Ecology Basics
Ecology Basics
Ecology Basics
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Ecology Basics
Volume 1
Acid deposition—Lichens
Volume 2
edited by
QH540.4.E39 2003
First Printing
Publisher’s Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Complete List of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Acid deposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Adaptations and their mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Adaptive radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Allelopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Altruism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Animal-plant interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Balance of nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Biodiversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Biogeography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Biological invasions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Bioluminescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Biomagnification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Biomass related to energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Biomes: determinants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Biomes: types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Biopesticides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Biosphere concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Camouflage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Chaparral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Clines, hybrid zones, and introgression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Coevolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Colonization of the land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Communities: ecosystem interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Communities: structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Conservation biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Convergence and divergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Ecology Basics
Herbivores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
Human population growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Hydrologic cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Contents of Volume 2
Paleoecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
Pesticides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Pheromones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Phytoplankton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
Poisonous animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
Poisonous plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
Pollination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
Pollution effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Population analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
Population fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Population genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
Population growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
Predation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
Punctuated equilibrium vs. gradualism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
Ecology Basics
Taiga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
Territoriality and aggression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
Trophic levels and ecological niches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
Tropisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
Tundra and high-altitude biomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
Zoos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687
Web Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729
Categorized Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741
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Publisher’s Note
M agill’s Choice: Ecology Basics offers 132 essays, each of which covers a
fundamental ecological concept taught in biology, environmental
science, and introductory ecology courses. Alphabetically arranged, these
topics range from the level of individual organisms and their interactions
with the environment through populations of organisms and communities of
more than one species, to the level of ecosystems and global ecology. These
two volumes provide coverage of ecology in its broadest scientific sense:
not only according to Ernst Haeckel’s original definition—the interaction
of organisms with their environment—but also in the now-conventional
sense first expounded in 1954 by Herbert George Andrewartha and Louis
Charles Birch as the processes that influence the “abundance and distribu-
tion” of organisms, and, further, in the sense of ecosystem ecology, intro-
duced in 1971 by Eugene Odum. All levels taught in most general and in-
troductory courses, as well as key environmental issues and ecological
impacts of pollution, are considered here.
Previously appearing in three Salem publications—Magill’s Encyclope-
dia of Science: Animal Life (2002), Magill’s Encyclopedia of Science: Plant Life
(2003), and Earth Science (2001)—the essays begin by listing the subdis-
cipline of ecology into which the topic is generally categorized; where
the topic is central to more than one subdiscipline, all are listed. There
follows a brief synopsis defining the topic and its significance. The text
of each essay, ranging from two to six pages, is subheaded to flag the
core concepts addressed. Each essay ends with the signature of the acade-
mician who wrote it, a full set of cross-references to other essays in this
publication that treat related concepts, and a list of sources for further
study to assist students and general readers searching for fuller infor-
The subdisciplines into which the essays are classified are as follows:
• Agricultural ecology: Also called “agroecology,” the study of agri-
cultural ecosystems, their components (such as crop species), func-
tions, interactions, and impact on natural ecosystems and abiotic fac-
tors such as atmospheric and water systems—often with an emphasis
on the development of sustainable systems.
• Aquatic and marine ecology: The study of the ecology of freshwater
systems (rivers, lakes), estuaries, and marine environments (both
coastal and open ocean), including the physical, chemical, and bio-
logical processes associated with them.
Ecology Basics
Publisher’s Note
Ecology Basics
sary, a list of Web Sites, a Categorized Index (by type of ecology), and a
Subject Index.
All essays were prepared by qualified academicians and experts, with-
out whose invaluable contributions these volumes would not be possible.
Their names and affiliations follow.
Richard Adler David L. Chesemore
University of Michigan, Dearborn California State University, Fresno
Ecology Basics
Christina J. Moose
Independent Scholar
Ecology Basics
Complete List of
Volume 1
Ecology Basics
Volume 2
Complete List of Contents
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Electric utilities, industries, and automobiles emit sulfur dioxide and nitrogen ox-
ides that are readily oxidized into sulfuric and nitric acids in the atmosphere.
Long-range transport and dispersion of these air pollutants produce regional acid
deposition. Acid deposition alters aquatic—and possibly forest—ecosystems and
accelerates corrosion of buildings, monuments, and statuary.
I n 1872 Robert Angus Smith used the term “acid rain” in his book Air and
Rain: The Beginnings of a General Climatology to describe precipitation af-
fected by coal-burning industries. Today, “acid rain” refers to the deposi-
tion of acidic gases, particles, and precipitation (rain, fog, dew, snow, or
sleet) on the surface of the earth. The normal acidity of rain is pH 5.6, which
is caused by the formation of carbonic acid from water-dissolved carbon
dioxide. The acidity of precipitation collected at monitoring stations
around the world varies from pH 3.8 to 6.3 (pH 3.8 is three hundred times
as acidic as pH 6.3). The acidity is created when sulfur dioxide and nitro-
gen oxides react with water and oxidants in the atmosphere to form water-
soluble sulfuric and nitric acids. Ammonia, as well as soil constituents
such as calcium and magnesium that are often present in suspended dust,
neutralizes atmospheric acids, which helps explain the geographical varia-
tion of precipitation acidity.
Increasing Acidity
Between the mid-nineteenth century and World War II, the Industrial Rev-
olution led to a tremendous increase in coal burning and metal ore process-
ing in both Europe and North America. The combustion of coal, which
contains an average of 1.5 percent sulfur by weight, and the smelting of
metal sulfides released opaque plumes of smoke and sulfur dioxide from
short chimneys into the atmosphere.
Copper, nickel, and zinc smelters fumigated nearby landscapes with
sulfur dioxide and heavy metals. One of the world’s largest nickel smelt-
ers, located in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, began operation in 1890 and by
1960 was pouring 2.6 million tons of sulfur dioxide per year into the atmo-
sphere. By 1970 the environmental damage extended to 72,000 hectares of
injured vegetation, lakes, and soils surrounding the site; within this area
17,000 hectares were barren. The land was devastated not only by acid de-
Acid deposition
position but also by the accumulation of toxic metals in the soil, the clear-
cutting of forested areas for fuel, and soil erosion caused by wind, water,
and frost heave.
In urban areas, high concentrations of sulfur corroded metal and accel-
erated the erosion of stone structures. During the winter, the added emis-
sions from home heating and stagnant weather conditions caused severe
air pollution episodes characterized by sulfuric acid fogs and thick, black
soot. In 1952 a four-day air pollution episode in London, England, killed an
estimated four thousand people.
After World War II, large coal-burning utilities in Western Europe and
the United States built their plants with particulate control devices and tall
stacks (higher than 100 meters) to improve the local air quality. Huge in-
dustrial facilities throughout Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union oper-
ated without air pollution controls for most of the twentieth century. The
tall stacks increased the dispersion and transport of air pollutants from
tens to hundreds of kilometers. Worldwide emissions of sulfur dioxide in-
creased; in the United States emissions climbed from 18 million tons in
1940 to a peak of 28 million tons in 1970. Acid deposition evolved into an
interstate and even an international problem.
Acid deposition
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 pH
Alkaline Acid
Most surface fresh waters
Increasing risk
to organisms
Acid precipitation,
eastern U.S., Scandinavia
Acid precipitation,
western U.S.
Acidified lakes and streams,
northeastern U.S., Scandinavia
Source: Adapted from John Harte, “Acid Rain,” in The Energy-Environment Connection,
edited by Jack M. Hollander, 1992.
Note: The acid precipitation pH ranges given correspond to volume-weighted annual
averages of weekly samples.
Acid deposition
lion hectares. Records and long-term monitoring showed that the decline
of fish populations began in the early twentieth century with dramatic
losses in the 1950’s. A strong correlation has been found between fish ex-
tinction and lake acidity. Researchers have also found that the diversity of
not only fish but also phytoplankton, zooplankton, invertebrates, and am-
phibian species diminishes by more than 50 percent as lake water pH
drops from 6.0 to 5.0. Below pH 5.6, aluminum released from lake sedi-
ments or leached from the surrounding soils interferes with gas and ion ex-
change in fish gills and can be toxic to aquatic life. Below pH 4.0, no fish
In the United States, 11 percent of the lakes in the Adirondack Moun-
tains in New York are too acidic to sustain fish life. Much controversy sur-
rounds the claim that these lakes were acidified by plumes of air pollutants
carried by prevailing winds from the Ohio River Valley. Like the lakes in
Norway, the Adirondack lakes have low acid-neutralizing capacity. Fish
declines that began in the early twentieth century and continued through
the 1980’s corresponded to reductions in pH. Fish kills often followed
spring snowmelt, which filled the waterways with acid accumulated in
winter precipitation. Historical records, field observations, and laboratory
experiments contradict arguments that overfishing, disease, or water pol-
lution killed the fish.
Acid deposition
of fine roots and associated fungi; and stunted growth are symptoms of
tree stress. Many researchers attribute these symptoms and forest decline
to the interactions of acid precipitation, ozone, excessive nitrogen deposi-
tion, land management practices, climate change, drought, and pestilence.
Ambient air concentrations of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are
typically higher in major cities, a result of the high density of emission
sources. The acids they form accelerate the weathering of exposed stone,
brick, concrete, glass, metal, and paint. For example, the calcite in lime-
stone and marble reacts with water and sulfuric acid to form gypsum (cal-
cium sulfate). The gypsum washes off stone with rain or, if eaves protect
the stone, accumulates as a soot-darkened crust. The acid-induced weath-
ering obscures the details of elaborate carvings on medieval cathedrals, an-
cient Greek columns, and Mayan ruins at alarming rates. Graffiti, pigeon
excrement, and the growth of bacteria and fungi on rock surfaces may
compound the damage.
Prevention Efforts
In the United States, the Acidic Deposition Control Program, Title IV of the
Clean Air Act amendments of 1990, directed the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) to reduce the adverse effects of acid rain. Public law man-
dated that the United States achieve 40 percent and 10 percent annual re-
ductions in sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions, respectively, by
the year 2000 from a 1980 base. The National Acid Precipitation Assess-
ment Program coordinates interagency acid deposition monitoring and re-
search, and assesses the cost, benefits, and effectiveness of acid deposition
control strategies. This echoes the 1985 30 Percent Protocol of the Conven-
tion on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. Twenty-one nations
signed the protocol, thereby agreeing to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions 30
percent from 1980 levels by 1993.
Strategies to reduce acid deposition in the United States target large
electric utilities responsible for 70 percent of the sulfur dioxide and 30 per-
cent of the nitrogen oxide emissions. Utilities participate in a novel market-
based emission allowance trading and banking system that permits great
flexibility in controlling sulfur dioxide emissions. For example, a utility
may choose to remove sulfur from coal by cleaning it, burn a cleaner fuel
such as natural gas, or install a gas desulfurization system to reduce emis-
sions. The $6 billion international Clean Coal Technology Demonstration
Program, funded by governments and private industries, continues to de-
velop technologies—such as catalytic conversion of nitrogen oxides to in-
ert nitrogen—to radically decrease emissions of acid gases from coal-fired
power plants.
Acid deposition
See also: Lakes and limnology; Marine biomes; Ocean pollution and oil
spills; Reefs.
Adaptations and their mechanisms
Adaptations and their mechanisms
Structural Adaptations
Structural adaptations are parts of organisms that enhance their survival
ability. Camouflage, enabling organisms to hide from predators or their
prey; specialized mouth parts that allow organisms to feed on specific food
sources; forms of appendages, such as legs, fins, or webbed toes, that allow
efficient movement; protective spines that make it difficult for the organ-
ism to be eaten—these are all structural adaptations. These adaptations en-
hance survival because they assist individuals in dealing with the rigors of
the physical environment, obtaining nourishment, competing with others,
or hiding from or confusing predators.
Adaptations and their mechanisms
tures beyond their range of thermal tolerance, but some organisms are
adapted to warmer and others to colder environments. Metabolic response
to temperature is quite variable among animals, but most animals are
either homeothermic (warm-blooded) or poikilothermic (cold-blooded).
Homeotherms maintain constant body temperatures at specific tempera-
ture ranges. Although a homeotherm’s metabolic heat production is con-
stant when the organism is at rest and when environmental temperature is
constant, strenuous exercise produces excess heat that must be dissipated
into the environment, or overheating and death will result. Physiological
adaptations that enable homeotherms to rid their bodies of heat are the
ability to increase blood flow to the skin’s surface, sweating, and panting,
all of which promote heat loss to the atmosphere.
Behavioral Adaptations
Behavioral adaptations allow organisms to respond appropriately to vari-
ous environmental stimuli. Actions taken in response to various stimuli
are adaptive if they enhance survivorship. Migrations are behavioral ad-
aptations because they ensure adequate food supplies or the avoidance of
adverse environmental conditions. Courtship rituals that help in species
recognition prior to mating, reflex and startle reactions allowing for quick
retreats from danger, and social behavior that fosters specialization and co-
operation for group survival are behavioral adaptations.
Because organisms must also respond and adapt to an environment filled
with other organisms—including potential predators and competitors—
adaptations that minimize the negative effects of biological interactions
are favored by natural selection. Many times the interaction between spe-
cies is so close that each species strongly influences the others in the inter-
action and serves as the selective force causing change. Under these cir-
cumstances, species evolve together in a process called coevolution. The
adaptations resulting from coevolution have a common survival value to
all the species involved in the interaction. The coevolution of flowers and
their pollinators is a classic example of these tight associations and their re-
sulting adaptations.
Adaptations and their mechanisms
cause the moths could remain largely undetected by predators during day-
light hours. Between 1850 and 1950, however, industrialization near urban
centers blackened tree trunks with soot, making the gray form disad-
vantageous, as it stood out on the contrasting background. During this
period, the gray moths began to disappear from industrial areas, but a
black-colored variant, previously rare, became increasingly common in the
population. These circumstances made it possible for scientists to test
whether the peppered moth’s camouflage was adaptive.
In a simple experiment, moths were raised in the laboratory, and equal
numbers of gray and black moths were released in both industrial and un-
polluted rural areas. Sometime later, only half of the gray-colored moths
could be recovered from the industrial sites, while only half of the black
forms could be recovered from the rural sites, compared with the total
number released. These results enabled the scientists to conclude that in-
creased predation on the gray moths in industrial areas led to a greater
fitness of the black moths, so the frequency of black moths increased in
the population. The reverse was true at the rural sites. This is the first well-
documented case of natural selection causing evolutionary change, and it
illustrates the adaptive significance of camouflage.
Robert W. Paul
Types of ecology: Evolutionary ecology; Population ecology; Speciation
Adaptive radiation
Adaptive radiation
pine slopes of the volcano Haleakala. This species has succulent leaves
covered with silver hairs. It is thought that the hairs lessen the pace of
evaporative moisture loss and protect the leaves from the sun. In contrast,
species of the genus Dubautia that grow in wet, shady forests have large
leaves that lack hairs.
Despite their “customized” physiologies, the silverswords that have
evolved in Hawaii are all closely related to one another, so much so that
any two can hybridize. Studies of the silverswords have provided what ge-
neticist Michael Purugganan called a “genetic snapshot of plant evolu-
Jon P. Shoemaker, updated by Bryan Ness
Types of ecology: Chemical ecology; Community ecology
Methods of Action
A variety of different allelochemicals are produced by plants, usually as
secondary metabolites that do not have a specific function in the growth
and development of the host plant but that do affect the growth of other
plants. Originally plant physiologists thought these secondary products
were simply metabolic wastes that plants had to store because they do not
have an excretory system as animals do. Their various functions are now
beginning to be understood.
One class of allelochemicals, coumarins, block or slow cell division in
the affected plant, particularly in root cells. In this way growth of compet-
ing plants is inhibited, and seed germination can be prevented. Several
kinds of allelochemicals, including flavonoids, phenolics, and tannins,
suppress or alter hormone production or activity in competing plants.
Other chemicals, including terpenes and certain antibiotics, alter mem-
brane permeability of host cells, making them either leaky or imperme-
able. In some cases, membrane uptake can be enhanced, particularly for
micronutrients in low concentration in the soil. Finally, a variety of
allelochemicals have both positive and negative effects on metabolic activ-
ity of the affected plant.
Allelopathy in Agriculture
Most of the negative effects of weeds on crop plants have been attributed to
competition; however, experiments using weed extracts have demon-
strated that many weeds produce allelochemicals. Similarly, some crop
plants are allelopathic to others and themselves, including wheat, corn,
Some plant species, including peach trees, release chemicals into the soil that inhibit
the growth of other plants that might otherwise compete with them. (PhotoDisc)
and rice. In these cases the residues of one year’s crop can interfere with
crop growth in subsequent years. This is increasingly important for farm-
ers to consider who are incorporating low-tillage methods to reduce soil
erosion. To minimize these effects, some of the traditional techniques of
cover cropping, companion cropping, and crop rotation must be em-
ployed. Known allelopaths are also beginning to be used as biological con-
trol agents to manage invasive and weedy plant species.
Allelopathy in Nature
Several tree species, including black walnut, black locust, and various
pines, are known to produce allelochemicals that inhibit the growth of
understory species. In some cases this is a result of drip from the foliage or
leachate from fallen leaves and fruit. In other cases, roots secrete
allelochemicals that kill seedlings of other plants. Bracken fern (Pteridium
aquilinum) is known to affect the growth of many other plants.
Marshall D. Sundberg
Type of ecology: Behavioral ecology
T hose who study animal behavior (ethology) have observed that on oc-
casion individuals act altruistically. In other words, they appear vol-
untarily to put the needs of their group or of another individual ahead of
their own needs. According to some scientists, there are examples in nature
where a particular species might not have survived had there not been sac-
rifice by some on behalf of the many. One important question is whether
this so-called altruism has been a matter of voluntary choice or whether it
has occurred as a part of the selection process, making it, therefore, an in-
voluntary response.
Group Formation
Of interest to a wide group, including psychologists, sociologists, philoso-
phers, and political scientists, are the questions of whether altruism is de-
sirable behavior—perhaps even to the exclusion of egoism—and whether
altruism may be necessary for human survival. Some wonder whether
such behavior is necessary, whether it can be learned, and whether hu-
mans will voluntarily choose to learn it. Biologists and geneticists have
been left the problem of determining, if possible, whether the tendency for
altruism is inherited or learned behavior. Unfortunately for scientists, the
study of human beings in social groups in the wild is virtually impossible.
However, the study of animal behavior, primarily in native habitats, has
provided some insight, although it must be recognized that different spe-
cies have solved problems of survival in different ways.
Animals of the same species are bound to consort, if only for mating
purposes. Most species are, in fact, found to live in groups, not only for
purposes of reproduction but also because sources of food attract individ-
uals to the same places and because congregation provides better protec-
tion from predators. It is common in nature for groups to form because
their individual members have the same physical needs, and such groups
may stay together as long as the needs of those individuals can be met. This
does not necessarily mean that there exists in the group any loyalty or even
any recognition of individuals as members of the group. In more highly
developed societies, however, groups such as families or tribes develop.
the loss suffered by the sacrifice of the donors. This phenomenon has been
referred to as kin selection, because it occurs in groups that have strong rec-
ognition of membership—to the extent that there exists aggressive defense
against intruders, even of the same species. Discrimination against outsid-
ers is an important facet of altruism of this type. The willingness of an indi-
vidual to provide for others at the expense of its own interests diminishes
as the degree of relatedness decreases.
Reciprocal Sacrifice
Most parental behavior would not be labeled altruistic, since it is in the in-
terest of the parent to care for the offspring in order to ensure the survival
of the parent’s genes. Of perhaps more interest than what happens among
closely related members of a group and even between parent and offspring
is the question of what motivates sacrifice on the part of an individual
when no close relationship with the recipient exists—for example, a male
animal coming to the rescue of an unrelated male animal who is being at-
tacked by a third male of the same species.
One theory maintains that these acts of personal sacrifice are performed
on the chance that reciprocal sacrifice may occur at some future time.
Whether this type of altruism can occur through natural selection, which
acts through individuals, is an interesting question. Models have shown
that in a population where individuals are likely to encounter and recog-
nize one another on a frequent basis, it is possible that reciprocal exchanges
can take place. Individual A might be the donor on the first encounter, in-
dividual B on the second. This theory requires that the two must have
a high probability of subsequent encounters and that the tendency for al-
truism must already have been established through kin selection. Be-
cause animals are usually suspicious of strangers on first encounter, it is
necessary to speculate that in its beginning, altruism was a selected-for
trait in very small groups where strangers were not only nonhostile but
also likely to be relatives and likely to be met again. This type of behavior,
in which individuals act in a manner not to their own advantage and not in
order that their own genes or the genes of relatives will survive, is per-
formed, in theory, with some expectation of imagined reciprocal gain.
How this type of behavior has come about, however, is a matter requiring
further study.
Cultural Influences
Another question concerns how much culture is an influence on the devel-
opment of a hereditary tendency toward altruism. Some have suggested
that after generations and generations of cultural emphasis on the need for
altruism, it might come to have a genetic basis. There is little hard evidence
that this would occur. On the other hand, humans have had a very rapid
cultural evolution, and it possible that they may have had strong genetic
propensities for altruism which have been culturally overlaid. Some argue
that biology and culture evolve simultaneously—that the culture is formed
as a result of the imposition of genetic factors while, at the same time, ge-
netic traits are evolving in response to cultural change. In order to under-
stand the source of altruism in humankind, one must study such behavior
in the context of many factors in human development—biological as well
as social, cultural, economic, and ecologic.
Types of ecology: Community ecology
The ways in which certain animals and plants interact have evolved in some cases
to make them interdependent for nutrition, respiration, reproduction, or other as-
pects of survival.
Mutualism is an ecological interaction in which two different species of or-
ganisms beneficially reside together in close association, usually revolving
around nutritional needs. One such example is a small aquatic flatworm
that absorbs microscopic green algae into its tissues. The benefit to the ani-
mal is one of added food supply. The mutual adaptation is so complete that
the flatworm does not actively feed as an adult. The algae, in turn, receive
adequate supplies of nitrogen and carbon dioxide and are literally trans-
ported throughout tidal flats in marine habitats as the flatworm migrates,
thus exposing the algae to increased sunlight. This type of mutualism,
which verges on parasitism, is called symbiosis.
