A Hydrogen Generator You Can Build
A Hydrogen Generator You Can Build
A Hydrogen Generator You Can Build
* A cannister, under the hood, containing electrodes (about 1.5 mm apart), is (almost) filled
with water. The water is separated into hydrogen and oxygen, on demand, when the engine is
started, and the hydrogen produced is directed into the engine through the air intake, which
may or may not be mixed with gasoline, sprayed in, also. The hydrogen, a gas, explodes,
completely, 100%, not just some small percentage like the liquid gasoline (or diesel) being
sprayed in with it.
Gasoline, the liquid, does not explode in your engine, either. Liquid gasoline, or diesel, is
sprayed into the engine. Of that, the small amount that vaporizes off the surface, (abt. 10-
15%?) explodes with the force needed to move the pistons and turn the crankshaft. Of that
small percentage which vaporizes and produces energy, 65% is wasted as heat. Additional
small percentages are lost in the drive train, etc. Most of the gasoline, still a liquid, is now hot
enough to vaporize, react chemically (the oxygen has been consumed, even creating carbon
monoxide), cool, and go out the tail-pipe as smog: soot, – toxic air pollution – stuff that
poisons us and overheats our planet. Thank you “big oil”! … If interested, read
How The Oil Co’s First Took Over
A.K.A. The Oil Age That Never Should Have Been
Ronn Motors, Dennis Klein, Francisco Pacheco, Stanley Meyer, Daniel Dingel and others
have all done it with their designs
see the history of Water Powered Cars
Example: Dennis Klein went 100 miles on 4 oz of water. (25 mi./oz.) We should be able to
go at least 1 or 2 mi on an oz. of gasoline, don’t you think! (=128 mpg or =256mpg) We don’t
because it has not been converted to a gas first. See our pages here on super carburetors. [by
the way, 1 gal. = 128 fluid oz. ! . . and . . . Anyone who remembers their basic chemistry
knows that 1 gallon of a liquid equates to about 1,000 gallons of it as a gas - in the gaseous
state. :: 1 gal of water = around 1000 gal of hydrogen gas at normal room temp. and
[Suggestion, just build the cannister and enough parts of the controller to generate the ultra
sound frequency. Then, getting it to work, build the rest of the controller]
Daniel Dingel has run his car(s) for a number of years totally on water, also
Dennis Klein has run his car on water with and without a gasoline “supplement” — His
“water mileage” was about 25 miles per ounce without any gas supplement. (3000+ mpg!)
He was working with the military and the state of Tennessee.
“After Dennis was approached by auto manufactures and the US Government, the story
changed.” -Charrington, May 29, 2007
“It is all over” Dennis is out of his co.. The oil monopoly has taken it over.
One can also see the Orion Project’s work on repeating Stanley Meyer’s success
Stanley Meyer was killed, now, May 13th 2010, the O.P. is under attack, being suppressed!
read about it!
The text, below, sent from an anonymous individual was edited slightly for better reading.
The following is his/her words and drawings, which has been given into the public domain.
Everyone should rt. click on the diagrams to view and download or print them, and also “cut
and paste” the text they want into a file and, perhaps, print that also.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
click to see enlargement
Figure 6
It is suggested you try this out to begin with on a second vehicle you own, one that you don’t
need to live with everyday, until you perfect this technology.
In putting these plans into operation, you will be making use of your entire existing system
except for the fuel tank and the catalytic converter.
take a look at this video generating hydrogen gas with a small amp.
a collection of youtube videos on pulse width modulators
The Plan
Build and install a low-cost alternative method for running your vehicle (internal
combustion engine) on tap water, using off-the-shelf components.
This is supposed to be an efficient way to convert ordinary tap water into gaseous hydrogen
and oxygen, and then burn these vapors in the engine, instead of gasoline.
This “minisystem” runs easily from your existing battery and electrical system, and it plugs
into your carburetor [Fuel Injectors] with simple off-the-shelf fittings.
