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English KSSR Year 5

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Subject /Class /Topic Details Reflection

Focus : Listening and Speaking

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends REFLECTION
Topic: 1. Family Day
Learning Standards: 1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.2.4 Attendance: __/__

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should _____ pupils were
be able to: able to achieve the
Subject 1.1.4 talk about related topics with guidance objectives.
English 1.1.3 Able to speak on related topics with
Class 1.2.4 Able to participate in conversations Teacher’s action:
Year 5K with peers.
*Today’s lesson will
Time Activities:
be carried forward
1. Teacher greets and introduces herself to the
due to
(60 minutes) pupils and get the pupils to respond.
2. Talk/ask about pupils activities during school
holidays with their families.
3. Displays flash cards and ask pupils to talk ____________.
about the pictures.
4. .Distributes pupils into group work, ask pupils
to role play the dialogue in the textbook.
5. Then, talk about the pictures. Suggest other
games Activities held during a Family Day.
6. Teacher displays a table (TB pg 3)on the
whiteboard and asks the pupils to carry out a
survey with their friends and using wh

Teaching Aids: flash cards,

CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences, Contextualise
Subject /Class /Topic Details Reflection

Focus: Reading
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 1. Family Day
Learning Standards: 2.2.2 (b), 2.2.3 REFLECTION
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be Attendance:
able to: __/__
Class 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases
Year 5K and sentences from: _____ pupils
b) non- linear texts were able to
Time 2.2.3 Able to read for information and
achieve the
enjoyment with guidance
(60 minutes) objectives.
1. Teacher puts up the poster of family day and
read aloud. Teacher’s
2. Pupils read and recognise words. action:
3. Teacher explains about the words and
highlighted 10 words. *Today’s lesson
4. Pupils guess the meaning of the words based will be carried
on the teacher’s explanation. forward due to
5. Teacher asks pupils to answer the questions in
group work.
6. Ask them at random to read their answers and ____________.
teacher discuss the answer.

Teaching Aids: sample poster/ flash cards

CCE/EE: , Contextualism

Subject /Class /Topic Details Reflection

Focus: Writing
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 1. Family Day
Learning Standards: 3.1.2(b), 3.3.1(a), 3.2.3

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should REFLECTION

be able to:
Subject 3.1.2 Able to write in neat cursive writing Attendance: __/__
English with correct spelling: b) paragraphs
3.3.1 Able to create texts using a variety _____ pupils were
Class of media with guidance: a) non- linear able to achieve the
Year 5K 3.2.3 Able to use punctuation correctly
1. Teacher displays photos of holiday
destination. Teacher’s action:
(60 minutes)
2. Read and recognise words on sight.
3. Introduce and explain to the pupils how to *Today’s lesson will
write postcards. Provide examples and asks be carried forward
them to practice based on the guidelines/ due to
table given.
4. Asks the pupils to rewrite neatly.
5. Distributes sample postcard and ask the ____________.
pupils to write simple paragraph and
description about the place in the picture.
6. Teacher guides pupils to write.
7. Based on the textbook pg.7.Choose at
random and ask the pupils to write correct
punctuation on the manila card.
8. Give feedback to the pupils and encourage
them to do confidently.
9. Check and displays pupils’ work on the

Teaching Aids: postcard / picture cards

CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences, Contextualism

Subject /Class /Topic Details Reflection

Focus: Grammar
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 1. Family Day
Learning Standards: 5.1.1(a), 3,3,1 (a,b)
English Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be
able to: Attendance:
Class 5.1.1 Able to use nouns correctly and appropriately: __/__
Year 5K (d) common nouns
3.3.1 Able to create texts using a variety of _____ pupils were
Time media with guidance: a) non- linear able to achieve
b)linear the objectives.
(60 minutes)
1. Teacher distributes some words and pupils have Teacher’s action:
to work in group to categorize the words in
singular or plural nouns.. *Today’s lesson
2. Teacher checks the words. will be carried
3. Introduce and explain the concept of common forward due to
nouns. Provide examples/realia in the classroom
to the pupils,
4. Distribute A4 paper. Let them explore the nouns ____________.
around them and write the nouns in mind-map.
5. Pupils can use dictionary for correct spelling.
6. Teacher checks their answers.
7. Choose at random and ask the pupils to fill in
the blanks and answer the exercise on the
8. Class discussion and pupils rewrite the correct
answer in the exercise book.

Teaching Aids: Reading cards on countable and

uncountable noun
Subject /Class /Topic Details Reflection

Focus: Language Art

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: 1. Family Day
Subject Learning Standards: 4.3.1
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should REFLECTION
Class be able to:
Year 5K 4.3.1 Able to plan, produce and Attendance: __/__
display creative works based on
Time literary texts using a variety of media _____ pupils were
with guidance able to achieve the
(60 minutes) objectives.
1.Recite and recognise words
2.Teacher encourage pupils to speak Teacher’s action:
or ask about the poem confidently.
3. Distributes worksheets in group. *Today’s lesson will
4. Making / decorate beehive in be carried forward
group work. due to
1.Cut out many copies of the pattern
pieces. ____________.
2.Score, fold, and glue the large piece
into a hexagonal tube to form the cell
3.Glue the tabs of end cap to the inside
of the cell walls.
4.Glue the cells together to form a

5. Displays and talk about their beehive in front of

the classroom.

Ref: http://www.cutoutfoldup.com/943-beehive-

Teaching Aids:Literary text

CCE/EE: Mastery Learning

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