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Mysql Notes

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MySQL Tutorial

MySQL tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of MySQL. Our MySQL tutorial is
designed for beginners and professionals.

MySQL is a relational database management system. It is open-source and free.

Our MySQL tutorial includes all topics of MySQL database such as insert record, update
record, delete record, select record, create table, drop table etc. There are also given
MySQL interview questions to help you better understand the MySQL database.

What is MySQL
MySQL is a fast, easy to use relational database. It is currently the most popular open-
source database. It is very commonly used in conjunction with PHP scripts to create
powerful and dynamic server-side applications.

MySQL is used for many small and big businesses. It is developed, marketed and
supported by MySQL AB, a Swedish company. It is written in C and C++.

Reasons of popularity
MySQL is becoming so popular because of these following reasons:

o MySQL is an open-source database so you don't have to pay a single penny to

use it.
o MySQL is a very powerful program so it can handle a large set of functionality of
the most expensive and powerful database packages.
o MySQL is customizable because it is an open source database and the open-
source GPL license facilitates programmers to modify the SQL software according
to their own specific environment.
o MySQL is quicker than other databases so it can work well even with the large
data set.
o MySQL supports many operating systems with many languages like PHP, PERL, C,
C++, JAVA, etc.
o MySQL uses a standard form of the well-known SQL data language.
o MySQL is very friendly with PHP, the most popular language for web
o MySQL supports large databases, up to 50 million rows or more in a table. The
default file size limit for a table is 4GB, but you can increase this (if your
operating system can handle it) to a theoretical limit of 8 million terabytes (TB).

MySQL Features
o Relational Database Management System (RDBMS): MySQL is a relational
database management system.
o Easy to use: MySQL is easy to use. You have to get only the basic knowledge of
SQL. You can build and interact with MySQL with only a few simple SQL
o It is secure: MySQL consist of a solid data security layer that protects sensitive
data from intruders. Passwords are encrypted in MySQL.
o Client/ Server Architecture: MySQL follows a client /server architecture. There
is a database server (MySQL) and arbitrarily many clients (application programs),
which communicate with the server; that is, they query data, save changes, etc.
o Free to download: MySQL is free to use and you can download it from MySQL
official website.
o It is scalable: MySQL can handle almost any amount of data, up to as much as
50 million rows or more. The default file size limit is about 4 GB. However, you
can increase this number to a theoretical limit of 8 TB of data.
o Compatibale on many operating systems: MySQL is compatible to run on
many operating systems, like Novell NetWare, Windows* Linux*, many varieties
of UNIX* (such as Sun* Solaris*, AIX, and DEC* UNIX), OS/2, FreeBSD*, and
others. MySQL also provides a facility that the clients can run on the same
computer as the server or on another computer (communication via a local
network or the Internet).
o Allows roll-back: MySQL allows transactions to be rolled back, commit and
crash recovery.
o High Performance: MySQL is faster, more reliable and cheaper because of its
unique storage engine architecture.
o High Flexibility: MySQL supports a large number of embedded applications
which makes MySQL very flexible.
o High Productivity: MySQL uses Triggers, Stored procedures and views which
allows the developer to give a higher productivity.

Disadvantages / Drawback of MySQL:

Following are the few disadvantages of MySQL:

o MySQL version less than 5.0 doesn't support ROLE, COMMIT and stored
o MySQL does not support a very large database size as efficiently.
o MySQL doesn't handle transactions very efficiently and it is prone to data
o MySQL is accused that it doesn't have a good developing and debugging tool
compared to paid databases.
o MySQL doesn't support SQL check constraints.
How to install MySQL

Download MySQL
Follow these steps:

o Go to MySQL official website http://www.mysql.com/downloads/

o Choose the version number for MySQL community server which you want.

Installing MySQL on Windows

Your downloaded MySQL is neatly packaged with an installer. Download the installer
package, unzip it anywhere and run setup.exe.

By default, this process will install everything under C:\mysql.

Verify MySQL installation

Once MySQL has been successfully installed, the base tables have been initialized, and
the server has been started, you can verify its working via some simple tests.

Open your MySQL Command Line Client, it should be appeared with a mysql> prompt. If
you have set any password, write your password here. Now, you are connected to the
MySQL server and you can execute all the SQL command at mysql> prompt as follows:

For example: Check the already created databases with show databases command:
What is Primary key
A primary key is a single field or combination of fields that contains a unique record. It
must be filled. None of the field of primary key can contain a null value. A table can have
only one primary key.

