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CE 432 Environmental Engineering Sessional-II (Lab Manual) : Department of Civil Engineering

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CE 432

Environmental Engineering Sessional-II

(Lab Manual)

Department of Civil Engineering

Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology
Updated on December, 2017


Environmental engineering is the branch of engineering that is concerned about finding

the solutions related to the problems of safe, palatable and ample water supply, sanitation,
proper disposal of wastewater, adequate drainage system for sanitation, air, water quality
and pollution etc. The benefits of improved water supply, sanitation and drainage systems
include prevention of disease, improved water quality, increased quantity of and access to
water, reduction in time and effort required for water collection, promotion of economic
activity, strengthening of community organization, improvements in housing, and
ultimately, improved quality of life. Environmental Engineering Lab II mainly deals with
fundamental design procedures of water supply and sewerage system; estimation of
industrial, domestic and fire demands, ground water exploration, estimation of industrial,
domestic and commercial wastewater generation and wastewater network design. This
manual also aids in understanding the design basis and steps of the household plumbing

This Lab manual was prepared with the help of “Plumbing Technology” by American
Society of Plumbing Engineers, “A text book of water supply engineering” by Dr. M. A.
Aziz; ‘Environmental Engineering’ by Howard S Peavy, Donald R Rowe and George

Raziya Sultana Chowdhury

Assistant Professor
Dept. of CE, AUST

Md. Asif Hossain

Dept. of CE, AUST


Topic Topic Name Page no.

1 Layout of an Industrial Village 1
2. Estimation of water demand 3
3. Design of production tubewell 10
4. Design of plumbing system of a building 19
5. Design of wastewater collection system 35
(Design of sanitary sewer)

References 52

Topic 1
Layout of an industrial village

Objective: Preparation of layout plan of an industrial village

A complete layout of an industrial village is to be made. The area must include the following
distinct zones-

1. Industrial Zone – Includes industry, office, cafeteria, storage place, garage, port, place
for loading & unloading of the goods, effluent treatment plant etc.
2. Residential Zone- Includes residence of CEO, officers, workers etc. The people
working in the industry will be provided housing facilities within the industrial
village. People will be divided into different types depending on their position in the
industry. Such as-
 A type: CEO, General Manager, Director, Executive Engineers, Managers etc.
are A type people. They will be given best available facilities.
 B type: Consists of assistant executive officers, officers etc.
 C type: Junior executive officers, operators, supervisors etc.
 D type: Workers and labors.
3. Institutional Zone- Includes school, college.
4. Commercial Zone- Includes market, bank, post office, park etc.

 The total area will be expressed in square meter.
 The layout must have clear road network.
 The effluent treatment plant will be placed near river.
 CEOs’ residence must have all facilities.
 All four zones must be separated from each other using main roads.

Topic 2
Estimation of Water Demand

2.1 Water Demand Calculation
The total water demand for residential, industrial, commercial and institutional zones can be
evaluated based on the following factors.

 Population
 Design Period
 Rate of water consumption or design flow

2.2 Population Estimation

Present population can be estimated from the organogram of the industry. Future population
for residential area is predicted by using the following empirical formula given by

Pf= Pp(1+r)n

Here, Pf and Pp represent future and present population respectively. Where, r is the growth
rate and n is the design period in year.

The population for commercial, industrial and institutional area will be calculated by
assuming the reasonable growth percentage. The growth percentage depends on the
expansion and development of the industrial village.

2.3 Design Period

The design period is the time (expressed in years usually) into the future for which the water
supply system and its component structures are to be adequate. The water demands at the end
of design period need to be calculated. The year must not be too short or too long. The design
period must be selected so that the design is economical and the overall cost of the water
supply system does not create any burden on the present population. Usually 20-30 years is
selected as design period.

2.4 Rate of water supply required or design flows

The design flows is expressed as average water consumption per capita per day. This value
differs for different occupancy group. According to BNBC, all buildings or structures are
classified depending on their use or considering the character of their occupancy. The
occupancy classification is given below:
 Occupancy A: Residential
 Occupancy B: Educational
 Occupancy C: Institutional
 Occupancy D: Health Care
 Occupancy E: Assembly
 Occupancy F: Business and Mercantile
 Occupancy G: Industrial
 Occupancy H: Storage

 Occupancy J: Hazardous
 Occupancy K: Miscellaneous

For industrial area, the water demand will be calculated based on the water consumption of
the employee for personal use and as well as water demand for industrial manufacturing
process. The water requirement for industrial production will be estimated primarily as
gallons per unit of production which is dependent on the manufacturing process. Then the
daily industrial production rate will be estimated and by multiplying the total units of
production with the water requirement per unit, the design flows will be obtained.

2.5 Water demand calculation

 At first, total present and future population of different socioeconomic groups of the
industrial village will be estimated.
 The typical water requirements will be obtained from BNBC depending on the
occupancy type.
 Time consumption factor is considered. Time consumption factor is given to account
the effect of supplying water required in a day in less than twenty four hours. For
example- The water required in the residential area during about eighteen hours in a
day. From 12.00 am to 6.00 am, water demand is almost zero. BNBC gives the flow
rate per day considering twenty four hours. If to supply water in less than twenty
hours, then the flow rate is need to be increased. For residential area, Time
consumption factor is 24/18.
 For residential demand calculation, peak factor is considered as the hourly water
demand in residential zone varies along the day and peak demand occurs at certain
times of a day.
 The design flows will be obtained by multiplying the BNBC water demand with time
consumption factor, peak factor (residential zone only) with the present and future
population to get the present and future demand respectively.
 Population of residential area will increase according to the population growth rate
while people in office, industry, school, market etc. will be increased in a certain
 Water demand for industry will be calculated for employee basis and production


