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U.s.pat. 8,606,540, Hole Measurement Apparatuses, Dec. 10, 2013

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,606,540 B2

Haisty et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 10, 2013


(75) Inventors: Brett Stanton Haisty, Powder Springs,
GA (US); Roger Curtis Richardson, 4,455,753 A * 6/1984 Keyes ........................ .. 33/6791
Acworth, GA (US); Bobby Dean 2005/0288816 A1* 12/2005 Kawasaki et al. .. 700/175
McAllister, Acworth, GA (US) 2011/0054354 A1* 3/2011 Hunter et al. ............... .. 600/587

* cited by examiner
(73) Assignee: Projectionworks, Inc., Kennesaw, GA
Primary Examiner * Mischita Henson
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Thomas Horstemeyer LLP
Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (57) ABSTRACT
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 The present invention is directed to automated apparatuses
U.S.C. 154(b) by 306 days. and methods for measuring fastener hole depth, fastener
length, countersink depth and/ or hole diameters in a work
(21) Appl. N0.: 12/942,020 piece (or other object) in an automated and extremely rapid,
e?icient and accurate manner. The apparatuses may be oper
(22) Filed: Nov. 9, 2010 ably connected with a power source and with one or a plural
ity of computers or other data collection devices to transmit
(65) Prior Publication Data fastener hole depth, countersink depth and/or hole diameter
measurement data and/or information to them each time that
US 2011/0166824 A1 Jul. 7, 2011
a fastener hole is measured, while the apparatus is continu
ously measuring fastener holes (i.e., with no interruptions).
Extremely advantageously, using only one hand, and by only
Related US. Application Data squeezing a trigger only one time, an operator of such an
(60) Provisional application No. 61/281,108, ?led on Nov. apparatus may successfully and very rapidly and accurately
10, 2009. perform more than one, or all three, of the following func
tions: (i) normalize the apparatus relative to one or a plurality
(51) Int. Cl. of fastener holes and/ or workpiece surfaces; (ii) make one or
G01B 5/08 (2006.01) a plurality of accurate measurements; and (iii) transmit the
one or more measurements from the apparatus to one or a
(52) US. Cl.
plurality of computers and/or other data collection devices
USPC .......................... .. 702/157; 702/155; 702/158
for, for example, recordation, storage, manipulation, other
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search
use and/ or the like.
USPC ........................................ .. 702/155, 157*158
See application ?le for complete search history. 45 Claims, 88 Drawing Sheets
US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 1 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2
US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 2 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2


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US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 3 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2

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US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 4 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2
US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 5 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 5

User Interface Screen of an Authoring Assembly Software Tool

US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 6 6f 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 6

Example of a Base Geometry in a User Interface Screen

of an Authoring Assembly Software Tool

mum Ema»
U S. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 7 of 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 7

Demo Panel screen of an Annotated Geometry File

of an Authoring Assembly Software Tool

: 171711 2140 0 0 100010505 1002110505 100003337" , 0127341110 1003502203 1305

7002 2011-0-13 4374212590 1040077053 -9.00090\1252 0014020457 0130714184 _0.002:30500 1300519605
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2 2040241400 25100102 4.401014173 0505024 0120544520 ‘1007097105 1300944002
0.00011511 5. . 0340457 014960-05 0x59257000 0.0020017 . 130400315
00433337007 2 .03520022 0.000110071 0130231929 0.002276772 1302165354.
Q 000390701 0.750050s~=-1 031101102 0.010503‘r 0107075110 0.001151011 120503937
.197074015 3. 2030502 . .410903504 0.00.521122 00139022025 ‘000252323 1301050394
1000500001 0. 30527550 3970700031 0011550010 0102010071 0.001100503 1-200
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US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 8 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 8

Data_Imp0rt_F0rm Screen of an Authorin g Assembly Software Tool:


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US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 9 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 9

Data_Import_Form Screen of an Authoring Assembly Software Tool:

Column Locations Defined for Pre-Drilled Hole ID and Fastener Part Number


US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 10 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 10

Data_Imp0rt_F0rm Screen of an Authoring Assembly Software Tool:

How the Annotated Geometry should be Displayed

Segmented Line
US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 11 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2





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US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 12 of 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 12

Example of a Base Geometry in a User Interface Screen

of an Authoring Assembly Software Tool having Annotated Data Overplayed onto it

U S. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 13 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 13

User Interface Screen of a Configurator Assembly Software Tool

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US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 14 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 14

User Interface Screen of an Operator Assembly Software Tool

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US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 15 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 15

A Cal Frame of an Operator Assembly Software Tool Showing

Calibration Points (Red) and Non-Calibration Points (Yellow)

US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 16 6f 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 16

A Tweak Screen of an Operator Assembly Software Tool used for

Calibrating Datasets of Pre-Drilled Hole Locations for Fasteners

US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 17 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 17

Projection of Calibrated Data Sets from the Tweak Screen of the Operator Assembly
Software Tool onto the Object being Assembled

US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 18 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 18

Measure Frame (Empty) of User Interface of Operator Assembly Software Tool

US. Patent Dec. 10, 2013 Sheet 19 0f 88 US 8,606,540 B2

FIG. 19

Install Frame of User Interface of Operator Assembly Software Tool

(Listing the Part Numbers, and Quantities, for each type of Fastener to be Installed)
US 8,606,540 B2
1 2
HOLE MEASUREMENT APPARATUSES ing assembly software tool. The computer program listings in
the computer program listing appendix are subject to copy-
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED right protection and any use or reproduction thereof other
APPLICATIONS than as part of the facsimile reproduction of this patent dis-
closure is prohibited.
This patent application claims the benefit of prior Provi- The computer program listings in the computer program
sional Patent Application U.S. Ser. No. 61/281,108, filed on listing appendix are identified below along with the computer
Nov. 10, 2009, which is hereby incorporated into this patent source code text files contained within each computer pro-
application in its entirety by reference (including all com- gram listing. Corresponding computer source code files (.cs
puter files and computer code). 61281108 10
file) are also listed next to the computer source code text files.
COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION A few of the computer source code text files below have file
names that appear on two lines rather than on one line. Where
Portions of this patent disclosure contain materials that are this occurs, there will not be a file size or creation date on the
subject to copyright protection. The copyright owner has no 15
second line. Each computer program listings and the com-
objection to the facsimile reproduction by anyone of the puter source code text files therein may be opened by Word,
patent document or the patent disclosure as it appears in the Notepad, Wordpad, or any other word processing program
Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) patent file or records, but that supports the .txt format. For purposes of viewing the
otherwise reserves all copyright rights. information in the files, the .txt extension should be used. Any
20 individual computer source code text file may be extracted by
COMPUTER PROGRAM LISTING APPENDIX copying the portion of the computer program listing for that
computer source code text file and pasting that portion into a
A computer program listing appendix is included as an new text file. The new text file may be converted to a source
appendix to this disclosure. The computer program listing code file (.cs file) by changing its file name from XXX.txt to
was submitted electronically via the PTO EFS-Web system as 25 XXX.cs. This may be performed in Windows Explorer by
ASCII text files. For economy purposes, each computer pro- right clicking on the file and selecting rename, then typing the
gram listing contains one or more computer source code text new name of the file in the highlighted area. These .cs files
files that have been appended to create the computer program may be used by Microsoft Visual Studio or similar software
listing. Each computer program listing also has a filename development tool that supports C#, and can be compiled. The
that reflects the subject matter and/or content of the computer 30 creation dates of the C# files are also listed hereinbelow. All of
source code text files contained within that computer program the computer source code text files were originally created on
listing. For example, the computer program listing "Author- Nov. 6, 2009, except for "main.c," which was created on Sep.
ing_Assembly_Software_Tool_Files.txt" contains one or 13, 2010. All of the computer program listings were origi-
more computer source code text files pertaining to the author- nally created on Nov. 8, 2010.

Authoring Assembly Software Tool Files

(Filename: "Authoring_Assembly_Software_Tool_Files.txt." Size: 941.214 bytes)

Size (Bytes) File Name (C#) File Name (.TXT) Creation Date (C#)

2,728 AddDrawingSurface.cs AddDrawingSurface.txt Oct. 28, 2008

11,022 AddDrawingSurface.Designer.cs AddDrawingSurface.Designer. txt Oct. 28, 2008
744 AddPart.cs AddPart. txt Aug. 07, 2008
29,034 AddPart.Designer.cs AddPart.Designer.txt Oct. 28, 2008
990 CalFrame.cs CalFrame.txt Dec. 06, 2008
595 CalibrationFrarne.cs CalibrationFrame.txt Dec. 20, 2008
4,274 CalPoint.cs CalPoint.txt Sep. 02, 2009
5,854 Circle.cs Circle.txt Sep. 02, 2009
140 Classl.cs Classl.txt Feb. 12, 2008
661 ColwnnDefinition.cs ColumnDefinition. txt Nov. 07, 2008
5,272 Complex.cs Complex.txt Aug. 15, 2008
33,606 Data Import Form.cs Data Import Form.txt Sep. 02, 2009
99,998 Data Import Form.Designer.cs Data Import Form.Designer. txt Sep. 02, 2009
528 DataHeader.cs DataHeader.txt Nov. 07, 2008
4,288 Diamond.cs Diamond.txt Sep. 02, 2009
1,715 DocumentDisplay.cs DocumentDisplay.txt Aug. 28, 2009
343 Doublet.cs Doublet.txt Dec. 15, 2008
24,519 Drawing.cs Drawing.txt Aug. 20, 2009
1,154 DrawingSurface.cs DrawingSurface. txt Nov. 25, 2008
2,670 DrawingSurface.Designer.cs DrawingSurface.Designer.txt Aug. 18, 2008
6,462 Feature.cs Feature.txt Sep. 02, 2009
148,340 Forml.cs Forml.txt Sep. 14, 2009
164,576 Forml .Designer.cs Forml.Designer.txt Aug. 28, 2009
343 Form2.cs Form2.txt Aug. 21, 2008
2,527 Form2.Designer.cs Form2.Designer. txt Nov. 05, 2009
951 FOVForm.cs FOVForm.txt Nov. 05, 2009
4,389 FOVForm.Designer.cs FOVForm.Designer.txt Feb. 03, 2009
1,375 FrarneMatrixForm.cs FrameMatrixForm.txt Aug. 25, 2008
3,728 FrarneMatrixForm.Designer.cs FrarneMatrixF arm.Designer. txt Nov. 05, 2009
6,377 Gage.cs Gage.txt Apr. 23, 2009
1,831 GeometryDisplay.cs Geometry Display. txt Aug. 28, 2009
691 GetlnputForm.cs GetlnputForm.txt Nov. 16, 2008
US 8,606,540 B2
3 4
Authoring Assembly Software Tool Files
(Filename: "Authoring Assembly Software Tool Files.txt," Size: 941,214 bytes)

Size (Bytes) File Name (C#) File Name (.TXT) Creation Date (C#)

4,619 GetlnputForm.Designer.cs GetlnputForm.Designer.txt Nov. 05, 2009

681 GetLabelForm.cs GetLabelForm. txt Nov. 16, 2008
3,199 GetLabelForm.Designer.cs GetLabelForm.Designer.txt Nov. 16, 2008
921 GetProcessGroupNarne.cs GetProcessGroupName.txt Jul. 08, 2009
4,076 GetProcessGroupNarne.Designer.cs GetProcessGroupName.Designer.txt Jul. 08, 2009
6,182 GLMatrix.cs GLMatrix.txt Nov. 14, 2008
1,433 GLPoint.cs GLPoint.txt Nov. 05, 2009
4,094 HMatrix2D.cs HMatrix2D.txt Dec. 15, 2008
10,445 HMatrix2DMap.cs HMatrix2DMap. txt Nov. 05, 2009
12,134 HMatrix3D.cs HMatrix3D.txt Aug. 24, 2009
974 HVector2D.cs HVector2D.txt Dec. 15, 2008
1,448 HVector3D.cs HVector3D.txt Aug. 18, 2009
542 IDScreen.cs ID Screen. txt Nov. 17, 2008
2,514 IDScreen.Designer.cs IDScreen.Designer.txt Nov. 17, 2008
2,486 ImageBrowser.cs Image Browser. txt Sep. 14, 2009
5,200 ImageBrowser.Designer.cs ImageBrowser.Designer.txt Sep. 02, 2009
2,059 ImageChooser.cs ImageChooser. txt Sep. 14, 2009
4,646 ImageChooser.Designer.cs ImageChooser.Designer.txt Jan. 10, 2009
6,264 IrnageDef.cs ImageDef.txt Nov. 05, 2009
457 !magell.cs Imagell.txt Dec. 07, 2008
893 ImageViewer.cs ImageViewer.txt Dec. 07, 2008
5,050 ImageViewer.Designer.cs ImageViewer.Designer. txt Dec. 07, 2008
1,636 InfoFrame.cs InfoFrame.txt Dec. 04, 2008
2,036 InstallF rame.cs InstallFrame. txt Jan. 28, 2009
14,682 KLT.cs KLT.txt Apr. 24, 2009
3,857 Line.cs Line.txt Sep. 02, 2009
2,722 Matrix.cs Matrix.txt Nov. 05, 2009
2,221 MeasureFrarne.cs MeasureFrame.txt Jan. 28, 2009
6,393 Part.cs Part.txt Sep. 14, 2009
297 Pipeline.cs Pipeline.txt Dec. 22, 2008
10,986 Plane.cs Plane.txt Aug. 28, 2009
3,867 Point.cs Point.txt Sep. 02, 2009
647 PointNormal.cs PointNormal.txt Feb. 10, 2009
1,835 PointPair.cs PointPair.txt Nov. 10, 2008
3,129 PointSet.cs PointSet.txt Nov. 10, 2008
4,762 Polygon.cs Polygon.txt Aug. 28, 2009
4,582 Polyhedron.cs Polyhedron.txt Sep. 02, 2009
1,385 Process.cs Process. txt Aug. 28, 2009
3,890 ProcessFrarne.cs ProcessFrame.txt Sep. 01, 2009
485 Program.cs Program.txt Feb. 12, 2008
9,097 Project.cs Project.txt Sep. 02, 2009
4,546 Rectangle.cs Rectangle.txt Nov. 05, 2009
424 RefreshingListBox.cs RefreshingListBox.txt Sep. 01, 2009
611 Results.cs Results.txt Feb. 03, 2009
2,828 Results.Designer.cs Results.Designer.txt Feb. 03, 2009
9,777 RTFEdit.cs RTFEdit.txt Jan. 08, 2009
17,936 RTFEdit.Designer.cs RTFEdit.Designer. txt Jan. 08, 2009
3,799 SegmentedLine.cs SegmentedLine.txt Mar. 06, 2009
1,762 Sim.cs Sim.txt Dec. 18, 2008
18,845 Solutions.cs Solutions.txt Dec. 22, 2008
574 Splash Screen.cs Splash Screen. txt May 04, 2009
3,819 Splash Screen.Designer.cs Splash Screen.Designer.txt May 04, 2009
2,886 Spline.cs Spline.txt Nov. 05, 1999
14,009 Test Projector Screen.cs Test Projector Screen.txt Aug. 28, 2009
13,326 Test Projector Screen.Designer.cs Test Projector Screen.Designer.txt Feb. 03, 2009
4,557 Text.cs Text.txt Aug. 28, 2009
3,948 Texture.cs Texture. txt Sep. 14, 2009
149 TextureListltem.cs TextureListltem.txt Jan. 10, 2009
347 Toolbox.cs Toolbox.txt Jan. 13, 2009
1,179 Toolbox.Designer.cs Toolbox.Designer.txt Jan. 13, 2009
183 TreeNode2.cs TreeNode2.txt Feb. 12, 2008
7,837 TreeNode3.cs TreeNode3.txt Aug. 28, 2009
1,648 TreeNode4.cs TreeNode4.txt Aug. 28, 2009
4,223 Triangle.cs Triangle.txt Sep. 02, 2009
602 Triplet.cs Triplet.txt Dec. 15, 2008
2,209 Tweaker.cs Tweaker.txt Aug. 17, 2008
16,819 Tweaker.Designer.cs Tweaker.Designer.txt Aug. 17, 2008
1,000 Tweak.Frame.cs TweakFrame.txt Dec. 02, 2008
17,926 Type! Solution.cs TypelSolution.txt Dec. 15, 2008
165 TypeList.cs TypeList.txt Aug. 28, 2009
397 Ullnput.cs Ullnput.txt Dec. 04, 2008
403 U!Label.cs U!Label.txt Dec. 04, 2008
900 Unique!DClass.cs Unique!DClass.txt Nov. 16, 2008
1,437 UserlnterfaceDisplay.cs UserlnterfaceDisplay.txt Aug. 28, 2009
2,732 Vector.cs Vector.txt Oct. 22, 2008
US 8,606,540 B2
5 6
Authoring Assembly Software Tool Files
(Filename: "Authoring Assembly Software Tool Files.txt," Size: 941,214 bytes)

Size (Bytes) File Name (C#) File Name (.TXT) Creation Date (C#)

1,713 VideoDisplay.cs VideoDisplay.txt Aug. 28, 2009

3,103 View.cs View.txt Oct. 05, 2008
3,234 View Info.cs View Info. txt Aug. 17, 2008
627 Viewportinfo.cs Viewportinfo. txt Dec. 16, 2008
4,733 Viewportlnfo.Designer.cs Viewportinfo.Designer.txt Dec. 16, 2008
2,344 Virtual Gage.cs VirtualGage.txt Dec. 07, 2008
6,879 Virtual Gage.Designer.cs Virtual Gage. Designer. txt Dec. 07, 2008
24,226 VoxelSpace.cs VoxelSpace.txt Sep. 14, 2009
0 ZPR.cs ZPR.txt Feb. 12, 2008

116 File(s) 941,213 bytes

Configurator Assembly Software Tool Files

(Filename: "Configurator_Assembly_Software Tool Files.txt," Size: 116,085 bytes)

Size (Bytes) File Name (C#) File Name (.TXT) Creation Date (C#)

1,174 DSCSerialGage.cs DSCSerialGage.txt Apr. 20, 2009

2,619 DSCUSBGage.cs DSCUSBGage.txt Apr. 21, 2009
39,507 Forml.cs Forml.txt Aug. 28, 2009
42,148 Forml .Designer.cs Form 1. Designer. txt Aug. 18, 2009
850 GageDefinition.cs GageDefinition.txt Apr. 21, 2009
707 GageSelectionForm.cs GageSelectionForm.txt Apr. 20, 2009
3,899 GageSelectionForm.Designer.cs GageSelectionF arm.Designer. txt Apr. 20, 2009
878 getFilenarne.cs getFilename.txt Jul. 08, 2009
4,130 getFilenarne.Designer.cs getFilename.Designer.txt Jul. 08, 2009
365 HelpForm.cs HelpForm.txt Jul. 03, 2009
2,106 HelpForm.Designer.cs HelpForm.Designer.txt Jul. 03, 2009
2,578 Process Selector. cs ProcessSelector.txt Aug. 17, 2009
8,056 Process Selector. Designer.cs ProcessSelector.Designer.txt Aug. 17, 2009
275 Process Step.cs ProcessStep.txt Aug. 28, 2009
496 Program.cs Pro gram. txt Nov. 13, 2008
1,091 SelectProcessGroup.cs SelectProcessGroup.txt Aug. 17, 2009
5,205 SelectProcessGroup.Designer.cs SelectProcessGroup .Designer. txt Aug. 17, 2009

17 File(s) 116,084 bytes

Operator Assembly Software Tool Files

(Filename: "Operator Assembly Software Tool Files.txt," Size: 229,517 bytes)

Size (Bytes) File Name (C#) File Name (.TXT) Creation Date (C#)

20,149 CalibrateControl.cs Cali brateContro 1. txt 09/14/09

4,022 CalibrateControl.Designer.cs CalibrateControl.Designer.txt 11/20/08
183 CalibrationRuntimeProcess.cs CalibrationRuntimeProcess.txt 11/20/08
447 CountingString.cs CountingString.txt 09/01/09
314 DisplayOutput.cs DisplayOutput.txt 12/02/08
145 Gage.cs Gage.txt 12/24/08
6,335 InfoControl.cs Info Control. txt 01/09/09
16,941 InfoControl.Designer.cs InfoControl.Designer.txt 01/09/09
176 InfoRWltimeProcess.cs InfoRWltimeProcess.txt 11/20/08
7,352 Install Control.cs Install Contra 1. txt 09102109
3,668 Install Control. Designer.cs InstallControl.Designer.txt 09102109
179 InstallRlliltimeProcess.cs InstallRuntimeProcess.txt 11/20/08
8,654 MeasureControl.cs MeasureControl.txt 09102109
4,053 MeasureControl.Designer.cs MeasureControl.Designer.txt 12/08/08
179 MeasureRuntimeProcess.cs MeasureRlliltimeProcess. txt 11/20/08
589 oglControl.cs oglControl.txt 09/14/09
30,850 Operator Main Form.cs Operator Main Form.txt 09/08/09
11,524 Operator Main Form. Operator Main Form. 06123109
Designer.cs Designer.txt
9,527 ProcessControl.cs ProcessControl.txt 09102109
13,520 ProcessControl.Designer.cs ProcessControl.Designer.txt 09/01/09
492 Program.cs Program. txt 11/13/08
23,154 Projector Screen.cs Projector Screen.txt 09/14/09
4,720 Projector Screen.designer.cs Projector Screen.designer. txt 09/14/09
818 RequestCalibrationForm.cs RequestCalibrationF orm. txt 07/07/09
2,943 RequestCalibrationForm. RequestCalibrationForm. 07/07/09
Designer.cs Designer.txt
US 8,606,540 B2
7 8
Operator Assembly Software Tool Files
(Filename: "Operator Assembly Software Tool Files.txt," Size: 229,517 bytes)

Size (Bytes) File Name (C#) File Name (.TXT) Creation Date (C#)

155 RuntimeProcess.cs RuntimeProcess.txt 11/20/08

860 SelectProcess.cs SelectProcess.txt 07/09/09
4,949 SelectProcess.Designer.cs SelectProcess.Designer.txt 07/09/09
1,745 TweakControl.cs TweakControl.txt 12/03/08
8,387 TweakControl.Designer.cs TweakControl.Designer.txt 12/02/08
177 TweakRuntimeProcess.cs TweakRuntimeProcess.txt 11/20/08
28,428 USB4.cs USB4.txt 07/08/09
5,019 USBGage.cs USBGage.txt 07/08/09
468 VideoWindow.cs VideoWindow.txt 09/01/09
2,724 Video Window.Designer.cs VideoWindow.Designer.txt 09/01/09
346 WMP.cs WMP.txt 11/18/08
2,522 WMP.Designer.cs WMP.Designer.txt 11/18/08
533 WorkinstructionsWindow.cs WorklnstructionsWindow.txt 09/01/09
2,269 WorklnstructionsWindow. WorklnstructionsWindow. 09/01/09
Designer.cs Designer.txt
39 File(s) 229,516 bytes

provide them with hole depth, countersink depth, hole diam-

eter measurement data and/or data and/or information each
STLModel - STLModel Software Tool File time that a hole is measured. Such data and/or information
(Filename: "STLModel Software Tool File.txt," Size: 137 bytes)
25 may be recorded, stored, organized, manipulated and/or oth-
Size (Bytes) File Name (C#) File Name (.TXT) Creation Date (C#) erwise used by the computers (or other devices) in any man-
ner desired or required by an operator.
137 Classl.cs See above 08/01/08 The invention is also directed to a method for measuring
1 File(s) 137 bytes
pre-drilled and other fastener hole depths, countersink depths
30 and/or hole diameters, and to identifying and selecting cor-
responding fasteners having correct lengths for such holes.
The measurement apparatuses and methods of the present
invention may be employed, for example, in conjunction, or
STLModel - STLTools Software Tool File
(Filename: "STLTools Software Tool File.txt," Size: 9,886 bytes)
connection, with computerized optical systems for the pro-
35 jection of three-dimensional text, images and/or symbols in a
Size (Bytes) File Name (C#) File Name (.TXT) Creation Date (C#) substantially or fully undistorted manner onto one or a plu-
rality of surfaces of a variety of different three-dimensional
1,114 Facet.cs Facet.txt 09/14/09
8,771 Model.cs Model.txt 08/18/09 objects, or parts thereof, regardless of their shape of size.
2 File(s) 9,885 bytes The invention is also directed to measurement apparatuses
40 of the invention that are used in combination with computer-
ized optical manufacturing guidance systems. Such systems
can provide ordered step-by-step manufacturing instructions
which instruct manufacturing personnel, assembly techni-
ATMEGA128RFA1 Microcontroller File cians and other system users how to manufacture, measure
(Filename: "ATMEGA128RFAl_Microcontroller.txt," Size: 45 and/or assemble any three-dimensional objects or systems,
24 181 b es which may be extremely complex, such as an aircraft, or a part
Size (Bytes) File Name (C#) File Name (.TXT) Creation Date (C#)
thereof (a wing, a vertical stabilizer, or the like) in a very
efficient, rapid and accurate manner, particularly in compari-
24,181 Main.c See above 09/13/20 son with a manual manufacture or assembly of the same
1 File(s) 24,181 bytes
50 three-dimensional objects (or parts), which uses blueprints,
plans, instruction manuals, other paper-based products and/or
computer screens for teaching an assembly of the objects, and
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION with laser-based assembly systems. The manufacturing or
assembly instructions (or other optical projections) are in the
1. Field of the Invention 55 form of calibrated three-dimensional text, symbols and/or
The present invention is directed to automated apparatuses images, and are projected by one or a plurality of optical
and methods for measuring, in connection with one or a projector that are operably connected with one or a plurality
plurality of pre-drilled or other fastener (or other) holes that of computers onto the three-dimensional objects or systems,
are present in a workpiece, fastener hole depth, fastener or components thereof. Uniquely, and very advantageously,
length, countersink depth, workpiece thickness and/or hole 60 the three-dimensional text, images and/or symbols, such as
diameters in an automated and very rapid, efficient and accu- manufacturing instructions, have an ability to "wrap around"
rate manner. Because fastener hole depths and object thick- the three-dimensional objects or systems (or parts), and to
ness each correspond with fastener lengths, such apparatuses appear thereon in a manner that is not distorted by the three-
and methods enable a user to easily and rapidly identify and dimensional nature of the text, images and/or symbols, or of
select a fastener having a correct length for a particular hole. 65 the objects or parts being manufactured, and/or by other
The apparatuses may be operably connected with one or a potential distortions, such as curves or contours. The inven-
plurality of computers (or other data collection devices) to tion also provides methods for projecting three-dimensional
US 8,606,540 B2
9 10
text, images and/or symbols in a substantially or fully undis- from objects that function in a sub-standard manner or that
torted manner onto one or a plurality of surfaces of a variety must have fasteners having an incorrect length, width and/or
of different three-dimensional objects, and methods for pro- countersink depth removed and replaced with correct fasten-
viding an ordered step-by-step assembly of three-dimen- ers (i.e. those having a correct length, width and countersink
sional objects, or parts thereof, which may be relatively or depth), which is extremely labor intensive and time consum-
extremely complex, and which may be used, for example, on ing. The latter may, additionally and very disadvantageously,
an assembly line, or in another manufacturing environment result in damage to the workpiece or other object, potentially
(or in some other environment). resulting in a large financial loss. Fastener length may also be
2. Background critical in minimizing weight on certain types of assemblies.
In an assembly, manufacture or other production process of 1o Various types of manual and automated measurement devices
a complex three-dimensional object, such as a workpiece, for are, thus, available for measuring the lengths, widths and
example, on an assembly line or in a production facility, countersink depths of pre-drilled and other holes in which
assembly workers, manufacturing technicians or others must fasteners are to be extended and installed.
typically assembly the object using a series of ordered step- Grip gages, for example, are one such type of measurement
by-step assembly or manufacturing guidance work instruc- 15 devices, and permit users to determine proper bolt and/or
tions that teach, instruct or guide them as to how the object fastener lengths for corresponding pre-drilled or other holes
should be assembled, manufactured or produced. Such present in a workpiece of other object, or part thereof, manu-
instructions may be provided to them via a set of blue prints ally or in an automated manner. A corresponding dual use
including both illustrations and text (often thousands of pages scale can measure depth of holes in 1/i6" increments to 21/2 11 ,
in length), laser projection technology, optically assembly 20 and +grip length of fasteners in 1/16" increments to 2 1h". These
projection technology and/or the like. For example, a set of gages generally include a probe that has a configuration of a
assembly instructions may direct that the following steps be fish hook, which can be hooked on the back side of a fastener
performed by an assembly operator in the particular order hole. The length of the fastener hole is typically indicated by
listed: (i) remove a panel from an object; (ii) remove a clamp a number provided by a linear scale that is present inside the
from the object; (iii) measure a depth, diameter and/or coun- 25 grip gun. Manual grip gages are typically far less rapid, effi-
tersink depth of each of a series of pre-drilled fastener holes cient and accurate than some automated grip gages, and often
(potentially hundreds or thousands of them); (iv) insert a greatly extend assembly or manufacturing times in compari-
series of different sized and types of fasteners into the pre- son with automated grip gages. Moreover, known automated
drilled fastener holes in a manner that the characteristics of grip gages very disadvantageously generally require a use of
the particular fasteners selected (length, diameter and/or the 30 three hands to operate (i.e., hands of two different operators),
like) accurately correspond with the particular measurements rendering them extremely labor intensive, time consuming,
made of the corresponding holes into which they are to be awkward and difficult to use (since each operator only has two
installed; (v) remove a bolt from the object (before sliding an hands) and, thus, expensive to use (in terms of labor costs).
engine in); (vi) sliding an engine in; (vii) putting the clamp Further, they are typically extremely slow and inefficient,
back onto the object; and (viii) put the panel back on the 35 generally performing steps of normalization, measurement,
object. data recordation and the like in a series of separate steps that
Structural fasteners that may be used in an assembly, are not concurrent, but are consecutive, rendering such
manufacture or production of three-dimensional workpieces, devices extremely inefficient, labor intensive, time consum-
objects, and parts thereof, come in greatly varying lengths and ing and, as a result, expensive to operate.
widths to accommodate any thickness of the three-dimen- 40 Further, current projection systems for manufacturing
sional workpieces, objects, and parts thereof, and/or fastener three-dimensional objects utilize laser projectors to project
hole lengths, diameters and counterskings present therein, points or text onto a surface. The laser projectors emit highly
such as complex and other structures, for example, the skins amplified and coherent electromagnetic radiation of one or
of aircrafts, submarines, automobiles, military vehicles, mis- more specific frequencies in a form of an intense beam of
siles and the like, which must generally be very securely 45 nearly monochromatic visible or infrared light through a pro-
attached to some type of a substructure of the workpiece, cess of stimulated emission. The radiation emitted by the
object or part. The thickness of a workpiece, structure, sub- laser consists of a coherent beam of photons, all in phase and
structure, part or skin, and/or the diameters and countersink having the same polarization, and at any given time, a user
depths of fastener holes present therein, may vary widely. It will always see a moving dot. Very disadvantageously, laser
is, thus, generally very important to measure the length, diam- 50 systems, and their replacement parts, are extremely expensive
eter and countersink depth of each of potentially hundreds, (often prohibitively) and, thus, are not widely used in manu-
thousands or even tens of thousands of pre-drilled or other facturing processes and assembly lines.
fastener holes that may be drilled or otherwise present Further, laser systems, very disadvantageously, are not
therein, and into which some type of a fastener is to be passed capable of projecting images or symbols, such as graphics,
or extended and installed, and to identify and record each 55 pictures, illustrations or drawings, onto a surface, and cannot
particular fastener hole being measured, which permits cor- display large amounts of text or other drawn objects without
responding fasteners having the correct length, diameter and severe flickering, blinking and/or other significant distor-
countersink depth to be identified, selected, employed and tions, all of which generally are, at the least, annoying, and
installed therein. Such a process is often critical because the cause eye strain to the user. Further, when large amounts of
structural integrity of an object, or part, that is being 60 text are projected by laser projectors, this causes the laser
assembled, produced or otherwise manufactured, such as a projectors to operate extremely slowly. In contrast with opti-
commercial or military airplane, boat or submarine, may be cal projections, laser projections work in the same manner in
compromised (i.e., weakened or destroyed) if fasteners hav- which one writes with a pen. The laser projections actually
ing an incorrect length, width and/or countersink depth are write out each letter of a word like one would using a pen. The
employed to attach various parts thereof together which, in 65 laser itself is physically moving or has an internal mirror that
turn, could very disadvantageously lead to a massive loss of moves. Consequently, the more text that is to be displayed by
human lives and/or substantial amounts of money resulting a laser projector, the longer it takes for the laser projector to
US 8,606,540 B2
11 12
make one complete projection. For example, if a user of a match target from a non preferred location to a preferred one.
laser projector projects only the letter "A" onto a surface, the Software in a controller translates this displacement into
time between projection cycles would be very short. How- appropriate adjustments to the marker.
ever, thetime between "re-paints" (i.e. re-projecting the infor- U.S. Pat. No. 6,205,370 describes a production of a nest of
mation) becomes significantly longer, and the laser projection cuts for cutting blanks out of flat, irregular workpieces,
very disadvantageously begins to flash, similar to how fluo- wherein the contour and the flaws of the spread workpieces
rescent lights start to flicker as they get older or are cold. The together with a workpiece characteristic are detected by
foregoing problems render laser projectors very difficult, and means of a digitizing unit, and the corresponding data are read
time consuming, to use in an assembly guidance system (in into a computer, which on the basis of these data, and the data
addition to being extremely costly). Optical systems that can 10 stored in the computer concerning number, shape and quality
project three-dimensional text, images and/or symbols onto requirements of the blanks, calculates and stores a nest of
one or a plurality of surfaces of a variety of different three- cuts, and utilizes the detected workpiece characteristics of the
dimensional objects, or parts thereof, in an undistorted man- workpieces as a workpiece code for allocating the nests of
ner currently do not exist. Laser systems are not capable of cuts to the respective workpieces.
making such projections. 15 U.S. Pat. No. 6,304,680 describes a method and system for
Description of Other Art monitoring a process which determines a location of a prod-
U.S. Pat. No. 4,216,585 describes a depth gage for indicat- uct in three dimensional space with respect to a process moni-
ing the depth of a hole through a workpiece which is to be toring system.
attached to a nut-plate by a threaded fastener, which com- U.S. Pat. No. 6,314,311 describes a registration system for
prises a rod with a cylindrical portion adapted to pass through 20 use in connection with an image guided surgery system. It
the hole and abut the nut-plate so that a forward section of the includes a medical diagnostic imaging apparatus for collect-
rod enters within the threads of the nut-plate. The '585 patent ing image data from a subject. An image data processor is
states that a sleeve slidable on the rod in front of the work- stated to reconstruct an image representation of the subject
piece can be slid to abut the front surface of the workpiece, from the image data. An image projector depicts the image
and that graduated markings on the rod indicate the depth of 25 representation on the subject.
the hole. U.S. Pat. No. 6,600,476 describes a video aid to an assem-
U.S. Pat. No. 5,111,406 describes a fixture that is prepared bly system and methods of using the system for providing
with fixture holes arranged in a pattern that corresponds with production personnel access to manufacturing drawing infor-
the locations of fiducial pads that are located on a multilayer mation with minimum user intervention. The system scrolls
board. The fixture has tooling pins that engage with tooling 30 manufacturing drawings automatically as a monitor is moved
holes in the panel to hold the panel in an absolute position relative to a workpiece, so that the manufacturing drawing
relative to the fixture. An x-ray inspection system views a corresponds with the identical location on the workpiece. The
superimposed image of a selected fixture hole and a corre- system is stated to eliminate the need to store, retrieve and
sponding fiducial pad that is visible within the boundary of maintain individual hardcopy drawings.
the fixture hole. A software routine is then used to compute 35 U.S. Pat. No. 6,731,991 describes a method and system of
the offset between the fixture hole and the fiducial pad. The projecting light on a planar surface to produce an image for
process is then repeated for the remaining sample of fixture tracing. The system includes a projector that has a light source
holes and fiducial pads. The results are then fitted and sent to and a signal conditioner that is operably connected to the
a drilling machine to determine a position forthe drilled holes projector. A computer is operably connected to the signal
in the panel that compensates for the registration of the solder 40 conditioner, and a scanner is connected to the projector. A test
pads. pattern from the computer is projected from the projector
U.S. Pat. No. 5,195,451 describes a projection of an image through the scanners to visually align an image to a sector on
of a stitch pattern onto a workpiece. A projector is stated to a work surface. A grid is operably aligned with the work
project a full-sized image of the stitch pattern on the basis of surface, and a geometric pattern from the computer is then
image data read from RAM on a workpiece held by an 45 projected by the projector on the planar work surface for
embroidery frame. tracing. The method comprises the steps of creating a pattern,
U.S. Pat. No. 5,757,950 describes a process for cutting or tracing lines along the pattern on the planar work surface,
stamping individual parts from an animal skin in which the cutting the pattern along the traced lines, discarding pieces of
contours of the individual parts are stored in a computer, and the planar surface outside the pattern, and placing edging
can be assembled to form a cutting pattern. Foroptimizing the 50 along an outer edge of the pattern.
cutting, the cutting pattern is established individually as a U.S. Pat. No. 6,813,035 describes a formation of a two-
function of the quality of the skin, and is projected by a dimensional color pattern consisting of colored pattern ele-
projection device onto the skin. ments that is stated to enable a particularly compact and fault
U.S. Pat. No. 6, 192, 777 describes an apparatus and method proof color pattern for a coding. The '035 patent states that
for cutting pieces of material from a workpiece, such as a web 55 three dimensional data of an object point can be calculated by
of patterned fabric, which includes irregularities or which is subsequent triangulation at a known position of a projector
misaligned with respect to a coordinate system of the cutting and a camera. Also described is a method for determining
apparatus. The workpiece is spread on a cutting table where it three-dimensional surface coordinates comprising an illumi-
is cut by a numerically controlled cutter in accord with an nation of an object with a color pattern of known structure by
electronic marker stored in the cutter controller. The marker is 60 a projector and recording an object image by a camera.
matched to the workpiece and appropriate adjustments are U.S. Pat. No. 7,016,052 describes "a quick, simple and
made to the marker before the workpiece is cut. A laser, accurate manner in which to measure the dimensions or char-
operatively connected to the controller, projects a match tar- acteristics of a hole without contacting the hole." The '052
get onto the workpiece at a point corresponding to a selected patent states that the apparatus and method described therein
point on the marker. The marker is then adjusted such that the 65 also automatically detect different materials defining the hole
selected point coincides with a desired location on the work- and, therefore, the location of the interface where the mate-
piece. Adjustment is achieved by electronically displacing the rials meet. To measure the characteristics of the hole, the '052
US 8,606,540 B2
13 14
patent states that the apparatus and method measure the inten- part thereof), which correspond accurately with correspond-
sities of light reflected off of the hole wall, and that the light ing fasteners having particular lengths, hole countersink
directed toward the hole wall by the optical fiber may be of the depths and/or diameters, in a continuous manner. These mea-
type, such as collimated or focused, to provide distinct reflec- suring apparatuses may also extremely rapidly and accurately
tions that are received and measured by the optical receiver to measure skin and workpiece thicknesses, grip lengths and
supply accurate measurements of the hole characteristics. other measurements. The measuring apparatuses may be
U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2010/0236087 operably connected with one or more computers and/or other
describes an apparatus comprising a housing, a clamping unit data collection devices in a manner that hole depth, counter-
associated with the housing, a biasing system, and a length sink depth and/or hole diameter data may be readily and
indicator. This publication states that the clamping unit can be 10 extremely rapidly transferred from the apparatuses to one or
inserted through a hole in a structure into an interior of a nut a plurality of the computers and/or other data collection
that is positioned relative to a first surface of the structure, and devices each time that a hole measurement is made by the
that the clamping unit can engage the interior of the nut when apparatus, where the data may be recorded, stored, manipu-
a portion of the housing is positioned relative to a second lated, used to identify a corresponding fastener having par-
surface of the structure. The first structure is stated to be 15 ticular measurements for a particular sized hole and/or the
substantially parallel to the second surface. The biasing sys- like (with potentially thousands of such measurements being
tem is stated to be capable of biasing the portion of the made in connection with potentially thousands of holes that
housing positioned relative to the second surface of the struc- may be present in a single workpiece, object, or part, and with
ture and the clamping unit towards each other, while the the measuring apparatuses typically continuously making
clamping unit is engaged with the interior of the nut. The 20 measurements). The apparatuses of the invention enable an
length indicator is stated to be capable of indicating a length effective and correct determination and identification by a
ofa bolt when the biasing system has biased the portion of the user of the correct or otherwise suitable fastener length and/or
housing and the clamping unit towards each other. Other art type for each particular fastener hole of a three-dimensional
includes published U.S. Patent Applications Nos. 2003/ (or other) object, or part, that is being assembled, manufac-
0207742, 2005/0121422, 2006/0007411, 2006/0176156, 25 tured or otherwise processed (potentially out of thousands of
2006/0290890, 2007/0206371, 2007/0127015 and 2008/ different types and/or lengths of fasteners), such as pre-
0018740, and foreign patent documents numbers GB drilled holes that are present in a skin of an aircraft that is to
2204397, EP 0027054, EP 0053501, EP 1288865, EP be securely attached to an aircraft substructure. Very advan-
1519575, WO 2004084547, WO 2005025199 and WO tageously, the measuring apparatuses and related methods of
9716015. 30 the invention may be employed alone or in connection with
None of the above references, or others that are described computerized optical assembly systems and methods, as well
herein, teach or suggest the novel, automated, very accurate as with any other type of projection system, such as a laser
and extremely rapid fastener hole measurement apparatuses projection system, and other assembly, production and manu-
or methods, or the computerized optical systems or methods, facturing devices, systems and methods, such as non-guided
of the present invention. 35 applications, to measure hole depths, hole diameters, object
There is a need in the assembly, manufacturing, production thickness, required fastener length and/or the like.
and other industries worldwide for automated measuring The automated measuring apparatuses of the present
apparatuses that perform very rapid, efficient and accurate invention are a great improvement in the art in comparison
measurements of the lengths of pre-drilled and other fastener with other apparatuses for performing measurements of the
holes, and of required or desired corresponding fasteners of a 40 depths of pre-drilled and other holes, hole countersink depths
correct length for such holes, hole countersink depths and/or and hole diameters. Extremely advantageously, using only
hole diameters, which may be operably connected with one or one hand, and by only squeezing a trigger (or similar device)
more computers or other data collection devices in a manner one time, and in one single action, an operator of an apparatus
that data resulting from one or all of such measurements may of the invention has an ability to successfully, very accurately
be readily and rapidly transmitted (or otherwise transferred) 45 and extremely rapidly (instantaneously or almost instanta-
to one or a plurality of computers and/or other data collection neously) perform all three of the following functions (simul-
devices for recordation or other use each time that a hole is taneously or almost simultaneously):
measured. (i) normalize the measuring apparatus onto one or a plu-
Further, there is a long-felt, but unsolved, need worldwide rality of surfaces present on, or in, an object, or a part
in the manufacturing and production industries for efficient, 50 thereof (which itself is to be, or includes an item that is
rapid and accurate guidance systems that have an ability to to be, measured, such as one or a plurality of pre-drilled
significantly reduce the amount of time, labor, manufacturing holes);
errors and paper products (blueprints, plans, instruction (ii) perform one or a plurality of accurate measurements in
manuals and/or the like) that are typically required to manu- regard to the item(s) to be measured; and
ally assemble or otherwise manufacture complicated three- 55 (iii) transmit or otherwise transfer one or a plurality of
dimensional objects, such as aircrafts, submarines and auto- measurement data and/or information procured or
mobiles, and that can be used on assembly lines and/or in obtained in regard to the item(s) measured from the
other manufacturing and production environments. measuring apparatus to one or a plurality of computers,
data collection devices and/or similar devices, where
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 60 such measurement data and/or information may be
recorded, stored, organized, manipulated and/or other-
The present invention provides automated measuring wise used in any required or desired manner by the
apparatuses in both a wired and a wireless form that perform operator (or another user).
extremely rapid, efficient and accurate measurements, typi- The measurement apparatuses of the invention may be
cally of the exact depths, countersink depths and diameters of 65 operably connected with one or a plurality of computers, data
each of a series of pre-drilled and other fastener holes that are collection devices and/or similar devices using, for example,
present in a workpiece (or other three-dimensional object, or one or a plurality of serial ports, USB cables, Ethernet cables,
US 8,606,540 B2
15 16
wireless transmission or the like in order to communicate jected onto the three-dimensional objects, or parts, when they
measured data and/or information back to one or a plurality of are needed by manufacturing technicians or other system
host (or other) computers, data collection devices or similar users, where they are needed on the object, or part, and in the
devices (or to otherwise supply data and/or other information manner that they are needed (i.e., at any time, at any place on
to the computers, and/or receive data and/or other informa- the surface of the object, or part, and in any marmer). These
tion from the computers). systems and methods are pioneering, and are such an advance
In one embodiment, the measuring apparatuses and meth- over the current state of the art that they may revolutionize the
ods of the present invention may be employed in connection manner in which complicated three-dimensional objects are
with computerized optical manufacturing and guidance sys- assembled or otherwise manufactured worldwide.
tems, and related methods, for the optical projection of three- 10 Three dimensional optical projection is a brand new tech-
dimensional text, images and/or symbols in a substantially or nology that can display three-dimensional images of objects,
completely undistorted manner onto one or a plurality of as well as text and symbols, onto the surfaces of three-dimen-
surfaces of a variety of different three-dimensional objects, or sional objects, or parts thereof, without distortion. When
parts thereof. These systems and methods may be employed employed in the manufacturing industry, by sequencing in
in any field, industry, application, location and/or environ- 15 order (preferably the "best" order) a series or set of compli-
ment in which it is necessary or desirable to project three- cated assembly instructions or steps (i.e., in the order of a
dimensional text, images and/or symbols in a substantially or work process), very complex assemblies or other manufac-
fully undistorted marmer onto one or a plurality of three tures, for example, of aircrafts, jets, helicopters, missiles,
dimensional objects, or parts, including, but not limited to, the submarines, ships, boats, tanks, automobiles and a wide vari-
manufacturing, building construction, automotive, aviation, 20 ety of other objects or systems, or parts thereof, can be
maritime, military, medical, veterinary, entertainment, adver- assembled with unprecedented speed and accuracy. Such
tising, publishing and/or textile industries. Such computer- technology is expected to cause a significant improvement for
ized optical manufacturing guidance systems and methods manufacturing in industrialized countries. By implementing
enable assembly technicians and other manufacturing per- three-dimensional optical projection technology on their
sonnel to very efficiently, rapidly and accurately assemble 25 assembly lines, and in other production environments, busi-
any three-dimensional objects (without the use of lasers or nesses in countries with high-cost labor can provide a new
laser technology), generally in a step-by-step order of a work tool to their workforces that will allow the output from one
process, whether having flat, curved, contoured and/or com- individual to be enhanced considerably. Further, third world
plex curved surfaces, including those objects that are rela- countries are improving their workforces, so that they are
tively or very complex, such as aircrafts, submarines, mis- 30 taking on ever increasing complex manufacturing tasks.
siles, military vehicles and automobiles, and objects that are Three-dimensional optical projection technology is expected
not complex, such as cables, in a marmer that tremendously to enhance the productivity of workers in industrialized coun-
reduces the amount of time, labor, paper products and/or tries to such a large extent that third world countries' current
computer screens that would otherwise typically be required competitive advantage (inexpensive or less expensive labor)
to assemble or otherwise manufacture such objects manually, 35 will be greatly mitigated, with the benefit to the industrialized
or using a laser system, and that significantly reduces or countries of having production performed in those countries,
completely eliminates assembly errors, both of which result rather than in foreign third world countries.
in tremendous cost savings (in time, labor, blueprints, plans, In one aspect, the present invention provides automated
instruction manuals and/or the like). The resulting cost sav- measuring apparatuses that can perform hole depth, counter-
ings, which typically increase as the complexity of the par- 40 sink depth and/or hole diameter measurements in a very
ticular object (or part) being assembled increases, can be rapid, efficient and accurate marmer.
millions of dollars for each object being assembled, such as In another aspect, the present invention provides a method
an aircraft. Such cost savings are multiplied accordingly for measuring a depth of a hole, a countersink depth and/or a
when more than one of the same object is being assembled. hole diameter using an apparatus of the invention comprising:
For example, if a cost savings of two million dollars is 45 (a) inserting the probe of the apparatus into a hole present
achieved in an assembly of one submarine, a cost savings of in an object, or part thereof, in a manner that at least one,
four million dollars will generally be achieved in an assembly and preferably all, of the feet of the probe are in contact
of two such submarines, a cost savings of six million dollars with a surface of the object, or part;
will generally be achieved in an assembly of three such sub- (b) squeezing the trigger of the apparatus;
marines, a cost savings of eight million dollars will generally 50 (c) optionally, reading the hole depth, countersink depth
be achieved in an assembly of four such submarines, and so and/or hole diameter indicator to determine the depth of
forth. the hole, the countersink depth and/or the hole diameter;
The above manufacturing guidance systems and methods and
use optical projectors to optically project calibrated, three- (d) optionally, using the hole depth, countersink depth
dimensional assembly (or work) instructions in the form of 55 and/or hole diameter data provided to one or a plurality
text, images and/or symbols in one or a variety of different of computers to select a suitable fastener for the hole.
colors and/or patterns onto three-dimensional objects, or In another aspect, the present invention provides a mea-
parts, that are being constructed, such as an aircraft, or a part surement apparatus of the invention in combination with a
thereof, such as a vertical stabilizer, or a component thereof, computerized optical system for a projection of three-dimen-
such as a skin of a vertical stabilizer, in a substantially or fully 60 sional text, images and/or symbols onto one or a plurality of
undistorted manner, even when the objects, or parts, include surfaces of a variety of different three-dimensional objects, or
curved, contoured and/or complex curved surfaces, such as parts thereof, comprising:
curved surfaces having bumps or other raised areas thereon, (a) one or more computers including an operating system,
rather than flat surfaces, and even when the optical projectors one or a plurality of graphics cards that can support a
are not positioned and/or located in a manner that is perpen- 65 three-dimensional graphics computerprograniming lan-
dicular to, or straight in front of, the object being assembled. guage, or a combination or hardware and software that
The three-dimensional text, images and/or symbols are pro- performs an equivalent function, and one or a plurality of
US 8,606,540 B2
17 18
computer ports that are capable of outputting video sig- comprising a step of, using the above computerized optical
nals which contain a representation (or definition) of projection system to project the three-dimensional text,
text, images, symbols, or a combination thereof; images or symbols, or a combination thereof, onto the three-
(b) one or a plurality of programs that can run on the dimensional objects, or parts thereof, simultaneously or at
operating systems, and that function separately or different times, in one or a plurality of different colors, or
together in any suitable order to enable a user of the combination of colors.
system to: In yet another aspect, the present invention provides a
(i) create or import three-dimensional surface data (such computerized optical projection system for guiding users in
as the output of a CAD program) that defines a geo- manufacturing one or a plurality of three-dimensional
metric configuration of one or a plurality of surfaces 10 objects, or parts thereof, comprising:
of the one or a plurality of three-dimensional objects, (a) one or more computers including an operating system,
or parts thereof, to be projected upon (Base Geom- one or a plurality of graphics cards that can support a
etry); three-dimensional graphics computerprograniming lan-
(ii) create or import three-dimensional data (such as the guage, or a combination or hardware and software that
output of a CAD program) that defines a geometric 15 performs an equivalent function, and one or a plurality of
configuration of one or a plurality of text, images or computer ports that are capable of outputting video sig-
symbols, or a combination thereof, to be projected nals which contain a representation (or definition) of
upon the one or a plurality of surfaces of the three- text, images, symbols, or a combination thereof;
dimensional objects, or parts thereof (Annotated (b) one or a plurality of programs that can run on the
Geometry); 20 operating systems, and that function separately or
(iii) optionally, organize the data ofitem (ii) into ordered together in any suitable order to enable a user of the
steps or according to other desired criteria; system to:
(iv) correlate into one coordinate system one or a plu- (i) create or import three-dimensional surface data (such
rality of projectors, the surfaces of the three-dimen- as the output of a CAD program) that defines a geo-
sional objects, or parts thereof, being projected upon 25 metric configuration of one or a plurality of surfaces
(as defined by item (i)), and the data of item (ii), of the one or a plurality of the three-dimensional
optionally, in the manner defined in item (iii); and objects, or parts thereof, to be projected on (Base
(v) display the data of item (ii) using the correlation Geometry);
determined in item (iv) onto the one or a plurality of (ii) create or import three-dimensional data (such as the
surfaces of the one or a plurality of the three-dimen- 30 output of a CAD program) that defines a geometric
sional objects, or parts thereof, and, optionally, configuration of one or a plurality of text, images or
execute the ordered steps, other desired criteria, or symbols, or a combination thereof, to be projected
both, identified in item (iii); upon the one or a plurality of surfaces of the three-
(c) one or a plurality of data files containing: dimensional objects, or parts thereof (Annotated
(i) three-dimensional surface data (such as the output of 35 Geometry);
a CAD program) that defines a geometric configura- (iii) organize the data of item (ii) into ordered steps or
tion of one or a plurality of the surfaces of the three- according to other desired criteria;
dimensional objects, or parts thereof, to be projected (iv) correlate into one coordinate system one or a plu-
upon (Base Geometry); rality of projectors, the surfaces of the three-dimen-
(ii) three-dimensional data (such as the output of a CAD 40 sional objects, or parts, being projected upon (as
program) that defines a geometric configuration of the defined by item (i)), and the data of item (ii), in the
one or a plurality of text, images or symbols, or a manner defined in item (iii); and
combination thereof, to be projected upon the one or (v) display the data of item (ii) using the correlation
a plurality of surfaces of the three-dimensional determined in item (iv) onto the one or a plurality of
objects, or parts thereof (Annotated Geometry); 45 the surfaces of the one or a plurality of the three-
(d) one or a plurality of optical projectors operably con- dimensional objects, or parts thereof, to be manufac-
nected with the computers, wherein the optical projec- tured and execute the ordered steps, other desired
tors function to project one or a plurality of the corre- criteria, or both, identified in item (iii);
lated three-dimensional text, images or symbols, or a (c) one or a plurality of data files containing:
combination thereof, originating from the computers, 50 (i) three-dimensional surface data (such as the output of
simultaneously or at different times, in a substantially or a CAD program) that defines a geometric configura-
fully undistorted marmer, onto the one or a plurality of tion of the one or a plurality of surfaces of the three
the surfaces of the three-dimensional objects, or parts dimensional objects, or parts thereof, to be projected
thereof, in one or a plurality of different colors, or com- upon (Base Geometry);
bination of colors; 55 (ii) three-dimensional data (such as the output of a CAD
(e) optionally, one or a plurality of movable or stationary program) that defines a geometric configuration of the
means for supporting the optical projectors; one or a plurality of text, images or symbols, or a
(f) optionally, one or a plurality of movable or stationary combination thereof, to be projected upon the one or
means for supporting the computers; and plurality of the surfaces of the three-dimensional
(g) optionally, a means for taking measurements of por- 60 objects, or parts thereof, to be manufactured (Anno-
tions, areas or components of the three-dimensional tated Geometry);
objects, or parts thereof, or a combination thereof, that is (d) one or a plurality of optical projectors operably con-
operably connected with the computers. nected with the computers, wherein the optical projec-
In another aspect, the present invention provides a method tors function to project the one or a plurality of the
for projecting three-dimensional texts, images or symbols, or 65 correlated three-dimensional text, images or symbols, or
a combination thereof, onto one or more three-dimensional a combination thereof, originating from the computers,
objects, or parts, ina substantially or fully undistorted manner simultaneously or at different times, in a substantially or
US 8,606,540 B2
19 20
fully undistorted manner, onto the one or a plurality of fully undistorted manner onto one or a plurality of surfaces of
the surfaces of the three-dimensional objects, or parts the three-dimensional objects, or parts thereof, comprising:
thereof, in one or a plurality of different colors, or com- (a) a computer usable medium having computer readable
bination of colors; program code physically embodied therein; and
(e) optionally, one or a plurality of movable or stationary (b) computer readable program code that enables a user to:
means for supporting the optical projectors; (i) create or import three-dimensional surface data (such
(f) optionally, one or a plurality of movable or stationary as the output of a CAD program) that defines a geo-
means for supporting the computers; and metric configuration of one or a plurality of surfaces
(g) optionally, a means for taking measurements of por- of the one or a plurality of three-dimensional objects,
10 or parts thereof, to be projected on (Base Geometry);
tions, areas or components of the objects, or parts
(ii) create or import three-dimensional data (such as the
thereof, or a combination thereof, that is operably con-
output of a CAD program) that defines a geometric
nected with the computers.
configuration of one or a plurality of text, images or
In still another aspect, the present invention provides a symbols, or a combination thereof, to be projected
method for providing instructions for guiding users in manu- 15 upon the one or plurality of surfaces of the one or a
facturing a variety of different three-dimensional objects, or plurality of the three-dimensional objects, or parts
parts thereof, comprising optically projecting using the above thereof (Annotated Geometry);
computerized optical projection system one or a plurality of (iii) organize the data of item (ii) into ordered steps or
three-dimensional text, images or symbols, or a combination according to other desired criteria;
thereof, in a substantially or fully undistorted manner, simul- 20 (iv) correlate into one coordinate system one or a plu-
taneously or at different times, onto the three-dimensional rality of projectors, the one or a plurality of surfaces of
objects, or parts thereof, in one or a plurality of different the one or a plurality of the three-dimensional objects,
colors, or combination of colors. or parts, being projected upon (as defined by item (i)),
In yet another aspect, the present invention provides a and the data of item (ii), in the manner defined in item
computer program product for use in a computerized optical 25 (iii); and
system for projecting by one or a plurality of optical projec- (v) display the data of item (ii) using the correlation
tors operably connected with one or a plurality of computers determined in item (iv) onto the one or a plurality of
three-dimensional text, images and/or symbols in a substan- the surfaces of the one or a plurality of the three-
tially or fully undistorted manner onto one or a plurality of dimensional objects, or parts thereof, to be manufac-
surfaces of a variety of different three-dimensional objects, or 30 tured and execute the ordered steps, other desired
parts thereof, comprising: criteria, or both, identified in item (iii).
(a) a computer usable medium having computer readable In another aspect, the present invention provides a pro-
program code physically embodied therein; and grammed computer for use in an computerized optical system
(b) computer readable program code that enables a user to: for projecting by one or a plurality of optical projectors oper-
(i) create or import three-dimensional surface data (such 35 ably connected with the computer three-dimensional text,
as the output of a CAD program) that defines a geo- images and/or symbols in a substantially or fully undistorted
metric configuration of one or a plurality of surfaces manner onto one or a plurality of surfaces of a variety of
of the one or a plurality of three-dimensional objects, different three-dimensional objects, or parts thereof, com-
or parts thereof, to be projected upon (Base Geom- prising:
etry); 40 (a) a computer; and
(ii) create or import three-dimensional data (such as the (b) a computer usable medium having computer readable
output of a CAD program) that defines a geometric program code physically embodied therein that enables
configuration of one or a plurality of text, images or a user to:
symbols, or a combination thereof, to be projected (i) create or import three-dimensional surface data (such
upon the one or plurality of surfaces of the three- 45 as the output of a CAD program) that defines a geo-
dimensional objects, or parts thereof (Annotated metric configuration of one or a plurality of surfaces
Geometry); of the one or a plurality of three-dimensional objects,
(iii) optionally, organize the data ofitem (ii) into ordered or parts thereof, to be projected upon (Base Geom-
steps or according to other desired criteria; etry);
(iv) correlate into one coordinate system one or a plu- 50 (ii) create or import three-dimensional data (such as the
rality of projectors, the surfaces of the three-dimen- output of a CAD program) that defines a geometric
sional objects, or parts thereof, being projected upon configuration of one or a plurality of text, images or
(as defined by item (i)), and the data of item (ii), symbols, or a combination thereof, to be projected
optionally, in the manner defined in item (iii); and upon the one or plurality of surfaces of the one or
(v) display the data of item (ii) using the correlation 55 plurality of the three-dimensional objects, or parts
determined in item (iv) onto the one or plurality of the thereof (Annotated Geometry);
surfaces of the one or a plurality of the three-dimen- (iii) optionally, organize the data ofitem (ii) into ordered
sional objects, or parts thereof, and, optionally, steps or according to other desired criteria;
execute the ordered steps, other desired criteria, or (iv) correlate into one coordinate system one or a plu-
both, identified in item (iii). 60 rality of projectors, the one or a plurality of surfaces of
In yet another aspect, the present invention provides a the one or a plurality of the three-dimensional objects,
computer program product for use in a computerized optical or parts, thereof being projected upon (as defined by
projection system for guiding users in manufacturing a vari- item (i)), and the data of item (ii), optionally, in the
ety of different three-dimensional objects, or parts thereof, in manner defined in item (iii); and
which one or a plurality of optical projectors operably con- 65 (v) display the data of item (ii) using the correlation
nected with one or a plurality of computers project three- determined in item (iv) onto the one or a plurality of
dimensional text, images and/or symbols in a substantially or surfaces of the one or a plurality of three-dimensional
US 8,606,540 B2
21 22
objects, or parts thereof, and, optionally, execute the (d) correlating the correlation points between the three-
ordered steps, other desired criteria, or both, identi- dimensional surface data of step (a) and the three-di-
fied in item (iii). mensional data of step (b ).
In another aspect, the present invention provides a pro- In still another aspect, the present invention provides an
grammed computer for use in a computerized optical projec- automated apparatus for making one or a plurality oflinear or
tion system for guiding users in manufacturing a variety of rotary measurements on, against, in or through one or a plu-
different three-dimensional objects, or parts thereof, in which rality of three-dimensional objects, or parts thereof, or holes
one or a plurality of optical projectors are operably connected present therein, or of fastener lengths, or any combination
with the computer project three-dimensional text, images thereof, which may be operated by a user using only one hand
and/or symbols in a substantially or fully undistorted manner 10
to perform multiple functions, comprising:
onto one or a plurality of surfaces of the three-dimensional
(a) a housing;
objects, or parts thereof, comprising:
(b) a measurement device affixed to the frame capable of
(a) a computer; and
(b) a computer usable medium having computer readable making linear or rotary measurements, or both types of
program code physically embodied therein that enables 15
a user to: (d) a stationary reader head affixed to the measurement
(i) create or import three-dimensional surface data (such device having an ability to read one or a plurality of
as the output of a CAD program) that defines a geo- graduations or divisions present on a scale when one or
metric configuration of one or a plurality of surfaces a plurality of measurement are made by the apparatus,
of one or a plurality of three-dimensional objects, or 20 and connect resulting signal paths to a digital circuit
parts thereof, to be projected on (Base Geometry); card;
(ii) create or import three-dimensional data (such as the (e) a shaft that is slidable or moveable in a forwards direc-
output of a CAD program) that defines a geometric tion, a backwards direction, or both directions, partially
configuration of one or a plurality of text, images or or fully through the frame and that optionally includes
symbols, or a combination thereof, to be projected 25 one or a plurality of threads at its forward in which a
upon the one or plurality of surfaces of the one or a probe tip may be affixed;
plurality of the three-dimensional objects, or parts (f) a scale affixed to the shaft including a plurality of
thereof (Annotated Geometry); graduations or divisions uniformly spaced apart thereon
(iii) organize the data of item (ii) into ordered steps or that is readable by the measurement device, wherein the
according to other desired criteria; 30 scale is a linear scale or a rotary scale;
(iv) correlate into one coordinate system one or a plu- (g) a removable or non-removable probe, wherein the
rality of projectors, the one or a plurality of surfaces of probe includes:
the one or a plurality of the three-dimensional objects, (1) a hollow, stationary ornon-stationary body having its
or parts, being projected upon (as defined by item (i)), aft end removably or non-removably affixed to the
and the data of item (ii), in the manner defined in item 35 forward end of the frame, and having a diameter that
(iii); is larger than the diameter of the shaft, through which
(v) display the data of item (ii) using the correlation the shaft may partially or fully slide or move;
determined in item (iv) onto the one or a plurality of (2) optionally, one or a plurality of ball pads positioned
the surfaces of the one or a plurality of the three- between a forward end and an aft end of the body
dimensional objects, or parts thereof, to be manufac- 40 having an ability to remain in a continuous, or sub-
tured and execute the ordered steps, other desired stantially continuous, contact with one or a plurality
criteria, or both, identified in item (iii). of exterior or other surfaces present on the three-
In still another aspect, the present invention provides a dimensional objects, or part thereof, and spaced an
computerized method for correlating into one coordinate sys- equal distance, or substantially an equal distance,
tem (i) one or a plurality of optical projectors operably con- 45 apart from one another; and
nected with one or a plurality of computers, (ii) one or a (3) a tip having its aft end removably attached to a
plurality of text, images and/or symbols being projected by forward end of the shaft, having a diameter smaller
the optical projectors, and (iii) one or a plurality of three- than a diameter of a hole to be measured, and capable
dimensional objects, or parts or surfaces thereof, being pro- of making one or a plurality of linear or rotary mea-
jected upon by the optical projectors, comprising, using one 50 surements upon contact with the three-dimensional
of the above computerized optical projection systems: objects, or parts thereof, or holes;
(a) creating or importing into the computer three-dimen- (h) a encoder clip present in the frame that is mechanically
sional surface data (such as the output of a CAD pro- coupled to the shaft, and is slidable or movable in a
gram) that defines a geometric configuration of one or a forwards direction, a backwards direction, or in both
plurality of surfaces of the one or a plurality of the 55 directions, along with the shaft, and that actuates or
three-dimensional objects, or parts thereof, to be pro- deactivates a trigger switch when a compression spring
jected upon (Base Geometry); force is overcome by pressure applied on a common grip
(b) creating or importing into the computer three-dimen- or end cap by a user of the apparatus;
sional data (such as the output of a CAD program) that (i) a T-foot positioned within an optional slot present in the
defines a geometric configuration of the text, images or 60 frame that is slidable in a forwards direction, a back-
symbols, or a combination thereof, to be projected upon wards direction, or in both direction in the frame, having
the one or a plurality of the surfaces of the one or a an upper end and a lower end;
plurality of the three-dimensional objects, or parts (j) a grip clip connected to the upper end of the T-foot and
thereof (Annotated Geometry); and affixed to one or a plurality of interior surfaces of the
(c) identifying at least three correlation points in the three- 65 frame that is slidable or movable in a forwards direction,
dimensional surface data of step (a), in the three-dimen- a backwards direction, or both directions, partially or
sional data of step (b ), or both; and fully in the frame, that guides the encoder clip;
US 8,606,540 B2
23 24
(k) a compression spring positioned in the frame forward of new or different measurement or hole, or both; or (iii)
the grip clip having an ability to forcibly couple the shaft become calibrated to a known thickness of the calibra-
and the grip clip together by applying a compressive tion disk
force between the encoder clip and the grip clip; (s) a digital circuit card affixed to the frame that has an
(I) an extension spring positioned in the frame forward of ability to process measurement data or information, or a
the grip clip having an ability to apply a tension force combination thereof, and transmit the same to one or a
between the grip clip and the frame that causes the shaft, plurality of computers or data collection devices, or a
tip of the probe, or both, to extend outwardly in a direc- combination thereof; and
tion towards the forward end of the apparatus, wherein (t) optionally, an internal or external battery that can pro-
10 vide electrical power to the apparatus or a power supply
the amount of force exerted by the extension spring to
cord that can operably be connected with a power sup-
extend the shaft, grip clip, encoder clip, tip of the probe
or one or a plurality of connected fasteners, or any com-
wherein the apparatus, when "activated," performs more than
bination thereof, is less than the amount of force exerted one, or all, of the following functions simultaneously or sub-
by the compression spring to separate the encoder clip 15 stantially simultaneously, and instantaneously or substan-
and the shaft from the grip clip, and wherein the exten- tially instantaneously, in an automated manner, each time that
sion spring becomes disrupted from an initial resting a measurement is made, while optionally continuously mak-
position upon an "activation" of the apparatus, thereby ing a plurality of measurements:
causing the scale to extend through, or by, the reader (i) normalizing the probe or the tip relative to one or a
head of the measurement device; 20 plurality of surfaces present on, or in, the object, or part
(m) a trigger switch positioned in the frame near or adja- thereof, or holes being measured;
cent with the aft end of the encoder clip, and affixed to (ii) making one or a plurality of measurements, wherein the
the grip clip, including an actuator that becomes released measurements are made of a thickness of the three-
upon a tension force being applied to the common grip dimensional objects, or parts thereof, of a hole depth, of
by a hand or finger of the user, or upon a reactive force 25 a hole diameter, of a countersink depth, of a fastener
being applied to the tip of the probe by a mechanical length, of a grip length, of another measurement of the
impediment to its movement, or by both, thereby caus- three-dimensional objects, or parts thereof, or holes, or
ing the trigger switch to be pushed away, and separate, of any combination thereof;
from the encoder clip and a trigger screw, and the appa- (iii) transferring data, information, or a combination
ratus to become "activated," wherein such individual or 30 thereof, resulting or procured from, or produced by, the
one or plurality of measurements made by the apparatus
combined forces are stronger than the force applied by
in, or that identifies one or a plurality of holes measured,
the compression spring to couple the shaft and the grip
or both, to the one or a plurality of computers or data
clip together;
collection devices, or a combination thereof for recor-
(n) a trigger screw positioned in the frame that mechani- 35 dation, storage, organization, manipulation, or other
cally actuates the trigger switch and can provide a degree use, or any combination thereof.
of adjustment ranging from about 0 to about 0.10 to set In still another aspect, the present invention provides an
a linear displacement between a position of accurate automated method for simultaneously, or substantially simul-
measurement and a position of the trigger action; taneously, and instantaneously, or substantially instanta-
(o) a common grip operably connected to the T-foot, or an 40 neously, making one or a plurality of measurements of a
end cap, located externally to the apparatus including the thickness of one or a plurality of three-dimensional objects, or
trigger switch and having a size and shape that may be parts thereof, of a hole depth, of a hole diameter, of a coun-
compressed, squeezed, or pushed, by the user using only tersink depth, of a fastener length, of a grip length, of another
one hand, or one or a plurality of fingers on one hand, measurement of the three-dimensional objects, or parts
and when compressed, squeezed or pushed one time in 45 thereof, or holes, or of any combination thereof, normalizing
one single action, applies tension to the extension a probe employed to make such measurements relative to a
spring, force to the compression spring, and a reactive plurality of surfaces present on, or in, the objects, or parts
force to the trigger switch that "activates" the apparatus thereof, or holes being measured, and transferring data, infor-
by overcoming the amount of force being applied by the mation, or a combination thereof, resulting or procured from,
compression spring between the grip clip and the frame, 50 or produced by, such measurements to one or a plurality of
thereby causing the shaft, tip of the probe and scale to computers or data collection devices, or a combination
slide or move in a backwards direction towards the aft thereof, comprising:
end of the apparatus, and the scale to slide or move past, (a) contacting a probe of an apparatus of claim 1 with one
or through, the reader head of the measurement device, or a plurality of surfaces of the three-dimensional
and the measurement device to count the divisions or 55 objects, or parts thereof, or holes present therein;
graduations present on the scale; (b) compressing, squeezing or pushing the common grip or
(p) optionally, an adjustment screw present in the frame end cap of the apparatus;
that is operably connected with the compression spring, wherein the method may be performed by an operator of the
and that may be adjusted by a user to set a distance that apparatus using only one hand.
the common grip may be compressed or squeezed; 60 In still another aspect, the present invention provides an
(q) optionally, a calibration disk having a known thickness automated system for making one or a plurality of measure-
measurement positioned at the forward end of the tip of ments, wherein the measurements are made of a thickness of
the probe; one or a plurality of three-dimensional objects, or parts
(r) optionally, one or a plurality of buttons located exter- thereof, of a hole depth, of a hole diameter, of a countersink
nally to the apparatus that, when depressed, pushed or 65 depth, of a fastener length, of a grip length, of another mea-
activated, cause the apparatus to: (i) repeat a measure- surement of the three-dimensional objects, or parts thereof, or
ment previously made by the apparatus; (ii) advance to a holes, or of any combination thereof, comprising an appara-
US 8,606,540 B2
25 26
tus of claim 1 that is operably connected with one or a plu- (ii) a processor configured to receive the signal from the
rality of: (i) computers or data collection devices including decoder and track a number of divisions detected by
software that enables a storage or manipulation of the mea- the read head, the processor further configured to
surements made, or a combination thereof; and (ii) power calculate a value for a preselected dimension on the
supplies. aperture of the assembly object based on the number
In still another aspect, the present invention provides an of divisions detected by the read head;
automated apparatus for making one or a plurality oflinear or (f) wherein the preselected dimension is selected from at
rotary measurements on, against, in or through one or a plu- least the following types of dimensions: hole depth, hole
rality of three-dimensional objects, or parts thereof, or holes diameter, countersink depth, grip length, flushness, and
present therein, or of fastener lengths, or any combination 10 gap.
thereof, which may be operated by a user using only one hand, In still another aspect, the present invention provides a
comprising: hand-operated measurement apparatus for automatically
(a) a housing; acquiring dimensional data for an aperture on an assembly
(b) a measurement device capable of making linear or object, the apparatus comprising:
rotary measurements, or both types of measurements; 15 (a) a housing;
(c) a reader head having an ability to read one or a plurality (b) a frame located inside of, and affixed to, the housing;
of graduations or divisions present on a scale when one (c) a detection device secured to the frame, the detection
or a plurality of measurement are made by the apparatus, device having a read head configured to detect divisions
and connect resulting signal paths to a digital circuit on a scale when the scale passes within a predefined
card; 20 range of the read head, the detection device providing an
(d) a shaft that is slidable or moveable in the housing; output corresponding to the divisions detected by the
(e) a scale including a plurality of graduations or divisions read head; and
that is readable by the measurement device, wherein the (e) a control module located within the housing and elec-
scale is a linear scale or a rotary scale; trically connected to the detection device, the control
(f) a removable or non-removable pro be, wherein the probe 25 module including:
includes: (i) a decoder configured to receive the output from the
(1) a body; and detection device and provide a signal representing the
(2) a tip attached to the shaft; divisions detected by the read head;
(g) a encoder clip coupled to the shaft that actuates or (ii) a processor configured to receive the signal from the
deactivates a trigger switch; 30 decoder and count a number of divisions detected by
(h) a grip clip that guides the encoder clip; the read head; and
(i) a compression spring; (iii) an external communication interface configured to
G) an extension spring; allow the control module to communicate with an
(k) a trigger switch enabling the apparatus to become acti- external computing system;
vated; 35 (f) wherein the preselected dimension is selected from at
(I) a common grip or an end cap including the trigger least the following types of dimensions: hole depth, hole
switch and having a size and shape that may be com- diameter, countersink depth, grip length, flushness, and
pressed, squeezed, or pushed, by the user using only one gap; and
hand, or one or a plurality of fingers on one hand, caus- (g) wherein the processor is further configured to commu-
ing the apparatus to become "activated"; and 40 nicate the number of divisions detected by the read head
(m) a digital circuit card having an ability to process mea- to the external computing system for further processing.
surement data or information, or a combination thereof, In still another aspect, the present invention provides an
and transmit the same to one or a plurality of computers automated apparatus for making one or a plurality oflinear or
or data collection devices, or a combination thereof. rotary measurements on, against, in or through one or a plu-
In still another aspect, the present invention provides a 45 rality of three-dimensional objects, or parts thereof, or holes
system for assembling, manufacturing or producing a three- present therein, or of fastener lengths, or any combination
dimensional object, or part thereof, including an apparatus of thereof, comprising a pistol-grip style housing including a
claim 1 operably connected to an optical or laser assembly trigger mechanism, wherein the apparatus may be operated
system. by a user using only one hand as a result of its ergonomic
In still another aspect, the present invention provides a 50 shape.
hand-operated measurement apparatus for automatically
measuring a dimension of an aperture on an assembly object, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
the apparatus comprising:
(a) a housing; The patent or application file contains at least one drawing
(b) a frame located inside of, and affixed to, the housing; 55 executed in color. Copies of the patent or patent application
(c) a detection device secured to the frame, the detection publication with color drawing(s) will be provided by the
device having a read head configured to detect divisions United States Patent and Trademark Office upon request and
on a scale when the scale passes within a predefined payment of the necessary fee.
range of the read head, the detection device providing an FIG. 1 is an illustration of an optical projection system for
output corresponding to the divisions detected by the 60 use in assembling, manufacturing or producing a three-di-
read head; and mensional workpiece or other object, or part thereof, and
(e) a control module located within the housing and elec- shows an optical projector that is operably connected with a
trically connected to the detection device, the control computer using a video cable, and a three-dimensional object
module including: (airplane wing) that is being manufactured and projected
(i) a decoder configured to receive the output from the 65 upon by the optical projector.
detection device and provide a signal representing the FIG. 2 is also an illustration of an optical projection system
divisions detected by the read head; and for use in assembling, manufacturing or producing a three-
US 8,606,540 B2
27 28
dimensional workpiece or other object, or part thereof, and in FIG. 14 is an illustration of a User Interface screen of an
addition to the same features of the system that are shown in Operator Assembly Software Tool ("Operator Tool") that is
FIG. 1, shows the use of a measuring apparatus of the inven- used to run the actual assembly sequence (series of ordered
ti on to measure the depths of a series of pre-drilled fastener process steps) created using the Authoring Tool and the Con-
holes that are present in the object (airplane wing) that is 5 figurator Tool for a three-dimensional object, or part, to be
being manufactured. assembled or otherwise manufactured.
FIG. 3 is a photograph of a starburst pattern that is pro- FIG. 15 is an illustration of a Cal Frame of an Operator
jected by an optical projector that may be employed with the Assembly Software Tool ("Operator Tool") that may be used
measurement apparatuses and methods of the invention onto in the systems and methods of the invention for a calibration,
a pre-drilled fastener hole to be measured (its depth, diameter 10 and that shows a series of calibration points and a series of
and/or countersink depth) that is present in a three-dimen-
non-calibration points that may be employed in the calibra-
sional workpiece or object that is being manufactured.
ti on.
FIG. 4 is a photograph of a measurement apparatus of the
invention being inserted into a pre-drilled fastener hole shown FIG. 16 is an illustration of a Tweak Screen of an Operator
in FIG. 3. 15 Assembly Software Tool ("Operator Tool") used for a cali-
FIG. 5 is an illustration of a User Interface screen of an bration of datasets of pre-drilled hole locations for fasteners.
Authoring Assembly Software Tool ("Authoring Tool") that FIG. 17 is an illustration of a projection of calibrated data
may be employed in the systems and methods of the inven- sets from the Tweak Screen of the Operator Assembly Soft-
tion. This screen shows "Base Geometry" and "Annotated ware Tool ("Operator Tool") onto the three-dimensional
Geometry" geometry options, as well as a series of icons at 20 object being manufactured (a vertical stabilizer (tail) of an
the top of the screen that permit different functions. F22 aircraft).
FIG. 6 is an illustration of a User Interface screen of an FIG. 18 is an illustration of a Measure Frame (which is
Authoring Assembly Software Tool ("Authoring Tool") empty) of a User Interface of an Operator Assembly Software
showing a Base Geometry for use in manufacturing a three- Tool ("Operator Tool").
dimensional object, or part. This figure shows schematically 25 FIG. 19 is an illustration of an Install Frame of a User
a setup of the system of the invention as it relates to a three- Interface of an Operator Assembly Software Tool ("Operator
dimensional object, or part, that is being manufactured by a Tool"), which lists the part numbers, and quantities, for each
user. type of fastener that needs to be installed into the three-
FIG. 7 is an illustration of a Demo Panel screen of an dimensional object, or part, being manufactured.
Annotated Geometry file ofanAuthoringAssembly Software 30 FIG. 20 is an illustration of a three-dimensional object
Tool ("Authoring Tool") that may be employed in the systems being assembled having a fastener number (ZEW 8 9), and
and methods of the invention. In this example file, each row quantity of fasteners (34), required for illuminated holes
represents a pre-drilled hole on the Base Geometry surface of being projected onto the three-dimensional object.
a three-dimensional object, or part, being manufactured. FIG. 21 is a flowchart illustrating the functions of the
FIG. 8 is an illustration of a Data_Import_Form screen of 35 Authoring Assembly Software Tool ("Authoring Tool").
anAuthoringAssembly Software Tool ("Authoring Tool") in FIG. 22 is a flowchart illustrating the functions of the
which a user may be prompted to enter a delimiter type (Tab, Configurator Assembly Software Tool ("ConfiguratorTool").
Whitespace or Comma) that may be used in an "Import" and FIG. 23 is a flowchart illustrating the functions of the
"Annotated Geometry" file in the systems and methods of the Operator Assembly Software Tool ("Operator Tool").
invention. 40 FIG. 24 is an illustration of a side view of one side of a
FIG. 9 is an illustration of a Data_Import_Form screen of preferred measurement apparatus of the invention.
an Authoring Assembly Software Tool ("Authoring Tool") in FIG. 25 is an illustration of a side view of the other side of
which a user may define a colunm location for a pre-drilled a preferred measurement apparatus of the invention.
hole ID and fastener part number for a three-dimensional FIG. 26 is an illustration of a rear view of a preferred
object, or part, that is being manufactured. 45 measurement apparatus of the invention.
FIG. 10 is an illustration of a Data_Import_Form screen of FIG. 27 is an illustration of a side view of a probe of a
anAuthoringAssembly Software Tool ("Authoring Tool") in measurement apparatus of the invention.
which a user may specify how the Annotated Geometry FIG. 28 is an illustration ofa measurement apparatus of the
should be displayed in the systems and methods of the inven- invention that is being inserted into a pre-drilled fastener hole
tion, for example, a circle in the color yellow. 50 that is present in the skin of an object that is being manufac-
FIG. 11 is an illustration of a Data_Import_Form screen of tured.
an Authoring Assembly Software Tool ("Authoring Tool") in FIG. 29 is an illustration ofa measurement apparatus of the
which a user may specify the colunms in which the x, y and z invention that is being employed to measure the depths of a
position data for pre-drilled holes located in a three-dimen- series of pre-drilled fastener holes that are present in the skin
sional object, or part thereof, to be assembled. 55 of a vertical stabilizer, showing its operable connection with
FIG. 12 is an illustration of a User Interface screen of an a computer.
Authoring Assembly Software Tool ("Authoring Tool") FIG. 30 is an exploded view ofameasurement apparatus of
showing a Base Geometry having Annotated Geometry data the invention.
displayed over the top of it (i.e., having the Annotated data FIG. 31 is an illustration of an Ethernet cable that may be
overlayed onto the Base Geometry), for use in assembling a 60 employed to operably connect a measurement apparatus of
three-dimensional object, or part. the invention to a computer.
FIG. 13 is an illustration of a User Interface screen of a FIG. 32 is an illustration of a layout of a microprocessor
Configurator Assembly Software Tool ("Configurator Tool") board that may be employed in a measurement apparatuses of
that permits process elements to be placed together to form a the invention (also shown in FIG. 30).
series of ordered process steps, such as a series of assembly 65 FIG. 33 is another illustration of a layout of a micropro-
steps in a step-by-step logical order for conducting an assem- cessor board that may be employed in a measurement appa-
bly or other manufacture (or other process). ratuses of the invention (also shown in FIG. 30).
US 8,606,540 B2
29 30
FIG. 34 is another illustration of a layout of a micropro- surements or other activities and transmit them to one or a
cessor board that may be employed in a measurement appa- plurality of computers and/or data collection devices for
ratuses of the invention (also shown in FIG. 30). recording, storage, manipulation and/or some other type of a
FIG. 3S is another illustration of a layout of a micropro- use.
cessor board that may be employed in a measurement appa- FIGS. S6A and S6B are schematic illustrations of a digital
ratuses of the invention (also shown in FIG. 30). circuit card that may be used in wired (POE or power over
FIG. 36 is an illustration of a side view of a wireless Ethernet) measuring apparatuses of the invention, and may be
"retraction" type measurement apparatus of the invention, used to process data and/or information procured from one or
which shows a compartment to house a battery in its handle a plurality of measurements or other activities and transmit
(at 121). 10 them to one or a plurality of computers and/or data collection
FIG. 37 is an illustration of a side view of a wired (non- devices for recording, storage, manipulation and/or some
wireless) Power-over-Ethernet (POE) "retraction" type mea- other type of a use.
surement apparatus of the invention, which does not show a
compartment to house a battery in its handle. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
FIG. 38 is an illustration of a side view of a wireless 15 EMBODIMENTS
"plunge" type measurement apparatus of the invention.
FIG. 39 is an exploded view of the measuring apparatus of The present invention may be understood more readily by
the invention shown in FIG. 36. reference to the following detailed description of the pre-
FIGS. 40A and 40B are illustrations of internal compo- ferred embodiments of the invention, and to the examples
nents of a measuring apparatus of the invention in a "Retrac- 20 included therein.
ti on Gun" style wherein the measurement mechanism present
therein is present in an extended position. DEFINITIONS
FIGS. 41A and 41B are illustrations of internal compo-
nents of a measuring apparatus of the invention in a "Retrac- For purposes of clarity, various terms and phrases that are
tion Gun" style wherein the measurement mechanism present 25 used throughout this specification and the appended claims
therein is present in a fully retracted position. are defined in the manner that is set forth below. If a term or
FIGS. 42A and 40B are illustrations of internal compo- phrase that is used in this specification, or in the appended
nents of a measuring apparatus of the invention in a "Plunge claims, is not defined below, or otherwise in this specification,
Gun" style wherein the measurement mechanism present the term or phrase should be given its ordinary meaning.
therein is present in an extended position. 30 Many of the computer software programs and hardware
FIGS. 43A and 43B are illustrations of internal compo- devices that are discussed in these definitions are commer-
nents of a measuring apparatus of the invention in a "Plunge cially available from Microsoft Corporation (Redmond,
Gun" style wherein the measurement mechanism present Wash.), and a large amount of additional information about
therein is present in a compressed position. these products is available on the web site micro soft dot com.
FIG. 44 is an illustration of a probe of a measuring appa- 35 The term "about" as is used herein means approximately,
ratus of the invention including three ball pads. as is known, and may be determined, by those having ordi-
FIG. 4S is an illustration of a probe of a measuring appa- nary skill in the art, and typically refers to a variation of plus
ratus of the invention including two ball pads. or minus 0.2.
FIG. 46 is an illustration of a probe of a measuring appa- The term "accurate" as is used herein in connection with
ratus of the invention having no ball pads and in a "wedge" 40 the measurement apparatuses of the invention mean that such
style. apparatuses make measurements that are error free, being
FIG. 47 is an illustration of a hook tip of a probe of a fully accurate (100% accurate and error free) or at least sub-
measuring apparatus of the invention. stantially accurate (substantially accurate and error free).
FIG. 48 is an illustration of plunge tip of a probe of a The term "adjacent" as is used herein means close to, lying
measuring apparatus of the invention. 45 near, next to, abutting or adjoining.
FIG. 49 is an illustration of a countersink tip of a probe of The phrase "aft end" as used herein in relation with an
a measurement apparatus of the invention. apparatus of the invention, or with any of the components
FIG. SO is an illustration of a schematic diagram of a thereof, means that end of the apparatus, or of a component
wireless version of digital circuit or control card of the mea- thereof, when it is positioned in the manner shown in FIG. 24,
surement apparatus of the invention. 50 that is at the opposite end of the apparatus from the probe.
FIG. Sl is an illustration of a schematic diagram of a When viewing FIG. 24 of the accompanying drawings, the aft
Power-over-Ethernet (POE) version of a digital circuit or end will be the right end of the apparatus, or of any of the
control card of the measurement apparatus of the invention components thereof. When viewing an object, or part thereof,
(i.e. not wireless). or any other structure or device discussed herein, or any
FIG. S2 is an illustration of a functional block diagram of a 55 component of an object or part thereof, the phrase "aft end"
wired or wireless digital circuit or control card of the mea- refers to the right end thereof when viewing the same from the
surement apparatus of the invention. front. For example, in FIG. 1, the "aft end" of the airplane
FIG. S3 is an illustration of a flowchart for a wired or wing shown therein is the right end of the airplane wing.
wireless digital circuit or control card of the measurement The phrase "adaptor" as is used herein means a hardware
apparatus of the invention. 60 device, such as a printed circuit board, that enables a com-
FIG. S4 is an illustration of another flowchart for a wired or puter to use one or more additional peripheral devices and/or
wireless digital circuit or control card of the measurement hardware.
apparatus of the invention. The term "almost instantaneously" as is used herein (often
FIGS. SSA, SSB, and SSC are schematic illustrations of a with respect to a speed of one or more functions performed by
digital circuit card that may be used in wireless measuring 65 a measurement apparatus of the invention) means a period of
apparatuses of the invention, and may be used to process data time that is preferably about 5 seconds or less, and that is more
and/or information procured from one or a plurality of mea- preferably about 1 second or less, and that is still more pref-
US 8,606,540 B2
31 32
erably about 500 milliseconds or less, and that is even more horses. Such programs may also prevent and remove adware,
preferably about 5 milliseconds or less, and that is still more spyware and/or other forms of malware. A variety of strate-
preferably about 1 millisecond or less, and that is most pref- gies are typically employed. Signature-based detection
erably about 20 micro(µ) second or less. involves searching for known malicious patterns in execut-
The term "almost simultaneously" as is used herein (often able code. However, it is possible for a user to be infected with
with respect to a performance of one or more functions per- new malware in which no signature exists yet. To counter
formed by a measurement apparatus of the invention, such as such so called zero-day threats, heuristics can be used. One
measuring, capturing and/or transmitting data) means exist- type of heuristic approach, generic signatures, can identify
ing, occurring or being completed within a period of time that new viruses or variants of existing viruses for looking for
is preferably about 5 seconds or less (often of one another or 10 known malicious code (or slight variations of such code) in
each other), and that is more preferably about 1 second or less files. Some antivirus software can also predict what a file will
(often of one another or each other), and that is still more do if opened and/or run by emulating it in a sandbox and
preferably about 500 milliseconds or less (often of one analyzing what it does to see if it performs any malicious
another or each other), and that is even more preferably about actions. If it does, this could mean the file is malicious.
5 milliseconds or less (often of one another or each other), and 15 The phrases "Application Program Interface" andAPI as is
that is still more preferably about 1 millisecond or less (often used herein means a set of commands, functions and/or pro-
of one another or each other), and that is most preferably tocols which programmers can use when building software
about 20 micro(µ) second or less (often ofone anotheror each for a specific operating system. TheAPI allows progrannners
other). to use predefined functions to interact with an operating sys-
The phrase "Annotated Geometry file" as is used herein 20 tern, instead of writing them from scratch. All computer oper-
means a data file that contains a three-dimensional (3D) rep- ating systems, such as Windows, Unix, and the Mac OS,
resentation of one or a plurality of text, images and/or sym- usually provide an application program interface for pro-
bols that will be projected onto one or a plurality of three- grammers. APis are also used by hardware devices that can
dimensional objects, or parts, that will be projected upon by run software programs. While the API makes the program-
one or more optical projectors. For example, if a user wanted 25 mer' s job easier, it also benefits the end user, since it generally
to place a series of fasteners into a skin for an airplane door, ensures that all programs using the same API will have a
the Annotated Geometry file would be the 3D representation similar user interface.
of the fastener holes located on the airplane door, as well as The phrase "ARM-based device" as is used herein mean
any text, images and/or symbols added in the Authoring Tool. ARM microprocessors or similar products, which are often
The Annotated Geometry file contains the 3D data that 30 employed in embedded devices, as well as in portable
describes everything that gets projected onto the surface of a devices, such as personal digital assistants (PDAs) and some
three-dimensional object, or part. While an image file (for phones. The Microsoft software that is described herein gen-
example, a picture of a mountain) is not stored inside the erally significantly improves the performance of executing
Annotated Geometry, a reference to it is stored inside the ARM instruction-reducing cold-boot time and improving
Annotated Geometry. Thus, the foregoing is all considered to 35 application execution speed. Such devices are commercially
be data, because it is all a part of the data set. The Annotated available from sources that are known by those having ordi-
Geometry contains the data that will be projected onto the one nary skill in the art, for example, from ARM, Inc. (Cam-
or a plurality of object, or parts, being projected upon by one bridge, England).
or more optical projectors. The data is altered (transformed) The terms "assembly," "assembly processes" and
prior to projection using the information from a calibration 40 "assemble" as are used herein refer to an act of connecting,
procedure, as is described in. The altering of this data is affixing and/or assembling together of pieces, parts, compo-
performed so that the text, images and/or symbols, or a com- nents or things to produce a partially or fully completed
bination thereof, that will projected by the optical projectors product, such as a machine, an apparatus, a device, an instru-
is distorted in such a way as to look correct to the person ment, an airplane, a submarine, a boat, a helicopter, a jet, a
viewing it once it is on the three dimensional object, or part, 45 vehicle (automobile, truck, military vehicle, camper, trailer or
on which it is being projected upon (regardless of where the the like), an electrical circuit, or a portion thereof, such as a
optical projectors are placed, located and/or positioned in a wing of an airplane, or the like, or to the product that has been
manufacturing or other environment in relation to the three- assembled.
dimensional object, or part, being projected upon). The phrases "assembly jig" and "tooling" as are used
The term "annulus" as is used herein refers to any ring or 50 herein mean the structure(s) that hold and/or support an
ring-like structure or part. object (or part thereof) being assemble or manufactured, or
The phrase "application" as is used herein means software worked on, usually in a repeatable and secure position, so that
other than the operating system, such as Word processors, a finished product is consistent with other such projects.
database managers, Web browsers and the like. Each appli- The terms "automated" and "automatic" as are used herein
cation generally has its own user interface that allows a user to 55 mean to control or operate using automation (i.e., operating
interact with a particular program. The user interface for most with minimal or no human intervention or manual labor and/
operating systems and applications is a graphical user inter- or being independent of external control). For example, a
face (GUI), which uses graphical screen elements, such as measurement of a pre-drilled hole in an object may be made
windows (which are used to separate the screen into distinct fully manually (using 100% manual labor), in a fully auto-
work areas), icons (which are small images that represent 60 mated manner (using 0% manual labor) or in a partially
computer resources, such as files), pull-down menus (which automated manner (using more than 0%, but less than 100%,
give a user a list of options), scroll bars (which allow a user to manual labor and automation). When this measurement is
move up and down a window) and buttons (which can be made in an "automated" marmer, some part of the manual
"pushed" with a click of a mouse). process has been replaced by electronic means. This results in
The phrase "anti-virus software" as is used herein means 65 a labor cost savings by reducing the length of time the mea-
computer software that functions to prevent, detect and/or surement process takes. So, even if when a process is not fully
remove malware, such as computer viruses, worms and trojan automated (requires no manual labor) automation can reduce
US 8,606,540 B2
33 34
manufacturing costs by reducing labor costs (even if not
reduced to zero). For an automation project, typically a reduc-
tion to about 50% of manual labor is involved, and preferably Unit Symbol Number of Bytes

