Sampah Perkotaan
Sampah Perkotaan
Sampah Perkotaan
Delhi is the most densely populated and urbanized city of India. The annual growth rate in population during the last decade was
almost double the national average. Delhi is also a commercial hub, providing employment opportunities and accelerating the
pace of urbanization, resulting in a corresponding increase in municipal solid waste (MSW) generation. Presently Delhi
generating about 6500 tonnes/day of MSW out of which only 70-75% wastes are able to collect by the MSW management
authority and rest amount of wastes are not possible to collect for the habit of people to thrown the wastes in empty places. At
present three main landfill sites of Delhi are Bhalaswa at north Delhi, Ghazipur at east Delhi, and Okhla at south Delhi. But not a
single landfill are sanitary landfill rather wastes are dumping crudely as a heap of wastes in open landfill. As a result the leachate
generated due to percolation of rain water and squeezing of wastes itself posing a great threat in the surrounding soil structure of
the landfill. Around the periphery of landfill, soils gets highly contaminated and toxic and degraded it’s essential nutrients [4,6].
In this paper a case study on characteristics of solid wastes of Okhla landfill and performance of it’s leachate treatment is carried
out for future planning and proper management of soil structure around the periphery of landfill site.
Solid wastes are generated due to human as well as
industrial activities and discarded directly or indirectly after
it’s full utilisation. Any wastes other than human excreta,
urine & waste water is called solid wastes. The process of
collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal can be
grouped under solid waste management. Most of the landfill
are being used only for ultimate disposal of municipal waste
without any environmental protection [1,3]. When moisture
exceeds the field capacity of the waste matrix as a result of
percolation of rain water it squeezing the waste itself and
form leachate. It contains a wide variety of hazardous
chemicals and when transmitted around it’s soil structure it
degrades the quality of original soil [2]. To minimize these
problems a composting plant is working in Okhla landfill
and now it is the biggest solid waste management plant
working in Delhi. After collection of total wastes, all the
inorganic materials are discarded to landfill directly and
only the biodegradable wastes are shifted to composting
plant for generation of electricity. The waste is burnt
sequence wise and an ash is collected to dump at landfill.
Out of total quantity of wastes, only 20% of it are possible
to transfer to composting plant daily. Thus major quantity of
wastes is ultimately dumping into the landfill crudely. But
Okhla landfill is not a sanitary landfill rather 100% crude
dumping type landfill. Thus leachate produced from the
wastes percolate towards downward direction as well as
moves towards horizontally too openly.
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ 175
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
The proposed methodology includes two main phases, one is
the analysis of solid wastes characteristics and second is
leachate characteristics with it’s treatment by physico-
chemical process. In below both phases of study are briefly
discussed for better understanding the present scenario of
soil degradation of Okhla landfill.
Fig-2: Segregation of solid wastes collected from different
2.1 Analysis of Solid Waste Characteristics vehicles
A solid waste samples represent the average quality of waste
with average amount of it’s different constituents of the 2.2 Analysis and Treatment of Leachate
waste collected from all sources under it’s jurisdiction. To In the second phase, characteristics of leachate and it’s
collect all these wastes from different locations, nos. of treatment are studied considering two environmental
vehicles are working daily under Delhi MSW management conditions i.e without rainfall condition and with rainfall
authority. In this phase of case study approximate 30-40 kg condition. In both cases of conditions two different samples
of waste is collected from a vehicle of each location as a are collected, one is directly from landfill site and another s
source of waste sample of that locality of Delhi and then is generated in the laboratory.
mixed all the samples thoroughly. For simplicity in
assessment the average percentages of each component of
2.2.1 Sample Collection from Landfill Site
wastes, 100 kg of mixed wastes are taken for segregation.
All segregated components are then measured individually At present there is no systematic mechanism available for
by ordinary owing machine available in the local market leachate collection in Okhla landfill rather it is coming drop
and all the data are noted for further course of analysis. by drop from bottom of the heap. For the sample of without
rainfall condition, initially ten samples are collected
separately from ten different locations around the periphery
of landfill by a 2” PVC pipe channel and then mixed all
these samples into a big jar. For the case of with rainfall
condition, sample is collected from the landfill just after the
day of heavy rainfall in the landfill site.
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ 176
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
For the simplicity in laboratory experiments, following parameters are considered for all leachate samples: pH , BOD3 (27 0C),
COD, TKN, TS, SS, DS, E Coli.
Okhla landfill is purely a open and crude dumping landfill and has no barricade around it’s periphery to protect the leachates
movement. Thus collection of leachate sample is not a great problem from the bottom of it’s heap. The first phase of the case
study is conducted continuously for eight days. Every day, about 30-40 kg of wastes are collected from different 15 vehicles as a
source of wastes of 15 different locations of New Delhi. There after 100 kg of mixed wastes from these 15 samples are taken into
consideration for analysis daily. All these analysis data are tabulated in table-1 for further calculation of average typical
composition of solid waste of landfill in table-2. A graphical analysis (Graph-1) is also presented to compare the variation of each
component of wastes of Okhla landfill.