Water Water
Type Member Total Total Requirement Requirement Time- Water Demand (lpd)
No. of Peak
of BNBC Description per Population Population For Full For restricted Consumpti
units Factor
occupancy Family (Present) (Future) Facilities Facilities on Factor
(lpcd) [BNBC] (lpcd) [BNBC] present future

2.6.2. A. WATER DEMAND CALCULATION FOR INDUSTRY (Based on the employee’s consumption)

No of worker per shift Water requirement Water Demand (lpd)

Employee in Total No of Time Consumption
(lpcd) for Full Facility
Departments worker shift Factor
Present Future present Future

2.6.2. B. WATER DEMAND CALCULATION FOR INDUSTRY (Based on the production)

Unit of production per day Time Water demand (lpd)

Type of Water requirement
industry (Litre per 1000 product)
Present Future present Future


Water Requirement
Occupancy Total Total Water Demand(lpd)
Population (lpcd)
Group (As per Facility no. of unit Population population
per unit (Full Facilities)
BNBC) (present) (Future)
[BNBC] present future


Per capita Present Future

Occupancy Time
No of Class Present Future Water Water Water
Group (As Facility Occupation Consumption
Shift Hour population population consumption demand demand
per BNBC) Factor
(lpcd) (lpd) (lpd)

Primary &
School Staff

2.7 Fire Demand Calculation

The fire demand is a function of population, with a minimum limit, because the greater the
population the greater the number of buildings and the greater the risk of fire. The minimum
limit of the fire demand is the amount and the rate of supply that are required to extinguish
the largest possible fire in a community. The following empirical equations can be used for
computing rates of fire demand.
National Board of Fire Underwriter’s formula,
Q = 1020√P(1-0.01√P)

Kuiching proposed, Q = 7000 √P

Freeman proposed, Q = 250 (P/5 +10)

Where, Q → Fire demand in gpm

P → Population in thousands

Topic 3
Design of Production Tubewell

3.1 Design of Production Well
A water well is an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving, boring,
or drilling to access groundwater in underground aquifers.
Designing water well involves
- selection of proper dimensional factors for the well structures and
- choosing the materials to be used in its construction.
Good design should assure an optimum combination of
- performance (highest yield with minimum drawdown)
- long service life and
- reasonable short term and long term cost
The main components of a production well design involves determination of
1. Well depth
2. Well casing/housing pipe length, diameter and pipe material
3. Screen (strainer) length, diameter and screen material.
4. Screen transmitting capacity/ yield capacity
5. Number of tubewell pumps required.

Figure 3.1: Elements of a production well

3.2 Determining the Well Location
The location of a well is mainly determined by the well’s purpose. For drinking and irrigation
water-production wells, groundwater quality and long-term ground water supply are the most
important considerations. The hydro-geological assessment to determine whether and where
to locate a well should always be done by a knowledgeable driller or professional consultant.
The water quality criteria to use for drinking water wells are the applicable local or state
drinking water quality standards. For irrigation wells, the primary chemical parameters of
concern are salinity and boron and the sodium-adsorption ratio.

3.3 Well Depth

- The expected depth of a well is usually determined from the log of a test drilling or from
logs of other nearby wells in the same aquifer or during the drilling of the production
- Generally a well is completed to the bottom of the aquifer.
- Before the main production well drilling, usually 37mm dia test drilling is conducted and
a bore log is prepared on the basis of sieve analysis result of soil samples collected from
every 10 ft interval.
3.4 Well Casing/Housing Pipe Diameter
- The well casing must be larger enough to accommodate the pump with proper clearance
and should assure good hydraulic efficiency of the well.
- The diameter of the well casing should be around two sizes larger than the nominal
diameter of the pump.
- For an anticipated yield of 600 to 1300 gpm, well casing outer diameter ranges from 14 to
16 inches are usually taken.
3.4.1 Well Casing/Housing Pipe Material
- Usually seamless MS pipe is used for bigger diameter (12″ to 18″) casing pipe.
- For small diameter (4″to 6″) production well, uPVC material is also used now a days.
3.4.2 Well Casing/Housing Pipe Length
Length of casing pipe must be sufficient enough so that well pump remain submerged all the
time sufficiently below the maximum pumping water level even after a reasonable operation
period (12-15 years) of well.
Static water level at present

Assumed drawdown of 10′-15′ while pumping
Average rate of decrease of water level per year × design period
Length of casing pipe =
Total length of well pump
Extra allowance of 5-8m depth for safety

**Collect information on the existing PWL from nearby DTW of the same capacity and installed in the same

3.5 Well Screen (strainer)
A properly constructed well screen
- allows water to enter the well freely at low velocity
- prevents sand from entering with the water and
- serves as the structural retainer to support the loose formation material.
3.5.1 Well Screen (Strainer) Length
- The bore log previously prepared using test drill data at an interval of 10ft is used for
selection of strainer position.
- From the grain size analysis result the following soil characteristics are determined.
a. Fineness Modulus
= ∑ (Cumulative % retained on sieve #8, 16, 30, 50 and 100) / 100
b. Effective Size (D10)
size that presents 10% finer and 90% coarser of soil sample
c. Coeffecient of Uniformity
= D60/D10
Higher value of U (>2.0) indicates well graded sample.
d. D30
e. Size Classification (Coarse, Medium, Fine)
Coarse sand > 0.6 mm
Medium sand = 0.6 to 0.2 mm
Fine sand < 0.2 mm
- The optimum length of well screen is chosen in relation to the thickness of the aquifer
(indicated by comparatively coarser sand layers), available drawdown and stratification
of the aquifer.
Table 3.1: Recommended screed length of well

Recommended Screening Length

Aquifer Thickness (% of water bearing depth)
< 25′ 70
25′ - 50′ 75
> 50′ 80
- As it is very difficult to maintain vertical alignment of a long strainer, it will not be
practical to go beyond 100ft screening.
- Strainer should not be extended upto the bottom of the aquifer to allow upward
converging flow of water during pumping.

