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Composer 8.1.3 Deployment Book

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At a glance
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Composer is an Integrated Development Environment used to develop voice, web and routing applications for Genesys platforms.

Composer is used to develop voice applications for the Genesys Voice Platform and routing applications for the Genesys Orchestration Platform.

The main sections covered include installation, configuration, testing applications, migration guidelines and uninstall/reinstall procedures.

Composer Deployment Guide

Composer 8.1.3
Table of Contents
Composer 8.1.3 Deployment Guide 4
About Composer 6
Composer Interface 9
Installation 22
Post Installation Configuration 5
Uninstall Reinstall 53
Table of Contents

Composer Deployment Guide 3

Composer 8.1.3 Deployment Guide

Composer 8.1.3 Deployment Guide

This guide describes how to deploy Composer, an Integrated Development Environment
used to develop applications for:

Voice applications for Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) 8.1+—a software suite, which unifies
voice and web technologies to provide a complete solution for customer self-service or
assisted service.

Routing applications for the Genesys Orchestration Platform 8.x, which includes:

• Universal Routing Server (URS)—which enables intelligent distribution of voice and

multimedia interactions throughout the enterprise.
• Orchestration Server (ORS)—an open standards-based platform with an SCXML
engine, which enables the customer service process.

ORS is responsible for executing orchestration logic (SCXML) that is provided by an

application server (such as an application server hosting an SCXML-based routing
application created in Composer). The responsibility of URS within the Orchestration
Platform is to provide a necessary service to Orchestration Server to support Routing

About This Document What is Composer?

This section includes: This section introduces Composer:

Intended Audience Composer GUI

Contacting Customer Care Debugging Applications
New in 8.1.3 Other Composer Features
New in 8.1.2

Composer Deployment Guide 4

Composer 8.1.3 Deployment Guide

Before Installation Requirements and Support

This section includes information on: This section includes information on:

Installation Video Third Party and Other Software Requirements

Installing as Eclipse Plugin Application Server Requirements
Update Site Database, Speech Engine, SIP Phone, Web
Application Server Requirements Browser Support

Installing Composer Post Installation Configuration

This section includes information on: This section includes information on setting
preferences and other post-installation steps
prior to using Composer:

Before Installing
Installing Composer on Windows
Displaying the Interface Tomcat, IIS, Debugging, Ports, GAX, Proxy,
Windows 7 and Server 2008 32 Bit Business Rules, ORS and Routing Point,
Viewing a Sample Application Config Server, Context Services, Migration,
and other setttings

Uninstalling and Reinstalling Links to Useful Docs

This section describes: This section directs you to:

Uninstalling and Reinstalling Composer Orchestration Server Documentation

Orchestration Server Extensions
SCXML Technical Reference
Genesys Voice Platform Documentation
System-Level Guides

Composer Deployment Guide 5

About Composer

About Composer
Composer is an Integrated Development Environment, based on Eclipse, which Web
Application developers can use to build VoiceXML, CCXML, GRXML, and SCXML

Note: To familiarize yourself with basic Eclipse concepts, refer to the Workbench User
Guide by selecting Help > Help Content s in the Composer main window and expanding the
Workbench User Guide link.

Applications That Can be Developed

For the Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) 8.x Next Generation Interpreter (NGI), Composer
provides the ability to develop:

• VoiceXML Applications with full support for Genesys Extensions

• CCXML + VXML Applications requiring advanced call control features including
• CTI + VXML Applications for Genesys Framework.

For the Orchestration Server 8.x SCXML Engine/Interpreter, Composer provides the ability
to develop:

• SCXML-Based Routing Applications with full support for all Genesys predefined
SCXML functional modules and and extensions (as described in the SCXML
Language Reference) for both voice and non-voice (multimedia) interactions.

Composer also provides Integrated CTI + VoiceXML applications for end-to-end treatment
handling in conjunction with GVP and Media Server.

For step-by-step instructions on using Composer, see the Composer Help

This document is valid only for the 8.1.3 release of this product.

Intended Audience
This wiki is primarily intended for system integrators and administrators. It has been written
with the assumption that you have a basic understanding of:

• Computer-telephony integration (CTI) concepts, processes, terminology, and


Composer Deployment Guide 6

About Composer

• Network design and operation

• Your own network configurations

You should also be familiar with the Genesys Framework architecture.

While you can build applications by working solely with Composer’s blocks or Project
templates, you can also use State Chart Extensible Markup Language (SCXML) and
VoiceXML to when building applications.

Contacting Customer Care

If you have purchased support directly from Genesys, please contact Genesys Customer

Before contacting Customer Care, please refer to the Genesys Care Program Guide for
complete contact information and procedures.

New in Deployment Guide 8.1.3

This section describes the new features in Composer 8.1.3.

• Support for Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) and 4.2 (Juno).

• Composer is installed as a set of plug-ins.
• Localization support. Language Packs that provide translations for Composer can
now be produced and then installed on top of Composer, allowing Composer to run
in languages other than English. Localization of generated VXML and SCXML
applications is also supported.
• Mac OS X is a partially supported platform. Contact your Genesys representative for
• Database passwords in connection profile can be encrypted.
• Common-bundled Composer Project files can be updated at any time.
• Command line code generation.
• Composer Projects can track change revisions, and revision history can be viewed
by the user.
• Customizable global system event handlers in interaction process diagrams.
• New properties in Target block to support updating the DN of the reserved resource
to include the access code returned by URS.
• The ECMAScript block is now also available in callflow diagrams, similar to its
workflow/interaction process diagram counterpart.
• New blocks for workflow diagrams:

Composer Deployment Guide 7

About Composer

◦ The TLib block adds support for TSendRequest-based requests to Genesys

T-Server through the TLIB protocol.
◦ The SingleStepTransfer block adds support for the <ixn:singlesteptransfer>
ORS action. This transfers a voice call directly, without creating another call
◦ The Raise Event and Cancel Event blocks are provided to raise events in the
current SCXML session or to cancel a delayed event.
• Voice and Route:
◦ A toolbar button can be used to generate code for all diagrams in a project.
◦ Expression Builder now lists custom Javascript functions from a Project's
included JS scripts.
◦ Block tooltips allow the user to see a summary of a block's properties at a
glance, without pulling up the Properties View (experimental feature).

New in Deployment Guide 8.1.2

Note: To view deployment guide changes for 8.1.2 and earlier versions, see the Composer
8.1.2 Deployment Guide PDF. Here you can find updates for the following versions of the


Composer Deployment Guide 8

Composer Interface

Composer Interface
Note: This topic presents a brief overview of the Composer interface. For detailed
information on using the interface, see the Composer Help.

Drag and Drop-Based GUI

Composer provides a drag and drop-based GUI for creating:

• VXML callflow diagrams (for voice applications)

• SCXML workflow diagrams and interaction process diagrams (for routing

Technical and non-technical developers have the option of creating flow diagrams by placing
and connecting blocks and configuring properties and/or by writing code. The figure below
shows an example callflow in the center editing area in Composer perspective.

