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Asc Aug Master 18 For Web

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Hot Boudin,
AUGUST 2018, VOL. 16 ISSUE 8

Cold Couche Couche,

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Publisher / Editor
Mike Strong
Table of Contents
LSU FOOTBALL ................... ..... 4
Sales Manager
Dottie Godberry
Staff Photographer SWEET EYES W/ TANYA...........12


BILL DELAUNE.......................... 30 www.riverparishfoods.com

Contributing Writers
Bill Delaune
Linda Melancon
Calvin Bessonett
Bully SNO’S RECIPE........................... 45

Publishers Note: Cover photo provided by Chris Parent LSU Sports Information.
Goosie Guice
Orhan McMillan Number 14 is is Drake Davis wide receiver.
Kellie Seymour
Tanya Stilley
Jimmy Dunkley

For Advertising
Information Please call:

E-Mail Comments
to Stronggraphics1@cox.net

Note: Features in this

publication labeled
are paid for editorials.
All Rights Reserved.
Opinions expressed are not
necessarily those of the
publisher, editor or staff of
Ascension Magazine

18386 Little Prairie Rd.

Prairieville, LA 70769



honoring the great games, and most memorable moments

moments, teams, players and culminating in the announce-
coaches from the past at each ment of the greatest moments
home game. in the history of LSU Football
as chosen by the fans. The
Today, leading up to the 125 Seasons of LSU Football
National L Club Spring Game will also include merchandise,
on Saturday, LSU Athletics has featuring a special logo that
released the official 125 S was developed for fan apparel
easons logo officially beginning for the 2018 season.
the celebration.

2018 MARKS 125 YEARS

Items featuring the 125 Sea-
As part of the celebration, LSU sons of LSU Football will be on
Football will unveil the “Next sale at the Tiger Sport Shop at

Great 25”, the best 25 players the National L Club Spring
from the last 25 seasons as Game on Saturday as well as
selected by permanent team being available online at
On a cold and cloudy generations of Tiger fans captains from those years. The LSUshop.net.
November day in 1893, LSU through food, fun, and “Next Great 25” will join the
Football was introduced to the ultimately the game itself. “Team of the Century”, which LSU’s 2018 football uniform
state of Louisiana with the was selected during LSU’s will include a patch commemo-
playing of the school’s first LSU will play its 125th season 100-year anniversary in 1993, rating the 125th season of foot-
football game in New Orleans. of football in 2018 and LSU will to represent the greatest play- ball at the University and will
Since then, LSU Football has celebrate the rich tradition and ers in school history. be on display for the first time
become a vital part of the way history of the program when the Tigers take the field
of life in Louisiana, linking throughout the year by Fans will also be asked to join against Miami on Sunday, Sep-
in by choosing their favorite tember 2 in Arlington, Texas.

Zatarain's "Tiger One Village" is the place

to be on LSU Football Gamedays.
This unique experience is Located directly across from
unlike any other in college Tiger Stadium, your next
football. hospitality event will put you
Moving into its 13th season at the forefront of all the
in 2017, Zatarain's "Tiger One excitement. From the football
Village" continues to provide team walking down Victory Hill
Tiger Fans the ultimate to the marching of the Golden
pregame atmosphere. The Band from Tigerland, you'll be
corporate hospitality program sure to deliver a lasting
is the perfect for entertaining impression to your customers
business clients, associates and associates alike.
and friends in a first-class

action in 36 games and started breakout season in 2018 ...
19 games … Heads into senior Has outstanding ball skills and
season with a chance at tremendous jumping ability ...
breaking into LSU’s Top 10 for Speaks fluent German among
receptions, receiving yards and his many talents ... Has played
receiving TDs by a tight end … in 19 games with one start.
In three years, has accumu-
lated 30 receptions for 357
yards and four TDs … Gradu-
ates in December … Repre-
sented LSU at the 2018 SEC
Media Day in Atlanta in July.


LSU’s No. 18 tradition was have been 10 Tiger greats that
born in 2003 when quarterback have been selected to JONATHAN GILES

On the Cover
Matt Mauck led the Tigers to wear No. 18. Joined the Tigers in 2017 after
their first national title in Selected to wear No. 18 for two seasons at Texas Tech ...
football since 1958. the 2018 season ... One of the top wide receivers
After his final season at LSU, Sure-handed tight end who in the nation ... Will suit up for
Mauck passed the No. 18 jer- can serve as a threat in the DRAKE DAVIS the Purple and Gold for the
sey down to freshman running passing game ... Enters his One of the most athletic play- first time in 2018 after sitting
back Jacob Hester, who later senior season as the top ers perhaps to ever wear an out due to transfer rules ... Has
led the Tigers to another na- returning tight end and leader LSU football uniform ... Could two years of eligibility remain-
tional title in 2007. on and off the field ... have gone to college on foot- ing ... Selected to wear No. 7,
The tradition has continued Punishing blocker that plays ball, basketball or soccer which is awarded to one of the
and over the years there hard every snap ... Has seen scholarship ... Poised for a top playmakers on the team.