Coevolution is an evolutionary process wherein two organisms interact so
closely that thy evolve together in response to shared or antagonistic selec-
tion pressure. A classic example of coevolution involves the yucca plant
and a species of small, white moth (Tegitecula). The female moth collects
pollen grains from the stamen of one flower on the plant and transports
Animal-plant interactions
these pollen loads to the pistil of another flower, thereby ensuring cross-
pollination and fertilization. During this process, the moth will lay her
own fertilized eggs in the flowers’ undeveloped seed pods. The develop-
ing moth larvae have a secure residence for growth and a steady food sup-
ply. These larvae will rarely consume all the developing seeds; thus, both
species (plant and animal) benefit.
Although this example represents a mutually positive relationship be-
tween plants and animals, other interactions are more antagonistic. Preda-
tor-prey relationships between plants and animals are common. Insects
and larger herbivores consume large amounts of plant material. In re-
sponse to this selection pressure, many plants have evolved secondary me-
tabolites that make their tissues unpalatable, distasteful, or even poison-
ous. In response, herbivores have evolved ways to neutralize these plant
In mimicry, an animal or plant has evolved structures or behavior patterns
that allow it to mimic either its surroundings or another organism as a de-
fensive or offensive strategy. Certain types of insects, such as the leaf-
hopper, walking stick, praying mantis, and katydid (a type of grasshopper),
often duplicate plant structures in environments ranging from tropical
rain forests to northern coniferous forests. Mimicry of their plant hosts af-
fords these insects protection from their own predators as well as camou-
flage that enables them to capture their own prey readily. Certain species of
ambush bugs and crab spiders have evolved coloration patterns that allow
them to hide within flower heads of such common plants as goldenrod, en-
abling them to ambush the insects that visit these flowers.
Nonsymbiotic Mutualism
In nonsymbiotic mutualism, plants and animals coevolve morphological
structures and behavior patterns by which they benefit each other but
without living physically together. This type of mutualism can be demon-
strated in the often unusual shapes, patterns, and colorations that more ad-
vanced flowering plants have developed to attract various insects, birds,
and mammals for pollination and seed dispersal purposes. Accessory
structures, called fruits, form around seeds and are usually tasty and
brightly marked to attract animals for seed dispersal. Although the fruits
themselves become biological bribes for animals to consume, often the
seeds within these fruits are not easily digested and thus pass through the
animals’ digestive tracts unharmed, sometimes great distances from the
parent plant. Some seeds must pass through the digestive plant of an ani-
Animal-plant interactions
Because structural specialization increases the possibility that a flower’s
pollen will be transferred to a plant of the same species, many plants have
evolved a vast array of scents, colors, and nutritional products to attract
pollinators. Not only does pollen include the plant’s sperm cells; it also rep-
resents a food reward. Another source of animal nutrition is a substance
called nectar, a sugar-rich fluid produced in specialized structures called
nectaries within the flower or on adjacent stems and leaves. Assorted
waxes and oils are also produced by plants to ensure plant-animal interac-
tions. As species of bees, flies, wasps, butterflies, and hawkmoths are at-
tracted to flower heads for these nutritional rewards, they unwittingly be-
come agents of pollination by transferring pollen from stamens to pistils.
Some flowers have evolved distinctive, unpleasant odors reminiscent
of rotting flesh or feces, thereby attracting carrion beetles and flesh flies in
search of places to reproduce and deposit their own fertilized eggs. As
these animals copulate, they often become agents of pollination for the
plant itself. Some tropical plants, such as orchids, even mimic a female bee,
wasp, or beetle, so that the insect’s male counterpart will attempt to mate
with them, thereby encouraging precise pollination.
Among birds, hummingbirds are the best examples of plant pollinators.
Various types of flowers with bright, red colors, tubular shapes, and
strong, sweet odors have evolved in tropical and temperate regions to take
advantage of hummingbirds’ long beaks and tongues as an aid to pollina-
tion. Because most mammals, such as small rodents and bats, do not detect
colors as well as bees and butterflies do, some flowers instead focus upon
the production of strong, fermenting, or fruitlike odors and abundant pol-
len rich in protein. In certain environments, bats and mice that are primar-
ily nocturnal have replaced day-flying insects and birds as pollinators.
Thomas C. Moon, updated by Bryan Ness
Animal-plant interactions
Types of ecology: Ecoenergetics; Theoretical ecology
The ecological concept of the balance of nature—a view that proposes that nature,
in its undisturbed state, is constant—has never been legitimized in science as ei-
ther a hypothesis or a theory. However, it laid the groundwork for the science of
ecology and persists as a designation for a healthy environment.
T he notion of the “balance of nature” has a deep history that dates back
to ancient times and has persisted into modern times. During the sci-
entific revolution in the seventeenth century, John Graunt, a merchant, an-
alyzed London’s baptismal and death records in 1662 and discovered
the balance in the sex ratio and the regularity of most causes of death (ex-
cluding epidemics). England’s chief justice, Sir Matthew Hale, was inter-
ested in Graunt’s discoveries, but he nevertheless decided that the human
population, in contrast to animal populations, must have steadily in-
creased throughout history. He surveyed the known causes of animal mor-
tality and in 1677 published the earliest explicit account of the balance of
English scientist Robert Hooke studied fossils and in 1665 concluded
that they represented the remains of plants and animals, some of which
were probably extinct. However, a clergyman-naturalist, John Ray, replied
that the extinction of species would contradict the wisdom of the ages, by
which he seems to have meant the balance of nature. Ray also studied the
hydrologic cycle, the geochemical cycle of water. Antoni van Leeuwen-
hoek, one of the first investigators to make biological studies with a micro-
scope, discovered that parasites are more prevalent than anyone had sus-
pected and that they are often detrimental or even fatal to their hosts.
Before that, it was commonly assumed that the relationship between host
and parasite was mutually beneficial.
Richard Bradley, a botanist and popularizer of natural history, pointed
out in 1718 that each species of plant has its own kind of insect and
that there are even different insects that eat the leaves and bark of a tree.
His book A Philosophical Account of the Works of Nature (1721) explored as-
pects of the balance of nature more thoroughly than had been done before.
Ray’s and Bradley’s books may have inspired the comment in Alexander
Pope’s Essay on Man (1733) that all species are so closely interdepen-
dent that the extinction of one would lead to the destruction of all living
Balance of nature
Balance of nature
the 1910’s. One of its important organizing concepts was that of “biotic
communities.” An American plant ecologist, Frederic E. Clements, wrote a
large monograph titled Plant Succession (1916), in which he drew a mor-
phological and developmental analogy between organisms and plant com-
munities. Both the individual and the community have a life history dur-
ing which each changes its anatomy and physiology. This superorganismic
concept was an extreme version of the balance of nature that seemed plau-
sible as long as one believed that a biotic community was a real entity
rather than a convenient approximation of what one sees in a pond, a
meadow, or a forest. However, the studies of Henry A. Gleason in 1917 and
later indicated that plant species merely compete with one another in simi-
lar environments; he concluded that Clements’s superorganism was po-
etry, not science.
While the balance-of-nature concept was giving way to ecological hy-
potheses and theories, Rachel Carson decided that she could not argue her
case in Silent Spring (1962) without it. She admitted, “The balance of nature
is not a status quo; it is fluid, ever shifting, in a constant state of adjust-
ment.” Nevertheless, to her the concept represented a healthy environ-
ment, which humans could upset. Her usage of the phrase has persisted
within the environmental movement.
In 1972 English medical chemist James E. Lovelock developed a new
balance-of-nature idea, which he calls Gaia, named for a Greek earth god-
dess. His reasoning owed virtually nothing to previous balance-of-nature
notions that focused upon the interactions of plants and animals. His con-
cept emphasized the chemical cycles that flow from the earth to the waters,
atmosphere, and living organisms. He soon had the assistance of a zoolo-
gist named Lynn Margulis. Their studies convinced them that biogeo-
chemical cycles are not random, but exhibit homeostasis, just as some ani-
mals exhibit homeostasis in body heat and blood concentrations of various
substances. They believe that living beings, rather than inanimate forces,
mainly control the earth’s environment. In 1988 three scientific organiza-
tions sponsored a conference of 150 scientists from all over the world to
evaluate their ideas. Although science more or less understands how ho-
meostasis works when a brain within an animal controls it, no one has suc-
ceeded in satisfactorily explaining how homeostasis can work in a world
“system” that lacks a brain. The Gaia hypothesis is as untestable as were
earlier balance-of-nature concepts.
Frank N. Egerton
Balance of nature
Types of ecology: Community ecology; Ecosystem ecology; Global
ecology; Population ecology; Restoration and conservation ecology
The Wildlife Society has defined biodiversity as “the richness, abundance, and
variability of plant and animal species and communities and the ecological process
that link them with one another and with soil, air, and water.”
Species Diversity
No one knows how many species inhabit the earth. Estimates range from
five million to several times that number. Each species consists of individu-
als that are somewhat similar and capable of interbreeding with other
members of their species but are not usually able to interbreed with indi-
viduals of other species. The species that occupy a particular ecosystem are
a subset of the species as a whole. Ecosystems are generally considered to
be local units of nature; ponds, forests, and prairies are common examples.
Conservation biologists measure the species diversity of a given ecosys-
tem by first conducting a careful, quantitative inventory. From such data,
scientists may determine the “richness” of the ecosystem, which is simply
a reflection of the number of species present. Thus, an island with three
hundred species would be 50 percent richer than another with only two
hundred species. Some ecosystems, especially tropical rain forests and
coral reefs, are much richer than others. Among the least rich are tundra re-
gions and deserts.
Ecosystem Diversity
Ecology can be defined as the study of ecosystems. From a conservation
standpoint, ecosystems are important because they sustain their particular
assemblage of living species. Conservation biologists also consider ecosys-
tems to have an intrinsic value beyond the species they harbor. Therefore,
it would be ideal if representative global ecosystems could be preserved.
However, this is far from realization. Just deciding where to draw the
line between interfacing ecosystems can be a problem. For example, the
water level of a stream running through a forest is subject to seasonal fluc-
tuation, causing a transitional zone characterized by the biota from both
adjoining ecosystems. Such ubiquitous zones negate the view that ecosys-
tems are discrete units with easily recognized boundaries.
The protection of diverse ecosystems is of utmost importance to the
maintenance of biodiversity. However, ecosystems throughout the world
are threatened by global warming, air and water pollution, acid deposi-
tion, ozone depletion, and other destructive forces. At the local level, de-
forestation, thermal pollution, urbanization, and poor agricultural prac-
tices are among the problems affecting ecosystems and therefore reducing
biodiversity. Both global and local environmental problems are amplified
by rapidly increasing world population pressures.
In the process of determining which ecosystems are most in need of pro-
tection, it has become apparent to many scientists that a system for naming
and classifying ecosystems is highly desirable, if not imperative. Efforts
are being made to establish a system similar to the hierarchical system ap-
plied to species that was developed by Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus
during the eighteenth century. However, a classification system for ecosys-
tems is far from complete. Freshwater, marine, and terrestrial ecosystems
are recognized as main categories, with each further divided into particu-
lar types. Though tentative, this has made possible the identification and
preservation of a wide range of representative, threatened ecosystems.
In 1995 conservation biologist Reed F. Noss of Oregon State University
and his colleagues identified more than 126 types of ecosystems in the
United States that are threatened or critically endangered. The following
list illustrates their diversity: southern Appalachian spruce-fir forests;
eastern grasslands, savannas, and barrens; California native grasslands;
Hawaiian dry forests; caves and Karst systems; old-growth forests of the
Pacific Northwest; and southern forested wetlands.
Not all ecosystems can be saved. Establishing priorities involves many
considerations, some of which are economic and political. Ideally, choices
would be made on merit: rarity, size, number of endangered species they
include, and other objective, scientific criteria.
Genetic Diversity
Most of the variation among individuals of the same species is caused by
the different genotypes (combinations of genes) that they possess. Such ge-
netic diversity is readily apparent in cultivated or domesticated species
such as cats, dogs, and corn, but also exists, though usually to a lesser de-
gree, in wild species. Genetic diversity can be measured only by exacting
molecular laboratory procedures. The tests detect the amount of variation
in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or isoenzymes (chemically distinct en-
zymes) possessed by various individuals of the species in question.
A significant degree of genetic diversity within a population or species
confers a great advantage. This diversity is the raw material that allows
evolutionary processes to occur. When a local population becomes too
small, it is subject to a serious decline in vigor from increased inbreeding.
This leads, in turn, to a downward, self-perpetuating spiral in genetic di-
versity and further reduction in population size. Extinction may be immi-
nent. In the grand scheme of nature, this is a catastrophic event; never
again will that particular genome (set of genes) exist anywhere on the
earth. Extinction is the process by which global biodiversity is reduced.
Conservation Biology
Although biologists have been concerned with protecting plant and ani-
mal species for decades, only recently has conservation biology emerged
as an identifiable discipline. Conceived in a perceived crisis of biological
extinctions, conservation biology differs from related disciplines, such as
ecology, because of its advocative nature and its insistence on maintaining
biodiversity as intrinsically good. Conservation biology is a value-laden
science, and some critics consider it akin to a religion with an accepted
The prospect of preserving global ecosystems and the life processes
they make possible, all necessary for maintaining global diversity, is not
promising. Western culture does not give environmental concerns a high
priority. For those who do, there is more often a concern over issues relat-
ing to immediate health effects than concern over the loss of biodiversity.
Only when education in basic biology and ecology at all levels is extended
to include an awareness of the importance of biodiversity will there de-
velop the necessary impetus to save ecosystems and all their inhabitants,
including humans.
Thomas E. Hemmerly
Types of ecology: Community ecology; Population ecology
Trends in Biogeography
Several consistent trends have emerged from biogeographic studies. Com-
munities in isolated regions (especially large islands that have not been in
contact with continents for long periods of time) tend to be unlike those
found anywhere else. More types of organisms are found in tropical than
in temperate or arctic regions. Fewer types of organisms are found on oce-
anic islands, although the organisms that are present may be found in phe-
Island Biogeography
In 1967, Robert H. MacArthur and Edward O. Wilson published a classic
volume titled The Theory of Island Biogeography. Although islands have fig-
ured prominently in modern biology (Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel
Wallace both relied heavily on evidence from islands when formulating
their theories of natural selection), only during the last third of the twenti-
eth century was island biogeography recognized as a distinct discipline.
Many of the principles that form the foundation of biogeography ema-
nated from studies of islands. Among these are relationships between bio-
diversity and island size, ecological heterogeneity, and proximity to conti-
nents; between isolation and endemism (species evolving in a given area
and found nowhere else in the world); and between island size and loca-
tion and rates of immigration, colonization, and extinction. In addition, is-
land biogeographers frequently have been at the center of debates arguing
the relevance of dispersal versus vicariance. Central to these disputes is
whether disjunct distributions of organisms are attributable to movement
over barriers (dispersal) or to the creation of a barrier that separated a pre-
viously contiguous range (vicariance). Although both have undoubtedly
played important roles, the debate rages over which was primarily respon-
sible for the current distributions of many faunas, both on islands sur-
rounded by water or on terrestrial “islands” surrounded by other inhospi-
table habitats.
Robert Powell
Types of ecology: Community ecology; Ecosystem ecology;
Biological invasions are the entry of a type of organism into an ecosystem outside
its historic range. In a biological invasion, the “invading” organism may be an in-
fectious virus, a bacterium, a plant, an insect, or an animal.
Invasive Plants
In modern times, most people are not aware of the distinction between na-
tive plants and exotic species growing in their region. Recent increases in
intercontinental invasion rates by exotic species, brought about primarily
by human activity, create important ecological problems for the recipient
Biological invasions
Biological invasions
Types of ecology: Chemical ecology; Physiological ecology
Bioluminescence is visible light emitted from living organisms. Half of the orders
of animals include luminescent species. These organisms are widespread, occur-
ring in marine, terrestrial, and freshwater habitats. Bioluminescence is used for
defense, predation, and communication.
Types of Bioluminescence
Animals may produce light in one of three ways. The bioluminescence
may be intracellular: Chemical reactions within specialized cells result in
the emission of visible light. These specialized cells are often found within
photophores. These light-producing organs may be arranged in symmetri-
cal rows along the animal’s body, in a single unit overhanging the mouth,
or in patches under the eyes, and are connected to the nervous system. Al-
ternatively, the bioluminescence may be extracellular: The animals secrete
chemicals that react in their surroundings to produce light. The third op-
tion involves a symbiotic relationship between an animal and biolumi-
nescent bacteria. Several species of fish and squid harbor bioluminescent
bacteria in specialized light organs. The symbiotic relationship is specific:
Each type of fish or squid associates with a certain type of bacteria. The
bacteria-filled organ is continuously luminous. The animal regulates the
emission of light either by melanophores scattered over the surface of
the organ or by a black membrane that may be mechanically drawn over
the organ.
Functions of Bioluminescence
There appear to be three main uses of bioluminescence: finding or attract-
ing prey, defense against predators, and communication. Although visible
light penetrates into the ocean to one thousand meters at most, most fish
living below one thousand meters possess eyes or other photoreceptors.
Many deep-sea fish have dangling luminous light organs to attract prey.
Terrestrial flies have also exploited bioluminescence for predation. The
glow of glowworms (fly larvae) living in caves serves to attract insect prey,
which get snared in the glowworms’ sticky mucous threads. Fungus gnats
(carnivorous flies) attract small arthropods through light emission and
capture the prey in webs of mucus and silk.
Type of ecology: Ecotoxicology
The process usually begins with the spraying of pesticides for the purpose
of controlling insect populations. Industrial contamination, including the
release of heavy metals, can be an additional cause of such pollution. Bio-
magnification results when these chemicals contaminate the water supply
and are absorbed into the lipid membranes of microbial organisms. This
process, often referred to as bioaccumulation, results in the initial concen-
tration of the chemical in an organism in a form that is not naturally ex-
creted with normal waste material. Levels of the chemical may reach any-
where from one to three times that found in the surrounding environment.
Since the nature of the chemical is such that it is neither degraded nor ex-
creted, it remains within the organism.
As organisms on the bottom of the food chain are eaten and digested by
members of the next level in the chain, the concentration of the accumu-
lated material significantly increases; at each subsequent level, the concen-
tration may reach one order of magnitude (a tenfold increase) higher. Con-
sequently, the levels of the pollutant at the top of the environmental food
chain for the ecosystem in question—such as fish, carnivorous birds, or hu-
mans—may be as much as one million times more concentrated than the
original, presumably safe, levels in the environment.
For example, studies of dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) levels in
the 1960’s found that zooplankton at the bottom of the food chain had ac-
cumulated nearly one thousand times the level of the pollutant in the sur-
rounding water. Ingestion of the plankton by fish resulted in concentration
by another factor of several hundred. By the time the fish were eaten by
predatory birds, the level of DDT was concentrated by a factor of more
than two hundred thousand. DDT is characteristic of most pollutants sub-
ject to potential biomagnification. It is relatively stable in the environment,
persisting for decades. It is soluble in lipids and readily incorporated into
the membranes of organisms.
Since pesticides are, by their nature, biologically active compounds,
which reflects their ability to control insects, they are of particular con-
cern if subject to biomagnification. DDT remains the classical example
of how bioaccumulation and biomagnification may have an effect on the
environment. Initially introduced as a pesticide for control of insects and
insect-borne disease, DDT was not thought to be particularly toxic. How-
ever, biomagnification of the chemical was found to result in the deaths
of birds and other wildlife. In addition, DDT contamination was found
to result in formation of thin egg shells that greatly reduced the birth-
rate among birds. Before the use of DDT was banned in the 1960’s, the
population levels of predatory birds such as eagles and falcons had
fallen to a fraction of the levels found prior to use of the insecticide.
Though it was unclear whether there was any direct effect on the hu-
man population in the United States, the discovery of elevated levels of
DDT in human tissue contributed to the decision to ban the use of the
ing methyl mercury, a highly toxic material that does accumulate in fatty
tissue and membranes.
Several procedures have been adopted since the 1960’s to prevent the bio-
magnification of toxic materials. In addition to outright bans, pesticides
are often modified to prevent their accumulation in the environment. Most
synthetic pesticides contain chemical structures that are easily degraded
by microorganisms found in the environment. Ideally, the pesticide should
survive no longer than a single growing season before being rendered
harmless by the environmental flora. Often such chemical changes require
only simple modification of the basic structure.
Richard Adler
Type of ecology: Ecoenergetics
The relationship between the accumulation of living matter resulting from the pri-
mary production of plants or the secondary production of animals (biomass) and
the energy potentially available to other organisms in an ecosystem forms the basis
of the study of biomass related to energy.
B iomass is the amount of organic matter, such as animal and plant tis-
sue, found at a particular time and place. The rate of accumulation of
biomass is termed productivity. Primary production is the rate at which
plants produce new organic matter through photosynthesis. Secondary
production is the rate at which animals produce their organic matter by
feeding on other organisms. Biomass is an instantaneous measure of the
amount of organic matter, while primary and secondary production give
measures of the rates at which biomass increases. Plant and animal bio-
mass consists mostly of carbon-rich molecules, such as sugars, starches,
proteins, and lipids, and other substances, such as minerals, bone, and
shell. The carbon-rich organic molecules are not only the building blocks of
life but also the energy-rich molecules used by organisms to fuel their ac-
Biomass related to energy
cules can be used immediately by the plants to maintain their own respira-
tion needs, stored as starches and fats, or can be converted to new plant
tissue. It is the stored organic matter plus new tissue that contributes to the
growth of plants and to biomass.
Because the energy-containing products of photosynthesis can be used
either immediately in respiration or in the formation of new plant biomass,
two types of primary production can be distinguished. Gross production
refers to the total amount of energy produced by photosynthesis. It in-
cludes both the energy used by the plant for respiration and the energy that
goes into new biomass. Net production refers only to the amount of energy
that accumulates as new biomass. It is only the energy in net production
that is potentially available to animal consumers as food.
The rate of primary production varies directly with the rate of photo-
synthesis; therefore, factors in the environment that affect the rate of pho-
tosynthesis affect the rate of primary production. These factors most often
Transformation of Sunlight
into Biochemical Energy
Light energy
from the sun
Chloroplasts in
plant cells convert
light, water, and carbon
dioxide into carbohydrates
via photosynthesis
Oxygen, as a
by-product of
is released
Respiration by-products
are carbon dioxide,
water, and energy
dissipated as heat
Biomass related to energy
Secondary Production
The energy and material needs of some organisms are met by consuming
the organic materials produced by others. These consumer organisms are
called heterotrophs; there are two types. Those that obtain their food from
other living organisms are called consumers and include all animals.