Composer Deployment Guide 9

Composer Interface

The interface elements in Composer perspective are as follows:

• A Package Explorer view on the upper left gives access to all the Project files.
• An Outline view of the entire callflow or workflow on the lower left is useful when
working with complex diagrams.
• The History view on the lower left, which maintains previous versions of flows and
application files, allowing you to revert to any previous version if needed.
• A center editing area (sometimes referred to as the canvas where you drag, drop,
and connect blocks.
• A lower view for configuring block Properties (fields). Buttons in property rows
display dialog boxes.
• A Palette of blocks grouped in categories on the upper right for creating flow

Composer Deployment Guide 10

Composer Interface

A Composer perspective can also show various views in the lower pane depending on your
actions or what you select from Window > Show View . For example, for voice applications,
the lower pane can show the following views:

• Properties
• Prompts Manager
• Problems
• Console
• Call Trace

When working in Composer, you have the option of working in different perspectives .

A perspective is an arrangement of different sections of the GUI in a manner that facilitates

easy use of a particular feature, such as design or debugging. For example, the GVP
Debugging perspective will show those sections that are useful when debugging a voice
application: Call Trace, Console, Variables, Breakpoints, and so on.

The figure above shows Composer perspective. The figure below shows Composer
Design perspective, which maximizes the design area. Having a larger design area is useful
when creating complex flow diagrams. Composer Design perspective shows only the
palette of blocks, the canvas area, and the Properties view, but can be customized to
include other views that you select.

Composer Deployment Guide 11

Composer Interface

For routing applications, the lower pane can show the following views:

• Properties
• Problems
• List Objects Manager
• Statistics Manager

Available Perspectives

Composer includes the following perspectives for building applications:

• Composer , for both voice and routing applications, shows the Project Explorer,
Outline view, canvas, palette, and can show the following tabs in the lower pane:
Properties, Prompts Manager, Problems, Console, and Call Trace.

Composer Deployment Guide 12

Composer Interface

• Composer Design , for both voice and routing applications, can be used to simplify
the workbench to show only the palette of blocks, the canvas area, and the
Properties tab.
• GVP Debugger , for debugging voice callflows that you build or import.
• ORS Debugger , for debugging routing workflows that you build or import.
• Prompts Manager , which provides the ability to quickly review all prompts in a
Composer Project.

Expression Builder
Composer supplies Expression Builder to easily build expressions that can be used for
branching and conditional routing decisions. You can also build ECMAScript expressions
that use Genesys supplied SCXML functions documented in the the Orchestration Server
Developer's Guide, which is the Genesys language specification.

The figure below shows an example Genesys-supplied SCXML function in Expression


Composer Deployment Guide 13

Composer Interface

Rich Editors
For those who prefer to write their own code, Composer provides a set of rich editors,
supplying built-in error checking and tooltips, for SCXML, VXML, CCXML, and GRXML
along with use case templates.

• The figure immediately below shows example SCXML code in the Source tab of the
• The second figure below shows the Design tab of the editor.

Composer Deployment Guide 14

Composer Interface

You can view and work directly with source code using standard Eclipse text editing
features. Features include:

• Smart double-clicking behavior.

• Context-assisted help when typing tags. Also context-assisted help for attributes of a
tag upon pressing Space inside a tag.
• New SCXML documents are created with <scxml> as the top level element with the
corresponding schema and namespace specifications.
• Ability to edit tag attribute values from the Properties view.
• Basic editor actions are supported: Cut, Copy, Paste, Save, Save as, Undo, Redo,
Search and Replace.
• Syntax highlighting.
• Show and hide Line numbers.
• Add/Remove Bookmark and To-Do markers.

Composer Deployment Guide 15

Composer Interface

• Task tag feature to auto scan To-Do comments in the code.

• Comparing and reverting to local file history.
• Spell checking by showing yellow squiggly line markers.
• Ability to see the outline structured view of the document in the Outline view.
• Validation shows errors in the Problems view. Validation happens based on the
referenced schema.

Debugging VoiceXML Applications

Composer provides a real-time GVP Debugger with support for both Run and Debug

• In the Run mode, call traces are provided and the application continues without any
• In the Debug mode, you can input breakpoints, single-step through the VoiceXML
code, inspect and modify variable and property values, and execute any ECMAScript
from the query console.

Integration with a SIP Phone is provided and click to dial feature is provided for making the
test calls.

The Tomcat application server is bundled as part of the Composer and you can auto-deploy
applications on Tomcat for testing.

Note: Composer 8.1 uses TCP to send SIP messages (previous releases used UDP). This
is not a configurable option.

Debugging Routing SCXML Applications

Composer provides real-time debugging capabilities for Orchestration Server (ORS) routing
applications. The Debugger is integrated within the workflow designer for making test calls,
creating breakpoints, viewing call traces, stepping through an SCXML document/workflow,
and debugging applications. Debugging can be started on an existing session or it can wait
for the next session that runs the application at a given URL.

• Using a Run Configurations launch configuration, metrics (call traces) are provided
and the application continues without any breakpoints. When the SCXML application
executes, these metrics can describe, for example, state transitions, ECMAScript
executions, and execution warnings or errors.

Composer Deployment Guide 16

Composer Interface

• Using a Debug Configurations launch configuration, you can input breakpoints,

single-step through the code, inspect variable and property values, and execute any
ECMAScript from the query console.

You can debug:

• A workflow built with Composer, or

• Any SCXML application or set of SCXML pages whether or not they were created
with Composer.

Other Composer Features

Some other Composer main features are summarized below. For details information on all
Composer features, see the Composer 8.1 Help .

Project Templates
Out-of-the-box, reusable Project templates are provided. A Project wizard lets you select
from three categories of templates:

1. Integrated Voice and Route : Select to create a Project that contains both callflows
and workflows that interact with each other. For example a routing strategy that
invokes a GVP voice application.
2. Voice : Select to create a Project associated with the GVP 8.x. This type of Project
may include callflows, and related server-side files.
3. Route : Select to create a Project associated with the Orchestration Server 8.1
SCXML Engine/Interpreter.

Composer Deployment Guide 17

Composer Interface

Clicking Next brings up available templates for the selected category.

Composer Deployment Guide 18

Composer Interface

These can act as a starting point for new projects and visual flows and serve as guidelines
and tutorials for routing and voice application developers. Composer also provides templates
for its rich editors with the ability to create user-defined custom code snippet templates,
which can be exported and imported to share across team members.

Code Generation
When generating code, Composer provides the ability to generate VXML pages to take
advantage of the Platform optimizations. For SCXML routing strategies, Composer provides
the ability to generate static SCXML pages for improved performance due to caching.

Composer provides the ability to deploy Java Composer Projects and .NET Composer
Projects. The deployment process involves exporting your project, transferring the files to
your web/application server, and executing any necessary configuration steps required to
make your application work. The Composer deployment process varies depending on the
type of project being deployed (.NET Composer or Java Composer) and the associated
application server. Future releases will provide the ability to deploy routing applications.