You will be installing a plastic water tank, a control circuit, a reaction chamber, a hi-pressure
carb/FI fitting, and 3 gauges, and then hooking into your existing carb/FI. [Fuel Injectors]
The simplicity comes from its being an “on-demand” system requiring no fancy storage or
plumbing. You crank the gas pedal or throttle, and you electrically [/sonicly] create more
vapor for immediate consumption, on demand; low-high flow rate as needed, from idle to
maximum power. The change is that you are using tap water as fuel, instead of the traditional
petroleum-based fuel.
H2O –> H2 + O2
A: If you’re paying someone for the water you use, then it is not strictly free. But it’s close
Q: Is it safe?
A: It is safer than running on fossil fuel. You are no longer choking on your own emissions
(health-wise). You are no longer running the extreme risk of a gasoline fire or explosion!
Additionally, you will be installing a few simple safety devices, using current automotive
To put it another way, Hydrogen is just as explosive as Gasoline but nothing that is left over,
does any harm to the environment: When hydrogen ‘burns’ it becomes pure water!
H2 + O2 –> H2O ( Technically, 2 molecules of hydrogen + 1 molecule of oxygen –> 2 molecules of water )
A: Properly adjusted, your modified vapor-only fuel system will run cooler, and at a modestly
higher power level. The mileage performance expected from this design ranges from 50-300
mpg (of water), depending on your adjusting skills.
A: Why not? If you don’t have any mechanical skills, and you know someone with basic
mechanical and/or electrical skills, you can even delegate some of the construction. If you are
using a fuel-injected engine, you may have to get a mechanic’s opinion. (There will have to
be an adapter inserted into the fuel-injection system, just as you would have to do if you were
going to run on propane, hydrogen, or natural gas. Spirit of Ma’at Ed.)
A: It will be producing H20 (water vapor). Hence, it will be cleaning the environment, rather
than dumping nauseous toxins into it. Plus you will be helping to save our dwindling supply
of atmospheric oxygen. You can also help those around you do the same thing – as long as
they have no stock in oil companies to protect – and don’t threaten you.
A: No. Really. Exceedingly high temperature and pressure are not used. This is strictly an
internal-combustion engine (burning hydrogen) with residual water-vapor (remember, the
engine runs cooler than it did with gasoline) in the exhaust as a by-product.
Remember This
Most people are unaware that “internal combustion” is defined as “a thermo-vapor process” –
as in “no liquid in the reaction.” Most of the gasoline in a standard internal combustion
engine is actually consumed, (cooked, and finally, broken down) in the catalytic converter
after the fuel has been not-so-burnt in the engine. Sadly, this means that most of the fuel we
use in this way is used only to cool down the combustion process, a pollution-ridden and
inefficient means of doing that.
How It Works
Water is pumped as needed to replenish and maintain the liquid level in the chamber. The
electrodes are vibrated with a 0.5-5A electrical pulse which breaks 2(H2O) => 2H2 + O2.
When the pressure reaches say 30-60 psi, you turn the key and go. You step on the pedal, you
send more energy to the electrodes, and thus more vapor to the cylinders; i.e. fuel vapor on
You set the idle max-flow rate to get the most efficient use of power, and you’re off to the
In the big picture, your energy is coming from the tap water in an open system, as the latent
energy in the water is enough to power the engine and hence drive the alternator and
whatever belt-driven accessories. And the alternator is efficient enough to run the various
electrical loads (10 – 20 amps), including the additional low current to run this vapor
reaction. No extra batteries are required.
the Stanley Meyer generator
The Orion Project is trying to buy his equipment and recreate Stan’s success
there are many youtube videos on several inventors who have succeeded:
Read about and see Fox News broadcast from youtube (welding torch + car fuel): Denny
Klein’s hydrogen generator and hydrogen torch – in Clearwater, Florida
Where normal water electrolysis requires the passage of current measured in amps, this cell
achieves the same effect in milliamps. Furthermore, ordinary tap water requires the addition of
an electrolyte such as sulphuric acid to aid current conduction with the standard electrolysis
approach; these cells function at greatest efficiency with plain tap water.