Those that obtain their energy from dead organisms are called decom-
posers and include mostly the fungi and bacteria.
The energy available to each type of consumer becomes progressively
less at each level of the food chain. Each consumer level uses most of
its food energy, about 90 percent, to fuel its respiratory activities. In this
energy-releasing process, most of the food energy is actually converted to
heat and is lost to the environment. Only 10 percent or less of the original
food energy is used to form new biomass. It is only this small amount of en-
ergy that is available for the next consumer level. The result is that food
chains are limited in their number of links or levels by the reduced amount
of energy available at each higher level.
Generally, the greater the amount of primary production, the larger the
number of consumer organisms and the longer the food chain. Most food
Biomass related to energy
chains consist of three levels; rarely are there examples of up to five levels.
It should be noted that the food chain concept is a simplified view of a
more complex network of energy pathways, known as food webs, that oc-
cur in nature. Another outcome of the reduction in energy flow up the food
chain is a progressive decrease in production and biomass. The most pro-
ductive level, and the one with the greatest biomass, is therefore the pri-
mary producers, or plants.
Biomass related to energy
animals and by removing carbon dioxide and other toxic gases. The low
level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is believed to have moderated
the earth’s temperature, counteracting the so-called greenhouse effect. It is
therefore of great importance to understand and preserve these forests and
other primary producers of the world.
Ray P. Gerber
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology; Global ecology;
Theoretical ecology
Biomes are large-scale ecological communities of both plants and animals, deter-
mined primarily by geography and climate. Worldwide, there are six major types
of biomes on land: forest, grassland, woodland, shrubland, semidesert scrub, and
O ne who travels latitudinally from the equator to the Arctic will cross
tropical forests, deserts, grasslands, temperate forests, coniferous for-
est, tundra, and ice fields. Those major types of natural vegetation at re-
gional scales are called biomes. A biome occurs wherever a particular set of
climatic and edaphic (soil-related) conditions prevail with similar physi-
ognomy. For example, prairies and other grasslands in the North Ameri-
can Middle West and West form a biome of temperate grasslands, where
moderately dry climate prevails. Tropical rain forests in the humid tropical
areas of South and Central America, Africa, and Southeast Asia create a
biome where rainfall is abundant and well-distributed through the year.
In general, biomes are delineated by both physiognomy and environ-
ment. There are six major physiognomic types on land: forest, grassland,
woodland, shrubland, semidesert scrub, and desert. Each of the six types
occurs in a wide range of environments. Therefore, more than one biome
may be defined within each physiognomic type according to major differ-
ences in climate. Tropical forests, temperate deciduous forest, and conifer-
ous forests are, for example, separate biomes, although forests dominate
all of them. On the other hand, some biome types, such as the tundra, are
dominated by a range of physiognomic types and are in one prevailing en-
vironmental region.
Classification of Biomes
There are many ways to classify biomes. One system, which designates a
small number of broadly defined biomes, divides global vegetation into
nine major terrestrial biomes: tundra, taiga, temperate forest, temperate
rain forest, tropical rain forest, savanna, temperate grasslands, chaparral,
and desert. Other systems more narrowly define biomes, designating a
larger total number. In those cases, some of the broadly defined biomes are
divided into two or more biomes. For example, the biome called temperate
forest in a broad classification may be separated into temperature decidu-
Biomes: determinants
1 2
Biome Annual Mean Rainfall Climate and Temperature
In millimeters
Degrees Celsius
ous forest and temperate evergreen forest in a fine classification. The bio-
me of desert in the broad classification may be broken into warm semi-
desert, cool semidesert, Arctic-alpine semidesert, Arctic-pine desert, and
true desert in the fine classification.
Biomes: determinants
Quantitative Relationships
Descriptive relationships can provide pictures of world vegetation distri-
butions along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients of temperature and
moisture. Ecologists in the past several decades have also sought quantita-
tive relationships between distributions of biomes and environmental fac-
tors. For example, when R. H. Whittaker plotted various types of biomes
on gradients of mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation
in 1975, a global pattern emerged relating biomes to climatic variables. It
was shown that tropical rain-forest biomes are distributed in regions with
annual mean precipitation of 2,500 to 4,500 millimeters and annual mean
temperatures of 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. Tropical seasonal forest and sa-
Biomes: determinants
See also: Biomes: types; Chaparral; Deserts; Forests; Grasslands and prai-
ries; Habitats and biomes; Lakes and limnology; Marine biomes; Mediter-
ranean scrub; Mountain ecosystems; Old-growth forests; Rain forests; Rain
forests and the atmosphere; Rangeland; Reefs; Savannas and deciduous
tropical forests; Taiga; Tundra and high-altitude biomes; Wetlands.
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology; Global ecology;
Theoretical ecology
Temperate Forests
The temperate forest biome occupies the so-called temperate zones in the
midlatitudes (from about 30 to 60 degrees north and south of the equator).
Temperate forests are found mainly in Europe, eastern North America, and
eastern China, and in narrow zones on the coasts of Australia, New Zea-
land, Tasmania, and the Pacific coasts of North and South America. Their
climates are characterized by high rainfall and temperatures that vary
from cold to mild.
Temperate forests contain primarily deciduous trees—including maple,
oak, hickory, and beechwood—and, secondarily, evergreen trees—includ-
ing pine, spruce, fir, and hemlock. Evergreen forests in some parts of the
Southern Hemisphere contain eucalyptus trees. The root systems of forest
trees help keep the soil rich. The soil quality and color are due to the action
of earthworms. Where these forests are frequently logged, soil runoff pol-
lutes streams, which reduces spawning habitat for fish. Raccoons, opos-
sums, bats, and squirrels are found in the trees. Deer and black bears roam
forest floors. During winter, small animals such as marmots and squirrels
burrow in the ground.
Tropical Forests
Tropical forests exist in frost-free areas between the Tropic of Cancer and
the Tropic of Capricorn. Temperatures range from warm to hot year-round.
Biomes: types
These forests are found in northern Australia, the East Indies, Southeast
Asia, equatorial Africa, and parts of Central America and northern South
Tropical forests have high biological diversity and contain about 15 per-
cent of the world’s plant species. Animal life lives at each layer of tropical
forests. Nuts and fruits on the trees provide food for birds, monkeys, squir-
rels, and bats. Monkeys and sloths feed on tree leaves. Roots, seeds, leaves,
and fruit on the forest floor feed larger animals. Tropical forest trees pro-
duce rubber and hardwood, such as mahogany and rosewood. Deforesta-
tion for agriculture and pastures has caused reduction in plant and animal
diversity in these forests.
Boreal Forests
The boreal forest is a circumpolar Northern Hemisphere biome spread
across Russia, Scandinavia, Canada, and Alaska. The region is very cold.
Evergreen trees such as white spruce and black spruce dominate this zone,
which also contains larch, balsam, pine, fir, and some deciduous hard-
woods such as birch and aspen. The acidic needles from the evergreens
make the leaf litter that is changed into soil humus. The acidic soil limits
the plants that develop.
Tr o p i c o f
Tr o p i c o f
Biomes: types
The desert biome covers about one-seventh of the earth’s surface. Deserts
typically receive no more than 10 inches (25 centimeters) of rainfall per
year, and evaporation generally exceeds rainfall. Deserts are found around
the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. As warm air rises over
the equator, it cools and loses its water content. The dry air descends in the
two subtropical zones on each side of the equator; as it warms, it picks up
moisture, resulting in drying the land.
Biomes: types
Rainfall is a key agent in shaping the desert. The lack of sufficient plant
cover contributes to soil erosion during wind- and rainstorms. Some desert
plants—for example, the mesquite tree, which has roots that grow 40 feet
(13 meters) deep—obtain water from deep below the earth’s surface. Other
plants, such as the barrel cactus, store large amounts of water in their
leaves, roots, or stems. Some plants slow the loss of water by having tiny
leaves or shedding their leaves. Desert plants have very short growth peri-
ods, because they cannot grow during the long drought periods.
Grasslands cover about one-quarter of the earth’s surface and can be found
between forests and deserts. Treeless grasslands exist in parts of central
North America, Central America, and eastern South America that have be-
tween 10 and 40 inches (250-1,000 millimeters) of erratic rainfall per year.
The climate has a high rate of evaporation and periodic major droughts.
Grasslands are subject to fire.
Some grassland plants survive droughts by growing deep roots, while
others survive by being dormant. Grass seeds feed the lizards and rodents
that become the food for hawks and eagles. Large animals in this biome in-
clude bison, coyotes, mule deer, and wolves. The grasslands produce more
food than any other biome. Overgrazing, inefficient agricultural practices,
and mining destroy the natural stability and fertility of these lands, result-
ing in reduced carrying capacity, water pollution, and soil erosion. Diverse
natural grasslands appear to be more capable of surviving drought than
are simplified manipulated grass systems. This may be due to slower soil
mineralization and nitrogen turnover of plant residues in the simplified
Savannas are open grasslands containing deciduous trees and shrubs.
They are near the equator and are associated with deserts. Grasses there
grow in clumps and do not form a continuous layer.
The chaparral, or Mediterranean, biome is found in the Mediterranean Ba-
sin, California, parts of Australia, middle Chile, and the Cape Province of
South America. This region has a climate of wet winters and summer
drought. The plants have tough, leathery leaves and may have thorns. Re-
gional fires clear the area of dense and dead vegetation. The seeds from
some plants, such as the California manzanita and South African fire lily,
are protected by the soil during a fire and later germinate and rapidly grow
to form new plants. Vegetation dwarfing occurs as a result of the severe
summer drought and extreme climate changes.
Biomes: types
The ocean biome covers more than 70 percent of the earth’s surface and in-
cludes 90 percent of its volume. Oceans have four zones. The intertidal
zone is shallow and lies at the land’s edge. The continental shelf, which be-
gins where the intertidal zone ends, is a plain that slopes gently seaward.
The neritic zone (continental slope) begins at a depth of about 600 feet (180
meters), where the gradual slant of the continental shelf becomes a sharp
tilt toward the ocean floor, plunging about 12,000 feet (3,660 meters) to the
ocean bottom. This abyssal zone is so deep that it does not have light.
Plankton are animals that float in the ocean. They include algae and
copepods, which are microscopic crustaceans. Jellyfish and animal larva
are also considered plankton. The nekton are animals that move freely
through the water by means of their muscles. These include fish, whales,
and squid. The benthos are animals that are attached to or crawl along the
ocean’s floor. Clams are examples of benthos. Bacteria decompose the dead
organic materials on the ocean floor.
The circulation of materials from the ocean’s floor to the surface is
caused by winds and water temperature. Runoff from the land contains
pollutants such as pesticides, nitrogen fertilizers, and animal wastes.
Rivers carry loose soil to the ocean, where it builds up the bottom areas.
Overfishing has caused fisheries to collapse in every world sector.
Biomes: types
Linsenmair, K. E., ed. Tropical Forest Canopies: Ecology and Management. Lon-
don: Kluwer Academic, 2001.
Prager, Ellen J., with Cynthia A. Earle. The Oceans. New York: McGraw-
Hill, 2000.
Solbrig, Otto Thomas, E. Medina, and J. F. Silva, eds. Biodiversity and Sa-
vanna Ecosystem Processes: A Global Perspective. New York: Springer,
Types of ecology: Agricultural ecology; Ecotoxicology
Biopesticides are biological agents, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, mites, and
other organisms used to control insect and weed pests in an environmentally and
ecologically friendly manner.
The term “biosphere” was coined in the nineteenth century by Austrian geologist
Eduard Suess in reference to the 20-kilometer-thick zone extending from the floor
of the oceans to the top of mountains, within which all life on earth exists. Thought
to be more than 3.5 billion years old, the biosphere supports nearly one dozen
biomes, regions of climatic conditions within which distinct biotic communities
Solar Energy
The biosphere is also dependent upon the energy that is transferred from
the various spheres. Solar energy is the basis for almost all life. Light enters
the biosphere as the essential energy source for photosynthesis. Plants take
in carbon dioxide, water, and light energy, which is converted via photo-
synthesis into chemical energy in the form of sugars and other organic
molecules. Oxygen is generated as a by-product. Most animal life reverses
Biosphere concept
This composite image of the earth’s biosphere shows the planet’s heaviest vegeta-
tive biomass in the dark sections, known to be rain forests. The combination of in-
tense sunlight for twelve hours per day, warm temperatures throughout the year,
and considerable rainfall make tropical rain forests the most productive ecosystems
on land. (NASA)
Biosphere concept
Type of ecology: Physiological ecology
Both predatory and prey species use camouflage to minimize the chance that their
presence will be detected. Although camouflage is often thought of as being exclu-
sively a visual phenomenon, for it to work, it must occur in all sensory modalities.
Disruptive Coloration
If a large organism is to remain undetected, it must be camouflaged with
respect to an entire scene. One way to do this is with the use of disruptive
coloration, that is, the use of stripes, spots, or patches of color for camou-
flage. Disruptive coloration can involve large color patches, as on a pinto
pony, a tabby cat, or a diamond-backed rattlesnake, or may involve tiny
variations of color on each scale, feather, or hair. Many brownish or grayish
mammals actually have what is called agouti coloring, with three different
colors appearing on each hair.
The irregular borders of multiple color patches on an animal’s body
help to obscure its outline against an irregular and multicolored back-
ground, just like the blotchy greens and browns on military uniforms. An
animal that has a mix of browns in its fur, feathers, skin or scales, for exam-
ple, will blend into a forest or even an open desert or tundra much better
than one that is a single solid color. Even the black-and-white stripes of ze-
bras, which seem so striking, act as a form of disruptive coloration: From
far away, and especially to an animal such as a lion, which does not have
good color vision, the stripes of zebras help them blend into the tall, wavy
grasses of the savannah.
Countershading is another form of crypsis, involving differently col-
ored patches. Countershaded animals appear dark when viewed from
above and light when viewed from underneath. Animals with counter-
shading include orca whales with their black backs and white bellies, pen-
guins, blue jays, bullfrogs, and weasels. Countershading works and is
found as camouflage in so many kinds of animals because no matter where
one lives—a desert, a forest, a meadow, or an ocean—the sun shines from
above. When looking up toward the sun and sky, dark things stand out and
light colors blend in; when looking down toward the ground or the ocean
floor, light colors stand out and dark colors blend in. Predators that are
countershaded can thus approach their prey with equal stealth from either
above or below; likewise, prey species that are countershaded will be
equally hard to find whether a predator is searching from on high or from
underneath. Countershading and other forms of disruptive coloration can
occur in the same organism, so that dark spots, blotches, or stripes appear
on top while paler ones appear below.
Another way of remaining undetected in a complex scene is by using pro-
tective mimicry, the ability to mimic an inanimate object in both color and
form. Some insects look like thorns on plant stems; others look like leaves
or twigs or flowers. Some insects, frogs, and fish look like rocks, lichens, or
corals. Sea lions, sea dragons, and even eels can look like floating kelp or
other forms of seaweed.
Zebras’ stripes not only help them blend into their grassland habitats but also
make it difficult for predators to pick out a single individual for attack. (Digital
Some animals may not look much like the objects around them but will
disguise themselves by attaching pieces of plants or sand or other debris to
their body. Some caterpillars use silk to tie bits of flowers and leaves to
their bodies; others use saliva as a glue. Some crabs glue broken bits of
shell and coral to their exoskeletons. By using local materials to camou-
flage itself, an animal can ensure that it matches the background and can
even change its disguise as it moves from one area into another.
Being transparent is another way to match whatever background happens
to be present. Many marine invertebrates such as worms, jellyfish, and
shrimp, are completely transparent. Complete transparency is less com-
mon among land animals, but some land invertebrates have transparent
body parts, such as their wings, allowing them to break up the outline of
their body and blend into whatever happens to be in the immediate back-
Life Stages
Some species use different strategies as they go through different stages in
life. In many altricial species (species with dependent young that require
extended parental care of the offspring), the eggs and/or young are cam-
ouflaged, even though the adults are not; the temporary spots on deer
fawns and mountain lion cubs are examples. In other species, nesting or
brooding females may be camouflaged while the adult males retain their
gaudy plumage or attention-getting behaviors; the changing seasonal pat-
terns of color and behavior of ducks and songbirds provide examples here.
Some species may be toxic and gaudy during one stage of life, yet tasty and
cryptic during another.
Multisensory Camouflage
Finally, although camouflage is usually thought of as a visual phenome-
non, crypsis is important in every sensory modality. If a prey animal is vir-
tually invisible to its predators but puts out a sound, a scent, or a vibration
that makes it easy to locate, visual crypsis alone is useless. For successful
protection, prey species must be cryptic in whatever sensory modalities
their predators use for hunting. Likewise, for successful hunting, preda-
tory species must be cryptic in whatever sensory modalities their prey use
to detect danger. For most species of both predator and prey, this means be-
ing camouflaged or blending into the background in several sensory mo-
dalities all at once.
Linda Mealey
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology
Chaparral is the name of a major ecosystem (or biome) found in areas with moist,
cool to cold winters and long, dry hot summers (Mediterranean climate).
In California, the chaparral is located mainly along the central and south-
ern coastal areas, primarily between elevations of 500 and 2,500 feet. It is
also found in some areas of the Sierra Nevada foothills, one hundred miles
or more inland, and in the lower elevations of some other interior moun-
tains. The geology of most of the areas where this ecosystem occurs is be-
lieved to have started with massive upheavals from half a million to ten
thousand years ago. The most common substrate was granite. Relentless
disintegration resulted in rocky and sandy debris which would allow in-
creasing amounts of plant life to grow. As the organic matter became more
abundant, its debris (leaves, twigs, and decaying dead plants) became
more and more mixed into the materials of the granite decomposition. This
resulted in a rich, sandy loam.
Chaparral Flora
Because of the cool, moist winters and dry, hot summers, plants evolved to
survive these marked changes. In most of the chaparral, there are quite ex-
treme diurnal temperature changes, with fluctuations of fifty to sixty de-
grees or more. Compounding these harsh conditions are frequent strong,
dry winds, often reaching forty miles per hour.
The plants that have become the residents of the chaparral are mainly
shrubby, small-leaved evergreens with leathery, thick stems. Shrubs pre-
dominate, but there are also small trees and in many areas abundant wild-
flowers. All plants are adapted to conserve water. There is little humus
in the soil, which is relatively nutrient-poor. The sandy nature of the
soil and the variable periods of dry and sudden rain can cause a quick
The predominant plants are between three and nine feet in height, with
some trees being taller. They hug close to the ground to provide shade. The
ratio of the surface area of the leaves and stems to their body mass is re-
duced, and they tend to have thick, heat-resistant surfaces. Some of the
plants are capable of turning their leaves so the edges face the sun, which
cuts down the warming effect on their surfaces. All these mechanisms
greatly reduce evaporative water loss. Most of the bushes and trees also
have unusually long tap roots. A three-foot plant might have a tap root that
goes ten or more feet below the surface, enabling it to get more water and
The most common plant in the chaparral is the greasewood-chamise
bush (Adenostoma fasciculatum). Others that predominate are the christmas-
berry-toyon bush (Photinia arbutifolia), the scrub oak (Quercus dumosa), the
yucca (Yucca whipplei), and the hoary manzanita (Arctostaphylos canescens).
Chaparral Fauna
A wide variety of reptiles, birds, and mammals make the chaparral their
home. They have developed adaptations to survive and thrive in this harsh
environment. Several species of skinks, lizards, and a variety of snakes, in-
cluding gopher snakes, the California king snake, and both the red dia-
mond and western rattlesnakes are residents. There are dozens of birds,
from several species of hummingbirds to the large birds: the turkey vul-
ture, barn owl, roadrunner, and golden eagle. There are many species of ro-
dents, including kangaroo rats, chipmunks and gophers. The variety of
medium to large mammals of common interest is impressive and includes
the coyote, gray fox, badger, lynx, bobcat, mountain lion, and mule deer.
C. Mervyn Rasmussen
Rain forests; Rain forests and the atmosphere; Rangeland; Reefs; Savannas
and deciduous tropical forests; Taiga; Tundra and high-altitude biomes;
North-South Clines
Many birds and mammals exhibit north-south clines in average body size
and weight, being larger and heavier in the colder climate farther north
and smaller and lighter in warmer climates to the south. In the same way,
many mammalian species show north-south clines in the sizes of body ex-
tremities such as tails and ears, these parts being smaller in northern
demes and larger in southern demes. Increase in average body size with in-
creasing cold is such a common observation that it has been codified as
Bergmann’s rule. The tendency toward shorter and smaller extremities in
colder climates and longer and larger ones in warmer climates is known as
Clines, hybrid zones, and introgression
Allen’s rule. The trend toward lighter colors in southern climates and
darker shades in northern climates has been designated Gloger’s rule. The
zebra, for example, shows a cline in the amount of striping on the legs. The
northernmost races are fully leg-striped, and the striping diminishes to-
ward the southern latitudes of Africa; this appears to be an example of
Gloger’s rule.
Another example of a cline, which does not fit any of the biogeo-
graphical rules mentioned, is the number of eggs laid per reproductive ef-
fort (the clutch size) by the European robin: This number is larger in north-
ern Europe than it is for the same species in northern Africa. Other birds,
such as the crossbill and raven, which have wide distribution in the
Holarctic realm, show a clutch-size cline that reveals a larger clutch size in
lower latitudes. The manifestation of such clines in clutch size is a conse-
quence of the interplay of two different reproductive strategies that may
give a species a competitive advantage in a given environment. The stabil-
ity of the environment is what elicits the appropriate strategy.
In unstable environments, such as those in the temperate zone, where
there may occur sudden variations in weather and extremes between sea-
sons, a species needs to reproduce rapidly and build its numbers quickly to
take advantage of the favorable warm seasons to ensure survival of the
species during the harsh, unfavorable conditions of winter. This strategy is
known as r strategy (r stands for the rate of increase). In the tropics, the cli-
mate is more equable throughout the year. The environment, however, can
only support a limited number of individuals throughout the year. This
number is called the carrying capacity. When carrying capacity is reached,
competition for resources increases, and the reproductive effort is reduced
to maintain the population at the carrying capacity. This is called K strat-
egy, with K standing for carrying capacity.