Composer Deployment Guide 19

Composer Interface

Project Management
Composer uses a Project to contain everything related to a single routing or voice
application. A Package Explorer on the upper left of the Composer window contains all the
Projects in your workspace. organize all the application elements.

Hiding Capabilities
Users may hide voice or routing capabilities through a Composer preference setting. This is
useful for developers who are only using one of these Genesys platforms.

Composer contains several builders/managers, which are used for routing applications.

Statistics Builder/Manager
Use if you wish to use option of instructing Universal Routing Server to use the value of a
statistic during target selection, such as StatTimeInReadyState . The statistic can be a URS
Predefined statistic (as described in the Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual) or a
statistic that you create yourself with Statistics Builder. Once you create a statistic, that
statistic becomes available for selection in Composer’s Target block.

List Objects Builder/Manager

A List object contains strings of any nature (for example, DNIS or ANI strings), which can be
used in workflows. The strings can be as simple as 800 numbers or as complex as routing
conditions. In Expression Builder, two URS Functions can be used to access List Objects:
_genesys.session.listLookupValue and _genesys.session.getListItemValue.

Expression Builder
Use for both voice callflows and routing workflows to build expressions for branching and
conditional routing decisions. You create expressions in Expression Builder; you can assign
them to variables using the Assign block. You can also build ECMAScript expressions that
use the Genesys Functional Modules in Expression Builder.

Skill Expression Builder

Besides Expression Builder, Composer also has a Skill Expression Builder, which you can
use for creating skill expressions used for routing decisions Opens from the Targets property
in the routing Target block after selecting the Skill as the target type. Also opens from the
Backend, Subdialog, Subroutine, Web Request, and Web Service blocks.

Composer Deployment Guide 20

Composer Interface

Customization Manager
The Customization Manager view helps you manage various aspects of your Composer
installation that you have customized. You can manage any custom workflow and callflow
diagram templates that you have created. You can also edit and delete custom templates,
add new files, and save diagrams to disk.

Composer Deployment Guide 21


This section describes the Composer software requirements, and installation and launching

Composer Installation Video

Below is a video tutorial on installing Composer 8.1.3 on Windows in an Eclipse 4.2
environment. Note: When Eclipse 3.7 is installed, there is a small extra step described in the
Manual Plugin Installation section below.


1. Silent installation of Composer is not supported.

2. Download the correct Eclipse for your computer’s processor, i.e., download 64-bit
Eclipse download or 32-bit Eclipse based on the target computer.
3. Java Development Kit and Eclipse must match, i.e., both 32-bit or both 64-bit.

Installing Composer as an Eclipse Plugin

Composer 8.1.3 is installed as a plugin into an existing Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) or 4.2 (Juno)
environment as well as Java Development Kit 1.7.0_0 or higher.

Previously, Composer installation consisted of:

1. The “basic” Eclipse application download.

2. Eclipse plugin dependencies.
3. The Genesys Composer plugins.
4. A bundled Tomcat for running generated applications.

Starting with 8.1.3, the Composer installer supplies (3) and (4). The “basic” Eclipse (1) is up
to you to download.

Update Site
The Composer plugins are distributed as an update site, which is contained in
com.genesyslab.composer.updateSite.zip . In Eclipse terminology, “update site” refers to a

Composer Deployment Guide 22


location from which Eclipse can pull plugins. The installer gives the option to pull the plugins
from the update site zip file and install them into an existing Eclipse (1) environment.

If that option is enabled, then the Installer runs a script that automatically finds and
downloads the plugin dependencies (2) and installs them along with the Composer plugins
(3) and the bundled Tomcat (4). This is optional because you may not have downloaded a
basic Eclipse yet, in which case you can install (2) and (3) later from within Eclipse using
Help > Install New Software .

Note: Eclipse is not required if you only want to extract the update site without installing
Composer plugins into the Eclipse. This is possible, for example, if you just want the update
site zip file to copy to multiple machines where the actual Composer installation will take

User-Facing Changes as a Result of Plug-in Installation

Change Before 8.1.3 813 Behavior
Change in
Composer based editors All the files and editors within the IDE will use
such as the VoiceXML UTF-8 encoding if the General > Workspace
Editor and SCXML Editor > Text File Encoding preference is default
used by
uses UTF-8 Encoding. while launching the IDE. Otherwise, user-
Other Eclipse-based specified encoding takes precedence.
based text
generic test editors uses However, Composer recommends using
editors to
default CP1252 encoding. UTF-8 encoding.
save files.
Composer branded splash
screen was displayed Eclipse's default screen is displayed. No
screen is
showing the Genesys logo, Genesys specific information shown.
version, and so on.
The Help About dialog is
integrated into Eclipse and The About Composer dialog exists is now a
Help > displays as part of the custom implementation. There is now a Help
About Eclipse workbench with > About Composer in addition to a Help >>
information pulled out of the About.
product definition.

Composer Deployment Guide 23


Operating Systems Supported

For information on supported operating systems, see the Composer section in the Genesys
Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide. Also see the note on Windows 7 and
Windows 8 Server under Installing Composer on Wndows.

Application Server Requirements

• Note: For more detailed information on deploying Composer applications to an
application server, see Deploying Composer Applications.

Genesys does not certify Composer with specific Web application server vendors and
versions. This applies to developing both:

• VXML applications and related resources that will be executed on the Genesys Voice
platform and
• SCXML applications and related resources that will be executed on the Orchestration

Java Composer Projects can be deployed to any web application server that meets the
requirements in the Deploying Composer Applications topic and supports Java Runtime
Environment 1.7.0_0 or higher.

When considering a potential Web application server to use for a production deployment of
Composer-generated applications, please refer to the vendor's documentation to ensure that
the software meets these pre-requisites. In addition, you should run a few basic tests using a
Composer sample application, to ensure that the application behaves as expected. For more
details, please refer to the section Suggested Test Plan.

For developing SCXML applications and related resources that will be executed on the
Orchestration Server platform, see the Genesys Supported Operating Environment
Reference Guide.

Bundled Tomcat
Composer installs an embedded Tomcat 6.0 web server for your use (code generation and
testing). Genesys does not recommend that you use this bundled Tomcat web server for
deploying and running your Composer-generated applications as part of a production setup.
You may use a separate instance of Tomcat 6.0 as a stand-alone web server, depending
upon your needs and the recommendations of your IT department. For deployment of

Composer Deployment Guide 24


Composer-generated applications that use .NET resources, you can use any version of
Microsoft IIS that is compatible with the Windows versions on which Composer is supported.

Web Application Server Configuration

For Composer's server-side pages to work effectively on your Web application server, some
configuration changes are required.