MySQL Create Database

You can create a MySQL database by using MySQL Command Line Client.

Open the MySQL console and write down password, if you set one while installation. You
will get the following:

Now you are ready to create database.


1. CREATE DATABASE database_name;


Let's take an example to create a database name "employees"

1. CREATE DATABASE employees;

It will look like this:

You can check the created database by the following query:



Here, you can see the all created databases.


SELECT Database is used in MySQL to select a particular database to work with. This
query is used when multiple databases are available with MySQL Server.
You can use SQL command USE to select a particular database.


1. USE database_name;


Let's take an example to use a database name "customers".

1. USE customers;

It will look like this:

Note: All the database names, table names and table fields name are case sensitive.
You must have to use proper names while giving any SQL command.

MySQL Drop Database

You can drop/delete/remove a MySQL database easily with the MySQL command. You
should be careful while deleting any database because you will lose your all the data
available in your database.


1. DROP DATABASE database_name;


Let's take an example to drop a database name "employees"

1. DROP DATABASE employees;

It will look like this:

Now you can check that either your database is removed by executing the following



Here, you can see that the database "employees" is removed.

The MySQL CREATE TABLE command is used to create a new table into the database. A
table creation command requires three things:

o Name of the table

o Names of fields
o Definitions for each field


Following is a generic syntax for creating a MySQL table in the database.

1. CREATE TABLE table_name (column_name column_type...);


Here, we will create a table named "cus_tbl" in the database "customers".

1. CREATE TABLE cus_tbl(

3. cus_firstname VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
4. cus_surname VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
5. PRIMARY KEY ( cus_id )
6. );


1. Here, NOT NULL is a field attribute and it is used because we don't want this field
to be NULL. If you will try to create a record with NULL value, then MySQL will
raise an error.
2. The field attribute AUTO_INCREMENT specifies MySQL to go ahead and add the
next available number to the id field.PRIMARY KEY is used to define a column as
primary key. You can use multiple columns separated by comma to define a
primary key.

Visual representation of creating a MySQL table:

See the created table:

Use the following command to see the table already created:

1. SHOW tables;

See the table structure:

Use the following command to see the table already created:

1. DESCRIBE cus_tbl;
MySQL ALTER statement is used when you want to change the name of your table or any
table field. It is also used to add or delete an existing column in a table.

The ALTER statement is always used with "ADD", "DROP" and "MODIFY" commands
according to the situation.

1) ADD a column in the table


1. ALTER TABLE table_name

2. ADD new_column_name column_definition
3. [ FIRST | AFTER column_name ];

table_name: It specifies the name of the table that you want to modify.

new_column_name: It specifies the name of the new column that you want to add to
the table.

column_definition: It specifies the data type and definition of the column (NULL or
NOT NULL, etc).

FIRST | AFTER column_name: It is optional. It tells MySQL where in the table to

create the column. If this parameter is not specified, the new column will be added to
the end of the table.

In this example, we add a new column "cus_age" in the existing table "cus_tbl".

Use the following query to do this:

1. ALTER TABLE cus_tbl

2. ADD cus_age varchar(40) NOT NULL;


See the recently added column:

1. SELECT* FROM cus_tbl;

2) Add multiple columns in the table

1. ALTER TABLE table_name

2. ADD new_column_name column_definition
3. [ FIRST | AFTER column_name ],
4. ADD new_column_name column_definition
5. [ FIRST | AFTER column_name ],
6. ...
7. ;


In this example, we add two new columns "cus_address", and cus_salary in the existing
table "cus_tbl". cus_address is added after cus_surname column and cus_salary is added
after cus_age column.

Use the following query to do this:

1. ALTER TABLE cus_tbl

2. ADD cus_address varchar(100) NOT NULL
3. AFTER cus_surname,
4. ADD cus_salary int(100) NOT NULL
5. AFTER cus_age ;
See the recently added columns:

1. SELECT* FROM cus_tbl;

3) MODIFY column in the table

The MODIFY command is used to change the column definition of the table.


1. ALTER TABLE table_name

2. MODIFY column_name column_definition
3. [ FIRST | AFTER column_name ];

In this example, we modify the column cus_surname to be a data type of varchar(50)

and force the column to allow NULL values.