According to the witnesses, the most startling aspect of the Meyer cell was that it remained
cold, even after hours of gas production.
Meyer’s experiments, which he seems to be able to perform to order, have earned him a series of
US patents granted under Section 101. The granting of a patent under this section is dependent
on a successful demonstration of the invention to a Patent Review Board.
Meyer’s cell seems to have many of the attributes of an electrolytic cell except that it functions
at high voltage, low current rather than the other way around. Construction is unremarkable.
The electrodes — referred to as “excitors” by Meyer — are made from parallel plates of
stainless steel placed in either flat or concentric arrangements. (see the washers, on the
right, for the simplest method) Gas production seems to vary as the inverse of the distance
between them; the patents suggest a spacing of 1.5 mm produces satisfactory results.
A witness team of independent UK scientifc observers testified that US inventor Stanley Meyer
successfully decomposed ordinary tap water into constituent elements through a combination of
high, pulsed voltage using an average current measured only in milliamps. Reported gas
evolution was enough to sustain a hydrogen /oxygen flame which instantly melted steel. (How
Denny Klein got started – see video)
“We did notice that the water at the top of the cell slowly became discolored with a pale cream
and dark brown precipitate, almost certainly the effects of the chlorine in the heavily chlorinated
tap water…” … “We clearly saw how increasing and decreasing the voltage is used to control
gas production. We saw how gas generation ceased and then began again instantly as the voltage
driving circuit was switched off and then on again.”
The use of a high voltage spike alone (1500 volts+), without the current being delivered through
the liquid, will not cause the disassociation to take place. Once Stan’s unit was made to begin
breakdown (which takes 6 to 8 seconds) he was able to reduce both current and voltage to
miniscule proportions.
There are two primary frequencies that produce the best results. They are: 14,372 Hz and 43,430
Hz. The former is about 50% more efficient, but it seems that just about any frequency between
9 KHz and 143,762 KHz works quite well. (1) This is because the nature of the wave form ( a
spike ) is rich in harmonics and one of them is bound to be close to one of the two primary
Meyer was apparently eating dinner at a Grove City OH restaurant, when it is reported that he
jumped up from the table, yelled that he’d been poisoned”, and rushed out into the parking lot,
where he collapsed and died. Theives came a week later and stole the the dune buggy and all of
his experimental equipment, according to his twin brother, Stephen. Stan said while he was
alive, that he was threatened many times and would not sell out to Arab Oil Corp`s. The Military
was going to use this technology in their tanks, jeeps, etc. He had patents on his invention and
was ready for production. Only $1,500 to equip your car! See the Videos above. No gasoline,
just water. Stanley said he was offered a billion dollars from an Arab to basically shelf his idea.
Stan said, “No”.
1. Install the CHT (or EGT) gauge and measure your current operating temp range (gasoline),
for comparison.
3. Build the reaction chamber and test it with the controller (i.e pressure out).
5. Run engine and adjust the control circuit as necessary for best performance.
6. Install stainless steel valves and get the pistons/cylinders coated with ceramic.
[editor's note: don't bother. Given Daniel Dingel (Stanley Meyer, Dennis Klein, ...) and all the
other inventors and designs out there - none of them suggest or speak of it. Besides, get it
working first.
Keep it simple.]
7. Dump the now pointless catalytic converter and, if your exaust pipe is
not stainless steel already, replace it with stainless steel pipe sections.
carb/FI vapor-pressure fitting kit. – pressure, CHT (or EGT), & level gauges.
hole cutter
Construct as shown in the diagram. Use a section of 4″ PVC waste pipe with a threaded
screw-cap fitting on one end and a standard end-cap at the other. Make sure to drill-and-
epoxy or tap threads thru the PVC components for all fittings. Set and control the water level
in the chamber so that it well submerses the pipe electrodes; yet leave some headroom to
build up the hydrogen/oxygen vapor pressure. Use stainless steel wires inside the chamber
(fig.s 2&5) or otherwise use a protective coating; use insulated wires outside. Ensure that the
epoxy perfects the seal, or otherwise lay down a bead of water-proof silicone that can hold
The screw fitting may require soft silicone sealant, or a gasket; its purpose is to hold pressure
and allow periodic inspection of the electrodes. No leaks, no problems. Make sure you get a
symmetric 1-5mm gap between the 2 stainless steel pipes. The referenced literature suggests
that the closer to 1 or 2 mm you get, the better. You will want to get your chamber level
sensor verified before you epoxy the cap on.