3.5.2 Blank Pipe

Blank pipe should be provided
- Between two strainers of a discontinuous aquifer.
- 10′ blank pipe is placed at the bottom of the trap soil particles that may enter the pipe
through upward converging flow.

3.5.3 Well Screen Diameter
- Screen openings depend upon the gradation of the sand and pumping water requirements.
- Usually 4″ and 6″ diameter well screens are common.
- Screen diameter is selected to satisfy an essential basic principle, i.e. enough total area of
screen openings so that the entrance velocity is equal or less than 0.1 ft/sec.
3.5.4 Well Screen Material
- Usually Bridge-type stainless steel screen is preferable.
- Recently Continuous Slot-type stainless screen are manufactured locally.
3.5.5 Design of Screen Slot Opening
- For an available depth of aquifer where strainer will be placed comparatively finest sand
layer is identified form the soil characteristics on the basis of sieve analysis result.
- When d50 of formation materials > 0.25mm and U > 3, well screen will be designed as
naturally developed well/screened well.
- When the aquifer is homogeneous and U < 3 and d50 < 0.25mm, well screen will be
designed as gravel packed well.
3.5.5.A. For naturally developed well/Screened well
Well screen slot openings are selected as the size that will retain 40-50% of the finest sand.
Table 3.2: Separate Slot sizes having different opening area
Slot Size Assumed Opening (Steel Screen)
40 slot 20%
30 slot 15%
20 slot 10%
For PVC screen, opening area is considered to be half of the
above mentioned areas.

3.5.5.B. Gravel Pack Material

- Grain size distribution curve of the finest sand
layer is drawn on a semi-log graph paper. D30 of
the finest sand is multiplied by a factor between 4
(for fine and uniform sand) and 6 (coarser and non-
uniform sand). Place the result of this
multiplication on the graph as D30of the gravel pack
materials. This is the first point on the curve that
represents the grading of the artificial gravel pack
- Through the initial point, a smooth curve nearly
parallel to the gradation curve of aquifer material is
drawn by trial and error, representing the gravel
pack material with a uniformity coefficient of 2.5 or

14 Figure 3.2: Gravel Packed Well

- Size of the well screen openings are selected to retain 90% or more of the gravel-pack
material (i.e.D10). Slot number is determined by dividing the slot size (expressed in mm)
by 25.4 and multiplying by 1000.
- Specification of the gravel pack materials is prepared by first selecting 4 to 5 sieve sizes
that cover the spread of the curve and then set down a permissible range (± 8%) for the
percent retained on each of the selected sieves. Gravel pack materials should be clean and
well rounded.
- To ensure that an envelope of gravel will surround the entire screen, a thickness of 3-8 in
gravel pack can be maintained.

3.6 Screen Transmitting Capacity/Estimated Yield of a well

Yield of a well
= (Available opening area of screen × Entrance velocity ) / Factor of safety
= (π D Ls A × v) / FS
Where, D = diameter of screen
Ls = length of screen
A = available opening area of screen per linear ft of screen
v = entrance velocity (maxm 0.1 ft/sec)
FS = factor of safety (considered assuming screen blockage while operation)

Design Data
Table : Bore Log Data For Well Design

380'- 400'- 430'- 450'- 470'- 480'- 500'-
400' 430' 450' 470' 480' 500' 520'
Sieve Sieve % % % % % % %
No Size Retain Retain Retain Retain Retain Retain Retain
4 4.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 2.36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 1.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.2 1.1 1.8 1.3
40 0.425 4.2 3.4 15.3 11.8 11 11.5 13.4
50 0.3 27.4 30.5 43.7 36.2 52.6 46.2 36.2
100 0.15 57.5 61.7 36.6 44.2 32.8 38.1 42.7
200 0.075 9.7 4 3.6 5.7 2.2 2.1 5.9
Pan 1 0.3 0.4 1.2 0.3 0.3 0.5

Design of Gravel Pack Material





% finer

50 Gravel Pack Materials

Formation Material




0.01 0.1 1 10
particle size (mm)

Figure: Typical Gradation Curve of gravel pack materials

Specification of Gravel Pack Materials

% finer
Sieve Size Cumulative % Range of
No. (mm) % retained retained % retained
4 4.75 98 2 2 0-4
8 2.36 80 20 18 14-22
16 1.18 28 72 54 50-58
30 0.6 5 95 23 19-27
40 0.425 3 97 2 0-6
50 0.3 0 100 3 0-6
100 0.15 0 100 0 -
200 0.075 0 100 0 -

Table: Summary Sheet of Well Design
1 Strainer Position: between 270′-345′ ; 75′ long strainer
2 Slot size:
Maximum 30 slots with approximately 15% opening area of steel strainer.