10 televisions to enjoy the game

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cal contest ... A converted run- leader of the running back
ning back who possesses group ... Talented local product
tremendous footwork to go who has shown the ability to
with good ball skills … Off the bulldoze over would-be tack-
field, uses his Sundays during lers but also has the shiftiness
the season to ride his horse, to cut runs outside ... Louisiana
Daisy Mae, a Tennessee high school record holder for
Walker … Daisy Mae is most rushing touchdowns in a
housed at the BREC Stables four-year span with 141, break-
just a mile off campus … In all, ing the previous mark of 118
has seven horses – the other touchdowns held by former
six are housed at his family’s LSU running back Kenny
farm in Cotton Valley, Hilliard ... Has played in 35
Louisiana … Enters 2018 sea- games with one start … Leads
son needing only two more se- all active LSU players in rush-
mesters to graduate. ing yards with 306.
DEVIN WHITE be a candidate for the Butkus
Awards as the top linebacker
in college football .. Great
leader on and off the field …
2017 Team MVP

Named a permanent team cap-

2017 All-SEC First Team (Coaches, AP)

tain for the 2017 team … Owns

2017 Second team All-America

163 tackles for his career in 25

(FWAA, USA Today)

games played and in 13 starts

2017 SEC Defensive Player of the Week

… Became the first player in

(at Florida, vs. Auburn, vs. Arkansas,

Southeastern Conference his-

vs. Texas A&M)

tory to be named the league’s

2017 Chuck Bednarik National Player of

defensive player of the week

the Week (vs. Auburn)
2016 SEC All-Freshman Team (Coaches)
four times in one season …
Making his mark as the next Has a knack for finding the Nick Brossette John Battle
great linebacker at LSU … Re- football and has proven to be Enters fourth season with the One of the veterans in the
garded as one of the top line- effective against both the run Tigers and in line for more secondary for the Tigers in
backers in the nation and will and pass ... Thrives in a physi- playing time this year as the 2018 ... Has started in 19 ca-

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reer games … Versatile player leader of the running back
with high football IQ ... Can group ... Talented local product
player either safety spot ... who has shown the ability to
Took up photography as a bulldoze over would-be tack-
hobby two years ago and is lers but also has the shiftiness
rarely seen without his camera to cut runs outside ... Louisiana
… Has taken pictures as a high school record holder for
member of the “media” at most rushing touchdowns in a
numerous LSU sporting events four-year span with 141,
and had many of those photos breaking the previous mark of
published on LSUsports.net ... 118 touchdowns held by former
Has played in 37 career games LSU running back Kenny
with 19 starts ... Has 105 tack- Hilliard ... Has played in 35
les, two interceptions and nine games with one start … Leads
pass breakups to his credit. all active LSU players in
rushing yards with 306.

Nick Brossette
Enters fourth season with the Myles Brennan
Tigers and in line for more A pocket passer who has
playing time this year as the impressive arm strength and


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accuracy … Had a solid second
spring in Baton Rouge and will
continue competing for the
starting quarterback spot …
Played in six games during his
freshman season serving as a
backup to Danny Etling.

Justin McMillan
Talented quarterback prospect
... Enters fourth season with the
program in 2018 … Bright
young player who has a strong
arm and quick feet to escape
the pocket ... Pushing for the
starting quarterback spot.

Lowell Narcisse
Dual-threat quarterback with a Ascension Magazine has
strong arm and great ability to chosen a few of this most
get out of the pocket … Bullish promising players and thought
running style that is difficult to
tackle … Expected to compete to showcase their profiles
for the starting quarterback spot provided by LSU Sports.net
in 2018.

We Are Moving! Walk-In Family Medicine

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Gonzales Garden
Club’s Kidz Kove

There is plenty of greenery in special needs children in mind;

Gonzales’ Kidz Kove Discovery it has since been supported by
Park thanks to community its club members.
donors and volunteers. In
2015, a particular flowerbed GGC Member Janis Poche
was created in the park by the designed a sensory garden
Gonzales Garden Club with that stimulates the senses of

Behind the left end of the near bench is a small fig tree, then a young satsuma
tree and some fragrant stokes aster flowers about to bloom behind the corkscrew
hazelnut shrub.

sight, smell, touch and even that this plot is maintained for
taste by planting herbs, fruit the public’s enjoyment by
trees and perennials with weeding, pruning, mulching
colorful flowers and interesting and replenishing the plants
leaf textures. GGC Project year-round.
Kidz Kove Civic Involvement
Chairman Barbara McCormick This special garden is
and her committee see to it dedicated to an exceptional

This view of the Kidz Kove sensory garden shows mounds of “ham and eggs”
lantana (foreground) that the butterflies love, a cumquat tree (center) that birds A brass plaque stands in the center of the garden in honor of the
feed on and a large corkscrew hazelnut shrub (far right) that’s fun to touch. sweet Miss Kandice Molliere.
young lady named Kandice on S. Francois Avenue across
Molliere. She was an avid from the Gonzales City Police
Garfield enthusiast, a proud Department. The designated
Dutchtown student, a 2000 GGC plot is to the far right of
EAHS graduate, and the the park entrance. All children
Muscular Dystrophy Goodwill are welcome in this universally
Ambassador for the Greater accessible play space.
Baton Rouge Area. There is
a brass plaque in the bed in The Gonzales Garden Club
memory of Kandice. is federated by the Louisiana
Garden Club Federation

The children’s play park is

and the National Garden

located off E. Cornerview St.

Clubs, Inc.


The Gonzales Garden Club chose Chick-fil-A Restaurant at 2119 W. Hwy 30 as

August’s Commercial Landscape of the Month. The new development has a rock The Gonzales Garden Club chose the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pasqua at
garden of drift roses and Indian hawthorn plus tall palm trees and ornamental 2010 W. Belle Helene as August's Residential Yard of the Month. There were
grasses that border the property frontage. Green spaces outlined with boulders zinnias, sunflowers, roses and dwarf loropetalum shrubs presenting a colorful
provide unique landscape features on this property. summer display across the front entryway.
Speak Positive
Most people wake up in the
mornings with a “to do” list and
ultimately this creates stress. Try
to take a few moments of quiet
time first thing in the morning,
perhaps even before you open your
eyes, and speak positive
affirmations about yourself, your
work, your family, your day, your
health and your time. Your day
will be less stressful and new
opportunities will present