less than about 20% of manual labor is involved, and still Byte None 2°~ 1
more preferably less than about 10% of manual labor is Kilobyte KB 2 10 ~ 1024
Megabyte MB 220 ~ 1,048,576
involved, and even more preferably less than about 5% of 230 ~ 1,073,741,824
Gigabyte GB
manual labor is involved, and most preferably 0% manual Terabyte TB 240 ~ 1,099,511,627,776
labor is involved.
The phrase "Base Geometry file" as is used herein means a 10 The terms "CAD" and "Computer-Aided Design" as are
data file that contains a three-dimensional (3D) representa- used herein mean the use of a computer software tool for a
tion of a three-dimensional object, or part, that is being pro- design of three-dimensional and other objects, or parts, real or
jecting on by an optical projector. For example, if a user virtual. CAD often involves more than just shapes, and CAD
wanted to place fasteners into a skin for an airplane door, the may be used to define assembly and dimensional manufac-
Base Geometry file would be the 3D representation of this 15 turing processes, both manual and automated. The output of
door. This data file is typically output from a CAD computer CAD often must convey also symbolic information such as
software program, and is employed to in the calibrations that materials, processes, dimensions and tolerances according to
are performed by the systems and methods of the invention. application-specific conventions. CAD may be used to design
The terms "bolt" and "screw" as are used herein refer to a curves and figures in two-dimensional (2D) space or curves,
type of a fastener that is usually characterized by a helical surfaces, or solids in three-dimensional (3D) objects. Addi-
ridge, known as an external thread or thread, that is typically tional information about CAD is present in G. Farin, A His-
wrapped around a cylinder, and often may operably engage, tory of Curves and Surfaces in CAGD, Handbook of Com-
or be connected, with a "nut plate," and may also have a puter Aided Geometric Design (North Holland, ISBN 0 444
"shank" having a smooth section, which typically should not 25
51104-0). CAD software is commercially available from
engage with a "nut plate." Some screw threads are designed to sources that are known by those having ordinary skill in the
mate with a complementary thread, known as an internal art.
thread, often in the form of a nut or an object that has the The terms "CAE" and "Computer-Aided Engineering" as
internal thread formed into it. Other screw threads are are used herein refer to computer software tools that are used
designed to cut a helical groove in a softer material as the 30 by the electronic design automation industry to have comput-
screw is inserted. The most common uses of screws are to ers design, analyze and/or manufacture products and pro-
hold objects together and to position objects. Often screws cesses. The software can analyze designs that have been cre-
have a head, which is a specially formed section on one end of ated in a computer or that have been created elsewhere and
the screw that allows it to be turned, or driven, using a tool entered into the computer. Different kinds of engineering
such as a screwdriver or wrench (manual or electrical). The 35 analyses can be performed, such as structural analysis and
head is often larger than the body of the screw, which keeps electronic circuit analysis. CAE includes CAD (computer-
the screw from being driven deeper than the length of the aided design) for the use of a computer for drafting and/or
screw and to provide a bearing surface. There are exceptions; modeling designs, and CAM (computer-aided manufactur-
for instance, carriage bolts have a domed head that is not ing) for the use of computers for managing manufacturing
40 processes. CAE software is commercially available from
designed to be driven; set screws have a head that is smaller
sources that are known by those having ordinary skill in the
than the outer diameter of the screw; and J-bolts do not have
a head and are not designed to be driven. The cylindrical
The term "calibrate" as is used herein means to adjust,
portion of the screw from the underside of the head to the tip align, standardize, to make corrections in and/or to correlate.
is known as the shank, and it may be partially (greater than 0% 45 For example, in the optical assembly systems and methods of
but less than 100%) or fully (100%) threaded. The majority of the invention, the following may be correlated into one com-
screws are tightened by a clockwise rotation, which is termed mon coordinate system: (i) one or a plurality of optical pro-
a right-hand thread. Screws with left-hand threads are typi- jectors; (ii) one or a plurality of text, images and/or symbols
cally used less often, but may used, for example, when the being projected by the optical projectors; and (iii) one or a
screw will be subject to anticlockwise forces (which would 50 plurality of three-dimensional objects, or parts thereof, being
work to undo a right-hand thread). projected upon by the optical projectors, such as three-dimen-
The term "bushing" as is used herein means a fixed or sional objects, or parts, that are being manufactured. For
removable cylindrical metal lining used to constrain, guide, example, an instrument, device, apparatus or machine, or a
or reduce friction for a shaft that slides (or otherwise moves) component thereof, may be standardized by checking, adjust-
55 ing or determining by comparison with a standard the devia-
within it
tion from the standard so as to ascertain the proper correction
The term "byte" as is used herein refers to a unit of memory factors. Independent entities that can perform such calibra-
in a memory location or device of a computer. The storage tions for a variety of instruments, devices, apparatuses and
capacity of a memory location or device, such as a main or machines are known by those having ordinary skill in the art,
secondary memory (hard disks, floppy disks, CD-ROMs, and 60 such as Davis Calibration Labs (Atlanta, Ga.) and Qua! Tech
the like) of a computer, is the total number of bytes that it can Labs, Inc. (Exton, Pa.). As is also known by those having
hold. Some computers can store thousands or millions of ordinary skill in the art, calibration software may also be
bytes. A large main memory permits large programs, or many employed to perform calibrations for a variety ofinstruments,
programs, to run. On many personal computers, the hard drive devices, apparatuses and machines, and is commercially
can usually store between 40 GB and 120 GB. The table 65 available from known sources, such as CAMA Software
below shows the relation between bytes, number of bytes and (Trabuco, Calif.), Fluke Corporation (Everette, Wash.) and
symbols used to represent them. ProCa!V5 (West Chester, Pa.).
US 8,606,540 B2
35 36
The terms "CAM" and "Computer-Aided Manufacturing" The term "compiler" as is used herein means one or more
as are used herein refer to a software tool employed for an computer program (alone or in a set) that transform human
integration of designing and/or manufacturing by computer. readable source code of another computer program into the
Generally, the electronic image of products designed in CAD machine readable code that a CPU can execute or source code
programs are translated into a numerical control program- written in a computer language into another computer lan-
ming language, which generates the instructions for the guage (the machine code or target language, which often has
machine that makes it (numerical control). CAD designs are a binary form known as object code). The most common
also generally converted into slices for rapid manufacturing. reason for wanting to transform source code is to create an
CAM software is commercially available from sources that executable program. For many compilers, source code is
10 translated directly into a particular machine language. Java
are known by those having ordinary skill in the art.
source code, for example, may be converted using a Java
The term "camera" as is used herein means a digital (or
compiler into Java byte code, and another compiler could be
other suitable) camera and/or video camera that has an ability
employed, for example, to convert the Java byte code into a
to capture and transfer relatively high resolution digital (or particular machine language for execution on a particular
other) images to a computer for analysis by the computer 15 computer.
system software including, but not limited to, those that are The term "complex" as is used herein means relatively
commercially available from Point Grey Research, Inc. complicated, and including interconnected parts, units, ele-
(Richmond, BC, Canada) for machine vision, industrial ments and/or things (usually many, and often scores, hun-
imaging and computer vision applications, such as IEEE- dreds, thousands or even millions). Those having ordinary
1394 (FireWire) and USB 2.0 imaging, stereovision and 20 skill in the art may readily determine whether or not a par-
spherical vision cameras (Chameleon, Dragonfly2, Dragon- ticular assembly is complex. If a particular assembly requires
fly Express, Firefly MY, Flea2, Grasshopper, ProFUSION 25, written instructions and/or drawings to assemble it, then it can
Bumblebee2, Bumblebee XB3, Ladybug 2, Ladybug3, and be considered to be complex. If, on the other hand, a person
the like). A variety of camera catalogs, computer software having ordinary skill in the particular art of the assembly can
programs and software development kits, often for use with 25 assemble it without referring to any documentation or draw-
such cameras and corresponding computers, are present on ings, then it can be considered to be non-complex.
the Point Grey Research, Inc. and other web sites. The terms "computer" and "programmable computer" as
The phrase "central processing unit" as is used herein are used herein mean a programmable, preferably multipur-
means a computer hardware component that executes indi- pose, electronic machine that accepts data, such as raw data,
vidual commands of a computer software program. It reads 30 facts and/or figures, and processes, transforms and/or
program instructions from a main or secondary memory, and manipulates the data into information that can be used. It is
then executes the instructions one at a time until the program typically operated under the control of instructions that are
ends. During execution, the program may display informa- stored in its own memory unit, which can accept and store
tion to an output device such as a monitor. data (e.g. data entered using a keyboard), perform arithmetic
The phrases "circuit board" and "card" as are used herein 35 and logical operations on that data without human interven-
refer to a board that is typically insulated on which one or a tion (e.g. process data into information) and produce output
plurality of typically interconnected circuits and/or electronic from the processing (e.g. view information on a screen). A
components, such as microchips, are, or may be, mounted computer may be a stand-alone unit or may consist of a
and/or etched. Each chip often may contain from a few thou- plurality of interconnected units that are operably connected
sand up to hundreds of millions of transistors. The board is 40 with each other.
typically made oflayers, typically from about 2 to about 10, The phrase "computer network" as is used herein means a
that interconnect electronic components mounted on the plurality of interconnected computers. A computer network
board via copper (or other) electronically conductive path- generally allows computers to communicate with each other
ways according to a circuit diagram of a functional subassem- and/or to share resources and information. Networks may be
bly for an electronic or radio apparatus. The main printed 45 classified according to a wide variety of characteristics. Com-
circuit board (PCB) in a system is called a "system board" or puter networks can also be classified according to the hard-
"motherboard," while smaller ones that plug into the slots in ware and software technology that is used to interconnect the
the main board are called "boards" or "cards," which expand individual devices in the network, such as Optical fiber, Eth-
a computer's ability to work with a peripheral device whose ernet, Wireless LAN, HomePNA, Power line communication
controlling electronics are not build into the motherboard. 50 or G.hn. Ethernet generally uses physical wiring to connect
There are a wide variety of different known methods for devices, and frequently deployed devices include hubs,
making printed circuit boards including, but not limited to, switches, bridges and/or routers. Wireless LAN technology is
photochemical, photoelectrochemical and offset-electro- generally designed to connect devices without wiring, and
chemical methods. The methods typically differ in the means use radio waves or infrared signals as a transmission medium.
of producing the conductive coating or the form in which the 55 ITU-T G.hn technology generally uses existing home wiring
pattern of the printed conductors is realized. More informa- (coaxial cable, phone lines and/or power lines) to create a
tion about circuit boards and electronics generally is present high-speed (generally up to 1 Gigabit/s) local area network.
in the books Douglas Brooks, Signal Integrity Issues and The phrase "computer programmer" as is used herein
Printed Circuit Board Design (Prentice Hall, ISBN-10: means a person or entity that designs, writes, develops and/or
013141884X, 2003), R. Khandpur, Printed Circuit Boards: 60 tests computer programs, or the like.
Design, Fabrication and Assembly (McGraw-Hill Electronic The phrase "computer programming" as is used herein
Engineering, McGraw-Hill Professional, 1st Edition, ISBN- means a process of writing, testing, debugging/troubleshoot-
10: 007146204, 2005) and Mark I. Montrose, Printed Circuit ing and/or maintaining source code of computer programs.
Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance: A Handbook This source code is written in a programming language, and
for Designers (IEEE Press Series on Electronics Technology) 65 the code may be a modification of an existing source or
(Wiley-IEEE Press, 2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0780353765, something completely new. The purpose of programming is
2000). to create a program that exhibits a certain desired behavior
US 8,606,540 B2
37 38
(customization). The process of writing source code may products that fulfill or match the requirements, desired or
require, depending upon the circumstances, know ledge of the needs of customers (or others).
application domain, specialized algorithms and/or formal The term "coordinate system" as is used herein means
logic. schemes for locating points in a given space by means of
The phrase "computer software" as is used herein refers to numerical quantities specified with respect to some frame of
computer programs and/or a series ofinstructions that may be reference. These quantities are the coordinates of a point. To
installed on a computer, and that the computer's hardware each set of coordinates there corresponds just one point in any
executes, generally one after another. It generally consists of coordinate system, but there are useful coordinate systems in
lines of code written by computer programmers that have which to a given point there may correspond more than one
10 set of coordinates. A coordinate system is a mathematical
been compiled into a computer program. Software programs
language that is used to describe geometrical objects analyti-
are generally stored as binary data (a 2-digit numerical sys-
cally; that is, if the coordinates of a set of points are known,
tem used by computers to store data and compute functions
their relationships and the properties of figures determined by
that consists of ones and zeros) that is copied to a computer's them can be obtained by numerical calculations instead of by
hard drive when it is installed. Since software is virtual and 15 other descriptions. It is the province of analytic geometry,
does not take up any physical space, it is generally easier, and aided chiefly by calculus, to investigate the means for these
often less expensive, to upgrade than computer hardware. calculations. The most familiar spaces are the plane and the
Computer software is often continuously upgraded and three-dimensional Euclidean space. In the latter, a point P is
improved. CD-RO Ms, DVDs and other types of media can be determined by three coordinates (x, y, z). The totality of
used to distribute software. When one purchases a software 20 points for which x has a fixed value constitutes a surface. The
program, it usually comes on a disc, which is a physical same is true for y and z, so that through P there are three
means for storing the software. Many software programs coordinate surfaces. The totality of points for which x and y
require that one first install them on a computer before using are fixed is a curve and through each point there are three
them. For example, if one purchases Microsoft Office, it coordinate lines. If these lines are all straight, the system of
needs to be installed on a computer before one can run any of 25 coordinates is said to be rectilinear. If some or all of the
the included programs, such as Word or Excel. The software coordinate lines are not straight, the system is curvilinear. If
can be installed from a CD or DVD, an external hard drive, or the angles between the coordinate lines at each point are right
from a networked computer. A software program or software angles, the system is rectangular. A Cartesian coordinate sys-
update can also often be installed using a file that is down- tem is constructed by choosing a point 0 designated as the
loaded from the Internet. Installing a software program gen- 30 origin. Through it three intersecting directed lines OX, OY,
erally writes the necessary data for running a program on a OZ, the coordinate axes, are constructed. The coordinates of
computer's hard drive. Often the installer program will a point Pare x, the distance of P from the plane YOZ measured
decompress the data that is included with the installer imme- parallel to OX, and y and z, which are determined similarly.
diately before writing the information to a hard drive. Soft- Usually the three axes are taken to be mutually perpendicular,
ware updates, which are often downloaded from the Internet, 35 in which case the system is a rectangular Cartesian one. A
generally work the same way. When an update is run, the similar construction can be made in the plane, in which case
installer file generally decompresses the data, and then a point has two coordinates (x, y). A polar coordinate system
updates the correct program or operating system. Installing is constructed in the plane by choosing a point 0 called the
software usually involves double-clicking an installer icon, pole and through it a directed straight line, the initial line. A
and then clicking "I Agree" when the license agreement pops 40 point Pis located by specifying the directed distance OP and
up. A computer operator may have to choose what directory the angle through which the initial line must be turned to
on a hard disk that the software should be installed in, but coincide with OP in position and direction. The coordinates
often the installer will even choose that for the computer of Pare (r, 8). The radius vector r is the directed line OP, and
operator. Some software can be installed by simply dragging the vectorial angle 8 is the angle through which the initial line
a folder or application program onto a hard drive. 45 was turned, + if turned counterclockwise, - if clockwise.
The term "computer port" as is used herein refers to a Spherical coordinates are constructed in three-dimensional
physical or wireless connection on a programmable com- Euclidean space by choosing a plane and in it constructing a
puter, an optical projector and/or another peripheral device polar coordinate system. At the pole 0 a polar axis OZ is
that functions to provide communication between two or constructed at right angles to the chosen plane. A point P, not
more instruments or devices, usually by one or more commu- 50 on OZ, and OZ determine a plane. The spherical coordinates
nication cables being inserted into one or more of the ports of Pare then the directed distance OP denoted by p, the angle
present on the instruments or devices or wirelessly (using, for 8 through which the initial line is turned to lie in ZOP and the
example, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 4610x and/or the like) in a man- angle cp=ZOP. Cylindrical coordinates are constructed by
ner that information (including data) may be transferred from choosing a plane with a pole 0, an initial line in it, and a polar
one instrument or device to the other, or vice versa, or 55 axis OZ, as in spherical coordinates. A point P is projected
between each of the devices or instruments. onto the chosen plane. The cylindrical coordinates of Pare (r,
The phrase "computer usable medium" as is used herein 8, z) where rand 8 are the polar coordinates ofQ and z=QP).
means any portable or non-portable medium in which com- By means of a system of equations, the description of a
puter readable program code can be physically embodied, geometrical object in one coordinate system may be trans-
including, but not limited to, an optical disk, a CD, a CD- 60 lated into an equivalent description in another coordinate
ROM, a CD-R, a floppy disc, a drive, a hard drive, a DVD, a system. Additional information about coordinates is present
USB memory key, a SD memory cards, or the like. in Shigeyuki Morita et al., Geometry of Different Forms
The phrase "configure" as is used herein means to design, (American Mathematical Society, ISBN 0821810456
arrange, set up and/or shape, generally with a view to specific (2001)); Fletcher Dunn et al., 3D Math Primer for Graphics
applications or uses. 65 and Game Development (Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2002,
The phrase "configurator" as is used herein means a soft- ISBN 1556229119, ISBN 9781556229114), A. V. Durrant,
ware application or tool that typically is employed to design Vectors in Physics and Engineering (Chapman and Hall,
US 8,606,540 B2
39 40
1996, ISBN 0 412 62710 8); Vincent Pisacane, Fundamentals puter, of receiving output, or of both. It may include, for
of Space Systems (2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, example, keyboards, mouses, display monitors, hard disk
2005, ISBN 13-978-0-19-516205-9, ISBN 0-19-516205-6); drives, CD-ROM players, printers, audio speakers and micro-
and Paul Martz, OpenG Distilled (1st Edition, Addison Wes- phones, projectors, cameras and other hardware units, which
ley, 2006, ISBN 0321336798, ISBN 9780321336798). are known by those having ordinary skill in the art. Some
The term "controller" as is used herein means a device that devices, such as a hard disk drive or a CD-ROM drive, while
sends information back and forth from a CPU and main physically inside the computer housing, are considered
memory to peripherals. Each device generally has its own devices because they are separately installable and replace-
way of formatting and sending data, and part of the control- able. With notebook and smaller computers, devices tend to
ler's job is to handle this. 10 be more physically integrated with the "non-device" part of
The term "correlate" as is used herein means a structural, the computer. The units of a computer to which the term
functional, quantitative and/or qualitative correspondence device is generally not applied include the motherboard, the
and/or relationship between two or more objects, data sets, main processor and additional processors, such as numeric
information and/or the like, preferably where the correspon- coprocessors, and random access memory (RAM). The term
dence or relationship may be used to translate one or more of 15 peripheral is sometimes used as a synonym for device or any
the two or more objects, data sets, information and/or the like input/output unit.
so to appear to be the same or equal. The phrase "Diameter Gage" as is used herein means a
The terms "CATIA" and "Computer Aided Three-Dimen- measurement apparatus of the invention that measures very
sional Interactive Application" as are used herein refer to a accurately and rapidly the diameter of a hole that is present,
multi-platform CAD/CAM/CAE commercial software suite. 20 for example, in a skin, a workpiece, another object, or part
It was developed by Dassault Systemes (Velizy-Villacoublay, thereof, or components of any of the foregoing.
France), and is commercially available from sources known The term "dimension" as is used herein in connection with
by those having ordinary skill in the art, such as IBM Corpo- a space or object means the minimum number of coordinates
ration (Armonk, N.Y.). that are needed to specify each point within it. A line has a
The term "countersink" as is used herein means a hole 25 dimension of one because only one coordinate is needed to
having its top part enlarged, so that the head of a screw or bolt specify a point on it. A surface, such as a plane, or the surface
(or other fastener) will lie flush with, or below, the surface. of a cylinder or sphere, has a dimension of two because two
The phrase "countersink depth" as is used herein means the coordinates are needed to specify a point on it (for example,
depth of a countersink relative to a skin (or other) surface, for to locate a point on the surface of a sphere, both its longitude
example, of a workpiece or other object, or part thereof. 30 and latitude are required). Cubes, cylinders and spheres, for
The phrase "countersink depth gage" as is used herein example, are three-dimensional because three coordinates are
means a measurement apparatus of the invention that mea- needed to specify a point on them (x, y and z).
sures very accurately and rapidly the depth of a countersink The terms "display," "display screen," "monitor," "com-
relative to the skin (or other) surface, for example, of a work- puter screen" and "projector" as are used herein, depending
piece or other object, or part thereof, through which it typi- 35 upon the context, mean the various devices that can display,
cally penetrates. show and/or illustrate a computer's user interface and open
The phrase "data transfer device" as is used herein means a programs, allowing the user to interact with the computer,
peripheral, such as a modem, NIC (network interface card), typically using a keyboard and mouse, such as an LCD moni-
wireless interface such as Zigbee or WiFi, that allows infor- tor, or data, information and/or graphics, or a display itself
mation to be sent and received between computers and/or data 40 (i.e., that which is shown on a screen or monitor). Other
collection devices. A modem permits information to be sent known devices may also include display-type screens and/or
across a telephone line, for example, at a rate of 56 kilobits displays.
(Kb) per second, or approximately 56,000 bits per second The term "distorted" as is used herein means improper, not
(bps). sharp or unclear in appearance and/or a change in a shape of
The phrase "database engine" as is used herein refers to 45 an image, such as text, images and/or symbols (as opposed to
that part of a database management system (DBMS) that being proper, sharp, clear and same in shape). For example,
stores and/or retrieves data. Most DBMS's include an Appli- three-dimensional text, images and/or symbols appear in a
cation Programming Interface (API) that enables a computer distorted manner when projected onto a three-dimensional
operator to directly control the engine without going through object, or part, when the systems and methods of the present
the DBMS's user interface. 50 invention are not employed.
The term "measurement system" as used herein refers to a The terms "dock" and "docking stating" as are used herein
device, system or method for making a plurality of linear mean a cradle for a portable device that serves to charge the
measurements. This may be done directly by use of a linear unit and/or connect it to other sources or destinations. For
optical encoder, laser interferometer, RF interferometer, example, it may be a base station for a laptop computer that
time-of-flight laser pulse, time-of-flight radar pulse, LVDT 55 turns the portable computer into a desktop system. It gener-
(linear variable differential transformer), magnetic strip, or ally uses a large plug and socket to quickly connect the laptop,
the like; or by indirect means by use of a rotary measurement which duplicates all the cable lines for the monitor, printer,
system such as a rotary optical encoder or synchro coupled keyboard, mouse and the like. The docking station typically
with a device such as a rack- and pinion assembly to convert has one or two slots for expansion boards, and may house
linear motion to rotary motion, all of which are known by 60 speakers and other peripherals such as an optical drive.
those having ordinary skill in the art and are available from The phrase "Document Explorer" as is used herein refers to
sources that are described herein or that are known by those software that functions to access and/or display local and/or
having ordinary skill in the art. online Help. Microsoft Document Explorer, for example, has
The term "device" as is used herein means a unit of hard- its own Help documentation that may be accessed by opening
ware that generally is outside or inside the case or housing for 65 a Commerce Server 2007 Help system, clicking the "Help"
the essential computer (processor, memory and data paths), menu, and then clicking "Help on Help." Document Explorer
and that is capable of providing input to the essential com- typically provides a table of contents, an index, a full-text
US 8,606,540 B2
41 42
search and Help favorites for bookmarking topics, so that a event of an interruption or termination of an internet connec-
computer operator may easily find information. When the tion during a download, as the Driver Download Manager
computer operator browses the table of contents or uses the may save the progress. Additional information about Driver
index, local Help is generally accessed. When the operator Download Managers is present on the foregoing web site.
uses the full-text search feature, there becomes an option of The phrase "electromagnetic field" as used herein means a
searching local and online content. Using Document physical field that is produced by electrically charged objects,
Explorer, an operator can see the table of contents or search and affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of
results while viewing a Help topic. A "Help Favorites" tab the field.
may permit an operator to relatively quickly display topics The phrase "emulator" as is used herein means a hardware,
and searches that are referred to frequently. 10 software or a combination of the two that enables a computer
The term "download" as is used herein means to transfer to act like another computer, and run applications written for
(data or programs) from a server, host computer or other that computer. It may be, for example, a hardware add-on that
source to another computer or device. actually contains an instruction execution module for the
The phrase "downstream" as is used herein means leading emulated computer or software that provides a translation
towards the aft end ofan apparatus of the present invention, an 15 layer from the emulated computer to the computer it is run-
object, or part thereof, of any other structure or device dis- ning in. The emulator may generally translate machine lan-
cussed herein, or of any component of any of the foregoing. guage, calls to the operating system or both.
Alternately, and depending upon the context, which may be The term "energy" as is used herein mean a physical quan-
determined by those having ordinary skill in the art, it means tity that describes the amount of work that can be performed
a process that occurs subsequent to another process. For 20 by a force, an attribute of objects and systems that is subject
example, if information is typed into a keyboard and that to a conservation law. Different forms of energy include
information is subsequently stored in some storage medium, kinetic, potential, thermal, gravitational, light, sound, elastic
the typing would be considered an upstream process of the and electromagnetic energy, with the forms of energy often
storage, and the storage would be a downstream process of the named after a related force, and can be expressed in joules or
typing. 25 ergs.According to the principle of the conservation of energy,
The phrase "Device Drivers, Diagnostics and Technical any form of energy can be transformed into another form, but
Information" as is used herein means a program that serves as the total energy always remains the same.
a resource for device drivers, diagnostics and technical infor- The phrases "Enterprise software" and Enterprise applica-
mation in the event that they are required or desired to resolve tion software" as are used herein mean software that is
a problem with a computer system. It is generally compatible 30 intended to solve an enterprise problem, rather than a depart-
with a variety of different computers, and is supported by Dell mental problem, and is often written using an Enterprise
Technical Support when it is provided by Dell Inc., and Software Architecture. Large enterprises often attempt to
employed with a Dell system. build enterprise software that models the entire business
The terms "driver" and "device driver" as are used herein enterprise and/or is the core Information Technology (IT)
mean a program that controls a particular type of device that 35 system of governing the enterprise and the core of commu-
is generally attached to a computer. There are device drivers nication within the enterprise. As business enterprises have
for printers, displays, CD-ROM readers, diskette drives and similar departments and systems in common, enterprise soft-
the like, and many device drivers may be built into an oper- ware is often available as a suite of programs that have
ating system or other computer-related product. However, if a attached enterprise development tools to customize the pro-
new type of a device is subsequently purchased that such 40 grams to the specific enterprise. Enterprise level software is
operating system did not anticipate, a new device driver may software which provides business logic support functionality
need to be installed. A device driver essentially converts the for an enterprise, typically in commercial organizations,
more general input/output instructions of an operating system which aims to improve the enterprise's productivity and effi-
to messages that the device type can understand. Some Win- ciency.
dows programs are virtual device drivers, and these programs 45 Services that are provided by enterprise software are typi-
may interface with the Windows Virtual Machine Manager. cally business-oriented tools such as online shopping and
There is usually a virtual device driver for each main hard- online payment processing, interactive product catalogue,
ware device in a system, including the hard disk drive con- automated billing systems, security, content management,
troller, keyboard, and serial and parallel ports. They are gen- CRM, ERP, Business Intelligence, HR Management, Manu-
erally used to maintain the status of a hardware device that has 50 facturing, EAI, Enterprise Forms Automation and the like.
changeable settings. In Windows operating systems, a device Characteristics of enterprise software are performance, scal-
driver file usually has a file name suffix ofDLL or EXE, and ability and/or robustness. Enterprise software typically has
a virtual device driver usually has the suffix ofVXD. interfaces to other enterprise software (for example LDAP to
The phrase "Driver Download Manager" as is used herein directory services) and is centrally managed. Enterprise soft-
means a functionality which is available, for example glo- 55 ware is often designed and implemented by an Information
bally across the support Dell dot com web site, to facilitate a Technology (IT) group within an enterprise, but it may also be
downloading of files, for example, from Dell, Inc. Generally, purchased from an independent enterprise software devel-
the time taken to download files using this tool is significantly oper, that often installs and maintains the software for their
shorter than would occur otherwise, often up to a 30-40% customers. Another model is based on a concept called on-
reduction in time, depending upon the internet connectivity. It 60 demand software, or Software as a Service. The on-demand
also may include one or more mechanisms to facilitate the model of enterprise software is made possible through the
process of downloading files, for example, from the foregoing widespread distribution of broadband access to the Internet.
web site. For example, it may permit a computer operator to Software as a Service vendors generally maintain enterprise
pause and resume downloads, with the progress of a down- software on servers within their own enterprise data center,
load being capable of being saved via an icon on the com- 65 and then provide access to the software to their enterprise
puter, which can often be restarted at any time. It may also customers via the Internet. Enterprise software is often cat-
permit the computer operator to restart a download in the egorized by the business function that it automates, such as
US 8,606,540 B2
43 44
accounting software or sales force automation software. The same from the front. For example, in FIG. 1, the "forward
are enterprise systems devised for particular industries, such end" of the airplane wing shown therein is the left end of the
as manufacturing enterprises. Enterprise application software airplane wing.
is application software that often performs business functions The phrase "frequency" as is used herein means the num-
such as accounting, production scheduling, customer infor- ber of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. The
mation management, bank account maintenance, and the like. period is the duration of one cycle in a repeating event, so the
It is frequently hosted on servers, and generally simulta- period is the reciprocal of the frequency. Frequency has an
neously provides services to a large number of enterprises, inverse relationship to the concept of wavelength, and is
typically over a computer network. This is in contrast to the inversely proportional to wavelength A (lambda). The fre-
more common single-user software applications, which gen- lO quency fis equal to the phase speed v ofa wave divided by the
erally run on a user's own local computer and serve only one wavelength A of the wave:
user at a time.
The term "exterior" as used herein means a part or surface
that is, or is facing, outside (away from the interior). For 15
example, FIG. 1 shows one of the exterior surfaces of an
airplane wing being assembled.
The phrase "executable file" as is used herein generally The term "graphics card" as is used herein means a
means a sequence of subroutine calls that cause a computer to mechanical device that is built into, or added to, a computer
perform indicated tasks according to encoded instructions, as 20 and enables a user to see graphics and/or video, preferably
opposed to a file that only contains data. faster and/or clearer, on the computer.
The phrase "far end" as used herein in relation with a The phrase "grip length" as is used herein in connection
fastener hole (or any other item, object, part, component or with a fastener typically means the smooth part of the fastener
the like) means that end that is the farthest away. For example, shank (i.e., that part that does not have threading), with a
a probe of a measuring apparatus of the invention may ini- 25 shank often having both a smooth section and a threaded
tially be inserted into a near end (generally closest to the section. It is important for the integrity of a structure that a
operator) of a fastener hole and subsequently extend com- fastener in connection with, or relative to, a particular fastener
pletely through the hole and out through its far end. hole have a shank having a correct length for both the smooth
The term "fastener" as is used herein, depending upon the section and the threaded section thereof (when it has both
context, which may be determined by those having ordinary 30 types of sections).
The phrase "Gap Gage" as is used herein means a mea-
skill in the art, means an object, such as a screw, bolt, nail, pin,
surement apparatus of the invention that measures very accu-
rivit, cable, clamp, connection, coupling, dowel, hook, joint,
rately and rapidly the linear spacing between two adjacent, or
keeper, key, latch, lock, lug, nut, seam or other hardware
substantially adjacent, panels, materials, workpieces, struc-
device or apparatus, or the like, or a substance, such as glue 35 tures or objects, or parts thereof.
(or another adhesive), tape or the like, that may be used to The phrases "grip gage" and "grip gun" as are used herein
physically or mechanically attach, join, affix, couple or con- refers to a device or instrument that can function to measure
nect two or more items, objects, parts thereof, components, pre-drilled or other fastener hole depths, for example, in a
materials and/or the like together, such as two or more parts of component part of a three-dimensional object, or part, that is
a workpiece or two or more parts of a measuring apparatus of 40 being assembled or otherwise manufactured, to enable a user
the invention. Depending upon the type of fastener employed, to determine proper bolt and/or fastener lengths for the hole.
a fastener can, in some situations, be paired with a nut, such A corresponding dual use scale can measure depth of holes in
that manufactured or assembled parts may be sandwiched 1/i6" increments to 2 1h", and +grip length of fasteners in 1/i6"
between a head of the fastener and the nut itself. Other alter- increments to 21/2 11 • Grip gages may be operably connected
native methods of joining materials together include crimp- 45 with computers using, for example, serial ports, USB cables,
ing, welding, soldering, brazing, cementing and/or the use of Ethernet cables, or the like in order to communicate measured
force, such as with magnets, vacuum and/or friction. data back to a host (or other) computer (or to otherwise supply
The phrase "Fastener Flushness Gage" as is used herein data and/or other information to the computers, and/or
means a measurement apparatus of the invention that mea- receive data and/or other information from the computers).
sures very accurately and rapidly the surface of a fastener 50 Grip gages are commercially available from sources that are
head relative to the skin (or other) surface, material, work- known by those having ordinary skill in the art, such as
piece, structure or object, or parts thereof, through which the AveryTools (Fort Worth, Tex.).
fastener penetrates. The phrase "Grip Gage, Reaction Type" as is used herein
The term "file" as is used herein means a set of related or means a measurement apparatus of the invention that mea-
other records (written, electronic or otherwise) that are kept 55 sures very accurately and rapidly the depth of a hole which
together. completely penetrates through a material (100% penetration),
The phrase "forward end" as is used herein in relation with workpiece, structure or other object, or part thereof, that is
an apparatus of the invention, or with any of the components being measured.
thereof, means that end of the apparatus, or of a component The phrase "Grip Gage, Plunge Type" as is used herein
thereof, when it is positioned in the manner shown in FIG. 24, 60 means a measurement apparatus of the invention that mea-
that is closer to the location at which the probe is present (or sures very accurately and rapidly the depth of a hole which
resides). When viewing FIG. 24 of the accompanying draw- does not completely penetrate through a material (more than
ings, the forward end will be the left end of the apparatus, or 0%, but less than 100%, penetration), workpiece, structure or
of any of the components thereof. When viewing an object, or other object, or part thereof, that is being measured. This is
part thereof, or any other structure or device discussed herein, 65 commonly a hole with a "nut-plate" attached.
or any component of an object or part thereof, the phrase The term "hard disk" as is used herein means a part of a unit
"forward end" refers to the left end thereof when viewing the (a "disk drive," "hard drive," or "hard disk drive") that stores
US 8,606,540 B2
45 46
and provides relatively quick access to large amounts of data holding or protecting, for example, one or a plurality of
on an electromagnetically charged surface, or set of surfaces. mechanical, electrical, computer-related and/ or other types of
Today's computers typically come with a hard disk that con- parts, or components, or portions thereof, or the like.
tains several billion bytes (gigabytes) of storage (i.e., the The phrase "identity protection" as is used herein means a
place where data is held in an electromagnetic or optical form protection that is in addition to, or enhanced, in comparison
for access by a computer processor). with conventional security software. It often may keep a
The phrase "hard drive" as is used herein means a unit that computer safe from online crime, including identity theft. It is
stores data on a computer. It generally houses a hard disk, often specifically designed to help prevent thieves from using
where all of the computer files and folders are generally carefully-targeted attacks to steal passwords, bank account
physically located. A typical hard drive can hold over 100 GB 10 details, credit card numbers and other digital valuables. It
of data, and other hard drives can hold more data. The data is often uses a technology called behavioral analysis to make
generally stored on a stack of disks that are mounted inside of sure that all of the programs running on a computer are
a solid encasement. These disks generally spin extremely fast operating the way that they should. Typically, if it spots some-
(often at either 5400 or 7200 RPM), so that data can be thing suspicious that could indicate an attempted ID theft
accessed immediately from anywhere on the drive. The data 15 attack, it shuts that activity down, preventing any possible
is stored on the hard drive magnetically, so it stays on the drive theft from occurring. It generally may be used in addition to
even after the power supply is turned off. In order to install other security software programs from the same or different
new software on a computer, a user often needs to run an vendors, and runs alongside most or all other computer pro-
installer program. This program unpacks compressed data grams to keep a computer safer when it is online.
included with the installer and writes new information to a 20 The phrase "images" as is used herein includes pictures,
hard drive. While some installers do not use compressed data, drawings, illustrations, graphics, and/or the like, or any com-
most use some level of compression since it reduces the size bination thereof.
of the files included with the installer. This is especially The term "information" as is used herein includes, but is
helpful when downloading programs or software updates not limited to, text, data, symbols, images, pictures, drawings,
from the Internet. RAID (Redundant Array of Independent 25 illustrations, other graphics and/or the like, for example, in
(or Inexpensive) Disks) is a category of disk drives that the form of letters, numbers, symbols, words, phrases, sen-
employ two or more drives in combination for fault tolerance tences, paragraphs, pages, documents and/or the like.
(an ability of a system to respond gracefully to an unexpected The phrase "input device" as is used herein means any
hardware and/or software failure) and performance. RAID machine, device or instrument that can be used in connection
disk drives are used frequently on servers, but are not gener- 30 with the systems and methods of the invention to perform a
ally necessary for personal computers. RAID allows a user to particular desired function, such as measuring one or more
store the same data redundantly (in multiple paces) in a bal- features of a three-dimensional object (or part thereof) being
anced ay to improve overall performance. assembled or otherwise manufactured, preferably in a manner
The phrase "hardware" as is used herein means a physical that permits one or more computers employed in the systems
aspect of computers, and distinguishes the "box" and the 35 and methods to interface with the input devices, so that they
electronic circuitry and components of a computer from the can accept input information from the devices and/or that
program that is put into it to make it perform different func- information can otherwise be transferred or exchanged
tions. Hardware includes not only the computer proper (cen- between the computers and the input devices. Examples of
tral processing unit, input/output devices, main memory, sec- such input devices include, but are not limited to, electronic
ondary memory devices, chips, boxes, wires, keyboards, 40 measurement devices, such as grip gages and depth gages,
speakers, disks, printers, mice, monitors and/or the like), but continuity checkers and/or the like. For example, some of the
also the cables, plugs, connectors, power supply units and measurement apparatuses that are described and/or illustrated
peripheral devices, such as the keyboard, mouse, audio speak- herein are operably connected with the computers and have
ers and printers. an ability to, with one squeeze of a user's hand, align their
The term "head" as is used herein in connection with a 45 probes into pre-drilled fastener holes, measure the depths of
fastener, such as a nail or bolt, means a projection, weight, the pre-drilled holes and send the data resulting from such
fixture or the like that is typically present or located at one end measurements to the computers (or other data collection
of an elongated object. devices).
The phrase "header" as is used herein means: (i) a unit of The term "install" as is used herein in connection with a
information that precedes a data object; or (ii) part of a data 50 software program generally means writing the necessary data
packet that contains transparent information about the file or for running the program on a hard drive. Often, the installer
the transmission. The header can generally be accessed only program will decompress the data included with the installer
by the operating system or by specialized computer pro- immediately before writing the information to a hard drive.
grams. Software updates, which are often downloaded from the
The term "hole" as is used herein means an area or portion 55 Internet, work the same way. When the update is run, the
of an object (or part, surface or skin) that is partially (more installer file generally decompresses the data and then
than 0%, but less than 100%), substantially or fully (100%) updates the correct program or operating system.
void of material, regardless of shape or size, such that light or The phrase "installer program" as is used herein means a
other objects, for example, a measuring probe, can either computer program that has an ability to install a new program
enter into it or pass completely through it. Holes in objects 60 on a computer or update a program that is currently present on
may be pre-drilled (or otherwise drilled or formed), and may a hard drive. Generally, it can also update or add files to an
be round, oval, slot-shaped, or in any other shape. Pre-drilled operating system. Most installers can be run by double-click-
fastener holes are shown in the accompanying drawings. ing the installer icon and then choosing a folder into which the
The term "housing" as is used herein means something, software should be installed. The installers generally decom-
such as a shaped piece or portion of metal, that covers, 65 press and write the data on the hard drive. Once the installer
encloses, protects, supports and/or the like, such as an enclos- is finished, the new or updated software can often by used by
ing frame in which a shaft revolves, a bracket or box for a computer operator right away. If any system files have been
US 8,606,540 B2
47 48
installed, the computer operator may be asked to restart a rate the words and symbols that are used in a program, and
computer before using the new software (because system files include blanks, tabs and newline character), and println
may only be able to be loaded during a computer's boot method (which prints specified characters to a screen in a
process). character screen, and is enclosed in double quote characters
The phrases "Intel MKL" and "Intel Math Kernel Library" (")).When the program is executed, it calls the Printlnmethod
as are used herein refer to a library of highly optimized, to print the first statement, and then the second statement, and
extensively threaded math routines for science, engineering, so forth. The program terminates with the last statement.
and financial applications that desire or require maximum Additional information about Java is present in John Lewis et
performance. Core math functions include BLAS, LAPACK, al., Java Software Solutions, (2nd Edition, Pearson Educa-
ScaLAPACK, Sparse Solvers, Fast Fourier Transforms, Vec- lO tion, Inc., 2007, ISBN 0-13-222251-5).
tor Math, and more. It can perform many of the math calcu-
Theterm ')uxtaposed" as is used herein means side by side,
lations that are used to determine how the annotated geometry
substantially side by side or otherwise close or near to one
should be altered based on the results of a calibration or
correlation process, and can be used for any software that another in space.
performs significant mathematical calculations. It is also 15
The term "laser" as is used herein means a device that emits
optimized for Intel processors, so that it will perform these light through a process known as stimulated emission. Laser
calculations more rapidly. light is usually spatially coherent, which means that the light
The term "instantaneously" as is used herein (often with either is emitted in a narrow, low-divergence beam, or can be
respect to a speed of one or more functions performed by a converted into one with the help of optical components, such
measurement apparatus of the invention) means occurring or 20 as lenses.
being completed without any perceptible duration of time or The term "lens" as is used herein means a generally trans-
delay (by a human being) or at a specific instant in time. parent optical device used to converge or diverge transmitted
The phrase "intensity" as is used herein means a measure of light and/or to form images.
the time-averaged energy flux. To find the intensity, the The term "library" as is used herein means: (i) a collection
energy density (the energy per unit volume) is multiplied by 25 of programs or data files; or (ii) a set of ready-made software
the velocity at which the energy is moving. The resulting routines (functions) for progranimers. The routines are gen-
vector has the units of power divided by area (W/m2 ). erally linked into the program when it is compiled.
The term "interior" as is used herein means a part or surface The term "light" as is used herein means electromagnetic
that is, or is facing, inside (away from the exterior). radiation, particularly radiation of a wavelength that is visible
The term "Internet" as is used herein means a global net- 30 to the human eye (generally from about 380 to about 750 nm).
work that connects multiple, and possibly millions, of com- Four primary properties of light are intensity, frequency or
puters together, often permitting exchanges of data, news wavelength, polarization and phase. Light exists in tiny
and/or opinions. Unlike online services, which are generally "packets" called photons, and exhibits properties of both
centrally controlled, the Internet is decentralized by design. waves and particles.
Each Internet computer (host) is generally independent. Its 35 The phrase "linear offset" as is used herein means a spatial
operators can choose which Internet services to use and disparity between a reference surface and an unknown sur-
which local services to make available to the global Internet face along a straight line that is finite and in this context within
community. There are a variety of ways to access the Internet, the range of the measurement device.
including online services such as America Online, and com- The phrase "lower end" as is used herein in relation with an
mercial Internet Service Providers. 40 apparatus of the invention, or an object, or part thereof, or
The term "interpreter" as is used herein is a software pro- with any other structure or device described herein, or any
gram that functions like a compiler, but that performs a trans- component of any of the foregoing, means that end thereof
lation and execution in short bursts in which a small portion of that is closest to the floor or ground when viewing the same
source code, such as one statement, is translated and from the front. For example, when viewing FIG. 24 of the
executed, and then another small portion of source code, such 45 accompanying drawings, the lower end of the measuring
as a second statement, is translated and executed, and so forth. apparatus shown therein is the bottom of the trigger of the
The term "Java" as is used herein means one type of com- apparatus (which is shown to be connected with a cable). As
puter programming language that can be used to create com- another example, in FIG. 1, the "lower end" of the airplane
puter software programs. It is not tied to any particular pro- wing shown therein is the end of the airplane wing that
cessor type and, thus, will work on many different types, and 50 appears to be in contact with, or just above, the floor.
makes, of computers. It is typically is used worldwide, and The term "lumen" as is used herein is a unit of measure-
permits software to be easily exchanged and executed via the ment of the amount of brightness that comes from a light
World Wide Web (WWW or Web). Further, it includes a source. Lumens define "luminous flux," which is energy
library of extra software that can be employed when a com- within the range of frequencies that human beings perceive as
puter progranimer is developing a program. The library per- 55 light. For example, a 100 watt bulb generates 1,200 lumens.
mits the progranimer to create graphics, communicate over An ANSI lumen is a measurement of light that has been
networks, interact with databases, and the like. Typically, standardized by ANSI (American National Standards Insti-
Java applications have a similar basic structure including, for tute), and is commonly used to rate the brightness of a data
example, comments (first few lines of the program that start projector. An ANSI lumen rating uses an average of several
with the symbols//, and help readers of the code understand 60 measurements taken across the face of the light source. A
the purpose of the program, and what it accomplishes), a class small room typically requires from 200 to 300 ANSI lumens,
definition (which defines the Java program), a main method whereas a large room may require from 400 to 600, and a large
(location at which processing commences, with each pro- auditorium may need 2000 or more.
gramming statement (in the form oflines of code) in the main The term "machined" as is used herein means that a device,
method being executed one at a time in order until the end of 65 apparatus, object, part thereof, component, part, or portion
the method is reached, and is preceded by the words "class," thereof, is produced with the use of a machine. For example,
"public," "static" and "void"), white space (spaces that sepa- a handle that is machined into a metal housing is a handle that
US 8,606,540 B2
49 50
is produced in the housing with the use of a machine (a provides access to the underlying features of the device, and
machine that has the ability to form a handle in metal). the applications and components can interact on the device
The term "managed software" as is used herein means a and/or over the Internet. Generally, every .NET Compact
collection of software elements that are generally grouped Framework application runs inside in a runtime construct (an
under a logical system. The purpose of a managed software application domain), which is similar to an operating system
system is to provide a logical container to organize a collec- process. The .NET Compact Framework can ensures that all
tion of software elements (database server, web server and the managed resources used by a running application are freed
like), and its configuration is largely up to the user. and/or returned to a host operating system when an applica-
The term "manipulate" as is used herein in connection with
tion ends. Application domains offer many of the advantages
information or data means to move, arrange, maneuver, con- 10
of processes, such as fault isolation, improved robustness and
trol, manage, negotiate, translate, make adjustments to,
security, but without requiring support from the underlying
handle, transform, influence, overlay, use, alter and/or the
host operating system. An application domain host generally
The term "manufacture" as is used herein means a produc- starts an instance of the common language runtime, and is
tion of a product, including, but not limited to, all of the 15
itself native operating system code. The common language
various steps that may be required to produce a particular runtime can be statically or dynamically linked to the appli-
product, such as assembly, measurement and/or quality assur- cation domain host. The .NET Compact Framework does not
ance inspection, and/or the like. place restrictions on the behavior of the application domain
The phrase "manufacturing area" as is used herein means host, and the application domain host can be a simple exten-
any room (conference room, meeting room, office or the like), 20 sion to an existing interactive shell that is used to start and
theater, plant (assembly plant, manufacturing plant or the stop programs. On dynamic application systems like Win-
like), business facility, line (assembly line or the like), or dows, the application domain host can be an extension to the
other area, location or environment, or combination thereof, application loader, so that .NET Compact Framework appli-
in which, or on which, a three-dimensional object may be cations can be started and stopped using the same mechanism
assembled or otherwise manufactured. 25 as a native application.
The term "minor" as is used herein means a surface, such as The phrase "NET Framework" as is used herein means a
polished metal or glass coated with a metal film, that is software framework that can be installed on computers run-
capable of reflecting sufficient undiffused light to form an ning Microsoft Windows operating systems. It generally
image of an object placed in front of it. includes a large library of coded solutions to common pro-
The term "modem" as is used herein means a device or 30 gramming problems and a virtual machine that that manages
program that enables a computer to transmit data over, for
the execution of programs written specifically for the frame-
example, telephone or cable lines. Computer information is
work. The .NET Framework is a Microsoft Corporation (Red-
generally stored digitally, whereas information transmitted
mond, Wash.) offering, and is intended to be used by most
over telephone lines is transmitted in the form of analog
waves, and a modem may convert between these two forms. 35
new applications created for the Windows platform. The
The phrase "native software" as is used herein means soft- framework's Base Class library provides a large range of
ware that generally is specifically written, compiled and/or or features including user interface, data and data access, data-
assembled to run on a particular system. Native code gener- base connectivity, cryptography, web application, develop-
ally uses all of the individual features of the target system with ment, numeric algorithms and network communications. The
no regard for generality or portability. 40 class library is generally used by programmers, who typically
The phrase "near end" as is used herein in relation with a combine it with their own code to produce applications. Pro-
fastener hole (or any other item, object, part, component or grams written for the .NET Framework generally execute in a
the like) means that end that is the closest. For example, a software environment that manages the program's runtime
probe of a measuring apparatus of the invention may initially requirements. Also part of the .NET Framework, this runtime
be inserted into a near end (generally closest to the operator) 45 environment is known as the Common Language Runtime
of a fastener hole and subsequently extend completely (CLR), which provides an appearance of an application vir-
through the hole and out through its far end. tual machine, so that progranimers need not consider the
The term "network" as is used herein means two or more capabilities of the specific CPU that will execute the program.
computers that are connected together in a manner that they The CLR also provides other desirable services such as secu-
can exchange information. Connecting two or more comput- 50 rity, memory management and exception handling. The class
ers together can significantly increase the functions, and library and the CLR together constitute the .NET Framework.
amount of functions, that can be performed by the computers. Version 3.0 of the .NET Framework is included with Win-
If a network includes a printer (or one or more other periph- dows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. The current version of
erals), any computer that is connected to the network can print the framework can also be installed on Windows XP and the
a document on that printer (or communicate with the other 55 Windows Server 2003 family of operating systems. A
peripherals). Networks may include point-to-point connec- reduced version of the .NET Framework, the .NET Compact
tions between computers, a local-area network (LAN) (de- Framework, is also available on Windows Mobile platforms.
signed to connect a relatively small number of computers that Version 4.0 of the framework was released as a public Beta in
span short distances, such as all of the computers within one 2009.
building), a wide-area network (WAN) (designed to connect 60 The phrase "NET Framework 3 .5" as is used herein refers
two or more LANs, often across long distances) and the to a redistributable package that builds on new features added
Internet (a WAN that spans the world). in the .NET Framework version 3.0 program, for example,
The phrase ".NET Compact Framework" as is used herein feature sets in Windows Workflow Foundation, Windows
means an environment that is generally hardware-indepen- Communication Foundation, Windows Presentation Founda-
dent, and supports building and/or running managed applica- 65 tion and Windows CardSpace. (The .NET Framework version
tions on resource-constrained computing devices. In such an 3.0 redistributable package installs the common language
environment, managed applications may run on devices. It runtime and associated files that are required to run applica
US 8,606,540 B2
51 52
tions that are developed to target the .NET Framework 3.0.) In nylon locking element, much like a nyloc nut. Other types
addition, it contains the following features: have a floating nut or replaceable locking elements. A floating
Deep integration of Language Integrated Query (LINQ) nut plate is a nut plate having a nut that may float or move
and data awareness. within the plate. A nut plate may be a metal sheet having one
(This feature permits code to be written in LINQ-enabled or a plurality of threaded holes that can be attached to, or is
languages to filter, enumerate and create projections of riveted to, an object, or part thereof, such as a workpiece, or a
several types of SQL data, collections, XML, and component of the foregoing, such as a portion of a wing of an
DataSets by using the same syntax.) aircraft. When using a nut plate along with an object being
ASP.NET AJAX permits a computer operator to create manufactured, typically a hole is drilled through the object in
more efficient, more interactive, and highly-personal- 10 a diameter that can accommodate a bolt. An operator may
ized Web experiences that generally work across all of employ the diameter of such a hole to identify and/or select a
the most popular browsers. diameter of a threaded hole and select a corresponding nut
New Web protocol support for building WCF services plate. The diameter of the threaded hole in the nut plate will
includingAJAX, JSON, REST, PDX, RSS,ATOM, and usually be the same, about the same, or substantially the same
several other WS standards. 15 diameter as the hole through the object. The diameter of the
Full tooling support in Visual Studio 2008 for WF, WCF hole, and the length of the bolt (or other fastener) that is
and WPF, including the new workflow-enabled services required or desired to protrude through the hole of the object,
technology. and become threaded in a desired or required tightness in the
The term "network file system" as is used herein means any nut plate, may be very rapidly and accurately determined
computer file system that permits and/or supports a sharing of 20 using the measurement apparatus of the invention. It is gen-
files, printers and/or other resources, generally as persistent erally desirable that the threaded end of the bolt protrude, or
storage over a computer network including, but not limited to, extend, a selected distance beyond the nut plate. Once a nut
Network File System, Andrew File System, Apple Filing plate has been installed, and an object is positioned in a
Protocol, NetWare Core Protocol, and Server Message Block, desired or required manner or place, a selected bolt (or other
which is also known as Common Internet File System. 25 fastener) may be inserted into the hole and become engaged
The phrase "non-laser" as is used herein in connection with with the nut plate, so as to secure the object in position and/or
the systems and methods of the invention means that a suc- together with the nut plate, which the two often being parallel,
cessful operation of such systems and methods is not based or substantially parallel, with each other.
upon, or a result of, a use oflaser technology. However, one or The term "object" as is used herein means an item, a thing,
more laser technologies may, optionally, be added to the 30 a structure, a substructure, a workpiece, a device, an appara-
systems and methods of the invention. tus, an instrument, a machine, a manufacture, an assembly, a
The term "normalize" as is used herein means to partially subassembly or the like. An object may be capable of being
(more than 0% but less than 100%) or fully (100%) align assembled or otherwise manufactured or produced from a
and/or abut with, on or in, or come into contact with, or any plurality of component (or other) parts, including skins, such
combination thereof, that is to become co-planar, often with 35 as an airplane, a jet, a helicopter, a submarine, a boat, an
little or no forward, rearward, sideward and/or other move- automobile, a truck, a trailer, a camper, a tank (or other
ment being possible, for example, one or more surfaces of, or military vehicle), a missile (or other weapon), or the like, or
holes present in, an object, or part thereof, such as feet of a any component (or other) part thereof, such as a vertical tail or
probe being aligned on an exterior surface of a workpiece that wing for an aircraft, a door for an automobile, a hull for a boat,
is adjacent with the near (front) end of the hole in a manner 40 and/or the like, or a surface of any of the foregoing.
that they remain stationary, or a probe being aligned within a The term "online" as is used herein means turned on and/or
hole being measured in a manner described herein. connected. For example, printers are online when they are
The term "nut" as is used herein means a type of a hardware ready to receive data from a computer. In contrast, when a
fastener having a threaded hole. Nuts are usually used oppo- printer is offiine (not turned on and/or connected), certain
site a mating bolt to fasten a stack of two or more objects, 45 tasks, such as advancing paper, may be performed, but data
parts, components or materials together. The two partners are cannot be sent to the printer. Also, computer operators are
generally kept together by a combination of their threads' generally considered to be online when they are connected to
friction, a slight stretch of the bolt, and compression of the a computer service through a modem.
parts. In applications where vibration or rotation may work a The phrase "OpenGL" as is used herein means OPEN
nut loose, various locking mechanisms may be employed, 50 Graphics Language, a three-dimensional graphics language.
such as adhesives, safety pins, lockwire, nylon inserts, It was developed by Silicon Graphics International (SGI)
slightly oval-shaped threads and/or the like. The most com- (Fremont, Calif.), and has become a standard supported in
mon shape is hexagonal, as the bolt head (having 6 sides) Unix, Windows and Macintosh computers. OpenGL can be
generally provide a good granularity of angles for a tool to implemented as an extension to an operating system or to a
approach from. Some other specialized shapes for nuts exist 55 windowing system such as X Window. Many three-dimen-
for certain needs, such as wing nuts for finger adjustment and sional display adapters include OpenGL drivers. OpenGL
captive nuts for inaccessible areas. and Direct3D (Microsoft Corporation's DirectX) are pres-
The phrase "nut plate" as is used herein means a stamped ently the major three-dimensional graphics languages in use.
sheet metal nut that may be, or is, riveted or otherwise The phrase "operably connected with" as is used herein in
attached to a workpiece or other object, or part thereof, or 60 connection with a plurality of instruments, devices, appara-
component of the foregoing. It may be a "fixed nut plate" tuses, components, parts and/or the like, such as one or more
(typically a one-piece nut plate), a "floating nut plate" (typi- computers and one or more measuring apparatuses, or a one
cally including a floating nut or replaceable locking element), or more computers and one or more peripheral devices,
a "fluid tight nut plate" (typically having a fixed or floating nut means that the instruments, devices, apparatuses, compo-
that is covered by a fluid tight housing), and often has a long 65 nents, parts and/or the like, are connected with each other,
tube that is internally threaded and a plate with two clearance usually by one or more communication cables inserted into
holes for rivets. Locknut types are available, which utilize a one or more ports present thereon or wirelessly (using, for
US 8,606,540 B2
53 54
example, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 4610X and/or the like) in a man- an equal distance apart, everywhere, substantially every-
ner that data and/or information may be transferred from one where or in one or more areas, or two or more planes, lines or
instrument, device, apparatus, component, part and/or the objects, or parts thereof, or components, that do not intersect.
like, to the other, or vice versa, or between the same. When used in a electronic or software context, it means that
The phrase "operating system" as is used herein means two events occur at the same time, or during the same span of
software that generally communicates with computer hard- time (as opposed to "serial" which means that two events
ware on a most basic level, and is the main software of a must happen at different times, typically in a sequence).
computer. Without an operating system, generally no soft- The terms "peripheral" and "peripheral device" as are used
ware programs can run. The operating system generally allo- herein means any external, internal and/or other device that
cates memory, processes tasks, accesses disks and peripher- 10 generally is not part of the essential computer (the memory
als, and/or serves as the user interface. For example, it and microprocessor) and provides input and/or output in con-
provides a user interface that allows a user to interact with the nection with a computer. For example, a keyboard, a mouse
machine, such as clicking on an icon to delete a file. It also and a CD-ROM drive are input peripherals, while a monitor,
manages computer resources such as the CPU and main a printer and a projector are output peripherals. Peripheral
memory. It generally decides when programs can run, where 15 devices typically operate at the periphery, or outer edges, of a
they are loaded into memory, and how hardware devices system, and can be external, such as a mouse, keyboard,
communicate. As a result of operating systems such as Win- printer, monitor, external Zip drive, scanner, CD-R drive,
dows, Mac OS and Linux, programmers can write code using audio speaker, touch screen, plotter or goggle, or internal,
a standard programming interface, or Application Program such as a CD-ROM drive, CD-R drive or internal modem.
Interface. Without an operating system, programmers would 20 Some peripherals, such as external hard drives, provide both
often need to write about ten times as much code to get the input and output for the computer.
same results. Other known operating systems include Win- The term "phase" as is used herein in connection with an
dows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Server oscillation or wave is the fraction of a complete cycle corre-
2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP sponding to an offset in the displacement from a specified
and Windows 7. 25 reference point at time t=O. Phase is a frequency domain
The terms "optically" and "optical" as are used herein concept, and as such, can be readily understood in terms of
mean a projection of material, such as text, images and/or simple harmonic motion. The same concept applies to wave
symbols, using a typically high intensity light bulb and a motion, viewed either at a point in space over an interval of
known and specially-shaped glass lens, so that when light is time or across an interval of space at a moment in time.
passed through, or on, the material, and through the lens, the 30 The phrase "plunge-triggered measurement" as is used
material generally becomes much larger than the original on herein means a measurement that is triggered when a probe is
the surface or object that the projector is pointing at. Gener- moving in the outbound direction-the probe tip is extending
ally, one hundred percent of the material being projected is out from the probe body or foot ("plunging into the hole").
illuminated 100% of the time by the bulb when the full mate- The term "plurality" as is used herein means more than
rial is placed in front of the bulb and the entire image is 35 one, for example, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
continuously displayed. (In contrast, with a laser, the laser ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, twenty, twenty-
beam only displays a very small portion of the projected five, thirty, thirty-five, forty, forty-five, fifty, seventy-five, one
projection at any given point in time and moves, or sweeps, in hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hun-
order to project each individual point in the projected image. dred, one thousand, two thousand, threethousand,fourthou-
This results in flickering as the amount of points being dis- 40 sand, five thousand, and so forth.
played with a laser increases in number.) The term "polarization" as is used herein means a property
The terms "ordered" and "sequenced" as are used herein in of waves, such as light, that describes the orientation of their
connection with a plurality of process steps being employed oscillations. By convention, the polarization of light is
to assemble or otherwise manufacture a three-dimensional described by specifying the direction of the wave' s electric
object, or part, or to perform a different process, means that 45 field. When light travels in free space, in most cases it propa-
the process steps occur in an appropriate, logical, methodical, gates as a transverse wave (i.e., the polarization is perpen-
prescribed and/or required arrangement and/or sequence, dicular to the wave's direction of travel). In this case, the
generally from start to finish in a step-by-step manner, for electric field may be oriented in a single direction (linear
example, with respect to a particular three-dimensional polarization), or it may rotate as the wave travels (circular or
object, or part, being assembled or otherwise manufactured, 50 elliptical polarization). In the latter cases, the oscillations can
and the component parts thereof, such that a proper, desired rotate rightward or leftward in the direction of travel, and
and/or required appearance and/or function of the object, or which of those two rotations is present in a wave is known as
part, are achieved, which may vary widely depending upon the wave's chirality or handedness.
the particular object, or part, being assembled or manufac- The term "photon" as is used herein means an elementary
tured (or otherwise being processed in some manner), and 55 particle, the quantum of the electromagnetic field, and the
may be determined by those having ordinary skill in the art basic "unit" of light and all other forms of electromagnetic
using the detailed information that is provided herein. radiation. It is also the force carrier for the electromagnetic
The phrase "other desired characteristics" as is used herein force. Photons are governed by quantum mechanics and will
in connection withAnnotated Geometry data means any other exhibit wave-particle duality (i.e., they exhibit properties of
characteristics of the Annotated Geometry data that could be 60 both waves and particles). For example, a single photon may
organized by a user of the systems and/or methods of the be refracted by a lens or exhibit wave interference, but also act
invention, and that would be suitable or desirable for the user, as a particle giving a definite result when quantitative mass is
such as hole diameter, line width, minimum conductivity, measured.
minimum and/or maximum thickness, maximum step height, The phrases "power source" and "power supply" as are
and/or the like. 65 used herein mean a device that supplies electrical energy to
The phrase "parallel to" as is used herein in a mechanical one or more electric loads. Every power supply typically
context means being an equal distance apart, or substantially obtains the energy it supplies to its load, as well as any energy
US 8,606,540 B2
55 56
it consumes while performing that task, from an energy phonograph record. Most personal computers are designed to
source. Depending on its design, a power supply may obtain allow a user to add additional RAM modules up to a certain
energy from: limit. Having more RAM in a computer generally reduces the
Electrical energy transmission systems. Common number of times that the computer processor has to read data
examples ofthis include power supplies that convert AC in from a hard disk, an operation that generally takes much
line voltage to DC voltage. longer than reading data from RAM.
Energy storage devices such as batteries and fuel cells. The phrase "Remote Control" as is used herein means an
Electromechanical systems such as generators and alterna- apparatus of the invention that has all, or substantially all, of
tors. the features of one or more of the measurement apparatuses of
Solar power. 10 the invention for program manipulation, but does not include
Others that are described herein or are known by those a measurement mechanism. It typically uses the same, or
having ordinary skill in the art. substantially the same, circuit board(s) as the wireless
The term "probe" as is used herein means a device or devices, and is beneficial for use particularly, for example, in
apparatus, or a component thereof, that functions to investi- conjunction or connection with a three-dimensional optical
gate, obtain, mechanically transmit or otherwise transmit a 15 (or other) projection system for assembly tasks that do not
measurement (or other) information and/or data in, on and/or include a measurement, such as system calibration, selecting
around a particular region or area, such as in a hole present in processes to perform, stepping through process steps, initiat-
an object, for example, a pre-drilled hole present in an air- ing inspection prompts, and the like. It offers beneficial use
plane skin or the like. because it is usually smaller, lighter and/or more economical
The terms "processor," "microprocessor," "CPU" and 20 in production and/or cost in comparison with various mea-
"Central Processing Unit" as are used herein mean the logic surement devices and apparatuses.
circuitry of a computer, which responds to, and processes, the The phrase "retraction-triggered measurement" as is used
basic instructions that drive a computer, which are generally herein means a measurement that is triggered when a probe is
provided by one or a plurality of computer programs. The moving in the inbound direction-the probe tip is retracting
processor is on a chip (a microprocessor), a part of the main 25 into the probe body or foot.
circuit board of a computer. The term "rivet" as is used herein means a generally per-
The term "project" as is used herein means to cause one or manent mechanical fastener. On installation, a rivet is usually
more text, images, symbols and/or the like, such as words, placed in a punched or pre-drilled hole, and the tail is upset, or
instructions and/or the like, to appear on a surface, such as a bucked (i.e. deformed), so that it expands, for example, to
surface of a three-dimensional object, or part, or to cast or 30 about 1.5 times the original shaft diameter, thereby holding
extend forward out into space, such as a room, for example, a the rivet in place. Typically, because there is effectively a head
beam of light. on each end of an installed rivet, it can support tension loads
The term "projector" as is used herein means a device, (loads that are parallel to the axis of the shaft). However, it is
apparatus, instrument or the like that is capable of projecting, usually much more capable of supporting shear loads (loads
for example, displaying, one or more text, images, symbols 35 that are perpendicular to the axis of the shaft). Bolts and
and/or the like, or a combination thereof, such as words, screws are usually better suited for tension applications.
instructions and/or the like, onto one or a plurality of surfaces, The terms "run" and "execute" as are used herein mean to
objects and/or parts, such as a surface of a three-dimensional perform an action, a command, an instruction and/or the like,
object, which preferably may be viewed by one or more or to be in partial or full operation (typically in full operation),
individuals and/or entities. Projectors typically includes a 40 for example, computer software that runs on a computer, or a
lighting unit that concentrates light within a limited solid computer software program that is executed.
angle by means of one or more minors and lenses, and pro- The phrase "run time" as is used herein refers to the actual
vides a high value of luminous intensity in one direction. A execution of a program. "At runtime" means while a program
wide variety of projectors are commercially available from is running.
sources that are known by those having ordinary skill in the 45 The term "scanner" as is used herein means an input device
art, including, but not limited to, LCD projectors, CRT pro- that converts text, photographs and/or graphics into machine
jectors, DLP projectors, LCOS projectors, stationary projec- readable form.
tors, transportable projectors, handheld projectors, and the The terms "screen" and "screen shot" as are used herein
like. mean a picture or illustration of that which is displayed on a
The term "protocol" as is used herein means a set of rules 50 computer, projector, monitor, other screen and/or the like.
about the manner in which two or more things communicate. The term "server" as is used herein means a computer or
The term "RAM" as is used herein means random access device on a network that manages network resources (gener-
memory, a type of computer memory that can generally be ally any item that can be used). For example, a file server is a
accessed randomly, that is, generally any byte of memory can computer and storage device that is dedicated to storing files.
be accessed without touching the preceding bytes. RAM is 55 Any user on the network can store files on the server. A print
the most common type of memory found in computers and server is a computer that manages one or more printers, and a
other devices, such as printers. It also refers to main memory, network server is a computer that manages network traffic. A
the memory available to computer programs. For example, a database server is a computer system that processes database
computer with 8 MB RAM has approximately 8 million bytes queries (requests for information from a database). Servers
of memory that programs can use. A typical computer may 60 are often dedicated, meaning that they perform no other tasks
come with 256 million bytes of RAM, and a hard disk that can besides their server tasks. On multiprocessing operating sys-
hold 40 billion bytes. RAM generally comes in the form of tems, a single computer can execute several programs at once.
"discrete" (separate) microchips, and also in the form of one A server in this case could refer to the program that is man-
or more modules that may plug into holes in a computer's aging resources rather than the entire computer.
motherboard. These holes connect through a bus or set of 65 The phrase "service pack" or "patch" as are used herein
electrical paths to the processor. The hard drive, on the other means an orderable, downloadable or other update or
hand, stores data on a magnetized surface that looks like a enhancement to a software that typically corrects one or more
US 8,606,540 B2
57 58
existing problems and, in some cases, delivers or provides management, resource management, documentation tools,
product enhancements. A service pack is typically a collec- analytical, and collaborative. Word processors, spreadsheets,
tion of updates and fixes for an operating system or a software email and blog clients, personal information system, and
program. Many of these patches are often released before the individual media editors may aid in multiple information
larger service pack, but the service pack generally allows for worker tasks. Content access software is software that is used
an easy, single installation. Service packs also often include primarily to access content without editing, but may include
new features in addition to fixes. IBM and Microsoft are software that allows for content editing. Such software
examples of companies that use these term to describe their addresses the needs of individuals and groups to consume
periodic product updates. When a new product version comes digital entertainment and published digital content. Examples
out, it usually incorporates the fixes from the service packs 10 include Media Players, Web Browsers and Help browsers.
that have been shipped to update the previous product ver- Educational software is related to content access software,
sion. A wide variety of service packs are commercially avail- but has the content and/or features adapted for use in by
able from sources that are known by those having ordinary educators. For example, it may track progress through mate-
skill in the art, such as IBM Corporation (Armonk, N.Y.) and rial or include collaborative capabilities. Simulation software
Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, Wash.). 15 are for simulation of physical or abstract systems for either
The term "simultaneously" as is used herein (often with research, training or other purposes. Media development soft-
respect to a performance of one or more functions performed ware addresses the needs of individuals who generate print
by a measurement apparatus of the invention) means existing, and electronic media for others to consume, most often in a
occurring or being completed at the same time. commercial or educational setting. This includes Graphic Art
The term "shaft" as is used herein refers to any relatively 20 software, Desktop Publishing software, Multimedia Devel-
long and relatively thin component that is preferably slidable opment software, HTML editors, Digital Animation editors,
or movable, such as the cylindrical component that is shown Digital Audio and Video composition, and many others. 3D
in FIG. 39 (110). computer graphics software refers to programs that are used
The term "skin" as is used herein refers to an exterior to create 3D computer-generated test, imagery, symbols and/
surface, sheathing, casing and/or the like of an object, part, 25 or the like. 3D modelers typically allow users to create and
component, structure, sub-structure, workpiece, assembly, alter models via their 3D mesh. Users can generally add,
subassembly, person, animal, place, or any combination subtract, stretch and/or otherwise change the mesh to their
thereof, or the like. The skin of an object typically can either desire, and models can be viewed from a variety of angles,
be: (i) load-bearing (i.e., it provides at least some structural usually simultaneously, and rotated, with the view being
support for the object, such that the object would possibly fall 30 capable of being zoomed in and out. Product engineering
apart, or not be structurally sound, if the skin were removed); software is used in developing hardware and software prod-
or (ii) non-load-bearing (i.e., the object would typically ucts. This includes computer aided design (CAD), computer
remain intact, and would not fall apart, if the skin was aided engineering (CAE), computer language editing and
removed therefrom). Typically, the skin of an object is the compiling tools, Integrated Development Environments, and
visible exterior surface of the object that has an exterior finish 35 Application Progranimer Interfaces. Additional information
applied to it. Skin can also serve to provide a smooth surface about software applications is present in Paul E. Ceruzzi, A
that greatly reduces drag on an object, such as the skin of an History ofModern Computing (MIT Press., 1998) and Kelly
aircraft, automobile, truck, ship or boat. Martin Campbell, Computer: A History of the Information
The phrases "software application" and "application soft- Machine, (Basic Books, 1996).
ware" as are used herein mean a computer software that is 40 The term "software development kit" as is used herein
designed to help a user perform a particular task and include, means a kit including one or a plurality of software programs
for example, word processors, spreadsheets, media players, that function to facilitate one or more functions and/or activi-
database applications and/ or the other tasks that are described ties of a device, such as a digital and/or video camera, often
herein, or any combination thereof. An application can typi- when associated or operably connected with a computer,
cally manipulate text, numbers, graphics, or a combination of 45 including, but not limited to sensory optics, interface mecha-
these elements. An application suite generally comprises nisms, image acquisition, image processing and/or camera
multiple applications bundled together. They usually have and device control. A wide variety of software development
related functions, features and/or user interfaces, and may be kits, such as FlyCapture 2.0, Beta 06, Censys3D, Ladybug,
able to interact with each other, e.g. open each other's files. Triclops, Digiclops and Compass3D software development
Business applications often come in suites, e.g. Microsoft 50 kits, are commercially available from sources that are known
Office, OpenOffice dot org and iWork, which bundle together by those having ordinary skill in the art, for example, Point
a word processor, a spreadsheet, and the like. Suites also exist Grey Research, Inc. (Richmond, BC, Canada) and other cam-
for other purposes, such as graphics and/or music. Enterprise era manufacturers and/or distributors.
software addresses the needs of organization processes and The term "SolidWorks" as is used herein refers to a com-
data flow, often in a large distributed environment. Examples 55 mercially available 3D mechanical CAD program that can
include Financial, Customer Relationship Management, and run on Microsoft Windows. It was developed by Dassault
Supply Chain Management. Departmental Software is a sub- Systemes SolidWorks Corp. (Concord, Calif.).
type of Enterprise Software, with a focus on smaller organi- The phrase "source code" (commonly just source or code)
zations or groups within a large organization. Examples as is used herein means any collection of statements, decla-
include Travel Expense Management, and IT Helpdesk. 60 rations or instructions written in some human-readable com-
Enterprise infrastructure software provides common capa- puter programming language. Such programming languages
bilities needed to support Enterprise Software systems. are known by those having ordinary skill in the art and
Examples include Databases, Email servers, and Network include, but are not limited to, C#, C++, Java and other pro-
and Security Management. Information worker software gramming languages that are described herein. Source code is
addresses the needs of individuals to create and manage infor- 65 the mechanism that is typically most often used by program-
mation, often for individual projects within a department, in mers to specify the actions to be performed by a computer.
contrast to enterprise management. Examples include time The source code which constitutes a program is usually held
US 8,606,540 B2
59 60
in one or a plurality of text files (ending in .txt), or other files, The Phrase "SQL Server Compact 3.5 ENU" as is used
for example, C# files (ending in .cs), sometimes stored in herein refers to computer software that permits a computer
databases as stored procedures, and may also appear as code operator or programmer to create compact databases that can
snippets printed in books and/or other media. A large collec- be deployed on desktop computers, smart devices and/or
tion of source code files may be organized into a directory Tablet PCs. When applications are built using such software,
tree, in which case it may also be known as a source tree. A one of the .NET progranmiing languages (Microsoft Visual
computer program's source code if often the collection of Basic or Microsoft Visual C#) and a .NET Framework or
files that is typically needed to convert from human-readable .NET Compact Framework may be employed to create a
form to some kind of computer-executable form. The source managed application. Alternatively, Visual C# or Visual C++
code may be converted into an executable file by a compiler, 10 may be employed for devices to create a native application.
or executed on the fly from the human readable form with the The phrase "SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard" as
aid of an interpreter, or the like. is used herein refers to a program that enables a deployment
The term "spot" as is used herein refers to a relatively small ofSQL (or other) Server databases into a hosted environment
mark or image that may be placed or displayed on a three- on, for example, a SQL Server 2000 or 2005 server. It can
dimensional object, for example, one that is being assembled, 15 generate an SQL script file that can be used to recreate a
manufactured or otherwise processed, or part, surface or skin database (both schema and data) in a shared hosting environ-
thereof, or on some other surface, skin or part, and that is ment where the only connectivity to a server is through a
partially or fully distinguishable in, for example, color, size, web-based control panel with a script execution window. If
shape, outline, filling, brightness and/or the like from the supported by a hosting service provider, it can also directly
three-dimensional object, or part, surface, or skin, or items or 20 upload databases to servers located at the shared hosting
projections appearing thereon. A spot may be present in a provider. Optionally, it can integrate directly into Visual Stu-
wide variety of different colors, patterns, sizes, brightness dio 2005 and/or Visual Web Developer 2005 (and other pro-
and/or configurations, such as an outline of, or a filled in, grams) allowing easy publishing of databases from within a
circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle, polygon (pentagon, development environment.
hexagon, octagon, and so forth) and/or the like. In the systems 25 The phrase "SQL Server Native Client" as is used herein
and methods of the invention, a type of spot that is employed refers to computer software that contains the SQL OLE DB
may be dictated by a user by, for example, using the Author- provider and SQL ODBC driver in one native dynamic link
ing Assembly Tool Software, and the spot may be projected, library (DLL) supporting applications using native-code
for example, on a three-dimensional object, part, surface and/ APis (ODBC, OLE DB and ADO) to Microsoft SQL Server.
or skin, preferably along with some text that informs and/or 30 It can be used to create new applications or enhance existing
shows a user the location at which to insert a nail, a screw or applications that need to take advantage of SQL Server fea-
similar item, and/or to take some other action. tures, such as Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS), Query
The phrase "SQL Server" as is used herein refers to soft- Notifications, User-Defined Types (UDT) and/or XML data
ware that functions to provide data management and analysis type support.
solutions that generally deliver increased security, scalability 35 The phrase "SQL Server Setup" as is used herein refers to
and/or availability to enterprise data and/or analytical appli- a computer program that installs the following software com-
cations, while generally making them easier to create, deploy ponents: (i) .NET Framework3.5 SP!; (ii) SQL Server Native
and/or and manage. For example, building on the strengths of Client; and (iii) SQL Server Setup support files.
the Microsoft SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 provides The phrase "stainless steels" as is used herein means high-
an integrated data management and analysis solution that 40 alloy steels that generally have superior corrosion resistance
help organizations of any size to: (i) build and deploy enter- in comparison with other steels because they contain large
prise applications that are more secure, scalable and/or reli- amounts of chromium (generally from about 4 to about 30%,
able; (ii) maximize the productivity of IT by reducing the and usually around 10%). Stainless steels can be divided into
complexity of creating, deploying and managing database three basic groups based on their crystalline structure: (i)
