has The Vision for Civil Engineering in 2025; factors increasingly free of rectilinear constraints. Shell
and the American Society of Concrete Contractors is leading structures and organic forms will give rise to new possibilities
the Concrete 2029 initiative, with the assistance of the ACI for architectural expression. Structural designers will
Foundation’s Strategic Development Council. These reports seamlessly harmonize a wide array of material classes using
are profound and insightful, and you should expect to read ever more powerful design tools.
more about them in my upcoming President’s Memos. What is your vision for the future? How can ACI change to
Our friends at the American Institute of Architects (AIA) achieve your vision?
sponsored an exercise that produced A Vision for Future
Buildings. This effort interests me because I have always David A. Lange
admired how architects bring such creativity to the built American Concrete Institute

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 7

Calls for Calls for Papers: Submission Guidelines

Calls for papers should be submitted no later than 3 months prior to the
deadline for abstracts. Please send meeting information, papers/presentations
being solicited, abstract requirements, and deadline, along with full contact
information to: Keith A. Tosolt, Managing Editor, Concrete International,
e-mail: keith.tosolt@concrete.org. Visit www.callforpapers.concrete.org for
more information.

Sustainable Construction Materials and Open Topic Oral Presentation and Poster Session
Technologies Meetings: Two 2-hour oral presentation sessions titled
Meeting: Fifth International Conference on Sustainable “Open Topic Presentations” on October 16, 2018, and one
Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT5), July 14-17, poster session titled “ACI 123 Concrete Research Poster Session”
2019, Kingston University London, Kingston Hill Campus, on October 15, 2018, at The ACI Concrete Convention and
Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK; sponsored by Coventry Exposition – Fall 2018, Las Vegas, NV; sponsored by ACI
University, the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Center for Committee 123, Research and Current Developments.
By-products Utilization, and local hosts. Solicited: Previously unpublished information from
Solicited: Technical themes are efficient and sustainable completed studies on any aspect of structural analysis or
use of construction materials, technological advances for design; concrete materials science; or construction,
sustainable practice, designing structures and building for manufacturing, use, and maintenance of concrete structures
sustainability, and regulatory framework and government and products. The purpose of this session is to offer authors/
initiatives. Visit www.scmt.org.uk for more information. speakers an open forum for presentation of recent technical
Requirements: Abstracts of 200 to 300 words as a information that does not fit into other sessions scheduled for
Microsoft Word file are invited. this convention. Typical presentation time is 20 minutes for
Deadlines: Abstracts are due by June 30, 2018; final oral presentations. Posters will be displayed for the entirety of
papers are due by March 11, 2019. the day October 15, and authors are asked to attend the 1-hour
Send to: kingstonuniversityeventsSEC@kingston.ac.uk. poster session.
Requirements: 1) presentation title; 2) author/speaker
Notable Concrete in Las Vegas and Vicinity name(s), job title, organization, mailing address, telephone
Document: Compendium of notable concrete in Las Vegas and number, and e-mail address; 3) abstract up to 250 words, and
vicinity for e-publication at The ACI Concrete Convention and optionally one relevant figure; and 4) preference for oral or
Exposition – Fall 2018 in Las Vegas, NV, October 14-18, 2018; poster presentations. Abstracts exceeding 250 words will not
compiled by ACI Committee 124, Concrete Aesthetics, and be accepted. Duplicate abstract submissions to both Research
co-sponsored by the Las Vegas Chapter – ACI, AIA Las Vegas/ in Progress and Open Topic Presentation sessions will not be
AIA Nevada, and SEASoN. The document will also be available considered for either session; please select the appropriate
as an electronic file on the ACI website, and may be excerpted in session for your abstract. Although presenter preference (if
Concrete International. Images submitted will be stored and indicated) will be considered, submissions will be selected for
available as electronic files on the ACI website and may be used in oral or poster presentation at the discretion of the moderators
ACI educational and promotional materials. and committee members. Abstracts should be submitted
Solicited: Image and brief description of notable concrete electronically at https://form.jotform.com/81195347086160.
(cast-in-place, precast, post-tensioned, masonry, or tilt-up) in all Deadline: Abstracts are due by July 2, 2018. Authors/
types of uses—buildings, monuments, pavement, silos, bridges, speakers will be notified of the review decision for acceptance
crypts, furniture, retaining walls, utility poles, tanks, by July 30, 2018.
sculpture, culverts, plazas, and whatever else has caught your Contact: Jovan Tatar, University of Delaware, jtatar@udel.
attention. Significance may be historical, aesthetic, edu; and Natassia Brenkus, The Ohio State University,
sustainable, functional, structural, construction-related, brenkus.4@osu.edu.
unusual use or application, or simply personal affection.
Requirements: 1) Name and location of submission; Prestressed Concrete with Conventional and
2) image (photograph, drawing, or sketch) that is not Nonconventional Materials
copyrighted; 3) brief description that establishes significance Meeting: Technical session on “Prestressed Concrete with
and lists credits; and 4) submitter’s name, title, organization, Conventional and Nonconventional Materials” at The ACI
city and state, telephone, and e-mail address. Location Concrete Convention and Exposition – Fall 2019, October 20-24,
information should include zip code. Submit all information 2019, Cincinnati, OH; sponsored by ACI Committee 345,
in electronic format: image as JPG or TIFF file at least 1 MB Concrete Bridge Construction, Maintenance, and Repair.
(but no more than 4 MB); text in e-mail or as Microsoft Word Solicited: The special session will focus on the recent
document (120 words maximum). No PDF files, please. advancement of prestressed concrete for bridges and structures
Deadline: Materials are due by July 1, 2018. using conventional and nonconventional materials. Presentations
Send to: Michael J. Paul, Larsen & Landis, 11 W. Thompson and technical papers will include the conceptual development
St., Philadelphia, PA 19125, mpaul@larsenlandis.com. of innovative prestressed concrete, laboratory experiments,

8 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

Calls for Papers

numerical modeling, and case studies. Requirements: Submit abstracts October 30, 2018.
State-of-the-art prestressing techniques online at https://tu-dresden.de/bau/ifb/ Contact: Martina Awassi,
and nonconventional materials such as das-institut/news/scc9-rheo2. Conference Secretary, e-mail: scc9@
fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) Deadline: Abstracts are due by mailbox.tu-dresden.de.
composites to address the sustainable
performance of concrete members will
also be considered. An ACI Special
Publication will be published.
Requirements: 1) Presentation/paper
title; 2) author/speaker name(s), title,
Become an ACI
affiliation, and contact information; and
3) an abstract of 200 words.
Deadlines: Abstracts are due by July
31, 2018; final papers are due by
Student Member
November 30, 2018.
Send to: Yail Jimmy Kim, University
of Colorado Denver, e-mail: jimmy. AT
kim@ucdenver.edu; and Hiroshi
Mutsuyoshi, Saitama University, e-mail: ACI’S

Self-Compacting Concrete
and Rheology DISCOUNTED
Meeting: Ninth International RILEM
Symposium on Self-Compacting RATE
Concrete (SCC9) and second International
RILEM Conference on Rheology and
Processing of Construction Materials
(RheoCon2), September 8-11, 2019, at ACI student members also receive discounts on:
Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden,
Germany. The event is supported by • ACI Committee Documents • Symposium Papers
RILEM, fib, ACI, Deutsche • ACI Education Online • Workbooks
Forschungsgesellschaft, Deutsche Learning Courses • ACI Convention Registration
Rheologische Gesellschaft, and DAfStb. • Seminar Course Manuals
Solicited: The aim of these two
parallel and closely interconnected
events is to exchange ideas and   
experience about the development,
Get student pricing Become an ACI Student Don’t miss the
testing, and applications of cement- Member. It’s free and
on ACI 318 by opportunity to apply
based and other building materials with becoming an ACI
gives access to ACI
for ACI Foundation
journals, internship
their specific rheological properties. The Student Member. opportunities, and the Fellowships and
SCC9 conference is expected to cover ACI Career Center. Scholarships.
the following topics: material design
and materials science; rheology and
workability; production and placement;
mechanical properties and structural
design; durability and sustainability;
modeling and numerical simulations;
and case studies. Visit http://tu-dresden. www.concrete.org +1.248.848.3800
de/bau/ifb for more information.

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 9

are the foundation of our success.
To provide additional exposure to ACI Sustaining Members, Concrete
International includes a 1/3-page member profile and a listing of all Sustaining
Member organizations. All Sustaining Members receive the 1/3-page profile
section on a rotating basis.

With a culture that thrives on

Advanced Construction Technology Lithko Contracting, Inc. challenges and takes pride in the
Services Meadow Burke Products LLC success of its co-workers and clients,
Baker has become an industry leader
American Society of Concrete W. R. Meadows, Inc. that goes beyond the expected. Whether
Contractors Metromont Corporation it’s a power generation project, or one
Ash Grove Cement Company of the nation’s premier stadiums,
Minova USA, INC. Baker’s professional teams bring the
Baker Concrete Construction, Inc. Modern Technology Laboratories - MTL same drive, enthusiasm, and innovative
Barrier-1, Inc. spirit to every project. Headquartered in
Multiquip Inc. Ohio, and with 11 office locations that
BASF Corporation Municipal Testing support work throughout the United
Bauman Landscape & Construction States and beyond, Baker offers a full
North S.Tarr Concrete Consulting PC spectrum of concrete construction and
Boral Resources Oztec Industries, Inc. related services, from preconstruction
Braun Intertec Corporation through completion. Baker is in the
Penetron International Ltd business of creating structures and
Cantera Concrete Company PERI Formworks Systems, Inc. relationships that are built to last. In
CHRYSO, Inc. addition to superior workmanship
Portland Cement Association delivered with an eye toward safety,
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute quality, and efficiency, Baker offers
CTLGroup clients a partnership based on integrity
QuakeWrap Inc. and trust. Delivering the highest caliber
Curecrete Distribution, Inc. Saudi Building Code National of performance, diverse expertise, and
Dayton Superior Corporation extensive capabilities, Baker’s clients
Committee can expect more with every project.
Doka USA Ltd Seretta Construction Inc.
Ductilcrete Slab Systems, LLC To learn more about Baker,
Sika Corporation please visit their website at
The Euclid Chemical Company Specialty Products Group, Inc. www.bakerconcrete.com.
Full-Tilt Constructors, Inc. STRUCTURAL
Future Tech Consultants Structural Services, Inc.
GCP Applied Technologies Tekna Chem
Keystone Structural Concrete LLC TWC Concrete Services LLC
Kleinfelder Twining Concrete Insight
Kryton International Inc. Wacker Neuson
LafargeHolcim (US) Inc.
Lehigh Hanson

To learn more about our sustaining members, visit our website at www.concrete.org/sustainingmembers
Kleinfelder is an employee-owned LafargeHolcim is the number one Founded in 1925, Metromont is a
company consisting of architects, building solutions provider in the world leader and pioneer in the engineering
engineers, inspectors, and scientists that and the leading cement producer in the and manufacturing of structural and
provides solutions to meet our world’s United States. With US headquarters in architectural precast concrete solutions.
complex infrastructure challenges. Chicago, Illinois, they have resources The Metromont team provides the
Their recent projects include provid- across the country, whether operating highest level of custom-engineered
ing design for the Alewife Parking under the name Lafarge North America, precast concrete building solutions—
Garage for the Massachusetts Bay Holcim (US), Aggregate Industries US, working alongside owners, architects,
Transportation Authority which included or Lattimore Materials. They provide engineers and general contractors from
evaluating structural deficiencies, innovative cement, aggregates, ready- design conception to construction—in
correcting deterioration problems, mix concrete, concrete, and asphalt order to create cost-efficient, high-quality,
developing repair details and providing products as well as associated services and eye-catching projects. Metromont
construction staging plans to limit and solutions. They also develop serves the Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic
impacts to the public. In Salt Lake City, sectorial offerings tailored to their United States, with six manufacturing
UT, Kleinfelder completed special customers’ specific needs, whatever facilities in Virginia, South Carolina,
inspection and materials testing services their business. Georgia, and Florida. Their expertise
for the four-story, 172,000 sq. ft. spans from schools, multifamily
ultramodern Public Safety Building. The For more information about housing, data centers, and parking
foundation consisted of 10,000 cubic LafargeHolcim, visit their website at structures to industrial plants, office
yards of concrete, and required multiple www.lafargeholcim.com. buildings, and stadiums.
inspectors and an on-site laboratory to Offering precast concrete building
ensure the quality for the owner. solutions with a host of inherent
In the Pacific Northwest, Kleinfelder sustainability benefits both during the
provided quality assurance, special manufacturing/construction process and
inspection, and materials testing for the throughout the life of the structure,
Snoqualmie Falls Hydropower Redevel- Metromont’s architectural and structural
opment project. Creative placement and building systems can reduce the amount
testing techniques were employed to of harvested materials by incorporating
deliver the concrete, and approximately high-end architectural finishes such as
40,000 cubic yards of concrete were brick, sandblasting, formliners and
placed to construct the new structures custom concrete mixture designs that
using high percentages of fly ash and emulate granite or limestone. As a
nitrogen-cooled concrete for tempera- pioneer and innovator in precast/
ture control. prestressed concrete, the Metromont
team is constantly seeking ways to
For more information about Klein- challenge the status quo, developing
felder, visit their website at innovative, turnkey precast concrete
www.kleinfelder.com or call solutions to meet the needs of today’s
+1.858.320.2000. construction market.