See the following sections ahead:

• Configuring Tomcat Settings

• Configuring Proxy Settings

Internet Information Services (IIS)

See the following sections ahead:

• Internet Information Services

• Configuring IIS/.NET Preferences
• Adding MIME Types for IIS
• Proxy Settings for .NET Composer Projects

Suggested Test Plan

After configuring your Web application server as described above, you should run some
basic tests. Here is a suggested testing approach:

1. Create a new Project based on Project templates supplied with Composer. The New
Project Creation wizard will guide you through the process and show a list of Project
templates to choose from. Choose a template Project depending on the Project type
and feature(s). Note: If you are using both the voice and route features, Genesys
recommends that you test both features by running two tests.

Not Using Databases Using Databases
Voice Business Logic Project Database Project
Routing Using Web Request Database Query Result Access
Project Project

Composer Deployment Guide 25


2. These sample Projects may require configuration to be done, which will be

documented in the workflow or callflow diagram(s) in the Project template. Projects
that access databases contain a readme.htm file in the doc folder that provides
instructions on how to set up the database as well as SQL scripts that may be
needed to set up the required database structure and populate tables with sample
3. Validate the diagrams in your Project and verify there are no errors. Generate the
code for these diagrams.
4. Export the Project for deployment. See the Deployment book in the Composer Help
for the steps.
5. Consult the documentation for your application server on how to deploy applications
on it. Some application servers may require custom steps.
6. Once deployed successfully, make a test call to invoke the application. Verify the
application behaves as expected. If it does not, check the configuration and
Troubleshooting book in the Composer Help for more information.

Database Support
Composer 8.1 supports the following databases/servers:

• Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008. Note: When installing SQL Server, select SQL
Server authentication (Composer does not support integrated Windows
• Oracle 10g, R1 and Oracle 11g.

Note: Before you can use database blocks in a .NET Composer Project for accessing an
Oracle database, you need to install and configure the Oracle client on the Composer
machine. The Oracle client will be required on any deployment machines as well where the
application will run. As a test, after installing the client software you should be able to
connect to the Oracle database from SQLPlus. Once that works, database blocks in your
.NET Composer Project should also be able to connect to your Oracle database. For
configuring Oracle client, please contact your Oracle database administrator. Composer 8.1
has switched to an Oracle Provider from a Microsoft Provider for .NET Composer projects.

• At design time, both Java Composer Projects and .NET Composer Projects use
bundled JDBC drivers to connect to Oracle, which is why your query will work in the
Query Builder in both types of Composer projects. At runtime, Composer .NET
projects use OLEDB database drivers, which are installed as part of Microsoft.NET
Framework. These are required on each IIS where .NET Composer Projects will be
run or deployed.
• Composer Java Projects use JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) drivers, which are
bundled with Composer and are automatically installed with the software.

Composer Deployment Guide 26


• Java Composer Projects continue to use JDBC, while .NET Composer Projects use
Microsoft’s OLEDB providers from the .NET Framework.

Speech Engines Supported

Composer supports all Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text-to-Speech (TTS)
engines that GVP 8.1 supports.

SIP Phones Supported

Composer supports the following SIP phones:

• X-Lite 3.0 (recommended if you are connecting over a virtual private network)
• Pingtel 2.4.3
• SJphone version 1.65 or later
• Express Talk 3.08 (recommended if you are using it on a Microsoft Remote Desktop

Web Browsers Supported

Composer supports the following web browsers:

• Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 and 8.0

• Mozilla Firefox 6.0 or earlier

Third Party Software Requirements

Composer requires the following third-party software on the computer on which Composer is

1. Eclipse must already be installed in your environment. Composer 8.1.3 supports

the following Eclipse versions: Eclipse. 3.7 (Indigo) and 4.2 (Juno).
◦ Download the correct Eclipse for your computer’s operating system, i.e.,
download 64-bit Eclipse or the 32-bit Eclipse based on your computer.
◦ If installing Eclipse Juno EE 32-bit version,you must install the Oracle
modeling plug-in, which Composer requires, but is not included with the
Eclipse Juno EE 32-bit download. Note that many other dependencies are
downloaded during the process that adds the Composer plugins to Eclipse.
Genesys recommends using a dedicated instance of Eclipse for Composer.

Composer Deployment Guide 27


2. Java Development Kit 1.7.0_0 or higher must already be installed in your

◦ Set the JAVA_HOME environmental variable to point to the JRE installation
directory as described on the Oracle website. You must explicitly point to the
Composer-supported version of JRE (1.7 or higher) and not use the system
environment variable location. This is important if you have different versions
of Java installed as the system environment variable may indicate another
version, which may not be usable by the Composer version of Eclipse.
◦ The above warning also applies to JDK installation. The JDK's JRE version
could get lost if there are other JREs on a host. If you previously installed
JDK separately (or did not enable the Public JRE option), JDK 1.7 installation
by itself might require the JRE 1.7 installation to be explicitly called out. A
symptom of this type of JRE confusion is Composer perspectives not being
available after installation.
◦ Java Development Kit and Eclipse must match, i.e., both 32-bit or both 64-bit.
3. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.5 (both are required if you intend to work with
.NET Composer Projects).
4. Web Service Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 for Microsoft .NET. The WSE path must be
specified in Composer’s IIS/.NET preferences before Composer .NET Projects can


• Genesys does not recommend installation of its components through a Microsoft

Remote Desktop connection. You should perform the installation locally.
• Composer 8.1 does not support silent installation.

Genesys Software Prerequisites

To obtain the full functionality of Composer 8.1, the following Genesys products/software
components are required:

• Orchestration Server 8.1.3 for debugging and testing SCXML session-based

• Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) Media Control Platform 8.1.6 for for video text
overlay and Context Services authentication.
• If you wish to use Context Services in routing workflows and voice callflows, you will
need Universal Contact Server/Context Services 8.1,000,10+.
• If you wish to use the Outbound blocks, you will need Outbound Contact Server
• Genesys Rules System 8.1.0 or later for business logic, which can be customized,
and then invoked by VXML and SCXML applications.

Composer Deployment Guide 28


Minimum System Requirements

Genesys recommends the following:

• Pentium 4 2GHz or comparable, 2 GB RAM or higher.

Minimum Screen Resolution

The minimum resolution for the Composer user interface is 1024x768 on a standard 4:3
aspect ratio monitor. The recommended resolution is 1280x1024. Lesser resolutions, such
as 800x600, are not supported.

Before Installing
Before you install the Composer plugin, make sure that:

• You have met the third party software requirements.

• You have an account that has administrative privileges to install Composer.
• You have installed a supported SIP phone on your desktop (required if you want to
conduct test calls). This can be done before or after installing Composer.
• You have installed Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and .NET Framework 3.5, for
ASP.NET support in Composer.
• You have reviewed the Composer 8.1 Release Advisory.
• You have read the important information on User Account Control(UAC) (see note
under Installing Composer on Windows).
• You have reviewed the chapter on configuring a security banner in the Genesys
Security Deployment Guide as well as the Security Banner Configuration section
below. If configuring a security banner, decide whether you want to configure it
before or after installation of Composer.
• YOu are not installing through a Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection. You should
perform the installation locally. Genesys does not recommend installation of its
components through Remote Desktop Caonnection.
• Composer 8.1 does not support silent installation.