Use the following query to do this:

1. ALTER TABLE cus_tbl

2. MODIFY cus_surname varchar(50) NULL;

See the table structure:

4) DROP column in table

1. ALTER TABLE table_name

2. DROP COLUMN column_name;

Let's take an example to drop the column name "cus_address" from the table "cus_tbl".

Use the following query to do this:

1. ALTER TABLE cus_tbl

2. DROP COLUMN cus_address;


See the table structure:

5) RENAME column in table

1. ALTER TABLE table_name

2. CHANGE COLUMN old_name new_name
3. column_definition
4. [ FIRST | AFTER column_name ]


In this example, we will change the column name "cus_surname" to "cus_title".

Use the following query to do this:

1. ALTER TABLE cus_tbl

2. CHANGE COLUMN cus_surname cus_title
3. varchar(20) NOT NULL;

6) RENAME table

1. ALTER TABLE table_name

2. RENAME TO new_table_name;


In this example, the table name cus_tbl is renamed as cus_table.

1. ALTER TABLE cus_tbl

2. RENAME TO cus_table;

See the renamed table:


MYSQL TRUNCATE statement removes the complete data without removing its structure.

The TRUNCATE TABLE statement is used when you want to delete the complete data
from a table without removing the table structure.


1. TRUNCATE TABLE table_name;


This example specifies how to truncate a table. In this example, we truncate the table

1. TRUNCATE TABLE cus_tbl;


See the table:

1. SELECT* FROM cus_tbl;

MYSQL DROP table statement removes the complete data with structure.


1. DROP TABLE table_name;


This example specifies how to drop a table. In this example, we are dropping the table

1. DROP TABLE cus_tbl;

MySQL View
In MySQL, View is a virtual table created by a query by joining one or more tables.


A VIEW is created by SELECT statements. SELECT statements are used to take data from
the source table to make a VIEW.



2. SELECT columns
3. FROM tables
4. [WHERE conditions];
OR REPLACE: It is optional. It is used when a VIEW already exist. If you do not specify
this clause and the VIEW already exists, the CREATE VIEW statement will return an

view_name: It specifies the name of the VIEW that you want to create in MySQL.

WHERE conditions: It is also optional. It specifies the conditions that must be met for
the records to be included in the VIEW.

The following example will create a VIEW name "trainer". This is a virtual table made by
taking data from the table "courses".

1. CREATE VIEW trainer AS

2. SELECT course_name, course_trainer
3. FROM courses;

To see the created VIEW:


1. SELECT * FROM view_name;

Let's see how it looks the created VIEW:

1. SELECT * FROM trainer;

In MYSQL, the ALTER VIEW statement is used to modify or update the already created
VIEW without dropping it.


1. ALTER VIEW view_name AS

2. SELECT columns
3. FROM table
4. WHERE conditions;


The following example will alter the already created VIEW name "trainer" by adding a
new column.

1. ALTER VIEW trainer AS

2. SELECT course_name, course_trainer, course_id
3. FROM courses;
To see the altered VIEW:

1. SELECT*FROM trainer;


You can drop the VIEW by using the DROP VIEW statement.


1. DROP VIEW [IF EXISTS] view_name;

view_name: It specifies the name of the VIEW that you want to drop.

IF EXISTS: It is optional. If you do not specify this clause and the VIEW doesn't exist,
the DROP VIEW statement will return an error.


1. DROP VIEW trainer;

MySQL Queries
A list of commonly used MySQL queries to create database, use database, create table,
insert record, update record, delete record, select record, truncate table and drop table
are given below.

1) MySQL Create Database

MySQL create database is used to create database. For example

1. create database db1;

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2) MySQL Select/Use Database

MySQL use database is used to select database. For example

1. use db1;
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3) MySQL Create Query

MySQL create query is used to create a table, view, procedure and function. For

1. CREATE TABLE customers

2. (id int(10),
3. name varchar(50),
4. city varchar(50),
5. PRIMARY KEY (id )
6. );

More Details...

4) MySQL Alter Query

MySQL alter query is used to add, modify, delete or drop colums of a table. Let's see a
query to add column in customers table:

1. ALTER TABLE customers

2. ADD age varchar(50);

More Details...