Forgive Those
that have Hurt
The source of certain health
problems can be caused from
love others and have let go of the unresolved conflict. Disease =
Make time to
Is 42 past. Truly what you’ve lived
shows on your face when you get
older in age. My goal is to be so
be Active
Dis +ease. When you hold on to
unforgiveness, your spirit is at
unrest. This causes insomnia,

the beautiful on the inside, that being

beautiful on the outside just
happens. That being said, I’d like
Committing to exercise doesn’t
mean pounding the pavement for
headaches, over eating, under
eating, and other unhealthy
conditions of the body. People

New 30? to share a few other pointers to

help you stay beautiful on the
inside and out.
an hour. 15 to 20 minutes of
gentle Yoga or Pilates is enough to
work on your core strength and
often do the best with where they
are in this journey of life, so search

My 42nd birthday was just this

past weekend, so there was lots of
talk about age. Strangers would Take time to
tell me, “awe, it’ll be alright”.
Little did they know, I had no
issue with turning 42, because I’ve
Taking the time to be quiet, be
had revelation about being young
still before God and pray are vital
at heart. Besides that, there are
to our spirit, mind, body, and soul.
some 80 year old that act 20 and
These days we are always
some 20 year old that act 80.
connected, always available, always
being compared to and always
Have you ever known an older
under the microscope. From
person that just glowed from
being an over achiever at work to
within? Me too! Those are the
representing complete
types of people that love God, your heart, and resolve any
“perfection” on flexibility. These two disciplines
social media, it’s connect your breath with unforgiveness you’re holding on
no wonder the movement slowing your mind and to from the past.
modern day increasing strength and flexibility.
woman can come So there you have it -
highly medicated. Disconnecting from the world,
Most people these
Give your Body staying active, eating healthy
foods, speaking positively, and
days treat Healthy Foods forgiving people and situations
symptoms with a
prescription- anti are some things I do to stay
People think I’m boring because I
depressants, youthful. That and a tiny dose
usually eat a salad every day, but I
ADHD medicine of botox.
crave it. If you give your body
and sedatives just loads of sugars and fat, and it will
to name a few. xoxo-Sweet Eyes
continue to crave sugars and fat.
If you give it healthy, whole foods,
it will crave foods that nourish
your body.

Little Pirates come up Big Bucs in Gulf Shores
The Little Pirates-so named Shores World Series before top 16 of the 46 team tournament one inning-before falling to a
because several of their brothers coming up a bit short of the and played one of their best red-hot team from Waco, Texas
played on the older team at one championship. The Pirates won games against Oklahoma-led by in the quarterfinals.
time-had a good run in the Gulf three of four and moved into the Gavin Higgins two home runs in


Members of the Pirates are: 1. Cooper Babin 2. Braxton Billingsley 3. Reed Boudreaux 4. Gage Daigle 5. Cade Delaune 6. William
Fontenot 8. Zach Dotter 9. Jaxson Robert 10. Cooper Ladner 11. Gavin Higgins 12. Quinten Elisar Coaches-Jeff Delaune, Brad Elisar,
Kevin Higgins and Chance Fontenot
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Labor Day .................................... September 3, 2018

Fall Break ................................... October 15 – 16, 2018
Election Day .............................. November 6, 2018
Thanksgiving Holidays ................. November 19 – 23, 2018
Christmas Holidays .................. December 24 – January 4, 2019
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday .... January 21, 2019
Mardi Gras Holidays ...................... March 4-5, 2019

Early Dismissals
Easter Holidays ............................ April 15 – April 22, 2019

September 13, 2018 – 1:30 December 21, 2018 – 1:00 April 9, 2019 – 1:30
September 14, 2018 – Staff Dev Day January 17, 2019 – 1:30 May 14, 2019 – 1:30
NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS January 18, 2019 – Staff Dev Day May 21, 2019 - 2:30
October 9, 2018 – 1:30 NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS May 22, 2019 - 1:30
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Help Your
plan. (However, tax issues for 529
savings plans can be complex, so

Kids Pay for

please consult your tax advisor
before investing.)

You can generally invest in the
529 savings plan offered by any
state, but if you invest in your own
state’s plan, you may be able to
claim a tax deduction or receive a
tax credit.
It’s still summer, but we’re
getting close to a new school
year. One day, though, “back-to-
By starting your 529 plan early,
when your children are just a few
years old, the investments within
Back to School
the plan have more time for
school” will mean “off to college” potential growth. Plus, you can
for your children. Will you be make smaller contributions each We Can Erase Your
financially prepared to help your year, rather than come up with big
kids cope with the costs of higher lump sums later on.
education? A 529 plan is not the only
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2017-18 academic year, college want to consider ways to keep
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$21,000 for in-state students at For one thing, your children
four-year, public schools and
may be eligible for various forms
nearly $47,000 for students of financial aid. Some types of aid
Tessa or Lacy
attending private colleges or depend on your family’s income,
universities, according to the but others, such as merit-based
College Board. And you can scholarships, are open to
probably expect even bigger price everyone. But you don’t have to
tags in the years to come. wait until you get an offer from a
For Loan Information Call 647-7422
To help prepare for these costs, school’s financial aid office – you
you might want to consider can explore some opportunities
putting your money in a vehicle on your own. For example, many
specifically designed to help build local and national civic and
assets for college, such as a 529 religious groups offer scholar- Hey Dr. Rob,
education savings plan. All
withdrawals from 529 plans are
ships to promising young people, Did you make me
free from federal income taxes as
and your own employer may even
provide some types of grants or
this Purdy?
long as the beneficiary you’ve assistance. Plus, your state also
named uses the money for may offer other benefits, such as
qualified college, trade school or financial aid or scholarship funds.
graduate school expenses. It can certainly take some digging
Withdrawals for expenses other to find these funding sources, but
than qualified education the effort can be worthwhile.
expenditures may be subject to Here’s another option for
federal, state and penalty taxes reducing college costs: Consider
sending your child to a local
community college for two years
to get many of the “general”
requirements out of the way
before transferring to a four-year
school for a bachelor’s degree.
Community colleges are typically
quite affordable, and many of
them offer high-quality programs.
A college degree is costly, but
many people feel it’s still a great
investment in their children’s
future. And by taking the
appropriate steps, you can help
launch that investment.