Security Banner Configuration

Decide whether you wish to configure a security banner.

Composer installation gives the option of configuring a security banner that displays when
users connect to Configuration Server. In the case of Composer, the security banner
appears in a separate window that is displayed when you connect to Configuration Server.

Composer Deployment Guide 29


The content of this window is defined by the system administrator, and can include such
items as Terms of Use of the application or some kind of disclaimer.

While Composer supports the basic operation of specifying and displaying a security banner
as described in the Genesys Security Deployment Guide, be aware of the following
limitations for Composer:

• The banner only displays when you connect to Configuration Server after launching
• The following options are not supported:
◦ List of security banner URLs.
◦ Error URL if banner cannot be retrieved.
◦ ShowUpTimeout , which displays a Loading message if loading takes more
than this timeout.
◦ NoCompleteTimeout , which is the timeout for retrieving security banner.
◦ AckMandatory , which controls if user must acknowledge the security
banner in order to proceed.
◦ Height, width and title of dialog.
◦ AckMode , which controls how often the banner is displayed. Note: A Java
equivalent of unilogin library is not available.
• The security banner configuration option Until each user chooses to turn it off once
for application type is not supported. It is handled the same as the option Until each
user chooses to turn it off .

Under some circumstances, Composer may not try to display a banner page although the
loading of a previous page in the list failed. This behavior is likely to happen if the embedded
browser component returns that loading is finished (although the loading failed) before the
loading timeout elapses.

Pending Operations Message

When installing or un-installing Composer in a Windows XP Professional or Windows Server

2003 Standard Edition environment, the prompt to reboot appears. After the reboot, the
following message appears:

There are some pending operations and the system needs a reboot.
The target computer does not meet some mandatory requirements.

Subsequent reboots result in the same behavior and you temporarily cannot install
Composer on this machine. This is a result of pending reboots from other installations. If this
situation occurs, follow the procedure below.

Composer Deployment Guide 30


Registry Edit for Pending Operations Message

Use the information below if you receive the above message after un-installing or installing

1. Open the Registry editor.

2. Remove the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\
Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations
3. Install Composer as described below.

Installing Composer on Windows

A video of the Composer 8.1.3 installation procedure is available here:

• Note: On Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008, UAC (User Account Control) can
affect the installation process and subsequent addition of Composer plugins to
Eclipse. If UAC is disabled, installing Eclipse in a Program Files location (any
location that is under UAC control) will work. However, if UAC is enabled, then
Eclipse should be installed in a location that is not under UAC control e.g., C:\GCTI\
• Note: While installing Composer 8.1.3, there is a step to download dependencies
from Eclipse update sites. If your Internet connection is lost during this process, or
some other error occurs, the Installer may not detect it and may incorrectly report
success. Error messages will appear in the scripts\composer-plugin-install.log file in
the Composer installation directory, (Example: C:\Program Files\GCTI\Composer\
scripts\composer-plugin-install.log ). Workaround: Instead of letting the Installer add
Composer plugins directly to Eclipse, add Composer plugins using Eclipse’s “Install
New Software” feature (see Manual Plugin Installation below).

Prerequisites: See Third Party Software Requirements.

1. Run setup.exe from the Composer installation package.

2. If you want to configure a security banner, see Security Banner Configuration section
3. Enter Destination . The destination is also where
com.genesyslab.composer.updateSite.zip will be located.
4. When you reach the screen shown below, you can choose to:
◦ Leave the Composer Plugins box unchecked and manually install the
Composer plugin. A common case for leaving Composer Plugins unchecked
would be if Eclipse is not yet installed or you do not have internet access so

Composer Deployment Guide 31


that dependencies cannot be downloaded during the installation process.

See Manual Plugin Installation section below.
◦ Check the Composer Plugins checkbox and browse to the existing Eclipse
location. This option automatically installs
com.genesyslab.composer.updateSite.zip into your Eclipse installation.

5. Specify the Tomcat port. For testing purposes, Composer supports automated
deployment of routing applications to the bundled Tomcat server or to a local IIS server.
Enter a port number to be used for Tomcat.

6. Click Next and Finish on the installation wizard. The installation may take some time
because other plugin dependencies are also downloaded and installed.

Next Steps After Automatic Plugin Installation

• See Composer Interface.

• To uninstall/reinstall a later version, see Uninstalling and Reinstalling.

Manual Plugin Installation (Eclipse Install New Software)

If you left Composer Plugins unchecked, you can later manually install the Composer
plugins if:

Composer Deployment Guide 32


• You have an internet connection

• You have installed the required versions of Eclipse and Java Development in your
• You have enabled the Public JRE option, which causes the JDK installer to install
both JDK and JRE. Composer requires both components.

The Composer installation will have created a directory, e.g., C:\Program Files\GCTI\
Composer 8.1 , in which there is a zipped update site called
com.genesyslab.composer.updateSite.zip .

1. In a running Eclipse instance, go to Help > Install New Software .

2. If installing Composer in Eclipse Indigo (3.7), the following extra steps are required.
◦ On the Eclipse Install' dialog box, click Add .
◦ Opposite Name , enter GMF Tooling .
◦ Opposite Location, enter the URL for GMF Toolng: http://www.eclipse.org/
◦ Click OK.
3. Click Add.
4. Type something in the Name field, such as Composer .
5. Click Archive .
6. Browse to the com.genesyslab.composer.updateSite.zip file in the Destination folder
you previously specified in the Destination field. The destination is also where
com.genesyslab.composer.updateSite.zip will be located.
7. Click OK .
8. Check the three Composer Features (Common' , Voice, Route ).
9. Click Finish , and click through the license pages. The installation will now begin.
Again, this may take some time because other plugin dependencies are downloaded
and installed.
10. After installation is complete, the Installer will prompt you to restart Eclipse. Click OK

Displaying the Interface

1. Click the Eclipse shortcut on your desktop or run eclipse.exe . The Eclipse splash
screen displays (no Genesys-specific information is shown). A workspace dialog box
opens to allow you to select the location for your project files.
2. Accept the default entry, or click Browse to navigate to a location that will serve as
your workspace folder. Note: Your workspace folders must be outside of the
Program Files folder. When prompted for a workspace folder, do not specify
parenthesis '(' or ')' in the workspace path. In Windows, this is C:\Users\<username>.
On Mac, this is /Users/<username>.

Composer Deployment Guide 33


3. If you want your selected workspace to be your default and do not want to select a
location the next time that Composer opens, select the Use this as the default and
do not ask again check box.
4. Click OK to proceed. The first time you run Eclipse, a Welcome' tab appears.
5. If you choose not to explore the Eclipse or Composer tutorial links at this time, click
the X on the Welcome tab to display the Composer GUI. You can always access the
Welcome screen at any time from within Composer by selecting Help > Welcome .
6. If not already open, open the Composer perspective by selecting Window > Open
Perspective > Other , then select Composer or Composer Design.