In birds, clutch size tends to be inversely proportional to the climatic
stability of the habitat: In temperate climates, more energy is directed to in-
crease the reproductive rate. In the tropics, the carrying capacity is more
important, resulting in a reduced reproductive rate. In the apparent con-
tradiction of the crossbills and ravens, it may be the harshness of the habi-
tat at higher latitudes that limits the resources available for successfully
fledging a larger number of young.
Frog Clines
The cline exhibited by the common grass frog is one of the best known of
all the examples of this phenomenon. It has the greatest range, occupies the
widest array of habitats, and possesses the greatest amount of morphologi-
cal variability of any frog species. This variability and adaptation are not
Clines, hybrid zones, and introgression
Clines, hybrid zones, and introgression
Thus, the most likely result of hybridization is backcrossing to one of the
parental species. Genotypes containing the most parental genes usually
have the selective advantage, and the fact that they contain a few chromo-
somal segments from another species gives them unique characteristics
Clines, hybrid zones, and introgression
Clines, hybrid zones, and introgression
Types of ecology: Community ecology; Evolutionary ecology
W hen two or more different species evolve in a way that affects one
another’s evolution, coevolution is taking place. This interactive
type of evolution is characterized by the fact that the participant life-forms
are acting as a strong selective pressure upon one another over a period of
time. The coevolution of plants and animals, whether animals are consid-
ered strictly in their plant-eating role or also as pollinators, is abundantly
represented in every terrestrial ecosystem throughout the world where
flora has established itself. Moreover, the overall history of some of the
multitude of present and past plant and animal relationships is displayed
(although fragmentally) in the fossil record found in the earth’s crust.
The most common coevolutionary relationships between plants and ani-
mals concern plants as a food source. Microscopic, unicellular plants were
the earth’s first autotrophs (organisms that can produce their own organic
energy through photosynthesis, that is, from basic chemical ingredients
derived from the environment). In conjunction with the appearance of
autotrophs, microscopic, unicellular heterotrophs (organisms, such as ani-
mals, that must derive food from other sources, such as autotrophs) evolved
to exploit the autotrophs.
Sometime during the later part of the Mesozoic era, angiosperms, the
flowering plants, evolved and replaced most of the previously dominant
land plants, such as the gymnosperms and the ferns. New species of herbi-
vores evolved to exploit these new food sources. At some point, probably
during the Cretaceous period of the late Mesozoic era, animals became un-
intentional aids in the angiosperm pollination process. As this coevolution
proceeded, the first animal pollinators became more and more indispens-
able as partners to the plants.
Eventually, highly coevolved plants and animals developed relation-
ships of extreme interdependence, exemplified by the honeybees and their
coevolved flowers. This angiosperm-insect relationship is thought to have
arisen in the Mesozoic era by way of beetle predation, possibly on early,
magnolia-like angiosperms. The fossil record gives some support to this
Coevolutionary Relationships
Coevolved relationships include an immense number of relationships be-
tween plants and animals, and even between plants and other plants.
Among these coevolved situations can be found commensalisms, in which
different species have coevolved to live intimately with one another with-
out injury to any participant, and symbioses, in which species have co-
evolved to literally “live together.”
Such intertwined relationships can take the form of mutualism, in
which neither partner is harmed and indeed one or both benefit—as in
the relationships between fungi and algae in lichens, fungi and roots in
mycorrhizae, and ants and acacia trees in a symbiotic mutualism in which
the ants protect the acacias from herbivores. In parasitism, however, one
partner benefits at the expense of the other; a classic example is the rela-
tionship between the mistletoe parasite and the oak tree. Another coevolu-
A nonsymbiotic mutualism has coevolved between this hummingbird and the fun-
nel shape of the flower from which it extracts nectar with its long, pointed bill. The
plant has achieved greater evolutionary fitness through its ability to attract the
bird, which helps the plant propagate by facilitating pollination and seed dispersal.
At the same time, the hummingbird benefits from a source of nutrition tailored to
its anatomy and protected from competitors. (Corbis)
Defense Mechanisms
Coevolution is manifested in defense mechanisms as well as attractants:
Botanical structures and chemicals (secondary metabolites) have evolved
to discourage or to prevent the attention of plant eaters. These include the
Types of ecology: Evolutionary ecology; Paleoecology
The advent of animals and plants on land during the Ordovician period added new
complexity to preexisting ecosystems and paved the way for land ecosystems. The
newly increased mass of vegetation on land served to stabilize soils against erosion
and promoted the weathering of their nutrient minerals. Arthropods, too, found a
place in this early ecosystem of nonvascular plants on land.
Colonization of the land
Colonization of the land
Colonization of the land
true vascular plants, but there are other plants similar in general appear-
ance that had simpler thick-walled conducting cells like those of non-
vascular plants. By Devonian time, there were also vascular plants with
spore-bearing organs borne above lateral branches (zosterophylls), plants
with true roots and spore-bearing organs borne in clusters (trimero-
phytes), and spore-producing plants with woody roots and tree trunks
(progymnosperms). The evolution of the earliest vascular plant cover
on land, and of the first forests, involved different kinds of plants now ex-
To fossil millipedes of Silurian age were added during Devonian time
spiders, centipedes, springtails (Collembola), and bristletails (Thysanura).
The earliest vertebrates on land are known from bones of extinct amphibi-
ans (Ichthyostegalia) and from footprints of Devonian age, some 370 million
years old.
This great Silurian and Devonian evolutionary radiation promoted en-
vironmental changes similar to those initiated by the first colonization of
land by plants and animals, as well as some new changes. For example, the
formation of charcoal from wildfires in woodlands and the accumulation
of peat in swamps were ways of burying carbon that otherwise might have
decayed or digested into carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Removal of
carbon dioxide in this way allowed increased oxygenation of the atmo-
sphere. Oxygenation was kept within bounds by increased flammability of
woodlands when oxygen reached amounts much in excess of the present
atmospheric level.
Late Devonian ecosystems were very different from modern ones. Ma-
jor ecological roles, such as insect-eating large animals on land, were still
being added. More changes were to come, but the world at that time would
have seemed a much more familiar place than the meadows of Cooksonia
during the Silurian, the patchy cover of Ordovician nonvascular plants,
and the red and green microbial earths of earlier times.
Gregory J. Retallack
Colonization of the land
Types of ecology: Behavioral ecology; Chemical ecology
Of the modes of communication available, chemical signals, or phero-
mones, are assumed to have been the earliest signals used by animals.
Transmission of chemical signals is not affected by darkness or by obsta-
cles. One special advantage is that the sender of a chemical message can
leave the message behind when it moves. The persistence of the signal may
also be a disadvantage when it interferes with transmission of newer infor-
mation. Another disadvantage is that the transmission is relatively slow.
The speed at which a chemical message affects the recipient varies. Some
messages have an immediate effect on the behavior of recipients. Alarm and
sex-attractant pheromones of many insects, aggregation pheromones in
cockroaches, or trail substances in ants are examples. Other chemical mes-
sages, primers, affect recipients more slowly, through changes in their physi-
ology. Examples of primers include pheromones that control social structure
in hive insects such as termites. Reproductive members of the colony secrete
a substance that inhibits the development of reproductive capacity in other
hive members. The chemicals important for controlling the hive are spread
through grooming and food sharing (trophallaxis). Chemical communica-
tion is important not only among social and semisocial insects but also
among animals, both vertebrate and invertebrate. Particularly common is
the use of a pheromone to indicate that an animal is sexually receptive.
Visual Signals
Visual communication holds forth the advantage of immediate transmis-
sion. A visual signal or display is also able to encode a large amount of in-
Auditory Communication
The limitation of visual communication is frequently offset by the coupling
of visual displays with other modes of communication. Visual displays can
be coupled with auditory communication, for example. There are many ad-
vantages to using sound: It can be used in the dark, and it can go around
obstacles and provide directional information. Because pitch, volume, and
temporal patterns of sound can be varied, extremely complex messages
can be communicated. The auditory communication of many bird species
has been studied intensively. Bird vocalizations are usually classified into
two groups, calls and songs. Calls are usually brief sounds, whereas songs
are longer, more complex, and often more suited to transmission over dis-
The call repertoire of a species serves a broad array of functions. Many
young birds use both a visual signal, gaping, and calling in their food beg-
ging. Individuals that call more may receive more food. Begging calls and
postures may also be used by females in some species to solicit food from
mates. One call type that has been intensively studied is the alarm call.
Alarm calls of many species are similar, and response is frequently interspe-
cific (that is, interpretable by more than one species). Alarm calls are likely
to be difficult to locate, a definite advantage to the individual giving the
call. Calls used to gather individuals for mobbing predators are also similar
in different species. Unlike alarm calls, mobbing calls provide good direc-
tional information, so that recruitment to the mobbing effort can be rapid.
Call repertoires serve birds in a great variety of contexts important for
survival of the individual. Song, on the other hand, most often serves a re-
productive function, that of helping a male hold a territory and attract a
Tactile Communication
Tactile communication differs significantly from other forms of communi-
cation in that it cannot occur over a distance. This form of communication
is important in many insects, equipped as they are with antennae rich in re-
ceptors. Shortly after a termite molts, for example, it strokes the end of the
abdomen of another individual with its antennae and mouthparts. The in-
dividual receiving this signal responds by extruding a fluid from its
hindgut. Tactile signals are frequently used in eliciting trophallaxis (food
sharing) in social insects. Tactile signals are also important in the copula-
tory activity of a number of vertebrates.
Additional channels of communication available in animals are electrical
and surface vibration. Many modes of communication are used in combina-
tion with other modes. The channels used will depend in part on the sensory
equipment of the species, its ecology, and the particular context. Most mes-
sages will be important either for the survival of the individual or the group
or for the individual’s ability to transmit its genes to the next generation.
Donna Janet Schroeder
Plants typically compete for resources, such as light, space, nutrients, and
water. One way an individual may outcompete its neighbors is to outgrow
Communities: ecosystem interactions
them, thus capturing more sunlight for itself (and thus producing more
sugars and other organic molecules for itself). Another way is to be more
fecund than the neighbors, flooding the surroundings with one’s progeny
and thereby being more likely to occupy favorable sites for reproduction.
For example, in closed forests treefall gaps are quickly filled with growth
from the canopy, thus shading the ground and making it more difficult for
competing seedlings and saplings to survive.
Plants compete in the root zone as well, as plants with a more extensive
root network can acquire more of the water and other inorganic nutrients
necessary for growth and reproduction than can their competitors. In
semiarid areas, for example, trees often have trouble colonizing grasslands
because the extensive root systems of grasses are much more effective in
capturing available rainwater.
Sometimes plants resort to chemical “warfare,” known as allelopathy,
in order to inhibit the growth of competitors in the surrounding area. The
existence of allelopathy remains a controversial topic, and simpler expla-
nations have been offered for many previously alleged instances of the
phenomenon. Allelopathy cannot be rejected outright; however, the con-
troversy most likely proves only that many aspects of nature cannot be pi-
geonholed into narrow explanations.
Competition involves a cost in resources devoted to outgrowing or
outreproducing the neighbors. Because of the cost, closely related, compet-
ing species will diverge in their ecological requirements. This principle is
known as competitive exclusion.
Communities: ecosystem interactions
rhizae, whose hyphae may fill the space between plant roots but do not
penetrate the roots themselves; and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae,
whose hyphae penetrate and develop within root cells.
Few people can envision a swamp in the southeastern United States
without thinking of bald cypress trees (Taxodium distichum) draped in ethe-
real nets of Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides), which is actually not a moss
but a flowering plant in the monocot family Bromeliaceae. Tillandsia is an
epiphyte, a plant that grows on the stems and branches of a tree. Epi-
phytism is one of the most common examples of a commensalism, in
which one organism, for instance the epiphyte, benefits without any de-
monstrable cost to the other, in this case the host tree. Epiphytes are com-
mon in tropical rain forests and include orchids, bromeliads, cacti, and
ferns. In temperate regions more primitive plants, such as lichens, are more
likely to become epiphytes.
Not all epiphytes are commensal, however. In the tropics, strangler figs,
such as Ficus or Clusia, begin life as epiphytes but send down roots that in
time completely encircle and kill the host. Mistletoes, such as Phoradendron
or Arceuthobium, may draw off the photosynthetic production of the host,
thus severely depleting its resources.
Communities: ecosystem interactions
Type of ecology: Community ecology
Energy Flow
The most common way to characterize a community functionally is by de-
scribing the flow of energy through it. Based on the dynamics of energy
flow, organisms can be classified into three groups: those that obtain en-
ergy through photosynthesis (called producers), those that obtain energy
by consuming other organisms (consumers), and those that decompose
dead organisms (decomposers). The pathway through which energy trav-
els from producer through one or more consumers and finally to de-
composer is called a food chain. Each link in a food chain is called a trophic
level. Interconnected food chains in a community constitute a food web.
Very few communities are so simple that they can be readily described
by a food web. Most communities are compartmentalized: A given set of
producers tends to be consumed by a limited number of consumers, which
in turn are preyed upon by a smaller number of predators, and so on. Al-
ternatively, consumers may obtain energy by specializing on one part of
their prey (for example, some birds may eat only seeds of plants) but utilize
a wide range of prey species. Compartmentalization is an important fea-
ture of community structure; it influences the formation, organization, and
persistence of a community.
Communities: structure
abundance of other species because of the dominant species’ large size, ex-
tended life span, or ability to monopolize energy or other resources. Com-
munities are named according to their dominant species: for example, oak-
hickory forest, redwood forest, sagebrush desert, and tall-grass prairie.
Some species, called keystone species, have a disproportionately large ef-
fect on community structure. These interact with other members of the
community in such a way that loss of the keystone species can lead to the
loss of many other species. Keystone species may also be the dominate spe-
cies, but they may also appear insignificant to the community until they
are gone. For example, cordgrass (Spartina) is the dominant plant in many
tidal estuaries, and it is also a keystone species because so many members
of the community depend on it for food and shelter.
The species that make up a community are seldom distributed uni-
formly across the landscape; rather, some degree of patchiness is character-
istic of virtually all species. There has been conflicting evidence as to the
nature of this patchiness. Moving across an environmental gradient (for
example, from wet to dry conditions or from low to high elevations), there
is a corresponding change in species and community composition. Some
studies have suggested that changes in species composition usually occur
along relatively sharp boundaries and that these boundaries mark the bor-
der between adjacent communities. Other studies have indicated that spe-
cies tend to respond individually to environmental gradients and that
community boundaries are not sharply defined; rather, most communities
broadly intergrade into one another, forming what is often called an
Communities: structure
Communities: structure
Communities: structure
a large, intense forest fire, some tree species may not return for decades or
centuries, because their seeds were consumed by the fire, and colonizers
must travel a long distance.
Early ecologists almost always saw disturbances as destructive and dis-
ruptive for communities. Under this assumption, most mathematical mod-
els portrayed communities as generally being in some stable state; if a dis-
turbance occurred, the community inevitably returned to the same (or
some alternative) equilibrium. It later became clear, however, that natural
disturbance is a part of almost all natural communities. Ecologists now rec-
ognize that few communities exhibit an equilibrium; instead, communities
are dynamic, always responding to the last disturbance.
Studying Communities
Most communities consist of thousands of species, and their complexity
makes them very difficult to study. Most community ecologists specialize
in taxonomically restricted subsets of communities (such as plant commu-
Communities: structure
Community Disturbance
At the most basic level, destruction of a community eliminates the species
that make up the community. If the community is restricted in its extent,
and if its constituent species are found nowhere else, those species become
extinct. If the community covers a large area or is found in several areas, lo-
cal extinction of species may occur without causing global extinction.
Destruction of a community can cause unexpected changes in environ-
mental conditions that were modified by the intact community. Even par-
tial destruction of an extensive community can eliminate species. For ex-
ample, the checkerboard pattern of clear-cutting in Douglas fir forests of
the Pacific Northwest threatens the survival of the northern spotted owl,
the marbled murrelet, Vaux’s swift, and the red tree vole, even though
fragments of the community remain. Many fragments are simply too small
to support these species. A Douglas fir forest is regenerated following cut-
ting, but this young, even-aged stand is so different from an old, mixed-age
forest that it functions as a different type of community.
Altering the population of one species can affect others in a community.
The black-footed ferret was once found widely throughout central North
America as a predator of prairie dogs. As prairie dogs were poisoned,
drowned, and shot throughout their range, the number of black-footed fer-
Communities: structure
rets declined. The species nearly became extinct, and an attempt to in-
crease their numbers and preserve the species was instituted in the late
1980’s in a Wyoming breeding program.
Introducing a new species into a community can severely alter the inter-
actions in the community. The introduction of the European rabbit into
Australia led to a population explosion of rabbits, excessive predation on
vegetation, and resulting declines in many native marsupials.
Finally, it appears that many communities exhibit stability thresholds; if
a community is disturbed beyond its threshold, its structure is perma-
nently changed. For example, acid deposition in lakes is initially buffered
by natural processes. As acid deposition exceeds the buffering capacity of a
lake, it causes insoluble aluminum in the lake bottom to become soluble,
and this soluble aluminum kills aquatic organisms directly or by making
them more susceptible to disease. The lesson is clear: It is far easier to dis-
rupt or destroy natural systems (even accidentally) than it is to restore or
reconstruct them.
Alan D. Copsey, updated by Bryan Ness
Competition is the conflict between different organisms for control of food, natural
resources, territories, mates, and other aspects of survival. Competition can occur
between individuals of the same species or between individuals of different species.
In either case, it is natural selection for the fittest organisms and species; therefore,
it is a major driving force in evolution.
vores (meat eaters such as cats and dogs) eat other heterotrophs in order to
get the sugar that these heterotrophs received from other organisms. Om-
nivores, such as humans, eat plants and animals for the same reason.
Saprotrophs (such as fungi and bacteria) decompose dead organisms for
the same reason. Life on earth functions by intricately complex food chains
in which organisms consume other organisms in order to obtain energy.
Each human being is composed of molecules that were once part of other
living organisms, even other humans. Ultimately, the earth’s energy comes
from the sun.
Territoriality is equally important for two reasons: An organism needs a
place to live, and this place must contain adequate food and water re-
serves. A strong, well-adapted organism will fight and drive away weaker
individuals of the same or different species in order to maintain exclusive
rights to an area containing a large food and water supply. Species that are
less well adapted will be relegated to areas where food and water are
scarce. The stronger species will have more food and will tend to produce
more offspring, since they will easily attract mates. Being stronger or more
adapted does not necessarily mean being physically stronger. A physically
strong organism can be overwhelmed easily by numerous weak individu-
als. In general, adaptability is defined by an organism’s ability to prosper
in a hostile environment and leave many viable offspring.
Animals compete for territory, social status, food, and access to mates. Although
competition may be violent and result in injury, competitive behavior (unlike pre-
dation) rarely results in death. (Corbis)
Types of Competition
Intraspecific competition occurs among individual members of the same
population, for example, when sprouts from plants grow from seeds scat-
tered closely together on the ground. Some seedlings will be able to grow
faster than others and will inhibit the growth of less vigorous seedlings by
overshadowing or overcrowding them.
Within animal species, males attempt to attract females to their territory,
or vice versa, by courtship dances and displays, often including bright col-
ors such as red and blue and exaggerated body size. Mating displays are
very similar to the threat displays used to drive away competitors, al-
though there is no hostility involved. Generally, females are attracted to
dominant males having the best, not necessarily the largest, territories.
Interspecific competition involves two or more different species trying
to use the same resources. All green plants, for example, depend on photo-
synthesis to derive the energy and carbon they need. Different areas or
communities favor different growth characteristics. For plants with high
light requirements, a taller-growing plant (or one with more or broader
leaves) will have a competitive advantage if its leaves receive more direct
sunlight than competitors. If, on the other hand, the species cannot tolerate
much sun, a shorter-growing species that can benefit from sheltering shad-
ows of larger plants nearby will have the competitive advantage over other
shade-loving plants.
Competition for food and territory is both interspecific and intra-
specific. Competition for mates is intraspecific. In an environment, the
place where an organism lives (such as a eucalyptus tree or in rotting logs)
is referred to as its habitat. Simultaneously, each species has its own unique
niche, or occupation, in the environment (such as decomposer or carni-
vore). More than one species can occupy a habitat if they have different
ecological niches. When two or more different species occupy the same
habitat and niche, competition arises. One species will outcompete and
dominate, while the losing competitors may become reduced in numbers
and may be driven away from the habitat.
Pecking Orders
In vertebrate organisms, intraspecific competition occurs between males as
a group and between females as a group. Rarely is there male-versus-female
competition, except in species having high social bonding—primates, for
example. Competition begins when individuals are young. During play
fighting, individuals nip or peck at each other while exhibiting threat dis-
plays. Dominant individuals exert their authority, while weaker individu-
als submit. The net result is a very ordered ranking of individuals from top
water reserves and territories. Two or more species occupying the same
niche and habitat will struggle for the available resources until either one
species dominates and the others are excluded from the habitat or the dif-
ferent species evolve into separate niches by targeting different food re-
serves, thus enabling all to survive in the same habitat. Numerous inter-
specific studies have been conducted—on crossbills, warblers, blackbirds,
and insects, to mention a few.
Crossbills are small birds that live in Europe and Asia. Three crossbill
species inhabit similar habitats and nearly similar niches. Each species has
evolved a slightly modified beak, however, for retrieving and eating seeds
from three different cone-bearing (coniferous) trees. The white-winged
crossbill has a slender beak for feeding from small larch cones, the com-
mon crossbill has a thicker beak for feeding from larger spruce cones, and
the parrot crossbill appropriately has a very thick beak for feeding from
pine cones. The evolution of different niches has enabled these three com-
petitors to survive.
Another example of this phenomenon is shown by five species of
warblers that inhabit the coniferous forests of the American northeast.
The myrtle warbler eats insects from all parts of trees up to seven meters
high. The bay-breasted warbler eats insects from tree trunks six to twelve
meters above the ground. The black-throated green, blackburnian, and
cape may warblers all feed near the treetops, according to elaborate stud-
ies by Robert H. MacArthur. The coexistence of five different species
is probably the result of the warblers occupying different parts of the
trees, with some warblers developing different feeding habits so that all
G. H. Orians and G. Collier studied competitive exclusion between red-
wing and tricolored blackbirds. Introduction of tricolored blackbirds into
redwing territories results in heavy redwing aggression, although the
tricolored blackbirds nearly always prevail.