3 Yield/Transmission Capacity: 72,021 lph

4 Gravel Pack Material:
Range of %
Sieve No. Size (mm)
4 4.75 0-6
8 2.36 14-22
16 1.18 50-58
30 0.6 19-27
40 0.425 0-6
50 0.3 0-7

5 Length of Casing: 270 ft

Topic 4
Design of Plumbing System

4.1. Plumbing System
It is the entire system of pipings, fixtures, appliances etc. for providing water supply and
drainage to a building.
4.1.1. Objectives
a. To supply/furnish water to various parts of a building.
b. To remove the liquid waste and discharge them into sewer.
The water supply system of a building must accomplish two objectives:
- Provision of sufficient amount of water to serve each fixture.
- Provision of no opportunity of backflow of used water into the water supply pipes.
The drainage system of a building must accomplish two objectives:
- Wastewater must be removed quickly with minimum chance for stoppage of drains or
- Entrance of vermin and sewer gas or foul smelling air form the drainage system into
the house must be prevented.
4.1.2. Plumbing fixtures
- Plumbing fixtures are installed receptacles, devices or appliances to an existing plumbing
system which are designed to receive pure water and discharge wastes.
- The fixtures most commonly included in toilet and kitchen are:
 Lavatory
 Sink
 Bathtub
 Water Closet
 Flush Tank/Flush Cistern → A chamber in which water is accumulated and
discharged rapidly for flushing out water closets and urinals.
 Flush Valve → A flush valve is a device located at the bottom of a tank for the
purpose of flushing water closets and similar fixtures and is closed by direct water
pressure or some other mechanical means.
 Fixture Unit
A fixture unit (F.U.) is a quantity in terms of which the load producing effects on the
plumbing systems of different kinds of plumbing fixtures are expressed on some
arbitrary chosen scale.
A fixture unit is not a flow rate unit but a design factor.
 Riser
A water supply pipe which extends vertically one full story or more to convey water
to branches or fixtures or to OH tank.

4.1.3. Water Distribution System
Water distribution within a building can be achieved by several piping systems. The piping
systems must be designed to provide uniform flow in all areas and floors within certain
practical limitations.

i. Direct Supply
- Water is supplied to all parts of a building
directly from the city mains through a
suitable connection and meter.
- This system is applicable only when the
water supply is available in adequate
quantity and pressure round the clock.
- The minimum pressure available limits the
number of floors to which the water can be
- This system is economical, eliminates the
need of storage tank which is source of

ii. Overhead Tank Supply System

- In many cities, the water pressure is sufficient to
reach upto 4-5 floors or higher but only for limited
- To meet the water requirement during the non-
supply hours, water is stored in overhead tanks
placed on the terrace which are fitted by direct
connection form the mains.
- Water is supplied to all parts of a building from the
overhead tank.

iii. Underground and Overhead Tank Supply System
- Supplied water having low pressure all the time requires storage of water at ground level
for individual buildings. Water is collected in these tanks which fill up despite low
pressure in the mains. It is then pumped to the
overhead tanks.
- Water is supplied to all parts of a building from the
overhead tank.
iv. Pumped System
- Water can be distributed by an automatic pumping
system (i.e. hydropneumatic system) directly to the
supply point, similar to the direct supply. The
pressure in the system is boosted by pumping sets
that pump water from an underground/ground level
- This system eliminates the need for overhead tanks.
This is also suitable in hot and cold climates.

4.1.4. Water Distribution in a Building

Water distribution in to building can be done in following ways:

a. Upfeed distribution
Simple upfeed:
- Water fed to fixtures in a building only by the incoming pressure of the supply water.
- This method is good for building up to 5 to 6 stories high.

Pumped upfeed
- Water fed to the fixtures in a building by increasing the pressure of the supply water
using additional pumps.

b. Down Feed Distribution

- Uses pumps to deliver water to a rooftop storage tank of the building.
- The water in the storage tank feeds fixtures below due to the force of gravity.
- Commonly one roof top tank is used to distribute water to whole building. For tall
building intermediate tank(s) are often used to supply water at different levels.
- If main does not have sufficient pressure to carry water to OH tank, underground
water reservoir (UGWR) is provided to store water from main and deliver to the
overhead tank.

Table 4.1: Rate of flow and required pressure during flow for different fixtures [1]

Flow Pressure Flow Rate

(psi) (gpm)
Lavatory faucet 8 3.0

Lavatory faucet, self-closing 12 2.5

Sink faucet, 3⁄8 in 10 4.5

Sink faucet, 1⁄2 in 5 4.5

Laundry-tub cock, 1⁄2 in 5 5.0

Bathtub faucet, 1⁄2 inch 5 5.0

Shower, 1⁄2 inch 12 5.0

Water closet, Ball cock flush tank 15 3.0

Water closet, flush valve type 10 to 20 15 to 40

WC FV, 1 inch @ 25psi 25 35

WC FV, 1 inch @ 15psi 15 27

WC FV, 3⁄4 inch @ 15psi 15 15

Urinal, Flush valve 15 15

Garden hose, 50 feet and sill cock 30 5.0

** Flow pressure is the pressure in the pipe at the entrance of the particular fixture.

Table 4.2: Demand weight of fixtures in fixture units.a [1]

b Type of Supply Weight in

Fixture of Group Occupancy c
Control Fixture Units
Water closet Public** Flush valve* 10
Water closet Public Flush tank* 5
Pedestal urinal Public Flush valve 10
Stall or wall urinal, 1” Public Flush valve 5
Stall or wall urinal, 3⁄4” Public Flush tank 3

Lavatory Public Faucet 2

Bathtub Public Faucet 4
Shower head Public Mixing valve 4
Service sink Office, etc. Faucet 4
Kitchen sink Hotel or restaurant Faucet 4

Water closet Private** Flush valve 6

Water closet Private Flush tank 3
Lavatory Private Faucet 1
Bathtub Private Faucet 2
Shower head Private Mixing valve 2
Bathroom group Private Flush valve for closet 8
Bathroom group Private Flush tank for closet 6
Separate shower Private Mixing valve 2
Kitchen sink Private Faucet 2
Laundry machine Private Automatic 2
Laundry machine Commercial (8 lb) Automatic 3
Laundry machine Commercial (16 lb) Automatic 4
For supply outlets likely to impose continuous demands, estimate continuous supply
separately and add to total demand for fixtures.
For fixtures not listed, weights may be assumed by comparing the fixture to a listed one
using water in similar quantities and at similar rates.
The given weights are for total demand. For fixtures with both hot and cold water supplies,
the weights for maximum separate demands may be taken as ¾ the listed demand for the
* Flush valve fixtures impose high loads because a large rate of flow occurs over a short
period of time.
** In public buildings, simultaneous fixture usage is more likely than in private building.
Hence, fixture demand weights are higher for a fixture in a public building than for the same
fixture in a private building.