For more information about

Metromont, visit their website at
www.metromont.com or call
to develop and disseminate concrete knowledge. The series
also included presentations on concrete repair, self-
consolidating concrete, mass concrete, and concrete durability.
Additionally, it featured a three-part course on the ACI
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, which—
under a recently signed agreement with the Gulf Cooperation
Council Standardization Organization—will be used to
develop a Gulf Building Code.
The Concrete Essentials Seminar Series was part of the
Members of the Jordan Concrete Association at the ACI Concrete inaugural The Big 5 Heavy show. The series attracted more
Repair Code Seminar in Amman, Jordan. Tarak Alkhrdaji (far left), than 200 people over the 2-day program. During presentations
Vice President of Engineering, Structural Technologies, and ACI Staff made by Michael Tholen, Khaled Nahlawi, and Matthew
Engineer Khaled Nahlawi (third from left) presented the seminar D’Ambrosia, attendees had the opportunity to ask these
experts in-depth questions about the presented topics and
ACI Hosts First International Seminars on about ACI’s activities in the Middle East. Tholen is ACI
Concrete Repair Code Managing Director of Engineering & Professional
ACI recently conducted seminars on ACI 562-16, Code Development, Nahlawi is an ACI Staff Engineer, and
Requirements for Assessment, Repair, and Rehabilitation of D’Ambrosia is Principal of MJ2 Consulting, PLLC,
Existing Concrete Structures and Commentary, for attendees Bannockburn, IL. The seminar series concluded with an
in Amman, Jordan; Dubai, UAE; and Doha, Qatar. The evening reception for session attendees and local ACI members.
successful seminar tour was the first time ACI has presented In addition to the presentations, ACI representatives talked
on the ACI 562-16 code requirements outside the United States. with attendees in The Big 5 Heavy exhibit hall about the
Sponsored by ACI International Partner Jordan Concrete Institute’s technical resources; membership opportunities;
Association in Amman, and Advanced Construction the ACI Collection of Concrete Codes, Specifications, and
Technology Services (ACTS) in Dubai and Doha, the 1-day Practices; and ACI’s new Middle East web portal at
seminars covered the philosophy of ACI 562-16, its content, www.concrete.org/MiddleEast.
and some of the key requirements regarding evaluation of The Big 5 Heavy show was organized into five different
existing structures, design of repairs, durability, construction, sections: concrete, plant machinery and vehicles, roadworks,
and quality control. The seminars also included repair project mining, and building materials manufacturing. This show is
examples to illustrate the use of ACI 562-16. marketed as the only dedicated platform for professionals
The growth of the concrete repair industry globally has involved in large- and small-scale construction and demolition
shown the need for improvements in materials, design projects in the Middle East that require heavy machinery,
practice, installation procedures, contracting processes, equipment, and concrete. A future show is scheduled for
quality control/quality assurance procedures, and education. January 14-16, 2019, in Dubai, and ACI is planning on
ACI 562-16 was developed to provide design professionals continuing its involvement.
involved in the assessment of existing concrete structures a Partnering with The Big 5 Heavy is one of the ways ACI is
code for the assessment of the damage and deterioration, and establishing stronger relationships with organizations
the design of appropriate repair and rehabilitation strategies. internationally. ACI maintains its relationship with the
Offering educational sessions on topics such as concrete international concrete community through its participation in
repair aligns with ACI’s goal of positively impacting the international events, its active and influential International
global concrete community. Working with the Jordan Chapters, its collaboration with International Partners, and
Concrete Association and ACTS allows the Institute to deliver through its Ambassador Speaker Program.
educational resources to reach more concrete professionals
around the world. ACI President Addresses U.S. House of
Representatives’ Committee on Science,
Concrete Essentials Seminar Series at The Space, and Technology
Big 5 Heavy ACI President David A. Lange recently spoke in
The ACI Concrete Essentials Seminar Series was held in Washington, DC, at a hearing before the U.S. House of
Dubai, UAE, March 26-27, 2018. The 2-day seminar series Representatives’ Committee on Science, Space, and
provided attendees with an introduction to ACI and its mission Technology, Subcommittee on Research and Technology, on

12 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com


the topic of “Composite Materials—Strengthening Joint ACI-ASCC Committee 310 on Decorative

Infrastructure Development.” The hearing was motivated by a Concrete
workshop held at the National Institute of Standards and ACI and the American Society of Concrete Contractors
Technology in 2017 that generated a roadmap document (ASCC) announced that ACI Committee 310, Decorative
addressing barriers to adoption. Concrete, has become a Joint ACI-ASCC committee. The mission
“FRP (fiber-reinforced polymer) is a high-strength, of the joint committee is to develop and report information on
low-weight, and durable material that can be fabricated in a the application of artistic finishes of cast-in-place concrete,
wide array of shapes,” stated Lange. “The attractive aspects of avoid duplication of effort, and speed document development.
FRP have motivated significant investment in research and Joint participation also offers greater prospect of funds for
many funded demonstration projects over the years. Despite research and experimentation, and a wider acceptance of results.
attractive attributes and a successful track record in field “As the leading authority and resource worldwide for the
demos, we do not see widespread adoption of FRP in concrete industry, ACI is pleased to expand our partnership
construction today. The adoption of FRP depends on a wider with the American Society of Concrete Contractors to develop
effort to harmonize material systems.” resources of importance to the industry,” said Ronald G. Burg,
Lange also stated that, “Concrete and steel technologies are ACI Executive Vice President. “By working together, our
not standing still. Large organizations like the American organizations are better positioned to provide additional
Concrete Institute work tirelessly to advance those resources to serve the needs of the decorative concrete industry.”
technologies. A century of commitment at ACI assures that ASCC’s Decorative Concrete Council (DCC) is a
today’s concrete is not your father’s concrete.” professional organization dedicated to focusing on the issues,



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www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 13


trends, and work of the decorative concrete industry, and to PEER Hub ImageNet Challenge
meeting the needs of the contractors who pursue this specialty The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER)
market. DCC is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. is organizing the first image-based structural damage
“The ability to collaborate with the American Concrete identification competition, namely PEER Hub ImageNet (PHI)
Institute on publications and educational programming Challenge, which will be announced in the mid-summer of 2018.
relative to decorative concrete is a fantastic opportunity for In this challenge, two sets of images will be provided to the
ASCC and the Decorative Concrete Council,” stated Beverly contestants, one for training and the other for testing. The first
Garnant, Executive Director, ASCC. “We are pleased to be set consists of about 20,000 labeled images for different
able to expand our capabilities with this alliance.” categories, examples of which are structural component type,
Two new ACI certification programs, Decorative Concrete damage level, and damage type. Each competing team is
Flatwork Finisher and Decorative Concrete Flatwork expected to use/develop algorithms to train their recognition
Technician, will be launched before Summer 2018. Both models based on these well-labeled images. The second set
certifications require current certification as a Concrete consists of 5000 unlabeled images to be labeled by the teams
Flatwork Technician and successful completion of a written using their trained algorithms. Labels predicted for the test set
exam specific to decorative concrete flatwork. ASCC will be will be compared against reference labels, and teams with the
offering the certification exams at its Annual Conference, highest accuracy will be declared the winners of the
September 20-23, 2018, in Charlotte, NC. challenge. Reference labels will be provided by a team of
structural experts determined by the competition organization
Dubai Municipality Signs Agreement with ACI committee. Scoring and other rules will be provided during
Dubai Municipality and ACI recently signed a the formal challenge announcement.
memorandum of understanding (MoU). The MoU will This effort is part of PEER’s strategic plan of equipping the
encourage cooperation in areas of research, technical earthquake engineering community with tools of the current
committees, publications, meetings, conferences, and other digital revolution era of Machine Learning, Deep Learning,
related activities. Both parties have agreed to sponsor joint Artificial Intelligence, and High-Performance Computing. The
awards to support the concrete industry and encourage objective of this challenge is to fully engage the earthquake
participation in certification schemes. engineering and other extreme events community at all stages,
Dubai Municipality and ACI have also agreed to further including preparation of the datasets, execution of the
expand their technical coordination through designation of computations, and processing and interpretation of the results.
official organizational representatives at technical seminars In the datasets preparation stage, members of the community
and symposia. Individuals will be encouraged to become will contribute by uploading images that can be used in the
involved in the concrete industry by attending ACI challenge and by labeling these images. The staff of the PEER
conventions, being active members of ACI committees, and Center has developed apps for uploading and labeling images.
participating in ACI’s many chapters in the Gulf region. ACI Prospective contributors can sign up at http://apps.peer.
also plans to continue to be active in Gulf region activities berkeley.edu/spo. For current information on the challenge, visit
focused on concrete design, construction, and materials. http://peer.berkeley.edu or e-mail peer_center@berkeley.edu.
The MoU aligns with ACI’s strategic goal to provide
resources for concrete professionals globally and to effectively Record-Setting Attendance at CSDA 2018
meet the demands of a changing world. Convention
Industry professionals, including an impressive number of
new members, met in Maui, HI, to learn and network at the
Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association (CSDA) 2018
Convention and Tech Fair. The event, held March 8-10, attracted
the largest group of attendees for a CSDA Convention in
10 years. Attendance was up 68% over the 2017 event.
CSDA members and friends were captivated by the story of
how keynote speaker and shark attack survivor Paul de Gelder
had overcome many obstacles in his life to become a
successful and inspiring presenter. His mantra “Improvise.
Khaled Awad, ACI Past President (left), and Dawood Al Hajri, Adapt. Overcome” motivated attendees to look at challenges
Director-General of Dubai Municipality, signed the MoU in their lives from a new perspective.

14 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com


Other informative sessions on the have a value of $30 million or more. PAID Act takes the right approach by
agenda included presentations and panel “Competition is good for America, leveling the playing field and helping
discussions covering a range of topics. and a part of our economy’s DNA,” said states make the best spending decision
Among these were mitigating insurance PCA President and CEO Michael for their citizens.”
losses, best practices for hiring and Ireland. “Where competition exists, A recent report on infrastructure
employing millennials, and managing consumers benefit—and in this case, that policy by the American Council for
expectations on concrete polished floors. means the taxpayers whose hard-earned Capital Formation concluded that
A job story on cutting a large dollars are going to much-needed “opening up projects to competition
hydroelectric dam in British Columbia highway and bridge revitalization.” from different and innovative
was also on the program. Roundtables Short-term thinking and a focus on technologies, as well as competing
covered OSHA’s Hazard initial costs frequently drive decisions materials, could help achieve more
Communication Standard and the on infrastructure, Ireland noted. This has efficient and cost-effective proposals.”
evolution of the ground-penetrating resulted in less competition among PCA has released an analysis that
radar business. paving materials, for example, costing estimates taxpayers would save $91
Aside from the business sessions, taxpayers billions and the construction million for every $1 billion spent on
excellent networking opportunities and of infrastructure simply not built to last. infrastructure, or 9.1%, if LCCA is
social events were available. The “It’s time to not only focus on how you incorporated into the process. To learn
popular CSDA Tech Fair was again part fund infrastructure, but also how you about other organizations that support
of the convention agenda. Twenty-five spend those funds,” Ireland said. “The LCCA, visit www.cement.org/lcca.
leading industry manufacturers and
affiliates exhibited at the event,
including five first-time exhibitors.
Next year, the 2019 CSDA Design and Detailing of Low-Rise
Convention and Tech Fair returns to St.
Petersburg, FL, and the Renaissance
Vinoy Resort and Golf Club, March
Reinforced Concrete Buildings
11-15. Attendees can arrive early to BASED ON ACI 318-14 • DESIGN AIDS • FLOW CHARTS • WORKED-OUT EXAMPLES
experience the Firestone Grand Prix
Indy Car race through the streets and
along the waterfront of downtown St. Contains:
Petersburg on March 8-10. More details Guidelines for economical
on this and other events from CSDA, system selection
can be found at www.csda.org. Simplified methods for lateral
load analysis
Cement Industry Lauds PAID Design and detailing for seismic
Act design categories A through F
The Portland Cement Association
(PCA) praised the Preserving Comprehensive coverage for
America’s Infrastructure Dollars diaphragm design
(PAID) Act, H.R. 5578, a new Numerous time-saving design
bipartisan legislative proposal that aids, including:
would increase competition for • two-way slab design
infrastructure projects and give states •interaction diagrams for
columns and walls
the tools needed to make the best of
use of taxpayer dollars. Introduced by
Rep. Jason Lewis (R-Minn.), the bill Visit www.crsi.org for design guides, best practices documents, field publications, and more!
would specifically require states to
conduct a life cycle cost analysis FEATURED IN THIS ISSUE’S CAPSTONE ARTICLE!
(LCCA) on infrastructure projects that USE PROMO “CI-2018” FOR 15% OFF!
use federal financial assistance and

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 15

ACI University All-Access
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On the
Whiteman Edwards Ley Hooton

Shri Bhide, FACI, joined e.construct as Vice President of and CEO and its Vice Chairman, William Lowndes, IV, to
Marketing. He has more than 30 years of engineering and Chairman of the Board. The previous Chairman and CEO of
management experience. His professional career includes Tindall, William Lowndes, III, stepped down to focus on
building and bridge design, research and training, technical special projects within the organization.
marketing, and project delivery. Bhide was recently Director Force has served as President and COO of Tindall since
of Product Management at Bentley Systems, where he 2004 after joining the company in 1988. He received his BS in
supervised the development of Bentley’s software for civil engineering from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, and
modeling, designing, and load-rating bridges. He is a licensed his MBA from Georgia College and State University,
professional structural engineer. Bhide received his PhD from Milledgeville, GA. In 2012, he served as Chairman of the
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. Bhide is active Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Board and was
in Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), American named a Titan of the Industry in 2014. He is a licensed
Segmental Bridge Institute (ASBI), and Post-Tensioning professional engineer in 10 states and a Fellow of PCI and the
Institute (PTI), and a Fellow of PCI and American Society of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Civil Engineers (ASCE). He is a member of Joint ACI-ASCE Lowndes, IV has worked at his family’s business since
Committee 343, Concrete Bridge Design, and various 343 1977, having served in numerous leadership roles, including
subcommittees. COO. He received his BS in civil engineering from the
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
Joseph Whiteman joined the American Society of
Concrete Contractors (ASCC) as Manager of Safety Services. Honors and Awards
He is responsible for overseeing all safety and risk management The winner of the Oklahoma Foundation’s 2018 Medal for
activities of the organization. He will also be the safety voice Excellence in Teaching at a Research University is Tyler Ley,
for ASCC in verbal and written communication, provide FACI, Professor of Civil Engineering and the Gilbert, Cooper,
safety support for members and the organization, and develop W&W Steel Chair at Oklahoma State University (OSU),
programming and member resources to benefit concrete Stillwater, OK. He will receive a $5000 cash prize and a glass
contractors and the industry. Whiteman served as Director on sculpture. Ley presents information verbally, graphically, and
the ASCC’s Safety & Risk Management Council (SRMC) kinetically to help students grasp difficult concepts. To
board for the past 3 years. promote engineering to future generations, Ley started an
after-school program, “Engineering is Everywhere,” for
Thornton Tomasetti established an Operational/Technical fifth graders. He collaborated with OSU’s education
Security Services (OTSS) sector to complement its department to develop curriculum and videos, which can be
Weidlinger Protective Design practice. The group provides a found at www.engineeringiseverywhere.com. He also
wide range of security solutions to architects, business created a YouTube channel, found at www.youtube.com/
owners, developers, and public agencies. Recently retired tylerley, to teach people about engineering and concrete.
U.S. Army Colonel Bill Edwards joined the firm as Vice Ley is Chair of ACI Subcommittee 211-I, Appendix
President in the Denver, CO, office to lead the team and grow 1-Assessing Aggregate Gradation, and a member of ACI
the OTSS service offerings across the firm. During his 27-year Committees 201, Durability of Concrete; 211, Proportioning
military career, Edwards has held numerous leadership Concrete Mixtures; 236, Material Science of Concrete;
positions, including commanding a battalion in Iraq for S805, Collegiate Concrete Council; and ACI Subcommittee
14 months. He has managed complex, multi-million-dollar 130-A, Materials.
projects in the United States and internationally; designed
security solutions and upgrades to new and existing R. Douglas Hooton, FACI, Professor of Civil Engineering
infrastructure; and provided structural hardening, ingress and at University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, was elected
egress routes, defensive positions, surveillance and counter- Chair of ASTM Committee C01, Cement. He will serve a
surveillance systems as well as established guard mount 2-year term as Chair. Hooton is Chair of ACI Committee 201,
procedures and patrolling operations. Durability of Concrete, and ACI Subcommittee 130-A,
Materials; and Past Chair of 233, Ground Slag in Concrete.
Tindall Corporation announced the internal transitions of He is also a member of the ACI Board of Direction and
its President and COO, ACI member Greg Force to President various other ACI committees.