Jamie Lavigne, Financial Advisor

4600 Sherwood Common Blvd, #103 • Baton Rouge, LA 70806-6609 • 225.292.4971 (O)
results to guide future strategies.

Sprout Social Vines

Reach Out to
Sprout’s decision to include
Pinterest was brought about by

popular demand from the
program’s users. Now that
Pinterest is available for all plans,
by Orhan Mc Millan businesses can focus on
publishing, reporting and measur-
ing statistics for maximum effi-
ciency online.

embolden your brand and

-Plan Ahead
increase your business’
The social media managing businesses can look forward to
discoverability through the hybrid
program, Sprout Social, is positive returns on their Sprout allows you to strategize of Sprout’s unique tools and
blossoming as its platform base investments. for success. Pinterest’s popularity. Let us help
now includes one of the internet’s

-Stay Organized
you find that niche of customers
most marketing-friendly social According to Sprout Social, 87
and drive more leads to your
sites, Pinterest. percent of Pinterest users have Keep track of profiles, tags, website in a measurably
made purchases through the campaigns and more across successful way. Contact our
Sprout integrated Pinterest with social media market. It is up to various social media. office today!
the hopes of helping companies businesses to utilize the tools that
reach even more potential clients. Sprout provides to attract this -Analyze Data
With Pinterest’s active buzzing customer pool. Record traffic flow of interested
community eager to spend, potential customers and use the

Reserve your ads early for the next
2 issues of Ascension Magazine.

September issue comes out on 9/16 ... Reserve ad space by 9/5

October issue comes out on 10/16 ... Reserve ad space by 10/5

Call Mike Strong for ad sales ..... 225.622.1324

225.647.4332 • Hwy. 44 • Gonzales

involved. Without a HIPAA release, 3. Will
you may face many obstacles before
receiving critically needed Your child owns any funds given to
information, including whether your him or her as a minor or that he or
their medical treatment and financial child has been admitted to a she may have earned. If your child
affairs. But this all changes once your particular medical facility. predeceases you, these assets may
child reaches 18. In the eyes of the Should your child suffer a medical have to be probated and will pass to
state, your now-adult child is legally crisis, doctors and other medical your child’s heirs at law, which in
entitled to his or her privacy and you professionals may refuse to speak with Louisiana would be his or her sib-
no longer have the same level of you or allow you to make necessary lings, with a usufruct (right to use) to
access to or authority over their medical decisions. A health care proxy the parents. Additionally, your child
financial, educational and medical with a HIPAA release would enable may wish to leave some personal
information. your child to designate you or property and financial assets to other
Though I received phone calls another trusted person to make family members or to a charity.
between classes, and the occasional medical decisions in the event they While a will may be less important
text to let me know she was doing are unable to convey his or her than the health care proxy, HIPAA
well, nothing gave me more peace of wishes. release, or durable power of attorney,
mind than knowing we had a plan in ensuring that your child has all three
By Linda Melancon place that reflected her wishes if 2. Durable Power of Attorney components of an estate plan can pre-
anything should happen to her. vent you, as a parent, from having to
As parents, we don’t want to imag- go to court to obtain legal authority
Estate Planning ine that anything bad will ever happen
Like medical information, your
18-year-old’s finances are also private. to make time-sensitive medical or fi-
to our children, but it’s important to If your child becomes incapacitated, nancial decisions for your child.
for the College plan for the unexpected. Before your without a durable power of attorney Talk with your child today and find
son or daughter starts their fall semes- you cannot access your child's ac- out what their wishes are. While these
Student ter this year, consider setting up an counts or credit cards. If you needed documents won’t let you know if
estate plan that at least includes the to manage their accounts or pay bills your child is getting good grades or
following three crucial components: on their behalf, you may be forced to eating three balanced meals a day, you
When my youngest daughter went can rest assured that you are both
seek the court’s appointment as your
away to college, I worried, “Is she prepared for the unexpected.
getting enough sleep? Is she
1. Health Care Proxy with child’s conservator. In Louisiana, this
HIPAA Release is referred to as an interdiction.
attending class regularly? Is she The information provided is not intended to
Absent a crisis, a power of attorney
remembering to be aware of her be legal advice and does not constitute an
Under the Health Insurance can also be helpful in issues that may attorney/client relationship. You should consult
surroundings when she goes out at
Portability and Accountability Act, or arise when your child is away at col- with an attorney for individual advice regarding
night?” One thing I didn’t worry your own situation.
HIPAA, once your child turns 18, lege or traveling. For example, if your
about was, “Do we have the right
their health records are now between son is traveling and an issue comes up
documents in place if something bad Ms. Melancon is an attorney with Legacy Estate &
them and their health care provider. where he cannot access his accounts, a
should happen to her?” Elder Law of Louisiana, LLC, with offices in
The HIPAA laws prevent you from durable power of attorney would give Baton Rouge, LA and Prairieville, LA. The
When your child is a minor, you are
even getting medical updates in the you or another trusted person the primary focus of her practice is estate planning,
entitled to access his or her medical probate, special needs planning and elder law. For
event your child is unable to commu- authority to manage the issue.
records and make decisions regarding more information or to attend an upcoming
nicate his or her wishes to have you estate planning seminar, call her office at
(225) 744-0027

