Construction Engineering
Construction Engineering
Construction Engineering
OFFICE: Engineering 424 continuing professional development, the faculty produce, enhance
TELEPHONE: 619-594-6071 and promote new developments within their areas of expertise for the
benefit of society and the furtherance of their profession.
E-MAIL: The objective of the program is to give the student a basic
knowledge of civil, construction, and environmental engineering, as
Faculty well as the interdisciplinary background and skills to meaningfully par-
Chair: Supernak ticipate in and contribute technical advances toward this profession.
The program integrates technical aspects with studies in the social
The AGC Paul S. Roel Chair in Construction Engineering and sciences and humanities to ensure appropriate sensitivity to socially
Management: Walsh related problems.
Professors: Bayasi, Supernak, Walsh Instruction is given both at the undergraduate level, leading to the
Assistant Professors: Milberg, Serag bachelor’s degree, and at the graduate level, leading to the master’s or
doctoral degrees. The undergraduate program builds upon concepts
Offered by the Department of Civil, Construction, and of mathematics, physics, chemistry and basic engineering with spe-
Environmental Engineering cialized study in civil, construction, and environmental engineering.
Doctor of Philosophy degree in engineering sciences/applied Engineering design is emphasized, particularly in conjunction with
mechanics. computer utilization and practical engineering problems. Aspects of
Master of Engineering. safety and engineering ethics are woven throughout the program.
Master of Science degree in civil engineering. Breadth and depth of social science and humanities studies is
Concentration in environmental engineering. assured by department approved courses. Completion of the under-
Major in civil engineering with the B.S. Degree graduate degree prepares the student for an entry-level professional
Major in construction engineering with the B.S. degree. position in addition to informal or formal graduate studies.
Major in environmental engineering with the B.S. degree. Many students who complete the undergraduate programs of the
department choose to continue their formal studies on a full- or part-
time basis at San Diego State University or at another institution. (See
The J.R. Filanc Construction Engineering the Graduate Bulletin for additional information.)
and Management Program The civil, construction, and environmental engineering programs
are enhanced through cooperation with the American Society of Civil
The J.R. Filanc Construction Engineering and Management Engineers, the American Public Works Association, the Associated
Program is supported by an endowment established by a generous General Contractors, the Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society,
gift from Jane E. and Jack R. Filanc in memory of their daughter, Julia and other national organizations who sponsor student chapters to
L. Filanc, a graduate of San Diego State University. Jack Filanc further aid the student’s professional development. The chapters at
founded what would become J.R. Filanc Construction Company in San Diego State University have won many awards in regional and
1952. The endowment supports faculty and students in the program, national competition with other schools throughout the country.
as well as the biannual J.R. Filanc Lecture in Construction Ethics.
J.R. Filanc Construction Company specializes in the construction
of water treatment and wastewater treatment plants, pump stations, Educational Objectives
and other water-related facilities for cities and municipal agencies
throughout the Southwest. Functioning as a pure general contractor, The construction engineering program is to reflect a collaborative
the company self-performs 70% of the work on its construction effort between the construction industry and the university to provide
projects. an effective and vigorous workforce development for the continued
growth of the San Diego region. The objectives of the construction
engineering program are: 1) to provide graduates with the technical
The Associated General Contractors (AGC) knowledge and skills required to practice construction engineering
Paul S. Roel Chair in Construction and manage construction projects; 2) to provide graduates with an
understanding of the ethical, social, legal, and professional issues
Engineering and Management faced by the construction industry; and 3) to provide graduates with a
The AGC Paul S. Roel Chair in Construction Engineering and Man- solid foundation for graduate studies, continuing education, and life-
agement is funded with an endowment established by generous gifts long professional development.
from members of the Associated General Contractors in San Diego
Chapter. Recognizing the need for expert construction professionals,
the local construction community has invested considerable Transfer Credit
resources in this new degree program. In particular, the endowment is No credit will be given for upper division engineering coursework
funded by a significant gift from Roel Construction, in honor of Paul S. taken at an institution having an engineering program which has not
Roel, the son of the company’s founder and the man responsible for been accredited by the American Board for Engineering and Technol-
moving the family business to San Diego in 1959. The first appointee ogy, unless the student successfully completes the first 12 units of
to the Chair, Dr. Kenneth D. Walsh, is an accomplished teacher- engineering work attempted at this university. At that time, and upon
scholar, with a research background in improvement of production recommendation of the department, unaccredited work will be
systems in construction. evaluated for full or partial credit.