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 17

Malaysian Concrete Canoe Competition and Technology, and Innovation of Malaysia (MOSTI); The
Malaysia’s Longest Concrete Canoe Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM); Master Builders
Reported by Sudharshan N. Raman, Secretary, Association Malaysia (MBAM); Cement & Concrete
Malaysia Chapter – ACI Association of Malaysia (C&CA); and National Ready Mixed
After almost 15 months of planning, the Malaysian Concrete Association (NRMCA) of Malaysia.
Concrete Canoe Competition 2017 (MCCC2017), was held This was the largest event ever organized by the Malaysia
November 25-26, 2017. Co-organized by the Malaysia Chapter – ACI to date. The chapter’s main objective for
Chapter – ACI, the Concrete Society of Malaysia, and the embarking on this major project was to provide the
University of Malaya, Malaysia, the competition was held at opportunity and platform for civil engineering and built
Varsity Lake on the University of Malaya campus in Kuala environment students to gain hands-on, practical leadership
Lumpur. The event was enhanced with activities such as and research skills as well as learn about innovation in
sponsor exhibit booths, food trucks, a non-Newtonian concrete engineering and technology. In addition, this event
walking-on-water challenge, a big bikes show, a lion dance, showed Malaysia Chapter – ACI’s commitment toward
and various other performances. advancing engineering and built environment education in
The event was supported by governmental, professional, Malaysia, in cooperation with the Malaysian cement and
and trade organizations involved in the development and concrete industry.
advancement of the cement and concrete industry and Eight teams from seven Malaysian institutions of higher
standards in Malaysia, namely the Ministry of Science, learning participated in the 2-day event. The teams included
Bujang Senang, University College of Technology Sarawak
(UCTS); PoseidUM, University of Malaya (UM); PUTRA
CANOE, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM); Superciv and The
Enbrave, Universiti Selangor (UNISEL); UNIMAS-WAKA,
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS); UTMcanoe,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM); and Water’s Eye,
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).
The first day of the event was dedicated to the evaluation
of the teams’ posters, canoes, and oral presentations as well as
float testing the canoes. The opening ceremony was held in
the morning of the second day of the event, with Deputy
Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Y.B. Datuk
Wira Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah, accompanied by dignitaries
from the Malaysia Chapter – ACI, Concrete Society of
Malaysia, UM, and MOSTI.
Opening ceremony of Malaysian Concrete Canoe Competition 2017 The canoe races were divided into five categories: men’s
and women’s sprint races, men’s and women’s endurance
races, and mixed sprint race. The judging was done by three

First-place overall winner, PoseidUM from University of Malaya, with

their prize and trophy Unveiling of Malaysia’s longest concrete canoe

18 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

Chapter Reports

distinguished professionals nominated by the organizing

committee and the supporting bodies: Zack Lim, Deputy
President, Concrete Society of Malaysia; Yun-Tong Siow,
representing The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia; and
Siew-Chin Teng, representing the Malaysia Chapter – ACI.
Five Grand awards, with total prize money amounting to
MYR38,500 (approximately $10,000 USD), and 12 Special
awards were presented.
The Grand awards went to PoseidUM, UM, first-place
overall; UNIMAS-WAKA, UNIMAS, second-place overall;
UTMcanoe, UTM, third-place overall; Water’s Eye, UiTM,
fourth-place overall; and PUTRA CANOE, UPM, fifth-place
The Special awards included Best Design Poster to
UNIMAS-WAKA, UNIMAS; Best Oral Presentation, Best
Final Product, Women’s Endurance and Sprint Race, and Most
Innovative Canoe to PoseidUM, UM; Men’s Endurance and ACI Staff Engineer Marc M. Rached gave a presentation on concrete
Sprint Race and Mixed Sprint Race to Superciv, UNISEL; and cracking to the FIU Student Chapter – ACI
Best Sportive Award to The Enbrave, UNISEL; Bujang
Senang, UCTS; and PUTRA CANOE, UPM. engineering. Recently, FIU Student Chapter President Nazanin
Another highlight of the event was the Malaysia Chapter Rezaei requested a guest speaker on a very controversial topic,
– ACI’s attempt to get into the Malaysia Book of Records by concrete cracking. On January 19, 2018, ACI Staff Engineer
constructing the longest concrete canoe. In collaboration with Marc M. Rached gave a presentation about ACI, ACI
University of Malaya and Concrete Society of Malaysia, a membership, ACI documents, and certification, and this was
7.05 m (23 ft) concrete canoe was constructed, with a material followed with a talk on the causes and control of cracking,
density of 930 kg/m3 (1567 lb/yd3). The record-breaking evaluation methods, mitigation, and crack repair. After a
canoe was unveiled by the Deputy Minister and the question-and-answer session with the attendees, refreshments
Organizing Team of MCCC2017 on November 26, 2017, and were served.
the record certificate was presented to Serina Ho, President of
Malaysia Chapter – ACI, by a representative from the NED University of Engineering and Technology
Malaysia Book of Records. Student Chapter – ACI FRC Bowling Ball
The successful organization of the event would not have Competition
been possible without the financial support from Diamond and Reported by Gibran Sarwar Sangi, President,
Main sponsor, Hume Industries Berhad; Platinum sponsors NEDUET Student Chapter – ACI
Cement Industries of Malaysia Berhad, G-Cast Concrete- In keeping with its slogan of “engineering knowledge
Starken AAC, and Forta Corporation-Innofloor; Gold sponsors mingling with fun,” the NED University of Engineering and
Kerjaya Prospek, Bayangan Sepadu, JKS Repairs, Al-Ambia, Technology (NEDUET) Student Chapter – ACI, Karachi,
and Academy of Concrete Technology; Silver sponsors Sindh, Pakistan, initiated and hosted its first event of 2018—
Q-Cem, Sinar Muhibbah, Plytec Formwork System Industries, the FRC Bowling Ball Competition 2.0. Organized for
GCP Applied Technologies, Adept Technical Services, undergraduate civil, construction, and urban infrastructure
NRMCA of Malaysia, and Structural Repairs; Material engineering students, this event provided an opportunity for
sponsors Sika Kimia, Estop-Denka, and Omya Malaysia; and these young minds to practice their design and research skills
Testing Equipment sponsor NL Scientific Instruments. and encouraged them to apply their classroom understanding
Learn more about the Malaysia Chapter – ACI at in practical ways.
www.acimalaysia.org. The competition’s goal was to enhance knowledge of
fibers, including their applications and influence in concrete.
Florida International University (FIU) Student The competition had two categories of judging: bowling
Chapter – ACI ball design and bowling ball analysis. Both categories
One of the benefits that ACI provides to ACI student required knowledge and experience about concrete, fiber
chapters includes guest speakers on various hot topics in civil reinforcement, material behavior, and bowling. The intended

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 19

Chapter Reports

analogy was a competitive bid (design) and competitive

execution (analysis).
In general, teams had to develop mixture designs, and they
had to estimate the fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) ball
strength that would be achieved at testing after 14 days of
curing. The greater the difference between predicted and
measured strength, the lower the final score. The evaluation
criteria (and corresponding maximum points) included
mixture design (25), compression testing (40), performance
(20), bowling (15), and presentations (30).
To increase the anticipation and excitement of the
competition, the technical difficulty was raised by allowing
the teams to use polypropylene, steel, or glass fibers for their
designs, forcing them to research which fiber would best meet
the performance demands. Another twist was that the top five
teams that emerged after testing (minimum difference between
Fabricating an FRC bowling ball for the NEDUET Student Chapter predicted and achieved compressive strength) of their FRC
– ACI competition ball in the compression testing machine were each required to
give a presentation describing their efforts and defending their
mixture designs and selection of material.
An event orientation session was held on February 1, 2018,
with 51 four-member teams taking part. During this
mandatory session, all the rules and regulations were
discussed and explained in depth. Society officials also shared
precautions and complications the participants might face
while analyzing, designing, and making samples of fiber-
reinforced concrete.
The competition was held on February 16. Each team was
provided a mentor in case any assistance was needed during
the fabrication of the concrete ball. The teams were then led to
the material lab along with a facilitator to take their required
materials and weigh them as per their calculations. The
competition started at 10:00 a.m. Almost all teams were able to
finish their tasks by 12:30 p.m. Each team submitted their sample
Compression strength testing of an FRC bowling ball to the mentors and the samples were placed near the material lab.
The teams gathered the next day for curing. The compacted
mass was taken out of the mold and was placed in the lab’s
water tank for curing. Curing was done for 14 days.
On testing day, each team bowled their ball. While all
tried their best to knock down all six pins, very few teams
achieved this goal. After some entertaining and heart-
pumping bowling action, the teams headed toward the
material testing lab for assessment of the compressive
strength that their sphere achieved.
After testing, the top five teams moved forward to
presentation day. After evaluation and reviews from the panel
of judges, the top two teams were Team SSBW, with measured
and predicted strengths of 135 and 132 kN (30.3 and 29.7 kip),
respectively; and Team Stark, with measured and predicted
Officers of the NEDUET Student Chapter – ACI strengths of 115 and 120 kN (25.9 and 27 kip).

20 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

ACI Board Committee
Members Thanked

hese ACI members have ended terms on Standing Chair), Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; Kimberly
Board Committees as of The ACI Concrete Convention Kayler, AOE; and David A. Lange, University of Illinois at
and Exposition – Spring 2018. Their service to the Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL.
Institute is appreciated.
Honors and Awards Committee: Anne M. Ellis (Past
Certification Programs Committee: Brian Green, Chair), Ellis Global Group, McLean, VA; and Aimee
USACE-ERDC, Vicksburg, MS. Pergalsky, The Euclid Chemical Company, Richfield, OH.

Chapter Activities Committee: Joe Hug, The Monarch International Advisory Committee: Thomas Kang, Seoul
Cement Co., Olathe, KS; and Kimberly Kayler, Advancing National University, Seoul, Korea; and Fred Meyer, United
Organizational Excellence (AOE), Farmington Hills, MI. States Military Academy, West Point, NY.

Committee on Codes and Standards Advocacy and Membership Committee: Claude J. Bergeron,
Outreach: James R. Cagley, Cagley & Associates Inc., LafargeHolcim, Dearborn, MI; Francisco Anguiano-Perez,
Rockville, MD; and Randall W. Poston, Pivot Engineers, West Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), San Nicolás
Lake Hills, TX. de Los Garza, Nuevo León, Mexico; and Ronald E. Vaughn,
Northeast Solite Corp., Wynantskill, NY.
Construction Liaison Committee: David W. Buzzelli,
Texas A&M Concrete, LLC, Houston, TX; Steven J. Publications Committee: James H. Hanson (Past Chair),
Crawford, Superior Gunite Co., Lake View Terrace, CA; and Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, IN;
Joseph C. Sanders, Combined Creek Consulting, Pasadena, CA. Zachary Grasley, Texas A&M University, College Station,
TX; R. Doug Hooton, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,
Convention Committee: Lawrence H. Taber (Past Chair), Canada; and Oguzhan Bayrak, Maria Juenger, and Sharon L.
Black & Veatch, Overland Park, KS; Oscar R. Antommattei, Wood, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
Kiewit Engineering Group, Englewood, CO; Alain Belanger,
Mississauga, ON, Canada; Beth Britt, Arizona Chapter – ACI, Standards Board: Anne M. Ellis (Past Chair), Ellis
Pinetop, AZ; Mike Forde, University of Edinburgh, Global Group.
Edinburgh, UK; Michael Hufnagel, Flood Testing
Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, IL; Kimberly Kayler, AOE; Student and Young Professional Activities Committee:
Michael Marchese, Future Tech Consultants of NY, Mineola, Chris Carroll, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO; Devin
NY; Dawn Miller, Las Vegas Chapter – ACI, Las Vegas, NV; Harris, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; Allyn C.
and Michael J. Paul, Larsen and Landis, Wilmington, DE. Luke, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ; Francisco Anguiano-
Perez, UANL; and Sheila M. Shideh, Baker Concrete
Educational Activities Committee: Frances T. Griffith Construction, Northridge, CA.
(Past Chair), University of Arkansas Center for Training
Transportation Professionals, Fayetteville, AR; Ronald L. Technical Activities Committee: Trey Hamilton III (Past
O’Kane, Leigh & O’Kane LLC, Kansas City, MO; and Scott Chair), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; JoAnn P.
Tarr, North Starr Concrete Consulting, Dover, NH. Browning, The University of Texas at San Antonio, San
Antonio, TX; and Catherine E. French, University of
Financial Advisory Committee: Robert J. Frosch (Past Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 21

ACI Impacts Model Code Development following the PCH results in the revisions as they will be
The International Code Council (ICC) develops model incorporated into the model codes. Once the revised model
building codes commonly referred to as the I-Codes. These codes are published, state and local jurisdictions use them as
model codes serve as the platform for building codes adopted the basis for their building codes. Typically, the state and local
and enforced by authorities having jurisdiction throughout the jurisdictions will incorporate modifications to assure the needs
United States and in countries electing to base their codes on of the public within their respective jurisdictions are
the I-Codes. adequately addressed.
ICC code development is on a 3-year cycle. Hearings are Most code changes submitted in a typical year are about
held the first 2 years and the third year is reserved for specific product applications and uses which tend to be outside
assembling code changes into the respective I-Codes and the purview of ACI activities. Among the 2018 Group A code
printing new editions. The key events associated with the change proposals, there were five code change proposals on
typical hearing year schedule are shown in Table 1. criteria and references related to concrete technology and four
The hearings in 2018 and 2019 will result in revisions to of the five specifically addressed technical aspects of criteria
the 2021 editions of the I-Codes. Thousands of code change also in ACI publications. These proposals and the CAH
proposals are on the agenda in the development of the model recommendations are provided in Table 3.
building codes (I-Codes) during each code development These initial successes relied heavily on the preparation,
cycle. Due to the sheer number of code change proposals, communications, and coordination with interested parties
ICC splits the proposals into two groups. The groups are prior to and during the hearing. Testimony was properly
determined in part by the number of committees that will be orchestrated to address potential issues, rebut opposition, and
required to attend the 2-week long hearings and the trend in respond to questions from the committee. Notable testimony
volume of code change proposals to be heard by the aligned with the action desired by ACI was provided by the
respective committees. Alliance for Concrete Codes and Standards, Concrete
The grouping by committee is outlined in Table 2. Group B Reinforcing Steel Institute, Portland Cement Association,
proposals tend to deal with the major section of the I-Codes Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, and Stephen V. Skalko,
affecting the concrete industry, so they generally generate a PE & Associates. Success was also facilitated by the proposals
larger number of proposals that affect how ACI information is being concise and not significantly adding, deleting, or
applied in the building codes. reorganizing the I-Codes.
There are two hearings for each group. In the first hearing, The CAH was the first hearing in the 2018 process. Final
the Committee Action Hearing (CAH), proponents and decisions on the proposals in Group A will be made via online
opponents testify to panels (ICC Code Development voting by qualified government officials following the PCH to
Committees) consisting of interested parties and stakeholders be held October 24-31, 2018, in Richmond, VA. In addition to
in the specific technical field. In the second hearing, the Public influencing the hearing outcome on these five issues, ACI’s
Comment Hearing (PCH), proponents and opponents testify to participation at the hearings helped to further establish ACI as
the general audience about public comments proposed to a professional society and a technical resource on concrete.
amend or overturn actions made during the CAH. Online ACI is considering code change proposals in the 2019
voting by qualified government official members of ICC Group B hearings that will significantly alter the content and
the organization of Chapter 19 on Concrete in the
International Building Code (IBC). ACI intends to include
Table 1: references to “Specification for Inspection of Concrete
Typical ICC hearing timeline Construction (ACI 311.7)” and “Certification Policies for
Early January Submit code change proposals Concrete Construction Special Inspector (ACI CPP 630.1)”
Early Spring Proposals posted for viewing
in the IBC and “Code Requirements for Assessment,
Repair, and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures
Mid-Spring Committee Action Hearing (CAH)
(ACI 562) and Commentary” in the International Existing
Late Spring CAH results posted for viewing Building Code. Such proposals will be far more challenging
Early Summer Submit public comments and require significantly more engagement and testimony by
Mid-Summer Public comments posted interested and affected parties. During The ACI Concrete
Mid-Fall Public Comment Hearing (PCH)
Convention and Exposition – Spring 2018, ACI staff began
sharing and coordinating concepts for proposals for the
Late Fall Online voting by officials
Group B hearings.