applications; (iii) empower developers through a rich, flex- 45 austenitic, (ii) ferritic and (iii) martensitic.
ible, modern development environment for creating more The phrase "starburst pattern" as is used herein refers to a
secure database applications; (iv) share data across multiple pattern that may be displayed on a three-dimensional object,
platforms, applications and/or devices to make it easier to workpiece, part, component, surface, skin and/or the like, and
connect internal and external systems; (iv) deliver robust, that has some characteristics of a star. It can be, for example,
integrated business intelligence solutions that help drive 50 projected by an optical projector onto a three-dimensional
informed business decisions and increase productivity across object, or part, that is being assembled or otherwise manu-
entire organizations; and/or (v) control costs without sacri- factured, for example, when a measurement of a pre-drilled
ficing performance, availability or scalability. fastener hole present therein is being made, or when some
The phrase "SQL Server Compact 3.5" as is used herein other measurement is being made. One such pattern is shown
refers to a relatively small footprint in-process database 55 in FIG. 3.
engine that allows developers to build robust applications for The phrase "Step Gage" as is used herein means a mea-
Windows Desktops and Mobile Devices. surement apparatus of the invention that measures very accu-
The Phrase "SQL Server Compact 3.5 Design Tool" as is rately and rapidly the linear offset between two adjacent, or
used herein refers to computer software that installs SQL substantially adjacent, panels, materials, workpieces, struc-
Server Compact 3.5 (or other) design-time components with 60 tures or objects, or parts thereof.
Visual Studio 2008 (or other programs), such as the user The phrase "stereolithograph" as is used herein means an
interface, dialog boxes and design-time environment. It may additive manufacturing process for producing models, proto-
be used to write applications for SQL Server Compact 3.5. types, patterns and/or production parts. It uses liquid UV-
The SQL Server Compact 3.5 design-time components gen- curable photopolymer resin and a UV laser to build parts a
erally include design-time environment dialogs under the 65 layer at a time. On each layer, a laser beam typically traces a
Server Explorer to design applications that use SQL Server part cross-section pattern on the surface of the liquid resin.
Compact 3.5 (or other programs). Exposure to the UV laser light generally cures or solidifies the
US 8,606,540 B2
61 62
pattern traced on the resin and adheres it to the layer below. an oval, a triangle, a point, a curvilinear or straight line,
After a pattern has been traced, the stereolithograph's eleva- punctuation (period, comma, semi-colon, colon, hyphen, dol-
tor platform may descend by a single layer thickness, typi- lar sign, percent sign, asterisk, parentheses, and/or the like)
cally from about 0.05 mm to about 0.15 mm (0.002" to and/or the like. It, as well as text and images, typically can be
0.006"). any color between, and including, black and white on the
Then, a resin-filled blade generally sweeps across the part color scale, and can either be drawn unfilled (outlined in that
cross section, re-coating it with fresh material. On this new color) or filled (filled with one or more colors, patterns and/or
liquid surface, the subsequent layer pattern may be traced, the like).
adhering to the previous layer. A 3-dimensional part may be The term "system software" as is used herein means soft-
formed by this process. 10 ware that is involved in integrating a computer's various
The phrases "stereo lithography format" and "STL" as are capabilities, but typically does not directly apply them in the
used herein mean a file format native to the stereo lithography performance of tasks that benefit the user, such as an operat-
CAD software created by 3D Systems (Rock Hill, S.C.). This ing system.
file format is typically supported by many other software The phrase "Tao Framework" as is used herein means a C#
packages, and may be employed for prototyping and/or com- 15 library giving .NET and Mono developers (and others) access
puter-aided manufacturing. STL files typically describe only to popular graphics and/or gaming libraries, like OpenGL and
the surface geometry of a three-dimensional object without SDL. It was originally developed by the C# OpenGL pro-
any representation of color, texture or other common CAD grammer, and since its start many developers have contrib-
model attributes. The STL format generally specifies both uted to the project. The latest version of Tao is version 2.1
ASII and binary representations. An STL file can describe a 20 released on May 1, 2008. Additional information about Tao
raw unstructured triangulated surface by the unit normal and Framework is present on the web site tao framework dot com.
vertices (ordered by the right-hand rule) of the triangles using The phrase "text" as is used herein mean letters, numbers,
a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. symbols (plus signs, minus signs and/or the like), words,
The phrase "stimulated emission" as is used herein in con- instructions, directions and/or the like.
nection with lasers means a process by which an electron, 25 The phrases "three-dimensional" and "3D" as are used
perturbed by a photon having the correct energy, may drop to herein mean having three or more dimensions. Three-dimen-
a lower energy level resulting in the creation of another pho- sional objects generally have, or appear to have, extension in
ton. The perturbing photon is seemingly unchanged in the depth, and have height, width and depth.
process, and the second photon is created with the same The term "transverse" as is used herein means situated or
phase, frequency, polarization and direction of travel as the 30 lying across or crosswise.
original. If the resultant photons are reflected so that they The term "trigger" as is used herein means a lever (or
traverse the same atoms or gain medium repeatedly, a cascade similar device) that is typically pressed by one or a plurality of
effect is produced. fingers, or a hand, of a user (via an application of pressure or
The word "subroutine" or "subprogram" as are used herein other force to the trigger) to discharge, release and/or activate
mean a portion of code within a larger program, which gen- 35 a mechanism, such as the measurement apparatuses
erally performs a specific task, and is relatively independent described herein.
of the remaining code. A subroutine generally behaves in The phrases "two-dimensional" and "2D" as are used
much the same way as a computer program that is used as one herein mean having two dimensions. Two-dimensional
step in a larger program or another subprogram. It is often objects do not have, or appear to have, extension in depth, and
coded so that it can be started ("called") several times and/or 40 have height and width, but not depth.
from several places during a single execution of the program, The term "undistorted" as is used herein means that pro-
including from other subroutines, and then branch back (re- jected text, graphics, symbols and/or the like as viewed by the
turn) to the next instruction after the "call" once the subrou- average human eye appear in a same or similar manner when
tine's task is done. Subroutines are a programming tool, and projected onto objects with three-dimensional features and/or
the syntax of many programming languages includes support 45 shapes as they would appear if projected onto a two-dimen-
for writing and using them. Judicious use of subroutines (for sional object, such as a flat screen or wall.
example, through the structured prograniming approach) The phrase "upper end" as is used herein in relation with an
often substantially reduces the cost of developing and main- apparatus of the invention, or an object, or part thereof, or
taining a large program, while increasing its quality and reli- with any other structure or device described herein, or any
ability. Subroutines, often collected into libraries, are an 50 component of any of the foregoing, means that end thereof
important mechanism for sharing and trading software. that is closest to the ceiling (or sky) when viewing the same
The term "substantially" as is used herein means almost, from the front. For example, when viewing FIG. 24 of the
extensive, considerable or ample, for example, in importance, accompanying drawings, the upper end of the measuring
value, degree, amount, extent and/or the like, depending upon apparatus shown therein is the exterior surface of the housing
the context, which may be determined by those having ordi- 55 that is facing upwards and is located above the probe area
nary skill in the art, and is generally about 85% or greater (out (i.e., the opposite end from the location at which the cable is
of a total of 100% ), and is often about 90% or greater, about to be connected with the bottom end of the apparatus). As
95% or greater, about 96% or greater, about 97% or greater, another example, in FIG. 1, the "upper end" of the airplane
about 98% or greater, or even about 99% or greater, but is less wing shown therein is located above the numeral "8" (closest
than about 100%. It may also refer to any fractional or deci- 60 to the ceiling).
ma! number, such as 99.1 %, 99.2%, 99.3%, 99.4%, 99.5%, The phrase "upstream" as is used herein means leading
99.6%, 99.7%, 99.8% or 99.9%. towards the forward end of an apparatus of the present inven-
The term "suitable" as is used herein means satisfactory, tion, an object, or part thereof, of any other structure or device
operable or capable of producing a desired result. discussed herein, or of any component of any of the forego-
The term "symbol" as is used herein means a shape or the 65 ing.
like, including, but not limited to, a square, a rectangle, a The term "viewer" as is used herein means a program that
pentagon, a hexagon, an octagon, another polygon, a circle, generally displays the contents of an electronic (digital) file.
US 8,606,540 B2
63 64
Viewers may generally be stand-alone programs or compo- suite of tools. Its features may include: (i) leveraging oflocal
nents within a larger program. They are widely used to dis- storage and local resources, such as peripherals, for high-
play images downloaded from online services and the Inter- performance and occasionally-connected applications; (ii)
net. Viewers for sound and video files are also available. A through LINQ, performing query, set, and transform opera-
viewer typically displays or plays one type of file, whereas a tions using familiar object-oriented languages, such as Visual
file viewer is a program that supports many different formats. C# and Visual Basic; (iii) creating client applications that
The phrases "video card" and "video adaptor" as are used utilize Web services or offiine tools that are complementary to
herein mean a display adapter, such as a printed circuit or Web-based applications; (iv) providing, via a .NET Frame-
other board that plugs (or may otherwise be inserted) into a work, a wide variety of pre-built services that aid a computer
computer to generate images for a computer's screen (i.e., to 10
operator in working more efficiently; (v) enhancing effi-
give it display capabilities). Many different types of video
ciency by providing inline code guidance right in the editor
adapters are available for computers, most of which conform
(without paging back and forth to documentation); (vi) col-
to one of the video standards defined by IBM or VESA. Each
adapter usually offers several different video modes, such as laborating more effectively and efficiently with designers
text and graphics. In text mode, a monitor can generally 15
through integration between Visual Studio and Microsoft
display only ASCII characters, whereas in a graphics mode, a Expression; and (vi) using integrated debugging and static
monitor can display any bit-mapped image. Modem video code analysis to improve quality early and often.
The abbreviation "VSTO" as is used herein refers to Visual
adapters contain memory, so that the computer's RAM is not
used for storing displays. In addition, most adapters have their Studio Tools for Office, which are commercially available
own graphics coprocessor for performing graphics calcula- 20
from Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, Wash.).
tions. The term "wave" as is used herein means a disturbance that
The phrase "video signals" as are used herein in connection propagates through space and time, usually with transference
with text, images, symbols and/or the like are the data defi- of energy. Waves travel and transfer energy from one point to
nition of the of text, images, symbols, or a combination another, often with no permanent displacement of the par-
thereof, including, for example, color, hue, saturation, and all 25 ticles of the medium (that is, with little or no associated mass
other visual characteristics of the text, images, symbols, or a transport); they consist instead of oscillations or vibrations
combination thereof, as well as the data that describes the around almost fixed locations.
physical characteristics of the text, images, symbols, or a The term "wavelength" (A) as is used herein in connection
combination thereof, such as size, shape, location, and the with a sinusoidal wave:
like. This data is in a format that is understandable by the 30
y(t)~A·sin( wt+8)
computer monitor(s) and/or optical projector(s), so that the
computer monitor(s) and/or optical projector(s) can display means is the spatial period of the wave (the distance over
it. which the wave's shape repeats). It is usually determined by
The terms "virus" and "computer virus" as are used herein considering the distance between consecutive corresponding
mean a computer program that generally can copy itself and/ 35 points of the same phase, such as crests, troughs, or zero
or infect a computer. Generally, a virus spreads from one crossings, and is a characteristic of both traveling waves and
computer to another (in some form of executable code) when standing waves, as well as other spatial wave patterns.
its host is taken to the target computer; for instance because a Assuming a sinusoidal wave moving at a fixed wave speed,
user sent it over a network or the Internet, or carried it on a wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency: waves
removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, DVD or USB 40 with higher frequencies have shorter wavelengths, and lower
drive. Viruses can increase their chances of spreading to other frequencies have longer wavelengths. Light is one example of
computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file wave-like phenomena, and in light and other electromagnetic
system that is accessed by another computer. The term "com- radiation, the strength of the electric and magnetic field vary.
puter virus" may also mean all types of malware (computer Wavelength is a measure of the distance between repetitions
viruses, worms, trojan horses, most rootkits, spyware, dis- 45 of a shape feature such as peaks, valleys, or zero-crossings,
honest adware, crimeware, and other malicious and unwanted not a measure of how far any given particle moves.
software, including true viruses). A worm can exploit security The terms "web" and "World Wide Web" as are used herein
vulnerabilities to spread itself to other computers without mean a system oflntemet servers that generally support spe-
needing to be transferred as part of a host, and a Trojan horse cially formatted documents. The documents are generally
is a program that appears harmless but has a hidden agenda. 50 formatted in a markup language (HTML or HyperText
Worms and Trojans, like viruses, may cause harm to either a Markup Language) that supports links to other documents, as
computer system's hosted data, functional performance and/ well as graphics, audio and/or video files. Generally, one may
or networking throughput, when they are executed. Some move from one document to another by clicking on hot spots.
viruses and other malware have symptoms noticeable to the Not all Internet servers are part of the World Wide Web, and
computer user, but many are surreptitious. Additional infor- 55 there are several applications (Web browsers) that make it
mation regarding computer viruses is present in Deborah easy to access the World Wide Web, two of which are
Russell et al., Computer Science Basics (O'Reilly, ISBN Netscape Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
0937175714). The term "wired" as is used herein means being plugged
The phrases "Visual Studio" and "VS" as are used herein into an electrical outlet.
refer to a suite of programming languages and development 60 The term "wireless" as is used herein means not plugged
tools that are designed to help software developers create into an electrical outlet, and powered by some other means,
innovative, next-generation applications, and are commer- such as a battery. A communication path with other devices on
cially available from known sources, for example, from a common wireless network, such as Zigbee or WiFi, is via
Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, Wash.). This language radio transmission or in some cases infrared transmission.
product includes, for example, Visual Basic, Visual C++, 65 The phrase "wireless USB adaptor" as is used herein
Visual C#, Visual FoxPro, Visual J++ and Visual InterDev. means a network adapter (a network or communications con-
The Visual Studio development system is a comprehensive troller) that plugs into a computer via a USB port.
US 8,606,540 B2
65 66
The term "workpiece" as is used herein means a piece of itself), symbols and/or the like, are optically projected by one
work that is in the process of being assembled, manufactured or a plurality of optical projectors as three-dimensional text,
or otherwise produced or a piece of metal (or other material) images and/or symbols that are displayed directly onto the
that is in the process of being worked on, or made, or has three-dimensional object, or part of skin, for example, in an
actually been cut or shaped by a hand tool, machine and/or the assembly process, at a location at which an attachment of two
like. One example of a workpiece is shown in FIG. 1. or more component parts is to be made (by bolting, fastening,
General Description and Utility gluing and/or the like). The projected material has an ability
to wrap around the three-dimensional object, part or skin, for
Optical Projection Systems and Methods example, that is being assembled, manufactured or otherwise
10 processed, permitting one or a plurality of assembly workers,
The present invention is directed to pioneering and very manufacturing technicians and/or other system users to
advantageous computerized optical systems for the projec- assemble or manufacture the object, part or skin, or to carry
tion of three-dimensional text, images and/or symbols in a out some other desired process, and have control over such
substantially or fully undistorted manner onto one or a plu- processes. Very advantageously, text, images and/or symbols
rality of surfaces of a variety of different three-dimensional 15 to be displayed on the three-dimensional object, part or skin
objects, or parts thereof. may be very rapidly calibrated in a manner that they can be
In one embodiment (out of many), the present invention projected in a substantially, and usually fully, undistorted
provides unique, very rapid, efficient, substantially or fully manner onto one or a plurality of surfaces of the three-dimen-
error-free and successful systems and methods for assem- sional object, part or skin, which may be curved, contoured,
bling or otherwise manufacturing any type of a three-dimen- 20 complex curved, complex and/or flat, even when the optical
sional object (or part thereof), including those that are rela- projector(s) employed in the systems are not perpendicular to,
tively or very complex, such as an aircraft, a submarine, a or straight in front of and/or centered in connection with the
helicopter, a missile, a tank, a military vehicle, an automobile, objects, parts or skins (as is discussed in detail hereinbelow).
or the like. The three-dimensional text, images and/or symbols may be,
In this embodiment, the systems of the invention signifi- 25 for example, three-dimensional images of the object that is
cantly facilitate an assembly or other manufacture process, being assembled, written assembly, manufacturing and/or
for example, on an assembly line or in a production facility, by other process steps or instructions, symbols and/or the like.
providing ordered step-by-step assembly or manufacturing For example, written instructions that instruct individuals that
guidance work instructions that teach or guide one or a plu- are assembling the object, such as a description of which of
rality of person or entities that are to assemble or manufacture 30 thousands of pre-drilled holes present in a skin of the object
any three-dimensional object or system, or component part, that specified fasteners fit within, and may be used with, may
surface or skin thereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as be projected directly onto the object.
"object"), which may be relatively or very complex, the man- In a preferred embodiment of the invention, a first com-
ner in which object may properly be assembled or manufac- puter program called an "Authoring Assembly Software
tured step by step with a series of ordered steps, generally in 35 Tool," which may be run on the computer's operating system,
the "best" manner. For example, a set of assembly instruc- such as Windows XP, allows a user to put all of the required or
tions may direct that the following steps be performed in the desired components for a particular project into a computer,
order listed: (i) remove a panel from an object; (ii) remove a with a wide variety of annotation, pictures, video, symbols,
clamp from the object; (iii) measure a depth of a series of drawings, audio and/or the like without concern for the num-
pre-drilled holes; (iv) insert a series of different sized and 40 ber of optical projectors and/or computers that are being
types of fasteners into the pre-drilled holes; (v) remove a bolt employed and/or their location within a particular assembly,
from the object (before sliding an engine in); (vi) sliding an manufacturing, work or other area or environment. A second
engine in; (vii) putting the clamp back onto the object; and computer pro gram called a "Configurator Assembly Software
(viii) put the panel back on the object. Tool," which may also be run on the computer's operating
Using the systems and methods of the invention to opti- 45 system, allows a user to decide where within a particular
cally project any text, images and/or symbols onto any three- assembly, manufacturing or other work area or environment
dimensional objects, parts, or skins, or even onto people, the optical projectors being employed can be located, the
animals or locations, three-dimensional geometric data can number of optical projectors that are required for a particular
be created in, or imported into, one or a plurality of computers assembly, manufacture, process or situation to have a good
using a software program, such as Catia, SolidWorks, Word, 50 (preferably 100%) coverage of an object, part or skin, or a
or the source code provided herein, or the like. A drawing can portion thereof, that is being projected upon, the number of
then be created on the computer(s) (in a wide variety of workers that may be required or desired for executing one or
different colors, patterns, shapes, and/or the like, such as more concurrent processes, for example, four different
lines, squares, triangles, rectangles, circles, ovals, polygons, assembly technicians working simultaneously on the same
trapezoids and the like). The systems will accept as input the 55 aircraft wing, and/or other such information. This tool creates
output files from most three-dimensional CAD (or other) a file that can be run by an assembly, manufacturing or other
programs. The drawing can then be incorporated into the technician each time that a particular assembly, manufacture
imported three-dimensional geometric data, and the resulting or other process is being built or carried out. A third computer
product (text, images, symbols and/or the like, for example, program called an "Operator Assembly Software Tool,"
that provide process instructions, such as assembly or manu- 60 which may also be run on the computer's operating system,
facturing instructions) can then be optically projected onto guides a user through a process, such as an assembly of a
any three-dimensional object to be assembled or manufac- three-dimensional object, or part or skin, step-by-step in an
tured, or otherwise, using three-dimensional optical projec- ordered manner using the file created by the Configurator
tion. Such process instructions can be fully implemented on a Assembly Software Tool along with a wide variety of optional
computer (or other) screen before the images are ever pro- 65 programming aids, such as annotation, pictures, video, sym-
jected onto the three-dimensional object. Process steps (text), bols, drawings and/or audio, to aid the workers throughout the
other text, images of object component parts (or of the object assembly, manufacturing or other process. For example, a
US 8,606,540 B2
67 68
video tutorial may be projected by one or more optical pro- limited to, cables, aircrafts (commercial, military, jets, props,
jectors directly onto a three-dimensional object that is being helicopters, or the like) submarines, ships, missiles, tanks,
worked on, or with, such as on the surfaces of a vertical boats, heavy machinery, earth moving equipment, automo-
stabilizer that is being manufactured. biles, trucks, buses, trains, trailers, campers, military and
The systems of the invention use one or more optical pro- other vehicles, or the like, or a part or skin thereof, such as a
jectors that are operably connected with one or a plurality of wing of an airplane, a tail of an airplane, an electrical panel, a
computers to project text, images, symbols and/or the like in control panel, a cableway and/or the like.
a calibrated form in a manner that they appear substantially The measurement apparatuses and methods of the inven-
undistorted, and typically fully undistorted, when projected tion are extremely useful, among other things, for an assem-
by the optical projectors onto a non-flat and/or non-perpen- 10 bly or other manufacture of workpieces, objects, parts or
dicular three-dimensional surface, generally regardless of skins that are complex, in other words, those that take a
where the optical projectors are positioned in relation to the significant amount of time and/or labor to assemble or other-
three-dimensional surface. A dataset forthe optical projectors wise manufacture, as one example, two weeks while one
that is created and/or provided by a user becomes calibrated technician is working on such assembly in a full-time manner,
by software that is present on the computer, and the resulting 15 that are difficult to assemble or otherwise manufacture and/or
calibrated dataset becomes projected onto the 3-dimensional that would normally have numerous pages of associated blue-
projection surface in a manner that projected text and images prints, plans, other assembly or manufacturing instructions
appear on the surface in a manner that generally is undis- and/or drawings (sometimes many hundreds, thousands, or
torted. The position of the optical projector in space relative to hundreds of thousands of pages).
a coordinate system can be determined while simultaneously 20
calibrating the projector optics. This allows a user to project Measurement Apparatuses and Methods
three-dimensional geometry, such as from a CAD system
(CATIA, SolidWorks, or the like) directly onto complex The present invention is directed to very advantageous
three-dimensional surfaces, which can be of virtually any automated wired and wireless apparatuses permitting or
shape and/or size. The optical projection system automati- 25 enabling an operator to extremely rapidly, efficiently, accu-
cally compensates and "wraps" the projected material onto rately and continuously (i.e., without an interruption or a
the surface(s) of the three-dimensional object, or part of skin, substantial interruption) measure the depths, diameters,
preserving its true shape. Text, images, symbols and/or the countersink depths and/or other measurements in connection
like, and/or any other projected matter, wrap around curved, with one or a plurality of pre-drilled and/or other fastener
contoured, complex, slanted and/or otherwise non-flat sur- 30 holes that may be present in three-dimensional (or other)
faces in an undistorted manner and appear in the same manner workpieces, objects, and/or parts thereof, such as the skins
that the would if they had been projected directly onto a flat and/or substructures of aircrafts. Such items may be in a
surface. process of being assembled, manufactured or otherwise pro-
The measurement apparatuses and methods of the present cessed, may be riveted or otherwise attached to one or a
invention permit assembly workers, manufacturing techni- 35 plurality of nut plates, and may include hundreds, thousands
cians and other users to determine and/or catalog the lengths, or even hundreds of thousands of fastener holes possibly
diameters, countersink depths and/or other measurements of having different depths, diameters, countersink depths and/or
various fasteners that are desired or required, as a result of other measurement which need to be rapidly and accurately
their length, diameter or other measurement or characteristic, measured, so that corresponding fasteners for each such hole
to be inserted into or partially or fully through particular 40 having a correct length, diameter, countersink depth and/or
(corresponding) pre-drilled fastener (or other) holes, as is other measurement may be readily and properly identified
shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, in an assembly or subassembly that and selected for use which such holes. The apparatuses,
is being manufactured using a measurement device, such as which may have a "pistol grip," "barrel" or other required or
an electronic grip gage (or similar device) that is operably desired body style or design for a particular application or
connected with one or a plurality of computers or other data 45 assembly, and which enable an operator to make retraction-
collection devices being employed in the systems. The mea- triggered, plunge-triggered and/or other styles of measure-
surement apparatuses and methods have an ability to utilize ments, also perform countersink depth, hole diameter and/or
data and/or information that they collect upon an insertion other measurements in this manner. The fastener hole depth
into a fastener (or other) hole can be used to coordinate data measurements enable an operator to select suitable fasteners
collection sequences, so that large data sets can be collected in 50 for the measured holes (i.e., fasteners that would be of the
one sequence, with measurement values that correlate to spe- correct type and/or length for the particular holes measured),
cific positions on a three-dimensional object, part or skin that which is very advantageous because many objects, and parts,
is being assembled, manufactured, or otherwise worked with. that are being assembled or manufactured have areas that vary
This data is used at a subsequent time to project proper assem- in thickness. Pre-drilled fastener holes present in such areas
bly, manufacturing or other instructions based on measured 55 would likely have different depths, and require fasteners of
data. different lengths and/or types. Further, because the appara-
The methods of the invention provide guidance in connec- tuses of the invention can operate to measures material or
tion with an optical projection of three-dimensional text, object thickness, they can be employed in the same manner to
images, symbols and/or the like in a substantially or fully measure fastener length. Fastener length is determined by
undistorted manner onto three-dimensional objects, parts, 60 measuring the material or object thickness.
skins or systems. In one embodiment, they also provide Measurement apparatuses within the present invention
assembly and/or other manufacturing guidance and instruc- include, but are not limited to, the following different types of
tions for an assembly or other manufacture of three-dimen- measurement apparatuses, which make, take or perform dif-
sional objects, parts, skins and/or systems. ferent types of measurements and/or perform one or a plural-
Three-dimensional workpieces and other objects, or parts 65 ity of measurements in different manners:
thereof, that may be assembled using the measurement appa- Grip Gages (Generally);
ratuses and methods of the invention include, but are not Grip Gages, Reaction Type;
US 8,606,540 B2
69 70
Grip Gages, Plunge Type; lar holes that have been measured to one or a plurality of
Step Gages; host or other computers and/or other data collection
Gap Gages; devices for recording, storing, organizing, manipulating
Countersink Depth Gages; and/or otherwise using such information, and future use
Fastener Flushness Gages; of such information, for example, for a selection of a
Diameter Gages; and proper fastener for the particular fastener hole.
Remote Controls. Further, such information can be employed to manipulate
The measurement apparatuses of the invention preferably different types of computer software that is installed in the
are optionally, but preferably, operably connected with a computer.
power source and/or one or a plurality of computers and/or 10 The fastener hole depth measurement apparatuses of the
other data collection devices to rapidly and efficiently provide invention can measure, for example, the depths of holes that
them via transmission and/or other transfer with fastener hole light or a probe may pass through fully (100% ), as well as
length, countersink depth and/or hole diameters measure- holes that light or a probe is not permitted to pass though
ment data and/or information, preferably each time that a (more than 0%, but less than 100%), such as a hole that has
fastener hole is measured (i.e., right away, and before a sub- 15 one end partially or fully closed off with, for example, some
sequent fastener hole is measured). Each fastener hole that is type of an enclosure or bottom (like a can that has one of its
measured has its measurement data and/or information docu- ends removed by a can opener). In the first case, when the
mented by the computer(s) and/or other data collection trigger of the apparatus is squeezed, its probe typically
devices, as well as the particular fastener hole (possibly out of extends or protrudes fully through the front and back ends of
hundreds of thousands of different fastener holes having 20 the hole, with the hook of the probe resting on the back
varying depths and/or diameters) that has been measured. surface (of an object including the hole) that is adjacent with
This provides a significantly more rapid, efficient and accu- the back of the hole. When the probe contacts such surface,
rate method for recording fastener hole depth, countersink the depth measurement is made by the apparatus. In the
depth and/or hole diameter measurement data and/or infor- second case, when the trigger of the apparatus is squeezed, its
mation in comparison with a manual system, in which an 25 probe typically extends into the hole as far as it is permitted by
operator uses a writing instrument, such as a pen, to manually the enclosure, which may vary widely, and may be deter-
record, for example, in a notebook or logbook, such data for mined by those having ordinary skill in the art. Once the end
each of the various holes, and implements some manual sys- of the probe contacts the enclosure enclosing the bottom of
tem of keeping track of which types of measurements were the hole, a depth measurement of the hole is taken by the
taken, which measurement corresponds with which hole 30 apparatus. The countersink depth and hole diameter measure-
(possibly out ofhundreds of thousands ofholes), and the like. ments may be performed in a similar manner.
Such a manual system often results in numerous human The invention also provides a method for measuring the
errors, which are reduced or completely eliminated by the depths of pre-drilled and other fastener hole lengths, counter-
apparatuses of the present invention, which are typically sink depths and/or hole diameters very rapidly and efficiently,
100% accurate. Further, such manual processes are signifi- 35 and in a manner that is substantially or fully (100%) error-
cantly less efficient, and significantly more time-consuming, free.
in comparison with the apparatuses of the present invention. The measurement apparatuses and methods of the inven-
Using fastener hole depth measurement apparatuses of the tion can measure the depths, diameters and/or countersinks of
invention, fastener hole depths, corresponding fastener fastener holes, and grip (or other) lengths of fasteners, of
lengths, and structure thickness (to identify a fastener length) 40 virtually any size. This includes a depth ranging from about
may be measured and recorded significantly more rapidly, 0.001 to about 2.00 inches (or corresponding metric units)
efficiently and accurately in comparison with manual meth- and from Grip 1 to Grip 64, a diameter ranging from about
ods for making the same measurements. The same is true with 0.100 to about 1.000 inches (or corresponding metric units),
respect to countersink depth measurements and hole diameter and a countersink ranging from about 0.001 to about 2.000
measurements. Thus, such apparatuses significantly facilitate 45 inches, in virtually any increments (0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001,
an assembly or other manufacture process, for example, when 0.002, 0.005, and so forth) and at virtually any angle, to
employed on an assembly line or in a production facility, for determine, for example, proper fastener lengths (or other
example, for aircrafts or submarines, by providing rapid and lengths). Grip length calculations may made by a host (or
accurate fastener hole depth, countersink depth and/or hole other) computer based on measurement data supplied by
diameter measurements. 50 measurement apparatuses of the present invention, or com-
Also very advantageously, the measurement apparatuses of puted in the on-board processor that is included on the circuit
the invention operate to perform a plurality of tasks or func- card. The conversion from the hole depth measurement to
tions with only one single squeeze of the trigger thereof by an grip length may be by a look-up table using tables and sources
operator or other user (i.e., automatically and generally thereof that are known by those having ordinary skill in the
instantaneously) once it is powered by a power source, and 55 art, in software or firmware or by calculation. All four cases
using only one hand, including: (calculations in software or firmware, by look-up table or by
(a) properly aligning their measuring probe with respect, or algorithm) will yield identical results if properly imple-
relative, to one or a plurality of fastener holes being mented. Countersink depth measurements include a depth
measured, surfaces present on a workpiece (or other ranging from about 0.001 to about 2.00 inches (or corre-
object, or part thereof, or component thereof), or both; 60 sponding metric units), and hole diameter measurements
(b) making a fastener hole depth, countersink depth and/or include hole diameters ranging from about 0.100 to about
hole diameter measurement of one or a plurality of the 1.000 inches (or corresponding metric unit).
fastener holes being measured; and The apparatuses and methods of the invention advanta-
(c) transmitting (or otherwise transferring) the resulting or geously may be employed to perform measurements in con-
procured fastener hole depth, countersink depth and/or 65 nection with, or relative to, virtually any type of a three-
hole diameter measurement data and/or information, dimensional object (or part thereof), including those that are
and fastener hole identifying information for the particu- relatively or very complex, such as an aircraft, a submarine, a
US 8,606,540 B2
71 72
helicopter, a missile, a tank, a military vehicle, an automobile, assembly or manufacturing instructions in the "best" or most
or the like, or a part thereof (including skins). Three-dimen- logical order may be prepared very rapidly in an automated
sional objects that may have their pre-drilled or other fastener manner. This, in tum, eliminates the extensive amount of time
hole depths, countersink depths and/or hole diameters mea- and labor that is associated with reading, understanding and
sured by the apparatuses and methods of the invention implementing the information that is present in such lengthy
include, but are not limited to, aircrafts (commercial, military, and complicated blueprints, drawings, plans, other paper
jets, props, helicopters, or the like) submarines, ships, mis- instructions or computer displays, and the high labor fees that
siles, tanks, boats, heavy machinery, earth moving equip- would be associated with paying workers or employees to
ment, automobiles, trucks, buses, trains, trailers, campers, carry out such tasks, renders these assembly and manufactur-
military and other vehicles, or the like, or a part thereof 10 ing processes tremendously more rapid. They tremendously
(including a skin or substructure), such as a wing of an air- reduce the labor and time required to perform an assembly or
plane, a tail of an airplane, an electrical panel, a control panel, manufacturing process in comparison with assembly or
a cableway and/or the like. manufacturing processes for assembling the same three-di-
The measurement apparatuses and methods of the inven- mensional object, part or skin, but using blueprints, plans,
tion are extremely useful, among other things, for an assem- 15 drawings, other paper instructions or computer displays.
bly or other manufacture or production of objects, parts or Such time and labor may be, and is often, reduced by at least
skins that are complex, in other words, those that take a about 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% or 50%, or even a higher percent,
significant amount of time and/or labor to assemble or other- depending upon the complexity of the particular object, part
wise manufacture and/or include a large number of pre- of skin being assembled or manufactured. Typically, the more
drilled or other fastener holes that must be properly measured 20 complex an item is that is being assembled or manufactured,
in order to identify and select corresponding hole fasteners of the more time and labor savings will be achieved with the
the proper type and/or length. They may be used to perform systems and methods of the invention. Further, a much larger
any or all of the measurement functions that are described quantity of particular items being assembled or otherwise
herein alone, or in connection or combination with any of a manufactured can be assembled or manufactured within a
wide variety of one or more other or different devices, appa- 25 given period of time in comparison with assembly or manu-
ratuses, systems and/or methods, in English (or in any other facturing processes that employ blueprints, plans, drawings,
language (including, but not limited to, any type of an assem- other paper instructions or computer displays, to produce the
bly, production and/or manufacturing device or system, such same items, rendering an assembly or manufacturing process
as the computerized optical assembly system that is described or line tremendously more efficient.
in Provisional Patent Application U.S. Ser. No. 61/281,108 30 Second, the systems and methods of the invention greatly
and in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/590,500 and its improve the accuracy of assembly or other manufacture of a
corresponding international patent application under the three-dimensional object, part or skin in comparison with
Patent Cooperation Treaty. other assembly methods, such as those that employ blue-
Advantages of Invention in Connection with Manufactur- prints, plans, drawings and/or other paper instructions or
ing 35 computer displays, usually providing error-free assemblies
and manufactures. In the systems and methods of the inven-
Optical Projection Systems and Methods tion, step-by-step instructions in a logical or required order,
and usually the "best" order if more than one order is possible,
In addition to the advantages that have been described for an assembly of a particular three-dimensional item are
above, the assembly or manufacturing guidance systems and 40 provided to an operator, and improve the accuracy of the
methods of the invention have numerous additional very assembly or other manufacture by highlighting specific
important and significant advantages associated with them, points on the item being assembled or otherwise manufac-
which result in a significant increase in an efficiency of an tured, and detailing specific instructions, which very advan-
assembly or other manufacture, and a corresponding savings tageously reduce or eliminate assembly and manufacturing
of a significant amount of time, labor, paper products and 45 errors, which errors can be extremely costly. Typically, the
money, in comparison with known methods for assembling or systems and methods of the invention result in one or a plu-
otherwise manufacturing three-dimensional objects, parts or rality of assemblies or other manufactures of a three-dimen-
skins, such as manual systems and methods, and laser sys- sional object, part or skin that is substantially or fully error-
tems and methods. Such advantages are also provided in free (i.e., 100% accurate). For example, if in assembling a
connection with other uses or applications of the systems and 50 particular object, part C cannot be fastened to part B until part
methods of the invention. B is fastened to part A, the step of fastening part C to part B
First, such systems and methods significantly reduce, and will be ordered by the systems and methods of the invention
usually completely eliminate, a need for persons or entities in a manner that is subsequent to the step of fastening part B
that are assembling or manufacturing a relatively complicated to part A (i.e., the steps will occur in a logical or proper order
three-dimensional object, part or skin to continuously or oth- 55 for an assembly or other manufacture of this particular
erwise use, and refer to, blueprints, plans, drawings and/or object). An error in assembly can result in large quantities of
other paper instructions or computer displays for the assem- wasted costs relating to raw materials, machine time, labor
bly or manufacture, which are often several dozens, hundreds, time, interruption of assembly process, rework and/or scrap
thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of pages or screens disposal.
in length (i.e., several inches thick) to learn and understand 60 Third, the systems and methods of the invention provide an
how to assemble such items. For example, a typical aircraft extraordinarily effective means to pass information from
may have more than 100,000 pages of blueprints and/or writ- highly skilled and/or experienced workers to less experi-
ten instructions to teach and guide an assembly technician enced, or even inexperienced, individuals to readily be able to
how to assemble the aircraft (which components go where, assemble or otherwise manufacture, or carry out some other
which order of steps should be followed, how various parts 65 process in connection with, a three-dimensional object, part
are connected together and the like). In contrast, using the of skin the second, third and subsequent times (i.e., after the
systems and methods of the invention, a set of step-by-step first time). Once a complex object is assembled or otherwise
US 8,606,540 B2
73 74
manufactured using the systems and methods of the invention and methods of the invention, which can use any type of a
a first time, the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and subse- suitable lens, whether close or far from an object being pro-
quent times that the same complex object is assembled gen- jected upon.
erally become less complicated, and less time-consuming, Fifth, the systems and methods of the invention have an
generally permitting a less experienced individual to readily ability to operate successfully in daylight and/or in other
be able to assemble or otherwise manufacture the object the types ofbright light that is typical in production environments
second, third and subsequent times in a rapid, efficient and (i.e., they do not need to operate ina dimly-lit or darkroom in
error-free manner. This is because the system generally only order to properly operate).
needs to be set up one time for each different object, part or Sixth, in contrast with laser assembly guidance systems for
skin being assembled (using the computer software and other 10
assembling objects, which very disadvantageously can only
items that is described herein). Once all of the data is entered
project a limited quantity of a single color onto an object,
by a user into the Authoring Tool, Configurator Tool and
cannot project images (pictures, drawings, illustrations, fig-
Operating Tool computer software programs that are
described herein, and the various resulting files are created, in ures, tables or other graphics), shapes or video onto an object,
connection with one type of item to be assembled, such as an 15
must write out each letter of a word or text individually, which
airplane vertical stabilizer, the user typically does not need to is extremely time consuming, and often have accompanying
do this again (even though than more than one of the same severe flashing or blinking with their laser projections, the
object will likely be assembled). Thus, the second, third, systems and methods of the invention have an ability to very
fourth, fifth, sixth and subsequent times that the same object, rapidly project virtually unlimited quantities of a wide variety
part or skin is assembled using the system, no initial set up of 20 of texts, images, shapes and video onto a three-dimensional
the system typically needs to be performed, resulting in a object, part or skin that is being assembled, otherwise manu-
tremendous savings in time and labor and, consequently, cost. factured or processed (without having to write out each letter
When assembling the same exact type of object, part or of a word being projected), such as dots, lines and/or a wide
skin, the Authoring Tool and the Configurator Tool will not variety of shapes, or a combination thereof, and in any color
need to be re-run by the user. The Operator Tool will be re-run 25 or combination of colors in an unlimited quantity, and without
because it contains all of the ordered assembly or other manu- flashing, blinking and/or other distortions. Virtually an unlim-
facturing sequence instructions. Further, the calibration step ited pallet of a wide variety of different colors, or combination
in the Operator Tool may not have to be re-run ifthe object, of colors, from black to white, can be displayed on a three-
part of skin being assembled or manufactured is placed in the dimensional object, part or skin at the same or different times,
same place, position and orientation as the previous objects, 30 including, but not limited to, orange, red, maroon, pink,
parts or skins that were assembled with respect to their loca- purple, cyan, violet, fuchsia, blue (royal, navy, aqua or the
tions and orientations in connection with the optical projec- like), green (lime green, olive green, light green, dark green or
tor(s ). In these cases, the Tweak screen could be used to make the like), teal, yellow, brown, black, white, grey, silver, gold
a final alignment between the three-dimensional object, part and/or the like. The systems and methods of the invention
or skin, and the projected text, images and/or symbols, so that 35 provide a user with an option of using a standard windows (or
the latter appears in an undistorted manner on the former. If other) color pallet that is available in many Microsoft Win-
the object, part of skin cannot be placed in the same spot and dows (and other) computer software programs, and all of the
orientation, then the calibration step will usually need to be various colors provided therein. Such color pallets typically
re-run. Thus, it is preferred that an assembly line reliably show a rainbow of color that start with black and ends with
place the object, part of skin to be assembled or manufactured 40 white. The user can lace a mouse over the rainbow to select a
in the same place, position and orientation each time that color or can enter RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values using a text
another one is being assembled or manufactured, which can box to define an exact color. As can be seen from the forego-
avoid re-running the calibration step. ing, the systems and methods of the invention are signifi-
As an example, a complex three-dimensional object that cantly more rapid, versatile and efficient in comparison with
takes approximately thirty hours to assemble the first time 45 laser assembly guidance systems, and do not project projec-
that it is assembled using the systems and methods of the tions that are distorted, like laser projection systems often
invention may take only eighteen hours to assemble (by the project.
same or a different individual) the second, third, fourth, fifth, In order to present an image to observers, laser projectors
sixth and subsequent times that it is assembled. The foregoing move a laser beam quickly over the surface using computer-
advantages result in an additional increase in efficiency for 50 controlled mirrors. This laser beam, when not moving, is a
assembling the object, and a corresponding additional sav- simple point of light, and looks like a line when it is moving
ings of time and money. Labor savings of 30% and greater at a fast enough rate of speed. From the point at which a laser
have been demonstrated during testing of these systems. projects the start of an image to the point at which the laser
Fourth, the systems and methods of the invention do not projects the last point in an image before starting over again is
depend upon the particular type of lens that is used in an 55 called a "frame." How many of these frames can be displayed
optical projector employed therein (regular lens, fixed local per second is referred to as frames per second (fps). This can
lens, wide angle lens, wide short throw lens, zoom lens, or the be thought of as being equivalent to hertz (cycles per second).
like) and, thus, can operate successfully using a wide variety For the human eye to perceive no flickering, and for images
of different types of optical projector (or other) lenses, regard- to seem fluid, a laser must generally project an image at a rate
less of how close that a three-dimensional object, part, skin 60 of at least 24 frames-per-second. Consequently, ifthe image
being assembled or manufactured is to the optical projector(s) a laser is projecting can be fully "painted" 24 times per
being employed. For example, typically, with other types of second, the human eye shouldn't see any flickering. However,
projection-based processes, a wide angle lens would be as the size of the image being displayed by the laser increases,
required when projecting from a projector that is physically so does the amount of time that it takes to paint an entire
located close to a screen being projected upon, and a different 65 frame, since the minors in the laser cannot be sped up. There-
lens would be required if the projector were moved a great fore, flickering will begin at less than 24 frames per second,
distance from the screen. This is not the case with the systems and will get progressively worse as this number decreases.
US 8,606,540 B2
75 76
An optical projector is different from a laser projector in ratherthan just any one or more different ways out ofa variety
that an optical projector contains a relatively high intensity of different possible ways), so that there is an assurance that
light bulb inside that typically operates at from about 50 to every worker knows the "best" way to assemble, manufacture
about 60 hertz. This light shines through an image, then or process any object, any time that such assembly, manufac-
through the projectors lens, and onto the projection surface. ture or process is being performed, even if they have never
The entire image is projected at the same time, and not one done this particular assembly, manufacture or process (or task
point at a time, as occurs with a laser. In addition, the laser thereof) before.
projects only in one color, whereas an optical projector Twelfth, the systems and methods of the invention signifi-
projects in whatever color each point of an image being pro- cantly reduce, often by as much as 50% or greater, assembly,
jected is since the light shines "through" it. Because the light 10
manufacturing or other process errors made by workers when
is generally on continuously, and generally projects an entire
manually assembling, manufacturing or processing a three-
image continuously, there is no flickering, no matter how big
dimensional object, part or skin (i.e., using blueprints, plans,
the image gets.
The above features, and other features described herein, instructions manuals, other paper products and/or computer
along with tremendous time and labor savings, which result in 15 screens to learn and understand how to assemble, manufac-
tremendous cost savings, significantly increase the utility of ture or process a particular three-dimensional object, part or
the system and methods in comparison with similar laser skin). For example, ifan "L" shaped part needs to be mounted
systems, and render them significantly more advantageous to another part in a configuration in which the "L" should face
and desirable. to the right and upwards (as opposed to the left and down-
Seventh, in stark contrast with a standard Power Point or 20 wards), an assembly technician would typically mount the
laser projection, due to their three-dimensional calibrations "L" shaped piece in an incorrect configuration about 50% of
(described herein), the systems of the invention may be the time, greatly reducing the efficiency and accuracy of the
placed anywhere within a given assembly or work area, such assembly, resulting in large additional and unnecessary
as a conference room, a factory, an assembly line, a theater or assembly costs. This problem is solved by the systems and
the like (on one side, on the other side, in the front, in the back, 25 methods of the invention, which can project an "L" in a
in the middle, and the like), and retain an ability to project a desired color directly onto the three-dimensional object, part
picture (or other image), text, or both onto a three-dimen- or skin being assembled in the exact orientation in which it is
sional object that is undistorted regardless of projector place- to be configured (facing to the right and upwards), very
ment and/or surface contours of the object. Standard projec- advantageously eliminating any possibility of assembly
tions do not have such an ability. Software employed in the 30 errors, and associated assembly costs.
system includes a calibration routine that guides an operator Thirteenth, in stark contrast with laser projection systems
through a sequence of steps that determines the relative posi- and methods employed in an assembly of an object, which
tions and orientations of the optical projector(s) and the three- operate in a completely different manner from the optical
dimensional object, part or skin being illuminated. The sys- systems and methods of the present invention, such laser
tem software then projects the image in a manner that 35 systems are extremely expensive (often about $250,000.00 or
orientation appears correct regardless of the projector-to-ob- more per system). In contrast, the optical systems of the
ject (or part of skin) orientation. invention currently cost much less than corresponding laser
Eighth, there is no system limit regarding the quantity of systems, often up to eight times less or more. Further, when a
information that can be included in one or more assembly, laser burns out, it is extremely expensive to replace. In con-
manufacturing or other process steps (although practical lim- 40 trast, when a light bulb employed in an optical projector burns
its may vary by application), or the number of such steps that out, it is relatively inexpensive to replace.
may be programmed. Fourteenth, unlike laser based projection systems, which
Ninth, the same systems and methods of the invention very only have an ability to illuminate one relatively small dot on
advantageously can be used to assemble any three-dimen- a screen or object at one time, which may be moved by the
sional object, part or skin, regardless of the complexity or 45 operator to attempt to form a shape of a letter, the systems and
non-complexity of the object, part or skin, and can project methods of the invention very advantageously can illuminate
text, images and/or symbols upon any three-dimensional a large area at one time, such as an entire aircraft.
object (or part) in a substantially or fully undistorted manner. Fifteenth, the systems of the invention can generally be
They are not limited to assembling, manufacturing or project- installed and set up for operation in an assembly environment
ing upon, only one (or two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, 50 very rapidly by only one person, usually in about four hours
nine, ten and so forth) particular type of three-dimensional or less, and more usually in about two hours or less, and still
object, part or skin. The same systems and methods can be more usually in about one hour or less, and even still more
used to assemble, manufacture, process and project upon a usually in about thirty minutes or less. In some cases, it takes
wide variety of different three-dimensional objects, parts, only one person about twenty minutes to install the system
skins or systems, having a varying complexity. 55 (take all of the steps that are necessary to make the system run
Tenth, the systems and methods of the invention very to operate an assembly, manufacturing or other process).
advantageously can be calibrated in the manner described Further, the components of the systems can properly be cali-
herein very rapidly, generally in about three minutes or less, brated in the manner described herein very rapidly by only
and usually in about two minutes or less, and often in about one person at a very low cost (often at no cost), usually in
one minute or less, while producing very accurate align- 60 about twenty minutes or less, and more usually in about ten
ments. minutes or less, and still more usually in about five minutes or
Eleventh, the three-dimensional optical projection tech- less, and even still more usually in about one minute or less.
nology of the systems and methods of the invention allow an Sixteenth, in contrast with laser-based systems and meth-
assembly, manufacturing or other business to record (have ods, the systems and methods of the invention typically do not
inputted into the computer) its "best" practices (i.e., the 65 produce any blinking, flickering, orotherphenomena that can
"best" method for assembling, manufacturing or otherwise cause eye strain for the user (or otherwise be annoying to the
processing a particular three-dimensional object, part or skin, user).
US 8,606,540 B2
77 78
The foregoing advantages will likely make American and They typically have a common set of electronics (i.e., the
other industrialized country's assembly lines, manufacturing same set of electronics typically works in all of them),
environments and systems significantly more efficient, result- which are generally employed for all of the different
ing in tremendous time and cost savings. measurement types to be made by an operator, such as
those that are described herein;
Measurement Apparatuses and Methods They typically have, or can accommodate or use therewith,
a wide variety of different user selectable probe tips that
In addition to other advantages that are described herein, may be employed for many different measurement types
the measurement apparatuses and methods of the invention and/or applications, such as those that are described
have numerous novel and extremely important and advanta- 10 herein and, depending upon the particular type or style
geous characteristics and benefits associated with them, of pro be selected by an operator, may perform any one of
which result in a significant increase in an efficiency of an several different functions and, thus, act as a gage for a
particular measurement;
assembly or other manufacture, and a corresponding savings
Those that have a "Pistol Grip" style body, for example, the
of a significant amount of time, labor and money, in compari-
15 measurement apparatuses that are illustrated in FIGS.
son with manual and other automated measurement appara-
24, 25 and 26, enable an operator to make retraction-
tuses and methods. triggered measurements;
The measurement apparatuses and methods of the present Those that have a "Barrel" style body, for example, the
invention tremendously reduce the labor and time required to measurement apparatuses that are illustrated in FIG. 38,
perform an assembly or manufacturing process in compari- 20 enable an operator to make plunge-triggered measure-
son with assembly or manufacturing processes for assem- ments;
bling the same three-dimensional workpiece, object, or part, They are very easy for an operator or other user to learn
but using manual or other automated measuring apparatuses. how to operate them correctly, and to operate them cor-
Such time and labor may be, and is often, reduced by at least rectly, thereby enabling them to make extremely accu-
about 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% or 50%, or even a higher percent, 25 rate measurements (often with 100% of measurements
depending upon the complexity of the particular workpiece, within the desired tolerance band);
object, part of skin being assembled or manufactured. Typi- An operator or other user having an average skill may often
cally, the more complex an item is that is being assembled or learn how to operate them correctly within a very short
manufactured, the more time and labor savings will be period of time, such as a period of about 15 minutes or
achieved with the measuring apparatuses and methods of the 30 less, and usually in a period of about 10 minutes or less;
invention. Further, a much larger quantity of particular items As a result of their automated nature of making a wide
being assembled or otherwise manufactured can be variety of very accurate measurements, assembly work-
assembled or manufactured within a given period of time in ers, manufacturing technicians and other users that have
comparison with assembly or manufacturing processes that less skill and/or less experience than would otherwise be
employ manual or other automated measurement apparatuses 35 required to make the same or similar measurements in an
to produce the same items, rendering an assembly or manu- accurate manner using a manual or other automated
facturing process or line tremendously more efficient. measuring apparatus may be employed, saving substan-
The measurement apparatuses and methods of the present tial labor costs.
invention also tremendously increase the accuracy of assem- They operate in a manner that enables one operator using
bly or other manufacture of a three-dimensional workpiece, 40 only one hand to automatically perform a plurality of
object, part or skin in comparison with assembly or manufac- tasks or functions with only one single squeeze of a
turing processes for assembling the same three-dimensional trigger thereof extremely rapidly (generally instanta-
workpiece, object, part or skin, but using manual or other neously and simultaneously, or substantially instanta-
automated measuring apparatuses, in a manner that is usually neously and substantially simultaneously) once it is
fully (100%) accurate (error-free), or at least substantially 45 powered by a power source, including normalization,
accurate (error-free), which very advantageously reduces or measurement and data transmission to one or more com-
eliminates assembly and manufacturing errors, which errors puters and/or data collection devices, rending them
can be extremely costly. An error in assembly can result in much more efficient, and much less awkward and labor
large quantities of wasted costs relating to raw materials, intensive and, therefore, much less expensive, to operate
machine time, labor time, interruption of assembly process, 50 in comparison with manual and other automated mea-
rework and/or scrap disposal. The measurement apparatuses surement devices;
and methods of the present invention significantly reduce, They are extremely rapid, and commonly enable an opera-
often by as much as 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% or even 50% or tor to measure many hundreds of fastener holes continu-
greater, assembly, manufacturing, production or other pro- ously (i.e., with no interruptions) within a single mea-
cess errors made by workers when making fastener hole 55 surement session (typically lasting from about 10 to 60
measurements manually or using other automated measure- minutes);
ment apparatuses. They are extremely accurate, often being error-free (having
Measurement apparatuses within the invention, including an accuracy substantially better than the required toler-
those that are specifically identified herein, include the ance of the hole being measured);
numerous advantageous characteristics and benefits that are 60 They are very reliable, and have a strong design and fabri-
set forth below. cation that can withstand their rigorous use in a factory
They typically have a common measurement mechanical (or other) production- or assembly-line environment, for
structure that allows for a variety of different measure- field maintenance operations and for field repair use;
ment types to be made by an operator, such as those that Most or all of their components are removably connected
are described herein, from a common platform on which 65 with one or more other components, thereby enabling
a workpiece (or other object, or part thereof, or compo- their various components to be easily repaired and/or
nent thereof) is present; replaced, when necessary or desired;
US 8,606,540 B2
79 80
They have an ability to communicate with one or a plurality ing caught on, or wrapped around, an item, such as a computer
of host and/or other computers and/or data collection or projector stand or a chair. However, their battery lives may
devices via an Ethernet cable, such as the cables shown terminate within a finite period of time, for example, a period
in FIGS. 24, 25 and 26, a wireless network and/or the of about eight hours, and certain high security areas do not
like; permit wireless transmission data. Power over Ethernet mea-
They typically have program manipulation controls built suring apparatuses, in contrast, advantageously have an
into the measurement apparatuses. Operator selectable unlimited operation time, and are typically permitted in
switches that are included on the device allow the opera- highly classified areas. They, however, are typically less
tor to handle the periodic exceptional cases. For mobile, and include one or more cables that can become
example, the operator can choose to accept a measure- 10 caught on, or wrapped around, a different item, potentially
ment that lies outside of engineering tolerances because causing damage to the apparatuses and surrounding items.
that is in fact the depth of the hole. Back stepping The above features, and other features described herein,
through a sequence can be accomplished by switch along with tremendous time and labor savings, which result in
selection to repeat a known or suspected bad measure- tremendous cost savings, significantly increase the utility of
ment. 15 the measuring apparatuses and methods of the present inven-
They can be used to assemble, manufacture or produce any tion in comparison with manual and other automated measur-
three-dimensional workpiece, object, part or skin, ing apparatuses, and render them significantly more advanta-
regardless of the complexity or non-complexity of the geous and desirable. The foregoing advantages will also
workpiece, object, part or skin. They are not limited to a likely make American and other industrialized country's
use in assembling, manufacturing or producing only one 20 assembly lines, manufacturing environments and systems
(or two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and significantly more efficient, resulting in tremendous time and
so forth) particular type of three-dimensional work- cost savings.
piece, object, part or skin.
The automated measuring apparatuses and methods of the Preferred Embodiments
invention are much more rapid and accurate in comparison 25
with a manual measurement of fastener hole depths, counter- For the purpose of illustrating the measuring apparatuses,
sink depths and hole diameters with the result that time and systems, processes, uses and methods of the present invention
labor associated with an assembly or manufacturing process in a manufacturing application, there are shown in the draw-
is often significantly reduced, with the amount of reduction ings, which form a material part of this disclosure, various
depending upon the complexity of the particular workpiece, 30 illustrations, schemes, apparatuses and flowcharts of pre-
object, part of skin being assembled, produced or manufac- ferred embodiments thereof. However, the measuring appa-
tured. Typically, the more complex an item is that is being ratuses, systems and methods of the present in invention are in
assembled, produced or manufactured, the more time and no way limited to manufacturing applications, and may be
labor savings will be achieved with the apparatuses and meth- employed in any application, process, situation and/or envi-
ods of the invention. Further, a much larger quantity of par- 35 ronment in which it is desired or required to project three-
ticular items being assembled or otherwise produced or dimensional text, images and/or symbols in a substantially or
manufactured can be assembled, produced or manufactured fully undistorted manner onto one or a plurality of three-
within a given period of time in comparison with assembly or dimensional objects, parts, skins, persons, animals and/or the
manufacturing processes that employ manual or other auto- like and/or to take fastener hole depth, countersink depth
mated fastener hole depth, countersink depth and hole diam- 40 and/or hole diameter (or other) measurements.
eter measurements, rendering an assembly, production or After very extensive experimentation and testing with
manufacturing process or line tremendously more efficient complex three-dimensional workpieces and other objects,
and less costly. such as aircraft vertical stabilizers, and development, the
Further, the apparatuses and methods of the invention inventors discovered how to accurately and successfully opti-
greatly improve the accuracy of assembly, production or other 45 cally project three-dimensional text, images and/or symbols
manufacture of a three-dimensional object, part, workpiece in an undistorted manner onto one or a plurality of three-
or skin in comparison with assembly methods that employ dimensional objects, parts or skins to provide a series of
manual and other automated methods for measuring fastener logically ordered assembly instructions (steps) for an assem-
hole depths or lengths, countersink depths and/or hole diam- bly or other manufacture of the object having the numerous
eters. The apparatuses of the invention improve the accuracy 50 advantages that are described herein, which was extremely
of the assembly or other manufacture by making very accu- difficult and challenging, and which is completely different
rate fastener hole depth, countersink depth and hole diameter from the manner in which laser projection systems operate.
measurements in an automated manner. Again, errors in They also determined how to very rapidly and accurately
assembly can result in large quantities of wasted costs relating measure structure thickness, grip lengths, fastener hole
to raw materials, machine time, labor time, interruption of 55 depths, countersink depths, hole diameters and other mea-
assembly process, rework and/or the like. surements in an automated manner. Because mistakes in an
Additionally, the apparatuses and methods of the invention assembly or other manufacture of many complex three-di-
can be employed to measure fastener hole lengths and fas- mensional objects (military and other aircrafts, vehicles,
tener lengths, as well as countersink depths and hole diam- ships, trains, missiles, and the like) cannot be made without
eters in connection with any three-dimensional workpiece, 60 producing potentially very dire consequences, including a
object, part or skin, regardless of the complexity or non- massive loss of human lives, an extensive amount of testing
complexity of the workpiece, object, part or skin. was required to perfect the measuring apparatuses, systems
Various advantages also may exist between wireless and and methods of the present invention, and to have them oper-
wired (Power over Ethernet) measuring apparatuses of the ate extremely accurately.
invention. Very advantageously, the wireless measuring appa- 65 While preferred embodiments of the measuring appara-
ratuses typically have a very easy mobility and a reduced tuses, systems and methods of the invention are describe
opportunity to become damaged as a result of a cable becom- herein, and illustrated herein, these are only specific
US 8,606,540 B2
81 82
examples of how the apparatuses systems and methods of the thereof, may also be varied. Still further, various components
invention can be successfully configured, set up and or parts of the systems may be either permanently, or remov-
employed to operate, and there are many other ways that such ably, attached with other components or parts thereof, and
apparatuses, systems and methods can be configured, may be movable or stationary. Removably attached compo-
arranged, set up and employed to operate and/or programmed nents and parts are often preferable because such components
by a computer programmer or electrical worker having ordi- and parts may generally be replaced in a simpler and more
nary skill in the art using the information, drawings, equations cost effective manner in the event that they become worn,
and source code that are all taught, or provided herein, in very damaged or destroyed.
great detail. The inventors solved hugely important, and long- Specific and preferred embodiments of the systems of the
felt, but unresolved needs worldwide in the manufacturing, 10 invention, as they are employed in a manufacturing applica-
production, assembly, and three-dimensional projection tion and/or environment, will now be described with refer-
industries, which is expected to revolutionize the manner in ence to the drawings.
which three-dimensional objects, parts, skins and/or the like In the different advantageous embodiments, one compo-
are assembled, manufactured or processed, particularly com- nent may be associated with another component in a number
plex three-dimensional objects, such as airplanes, jets, heli- 15 of different ways. For example, the measuring probe may be
copters, submarines, ships, boats, automobiles, trucks, trains, associated with the housing by being attached to, bonded to,
military vehicles, missiles, tanks, cables, heavy industrial welded to, or otherwise being secured to the housing. Further,
machinery, and the like, and parts thereof. They developed the measuring probe may be associated with the housing by
solutions to very large problems, and their solutions are not being an extension or part of the housing. As another
limited to any particular type, size, shape, number or brand of 20 example, when one component is associated with another
optical projectors, computers, computer software programs, component, the component may be moveably or non-mov-
computer code, measurement apparatus, or components ably attached to the other component.
thereof, mounts and/or the like and/or to any particular
arrangement of parts or components of the apparatuses. Using Optical Projection Systems and Methods
the information, drawings, equations and source code that are 25
taught by the inventors herein in very great detail (i.e., the Referring now to FIGS.1-23, there is showninFIGS.1 and
information that was discovered and developed by the inven- 2 an optical projection assembly system being employed in a
tors), any computer programmer or electrical worker having manufacturing application, which includes an optical projec-
ordinary skill in the art can write and develop a wide variety tor 1 that is connected via a cable 2 with a computer 3. The
of one or a plurality of computer software programs and/or 30 cable 2 permits information to be transferred to the computer
pieces of computer code, and circuit boards, that can act alone 3 from the optical projector 1, and information to be trans-
or together in a wide variety of different combinations, and ferred to the optical projector 1 from the computer 3, and is
use such software programs and circuit boards in the manner connected with the optical projector 1 via a port 4 located in
described by the inventors herein with a wide variety of the back of the device 1, and with the computer 3 via a port
different optical projectors, computers, measurement appa- 35 (not shown) located in the back of that device 3. The optical
ratuses, mounts and/or the like to produce the systems, mea- projector 1 is mounted onto an adjustable tripod 5, and is
suring apparatuses and methods of the present invention. optically projecting a projection 6 of a plurality of small
The various components of the preferred embodiments of circles onto pre-drilled holes 7 present in a three-dimensional
the measuring apparatuses and systems of the invention may object 8 that is being assembled (a vertical stabilizer of an
be generally arranged in the manner shown in the drawings, 40 aircraft). The computer 3 is sitting on a movable stand 9
and/or described herein, or otherwise, as may be desired or including wheels 10, permitting the computer 3 and stand 9 to
required in a particular situation and/or for a particular appli- readily be moved from one location to another location within
cation. The present invention is in no way limited to the an assembly or manufacturing area. A keyboard 11 is con-
precise parts, components, number of parts or components, nected to the computer 3 with another cable 12, and two
arrangements, configurations, dimensions, instrumentalities, 45 monitors 13 and 14 are connected with the computer 3 with
angles, codes, circuit boards, electrical components, cards, cables 15and16 that are connected to ports (not shown) that
softwares, programs, computer programming languages, user are located at the back of the computer 3 and of the two
interfaces, display screens, frames, calibrations, correlations monitors 13and14. The cable 12 that connects the computer
and/or conditions that are shown in these drawings, or are 3 with the keyboard 11 permits information to be transferred
described herein. These parts, components, arrangements, 50 between the computer 3 and the keyboard 11, and the cables
configurations, dimensions, instrumentalities, angles, codes, 15 and 16 permit information to be transferred between the
circuit boards, electrical components, cards, softwares, pro- computer 3 and the two monitors 13 and 14. A mouse 17 sits
grams, computer programming languages, user interfaces, next to the keyboard 11 on the stand 9. FIG. 2 additionally
display screens, frames, calibrations, correlations and/or con- shows a measurement apparatus 18 having its probe 19
ditions may be varied widely, as circumstances, industries, 55 inserted into a pre-drilled hole 7 that is present in the three-
environments, applications, individuals, entities and/or loca- dimensional object 8 being assembled. In FIG. 1 and FIG. 2,
tions require, or as is desired. Further, one or a plurality of the pre-drilled holes 7 that are darker in color represent those
these parts and/or components may be present and arranged holes 7 that are being projected upon by the optical projector
in a wide variety of different manners. One item may be 1, and the pre-drilled holes 7 that are lighter in color represent
positioned relative to another item in a number of different 60 holes 7 that are not being projected upon by the optical pro-
ways. For example, a nut may be positioned relative to a jector 1. In both FIG. 1 and FIG. 2, the portion of the object 8
surface by being adjacent to, touching, or some distance away (vertical stabilizer) being projected upon20 has its pre-drilled
from the surface. The location of the various components or holes 7 illuminated by the projection 6, and the portion of the
parts of the measuring apparatuses and systems, and parts object 8 that is not being projected upon 21 includes pre-
thereof, and the means employed for attaching or connecting 65 drilled holes 7 that are not illuminated.
one or more components or parts of the measuring appara- The measurement apparatuses and methods of the inven-
tuses or systems with one or more other components or parts tion may be employed with optical projection assembly sys-
US 8,606,540 B2
83 84
terns, which are discussed below, as well as with any other "luminous flux," which is energy within the range of frequen-
types of an assembly, manufacturing, production and/or simi- cies that human beings perceive as light. For example, a wax
lar system, in particular laser projection systems. candle generates 13 lumens and a 100 watt bulb generates
1,200 lumens.
Projectors When choosing an optical projector, the lumen rating is an
important specification to be considered, and is greatly influ-
The optical projection assembly systems and methods enced by the available surrounding light. The standard lumen
include one or a plurality of optical projectors (or similar rating of a projector is the average of photometer readings at
devices that function in the same or a similar manner) that several points on a full white image on a screen.
function to: (i) provide an amount of illumination in an 10 While the intensity of an optical projector is rated in
assembly, manufacturing or other area, such as on a produc- lumens, the power density on the object being illuminated is
tion line or inside an assembly building, that is effective for measured in foot-candles. Power density is defined as fol-
permitting optically projected text, images and/or symbols to lows:
be partially or fully visible to an average sighted user (pref-
erably fully visible), preferably in any of a wide variety of 15
different lighting conditions and/or situations ranging from in which:
no natural or other light (0% light) to full natural and/or other P=Power Density in foot candles;
light (100% light), which typically depend upon a variety of !=Light Intensity at source (optical projector) in lumens;
factors, such as the size of a work or other area, the number of and
windows present therein, the number oflights present therein, 20 A=area illuminated in square feet.
the type of light bulbs employed in the lights, and/or the like The ambient light in a typical production (assembly) area
(for example, a large fully dark room having no windows and ranges from about 20 to about 100 foot candles, with from
no lights, a partially dark room having one or a plurality of about 30 to about 70 foot candles being typical, and about 40
windows and/or one or a plurality oflights turned on, ambient being ideal. The optical projection system setup preferably is
light, a room that is bright as a result of having one or a 25 at least about 80% of ambient light, preferably no more than
plurality of windows and/or one or a plurality oflights turned about 150% ofambient light. An even match of! 00% is ideal.
on, and a small room that is as bright as possible, for example, For example, with ambient light of 40 foot candles and a
having many windows with sun shining through and a plural- projector of 4000 lumens, the ideal illumination would mean
ity of high wattage fluorescent or sodium vapor lights turned the projected area would be 100 square feet, or lOxlO feet.
on), and preferably in ambient light; and (ii) provide an 30 While a user of these systems and methods having ordinary
amount of coverage by such text, images and/or symbols on a skill in the art may generally readily be able determine what
three-dimensional object (or part, or skin thereof) being pro- size of optical projectors to use for a particular assembly,
jected upon (in terms of height, width, depth, perimeter, cir- manufacture or other process, and in a particular environ-
cumference, diameter and/or the like) that is effective for ment, the user may, optionally, use a calculator to help make
permitting one or a plurality of workers or other system users 35 this decision. One calculator that the user may use for this
to properly assemble, manufacture or process the object (or purpose is present at the web site infocus dot com. Other such
part, or skin thereof) (from greater than about 0% to about calculators are known by those having ordinary skill in the art,
100%), which coverage may be partial (less than 100%), as is and are often provided by manufacturers of optical projectors.
shown in the drawings, or full (100% ), but is preferably full. Using the information that is provided herein, those having
For example, if an entire automobile is present in an assembly 40 ordinary skill in the art can readily select a suitable or desir-
area, and the part being assembled is a handle of the automo- able optical projector, an amount of ambient light, and a size
bile, or the handle is being affixed to another part on the of a work area that are suitable or required for properly using
automobile, it is preferable that the entire handle be covered the systems and methods of the invention to assemble, manu-
by the projected text, images and/or symbols, but the remain- facture or otherwise process a particular three-dimensional
der of the automobile need not have any text, images and/or 45 object, part or skin.
symbols projected thereon. The optical projectors that are used in these systems and
The optical projectors that are employed in these systems methods may be of any brand, model or type, as long as they
and methods of the invention should have a luminosity that is can perform the functions that are described herein. As is
sufficient to overcome the amount oflight that is present in a known by those having ordinary skill in the art, component
particular assembly, manufacturing, work or other area, such 50 parts of optical projectors typically include a lamp, a cross
as ambient light, which may vary widely depending upon the dichroic prism, dichroic mirrors, LCD panels, reflection
situation and area, and which often ranges from about 1500 minors, lenses, polarizing converters and/or a projector lens.
lumens (in dark assembly areas) to about 5,000 lumens (in Additionally, they may include mounts, screens, digital or
bright assembly areas with a lot of natural light or auxiliary other zooms, magnifiers, fans, mouses (remote control or
lighting), with at least about 4000 lumens being preferred. An 55 other), cameras, laser pointing devices, computers, VGA,
effective amount of coverage of an object (or of a part, portion RGB IN and/or other ports and/or cables, RGBl, RGB2,
or area thereof) being projected upon generally ranges form video and/or other inputs, computer connections and/or the
about 50% to about 100%, and preferably ranges from about like. Such components typically work together to affect light
90% to about 100%, with about 100% coverage being most that is emitted from the lamp, and may facilitate a connection
preferred, but may vary. The type (natural light, sunlight, light 60 of the projector with a computer.
from light (or other) bulbs and/or the like) oflight and/or the LCD optical projectors that are employed in these systems
amount oflight that is present when the optical projectors are and methods generally project very tiny dots of light that
being employed generally ranges from about full brightness produce red, blue and green lights on an object, surface of
(100% light) to about complete darkness (0% light), with projector screen. By combining these primary colors, more
ambient light being in between. 65 interesting colors and tones are typically created. Red and
A "lumen" is a unit of measurement of the amount of blue light is combined to make purple, while green and red
brightness that comes from a light source. Lumens define creates yellow. Transparent light is created by combining the
US 8,606,540 B2
85 86
three primary colors (red, blue, and green) with equal bright- covered by the first optical projector. Additional optical pro-
ness. The colors oflight are mixed into varying combinations jectors (and associated projector lens) may need to be added
to produce natural looking colors before the light exits the if coverage is not sufficient using just two of them. For
projector lens. example, if a computer having a plurality of video outputs
With most projectors, lighting conditions play a significant specifically includes eight video outputs, typically up to eight
role in projecting an image onto a screen (or other surface or monitors and optical projectors may be connected with the
object). A dark room will work well for most LCD and other computer, such as one monitor and up to seven optical pro-
projectors, but there are times when it is not possible or jectors (using various cables). A plurality of optical projec-
desirable to have a room be dark, such as when a projection is tors, computers, monitors and/or associated equipment, each
being made in a well-lit room. LCD projectors may work 10 of which may have a plurality of inputs and outputs and
differently in regards to brightness. Highly lighted areas, such associated cables, may be operably connected with each other
as a room with many windows may require an LCD projector in a manner that data may be transferred from one to the other,
with a brightness of 5,000 lumens or more ANSI, whereas a or vice versa, or both. The number of optical projectors
room that does not include windows may require an LCD needed or desired, and their placement within a particular
projector with a brightness as little as 1500 lumens. 15 assembly, manufacturing, work or other area, may be esti-
When choosing a projector, the lumen rating may be an mated, and often ranges from about 2 to about 4 per part of an
important specification to consider. In a darkened room, object that is being assembled. For example, in one manufac-
1,000 lumens may be ample, but in a typical production turing environment, a manufacturer could have, for example,
environment with normal lighting, 4,000 lumens may be one hundred different stations in which various different
more desirable. In a room with daylight, greater than 5,000 20 three-dimensional component parts of one three-dimensional
lumens may be preferred. The standard lumen rating of a data object are separately being assembled or otherwise manufac-
projector is the average of photometer readings at several tured, with each station using from about 2 to about 4 optical
points on a full white image on the screen. projectors, and a total of 200 to 400 optical projectors being
There are four variables that dictate what lens a user should employed. However, the most accurate method for ensuring
use for a particular situation: 25 that the appropriate number and placement is to try it. The
(i) the distance to the three-dimensional object, part or skin user should first determine the size of the three-dimensional
from the optical projector; object (or part) being assembled.
(ii) the size of the three-dimensional object, part of skin; Optical projector placement may be directed by many vari-
(iii) the amount of ambient light that is present in the particu- ables, the most important being that it needs to be placed in a
lar work or other area; 30 manner that it is not in the way of anything, such as workers,
(iv) the position of the optical projectors in relation to workers or objects, such as aisles. Once this is determined, the type of
on a project, and to other objects, such as drilling machines, lens to be used in the optical projector can readily be selected
ladders and other objects that may normally be used in the by those having ordinary skill in the art based on an analysis
area where the optical projectors are to be used, such as a of"throw ratio." Throw ratio is defined as a distance to target
work area. 35 divided by the width of the three-dimensional object, part or
With respect to the first variable, there are some lenses that skin being projected upon, or assembled or manufactured. For
are capable of projecting an image that may be 10' wide by 10' example, if a three-dimensional object being assembled is 5
high when the projector is 8' away. There are other lenses that feet wide, and the optical projector is going to sit 10 feet away
would only project an image that is 5' wide by 5' high from the from the object, that means that the throw ratio should be
same 8' distance. Therefore, the user needs to determine how 40 10/5, which is a throw ratio of 2. The optical projector and
close to the three-dimensional object, part or skin he can lens may then be placed in position and powered up (by
situate the optical projectors, and how far he can move them electricity, a battery and/or the like). If a user then determines
back, if needed. It is preferable that the optical projectors be that the object (or part) is not fully covered by one optical
as close as possible to the three-dimensional object, part or projector, a second optical projector should be added, gener-
skin in order to get it to fully (100%) cover the object with the 45 ally off of either side of the first optical projector. If the user
projected text, images and/or symbols. The larger the image, then determines that the object (or part) is still not fully
the dimmer the image will get. For example, a 4000 lumen covered by two projectors, then a third optical projector
projector will generally look the same with an 8'x8' projection should be added, generally off of either side of the first or
area ifthe projector is 6 feet or 60 feet (different lenses) away. second optical projector, and so forth. All optical projectors
No matter what lens is chosen, the user has the same amount 50 should be placed in locations within an assembly or work area
of light coming out of the optical projector. So, if the user so as to minimize any interference with workers, aisles, and
chooses a lens that provides a 5'x5' image from 8' away, its the like. Further, if an object (or part) can be covered width
picture will be much brighter than ifthe user chooses a lens wise with one optical projector, but the height of the object (or
that provides a lO'xlO' image from 8' away. (The concept is part) is such that one optical projector carmot cover it, a
similar to that of a flashlight. The closer that one is to an 55 second optical projector will typically be needed. In this
object, the smaller the light "spot" will be on its surface, but situation, the second optical projector will most likely need to
the brighter it will be. The farther back that one gets, the be placed above the first optical projector, and high enough to
"spot" gets bigger, but dimmer.) cover the top of the three-dimensional object (or part).
With respect to the second variable, if a three-dimensional With respect to the third variable, the ambient light plays a
object is so large that an optical projector cannot be moved far 60 factor because the brighter the work or other area, the harder
enough back to cover it, or there is no lens available that will it is to see the projected text, images and/or symbols. There-
project an image that is large enough to cover it, then at least fore, a user will generally have to move the optical projector
two optical projectors will generally be required. Using all of closer or use a lens that projects a smaller image in a brighter
the guidelines discussed in the following paragraph, the first environment (as opposed to a darker environment).
optical projector would generally be placed with the optimal 65 Projector sizing calculators may be employed in, or to
lens, and then the second optical projector would be placed in carry out, the systems and methods of the invention, and are
order to project an image over all of the areas that are not available on, or from, sources that are known by those having
US 8,606,540 B2
87 88
ordinary skill in the art, such as the web site infocus dot com. able from sources that are know by those having ordinary skill
Data regarding image size, projection distance (distance from in the art, such as Barco (Rancho Cordova, Calif.). Preferred
the optical projector to the three dimensional object or part optical projectors for use in these systems and methods are
being assembled), optical projector model and/or other vari- those that are available from InFocus (Wilsonville, Oreg.)
ables typically may be input into the calculator, and the cal- having Model Nos. IN5102, IN5104, IN5106, IN5108 or XS!
culator will typically provide corresponding data, such as with integral ultra short throw lens, or equivalent. Preferred
how large a particular image will be, or how far back from an optical projector lens for use in these systems and methods,
object that a optical projector should be located. and in the foregoing optical projectors, are those that are
The number, type, size and capacity of optical projectors, available from InFocus (Wilsonville, Oreg.) having Model
optical projector lens, computers, monitors, inputs, outputs, 10 Nos. LENS-037 (Short Throw lens [0.8]), LENS-038 (Short
cables, associated equipment, and the like, and their place- Throw lens [1.2-2.0]), LENS-039 (Long Throw lens [1.9-
ment within a particular assembly, manufacturing, work or 3.9]) or LENS-040 (Ultra Long Throw lens [3.9-7.4]), or
other area, and in relation to one another, that would be equivalent.
suitable or desirable for a particular project, object (or part) The one or more optical projectors that are employed in
and/or situation may readily be determined by those having 15 these systems and methods may be operably connected with
ordinary skill in the art using the information that it taught one or a plurality of computers that are also employed therein
herein. with, for example, a video cable or other means for transfer-
Some optical projectors have interchangeable lenses, but ring data, information and/or graphics between the two types
others do not. The following list oflnFocus optical projectors of devices.
that may be employed in these systems and methods include 20 Very advantageously, these systems and methods permit
interchangeable lenses. the optical projectors employed therein to be placed virtually