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ 177
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
* Wastes from street sweeping, road side litters, catch basin debris, dead animals etc.
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ 178
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Table-7: COD-Removal after Lime - Alum with Biological Table-11: COD – removal after Lime Treatment
Treatment Lime – pH COD mg/l % removal
Lime – Alum – pH COD % dosing mg/l
dosing dosing mg/l removal 100 7.61 305 4.68
mg/l mg/l 150 7.69 292 8.75
100 100 7.43 12,300 28.90 175 7.76 287 10.31
200 200 7.49 11,900 31.21 200 7.88 282 11.88
250 250 7.52 11400 34.10
300 300 7.56 10800 37.57 Table-12: COD – removal after Lime – Alum Treatment
350 350 7.58 10600 38.73 Lime – Alum – pH COD %
dosing dosing mg/l removal
As a second case of job, laboratory test result of leachate mg/l mg/l
sample generated in laboratory (without rainfall condition) 100 100 7.55 245 23.43
is tabulated below: 150 150 7.57 220 31.25
175 175 7.68 160 50.00
Table-8 : Characteristics for raw leachates 200 200 7.74 93 70.94
Parameters Value
pH 8.30 mg/l Table-13: COD-Removal after Lime - Alum with
BOD3 (27 0C) 1135 mg/l Biological Treatment
COD 4432 mg/l Lime – Alum – pH COD %
dosing dosing mg/l removal
mg/l mg/l
ratio = 0.256 100 100 7.53 227 29.06
COD 150 150 7.55 196 38.75
TKN 26 mg/l 175 175 7.61 132 58.75
TS 2535 mg/l 200 200 7.69 51 84.06
SS 72 mg/l
DS 2463 mg/l Last data is for the sample generated in laboratory (with
E-coli 3.6 x 105 / 100 ml rainfall condition) given below :
In the third case of job, all laboratory test results of leachate Table-14: Characteristics for raw leachates
samples collected directly from landfill site (with rainfall Parameters Value
condition) are tabulated below : pH 7.31 mg/l
BOD3 (27 0C) 56 mg/l
Table-9: Characteristics for raw leachates COD 218 mg/l
Parameters Value BOD3
pH 7.48 mg/l ratio = 0.193
BOD3 (27 0C) 62 mg/l COD
COD 320 mg/l TKN 9.5 mg/l
TS 5238 mg/l
ratio = 0.193 SS 998 mg/l
COD DS 4240 mg/l
TKN 11.3 mg/l E-coli 3.6 x 105 / 100 ml
TS 6021 mg/l
DS 5126 mg/l
E-coli 3.6 x 105 / 100 ml The percentage wise components of solid waste of Okha
landfill varied widely from one to one and ‘Food Wastes’
Table-10: COD – removal after Alum Treatment only itself contributes highest 25.506% of the total wastes of
the landfill. The components ‘Demolition wastes’ &
Alum – pH COD mg/l % removal
‘Special waste’ are 17.594% and 16.80% respectively and
dosing mg/l
stood the next to food wastes accordingly. The minimum %
100 7.44 275 14.06
claimed by ‘Leather’ and ‘Rubber’ components that are
150 7.33 240 25.00
‘0.613%’ and ‘0.644%’ respectively. But the Ferrous
175 7.25 180 43.75 materials, glass, tin, paper, plastic are not found in large
200 7.09 115 64.06 quantity may be the reason for the segregation of all these
items from the source of generation initially.
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ 180
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
The colour of leachate for all samples are almost same and
looks blackish. Study reveals that BOD, COD, TS, TSS and
TDS concentrations are always high in leachate without
rainfall condition. But rainfall dilutes the concentrations of
all above contaminations and transferred to soil structure of
landfill. Only the pH values are increases after rainfall in the
leachate. Pertaining to the microbiological characteristics of
leachate it may be noted that in all types of leachate,
coliform organism counts are above 3.6 105/100ml. This
may have a serious implication when leachate finds it’s way
into a nearby water body or spot sources. In analysis on the
performances of leachate treatment, the anaerobic biological
treatment shows best result in respect of all types of
physico-chemical treatments and only in physico-chemical
treatment, better performance shows by alum than lime.
The characteristics of solid wastes generated in the different
places of Delhi are very typical and it’s compositions varied
widely by weight from each other. From study it reveals that
total decomposable wastes are approximately 58.464%
where as non-decomposable i.e inorganic wastes are
41.536 % that posses a great threat to Okhla landfill for
shortage of land area in future. The production of inorganic
wastes should be minimize at the source of generation and is
better to reuse in any constructional project. The
contamination of leachate after rainfall becomes very low
except coliform count. This lighted a clear indication of
pollution of landfill due to non available of barricade that
needs protection for the existing vital environment soil, air,
water and biota.
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Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ 181