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Join Us for
National Assisted
Living Week
Sept 9th Sept 12th
Grandparent's Health Fair
Celebration 9-11am
Platinum Sounds
at 2pm
(big band) at 6:30pm
Sept 10th
Hoyt Cuti
Sept 13th
50’s Day
at 10:30
Employee Chili
Na Na Sha at 6:30pm
(RSVP required)
Cook Off
Sept 14th
Resident Relay
at 2pm

Sept 11th Races

Western Day at 9am
Jim Buillon at 10:00
River Rats at 4:30

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Brock Melancon - 2018 Jambalaya Festival Mini Pot Champ of Champs!! 23
TOP 12
Congratulations to All the Cooking Teams for a
Job Well Done making it to the Top 12 Finals.
Jarrett Marchand 2018 World Champion

Jason White Jarrett Marchand Brett Reine Brandon Olinde

Tyler Billingsley Clint Broussard Lee Elisar Jay Alexis

Tunney King David Vidrine Jamie Rye Kade Lanoux


Jambalaya Festival Queen Host

a Queen’s Mini Pot Contest
Our Lady of Blind River
Chapel Gets a Face Lift
New owners of the Our Lady of Blind River Chapel, Lance and
Dawn Weber are in the process of renovating the Chapel. Lance is
the Grandson of the original owners Martha and Bobby Deroche.
Moise Oubre and Charlie Duhe built the original Chapel.
The Chapel has flooded several times, most recent in 2016 with
3 feet of water inside the Chapel and has been in a state of disrepair
for several years. The renovation will be done in 3 phases: Phase
1- Tear down and rebuild deck and pilings (completed-photo) thanks
to camp owner, volunteers and donations. Phase 2- Raise Chapel 4
feet (Kent Schexnayder - Donate) Phase 3- Replace roof, repair
exterior siding, build steps/deck entrance, and interior renovations.
Request for donations on Facebook and Go Fund Me or
call Lance Weber at 225-206-2601

From left to right: Korbin Weber, Pat Keller, Kirk Deroche Jr. , Lance Weber, Ivy Alberes, Nathan Deroche, Seth Rose,
Kirk Deroche Sr. , Jed LeBlanc, Shawn Martinez, and Herman Joe Duhe.


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The Chamber works to offer training, we have a perfect fit
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benefits every business and opportunity to make new
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area. The Chamber works hard
to offer its members a growing
list of business incentives! Educational Growth:
Knowledge is Your Most
Business Referrals:
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Valuable Office Supply
A Personal Referral is
Education falls directly in line mail campaign started! In
addition, we allow member
Leadership Ascension:
One of the Most Effective with the Chamber’s mission of
Forms of Advertising facilitating economic growth businesses to display business All Leaders Begin as
among businesses. We offer cards and promotional flyers Learners
The Chamber Office acts as an opportunities to attend on our office’s informational
informational hub for long-term educational seminars, training wall. And, most importantly, The Chamber facilitates a
residents of the parish, workshops and forums Chamber Members have direct 10-month program called
access to our database listing Leadership Ascension. The
of all Chamber Members’ mission of this program is
contact information, which is to awaken the leadership
perfect for mass e-mails and potential in Ascension Parish.
mail-outs. This highly sought-after
program begins with a team-
News You Can Use: building retreat and proceeds
to offer monthly events that
Successful Businesses take students on a tour of the
Stay-Updated parish. This program’s alumni
are the Who’s Who of
Chamber Members enjoy Ascension Parish.
access to our Bi-Weekly
Newsletter that offers the latest