Two species of African ants, Anoplolepis longipes and Oecophylla longi-
noda, fight aggressively for territorial space. M. J. Way found that Anoplolepis
prevails in sandy environments, whereas Oecophylla dominates in areas
having thick vegetation.
Interspecific competition therefore results in the evolution of new traits
and niches and the exclusion of certain species. Mathematical models of
competition are based upon the work of A. J. Lotka and V. Volterra. The
Lotka-Volterra equations attempt to measure competition between species
for food and territory based upon the population size of each species, the
density of each species within the defined area, the rate of population in-
crease of each species, and time.
Observing Competiton
Studies of competition between individuals of the same or different spe-
cies generally follow one basic method: observation. Interactions between
organisms are observed and carefully measured to determine if the situa-
tion is competition, predation, parasitism, or mutualism. More detailed
analyses of environmental chemical and physical conditions are used
to determine the existence of additional influences. Observations of com-
petition between organisms involve direct visual contact in the wild,
mark-recapture experiments, transplant experiments, measurements of
population sizes in given areas, and competition experiments in artificial
Direct visual contact involves the scientist entering the field, finding a
neutral, nonthreatening position, and watching and recording the actions
of the subject organisms. The observer must be familiar with the habits of
the subject organism and must be keen to detect subtle cues such as facial
gestures, vocalizations, colors, and patterns of movement from individual
to individual. Useful instruments include binoculars, telescopes, cameras,
and sound recorders. The observer must be capable of tracking individuals
over long distances so that territorial boundaries and all relevant actions
are recorded. The observer may have to endure long periods of time in the
field under uncomfortable conditions.
Mark-recapture experiments involve the capture of many organisms,
tagging them, releasing them into an area, and then recapturing them
(both tagged and untagged) at a later time. Repeated collections (recap-
tures) over time can give the experimenter an estimate of how well the spe-
cies is faring in a particular environment. This technique is used in con-
junction with other experiments, including transplants and population
size measurements.
In transplant experiments, individuals of a given species are marked
and released into a specific environmental situation, such as a new habitat
or another species’ territory. The objective of the experiment is to see
how well the introduced species fares in the new situation, as well as the
responses of the various species which normally inhabit the area. The
tricolored blackbird takeover of redwing blackbird territories is a prime
example. Another example is the red wolf, a species that was extinct in the
wild until several dozen captive wolves were released at the Alligator
River Wildlife Refuge in eastern North Carolina. Their survival is uncer-
tain. Accidental transplants have had disastrous results for certain species;
for example, the African honeybee poses a threat to the honey industry in
Latin America and the southern United States because it is aggressive and
produces poorly.
Type of ecology: Restoration and conservation ecology
Types of ecology: Evolutionary ecology; Population ecology; Speciation
Some of the most dramatic examples of natural selection are the result of adapta-
tion in response to stressful climatic conditions. Such selection may cause unre-
lated species to resemble one another in appearance and function, a phenomenon
known as convergence. In other situations, subpopulations of a single species may
split into separate species as the result of natural selection. Such divergence is best
seen on isolated islands.
Convergent Evolution
Convergent evolution occurs when organisms from different evolutionary
lineages evolve similar adaptations to similar environmental conditions.
This can happen even when the organisms are widely separated geograph-
ically. A classic example of convergent evolution occurred with Cactaceae,
the cactus family, of the Americas and with the spurge or euphorbs
(Euphorbiaceae) family of South Africa, both of which have evolved succu-
lent (water-storing) stems in response to desert conditions.
The most primitive cacti are vinelike, tropical plants of the genus
Pereskia. These cacti, which grow on the islands of the West Indies and in
tropical Central and South America, have somewhat woody stems and
broad, flat leaves. As deserts developed in North and South America,
members of the cactus family began to undergo selection for features that
were adaptive to hotter, dryer conditions.
The stems became greatly enlarged and succulent as extensive water-
storage tissues formed in the pith or cortex. The leaves became much re-
duced. In some cactus species, such as the common prickly pear (Opuntia),
the leaves are small, cylindrical pegs that shrivel and fall off after a month
or so of growth. In most cacti, only the leaf base forms and remains as a
small hump of tissue associated with an axillary bud. In some cacti this
hump is enlarged and is known as a tubercle. Axillary buds in cacti are
highly specialized and are known as areoles. The “leaves” of an areole are
reduced to one or more spines. Particularly in columnar cacti, the areoles
are arranged in longitudinal rows along a multiple-ridged stem.
With the possible exception of the genus Rhipsalis, which has one spe-
cies reported to occur naturally in Africa, all cacti are native to the Ameri-
cas. As deserts formed in Africa, Eurasia, and Australia, different plant
families evolved adaptations similar to those in cacti. The most notable ex-
amples are the candelabra euphorbs of South Africa. Desert-dwelling
Convergence and divergence
Divergent Evolution
Some of the most famous examples of divergent evolution have occurred
in the Galápagos Islands. The Galápagos comprise fourteen volcanic is-
lands located about 600 miles west of South America. A total of 543 species
of vascular plants are found on the islands, 231 of which are endemic,
found nowhere else on earth. Seeds of various species arrived on the is-
lands by floating in the air or on the water or being carried by birds or hu-
With few competitors and many different open habitats, variant forms
of each species could adapt to specific conditions, a process known as
An example of convergent evolution is the way that sharks (left), which are fish,
and dolphins (right), which are mammals, have evolved similar body shapes to
adapt to their marine ecological niches. Although the two animals look very much
alike, their differences in evolutionary terms are vast. (Digital Stock)
Convergence and divergence
Type of ecology: Theoretical ecology
Deep ecology
On the other hand, deep ecology has been criticized by ecofeminists for
failing to consider gender differences in the experience of the self and na-
ture, the lack of an analysis of the tie between the oppression of women
and nature, and promoting a holism that supposedly disregards the reality
and value of individuals and their relationships. Social ecologists have crit-
icized deep ecology for a failure to critique the relationship between envi-
ronmental destruction on the one hand and social structure and political
ideology on the other. In addition, a distrust of human interference with
nature has led some thinkers to present the ideal as pristine wilderness
with no human presence. In rare and extreme cases, deep ecologists have
implied a misanthropic attitude. In some instances, especially early writ-
ings by deep ecologists, such criticisms have considerable force. However,
these problematic views are not essential to deep ecology, and a number of
thinkers have developed a broadened view that overlaps with ecofem-
inism and social ecology.
David Landis Barnhill
Types of ecology: Behavioral ecology; Chemical ecology; Physiological
All organisms represent a potential resource for their predators. Several have
evolved ingenious ways to prevent themselves from becoming a predator’s next
Defense mechanisms
sides. The quills have needle-sharp ends containing hundreds of barbs that
make the quills difficult to remove. Sea urchins are also covered with long,
sharp spines that deter would-be predators. Urchins can move their spines,
and will direct them toward anything that comes in contact with them,
such as a predator. While porcupines and urchins are covered with multi-
ple spines, stingrays defend themselves from enemies by inflicting a wound
with a single barbed spine. The wound is extremely painful, giving these
rays their common name.
Predators have sharp claws and teeth that help them grasp, subdue, and
consume their prey. These same structures, used offensively in hunting,
can also be used to protect themselves from their own predators. Small
predators such as badgers, raccoons, and foxes can fend off larger preda-
tors such as wolves and mountain lions with their weaponry. Rather than
risk injury, the larger predators will avoid a fight with the smaller predator
and seek a less risky meal, such as a rabbit or mouse.
Defense mechanisms
Associational Defenses
Associational defenses occur when a species gains protection from a natu-
ral enemy by associating with a protective species, such as when humans
gain protection from enemies by keeping a guard dog on their property.
Types of protection provided to the defended species through this coevolu-
tion can be structural, chemical, or aggressive.
Small animals can avoid predators by using a defended species as habi-
tat. For example, small fish defend themselves by associating with sea ur-
chins, gaining protection by hiding among the sharp spines. Some species
of shrimp inhabit the cavities and canals of sponges. Sponges are known to
be chemically and structurally defended against most predators, with the
exception of angel fish and parrot fish. Finally, much of the diverse coral
reef fauna seek protection among the cracks and the crevices in the reef.
Reefs, slowly built by coral animals, are the largest structures ever made by
living organisms, and serve a protective role for thousands of species that
inhabit reefs.
Associational defenses can also be chemically mediated. For example,
bacteria that grow symbiotically on shrimp eggs produce secondary me-
tabolites that protect the egg from a parasitic fungus. The numerous ex-
Defense mechanisms
Defense mechanisms
are distantly related. For example, there are caterpillars that mimic the
head of a snake, moths that mimic the eyes of a cat, and beetles, moths, and
flies that mimic stinging bees and wasps.
Nutritional Defenses
Some animals, such as corals, jellyfish, anemones, and gorgonians (phy-
lum Cnidaria), possess a type of combined structural and chemical de-
fense in the form of specialized stinging cells called nematocysts. When
nematocysts are stimulated, they rapidly discharge a barb that punctures
the skin of a predator, often releasing toxic chemicals at the same time. The
stinging sensation that people get when they come into contact with a jelly-
Defense mechanisms
Types of ecology: Ecotoxicology; Restoration and conservation ecology
Slash-and-Burn Agriculture
Beef industry representatives often argue that their ranching practices are
simply a form of slash-and-burn agriculture and do no permanent harm. It
is true that many indigenous peoples in tropical regions have practiced
slash-and-burn agriculture for millennia, with only a minimal impact on
the environment. These farmers burn shrubs and trees to clear small plots
of land.
Anthropological studies have shown that the small plots these peasant
farmers clear can usually be measured in square feet, not hectares as cattle
ranches are, and are used for five to ten years. As fertility declines, the
farmer clears a plot next to the depleted one. The farmer’s family or village
will gradually rotate through the forest, clearing small plots and using
them for a few years, and then shifting to new ground, until they eventu-
ally come back to where their ancestors began one hundred or more years
As long as the size of the plots cleared by farmers remains small in pro-
portion to the forest overall, slash-and-burn agriculture does not contrib-
ute significantly to deforestation. If the population of farmers grows, how-
ever, more land must be cleared with each succeeding generation. In many
tropical countries, traditional slash-and-burn agriculture can then be as
ecologically devastating as the more mechanized cattle ranching opera-
Although logging is not the leading cause of deforestation, it is a signifi-
cant factor. Tropical forests are rarely clear-cut by loggers, as they typically
contain hundreds of different species of trees, many of which have no com-
mercial value. Loggers may select trees for harvesting from each stand. Se-
lective harvesting is a standard practice in sustainable forestry. However,
just as loggers engaged in the disreputable practice of high-grading across
North America in the nineteenth century, so are loggers high-grading in
the early twenty-first century in Malaysia, Indonesia, and other nations
with tropical forests.
High-grading is a practice in which loggers cut over a tract to remove
the most valuable timber while ignoring the damage being done to the re-
sidual stand. The assumption is that, having logged over the tract once, the
timber company will not be coming back. This practice stopped in North
America, not because the timber companies voluntarily recognized the
ecological damage they were doing but because they ran out of easily ac-
cessible, old-growth timber to cut. Fear of a timber famine caused logging
companies to begin forest plantations and to practice sustainable forestry.
Environmental Impacts
Despite clear evidence that deforestation is accelerating, the extent of the
problem remains debatable. The United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO), which monitors deforestation worldwide, bases its
statistics on measurements taken from satellite images. These data indi-
cate that between 1980 and 1990, at least 159 million hectares (393 million
acres) of land became deforested. The data also reveal that, in contrast
to the intense focus on Latin America by both activists and scientists,
the most dramatic loss of forestlands occurred in Asia. The defores-
tation rate in Latin America was 7.45 percent, while in Asia 11.42 per-
cent of the forests vanished. Environmental activists are particularly con-
cerned about forest losses in Indonesia and Malaysia, two countries where
timber companies have been accused of abusing or exploiting native peo-
ples in addition to engaging in environmentally damaging harvesting
Researchers outside the United Nations have challenged the FAO’s
data. Some scientists claim the numbers are much too high, while others
provide convincing evidence that the FAO numbers are too low. Few re-
searchers, however, have tried to claim that deforestation on a global scale
is not happening. In the 1990’s the reforestation of the Northern Hemi-
sphere, while providing an encouraging example that it is possible to re-
verse deforestation, was not enough to offset the depletion of forestland in
tropical areas. The debate among forestry experts centers on whether de-
forestation has slowed, and, if so, by how much.
Deforestation affects the environment in a multitude of ways. The most
obvious effect is a loss of biodiversity. When an ecosystem is radically al-
tered through deforestation, the trees are not the only thing to disappear.
Wildlife species decrease in number and in variety. As forest habitat
Results of Deforestation
Population increase
(human and animal)
Requiring more:
Contributing to:
Resulting in:
Type of ecology: Population ecology
Demographic Parameters
When conducting demographic studies, a demographer must gather cer-
tain types of basic information about the population. The first is the num-
ber of new organisms that appear in a given amount of time. There are two
ways that an organism can enter a population: by being born into it or by
immigrating from elsewhere. Demographers generally ignore immigra-
tion and concentrate instead on newborns. The number of new individuals
born into a population during a specific time interval is termed the natality
rate. The natality rate is often based on the number of individuals already
in the population. For example, if ten newborns enter a population of a
thousand individuals during a given time period, the natality rate is 0.010.
A specific time interval must be expressed (days, months, years) for the na-
tality rate to have any meaning.
A second demographic parameter is the mortality rate, which is simply
the rate at which individuals are lost from the population by death. Losses
that result from emigration to a different population are ignored by most
demographers. Like the natality rate, the mortality rate is based on the
number of individuals in the population, and it reflects losses during a cer-
tain time period. If calculated properly, the natality and mortality rates are
directly comparable, and one can subtract the latter from the former to pro-
vide an index of the change in population size over time. The population
increases whenever natality exceeds mortality and decreases when the re-
verse is true. The absolute value of the difference denotes the rate of popu-
lation growth or decline.
When studying mortality, demographers determine the age at which
organisms die. Theoretically, each species has a natural life span that no in-
dividuals can surpass, even under the most ideal conditions. Normally,
however, few organisms reach their natural life span, because conditions
are far from ideal in nature. Juveniles, young adults, and old adults can all
die. When trying to understand the dynamics of a population, demogra-
phers therefore note whether the individuals are dying mainly as adults or
mainly as juveniles.
Patterns of Survival
Looking at it another way, demographers want to know the pattern of sur-
vival for a given population. This can best be determined by identifying a
cohort, which is defined as a group of individuals that are born at about the
same time. That cohort is then followed over time, and the number of sur-
vivors is counted at set time intervals. The census stops after the last mem-
ber of the cohort dies. The pattern of survival exhibited by the whole co-
hort is called its survivorship. Ecologists have examined the survivorship
patterns of a wide array of species, including vertebrate animals, inverte-
brates, plants, fungi, algae, and even microscopic organisms. They have
also investigated organisms from a variety of habitats, including oceans,
deserts, rain forests, mountain peaks, meadows, and ponds. Survivorship
patterns vary tremendously.
Some species have a survivorship pattern in which the young and
middle-aged individuals have a high rate of survival, but old individu-
als die in large numbers. Several species of organisms that live in nature,
such as mountain sheep and rotifers (tiny aquatic invertebrates), ex-
hibit this survivorship pattern. At the other extreme, many species ex-
hibit a survivorship pattern in which mortality is heaviest among the
young. Those few individuals that are fortunate enough to survive the
period of heavy mortality then enjoy a high probability of surviving until
the end of their natural life span. Examples of species that have this pat-
tern include marine invertebrates such as sponges and clams, most spe-
cies of fish, and parasitic worms. An intermediate pattern is also observed,
in which the probability of dying stays relatively constant as the cohort
gets older. American robins, gray squirrels, and hydras all display this pat-
These survivorship patterns are usually depicted on a graph that has
the age of individuals in the cohort on the x-axis and the number of survi-
vors on the y-axis. Each of the three survivorship patterns gives a different
curve when the number of survivors is plotted as a function of age. In the
first pattern (high survival among juveniles), the curve is horizontal at first
but then swings downward at the right of the graph. In the second pattern
(low survival among juveniles), the curve drops at the left of the graph but
then levels out to form a horizontal line. The third survivorship pattern
(constant mortality throughout the life of the cohort) gives a straight line
that runs from the upper-left corner of the graph to the lower right (this is
best seen when the y-axis is expressed as the logarithm of the number of
In the first half of the twentieth century, demographers Raymond Pearl
and Edward S. Deevey labeled each survivorship pattern: Type I is high
survival among juveniles, type II is constant mortality through the life of
the cohort, and type III is low survival among juveniles. That terminology
became well entrenched in the biological literature by the 1950’s. Few spe-
cies exhibit a pure type I, II, or III pattern, however; instead, survivorship
varies so that the pattern may be one type at one part of the cohort’s exis-
tence and another type later. Perhaps the most common survivorship pat-
tern, especially among vertebrates, is composed of a type III pattern for ju-
veniles and young adults followed by a type I pattern for older adults. This
pattern can be explained biologically. Most species tend to suffer heavy ju-
venile mortality because of predation, starvation, cannibalism, or the in-
ability to cope with a stressful environment. Juveniles that survive this
hazardous period then become strong adults that enjoy relatively low mor-
tality. As time passes, the adults reach old age and ultimately fall victim to
disease, predation, and organ-system failure, thus causing a second down-
ward plunge in the survivorship curve.
Patterns of Reproduction
Demographers are not interested only in measuring the survivorship of co-
horts. They also want to understand the patterns of reproduction, espe-
cially among females. Different species show widely varying patterns of
reproduction. For example, some species, such as octopuses and certain
salmon, reproduce only once in their life and then die soon afterward. Oth-
ers, such as humans and most birds, reproduce several or many times in
their lives. Species that reproduce only once accumulate energy through-
out their lives and essentially put all of it into producing young. Reproduc-
tion essentially exhausts them to death. Conversely, those that reproduce
several times devote only a small amount of their energy to each reproduc-
tive event.
Species also vary in their fecundity, which is the number of offspring
that an individual makes when it reproduces. Large mammals have low fe-
cundity, because they produce only one or two progeny at a time. Birds,
reptiles, and small mammals have higher fecundity because they typically
produce a clutch or litter of several offspring. Fish, frogs, and parasitic
worms have very high fecundity, producing hundreds or thousands of off-
A species’ pattern of reproduction is often related to its survivorship.
For example, a species with low fecundity or one that reproduces only
once tends to have type I or type II survivorship. Conversely, a species that
produces huge numbers of offspring generally shows type III survivor-
ship. Many biologists are fascinated by this interrelationship between
survivorship and reproduction. Beginning in the 1950’s, some demogra-
phers proposed mathematically based explanations as to how the interre-
lationship might have evolved as well as the ecological conditions in
which various life histories would be expected. For example, some demog-
raphers predicted that species with low fecundity and type I survival
should be found in undisturbed, densely populated areas (such as a tropi-
cal rain forest). In contrast, species with high fecundity and type III sur-
vival should prevail in places that are either uncrowded or highly dis-
turbed (such as an abandoned farm field). Ecologists have conducted field
studies of both plants and animals to determine whether the patterns that
actually occur in nature fit the theoretical predictions. In some cases the
predictions were upheld, but in others they were found to be wrong and
had to be modified.
ture characterized by many juveniles and only a few adults. Two situations
could account for such a pattern. First, the population could be rapidly ex-
panding, with the adults successfully reproducing many progeny that are
enjoying high survival. Second, the population could be producing many
offspring that have type III survival. In this second case, the size of the pop-
ulation can remain constant or even decline. Other populations have a dif-
ferent age structure, in which the number of juveniles only slightly exceeds
the number of adults. Those populations tend to remain relatively constant
over time. Still other populations have an age structure in which there are
relatively few juveniles and many adults. Those populations are probably
declining or are about to decline because the adults are not successfully re-
Since most animals are unisexual, an important demographic character-
istic of a population is its sex ratio, defined as the ratio of males to females.
While the ratio for birds and mammals tends to be 1:1 at conception (the
fertilization of an egg), it tends to be weighted toward males at birth, be-
cause female embryos are slightly less viable. After birth, the sex ratio for
mammals tends to favor females, because young males suffer higher mor-
tality. The posthatching ratio in birds tends to remain skewed toward
males, because females devote considerable energy to producing young
and suffer higher mortality. As a result, male birds must compete with one
another for the opportunity to mate with the scarcer females.
organisms, such as mammals and birds, than for more sedentary ones,
such as bivalves (oysters and clams). To determine survivorship of a sed-
entary species, demographers often find some newborns during an initial
visit to a site and then periodically revisit that site to count the number of
survivors. Highly motile animals are much more difficult to census because
they do not stay in one place waiting to be counted. Vertebrates and large
invertebrates can be tagged, and individuals can be followed by subse-
quently recapturing them. Some biologists use small radio transmitters to
follow highly active species. The demography of small invertebrates such
as insects is best determined when there is only one generation per year
and members of the population are all of the same age-class. For such spe-
cies, demographers merely count the number present at periodic intervals.
Third, the frequency of the census periods varies from species to spe-
cies. Short-lived species, such as insects, must be censused every week or
two. Longer-lived species need to be counted only once a year. Fourth, the
definition of a “newborn” may be troublesome, especially for species with
complex life cycles. Demographic studies usually begin with the birth of
an infant. Some would argue, however, that the fetus should be included in
the analysis because the starting point is really conception. Many seden-
tary marine invertebrates (sponges, starfish, and barnacles) have highly
motile larval stages, and these should be included in the analysis for
survivorship to be completely understood. Parasitic roundworms and
flatworms that have numerous juvenile stages, each found inside a differ-
ent host, are particularly challenging to the demographer.
Uses of Demography
Demographic techniques have been applied to nonhuman species, partic-
ularly by wildlife managers, foresters, and ecologists. Wildlife managers
seek to understand how a population is surviving and reproducing within
a certain area, and therefore to determine whether it is increasing or de-
creasing over time. With that information, a wildlife biologist can then esti-
mate the effect of hunting or other management practice on the popula-
tion. By extension, fisheries biologists can also make use of demographic
techniques to determine the growth rate of the species of interest. If the
population is determined to be increasing, it can be harvested without fear
of depleting the population. Alternatively, one can conduct demographic
analyses to see whether certain species are being overfished.