At this point, you may find it helpful to load a Project template so you can see a sample
application. Follow the procedure in the next section if you wish to do this.

Windows 7 and Server 2008 32 Bit

The procedure below also applies to 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate in 32-bit compatibility mode.

1. Run / launch Eclipse as Administrator.

2. DO NOT keep your workspace under the Program Files location as prompted by
Composer. Instead specify your workspace location outside of the Program Files
location e.g.,
C:\My Composer 8.1.4 Applications or
C:\Users\<your user>\MyWorkspaceFolder

Viewing a Sample Application

Composer provides a set of predefined Project templates containing sample applications. If
using Composer for the first time, before creating your own Project, you may find it helpful to
load one or more of the sample Projects. The procedures below lead you through the
process of loading a sample applications.

Sample Integrated Voice and Route Application

1. By default, when you enter Composer for the first time, you will be taken inside the
Composer perspective.
2. On the toolbar, click the button to create a Java Composer Project.
3. In the Java Composer Project dialog box, name your Project and indicate whether
you want to use the default location.
4. Select the Project type: Integrated Voice and Route' , Voice , or Route . Your
selection will determine which Project templates are shown in the next dialog box.
For this example, select Integrated Voice and Route .
5. Click Next . The Select a Composer Project Template dialog box opens.

Composer Deployment Guide 34


6. Select the Routing Based on DNIS and ANI Project template and click Finish . A
commented RoutingOnDNISandANI.workflow diagram appears on the canvas.

Double-clicking a block opens its Properties view so you can view the fields.

The next procedure differs from the above procedure in that it demonstrates how to view a
workflow contained within an interaction process diagram.

Viewing a Routing Workflow Inside an Interaction Process

By default, when you enter Composer for the first time, you will be taken inside the
Composer perspective.

1. On the toolbar, click the button to create a Java Composer Project.

2. In the Java Composer Project dialog box, name your Project and indicate whether
you want to use the default location.
3. Select the Project type: Integrated Voice and Route , Voice , or Route . For this
example, select Route .
4. Click Next . The Select a Composer Project Template dialog box opens.
5. Select Context Services Service Project click Finish . This automatically creates
an interaction process diagram for voice interactions with a single Workflow block in
the default.ixnprocess tab.
6. Double-click the Worfklow block to open the Properties view in the tab underneath.

Composer Deployment Guide 35


7. In the Properties view, note that the Resource property indicates that the name of
the workflow is CompleteActiveServices.workflow . To view this workflow, expand the
Project in the Package Explorer on the left.
8. Expand the Workflows folder.
9. Double-click CompleteActiveServices.workflow . A commented workflow appears.
10. View the properties for each block by double-clicking a block.

Use the above method to review the various routing Project templates.

Composer Deployment Guide 36

Post Installation Configuration

Post Installation Configuration

This chapter contains post-installation tasks to be performed after installing and launching

Before you can start to create a Java Composer Project that you will deploy later on a
Tomcat application server, you must configure Tomcat settings for Composer (Window >
Preferences > Composer > Tomcat). The figure below shows the Composer Preferences
dialog box fully expanded.

Composer Deployment Guide 37

Post Installation Configuration

• For information on configuring Tomcat for voice applications, see the Tomcat section
in Callflow Post Installation.
• For information on configuring Tomcat for routing applications, see the Tomcat
section in Workflow Post Installation.

IIS/NET Preferences
If you plan to use IIS as your web server for testing and deployment, you will also need to
configure IIS preferences in Composer so that your applications can be auto-deployed to IIS
from within the workbench. Composer can work only with IIS installed on the local machine.
You can work with both Tomcat and IIS from the same installation of Composer.

• For more information, see Internet Information Services in Callflow Post Installtion.

Internet Information Services

Before you can start to create a .NET Composer Project that you will deploy later on a
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) web server, you must do the following:

• Configure IIS/.NET Preferences (see section above).

• Allow the ASP.NET Web Service extension in Internet Information Services (IIS)
Manager (see figure below).

Composer Deployment Guide 38

Post Installation Configuration

Disabling UAC
To address any potential deployment failures when using IIS, Genesys recommends
disabling the User Account Control (UAC) for all Composer supported Windows operating
systems (Control Panel > User Accounts > Use User Account Control ).

IIf running on IIS 7 (Windows Vista, Windows 2008) or IIS 7.5 (Windows 7), during the
installation of IIS, the IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility feature must be
installed. Select Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on
or off > Roles > 'Select Role Services (see figure below).

Composer Deployment Guide 39

Post Installation Configuration

If this feature is not turned on, you cannot deploy a .NET Composer Project

Allowing ASP.NET Web Service Extensions in IIS

1. Open Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on your computer. The
Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager window opens as shown above.
2. In the left panel, double-click the Web Service Extensions folder.
3. In the right panel, select the ASP.NET entry.
4. Exit Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

WSE and .NET Projects

Microsoft Web Services Enhancements (WSE) is required for creating .NET projects in
Composer. However, the WSE installer may not install on Windows 2008. These steps give
a workaround:

1. Download the Microsoft WSE 3 "msi" installer bundle.

Composer Deployment Guide 40

Post Installation Configuration

2. Use 7Zip to extract the contents to a folder.

3. In Composer, select Window > Preferences > Composer > IIS/.NET .
4. Set the Microsoft WSE 3.0 Installed Path field the $Folder\
Microsoft.Web.Services3.dll file.
5. Create your Composer .NET Projects.

MIME Types
1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on your computer.
2. Right-click your web site (such as Default Web Site ), and select Properties .
3. Click the HTTP Headers tab.
4. Click the MIME Types button to display the MIME Types dialog box.
5. Add the following MIME types for IIS 6.0 or 7.0:

vox = application/octet-stream
vxml = text/xml
grxml = application/srgs+xml
wav = application/octet-stream

6. By default the SCXML mime type is already configured in the bundled Tomcat
server. If you are using IIS you need to configure following MIME types:

** .json = text/json
** .scxml = text/plain
** .xml = text/xml

7. Make sure that ASP.NET extensions are enabled in your IIS. Right-click on the
default web site and verify that the ASP.NET tab shows the correct version.
8. Make sure that ASP.NET is enabled on your virtual directory and set to the correct
version. Right-click on the .NET Composer Project virtual directory and verify that the
ASP.NET tab shows the correct version.
9. Make sure that scripts have execute permissions on your virtual directory. Right-click
on the virtual directory, select Properties , and check the Execute Permissions
pulldown menu. It should say Scripts only or Scripts and Executables (if you
intend to run executables which is usually not done).

Debugging in MCP
To use the GVP debugging feature of Composer, the Media Control Platform (MCP) must be
configured in Composer Preferences. For more information, see Callflow Post Installation,
Media Control Platform section.