22 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

Code Advocacy
Table 2:
2018-2019 ICC groups for development of 2021 editions of I-Codes
International Code Chapters and Appendices1 Code Development Committee Group2
Administrative Provisions 13 Administrative B
International Building Code (IBC) 10, 11, E Means of Egress A
IBC 7, 8, 9, 14, 26 Fire Safety A
IBC 2-6, 12, 27-33, C, D, K General A
IBC 15-25, G, I, J, L, M Structural B
International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)—Commercial All and IEBC 15 Commercial Energy B
IECC—Residential All Residential Energy B
International Existing Building Code (IEBC) All except 1 Existing Building B
International Fire Code (IFC) All except 1 Fire A
International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) All except 1 Fuel Gas A
International Mechanical Code (IMC) All except 1 Mechanical A
ICC Performance Code (ICCPC) for Buildings and Facilities Assigned by topic Assigned by topic A/B
International Plumbing Code (IPC) All except 1 Plumbing A
International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) All except 1 Property Maintenance and Zoning A
International Private Sewage Disposal Code (IPSDC) All except 1 Plumbing A
International Residential Code (IRC) 1-10, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, O Residential Building B
IRC 11 Residential Energy B
IRC 12-23 Mechanical and Plumbing A
IRC 25-33, G, I, N, P Mechanical and Plumbing A
International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) All except 1 Swimming Pool and Spa A
International Wildland-Urban Interface Code (IWUIC) All except 1 Fire A
International Zoning Code (IZC) All except 1 Property Maintenance and Zoning A
General categories; some sections may be heard in the other group
Grouping may vary with each cycle
Excludes the administrative sections for Residential, Energy, and Green Construction

Table 3:
Proposals receiving ACI testimony at the 2018 Group A ICC CAH
Proposal Code/ Committee
designation1 Section Concept Desired action action
IBC2 Disapprove
FS75-18 Post-tensioned slab proposal deviates from ACI 216.13 Disapprove
722.2.3 vote: 14-0
IBC2 Disapprove
FS78-18 Slab criteria deviate from ACI 216.13 Disapprove
722.2.3 vote: 14-0
IBC2 Adds provisions allowing the use of voided concrete slabs, already a Approve
FS79-18 Approve
722.2.2 permissible structural element where designed in accordance with ACI 3184 vote: 14-0
IBC2 Approve
G36-18 Aligns parking garage floor criteria with ACI 362.1R5 Approve
406.2.4 vote: 14-0
IPSDC6 Approve
PSD2-18 Updates references to more technically appropriate specifications Approve
504 vote: 14-0
To see complete code change proposals, visit www.iccsafe.org/codes-tech-support/codes/code-development-process/2018-2019-group-a/
International Building Code
ACI 216.1: Code Requirements for Determining Fire Resistance of Concrete and Masonry Construction Assemblies
ACI 318: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
ACI 362.1R: Guide for the Design and Construction of Durable Concrete Parking Structures
International Private Sewage Disposal Code

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 23

A Capstone Course for
Reinforced Concrete
Bridging the gap between academia and practice

by David A. Fanella and Michael C. Mota

tudents in structural engineering programs at Course Overview
universities and colleges are taught the fundamentals The CRSI capstone course is an opportunity for students to:
of analysis and design. While it is safe to assume that
most graduates are proficient in designing individual structural
•• Integrate and apply knowledge attained in engineering
coursework on a broader scale;
members for a given set of loading conditions, many probably •• Practice decision-making and team collaboration skills; and
do not have a solid understanding of how those members are
integrated within a complete structural system. Some graduates
•• Create and deliver the documents that are required for a
structure to be built.
may have had the opportunity to take a capstone course during The students work with a set of architectural drawings for a
their final year of study, however, and this allowed them to real six-story hotel, so they will experience some of the same
apply the knowledge they acquired in their previous classes to constraints they are likely to encounter in a structural
a multifaceted assignment. Their capstone course thus served engineering consulting office. At the completion of the course,
as a culminating academic and intellectual experience. the students will have acquired an understanding of:
Upon graduation, students have many options, including
attending graduate school, working for a contractor or
•• The overall stages in the design of a reinforced concrete
building, thereby eliminating some of the mystery
developer, or taking a position at a structural engineering surrounding what they will be doing once they are working
consulting (design) firm. The latter option has been and in a consulting office;
continues to be popular. However, students who choose to
pursue a career in a structural engineering firm but who have
•• How to economically design and detail a reinforced
concrete building from start to finish;
not had any experience working at one (those, for example,
who did not participate in an internship program) probably do
•• How to acquire resources that are available in every stage
of the design process;
not know exactly what they will be doing once they start their
new position. The consulting world is a mystery to them, and
•• How to produce construction documents for a reinforced
concrete building (drawings and specifications); and
the basic question they typically ask is: “Now what?”
As a response, the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
•• How reinforcement is manufactured and how reinforced
concrete buildings are constructed.
(CRSI) has created a capstone course that introduces students
to life in a consulting firm. Real-world problems are solved in Course Level
a group setting, engineering skills are enhanced, and practical The capstone course is geared to students enrolled in
topics, such as the creation of construction documents, are civil, structural, or architectural engineering programs and
taught. In essence, the course helps bridge the gap between who have successfully completed undergraduate- or
academia and practice. graduate-level courses in reinforced concrete design.
A student who takes this capstone course will have an Students are expected to possess basic skills in analysis and
advantage over those who have not: Employers spend significant design of cast-in-place concrete beams, slabs, columns,
resources training new employees, so firms will value a recent walls, and foundations containing nonprestressed (mild)
graduate with the experience obtained from this course. reinforcement. The students should also be familiar with

24 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

national building codes and standards related to the design of Course Structure
these reinforced concrete members.1,2 The course is organized based on a 16-week semester, with
two 75-minute sessions per week. It can easily be restructured
ABET Objectives for schools on quarter systems or that have other class durations.
The scope of this course addresses ABET objectives for The main goal is successful completion of a class project.
student outcomes.3 In particular, the course encourages Working in groups, the students are required to create a set of
students to: structural drawings, developed for a set of architectural
•• Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering; drawings for a real building. To help accomplish this goal,
•• Design a system, component, or process to meet desired numerous CRSI and ACI resources are made available
needs within realistic constraints such as economic, throughout the semester. The design and detailing methods
environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, that are presented are applicable to buildings located in areas
manufacturability, and sustainability factors; of low seismic risk (Seismic Design Categories A and B).
•• Function on multidisciplinary teams; Design and detailing methods required for buildings in areas
•• Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems; of moderate or high seismic risk (Seismic Design Categories C
•• Understand professional and ethical responsibility; and higher) are not covered.
•• Communicate effectively; During the first week, the major phases in a building
•• Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, project are covered with emphasis on the role of the structural
economic, environmental, and societal context; engineer during:
•• Recognize the need for (and an ability to engage in) •• Predesign;
lifelong learning; •• Design;
•• Recognize and participate in contemporary issues; and •• Preconstruction;
•• Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools •• Construction; and
necessary for engineering practice. •• Postconstruction.

200+ Professional and Student Chapters

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 25

Also presented is the traditional organization of a project used for the class project along with the project data and
team and the interrelationships of the team members (Fig. 1). assumptions. A partial plan of a typical floor in the building is
Other types of team organizations are given as well. shown in Fig. 2. Information on how to determine the
The major design and construction phases for typical applicable loads is also provided, and methods and resources
building projects are also covered: schematic design, design are presented on how to achieve economical reinforced
development, construction documents, and construction concrete buildings based on the three main components in any
administration. The course is basically structured around these reinforced concrete building (formwork, concrete, and
phases. An overview of each phase and the corresponding reinforcing steel). The students are provided with descriptions
weeks in the semester are given in Table 1. of the various reinforced concrete floor systems, and they are
During the schematic design phase (weeks 2 and 3), the introduced to a tool that can be used to determine an
students are given the architectural drawings of the building economical reinforced concrete floor system for a given set of
criteria.4 This tool—the Reinforced Concrete Concept
(Concept)—allows designers to conduct parametric studies to
quickly obtain an economical reinforced concrete floor system
for given span and load criteria. Sample output from Concept
is shown in Fig. 3 for a flat plate system.
The design development phase is covered in weeks 4
through 7. A wealth of information is presented on how to
determine preliminary sizes for the structural members in a
building, along with an explanation of the importance of this
preliminary information. Approximate methods of lateral
analysis are covered for low-rise buildings, including an
overview of diaphragms and how to determine the center of
rigidity. The importance of establishing load paths in a
reinforced concrete building is discussed, including load paths
for wind (Fig. 4). Procedures used for the creation and
organization of design drawings are also given. It is unlikely
that students (other than those who have consulting office
Fig. 1: Traditional project team organization experience) are familiar with this topic. Finally, a sample

Table 1:
Capstone course structure
Weeks Phase Overview

•• Architectural drawings are distributed and reviewed;

•• Project data and assumptions are provided;
2 and 3 Schematic design •• A general overview of load determination is given; and
•• Methods and resources are presented on the economics of reinforced concrete structures and
selection of an economical reinforced concrete floor system.

•• Information is provided on how to perform preliminary designs of foundations, columns, beams,

one-way slabs, two-way slabs, and walls;
4 to 7 Design development •• Approximate methods of lateral analysis of low-rise buildings are covered, including how to
determine center of rigidity;
•• Procedures on how to create and organize design drawings are given; and
•• A sample specification for reinforced concrete buildings is presented.
•• Information is provided on how to economically design and detail foundation systems, slabs-on-
grade, columns, walls, flat plates (including diaphragms), and beams; and
8 to 12
documents •• Methods are presented on how to transfer design and detailing information for each type of
structural member to the structural drawings (that is, how to create plans, sections, details, and

•• Information is given on design and construction processes, production and fabrication of reinforcing
steel, and placing and field considerations of reinforcing steel;

13 and 14
Construction •• The construction sequence of reinforced concrete buildings is presented, which includes a
discussion on forming systems; and
•• Duties and responsibilities of the structural engineer during the construction administration phase
are covered, including review of placing drawings, responses to requests for information, and
periodic site visits.

26 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com



Fig. 2: Partial floor plan of the building for the class project: (a) overall view; and (b) closeup of lower right corner

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specification for reinforced concrete
buildings is presented.
In the construction documents phase
(weeks 8 through 12), practical methods
for design and detailing an economical
reinforced concrete building are
provided via design aids, flowcharts,
and worked-out examples. Many
resources are available to the students
during this phase, including the CRSI
Student Detailing Card (Fig. 5).
One of the most important topics
covered during this phase is how to
transfer design and detailing information
to the structural drawings. The course
material emphasizes that structural
drawings are a culmination of all
analyses, design, and detailing
performed by the structural engineer. As
such, they are essentially the only means
to communicate the required structural
Fig. 3: Tools provided to the students include Reinforced Concrete Concept (visit www.crsi.org/ systems and members to the other
index.cfm/rcconcept for more information) members of the design and construction
teams. In other words, the most
comprehensive set of calculations are
basically worthless unless all the
required structural information obtained
from analysis and design can be
conveyed in a comprehensive and
straightforward manner on the structural
drawings. Procedures on how to create
plans, sections, details, and sections are
provided that can be used to achieve this
important task.
The following topics are covered
during the construction administration
phase (weeks 13 and 14):
•• Design and construction processes;
•• Production and fabrication of
reinforcing steel;
•• Placement of reinforcing steel;
•• Construction sequence of reinforced
concrete buildings;
•• Formwork systems; and
•• Duties and responsibilities of the
structural engineer related to placing
drawings, responses to requests for
information (RFIs), and periodic
site visits.
This portion of the course is designed to
stress the importance of the administration
(b) phase—students must clearly understand
that the duties and responsibilities of the
Fig. 4: Lessons include discussions of load paths: (a) schematic of a reinforced concrete structural engineer do not end once the
building; and (b) exploded view showing load path for wind load construction documents are submitted.

28 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

Fig. 5: Design aids provided to the students include a reinforcing bar detailing card

The final weeks of class include submission of the final been obtained to use these drawings in this course. Permission
structural drawings and calculations for the class project and has also been obtained to distribute the structural drawings for
the group presentations to the class. There is no class during the other low-rise building used as an example in the course.
week 15 so the groups can finalize their projects. During week
16, the final drawings are submitted, and each group is Course Materials and Resources
required to make a concise presentation to the instructor and The following items are provided to the instructor of this
the other groups. capstone course:
Throughout the course, assignments and quizzes are given •• A detailed course outline;
weekly. Progress sets of structural drawings are to be •• Complete set of PowerPoint presentations for each session
submitted at key dates within the semester to check that the (these can be edited);
groups are on track. •• Quizzes and answer keys;
In addition to the actual building used for the class project, •• Reference publications and documents;
another actual low-rise reinforced concrete building is used •• Architectural drawings of the low-rise building that is used
throughout the course to illustrate the design and detailing as the class project;
methods that are presented for each type of structural member. •• Structural drawings of the low-rise building that are used to
Structural drawings for that building are distributed to the illustrate design and detailing methods throughout the
students and are used as a reference when creating the project course; and
structural drawings. •• Sample specifications for a reinforced concrete building.
Information on location, owner, design team, and other The required text for the course is Design and Detailing of
identifying items have been removed from the architectural Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings.5 It contains a
drawings for the class project building, and permission has wealth of information on the design and detailing of

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 29

reinforced concrete members and includes many practical References
design aids, flowcharts, and fully worked-out design 1. “2015 International Building Code,” International Code Council,
examples. Other resource documents from CRSI and ACI are Washington, DC, 2015, 700 pp.
also made available to help students through all aspects of 2. ACI Committee 318, “Building Code Requirements for Structural
the course. Concrete (ACI 318-14) and Commentary (ACI 318R-14),” American
Many jurisdictions throughout the United States have Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2014, 519 pp.
adopted the 2015 International Building Code1 as the basis of 3. “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs,”
their local code. The code adopts by reference industry Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Baltimore, MD,
standards and other technical documents that supplement its 2017, http://www.abet.org/accreditation/accreditation-criteria/criteria-for-
provisions, including ACI 318-142 and ASCE/SEI 7-10.6 accrediting-engineering-technology-programs-2018-2019/.
These documents are also used throughout the course. 4. “Reinforced Concrete Concept,” Concrete Reinforcing Steel
Institute, Schaumburg, IL, 2014, http://www.crsi.org/index.cfm/
Project Information rcconcept.
The six-story hotel used as a class project is located in 5. Design and Detailing of Low-rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings,
an area of low seismic risk in the United States. A low-rise first edition, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, Schaumburg, IL, 2017,
building was chosen because such buildings account for 544 pp.
well over 90% of the floor area constructed in any given 6. “ASCE/SEI 7-10: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
year in the United States. In other words, a graduate will be Structures,” third printing, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston,
much more likely to design a low-rise building than a VA, 2013, 636 pp.
mid- or high-rise building. Also, the students can focus on
key issues without getting bogged down in more Selected for reader interest by the editors.
sophisticated lateral load analyses typically required for
taller structures.
The design of a low-rise building also offers the
opportunity to understand more fully what constitutes an David A. Fanella, FACI, is Senior
economical design. Specifically, cost-effective design topics Director of Engineering at the Concrete
include: Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI),
•• Designs that allow simplified concrete formwork usually Schaumburg, IL. He has 30 years of
result in a more cost-effective structure because formwork experience in the design of a wide
typically accounts for about 50 to 60% of the cost of the variety of buildings and other structures.
structure; Fanella has authored numerous technical
•• Repeating the same member sizes throughout an entire publications and recently authored a
low-rise building may not appear to be the most effective textbook on reinforced concrete design
solution with respect to material use, but the increased cost for McGraw Hill. He is a member of several ACI committees and
in materials is more than offset by the substantial cost is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
savings obtained by minimizing changes in the formwork; and the ASCE Structural Engineering Institute (SEI). He is also
and a voting member of ASCE/SEI Committee 7, Minimum Design