LSU’s QB Situation-
Four Aces or Four-Gettable?
by Bill Delaune

Excerpts of a court transcript

from a recent trial…
Yes, your honor, I am the
notorious “Walk-Ons Wacko”
who strolled into the popular
eatery one hot August
afternoon and shot out 67
television screens with my
trusty Red Ryder BB gun. I
have come to throw myself at
the mercy of the court and to
cite some extenuating
circumstances that led to
my actions.
First of all, I suffer from a
syndrome known as SFD-
Summer Football Deprivation
(not to be confused with
Sorrento Fire Department)
which affects many people-
particularly males-in this part
of the country.
Your honor, I tried to fill the
void of a football-less season
by watching other sports
including World Cup Soccer in
June and July. I even went to
a soccer bar called the
Londoner with some of my
futbol fanatical friends to watch
the England game-oops,
match-but they lost to Belgium tournament, I put all my he replied. “They’ve been creamed the next morning as
two-nothing-oops, nil. patriotic hopes on American going at it for over six the Joker laughed his way to
I did enjoy the bangers John Isner in the Wimbledon hours now.” another major title.
(English sausages-not players semifinals against a South Wait-the same contest I Next, I tried golf but got even
who lead with their heads) and African Kevin Anderson. The started watching early this more frustrated when the
the Newcastle ale and the first set went back and forth morning? Americans fell by the wayside
action begins around nine in and Isner lost 7-6 in a “No tie-breaker in the fifth in a Scottish hay patch in the
the morning if you need an tie-breaker so-being the good set,” he explained. “Right now Open Championship and a
excuse to start drinking early. sport that I am-I threw a throw it’s 24-24. Sad part is one of little Italian guy who looked like
But the offsides rule still pillow (Isn’t that what they’re these guys is going to lose in he should be a street vendor
puzzles me and I would like to for?) at the TV and headed for the semis and the other has to stared down the great Tiger
see more scoring. I did draw the golf course. play Djokovic tomorrow on Woods for the victory.
some disgusted looks when I Eighteen grueling holes later, dead legs.” I even thought some new fall
suggested they eliminate the I stopped by a coaching Now, your honor, being a television shows might take my
goalie-oops, keeper. buddy’s abode to see if he had magistrate yourself, wouldn’t mind out of grid-lock, but I kept
I also tried to watch a fix for my worsening you think one of those prim dreaming up football-themed
Wimbledon tennis, but one condition. I found him so and proper British judges dramas like…
match killed all the fun for me. intently watching his TV set I would step in and say, “This
On Friday, July 13-an omen I thought maybe football had isn’t really fair to either of
regretfully ignored-I began started without me. you-first one to 10 wins,” or
1. “For Your Buckeyes Only”-
watching a morning match “What’cha watching, something similar.
between two big bangers The story of a man who
Tommy?” I asked. Anderson finally prevailed claims to be in complete
(servers, not sausages). Since “Hell of a tennis match over my American hopeful
the U.S. was not in the soccer control only to turn into Sgt.
between Isner and Anderson,” 26-24 and predictably got Schultz from “Hogan’s Heroes”
(“I know nussing.”) when 1. Miami (in Arlington, Texas)- 6. Florida-With quarterback Speaking of ridiculous, some
confronted with covering up an McMillan gets the starting nod troubles of their own-two in- Louisiana “birthers”, left over
alleged crime. What did he because Coach O. says he’s jured and one in jail-the Gators from the Trump campaign, file
know? When did he know it? from just below Dallas and has resort to the old “Gainesville a counter suit saying that Tide
Tune in for the first episode the home-field advantage. Gale” strategy. When a starter Tua Tagovailoa is not
called “Waterstate”. Poor McMillan spends most of moderate thunderstorm an American citizen because
the evening running for his life warning is issued for Alachua he was born in Hawaii.
as Miami exploits a weakness County, the Florida While all of this turmoil is
going on, a disgruntled Jalen
2.”Father Knows Best”-
in the Tigers’ offensive line to administration decides to
A stubborn dad and a spoil all the Hurricane parties postpone the game. Hurts gets the start for Bama
bull-headed Southern coach at Pat O’Brien’s. SEC officials step in and and-taking orders from his
clash over a star quarterback’s invoke a new “Fool Me Once” dad-throws the game to LSU.
future. Sponsored by Hurts’ 2. Southeastern-Now 0-1 and clause and declare a forfeit
Rentals-“Let Hurts put you in seeing the “O. Must Go” signs moving the surprising 10. Arkansas-Cajun native
the driver’s seat”. pop up around Baton Rouge, Tigers to 5-1. Orgeron declares a cochon-de-
Coach resorts to desperate lait cook-off to see which quar-
measures. Starting in 7. Georgia-Bulldog head terback will start against the
Hogs in November. St.
3. “Three Men and a Maybe”-
alphabetical order with Barrow coach Kirby Smart-a defensive
Willie takes Jimbo’s place at and ending with Narcisse-all genius-stops LSU’s 4-headed James’s Narcisse is the
FSU. Jimbo takes Kevin’s job four quarterbacks play each a quarterback rotation cold. But odds-on favorite being from
at A&M. Kevin replaces Rich at quarter in the win over the Tiger defensive guru Dave South Louisiana but Brennan
Arizona where some people outmanned Lions who could Aranda is equal to the task. pulls a wild card with his
claim there’s a woman to use former quarterbacks Seth With the game tied in a family’s New Orleans
blame. and Brian Babin of St. Amant. low-scoring game late in the restaurant ties and wins
Now the question is, will fourth quarter, Orgeron resorts the start.
Les-a Michigan grad-end up at to trickery. Pulling all He then proceeds to butcher
3. Auburn-Remembering the Razorbacks with some
rival Ohio State or is that just Brandon Harris’s disastrous quarterbacks out of the fray, he
an Urban legend. inserts massive nose guard “pig-point passing”.
SEC debut against Auburn a
So you see, your honor, the few years ago, Coach O. takes 378-pound Tyler Shelton in to
fragile mental state I was in the no chances and inserts all four take a direct snap. 11. Rice-Narcisse demands a
day I snapped. Then, when I quarterbacks in the line-up at Hiding behind him is 5-8 rematch and easily wins a
walked in to Walk-Ons that the same time. Narcisse takes running back Clyde Edwards- jambalaya contest to get the
day-after still another round of the direct snap in a Wildcat-St. Helaire. Using a variation of job against Rice.
not breaking 90 in a Santa James Wildcat, perhaps? - the old “hidden ball trick”, “Sometimes it’s tough to go
Maria sauna and ESPN was formation with Brennan and Edwards-Helaire gets the ball against the grain,” he grins
showing light-saber dueling on Barrow lined up as double and slips under Shelton’s after an easy victory. Orgeron
one channel and a beanbag wings and McMillian in motion jersey and Shelton carries his admits that the coaching staff
toss called “Cornholing” on the all over the place. The little buddy into the end zone has been eating very well over
other-it was all I could stands, I 235-pound Narcisse runs wild for the game winner. the last two weeks.
can’t stands no more. against a team he once
I went out to the truck, committed to and the Bayou 8. Miss State-Brennan, a 12. Texas A&M-LSU beats the
grabbed my Red Ryder and Bengals pull the upset. Mississippi native, gets the nod Aggies-again-to go to 11-1.
came in firing. For the record, against his home boys but Believe or not, some A&M fans
the only person I injured was struggles while trying too hard. are heard to mumble after the
myself-putting an eye out on 4. La. Tech-Orgeron counters
Tech’s pass-happy attack with At the half, Barrow notices that game, “I wish we had gotten
one of the ricochets… the new Bulldog coach Joe Orgeron instead of Jimbo
Okay, okay, so I embellished one of his own as Barrow and
Brennan-his two best passers- Moorhead is from Penn State. Fisher.”
that account just a tad. But “We wore them out in the Big Coach O. is voted “Coach of
have you ever been more light up the defenseless Bull-
dogs. LSU wins a track meet Ten,” Barrow tells Coach O. the Year” and named the “most
ready for football? The Tigers put in a Buckeye innovative mind in 20 years” by
Of course, LSU has its own 63-42 in a game that lasts
longer than the aforemen- offense with Barrow at the ESPN.
soap opera with a “Who’s on helm and LSU silences the Now, if you check the first
First Team?” battle between tioned marathon tennis match.
cowbells. part of this story, you know I
four quarterbacks-Myles have poetic license to
Brennan, Justin McMillan, 5. Ole Miss-Amazingly embellish the truth a bit. But
Lowell Narcisse and Ohio enough, some Baton Rouge
9. Alabama-The master of
planning and preparation Nick as the Beach Boys once said,
State transfer Joe Barrow. residents are still not happy “But wouldn’t it be nice.”
How Coach Ed Orgeron with one group protesting that Saban is completely befuddled
handles the situation is the two Afro-American by Orgeron’s quarterback
anybody’s guess but here’s quarterbacks did not play in rotation so he petitions the
the way some scenarios the last game. So O. goes SEC office to say that since he
might work out… with McMillan and Narcisse only has two signal callers,
to outrun the thoroughly LSU should only be allowed
confused- but politically two. Of course, it’s a ridiculous
correct Rebels. request except when it comes
from the Little General and the
location is Birmingham.
It was 8:00am and July hot as halfway through the race. Yes you
approximately one thousand should be physically fit, but a lot of
participants lined up for the start of it has to do with your head. As I • Oysters By the Sack
the annual Spillway Classics 5K was running down the slippery trail
Trail Run. This run is held at the I began seeing many spots where • Fresh Shrimp
Bonnet Carre Spillway in Norco, hogs had been rooting. To take my • A Wide Variety
Louisiana. You could have heard a mind off the exhausting feat at
of Fish and Seafood
pin drop as the Star Spangled hand, my thoughts of how many
Banner blared out of a set of hogs must be there and if anyone • Snow Crabs
speakers to the crowd of anxious had been hunting them kept my • Turtle Meat
runners of different races, cultures, mind busy. Although the trail
ages and sexes. Everyone gave through the woods is shaded with
respect to our nations' colors the exception of a few open areas,
presented on a small flagpole on it is very still and humid there. I Ask for Sally’s stuff crabs. Doug & Sally
which the flag was hanging dead
still in the hot July heat. From
was "dying on the vine" so to say,
when I shifted my attention to the You’ll love them.
what I could see there was no one waters of the Bonnet Carre
sitting or in any way showing any Spillway. I began watching for