Figure 4.1: Estimate Curve for Demand Load
(Curve No. 1 – System with Flush Valves,
Curve No. 2 – System with Flush Tanks) [1]

Figure 4.2: Enlarged Scale Demand Load estimation Curve
(Curve No. 1 – System with Flush Valves,
Curve No. 2 – System with Flush Tanks) [1]

Figure 4.3: Chart for determination of flow in pipes such as galvanized steel and
wrought iron that will be fairly rough after 15 to 20 years of use [2]

4.1.5. Design of Water Supply System of a Building

a. Design of Water Supply Main

 Estimate total fixture units of the building.
 Determine water supply demand in gpm(from demand load curve).

 Selection of the required pipe size to allow design flow and determine the
allowable frictional loss in the selected pipe size. Comparatively larger pipe dia
can be selected to conserve pressure for the upfeed zone. Frictional loss of the
pipe will vary with the velocity, flow rate, pipe dia and as well as piping materials.
 Zoning of water distribution
- Lower floors can be upfeed from the service main pressure.
- Upper floor must be supplied by downfeed risers from elevated tank.

b. Determination of Upfeed Zone (from the service main)

In an upfeed zone,
P = p + 0.434h + f

where, P = service main pressure, psi

p = pressure drop through water meter, piping and equipment, psi.
h = height from the main to the top fixture served by upfeed zone, ft.
f = fixture pressure, psi
Pressure drop though the piping will be determined based on the selection of pipe and
demand flow. Comparatively larger pipe dia can be selected to conserve pressure for
the upfeed zone.
Pressure drop through water meter will be obtained from manufacturer’s data.

c. Determination of Downfeed Zone (from the overhead tank)

Position of overhead tank,
P = 0.434h
where, P = minimum allowable pressure for a fixture, psi (depends on type of fixture )
h = height from the overhead tank to the topmost fixture served by downfeed
zone, ft.

Figure 4.4: Layout plan of the water supply system of a tall building

d. Check the available pressure allowable to overcome friction loss (Upfeed zone)

p = P – (p′ + 0.434h + f + b)

Where, p = pressure drop due to friction through piping, fitting and equipment,
P = service main pressure, psi
p′ = pressure drop through the water meter, psi.
h = height from the main to the top fixture served by upfeed zone, ft.
f = maximum fixture pressure, psi
b =fixture branch pressure, psi (usually 1 psi)

Check that the available pressure drop due to friction in pipe will be adequate to
overcome the friction in pipe of total equivalent length (Actual pipe length and
equivalent length)

** We evaluate the fitting friction by stating the length of straight pipe of the same size which
will offer equal pressure drop at the same rate of flow.

Table 4.3: Pipe Sizing for Upfeed zone of the water supply system

Accumulated Design flow

Floor Fixture unit Pipe dia (in)
fixture unit (gpm)

e. Check the available pressure allowable to overcome friction loss (Downfeed zone)

p = 0.434h - f - b

p = pressure drop due to friction through piping, fitting and equipment, psi.
h = height from the overhead tank to lowest fixture served by downfeed zone (ft)
f = maximum fixture pressure, psi
b =fixture branch pressure, psi (usually 1 psi)
Check that the available pressure drop due to friction in pipe will be adequate to overcome
the friction in pipe of total equivalent length (Actual pipe length and equivalent length)

Table 4.4: Pipe Size for Downfeed zone of the water supply system

Actual Total
Design Equivalent Pressure Pipe
Fixture Accumulated pipe Equivalent
Floor flow Pipe Length drop (psi/ dia
unit fixture unit Length Pipe Length
(gpm) (ft) 100ft) (in)
(ft) (ft)

 Total equivalent pipe length = Actual pipe length + Equivalent pipe length
 The fitting friction is evaluated by stating the length of straight pipe of the same size
which will offer equal pressure drop at the same rate of flow which is defined as
equivalent pipe length. The total pipe length is increased by 50% to consider the fitting
friction effect.

4.2. Building Drainage System

4.2.1. Drainage System:

A drainage system (drainage piping) includes all the piping within public or private premises,
which conveys sewage, rain water, or other liquid wastes to a legal point of disposal, but does
not include the mains of a public sewer system or a private sewage treatment or disposal

4.2.2. Important Terminologies

A stack is the vertical main of a system of soil, waste, or vent piping.
Stack Vent/ Soil Vent/ Waste Vent:
A stack vent is the extension of soil or waste stack above the highest horizontal drain
connected to the stack.
Waste Pipe:
A waste pipe is a pipe which conveys only liquid waste free of fecal matter.
Soil Pipe:
A soil pipe is any pipe which conveys the discharge of water closets, urinals, or fixtures
having similar functions, with or without the discharge from other fixtures, to the building
drain or building sewer.
Vent Stack:
A vent stack is a vertical vent pipe installed primarily for the purpose of providing
circulation of air to and from any part of the drainage system to protect trap seals from
siphonage and back pressure.