•• Other cost savings can be realized by simplifying the Loads. Fanella is a licensed structural and professional engineer
in Illinois and is a past Board member and President of the
reinforcement detailing.
Structural Engineers Association of Illinois.
Strength by Design
Michael C. Mota, FACI, is Vice
The CRSI capstone course on reinforced concrete
President of Engineering for CRSI. He
buildings provides a unique learning experience for
is responsible for the CRSI Technical
students in structural engineering programs. The course
Department and oversees the
offers a wealth of useful and practical information on the
development of all technical publications
economical design, detailing, and construction of and standards. Mota is a member of
reinforced concrete buildings, and it prepares students for ACI Committee 318, Structural Concrete
life in the consulting world. Building Code, and ACI Subcommittees
Faculty members can obtain the material for this course 318-B, Anchorage and Reinforcement,
free of charge, either by contacting the authors directly or by and 318-R, High Strength Reinforcement;
downloading the resources at the CRSI RebarU website and he is an associate member of ASCE/SEI Committee 7,
(https://learning.crsi.org). As noted previously, the course Minimum Design Loads. Mota is past Chair of ACI Committee 314,
can be modified to suit any curriculum. Portions of the course Simplified Design of Concrete Buildings, and he served on the
can also be used to supplement content in existing courses on editorial board of STRUCTURE magazine for 10 years.
reinforced concrete design.

30 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

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Fabricated into
Finessed Artwork
A question-and-answer session with concrete artist
David Umemoto

32 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

reating a fusion of architecture and sculpture, David Carlo Scarpa, the Italian architect; his Brion Cemetery would
Umemoto uses concrete as his medium for his evocative definitely be my favorite project. Swiss architect Peter
artwork. He transforms 50 lb (23 kg) commercial bags Zumthor has designed many great projects, but the one that
of dry-mix concrete into works of custom art that simulate touched me the most is very modest—the Bruder Klaus Field
intricate infrastructures, landscapes, and monuments. Each of his Chapel. Frank Lloyd Wright is another influence, especially
pieces of artwork are created through a multi-phase process that his interiors, furniture, architectural details, and
becomes part of a larger setting. Over the past few years his “decorations”—stained glass, doors, and the like.
collective artwork evolved into a slow transformational process. I am just fascinated by Italian artist Giorgio de Chirico. His
Each piece of artwork produced was an additive to the process of work is minimalist but very evocative. It is modern and classic
the previously completed art. at the same time. Giovanni Piranesi is an Italian artist
After noticing this unique artwork through the Pinterest renowned for his artwork of “imaginary prisons.” The “serial”
website, Concrete International staff had the opportunity to music of Philip Glass, American composer, really creates an
have a question-and-answer session with the artist. Umemoto, environment in which my brain is very comfortable to create.
who is based in Montréal, QC, Canada, described his
inspirations and design process. •• What attracted you to use concrete as your medium?
It started as an accident. About 4 or 5 years ago, I was
•• Many of your pieces are quite architectural. Is your work making plaster molds for ceramics and for some reason—
inspired by specific architect(s)? which I do not remember—one day I bought a bag of dry
You are right, my background is in architecture. I received concrete mix. I was instantly conquered after my first casting!
my degree in architecture and have worked all my life as an Now, I like concrete mainly because of its plastic quality. It
architect...and for and with other architects. And especially in really catches light in a unique way and creates great shadow
the last year, in my work, I am really trying to get back toward effects. I like its rawness and its imperfections. I like that it is
architecture. That’s not to say I am doing architecture but I a very modest and humble material. It is also very precise and
definitely try to create objects or interior spaces that are has negligible shrinkage compared to molten metal and
evocations of some kind of architecture. ceramics. This is very important when working with modular
As for references, I think Le Corbusier would be my major pieces in a very precise grid system. It is also durable and can
influence, and I could certainly cite several others, such as be used outside.

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 33

•• Could you describe your process? For example, do you It is a multi-phase process. First, I sketch ideas, forms,
sketch the textures and shapes of the intended object, and shapes, and textures. I transpose the sketches on grid paper to
then produce engineering drawings (with dimensions and make sure all the lines connect. I decompose the designs in
shapes) for the mold pieces? interconnecting modular three-dimensional (3-D) pieces. Then
I build the 3-D forms. I make negative shapes, usually in
foamcore, then I fill them with liquid silicone.
These pieces become like “puzzle pieces” that I assemble
in modular boxes. I also use polystyrene foam in formwork
for larger pieces. Sometimes, I premeditate and know ahead
how the pieces are supposed to be assembled. Sometimes, I
play with the pieces and improvise new structures.
Then, I use these structures or blocks to create larger and
more complex environments, like the “cities,” which are
usually meant to be used in photo projects rather than
“sculptures” per se or as permanent installations.
My process is very iterative. If you could put all the pieces
I have produced in the last couple years one after the other in
a chronological order, you would see the very slow evolution.
It is like a sketching process, where instead of erasing a line
when I am not satisfied, I just make another piece with a slight
modification…over and over again.

•• Alternatively, do you produce 3-D models of the piece and

mold components using modeling software?
When I create complex pieces, I use a 3-D software to
visualize the piece. Then, I also draw the shape of the mold in
3-D. However, I never use 3-D printing.

34 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

•• Do you experiment with the concrete
mixtures to vary the color, flowability,
or ability to reproduce details on the
mold? NEW and UPDATED
ACI Specifications
I did many experimentations at the
beginning. My main issue was obviously
getting a fluid but strong mixture. I had a
lot of problems with cracking and
crazing occurring during curing but I
managed to find a good compromise
mixture. I did a few tests with pigments,
but I am still debating if I want to further Specifications for
pursue that course. Structural Concrete
ACI’s 301-16 is a specification that architects and
engineers can apply to any construction project
•• Do you use a dry prepackaged involving structural concrete.

mixture? Member Price: $59.00

Regular Price: $99.50
Yes. I use off-the-shelf commercial
bags, mostly mixtures similarly used for
making countertops.

•• Do you use a single type of mixture

(a consistent ratio of cement, water,
and aggregate), or do you use diverse
types for different pieces?
I use the same mixture for everything.

•• What type of mixer do you use? Field Reference Manual

A bucket and a drill. ACI’s new Field Reference Manual
is a compilation of ACI 301-16,
“Specifications for Structural Concrete,”
•• Is the batch size (or weight of the and additional ACI documents.
piece) the most important factor that Member Price: $159.00
dictates the size of your pieces? Regular Price: $199.50

It is a very important factor. I try to

limit the size (weight) of each piece to
one 50 lb bag of dry concrete mix.

•• Do you use any chemical admixtures

to improve the workability or setting
time? Order at www.concrete.org or
No. call us at +1.248.848.3800
•• How long do you leave your pieces in
the molds?
I probably shouldn’t, but I take them
out as soon as I can. So in summer, when

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 35

it is warm and humid, anywhere from 18 to 24
hours. In winter, usually 2 days unless I provide
extra heat.

•• Do you cure the pieces in a normal room

environment or do you use a high humidity
and/or warm environment (a mist room) to
cure the concrete?
Just normal room conditions.

•• Do you apply a release agent (for example, a

lightweight oil) to your molds before casting?
I used to apply a release agent made for
urethane molds but I did not find it made much of
a difference, so I stopped using it.

•• What is the maximum number of pieces you

have made using a given mold?
My molds are modular. I have hundreds of
small urethane rubber pieces that I assemble
differently depending on the sculpture I am
working on. I also often incorporate waste
materials, such as polystyrene or cardboard, that
are destroyed while unmolding the pieces. So it is
difficult to say, but for the most popular pieces,
I probably use them about 50 times.

•• Many of your works appear to be public plazas

in miniature. Have any of your clients
expressed interest in scaling up your works?
Yes, but I’m not sure yet if I’m ready to scale
up. I like the miniature aspect of my work. I guess
I would be willing to try it if the project and the
context were right.

•• Do you have any installations or shows

planned for the near future?
I have a few events in Europe for the fall that I
am currently discussing, but the details are not
finalized yet.

For more information, visit www.

davidumemoto.com, Instagram @david_
umemoto, and Facebook @David Umemoto Art.

36 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

Guide to Shotcrete

Now Available
Serving as an excellent primer with numerous pictures and figures detailing the entire shotcrete
process, ACI 506R-16 includes the history, equipment selection, material requirements, formwork,
crew composition and qualification, proper placement techniques, types of finishes, QA/QC
testing, and sustainability for shotcrete design and construction. Completely reformatted, the
guide serves as a companion document to the mandatory language in ACI 506.2, “Specification for
Shotcrete.” Additional industry-leading education and certification programs are available from
the American Concrete Institute and American Shotcrete Association.

www.concrete.org www.shotcrete.org
Insights on Pile Cap
An updated detail for caps on single piles offers significant cost savings

by Tadeusz Granosik and Guy Michel Chovelon

oncrete or steel pile foundations are commonly used Updated Construction
on oil sand projects. These projects are large, and thus Figure 2 shows our updated method for pile cap construction.
they are very expensive. As structural engineers on In this case, all work is performed by the pile contractor. The
these projects, we continually strive to minimize costs by pile contractor first installs a steel casing by boring a shaft that is
proposing innovative construction methods that can reduce slightly larger than the pile diameter. The top of the casing is set
construction time, thereby lowering labor, equipment, and at the required top-of-pile-cap elevation, and the bottom of the
financial costs as well as enabling earlier plant start-up. This casing is set below the frost protection depth. Subsequently, the
article presents an updated method for construction of pile
caps on single, bored cast-in-place piles.

Conventional Construction
A schematic detail for the construction of a typical pile and
pile cap is shown in Fig. 1. In the conventional approach, the
initial work is performed by a pile contractor, who digs a
rough excavation slightly above the depth required to form the
pile cap. The pile contractor then drills the pile shaft and
installs the pile reinforcing cage. The top of the pile is stopped
about 100 mm (4 in.) above the specified elevation of the
bottom of the pile cap.
The next phase of the work is performed by a concrete
contractor, who completes the excavation as needed to install
a void form at the bottom of the pile cap. After the void form
is installed, conventional forms are installed to form the sides
of the pile cap. The concrete contractor then places a
reinforcing cage, anchor rods, and concrete in the pile cap
formwork. When the concrete has cured and hardened
sufficiently, construction is completed by removal of the
conventional (side) forms and backfilling of the excavation to Fig. 1: Typical execution for a pile cap for a single pile (Note: 1 in. =
the specified grade elevation. 25 mm)

38 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

Through comparison of Fig. 1 and 2 and their corresponding
descriptions, one can infer many benefits from employment of
the updated method. The elimination of one subcontractor
minimizes scheduling, placement, and inspection requirements.
Additional time is saved by elimination of separate excavation,
construction, and backfilling operations needed for the pile cap.
Although the updated method does incur the cost penalty of a
permanent casing, the added cost is minor if the pile also
requires a permanent casing.
Even though we have provided only a qualitative
comparison, the benefits of the updated method are clear. Of
course, a geotechnical study will be required for each
application of the detail.

Selected for reader interest by the editors.

Fig. 2: Proposed execution for a pile cap for a single pile (Note: 1 in. =
25 mm)
Tadeusz Granosik managed the
structural department at Genivar Inc.,
pile shaft is drilled, the reinforcing cage and anchor rods are Montreal, QC, Canada. Most recently, he
placed, and concrete is placed continuously from the bottom of worked as a Senior Structural Engineer
the pile to the top of the casing. in Calgary, AB, Canada, in the oil and gas
The frost protection depth for projects in northern Alberta industry. He received his MS from Lodz
is a minimum of 3 m (about 10 ft). Casings drilled to this University of Technology, Łódź, Poland,
depth have a solid vertical support from the surrounding soil, and his PhD from Warsaw University of
so vertical shifting, if any, is very small. Furthermore, the Technology, Warsaw, Poland.
diameter of the drilled pile shaft is smaller than the diameter
of the casing, so the drilling of the pile shaft causes little Guy Michel Chovelon has been working
disturbance to the installed casing. in the oil and gas industry as a Senior
Variances for the top of foundation elevation and horizontal Designer at numerous engineering firms
coordinates for the anchor rods must meet construction in Canada and the United States.
tolerances determined for each project. Barring a large
construction error, drilled casings are usually quite accurately
located with respect to the specified X, Y, and Z coordinates.
Also, anchor rods are set using a template attached to the
casing, so the possibility of placement error is small.

Get Connected with ACI

Visit www.concrete.org
www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 39
Now Introducing
ACI Collection of Concrete Codes,
Specifications, and Practices

he American Concrete Institute
introduces the ACI Collection of
Concrete Codes, Specifications,
and Practices (formerly the Manual
of Concrete Practice). With nearly
50 codes and specifications and more
than 200 practices—the ACI Collection
is the most comprehensive and
largest single source of information
on concrete materials, design,
and construction.