It’s Easy to Advertise in Ascension Magazine.

disrespect for our flag at this event. garfish to roll and looking for crabs
I had gotten in not many hours in the shallows along the bank. I

A whole lot easier than catching 30 bass

before the start of the race from a reminisced over the times I'd been
long night of playing music. This there fishing and crabbing
would not be an easy task for me, throughout the years. I wondered
but I knew I would somehow find how many crabs I could catch

a way to succeed. The first mile and today if I were fishing and before
a half was on the levee into a big long I was looking at the finish
ball of fire known as the July sun line. I'd done it again. Talked
over Lake Pontchartrain. Several myself out of quitting by thinking Mike Strong
runners passed me on this stretch. of other things in life that I love.
At the mile and a half mark is Running is not for everyone but
where I begin to feel like I'm more some type of physical exercise
in my environment. From that should be part of every outdoors
point on you have to track through persons' agenda for the upcoming
waist deep water, several ugly mud hunting season. I'll continue to be
holes and a slippery trail through a runner as long as my joints allow
the woods along the edge of the me to do so. The benefits of doing
water to the finish line. Many who so will soon pay off when ole man
had passed me on the levee were winter comes along and it's time to
carefully picking their steps while make those long walks to the duck
trying to avoid the worst of the blind or deer stand or get to that
holes on the trail. At this point I ole tom five hundred yards off in
figured it was time to make up the woods next spring. Who
some time. Mud holes and things knows, my exercise program might
of that nature don't intimidate me even pay off again this year if the
because of my outdoor nature like opportunity presents itself, drag-
it does some folks. I hit the holes ging that ole buck out of the
full force and began to pass some woods by myself. I'm sure I'll have
participants who had gotten ahead to take a break or two, but I'll find
of me on the levee. Many of a way to get my mind in gear. After
those runners never got ahead of all, it's mind over matter...
me again.
Age, staying out the night Until Next Time,
before, and not being in tip top "Don't Think About It"
shape begin to take a toll on me at
about this point and I was only James "Goosie"Guice

with Kellie
Useless Random Facts

There are more possible iterations of a game of chess
than there are atoms in the known universe.

A single cloud can weight more than 1 million pounds

Southern sea otters have flaps of skin under their “ L I K E ” U S O N FA C E B O O K
forelegs that act as pockets. When diving, they use these
pouches to store rocks and food.

A U.S. dollar bill can be folded approximately

Sept 14
4,000 times in the same place before it will tear.

A mole can dig a tunnel that is 300 feet long
in only one night.

Aug 17 Avalanche
• Visit our website:www.parkplaceofgonzales.com

Aug 25 Snake Nelson

Drying fruit depletes it of 30-80% of its vitamin and

Aug 30 The Shakes Trio Acoustic

antioxidant content.

Sept 1 Spank the Monkey

Avocados are poisonous to birds.

Sunday Sept

2 Season Opener Game Party & BBQ

In 2006 someone tried to sell New Zealand on eBay.
The price got up to $3,000 before eBay shut it down.

Sept 7 Sofa Kings

Closed for Labor Day

To produce a single pound of honey, a single bee would

Trivia Every Wednesday Night at 8

have to visit 2 million flowers.

More than 60,000 people are flying over the
United States in an airplane right now.

Blue-eyed people tend to have the highest
tolerance of alcohol.