An often unappreciated benefit of survivorship analyses is that they can
help ecologists pinpoint factors that limit population growth in an area.
This may be especially important in efforts to prevent rare animals and
plants from becoming extinct. Once the factor is identified, the population
can be appropriately managed. Increasing amounts of public and private
money are allocated each year to biologists who conduct demographic
studies on rare species.
Kenneth M. Klemow
Types of ecology: Evolutionary ecology; Paleoecology
In the mid-1950’s Edmund Schulman confirmed the great age of living
bristlecone pines in the Inyo National Forest of the White Mountains of
California. In 1957 he discovered the Methuselah Tree, which was more
than forty-six hundred years old. The section of forest in which he worked
is now known as the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest. During the next
thirty years, Charles Ferguson extended the bristlecone chronology of this
area back 8,686 years. This sequence formed the basis for calibrating the
technique of radiocarbon dating. In the 1960’s, radiocarbon analysis began
to be used to determine the age of organic (carbon-based) artefacts from
ancient sites. It has the advantage of being applicable to any item made of
organic material but the disadvantage of having a built-in uncertainty of
2 percent or more. Tree-ring chronologies provide an absolute date against
which radiocarbon analyses of wood samples from a site can be compared.
At about the same time, Valmore LaMarche, a young geologist, began to
study root growth of the ancient trees to determine how they could be used
to predict the erosional history of a site. By cross-referencing growth ring
Dendrochronology, or tree-ring counting, can be used to assess the age of a tree be-
cause the width of the ring between one line and the next measures the growth in-
crement for a single growing season. (PhotoDisc)
See also: Evolution of plants and climates; Forests; Global warming; Old-
growth forests; Paleoecology.
ing to the United Nations, the world’s hyperarid or extreme deserts are
the Atacama and Peruvian Deserts (located along the west coast of South
America), the Sonoran Desert of North America, the Takla Makan Desert
of Central Asia, the Arabian Desert of Saudi Arabia, and the Sahara
Desert of North Africa, which is the largest desert in the world. The arid
zones surround the extreme desert zones, and the semiarid zones sur-
round the arid zones. Areas that surround the semiarid zones have a high
risk of becoming desert. By the late 1980’s the expanding deserts were
claiming about 15 million acres of land per year, or an area approximately
the size of the state of West Virginia. The total area threatened by desertifi-
cation equaled about 37.5 million square kilometers (14.5 million square
Causes of Desertification
Desertification results from a two-prong process: climatic variations and
human activities. First, the major deserts of the world are located in areas
of high atmospheric pressure, which experience subsiding dry air unfavor-
able to precipitation. Subtropical deserts have been experiencing pro-
longed periods of drought since the late 1960’s, which causes these areas to
be dryer than usual.
The problem of desertification was identified in the late 1960’s and early
1970’s as a result of severe drought in the Sahel Desert, which extends
along the southern margin of the Sahara in West Africa. Rainfall has de-
clined an average of 30 percent in the Sahel. One set of scientific studies of
the drought focuses on changes in heat distribution in the ocean. A correla-
tion has been found between sea surface temperatures and the reduction of
rainfall in the Sahel. The Atlantic Ocean’s higher surface temperatures
south of the equator and lower temperatures north of the equator west of
Africa are associated with lower precipitation in northern tropical Africa.
However, the cause for the change in sea surface temperature patterns has
not been determined.
Another set of studies is associated with land-cover changes. Lack of
rain causes the ground and soils to get extremely dry. Without vegetative
cover to hold it in place, thin soil blows away. As the water table drops
from the lack of the natural recharge of the aquifers and the withdrawal of
water by desert dwellers, inhabitants are forced to migrate to the grass-
lands and forests at fringes of the desert. Overgrazing, overcultivation, de-
forestation, and poor irrigation practices (which can cause salinization of
soils) eventually lead to a repetition of the process, and the desert begins to
encroach. These causes are influenced by changes in population, climate,
and social and economic conditions.
Desertification of Africa
Mediterranean Sea
Tropic of Cancer
Gulf of Guinea
True desert Atlantic
Acute risk of Ocean
Moderate to
great risk
Tropic of Capricorn
Atmospheric Consequences
A reduction in vegetation cover and soil quality may impact the local cli-
mate by causing a rise in temperatures and a reduction in moisture. This
can, in turn, impact the area beyond the desert by causing changes in the
Greenhouse Effect
Desertification and even the efforts to combat it may be impacting climatic
change because of the emission and absorption of greenhouse gases. The
decline in vegetation and soil quality can result in the release of carbon,
while revegetation can influence the absorption of carbon from the atmo-
sphere. The use of fertilizer to reclaim dry lands may cause an increase in
nitrous oxide emissions. Although scientists involved in studies of rising
greenhouse gases have not been able to gather evidence conclusive enough
to support such theories, evidence of the impact of greenhouse gases on
global warming continues to accumulate.
Policy Actions
As a result of the Sahelian drought, which lasted from 1968 to 1973, repre-
sentatives from various countries met in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1977 for a
United Nations conference on desertification. The conference resulted in
the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification. The plan listed twenty-eight
measures to combat land degradation by national, regional, and interna-
tional organizations. A lack of adequate funding and commitment by gov-
ernments caused the plan to fail. When the plan was assessed by the
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), it found that little had
been accomplished and that desertification had increased.
As a result of the 1977 United Nations conference, several countries de-
veloped national plans to combat desertification. One example is Kenya,
where local organizations have worked with primary schools to plant five
thousand to ten thousand seedlings per year. One U.S.-based organization
promotes reforestation by providing materials to establish nurseries, train-
ing programs, and extension services. Community efforts to combat deser-
tification have been more successful, and UNEP has recognized that such
projects have a greater success rate than top-down projects. The Earth
Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992, supported the concept of
sustainable development at the community level to combat the problem of
Roberto Garza
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology
degrees north and south latitude, creating the belt of deserts circling the
globe between these latitudes.
Deserts can also form along coastlines next to cold-water ocean cur-
rents, which chill the air above them, decreasing their moisture content.
Offshore winds blow the air above cold ocean waters back out to sea. In
deserts, rain is infrequent, creating great hardships for the native plants
and animals. The main source of moisture for the plants and animals of
coastal deserts is fog.
Types of Deserts
Depending upon whether the precipitation comes from rain or snow,
deserts can be divided into hot (rain) or cold (snow) deserts. The deserts of
Arabia, Australia, Chihuahua, Kalahari, Monte, Sonora, and Thar are all
considered hot deserts, found in lower latitudes. Cold deserts, found at
higher latitudes, include the Atacama, Gobi, Basin, Iranian, Namib, and
Turkestan deserts. Regardless of whether the desert is hot or cold, organ-
isms living within desert biomes have to adapt to cope with the scarcity of
water and violent swings of temperature. North America contains four dif-
ferent deserts that are usually defined by their characteristic vegetation,
which ecologists call indicator species.
Desert Vegetation
Many typical desert perennial plants, such as members of the Cactaceae (the
cactus family), have thick, fleshy stems or leaves with heavy cuticles,
sunken stomata (pores), and spiny defenses against browsing animals. The
spines also trap a layer of air around the plant, retarding moisture loss.
Desert plants, many of which photosynthesize using C4 or CAM (cras-
sulean acid metabolism), live spaced out from other plants. Many desert
plants are tall and thin, to minimize the surface area exposed to the stron-
gest light. For example, the entire stem of the Saguaro cactus is exposed to
sunlight in the early morning and late afternoon; at noon, only the tops
of the stems receive full sun. These traits allow the plants to cope with
heat stress and competition for water and avoid damage from herbivores
(plant-eating animals).
Where the mixture of heat and water stress is less severe, perennial
bushes of the Chenopodiaceae (goosefoot family) or Asteraceae (sunflower
family) form clumps of vegetation surrounded by bare ground. Numerous
annuals, called ephemerals, can grow prolifically, if only briefly, following
Unrelated plant families from different desert areas of the world show
similar adaptations to desert conditions. This has resulted from a process
called convergent evolution.
tumn migration. The American turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), the largest up-
land game bird in North America, is thirty-six to forty-eight inches long,
with a four- to five-foot wingspan. Males average ten inches longer than fe-
males, which are paler and of a more buff color. Turkeys inhabit a variety of
habitats from open grassland and fields to open woodlands and mature
deciduous or coniferous forests.
Many species of reptiles and amphibians live in the desert, including
the black-collared lizard (genus Crotaphytus), bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana),
desert dinosaur (orders Saurischia and Ornithischia), desert iguana (Dispso-
saurus dorsalis), rattlesnake (genus Crotalus), and many others. Insects
and spiders include dragonflies (suborder Anisoptera), scorpions (order
Scorpionida), and black widow spiders (Latrodectus hesperus). It is nothing
short of a miracle that such an abundance of life, both plant and animal,
can survive in the extreme conditions of the desert.
desert, excrete urine on their legs to cool them by evaporation, and circu-
late the cooled blood back through the body. Many desert animals are paler
than their relatives elsewhere, ensuring that they not only suffer less heat
absorption, but also are less conspicuous to predators in the bright, pallid
The mechanisms by which water is retained by desert animals are even
more elaborate. Reptiles and birds excrete metabolic wastes in the form of
uric acid, an insoluble white compound, wasting very little water in the
process. Other animals retain water by burrowing into moist soil during
the dry daylight hours. Some predatory and scavenging animals can ob-
tain their entire water needs from the food they eat. Most mammals, how-
ever, need access to a good supply of fresh water at least every few days, if
not daily, due to the considerable water loss from excretion of urea, a solu-
ble compound.
Many desert animals obtain water from plants, particularly succulent
ones such as cactus and saguaro. Many species of insects thrive in the
desert, as they tap plant fluids for water and nectar. The abundance of in-
sect life permits insectivorous birds, bats, and lizards to thrive in the
desert. Certain desert animals, such as kangaroo rats, have multiple adap-
tation mechanisms to acquire and conserve water. First, they live in under-
ground dens that they seal off to block out heat and to recycle the moisture
from their own breathing. Second, they have specialized kidneys with ex-
tra microscopic projections to extract most of the water from their urine
and return it to the bloodstream. Third, and most fascinating of all, they ac-
tually manufacture their water metabolically from the digestion of dry
seeds. These are just a few examples of the variety of ingenious adapta-
tions animals use to survive in the desert, overcoming the extremes of heat
and the paucity of water.
Habitat Loss
Urban and suburban sprawl paves over desert land and destroys habitat
for plants and animals, some of which are endemic to specific deserts.
Farmers and metropolitan-area builders can tap into critical desert water
supplies, changing the hydrology of desert regions. Off-road vehicles can
destroy plant and animal life and leave tracks that may last for decades.
Carol S. Radford and Yujia Weng
Type of ecology: Evolutionary ecology
Development and ecological strategies
Development and ecological strategies
of the most influential modifications for later work on the subject was
broached in a paper by Walter Garstang in 1922, in which he reformulated
the theory of recapitulation and refurbished the concept of heterochrony.
Garstang argued that phylogeny does not control ontogeny but rather
makes a record of the former: that is, phylogeny is a result of ontogeny. He
suggested that adaptive changes in a larval stage coupled with shifts in the
timing of development (heterochrony) could result in radical shifts in
adult morphology.
Stephen Jay Gould resurrected the long unpopular concept of recapitu-
lation with his book Ontogeny and Phylogeny (1977). In addition to recount-
ing the historical development of the idea of recapitulation, he made an
original contribution to defining and explicating the mechanism (het-
erochrony) involved in producing parallels between ontogeny and phy-
logeny. He argued that heterochrony—“changes in the relative time of
appearance and rate of development for characters already present in
ancestors”—was of prime evolutionary importance. He reduced Gavin de
Beer’s complex eight-mode analysis of heterochrony to two simplified
processes: acceleration and retardation. Acceleration occurs if a character
appears earlier in the ontogeny of a descendant than it did in an ancestor
because of a speeding up of development. Conversely, retardation occurs if
a character appears later in the ontogeny of a descendant than it did in an
ancestor because of a slowing down of development. To demonstrate these
concepts, Gould introduced a “clock model” in order to bring some stan-
dardization and quantification to the heterochrony concept.
He considered the primary evolutionary value of ontogeny and phylog-
eny to be in the immediate ecological advantages for slow or rapid matura-
tion rather than in the long-term changes of form. Neoteny (the opposite of
recapitulation) is the most important determinant of human evolution. Hu-
mans have evolved by retaining the young characters of their ancestors and
have therefore achieved behavioral flexibility and their characteristic form.
For example, there is a striking resemblance between some types of juvenile
apes and adult humans; this similarity for the ape soon fades in its ontogeny
as the jaw begins to protrude and the brain shrinks. Gould also insightfully
predicted that an understanding of ontogeny and phylogeny would lead
to a rapprochement between molecular and evolutionary biology.
By the 1980’s, Rudolf Raff and Thomas Kaufman found this rapproche-
ment by synthesizing embryology with genetics and evolution. Their work
focuses on the developmental-genetic mechanisms that generate evolu-
tionary change in morphology. They believe that a genetic program gov-
erns ontogeny, that the great decisions in development are made by a small
number of genes that function as switches between alternate states or path-
Development and ecological strategies
Interdisciplinary Studies
Evolutionary theory primarily uses paleontology (study of the fossil rec-
ord) to study the evolutionary history of species, yet Gould also used
quantification (the clock model, for example), statistics, and ecology to un-
Development and ecological strategies
Development and ecological strategies
Type of ecology: Behavioral ecology
Displays are specialized behaviors that act as communication signals within, and
occasionally between, species.
Interpreting Displays
Charles Darwin noted that displays having opposite characteristics often
signal opposite meaning. In humans, for example, a face with upturned
corners of the mouth (a smile) signals friendliness, whereas a face with
downturned corners of the mouth (a frown) signals displeasure. In most
animals, loud, deep-pitched sounds (for example, roars and growls) indi-
cate aggression, whereas quiet, high-pitched sounds (for example, mews
and peeps) indicate anxiety or fear. Similarly, body postures exaggerating
size tend to signal dominance, whereas postures minimizing size tend
to signal submission. Darwin called his observation the principle of anti-
Although some rules of display can be applied across species, most dis-
plays are specialized for intraspecific (within-species) communication—
male to female, parent to offspring, or dominant to subordinate—and are
therefore species-specific. That is, the ability to perform and interpret a
particular display (such as a particular birdsong) is generally characteristic
only of individuals of a particular species and is either innate (inborn) or
learned from conspecifics (individuals of the same species) during an early
critical period of development.
In order that their meaning is easily and quickly conveyed, most dis-
plays also tend to be highly ritualized; that is, they are performed only in
certain contexts and always in the same way. This consistency in commu-
Display Modality
Displays utilize every sensory modality. Visual displays involve the use of
bright, contrasting, and sometimes changing colors; changes in body size,
shape, and posture; and what ethologists call “intention movements”—
brief, suggestive movements which reveal motivational state and likely fu-
ture actions. Auditory displays include vocal songs and calls, as well as a
variety of sounds produced by tapping, rubbing, scraping, or inflating and
deflating various parts of the body. Tactile displays include aspects of so-
cial grooming, comfort contacts (such as between littermates or parents
and offspring), and the seismic signaling of water-striders, elephants,
frogs, and spiders which vibrate, respectively, the water, ground, plants, or
web beneath them. Olfactory displays include signals from chemicals that
have been wafted into the air or water, rubbed onto objects, or deposited in
saliva, urine, or feces.
Olfaction (sense of smell) is the most primitive, and therefore the most
common and most important, sense in the animal kingdom. Species of al-
most every taxonomic group use smell to signal their whereabouts and,
generally, their sex and reproductive state. (Birds seem to be an exception.)
Animals may also use smell to identify particular individuals, to recognize
who is related to them and who is not, and to determine the relative domi-
nance status of a conspecific.
Type of ecology: Theoretical ecology
Individual Organisms
An ecologist views organisms as consequences of past natural selection
brought about by their environments. That is, each organism represents an
array of adaptations that can provide insight into the environmental pres-
sures that resulted in its present form. Adaptations of organisms are also
revealed by other features, such as the range of temperature an organism
can tolerate, the amount of moisture it requires, or the variety of food it can
exploit. Food and space for living are considered resources; factors such as
temperature, light, and moisture are conditions that determine the rate of
resource utilization. When ecologists have discovered the full range of re-
sources and conditions necessary for an organism’s existence, they have
discovered its niche.
Many species, such as many insects and plants, have a large reproduc-
tive output. This compensates for high mortality imposed by natural selec-
tion. Other species, such as large mammals and birds, have fewer off-
spring. Many of these animals care for their young, thus increasing the
chances that their offspring will survive to reproduce. These are two differ-
ent strategies for success, based upon the principle that organisms have a
finite energy budget. Energy acquired from food (animals) or sunlight
(plants) must be partitioned among growth, maintenance, and reproduc-
tion. The greater the energy allocated to the care of offspring, for example,
the fewer the offspring that can be produced.
Ecology: definition
Although single organisms can be studied with regard to adaptations, in
nature most organisms exist in populations rather than as individuals.
Some organisms reproduce asexually (that is, by forming clones), so that a
single individual may spawn an entire population of genetically identical
individuals. Populations of sexually reproducing organisms, however,
have the property of genetic variability, since not all individuals are iden-
tical. That is, members of a population have slightly different niches and
will therefore not all be equally capable of living in a given environment.
This is the property upon which Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selec-
tion depends: Because not all individuals are identical, some will have
greater fitness than others. Those with superior fitness will reproduce in
greater numbers and therefore will contribute more genes to successive
generations. In nature, many species consist of populations occupying
more than a single habitat. This constitutes a buffer against extinction: If
one habitat is destroyed, the species will not go extinct, because it exists in
other habitats.
Two dynamic features of populations are growth and regulation. Growth
is simply the difference between birth and death rates, which can be posi-
tive (growing), negative (declining), or zero (in equilibrium). Every species
has a genetic capacity for exponential (continuously accelerating) increase,
which will express itself to varying degrees depending on environmental
conditions: A population in its ideal environment will express this capacity
more nearly than one in a less favorable environment. The rate of growth
of a population is affected by its age structure—the proportion of individu-
als of different ages. For example, a population that is growing rapidly will
Ecology: definition
Communities of organisms are composed of many populations that may
interact with one another in a variety of ways: predation, competition, mu-
tualism, parasitism, and so on. The composition of communities changes
over time through the process of succession. In terrestrial communities,
bare rock may be weathered and broken down by bacteria and other or-
ganisms until it becomes soil. Plants can then invade and colonize this
newly formed soil, which in turn provides food and habitat for animals.
The developing community goes through a series of stages, the nature of
which depends on local climatic conditions, until it reaches a kind of equi-
librium. In many cases this equilibrium stage, called climax, is a mature
forest. Aquatic succession essentially is a process of becoming a terrestrial
community. The basin of a lake, for example, will gradually be filled with
silt from terrestrial runoff and accumulated dead organic material from
populations of organisms within the lake itself.
Competition occurs between, as well as within, species. Two species are
said to be in competition with each other if and only if they share a resource
that is in short supply. If, however, they merely share a resource that is
plentiful, then they are not really competing for it. Competition is thought
to be a major force in determining how many species can coexist in natural
communities. There are a number of alternative hypotheses, however,
which involve such factors as evolutionary time, productivity (the energy
base for a community), heterogeneity of the habitat, and physical harsh-
ness of the environment.
Ecology: definition
Ecosystems consist of several trophic levels, or levels at which energy is ac-
quired: primary producers, consumers, and decomposers. Primary pro-
ducers are green plants that capture solar energy and transform it, through
the process of photosynthesis, into chemical energy. Organisms that eat
plants (herbivores) or animals (carnivores) to obtain their energy are col-
lectively called consumers. Decomposers are those consumers, such as
bacteria and fungi, that obtain energy by breaking down dead bodies of
plants and animals. These trophic levels are linked together into a struc-
ture called a food web, in which energy is transferred from primary pro-
ducers to consumers and decomposers, until finally all is lost as heat. Each
transfer of energy entails a loss (as heat) of at least 90 percent, which means
that the total amount of energy available to carnivores in an ecosystem is
substantially less than that available to herbivores.
As with individual organisms, ecosystems and their trophic levels have
energy budgets. The net production of one trophic level is available to the
next-higher trophic level as biomass (mass of biological material). Plants
have higher net productivity (rates of production) than animals because
their metabolic maintenance cost is lower relative to gross productivity;
Ecology: definition
herbivores often have higher net productivity than predators for the same
reason. For the community as a whole, net productivity is highest during
early successional stages, since biomass is being added more rapidly than
later on, when the community is closer to climax equilibrium.
In contrast to the unidirectional flow of energy, materials are conserved
and recycled from dead organisms by decomposers to support productiv-
ity at higher trophic levels. Carbon, water, and mineral nutrients required
for plant growth are cycled through various organisms within an ecosys-
tem. Materials and energy are also exchanged among ecosystems: There
is no such thing in nature as a “closed” ecosystem that is entirely self-
Ecology: definition
ductive output is higher in the enhanced portion of the habitat than in the
control area, the researcher may infer that the organisms therein were
food-limited. Alternatively, an ecologist might have decreased the density
of organisms in one portion of the habitat, which might seem equivalent to
increasing food supply for the remaining organisms, except that it repre-
sents a change in population density as well. Therefore, this second design
will not allow the researcher to differentiate between the possibly separate
effects of food level and simple population density on organisms in the
Mathematical ecology relies heavily upon computers to generate mod-
els of nature. A model is simply a formalized, quantitative set of hypothe-
ses constructed from sets of assumptions of how things happen in nature.
A model of population growth might contain assumptions about the age
structure of a population, its genetic capacity for increase, and the average
rate of resource utilization by its members. By changing these assump-
tions, scientists can cause the model population to behave in different
ways over time. The utility of such modeling is limited to the accuracy of
the assumptions employed.
Modern ecology is concerned with integrating these different approaches,
all of which have in common the goal of predicting the way nature will be-
have in the future, based upon how it behaves in the present. Description
of natural history leads to hypotheses that can be tested experimentally,
which in turn may allow the construction of realistic mathematical (quanti-
tative) models of how nature works.