Composer Deployment Guide 41

Post Installation Configuration

Configuring the GVP Debugger

In order to make test calls, you must configure (GVP) Debugger Preferences. The GVP
Debugger used to debug voice applications allows you to debug an application by having the
GVP Media Control Platform (MCP) initiate a call to a softphone. Once the call is answered,
the MCP runs the application. You can then interact with the application just as if the call
was initiated from the softphone.

For more information, see Callflow Post Installation, GVP Debugger section.

Enabling Debugging in the Media Control Platform (MCP)

To use the GVP debugging feature of Composer, the Media Control Platform (MCP) must be
configured in Composer Preferences.

For more information, see Callflow Post Installation, Media Control Platform section.

Configuring the ORS Debugger

Composer provides real-time debugging capabilities for Orchestration Server (ORS) routing
applications. The ORS Debugger is integrated within the workflow designer for making test
calls, creating breakpoints, viewing call traces, stepping through an SCXML document/
workflow, and debugging applications. In order to use the ORS Debugger, you must first set
ORS Debugger Preferences.

For more information, see Workflow Post Installation, ORS Debugger sectioin.

TCP Ports (Firewalls)

If you have a local firewall on the development server (for example, Windows Firewall on
Windows XP/Windows Server 2003), make sure that the TCP ports have been opened in
Composer Preferences.

For more information, see Callflow Post Installation, Firewall section.

Composer Deployment Guide 42

Post Installation Configuration

GAX Server Preferences

GAX refers to a Genesys Administrator Extension plug-in application used by the Genesys
web application, EZPulse, which enables at-a-glance views of contact center real-time
statistics in the GAX user interface.

You must set GAX Preferences if you plan on using the Operational Parameter Management
(OPM Block) to work with Genesys Administrator Extension. Composer diagrams connect to
the GAX server using the login credentials you enter in GAX Preferences when fetching
audio resource parameters.

For more information, see GAX Server Preferences.

Business Rule Preferences

Composer interfaces with the Genesys Rules Engine, which is part of the Genesys Rules
System. A business rule is an external piece of business logic, which can be customized,
and then invoked by Genesys applications.

You can use Composer's Business Rule block to request the Genesys Rules Engine to
execute a Rule Package in a routing workflow or voice callflow and write the results back to
a variable.

If you plan to use the Business Rule block, you must set Business Rule Preferences. See
Business Rule Common Block, Business Rule Preferences section.

Proxy Settings
This section describes how to configure proxy settings in Tomcat and a local proxy.

Configuring Proxy Settings for a Local Proxy

If you have a local proxy on your network, you will have to configure the proxy settings to get
the parsing of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) in the Web Service block.

1. Inside Composer, configure proxy settings by going to: Window > Preferences >
General > Network Connections. If necessary, provide the proxy authentication
2. Select Manual proxy configuration and provide the HTTP proxy and Port .
3. Provide the User Name and Password for authentication.
4. Click Apply and OK .

Composer Deployment Guide 43

Post Installation Configuration

Configuring Proxy Settings in Tomcat 6.0

If you will be Deploying a Java Composer Project, Composer bundles Tomcat for running
test applications, such as routing applications. Proxy settings have to be configured in the
bundled Tomcat web server for the back-end pages to access the Web if you plan to use the
Web Request and Web Service blocks.

1. To configure proxy settings in the bundled Tomcat 6.0 web server, add the following
lines to the catalina.properties file that is found within the ..\tomcat\conf folder in the
Composer installation path:


http.proxyPort=port of Proxy



The username and password must be the same as what was provided in the manual
proxy configuration

2. Restart the Tomcat service from Windows Services: Composer80Tomcat .

Proxy Configurations for .NET Composer Projects

Each .NET Composer Project will have its own web.config file that needs to be updated for
configuring the proxy settings.

If your IIS web server is behind a proxy server and Web Request or Web Service blocks are
used in a callflow, you must configure proxy settings in your .NET Composer Project. To
configure proxy settings in a .NET Composer Project:

1. Open the web.config file.

2. Go to the <system.net> section.
3. To use the default System proxy settings: <proxy usesystemdefault="true"/>

If the default settings do not automatically detect the proxy server settings:

1. Set proxy usessystemdefault to false .

2. Explicitly designate the proxy server: ''<proxy usesystemdefault="false"
proxyaddress="http://address" bypassonlocal="true"/>''

An example is shown below.

Composer Deployment Guide 44

Post Installation Configuration

Prompt Resource Validation

This Composer Preference enables diagram validation warnings where prompt audio
resources no longer exist in the given file path. If the audio file is no longer present, the
diagram block will show a warning icon. For more information, see:

• Enable Validation for Prompt Resources in Diagram Preferences.

• Prompt Resource Validation in Callflow Post Installation.

Configuration Server Connection

When creating routing applications in Composer, you use the Configuration Database and
Configuration Server. For example, when using the Target block Targets Property to route to
agents or agent groups, you select targets (agents(Persosn), Agent Groups, and other
objects defined in the Configuration Database.

You may develop routing applications:

• With a connection to Configuration Server or

• In an "offline" mode, without connecting to Configuration Server.

The dialog box for connecting to Configuration Server appears when you select Connect
from the Configuration Server menu within Composer.

For more information, see Configuration Server in Workflow Post Installation.

Composer Deployment Guide 45

Post Installation Configuration

TLS Support for Configuration Server

You. have the option of using a secure Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection when
connecting to Configuration Server. The procedure for doing so is summarized below.

1. Generate and install certificates. See section “Certificate Generation and Installation”
of the Genesys Security Deployment Guide for instructions.
2. Add a secure listening port in the Configuration Server configuration. See section
“Genesys TLS Configuration” of the Genesys 8.1 Security Deployment Guide for
instructions. An example configuration is shown below.

3. Enable the secure connection mode when initiating the connection in Composer. In
the Connect to Configuration Server dialog box, select Use secure connection.

Composer Deployment Guide 46

Post Installation Configuration

Configuration Server Preferences

Set Configuration Server Preferences to control routing predefined statistics creation,
ExpressionBuilder object validation, and Configuration Database object preferences.

Inactivity Timeout
If you have authenticated with Configuration Server, Composer times out after a
configurable number of minutes of inactivity. In this case, you must reauthenticate in order to
continue working with Configuration Server database objects. For Composer, inactivity is
defined as a period of time with no mouse usage (click, move, and so on) or keyboard entry.
For instructions on implementing this time, see the Inactivity Timeout chapter of the Genesys
Security Deployment Guide.

ORS and Routing Point Configuration

When creating routing applications, in addition to specifying the HTTP request parameters,
both Universal Routing Server (URS) and Orchestration Server (OS) must be properly

For more information, see the Orchestration section in Workflow Post Installation.

For information on additional options that must be set, consult the following:

• Universal Routing 8.1 Deployment Guide , Orchestration Support chapter.

• Orchestration Server 8.1 Deployment Guide , SCXML Strategy Support and
Configuring Orchestration Server chapters.