4.2.3. Drainage System of Building

Drainage system of a building can be divided into following categories:
i. Two pipe system
ii. One pipe system
iii. Single stack system

i. Two Pipe System

- Two separate pipes are installed for conveyance of sewage and waste water.
- All fixtures which carry human excreta, urine or obnoxious wastes are connected to a
separate stack known as soil stack, which is connected directly to a sewer line through a
manhole. Each fixture connected to the soil stack must be provided with a trap.
- Fixtures, which receive waste water (from basins, bathtubs, showers etc.) are connected
to a separate horizontal pipe called wastewater pipe, which discharge into a separate
vertical stack known as waste stack. These stacks are connected to a combined sewer.
Many of these fixtures do not have their own traps.
- The soil stack and as well as waste stacks are separately ventilated, by providing separate
vent pipe or anti-siphonage pipe.

ii. One Pipe System
- In one pipe system, both soil and waste fittings are discharged into a common vertical
stack. Each fixture is provided with a trap having a minimum seal of 50mm for waste
and 75 mm for soil appliances.
- The main pipe is ventilated at the top, in addition a separate vent pipe or anti-siphonage
pipe is also provided. This system has two vertical pipes.

iii. Single Stack System

- The system consists of a single pipe for soil, waste and vent without any separate
ventilation pipe. It uses only one pipe, which is usually extended upto 2m above the roof
level with a cowl to act as vent pipe for removal of foul gases.

4.2.4. Design Considerations

 The waste branch from bath room, wash basin or sink should be of 32 mm to 50 mm
diameter and should be trapped immediately beneath such wash basins or sink by an
efficient siphon trap with adequate means of inspection and cleaning.
 The minimum recommended size of waste stack is 75 mm.
 The soil and waste stack should be continued upward undiminished in size 0.6 m
above the roof surface when the roof will be used only for weather protection. Where
the roof will be used for any purpose other than weather protection, the soil and vent
stack shall run at least 2 m above the roof surface to ensure least possible nuisance.
 The soil and waste stack should be firmly attached to the wall with a minimum
clearance of 25 mm from the wall.
 The diameter of a branch vent pipe on a waste pipe should not be less than 25mm or
two-thirds of the diameter of the branch waste pipe ventilated.
 The branch vent pipe on a soil pipe should be at least 32 mm in diameter.
 A relief vent should be at least on-half the size of the drain it vents (no less than 1
¼”, 32 mm).
 All vent stacks should extend undiminished in size above the roof or should be
reconnected to a vent header or to the stack vent portion of the soil or water stack, at
least 150 mm above the flood level of the highest fixture connection discharging into
the soil or waste stack. Where the roof is to be used for any purpose other than
weather protection, the vent extension should be in accordance with as stated earlier
in this topic.
 The soil pipe conveying any solid or liquid filth to a sewer drain should be circular
with a minimum diameter of 100mm.

4.2.5. Slopes:
 Horizontal drainage piping of 75mm diameter and less is to be installed with a fall of
not less than 20 mm per m.
 Horizontal drainage piping larger than 75 mm diameter need to be installed with a
fall of not less than 10 mm per m.

 It is a good policy to design the system for the highest possible velocity. However,
velocities in pipes with slopes greater than 20 mm per m may cause self-siphonage of
trap seal.
4.2.6. Design Steps
1. Design “Two pipe drainage system”.
2. To estimate the total load weight (DFU) carried by a soil or waste pipe, the relative
load weight for different kinds of fixtures use are provided.
3. Slope:
Design the building drains and sewer to discharge the peak simultaneous load
weight flowing half-full with a minimum self-cleansing velocity if 0.75m per
However, flatter gradient may be used if required but the minimum velocity should
not be less than 0.6m per second. Again, it is undesirable to employ gradients giving
a velocity of flow greater than 2.5m per second.
4. The maximum number if fixture units that may be connected to a given size of
building sewer, building drain, horizontal branch or vertical soil or waste stack shall
be as provided. Using load factor unit as obtained in step-1, calculate size of
horizontal branches or vertical soil or waste stack(s).
In the same way determine soil/ waste stack diameter depending on total number of
branches connecting to the part of the stack and number of story in the building.
5. Vents are normally sized by using the “Developed Length” (total linear footage of
pipe making up the vent) method. Determine the size of vent piping from its length
and the total of the fixture units connected.
6. Determine the branch vent size.

Topic 5
Design of Wastewater Collection System
(Sanitary Sewer System)

5. Design of Wastewater Collection System

Conventional Sewerage System

5.1. Basic Functional Elements

a. the house connections for collection of household or institutional wastewater,
b. a network of sewer systems for collection and conveying the wastewater,
c. a treatment plant for processing the wastewater, and
d. the receiving environment (water or land) for disposal of the treated wastewater.

5.2. Types of Sewerage Collection Systems

There are three different sewage collection systems:

a. Separate Sewerage System: In this system sanitary sewage and storm waste are
collected and conveyed separately through two different systems
Suitable Conditions:
• In flat areas a separate system is economical as deep excavations are not required.
• Where rainfall is not uniform throughout the year a separate system is suitable.
• In areas near rivers or streams, only a sanitary system may be installed; storm water may
be disposed of into rivers untreated, through open drains.
• Where pumping is required at short intervals.
• In rocky areas where large combined systems may be difficult to install.
• If sewers are to be laid before actual development of the area, a separate system is

b. Combined Sewerage System: In this system, both sanitary sewage and storm water are
collected and carried together through a single set of sewers.
Suitable Conditions:
• Where rainfall is uniform throughout the year, a combined system is economical.
• Where pumping is required for both sanitary sewage and storm water.
• Where sufficient space is not available for two separate sets of sewer systems.

c. Partially Combined or Partially Separate System: Only one set of sewers is laid to
carry sanitary sewage as well as storm water during low rainfall. During heavy rainfall
excess storm water is carried separately e.g., through open drains to natural channels.