The ACI Collection includes ACI 318-14, ACI 301, Regular Price Member Price

and ACI 562. The ACI Collection also covers concrete

Guide and Reports:
materials, properties, design, construction, reinforce- FREE with ACI
ment, repair, structural analysis, and innovation— Membership
plus popular topics such as slabs, formwork, masonry, Annual Online Standards:
and more. (Continuously $235.00/year
The ACI Collection is available in three formats—
an online subscription that is always up-to-date and
includes historic editions of codes and specifications; $849.50 $525.00
a USB drive for convenient digital access anywhere,
USB Drive
with or without an internet connection; and an
eight-volume set of books.
Please visit www.concrete.org to subscribe $1083.60 $648.96
or purchase. 8-Volume Books


Working Safely on the Edge

Anchored guardrail post provides a tie-off point

by Manny Carrillo

hen I started my construction
career, my work was a
passion, it was a challenge,
but most of all, it was a discipline. I got
to know my tools, their capabilities, and
their safety features. I worked with
many systems, and I continually
questioned why the safety of the end
user wasn’t the priority.
For the last 25 years, I have worked
in Northern California. Notable projects
have included:
•• The largest suspended waffle deck in
the world at the San Francisco
Moscone Center;
•• Tunnels, bridges, and stations for the
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
•• The segments for the San Francisco/
Oakland Bay Bridge;
•• Tunnels for the Pacifica Devil’s Slide
Coastal Trail; and
•• The Folsom Dam Auxiliary Spillway.
But one project forever changed me
from a carpenter to an entrepreneur:
Five Hundred Capitol Mall (also
known as Bank of the West Tower) in
Sacramento, CA. On that project, a
guardrail post became dislodged during (b)
a tightening adjustment, and the
bottom half of the unit fell more than Guardrail posts with fixed D-rings for lanyard tie-off can be anchored using: (a) the SAPS
17 floors. I had witnessed many Spider Anchor; or (b) the SAPS Dualie Anchor (green), which also provides an overhead
accidents in the construction industry tie-off point for the level below (Note: 1 in. = 25 mm)

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 41


Each guardrail post provides a D-ring tie-off and brackets that clamp Because the SAPS guardrail system can be mounted inboard of the
dimension lumber railing in place perimeter shoring towers, workers need to set the guardrails only
once, prior to releasing and flying the exterior forms and towers to
the next level. Workers outboard of the SAPS system have ready
before, but this time, I refused to accept that such failures access to secure and regularly spaced tie-off points
were unavoidable. I developed a surface-mounted guardrail
system with a positive, threaded anchorage system and a
dedicated D-ring for a tie-off point. In 2014, my work was The solution—use an embedded threaded anchor and an
recognized when I was awarded U.S. Patent No. 8,656,652 for engineered guardrail post with an integral threaded anchor
the Safety Anchor Post System (SAPS). rod. I designed a system with anchors sized to fit slabs ranging
from 6 to 24 in. (152 to 610 mm) in thickness. By using an
How does SAPS work? embedded anchor, the SAPS system protects reinforcing bars
Guardrails and the supporting posts must be designed to and post-tensioning tendons from damage that might occur if
meet Section 1910.29 of the Occupational Safety and Health anchors were installed in drilled holes instead.
Administration (OSHA) standards, and fall arrest systems To meet the OSHA requirements, SAPS anchors must be
must be designed to meet Section 1910.15 of the OSHA installed no closer than 1 ft (0.3 m) from the slab edge and
standards. While guardrail posts are required to resist 200 lb spaced at no more than 8 ft (2.4 m) on center. Once the
(890 N) loads, anchorages for fall arrest systems (fixed anchors are secured to the formwork, post-tensioning tendons,
D-rings for lanyard tie-off) are required to resist at least reinforcing bars, and concrete can be placed. The SAPS
5000 lb (22.24 kN) per worker attached. Of course, to be anchors are ready for use after the concrete reaches a
effective, any protection system also must be user friendly compressive strength of 2500 psi (17 MPa). The workers
and ergonomic. simply remove the antenna plug and thread the SAPS coil rod
To achieve the tall order of meeting the requirements of into the embedded anchor. A SAPS post can be installed in
both OSHA sections as well as being simple to use, my under 30 seconds, without the need for a single tool.
guardrail post system had to be:
•• Anchored within the concrete slab; Vision
•• Rapidly installed and removed; and My vision for the SAPS is to meet and exceed our clients’
•• Reusable. needs with an engineered system designed with our core

42 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com


principles of People, Profit, and Planet.

We recognize that People are the most
valuable assets to a company, that Profit
is why the business exists, and that our
ACI Custom
guardrails help to protect the Planet
because they are removable and
recyclable. Today, I am privileged to
visit many projects and see firsthand
how the SAPS is revolutionizing safety Bring ACI training and education expertise to your
for my clients. The end user is my doorstep. Schedule a custom seminar for your
priority, and I am proud to say that my
employees, customers, or members.
system is making life simpler and safer
for the workers that install and rely on it
for fall protection.

Latest Developments
At World of Concrete 2018, we
 Customized topics for customers

introduced the Dualie Anchor, a

dual-port anchoring system that
provides overhead tie-off points as well
Unlimited attendance with no travel costs 
as anchorage for guardrail posts. The
Dualie Anchor is engineered for
horizontal or vertical use. Anchors are  Attendees earn continuing education credits
available for slab thicknesses ranging
Organizational and sustaining members
from 6.5 to 24 in. (165 to 610 mm).
An installation video is available at
the Safety Anchor Post System website.
receive a seminar discount

Selected for reader interest by the editors.

—Safety Anchor Post System


Jose M. (Manny)
Carrillo is the CEO
of Safety Anchor
Post System. He
has over 33 years
of experience in
the construction
industry. His formal
career began as a
carpenter apprentice in Southern California,
Visit www.concreteseminars.com for more info.
where he quickly became fascinated with
concrete forms and mega structures. He
served as member of the Executive Board
of the Northern California Carpenters
Regional Council for 8 years.

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 43

Knowledge to Practice:

2018-2019 ACI Foundation Fellowship and

Scholarship Recipients Announced
The ACI Foundation announced the recipients of its
2018-2019 Fellowships and Scholarships. A total of $155,000
in academic stipends was awarded to 19 deserving students
from 17 different universities across North America.
ACI Foundation Fellowships are offered to both
undergraduate and graduate students studying at accredited
American and Canadian universities. Fellowship recipients
receive academic stipends and are granted expenses-paid trips
to three ACI conventions, where they team up with assigned
industry mentors. Each is recognized on the ACI Foundation’s ACI student members, including ACI Fellowship recipients Jonathan
website and in Concrete International magazine; and many Lyle (center) and Hannah Patterson (far right)
are offered the opportunity for an internship.
The 2018-2019 Fellowship recipients are: •• Andrew Foerster, Kansas State University, Bertold E.
•• Hope Hall, Oklahoma State University, ACI Presidents’ Weinberg Scholarship;
Fellowship; •• Jessica Richard, University of California, Berkeley, W.
•• Hannah Patterson, Arizona State University, Baker Gene Corley Memorial Scholarship;
Student Fellowship (1); •• David Whitmore, Auburn University, Katharine & Bryant
•• Jonathan Lyle, Arizona State University, Baker Student Mather Scholarship;
Fellowship (2); •• Jael Wettach-Glosser, Portland State University, Schwing
•• Aaron Miller, University of Alabama, Barbara S. and America Scholarship;
W. Calvin McCall Carolinas Fellowship; •• Nicholas Rademacher, Rose-Hulman Institute of
•• Katelyn O’Quinn, The University of Texas at Austin, Technology, Richard D. Stehly Memorial Scholarship; and
Cagley Student Fellowship; •• Bjorn Vors, University of Saskatchewan, Stewart C.
•• Homero Sobrinho, University of New Orleans, Charles Watson Memorial Scholarship.
Pankow Foundation Student Fellowship; Applications for the ACI Foundation’s 2019-2020
•• Bret Robertson, Oklahoma State University, Daniel W. Fellowships and Scholarships will become available July 1,
Falconer Memorial Fellowship; 2018. A new fellowship, specifically available to students
•• Tyler Young, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Darrell studying in Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and
Elliott Louisiana Fellowship; the United Arab Emirates, will be offered. Fellowship
•• Matthew David Burton, University of Cincinnati, Don applicants must be sponsored by an ACI faculty member.
Marks Memorial Fellowship; ACI Foundation Fellowship and Scholarship awards are
•• Grace Jackson, Valparaiso University, Richard D. Stehly made possible through generous contributions by donors from
Fellowship; and the concrete community. Together, the Foundation and its
•• Robert Devine, University of Notre Dame, Tribute to the supporters are strengthening the concrete industry by
Founders Fellowship. encouraging students toward a professional career in the field
ACI Foundation Scholarships are offered to both of concrete. The ACI Foundation is leading the way to ensure
undergraduate and graduate students worldwide. The 2018- a sustainable, successful future of the concrete industry by
2019 Scholarship recipients are: intentional and focused investments in people, research, and
•• Joseph Arehart, University of Colorado Boulder, ACI technology. More information about each fellowship and
Scholarship (1); scholarship is available at www.acifoundation.org.
•• Maranda Leggs, University of Oklahoma, ACI
Michael J. Schneider Elected as ACI Foundation
Scholarship (2);
Have an idea for research that will benefit the concrete Michael J. Schneider was elected as Chair of the ACI
industry or support an ACI document or code change? Foundation. He began his service at the end of the ACI
Visit www.concreteresearchnetwork.org and fill out an Concrete Convention and Exposition – Spring 2018.
online concrete research need form. “Mike has served the Foundation in many capacities over
the years,” stated Ann Daugherty, Executive Director, ACI

44 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

Knowledge to Practice:

ACI Foundation-Funded Research Projects for 2018

Title Organization Principal Investigator (PI) Co-PI(s)
Nonlinear Modeling Parameters and Acceptance
Washington State University Christopher Motter —
Criteria for Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams
A Collaborative Study for the Development of a University of Missouri,
Ceki Halmen —
Standard Critical Chloride Threshold Test Method Kansas City
Shear Friction Capacity of Concrete Joints with High
University of Washington Paolo Calvi Dawn Lehman
Strength Reinforcement
Structural Nanomodified Concrete: An Investigation of Surendra Shah, Maria
Northwestern University David Corr
Critical Properties Konsta-Gdoutos
Guide Development for Use of Recycled Concrete New Jersey Institute of
Matthew Adams —
Aggregates in New Concrete Technology
Developing a Guideline for Life Cycle Assessment of
Structural Concrete through Meta-Analysis and University of Sherbrooke Hessam Azari Jafari Ben Amor
FEMA P695 Study – “Enhanced Ductility” RC Coupled University of California, Los
John Wallace Kristijan Kolozvari
Wall Systems Angeles

Structural Engineering
Don Scott, PCS Structural
Pre-Standard for Performance-Based Design for Wind Institute of the American —
Society of Civil Engineers

Foundation. “He has translated his and progress in promoting innovation, funding research, and
passion for the industry into actively investing in students.”
raising funds to support several student
fellowships, leading innovative Concrete Research Council Selects Research
initiatives on new technologies, and Projects for Funding
advocating the importance of research. The ACI Foundation will fund an unprecedented eight
The ACI Foundation is honored to have research projects in 2018. Total funding under this year’s
Mike as the new Chair; his dedication to request for proposals was $350,000. The funded projects are
Michael J. Schneider
the industry and advocacy for the ACI listed in the table.
is Chair of the ACI Foundation make him an excellent A description of each project will be highlighted at
Foundation choice for the position.” ACIFoundation.org and in subsequent issues of Knowledge
Schneider is an ACI Past President to Practice.
(2016-2017), Past Chair of the Strategic
Development Council Board of Direction, and a member of
the Concrete Research Council. He currently serves as Vice Ann Daugherty is the Director
President and Chief People Officer at Baker Concrete of the ACI Foundation, a not-for-
Construction, Inc., Monroe, OH. profit subsidiary of ACI. The
As Schneider transitions into the position as Chair of the Foundation facilitates collaboration
ACI Foundation, the foundation extends its gratitude to Past among a cross section of concrete
Chair, Jeffrey Coleman, The Coleman Law Firm, LLC, for his industry leaders to problem-solve
successful leadership. Coleman will remain on the Board of technical issues, accelerate the
Trustees in the capacity of ACI Vice President. “Jeff provided acceptance of innovative
strong leadership as the Foundation shifted its governance and technologies, and bring more young
financial models, set new policies, and embarked on people into the concrete industry. For more information,
fundraising,” noted Daugherty. “Over his year as the Chair, contact ann.daugherty@acifoundation.org.
Jeff supported positive changes that will foster greater impact

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 45

Products &
HoleMole Core Hole Filling System
The HoleMole™ Core Hole Filling System employs the Mole, a
16-gauge circular steel device connected to a threaded rod. The Mole
contracts so that it can be pushed down a core hole. Then, the Mole
expands and is pulled up against the floor to serve as a hole plug,
eliminating the need for a worker to go to the floor below to install a
piece of plywood. After the hole is prepped per the jobsite specification,
a stand system is placed over the hole, the threaded rod is centered in the
slot in the stand, and the rod is tightened against the stand. Next, the
hole is filled with mortar or other filler, and the filler is finished flush
with the surface. The stand can be removed and the rod broken off once
the filler has set. The system can be used to fill holes from 2 to 12-1/2 in.
(51 to 318 mm) in diameter. Threaded rods are available in lengths of 24
or 36 in. (610 or 914 mm) to accommodate various slab thicknesses.
—H&H Resources Inc., https://holemoleconcrete.com

VisiSpecs Aquasense
AquaSense is a moisture probe or sensor for use in
Chalkline’s VisiSpecs is a suite of applications to

sand, powders, and granulated materials. Its ceramic
visually document, coordinate, and verify Building
faceplate is rugged and hard wearing, providing 10 to 20
Information Modeling (BIM) models and project
years of service in concrete plant applications. Its
specifications. Clients use the desktop and mobile
microwave technology eliminates the errors associated
applications to store and access model and specification
with resistance and capacitance methods. When used in
data on the VisiSpecs cloud servers. VisiSpecs is built on
concrete production for batch control, AquaSense
familiar applications already in use to minimize training
provides users with consistent yields, color and texture,
and setup time. Users can integrate their own master
workability, strength, and durability. The sensor takes
specifications and project documents with the project
measurements at the center of the flow region to
models to accomplish BIM integration. VisiSpecs
minimize variations. It also minimizes density errors by
provides direct, integrated access to the project
measuring only the compacted material. AquaSense
specifications and documentation, and it eases
averages only the flowing material and holds the previous
reading between batches.
—Chalkline, Inc., www.chalklineinc.com
—Scale-Tron Inc., https://scaletron.com

Etymotic High-Definition Earplugs and Earphones

Etymotic’s safety line of earplugs and earphones reduce the risk of
noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus. These products are designed for
users who are exposed to high sound levels. Etymotic’s HD•Safety™
earplugs reduce sound levels while preserving clarity and are available in
two sizes to fit most ears. HD•15® electronic earplugs are for users who
need protection from sudden loud impacts or sustained loud sounds, but
also want to hear naturally when sound levels are safe. These electronic
earplugs allow safe sounds to pass through, yet instantaneously react to
reduce loud sounds and protect hearing. Etymotic’s HD•Safety™ Earplugs +
Earphones block external sound to reduce external noise and are
engineered for safe listening and exceptional sound quality. Risk to
hearing is minimized, regardless of the volume setting.
—Etymotic, www.etymotic.com

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 47

Products & Practice

KINSHOFER Series of Hydraulic Mobile Shears

KINSHOFER DXS Series of hydraulic mobile excavator shears
debuted the DXS-50 model, which can be used for demolition. The
DemaPower™ cylinder technology powers the DXS-50, using four
chambers for 20% more surface area within the cylinder. The 9920 lb
(4500 kg) DXS-50 features a closing force of 1203 tons (10,700 kN).
The DXS-50 can be used for 25 to 35 ton (23 to 32 tonne) carriers when
boom mounted, and 32 to 50 ton (29 to 45 tonne) carriers when stick
mounted. The unit features a jaw opening that is 29.2 in. (741.7 mm)
wide and 30.7 in. (779.8 mm) deep.
—KINSHOFER, www.kinshofer.com

