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Persons RuizVAtienza Alyssa Agustin

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Ruiz v Atienza grabbed him by his necktie and exclaimed: “So

you mean to fool my daughter!” His reaction in

Grounds for Annulment | Violence et al. | 40 OG 1903 March anger was understandable and it was not
18, 1941 | Engzon, J. | By Agustin, A. sufficiently established that the father had a
Summary: balisong or threatened Atienza’s life.
b. Re. Bar admission: It is not considered an act of
1. Jose and Pelagia were lovers and had a baby outside of duress as to constitute an annulment of
marriage. marriage. (“and where a man marries under the
2. Pelagia’s father, cousin in law (Pel’s Atty.), et al. threat of, or constraint from, a lawful
convinced him to marry her, marriage license and all, in prosecution for seduction or bastardy, he
Aglipay Church. cannot avoid the marriage on the ground of
3. Four days later, he asked for an annulment claiming that duress” - 38 C.J., sec. 70, p. 1305)
he was threatened, all of which the SC denied: (1) with c. Re. promise: Promise of safety was only given to
dad’s balisong – no proof; (2) obstructed admission to make him feel secure since he was afraid of the
the bar – this is a lawful prosecution for seduction; (3) possible bodily harm he might endure in
physical safety if he complies – only mentioned to make retaliation for the dishonor he inflicted upon her
him feel secure since he was scared on bodily harm for family.
inflicting dishonor to their fam. 3. Ruiz made it look like he was kidnapped until after the
4. SC also added that he made it look like he was marriage ceremony, although had several opportunities
kidnapped, though he was chances to escape and call for to escape. He also had companions in the house whom
help; that force and violence defined under Marriage Law he could have called for help. There was also a
did not include mere intimidation, in absence of policeman.
violation. 4. Now, considering that the law presumes strongly the
5. Marriage therefore NOT annullable. validity of marriage once the formal ceremonies have
been completed, we are led to the conclusion that
Facts of the Case:
although plaintiff may not have looked upon the
1. Jose Ruiz, the plaintiff, and Pelagia Atienza, the ceremony as the happy culmination of youthful romance,
defendant, were sweethearts in 1938. still the evidence does not warrant a pronouncement
2. Nine months later, they had a baby outside of marriage. that his consent to it was obtained through force or
3. After the baby’s birth (Nov 14, 1939), Pelagia’s father, intimidation.
cousin-in-law and three other persons visiting Ruiz in his a. Court cited the Marriage Law (sec 30 Act No.
boarding house and convincing him into marrying 3613) on “force” or “violence”; these do not
Pelagia. include mere intimidation, at least when it does
4. After some discussion, they –including Pelagia—secured not legally involve force or violence.
a marriage license and solemnized their wedding that b. Atienza’s attorney has successfully met the
same evening at an Aglipayan church. issues, upholding the judge’s conclusion that
5. Four days later, Ruiz brought suit trying to annul the neither violence nor duress attended the
marriage alleging that he had been forced into wedlock. marriage celebration.
He said he only went with them that afternoon because
he was “convinced” due to the following reasons: SC Ruling: MARRIAGE IS NOT ANNULLABLE.
a) He was threatened by Pelagia’s father with a
balisong; See pertinent provisions:
b) Her cousin-in-law, Atty. Villavicencio, told him that if Marriage Law (Act No. 3613)
he doesn’t marry Pelagia, he would have trouble in
the bar exams because many were rejected on the Art 45 FC. Tolentino’s commentary: There is no duress when a man is
ground of immorality; forced to marry a woman after seducing her to repair his wrong.
c) Atty. Villavicencio’s promise that he would be
physically “safe” if he goes with them.


WON being forced into marriage (due to threats and

intimidation) is enough reason to annul their marriage.

1. No, their marriage cannot be annulled.

2. First, the Court reviewed his arguments:
a. Re. Balisong: Dad’s threats only came after he
[initially] refused to marry Pelagia by reason
that he was already married. Mr. Atienza

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