5) MySQL Insert Query

MySQL insert query is used to insert records into table. For example:

1. insert into customers values(101,'rahul','delhi');

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6) MySQL Update Query

MySQL update query is used to update records of a table. For example:

1. update customers set name='bob', city='london' where id=101;

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7) MySQL Delete Query

MySQL update query is used to delete records of a table from database. For example:
1. delete from customers where id=101;

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8) MySQL Select Query

Oracle select query is used to fetch records from database. For example:

1. SELECT * from customers;

More Details...

9) MySQL Truncate Table Query

MySQL update query is used to truncate or remove records of a table. It doesn't remove
structure. For example:

1. truncate table customers;

More Details...

10) MySQL Drop Query

MySQL drop query is used to drop a table, view or database. It removes structure and
data of a table if you drop table. For example:

1. drop table customers;

MySQL INSERT Statement

MySQL INSERT statement is used to insert data in MySQL table within the database. We
can insert single or multiple records using a single query in MySQL.


The SQL INSERT INTO command is used to insert data in MySQL table. Following is a
generic syntax:

1. INSERT INTO table_name ( field1, field2,...fieldN )

3. ( value1, value2,...valueN );

Field name is optional. If you want to specify partial values, field name is mandatory.

Syntax for all fields:

1. INSERT INTO table_name VALUES ( value1, value2,...valueN );

MySQL INSERT Example 1: for all fields

If you have to store all the field values, either specify all field name or don't specify any


1. INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7, 'Sonoo', 40000);


1. INSERT INTO emp(id,name,salary) VALUES (7, 'Sonoo', 40000);

MySQL INSERT Example 2: for partial fields

In such case, it is mandatory to specify field names.

1. INSERT INTO emp(id,name) VALUES (7, 'Sonoo');

MySQL INSERT Example 3: inserting

multiple records
Here, we are going to insert record in the "cus_tbl" table of "customers" database.

1. INSERT INTO cus_tbl

2. (cus_id, cus_firstname, cus_surname)
4. (5, 'Ajeet', 'Maurya'),
5. (6, 'Deepika', 'Chopra'),
6. (7, 'Vimal', 'Jaiswal');

Visual Representation:
See the data within the table by using the SELECT command:


MySQL UPDATE statement is used to update data of the MySQL table within the
database. It is used when you need to modify the table.


Following is a generic syntax of UPDATE command to modify data into the MySQL table:

1. UPDATE table_name SET field1=new-value1, field2=new-value2

2. [WHERE Clause]

o One or more field can be updated altogether.

o Any condition can be specified by using WHERE clause.
o You can update values in a single table at a time.
o WHERE clause is used to update selected rows in a table.


Here, we have a table "cus_tbl" within the database "customers". We are going to
update the data within the table "cus_tbl".

This query will update cus_surname field for a record having cus_id as 5.

1. UPDATE cus_tbl
2. SET cus_surname = 'Ambani'
3. WHERE cus_id = 5;

Visual Representation:

Output by SELECT query:

1. SELECT * FROM cus_tbl;

Here, you can see that the table is updated as per your conditions.

MySQL DELETE Statement

MySQL DELETE statement is used to delete data from the MySQL table within the
database. By using delete statement, we can delete records on the basis of conditions.


1. DELETE FROM table_name

3. (Condition specified);


1. DELETE FROM cus_tbl

2. WHERE cus_id = 6;

MySQL SELECT Statement
The MySQL SELECT statement is used to fetch data from the one or more tables in
MySQL. We can retrieve records of all fields or specified fields.

Syntax for specified fields:

1. SELECT expressions
2. FROM tables
3. [WHERE conditions];

Syntax for all fields:

1. SELECT * FROM tables [WHERE conditions];

MySQL SELECT Example 1: for specified

In such case, it is mandatory to specify field names.


1. SELECT officer_name, address

2. FROM officers
MySQL SELECT Example 2: for all fields
In such case, we can specify either all fields or * (asterisk) symbol.

1. SELECT * FROM officers

MySQL SELECT Example 3: from multiple

MySQL SELECT statement can also be used to retrieve records from multiple tables by
using JOIN statement.

Let's take two tables "students" and "officers", having the following data.
Execute the following query:

1. SELECT officers.officer_id, students.student_name

2. FROM students
3. INNER JOIN officers
4. ON students.student_id = officers.officer_id
5. ORDER BY student_id;



MySQL WHERE Clause is used with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE clause to filter
the results. It specifies a specific position where you have to do the operation.