Epiroc SB Hydraulic Breakers

Epiroc SB hydraulic breaker attachments feature an integrated water
channel and internal water port for dust suppression. Operators can spray
water at the source of dust and keep dust levels down. SB breakers are
designed to protect operators and equipment by minimizing noise and
vibration. Epiroc SB series breakers are for the 0.7 to 24 ton (0.6 to 22 tonne)
carrier class and are used in a wide range of applications that include
demolition and renovation work, construction projects, tunneling, dredging,
and pile driving. Mining and quarrying applications range from overburden
removal and scaling to primary, selective rock breaking. Epiroc
EnergyRecovery technology absorbs recoil energy, mitigating the anvil effect
and increasing overall performance. The slim, compact design makes SB
breakers easier to handle and improves operator visibility.
—Epiroc, www.epiroc.com

Bluebeam Revu 2018

Bluebeam Revu 2018 is a desktop, mobile, and cloud-based project efficiency and
collaboration solution built for the AEC industry. Since 2002, Bluebeam has made
smart solutions for paperless workflows that use PDF documents to share project
information such as metadata, hyperlinks, bookmarks, images, attachments, and
three-dimensional data downstream. By leveraging an open-source format, Revu fits
seamlessly into existing project environments, improving access to project
information within integrated systems. As a result, project communication and
processes are streamlined. Revu 2018 enhancements include a responsive Properties
Toolbar that presents tools based on user input; simultaneous file accessibility across
multiple Studio Projects; a tabbed Bluebeam Studio interface that features thumbnail
views and elevated visibility for common actions; the ability to save clicks and speed
up workflows with customizable keyboard shortcuts; and video tutorials, pre-loaded
Tool Sets, and sample files.
—Bluebeam, Inc., www.bluebeam.com

48 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

Products & Practice

18V Brushless Compact Router

The RIDGID Brushless 18V Compact Router can cut up to 400 ft (122 m) of laminate per 5Ah battery charge. The
brushless motor combined with the extended run time results in optimum performance. The router features a variable
speed dial for adjusting speed to the application and a micro-adjust dial to adjust the router depth to specific materials
and applications.
—Ridge Tool Company, www.ridgid.com

Web Notes
Topcon Online Courses for myTopcon Support Site
Topcon Positioning Group added eLearning courses designed for online user-paced
learning sessions to its myTopcon support and training site. Entry-level courses will be
offered at no charge for an introductory period. Subject matter includes 3D-MC,
MAGNET® Enterprise, MAGNET Field, MAGNET Office, Pocket 3D, and vertical
construction concepts. The myTopcon site is designed to help industry professionals
keep up to date with fast-paced technology changes. To access eLearning, log on to the
myTopcon home page and click the “Training” icon.
—Topcon Positioning Group, www.topconpositioning.com

Book Notes Plain Language BIM

by Iain Miskimmin
Plain Language BIM condenses years of experience and lessons learned from
Bentley Institute’s BIM Advancement Academy. It guides the reader through the
many complexities of Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology by
providing plain-language explanations of the concepts and building blocks
required to deliver an effective strategy. The book demonstrates why gathering
data about the asset is vital to the BIM process, and why trustworthy and reliable
information, delivered in an understandable and consumable manner, is essential
for effective decision-making regarding upgrading, augmenting, replacing,
decommissioning, or leaving assets as they are. Plain Language BIM also
explores three elements in creating good BIM practices: people, process, and
technology. It explains how the combination of these elements plays a crucial
role in the lifecycle of an asset and in delivering better outcomes.
—Bentley Institute Press, www.bentley.com/books
Price: $29; 110 pp.

New ASTM International Standard for Concrete

Products&Service Expansion Joint Filler
ASTM International published a standard for preformed expansion
joint fillers made from closed-cell polypropylene foam. Such fillers are
used in sidewalks, driveways, curbs, gutter, parking areas, roadways, and
other concrete construction. The new standard (D8139) was developed by the ASTM International Committee D04, Road and
Paving Materials. Acceptable products are defined based on factors that include dimensions, density, compressibility,
recovery from compression, extrusion, and weather resistance.
—ASTM International, www.astm.org

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 49

Formwork & Accessories
BoMetals Keyway
The BoMetals Keyway provides a control or construction joint
in flatwork and eliminates the need for a saw cut. It also provides
a screed rail, and the tongue-and-groove design provides
excellent load transfer characteristics. Made of 24-gauge G60
HDMG steel, Keyway is available with removable and
nonremovable caps made from flexible PVC. More than 27
profiles are available for 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 to 12 in. (102, 127,
152, 203, 254 to 305 mm) slabs.
—BoMetals, Inc., www.bometals.com

Mono Slab EZ Form PERI Formwork

Mono Slab® EZ Form allows users to PERI produces cut-to-size
form, insulate, and back-fill before placing plywood sheets and all types
concrete. It removes several steps in the of specialty formwork.
forming and insulating process and can save Applications include complex
users time and labor. The set-up is simple— three-dimensional (3-D),
the only other additional materials needed single-use formwork units,
are wood or steel stakes and standard 2 x 8 tailor-made to meet project
dimension lumber. Mono Slab EZ Form can requirements. Customized
improve job safety and meets insulation elements are prefabricated in
requirements in all 50 states. the defined quality and as
—Mono Slab EZ Form LLC, required to guarantee the
www.monoslabezform.com planned number of uses. Production and delivery to the jobsite are
coordinated to meet construction schedules.
—PERI, www.peri.com

Cresset Crete-Lease Bio-Tru ALL-Xtra with Poly-Release

Cresset introduced Crete-Lease® Bio-Tru® ALL-Xtra with Poly-Release®.
This chemically reactive, nonstaining, high-performance release agent
allows sharp, accurate impressions on blemish-free concrete surfaces, and it
leaves cleaner forms. This product is biodegradable and has a low VOC
rating of 5 g/L (meets federal, state, and local guidelines). With a main
ingredient that is a derivative of soy oil, Bio-Tru ALL-Xtra with Poly-
Release is an architectural quality form release agent that received the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) BioPreferred Product certification.
—Cresset Chemical Co., http://cresset.com

50 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

Product Showcase

H-20 Timber Beams

Monolit Company’s H-20 timber I-beams for
construction formwork consist of a three-layer web made
of 27 mm (1 in.) thick moisture-proof birch board and
flanges fabricated from fir dimension lumber with
beveled edges. The web and the flanges are joined using
a finger-type notched joint and high-strength glue. Beams
are painted with moisture-resistant paint. The beams are
1900 to 5900 mm (75 to 232 in.) long but can be cut to
any length. Other beam dimensions include: beam height
of 200 mm (8 in.), flange thickness of 40 mm (1.5 in.),
and flange width of 80 mm (3 in.). The weight per unit
length of the beams is 4.7 kg/m (3.2 lb/ft).
—Monolit Company, www.formwork-beam-h20.com
Nashville Witness Walls
The civil rights struggle in Nashville, TN, is portrayed in
the “Witness Walls,” a set of concrete sculptural walls
featuring iconic imagery from the Nashville Public Library
Dayton Superior Forming Systems collection. Using precast concrete panels, artist Walter Hood
Dayton Superior’s engineers, designers, and detailers designed spatial experiences that place visitors in the center of
specialize in the layout and design of Symons concrete historical moments that occurred in the city during the civil
forming systems. These cost-effective systems are used rights movement. Gate Precast used photo-realistic form liners
for horizontal and vertical placements of cast-in-place and stencils to re-create the images on curved and rectangular
concrete. Symons Forming Systems include: panels and capture the artist’s vision. For the curved panels,
•• Vertical Systems—Steel-Ply®, Sym-Ply®, Rapid the company used a plastic form liner supplied by Innovative
Clamp™, Max-A-Form®, Max-A-Form® STS, Flex- Brick Systems LLC. For the stenciled flat panels, replicating
Form®, and Aluminum Beam Gangs; the images was both time-consuming and challenging,
•• Horizontal Systems—FrameFast™, ShorFast™, and because the stencils had to be physically cut and placed. Once
DeckFast™; and in the forms, the stencils were then painted with a chemical to
•• Specialty—Garage Beam System, Space-Lift™, and
Custom Designs.
expose the aggregate in the stencil voids. Gate used a concrete
mixture containing dark aggregates with an “as cast” light
—Dayton Superior Corporation, gray background to provide the necessary contrast.
www.daytonsuperior.com —Gate Precast Company, www.gateprecast.com

Euclid Formshield Pure

Metal, plastic, wood, and composition forms strip cleanly
when treated with Formshield Pure, a chemically reactive
release agent containing all-natural oils without the addition
of solvents or water. Formshield Pure dries quickly, allowing
forms to be put into service in as little as 1 hour. It can be used
for precast and architectural concrete applications, as it
dramatically reduces the occurrence of voids and bug holes
and will not stain. Formshield Pure is a crystal clear, easy-to-
apply liquid with no odor or VOCs.
—The Euclid Chemical Company, www.euclidchemical.com

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 51

HoloBuilder Integrates with Autodesk’s BIM solar-powered home. The patent application publication,
360 Construction Management Platform “Concrete Floor and Ceiling System without Steel
HoloBuilder Inc. partnered with Autodesk to allow users to Reinforcing” (pub. no. US 20170268242) describes a system
seamlessly move between Autodesk’s BIM 360 construction that replaces reinforcing bars with polymer forms. A patent for
management platform and HoloBuilder’s Construction a similar roof technology but using fiberglass was granted to
Solution. This allows for 360-reality capturing and virtual ST Bungalow LLC and Molinelli Architects in 2015 (U.S. Pat.
walkthroughs as well as document and issue management. No. 8,991,137). Michael Molinelli, Molinelli Architects,
Users can add issues to the BIM 360 platform from within invented both these technologies. The roof inventions are
their HoloBuilder project. Created issues are also linked to intended to provide key components in low-cost, affordable,
their position within HoloBuilder’s documentation so that solar-powered, and eco-friendly housing being developed
users can find the affected area and understand the context. jointly between ST Bungalow LLC and Molinelli Architects.
Users can add documents, such as sheets and floor plans, from The polymer or fiberglass forms used in the roof technology
BIM 360 to the HoloBuilder environment, ensuring that are shaped to efficiently stack. The technology provides an
documents used within HoloBuilder are up-to-date. The arched ceiling and a flat roof or floor surface.
cross-platform integration is implemented using Autodesk
Forge technology. Changes to Advisory Board and Group
Management of the PERI Group
LafargeHolcim and Heliatek Photovoltaic The shareholders and the Advisory Board of the PERI
Concrete Façade Group have changed the management organization of the
LafargeHolcim and Heliatek developed a photovoltaic family-owned company to include a Chief Executive Officer
concrete façade product that combines Ductal and HeliaFilm®, (CEO) in addition to the three managing directors. Rudolf
Heliatek’s flexible and ultra-light solar film. A pilot project is Huber, Chairman of the Advisory Board, assumed the position
planned in 2018—prefabricated Ductal panels will be as CEO. He has been a member of the PERI Advisory Board
delivered with an integrated solar energy-generation system. since 2009 and has been its Chairman since 2011. His
For retrofit applications, HeliaFilm is available in lengths successor as Chairman of the PERI Advisory Board will be
ranging from 0.3 to 2.0 m (1.0 to 6.6 ft), and it can be Christian Schwörer. As a member of the shareholder family,
connected with various designs of junction boxes on both he was Managing Director of PERI Group for Finance and
front and back. The transparent version of HeliaFilm can be Organization until 2014 and then joined the Advisory Board.
applied to almost any glass façade, and the glass will maintain
its aesthetic appeal. 2017 ITA Tunnelling Awards
The International Tunnelling and Underground Space
HawkeyePedershaab Concrete Technologies Association (ITA) Awards recognize international innovation
Merges with BFS and outstanding projects in tunneling and underground space
HawkeyePedershaab Concrete Technologies Inc. merged usage. The 2017 winners included:
with BFS Betonfertigteilesysteme GmbH. Through this
partnership with BFS, HawkeyePedershaab will expand its Major Project of the Year (over €500M), Doha Metro, Qatar
presence in the concrete pipe and manhole machinery The Doha Metro is an underground, elevated, and at-grade
segment. Headquartered in Blaubeuren, Germany, BFS is rail network that will be built in two phases. The first phase,
co-led by Daniel Bühler and Klaus Müller, who will continue with an 85 km (53 mile) network length, consists of three
with the business. BW Forsyth Partners acquired lines with 37 stations built from July 2014 to September 2016.
HawkeyePedershaab in September 2016, with the goal of It is planned to be operational in 2020 and will be served by
providing equipment and solutions for the precast concrete 75 trains. Its construction required 470,497 concrete segments
industry through organic growth and acquisitions. to produce 70,071 tunnel rings for the 111.5 km (69.3 mile)
of tunnels;
Roof Technology for Concrete Ceiling System
Without Steel Reinforcement Tunneling Project of the Year (€50 to €500M), MTR
ST Bungalow LLC and Molinelli Architects announced a Shatin to Central Link (SCL), Hong Kong, China
patent application published by the USPTO for a method of This high-risk tunneling project included a 4 km (2.5 mile)
making a roof or ceiling for various kinds of buildings, tunnel (part of a 17 km [10.6 mile] strategic railway line),
including the “ST Bungalow,” a newly designed and patented, underneath Hong Kong’s highly built-up urban areas. In a

52 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

Industry Focus

complex geological situation, different tunneling methods shafts with a specially designed configuration to control
were used, including cut-and-cover and drill-and-blast at only inflow into the tunnel while reducing wear. The tunnel has a
6 m (20 ft) above a live water supply tunnel. At two points, 100-year minimum design life. The tunnel was excavated in
the tunnel boring machine also crossed only 6 m below an an urban setting with minimum impact to the environment and
operating railway line; the surrounding community;

Project of the Year – up to €50M, Fjærland Hydropower Safety Initiative of the Year, Telemach Cutterhead Disc
Plants (HPP), Norway Robotic Changing System, Hong Kong, China
The Fjærland HPP consists of six HPP in rural Telemach is a semi-automatic multi-purpose robotic arm
surroundings along the Fjærland Fjord. Two of these HPP installed inside the front shield of the tunnel boring machine
include tunnels that were developed without road access and (TBM) to safely replace used cutter discs while the operator
within strict environmental requirements. Innovative solutions remains inside the TBM control room. During the stoppage
were developed for the project and small interventions were for TBM maintenance, the arm can maneuver into the
implemented in the surrounding nature. The finished result cutterhead chamber and perform cleaning and replacement of
will be an environmentally friendly generation facility and an worn discs. The 10-year development project is part of a
aesthetically pleasing feature on the shoreline along demonstration that the robotics industry can contribute to a
Fjærlandsfjorden; safer tunneling environment for workers; and

Technical Project Innovation of the Year, Construction Innovative Underground Space Concept of the Year,
of Bifurcation Section of Underground Expressway Cavern Master Plan, Hong Kong, China
Underneath Residential Area in Yokohama, Japan China is facing urban housing issues as its cities are
New technologies were developed and introduced to overcrowded and there is lack of available space. The project
construct the large bifurcation section of 20 m (66 ft) width and was conceptualized by noting that rock caverns may serve as a
200 m (656 ft) length from the main tunnel by a trenchless sustainable source of long-term land supply in Hong Kong
construction method, directly under a residential area. An and may represent a new solution to relocate some functions
enlargement shield tunneling machine and large diameter pipe and release some space. Hong Kong formulated its first
roof were used for widening of the tunnel from a segmentally Cavern Master Plan (CMP) to guide and facilitate territory-
lined tunnel. Use of advanced technologies contributed to the wide application of rock caverns for supporting continuous
completion of the bifurcation works without any adverse social and economic development of the city. The potential
impact to the residential area and the successful opening of uses of these caverns include food/wine storage, archives and
Yokohama North Line (8.8 km [5.5 mile]) expressway; data storage, research laboratories, and vehicle parking. With
the launch of the CMP, numerous cavern projects are being
Technical Product/Equipment Innovation of the Year, implemented in the various 48 Strategic Cavern Areas
Strength Monitoring Using Thermal Imaging (SMUTI), delineated in the plan.
United Kingdom
SMUTI is a novel method of monitoring sprayed concrete
strength gain. SMUTI allows the strength of the whole
shotcrete lining to be monitored continuously in real time
Errata for
from a secure position, enhancing benefits such as safety,
quality control, and productivity. Data obtained using SMUTI
ACI Publications
is accessible, auditable, and traceable;
Available Online
Sustainability Initiative of the Year, Anacostia River
Tunnel Project (ART), United States Under the menu for “Publications” at
The ART is a major component of the DC Water Combined www.concrete.org, document errata can be
Sewer Overflow remediation program. When completed, the searched by document number or keywords.
entire project will reduce sewer overflows to the Anacostia
River by 98%. The ART is a 3.8 km (2.4 mile) long tunnel
Call ACI Customer Service at
with an internal diameter of 7 m (23 ft). Existing overflow +1.248.848.3700 for more information.
sewers are connected to the tunnel using 30 m (98 ft) deep

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 53

The ACI draft standard open for public discussion that is being processed can be found at www.concrete.org/discussion.
This is not yet an official ACI standard.