Ecology: definition
insights into what happens when local carrying capacity is exceeded. The
human carrying capacity needs to be defined in realistic ecological terms,
and such constraints as energy, food, and space must be incorporated into
the calculations. For example, knowledge of energy flow teaches that there
is more energy at the bottom of a food web (producers) than at successively
higher trophic levels (consumers), which means that more people could be
supported as herbivores than as carnivores.
The study of disease transmission, epidemiology, relies heavily on
ecological principles. Population density, rates of migration among epi-
demic centers, physiological tolerance of the host, and rates of evolution
of disease-causing parasites are all the subjects of ecological study.
An obvious application of ecological principles is conservation. Before
habitats for endangered species can be set aside, for example, their ecologi-
cal requirements, such as migratory routes, breeding, and feeding habits,
must be known. This also applies to the introduction (intentional or acci-
dental) of exotic species into habitats. History is filled with examples of in-
troduced species that caused the extinction of native species. Application
of ecological knowledge in a timely fashion, therefore, might prevent spe-
cies from becoming endangered in the first place.
One of the greatest challenges humans face is the loss of habitats world-
wide. This is especially true of the tropics, which contain most of the
earth’s species of plants and animals. Species in the tropics have narrow
niches, which means that they are more restricted in range and less tolerant
of change than are many temperate species. Therefore, destruction of tropi-
cal habitats, such as rain forests, leads to rapid species extinction. These
species are the potential sources of many pharmaceutically valuable drugs;
further, they are a genetic record of millions of years of evolutionary his-
tory. Tropical rain forests also are prime sources of oxygen and act as a
buffer against carbon dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere. Ecological
knowledge of global carbon cycles permits the prediction that destruction
of these forests will have a profound impact on the quality of the air.
Lawrence E. Hurd
Ecology: definition
Type of ecology: History of ecology
As a formal discipline, ecology, the science that studies the relationships among or-
ganisms and their biotic and abiotic environments, is a relatively new science,
which became a focus of study at about the same time evolutionary theories were
being proposed.
Ecology: history
Ecology: history
upon national research funds. It got under way in the United States in 1968
and was still producing publications in the 1980’s. Even though no new
funding sources were created for the IBP, its existence meant that more re-
search money flowed to ecologists than otherwise would have.
Ecologists learned to think big. Computers became available for ecolog-
ical research shortly before the IBP got under way, and so computers and
the IBP became linked in ecologists’ imaginations. Earth Day, established
in 1970, helped awaken Americans to the environmental crisis. The IBP en-
couraged a variety of studies, but in the United States, studies of biomes
(large-scale environments) and ecosystems were most prominent. The bio-
me studies were grouped under the headings of desert, eastern deciduous
forest, western coniferous forest, grassland, and tundra (a proposed tropi-
cal forest program was never funded). When the IBP ended, a number of
its biome studies continued at a reduced level.
Ecosystem studies are also large-scale, at least in comparison with
many previous ecological studies, though smaller in size than a biome. The
goal of ecosystem studies was to gain a total understanding of how an eco-
system—such as a lake, river valley, or forest—works. IBP funds enabled
students to collect data, which computers processed. However, ecologists
could not agree on what data to collect, how to compute outcomes, and
how to interpret the results. Therefore, thinking big did not always pro-
duce impressive results.
Plant Ecology
Because ecology is enormous in scope, it was bound to have growing
pains. It arose at the same time as the science of genetics, but because ge-
netics is a cohesive science, it reached maturity much sooner than ecology.
Ecology can be subdivided in a wide variety of ways, and any collection of
ecology textbooks will show how diversely it is organized by different
ecologists. Nevertheless, self-identified professional subgroups tend to
produce their own coherent findings.
Plant ecology progressed more rapidly than other subgroups and has
retained its prominence. In the early nineteenth century, German naturalist
Alexander von Humboldt’s many publications on plant geography in rela-
tion to climate and topography were a powerful stimulus to other bota-
nists. By the early twentieth century, however, the idea of plant communi-
ties was the main focus for plant ecologists. Henry Chandler Cowles began
his studies at the University of Chicago in geology but switched to botany
and studied plant communities on the Indiana dunes of Lake Michigan.
He received his doctorate in 1898 and stayed at that university as a plant
ecologist. He trained others in the study of community succession.
Ecology: history
Marine Ecology
Marine ecology is viewed as a branch of either ecology or oceanography.
Early studies were made either from the ocean shore or close to shore be-
cause of the great expense of committing oceangoing vessels to research.
The first important research institute was the Statione Zoologica at Naples,
Italy, founded in 1874. Its successes soon inspired the founding of others in
Europe, the United States, and other countries. Karl Möbius, a German zo-
ologist who studied oyster beds, was an important pioneer of the commu-
nity concept in ecology. Great Britain dominated the seas during the nine-
teenth century and made the first substantial commitment to deep-sea
research by equipping the HMS Challenger as an oceangoing laboratory
that sailed the world’s seas from 1872 to 1876. Its scientists collected so
many specimens and so much data that they called upon marine scientists
in other countries to help them write the fifty large volumes of reports
(1885-1895). The development of new technologies and the funding of new
institutions and ships in the nineteenth century enabled marine ecologists
to monitor the world’s marine fisheries and other resources and provide
advice on harvesting marine species.
Limnology is the scientific study of bodies of fresh water. The Swiss
zoologist François A. Forel coined the term and also published the first
textbook on the subject in 1901. He taught zoology at the Académie de
Lausanne and devoted his life’s researches to understanding Lake Ge-
neva’s characteristics and its plants and animals. In the United States in the
early twentieth century, the University of Wisconsin became the leading
Ecology: history
center for limnological research and the training of limnologists, and it has
retained that preeminence. Limnology is important for managing freshwa-
ter fisheries and water quality.
Frank N. Egerton
The ecosystem is the fundamental concept in ecology: the basic unit of nature, con-
sisting of the complex of interacting organisms inhabiting a region with all the
nonliving physical factors that make up their environment. Ecologists study
structural and functional relationships of ecosystem components to be able to pre-
dict how the system will respond to natural change and human disturbance.
Ecosystems: definition and history
suggested that a lake could be viewed as a discrete system for study: a mi-
crocosm. A lake could serve as a scale model of nature that would help bi-
ologists understand more general functional relationships among organ-
isms and their environment. Forbes explained how the food supply of a
single species, the largemouth bass, was dependent either directly or indi-
rectly upon nearly all the fauna and much of the flora of the lake. There-
fore, whenever even one species was subjected to disturbance from outside
the microcosm, the effects would probably be felt throughout the commu-
In 1927, British ecologist Charles Elton incorporated ideas introduced
by Forbes and other fishery biologists into the twin concepts of the food
chain and the food web. Elton defined a food chain as a series of linkages
connecting basic plants, or food producers, to herbivores and their various
carnivorous predators, or consumers. Elton used the term “food cycle” in-
stead of “food web,” but his diagrams reveal that his notion of a food cycle—
that it is simply a network of interconnecting food chains—is consistent
with the modern term.
Elton’s diagrams, which traced various pathways of nitrogen through
the community, paved the way for understanding the importance of the
cycling of inorganic nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus
through ecosystems, a process that is known as biogeochemical cycling.
Very simply, Elton illustrated how bacteria could make nitrogen available
to algae at the base of the food chain. The nitrogen then could be incorpo-
rated into a succession of ever larger consumers until it reached the top of
the chain. When the top predators died, decomposer organisms would re-
turn the nitrogen to forms that could eventually be taken up again by
plants and algae at the base of the food chain, thus completing the cycle.
Elton’s other key contribution to the ecosystem concept was his articu-
lation of the pyramid of numbers, the idea that small animals in any given
community are far more common than large animals. Organisms at the
base of a food chain are numerous, and those at the top are relatively
scarce. Each level of the pyramid supplies food for the level immediately
above it—a level consisting of various species of predators that generally
are larger in size and fewer in number. That level, in turn, serves as prey for
a level of larger, more powerful predators, fewer still in number. A graph of
this concept results in a pyramidal shape of discrete levels, which today are
called trophic (feeding) levels.
Ecosystems: definition and history
Ecosystems: definition and history
Ecosystems: definition and history
Ecosystems: definition and history
Responding to Disturbance
One of the practical benefits of studying ecosystems derives from natural-
ist Stephen Forbes’s suggestion, made in 1880, that the knowledge from bi-
ological research be used to predict the response of organisms to distur-
bance. When disturbance is caused by natural events such as droughts,
floods, or fires, ecologists can use their knowledge of the structure and
function of ecosystems to help resource managers plan for the subsequent
recolonization and succession of species.
The broad perspective of the ecosystem approach becomes particularly
useful in examining the effects of certain toxic compounds because of the
complexity of their interaction within the environment. The synergistic ef-
fects that sometimes occur with toxic substances can produce pronounced
impacts on ecosystems already stressed by other disturbances. For example,
after the atmosphere deposits mercury on the surface of a lake, the pollutant
eventually settles in the sediments where bacteria make it available to or-
ganisms at the base of the food chain. The contaminant then bioaccumulates
as it is passed on to organisms such as fish and fish-eating birds at higher
trophic levels. Synergistic effects occur in lakes already affected by acid de-
position; researchers have found that acidity somehow stimulates microbes
to increase the bioavailability of the mercury. Thus, aquatic ecosystems
that have become acidified through atmospheric processes may stress their
flora and fauna even further by enhancing the availability of mercury from
atmospheric fallout. The complexity of such interactions demands re-
search at the ecosystem level, and ecosystem studies are prerequisite for
prudent public policy actions on environmental contaminants.
Robert Lovely
Ecosystems: definition and history
Type of ecology: Ecosystem ecology
The study of ecosystems defines a specific area of the earth and the attendant inter-
actions among organisms and the physical-chemical environment present at the
Research Principles
The ecosystem concept was first put to use by American limnologist Ray-
mond L. Lindeman in the classic study he conducted on Cedar Bog Lake,
Minnesota, which resulted in his article “The Trophic Dynamic Aspect of
Ecology” (1942). Lindeman’s study, along with the publication of Eugene
P. Odum’s Fundamentals of Ecology (1953), converted the ecosystem notion
into a guiding paradigm for ecological studies, thus making it a concept of
theoretical and applied significance.
Ecologists study ecosystems as integrated components through which
energy flows and resources cycle. Although ecosystems can be divided into
many components, the four fundamental ones are abiotic (nonliving) re-
sources, producers, consumers, and decomposers. The ultimate sources of
energy come from outside the boundaries of the ecosystem (solar energy or
chemothermo energy from deep-ocean hydrothermal vent systems). Be-
cause this energy is captured and transformed into chemical energy by pro-
ducers and translocated through all biological systems via consumers and
decomposers, all organisms are considered as potential sources of energy.
Abiotic resources—water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, and other
inorganic nutrients and minerals—primarily come from within the bound-
Ecosystems: studies
Research Projects
Initially, ecosystem ecologists used the principles of Arthur G. Tansley,
Lindeman, and Odum to determine and describe the flow of energy and
resources through organisms and their environment. Fundamental aca-
demic questions that plagued ecologists concerned controls on ecosystem
productivity: What are the connections between animal and plant produc-
tivity? How are energy and nutrients transformed and cycled in ecosys-
Once fundamental insights were obtained, computer-model-driven the-
ories were constructed to provide an understanding of the biochemo-
physical dynamics that govern ecosystems. Responses of ecosystem com-
ponents could then be examined by manipulating parameters within the
simulation model. Early development of the ecosystem concept culmi-
nated, during the 1960’s, in defining the approach of ecosystem studies.
Ecosystem projects were primarily funded under the umbrella of the In-
ternational Biological Program (IBP). Other funding came from the Atomic
Energy Commission and the National Science Foundation. The intention
of the IBP was to integrate data collected by teams of scientists at research
sites that were considered typical of wide regions. Although the IBP was
international in scope, studies in the United States received the greatest
portion of the funds—approximately $45 million during the life of IBP
Five major IBP ecosystem studies, involving grasslands, tundra, deserts,
coniferous forests, and deciduous forests, were undertaken. The Grass-
lands Project, directed by George Van Dyne, set the research stage for the
other four endeavors. However, because the research effort was so exten-
Ecosystems: studies
sive in scope, the objectives of the IBP were not totally realized. Because of
the large number of scientists involved, little coherence in results was ob-
tained even within the same project. A more pervasive concern, voiced by
environmentalists and scientists alike, was that little of the information ob-
tained from the ecosystem simulation models could be applied to the solu-
tion of existing environmental problems.
An unconventional project partially funded by the IBP was called the
Hubbard Brook Watershed Ecosystem. Located in New Hampshire and
studied by F. Herbert Bormann and Gene E. Likens, the project redirected
the research approach for studying ecosystems from the IBP computer-
model-driven theory to more conventional scientific methods of study.
Under the Hubbard Brook approach, an ecosystem phenomenon is ob-
served and noted. A pattern for the phenomenon’s behavior is then estab-
lished for observation, and questions are posed about the behavior. Hy-
potheses are developed to allow experimentation in an attempt to explain
the observed behavior. This approach requires detailed scrutiny of the eco-
system’s subsystems and their linkages. Since each ecosystem functions as
a unique entity, this approach has more utility. The end results provide in-
sights specific to the activities observed within particular ecosystems. Ex-
planations for these observed behaviors can then be made in terms of bio-
logical, chemical, or physical principles.
Ecosystems: studies
Ecosystems: studies
Type of ecology: Restoration and conservation ecology
Endangered species are those varieties of plants and animals that are in immediate
danger of becoming extinct. Threatened species, by contrast, are those identified as
likely to become endangered in the near future.
A t the beginning of 2003, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed
nearly 400 animal species in the United States as “endangered”: in
immediate danger of extinction. Another 129 species of animals were des-
ignated as threatened, meaning likely to become endangered in the near
future. Globally, the World Conservation Union (IUCN) has placed thou-
sands of species on its list of endangered and vulnerable species, and more
are added every month. The International Council for Bird Preservation
has announced that more than one thousand of the nearly ten thousand
species of birds are endangered. Fish, especially freshwater fish, are among
the most immediately threatened types of animals. About one-fourth of
the worldwide number of species is in a state of dangerous decline.
Endangered animal species
million species exist, so who would miss a few dozen or a few hundred of
These arguments ignore an important point. Each species inhabits a
small part of an entire ecosystem, a community of plants and animals that
are closely associated in a chain of survival. For example, plants absorb
chemicals and minerals from the soil that are essential to their health. Ani-
mals then eat the plants—grasses, fruits, leaves, or flowers—and digest the
nutrients they need for energy. Other animals, meat eaters (carnivores),
then eat these plant eaters and get their energy from them. If a single spe-
cies is removed from this chain, the whole ecosystem will experience con-
sequences that are difficult to predict and often negative or disastrous.
The death of an entire species constitutes a loss that cannot always be
measured in economic terms. The American biologist William Beebe made
the point that any species that is lost diminishes the quality of life for ev-
The beauty and genius of a work of art may be reconceived, though its first
material expression can be destroyed; a vanished harmony may yet inspire
the composer, but when the last individual of a race of living things breathes
no more, another heaven and another earth must pass before such a one can
be again.
The bald eagle, and other bird populations, became endangered partly as a result of
the widespread use of DDT, a pesticide whose toxicity becomes concentrated as it
makes its way up the food chain. Agricultural runoff into streams and lakes causes
such pesticides to accumulate in the microorganisms on which fish feed, then the
fish, and finally the predators that eat the fish, from birds to humans. (PhotoDisc)
Endangered animal species
Endangered animal species
they killed only what they needed. The settlers, however, saw the bison as
a problem that needed to be solved. Huge herds of bison crossed railroad
tracks, forcing passenger trains to stop, and the animals interfered with
farming, knocking down fences and trampling grain fields. Railroad com-
panies and the U.S. Army sent out hunting parties to get rid of the bison.
By 1890 fewer than one thousand bison survived in a herd that had man-
aged to escape far into northern Canada. The extermination ended only af-
ter this small herd was given protection by the Canadian government.
Stories of other near extinctions are numerous and frightening but dem-
onstrate that action can be taken to save some if not all of the endangered
species. Whales, which had been hunted since the 1600’s, faced possible
extinction until action was taken to reduce hunting in the 1970’s. Whales
were easy to kill and provided oil and bone. Whale oil was the major sub-
stance burned in lamps until the electric light largely replaced oil-burning
lamps in the 1880’s. Europeans hunted the Atlantic whale, called the right
whale because it was the “right” one to kill, into virtual extinction by the
1860’s. When the right whale became too hard to find, hunters turned to
the Pacific right whale and then the bowhead whale before action was
taken by the world community to save remaining whales.
Endangered animal species
Endangered animal species
Source: Data are from U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Threatened and Endangered Species
System (TESS),, accessed on March 22,
Endangered animal species
A major threat to the 1973 law arose in 1978 during the Tellico Dam con-
troversy. The Tennessee Valley Authority, a federal government agency,
proposed building a hydroelectric dam on the Tennessee River in Loudon
County, Tennessee, in the late 1970’s. Shortly after plans were made public,
a scientist from the University of Tennessee discovered a three-inch-long
fish, the snail darter, that was unique to that area. Building the dam, a $250
million project, would destroy that snail darter’s habitat and eliminate the
fish. Environmentalists successfully argued in federal court that the dam
had to be abandoned. The U.S. Supreme Court supported the ruling of the
lower court, arguing that when Congress passed the law, it had intended
that endangered species be given the highest priority regardless of the cost
or other concerns involved. However, in 1981, Congress enacted a special
exemption that excluded “economically important” federal projects from
the act. A federal judge then found the Tellico Dam to be without economic
importance, and construction was again halted. Congressmen friendly to
dam interests then slipped an amendment directing completion of the dam
onto an unrelated environmental bill, which passed, and Tellico was con-
structed. However, the principle of protection remained intact, and the
power of the 1973 act remained in force. The snail darter apparently sur-
vived, too, as scientists found it living in a river not far from the spot where
it was originally discovered.
Endangered animal species
dangered list. Unless this loophole is closed, the IUCN can do little to save
extremely threatened species.
Endangered animal species
Type of ecology: Restoration and conservation ecology
Habitat loss
By far the most significant threat to plant species is habitat loss or destruc-
tion. Habitat loss can occur because of resource harvesting for food, medi-
cine, and other products; deforestation; and the conversion of wilderness
for agricultural, industrial, or urban uses. Wood consumption and tree
clearing for agriculture and development threaten the world’s forests, es-
pecially the tropical forests, which may disappear by the mid-twenty-first
century if sufficient preventive action is not taken. Natural disasters, such
as climatic changes, meteorites, floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes,
hurricanes, drought, and tornados, also can be devastating to a habitat.
In Europe and Asia, the plant distribution is complex, with isolated
populations of plants spread across a large area. The plants are greatly
influenced by the cold climate and by humans. Plant species are disap-
pearing, especially in Europe and the Mediterranean, because of habitat
destruction and disturbances including urbanization, road construction,
Endangered plant species
Endangered plant species
just one island. These plants, including the San Clemente broom, bush
mallow (Malacothamnus Greene), a species of larkspur, and the San Cle-
mente Island Indian paintbrush (Castilleja grisea), have been devastated by
introduced grazers, browsers, and by invasive other plants. In Hawaii,
more than 90 percent of native plants and almost all land birds and inverte-
brates are found nowhere else in world. The Hawaiian red-flowered gera-
nium Geranium arboreum is threatened by introduced feral pigs, agricul-
tural livestock, and competition by nonnative plants.
In developing or highly populated nations in Asia, Africa, Central and
South America, the Caribbean, the Pacific Ocean islands, Australia, and
New Zealand, habitat loss occurs because of population needs. Land is
cleared for agriculture, development, and population resettlement. In Cen-
tral America and the Caribbean, the Swietenia mahogany is found only in
a few protected or remote areas. The Caoba tree (Persea theobromifolia) was
newly identified as a species as recently as 1977. The lumber is commer-
cially important, and habitat loss has occurred due to the conversion of for-
ests to banana and palm plantations. In Ecuador, only 6 percent of the orig-
inal rain forest remains standing, because the rest has been converted to
farmland. In Asia, including the Philippines, population pressures bring
about deforestation and the clearing of land for agriculture.
In southern Africa, land is used for crops, livestock, and firewood pro-
duction. Overgrazing and the introduction of agriculture have caused the
Sahara Desert area to grow rapidly. The island of Madagascar has between
ten thousand and twelve thousand plant species, of which 80 percent grow
nowhere else in the world. Because of conversion to grassland through
farming methods, only about one-fifth of the original species survive. In
Australia there are 1,140 rare or threatened plants, and logging, clearing
for grazing animals and crops, building developments, and mining have
threatened many native species.
Endangered plant species
Parts of the southeastern United States have poor soil that is home to the
carnivorous or insectivorous plants—those that eat insects. These plants
include sundews, bladderworts, Venus’s flytrap, and pitcher plants. Col-
lectors or suppliers have stripped many areas of all of these plants. In the
Southwest, rare cacti are harvested for sale nationwide and worldwide.
Endangered cacti include the Nellie Cory cactus (which has one remaining
colony), Epithelantha micromeres bokei, Ancistrocactus tubuschii, saguaro cac-
tus (Carnegiea gigantea), and Coryphantha minima. Near the Sierra Madre,
two tree species—Guatemalan fir, or Pinabete, and the Ayuque—are en-
dangered because of harvesting for use as Christmas trees or for the mak-
ing of hand looms. Additionally, sheep eat the seedlings. In New Mexico,
the gypsum wild buckwheat habitat is limited to one limestone hill, and
the plants are threatened by cattle, off-road vehicles, and botanists.
In southern Mexico, there are 411 species of epiphytes (air plants or bro-
meliads in the genus Tillandsia), of which several are extremely rare. These
plants are threatened by overcollection for the houseplant trade or conser-
vatories. The African violet (Saintpaulia ionantha) of Tanzania may soon be
extinct in the wild because of the horticultural trade and habitat loss due to
encroaching agriculture.