5.3. Types of Sanitary Sewers

• Building sewer: Conveys wastewater from buildings to lateral/branch sewers or any other
• Lateral/branch sewer: First element of wastewater collection system, usually in street.
Collects wastewater from one/multiple building sewers and conveys it to main sewer.
• Main Sewer: Carries wastewater from lateral/branch sewers to Trunk sewers.

• Trunk sewer: Large sewers. Conveys wastewater to treatment or disposal facilities, or to
large intercepting sewers.
• Intercepting sewer: collects wastewater from mains or trunk sewer and conveys to
treatment or disposal facilities.

Figure 5.1: Definition sketch for types of sewers[3]

5.4. Basic Design Consideration of Sanitary Sewer

Following factors must be considered:
i. Estimation of wastewater design flow rate.
ii. Selection of design parameters
a. Hydraulic design equation
b. Alternative sewer pipe materials
c. Minimum sizes
d. Minimum and maximum velocities.
iii. Selection of appropriate sewer appurtenances
iv. Evaluation of alternative alignments.
v. Evaluation of the use of curved sewers.
5.5. Determination of Design Flow Rates
Total wastewater flow in sanitary sewers is made up of three components:
1) Residential, commercial, and institutional wastewater,
2) Industrial wastewater,
3) Infiltration
5.6. Sanitary sewers are designed for:
 Peak flows from residential, commercial, institutional and industrial sources for the entire
service area.
 Peak infiltration allowance for the entire service area.
5.7. Hydraulic design equation:
Most commonly used for design of sanitary sewers: Manning’s equation –

Where, V = velocity, m/s

n = friction factor
R = hydraulic radius

S = slope of energy grade line, m/m

• Recommended n value for new existing well-constructed sewers is 0.013
• Recommended value of n for older sewers is 0.015.

Figure 5.2: Graphical presentation of manning’s equation for n = 0.013 [3]

Figure 5.3: Graphical presentation of manning’s equation for n = 0.015 [3]

Figure 5.4: Peak infiltration rates for residential areas[3]

Figure 5.5: Peak factor for residential areas[3]

5.8. Sewer Pipe Materials and sizes
• Asbestos Cement – (100 – 900 mm) – Weighs less. Susceptible to acid corrosion and
hydrogen sulfide attack.
• Ductile iron – (100-1350 mm) – Used where unusually high loads of water is passing
leak-proofing is necessary. Also susceptible to acid corrosion and sulfide attacks. Should
not be used in brackish waters.
• Reinforced Concrete – (300-3600 mm) – Most available. Susceptible to sulfide attacks.
• Prestressed Concrete – (400-3600 mm) – Especially suited for long transmission mains
without building connections and where precautions against leakage are necessary.
Susceptible to corrosion.
• Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) – (100-375 mm) – Plastic Pipe, Light weight but strong,
highly resistant to corrosion.
• Vitrified clay (VC) – (100-900mm) – Widely used in the past for gravity sewers.
Resistant to both acids and alkalis. Resistant to hydrogen sulfide. But brittle in nature and
susceptible to breakage.
5.9. Sewer Appurtenances
Primary appurtenances for sanitary sewers:
 Manholes
 Drop inlets to manholes
 Building connections
 Junction chambers
5.10. Manholes must be placed depending on the following criteria
 Changes in direction
 Changes in slope
 Pipe junction
 Upper ends of sewers
 Intervals from 90m to 120m.

5.11. Limiting Conditions for Design of Sanitary Sewer

5.11.1 Minimum and Maximum velocities
 If velocity is too low, undissolved solids in the wastewater tend to settle down.
Eventually accumulates into large enough quantity to block the flow.
 Based on past experience, sanitary sewers are recommended to be designed with a
slope such that minimum flow velocity of 0.75 m/s (2.5ft/s) is maintained when the
sewer is flowing full or half full.
 To avoid damage of sewers, velocity should be limited to 3.0m/s (10 ft/s).

5.11.2 Minimum Slopes
• Often used to avoid extensive excavation where the slope of the ground surface is flat.
• Minimum slopes based on manning’s equation have proved to be adequate for small-
diameter sewers.
• As pipe size increases beyond 600 mm, the minimum practical slope for construction
is about 0.0008 m/m.
5.12. Design of Sanitary Sewers
Design involves –
- Fieldwork
- Preparation of maps and profiles
- Detailed design computations.
5.13. Design computations for Sanitary Sewers
• Example: Designing a gravity-flow sanitary sewer - Design a gravity-flow trunk
sanitary sewer for the area shown in the following figure, The trunk sewer is laid along
Peach Avenue starting at 4th Street and ending at 11th Street.

Figure 5.6: Contour Map and sewer network of trunk sewer within
the contributing area Peak factor for residential areas[3]

5.14. Calculation
The sewers will be designed for flows from one manhole to another.
 The calculation will be done in tabulated form
 Wastewater average flow will be determined as a specific percentage of water demand in
that zone as was calculated previously as given below. For,
• Residential: 40%
• Commercial/ Institutional – 55%
• Industrial – 90%
 Waste water flow at a particular manhole will be determined, and sewer from that
manhole to the next manhole in line will be designed for cumulative flows from upper
manholes + wastewater flow to that section of the sewer.
 Average wastewater flow will be a multiplied by peak factor to determine the peak flow.
Peak factor for Industrial, Institutional and commercial wastewater flow is given as a
constant. Peak factor for residential must be determined from the graph provided.