Throw Throw Zoom

Model Lens Type Ratio Ratio Supported Projectors

LENS-022 Short Throw 0.8:1 1.0 LP840, LP850, and LP860, C440, C450,
Fixed and C460
LENS-023 Short Throw 1.5:1 1.1 LP840, LP850, and LP860, C440, C450,
Zoom and C460
LENS-024 Long Throw 2.2:1/4.1:1 1.0 LP840, LP850, and LP860, C440, C450,
Zoom and C460
LENS-025 Ultra Long 3.9:1/7.3:1 1.0 LP840, LP850, and LP860, C440, C450,
Throw and C460
LENS-026 Short Throw 0.64:1 1.0 SP777
LENS-028 Short Throw 1.44:1 1.2 SP777
LENS-029 Long Throw 3.6:1 1.0 SP777
LENS-030 Extra Long 2.4:1 1.33 SP777
LENS-031 Ultra Long 5.6:1 3.6 SP777
Lens-039 Long Throw 1.9-3.9:1 2.0 IN42,IN42+,C445,C445+,IN5100
Zoom Series
Lens-037 Fixed Short .8:1 1.0 IN42,IN42+,C445,C445+,IN5100
Throw Series
Lens-038 Short Throw 1.2-2.0:1 1.6 IN42,IN42+,C445,C445+,IN5100
Zoom Series
Lens-040 Ultra Long 3.9-7.4:1 1.85 IN42,IN42+,C445,C445+,IN5100
Throw Series
Lens-050 Short Throw 1.5:1 1.2 IN5502, IN5502L, IN5504, IN5504L,
Fixed IN5532, IN5532L, IN5534 and IN5534L
Lens-051 Short Throw 0.8:1 1.0 IN5502, IN5502L, IN5504, IN5504L,
Zoom IN5532, IN5532L, IN5534 and IN5534L
Lens-052 Long Throw 3.8:1 2.0 IN5502, IN5502L, IN5504, IN5504L, IN5532,
Zoom IN5532L, IN5534 and IN5534L
Lens-053 Ultra Long 7.22:1 3.8 IN5502, IN5502L, IN5504, IN5504L,
Throw Zoom IN5532, IN5532L, IN5534 and IN5534L
Lens- Standard 1.5-2.2:1 1.0 IN5504, IN5504L, IN5534 and IN5534L
Lens-WXGA- Standard 1.5-2.0:1 1.0 IN5502, IN5502L, IN5504, IN5504L,
STD IN5532, IN5532L

Any optical projectors, and associated optical projector anywhere within a particular work or other environment, such
lens, that have an ability to perform the functions that are 65 as an assembly line, even often at extreme angles, thereby
described herein may be employed in these systems and permitting workers to see projected data sets of text, images,
methods. A wide variety of projectors are commercially avail- and/or symbols from virtually any work station in that envi-
US 8,606,540 B2
89 90
ronment. Because multiple optical projectors can be used, Apple Computer, Inc. (Cupertino, Calif.) at the web site store
and each is projecting the appropriate calibrated text, images apple dot com or 1-800-my-apple, Hewlett Packard Company
and/or symbols, if one optical projector gets obscured by a (Palo Alto, Calif.) at the web site hp dot com or 1-800-buy-
worker, the projected data sets of text, images and/or symbols myhp, Delta Sigma Corp. (Kennesaw, Ga.) at the web site
from the other optical projectors will still generally be visible deltasigmacorp dot com or 770-975-3992, or similar compa-
on the three-dimensional object. nies, all of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference
FIG. 1 illustrates schematically a setup of an optical pro- in their entireties. Preferred computers for used in the mea-
jection assembly system as it relates to a three-dimensional suring apparatuses, systems and methods of the invention are
part that is being assembled, or worked on, by a user. In this a Dell Precision WorkStation T3400 or a Dell IBU Americas
configuration shown, the optical projector used to project the 10 (Dell Inc., Round Rock, Tex.).
work instructions, assembly sequences, part outlines, or the The computers that are employed in connection with the
like, on the surface of the object is shown mounted to a tripod measuring apparatuses, systems and methods of the invention
stand. preferably include one or a plurality of means for enabling a
user to view graphics and/or video, on a computer and/or
Projector Mountings 15
display screen, such as an internal or external graphics card,
Preferably included in the optical projection assembly sys- or similar device. When more than about four display screens
tems and methods is one or a plurality of means for supporting are being employed in connection with such measuring appa-
the optical projectors and/or maintaining the optical projec- ratuses, systems and methods, the graphics card may need to
tors stationary and/or steady, in place and/or at a desired 20 be upgraded from that of a conventional graphics card. Such
height and/or other position while in use, and so that any an updated graphics card is commercially available from
calibrations that are made using these systems and methods sources that are known by those having ordinary skill in the
do not change. Such means may be any device or apparatus art, such as Delta Sigma Corp. (Kennesaw, Ga.) (Part No.
that performs such function(s), such as a tri-pod (or other PWHDGUl) or ProjectionWorks, Inc. (Kennesaw, Ga.).
stand), a table on which the optical projector may sit or rest, 25 As is known by those having ordinary skill in the art, a
a fixed, pivot-arm or other wall mount, a flush, suspended or computer network can be a public network, and typically
other ceiling mount, a table mount, a universal mount, or any includes a central processing unit (CPU) or processor that
similar configuration. A wide variety of such devices, which executes the individual demands of a program, that has an
may be stationary or transportable, and associated mount kits, ability to add, subtract, multiply and/or divide a multitude of
brackets, extendable or non-extendable extensions, clamps, 30
numbers, and is connected to a system memory, which typi-
stands, shelves, tilts, plates, tri-pods and the like are commer- cally contains an operating system, a hard drive (for storing
cially available from sources that are known by those having data), RAM (a chip that holds data), one or more application
ordinary skill in the art, such as CDW (Vernon Hills, Ill.). It is
programs, one or more input devices (permitting a user to
preferred that an optical projector that is employed in these
interact with the computer), such as a mouse or a keyboard,
systems and methods be mounted on a tri-pod, for example, in 35
one or more output devices (also permitting a user to interact
a conventional marmer, or in a marmer recommended by a
manufacturer. Preferred tri-pods for such use are those that with a computer), such as a printer, a display monitor, and a
are commercially available from Delta Sigma Corp. (Kenne- communications interface, such as an ethernet card, to com-
saw, Ga.) (Part No. PWHDPS 1) or Vitecgroup Italia SpA (Via municate to an electronic network, for example, via a Wide
Sasso Rosso, 19 36061 Bassano de! Grappa (VI), Italy) (Man- 40 Area Network (WAN) or as an inter-network, such as the
frotto Part No. 161MK2B), or equivalent. Internet. Many other similar configurations are known by
those having ordinary skill in the art, and it is contemplated
Computers that all of these configurations could be used in connection
with the measuring apparatuses, systems and methods of the
The measuring apparatuses of the invention and optical 45 present invention. Furthermore, using the information that is
assembly systems and methods also include, or may be oper- provided herein, it is within the abilities of those having
ably connected with, one or a plurality of computers or data ordinary skill in the art to program and configure a computer
collection devices (or devices that function similarly thereto), system to implement one or more of the steps of the present
which may be operably connected with each other and/or invention, as are discussed herein. Moreover, the present
with other devices that are described herein, which function 50 invention contemplates providing computer readable data
in the marmers that are dictated by system software installed storage means with program code recorded thereon for imple-
therein (discussed hereinbelow). There is generally no limit menting the method steps that are described herein.
to the number of computers that may be employed in connec- A wide variety of computer accessories may be employed
tion with these measuring apparatuses, systems and methods. with the computer that are used in connection with the mea-
Any type and/or brand of computer that has an ability to 55 suring apparatuses, systems and methods of the invention.
perform the functions that are described herein, from any Such accessories include, but are not limited to, computer
source, and whether present in or out of a computer network, drives (hard drives, DVD media drives, CD media drives
or used with or without the Internet or the World Wide Web, and/or other drives), monitors, screens, mice, keyboards, bat-
may be employed in connection with the measuring appara- teries, printers, storage units, docking stations, USB (and
tuses, systems and methods of the invention. Examples of 60 other) ports and cords, memories, memory upgrade kits,
computers that may be employed include, but are not limited modems, wireless (and other) adaptors, routers, cables,
to, personal computers, business computers, desktop comput- remote controls, surge protectors, power supplies, servers,
ers, laptop computers, notebook computers, personal digital mounts, stands, speakers, headsets, headphones, web cams,
assistants and other hand-held computers, pocket computers, DVD and CD media and media cases, carrying cases, and the
general purpose computers, special purpose computers, and 65 like. These and other computer accessories are commercially
the like, such as those that are sold by Dell, Inc. (Round Rock, available from sources that are known by those having ordi-
Tex.) at the web site Dell dot com or at 1-800-www-dell, nary skill in the art, such as Dell, Inc. (Round Rock, Tex.),
US 8,606,540 B2
91 92
Apple Computer, Inc. (Cupertino, Calif.), Hewlett Packard monplace in office-wide or enterprise-wide computer net-
Company (Palo Alto, Calif.) and similar computer supply works, intranets and the Internet. Such network computing
companies. environments typically encompass many types of computer
Computer systems can be configured to receive inputs from system configurations, including personal computers, hand-
a user, such as a query as to whether an action has been helddevices, multi-processor systems, microprocessor-based
performed, and output the status or lack of status of the action. or programmable consumer electronics, network PCs, mini-
Still other embodiments could be configured to output computers, mainframe computers, and the like. The invention
reminders, form schedules based on actions associated with may also be practiced in distributed computing environments
the present invention, and the like, to assist in the practice of where tasks are performed by local and remote processing
the invention and/or to manage the practice of the invention. 10 devices that are linked (by hardwired links, wireless links, or
Embodiments within the scope of the present invention by a combination of hardwired or wireless links) through a
include program products on computer-readable media, and communications network. In a distributed computing envi-
carriers for carrying or having computer-executable instruc- ronment, program modules may be located in both local and
tions or data structures stored thereon. Such computer-read- remote memory storage devices.
able media can be any available media which can be accessed 15 The order of the steps that are described herein may gen-
by a general purpose or special purpose computer, for erally be varied, and two or more steps may generally be
example, RAM, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM, CD-ROM or performed separately, concurrently and/or with partial con-
other optical disk storage, magnetic disk storage or other currence. Such variation will depend on the software and
magnetic storage devices, or any other medium which can be hardware systems chosen and on designer choice. All such
used to carry or store desired program code in the form of 20 variations are within the scope of the present invention. Also,
computer-executable instructions or data structures, and software and web implementations of the present invention
which can be accessed by a general purpose or special pur- could be accomplished with standard prograniming tech-
pose computer. When information is transferred or provided niques with rule based logic and other logic to accomplish the
over a network or another communications connection (gen- various steps thereof.
erally hardwired, wireless, or a combination of hardwired or 25 The preferred system features for computers that are
wireless) to a computer, the computer properly views the employed in connection with the measuring apparatuses,
connection as a computer-readable medium. Thus, any such methods and/or systems of the invention are as follows:
connection is properly termed a computer-readable medium. Processor: Core 2 Duo E8200 processor (or equivalent or
Computer-executable instructions comprise, for example, better), with a Dual Core Intel Xeon W3503 2.40 GHz,
instructions and data which cause a general purpose com- 30 4M L3, 4.8 GT/s being more preferred;
puter, special purpose computer, or special purpose process- RAM: at least about 4 MB, and more preferably at least
ing device to perform a certain function or group of functions. about 8 MB;
The present invention is described in the general context of Hard Disk: at least about 50 GB, and more preferably at
method steps which may be implemented in one embodiment least about 320 GB;
by a program product including computer-executable instruc- 35 CD or DVD Drive: a 40xCD (or equivalent or better), but a
tions, such as program modules, executed by computers in DVD is preferred;
networked environments. Generally, program modules Hard Disk Drive: at least 1 hard disc drive, and more
include routines, programs, objects, components, data struc- preferably a dual disk drive RAID system;
tures, and the like, that perform particular tasks or implement Graphics Card: at least one graphics card that can support
particular abstract data types. Computer-executable instruc- 40 the OpenGL or DirectX 3D graphics language;
tions, associated data structures, and program modules rep- Operating System: an operating system for the compu-
resent examples of program code for executing steps of the ter(s), preferably the Microsoft Corporation desktop
methods disclosed herein. The particular sequence of such operating system known as "Windows XP";
executable instructions or associated data structures represent For measuring apparatuses and/or systems of the invention
examples of corresponding acts for implementing the func- 45 that are employed on an assembly line or a production line,
tions described in such steps. which generally cannot afford to have hard drive crashes, or
The present invention is suitable for being operated in a other hardware and/or software problems, it is preferably to
networked environment using logical connections to one or employ a dual disk drive RAID system.
more remote computers having processors. Logical connec- The preferred Precision WorkStation T3400, for example,
tions may include a local area network (LAN) and a wide area 50 includes the following components and/or characteristics that
network (WAN). Such networking environments are com- are described below (and also on the Dell Inc. web site):

Quantity Part No. Part Description


MT920 Intel Processor, E8200, 2.66 GHz, 6 MB Wolfdale, 65 W, CO
5120P Cord, Power, 125 V, 6 Feet, SJT ... , Unshielded
DB 10 Palmrest, Keyboard, Plastic Entry, Liteon, Board Lock
DR972 Assembly, Digital Video Disk Drive, 16X, Serial ATA, Half
DC094 Assembly, Cable, Serial Ala Optical, Matrix, smith, mini Tower
J229H KIT ... , Software, VB32SP1A, Digital Video Disk Drive,
Multiple, 5
US 8,606,540 B2
93 94
Quantity Part No. Part Description

R662K Kit, Software, Overpack, WXPPSP3 Compact Diskette

WI documentation, English
K123H Kit, Software, Power dvd, 8.1-00 Digital Video Disk Drive
XT213 Hard Drive, 250G, S2, 7.2K, SM SGT-SH
4 J8461 Assembly, Cable, Video, Lead Free
4 W579C Dual In-Line Memory Module, 1 GB 800, 128 x 72, 8, 240, 1RX8
2 RN034 nVidiaQuadro FX 1700 Graphics Card, 512, Fix, 1700
MRGA14L, Dual Monitor DVI or VGA
XN966 Kit, Mouse, Universal Serial Bus, 2BTN, Optical, Logitech
H026G Kit, Software, Roxio, Creator 9.0-01, Business
7797R System Integration, Fee Integration, #9
D568C Assembly, DVD+/- RW ... , 16X Half Height, SerialAta, PLDS
CDO 11 Kit, Compact Diskette, Driver Resource Compact Disk Precision
Workstation, V2
DJ331 Keyboard, 104, Universal Serial Bus, United States, Entry
Liteon, Black
JT147 Assembly, Heatsink, Shroud, CEL MTD
525 W, T3400