Make your solder connections at the wire/electrode junctions nice, smooth, and solid; then
apply a water-proof coating, e.g. the epoxy you use for joining the pipes to the screw cap.
This epoxy must be waterproof and be capable of holding metal to plastic under pressure.
You will want to get your chamber level sensor verified before you epoxy the cap on.
The diagrams show a simple circuit [to an electrician] to control and drive this mini-system.
You are going to make a ‘square-pulse’ signal that ‘plays’ the electrodes like a tuning fork;
which you can watch on an oscilloscope. The premise given by the literature is: the faster you
want do go down the road, the ‘fatter’ you make the pulses going into the reaction chamber.
Duty cycle will vary with the throttle in the vicinity of 90%MARK 10%SPACE (OFF/ON).
There is nothing sacred about how the pulse waveform is generated; there are many ways to
generate pulses, and the attached diagrams show a few. The NE555-circuit approach (see
diagrams) is from the referenced patent. The output switching transistor must be rated for 1-5
amps @ 12VDC (in saturation).
Go with a plan that works for you or your friendly neighborhood technoid or mechanic, and
go get all the circuit elements from your local electronics store, such as Radio-Shack or
Circuits-R-Us, including the circuit board, IC sockets, and enclosure/box.
DigiKey has better selection, service, and knowledge; plus they have no minimum order. Be
sure to use a circuit board with a built-in ground plane, and to accommodate room for
mounting 2 or 3 of the gauges. Mounting the reaction chamber in the engine compartment
will require running a stub to your pressure gauge where you can watch it.
You can easily make 30-gauge wire-wrap connections between the socket pins and thru-hole
discrete components having wire leads. Also make sure to get spec sheets on any IC you use.
More details of the best circuits to use will be announced pending prototype testing. You will
want to get your chamber level sensor verified before you epoxy the cap on.
Throttle Control
If you have a throttle position sensor, you should be able to access the signal from the sensor
itself OR from the computer connector. This signal is input to the circuit as the primary
control (i.e. throttle level = pulse width = vapor rate).
If you don’t have such a signal available, you will have to rig a rotary POT (variable resistor)
to the gas linkage (i.e. coupled to something at the gas pedal or throttle cable running to the
carb or FI. If you make the attachment at the carb/FI, be sure to use a POT that can handle the
engine temp cycles. Don’t use a cheezy-cheapy POT; get one rated for long life and
mechanical wear; mount it securely to something sturdy and stationary that will not fall apart
when you step on the gas.
Control Range. The full throttle RANGE (idle-max) MUST control the vapor rate, i.e. pulse-
width (duty). The resistor values at the throttle signal must allow the throttle signal voltage,
say 1-4 Volt swing, to drive the VAPOR RATE. You will be using this voltage swing to
generate a 10% ON ‘square’ pulse. The patent implies using a ‘resonant’ pulse in the 10-250
KHz frequency range; but it is not explicitly stated so.
In this circuit, you will simply tune to whatever frequency makes the most efficient vapor
conversion. You will have to get into the specs for each IC you use, to insure you connect the
right pins to the right wires, to control the frequency and pulse width. You can use spare
sockets to try out different discrete component values. Just keep the ones that are spec-
compatible in the circuit, and get the job done.
You crank up the throttle signal and put more electrical energy (fatter pulses) into the
electrodes; verify you can get 10% duty on the scope (2 – 100 usec on the horizontal time-
base). Your averaging DVM will display the 90%-10% DC voltage across the output
transistor (Vce or Vds or Output to Ground). Set and connect DVM in the supply current and
measure .5 – 5 amps, without blowing the DVM fuse. Now verify that you got everything
you wanted.