Human Experience), nor more than 10 units from one department in leadership of construction enterprises for all types of construction,
Sections II, III, and IV combined (Foundations of Learning, American including public and private sectors. It also provides an understand-
Institutions, and Explorations of Human Experience). ing of the interaction between society and the built environment and
I. Communication and Critical Thinking: 9 units the ethical issues involved in that interaction.
You may not use Credit/No Credit grades in this section. Construction engineers are needed in both the private and public
1. Oral Communication (3 units) sectors. They are employed in a range of capacities across the
2. Composition (3 units) industry, from construction managers, owner’s representatives, project
3. Intermediate Composition and Critical Thinking (3 units) engineers, among others. The dynamic and rapid expansion of the
II. Foundations of Learning: 29 units regional, national, and global economies and the continued need for
housing and other facilities will drive demand for the degree in the
A. Natural Sciences and Quantitative Reasoning (17 units):
1. Physical Sciences (11 units) foreseeable future.
Engineering students will take Chemistry 200
which includes a laboratory (5 units).
Physics 195 (3 units)
Major Academic Plans (MAPs)
Physics 196 (3 units) Visit for the recommended courses
2. Life Sciences (3 units) needed to fulfill your major requirements. The MAPs Web site was
created to help students navigate the course requirements for their
3. Laboratory (satisfied under A.1. above)
majors and to identify which General Education course will also fulfill a
4. Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning major preparation course requirement.
Engineering students will take Mathematics 150, 3 units
applicable to General Education. You may not use
Credit/No Credit grades in this section. Construction Engineering Major
B. Social and Behavioral Sciences With the B.S. Degree (Major Code: 09254)
Construction engineering students will take Economics 102
(3 units) The program below describes 130 units required for the degree.
Each course specifically listed in the program is required. In addition,
C. Humanities (9 units)
the number of units specified in each elective category represents a
Complete three courses in three different areas. One of these
courses and the one under IV.A. below must be taken in the minimum requirement.
same department. Preparation for the Major. Construction Engineering 101, 201,
Construction engineering students will take Philosophy 101 (3 280; Accountancy 201; Chemistry 200; Civil Engineering 120, 121,
units), Construction Engineering 101 (3 units), and are strongly 160, 218; Economics 102; Engineering Mechanics 200; Geological
encouraged to take Spanish 101, 102, 201, 202, 211, 212, 281, Sciences 100, 101; Mathematics 150, 151; Physics 195, 196. (53
or 282. units)
III. American Institutions: Three units of the six units of coursework General Education. Engineering students must follow the specific
which meet the American Institutions graduation requirement may General Education program outlined in this section of the catalog.
be used in General Education, excluding courses numbered 500 Other general education requirements and limitations, as well as
and above. listings of specific General Education course electives are presented
IV. Explorations of Human Experience: Courses in this area must in the General Education section of Graduation Requirements for the
not be taken sooner than the semester in which you achieve Bachelor’s Degree.
upper division standing (60 units passed). Upper division Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement. Passing the
courses in the major department may not be used to satisfy Writing Proficiency Assessment with a score of 10 or above or com-
General Education. pleting one of the approved upper division writing courses (W) with a
Total: 9 units; must include one course of cultural diversity. grade of C (2.0) or better. See “Graduation Requirements” section for
A. Upper division Humanities a complete listing of requirements.
Construction engineering students will take Philosophy 332 Major. A minimum of 44 upper division units to include Construc-
(3 units). tion Engineering 301, 310, 320, 401, 402, 430, 479, 480, 490; Civil
B. Upper division Humanities (3 units from a department not Engineering 301, 302, 321, 462, 463, 495; and three units selected
selected in A above.) from the following:
C. Upper division Social and Behavioral Sciences Technical Electives. Construction Engineering 420; Civil Engi-
neering 421, 465, 523, 525, 528.
Master Plan. A master plan of elective courses must be approved
The Major by the undergraduate adviser and filed with the Office of Advising and
Construction engineering is the application of engineering Evaluations as soon as the construction engineering major is
principles to the human endeavor of construction. The construction declared. Students are required to see their undergraduate adviser
engineering major prepares students to undertake careers in the prior to registration each semester.