The Dell Precision WorkStation T3400 includes the fol- SATA 3 .0 Gb/s 7200 RPM with 16 MB DataBurst Cache
lowing features: up to 750 GB;
It supports duel-core and quad-core Intel processors as SATA 3.0 Gb/s 7200 RPM with 8 MB DataBurst Cache
follows: 25 up to 250 GB;
Dual-core Intel Core2 Extreme with 1333 MHz FSB, 4 SATA 3 .0 Gb/s 1OK RPM with 16 MB DataBurst Cache
MB L2 Cache, XD, VT, EIST; up to 160 GB;
Dual-core Intel Core2 Duo with 1066 MHz FSB, 4 MB SAS! SK RPM up to 300 GB (requires controller card);
L2 Cache, XD, VT, EIST; It includes an Integrated SATA 3.0 Gb/s controller with
Quad-core Intel Core2 Quad with 1066 MHz FSB, 2x4 30 support for RAID 0, 1, 5 and 10 Optional SAS 6i/R PCI
MB L2 Cache, XD, VT, EIST Express controller card with support for SAS RAID 0 or
It supports the following Operating Systems: 1;
Genuine Windows 7 Professional 32-Bit; It includes the following power supply:
Genuine Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit; 375 watt manual selection power supply;
Genuine Windows 7 Professional 32-Bit with Down- 35 525 watt Wide-ranging Power Supply;
grade Rights Service to Windows XP Professional; It includes the following slots:
Genuine Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit with Down- 2 PCI-ex16 graphics slots;
grade Rights Service to Windows; 1 PCI-ex8 slot wired as x4;
XP Professional x64 Edition; 3 PCI 32 bit/33 MHz slot with support for 5 v cards
Genuine Windows 7 Ultimate 32-Bit; 40 It includes the following bays:
Genuine Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit; 2 internal 3.5" hard disk drive bays;
Genuine Windows 7 Ultimate 32-Bit with Downgrade 2 external 5.25" optical bays;
Rights Service to Windows XP Professional; 1 external 3.5" drive bay (Flex Bay) in desktop orienta-
Genuine Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit with Downgrade tion, or 2 external 3.5" drive bays (Flex Bays) in tower
Rights Service to Windows XP 45 orientation;
Professional x64 Edition; It includes the following standard I/O Ports:
Genuine Windows Vista Business 32-Bit; 11 USB 2.0 (2 front, 6 back, 3 internal for uDOC/Flex-
Genuine Windows Vista Business 64-Bit; bay connectors;
Genuine Windows Vista Business with Downgrade 1 serial (optional 2nd connector), 1 parallel, 2 PS/2, 1
Rights Service to Windows XP Professional; 50 RJ-45, Stereo line-in and headphone line-out on back
In includes an Intel X38 Express chipset (for computing panel;
power); Microphone and headphone connector on front panel,
It includes Dual Channel DDR2 SD RAM System Memory IEEE 1394a connector available on front panel with
(Four DIMM slots support up to 16 GB dual-channel add-in card.
DDR2 667 or 800 MHz non-ECC and ECC memory); 55 For security, it includes a Setup/BIOS Password; I/O Inter-
It support Dual PCI Express x16 graphics cards up to face Security; Chassis intrusion switch; Biometric Fin-
300 watts, and with up to 768 MB discrete graphics gerprint Reader; Kensington lock; and
memory, with all graphic cards supporting dual moni- A Network Controller of an Integrated Broadcom 5754
tor configurations; Gigabit Ethernet controller with Remote Wake Up and
It provides serial attached SCSI (SAS) and supports up 60 PXE support.
to four hard drives in the tower orientation, and up to Any computer which is equivalent, or is similar in function,
three hard drives in the desktop orientation, for poten- to the computer that includes the hardware and software
tial capacities of 4 TB and 3.5 TB, respectively. With configurations that are described herein may be employed in
RAID 0, 1, 5 and 10 options, storage can be config- the measuring apparatuses, systems and/or methods of the
ured to meet a user's needs, whether for storing huge 65 invention, such as a standard desktop computer with an exter-
files, backing them up or helping to improve perfor- nal monitor and an extra video output for connecting it to a
mance with data-striping: projector, and a laptop computer with an integral monitor and
US 8,606,540 B2
95 96
one external video port. Such computers, for example, and/or external to the computer( s) being employed. Any type
include Dell Inc. model numbers T3400, T3500, T5500, and/or brand of such means that has an ability to perform the
T7 400, T7 500 and RS400 (as well as a wide variety of other functions that are described herein, from any source, may be
computers marketed by the same or other manufacturers or employed in the systems and methods, and with the measur-
distributors). The invention can support a plurality of video ing apparatuses, of the invention. Preferred display screens
displays, such as eight, which can be in any combination of, for use in the systems and methods, and with the measuring
for example, projectors and external/integral monitors. apparatuses, of the invention are a Dell LCD Flat Panel
The computer is preferably connected with a means for E2209Wc or a Dell LCD Flat Panel E207WFPc (Dell Inc.,
controlling the movement of a cursor or pointer on a display Round Rock, Tex.) or equivalent.
screen, such as a mechanical, optomechanical or optical 10
mouse and its connecting wire, which may be connected to Cables
the computer in a variety of manners, such as via a an
RS-232C serial port or a PS/2 port., or may be cordless, and The measuring apparatuses, systems and methods of the
rely on infrared or radio waves to communicate with the invention preferably include, or are operable connected with,
computer. It preferably is also connected with a means for 15 one or a plurality of means for transferring information, data,
displaying data, information and/or graphics, such as a dis- graphics and/or the like between computers, optical projec-
play screen or monitor, and a means for entering or inputting tors, monitors, keyboards, mouse(s), printers, drives, mea-
data into the computer, such as an internal or external key- surement apparatuses, grip gages, adaptors and/or other
board, and includes one or more means for connecting it with peripherals, such as cables, cords or the like, for supplying
a monitor, such as a video port, graphics port, VGA port or 20 electrical (or other) power to the foregoing devices, and/or for
other socket on the back (or other portion) of a computer that performing similar or other functions, which means are com-
is used to connect a monitor. The computer is also preferably mercially available from sources that are known by those
connected with one or a plurality of internal or external means having ordinary skill in the art.Using the detailed information
for permitting data to be exchanged between the computer's that is provided herein, those having ordinary skill in the art
components and one or more peripherals and/or measuring 25 may readily determine which type, and the number and suit-
apparatuses, such as cables or cords, for example, power able length, of such means that should be used for a particular
cables (for electrically or otherwise powering the computer), project, and would know how to connect such means between
VGA or DVI video cables (for transferring video signals the foregoing and/or other devices. Preferred cables for use in
between devices, such as a monitor and a computer), IDE and the systems and methods of the invention, and with the fore-
SATA cables (for transferring data between a computer's 30 going items, include a 50-foot cable set that is commercially
internal components and the motherboard), USB and Firewall available from Delta Sigma Corp. (Kennesaw, Ga.) (Part No.
cables (for permitting peripherals to connect to a computer PWHDCB50), projector pow er cables (typically one peropti-
and transfer data, generally at high speeds), Ethernet cables cal projector) that are usually supplied with projectors (InFo-
(for joining two network devices, and permitting data to be cus, Wilsonville, Oreg.), power cables (typicallyonepercom-
transferred, generally at high speeds between the devices in 35 puter) that are usually supplied with computers (Dell Inc.,
the form of a series of electrical pulses), and the like. Round Rock, Tex.), power cables (typically one per monitor)
The one or plurality of computers may be operably con- that are usually supplied with monitors (Dell Inc., Round
nected with one or a plurality of optical projectors and/or Rock, Tex.) and video cables (typically one per monitor) that
measuring apparatuses, that are being employed in the sys- are usually supplied with monitors (Dell Inc., Round Rock,
tems and methods of the invention with, for example, video 40 Tex.).
Additional information regarding computers and comput- Computer Mountings
ing is present in the following books, each of which is hereby
incorporated herein in its entirety by reference: (i) Douglas E. The systems and methods of the invention optionally may
Comer, Computer Networks and Internets with Internet 45 include one or a plurality of movable or non-movable mount-
Applications (5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2008); (ii) M. Morris ings, stands, tables and/or the like for the computers (or
Mano and Charles Kime, Logic and Design Computer Fun- similar devices) and/or peripherals (keyboard, mouse, moni-
damentals (4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003); (iii) Randal E. tors and/or the like), which function to provide support there-
Bryant and David R. O'Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Pro- fore, and a place for them to rest at a position, height and/or
grammer's Perspective (Prentice Hall, 2002); (iv) William 50 location that renders them convenient for a user to use, and
Stallings, Data and Computer Communications (8th Edition, preferably out of the way of any projections being projected
Prentice Hall, 2008); (v) Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Suss- upon a three-dimensional workpiece, object, part or skin
man and Julie Sussman, Structure and Interpretation ofCom- being assembled, otherwise manufactured or processed in
puter Programs, (2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1996); (vi) J. some way. It is preferable that the mounting be movable, for
Stanley Warford, Computer Systems (4th Edition, Jones & 55 example, having wheels (as is showninFIG.1 and FIG. 2), so
Bartlett Pub, 2009); and (vii) John Lewis et al., Java Software that the user can conveniently move the computer, measuring
Solutions, (2nd Edition, Pearson Education, Inc., 2007, ISBN apparatuses and/or peripherals around to a variety of different
0-13-222251-5). locations within an assembly, manufacturing, work or other
area, location and/or environment.
Display Screens 60
Measurement (and Other Input) Devices and
The systems and methods of the invention preferably Fasteners
include one or a plurality of means for displaying data, infor-
mation and/or graphics, such as a computer's user interface Function
and open programs, allowing the user to interact with the 65 Various means may be employed in connection with the
computer, and the data, information and/or graphics appear- measuring apparatuses, systems and methods of the invention
ing thereon, for example, display screens that are internal to connect or attach various component parts and/or surfaces
US 8,606,540 B2
97 98
of a three-dimensional workpiece, object, part or skin that is possible. The head configuration of such fasteners generally
being assembled, manufactured or processed in some way has no restrictions and can be, for example, a hex head, a
together, such as various glues (and other adhesives or socket head cap screw, a countersunk, or the like, all of which
bonds), cements, fasteners, including bolts with nuts or nut work well, and do not affect grip gages or measurement
plates, nails, screws and/or the like, of various sizes, diam- apparatuses of the invention.
eters, lengths, types and/or configurations, which may vary When a three-dimensional workpiece, object, part of skin
widely according to a particular workpiece, object, part or is being assembled using nails and/or screws, generally there
skin being produced or processed, and which may readily be would not be a grip gage or measurement apparatuses of the
determined by those having ordinary skill in the art using the invention involved in the process. In such a situation, a spot
information that is provided herein. 10 would most likely be projected by the one or plurality of
When a three-dimensional workpiece, object, or part optical projectors on the workpiece, object, part or skin along
thereof is being assembled or manufactured using, for with some text informing, illustrating or showing a user the
example, bolts with nuts, or nut plates (nuts that are generally location(s) at which to insert a nail or screw (or similar
glued to an internal surface or structure of an object being device), and there generally would not be any restrictions on
assembled), or fasteners, optical projection, laser and other 15 diameter and/or length of the nail or screw.
assembly systems and methods of the invention preferably When a three-dimensional workpiece, object, part of skin
include one or a plurality of means for measuring fastener is being assembled using glue (or the like), generally a line
hole depths of pre-drilled or other holes that may be present in that is a specific length, width and shape (i.e., straight, curvi-
the workpiece, object, part or skin to determine proper bolt linear, wiggly, curved and/or the like) would be projected on
and/or fastener lengths, for example, a manual or other known 20 the workpiece, object, part or skin that shows the user the
grip gage (grip gun), which is commercially available from location at which to apply a bead, strand or other application
sources that are known by those having ordinary skill in the of the glue, and a grip gage or measurement apparatuses of the
art, a wired or wireless measuring apparatus of the present invention would not need to be used.
invention, or the like. Some preferred measuring apparatus of Further, if it is desired or necessary to measure the conduc-
the present invention, and corresponding cables and hard- 25 tivity of one or a plurality of surfaces of a three-dimensional
ware, for use in the foregoing systems and methods are com- workpiece, object, part or skin, or the thickness of a coating
mercially available as of the effective filing date hereof from that is present thereon, the "spots" projected on the work-
Delta Sigma Corp. (Kennesaw, Ga.) (Part No. PWHDGG 1- piece, object, part or skin and the text would generally inform
POE Grip Gage with cables and all necessary hardware, or a user of the location at which to place the applicable mea-
Part No. PWHDPGl-POE Plunge-Style Grip Gage with 30 surement device (thickness or conductivity). When the user
cables and all necessary hardware). One of these types of places it at the indicated location and triggers the measure-
measuring apparatuses of the invention may be operably con- ment apparatus, a reading would generally be sent back to the
nected to one or a plurality of computers with the use of a computer. Some aircraft parts have a conductive coating
serial cable by plugging the serial cable into a serial port of the sprayed on them and, for quality assurance reasons, a con-
computer, and typically requires that a serial card also be 35 ductivity meter (gage) is used to ensure that the coating is
inserted into the computer (which generally comes from the conductive and, therefore, thick enough. These measure-
manufacturer or distributor along with a measuring appara- ments are typically made in the same location for each of the
tus). The other of these types is generally connected with a same workpiece, object, part of skin that is made. This tool
computer by plugging a connecting cable into the computer's could project a "spot" onto the part where the measurement
USB port. Another type of a measuring apparatus that may be 40 should be made.
employed in the foregoing systems and methods is one that Operation
performs the same function, but that uses a Power-Over- A general discussion of the operation of the measuring
Ethernet connection (cable) to connect to the computer, apparatuses of the invention is set forth below, and a more
which could use a commercially-available CAT6 network detailed discussion regarding such operation is set forth in a
cable, rather than a serial or USB port. Yet a further type of 45 subsequent section of this document.
measuring apparatus that could be employed is one that per- Measuring apparatuses of the invention generally operate
forms the same function, but that is wireless and, thus, in the optical projection assembly systems and methods of the
requires no cables attached to the measuring apparatus (or invention in the marmer that is shown in FIGS. 2-3. FIG. 3
otherwise), which cables are often tripping hazards for work- shows a starburst pattern that is projected by an optical pro-
ers. Such a measuring apparatus generally would not have any 50 jector onto a pre-drilled fastener hole (present in an object or
cables attached to the device (or otherwise), and would have part) that is to be measured, and FIG. 4 shows a measuring
a wireless adapter installed in the computer. As is apparent apparatus that is placed into a hole shown in FIG. 3 in a
from the foregoing, a wide variety of grip gages and similar manner that its three "feet" are in contact with a surface of an
devices, and measuring apparatus of the invention, may be object being assembled.
employed in the optical projection assembly systems and 55 A measuring apparatus of the invention generally includes
methods that are described herein. a relatively long probe, for example, one that is about 1.5"
While a known grip gage or measuring apparatus of the inched long, having a relatively blunt hook on its end that is
invention is an optional feature of the optical projection placed partially (greater than 0% but less than 100%) or fully
assembly systems and methods that are described herein, they (100%) through the hole, extending through it and out its back
are typically required when fasteners are to be installed into a 60 or far end when extending fully through the hole.
workpiece, object, part or skin that is being assembled or For a "retraction trigger type" of measuring apparatus of
otherwise manufactured (to connect various component parts the invention, in operation, a user typically squeezes a handle
of the workpiece, object, part or skin together). The maxi- and/or trigger that is present on the apparatus until the hook
mum fastener size that typically may be employed is about on the probe is pulled inward and contacts the back of the
1h" diameterxabout 1" long, and the minimum fastener size 65 object. Typically, once the handle "clicks," the computer(s)
that typically may be employed is about 1/4" diameterx114'' that the measurement apparatus is connected, and can
long, with the use of smaller or larger fasteners also being exchange data, with reads circuitry that is present inside of the
US 8,606,540 B2
99 100
measurement apparatus to procure a thickness reading of the ageable units, designing a solution, considering alternatives
skin of the object (or other surface or part of the object), which to the solution, refining the solution, implementing the solu-
typically correlates with fastener length, and/or some type of tion (by writing a program in the form of code), and testing the
a hole measurement (hole depth, diameter, countersink depth solution, fixing any problems. When developing software,
and/or the like). If the thickness or measurement reading is separate pieces are generally designed that are responsible for
within a particular tolerance band (as opposed to not being different parts of the solution, and then are subsequently put
within the tolerance band), the starburst pattern shown in FIG. together. A program is written in a particular prograniming
3 generally advances to the next pre-drilled hole, and the language, such as Java (an object-oriented programming lan-
measurement apparatus is moved to that location to measure guage in which objects are the basic pieces that make up a
the skin thickness (fastener length) and/or perform one or 10 program),Ada, C++, C#, Pascal or Smithtalk, which typically
more hole measurements in connection with that hole. If the employ specific words and symbols to express the problem
measurement is out of the tolerance band, the starburst typi- solution. Different programming languages define different
cally turns red, and does not advance to the next hole. (Many sets of rules that determine exactly how a programmer can
product manufacturers will specify to assembly technicians combine the words and symbols of the language into pro-
that the thickness of a skin of a particular product (or com- 15 gramming statements (instructions that are carried out when
ponent or surface thereof) must be at least about X inches, but a program is executed).
no thicker than about Y inches, which is a "tolerance band" Four general categories of programming languages cur-
for the particular product.) When a user measures fastener rently exist, and include machine language, assembly lan-
length in this step, the user is effectively measuring skin guage, high-level languages and fourth-generation lan-
thickness. Because the skin on, for example, the vertical tails 20 guages. In order for a particular pro gram to run on a computer,
of F-22 aircrafts is typically a graphite composite layup, its the program must be in the computer's machine language.
thickness can vary, and should be accurately measured. (A Each type of a CPU typically has its own machine language.
composite layup is made up of numerous layers of fiberglass, Because machine language code is expressed as a series of
graphite, or other cloth and resin, which typically gets com- binary digits, such code is difficult for human beings to read
pressed and heated into a rigid skin. Because it is a layup, it 25 and write. While assembly language, which employs rela-
can have a thickness variation.) Thus, ifthe thickness that is tively short words that represent commands or data, is sig-
measured falls within this tolerance band, it is said to be nificantly easier for programmers to use, a program in this
intolerance. If it is outside this tolerance band, it is out of language cannot be executed directly on a computer. It first
tolerance. The user can then push a yellow (or other) button needs to be translated into machine language. Most program-
that may be present on the measurement apparatus to repeat 30 mers employ high-level language, such as Java, Ada, C++, C#
the measurement. Alternatively, the user can press the red (or and Smithtalk, to write software, which employs phrases, and
other) button that may be present on the measurement appa- is relatively easy for programmers to read and write, but must
ratus to advance to the next hole, and the Operator Assembly also be translated into machine language before it can be
Software Tool that is described herein will automatically save executed, for example, using a compiler and/or interpreter. A
this out-of-tolerance hole information to the computer. The 35 wide variety of commercially available Software Develop-
user can subsequently view all of the holes that were out of the ment Kits (SD Ks) are often used by programmers to develop
tolerance band (i.e., at the time that the user starts to insert software, such as the Java Software Development Kit, which
fasteners into the holes). includes a compiler, an interpreter, and several other software
A wide variety of measurement apparatuses of the inven- tools that may be useful for a programmer, and may be down-
tion and/or input devices can, optionally, be employed in the 40 loaded at no cost from the Sun Microsoft web site java dot sun
optical projection assembly systems and methods of the dot com. In addition, Integrated Development Environments
invention, preferably in a manner that permits the compu- (IDEs), programs that combine an editor, compiler and other
ter(s) to interface with the devices (i.e., to be able to transfer Java support tools, may be used by programmers to support a
information between the two), so that they can accept input development of Java programs. One of these programs,
information from the devices and/or that information can 45 known as NetBeans, incorporates the development tools pro-
otherwise be exchanged between the programmable comput- vided by Java Software Development Kits, into one conve-
ers and the devices. Examples of such devices include devices nient GUI-based program, and maybe downloaded at no cost
that measure weight, depth, angles, size, shape, width, and the from the web site netbeans dot org. A similar Integrated
like, for example, continuity checkers, depth gages and/or the Development Environment (ID Es) that is called Eclipse, and
like. 50 is promoted by IBM, may be downloaded at no cost from the
The present invention is equally beneficial when used with web site eclipse dot org.
laser projection systems for similar assembly applications. A wide variety of computer software programs and oper-
ating systems that may be employed in connection with the
Computer Software measurement apparatuses, systems and/or methods of the
55 invention are commercially available from sources that are
The computers that are included in, or employed with, the know by those having ordinary skill in the art, such as
measuring apparatuses, systems and methods of the invention Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, Wash.), Dell, Inc. (Round
may include one or more different computer software pro- Rock, Tex.), Apple Computer, Inc. (Cupertino, Calif.),
grams, which function in the manner that is described herein, Hewlett Packard Company (Palo Alto, Calif.), Delta Sigma
and which may be procured from sources that are known by 60 Corp. (Kennesaw, Ga.), and similar computer software sup-
those having ordinary skill in the art and/or written by com- ply (or other) companies, and/or may be written by computer
puter programmers having ordinary skill in the art using the programmers having ordinary skill in the art using the infor-
information, drawings and source code that is described, and mation, drawings and computer source code that are provided
provided, herein in great detail. herein. The present in invention is not limited to any particular
When writing a computer program, a programmer typi- 65 type, number or version of computer software programs or
cally tries to solve a particular problem by, for example, operating systems, or to any particular manufacturer or dis-
understanding the problem, breaking the problem into man- tributor of computer software or operating system. As is well
US 8,606,540 B2
101 102
known by those having ordinary skill in the art, more than one folders. With Windows applications, the install program often
computer software program, or version thereof, and often a adds or updates extensions to Windows that reside in the
wide variety of computer software programs, and versions Windows folder. It is also customary forthe install program to
thereof, or combined software programs, may be used to deposit an uninstall option so the application can be easily
perform the same function on, or in connection with, a com- removed later on. Install programs may also be used to attach
puter. Also, computer software programs that may retain the a measuring apparatus or a new peripheral device to a com-
same function are often routinely or continuously updated or puter. The install program may add the device's driver to the
enhanced, sometimes with the use of "plug-in" or "add-in" operating system, or it may be used to set or reset parameters
computer code and/or with other enhancements, additions, in an updatable memory (flash memory, EEPROM, etc.) on
deletions and/or substitutions to existing code. Thus, any type 10
the expansion board that has been plugged in. Security soft-
and number of computer software programs and/or operating
ware provides some measure of security from attack to a an
systems may be employed in connection with the measure-
individual computer, or a computer that forms part of a net-
ment apparatuses, systems and/or methods of the present
invention, as long as they have an ability to perform the work, and the data present therein. Document display soft-
functions that are described herein, and such computer soft- 15
ware functions to display text documents on a display screen,
ware and operating system may be procured from any known so that they can be read and/or modified. Networking soft-
(or other) computer software manufacturer or distributor or ware, such as Microsoft Outlook and Internet Explorer, func-
store or generated by a computer programmer having ordi- tion to permit communication over a network via email, inter-
nary skill in the art. Further, additional computer programs net and/or the like, and/or allow a user to perform network
may be employed in connection with the measurement appa- 20 maintenance, troubleshooting and/or setup. Computer con-
ratuses, systems and/or methods of the invention, as long as figuration software functions to configure a computer for
they are compatible with computer pro grams that are required usage, for example, setting up graphics cards, performing
for the invention to properly operate, which may be deter- maintenance, such as cleanup and/or error detection on hard
mined by those having ordinary skill in the art. drives, and/or to install, configure and/or uninstall other hard-
There are several general categories of computer software 25 ware components on the computer. Database software devel-
that may be employed in connection with the measurement opment software functions to create, maintain and/or query
apparatuses, systems and methods of the invention. Program- databases that can be used as standalone databases and/or
ming software generally come in forms of tools that assist a have them incorporated into one or more other software pro-
programmer in writing computer programs (sets of logical grams. Software development software functions to permit a
instructions that make a computer system perform certain 30 user to write one or more software programs that will run
tasks). The tools that help the programmers in instructing a (execute) on one or a plurality of different software programs,
computer system include text editors, compilers and inter- such as the Authoring, Configurator and/ or Operator Assem-
preters. System software helps in running the computer hard- bly Software Tools that are described herein, which were
ware and the computer system, and is a collection of operat- written using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
ing systems; devise drivers, servers, windowing systems and/ 35 The computer software that is employed in connection
or utilities. System software helps an application programmer with the measuring apparatuses and/or optical projection
in abstracting away from hardware, memory and other inter- assembly systems and methods of the invention performs
nal complexities of a computer. Application software enables necessary or desired adjustments, translations and/or trans-
the end users to accomplish certain specific tasks. Business formations to data, for example, so that a projected image
software, databases and educational software are some forms 40 onto a three-dimensional object, part or skin preferably
of application software. Different word processors, which are appears undistorted, or so that measurement data can be
dedicated for specialized tasks to be performed by the user, recorded, stored, manipulated and/ or used in some other man-
are other examples of application software. Inventory man- ner, and often should be installed on a programmable com-
agement software helps an organization in tracking its goods puter. One preferred embodiment of this software for an opti-
and materials on the basis of quality, as well as quantity. 45 cal projection assembly system includes three separate
Warehouse inventory management functions encompass the software tools (or software components) as are described
internal warehouse movements and storage. Inventory soft- below, and as are illustrated in the flowcharts that are present
ware helps a company in organizing inventory and optimizing in FIGS. 21, 22 and 23. The source code for these three
the flow of goods in the organization, thus leading to an separate components is described herein, and is provided
improved customer service. Utility software helps in the man- 50 herewith. Detailed information about this source code is
agement of computer hardware and application software, and present towards the end of this document.
performs a relatively small range of tasks, such as disk defrag- (i) an Authoring Assembly Software Tool ("Authoring
menters, systems utilities and virus scanners. Data backup Tool")-Used to define what needs to be done, such as
and recovery software provides functionalities beyond simple design a particular assembly, manufacture or other pro-
copying of data files. This software often supports user needs 55 cess in a step-by-step manner. For example, this tool
of specifying what is to be backed up and when. Backup and permits a user to initially set the system up by inputting
recovery software generally preserve the original organiza- a series of manufacturing or assembling steps into the
tion of files, and allow an easy retrieval of the backed up data. computer(s), creating the steps that are required to
Installation software functions to prepare an application manufacture or assemble a particular three-dimensional
(software package) to run in a computer. Typically combined 60 workpiece, object, part or skin;
with the application it is installing, the install program creates (ii) a Configurator Assembly Software Tool-Used to
a folder with a default name on the hard disk and copies the define how to do it. For example, this tool permits a user
application files to that folder. The complete installation to properly configure the system by putting the manu-
package is generally either an Internet download or on a facturing, assembling or other process steps created in
CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or a diskette. Application files are 65 the Authoring Tool into a logical, proper or "best" order
generally compressed in the package, and the install program for a particular manufacturing, assembly or other pro-
decompresses them into their original format and respective cess (i.e., into a proper workflow), as well as to assign
US 8,606,540 B2
103 104
one or a plurality of optical projector(s) to the appropri- rience and preference, as none of these computer languages
ate graphics output ports on the computer(s)); and hold significant advantages over all of the other computer
(iii) an Operator Assembly Software Tool-Used by an languages.
operator to direct the optical projection process. For In order for the systems and methods of the invention to
example, this tool permits an operator to execute the work, in addition to the computer hardware, peripheral
manufacturing, assembly or other process steps that devices, and optical projectors that are described herein, there
were put into the logical, proper or "best" order using the must be a specialized software program written specifically
Configurator Tool, by operating the system to optically for this purpose (or otherwise procured). An example of one
such program (referred to as "code," or "source code") is
project a series of ordered manufacturing, assembly or
10 included herein. This code is to be compiled from the source
other instructions in the form of steps using text, images
code into an executable code to be run on a computer using the
and/or symbols onto a three-dimensional object, part or
computer operating system for which it is compiled.
skin being manufactured, assembled or otherwise pro-
The details of every aspect ofhow to accomplish the task of
cessed. projecting three-dimensional text, graphics and/or symbols,
One of the key features of the optical projection assembly 15 and a combination thereof, onto three-dimensional objects,
systems and methods of the invention is that when an assem- parts or skins in a substantially or fully undistorted manner, as
bly or other manufacture is being designed, all the details is described herein, is included in the source code that is
about how it will be assembled or manufactured are not described herein, and provided herewith. Additionally, the
needed. The Authoring Tool allows an engineer or other user following paragraphs provide a high level overview of that
to put all of the components into the project with all of the 20 which is being accomplished in the programs. The necessary
associated text, images and/or symbols, and without having to functions have been divided into three separate programs in
be concerned with, determine or evaluate, the number of this implementation, but all of those functions could have
optical projectors that will be required, where they will need been put into one or two programs, or perhaps more than
to be located or positioned within a particular area, or even three. This is one example that is a matter of programming
how many systems it will take for a particular job, such as 25 preference, and what is expected to be the most convenient to
manufacturing an entire aircraft. the particular user.
The production department of a manufacturer (or other Define Geometry of Surface to Project on (Base Geometry)
business) typically will take the project file from the Author- It is first required that the three-dimensional geometry
ing Tool and load it into the Configurator. In the work cells for dataset of the surface(s) that will be projected upon by the
a particular process, a user will decide where optical projec- 30 optical projector(s) be supplied in a format that can be con-
sumed by the computer code. This format is dictated by the
tors can be located, how many are needed to get a desired or
source code author and programming language, and can vary
good coverage of a three-dimensional object, part or skin,
depending upon how the source code is written. The contents
how many technicians will be used executing concurrent or
of this three-dimensional geometry is created or generated by
separate process steps, and other such information. The Con- 35 a third party (or other) three-dimension modeling tool, such
figurator Tool creates a file that can be run, for example, by a as Catia (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive
technician each time that the same three-dimensional work- Application) or SolidWorks. This file is preferably exported
piece, product, or part thereof, is assembled, manufactured or from the three-dimensional modeling software in an .STL
otherwise processed. format, but the format required is dictated solely by how the
The Operator Tool is very easy to run and requires practi- 40 source code requires it. The software also provides a means to
cally no computer knowledge. An operator (system user) is create simple planar surfaces to use as projection surfaces if
led through, for example, a manufacturing, assembly or other CAD (or similar) data is not available or required.
process step-by-step in a logical or "best" order of steps with Define Geometry of What to Project (Annotated Geom-
all of the progranimed aids to help along the way, such as a etry)
video tutorial, and typically cannot change any step of the 45 The second dataset that is needed in this example of three-
process. dimensional projection using optical projectors is what is
The three software tools can be present in one computer referred to as the "Annotated Geometry" file. This dataset file
program, in a series of two or more computer programs (in contains all of the information that is necessary to define what
any marmer desired), or the like, and can be installed together is projected onto the three-dimensional surface(s). This
or separately on a single computer, or on separate computers. 50 dataset can be built and then imported from a CAD (or simi-
If installed on separate computers, the necessary or desired lar) system, or it can be built within the software here. In
files can be transferred between the two or more computers examples used herein, fastener hole locations are being pro-
using a means for transferring data and/or files between com- jected onto the three-dimensional surface. Holes are used
puters, such as a memory stick, a CD, a DVD or a floppy disc, only as an example. The projected features can be any desired
or transferred over a network, if the computers are linked 55 geometry. The Annotated Geometry file for this type of
together. dataset contains the X, Y, and Z location (point) in space of the
Included herein is computer source code written in hole, as well as the I, J, K orientation in space (normal vector)
Microsoft Visual Studio C# that shows one solution for pro- for each hole, which can be thought of as the definition of
jecting three-dimensional projections using one or a plurality which direction the hole is facing. The format for this file is
of optical projectors onto three-dimensional objects, parts or 60 dictated by the source code Authoring Assembly Software
skins. The solution that is described below is one way of Tool, and can vary for different implementations. The anno-
achieving such results, and these results could also be tated geometry can be created or modified within the software
achieved by a computer programmer having ordinary skill in tool.
the art using different algorithms and/or computer languages, Define Spatial Relationships between Projectors and
such as C, C++, Java, Fortran, Visual Basic, and the like, and 65 Objects (Calibration Step)
is not limited to that which is shown below. The computer After these datasets are consumed or created within the
language selected was based primarily on the inventors' expe- source code described, and provided, herein, the next step in
US 8,606,540 B2
105 106
performing a three-dimensional projection is to determine the cursor to the corresponding point on the actual three-
where the three-dimensional workpiece, object, or part, to be dimensional object, part or skin, and clicks the mouse. The
projected upon is located in a manufacturing, or any other, software captures the x, y screen position of the mouse click
environment or location with respect to the one or plurality of (hereinafter referred to as "the projected point''). This point
optical projectors being employed. This is accomplished represents the projection of the actual three-dimensional
using a "Calibration" step. In this step, a series of points must point onto the projector's image plane, and it's conversion
be chosen from the Annotated Geometry file or the Base into the digital graphics coordinate system.
Geometry file that can be used as calibration points. These The projected point, along with the three-dimensional
points are chosen in such a way as to insure that all geometric coordinates of the actual point, define a point correspon-
variances of the three-dimensional object, part or skin are 10 dence. Using a set of these point correspondences (minimum
calibrated. In other words, these points are chosen so that all of 8), it is possible to calculate the location and orientation of
of the visible corners and/or visible edges of the object, part or the projector (or multiple projectors) within the geometry's
skin are calibrated, as well as any variances in depth. The coordinate system, and to calibrate the projector's optics,
example source code that is included herein has algorithms including focal length, lens distortion, optical center and scal-
that require a minimum of 8 calibration points (8 or more 15 ing. The result of this calibration is a graphical transformation
calibration points, with no upper limit). matrix, which can then be used to accurately draw within the
While it could be possible in other calibration methods that geometry's coordinate system.
may be employed in connection with the systems and meth- This transformation is now applied to the projected anno-
ods of the invention that as few as 3 calibration points could tated geometry dataset and projected onto the actual three-
possibly be employed, it is typical in most calibration meth- 20 dimensional workpiece, object, part, or skin in true scale. If
ods for most three-dimensional objects, parts or skins to the projected image was viewed on a standard LCD type
employ from about 8 to about 10 calibration points. 3 cali- monitor, the geometry would appear to be distorted due to the
bration points can generally only be employed if the optical transformation, but on the three-dimensional workpiece,
parameters are already known. If a user knows nothing about object, part or skin, the geometry is drawn accurately, undis-
the target position, optical projector position, or optics, gen- 25 torted and in true scale.
erally about 7 or more calibration points (and usually 8 or The calibration procedure that is described herein for a use
more) need to be employed. Some ambiguities can exist with with the optical projection assembly systems and methods of
7 calibration points, and 8 calibration points will usually work the invention may be performed very rapidly (often in one
over 99% of the time, and is thus preferred. However, if the minute or less by a few clicks of a mouse), and can last, for a
optics were calibrated in a prior step, and there were certain 30 particular optical projection, for a very long period of time,
constraints on the target position, it could be resolved in as for example for a period of at least 2 years (and sometimes
little as 3 calibration points. In other words, 8 or more cali- longer).
bration points generally always work, but a lesser number of Further, in contrast with a manual calibration system, a
calibration points could work given the right set of conditions. user could use a vision calibration system with the optical
The number of calibration points needed in a particular situ- 35 projection assembly systems and methods of the invention,
ation, and with respect to a particular three-dimensional which uses, for example, one or more machine vision cam-
workpiece, object, part or skin, being projected upon varies in eras. It would work by using the cameras to identify known
accordance with the complexity of the surfaces of the work- points or features on the three-dimensional object. Machine
piece, object, part or skin, being projected on (i.e., the greater vision software packages, such as Cognex VisionPro, are
the complexity (more variations) of the surface of the object, 40 commercially available, and have utilities built into them in
part, or skin, the more calibration points that typically may be which a Machine Vision Camera would take an image of a
desired or required). Thus, for some more complex three- known object, and determine its orientation in space with
dimensional workpieces, objects, parts, or skins, for example, respect to the camera by locating predefined features on the
20 to 30 calibration points may be desired or required. Typi- part. With this information, it is able to determine where in
cally, the greater number of calibration points that are 45 space, i.e. the coordinate system, the object is located and
employed, the longer that the systems and methods of the provide back to the systems and methods of the invention the
invention take to operate, but the less distorted a projected same information determined by using a mouse method of
three-dimensional text, image or symbol, or combination calibrating. Other calibration systems could also be
thereof, will appear to the human eye when projected onto a employed.
three-dimensional workpiece, object, part or skin (up to a 50 Provide Input Measurement Data (Optional Step)
certain number of calibration points). At some point, addi- At this point, the optical projection assembly system of the
tional calibration points will not make much or any difference invention now allows a user to collect information about the
in the appearance of the projected material. Using the infor- three-dimensional workpiece, object, part or skin, based upon
mation that is set forth herein, a person having ordinary skill the points in the Annotated Geometry file. Examples of the
in the art can determine a suitable number of calibration 55 type of information that can be collected about these points
points to employ in connection with a particular situation and can include, but are not limited to, skin thickness at each
three-dimensional workpiece, object, or part, to be projected projected point on the three-dimensional workpiece, object,
upon. or part, surface conductivity at each point, coating thickness
To perform the calibration, the optical projector is set up to at each point, and/or the like. This information is collected,
illuminate the area of interest on a three-dimensional work- 60 for example, using an external measurement apparatus of the
piece, object, part or skin. The projector is essentially a sec- invention that is operably connected with the computer. Infor-
ond computer display (hereinafter referred to as the "Projec- mation that is sent from this collection device may be stored
tor Display"), while the first display shows the software User along with the point geometry for future use by the source
Interface (hereinafter referred to as the "User Display"). The code. In the source code that is described, and provided,
geometry to be calibrated is shown on the User Display. The 65 herein, this information is used to indicate to an assembly
software sequentially steps through the calibration points, technician (or other system user) what type of fastener (out of
highlighting each point. In the projected view, the user moves possibly many different fastener types and/or lengths that
US 8,606,540 B2
107 108
may be used to manufacture a particular three-dimensional 1-59059-445-2); Wilfried Linder, Digital Photogrammetry
object, or part) should be placed into each of a series of (2nd Edition, Springer, 2006, ISBN: 3-540-29152-0); Paul R.
pre-drilled or other holes (of any number) that are present in Wolf et al., Elements ofPhotogrammetry with Applications in
the three-dimensional object's or part's surface, and how long GIS (3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2000, ISBN-13: 978-0-07-
this fastener should be. Other implementations of this source 5 292454-1, ISBN-10: 0-07-292454-3); Gary Bradski et al.,
code could use this information to perform various other Learning OpenCV (1st Edition, O'Reilly); Gene Golub et al.,
tasks, and are not limited to fastener installation. Examples of Matrix Computations (2nd Edition, John Hopkins); and Ger-
additional or other implementations could include quality ald Farin, Curves and Surfaces for CAGD, a Practical Guide
control for surface conductivity or coating thickness, appli- (1st Edition, Academic Press).
cation of external coatings, both visible and non-visible, loca- 10
tions for surface decals or paint features, installation of spe- Authoring Assembly Software Tool
cific components, and/or the like.
Project Desired Information In the optical projection assembly systems and methods of
After all of the inputs have been gathered, the data is the invention, the actual assembly, production or manufacture
processed and made ready to be displayed by the optical 15 instructions for assembling or otherwise manufacturing a
projector(s). The algorithms used are similar in concept to particular three-dimensional workpiece, object, part or skin
those used for making three-dimensional measurements with (i.e., an assembly or manufacturing process in a logical step-
a camera, with an exception that the process is reversed. by-step order, preferably of the "best" way to assemble a
Rather than viewing the image of a physical object through a particular object, part or skin), such as an aircraft, or a wing or
lens onto a CCD (charge coupled device), or another type 20 tail of an aircraft, are typically initially provided by the tech-
camera image sensor, and then transforming that into a three- nicians that normally assemble or otherwise manufacture the
dimensional computer model, the optical projection assem- particular workpiece, object, part of skin, or by the engineers
bly system of the invention uses a similar process, but (or others) that designed the particular object, part of skin, and
inverted, to take a three-dimensional computer model and then programmed as a sequence of ordered assembly instruc-
place that on a LCD (liquid crystal display), or on another 25 tions (steps) into the computer. These instructions are used to
type device in an optical projector where it will be backlit and initially (only the first time that an object, part or skin is
pass through a lens, such that it will conform to the physical assembled) setup the systems of the invention, using the
three-dimensional workpiece, object, or part, of the computer Authoring tool, and must generally be provided by individu-
model. al(s) that have knowledge about the particular item being
Information that is helpful in understanding the discussion 30 assembled. In contrast, if the item were to be assembled
above, and the source code described, and provided, herein is manually (i.e., using blueprints, plans, instruction manuals,
present in Dave Schreiner, OpenGL Reference Manual, The other paper documentation and/or computer screens), which
Official Reference Document to OpenGL, Version 1.4 (4th may be hundreds of thousands of pages in length, such docu-
Edition, Addison Wesley, 2004, ISBN: 0-321-17383-X); ments must be re-read each time that the item is assembled or
Dave Schreiner et al., OpenGL Programming Guide, The 35 manufactured, whether performed by a skilled technician or
Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 2.1 (6'h Edition, an unskilled technician, rendering such process extremely
Addison Wesley, 2008, ISBN-13: 978-0-321-48100-9, time-consuming, difficult, inefficient, and subject to a signifi-
ISBN-10:0-321-48100-3); Tom McReynolds et al., Advance cant amount of human error.
Graphics Programming Using OpenGL (Morgan Kaufman Someone with no knowledge of the particular object being
Publishers, 2005, ISBN: 1-55860-659-9); Richard J. Wright 40 assembled in connection with the optical projection assembly
Jr., et al., OpenGL SuperBible (Waite Press Group, 2000, systems and methods of the invention would not have the
ISBN: 1-57169-164-2); Robert M. Haralick et al., Computer knowledge required to design and create an assembly process
and Robot Vision, Volume 2 (Addison Wesley, 1993, ISBN: for that object. Further, the person(s) who create the assem-
0-201-56943-4); Berthold Klaus Paul Hom, Robot Vision bly, manufacturing orotherprocess for a particularobjectwill
(The MIT Press and McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986, 45 generally be one who is already skilled with respect to the
ISBN-13: 978-0-262-08519-7, ISBN-13: 978-0-07-030349- particular object. The goal of this software is not to take
2); Matthew MacDonald, Pro .NET2.0 Windows Forms and someone who knows nothing about assembling, manufactur-
Custom Controls in C# (Apress, 2006, ISBN: 1-59059-439- ing or processing the object and have them create an assembly
8); LeonidYaroslaysky et al., Fundamentals ofDigital Optics or manufacturing process for the object, but rather to have
(1s' Edition, Birkhauser Boston, 1996, ISBN-10: 50 someone who has never assembled or otherwise manufac-
0817638229, ISBN-13: 978-0817638221); E. R. Davies, tured the object execute the assembly or manufacturing pro-
Machine Vision, Third Edition: Theory, Algorithms, Practi- cess created, and perform the associated assembly or manu-
calities (Signal Processing and its Applications) (Morgan facture in much less time than would otherwise be required if
Kaufmann; 3rd Edition, 2005, ISBN-10: 0122060938 ISBN- the process was performed manually (i.e., without the optical
13: 978-0122060939); Daniel Malacara, Optical Shop Test- 55 projection assembly systems, measuring apparatuses and
ing (3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2007, ISBN: 978-0- methods of the invention). For example, a workpiece or other
471-48404-2); Karl Dieter Moller, Optics Learning by three-dimensional object (or part) being assembled or manu-
Computing, with Model Examples Using MathCad, MAT- factured may include several thousands of pre-drilled holes
LAB, Mathematica, and Maple Springer 2007(2nd Edition, having a variety of different depths, and thirty different fas-
Springer, 2006, ISBN: 978-0-387-26168-3); Nikos Paragios, 60 tener part numbers may be required for use in various groups
et al., Handbook ofMathematical Models in Computer Vision of different holes. The process assembly instructions can,
(1st Edition, Springer, 2006, ISBN: 0-387-26371-3); E. R. thus, be set up to specify which fastener parts are to be used in
Davies, Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities which pre-drilled holes, and which fastener parts are to be
(rd Edition, Academic Press, 1997, ISBN: 0-12-206092-X); used with specified groups of pre-drilled holes before other
Robert E. Fischer et al., Optical System Design (2nd Edition, 65 fasteners (i.e., steps and an order of assembly).
SPIE Press, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-07-147248-7); Eric White, The Authoring Tool is used to create or read into the com-
Pro .NET 2.0 Graphics Programming (Apress, 2006, ISBN: puters employed in the optical projection assembly systems
US 8,606,540 B2
109 110
and methods of the invention the Base Geometry and Anno- be displayed. The order of the colunms is not particularly
tated Geometry for a particular three-dimensional workpiece, important, but should be consistent from line to line.
object, or part, to be projected upon, and then create various After "Import" and "Annotated Geometry" is selected, the
frames that are needed to perform a single or multiple-step user should be prompted to enter the delimiter type that is
assembly, manufacturing or other process, with the number of 5 used in the file, as shown in FIG. 11. The example is a tab
frames being created corresponding with the number of delimited file so the user would select "Tab" and then "Next".
assembly, manufacturing or other steps to be performed, for The user should then see the screen shown in FIG. 9. In this
example, in the manufacture of the three-dimensional object, screen, the user should define the column location for the hole
or part, and each frame describing a separate step. The ID and fastener part # of the three-dimensional workpiece,
Authoring Tool generally does not perform any data manipu- 10 object (or part) being assembled or manufactured. In this
lation (which generally does not occur until the calibration example, these are located in colunms 1 and 2 of the file,
step in the Operator Tool). respectively. This information should be entered using a drop
FIG. 5 is an illustration ofa User Interface for an Authoring list marked "Colunm" located next to the ID and fastener part
Assembly Software Tool (hereinafter "Authoring Tool") that
#label on the screen in FIG. 9. The user should set this drop
may be employed in the optical projection assembly systems 15
list to the correct value that reflects the colunm location for
and methods of the invention.
each of these items.
To start, the user launches the Authoring Tool by selecting
on the main computer screen "Start," and then "All Pro- Additional fields may be supplied, as are shown in FIG. 9
grams," and then "Authoring Tool" (or by using a desktop to specify optional information that the user may have
short cut). The User Interface of the Authoring Tool is then 20 included in the Annotated Geometry file. The optional fields
used to create processes that may be needed or desired to can be activated, for example, by selecting the checkbox next
assemble, manufacture, measure, or otherwise process a par- to tag 1, 2, or 3. When checked, the Colunm and User label
ticular part. field should become active. As before, the user should then
A Base Geometry file should first be imported into the specify the colunm in which this optional data should be
Authoring Tool. This may be performed by selecting, from 25 located by setting the drop list to the appropriate column
the top level menu, "Import" and "Base Geometry." The Base value. The user should also specify the User Label to be used
Geometry file is a stereo lithography formatted file of the when this data is displayed. If this data is to be used by the
three-dimensional object, part or skin that will ultimately be Authoring Tool as a default value for a fastener length or other
used as the projection surface. This file is created or generated variable, the "Default Measured Value" check box should be
by a third party three-dimensional modeling tool, such as 30
selected. This indicates to the Authoring Tool that the speci-
Catia (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Appli- fied colunm contains a default value that should be used for
cation) or SolidWorks. This file is preferably exported from the specified item unless it is overridden by a measured value.
the three-dimensional modeling software in .st! format for use When the user has supplied all of the necessary information
by the Authoring Tool. Once imported into the Authoring on FIG. 9, the "Next" button should be selected.
Tool, the Base Geometry file will be displayed on the User 35
The screen in FIG. 10 should be displayed next and allows
Interface of the Authoring Tool, as is shown in FIG. 6.
the user to specify how the Annotated Geometry should be
After importing the Base Geometry file into the Authoring
displayed. The user should select one of the options available
Tool, an Annotated Geometry file should be imported into the
Authoring Tool using "Import" and then "Annotated Geom- within the "Symbol Type" area of the screen by selecting the
etry." The Annotated Geometry file is preferably generated by 40
push button next to the desired symbol type. Preferably, only
the same person who generated the Base Geometry file, but one selection is allowed. The user also has an ability to select
may be generated by a different person. The Annotated the color that should be used when displaying the symbol, and
Geometry file format should be a comma, tab or whitespace whether the symbol should be filled with color by selecting
delimited format. An example file is shown in FIG. 7. In this the "Fill" checkbox or whether it should be outlined by leav-
example file, each row represents a hole into which the Base 45 ing the "Fill" checkbox unchecked. The "Fill" option should
Geometry panel (i.e., the actual part that will have a fastener have no effect upon Lines, Segmented Lines or Cal Points.
inserted into it) should ultimately have a fastener inserted. Once the user specifies the "Symbol Type" and the color, the
Because the Base Geometry panel is three-dimensional, each "Next" button should be selected.
hole in the annotated file should be defined in 3D. In this At this point the screen in FIG. 11 should be displayed. The
example file, the colunms are defined as is shown in the table 50 user may use this screen to specify the colunms that the x, y,
below. and z position data for the hole are located in. As in the
previous screen, the user should select the colunm location
using the drop lists that correspond to each position variable
on the "Position" frame of the window in FIG. 11. The user
Column# Definition 55 should also specify the column location for the normal vector
Hole ID
of the hole on the "Normal" frame of this same window. The
2 Fastener Part# user should also have an option of specifying if the 3D data
X Location of hole should be displayed in a 2D plane. If the X-Y Plane option is
4 Y location of hole selected, all points should be projected onto an XY plane. If
Z location of hole
I Component of normal vector of hole
60 the Y-Z Plane option is selected, all points should be projected
7 J Component of normal vector of hole onto an YZ plane. If the X-Z Plane option is selected, all
K Component of normal vector of hole points should be projected on the XZ plane. The user can also
9 Hole diameter specify an offset for the plane, which should indicate that the
10 Additional Identifier
selected Plane will be offset from its zeroed location by the
65 amount entered into the "Plane Offset" text field. Once the
The Annotated Geometry file should be a comma, tab or user has entered all of the data for each required field, the
whitespace delimited and each line should define an object to "Finish" button can be selected. This should finish the Anno-
US 8,606,540 B2
111 112
tated Geometry input, and pull all of the data into the Author- it may be necessary to come back to the User Interface of the
ing Tool, and the User Interface for such software should be Authoring Tool and select additional calibration points.
displayed. The "Tweak" frame will preferably allow the end user
All of the data import screens that are illustrated in FIGS. using the Operator Assembly Tool to perform relatively minor
11, 12, 13 and 14 preferably have a "Cancel" button located 5 adjustments to the projected image by shifting it up/down or
on them. If a user selects this button, the import operation left/right in order to align the projected image of the annotated
should be canceled and the window should close. In FIGS. 12, points to line up with the actual points on the projection
13and14, the user has an option of selecting a "Back" button, surface. The reason that this may be required is that a part
which should close the current screen and take the user back locator that is used to hold a part in front of the projector(s)
to the previous screen. At that point, the user should be able to 10 does not always index in the exact same location each time.
change the selections if needed before proceeding forward. The "Measurement" Frame is preferably used to guide the
At this point, the screen shown in FIG. 12 should be shown, user in the measurement process. This frame contains the
which is typically the main User Interface screen of the information regarding which holes should be measured. The
Authoring Tool. The Base Geometry should be shown with holes which require measurement will be identified in this
the Annotated data displayed over the top of it. At this point, 15 frame for later use in the Operator Tool (discussed hereinbe-
the user should now be able to start to enter a plurality of low).
process frames that are needed or desired to perform a par- The "Final Process" frame that is preferably available for
ticular assembly, manufacture or other process. use is an Installation Frame. This frame preferably uses data
Along the left hand side of the User Interface of the Author- that is collected in the measurement process to guide the user
ing Tool (FIG. 12), there is a framed panel called Processes. 20 through the installation of the appropriate fasteners.
By right (or other) clicking a mouse in this window, the user Along the top of the User Interface of the Authoring Tool
is able to add a process frame to an assembly process being (FIG.12) is preferably a plurality ofbuttons including various
created. Preferably, there are five types of process frames that icons. These buttons preferably provide shortcuts and/or
can be added as follows: (i) Information; (ii) Calibration; (iii) additional functionality for the user. The first one shown is the
Tweak; (iv) Measurement; and (v) Installation. Multiple 25 standard "File Open" windows icon, which should display the
frames of each type preferably can be added. A description of standard Windows file open dialog box, used to open files
the purpose of each frame type follows below, while details of stored on a disk (or otherwise). The second one preferably is
the actual usage of each frame will be discussed in the Opera- a standard Windows save file icon which appears as a com-
tor Assembly Tool sections. puter floppy disk (orotherwise). This should save the contents
The "Information" frame should prompt the end user run- 30 of the currently opened file to disk (or otherwise) when
ning an assembly, manufacturing or other process to enter a selected. The third button, whose icon preferably is the xyz
wide variety of desired information about a workpiece of axis with a part displayed, is for showing the geometry screen
other three-dimensional object that is being assembled, oth- in the User Interface of the Authoring Tool. The fourth button
erwise manufactured or processed. For example, if a vertical should display a "work instructions" screen when selected.
tail for an aircraft is being assembled, information such as the 35 The fifth button should display a video screen, while the sixth
aircraft vertical tail serial (or other) number, and assembly button should display the user interface.
information for the object, such as date, and the like, may be The following nineteen buttons shown in the User Interface
entered. This information may be used, for example, for cre- of the Authoring Tool (FIG. 12) are drawing related buttons.
ating a log, preferably of all of the objects that are made The first of these buttons, which is shown as the 7th button in
whenever a final assembly process is executed using the 40 the row, preferably is the standard Windows pointer button
Operator Assembly Tool. which, when selected, will change the cursor back to the
The "Calibration" frame may be used to specify the cali- standard Windows arrow shaped pointer used for selecting
bration points that are used to perform the software alignment items on the screen. The second of these buttons (the 8th
of the imported data, so that the projected image of the anno- button shown) preferably will allow the user to draw a line on
tated points correctly line up with the actual points on the 45 the screen where the geometry is displayed. The next two
projection surface. Preferably, a plurality of calibration points buttons (9th and 1oth buttons shown) preferably will draw an
are employed for performing a successful calibration, with a outlined and filled rectangle. The following two buttons (the
minimum of eight calibration points being more preferred. 11th and 12th buttons shown) preferably will draw an outlined
The number of calibration points that should be employed and filled circle. An outlined or filled triangle preferably is
may vary (be smaller or larger) in accordance with a com- 50 drawn using the next two buttons (13th and 14th buttons
plexity of a 3D projection surface being employed. Calibra- shown), and the following two buttons (15th and 16th buttons
tion points should be chosen so that they are spread out over shown) preferably draw an outlined and filled diamond. The
the entire surface of the object, andare not all concentrated in following two buttons (17th and 18th buttons shown) prefer-
one area. These points should also be selected so that they are ably draw outlined and filled hexagons, while the following
not all linear, and they should be chosen in such a way as to 55 two buttons (19th and 20th buttons shown) preferably draw an
ensure that depthofthe object is adequately covered. Thus, on outlined and filled polygon.
relatively complex surfaces, it is entirely possible to have 20 Additional items that may be placed on the projection
or more calibration points. Typically, the more points that are surface are preferably made available as buttons next to the
selected, the better the calibration will be. Care should be shape drawing buttons. For example, the 21st button shown
taken to select an appropriate number of calibration points, 60 preferably allows the user to place an image onto the geomet-
which may readily be determined by those having ordinary ric surface, and the 22nd button shown preferably allows a
skill in the art. The actual calibration step, which is preferably user to place a video onto any one or more of the display
performed in the Operator Assembly Tool (discussed herein- screens that are connected with the computer(s). The video
below ), will preferably finish by displaying all of the anno- can, for example, be placed on the projector screen to get
tated points after they have been calibrated. At that point, if 65 projected onto the object, or onto one or more monitor
these points align with the actual points satisfactorily, then a screens. This may be performed by adding the video, using
suitable number of points have been selected. If they do not, this button, to one of the frames. When the displays are
US 8,606,540 B2
113 114
assigned in the Configurator Assembly Tool (discussed The following Selection menu option (FIG. 12) preferably
below), the video will be shown on whatever display was allows the user to identify which of a following list of objects
assigned. Usually, the Work Instruction or User Interface are are selectable when they are present on the projection screen.
assigned to one of the computer monitor displays. Text pref- These objects can be placed on the Base Geometry, as
erably can be placed onto the projection surface by selecting 5 described, using the drawing buttons. Preferably, all objects
the 23rd button shown, and calibration points are preferably are selectable by default, and selection can be disabled by
placed on the projection surface using the 24th button shown. un-checking the objects below on the Selection Menu:
A point shape preferably can be placed onto the projection STL: The Stereo Lithography Model
surface using the 25th button shown. Plane
10 Line
The properties for some or all of the foregoing items pref-
erably can be changed once they have been placed onto the
projection surface by using, for example, an Appearance win-
dow, which in FIG. 12 is located in the lower left comerof the Diamond
User Interface of the Authoring Tool. Parameters that prefer- 15 Hexagon
ably can be changed include fill color, text, filenames for Polygons
images, video and/or the like. Image
The next seven buttons that are shown in FIG. 12 preferably Text
allow the user to choose to display the base geometry on the Calibration Point
User Interface of the Authoring Tool. When displayed using, 20 Point
for example, the first six of these buttons, the image is pref- (The term "selectable," as is used above, means that the user
erably displayed as a 3D object. The first of these buttons (the can select an object with, for example, a mouse by clicking on
26th in the row shown) preferably displays the object as ifthe it, then changing its properties, moving it and/or deleting it. If
user is looking at it from the front. The next button (the 27th in the user has placed any of the above items onto the screen and
the row shown) preferably displays the object as if viewed 25 made them un-selectable (by un-checking the checkbox next
from the back. The next button (the 28th in the row shown) to them on the menu), then they generally cannot be modified,
preferably shows a view of the object from the right, and the moved and/or deleted.)
next button shown (the 29th in the row shown) preferably The next menu option preferably is Blanking (FIG. 12).
shows a view of the object from the left. Top and bottom 3D This menu option preferably give the user an ability to hide
views are preferably shown using the next two buttons, the 30 (i.e. not display) the same set of objects that are listed under
30th and 31st buttons, respectively. The next button (32nd the Selection menu option. All of these objects preferably are
shown) preferably displays the 3D object in 2D, collapsing it not blanked by default. To blank them, the user preferably
onto a flat plane along the Z-Axis. checks the box to the left of the desired item in the menu.
Along the top of the User Interface of the Authoring Tool The next menu option (FIG. 12) preferably is the standard
preferably are a series of menu options (as is shown in FIG. 35 Windows Help menu, which preferably provides the user
12). The first menu preferably is the standard Windows File with one or more (and preferably all) of the following menu
menu which, when selected, preferably allows the user to options:
perform one or more (and preferably all) of the following Contents: displays a table of contents for the Help file
standard set of operations: Index: displays an index of the Help file
New: create a new file 40 Search: allows a user to search the Help file
Open: open an existing file that has been saved to non-volatile About: provides a user with information about the User Inter-
memory (NVM) (or otherwise) face of the Authoring Tool, such as version number, release
Save: save the currently opened file to NVM (or otherwise) date, and copy write and patent information.
Save As: save the currently opened filed to NVM (or other- The following menu option is the Simulation option (FIG.
wise) with the specified name 45 12). When selected, this screen preferably displays a simu-
Export: creates and saves to NVM (or otherwise) the file lated screen of how the currently selected frame will look in
which will be opened and used in the Configurator the Operator tool (discussed below).
Close: closes the currently opened file While, as is discussed hereinabove, there are only five
Exit: terminate the application different choices in the "Processes" frame of the preferred
The next menu that is preferably available to the user is the 50 embodiment of the Authoring Tool (Info, Calibration, Tweak,
Import menu (FIG. 12), which preferably allows the user to Measurement and Install), a user of the system may have
perform one or more (and preferably all) of the following numerous measurement steps, numerous install steps, and the
Import operations: like. Thus, if a user is employing this system to assemble a
Base: imports the Base Geometry (i.e., the 3D model to be vertical stabilizer for an airplane, for example, the user could
projected upon) 55 make a set of frames that cover those ordered steps that are
Annotated: import the Annotated points (the points that get required for assembling the top half of the vertical stabilizer
projected onto the Base Geometry) (preferably in the best marmer), and another set of frames that
Images: import images that are to be displayed as a part of the cover those ordered steps that are required for assembling the
projected image with the Annotated Points bottom half of the stabilizer (also preferably in the best man-
The following Tools menu option (FIG. 12) preferably 60 ner). Then, using the Configurator tool, the user could make
allows the user to: an assembly process that is forthe top of the vertical stabilizer
Displays: identifies the Windows display number on the only, or make an assembly process that is forthe bottom of the
screen for each of the connected displays. vertical stabilizer only, or make an assembly process that is
The Displays option allows the user to define which graphics for both the top and the bottom of the vertical stabilizer. All of
port should be assigned to which "display." (The graphics 65 this could be achieved by the user using only the two sets of
ports are generally the number of video outputs on the com- frames that were originally created in the Authoring tool. In
puter(s).) this manner, a user can make an assembly process for any
US 8,606,540 B2
115 116
object, any part thereof, or any portion or area of such object The user should now decide: (i) what order the assembly or
or part (top portion, bottom portion, side (left or right) por- other process steps for the workpiece or other object being
tion, center portion and/or the like). assembled or processed should follow (see "Operator Process
Steps"); and (ii) the particular information that it should con-
Configurator Assembly Software Tool 5 tain (see "Process Elements"). Typically, an assembly or
manufacturing process (a sequence of steps in order) con-
FIG. 13 is an illustration of a User Interface for a Configu- tains, at a minimum, the following information: Calibration,
rator Assembly Software Tool ("ConfiguratorTool") that may Tweak, Measure and Install steps. (There are types of steps
be employed in the optical projection assembly systems and that can be added in the Authoring Tool: Information, Cali-
methods of the invention. This User Interface can be 10 bration, Tweak, Measurement, and Install. These steps are
employed by a user to create all of the process steps that may created inside the Authoring Tool. A user can add as many of
be required to perform a particular object assembly, manu- these steps as is desired in the Authoring Tool, and then only
select, and use, the ones that the user wants when building the
facture or other operation, for example, to partially or fully
Assembly Process in the Configuration Tool.)
assemble an entire object, or a part thereof, and preferably
15 To begin to construct the particular assembly or other pro-
uses the process frames that are created by the user using the
cess (series of steps in order), the user should select the "Add
Authoring Tool. Step" button along the bottom of the "Operator Process
To start, the user launches the Configurator Tool by select- Steps" frame on the User Interface of the Configurator Tool.
ing on the main computer screen "Start," and then "All Pro- This should result in a "step" being added to the "Operator
grams," and then "Configurator Tool" (or by using a desktop 20 Process Steps" frame. The user should now select, for
short cut). example, using a mouse, the first frame (step) to use in the
The User Interface for the Configurator Tool show in FIG. assembly or other process. This frame is then assigned to a
13 contains only one menu option along the top of the screen, step by selecting the desired step in the "Operator Process
which is "File." When the user selects "File," the user will be Steps" frame and clicking the "Copy to Step" button between
provided with four choices by this menu option: 25 the "Process Elements" and "Operator Process Steps"
1. Open Process Group frames. This should copy this process frame to the selected
2. Publish Process step. If one or a plurality of additional steps are needed or
3. Edit Published File desired, the "Add Step" button should be used to add the next
4. Exit step (or the user can right click on "Add Step"). The user
The Open Process Group choice allows a user to open a 30 should continue to add steps and assign "Process Element"
Process Group file that has been created and exported using frames to these steps until the full assembly or other process
the Authoring Tool. (all steps in order) is complete. The final assembly or other
The Publish Process Group choice allows a user to "Pub- process, when executed using the Operator Tool, will then
lish" a completed assembly or other process (in the form of a execute the steps in the order that they are in on the "Operator
file). The resulting published file contains all of the necessary 35 Process Steps" frame.
ordered steps that are required to assemble an object (or part), If needed, the user can delete one or a plurality of steps by
and can be used by the Operator Tool (as is discussed here- clicking on the step to be deleted, and then selecting the
inbelow). "Delete" button under the "Operator Process Steps" frame (or
The Edit Published File choice provides a user with an by right clicking on "Delete"). This will remove the step from
option to edit a previously published Process. Changes made 40 the Operator Process Steps frame.
to the processed file typically do not get migrated back into Measurement Apparatuses
the original file that was exported by the Authoring Tool. In Once all of the assembly, manufacturing or other process
order for changes to be included in this original file, the user steps have been created and ordered in the "Operator Process
should edit the original exported file using the User Interface Steps" frame, if one or more measurement apparatuses of the
of the Configurator and re-publish the completed process. 45 invention (or otherwise), such as one of the grip gages that are
The Exit choice performs a normal Windows style of soft- discussed herein, is going to be employed during the object
ware exit, and terminates the User Interface of the Configu- assembly, manufacturing or other process, the user should
rator. now create one or a plurality of measurement gages in the
As is shown in FIG. 13, four of the main frames that are "Gages" frame of the User Interface of the Configurator Tool.
present on the User Interface of the Configurator are: 50 This can generally be accomplished by selecting the "Add"
1. Processes button on the "Gages" frame. The user will then generally be
2. Gages presented with a window used to select a type of gage to add,
3. Views such as a "Serial Port" gage, a "USB" gage, or some other
4. Properties type of a gage. The type of gage selected by the user should
Other frames include "Process Elements" and "Operator Pro- 55 match the physical gage that is to be used with the system (if
cess Steps." one will be used). Further, the number of gauges created using
Processes the "Add" button must generally also match the total number
The Processes frame, located in the upper left area of the of gages that will be used with the system.
User Interface, is used to build an assembly or other manu- Views and Properties
facturing or other process for a particular assembly, manufac- 60 Once gages have been added, the user should configure the
ture or other processing of a particular workpiece, object (or "Views" that will be used for the particular assembly, manu-
part) using the Process Frames created in the Authoring Tool. facturing or other process being employed (define which
When the user clicks on "File" and then "Open Process graphics output (or other) port(s) present on the computer
Group," the file exported by the Authoring Tool is then read monitor( s) that the Work Instructions, Videos, User Interface,
into the Configurator Tool. All of the frames that were added 65 optical projector(s) and/or the like will be assigned to and/or
in the Authoring Tool will typically then be displayed in the displayed). (The graphics output ports may include video
Processes frame. card outputs, USB ports for video output, or the like.) This
US 8,606,540 B2
117 118
will depend upon the number of optical projectors and com- used by the Operator Tool to guide the particular assembly
puter monitors that are being employed in a particular assem- process. The user can now exit the User Interface by selecting
bly, manufacturing or other process, and can be accomplished "File" and then "Exit."
using the "Views" frame located in the lower middle area of
the User Interface of the Configurator Tool. On the "Views" Operator Assembly Software Tool
frame, the user will typically be presented with four items:
1. Work Instructions FIG. 14 is an illustration of a User Interface screen of an
2. Video Screen Operator Assembly Software Tool ("Operator Tool") that is
3. User Interface Screen used to run the actual assembly, manufacturing or other
10 sequence (series of ordered steps) created using the Author-
4. Projector 1.
ing Tool and Configurator Tool for an object to be assembled.
To configure which graphics output ports that each of the
The User Interface of the Operator Tool shown in FIG. 14
four above items is assigned to, the user should select each
contains five main features:
one, one at a time, and then use the "Display" property located 1. The standard Windows program "File" menu, which
to the right on the "Properties" frame. This "Display" prop- 15 gives the user two options:
erty will typically show all of the available graphics output a. "Select Process"-This option allows the user to open
port numbers that can be used in connection with a particular a previously created process that was "published"
assembly, manufacturing or other system (depending upon using the Configurator tool when selected.
the number of computer monitors and optical projectors that b. "Exit"-This option performs a standard Windows
are being employed). Typically, for a system using one com- 20 program exit when selected.
puter monitor and one optical projector, the Work Instruc- 2. The "Process List" frame, located along the left hand
tions, Videos and User Interface will be assigned to display side of the User Interface screen, shows all of the process
number 0, and the Projector will be assigned to display num- steps in order that are included in the current assembly
ber 1. If more than one projector is needed on the system, for process.
each additional projector, the user should select "Add Projec- 25 3. The current process step frame, which in FIG. 14 is titled
tor," which will add a projector to the "Views" list. The user "Info Frame." The title of this frame changes to reflect
should then select this newly added projector and assign it to the current step of the assembly process. This frame title
one of the unused "Displays." For example, for a computer will be the same as the ones shown in the "Process List"
that is configured to have up to eight graphics output ports, a frame for each step.
total of eight optical projectors and monitors may be 30 Control Buttons along the bottom of the User Interface
screen allow the user to display work instructions and videos,
employed with the computer, as follows:
print the measured fastener information, or proceed to the
next step by selecting "Instructions," "Print," "Video" or
"Next," respectively.
Monitors Projectors 35 To start, the user launches the Operator Tool by selecting
on the main computer screen "Start," and then "All Pro-
grams," and then "Operator Tool" (or by using a desktop short
cut). Once the User Interface appears on the computer screen,
4 4 the user will use the menu option "File" and then "Select
40 Process" to open the desired assembly, manufacturing or
other process file (out of the typically more than one, or many,
process files present) that was published in the Configurator
Tool. Once the file has been opened, a screen similar to the
However, depending upon the number of graphics card one shown in FIG. 14 will be displayed on the main computer
slots that are available inside of the computer, additional 45 monitor.
graphics cards could be added, with the upper limit presently At this point, the user should enter the information being
only resulting from a Microsoft Windows limitation. displayed on the "Info Frame" in the User Interface (FIG. 14).
Each time a user assigns a "Display" value to a "View," the For example, the tail number for the aircraft, and the serial
monitor(s) and projector(s) 1 will have their graphics port number for the part being assembled (part of the aircraft tail),
value(s) displayed on the "Control Panel" screen present on 50 are entered in the text fields shown in FIG. 14. Once entered,
the monitor( s) or projector( s), for example, as a giant" 1," "2," the user should select the "Next" button to proceed to the next
"3" or the like, across the entire screen, so that the user can step.
verify that the "Display" value that they assigned is indeed the The user will now be presented with a Cal Frame, as is
correct one. If the Projector is set to display 0 and the number shown in FIG. 15, which will show all of the points (calibra-
55 tion points and non-calibration points) that will be projected
"O" gets displayed on the computer monitor(s ), then the user
onto the object (or part) being assembled, manufactured or
should change the Projector to display 1. If set incorrectly, the
otherwise processed as is also shown in FIG. 15. In FIG. 15,
images that should be sent to the optical projector for projec-
the red points indicate calibration points and the yellow points
tion onto the assembly object will be displayed on the com- indicate non-calibration points. One of the calibration points
puter monitor instead. 60 will generally be flashing on/off about once each second. The
After the user is satisfied that all of the required assembly, user will now guide the mouse crosshair (plus sign,+) over the
manufacturing or other steps have been created, and created object (or part thereof) being assembled, manufactured or
in the correct order, all required gages have been added, and processed until the crosshair is directly over the pre-drilled
the necessary "Views" have been properly assigned, the user hole in the object that corresponds to the flashing point on the
can now "Publish" this process by selecting "File" at the top 65 screen. At this point, the user will click the left mouse button
of the User Interface of the ConfiguratorTool, and then "Pub- and the next calibration point will begin flashing on the