5.15. Sample calculation: Between manhole 3 to 4 –

• Wastewater is flowing from two subareas: A4 & A7.
– As calculated in table, wastewater flow from A4 is 2640 cubic meter per day, and A7 is
4560 m3/d.
– Cumulative wastewater flow up to manhole 3 was m3/d.
- So, Cumulative wastewater flow for sewer section from manhole 3 to 4 is
= 7415+2640+4560 = 14615 m3/d.
– Cumulative average flow is converted to m3 /s. Then peak factor is determined from
the graph provided; in this case, peak factor = 2.6.
– So, Cumulative peak flow = 2.6 x 14615 m3/d.
• Peak infiltration is determined from the graph provided depending upon the subarea
magnitude. For, residential area 100% of the area is considered as effective area, whereas for
commercial, industrial and institutional areas, 50% of actual area is considered effective area.
• There are two graphs for determining infiltration. One is to be used for analyzing older
sewers and the other for designing newer sewers. For this problem, we will be using the
graph provided for new sewer. = 37,999 m3/d
 Tabulated Calculations are done in a similar fashion for industrial, institutional and
commercial flows.
 After all four sub-calculations, a cumulative subtotal is determined.
 Section between manhole 3 and 4 has to account for infiltration from subarea A4 and A7.
Both are residential areas. Therefore 100% of the area will be considered as effective area.
Cumulative area is determined. Peak infiltration allowance is determined for area from the
graph provided. For section 3 to 4, this would consist of area under subarea A4 and A7.
Cumulative subarea here is: 925ha.

 Cumulative area is multiplied by the peak infiltration allowance for that area to determine
cumulative infiltration allowance.

5.16. For section from manhole 3 to 4:

= 925 x 5.5 = 508 m3/d.
• Cumulative peak flow is determined by adding Cumulative subtotal flow with peak
infiltration allowance.
= 5088 + 41399 =46487 m3/d.
• Now sewer is designed for this flow rate. From cumulative flow rate in m3/d, we would
determine the flow at m3/s. Now the discharge is known, and we know minimum velocity of
0.75 m/s must be maintained. Using this, from Nomograph, n = 0.013 :
Peak flow = 0.538 m3/s;
• Draw a line vertically upward from the discharge. For section from manhole 1 to 2, we would
try to maintain a minimum velocity of 0.75 m/s. So, discharge line would be intersected with
velocity 0.75 m/s line on the nomograph and the slope and pipe diameter for that intersection
point would be determined. For later section between manhole 3 and 4, the slope will be kept
constant from previous slopes if possible.
• Therefore, from previous section: slope = 0.0009 and discharge 0.538 m3/s. From
intersection in nomograph, we get velocity of approximately 0.85m/s and Pipe diameter
between 900mm and 1050mm. Pipe diameter will be rounded down to 900mm.
• The other sections will be designed likewise.
• If the ground in NOT horizontal, as is the case in the question: then ground surface elevation
at the beginning and end of every section would be determined from the given data in the
map. For section from manhole 3 to 4, the elevation of upper end and lower end is 18.33m
and 17.40m respectively.
• Now the sewer pipe invert elevation must be determined, considering 2.0m cover from G.L.
• For next section, upper end invert could have been placed at the lower end invert of previous
section. But this is not possible, since the pipe diameter changed in the new section.
• In that case, pipe in the new section must be placed such that pipe crown elevation at upper
end of new section must be placed at previous section lower end pipe crown elevation.
• Pipe invert elevation at upper end for section from manhole 1 to 2.
= G.L. – 2.0m – Pipe thickness – Pipe diameter
= 20.0 – 2.0m – 0.05m – 0.45m
= 17.5m

5.17. Pipe invert at lower end of section:

= elevation at upper end – (slope x length of section)
= 17.5m – (0.0018 x 707)m
= 16.23m
• For section MH 2 to 3: since pipe diameter changed – Pipe crown of lower end of section
MH 1 to 2 must be determined.

= 16.23+0.45 = 16.68 m
• So, Pipe crown in new section must be placed at 16.68m elevation.
• Now, determining the new pipe invert elevation
= Pipe crown elevation - Pipe diameter
= 16.68m - 0.75m = 15.93 m
• Then, Lower end pipe invert for that section comes at,
= Pipe invert elevation at upper end – Pipe decline due to slope
= 15.93m – (707m x 0.0009m/m) = 15.29m
• The rest of the pipe sections’ upper and lower invert elevation must be determined likewise.

Figure5.1: Sewer Computation Table [3]

Figure 5.1: Sewer Computation Table (continued) [3]

Figure 5.1: Sewer Computation Table (continued)[3]

Figure 5.1: Sewer Computation Table (continued) [3]


1. Howard S. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe, George Tchobanoglous, “Environmental
Engineering, 1985, 7th edition”, McGraw-Hill.
2. “Groundwater Engineering, 5th chapter,” Birzeit University, House of water and
environment, Palestine.
3. Thomas Harter, “Water well design and construction”, Farm water quality planning fact
sheet 11.3, ANR Publication 8086, University of California.
4. Duncan, Justin, “Plumbing Technology, 2nd Edition”, 2001, American Society of
Plumbing Engineers, ISBN: 1-891255-15-0.
5. Frederick S. Merritt, Jonathan T. Ricketts, “Building Design and Construction
Handbook, 6th edition”, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-041999-X.


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