1. WHERE conditions;

conditions: It specifies the conditions that must be fulfilled for records to be selected.

MySQL WHERE Clause with single

Let's take an example to retrieve data from a table "officers".

Table structure:

Execute this query:

2. FROM officers
3. WHERE address = 'Mau';

MySQL WHERE Clause with AND condition
In this example, we are retrieving data from the table "officers" with AND condition.

Execute the following query:

2. FROM officers
3. WHERE address = 'Lucknow'
4. AND officer_id < 5;

WHERE Clause with OR condition
Execute the following query:

2. FROM officers
3. WHERE address = 'Lucknow'
4. OR address = 'Mau';


MySQL WHERE Clause with combination of

AND & OR conditions
You can also use the AND & OR conditions altogether with the WHERE clause.

See this example:

Execute the following query:

2. FROM officers
3. WHERE (address = 'Mau' AND officer_name = 'Ajeet')
4. OR (officer_id < 5);

MySQL Distinct Clause
MySQL DISTINCT clause is used to remove duplicate records from the table and fetch
only the unique records. The DISTINCT clause is only used with the SELECT statement.


1. SELECT DISTINCT expressions

2. FROM tables
3. [WHERE conditions];

expressions: specify the columns or calculations that you want to retrieve.

tables: specify the name of the tables from where you retrieve records. There must be
at least one table listed in the FROM clause.

WHERE conditions: It is optional. It specifies the conditions that must be met for the
records to be selected.


o If you put only one expression in the DISTINCT clause, the query will return the
unique values for that expression.
o If you put more than one expression in the DISTINCT clause, the query will
retrieve unique combinations for the expressions listed.
o In MySQL, the DISTINCT clause doesn't ignore NULL values. So if you are using
the DISTINCT clause in your SQL statement, your result set will include NULL as a
distinct value.
MySQL DISTINCT Clause with single
If you use a single expression then the MySQL DISTINCT clause will return a single field
with unique records (no duplicate record).

See the table:

Use the following query:


2. FROM officers;
MySQL DISTINCT Clause with multiple
If you use multiple expressions with DISTINCT Clause then MySQL DISTINCT clause will
remove duplicates from more than one field in your SELECT statement.

Use the following query:

1. SELECT DISTINCT officer_name, address

2. FROM officers;


The MySQL FROM Clause is used to select some records from a table. It can also be used
to retrieve records from multiple tables using JOIN condition.


1. FROM table1
3. ON table1.column1 = table2.column1 ]

table1 and table2: specify tables used in the MySQL statement. The two tables are
joined based on table1.column1 = table2.column1.

o If you are using the FROM clause in a MySQL statement then at least one table
must have been selected.
o If you are using two or more tables in the MySQL FROM clause, these tables are
generally joined using INNER or OUTER joins.

MySQL FROM Clause: Retrieve data from

one table
The following query specifies how to retrieve data from a single table.

Use the following Query:

2. FROM officers
3. WHERE officer_id <= 3;

MySQL FROM Clause: Retrieve data from

two tables with inner join
Let's take an example to retrieve data from two tables using INNER JOIN.

Here, we have two tables "officers" and "students".

Execute the following query:

1. SELECT officers.officer_id, students.student_name

2. FROM students
3. INNER JOIN officers
4. ON students.student_id = officers.officer_id;

MySQL FROM Clause: Retrieve data from

two tables using outer join
Execute the following query:
1. SELECT officers.officer_id, students.student_name
2. FROM officers
3. LEFT OUTER JOIN students
4. ON officers.officer_id = students.student_id;


The MYSQL ORDER BY Clause is used to sort the records in ascending or descending


1. SELECT expressions
2. FROM tables
3. [WHERE conditions]
4. ORDER BY expression [ ASC | DESC ];

expressions: It specifies the columns that you want to retrieve.

tables: It specifies the tables, from where you want to retrieve records. There must be
at least one table listed in the FROM clause.

WHERE conditions: It is optional. It specifies conditions that must be fulfilled for the
records to be selected.

ASC: It is optional. It sorts the result set in ascending order by expression (default, if no
modifier is provider).