Shakers • August 18th
A traffic jam lasted for more than 10 days, with cars
only moving 0.6 miles a day.

Sea otters hold hands when they sleep so that Glindmeyers new band)
they do not drift apart. 1711 S. BURNSIDE • GONZALES • 644-8901
Thoughts from Bully

I Need My
Glasses to
I took a summer trip to visit
my sister in Colorado. Taking shampoo. Normally that is no my hand, scrubbed my head.
trips are a little un-nerving to problem but I looked around The lather smell was a bit strong
me. I guess I get out of my daily the shower and there were at so I was sure I chose the correct
routine and my comfort zone. I ask my sister which shower to least 15 bottles of different one. Then my head started to
Don’t get me wrong I like to use and she sent to her walk-in stuff. There were pink bottles, tingle. OK, I thought it was
get away for a while. Flying on a shower. I got the water to just yellow bottles and in the back maybe a dandruff shampoo.
plane is exciting and I get to the right temperature and I was a big bright green bottle. Then I looked at the art on the
talk to new people and tell old stepped in. I let the water run I don’t know about you but at bottle and there was a ‘Dog
stories. on the back of neck and down my age small letters in a menu, a Being Shampooed’. I was using
I got to spend quality time my body. I grabbed a pink bar newspaper and yes, on shampoo dog shampoo. I washed it out as
with family and play with nieces of soap that had to be a girly bottles can be un’readable to soon as possible and hoped the
that I see seldom during the skin softening soap. My body the naked eye unless you have tingling would go away.
year. felt slick after using it. Felt like I glasses. At home I have 1 bottle As I washed the soap out I
After a big day of cooking needed to scrub some more and I don’t need to read the looked at my arm and saw a
BBQ it was great to take break, with just plain water. Oh well, label to know what I’m using. dead tick and 2 fleas. Maybe I
catch a shower and settle down I’m out of my comfort zone. I choose the big green manly grabbed the correct one
for the night. Then it is time to find a looking bottle. I squirted it in after all.

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32nd Annual Garfish Rodeo at Manny’s
Story by Rodney Dupuy • Photos by Leslie Dupuy
The 32nd Annual Blind River Bar Island. The gar started coming in early
"Garfish Rodeo" was a great and often. The event raises money for
success. Held Saturday and LFACC and St. Jude. A special thanks
Sunday at Manny's bar in Head of to all of the sponsors.

1st place
Buck Wall Total weight of 652.8#
2nd place
Edward Thompson
Total weight 602.01#
3rd place
Eddie Turner Total weight 453.9#
Heaviest Gar
Buck Wall 125.2#
Heaviest trash fish
Daniel Dupuy 28# catfish

Each team could turn in up

to 10 gar to be weighed for
the tournament.

1st $1,000
2nd $500
3rd $250

Big gar $1,000

Big trash fish $250

Pelican Point Senior Men’s Club Championship
Weathering the Storm with Birdies

Good afternoon. We hope everyone had

a great weekend and avoided the rain on
Saturday. Pelican Point just completed
their Senior Men’s Club Championship
weekend. Saturday started off with some
rain, wind, and humidity but we enjoyed a
fantastic Sunday at Pelican Point where we
found fantastic playing conditions thanks to
Mike Robinson and his entire team.
Congratulations to Jim Livingston our
2018 Senior Men’s Club Champion, our
Overall Net champion Frankie Schmitt and
the rest of the flight winners this weekend.

Flight 1
1st Gross – Jim Livingston
2nd Gross – Paul Castro
1st Net – Jeff Powell
2nd Net – Sam Lavigne

Flight 2
1st Gross – Rusty Tucker
2nd Gross – Allen Walker
1st Net – Randy Simon
2nd Net – Ed Amedee

Flight 3
1st Gross – Chuck Rousselle
2nd Gross – Joe O’Banion
1st Net – Skipper McInnis
2nd Net – Sam Decoteau

Flight 4
1st Gross – Frankie Schmitt
2nd Gross – Keith Bruner
Jim Livingston 1st Net – James Duffy
2nd Net – Pegram Mire
Frankie Schmitt
2018 Senior Men’s Club Champion 2018 Overall Net Champion
Cooking Gourmet at Home
Eggplant 1 - cut into six medallions
Basil chopped 2 tbsp.
Heavy cream 4 cups
Cornmeal 4 cups
Small shrimp 1/2 cup
Eggs 6
Jumbo lump crabmeat 1 oz
Salt 1 tbsp.
Whole garlic cloves 10
Pepper 1 tbsp.
Parmesan cheese 1 cup
Creole seasoning 2 tbsp.
Flour 1 cup

Butter 1 cup

Start by making the sauce. In a small heavy bottom saucepot over
medium heat start by melting the butter then add the flour and
whisk together. While making the sauce roast the garlic in
aluminum foil in a preheated 350 degree oven with a small amount
of olive oil two tablespoons should be sufficient. Roast the garlic for

THE TOWER 15 minutes and remove. Add the heavy cream to the roux mixture
and whisk until smooth. Add the roasted garlic and parmesan
cheese then puree in a blender. Strain sauce through a fine mesh
strainer. Return sauce to the pot and bring to a boil over medium
heat and add shrimp cook until shrimp are pink and firm. Add the
Prep: 45 minutes crabmeat to warm. Now for the eggplant take eggs and whisk in a
metal mixing bowl. Take the trimmed eggplant and add to the
bowl of whisked eggs. In another mixing bowl combine cornmeal
and creole seasoning. Add the egg covered eggplant to the
Servings: 2 cornmeal batter. Transfer the battered eggplant to a frying pan over
medium high heat and cook until golden brown. Strain off grease
Executive Chef and plate. Cover with sauce and garnish with basil. Bon Apetit!
Sam Penton

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