Verify your wiring connections using your DVM as a continuity detector. Check your wiring
1 at a time and yellow line your final schematic as you go. You can best use board-mount
miniature POTs for anything you want to set-and-forget. The LEDs are there to give you a
quick visual check of normal vs abnormal operation of your new creation. You will want to
get your chamber level sensor verified before you epoxy the cap on.
The diagrams also show that fittings are required to the carb/FI l. There are ready-made kits
(such as by Impco) available for making your pressure fittings to the carburetor or fuel-
injector as the case may be. You will necessarily be sealing the built-in vents and making a 1-
way air-intake.
The copper mesh comprises the inadvertent backfire’ protection for the reaction chamber.
Make sure that all vapor/duct junctions are air-tight and holding full pressure without
leakage. Your new ‘system’ is considered successful and properly adjusted when you get the
full power range at lower temp and minimum vapor flow without blowing the pressure safety
Monitor your engine temp with the CHT (cylinder head temp) or EGT (exhaust gas temp)
instead of your original engine temp indicator (if any). Your existing gauge is too slow for
this application and will not warn you against overheating until after you have burnt
something. Make sure that your engine runs no hotter than in the gasoline arrangement. VDO
makes a CHT gauge with a platinum sensor that fits under your spark plug against the
cylinder head (make sure it is really clean before you re-install your spark plug (as this is also
an electrical ground).
Get the hydrogen working first, then, with headlines in the news, get a used aluminum block
or have the valves replaced with stainless steel ones and get the pistons/cylinders ceramic-
treated – again, after you have successfully converted and run your new creation. You could
make max use of your current exhaust system by using it with your new deal until it rusts
through, then have your mechanic or welder friend to fit a stainless steel exhaust pipe (no
catalytic converter is required). But it could be easier and cheaper to send your existing
exhaust system out for the ceramic treatment, and then simply re-attach it to the exhaust
1. Do not discard or remove any of the old gasoline setup components, e.g. tank, carb/FI,
catalytic converter, unless necessary. Better to always leave an easy way to revert back to
something that at least runs, just in case. Some people are leaving their gasoline setup
completely intact, and switching back and forth at will, just to have a backup plan.
2. Set your throttle circuit so that you get minimum vapor flow at idle, and maximum vapor
flow at full power without blowing the pressure relief valve. In this way, you control how
‘lean’ your mixture is by the strength of the pulse (i.e. “fatness” at the optimum pulse
3. If you just don’t get enough power (at any throttle setting), it means that you need to (1)
change the pulse frequency, (2) change the gap between the electrodes, (3) change the size
(bigger) electrodes, or (4) make a higher output pulse voltage (last resort). Always use an
output transistor, such as a MOSFET, that is rated for the voltage and current you need to get
the job done. OK so you might have to play around with it some. Isn’t that where all the Fun
is anyhow?
4. If you get any engine knock our loud combustions (not compensated by adjusting the
timing), it means that you need to install an additional coil in the chamber, and drive the coil
with an additional pulse signal (about 19 Hz on the .1sec time base). Here, you will be
slowing down the burn rate just enough so that the vapors burn thru out the power stroke of
the piston. Be sure to include a board-mount POT to set the correct strength of this 2nd pulse
signal into the coil. This is a stainless steel coil of about 1500 turns (thin wire) that you can
arrange like a donut around the center pipe (but NOT touching either electrode), directly over
the circular 1-5mm gap. You want no knocking at any power/throttle setting; smooth power
only, but also no excess hydrogen leftover from the combustion.
5. Build the canister(s) as tall as you can without compromising your ability to mount them
conveniently near the dash panel, or in the engine compartment, as the case may be. This
way, you can always make the electrodes bigger, if necessary without undue hardship.
Remember that anything in the engine compartment should be mounted in a bullet-proof,
vibration and temperature tolerant fashion.