DESC: It is also optional. It sorts the result set in descending order by expression.
Note: You can use MySQL ORDER BY clause in a SELECT statement, SELECT LIMIT
statement, and DELETE LIMIT statement.

MySQL ORDER BY: without using ASC/DESC

If you use MySQL ORDER BY clause without specifying the ASC and DESC modifier then
by default you will get the result in ascending order.

Execute the following query:

2. FROM officers
3. WHERE address = 'Lucknow'
4. ORDER BY officer_name;


MySQL ORDER BY: with ASC attribute

Let's take an example to retrieve the data in ascending order.

Execute the following query:

2. FROM officers
3. WHERE address = 'Lucknow'
4. ORDER BY officer_name ASC;


MySQL ORDER BY: with DESC attribute

2. FROM officers
3. WHERE address = 'Lucknow'
4. ORDER BY officer_name DESC;
MySQL ORDER BY: using both ASC and
DESC attributes
Execute the following query:

1. SELECT officer_name, address

2. FROM officers
3. WHERE officer_id < 5
4. ORDER BY officer_name DESC, address ASC;



The MYSQL GROUP BY Clause is used to collect data from multiple records and group the
result by one or more column. It is generally used in a SELECT statement.

You can also use some aggregate functions like COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG etc. on the
grouped column.


1. SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n,

2. aggregate_function (expression)
3. FROM tables
4. [WHERE conditions]
5. GROUP BY expression1, expression2, ... expression_n;
expression1, expression2, ... expression_n: It specifies the expressions that are not
encapsulated within an aggregate function and must be included in the GROUP BY

aggregate_function: It specifies a function such as SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX, or AVG

etc. tables: It specifies the tables, from where you want to retrieve the records. There
must be at least one table listed in the FROM clause.

WHERE conditions: It is optional. It specifies the conditions that must be fulfilled for
the records to be selected.

(i) MySQL GROUP BY Clause with COUNT

Consider a table named "officers" table, having the following records.

Now, let's count repetitive number of cities in the column address.

Execute the following query:

1. SELECT address, COUNT(*)

2. FROM officers
3. GROUP BY address;

(ii) MySQL GROUP BY Clause with SUM
Let's take a table "employees" table, having the following data.

Now, the following query will GROUP BY the example using the SUM function and return
the emp_name and total working hours of each employee.

Execute the following query:

1. SELECT emp_name, SUM(working_hours) AS "Total working hours"

2. FROM employees
3. GROUP BY emp_name;


(iii) MySQL GROUP BY Clause with MIN

The following example specifies the minimum working hours of the employees form the
table "employees".

Execute the following query:

1. SELECT emp_name, MIN(working_hours) AS "Minimum working hour"

2. FROM employees
3. GROUP BY emp_name;

(iv) MySQL GROUP BY Clause with MAX
The following example specifies the maximum working hours of the employees form the
table "employees".

Execute the following query:

1. SELECT emp_name, MAX (working_hours) AS "Minimum working hour"

2. FROM employees
3. GROUP BY emp_name;

(v) MySQL GROUP BY Clause with AVG
The following example specifies the average working hours of the employees form the table

Execute the following query:

1. SELECT emp_name, AVG(working_hours) AS "Average working hour"

2. FROM employees
3. GROUP BY emp_name;

MySQL HAVING Clause is used with GROUP BY clause. It always returns the rows where
condition is TRUE.


1. SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n,

2. aggregate_function (expression)
3. FROM tables
4. [WHERE conditions]
5. GROUP BY expression1, expression2, ... expression_n
6. HAVING condition;

aggregate_function: It specifies any one of the aggregate function such as SUM,

expression1, expression2, ... expression_n: It specifies the expressions that are not
encapsulated within an aggregate function and must be included in the GROUP BY

WHERE conditions: It is optional. It specifies the conditions for the records to be


HAVING condition: It is used to restrict the groups of returned rows. It shows only
those groups in result set whose conditions are TRUE.
HAVING Clause with SUM function
Consider a table "employees" table having the following data.

Here, we use the SUM function with the HAVING Clause to return the emp_name and
sum of their working hours.

Execute the following query:

1. SELECT emp_name, SUM(working_hours) AS "Total working hours"

2. FROM employees
3. GROUP BY emp_name
4. HAVING SUM(working_hours) > 5;
Simply, it can also be used with COUNT, MIN, MAX and AVG functions.

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