Public Discussion and Closure

Specification for Inspection of Concrete Construction (ACI 311.7-18)
The ACI Technical Activities Committee (TAC) approved the draft standard subject to satisfactory committee response to
TAC comments in April 2016. The committee responded adequately to TAC’s comments and all balloting rules were adhered
to. In October 2016, the Standards Board granted approval to release the draft standard for public discussion and to process it as
an ACI standard. Public discussion was announced on October 16, 2016, and closed on December 10, 2016. The committee
responded to the public discussion. TAC reviewed the closure and approved it in March 2018. The Standards Board approved
publication of the ACI standard in March 2018.
The public discussion and the committee’s response to the discussion are available on ACI’s website, www.concrete.org/

How to Become 

Located across the globe, ACI has
partnered with these groups to
administer written and performance
exams throughout the year

Set your date and time for convenience
when taking written exams

If you’re a craftsman, technician, or inspector, earning an ACI Certification

provides you with the credentials to build the best concrete structures in
the world. If you’re a specifier or owner, you know many codes require
ACI-certified personnel on the jobsite. Visit concrete.org/certification.
Performance exams can be
administered at the same time the
CCRL is evaluating your lab

54 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

Sinopsis en español

Un curso final para edificios de concreto reforzado Ideas acerca de la construcción de cabezales de pilotes

Fanella, D.A. y Mota, M.C., Concrete International, V. 40, Granosik, T., y Chovelon, G.M., Concrete International,
No. 6, junio de 2018, págs. 24-30 V. 40, No. 6, junio de 2018, págs. 38-39

Los miembros del personal con el Concrete Reinforcing Steel Se propone un método alternativo para la construcción de
Institute ha desarrollado recientemente un curso capstone tapones de pilotes en pilas individuales coladas y fundidas
que ofrece información práctica sobre el diseño económico, in situ. El método permite que un solo subcontratista instale
detalle y construcción de edificios de concreto reforzado. tanto el pilote como el cabezal de pilotes, ahorrando así tiempo al
El objetivo del curso es cerrar la brecha entre academia y eliminar la necesidad de operaciones separadas de excavación,
práctica y a preparar a los estudiantes para una carrera en el construcción y relleno para completar el cabezal de pilotes.
mundo de la consultoría. Este artículo resume el curso y cómo
se puede acceder. Trabajando con seguridad en el borde

Concreto fabricado en obra de arte finurada Carrillo, J.M. (Manny), Concrete International, V. 40,
No. 6, junio de 2018, págs. 41-43
Concrete International, V. 40, No. 6, junio de 2018,
págs. 32-36 Sistema de anclaje de seguridad (SAPS, por sus siglas en
inglés) es un sistema de barandal montado en la superficie con
David Umemoto, con sede en Montreal, QC, Canadá, utiliza un sistema de anclaje positivo y roscado incrustado dentro de
el concreto como medio para su obra de arte, una fusión de la losa de concreto. También tiene un anillo D específico para
la arquitectura y la escultura. Él crea sus piezas a través de un punto de conexión. Una barandilla de SAPS se instala y
un proceso de varias fases que se convierte en parte de una elimina rápidamente, y es reutilizable. El sistema hace la vida
configuración más grande. Las motivaciones y los métodos más simple y más segura para los trabajadores que la instalan
del artista se describen a través de una sesión de preguntas y y dependen de ella para la protección contra caídas.

Global • Certificate programs and online webinars.

• Hundreds of on-demand courses
available 24/7.

Online • Topics include concrete materials, design,

construction, and MORE.

Learning Resource

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 55

New from
TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS 4. Describe how higher-strength reinforcement products can
improve concrete designs and concrete construction by
364.15T-18: TechNote: Significance of the reducing reinforcement bar congestion.
Shrinkage-Compensating and Nonshrink
Labels on Packaged Repair Materials Continuing Education Credit: 0.1 CEU (1 PDH)
The terms “shrinkage-compensating” and “nonshrink” are
both intended to describe materials that exhibit no or little net On-Demand Course: Innovation in Concrete
contraction as a result of shrinkage. In practice, however, Construction: How It Happens and Why It
these terms are of limited use in the selection of repair Benefits Us All
materials without supporting test data on time-dependent Learning Objectives
volume changes. 1. Define innovation.
2. Connect problem-solving and innovation.
ACI UNIVERSITY ONLINE COURSES 3. Recognize the role collaboration plays in advancing
On-Demand Course: Concrete Field Testing 4. Understand the role ACI plays bringing new technology
Technician Grade I Certification Training to the market.
(with ASTM Standards) (2018) 5. Recognize the means and value in building concrete
This on-demand course contains six modules that prepare industry capacity to respond to and address innovation in
you for the ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I the marketplace.
Certification exam. There are two versions of this course: with
or without the ASTM standards documents. Continuing Education Credit: 0.1 CEU (1 PDH)

Continuing Education Credit: 0.475 CEU (4.75 PDH) On-Demand Course: Overview of ACI 330.2R-17
“Guide for the Design and Construction
On-Demand Course: Concrete Field Testing of Concrete Site Paving for Industrial and
Technician Grade I Certification Training Trucking Facilities”
(without ASTM Standards) (2018) Learning Objectives
This on-demand course contains six modules that prepare 1. Explain differences between designing commercial parking
you for the ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I lots and industrial heavy traffic parking lots (ACI 330R-08
Certification exam. There are two versions of this course: with and 330.2R-17, respectively).
or without the ASTM standards documents. 2. Describe the importance of a proper pavement support
system for industrial and trucking facilities.
Continuing Education Credit: 0.475 CEU (4.75 PDH) 3. Recall design variables and how to use them to select proper
pavement thickness for industrial and trucking facilities.
On-Demand Course: Design of Concrete 4. Identify proper jointing details for concrete site paving.
Elements Using High-Strength Reinforcement
Learning Objectives Continuing Education Credit: 0.1 CEU (1 PDH)
1. Describe the advances steel reinforcement is making to
create new higher-strength materials and describe possible
advantages in design and cost of replacing normal Grade 60
steel with higher Grade steel in member design. Sign up for
2. Identify the steel reinforcement grades currently permitted Concrete
today for flexural, axial, shear, torsion, temperature and Created by SmartBrief in partnership with ACI, Concrete
shrinkage reinforcement applications, and explain the effect of SmartBrief provides a daily e-mail snapshot of the concrete
higher grades of steel on concrete beam and column designs industry with news from leading global sources. Summaries of
for seismic and non-seismic design applications. what matters to you, written by expert editors, to save you time
and keep you informed and prepared.
3. Describe the 0.2 percent offset method that is now part of
the ACI 318-14 code and how this test method changes the Welcome to Concrete SmartBrief; sign up at:
measured yield strengths of Grade 80 and Grade 100 steel.

56 JUNE 2018 | Ci | www.concreteinternational.com

JUNE 15-18 - 12th International Symposium on Ferrocement
and Thin Cement Composites (FERRO12), Belo Horizonte,
11-12 - 9th Advances in Cement Based Materials Minas Gerais, Brazil
(Cements 2018), State College, PA www.ferro12.com.br
16-20 - IASS 2018, Boston, MA
11-14 - The International Bridge Conference® (IBC), www.iass2018.org
National Harbor, MD
https://eswp.com/bridge/bridge-home 18-20 - Sixth International Conference on Durability of
Concrete Structures (ICDCS 2018), Leeds, UK
19-22 - 13th International Symposium on Concrete https://engineering.leeds.ac.uk/icdcs2018
Roads (ISCR), Berlin, Germany
www.concreteroads2018.com 19-21 - Concrete Foundations Convention 2018, Midway,
21-23 - AIA Conference on Architecture 2018 (A’18), http://cfawalls.org/events
New York, NY
http://conferenceonarchitecture.com 19-22 - ASCC Concrete Executive Leadership Forum,
Park City, UT
25-26 - Final Conference of RILEM TC-253 MCI www.ascconline.org/events
(Microorganisms-Cementitious Materials Interactions),
Toulouse, France 23 - 2018 NAFEMS ASEAN Engineering Simulation
https://rilem-mci2018.sciencesconf.org Symposium, Singapore
25-27 - IABSE Conference Copenhagen 2018, Copenhagen, symposium
www.iabse.org/IABSE/events/Conferences_files/Copenhagen ACI Industry Events Calendar:
2018/Home.aspx?hkey=08d848da-9b39-43ca-bd1c- For more information and a listing of additional upcoming events, visit
03c268a670ff www.concrete.org/events/eventscalendar.aspx. To submit meeting
information, e-mail Lacey Stachel, Editorial Coordinator, Concrete
International, at lacey.stachel@concrete.org.
25-29 - 11th National Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Los Angeles, CA
27-29 - SuperPile ’18, New York, NY EXPOSITION: FUTURE DATES
2018 — O
 ctober 14-18, Rio All-Suite Hotel &
28-30 - 3rd FRC International Workshop, Desenzano, Casino, Las Vegas, NV
Lake Garda, Italy 2019 — M
 arch 24-28, Quebec City Convention
https://frc2018.unibs.it Centre and Hilton Quebec
Quebec City, QC, Canada
JULY 2019 — O
 ctober 20-24, Duke Energy Convention
Center and Hyatt Regency Cincinnati
9-11 - 10th International Masonry Conference (IMC), Cincinnati, OH
Milan, Italy
www.10imc.com For additional information, contact:
Event Services, ACI, 38800 Country Club Drive,
9-13 - 9th International Conference on Bridge Farmington Hills, MI 48331
Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2018), Telephone: +1.248.848.3795
Melbourne, Australia www.concrete.org/events/conventions.aspx

www.concreteinternational.com | Ci | JUNE 2018 57

2018 ACI Membership Application
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Concrete Questions in this column were asked by users of ACI documents and have

been answered by ACI staff or by a member or members of ACI technical
committees. The answers do not represent the official position of an ACI
committee. Comments should be sent to rex.donahey@concrete.org.

Lateral Pressure of Concrete in Formwork

I have been designing formwork for over 40 years confidence to be lower.
and have several questions/comments regarding A discontinuity when transitioning from 14 ft or less to
Eq. in ACI 347R-14.1 Why was this more than 14 ft wall height is a frequent comment, and the
equation introduced and how was it developed? What is the committee is aware of the issue. When more data becomes
significance of the 14 ft wall height in Table available, it should be possible to develop a smooth transition
Using Eq. at a wall height of about 13 ft 11-1/2 in. in the future documents. However, most recent studies have
and Eq. for a 1 in. taller wall yields an entirely been focused on prediction methods for SCC rather than
different placement rate. In addition, Eq. does not conventional concrete, so elimination of the discontinuity may
work when designing one-sided wall forms that exceed 14 ft not occur soon.
in height, at a design pressure of 600 lb/ft2, yet walls are cast As for the wall construction, the committee would like to
frequently with these parameters and with no adverse effects. see more data from actual pressure measurements. ACI
347R-14 and several previous editions indicate that other

Equations, (b), and (c) in ACI 347R-14, design pressures can be used when measurements have been
with some variation in modifiers and limits on use, made with the specific concrete mixture under similar
have existed since the first edition of the conditions of placement. Some contractors do this, but the
committee report ACI 347-63.2 They were developed during a resulting data is frequently held proprietary and does not
study of available pressure data by ACI Committee 622 (now contribute to improvements in the predictive equations.
ACI Committee 347, Formwork for Concrete) and published Although formwork designers and contractors may state that
in the ACI Journal Proceedings in 1958.3 Limits were they have successfully used lower pressures for design, these
gradually imposed over several editions due to uncertainty statements are frequently not based on measurement of the
resulting from introduction of various admixtures. By the ACI actual maximum pressure generated. Thus, the true factor of
347R-944 version, the equations had been restricted to safety is not known. Even though the form might not have had
mixtures with Type I cement and no admixtures. a blowout, it may have been close to failure.
Additional research on effects of unit weight, cement type,
and admixtures resulted in inclusion of the unit weight and References
chemistry coefficients (Cw and Cc, respectively) in ACI 1. ACI Committee 347, “Guide to Formwork for Concrete (ACI 347R-
347-01.5 Also, Eq. for walls was removed from 14),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2014, 36 pp.
this document because of some concern that it underpredicted 2. ACI Committee 347, “Recommended Practice for Concrete
pressure at very low rates of placement. After further review, Formwork (ACI 347-63),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington
Eq. was reintroduced in the ACI 347R-036 and Hills, MI, 1963, 52 pp.
ACI 347-047 editions, with some limits on height of placement. 3. ACI Committee 662, “Pressures on Formwork,” ACI Journal
The appearance of specific admixtures for production of Proceedings, V. 55, No. 8, Aug. 1958, pp. 173-190.
self-consolidating concrete (SCC) also resulted in additional 4. ACI Committee 347, “Guide to Formwork for Concrete (ACI 347R-
recommendations for SCC in ACI 347R-03 and ACI 347-04. 94),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 1994, 34 pp.
Limits on the pressure equation use and modifiers evolved 5. ACI Committee 347, “Guide to Formwork for Concrete (ACI 347-
over the decades as more pressure data became available and 01),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2001, 32 pp.
new admixtures were introduced. The recommendations 6. ACI Committee 347, “Guide to Formwork for Concrete (ACI 347R-
included in ACI 347R-14 reflect that evolution. 03),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2003, 32 pp.
Safety is the paramount consideration. Thus, the committee 7. ACI Committee 347, “Guide to Formwork for Concrete (ACI 347-
concluded in the 2003 and 2004 documents, when reinstating 04),” American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2004, 32 pp.
Eq., to limit its application because it predicts lower
pressures than Eq. in some ranges of the parameters. Thanks to David W. Johnston, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,
Most of the data was measured in placements where the NC, member of ACI Committee 347, Formwork for Concrete, and the
height was less than 14 ft (typical of most construction). The author of the eighth edition of SP-4: Formwork for Concrete, for providing
lesser amount of data from higher placements caused the answer.

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