Specifying the URL of the Starting SCXML Page

1. In Genesys Administrator, in the Provisioning tab, select Switching > Switches .
2. Click the DNs tab.
3. Select the DN that corresponds to the Routing Point where the built-in root strategy
is loaded.
4. In the Annex tab for this Routing Point, add an orchestration section.
5. In that section create an option named application and for its value enter
script:<object name> where <object name> is the name of Script object of type
Enhanced Routing that represents the SCXML application and contains the URL of
the starting SCXML page of this application deployed on an application server. This
URL needs to be accessible from the Orchestration Server host.

For complete details on this step and other routing configuration details, consult:

Composer Deployment Guide 47

Post Installation Configuration

• The Orchestration Server 8.1.3 Deployment Guide, SCXML Application Development


Important! If you have both Composer and Interaction Routing Designer set up in the same
environment, check in IRD’s Loading View that you have not loaded an IRD routing strategy
on the same Routing Point DN where the built-in strategy is loaded. This will create a conflict
and cause your SCXML-based strategy not to launch.

Using Stream Manager for Voice Treatments

When creating routing applications, if you plan to use Stream_Manager to play voice
treatments via the Treatment blocks for workflows (such as Play Sound), additional
configuration tasks are required.

For more information, see Workflow Post Installation, Stream Manager section.

Hiding Capabilities
You may hide voice or routing capabilities through a General Preference setting (Window >
Preference s > General > Capabilities ).

Composer Deployment Guide 48

Post Installation Configuration

Capabilities Preferences
For more information, see Enabling-Disabling Functionality and Hiding File Types.

Context Services Preparation

Context Services refers to an optional capability of Universal Contact Server (UCS) and its
UCS Database, a repository of customer-related, service, and interaction-centric data
(current and historical) from Genesys and third party sources. You can use the Context
Services Blocks for service personalization, offer personalization, service resumption. and
enhanced reporting.

For informatation, see Setting Context Services Preferences.

Composer Deployment Guide 49

Post Installation Configuration

TLS Support When Connecting to Context Services

The optional procedure below summarize how to configure a secured connection between
Composer and Universal Contact Server (UCS) during application design. During runtime,
the connection to UCS is initiated by Orchestration Server (ORS) or GVP.

For routing applications, no specific additional client-side configuration is needed for ORS.

For voice applications, GVP does not initiate a TLS connection to the UCS.

To use a TLS connection when using Composer to connect to UCS:

1. Generate and install a certificate in Universal Contact Server as described in Using

TLS with UCS.
2. Export the certificate generated in step 1 with a command like:
[JRE Home\bin\]keytool -export -v -alias FRBRED0H001435.emea.lucent.com -file
certificate.cer-keystore certificate.jks -storepass theKeystorePassword
Details for using the genkey command are available at the Oracle download site.
See .../tooldocs/windows/keytool.html#genkeyCmd.
3. Copy the .cer certificate file generated in step 2 to the Composer host.
4. In the Composer/Security preference page, import the certificate exported in step 2.
5. In the Composer /Context Services preference page, enable the TLS by selecting
TLS in the Security Settings area.

Using Context Services Authentication During Design

This section summarizes how to configure Composer to connect to Universal Contact Server
using authentication when designing routing applications.

At this time, there is no support for authentication during runtime. Orchestration Server and
GVP do not initiate an authenticated connection to the UCS.

To use an authenticated connection when connecting to the UCS, you need to:

1. Set the authentication mode to true in the UCS configuration.

Composer Deployment Guide 50

Post Installation Configuration

Universal Contact Server Application, Authentication Section

See the Context Services wiki for details.

1. Open the Context Services Preferences page.

2. In the Security Settings area, select Use authentication .

Enter the username and password and click ''Test Connection .

Upgrading Projects and Diagrams

While working with Composer, if you want to use a previously-created Composer Project
and Project diagrams, an upgrade is required.

For more information, see Getting Started With Composer, Upgrading Projects and

• Genesys recommends that you create a dedicated workspace for 8.1 Projects and
do not reuse previously created workspaces. This will provide a clean separation
between the two versions as well as ensure that a backup copy is preserved for later
reference or rollback.
• Some previously created workflow diagrams cannot be upgraded. For more
information, see the Migrating IRD Strategies section below.

Migrating IRD Strategies

Starting with Composer 8.1, you can migrate routing strategies created with Interaction
Routing Designer 8.0+ into Composer Projects as SCXML-based workflow diagrams.

Composer Deployment Guide 51

Post Installation Configuration

For information on Composer Migration in general, see the IRD to Composer Migration

Also see the Composer chapter in the Genesys Migration Guide.

Routing Strategy Upgrade Limitations

From a routing standpoint:

• Composer 8.0.2 began support for the creation and testing of SCXML-based
workflows for inbound voice use cases. Upgrading workflow diagrams created in the
8.0.2 release of Composer is therefore not supported.
• Composer 8.0.3 began support for Context Services and the processing of
multimedia interactions. This release also introduced interaction process diagrams.
Upgrading workflow diagrams created in the 8.0.3 release of Composer is therefore
not supported.

Deploying Projects to Tomcat

If you already have a Project in the workspace and did not perform the Tomcat configuration
described earlier in the Tomcat section of Workflow Post Installation, you must deploy the
Project on Tomcat.

For more information, see the Testing Your Application section in Deploying Composer

Installing the Business Rules Plugin

As described in Business Rule Common Block, a Composer-compatible plug-in is available
for developing Business Rule Templates.This plug-in is provided as part of the Genesys
Rules System.

• To install the plugin, refer to the Genesys Rule System 8.1 Deployment Guide. See
Chapter 2, Installation.
• If you install the plugin, you will also have access to the Genesys Rules System 8.1
Rules Development Tool Help .
• Also see the Genesys Rules System 8.1 Rules Authoring Tool Help .

Composer Deployment Guide 52

Uninstall Reinstall

Uninstall Reinstall
Exporting Projects
Important! The uninstallation may delete existing Composer projects if your Project
Workspace resides in the installation directory. If this is the case, copy any existing Project
folders to a safe location by following the procedure below.

Before Uninstalling, export Projects to a safe location.

1. In the Composer Project Explorer view, right click the Project folder and select
2. In the Export dialog box, expand General > File System.
3. Click the Next button.
4. Check boxes for the Projects to export and choose/browse to the export destination
5. Click the Finish button.

Uninstall Procedure
Use the procedure below to uninstall the Composer plugins and reinstall a newer version.

To uninstall both the Eclipse plugin and the Composer installation:

1. Run eclipse.exe or click the Eclipse desktop shortcut.

2. From the Eclipse Help menu, select About Eclipse SDK.
3. Click the Installation Details tab.
4. Under Installed Software, select the Composer entries and click Uninstall. If the
Uninstall button does not activate, exit Eclipse, right-click the Eclipse desktop icon,
and select Run as administrator). This is a known feature on Windows 7.
5. Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
6. Select Genesys Composer from the list of currently installed programs, and then
click Remove.

Reinstall Procedure
To reinstall on Windows, repeat the installation steps in Installing Composer on Windows.

Composer Deployment Guide 53

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