6. If you have to drill a thru-hole for wiring or plumbing thru metal, make sure to also install
a grommet for protection against chafing. Always watch your chamber pressure range from
IDLE (15-25 psi) – FULL POWER (30-60 psi). Set your safety-pressure relief-valve to 75 psi
and make sure it’s rated for much higher.
7. Shut OFF the power switch and pull over if there is any malfunction of the system. Your
engine will last longest when it still develops FULL POWER+ at some minimum temperature
that we are sure you can find, by leaning back the Royal Vapor Flow and/or by making use of
the water-vapor cooling technique. Keep good mpg performance records, and periodic
maintenance/inspection. Keep it clean; save some money; clean the air; heal the planet; happy
motoring; tell a friend; enjoy your freedom and self-empowerment.
8. There lacks documented material for perfecting this vapor system thru a fuel injector; there
may be some details you will discover on your own as working prototypes progress. For
example, you may be restricted to inject the hydrogen/oxygen vapor without any water vapor,
as it may rust the injectors. If engine temp and CHT is a problem, then you will want to re-
think your plan, e.g. ceramic-coating the injectors. There is always “replacing the FI system
with a Carb.”
9. If you install the water-vapor system (for lower operating temp/stress), you will want to
lean the mixture (vapor/air) for minimum vapor flow rate to achieve any given throttle
position (idle – max). Make sure that you get a minimum flow for IDLE and a modestly
sufficient flow for MAX, that does the cooling job without killing the combustion.
10. If you cannot find stainless steel pipe combinations that yield the 1-5mm gap, you can
always regress back to alternating plates of +/- electrodes.
11. If you are concerned about the water freezing in your system, you can (a) add some 98%
isopropyl alcohol and re-adjust the pulse frequency accordingly; or (b) install some electric
heating coils.
Daniel Dingel
He has been running his car on 100% hydrogen
(hydrogen from water) for 30 years (?!)
He has never tried any mixture of gas and water – he does not think it is possible. His car
consumes about 1 quart (liter) per hour, he says. Conservatively 1 gal. should take you 120 to
240 miles? (30 to 60 mph) That makes water a lot better than gasoline on volume alone, not
to mention price!
Ronn Motors, Dennis Klein, Francisco Pacheco, Stanley Meyer, Daniel Dingel and others
have all done it with their designs
see our page, The history of Water Powered Cars
With Daniel’s death, it comes out that, rather than give it to the world freely, he got frustrated
(?) and took a buy-out, giving his car and hho generator to a friend, Pete, to publicize after his
See our page on Daniel Dingel 1968
or his friend’s site at www.dinglefoundation.com/hhoblog
If you live in the Miami area, you might look up these guys:
Hydrogenetics, Inc
4770 Biscayne Boulevard # 1480
Miami, FL 33137
We have not checked it out beyond the home page, but the panacea-bocaf.org
web site seems to be trying also to freely provide information on how to build your own – or
pay as little as possible – for a hydrogen generator.
Other Options:
There, finally, seems to be some significant progress toward powering a generator with a
magnet motor. This goes a long way toward reducing the amount of battery storage needed to
power an electric motor/vehicle.
see A Few Magnet Motors
“During our interview the eager young inventor revealed how he had discovered his fuel
system by accident; “I was messing around with a lawn-mower when I accidentally knocked
a hole in its fuel tank. I put a vacuum line running from the tank straight into the carburetor
inlet (he removed the carburetor). I just let it run and it kept running and running but the fuel
level stayed the same. I got excited. The lawn-mower was running without a carburetor and
getting tremendous efficiency.”
see Tom Ogle carb.
The Nelson Pogue carburetor caused a sell-off of oil stocks in 1936.
We cannot tell how much it will help, If Daniel Dingel‘s HHO system is easier or not, but
upon his death, he instructed a friend, Pete, to post how to make his generator.
See our page: Daniel Dingel 1968
or his friend’s site at www.dinglefoundation.com/hhoblog