lish Process." This will typically create the file that will be screen. The user will align the crosshair over the next hole in
US 8,606,540 B2
119 120
the object (or part thereof) being assembled, manufactured or points by selecting the appropriate button on the screen in
processed and depress the left mouse button again. These FIG. 16, which corresponds to the direction the points need to
steps will be repeated until there are no longer any flashing be moved (left, right, up or down). The center button in FIG.
red calibration points being displayed on the computer 16 removes any manual adjustments that have been made, and
screen. The "Next" button will then become enabled, and the places all of the projected points back to the original cali-
user will select it. This will bring up the Tweak screen shown brated position. Once the user is satisfied with the alignment
in FIG.16. of the calibrated points and the actual fastener holes in the
The system software will use the data collected in the object (or part thereof) being assembled, the "Next" button
calibration step to calibrate the Annotated Geometry, and then should be selected to proceed to the next step.
10 At this point in the process, the "Measure Frame" screen
display it onto the projected surface. By calibrating the Anno-
will be displayed in the User Interface. Since all of the data
tated Geometry using this data, the system software adjusts
required by the user will be projected onto the object being
the original Annotated Geometry to compensate for distor-
assembled, this frame on the User Interface screen will have
tions caused by imperfections in the projector lens, and the no information displayed thereon, as shown in FIG. 18. How-
location of the part relative to the projector. The system takes 15 ever, there will be a starburst pattern (as is shown in FIG. 3)
into account the particular orientation of the object being displayed on the object in the location of the first hole that
assembled, manufactured or processed which is determined needs to be measured using an input or measurement device
by the calibration point mouse clicks that are described in the of the invention (or otherwise), such as a grip gage or other
preceding paragraph, and "adjusts" the internal datasets to measurement apparatus (as is shown, for example, in FIGS. 4,
compensate for how the object is oriented with respect to the 20 24, 25, 26 and 28). The user will take the measurement appa-
optical projector(s). The orientation of the object (or part) ratus and place it into the hole that is illuminated by the
being assembled, manufactured or processed versus the opti- starburst pattern as shown in FIG. 4, so that the 3 "feet" are in
cal projector needs to be quantified so that the three-dimen- contact with the objects surface. (There are three blunt
sional image can be adjusted in the system software to com- "points" that are located near the tip of the grip gage. The feet
pensate for the fact that the optical projector(s) may not be 25 are preferably spaced an equal distance apart around the grip
pointing directly at the object. An example is the projectors gun's tip.) There is a long probe that is preferably about 1.5"
that are typically employed in conference rooms. These pro- inches long with a blunt hook on the end that goes through the
jectors only project a proper image when pointed normal hole and out the back of the hole. The user squeezes the
(perpendicular) to a surface. If they are off to one side, the handle of the gun until the hook on the probe is pulled inward
image on the screen becomes distorted. The system software 30 and contacts a surface present on the back of the object. Once
the handle "clicks," the computer reads the circuitry inside the
of the present invention determines where the projector is
gun to get a thickness reading. If the thickness reading is
with respect to the screen during the calibration step, and
within the tolerance band, the starburst patter advances to the
adjusts the image. Thus, the system software distorts the
next hole, and the gun is moved to that location to measure the
image in a manner that, when it is projected by the projector, 35 skin thickness (fastener length). If the measurement was out
it appears in an undistorted manner on the object (or part) of tolerance, the starburst turns red and does not advance. The
being assembled or otherwise manufactured. user can then push the yellow button (or similar structure) on
In addition, the system calibrates out the effects of any the measuring apparatus to repeat the measurement or can
distortions in the projector lens at this time. The distortions press the red button (or similar structure) (not visible, but just
are caused by imperfections in the projector lens which occur 40 like the yellow one on the other side of the gun) to advance to
during the manufacturing process. Examples of imperfec- the next hole. If the user chooses this, the hole that was out of
tions would be the shape of the lens, which may vary from tolerance it kept track of by the optical projection assembly
lens to lens, misalignments between the lens and the area in system, so the user can view all out of tolerance holes at a
the projector generating the image, "swirling" or "bubbles" in subsequent time when the user goes to insert or install fasten-
the glass used to make the lens, scratches, and the like. 45 ers into the predrilled (or other) holes present in the object
The calibrated data sets of all of the fastener hole locations being assembled. This preferably happens automatically
will now be projected as yellow circles onto the object being when the user selects the red button on the measuring appa-
assembled or manufactured (or part thereof), as is shown in ratus, and this data is stored internally by the system software
FIG. 17. (When the user is finished calibrating and proceeds (or by other computer software).
to the next step, these points will be displayed. So, it is a result 50 Once the last hole in the object being assembled (or part
of the user leaving the calibration step that causes this to thereof) has been measured using the measuring apparatus (or
occur.) If a sufficient number of calibration points were cho- other measurement or input device), the "Next" button on the
sen using the Authoring Tool, the projected yellow circles U serlnterface of the Operator Tool will become enabled. The
should line up directly over the pre-drilled (or other) holes in user will then select the "Next" button, and the User Interface
the object (or part thereof) being assembled, as is shown in 55 will now display the "Install Frame" screen, as is shown in
FIG.17 (a vertical stabilizer (tail) ofanF22 aircraft). If, on the FIG. 19.
other hand, the alignment is not sufficient (i.e., the projected Preferably listed in the "Install Frame" screen are the part
yellow circles and the holes do not line up closely or exactly), numbers and quantities for each type of fastener that needs to
the calibration step in the Operator Tool should be re-run. If be installed into pre-drilled or other holes present in the object
the alignment is still not sufficient, then the user should go 60 being assembled or otherwise manufactured (or part thereof).
back to the Authoring Tool and add additional calibration The part number for the first type of fastener that needs to be
points to the calibration step. installed into the object will also preferably be projected onto
Once the calibrated points (data sets) are projected onto, the object. In addition, each hole currently being displayed
and displayed, on the object (or part thereof) being assembled that requires one of these fasteners will preferably be illumi-
or otherwise manufactured, as shown in FIG. 17, minor 65 nated with a yellow circle. The user (or another user or
adjustments can be made to the left/right and up/down loca- worker) will now preferably retrieve the required fasteners,
tion of the points. These adjustments are made to ALL the for example, from a parts bin, along with their corresponding
US 8,606,540 B2
121 122
nuts, and manually install these fasteners into all of the illu- Software (Per Computer)
minated holes. Once all of the illuminated holes have fasten-
ers installed in them, the user will preferably select, using the Computer Operating System
mouse, the next fastener on the list shown on the User Inter- Windows Vista Business Service Pack 1 (32 Bit OS) (Mi-
face screen in FIG. 19. The user will now preferably repeat the 5 crosoft Corporation, Redmond, Wash.)
installation process for all these fasteners, and so forth. (Required; Operating System Related)
When all of the fasteners have been installed into the holes Viewer used to Read files in PDF Format
present in the object, or part, the assembly is complete. The Adobe Reader 9 .1 (Adobe Systems Incorporated, San Jose,
user can now exit the Operator Tool by using the "File" and Calif.)
"Exit" menu option on the User Interface. The assembled (Required; Document Display Software; Software Appli-
object can be removed from an assembly jig and replaced cation)
with the next three-dimensional object needing fasteners to be Anti Virus Software
installed therein (the same type of object), and the user can AVG 8.5 (AVG Technologies USA, Inc., Chelmsford,
simply re-run the "Operator Tool" using the corresponding 15
process file. For the next three-dimensional object being (Optional; Any Anti-Virus Software should Work; Security
assembled, and all subsequent three-dimensional objects of Software)
the same type, none of the steps prior to the use of the Opera- Identity Protection Sits on top of Installed Anti-Virus,
tor Tool need to be performed, as the computer is already all Shielding Passwords, Credit Card Numbers and other
set up, and has all required data for the assembly entered 20 Digital Information
therein. As a result, and very advantageously, the time and AVG Identity Protection (AVG Technologies USA, Inc.,
labor that are required to perform a second, third, fourth, fifth Chelmsford, Mass.)
and subsequent assembly processes of the same object (Optional; Any Input Shielding Software should Work;
becomes greatly reduced (typically by at least about 10%, and Security Software)
often by at least about 20%, and sometimes by at least about 25 Driver File for Enabling a Belkin Wireless G Adapter to
30%), whether being performed by the same user or a new Function Properly
user. Belkin Wireless G USB Adapter Driver (Belkin, Compton,
Preferred computer software programs for use in, or in Calif.)
connection with, the measuring apparatuses and/or optical (Optional; Any Wireless Device and Software Supported
projection assembly systems and methods of the invention are by Windows should work; Networking Software)
described below along with their function and source, many Utility used to Configure and provide Drivers for the Bel-
of which are related to each other. However, other computer kin USB Wireless Adapter Dock
software programs that function in the same or a similar Belkin Wireless USB Utility (Belkin, Compton, Calif.)
manner may alternately or additionally be employed, and 35
(Optional; Any Wireless Device and Software Supported
may be procured from sources that are known by those having by Windows should work; Networking Software)
ordinary skill in the art, or written by computer programmers Software Application used to Design, Manage and Deliver
having ordinary skill in the art, using the very detailed infor- Data Reports via the Web or Enterprise Applications
mation, drawings and computer code that are provided herein. Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 (Business
While it is preferred that all of the computer software pro- 40 Objects, SAP America, Inc., Newtown Square, Pa.)
grams that are described below are employed in the optical (Required; Used for Writing Software; Database Software
projection assembly systems and methods of the invention, Development Software)
some of these programs are optional, as is indicated. Com- Utility used to Manage all Driver Files
mencing on the effective filing date ofthis U.S. patent appli- Driver Download Manager (Dell Inc., Round Rock, Tex.)
cation, a computer having one or more, or all, of these soft- 45 (Required; Computer Manufacturer Dependent; Computer
ware programs installed thereon, and the various "Projection Configuration Software)
Works" computer software programs, are commercially Device Drivers, Diagnostics and Technical Information
available from Delta Sigma Corp. (2100 Barrett Park Drive, Dell Resource CD (Dell Inc., Round Rock, Tex.)
Suite 508, Kennesaw, Ga., 30144). While it is preferable that (Required; Computer Manufacturer Dependent; Computer
all of the different types of computer software discussed 50 Configuration Software)
below, which have different functions, are employed in the Software Development Kit (SDK) used with Cameras
optical projection assembly systems and methods of the FlyCapture 2.0 Beta 06 (Point Grey Research, Richmond,
invention, it is not necessary to employ all of them. For BC, Canada)
example, while antivirus and identity protection programs (Required; Used for Writing Software for Cameras: Soft-
provide advantageous protection for a computer, a computer 55 ware Development Software)
may be employed without such programs. Those having ordi- Service Pack for the .NET Compact Framework
nary skill in the art may readily determine which computer .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP2 (Microsoft Corpora-
programs are needed to employ the systems and methods of tion, Redmond, Wash.)
the present invention to assemble a particular workpiece or (Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop-
other three-dimensional object. Many of the computer soft- 60 ment Software)
ware programs that are described below may be downloaded A Hardware-Independent Environment that Supports
from the various web sites that are described herein. Further, Building and Running Managed Applications on
many of those computer software programs that that are Resource-Constrained Computing Devices
described below as being required are required for writing a .NET Compact Framework 3.5 (Microsoft Corporation,
software program that functions in the same marmer as does 65 Redmond, Wash.)
the source code that is described herein, not for having the (Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop-
systems and the methods of the invention properly operate. ment Software)
US 8,606,540 B2
123 124
Redistributable Package which Installs the .NET Frame- (Required; Used for Writing Software; Database Software
work Runtime and Associated Files Required or Desired Development Software)
to Run Applications Developed to Target the .NET Installs Runtime Components of Visual C++ Libraries
Framework v3.5 Required to Run Applications Developed with Visual
.NET Framework 3.5 (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, 5 C++ on a Computer that does not have Visual C++ 2005
Wash.) Installed
(Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop- Visual C++2005 Redistributable (Microsoft Corporation,
ment Software) Redmond, Wash.)
Device Emulator for ARM-Based Devices
(Required; Used for Writing Software; Database Software
Device Emulator version 3.0 ENU (Microsoft Corpora- 10
Development Software)
tion, Redmond, Wash.)
A Comprehensive Set of Tools that Accelerates the Process
(Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop-
of Creating, Debugging and Deploying Software Devel-
ment Software)
Help Viewer for Visual Studio Documentation. opment Projects that Target the Web (including ASP-
Document Explorer 2008 (Microsoft Corporation, Red- 15
.NET AJAX), Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008,
mond, Wash.) the 2007 Microsoft Office System, SQL Server 2008 and
(Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop- Windows Mobile Devices
ment Software) Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition ENU (Microsoft
A Computer Application used to Create Desktop, Enter- Corporation, Redmond, Wash.)
prise, and Web-based Database Systems 20 (Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop-
SQL Server 2005 (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, ment Software)
Wash.) An HTML/ASP.NET Design Surface that is Based on
(Required; Database Software that Stores Projection Former FrontPages Technologies
Works Data; Database Software Development Soft- Visual Studio Web Authoring Component (Microsoft Cor-
ware) 25 poration, Redmond, Wash.)
The SQL Server Compact Design-Time Components (Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop-
used with Visual Studio ment Software)
SQL Server Compact 3.5 Design Tools ENU (Microsoft Provides the Documentation, Samples, Header Files,
Corporation, Redmond, Wash.) Libraries and Tools (including C++ Compilers) that are
(Required; Used for Writing Software; Database Software 30 Needed to Develop Applications to Run on Windows
Development Software) Server 2008 and the .NET Framework 3.5.
Used to Create Compact Databases that can be Deployed Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 .NET Framework
on Desktop Computers, Smart Devices and Tablet PCs. Tools (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Wash.)
SQL Server Compact 3.5 ENU (Microsoft Corporation, (Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop-
Redmond, Wash.) 35 ment Software)
(Required; Used for Writing Software; Database Software Provides Additional Documentation, Samples, Header
Development Software) Files, Libraries and Tools (including C++ compilers)
A Preferably Lightweight, Relational Database Engine that are Needed to Develop Applications to Run on Win-
used in Device Applications dows Server 2008 and the .NET Framework 3.5.
SQL Server Compact 3.5 for Devices ENU (Microsoft 40 Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 Headers and Librar-
Corporation, Redmond, Wash.) ies (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Wash.)
(Required; Used for Writing Software; Database Software (Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop-
Development Software) ment Software)
Provides way to Publish Databases to T-SQL Scripts or Assemblies and Documentation for DSL Runtime Tools
Directly to Supporting Hosting Service Providers 45 Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 SDK Reference
SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard 1.2 (Microsoft Assemblies and IntelliSense (Microsoft Corporation,
Corporation, Redmond, Wash.) Redmond, Wash.)
(Required; Used for Writing Software; Database Software (Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop-
Development Software) ment Software)
Contains an SQL OLE DB Provider and SQL ODBC 50 Includes Tools, Documentation and Samples for Develop-
Driver in one Native Dynamic Link Library (DLL) Sup- ers to Design, Build, Test and Deploy Extensions for
porting Applications using Native-Code APis (ODBC, Visual Studio 2008.
OLE DB and ADO) to Microsoft SQL Server Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 Tools (Microsoft
SQL Server Native Client (Microsoft Corporation, Red- Corporation, Redmond, Wash.)
mond, Wash.) 55 (Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop-
(Required; Used for Writing Software; Database Software ment Software)
Development Software) A Set of Tools, Code Samples, Documentation, Compilers,
Contains Additional Files used in SQL Server Setup Headers and Libraries that Developers can Use to Create
SQL Server Setup Support Files (English) (Microsoft Cor- Applications that run on Microsoft Windows Operating
poration, Redmond, Wash.) 60 Systems using Native (Win32) or Managed (.NET
(Required; Used for Writing Software; Database Software Framework) Programming Models
Development Software) Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 Win32 Tools (Mi-
Provides added Functionality for Backup and Restore of crosoft Corporation, Redmond, Wash.)
SQL Server through the Volume Shadow Copy Service (Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop-
(VSS) Framework 65 ment Software)
SQL Server VSS Writer (Microsoft Corporation, Red- Resource oflnformation for Developers Using Microsoft
mond, Wash.) Tools, Products and Technologies
US 8,606,540 B2
125 126
MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2008-ENU (Microsoft Extends Visual Studio 2005 so that Managed and Native
Corporation, Redmond, Wash.) Application Software Targeting Windows Mobile 5.0
(Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop- based Pocket PC Devices can be Written
ment Software) Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Pocket PC (Microsoft
Driver Files used for the NVIDIA Graphics Card Corporation, Redmond, Wash.)
NVIDIA Drivers (NVIDIA, Santa Clara, Calif.) (Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop-
(Required; Video Graphics Card Dependent; Computer ment Software)
Configuration Software) Extends Visual Studio 2005 so that Managed and Native
Opensource Computer Vision Software Development Kit Application Software Targeting Smartphone Devices
(Contains Tools, Code Samples, Documentation, Headers can be Written
and Libraries that Developers can use to Create Com- Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for Smartphone (Microsoft
puter Vision Applications that run on Microsoft Win- Corporation, Redmond, Wash.)
dows Operating Systems using Native (Win32) or Man- A Library of highly Optimized, Extensively Threaded
aged (.NET Framework) Programming Models) 15
Math Routines for Science, Engineering, and Financial
OpenCV SDK--OpenCV project (SourceForge-see the Applications
web site sourceforge dot net) Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL) 10.2 (Intel Corpo-
(Required; Used for Writing Software for Cameras; Soft- ration, Santa Clara, Calif.)
ware Development Software) (Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop-
Authoring Assembly Software Tool ("Authoring Tool") 20 ment Software)
(Windows Based Software Application that allows the Additional information about computer software programs
User to Create Assembly Processes that may be Pro- and computer programming is present in John Lewis et al.,
jected onto a Complex 3D Object in 3D) Java Software Solutions (2nd Edition, Pearson Education,
ProjectionWorks Author (Delta Sigma Corp., Kennesaw, Inc., 2007, ISBN 0-13-222251-5); Donald E. Knuth, The Art
Ga.) 25 of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-4 (Addison-Wesley.
(Required; Used to Create Projected Images; Software ISBN 0-201-48541-9); 0.-J. Dahl et al., Structured Program-
Application) ming (Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-200550-3); Wilkes, M. V.
Configurator Assembly Software Tool ("Configurator et al., Preparation of Programs for an Electronic Digital
Tool") Computer (Addison-Wesley); andAlexander Stepanov et al.,
(Windows Based Software Application that Allows the 30 Elements of Programming (Pearson Education, Inc., ISBN
User to Configure Assembly Processes that may be Pro- 13-978-0-321-63537-2).
jected onto a Complex 3D Object in 3D) Using the detailed teachings, resources and other informa-
ProjectionWorks Configurator (Delta Sigma Corp., Ken- tion that are provided herein, those of ordinary skill in the art
nesaw, Ga.) may readily purchase and/or write various computer software
(Required; Used to Configure Projected Images; Software 35 programs that function in the marmers that are described
Application) herein, and may properly install them in a computer to pro-
Operator Assembly Software Tool ("Operator Tool") duce the measuring apparatuses, optical projection assembly
(Windows Based Software Application that Allows the systems and other systems of the present invention, and to
User to Run Assembly Processes that may be Projected carry out the methods of the present invention.
onto a Complex 3D Object in 3D) 40 Set-Up and Operation of Systems
ProjectionWorks Operator (Delta Sigma Corp., Kennesaw, The optical projection assembly systems of the invention
Ga.) may be operated by a user using the step-by-step process that
(Required; Used to Display Projected Images; Software is described below, which includes all of the steps that the user
Application) may need to take in order to create and run a project. (The user
A Collection of Bindings to Facilitate Cross-Platform 45 "creates" a project by using the Authoring Tool to create
Graphics-Related Development utilizing the .NET Plat- assembly, manufacturing or other frames by importing the
form Base Geometry and Annotated Geometry, as well as using the
ToaFramework 2.1.0 (for .NET) (TaoFramework, open Configurator Tool, to place the assembly, manufacturing or
source-see the web site taoframework dot com) other steps in order, as well as assign all the projectors and
(Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop- 50 monitors employed to appropriate or desired graphics ports.
ment Software) The user "runs" a project by taking the output from the Con-
For Rurming Solutions Built Using VSTO 2005 or VSTO figurator Tool, and using it generally over and over again in
2005 SE the Operator Tool to assemble object parts.)
Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Second Edition Runt-
ime (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Wash.) 55 System Set-Up
(Required; Used for Writing Software; Software Develop-
ment Software) The following is a step-by-step description for the set-up
A Set of Development Tools available in the Form of a process that is preferably employed in connection with the
Visual Studio Add-in (Project Templates) and a Runtime optical projection assembly systems and methods of the
that Allows Microsoft Office 2003 and Later Versions of 60 invention. The steps that are described may be performed in
Office Applications to Host the .NET Framework Com- any suitable order and/or marmer, which may be determined
mon Language Runtime (CLR) to Expose their Func- by those having ordinary skill in the art. Steps that are
tionality via the .NET Type System optional are indicated.
Visual Studio Tools for the Office System 3.0 Runtime 1. Acquire components parts of the system (as is described
(Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Wash.) (Required; 65 herein).
Used for Writing Software; Software Development 2. Install software (described herein) onto a computer (or
Software) more than one computer).
US 8,606,540 B2
127 128
3. Attach computer monitor(s) to computer(s) using included 11. The file that contains the information that will be pro-
(or other) cables. jected onto the projection surface should be created, as
(This step is optional ifonly a laptop computer(s) is being well, and placed in a Comma, Tab or Whitespace delimited
employed, and the only monitor(s) that is being form a. This Annotated Geometry file should also be placed
employed is the one that is built into the laptop compu- 5 in the project directory on the computer containing the
ter(s). If a desktop computer(s), or a laptop(s) using Authoring Tool, Configurator Tool and/or Operator Tool
multiple monitors per laptop, is employed, this step gen- software. For example, for an object that is an airplane
erally is not optional.) door, the Annotated Geometry file for the door skin would
4. Attach keyboard(s) and mouse(s) to computer(s). contain the fastener hole location in 3D for all the fasteners
(This step is generally required with a desktop compu- 10 to be installed in the door skin. The contents of an example
ter(s), but optional with a laptop computer since an file are shown in FIG. 7. In this example file shown, each
external mouse/keyboard can be used with a laptop com- row represents a hole on the Base Geometries surface. The
puter if it is present in a docking station, or if the laptop individual columns are defined as follows from left to right:
is used as is.) a. Hole ID
5. Mount a projector onto a tripod stand, or onto a ceiling, 15 b. Part # for fastener for this hole
wall, table or other surface and/or object. c. X-Location of hole center in space
(This step may be optional, depending upon the particular d. Y-Location of hole center in space
circumstances of a situation, but is very desirable, and it e. Z-Location of hole center in space
may be necessary to maintain a projector stationary and/ f. I component of normal vector for the hole center
or to properly position the projector in a work area for a 20 g. J component of normal vector for the hole center
proper operation of the system, which may readily be h. K component of normal vector for the hole center
determined by those having ordinary skill in the art. It is i. Diameter of hole
preferable that the projector be mounted, such that it 12. The Authoring Tool should now be launched by selecting
cannot easily be moved if it is accidentally bumped or a Start "All Programs" and "Projection Works Author." The
person mistakenly runs into it. What one would mount it 25 screen shown in FIG. 5 will be displayed.
on would be dependent upon where it is being used. 13. The Base Geometry file described in step 10 above should
Some locations lend themselves to using a ceiling now be imported into the Authoring Tool (FIG. 5). This is
mount. Sometimes it may be possible to attach a projec- done by selecting "Import-Base Geometry" using the drop
tor to a worktable, or to the underside of a support beam. down menu along the top frame. The user should select the
However, if sufficient room for a tripod is present in a 30 Base Geometry .STL file to import it.
particular work area, it is preferred to mount the projec- 14. The Annotated Geometry file that is described in step 11
tor on a tripod.) above should now be imported into the Author Software
6. Power up the projector (i.e., tum it "on" with, for example, Tool (FIG. 5). Again, the user should use "Import-Anno-
an electrical cord being plugged into an electrical outlet), tated Geometry" to import this file into the Authoring Tool.
and determine its optimal placement, given the configura- 35 15. After selecting the Annotated Geometry file and clicking
tion of a particular work area, such as a room). Also deter- "Open", the delimiter type used by the file should be
mme: selected, as shown in FIG. 8.
a. Will one projector cover the entire work surface being 16. The details of the file layout should be specified next in
employed? order to ensure that the data is read into the Authoring Tool
i. Lens requirements in order to achieve item "a". 40 correctly. In this step, the user should identify what each
ii. If multiple projectors are needed or desired to cover colunm of data contains. After the delimiter type is
the work surface, determine location and lens require- selected, the screen shown in FIG. 9 should be used to
ments for each projector. identify what colunm a part ID and part # are located in.
b. Is it required that workers (or others) do not obscure the 17. The user should then identify how the data should be
projected data? 45 displayed. In this example, the data is for fastener holes on
i. Determine the location and lens requirements for each a 3D surface. The screen in FIG. 10 may be employed to
projector in order to preferably achieve unobstructed indicate the display shape that is used for these holes. In
coverage. this example, the shape selected is a circle using a fill color
7. Attach projector(s) to the computer(s) using connection of yellow.
cables that permit data and/or information to be transferred 50 18. A screen that may be used to define the Annotated Geom-
between the projector(s) and the computer(s); etry file data is shown in FIG. 11. This screen is used to
8. If the number of monitors and projectors exceeds the num- identify the colunms in which the x, y and z hole location
ber of video card outputs currently installed (or otherwise data is present, and the colunms in which the i, j and k
present) in the computer, install one or more additional normal vector data is located.
video cards. 55 19. After selecting "Finish" on the screen in FIG. 11, a view
9. If a measuring apparatus is to be used, optionally, to per- of the annotated data overlayed onto the Base Geometry
form thickness or other measurements, it should be should be displayed, as shown in FIG. 12.
attached to the computer, preferably at this time. 20. Define the process elements which should be included
10. Generate a stereo lithography format (STL) file that rep- into the particular project. These include, for example,
resents the base geometry that is to be used as the projec- 60 Calibration, Information, Tweaking, Measuring and/or
tion surface. (In other words, if the surface being projected Installing.
upon is an aircraft tail section, such tail section should be 21. Identify a plurality (preferably at least 8) of calibration
modeled in 3D in any CADAM/Catia modeling code that is points to be used in a calibration step.
capable of exporting the file into .STL format.) This Base 22. Using the menu of the User Interface screen of the Author-
Geometry file should then be placed into the project direc- 65 ing Tool (FIG. 12), the project can now be saved in typical
tory on the computer containing the Authoring Tool, Con- Microsoft fashion (i.e., by clicking on the save floppy disc
figurator Tool and/or Operator Tool software. icon, by selecting from the top level menu "File" and
US 8,606,540 B2
129 130
"Save," or the like). The project is preferably saved using renders the file so that the end user carmot modify it.
the .pxp save type, which creates a private project that can Also, this permits the main file used by the Configurator
be modified at a subsequent date and/or time. Once the Tool to contain numerous pieces of information that can
project is ready for use, it can be published for use, pre- be put together to create different "published files." The
serving the private project for later modification. user can then create a number of different published files
23. Using the Configurator Tool that is shown in FIG. 13, the from one main file used by the Configurator Tool. An
process elements defined in step 20 above should be put example of this is airplane tails that are made for F-22
together to form the process steps that are to be employed aircrafts using the systems and methods of the invention.
for the project. In the Operator Process Steps frame shown The F-22s have two vertical tails. The tail on a pilot's left
hand side has an outboard and inboard surface skin, and
in FIG. 13, the steps required or desired to perform the 10
the tail on the pilot's right hand side has an outboard and
process should be added, for example, using the Add Step
inboard surface skin, as well. The outboard skins for the
button or right clicking the mouse in the frame and choos- left and right hand tail are minor images of each other.
ing the desired step. Process elements should be added to The same is true for the inboard skins. So, what a user
each step as needed or desired by selecting the step using can do is put all of the information for all four of these
the mouse (or otherwise), then selecting the Process Ele- 15 skins into one main file used by the Authoring and Con-
ment, then clicking the Copy to Step button between the figurator Tools, and then "Publish" the file for each skin
Process Elements and Process Steps frames. that gets used by the Operator Tool from this one main
24. Once all of the necessary or desired process elements have file. The advantage of this is that it keeps all of the data
been assigned to the required or desired process steps, for all the skins in one place, which makes it easier to
measuring apparatuses of the invention (or other grip 20 track, or makes changes to it if something in the Base
gages) should be assigned to the project using the Gages Geometry or Annotated Geometry should change.)
frame (FIG.13). This is accomplished using theAdd button 28. Run the published project by launching the Operator Tool
on the Gages frame and selecting the appropriate gage from "Start-All Programs" and "Projection-Works-Opera-
type. tor." (The user would click the Windows "Start" button,
25. Adding the required or desired number of projectors 25 then select the "All Programs" option from that list, then
should be completed using the Views frame and the Add/ select the "Projection Works Operator" option from the
Delete projector buttons (FIG. 13). The number of projec- next list that pops up. Alternatively, the user could click the
tors visible in the Views frame should match the number of desktop shortcut if one exists.)
29. Select "File" and "Open" on the User Interface of the
projectors in actual use. The number of projectors in this
Operator Tool to open the publish project file described in
list should bethe same as the number of projectors that will 30
step 27 above.
be in the work area, as determined by step 6 above. 30. Once the project is opened, calibrate the project using the
26. Configure the views shown in the Views frames. Each calibration step defined. (There is typically a calibration
view should be assigned a display screen that it should be step defined in the Authoring and Configurator Tools. The
using. For example, if there are four video ports in the user would have added one of the five available frames
computer that is being used, then each monitor/projector 35 called "Calibrate" in the Authoring Tool, and then assigned
should be assigned to display the appropriate display value this frame to a "Step" in the Configurator tool. When the
from 1-4. The display value selected should be shown on Operator Tool is run using the published file, the Operator
the display screen. (The user should select the view (i.e. Tool will generally present each step to the user for the user
one of the items listed in the "Views" frame, such as "Pro- to execute, and when the user is finished, the user would
jector 1," "Video Screen," or the like, to configure. Then, 40 select the "next" button). After calibration is completed, all
there are several properties shown just to the right of the of the projected holes should be projected onto the object.
Views" frame. To configure the "View," the user should Verify that the hole alignment is correct. (The user would
assign a screen number to that view, so that the computer look at the projected circles (or whatever shape was chosen
places that view onto the correct video port. The screen in the Authoring Tool and see if they are lined up over the
number field is a drop list, and the user clicks that list, and 45 holes in the projected object. Ifthe calibration is performed
selects the correct screen number. By correct is meant that correctly, each projected shape would be located directly
ifthe user selects "User Interface Screen," the screen num- over an actual hole in the object). If needed, re-run the
calibration step. (This would be required if the projected
ber that the user picks should result in the User Interface
shapes do not line up over an actual hole in the object, as
screen being shown on the computer monitor in front of the
described above. If this were to be the case, then the user
user. If it shows up on the object to be assembled, then the 50
should re-run the calibration step because the user may
user has selected the wrong screen. The Configurator Tool have clicked the mouse at a location on the object that did
software detects the number of graphics ports that are not correspond to the image shown on the computer screen
available on the computer and populates the Screen drop that was instructing the user where to click. If several
list with the numbers that are available. The user just has to re-calibration attempts still do not yield a good alignment
select the "View" with the mouse, and then pick the Screen 55 between the projected shape and the actual hole, the user
number from the drop list. When the user does this, a large may need to go all the way back to the Authoring Tool and
green number representing the graphics port number will add more calibration points.)
be displayed on each projector and monitor, so that the user 31. Once calibration is complete, continue to run the project
can see what graphics port is attached to what "View.") steps that are defined in the Configuration software tool.
27. Publish the project using the File-Publish selection from 60 32. When all of the project steps have been run, exit from the
the menu on the User Interface of the Configurator Tool Operator software tool and repeat running the Operator
(FIG. 13). tool on all subsequent parts which use this project.
(Publish means to create a file that can be used by the
Operator Tool. This published file has all unnecessary Operation
information that is used by the Authoring Tool and the 65
Configurator Tools stripped out of it. This beneficially Detailed instructions regarding the operation of the optical
reduces or eliminate unnecessary data from the file and projection assembly systems of the invention, which prefer-
US 8,606,540 B2
131 132
ably include a use of three different assembly software tools vertical stabilizer skin in the color blue along with that fas-
(Authoring Tool, Configurator Tool and Operator Tool) have tener part number. A second technician could work with a
already been described hereinabove. However, a specific series of holes that all required fastener #2, and all such holes
example of operation is described below in connection with could be illuminated on the vertical stabilizer skin in the color
taking grip measurements in pre-drilled holes present in the red along with that fastener part number. A third technician
skin of a vertical stabilizer, a part of an aircraft, using the could work with a series of holes that all required fastener #3,
measurement apparatuses of the invention (referred to below and all such holes could be illuminated on the vertical stabi-
as "grip gun."). lizer in the color yellow along with the fastener part number.
Grip measurements may be made, for example, in thou- A fourth technician could work with a series of holes that all
sands of pre-drilled holes that are present in the skin of a 10 required fastener #4, and all such holes could be illuminated
vertical stabilizer, and then the correct size fasteners, out of on the vertical stabilizer skin in the color green along with the
thousands of different sizes and types, may be inserted therein fastener part number. The various assembly technicians could
to properly attach the skin to one or more different compo- then proceed to insert the correct fasteners into the series of
nents of the vertical stabilizer, using the systems and methods pre-drilled holes that they are working with to attach the
of the invention in the following manner. After the system is 15 vertical stabilizer skin to one or more other parts of the ver-
properly set up (using the Authoring Tool, Configurator Tool tical stabilizer being manufactured. Once this step of the
and Operator Tool) in the manner described herein for this assembly process is completed, all of the information that is
particular manufacturing process of producing aircraft verti- required to perform a second assembly step for a manufacture
cal stabilizers, including having a plurality of assembly steps of the vertical stabilizer could then be projected onto the
properly ordered for such process, an operator clicks a button 20 vertical stabilizer skin, or onto some other part thereof. Then,
on the User Interface of the Operator Tool and begins the at some subsequent step in the manufacturing process, a com-
assembly process created in the Configuration Tool (ordered pleted vertical stabilizer could be attached to the rest of the
step-by-step instructions). The operator will first calibrate the aircraft being manufactured.
system. To do this, the individual calibration points are shown
as a flashing red dot, one at a time, on the main computer 25 Measurement Apparatuses and Methods
monitor screen. At this point the user uses his mouse, or some
other calibration method, to place the mouse cursor Preferred embodiments of the wired and wireless, and
(crosshair) over the actual hole in the vertical stabilizer skin. retraction or plunge style, measurement apparatuses of the
He then clicks the mouse to record the location ofthis point. invention are illustrated in FIGS. 24-26, 28-29 and 36-38,
The operator proceeds in the same manner for all the calibra- 30 with FIG. 31 illustrating one type of Ethernet cable that may
tion points. Once all points are completed, the annotated be employed to operably connect one or a plurality of such
geometry is calibrated using all the data collected from each apparatuses with one or a plurality of computers and FIGS.
calibration point. All of the information that is required to 27, 30 and 39-49 showing exploded views of various portions
perform a first assembly step of the vertical stabilizer, taking of these apparatuses. FIGS. 32-3S and SO-S4, SSA, SSB, SSC,
grip measurements in pre-drilled holes of its skin in this 35 S6A and S6B show layouts of microprocessor boards that
example, is then rapidly (virtually immediately) projected as may be included internally in such apparatuses, which are
text, image and/or symbol data sets onto the surface(s) of the available from sources that are known by those having ordi-
three-dimensional vertical stabilizer, such as a starburst yel- nary skill in the art, such as Delta Sigma Corporation (Ken-
low pattern projected onto a first pre-drilled hole to be mea- nesaw, Ga.).
sured, as is shown in FIG. 3. An assembly technician can then 40 Referring to the drawings, the measurement apparatuses
insert a grip gun into this first pre-drilled hole, as is shown in thataredepictedinFIGS. 24-26, 28-29 and36-38 are wired or
FIG. 4, and the hole depth data is then transmitted back to, and wireless hand-held devices in either a "retraction" or
recorded by, a computer that is operably connected with the "plunge" style that function to perform high precision thick-
grip gun, and with one or more optical projectors. After the ness measurements on various skins and other materials for
first pre-drilled hole is measured, a yellow starburst pattern 45 the purpose of quality assurance, as well as for determining
will automatically then be projected onto the next pre-drilled fastener hole diameter, hole depth, countersink depth, fas-
hole to be measured. This process is continued until all of the tener length and/or other measurements. The apparatuses
pre-drilled holes on the vertical stabilizer skin are measured, very advantageously provide a single squeeze or trigger
at which time, the system provides a complete parts list, such motion that will align normal to the surface being measured
as a list of a variety of different fasteners that should be 50 and then perform the measurement, with the resulting mea-
inserted into the pre-drilled holes (possibly out of thousands surement data transferred to one or a plurality of computers
of different fasteners) to properly fasten the vertical stabilizer and/or other data collection devices for recording, storage,
skin to another component of the vertical stabilizer. The sys- manipulation and/or some other use. They may have addi-
tem then displays (via optical projection) a symbol on all of tional switches that allow the apparatuses to become active
those pre-drilled holes in the vertical stabilizer skin that 55 input devices to a computer program (like a keyboard) in
require the same type and length of fastener (i.e., the same order to facilitate automated measurements. The apparatuses
fastener part number), as is shown in FIG. 20, or a plurality of transfer data to one or more of the computers and/or other data
such symbols for different required types and lengths of fas- collection devices via a wired or wireless connection. This
teners. The system may, for example, display 2, 3, 4 or more data is read by the microprocessor that is present inside of the
such symbols for 2, 3, 4 or more different types and lengths of 60 apparatus using an optical encoder card and linear strip
fasteners (i.e., three other fastener part numbers), preferably (scale) that are also present therein. This linear strip is a linear
all in different colors, permitting 2, 3, 4, or more different scale in which the divisions are uniformly spaced along its
assembly technicians to work at the same time on the vertical length and are readable by the optical encoder. The linear strip
stabilizer skin, but at different locations on the skin, and with (scale) that is shown in FIGS. 39-43B, for example, has 500
different sized holes and different fasteners. For example, one 65 divisions on it, and the optical encoder card present therein
technician could work with a series of holes that all required reads 4 counts per division. Therefore, each count that the
fastener #1, and all such holes could be illuminated on the optical encoder card reads is equivalent to 1hooo'h of an inch,
US 8,606,540 B2
133 134
giving this measurement apparatus a very high degree of this value from the measured position for all subsequent
accuracy. However, any of a wide variety of other divisions measurements. All measurements from that point on, until the
could also be employed. As the handle of a "retraction" type measurement apparatus is powered down or off, or discon-
measurement apparatus is squeezed, the linear scale moves nected from a network, will measure the accurate dimension
past the optical encoder card, and this optical encoder card in absolute terms (current position minus calibration posi-
counts the "tick marks" on the linear scale. The apparatus may tion). The calibration software for the measurement appara-
be employed in a similar manner to measure countersink tuses may reside in a host computer(s) to which it is attached,
depth and/or hole diameter. One apparatus may, for example, and not inside of the measurement apparatus itself. Therefore,
include three different removable heads for the probe, one for if the measurement apparatus is moved between computers, a
taking hole depth measurements, one for taking countersink 10 recalibration will typically be necessary. Alternatively, the
depth measurements and one for taking hole diameter mea- calibration software may reside in the firmware and be pro-
surements, or may include any combination thereof, or addi- cessed on the digital circuit card before being transmitted.
tional probe heads. Referring now to FIGS. 36-49, which show various pre-
The operable connection between the apparatus and the ferred measurement apparatuses 18 of the invention, and
computer can be USB, Serial, Ethernet, Power-over-Ethernet 15 exploded views of portions thereof, the main structural com-
(POA), wireless, or any other means that is suitable for pro- ponent of these measurement apparatuses 18 is a frame 106,
viding a data connection between the computer and the mea- which establishes a reference system for the measurement
surement apparatus. In the exploded view of the apparatus apparatus 18, and is preferably located internally and cen-
that is shown in FIG. 30, this connection is an Ethernet con- trally therein. Such frame 106 is present in the measurement
nection. 20 apparatus 18 shown in FIGS. 36 (non-exploded view) and 39
The measurement apparatus also provides users with a way (exploded view of same measurement apparatus 18), which is
to repeat a gripping measurement and/or other measurements a wireless measurement apparatus 18 of a "retraction" type or
and/or advance to the next measurement, for example, to a style, in the measurement apparatus 18 shown in FIG. 37,
next hole to be measured. This is performed via a use of the which is a non-wireless (Ethernet or Power-over-Ethernet)
membrane key switches, buttons or the like (hereinafter 25 measurement apparatus 18 of a "retraction" type or style, and
referred to as "buttons") on the side of the apparatus, as are in the measurement apparatus 18 shown in FIG. 38, which is
shown in FIG. 24, or elsewhere (top, bottom or the like). a wireless measurement apparatus 18 of a "plunge" type or
There are 2 arrows on this keyboard, but may be fewer or a style, which is discussed in detail hereinbelow. The frame 106
plurality thereof. When the left arrow, forward arrow or the is preferably attached centrally to a housing 22, which pref-
like is selected by a user, the apparatus advances to the next 30 erably comprises a plurality of parts, and preferably two
measurement location, for example, as may be projected onto similar or substantially similar main parts, a left hand outer
an object including the measurement location by the optical body 118 on one side thereof and a right hand outer body 119
projection system that is described herein. When the right on the other side thereof, using means for affixing the same
arrow, back arrow or the like is selected, this allows the together, such as a plurality of fasteners, welding, pressure,
apparatus to re-measure the last location or hole that was 35 pinning, riveting, epoxies (or other adhesives), gluing, chemi-
measured. cal bonding, heat sealing or other methods and/or devices
The measurement apparatus also provides a method used known by those having ordinary skill in the art. Preferably, ten
to perform a calibration of the apparatus. Prior to making a screws 139 are employed.
measurement with the measurement apparatus, a calibration A reader head (not shown) that is present on an optical
to a reference plane must typically be made. A calibration 40 encoder card 124 is preferably rigidly attached to the frame
device that is a known entity and manufactured to very high 106 using a plurality of fasteners 143 (or other methods or
precision, such as the calibration puck 105 that is shown in means for doing so), and functions to read measurements that
FIG. 39, may be placed in or with the probe such that the are made by the measurement apparatuses 18 (by reading one
probe body rests upon the reference plane of the calibration or a plurality of graduations that are present on a linear (scale)
device and the probe tip is moved into position via a triggering 45 strip 128 each time that a measurement is made. The reader
handle or other activating mechanism in the normal way that head preferably remains in a fixed position relative to the
the measurement apparatus operates. A momentary contact material, skin or three-dimensional object, or part thereof,
switch or button present on the side (or other area) of the being measured at all times in all cases. The linear (scale) strip
device, which is preferably labeled "calibrate," may be briefly 128 is a device that is capable of making a plurality of highly
(or otherwise) depressed, and the measurement apparatus 50 accurate linear measurements. The linear strip (scale) 128,
becomes calibrated. which is preferably mechanically coupled to the movable part
A calibration disk or puck, for example, which is shown in of the probe 19 (i.e., the tip 114, 115, 116) is typically either
FIGS. 30 and 39, may be inserted between the ball point, ball pushed in a direction towards the facing surface of the mate-
pad (or other) "feet" and the pro be tip shown (or at any other rial, skin, three-dimensional object, or part thereof, being
desired location or otherwise). The handle of a "retraction" 55 measured or worked on (in the case of a "plunge" type mea-
style of measurement apparatus is squeezed until the calibra- surement for "plunge" type measurement apparatuses 18) or
tion disc is held firmly in place, and then a calibration mem- pulled towards the back surface thereof, such as a surface that
brane key, button or the like is pressed. This calibrates the is adjacent with a far end ofa fastener hole being measured (in
apparatus to the known thickness measurement of the cali- the case of a "retraction" type of measurement for a "retrac-
bration disk. Calibration disks are commercially available 60 tion" type of measurement apparatus 18). The reader head,
from sources that are known by those having ordinary skill in the linear (scale) strip 128 and the optical encoder card 124
the art, for example, from Delta Sigma Corporation (Kenne- are commercially available from sources that are described
saw, Ga.). herein or are known by those having ordinary skill in the art,
The calibration is a recording of the location of a reader such as U.S. Digital (Vancouver, Wash.). Although resolu-
head that is present on an optical encoder card along an etched 65 tions ofless than about one micron can be achieved using the
rail, as is described hereinbelow in detail, at the moment of linear strip (scale) 128, a resolution of from about 1 to about
the calibration trigger. Host computer software then subtracts 1,000 microns is typical. An optical encoder card 124 or cable
US 8,606,540 B2
135 136
is preferably soldered (or otherwise joined, for example, by selected specifically for a particular application, but are com-
fastening) onto a read head which connects the linear strip monly hemispheres (or any other desired shape and/or size)
(scale) 128 signal paths to an internal digital circuit or con- that function to provide a steady, reliable plane for a measure-
troller card 12S (for wireless versions of the measurement ment when resting on a surface of a three-dimensional (or
apparatuses 18) positioned between the left hand outer body 5 other) object. FI GS. 44-49 show a variety of different sty!es of
118 and the frame 106, as is shown in FIG. 39. (As is dis- removably attached bodies 111, 112, 113 and probe 19 tips
cussed hereinbelow, a Power-Over-Ethernet (POE) circuit 114, llS, 116 that may be employed with the measurement
card lSO is used in place of the digital circuit or controller apparatuses 18, and which are interchangeable (i.e., each of
card 12S for measurement apparatuses 18 that are not wire- the different bodies 111, 112, 113 (and others) and tips 114,
less.) The optical encoder card 124 is a set of a plurality of 10 llS, 116 (and others) may be removably attached to the
conductors that function to move the signals from one side or foreward end (or other portion) of the measurement appara-
area of the measurement apparatus 18 to another other. The tuses 18, thereby enabling an operator to make a variety of
digital circuit or controller card 12S, which is illustrated different types of fastener hole, thickness, grip length or other
schematically in FIGS. SSA, SSB and SSC, is used to process measurements using the same measurement apparatus 18
the data and/or information resulting or procured from one or 15 (wired, wireless, "retraction" style, "plunge" style and/or the
a plurality of measurements or other activities performed by like) with different probes 19, bodies 111, 112, 113 (and
the measurement apparatuses 18 and transmit (or otherwise others) and tips 114, llS, 116 (and others). The probe 19, and
transfer) them to one or a plurality of computers and/or data tip 114, llS, 116 thereof, act as an interface to a surface,
collection devices for recording, storage, manipulation and/ material, workpiece or three-dimensional object, or part
or some other type of a use, as is discussed herein. The digital 20 thereof, being measured, so that a variety of different types of
circuit or controller card 12S may be mounted or securely measurements can be made using one common device. FIG.
affixed to a side or area of the frame 106, such as a side at its 44 shows a body 111 having three ball pads 13 0 at its forward
aft end, as is shown in FIGS. 40A and 41A, or a side in a end, which is typically used to make a variety of different
central area, as is shown in FIGS. 42A and 43A, with one or measurements in a variety of different locations, as are
a plurality of fasteners. FIG. 39 shows a set of four screws 141 25 described herein (or otherwise). FIG. 4S shows a body 112
being used for this purpose, as well as a series of correspond- style having two ball pads 130 at its forward end, which may
ing insulating spacers 133 that function to electrically isolate facilitate making measurements in specific locations having
circuit card from the mechanical structure. tight or narrow radius surfaces. FIG. 46 shows a body 113
Bushings 132and134 (or sleeve bearings or other similarly having no ball pads 130, which may also facilitate making
functioning components) that are preferable press fit, but may 30 measurements in specific locations having tight or narrow
be otherwise, preferably positioned internally at or near the radius surfaces. FIG. 47 shows a tip 114 of a probe 19 that
forward end and the aft end of the frame 106 provide prefer- may be employed, for example, to measure a through-hole in
ably precision passage for a slidable (or otherwise moveable) a "retraction" type measurement apparatus 18 configuration.
shaft 110 partially or fully through the frame 106 in a forward FIG. 48 shows a tip llS of a probe 19 having a "plunge" style
manner towards the forward end of the measurement appara- 35 that may be employed, for example, for measuring holes
tus 18 and/or in a backwards manner towards the aft end of the having a "bottom," such as a nut plate. FIG. 49 shows a tip 116
measurement apparatus 18 (preferably both), and at or near a of a probe 19 having a "countersink" style that may be
central area of the frame 106. employed, for example, in a "plunge" type of a configuration
The measurement apparatuses 18 include a removably to measure the depth of a countersink cut. Other probes 19,
attached (or other) probe 19 including a body 111 (FIGS. 40 bodies 111, 112, 113 and tips 114, llS, 116, and a variety of
36-40A, 41A, 42A, 43A and 44), 112 (FIG. 4S) and 113 (FIG. different types and/or styles thereof, which may be procured
46) preferably extending outwardly from the forward end of from sources that are described herein, or that are known by
the frame 106 centrally, or substantially centrally, which pref- those having ordinary skill in the art, may also be removably
erably remains stationary, and establishes a reference plane affixed to the measurement apparatuses 18. The tip 114, llS,
from which a measurement is taken. The probe 19 and body 45 116 of the probe 19 typically is movable, rather than station-
111 may be present in any one or more of several different ary, and functions to make a measurement through, on,
forms, as is shown in FIGS. 44-49, and may be specific to a against, in or in some other manner interacting with a skin,
particular measurement application that is to be performed by material, hole, workpiece or other three-dimensional object,
an operator with the measurement apparatus 18. The probe 19 or part thereof, to be measured, and can be used or designed
and body 111, 112, 113 are both preferably relatively long, 50 in various forms that optimize it in connection with a particu-
the length of which may vary widely, and may be any length lar application. A selection of a tip 114, llS, 116 having a
desired or required for a particular application. The probe correct diameter for a particular measurement application is
preferably ranges from about 1 to about 10 inches in length, important, and may readily be performed by those having
and more preferably ranges from about 1 to about 4 inches in ordinary skill in the art using the information and drawings
length, and more preferably is about 1.5 inches in length. As 55 that are provided in great detail herein. The diameter of any
is shown in FIGS. 39 and44-49, the body 111, 112, 113 of the tip 114, llS, 116 must generally be smaller than the diameter
probe 19 often includes one or a plurality of ball pads 130 of a hole (or other structure or area) into which the tip 114,
forming a part of the probe body 111, 112, 113, or affixed to llS, 116 maybe inserted. Some tips 114 have a configuration
it, preferably located at its forward end, or between its for- of a fish hook, which can be passed fully through a fastener (or
ward end or tip 114 (FIG. 47), llS (FIG. 48), 116 (FIG. 49) 60 other) hole and hook onto a surface of a workpiece or other
and its aft end, and preferably centrally or substantially cen- object, or part thereof, that it adjacent with the rear side of a
trally. The ball pads 130 are preferably spaced an equidistant hole. Further, probe 19 and body 111, 112, 113 styles, such as
apart from each other, but may be spaced in any other manner those shown in FIGS. 4S and 46, may be used to establish a
desired or required, and that may come into contact with or reference line ratherthan a reference plane. A reference line is
rest upon, and become normalized with, one or a plurality of 65 often preferable when measuring surfaces with a significant
exteriors (or other) surfaces of a workpiece (or other three- contour, whereas a reference plane is often preferable when
dimensional object, or part thereof). The ball pads 13 0 may be the measured area is flat or substantially flat (i.e., having little
US 8,606,540 B2
137 138
or no contour.) The probe 19 and body 111, 112, 113 (and 106 (i.e. towards the forward end of the measurement appa-
other components) may be precision machined and remov- ratus 18) and, thus, also causes the shaft 110 and probe 19 tip
ably attached to the forward (or other) end of the frame 106 of 114, 115, 116 to do the same. Such an amount of force is
the measurement apparatuses 18 using any of a variety of preferably less than the amount of force applied to the grip
different means or methods, such as using a plurality of fas- 5 clip 107 and shaft 110 by the compression spring 136 (i.e., the
teners. FIG. 39 shows a series of four screws 142 used for this amount of force applied by the compression spring 136 to the
purpose. The forward end or tip 114, 115, 116 of the probe 19 grip clip 107 and shaft 110 is greaterthan the amount of force
may be pressed by an operator against an object, or part or applied by the extension spring 127 to the grip clip 107). The
surface thereof, to be measured, such as partially or fully compression spring 136 should be somewhat stronger, and
through a pre-drilled fastener hole to make a hole depth, 10
preferably significantly stronger, than the extension spring
countersink depth or diameter measurement or a grip length
127. These two springs 136and127, with one being stronger
or thickness measurement. The body 111, 112, 113 is prefer-
than the other, provide a means for making and procuring
ably hollow to allow the shaft 110 to slide or otherwise pass or
extend partially or fully through its interior centrally or sub- rapid and accurate measurements and automatic triggering
stantially centrally. Various tips 114 (FIG. 47), 115 (FIG. 48), 15
for data transfer from the measurement apparatus 18 to one or
116 (FIG. 49) (or others) may be removable attached to the a plurality of host (or other) computers and/or data collection
forward (or other) end of the shaft 110 by means for attaching devices. When the common grip (handle) 120 is retracted in
the two together, such as one or a plurality of fasteners, or the case ofa "retraction" configuration, or the probe tip 115 is
screwing the tips 114, 115, 116 into a threaded end of the shaft pushed back in the case of the "plunge" configuration, the
110. The tip is selected based on the type of measurement 20 weaker extension spring 127 generally always yields first,
desired, and may be secured to the shaft 110 using a fastener which causes the linear (scale) strip 128 to pass through the
or other means, such as the probe nut 117 shown in FIG. 39. readhead of the optical encoder card 124. When a mechanical
An internal grip clip 107 (or device having a similar func- interference impedes the movement of the probe tip 114 (or
tion) that is preferably employed in the measuring appara- 115), this impediment supplies a reactive force that is suffi-
tuses 18 of the invention is shown in FIGS. 40A-43B (in 25 cient to overcome its compressive force of the stronger com-
exploded views), as well as in FIG. 39. This grip clip 107 is pression spring 136 to release the actuator on the compression
preferably located centrally, or substantially centrally, within trigger switch 129. This is an important feature of the mea-
the frame 106, and preferably abutting one or a plurality of surement apparatuses 18 of the invention, and enables an
interior surfaces of the frame 106, such as are present at the operator to apply an amount of force to the handle area (com-
forward and lower ends, as is shown in FIG. 40A. The grip 30 mon grip 120) of a "retraction" type of measurement appara-
clip 107 slides (or otherwise moves) in a forwards and/or tus 18 (or to a plunge end cap 149 in a "plunge" type of
backwards direction whenever a probe 19 tip 114, 115, 116 is measurement apparatus 18) that is sufficient to overcome the
retracted (drawn in a backwards manner) or compressed (ex- amount of force being applied by the compression spring 136
tended in a forward manner). The displacement between the between the grip clip 107 and the frame 106. This is a "trig-
grip clip 107 and the frame 106 is the desired linear measure- 35 ger" type of action that may be activated by an operator in
ment. The grip clip 107 allows the shaft 110 to pass or extend only one single action and using only one hand, and/or one or
through the frame 106 via a plurality of adjacent pressed-fit a plurality of fingers on that one hand, for example, by
(or other) bushings 134. Two such bushings 134 are shown in squeezing it, which causes the compression trigger switch
FIG. 39. Initially, the grip clip 107 and the shaft 110 are 129 to separate from the encoder clip 109, thus initiating the
preferably tightly coupled to each other as a result of a com- 40 sequence of capturing the linear displacement data and trans-
pression force being applied thereon by an internal compres- mitting it to the host computer. When the operator applies
sion spring 136 positioned forward of the grip clip 107 (as is such force to the handle area (common grip 120) of the
shown in FIGS. 40B, 41B, 42B and 43B). The compression measurement apparatus 18, this has an effect of pushing the
spring 136 has an ability to apply a force preferably ranging compression (trigger) switch 129 (discussed in detail below)
from about 1 to about 5 pounds, and more preferably ranging 45 away from the encoder clip 109 (also discussed below) and
from about 2 to about 4 pounds, and most preferably about 3 trigger screw 145, which, in tum, causes the measurement
pounds, to the grip clip 107 and the shaft 110, which causes apparatus 18 to simultaneously, or substantially simulta-
them to remain tightly coupled. Compression springs 136 neously, and instantaneously, or substantially instanta-
(and the various screws, sleeve bearings, switches, inserts and neously, perform all three of the following actions: (i) nor-
ball pads that are described and/or illustrated herein) are 50 malize its probe 19 relative to a surface or hole present in the
commercially available from sources that are known by those material, skin, workpiece or other three-dimensional object,
having ordinary skill in the art, such as McMaster Can (Elm- or part thereof, being worked on by the force applied by
hurst, Ill.). Unless otherwise indicated, all of the other com- reacting the extension spring 127 against the outer surface of
ponents of the measurement apparatuses 18 that are described the same (and once the probe tip 114 is mechanically
and/or illustrated herein are commercially available from 55 impeded, the additional force of the compression spring 136
Delta Sigma Corporation (Kennesaw, Ga.) or from other further aids the operator in normalizing the probe 19); (ii)
sources that are known by those having ordinary skill in the make a measurement (material thickness, fastener hole depth,
art. diameter or countersink depth, grip length or the like); and
An extension spring 127 is preferably located near, adja- (iii) transmit resulting or procured measurement data and/or
cent with, or substantially adjacent with, one side (or other 60 information to one or a plurality or host or other computers
area) of the frame 106, as is shown in FIG. 39. The extension and/or data collection devices. The above components and
spring 127 has an ability to apply a force preferably ranging forces also function to prevent the measurement apparatuses
from about 0.5 to about 3 pounds, and more preferably rang- from mistakenly being activated (i.e., being activated when
ing from about 0.5 to about 2 pounds, and most preferably not wanting them to become activated). Extension springs
about 1 pound, between the grip clip 107 and the frame 106, 65 137 are commercially available from sources that are known
which causes the shaft 110, and thus the probe tip 114, 115, by those having ordinary skill in the art, such as Lee Spring
116 to extend outwards in a forward direction from the frame (Greensboro, N.C.).
US 8,606,540 B2
139 140
In some embodiments of the measurement apparatuses 18 the magnetic graduations as the quadrature signals from the
of the invention, such as those shown in FIGS. 2, 24-26, liner strip (scale) 128 are passed to it.
28-30, 36-37 and39, which have a "grip" or"trigger" style, an When a hook (shown in FIG. 47) that is present at the
operator activates the measurement apparatus 18 to make a forward end of a probe tip 114 engages a back surface of a
measurement by squeezing (or otherwise applying pressure 5 skin, workpiece or other three-dimensional object, or part
to) an external common grip 120 preferably located towards thereof, such as when it passes fully through a fastener hole
the lower portion and aft end of the measurement apparatus and hooks onto (or otherwise comes into contact with) a
18, which is operably connected with an internal, slidable surface that is at the far end of the hole, the entire sliding
T-foot 108 (or similarly functioning component) affixed to the measurement mechanism preferably stops moving as a result
10 of this mechanical impediment. Continuing to squeeze the
underside of the bottom of the frame 106, preferably cen-
common grip 120 or trigger handle, the now added force
trally, substantially centrally or towards the forward end of
provided by the trigger compression spring 136 of at least
the frame 106, by one or a plurality of fasteners 140. (See
about 2 pounds of force, and preferably of at least about 3
FIGS. 39, 40A and 41A.) The T-foot 108 slides in a forwards pounds of force, will typically "normalize" the pro be 19 body
and/or backwards direction within a slot (not shown) present 15 111, 112, 113 on the facing surface of the part being measured
in the bottom of the frame 106, which provides a stroke length (i.e., the surface facing the operator), and move the compres-
that is, usable measurement length preferably ranging from sion trigger switch 129 off the encoder clip 109. By "normal-
about 0.1 to about 10 inches, and more preferably ranging izing" in this context is meant that the probe 19 is in alignment
from about 1 to about 3 inches, and most preferably about one with the surface of the part being measured. An adjustment
inch. The stroke length may be increased or decreased to any 20 screw 14S, shown in FIGS. 40A, 40B, 41A, 41B, 42A, 42B,
desired or required length based upon the requirements of a 43A and 43B, or a similar mechanism, is preferably used to
particular application or upon the needs or desires of an set or establish how farthe common grip 120 or trigger handle
operator. A grip clip 107 that functions to guide the encoder must be pulled to generate a trigger action after the encoder
clip 109 is connected with the top side of the T-foot 108 (with clip 109 has stopped moving. This is typically set to about
a portion of the lower part of the frame 106 between the two) 25 0.02 inches, but is adjustable to user preference, and may vary
by means for attaching such components together, such as a widely, for example, from about 0.001 to about 0.1 inches.
plurality of fasteners. FIG. 39 shows the use of two screws The compression trigger switch 129 transition from "closed"
140 for this purpose.As is shown in FIGS. 40A, 40B, 41Aand to "open" preferably generates an electrical trigger signal that
41B, an encoder clip 109 that functions to generate the trigger is wired to the digital circuit or controller card 12S to "cap-
action is positioned within the frame 106, preferably near or 30 ture" (procure) a measurement reading from the optical
adjacent with the aft end of the grip clip 107, and is affixed encoder card 124 at the moment of such transition.
with a side or other area of the shaft 110 by a means for The trigger mechanism is shown in FIGS. 40A, 40B, 41A,
affixing the two together, such as with a plurality of fasteners. 41B, 42A, 42B, 43Aand43B, and also in FIG. 39. FIGS. 40A
FIGS. 40A, 40B, 41A and 41B show a use of two screws 138 and 40B show the measurement mechanism in an extended
for bolting these two parts together, and also for mounting an 35 position, while FIGS. 41A and 41B show it in a fully (100%)
internal linear strip (scale) 128, which forms a part of the retracted position. (Both retraction and compression may
measurement apparatus 1S2, and is present on the optical range from just above about 0% to 100%.) The position of the
encoder card 124, onto the encoder clip 109. The linear strip encoder clip 109 in FIGS. 40A and 40B is quite different from
(scale) 128 is preferably a magnetically etched rail having a its position in FIGS. 41A and 41B. In FIGS. 40A and 40B, the
series of readable graduations, and functions in the manner 40 compression spring 136 has not been overcome by the force
discussed hereinbelow. applied between the common grip 120 and the probe tip 114
Compressing the common grip 120, which may be per- as a result of mechanical impediment. Additionally, a com-
formed by an application of pressure by one hand of an pression (trigger) switch 129, which functions to indicate that
operator, or by one or a plurality of fingers on that one hand, the measurement position has been reached, and which is
applies tension to the extension spring 127 while simulta- 45 preferably positioned within the frame 106 near or adjacent
neously, or substantially simultaneously, sliding the linear with the aft end of the encoder clip 109 and at near or atthe aft
(scale) strip 128 present on the optical encoder card 124 end of the compression clip 107, is still in a "closed" position.
through the reader head (not shown) of the optical encoder It is located centrally, or substantially centrally, within the
card 124 and pulling the probe tip 114, llS, 116 toward the frame 106. In contrast, in FIGS. 41A and 41B, the trigger
body 111, 112, 113 of the probe 19 via the slidable shaft 110, 50 mechanism has been fully retracted, and the compression
which moves towards the aft end of the measurement appa- (trigger) switch 129 is now transitioned to an "open" position
ratus 18. As the measurement mechanism 1S2 moves back- as the compression (trigger) switch 129 (and the encoder clip
wards, graduations (not shown) that are present on the linear 109) have moved away from the adjustment screw 14S in a
(scale) strip 128 pass through the optical encoder card 124 direction towards the aft end of the frame 106. This is accom-
which is operably wired using an electrical wire harness 102 55 plished by overcoming the amount of the force that was
to an encoder input circuit of the digital circuit or controller applied on the encoder clip 109 by the compression spring
card 12S to make one or a plurality of linear measurements. 136 by squeezing the common grip 120. The compression
(See FIGS. 39, 40B and 41B.) Such graduations may be any (trigger) switch 129 may be attached to the grip clip 107 by
sized graduations required for a particular application or any means for attaching these two components together, such
required or desired by an operator, but generally range from 60 as a plurality of fasteners. FIGS. 40A, 40B, 41A and 41B
about 1 to about 1,000 microns in length, such as about 1, 2, show a use of two screws 144 for this purpose. An electrical
3, 4 or 5 microns. The encoder electronics present on the wire harness 102 is soldered or otherwise affixed to the com-
digital circuit or controller card 12S which, for example, may pression (trigger) switch 129 leads and preferably has a con-
be those that are illustrated in FIGS. SSA, SSB, SSC, S6A, nector to plug into the digital circuit or controller card 12S.
S6B, have an ability to continuously capture or read the cur- 65 The housing 22 or body of the measurement apparatus 18
rent position of the linear strip (scale) 128 and count the is preferably made of a plastic material, preferably acryloni-
graduations in an up and/or down direction as it moves over trile butadiene styrene (ABS), but may be made of any other
US 8,606,540 B2
141 142
suitable plastic or other material (i.e., a material that enables China). FIG. 39 shows such a battery being present and stored
it to function in the manner described herein). It may be made in the handle portion (bottom portion at the aft end of the
by fused deposition modeling (FDM), injection molding or measurement apparatus 18) of the left hand outer body 118. A
other suitable methods, which may be determined by those standard USB connector, or similar means for charging the
having ordinary skill in the art. One or a plurality of inserts battery is preferably a part of the digital circuit or controller
131, as are shown in FIG. 39, may optionally be pressed, or card 125, and may be employed to charge the battery. It is
otherwise inserted, into the housing 22, left hand outer body preferably removably positioned in a convenient side or area
118 and/or right hand outer body 119 to provide a high quality of the housing 22, such as the left hand outer body 118, than
or strong thread to any fasteners that are used to assemble the enables the battery to be easily charged, and may be covered
measurement apparatus 18. 10 by an optional battery compartment cover 121, as is shown in
On one or a plurality of sides or areas of the housing 22 of FIG. 39. Preferably, it may also be removed and replaced for
the measurement apparatus 18, such as on the left hand outer instant restart by removing the battery compartment cover
body 118 (as is shown in FIG. 39) or on the right hand outer 121. A battery charge typically will last for a period of about
body 119, a membrane switch panel 101 or set of one or more 8 hours, but may be longer or shorter, as is known by those
buttons or other means for providing an operator with pro- 15 having ordinary skill in the art.
gram or other control of the measurement apparatus 18, such Some of the discussion above relates only to the "retrac-
as forward or reverse, is preferably affixed thereto by, for tion" or "pistol" type or style of a measurement apparatus 18
example, one or a plurality of fasteners, such as glue or other of the invention (either wireless or non-wireless). There are a
adhesives. The membrane switch panel 101 (or similar few configuration changes for the "plunge" type or style of
mechanism or device) preferably includes one or a plurality 20 the measurement apparatus 18 of the invention (wireless and
of switches that provides an operator of the measurement non-wireless). First the "pistol" type grip style and preferred
apparatuses 18 with partial or full (preferably full) program shape of the left hand outer body 118 and right hand outer
control thereof. Program control allows the operator to body 119 of the "retraction" type apparatuses, as are shown in
manipulate various portion of software that is running in a FIGS. 36, 37 and 39, are preferably replaced a "barrel" style
host (or other) computer and/or data collection device via the 25 and shape of plastic (or other) left hand outer body 147 and
measurement apparatus 18. This is say, that it has the ability right hand outer body 148, as is shown in FIG. 38. Second,
to handle the exceptional cases that occasionally occur when FIG. 42A shows an internal mechanism of the "plunge" con-
taking many thousands of measurements. Key switches figuration measurement apparatus 18. Comparing FIG. 42A
included with the measurement apparatus 18 allow the opera- with FIG. 41A, the differences in the configurations can be
tor to make choices to cause various software routines to 30 readily discerned. Most notably, the compression trigger
operate that enhance the functionality of the device in han- switch 129 has been moved from the rear or aft end of the
dling the exception events. Preferably, the membrane switch frame 106 to the forward end of the frame 106. When the
panel 101 has at least three switches (i.e., devices for making, probe 19 tip 115 is inserted into a fastener or other hole, the tip
breaking and/or changing one or a plurality of connections in 115 and shaft 110 and grip clip 107 all push back in a back-
an electrical circuit): (i) one that causes or activates the mea- 35 wards direction towards the aft end of the frame 106 and
surement apparatus 18 to perform a new measurement or measurement apparatus 18, preferably as one unit, identi-
other activity, such as a "forward" arrow; (ii) one that causes cally, or substantially identically, to the manner done by the
or activates the measurement apparatus 18 to repeat a mea- "retraction" style measurement apparatus 18, thereby over-
surement already taken or an activity already performed, such coming the force applied by the extension spring 127. The
as a "reverse" arrow; and (iii) one that causes or activates the 40 trigger switch 129 is again tightly coupled to the encoder clip
measurement apparatus 18 to perform a calibration, such as a 123 via the screw 145 (or similar mechanism or device), and
"calibrate" switch. Additionally, it preferably includes a light the compression spring 136 is much stronger than the tension
emitting diode that indicates that a particular calibration is spring 127. When the ball pads 130 touch, or otherwise come
current. A calibration puck 105, such as the one shown in FIG. into contact with, a surface of a material, workpiece or other
39 at the forward end of the measurement apparatus 18 (in 45 three-dimensional object, or part thereof, the linear (scale)
front, or forward, of the probe 19 tip 114) is preferably used strip 128 will typically be positioned in a manner to accu-
in conjunction with the calibration switch on the membrane rately measure the depth of the hole, as is shown in FIG. 43A.
switch panel 101 (or similar device) to calibrate the measure- The functionality for countersink, fastener flushness, and step
ment apparatus 18 with a particular probe 19 tip 114, 115, 116 measurements is identical, with only a change of the probe
that is being used. The puck 105 should have a known preci- 50 tip. A plunge end cap 149 that is preferably the size and shape,
sion thickness, which is preferably coded into calibration or substantially so, as the aft end of the "plunge" style mea-
firmware that is present on the digital circuit or controller card surement apparatus 18, as is shown in FIG. 38, is preferably
125. attached to the aft end of the plunge T-foot 122, as is shown in
One or a plurality of fasteners or other means may be used FIGS. 42A and42B. The operator pushes the end cap 149 (or
to securely affix the left hand outer body 118 and the right 55 otherwise applies force thereto) with one hand, which pushes
hand outer body 119 together at one or a plurality of different the compression (trigger) switch 129 away from the encoder
locations. FIG. 39 shows a use of about twelve screws 139, clip 123 and trigger screw 145, as is shown in FIG. 43B. The
146 being used for this purpose (six with the left hand outer "trigger" action causes the measurement apparatus to simul-
body 118 and six with the right hand outer body 119). taneously, or substantially simultaneously, and instanta-
An internal or external, rechargeable or non-rechargeable, 60 neously, or substantially instantaneously, perform the three
battery 126 that is preferably removable from the measure- functions that are described above in connection with a "pis-
ment apparatus 18, such as an AA lithium-ion battery or an tol" or "retraction" type of measurement apparatus 18. A
Ultra Fire AA battery, may be used to provide power to linear (scale) strip 128 value will be read into the digital
measurement apparatuses 18 that, for example, are wireless. circuit or controller card 125 (for wireless measurement
Such batteries are commercially available from sources that 65 apparatuses 18) or Power-Over-Ethernet (POE) circuit card
are known by those having ordinary skill in the art, such as 150 (for non-wireless measurement apparatuses 18), which is
Shenzhen Zhangyang Technology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen City, subsequently transmitted to the host computer.
US 8,606,540 B2
143 144
The Power-Over-Ethernet (wired) embodiments of the They include the type of internal measurement mechanism
measurement apparatuses 18 of the invention (i.e., those that that is described above;
are not wireless), such as the "retraction" or "plunge" type They activate or trigger upon retraction (as is shown in
measurement apparatus, are structurally and functionally FI GS. 3 6, 3 7 and 39) orupon plunge (as is shown in FIG.
38), thereby permitting an operator to perform several
identical, or substantially identical, to the wireless embodi-
functions (normalization, measurement and data trans-
ments of the measurement apparatuses of the invention, such mission) using only one hand.
as the "retraction" or "plunge" type of measurement appara- All of the various POE (power over Ethernet) type mea-
tus, except for the following exceptions, which relate to the surement apparatuses 18 can use the circuit boards that
connection to the outer body and the placement of the data are illustrated in FIGS. SSA and SSB, which are com-
trigger switch. First, a Power-Over-Ethernet (POE) circuit or 10 mon to all such devices.
controller card lSO is used in place of the wireless digital All of the various wireless type measurement apparatuses
circuit or controller card 12S. The POE circuit card lSO pref- 18 can use the circuit boards that are illustrated in FIGS.
erably includes a standard RJ-45 Ethernet connection, and SSA, SSB and SSC, which are common to all such
lacks a battery connection (Jl on FIG. SSB). The data and/or devices.
The internal mechanism and electronics present in the
information that is transferred thereto is the same in both 15
measurement apparatuses of the present invention can be
cases, but the circuit that handles the data interface to the host configured in any one or more of a variety of different ways to
computer(s) and/or other data collection devices is different. accomplish one or more different tasks. The trigger mecha-
Second, the Power-Over-Ethernet (wired) embodiments of nism, for example, can be configured to capture measurement
the measurement apparatuses 18 of the invention preferably data on either a "retraction" or a "plunge" movement, and the
will not have a battery compartment present, or build, into 20 probe, including its tip, may be configured for a number of
their handle area (or other areas), as no need for a battery in applications such as grip length, diameter, step, gap, flush-
such embodiments exists. For example, the plastic (or other) ness, countersink depth, material thickness and/or the like.
body parts 103, 104 shown in FIG. 37 (left hand outer body All of the numeric values that are set forth above are for
103 and right hand outer body 104) preferably replace the left reference only, and while they are a typical case, values either
hand outer body 118 and the right hand outer body 119 that 25 smaller or greater may be used as required for the application.
are shown in FIG. 36. Other than the foregoing, all structure Optional components of, or accessories that can be
and functionality are generally identical, or substantially employed with the measurement apparatuses of the invention
identical. include, but are not limited to, wrist (or other) straps, a case
All of the wired and wireless measurement apparatuses 18 (preferably dust and water resistant or proof).
that are described herein preferably have the following com- Production of Measurement Apparatuses
mon important components or features: Measurement apparatuses within the invention may be
They may use any of the various probes 19 and/or tips 114, constructed, for example, in the following manner, or in other
llS, 116 that are described herein or that are otherwise manners, using known machining and other technologies.
available for use or known by those having ordinary skill The following method refers to the parts that are listed in FIG.
in the art. 30 as follows:


54 LIN-500-1.5-N Linear Strip US Digital

Vancouver, WA
53 EMl-0-500 Optical Encoder US Digital
Vancouver, WA
52 99362A200 Insert McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
51 9953K69 Cable Assembly McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
50 7658K190 Switch McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
49 9657K154 Spring McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
48 1851A12 Ball Tip McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
47 4 PS0610-04 Sleeve Bearing Pacific Bearing
Roscoe, IL
46 PS0406-04 Sleeve Bearing Pacific Bearing
Roscoe, IL
45 2 Set Screw - Cup Point #6-32 x 3/16 LG
McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
44 2 Screw #8-23 FHCS x 1/2 LG
McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
43 Screw #4-40 FHCS x 3/8 LG
McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
42 2 Screw #3-48 PHMS x 5/8 LG
McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
41 2 Screw #3-48 PHMS x 7/16 LG
McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
US 8,606,540 B2
145 146

40 4 Screw #2-56 SHCS x 1/4 LG

McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
39 Screw #4-40 SHCS x 1.25 LG
McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
38 12 Screw #4-40 SHCS x 1/2 LG
McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
37 Screw #6-32 SHCS x 1/2 LG
McMaster Carr
Elmhurst, 11
36 1 DS80-501-1 Membrane Switch Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
35 1 PW80-111 Calibration Puck Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
34 1 PW80-110 Grip Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
33 1 PW80-109 Body RH Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
32 1 PW80-108 BodyLH Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
31 1 PW80-107 Probe Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
30 1 PW80-106 Nose Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
29 1 PW80-105 Guide Rod Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
28 1 PW80-104 Shaft Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
27 1 PW80-103 Switch Block Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
26 1 PW80-102 Clip Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
25 1 PW80-101 Frame Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
24 PC Board Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
23 1 PW80-042 Connector-Encoder Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA
22 1 PW80-041 Switch Cable Delta Sigma
Kennesaw, GA

First, assemble the Frame (26) and Sleeve Bearing (47). groove cut into the handle. Install Insert (52) into Body RH
Install Sleeve Bearing (47) and Sleeve Bearing (46) into Clip (34), then install Body RH (34) onto Frame (26) with Screw
(27). Install Sleeve Bearing (46) and Screw (37) into Switch (38). Install Screw (39) and Screw (43) through Body LH (33)
Block (28). Insert Shaft (29) into the front face of the Frame into Body RH (34). Install Grip (35) onto Clip (27) with
(26), through the Clip (27) and out the back of the Frame (26). 45
Screw (44).
Next, insert the cut in the Switch Block (28) into the groove on Usage of Apparatuses
the Shaft (29). Insert the Spring (49) between the Clip (27) To use the apparatuses, the following steps should be fol-
and the Switch Block (28). Insert the Guide Rod (30) through lowed:
the Frame (26), Clip (27), Switch Block (28) and Spring (49). 1.) Connect the computer to the projector using the
Flush the Guide Rod (30) with the ends of the Frame (26) and 50 required video cables.
insert the Set Screws (45). Next, install the Sleeve Bearing 2.) Install the projection software onto the computer.
(47) into the Nose (31). Slide the Nose (31) onto the Shaft (29) 3.) Position the projector( s) so that optimal coverage of the
and fasten it to the Frame (26) with Screws (38). Install Ball 3D object is achieved
Tip (48) into Nose (31), then install Probe (32) into Shaft (29). 4.) Launch the projection system software.
Second, install Linear Strip (54) onto Switch Block (28) 55 5.) The apparatus must be calibrated first:
with adhesive tape. Install Switch (50) onto Switch Block a. Make sure the apparatus is attached to the computer
(28) with Screw (41 ). Install Optical Encoder (53) over Linear using the required RJ-45 CAT-6 Ethernet cable.
Strip (54) and fasten to Frame (26) with Screw (42). Install b. Place the calibration disk between the probe tip and
Control Board (22) onto Frame (26) with Screw (40). Con- the ball point feet of the grip gun
nect Optical Encoder (53) to Control Board (22) with 60 c. Squeeze the apparatus handle until the calibration disk
Encoder Cable (25). Connect Switch (50) to Control Board is firmly held in place between probe tip and the ball
(22) with Switch Cable (24) and insert Data Cable (51) to point feet.
Control Board (22). d. Press the Cal button on the side of the grip gun. The
Third, mount Membrane Switch (23) to Body LH (33) with red calibration LED on the membrane keyboard
adhesive tape. Mount Body LH (33) to Frame (26) with Screw 65 should flash, indicating that the gun has been cali-
(38). Connect Membrane Switch (23) to Control Board (22). brated.
Route Data Cable (51) in curved part of Body LH (33) and out e. Release the handle and remove the calibration disk.
US 8,606,540 B2
147 148
6.) When the projection system software indicates a mea- As explained above, numerous types of depths and other
surement is needed, a starburst pattern will be displayed dimensional measurements may be made using the measure-
over the hole where a measurement is to be taken, as ment apparatuses of the disclosed embodiments. This flex-
shown in the drawings. ibility is attributable primarily to the measurement appara-
7.) The apparatus should be placed into the hole as shown tuses using the same or essentially the same signal processing
in the drawings and the handle squeezed until the probe operations for each type of depth measurement. These opera-
and the three ball point feet are firmly in contact with the tions mainly involve counting or otherwise keeping track of
object as shown in the drawings. the number of graduations or divisions (or tick marks) on a
8.) If the measurement was successful, the starburst pattern linear scale or strip, or possibly a quadrature or rotary scale
will be automatically placed over the next hole to be 10 depending on the implementation, that are displaced when a
measured. probe or a measurement apparatus passes into or out of a hole
9.) The apparatus handle should be released, and the appa- or opening being measured. These graduations or divisions,
ratus should then be placed into the next hole illuminated as described earlier, are uniformly spaced at known, pre-
by the starburst pattern and measure the thickness. defined intervals (e.g., a few microns) to allow extremely
10.) If the gripping measurement was not successful, the 1s accurate distance or length measurements for most applica-
hole will be illuminated in a red starburst pattern. When tions. The measurement apparatuses thereafter calculate or
this occurs, the user has the option of repeating the otherwise convert the number of graduations or divisions that
measurement by pressing the right arrow on the mem- are displaced by the movement of a probe into a value that
brane keyboard, which will indicate to the projection corresponds to the depth of the hole or opening being mea-
software that the last hole measurement will be repeated. 20 sured.
11.) If the user elects to skip the bad measurement, the left The displacement value used by the measurement appara-
arrow button on the membrane keyboard should be
tuses to calculate the depth values may represent displace-
selected, advancing he starburst pattern to the next hole
ment in one direction, typically into the hole or opening being
to be measured.
12.) The measurement process for each hole should be measured, or out of the hole or opening being measured,
repeated as described above until all holes have been 2 s depending on the type of depth measurement made. It is also
measured by the grip gun. possible, however, for the measurement apparatuses to use a
13.) When all holes have been measured, the assembly net total displacement value, that is, the displacement in one
process can continue as described by the projection soft- direction (e.g., into the hole being measured) minus the dis-
ware. placement in the other direction (e.g., out of the hole being
The following are specifications for the Ethernet cable that 30 measured). These various measurement operations may be
is shown in FIG. 31. performed by the digital circuit or control card (or board)
within the measurement apparatuses, such as the card 125 or
150 discussed above. In some implementations, however, it
may be desirable to configure the digital circuit or control
SPECIFICATIONS 3 s card 125 or 150 to simply acquire or otherwise count the
number of graduations or divisions that have been displaced,
then transmit that information to an external application for
MOLDED HEAD THERMOPLASTIC PUR/BLACK performing the depth value calculations.
MATERIAL/COLOR (RJ4SS) FIG. 50 shows an example of how the digital circuit or
CONTACT MATERIAL/ BRONZE/GOLD control card 125 (i.e., the card with wireless communication
capability) may be electrically connected to a measurement
apparatus according to the disclosed embodiments. As can be
OUTER CABLE JACKET PUR/TEAL (HALOGEN FREE) seen, various cables, wires, and/or bundles thereof from other
MATERIAL/COLOR components of the measurement apparatus may be routed to
CONDUCTOR INSULATION PE the digital circuit or control card 125 where connectors elec-
MATERIAL 4S trically couple these components to the card 125. These con-
nectors, shown in more detail later herein, may be standard or
commonly used wire-to-board connectors well known to
TEMPERATURE RANGE -40° C. TO +S0° C. those having ordinary skill in the art. FIG. 51 similarly depicts
(-40° F. TO +122° F.) an example of the digital circuit or control card 150 (i.e., the
PROTECTION CLASS !EC IP20 so card with wired communication capability) being electrically
connected to a measurement apparatus according to the dis-
closed embodiments.
Although they are designed to be used in different ways,
both the digital circuit or control cards 125and150, as well as
CABLE LENGTH TOLERANCE ss other control cards that may be used with the measurement
apparatuses discussed herein, have a number of common
ALL LENGTHS +4% (OR SO mm) OF LENGTH features or functional components. These functional compo-
-0% (OR 0 mm) OF LENGTH
nents may be seen in FIG. 52, which illustrates an example of
a control board 200 like the control cards 125and150 in terms
STRIP LENGTH TOLERANCE of the main functionality provided by the board. As can be
seen, the control board 200 may include a controller module
0-7 mm ±0.5 mm 202, a DC power supply module 204, one or more internal
8-29 mm ±1.0 mm system interfaces 206, an optical decoder 208, one or more
30-49 mm ±2.0mm
S0-69 mm ±3.0 mm
human operator interfaces 210, and one or more external
70-100 mm ±4.0mm system interfaces 212. Also shown for reference purposes are
OVERlOO mm ±5.0 mm 6S one or more internal system components of the measurement
apparatuses, denoted generally at 214, that may be electri-
cally connected to the control board 200, as well as one or
US 8,606,540 B2
149 150
more external computer systems, denoted generally at 216, tive embodiments, power may be fed to the power supply
that may be communicatively coupled to the measurement module 204 over an Ethernet connection using the Power-
apparatuses. Over-Ethernet (POE) protocol, or other similar protocols
It should be noted that although the functional components where power is transmitted over a data line.
in FIG. 52 are illustrated as individual blocks, those having The internal system interfaces 206 generally provide a way
ordinary skill in the art will understand that any individual for the control board 200 to communicate with one or more
block may be divided into several constituent blocks, each internal system components 214 of the measurement appara-
representing one or more functional sub-components, with- tuses. In some implementations, the internal system inter-
out departing from the disclosed embodiments. In addition, faces 206 may take the form of one or more connectors,
any two or more of the blocks shown, and possibly all of the 10 jumpers, sockets, and the like, or various combinations
blocks shown in some implementations, may be combined thereof. Electrical wires, traces, lines, and other pathways
into a single super block representing a highly integrated may be provided to carry electrically signals to/from the
functional component, without departing from the scope of internal system components 214 from/to these internal sys-
the disclosed embodiments. Moreover, other blocks repre- tem interfaces 206 and, hence, to the control board 200 for
senting other functional components besides the blocks 15 processing.
shown may be added to the controller module board 200 as The optical decoder 208 processes input, typically (but not
needed, or one or more of the blocks shown may be removed necessarily) electrical pulses, representing the graduations or
from the controller module board 200 as needed, without divisions that are received by the control board 200. These
departing from the scope of the disclosed embodiments. Each electrical pulses or other input may be provided by a separate
of the functional components is discussed in more detail 20 optical encoder as discussed above, including the optical
below. encoder 124 shown in FIG. 40B. Such optical encoders are
In general, the controller module 202 provides overall con- well known in the art and are capable of optically detecting
trol of the operation of the measurement apparatuses. The the presence of a graduation or division, or the passing of one,
main responsibility of the controller module 202 is reading or and generating an output representing that graduation or divi-
otherwise acquiring the number of displaced graduations or 25 sion. Generally speaking, the optical decoder 208 is designed
divisions for a given depth measurement, then calculating to output one or more signals corresponding to the electrical
depth values based on the number of displaced graduations or pulses or other input received from the optical encoder, but
divisions. In addition, the controller module 202 monitors having the appropriate voltage levels, shape, and timing
and processes various inputs received by the control board needed by the controller module 202. This allows the control-
200, both from the internal system components 214 as well as 30 !er module 202 to focus its processing capacity on counting or
the external computer systems 216. The controller module tracking how many graduations or divisions were displaced
202 also controls the transmission of certain data, such as the using the signals from the optical decoder 208. However,
depth values that have been calculated and, optionally, the depending on the particular embodiment, a discrete decoder
date and/or time information therefor, to and from the exter- 208 may not be needed, as the controller module 202 may be
nal computer systems 216. Conversely, the controller module 35 capable of performing (i.e., may have sufficient processing
202 may called upon to execute or carry out any commands or power to perform) this function. And while an optical encoder
instructions it receives from the external computer systems is the one mainly discussed herein, it may be desirable in
216, including calibration commands, keypad or control key some implementations to use a magnetic encoder instead.
assignment definitions, and the like. The controller module The operator interface 210 functions mainly to receive
202 may also need to generate various outputs for the mea- 40 input from and provide output to a human operator. To this
surement apparatuses, including status indicators, warnings end, the operator interface 210 may take the form of one or
or alarms signals, and the like. An exemplary computer pro- more mechanical and/or solid state switches, relays, contacts,
gram listing reflecting one specific implementation of the drivers, and the like, or various combinations thereof. This
controller module 202 is provided herewith as a computer allows the human operator to interact with and otherwise use
program listing appendix, which is hereby incorporated 45 the measurement apparatuses, including initiating calibra-
herein by reference in its entirety. tion, taking a depth measurement, selecting an operational
The DC (direct current) power supply module 204, as the mode, and so forth, by actuating a trigger, pressing a button,
label suggests, provides power to the various components of scrolling a wheel, touching a touchscreen, and the like. When
the control board 200. In general, the power supply module the human operator performs one or more of these tasks, the
204 receives power from a power source and, depending on 50 operator interface 210 conveys a signal corresponding to the
the particular implementation, provides that power at mul- performed task to the controller module 202 of the control
tiple different voltage levels to the various components. For board 200. The operator interface 210 may also facilitate one
example, some components on the control board 200 may or more signals from the controller module 202 to external
require a 5 volt (V) DC power supply, other components may indicators for indicating (e.g., via light emitting diodes
require a 3.3 V DC power supply, while still other compo- 55 (LEDs)) or otherwise displaying (e.g., via a liquid crystal or
nents may require a 1.5 V DC power supply, and so forth. The other type of display) the status of the measurement appara-
DC power supply module 204 is therefore responsible for tuses, depth values that were measured panel, as well as
converting (e.g., by either stepping down or stepping up) the various warning and/or alert messages.
input voltage it receives to one or more voltage levels required As for the external system interfaces 212, these interfaces
by the various components of the control board 200. Multiple 60 allow the control board 200 to communicate with the external
conversion stages may be needed, depending on the require- computer systems 216. Such communication may take place
ments of the particular implementation. The power source wirelessly using, for example, ZygBee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,
that feeds the power supply module 204 may be an external WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network), and other IEEE
power source, such as an AC power line, or it may be an 802 compatible wireless protocols. The communication may
internal power source, such as a battery, battery pack, backup 65 also occur over wired connections using, for example, Ether-
battery, and the like, attached to or residing within the mea- net, USB (Universal Serial Bus), RS-232 (serial communica-
surement apparatuses or on the control board 200. In alterna- tion), FireWire, or other wired communication protocols. The
US 8,606,540 B2
151 152
specific communication protocol used, however, is not func- encoder (the movement of the measurement apparatus probe
tionally important for successful implementation of the mea- into or out of the hole being measured drives the linear scale
surement apparatuses disclosed herein, as the decision or strip and hence the graduations or divisions thereon). In an
regarding a particular protocol may be informed by other alternative implementation, where a linear scale or strip is
factors and is not strictly limited to functionality. The external used (as opposed to a rotary scale), it is possible to secure the
system interfaces 212 may be implemented using one or more linear strip in place while moving the optical encoder with the
dedicated modules that are designed to carry out the particu- measurement apparatus probe. The output of the optical
lar communication protocol adopted. In some embodiments, encoder in either case may then be processed by an optical
however, the functionality of the external system interfaces decoder to generate one or more output signals representing
212 may be partially or entirely incorporated into the control- 10 the graduations or divisions that were displaced during the
ler module 202. movement of the probe.
The above embodiments of the control board 200 provides The flowchart 300 thereafter proceeds to block 310, where
a number of advantages. In addition to automatically, accu- the raw data representing the displaced graduations or divi-
rately, and quickly taking a depth measurement, the control sions is processed. This processing may involve, for example,
board 200 allows the measurement apparatuses to make vari- 15 counting or otherwise tracking the number of graduations or
ous different types of depth measurements without altering or divisions that were displaced. In some implementations, the
making any changes to the control board 200. These different counting may be performed for a preset time interval that is
types of depth measurements may include, for example, sufficiently long to ensure that the probe has been returned to
retraction type grip gage, plunger type grip gage, step gage, its starting position and thus no additional graduations or
gap gage, countersink depth gage, fastener flushness gage, 20 divisions may be expected. In other implementations, rather
diameter gage, and other depth measurements known to those than using a preset time interval, the counting may be per-
having ordinary skill in the art. The specific type of depth formed until no additional graduations or divisions are
measurement may be made simply by attaching an appropri- counted (i.e., the counter is not incremented) for predefined
ate probe selected from a plurality of probes designed forthat amount of time. Such counting may occur in both an increas-
type of depth measurement. The overall method of calculat- 25 ing direction as well as a decreasing direction, or a combina-
ing the depth values, however, does not need to be changed tion of both, depending on the particular implementation.
with each different type of depth measurement. This overall Once the counting has stopped, the count of the gradua-
method is discussed in further details below in the form of one tions or divisions that have been displaced is used to calculate
or more flowcharts. a depth value at block 312. In one embodiment, the depth
Referring now to FIG. 53, a flowchart 300 is shown repre- 30 value may be calculated by multiplying the displaced gradu-
senting one exemplary method of taking a depth measure- ations or divisions by the predefined interval between each
ment that may be performed by the measurement apparatuses. graduation or division. In the case of a linear interval, no
It should be noted that the steps of the flowchart 300, like the additional calculations are necessary to determine the depth
functional components of FIG. 52, are shown in discrete value. In the case of an angular interval, where a rotary scale
blocks. As such, those having ordinary skill in the art will 35 is used, the angular value may be converted to a linear value
understand that two or more blocks may be combined into a using mathematical techniques known to those having ordi-
single block, and that any individual block may be divided nary skill in the art. As an optional step, the calculated depth
into several constituent blocks, without departing from the value may be transmitted to an external application on an
disclosed embodiments. And although the blocks of the flow- external computer system to be used as needed at block 314.
chart have been arranged in a particular sequence, those hav- 40 Such external transmission may be initiated automatically by
ing ordinary skill in the art will understand that one or more the measurement apparatuses as soon as the depth value cal-
blocks may be rearranged in a different sequence within the culations are completed, or it may be initiated manually by a
flowchart without departing from the scope of the disclosed human operator. In the latter case, if the human operator does
embodiments. not feel like the depth value was measured or taken properly
As can be seen, the flowchart 300 begins generally at block 45 for some reason, or ifthe depth value displayed by the mea-
302, where a determination is made whether calibration has surement apparatuses is obviously in error, he or she may
been selected on the measurement apparatuses. Such calibra- decline to forward such value to the external application.
tion may be selected manually by a human operator by Referring back to block 302, ifthe answer here is yes, then
manipulating an appropriate control, such as by pressing a at block 316, an indicator or other signal is provided to indi-
calibration key, button, or switch on the measurement appa- 50 cate that the next depth measurement taken is to be designated
ratuses. In addition, or alternatively, calibration may be auto- as a calibration measurement. The calibration measurement
matically selected by a software application running on an itself, however, proceeds as described above with respect to
external computer system connected to the measurement blocks 304-314, except that the measurement is performed on
apparatuses. In either case, ifthe answer at block 302 is no, a calibration disk or puck 105 (FIG. 39). As explained earlier,
then the flowchart 300 proceeds to block 304 where a check is 55 the calibration disk or puck 105 is placed against the probe of
made to see whether a data acquisition start event, such as a the measurement apparatus so that the foot thereof rests on the
trigger being actuated, has occurred. At block 306, a deter- reference plane or surface of the calibration device or disk,
mination is made as to whether the data acquisition start event and a measurement is taken with the probe thus arranged. The
has occurred. If the answer at block 306 is no, then the depth value measured is then subtracted from (or added to) all
flowchart 300 returns to the previous step and performs 60 subsequent depth measurements during the depth value cal-
another check. culation block 312.
If the answer at block 306 is yes, then the flowchart 300 In the above implementation, calibration and the subse-
proceeds to block 308, where raw data representing the num- quent use of the calibration measurement to adjust subse-
ber of displaced graduations or divisions is acquired. As men- quent depth values may occur locally within the measurement
tioned above, this data may be obtained in one exemplary 65 apparatuses. In some implementations, however, rather than
implementation by using an optical encoder to optically or perform the adjustment of subsequent measurements locally
magnetically detect graduations or divisions passing by the within the measurement apparatuses, the calibration value
US 8,606,540 B2
153 154
may be sent to an external computer system connected to the including a voltage translator, Part No. PCA9306DCUR from
measurement apparatuses where an external application may Texas Instruments, Inc., may be provided to convert the out-
perform the adjustments. If a measurement apparatus is dis- put voltage of the current monitoring circuit S06 to a level that
connected from the external computer system and moved to may be usable by the microcontroller (shown in FIG. SSB) of
another external computer system, then calibration will need the control board SOO.
to be repeated for the second external computer system. In the exemplary control board SOO, some of the circuits
In some arrangements, the depth value calculations them- and/or components may require more than 3.3 V DC, depend-
selves may also be performed by the external application on ing on the particular components used in the measurement
the external computer system rather than locally. An example apparatuses. For example, the optical encoder used in the
of such an arrangement is illustrated in FIG. S4 via a flowchart 1o present implementation, which is a transmissive optical
400. As can be seen, the flowchart 400 is otherwise similar to encoder, Part No. EM-1-500 from US Digital, requires a 5 V
the flowchart 300 of FIG. S3, except that after the raw data DC power supply. Accordingly, where needed, a power sup-
representing displaced graduations or divisions is processed ply boost circuit Sl 0 may be provided, including a switching
at block 410, the processed data is sent to the external appli- DC-DC converter and controller, Part No. LT3495EDDB
cation at block 412. Both the depth value calculations and any 15 from Linear Technology Corp., for raising the 3.3 V DC
calibrations are then performed by the external application at power supply to a 5 V DC power supply. A comparator circuit
block 414. S12 may additionally be provided to monitor and verify that
Turning now to FIGS. SSA-SSC and FIGS. S6A-S6B, the 5 V DC power supply is being adequately maintained. For
exemplary implementations of the control board discussed similar reasons, a regulator for the 3.3 V DC power supply
above are shown in the form of circuit diagrams. As can be 20 may also be provided, generally designated as S14, including
seen, the circuit diagrams depict specific electrical compo- voltage regulator Part No. MCPl 700 from Microchip Tech-
nents, including transformers, transistors, diodes, capacitors, nology, Inc., to maintain a steady 3.3V DC power supply for
conductors, resistors, and integrated circuits electrically con- other components on the control board SOO.
nected together, typically on a printed circuit board. However, As mentioned above, the USB input circuit S02 allows the
not all of these components may be needed for every imple- 25 control board SOO to connect to and communicate with an
mentation, and/or alternative components may be substituted external computer system. Such communication may be
in some cases. A listing of exemplary manufacturers, part accomplished, for example, using a USB communication
numbers, and component values (where applicable) for each circuit S16, including a USB transceiver, Part No. QFN-28
component is provided in Table 1 (FIGS. SSA-SSC) and Table from Silicon Laboratories, Inc., for converting data to/from a
2 (FIGS. S6A-S6B) below. Those having ordinary skill in the 30 USB format from/to a UART (Universal Asynchronous
art may obtain a detailed understanding of the operation of the Receiver/Transmitter) format. Because the USB communica-
circuit diagrams by considering the component information tion circuit S16 is only needed when the control board SOO is
in Tables 1 and 2 in view of the connections shown in the connected to an external computer system, power for the USB
FI GS. SSA-SSC and S6A-S6B. Accordingly, only a high-level communication circuit S18 may be derived over the USB
description of the functionality embodied by the circuit dia- 35 cable from the external computer system. As such, a USB
grams is offered herein. Also, to better view the circuit dia- voltage regulator circuit S18 may be provided, including a
grams, most of the FIGS. SSA-SSC and S6A-S6B have been voltage level translator, Part No. SN74LVC1 T45 from Texas
spread over two pages, so that FIG. SSA actually refers to Instruments, Inc., to bring the voltage from the external com-
FIGS. SSA-1 and SSA-2, FIG. S6A actually refers to FIGS. puter system down to the level required by the USB commu-
S6A-1 and S6A-2, and so forth. 40 nication circuit S16, which is 3.3 Vin the present instance.
Referring first to FIGS. SSA-SSC, an exemplary imple- A remote directional key input circuit S20 and a remote
mentation of a control board SOO for the measurement appa- function key input circuit S22, including standard or com-
ratuses that uses wireless communication to connect to an monly used wire-to-board connectors, may also be provided
external computer system is shown. This implementation of for allowing remotely generated directional key inputs and
the control board SOO, which may correspond to the wireless 45 function key inputs to be conveyed to the control board SOO
digital circuit or control card 12S, derives operational power from, for example, an external application. The assigriment or
from a battery and thus several circuits relating to battery functionality associated with the directional keys and func-
power management and charging are shown. As can be seen tion keys may be defined as needed to allow an external
in FIG. SSA, the exemplary control board SOO may include a application to interact with the measurement apparatuses.
USB input circuit shown generally at S02, which may include 50 Turning now to FIG. SSB, a controller circuit S24, includ-
a standard USB connector, for allowing the control board SOO ing a microcontroller, Part No. ATmega128RFA1 from Atmel
to communicate with an external computer system over a Corporation, having IEEE 802 .15 .4 (WPAN) compliant wire-
USB cable. The USB input circuit S02 may also be used to less transmission capability, functions as the controller forthe
charge the battery of the control board SOO via the USB cable. control board SOO. This controller circuit S24 manages the
The battery, although not expressly shown here, may be a 55 overall operation of the control board SOO, including perform-
battery similar to the lithium ion battery mentioned earlier. ing the depth value calculations, as well as communicating
This lithium ion battery may be configured as needed to with an external application running on an external computer
provide approximately 3.3 V DC, denoted as BBVCC, to the system. An exemplary computer program listing for the
control board SOO. Charging of the battery may then be microcontroller of the controller circuit S24 is provided here-
accomplished through a battery charging circuit shown gen- 60 with as a computer program listing appendix, which is hereby
erally at S04, which may include a battery charger/USE incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
power manager, Part No. LTC4088 from Linear Technology A reset circuit S26 may be provided, including a reset
Corp., for managing the charging the battery. A current moni- watchdog timer, Part No. STM6822ZWY6F from STMicro-
toring circuit denoted generally at S06 may also be provided, electronics, that operates to reset the microcontroller of the
including a battery gas gauge, Part No. LTC2942CDCB from 65 controller circuit S24 in the event of a malfunction (e.g., an
Linear Technology Corp., for monitoring the amount of cur- invalid or inadequate power supply). A reset enable circuit
rent flowing into and out of the battery. A buffer circuit S08, S28 enables the reset watchdog circuit S26. A heartbeat cir-
US 8,606,540 B2
155 156
cuit S30 may also be provided in some cases for debugging feedback circuit 608 provides a 5 V DC reference voltage to
purposes. Radio frequency (RF) transmission circuit S32 the POE management circuit 602 over an opto-coupler to help
allows the control board SOO to send/receive data wirelessly the POE management circuit 602 maintain the switching of
to/from an external computer system. the 48 V input at the appropriate frequency. The transformer
An optical decoder circuit S34, including a quadrature circuit 604 and the opto-coupler in the feedback circuit 608
clock converter, Part No. LS7183-S from LSI Computer Sys- isolates the high 48 V input from the rest of the control board
tems, Inc., processes input received by the control board SOO 600. An Ethernet interface circuit 610, including a standard or
from an optical encoder (e.g., optical encoder 124). As men- commonly use Ethernet connector (e.g., RJ-45), allows a
tioned above, this input represents the graduations or divi- standard Ethernet cable to be connected to the control board
sions that were displaced by the movement of the measure- 10
ment apparatus probe during a depth measurement. An
Referring next to FIG. S6B, a controller circuit 612, includ-
encoder input circuit S36, including a standard or commonly
ing a microcontroller with integrated IEEE 802.3 compatible
used wire-to-board connector, electrically connects the opti-
cal encoder to the control board SOO. Depth measurements Ethernet controls, Part No. PIC18F67J60 from Microchip
may be initiated by actuation of a trigger (not expressly 15
Technology, Inc., may be provided on the controller module
shown here) on the measurement apparatuses. The actuation 600. The controller circuit 612 manages the overall operation
of the trigger is conveyed to the control board SOO via a trigger of the control board 600, including performing the depth
input circuit S38 that connects the trigger to the control board value calculations described earlier, as well as communicat-
SOO. ing with an external application =ing on an external com-
A key switch control circuit S40, including another stan- 20 puter system. In some embodiments, the control board 600
dard or commonly used wire-to-board connectors, may be may also include a reset circuit 614 with a processor power
provided in some implementation to connect a left arrow manager and supervisor, Part No. LM37241M5-3.08 from
button, a right arrow button, and a calibration button to the National Semiconductor Corp., that operates to reset the
control board SOO. These buttons allow a human operator to microcontroller of the controller circuit 612 in the event of a
manipulate various operational aspects of the measurement 25 malfunction (e.g., an invalid or inadequate power supply). A
apparatuses, including selecting a calibration operation or decoupler circuit 616, which is essentially several capacitors
mode, indicating to an external application whether the mea- connected in parallel, may also be provided in the control
surement apparatuses is being advanced to take the next depth board 600 to smooth or filter out any noise that may appear on
measurement or returning to a previous depth measurement, the 3.3 V DC power supply.
and the like. An LED buffer circuit S42 is provided to help 30
A status indicator circuit 618, including an activity LED
drive any LEDs that may be used with the measurement
for indicating the presence of data traffic on the Ethernet
apparatuses. A JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) test port S44
cable, as well as a link LED for indicating a valid Ethernet
may be provided for testing, programming, and debugging of
connection, provides the status of the Ethernet connection. A
the microcontroller in the controller circuit S24. Crystal oscil-
lator circuits S46 and S48 generate the clock signals for the 35
crystal oscillator circuit 620 generates a clock signal for the
control board SOO. A MAC address circuit SSO, including a control board 600. A MAC address circuit 622, including a
MAC EEPROM, may be provided for uniquely identifying MAC EEPROM, helps uniquely identify the control board
the control board SOO to an external application. A charging 600 to an external application. A transceiver circuit, including
status circuit SS2, shown in FIG. SSC, may be provided to an RS-232 transceiver, Part No. MAX3232BTR from Maxim
indicate whether the battery of the control board SOO is being 40 Integrated Products, Inc., helps convert data transmitted/re-
charged. ceived over the Ethernet cable to/from the RS-232 serial for
Turning now to FIGS. S6A-S6B, an alternative exemplary the control board 600.
implementation of a control board 600 is shown. The control As with the control board SOO of FIGS. SSA-SSB, the
board 600, which correspond to the digital circuit or control control board 600 may also include an optical decoder circuit
card lSO, performs many of the same operations as the control 45 626, including a quadrature clock decoder, Part No.
board SOO of FIGS. SSA-SSC, except that the control board LS7183-S from LSI Computer Systems, Inc., for processing
600 uses an Ethernet cable to communicate with an external the input received by the control board 600 from an optical
computer system. Power to the control board 600 is also encoder (e.g., read head 124). Recall that this input represents
provided over the Ethernet cable using the well-known POE the graduations or divisions that were displaced by the move-
(Power-Over-Ethernet) standard. To this end, several circuits 50 ment of the measurement apparatus probe during a depth
are present that relate to Ethernet communication and the measurement. An encoder input circuit 628, including a stan-
provision of power over an Ethernet cable. For example, in the
dard or commonly used wire-to-board connector, electrically
present implementation, a POE management circuit 602 may
connects the optical encoder to the control board 600. Depth
be provided, including Part No. LTC4267CGN from Linear
measurements may be initiated by actuation of a trigger (not
Technology Corp., for receiving power over the Ethernet 55
cable (not expressly shown) and stepping it from a standard expressly shown here) on the measurement apparatuses. The
48 V DC down to a 5 V DC level that may be used by the actuation of the trigger is conveyed to the control board 600
various components on the control board 600. Specifically, via a trigger input circuit 630 that connects the trigger to the
the 48 V DC input voltage from the Ethernet cable is received control board 600.
by a voltage input circuit 603 and subsequently switched at a 60 A key switch control circuit 632, including another stan-
frequency controlled by the POE management circuit 602 to dard or commonly used wire-to-board connectors, may be
a transformer circuit 604 to step the voltage from 48 V DC to provided in some implementation to connect a left arrow
5VDC. button, a right arrow button, and a calibration button to the
A switch mode power supply circuit 606 converts the 5 V control board 600. These buttons facilitate human manipula-
DC provided by the transformer circuit 604 down to 3.3 V 65 tion of various operational aspects of the measurement appa-
DC, which is the level required by the microcontroller of the ratuses, including calibration, advancing to take the next
control board's controller circuit (discussed later herein). A depth measurement, and returning to a previous depth mea
US 8,606,540 B2
157 158
surement, and the like. Finally, the control board 600 may also Following are Tables 1 and 2 that list, among other things,
include a debugging serial/programming port 634 for allow- exemplary manufacturers, part numbers, and component val-
ing testing, prograrmning, and debugging of the microcon- ues (where applicable) for each component in FIGS. 55A-
troller in the controller circuit 612. 55C and FIGS. 56A-56B.
Part No. Qty Description Designators Manufacturer Mfg Part No.

CC11012 4 1.2 pF, 10 V, C16-19 Murata GRM1SSSC1H1R2CZ01D

COG, 0402 SMT Electronics North
Capacitor America,
Smyrna, GA
CC11104 14 lOOnF, lOV, C20-27, AVX, 0402ZD104KAT2A
XSR, 0402 SMT CSO-SS Fountain Inn, SC
Panasonic, ECJ-OEB1A104K
Secaucus, NJ
CClllOS 9 1 uF, 6.3 V, XSR, C8-1S, CS6 Panasonic, ECJ-OEBOJlOSM
0402 SMT Secaucus, NJ
CC11220 16 22 pF, SO V, NPO, C29-38, Murata GRM1SSSC1H220JZ01D
0402 SMT C43-48 Electronics North
Capacitor America,
Smyrna, GA
CC21106 10 uF, 6.3 V, XSR, Cl-7, C49 Panasonic, ECJ-1VBOJ106M
0603 SMT Secaucus, NJ
CC41107 100 uF, 6.3 V, C28 Taiyo Yuden, JMK316BJ107ML-T
XSR, 1206 SMT Japan
CN10223 Mini-USB Client, J6 Molex, Lisle, IL S0007S-OS 17
CN10344 S Pas. PicoBlade J4 Molex, Lisle, IL S3048-0S10
CN103S8 SP RIA Shrd Lkg J2 Amp-Tyco S-103634-4
Connector Electronics,
Berwyn, PA
Amp-Tyco 103634-4
Berwyn, PA
CN103S9 2 Pas. TH RIA J8 Molex, Lisle, IL S3048-0210
Pico blade
CN10360 8 Pas. TH RIA J7 Molex, Lisle, IL S3048-0810
Pico blade
CN10366 2 x S Header, J3 Sullins, GRPBOS2VWQS-
O.OSO" pitch, San Marcos, CA RC
CN10374 S Pas. RIA JS Sullins PPTCOSlLGBN-
Female Header, San Marcos, CA RC
0 .1" Centers
CN1037S 2 Pas. RA J1 Molex, Lisle, IL 70SS3-0001
Shrouded Header,
C-Grid SL, 0.1"
2A 20 V, SOD323 Semiconductors,
Schottky Diode Eindhoven, The
FB10010 1000 Ohm, 0402 L1 Murata BLM1SAG102SN1D
Ferrite Bead Electronics North
Smyrna, GA
IC10027 4 NC7S14, Single Ul, U3-4, U20 Fairchild Semi- NC7SZ14MSX
Inv w/Schmitt conductor, South
Trigger Portland, ME or
San Jose, CA
IC10388 LT6700CS6-3 U6 Linear Tech, LT6700CS6-
Dual Comparator Milipitas, CA 3#PBF
Linear Tech, LT6700CS6-3
Milipitas, CA
IC10400 CP2102-GM UlO Silicon CP2102-GM
Laboratories, Inc.
Austin, TX
IC10S04 LTC4088 USB us Linear Tech, LTC4088EDE#PBF
Power Manager/ Milipitas, CA
Charger, DFN-14
US 8,606,540 B2
159 160
TABLE I-continued
Part No. Qty Description Designators Manufacturer Mfg Part No.

IC10508 4 SN74LVC1 T45 U13-14, Texas SN74LVC1 T45DBVR

Single Bit Ul6, U19 Instruments, Inc.
Voltage Dallas, TX
Translator 5 V
IC10568 24AA02E48T Ull Microchip 24AA02E48T-
MAC Address Technology, Inc. I/OT
ROM, SOT-23-5 Chandler, AZ
IC10592 LS7183-S U15 [None] LSI Computer
Quadrature clock Systems:
converter, S0-8 LS7183-S
IC10613 LT3495EDDB U7 Linear Tech, LT3495EDDB#TRPBF
Boost SMPS with Milipitas, CA
IC10614 ATmegal 28RFA U12 Atmel, ATmega128RFA1-
1 Micro with RF San Jose, CA zu
deck, QFN-64
IC10616 STM6822ZWY6 U5 ST Micro- STM6822ZWY6F
2.3 V Reset electronics
w/Watchdog, Geneva,
SOT23-5 Pkg. Switzerland
LE20002 2 0805 Green SMT CR2-3 Lum ex, SML-
LED Palatine, IL LXT0805GW-TR
LS10030 2 4.7 uH, 1608 L2-3 Bourns, Inc., SDR0703-4R7ML
SMD 1.5A Riverside, CA
J. W. Miller PM1608-4R7M-
(Bourns), RC
Riverside, CA
Tyco Electronics, MGDUl-00005
Berwyn, PA
Vishay-Sprague, IDC2512ER4R7M
Shelton, CT
J. W. Miller PM1608-4R7M
Riverside, CA
LS10057 2 2.7 nH 0603 L4-5 Panasonic, ELJ-RE2N7DFA
Inductor, Secaucus, NJ
High Freq.
PC10124 PCB, Delta PC!
Sigma Wireless
Grip Gauge
Omit R44
RS10104 11 lOOK, 5%, 0402 R22-26, Panasonic, ERJ-2GEJ104X
SMT Resistor R29-33, R62 Secaucus, NJ
Omit 2 R27-28
Omit R36
RS10106 2 !OM, 5%, 0402 R34-35 Panasonic, ERJ-2GEJ106X
SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
RS10153 22 15K, 5%, 0402 R4-21, Vishay-Sprague, CRCW040215KOJNED
SMT Resistor R59-61, R64 (Vishay
Shelton, CT
Yageo America, RC0402JR-
San Jose, CA 0715KL
RS10472 4.7K, 5%, 0402 R41-43 Vishay-Sprague, CRCW04024K70JNED
SMT Resistor (Vishay
Shelton, CT
RS11002 !OK, 1%, 0402 R55 Panasonic, ERJ-2RKF1002X
SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
RS20000 0 Ohm, 5%, 0603 R38 Panasonic, ERJ-3GEYOROOV
SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
Omit R39
RS20271 9 270 Ohm, 5%, R46-54 Panasonic, ERJ-3GEYJ271 V
0603 SMT Secaucus, NJ
RS20391 390 Ohm, 5%, R37 Panasonic, ERJ-3GEYJ391 V
0603 SMT Secaucus, NJ
RS20829 8.2 Ohm,5%, R3 Panasonic, ERJ-3GEYJ8R2V
0603 SMT Secaucus, NJ
RS22323 232K, 1%, 0603 R45 Panasonic, ERJ-3EKF2323V
SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
US 8,606,540 B2
161 162
TABLE I-continued
Part No. Qty Description Designators Manufacturer Mfg Part No.

RS22803 280K, 1%, 0603 R56 Panasonic, ERJ-3EKF2803V

SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
RS22941 2.94K, 1%, 0603 R58 Panasonic, ERJ-3EKF2941V
SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
RS24222 42.2K, 1%, 0603 Rl Panasonic, ERJ-3EKF4222V
SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
RS24532 45.3K, 1%, 0603 R57 Panasonic, ERJ-3EKF4532V
SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
RS24990 499 Ohm, 1%, R2 Panasonic, ERJ-3EKF4990V
0603 SMT Secaucus, NJ
Vishay Dale, CRCW0603499RFKEA
Shelton, CT
TR10028 IRLML6402PbFP- Q2 International IRLML6402PbF
channel SOT- Rectifier,
23 LowVgs El Segundo, CA
TR20003 2N7002, N- Q3 On Semi- 2N7002LT1G
channel FET conductor,
SOT23 Transistor Phoenix, AZ
On Semi- 2N7002LT1
Phoenix, AZ
XT10033 32.768 KHz Xl Pletronics, SM8S-32.768K-
Crystal, 3.2 x 1.5 mm Lynnwood, WA 20
Fountain Inn, SC
Citizen Crystals CM31532.768KDZF-
Chicago, IL UT
CN20007 Keystone TP27 Keystone 5016
Testpoint - Electronics,
Surface mount Astoria, NY
Keystone 5016KCT-ND
Astoria, NY
IC10327 PCA9306DC I2C U17 Texas PCA9306DCUR
Level Translator Instruments, Inc.
Dallas, TX
IC10625 LTC2942 Gas U18 Linear Tech, LTC2942CDCB#TRPBF
Gauge, DFN-6 Milipitas, CA
RS30108 .1 Ohm, 5%, 0805 R63 Panasonic, ERJ-6RSJR10V
SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
Omit R40
RS20010 1.0 ohm, 5%, R65 Panasonic, ERJ-3GEYJ1ROV
0603 SMT Secaucus, NJ
CC11120 2 12 pF, 50 V, COG, C39-40 Panasonic, ECJ-OEC1H120J
0402 SMT Secaucus, NJ
IC10430 NC7SZ125 U21 Fairchild Semi- NC7SZ125M5X
Single Tri-State conductor, South
buffer Portland, ME or
San Jose, CA
XT10046 16.000 MHz X2 Abracon, ABM8G-
Crystal, 2.5 x 3 .2 Rancho Santa 16.000MHZ-18-
SMD Package Margarita, CA D2Y-T
CC22120 2 12 pF, 50 V, NPO, C41-42 Panasonic, ECJ-1VC1H120J
0603 SMT Secaucus, NJ
IC10347 MCPl 700 3.3 V U9 Microchip MCP1700T-
LDO SOT-23 Technology, Inc. 3302E/TT
Chandler, AZ

Part No. Qty Description Designator Manufacturer Mfg Part No.

CA10001 2 4.7 uF, 80V C7, C35 Panasonic, EEE-FK1K4R7P

Alum. Cap. Secaucus, NJ
7.8 x 7.8 x 6
US 8,606,540 B2
163 164
TABLE 2-continued
Part No. Qty Description Designator Manufacturer Mfg Part No.

CA80227 2 220 uF, 6.3 V C9-10 Sanyo Electric 6SVPA220MAA

Alum Cap, Co. Ltd.,
LowESR Osaka, Japan
United Chemi- APXC6R3ARA221MH70G
Rosemont, IL
Panasonic, EEF-WAOJ221P
Secaucus, NJ
CC11104 14 100 nF, 10 V, C12-24, C36 AVX, 0402Z0104KAT2A
X5R, 0402 SMT Fountain Inn, SC
Panasonic, ECJ-OEB1A104K
Secaucus, NJ
CC11220 22 pF, 50 V, NPO, C29-33 Murata GRM1555C1H220JZ01D
0402 SMT Electronics
Capacitor North America,
Smyrna, GA
CC21106 10 uF, 6.3 V, X5R, Cl-2, C34 Panasonic, ECJ-1VBOJ106M
0603 SMT Secaucus, NJ
CC21333 33 nF, 16 V, X7R, C6 Panasonic, ECJ-1VB1C333K
0603 10% Secaucus, NJ
CC22151 150 pF, 100 V, cs Murata GRM1885C2A151JA01D
COG/NPO, 0603 Electronics
SMT Capacitor North America,
Smyrna, GA
CC22680 68 pF, 50 V, X7R, Cll Panasonic, ECJ-1VC1H680J
0603 SMT Secaucus, NJ
CC41107 100 uF, 6.3 V, C25 [None] Taiyo Yuden:
X5R, 1206 SMT JMK316BJ107ML-T
CC42475 4.7 uF, 16V, X5R, C4 Panasonic, ECJ-3YB1C475K
1206 SMT Secaucus, NJ
CC46104 100 nF, 100 V, C3 Kern et, C1206C104K1RACTU
1206 SMT Simpsonville, SC
CC46105 1 uF, 100 V, X7R, C26 Murata GRM31CR72A105KA01L
1206 SMT Electronics
Capacitor North America,
Smyrna, GA
CN10228 2 x 5 Shrouded J3 Amp-Tyco 5103308-1
lOOmil Electronics,
Connector Berwyn, PA
CN10344 5 Pas. PicoBlade J1 Molex, Lisle, IL 53048-0510
CN10358 SP RIA Shrd Lkg J6 Amp-Tyco 103634-4
Connector Electronics,
Berwyn, PA
DI10039 SMAJ58A58V CR9 Littlefuse, SMAJ58A
TVS Chicago, IL
DI10049 MBRS240LT32A, CR! On Semi- MBRS240LT3G
40VSMB conductor,
Case Phoenix, AZ
DI10050 9.1 V Zener, CR8 Fairchild Semi- BZX84C9Vl
SOT-23 Package conductor, South
Portland, ME or
San Jose, CA
DI20004 4 0.2 A, 75 V Diode CR4-7 On Semi- BAS16HT1
SOD323 conductor,
Phoenix, AZ
FB10012 Ferrite Bead, 120 Ohm, L2 Panasonic, EXC-3BP121H
500mA Secaucus, NJ
IC10119 LTC3406 Buck U6 Linear Tech, LTC3406ES5#PBF
Regulator, SOT- Milipitas, CA
Linear Tech, LTC3406ES5
Milipitas, CA
IC10162 LM3724IM5- U7 National LM3724IM5-
3.08 Reset Semiconductor 3.08/NOPB
Generator, Open Santa Clara, CA
National LM3724IM5-3.08
Santa Clara, CA
US 8,606,540 B2
165 166
TABLE 2-continued

Part No. Qty Description Designator Manufacturer Mfg Part No.

IC10167 ST3232BTR U9 Sipex Corp., SP3232EBCY

2TX, 2RX Milpitas, CA
ST Micro- ST3232BTR
Texas MAX3232CPW
Instruments, Inc.
Dallas, TX
IC10334 TLV431BCD Ull Texas TLV431BCDBZR
Voltage Instruments, Inc.
Reference Dallas, Texas
IC10566 PI Cl 8F67J60- us Microchip PIC18F67J60-I/PT
I/PTMPU, Technology, Inc.
TQFP-64 Chandler, AZ
IC10567 LTC4267 POE U5 Linear Tech, LTC4267CGN#PBF
Controller with Milipitas, CA
IC10568 24AA02E48T UlO Microchip 24AA02E48T-
MAC Address Technology, Inc. I/OT
ROM, SOT-23-5 Chandler, AZ
LE20002 0805 Green SMT CR2-3,CR10 Lwnex, SML-
LED Palatine, IL LXT0805GW-TR
LS10030 4.7 uH, 1608 L1 Bourns, Inc., SDR0703-4R7ML
SMD 1.5A Riverside, CA
J. W. Miller PM1608-4R7M-
(Bourns), RC
Riverside, CA
Tyco Electronics, MGDUl-00005
Berwyn, PA
Vishay-Sprague, IDC2512ER4R7M
Shelton, CT
J. W. Miller PM1608-4R7M
Riverside, CA
OP10017 PS2911-1 Opto U1 NEC PS2911-1-F3-A
Isolator Corporation of
America, Irving,
PC10115 PCB, Delta PC! [None]
Sigma Grip
RS10100 2 10 Ohm, 5%, R15-16 Panasonic, ERJ-2GEJ100X
0402 SMT Secaucus, NJ
Vishay-Sprague, CRCW040210ROJNED
Shelton, CT
RS10153 4 15K, 5%, 0402 R2-5 Vishay-Sprague, CRCW040215KOJNED
SMT Resistor (Vishay
Shelton, CT
Yageo America, RC0402JR-
San Jose, CA 0715KL
RS10472 9 4.7K, 5%, 0402 R9-13, Vishay-Sprague, CRCW04024K70JNED
SMT Resistor R42-45 (Vishay
Shelton, CT
RS20105 lM, 5%, 0603 R38 Panasonic, ERJ-3GEYJ105V
SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
Vishay-Sprague, CRCW06031MOOJNEA
Shelton, CT
RS20154 150K, 5%, 0603 R29-31
SMT Resistor
RS20271 11 270 Ohm, 5%, R19-23, R46- Panasonic, ERJ-3GEYJ271V
0603 SMT 51 Secaucus, NJ
US 8,606,540 B2
167 168
TABLE 2-continued
Part No. Qty Description Designator Manufacturer Mfg Part No.

RS20S61 S60 Ohm, S%, R36 Panasonic, ERJ-3GEYJS61V

0603 SMT Secaucus, NJ
RS21002 !OK, 1%, 0603 R39 Vishay-Sprague, CRCW060310KOFKEA
SMT Resistor (Vishay
Shelton, CT
Yageo America, RC0603FR-
San Jose, CA 0710KL
RS21103 llOK, 1%, 0603 R18 Panasonic, ERJ-3EKF1103V
SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
RS22261 2.26K, 1%, 0603 R7 Panasonic, ERJ-3EKF2261 V
SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
RS236S2 36.SK, 1%, 0603 RS Panasonic, ERJ-3EKF36S2V
SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
RS24S32 2 4S.3K, 1%, 0603 R37, RS2 Panasonic, ERJ-3EKF4S32V
SMT Resistor Secaucus, NJ
RS24990 499 Ohm, 1%, Rl Panasonic, ERJ-3EKF4990V
0603 SMT Secaucus, NJ
RS24999 4 49.9 Ohm, 1%, R32-3S Vishay-Dale, RCW060349R9FKEA
0603 SMT (Vishay
Resistor Americas),
Shelton, CT
Yageo America, RT0603FRE0749R9L
San Jose, CA
Yageo America, 9T06031A49R9FBHFT
San Jose, CA
RS26801 6.8K, 1%, 0603 R40
SMT Resistor
Omit R17
RS30331 330 Ohm, S%, R14
080S SMT
RS33308 .33Ohm,1%, R6 Panasonic, ERJ-6RQFR33V
080S SMT Secaucus, NJ
TR10021 MMBT2222A QS Diodes Inc., MMBT2222A-7-F
NPNSOT-23 Dallas, TX
TR10043 FDC2S12 lSOV, Q4 Fairchild Semi- FDC2S12
1.2ASOT-6N- conductor, South
Chnl FET Portland, ME or
San Jose, CA
TR20003 2 2N7002, N- Ql,Q3 On Semi- 2N7002LT1G
channel FET conductor,
SOT23 Phoenix, AZ
On Semi- 2N7002LT1
Phoenix, AZ
XR10030 POE Transformer XRl [None] Wurth Electronics:
toSV,4W, 7491191SO
XT10039 2S.OOO MHz, Xl Abracon, ABM10-2S.OOO
2 x 2.S mm Rancho Santa MHZ-E20-T
Crystal Margarita, CA
CC48103 10 nF, SOO V, cs Vishay-Sprague, VJ1206Y103KXEATSZ
X7R, 1206 SMT (Vishay
Capacitor Americas),
Shelton, CT
CN103S9 2 Pas. TH RIA J7 Molex, Lisle, IL S3048-0210
Pico blade
CN10360 8 Pas. TH RIA JS Molex, Lisle, IL S3048-0810
Pico blade
Dl100S2 2 HDOl-T lOOV CRll-12 Diodes Inc., HDOl-T
0.8ADiode Dallas, TX
IC10S92 LS7183-S U12 [None] LSI Computer
Quadrature clock Systems: LS7183-S
converter, S0-8
Omit R41
XR10022 H1102 Ethernet XR2 Pulse, H1102
Transformer San Diego, CA
US 8,606,540 B2
169 170
Sources for Components of Apparatus may easily be transferred to lesser experienced or inexperi-
All of the components that are present in the measurement enced workers when using optically projected assembly
apparatuses of the present invention are commercially avail- instructions, resulting in a higher throughput with fewer
able from sources that are known by those having ordinary errors. This, in tum, results in significantly lower production
skill in the art, such as ProjectionWorks, Inc. (Kennesaw, costs.
Ga.), Delta Sigma Corporation (Kennesaw, Ga.), other The knowledge transfer using three-dimensional optical
sources that are described herein, and other sources that are projection technology is vastly more efficient than traditional
known by those having ordinary skill in the art. methods of training because the exact information that is
The following example describes and illustrates the sys- needed for the single step that is presently being worked on in
tems and methods of the present invention. This example is 10 a particular assembly is displayed precisely where it is needed
intended to be merely illustrative of the present invention, and in full-scale, three-dimensional, color text, pictures and/or
not limiting thereofin either scope or spirit. Those of ordinary symbols directly on the assembly in an undistorted manner, at
skill in the art will readily understand that many variations of the precise moment that it is needed. Three-dimensional opti-
certain of the devices, components, materials, ingredients, cal projection technology allows an assembly, manufacturing
computer software, conditions and/or steps employed in the 15 (or other) business to record its "best" practices (i.e., the best
systems and procedures described in the example, and other- ordered sequence of assembly, manufacturing or other steps),
wise described herein, can be employed. so that there is an assurance that every worker knows the
"best" way to perform any task, assembly, manufacture or
Example other process, any time that task is being done, even if the
20 worker has never done this task before.
Production of Wire Harness While the test above showed cost savings of about 10% and
30% for experienced and inexperienced assemblers, a wire
In order to test the invention in an actual assembly envi- harness is not a very complex assembly. The more complexity
ronment, ratherthan in a laboratory environment, which is not there is in an assembly process, the greater the savings will
employed for assembly operations, an experiment was per- 25 typically be. Cost savings well in excess of about 50% will not
formed at an aircraft manufacturer facility (under the terms of be rare, and from about 30% to about 50% will be very
a confidentiality agreement, and under the control of the common. Savings of this magnitude will take millions of
inventors) to test the theory that optically projected work dollars out of the cost of assembling each very complex
instructions would be helpful to assembly technicians (in object, such as an airplane. Other applications of the technol-
terms of saving time, labor, blueprints, plans, instruction 30 ogy will have proportional effects.
manuals, computer screens, and the like). While the apparatuses, systems and methods of the present
A particular wire harness was selected for this experiment. invention have been described herein with specificity, and
Abundant data from many years of cost tracking for this with reference to certain preferred embodiments thereof,
particular assembly was available to the inventors. A person those of ordinary skill in the art will recognize numerous
that was skilled at making this particular wire harness aver- 35 variations, modifications and substitutions of that which has
aged making it in 21 hours, whereas a person skilled at mak- been described which can be made, and which are within the
ing wire harnesses in general, but not this particular wire scope and spirit of the invention, which is pioneering. It is
harness, averaged making it in 28 hours. intended that all of these modifications and variations be
Assembly data was input into a progrannnable computer as within the scope of the present invention as it is described and
it was gathered from a technician who had built this particular 40 claimed herein, and that the invention be limited only by the
assembly (wire harness) dozens of times, taking him 21 hours scope of the claims which follow, and that such claims be
to construct the wire harness in his usual manual manner of interpreted as broadly as is reasonable for a pioneering inven-
construction. ti on.
About a month later, the same technician built the same Throughout this document, various books, catalogs, manu-
wire harness using the assembly data that was input into the 45 als, patents, patent applications, journal articles, web sites
programmable computer and optically projected assembly and other publications have been cited. The entireties of each
instructions (projected onto the wire harness). He was able to of these books, catalogs, manuals, patents, patent applica-
build the wire harness this time in 19 hours, which was his tions, journal articles, web sites and other publications are
personal record for that harness, and a savings of 2 hours of hereby incorporated by reference herein.
time for just this one wire harness, and an increase of effi- 50
ciency of the assembly of about 10%. (Ifhe were to construct What is claimed is:
several of these wire harnesses, the time savings would be 1. An automated apparatus for making one or a plurality of
even greater (i.e., two hours times the number of wire har- linear or rotary measurements on, against, in or through one
nesses being constructed.) or a plurality of three-dimensional objects, or parts thereof, or
The next month, a technician that had never built this 55 holes present therein, or of fastener lengths, or any combina-
particular wire harness built it using the same optically pro- tion thereof, which may be operated by a user using only one
jected assembly instructions, and also built the wire harness hand to perform multiple functions, comprising:
in 19 hours (even though she had never built it before). (a) a housing;
Comments received from both technicians were very (b) a measurement device affixed to a frame capable of
favorable, reporting that the optically projected assembly 60 making linear or rotary measurements, or both types of
instructions had a definite positive impact on their assembly measurements;
work or relatively complex objects. Further, both wire har- (c) a stationary reader head affixed to the measurement
ness assemblies were completed with no errors. device having an ability to read one or a plurality of
In addition to demonstrating the time reduction in assem- graduations or divisions present on a scale when one or
bly that results from optically projected assembly instructions 65 a plurality of measurement are made by the apparatus,
onto an object being assembled, this test also demonstrates and connect resulting signal paths to a digital circuit
how the knowledge from the most experienced technicians card;
US 8,606,540 B2
171 172
(d) a shaft that is slidable or moveable in a forwards direc- combined forces are stronger than the force applied by
tion, a backwards direction, or both directions, partially the compression spring to couple the shaft and the grip
or fully through the frame and that includes one or a clip together;
plurality of threads at its forward end in which a probe (m) a trigger screw positioned in the frame that mechani-
tip may be affixed; cally actuates the trigger switch and can provide a degree
(e) a scale affixed to the shaft including a plurality of of adjustment ranging from about 0 to about 0.10 to set
graduations or divisions uniformly spaced apart thereon a linear displacement between a position of accurate
that is readable by the measurement device, wherein the measurement and a position of the trigger action;
scale is a linear scale or a rotary scale; (n) a common grip operably connected to the T-foot, or an
(f) a removable or non-removable pro be, wherein the probe 10 end cap, located externally to the apparatus including the
includes: trigger switch and having a size and shape that may be
(1) a hollow, stationary or non-stationary body having its compressed, squeezed, or pushed, by the user using only
aft end removably or non-removably affixed to the one hand, or one or a plurality of fingers on one hand,
forward end of the frame, and having a diameter that and when compressed, squeezed or pushed one time in
is larger than the diameter of the shaft, through which 15 one single action, applies tension to the extension
the shaft may partially or fully slide or move; and spring, force to the compression spring, and a reactive
(2) a tip having its aft end removably attached to the force to the trigger switch that "activates" the apparatus
forward end of the shaft, having a diameter smaller by overcoming the amount of force being applied by the
than a diameter of a hole to be measured, and capable compression spring between the grip clip and the frame,
of making one or a plurality of linear or rotary mea- 20 thereby causing the shaft, tip of the probe and scale to
surements upon contact with the three-dimensional slide or move in a backwards direction towards the aft
objects, or parts thereof, or holes; end of the apparatus, and the scale to slide or move past,
(g) a encoder clip present in the frame that is mechanically or through, the reader head of the measurement device,
coupled to the shaft, and is slidable or movable in a and the measurement device to count the divisions or
forwards direction, a backwards direction, or in both 25 graduations present on the scale; and
directions, along with the shaft, and that actuates or (o) a digital circuit card affixed to the frame that has an
deactivates a trigger switch when a compression spring ability to process measurement data or information, or a
force is overcome by pressure applied on a common grip combination thereof, and transmit the same to one or a
or end cap by a user of the apparatus; plurality of computers or data collection devices, or a
(h) a T-foot positioned within a slot present in the frame 30 combination thereof;
that is slidable in a forwards direction, a backwards wherein the apparatus, when "activated," performs more than
direction, or in both direction in the frame, having an one, or all, of the following functions simultaneously or sub-
upper end and a lower end; stantially simultaneously, and instantaneously or substan-
(i) a grip clip connected to the upper end of the T-foot and tially instantaneously, in an automated manner, each time that
affixed to one or a plurality of interior surfaces of the 35 a measurement is made:
frame that is slidable or movable in a forwards direction, (i) normalizing the probe or the tip relative to one or a
a backwards direction, or both directions, partially or plurality of surfaces present on, or in, the object, or part
fully in the frame, that guides the encoder clip; thereof, or holes being measured;
G) a compression spring positioned in the frame forward of (ii) making one or a plurality of measurements, wherein the
the grip clip having an ability to forcibly couple the shaft 40 measurements are made of a thickness of the three-
and the grip clip together by applying a compressive dimensional objects, or parts thereof, of a hole depth, of
force between the encoder clip and the grip clip; a hole diameter, of a countersink depth, of a fastener
(k) an extension spring positioned in the frame forward of length, of a grip length of the three-dimensional objects,
the grip clip having an ability to apply a tension force or parts thereof, or holes, or of any combination thereof;
between the grip clip and the frame that causes the shaft, 45 (iii) transferring data, information, or a combination
tip of the probe, or both, to extend outwardly in a direc- thereof, resulting or procured from, or produced by, the
tion towards the forward end of the apparatus, wherein one or plurality of measurements made by the apparatus
the amount of force exerted by the extension spring to in, or that identifies one or a plurality of holes measured,
extend the shaft, grip clip, encoder clip, tip of the probe or both, to the one or a plurality of computers or data
or one or a plurality of connected fasteners, or any com- 50 collection devices, or a combination thereof for recor-
bination thereof, is less than the amount of force exerted dation, storage, organization, manipulation, or other
by the compression spring to separate the encoder clip use, or any combination thereof;
and the shaft from the grip clip, and wherein the exten- wherein the apparatus, or a computer with which the appara-
sion spring becomes disrupted from an initial resting tus is operably connected, has an ability to inform the user as
position upon an "activation" of the apparatus, thereby 55 to which particular length, diameter or type of a fastener can
causing the scale to extend through, or by, the reader properly be installed in a particular hole present in the three-
head of the measurement device; dimensional objects, or parts thereof.
(I) a trigger switch positioned in the frame near or adjacent 2. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus has a
with the aft end of the encoder clip, and affixed to the "retraction" style configuration including a common grip that
grip clip, including an actuator that becomes released 60 may be squeezed by an operator using one hand, which
upon a tension force being applied to the common grip squeezing action activates the apparatus to perform any two
by a hand or finger of the user, or upon a reactive force or all three of the following functions: (i) normalize the pro be
being applied to the tip of the probe by a mechanical relative to a surface of the three-dimensional object, or part
impediment to its movement, or by both, thereby caus- thereof; (ii) take a measurement; and (iii) transmit data or
ing the trigger switch to be pushed away, and separate, 65 information, or a combination thereof, procured from 10 the
from the encoder clip and a trigger screw, and the appa- measurement to one or a plurality of computers or data col-
ratus to become "activated," wherein such individual or lection devices, or a combination thereof.
US 8,606,540 B2
173 174
3. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus has a viously made by the apparatus; (ii) advance to a new or
"plunge" style configuration including an end cap at the aft different measurement or hole, or both; (iii) become cali-
end of the apparatus that may be pushed by an operator using brated to a known thickness of the calibration disk; or (iv) any
one hand, which pushing action activates the apparatus to combination thereof.
perform any two or all three of the following functions: (i) 25. The apparatus of claim 24, wherein the apparatus has an
normalize the probe relative to a surface of the three-dimen- ability to make a plurality of measurements that are fully error
sional object, or part thereof; (ii) take a measurement; and (iii) free.
transmit data or information, or a combination thereof, pro- 26. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus
cured from the measurement to one or a plurality of comput- includes an adjustment screw present in the frame that is
ers or data collection devices, or a combination thereof. 10
operably connected with the compression spring, and that
4. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus has a
may be adjusted by a user to set a distance that the common
wireless configuration.
grip may be compressed or squeezed.
5. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus has a
wired-configuration. 27. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the scale includes at
6. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus has a 15
least 500 divisions or graduations.
Power-over-Ethernet configuration. 28. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus has an
7. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the housing includes a ability to measure the depths of one or a plurality of holes
left hand outer body and a right hand outer body affixed having an open front end and an open rear end, and through
together. which the probe has an ability to pass through fully.
8. An apparatus of claim 7, wherein the frame is positioned 20 29. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus has an
centrally in the housing. ability to measure the depths of one or a plurality of holes
9. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the divisions or gradu- having an open front end and a closed rear end, and through
ations on the scale range from about 0.1 to about 1,000 which the probe cannot pass through fully.
microns. 30. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus, when
10. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the divisions or 25 "activated," makes a plurality of measurements continuously.
graduations on the scale range from about 1.0 to about 100 31. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus has an
microns. ability to perform all of the functions in a marmer that is
11. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the body of the probe simultaneous.
includes one or a plurality of ball pads. 32. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus has an
12. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the probe is remov- 30
ability to perform all of the functions in a marmer that is
ably affixed to the frame.
13. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the compression
33. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus has an
spring applies a force of about 1 to about 5 pounds to the grip
ability to make a plurality of measurements that are fully error
clip, shaft, or both the grip clip and the shaft.
14. An apparatus of claim 13, wherein the compression 35
spring applies a force of about 2 to about 4 pounds to the grip 34. The apparatus of claim 31, wherein the apparatus has an
clip, shaft, or both the grip clip and the shaft. ability to perform all of the functions in a marmer that is
15. An apparatus of claim 13, wherein the extension spring instantaneous.
applies a force of about 0.5 to about 3 pounds between the grip 35. The apparatus of claim 34, wherein the apparatus has an
clip and the frame. 40 ability to make a plurality of measurements that are fully error
16. An apparatus of claim 14, wherein the compression free.
spring applies a force of about 3 pounds to the grip clip, shaft, 36. The apparatus of claim 31, wherein the apparatus has an
or both the grip clip and the shaft. ability to make a plurality of measurements that are fully error
17.An apparatus of claim 14, wherein the extension spring free.
applies a force of about 0.5 to about 2 pounds between the grip 45 37. A hand-operated measurement apparatus for automati-
clip and the frame. cally measuring a dimension of an aperture on an assembly
18. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the extension spring object, the apparatus comprising:
applies a force of about 0.5 to about 3 pounds between the grip (a) a housing;
clip and the frame. (b) a frame located inside of, and affixed to, the housing;
19.An apparatus of claim 16, wherein the extension spring 50 (c) a detection device secured to the frame, the detection
applies a force of about 1 pound between the grip clip and the device having a read head configured to detect divisions
frame. on a scale when the scale passes within a predefined
20. An apparatus of claim 2, wherein the apparatus range of the read head, the detection device providing an
includes a slidable T-foot, and wherein the slidable T-foot output corresponding to the divisions detected by the
provides a stroke length ranging from about 0.1 to about 10 55 read head; and
inches. (d) a control module located within the housing and elec-
21. An apparatus of claim 20, wherein the T-foot provides trically connected to the detection device, the control
a stroke length ranging from about 1 to about 3 inches. module including:
22. An apparatus of claim 21, wherein the T-foot provides (i) a decoder configured to receive the output from the
a stroke length of about 1 inch. 60 detection device and provide a signal representing the
23. An apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus divisions detected by the read head; and
includes a calibration disk having a known thickness mea- (ii) a processor configured to receive the signal from the
surement positioned at the forward end of the tip of the probe. decoder and track a number of divisions detected by
24. An apparatus of claim 23, wherein the apparatus the read head, the processor further configured to
includes one or a plurality of buttons located externally to the 65 calculate a value for a preselected dimension on the
apparatus that, when depressed, compressed, pushed or acti- aperture of the assembly object based on the number
vated, cause the apparatus to: (i) repeat a measurement pre- of divisions detected by the read head;
US 8,606,540 B2
175 176
wherein the preselected dimension is selected from at least 41. The hand-operated measurement apparatus according
the following types of dimensions: hole depth, hole to claim 37, wherein the external communication interface is
diameter, countersink depth, grip length, flushness, and configured to implement a wired communication protocol,
the wired communication protocol including one of the fol-
wherein the control module further includes an external
communication interface configured to allow the control lowing protocols: Ethernet, Universal Serial Bus (USB), Fire
module to communicate with an external computing Wire, and RS-232.
system; 42. The hand-operated measurement apparatus according
wherein the external communication interface is config- to claim 37, wherein the processor is further configured to
ured to implement a wireless communication protocol, adjust the value of the preselected dimension based on a
the wireless communication protocol including one of 10
calibration of the hand-operated measurement apparatus.
the following protocols: ZigBee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and
Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN). 43. The hand-operated measurement apparatus according
38. The hand-operated measurement apparatus according to claim 42, wherein the calibration of the hand-operated
to claim 37, wherein the control module further includes a DC measurement apparatus is performed by the processor.
power supply configured to receive power from a power
source and provide multiple DC voltages to the control mod- 15 44. The hand-operated measurement apparatus according
ule. to claim 42, wherein the calibration of the hand-operated
39. The hand-operated measurement apparatus according measurement apparatus is performed by an external comput-
to claim 38, wherein the power source is located at one of the ing system and a result thereof is provided to the processor.
following locations: internally within the housing, and exter- 45. The hand-operated measurement apparatus according
nally to the housing. 20
to claim 37, wherein the control module includes a printed
40. The hand-operated measurement apparatus according
circuit board, and the processor is a microcontroller mounted
to claim 37, wherein the control module is further configured
on the printed circuit board.
to communicate the value of the preselected dimension to the
external computing system. * * * * *

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