Worldwide, orchids are overcollected for horticulture. Several species
have been collected to extinction, are extremely rare, or have been lost be-
cause of habitat destruction. Examples include the extremely rare blue
vanda (Vanda caerulea); Paphiopedilum druryi, believed extinct in its native
habitat; Dendrobium pauciflorum, endangered and possibly extinct—only a
single plant was known to exist in the wild in 1970; and the Javan phalae-
nopsis orchid, Phalaenopsis javanica. The latter was believed extinct. When
Source: Data are from U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Threatened and Endangered Species
System (TESS),, accessed on March 22,
Endangered plant species
The conservation of endangered plant species employs several compelling
arguments: Plants enhance the world’s beauty, have the right to exist, and
are useful to people. The most persuasive argument may be that the sur-
vival of the human species depends on a healthy worldwide ecosystem.
Three major goals of conservation are recovery, protection, and reintroduc-
Conservation methods depend on increasing public awareness by pro-
viding information about endangered or threatened species so that people
can take action to reverse damage to the ecosystems. Other important
strategies include achieving a widespread commitment to conservation
and obtaining funding to protect rare or endangered species. Conservation
efforts include setting aside protected areas, such as reserves, wilderness
areas, and parks, and recognizing that humans must integrate and protect
Endangered plant species
biodiversity where they live and work. Many countries are actively con-
serving species through protected areas, endangered-species acts, detailed
studies of species and habitat, and information campaigns directed to the
Virginia L. Hodges
Erosion is the loss of topsoil through the action of wind and water. Erosion control
is vital because soil loss from agricultural land is a major contributor to nonpoint-
source pollution and desertification and represents one of the most serious threats
to world food security.
I n the United States alone some two billion tons of soil erode from crop-
land on an annual basis. About 60 percent, or 1.2 billion tons, is lost
through water erosion, while the remainder is lost through wind erosion.
This is equivalent to losing 0.3 meter (1 foot) of topsoil from two million
acres of cropland each year. Although soil is a renewable resource, soil for-
mation occurs at rates of just a few inches per hundred years, which is
much too slow to keep up with erosive forces. The loss of soil fertility is in-
calculable, as are the secondary effects of polluting surrounding waters
and increasing sedimentation in rivers and streams.
Erosion removes the topsoil, the most productive soil zone for crop pro-
duction and the plant nutrients it contains. Erosion thins the soil profile,
which decreases a plant’s rooting zone in shallow soils, and can disturb the
topography of cropland sufficiently to impede farm equipment operation.
It carries nitrates, phosphates, herbicides, pesticides, and other agricul-
tural chemicals into surrounding waters, where they contribute to cultural
eutrophication. Erosion causes sedimentation in lakes, reservoirs, and
streams, which eventually require dredging.
Water Erosion
The common steps in water erosion are detachment, transport, and deposi-
tion. Detachment releases soil particles from soil aggregates, transport car-
ries the soil particles away and, in the process, scours new soil particles
from aggregates. Finally, the soil particles are deposited when water flow
slows. In splash erosion, raindrops impacting the soil can detach soil parti-
cles and hurl them considerable distances. In sheet erosion, a thin layer of
soil is removed by tiny streams of water moving down gentle slopes. This
is one of the most insidious forms of erosion because the effects of soil loss
are imperceptible in the short term. Rill erosion is much more obvious be-
Erosion and erosion control
cause small channels form on a slope. These small channels can be filled in
by tillage. In contrast, ephemeral gullies are larger rills that cannot be filled
by tillage. Gully erosion is the most dramatic type of water erosion. It
leaves channels so deep that even equipment operation is prevented. Gully
erosion typically begins at the bottom of slopes where the water flow is
fastest and works its way with time to the top of a slope as more erosion oc-
Wind Erosion
Wind erosion generally accounts for less soil loss than water erosion, but in
states such as Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Wyoming, it
is actually the dominant type of erosion. Wind speeds 0.3 meter (1 foot)
above the soil that exceed 16 to 21 kilometers per hour (10 to 13 miles per
hour) can detach soil particles. These particles, typically fine- to medium-
size sand fewer than 0.5 millimeter (0.02 inch) in diameter, begin rolling
and then bouncing along the soil, progressively detaching more and more
soil particles by impact. The process, called saltation, is responsible for 50
to 70 percent of all wind erosion. Larger soil particles are too big to become
suspended and continue to roll along the soil. Their movement is called
surface creep.
Topsoil erosion is one of the most economically devastating forms of erosion, caused
not only by wind and water erosion but also by human disturbance resulting from
agriculture, overgrazing, deforestation, and soil compaction. (PhotoDisc)
Erosion and erosion control
Erosion Control
The four most important factors affecting erosion are soil texture and struc-
ture, roughness of the soil surface, slope steepness and length, and soil
cover. There are several passive and active methods of erosion control that
involve these four factors. Wind erosion, for example, is controlled by cre-
ating windbreaks, rows of trees or shrubs that shorten a field and reduce
the wind velocity by about 50 percent. Tillage perpendicular to the wind
direction is also a beneficial practice, as is keeping the soil covered by plant
residue as much as possible.
Water erosion is controlled by similar cultural practices. For example,
highly erosive, steeply sloped land can be protected by placing it in the
U.S.-government-sponsored Conservation Reserve Program. Tillage can
be done along the contour of slopes. Long slopes can be shortened by ter-
racing, which also reduces the slope steepness. Permanent grass water-
ways can be planted in areas of cropland that are prone to water flow. Like-
wise, grass filter strips can be planted between cropland and adjacent
waterways to impede the velocity of surface runoff and cause suspended
soil particles to sediment and infiltrate before they can become contami-
Conservation tillage practices, such as minimal tillage and no-tillage,
are being widely adapted by farmers as a simple means of erosion control.
As the names imply, these are tillage practices in which as little disruption
of the soil as possible occurs and in which any crop residue remaining after
harvest is left on the soil surface to protect the soil from the impact of rain
and wind. The surface residue also effectively impedes water flow, which
causes less suspension of soil particles. Because the soil is not disturbed,
practices such as no-tillage also promote rapid water infiltration, which
also reduces surface runoff. No-tillage is rapidly becoming the predomi-
nant tillage practice in southeastern states such as Kentucky and Tennes-
see, where high rainfall and erodible soils occur.
Mark S. Coyne
Erosion and erosion control
Type of ecology: Behavioral ecology
Ethology is the study of animal behavior from the perspective of zoology. The infor-
mation acquired through ethology has helped scientists better understand animals
in all their variety.
habitat and in the design of simple but elegant experiments. His 1951 book
The Study of Instinct is a classic synthesis of the knowledge that had been
gained through the scientific study of animal behavior of that time.
Konrad Lorenz is considered by many to be the founder of ethology, be-
cause he discovered and effectively publicized many of the classic phe-
nomena of ethology. Pictures of Lorenz being followed by goslings are al-
most a standard feature of texts that discuss the specialized form of
learning known as imprinting. In natural settings, imprinting allows young
animals to identify their parents appropriately. Another contribution of
Lorenz was his book King Solomon’s Ring: New Light on Animal Ways, pub-
lished in 1952. This extremely readable book raised public awareness of the
scientific study of animal behavior and kindled the interest of many who
eventually joined the ranks of ethologists.
Behavioral Genetics
Another source of information for the ethologist is behavioral genetics.
Because of the evolutionary context of ethology, it is important to have an
understanding of the genetic basis of behavior. If there were no genetic
component in behavior, behavior would not be subject to natural selection.
(Natural selection refers to the process by which some genes increase in fre-
quency in a population while alternates decrease because the favored genes
have contributed to the reproductive success of those organisms that have
them.) While the ethological approach to behavior assumes that behavior
patterns are the result of interactions between genes and environment, in-
vestigators often ask questions about the genetic programming of behavior.
Early ethologists performed isolation and cross-fostering experiments
to discover whether behaviors are learned or instinctive. If a behavior ap-
pears in an individual that has been reared in isolation without the oppor-
tunity to learn, the behavior is considered instinctive. Observing the be-
havior of an individual reared by parents of a different species is similarly
revealing. When behavior patterns of conspecifics appear in such cross-
fostered individuals, such behaviors are regarded as instinctive. Instinc-
tive behaviors typically are innate behaviors that are important for sur-
vival. For example, one very common instinctive behavior is the begging
call of a newly hatched bird. Isolation and cross-fostering experiments are
still a part of the experimental repertoire of ethologists, but behavioral ge-
netics permits the asking of more complex questions. For example, a be-
havior may accurately be labeled instinctive, but it is more revealing to de-
termine the developmental and physiological processes linking a gene or
genes to the instinctive behavior.
Behavioral Ecology
The ethologist is also interested in determining whether behavior is adap-
tive. It is not sufficient to identify what seems to be a commonsense advan-
Sociobiology is another major area of modern ethology. Sociobiology ex-
amines animal social behavior within the framework of evolution. Animal
species vary in the degree of social behavior they exhibit; other variables
include group size and the amount of coordination of activities occurring
within the group. The sociobiologist is interested in a number of questions,
but prominent among them are the reasons for grouping. Hypotheses such
as defense against predators or facilitation of reproduction can be tested.
The particular advantage or advantages gained by grouping varies among
species. Two important concepts in sociobiology are kin selection and in-
clusive fitness.
Kin selection refers to the differential reproduction of genes that affect
the survival of offspring or closely related kin. Behavior such as the broken-
wing display of the killdeer is an example. The behavior carries risk but
would be promoted by selection if the offspring of individuals using the
display were protected from predators often enough to compensate for the
risk. Inclusive fitness is the term used to recognize the concept that fitness
includes the total genotype, including those genes that may lower the indi-
vidual’s survival as the price of leaving more genes in surviving kin. The
concepts of kin selection and inclusive fitness help to address one problem
raised by Darwin, the question of altruistic behavior. Ethology is a young
science but a very exciting one, because there are so many questions that
can be asked about animal behavior within the context of evolution.
Studying Ethology
The methods and tools of ethology cover the entire spectrum of complex-
ity. One simple, but demanding, method is to collect normative data about
a species. In its simplest form, the scientist observes what an animal does
and writes it down in a field notebook. Finding and following the animal,
coping with field conditions such as bad weather and rugged terrain, and
keeping field equipment in operating condition add challenge and variety
to this approach. The ethologist uses various techniques to get data as un-
biased as possible. One of these is to choose a focal animal at random (or on
a rotation) and observe the focal animal for a specific amount of time be-
fore switching observation to another member of the population. This pre-
vents bias in which individuals and which behaviors are observed. The
sampling of an individual’s behavior at timed intervals is an even more ef-
fective way of avoiding bias.
When all or most of an animal’s behavioral repertoire is known, a list
known as an ethogram can be constructed. This catalog can be organized
into appropriate categories based on function. Ethograms provide useful
baseline information about the behavior of a species. For animals that are
difficult or impossible to follow, radio-tracking techniques have been de-
veloped. Collars that emit radio signals have been designed for many ani-
mals. Miniaturization has made it possible for radio tracking to be used
even on relatively small animals.
In field studies, animals are often marked in some way so that observers
are able to follow individual animals. A number of techniques have been
developed, including banding birds with colored acrylic bands. Color
combinations can be varied so that each member of the population has
a unique combination. Marking allows the observer to get information
such as individual territory boundaries and to determine which animals
Models are frequently used in experiments. For example, a model can
be used to determine whether individuals in a species need to learn to
identify certain classes of predators. Models were used in many of the clas-
sic experiments in ethology. Modern technology has allowed the develop-
ment of much more sophisticated models. One of the most interesting is a
“bee” that can perform a waggle dance (used by bees to indicate location)
so effectively that its hivemates can find the food source. Whether a model
Uses of Ethology
The investigation of animal behavior has a number of benefits, both practi-
cal and abstract. Some animals are pests, and knowledge of their behavior
can be used to manage them. For example, synthetic pheromones have
been used to attract members of some insect species. The insects may then
be sampled or killed, depending upon the application. To the extent that
researchers develop behaviorally based pest management strategies and
reduce pesticide use, they will be promoting our own safety as well as that
of other species.
It is sometimes important for humans to be able to understand the com-
munication signals of other species and the characteristics of their sensory
perception. The knowledgeable individual can recognize the cues that in-
dicate risk that a dog might bite, for example, and can also avoid behavior
that the dog will regard as threatening. Understanding the behavior of the
wild animals most likely to be encountered in one’s neighborhood is an im-
portant factor in peaceful coexistence.
The study of animal behavior is providing one of the more fascinating
areas of evolutionary biology. Ethology has demonstrated more effectively
than most fields of study how diverse the solutions to a given problem can
be and has provided insight into human behavior from a biological per-
spective. Knowledge of animal behavior also enriches human lives simply
by satisfying some of our natural curiosity about animals.
Donna Janet Schroeder
Type of ecology: Ecotoxicology
T he word “eutrophic” comes from the Greek eu, which means “well,”
and trophikos, which means “food” or “nutrition.” Eutrophic waters
are well nourished, that is, rich in nutrients; they therefore support abun-
dant life. Eutrophication refers to a condition in aquatic systems (ponds,
lakes, and streams) in which nutrients are so abundant that plants and al-
gae grow uncontrollably and become a problem. The plants die and de-
compose, and the water becomes stagnant. This ultimately causes the
death of other aquatic animals, particularly fish, that cannot tolerate such
conditions. Eutrophication is a major problem in watersheds and water-
ways, such as the Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay, that are surrounded by
urban populations.
The stagnation that occurs during eutrophication is attributable to the
activity of microorganisms growing on the dead and dying plant material
in water. As they decompose the plant material, microbes consume oxygen
faster than it can be resupplied by the atmosphere. Fish, which need oxygen
in the water to breathe, become starved for oxygen and suffocate. In addi-
tion, noxious gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) can be released during
the decay of the plant material. The hallmark of a eutrophic environment is
one that is plant-filled, littered with dead aquatic life, and smelly.
Eutrophication is actually a natural process that occurs as lakes age and
fill with sediment, as deltas form, and as rivers seek new channels. The
main concern with eutrophication in natural resource conservation is that
human activity can accelerate the process and can cause it to occur in previ-
ously clean but nutrient-poor water. This is sometimes referred to as cul-
tural eutrophication. For example, there is great concern with eutrophica-
tion in Lake Tahoe. Much of Lake Tahoe’s appeal is its crystal-clear water.
Unfortunately, development around Lake Tahoe is causing excess nutri-
ents to flow into the lake and damaging the very thing that attracts people
to the lake.
portant. Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential in plant and animal growth.
Nitrogen compounds are used in the synthesis of amino acids and pro-
teins, whereas phosphate is found in nucleic acids and phospholipids. Ni-
trogen and phosphorus are usually in limited supply in lakes and rivers.
Plants and animals get these nutrients through natural recycling in the
water column and sediments and during seasonal variations, as algae
and animals decompose, fall to the lower depths, and release their nu-
trients to be reused by other organisms in the ecosystem. A limited sup-
ply of nutrients—as well as variations in optimal temperature and light
conditions—prevents any one species of plants or animals from dominat-
ing a water ecosystem.
Although nutrient enrichment can have detrimental effects on a water
system, an increased supply of nitrogen and phosphorus can have an ini-
tial positive effect on water productivity. Much like fertilizers added to a
lawn, nutrients added to lakes, rivers, or oceans stimulate plant and ani-
mal growth in the entire food chain. Phytoplankton—microscopic algae
that grow on the surface of sunlit waters—take up nutrients directly and
are able to proliferate. Through photosynthesis, these primary producers
synthesize organic molecules that are used by other members of the eco-
system. Increased algal growth thus stimulates the growth of zooplank-
ton—microscopic animals that feed on algae and bacteria—as well as
macroinvertebrates, fish, and other animals and plants in the food web. In-
deed, many fisheries have benefitted from lakes and oceans that are pro-
Oxygen Depletion
When enough nutrients are added to a lake or river to disrupt the natural
balance of nutrient cycling, however, the excess nutrients effectively become
pollutants. The major problem is that excess nutrients encourage profuse
growth of algae and rooted aquatic weeds, species that can quickly take
advantage of favorable growth conditions at the expense of slower-grow-
ing species. Algae convert carbon dioxide and water into organic mole-
cules during photosynthesis, a process that produces oxygen. When large
blooms of algae and other surface plants die, however, they sink to the bot-
tom of the water to decompose, a process that consumes large amounts of
oxygen. The net effect of increased algae production, therefore, is depletion
of dissolved oxygen in the water, especially during midsummer.
Reduced oxygen levels (called hypoxia) can have dire consequences for
lakes and rivers that support fish and bottom-dwelling animals. Oxygen
depletion is greatest in the deep bottom layers of water, because gases from
the oxygen-rich surface cannot readily mix with the lower layers. During
summer and winter, oxygen depletion in eutrophic waters can cause mas-
sive fish kills. In extreme cases of eutrophication, the complete depletion of
oxygen (anoxia) occurs, leading to ecosystem crashes and irreversible
damage to plant and animal life. Oxygen depletion also favors the growth
of anaerobic bacteria, which produce hydrogen sulfide and methane gases,
leading to poor water quality and taste.
Excessive algal and plant growth has other negative effects on a water
system. Algae and plants at the surface block out sunlight to plants and an-
imals at the lower depths. Loss of aquatic plants can affect fish-spawning
areas and encourage soil erosion from shores and banks.
Eutrophication often leads to loss of diversity in a water system, as high
nutrient conditions favor plants and animals that are opportunistic and
short-lived. Native sea grasses and delicate sea plants often are replaced by
hardier weeds and rooted plants. Carp, catfish, and bluegill fish species re-
place more valuable coldwater species such as trout.
Thick algal growth also increases water turbidity and gives lakes and
ponds an unpleasant pea-soup appearance. As algae die and decay, they
wash up on shores in stinking, foamy mats.
Algal blooms of unfavorable species can produce toxins that are harm-
ful to fish, animals, and humans. These toxins can accumulate in shellfish
and have been known to cause death if eaten by humans. So-called red
tides and brown tides are caused by the proliferation of unusual forms of
algae, which give water a reddish or tealike appearance and in some cases
produce harmful chemicals or neurotoxins.
Assessing Eutrophication
While eutrophication effects are generally caused by nutrient enrichment
of a water system, not all cases of nutrient accumulation lead to increased
productivity. Overall productivity is based on other factors in the water
system, such as grazing pressure on phytoplankton, the presence of other
chemicals or pollutants, and the physical features of a body of water. Eu-
trophication occurs mainly in enclosed areas such as estuaries, bays, lakes,
and ponds, where water exchange and mixing are limited. Rivers and
coastal areas with abundant flushing generally show less phytoplankton
growth from nutrient enrichment because their waters run faster and mix
more frequently. On the other hand, activities that stir up nutrient-rich sed-
iments from the bottom, such as development along coastal waters, recre-
ational activities, dredging, and storms, can worsen eutrophication pro-
The nutrient status of a lake or water system is often used as a mea-
sure of the extent of eutrophication. For example, lakes are often classified
Limiting Damage
The negative effects of eutrophication can be reduced by limiting the
amount of nutrients—in most cases nitrogen and phosphorus—from en-
tering a water system. Nutrients can enter water bodies through streams,
rivers, groundwater flow, direct precipitation, and dumping and as partic-
ulate fallout from the atmosphere. While natural processes of eutrophica-
tion are virtually impossible to control, eutrophication from human activ-
ity can be reduced or reversed.
Phosphorus enrichment into water systems occurs primarily as the re-
sult of wastewater drainage into a lake, river, or ocean. Phosphate is com-
mon in industrial and domestic detergents and cleaning agents. Mining
along water systems is also a major source of phosphorus. When phospho-
rus enters a water system, it generally accumulates in the sediments.
Storms and upwelling can stir up sediments, releasing phosphorus. Treat-
ment of wastewater to remove phosphates and the reduction of phos-
phates in detergents have helped to reduce phosphorus enrichment of
water systems.
Nitrogen enrichment is harder to control; it is present in many forms, as
ammonium, nitrates, nitrites, and nitrogen gas. The major sources of nitro-
gen eutrophication are synthetic fertilizers, animal wastes, and agricul-
tural runoff. Some algae species can also fix atmospheric nitrogen directly,
converting it to biologically usable forms of nitrogen. Since the atmosphere
Evolution is change in species through time. From a one-celled ancestor, many bil-
lions of species have evolved into a grand diversity of life-forms that populate earth
and interact in ways that will affect the evolution of future life-forms.
Evolution: definition and theories
ganisms are not always the fastest, fiercest, or even most competitive. For
example, animals that cooperate with other animals or are the most timid
and conceal themselves readily may survive more often and produce more
When the whole species changes at once, “nonbranching” evolution oc-
curs. Many species, however, have wide ranges and occur in many differ-
ent geographic areas, so often only some populations of a species are sub-
jected to environmental changes. That is an important point because it
explains how so many species can be created from one ancestral species.
“Branching” evolution is especially common when one of the populations
becomes cut off from the others by a barrier of some kind. For example, a
new river may form. This river prevents interbreeding and allows each
population to form its own pool of traits. In time, differences between the
two environments will cause the two populations to become so distinct
that they form two different species.
Species have hitherto been described as groups that are visibly distinct
enough to be distinguishable from one another; however, there is a much
more objective definition of species, based on the criterion of interbreed-
ing. To a biologist, members of a species can produce fertile offspring only
when they breed with other members. Therefore, a new species has
evolved not when it “looks” sufficiently different from its ancestors or
neighboring populations but when it can no longer successfully interbreed
with them. This definition of reproductive isolation is important because
many closely related species look quite similar yet cannot successfully in-
Evolution by natural selection explains not only how species have
changed but also why they are so well adapted to their surroundings: The
best-adapted individuals have the most offspring. Further, it explains
some crucial aspects of basic anatomy, such as why vestigial, or “remnant,”
organs exist: They are in the process of being lost. For example, the now-
useless human appendix was once an important part of the human diges-
tive tract. Also, it explains why many organisms have similar organs that
are used for different purposes, such as five-fingered hands on humans
and five-digit organs on bat wings. Such “homologous” organs have been
modified from a common ancestor. This modification also explains why
many organisms pass through similar embryonic stages; human embryos,
for example, have tails and gills like a fish.
Laws of Heredity
After Darwin proposed natural selection as the process of evolution, it was
readily accepted, and most scientists have accepted it ever since. The ex-
Evolution: definition and theories
planation was incomplete, however, in one major area: Darwin could not
explain how variation was produced or passed on. The laws of heredity
were discovered by Gregor Mendel in 1866 while Darwin was wrestling
with this problem. Mendel’s work lay unnoticed until the early twentieth
century, when other scientists independently discovered the gene as the
basic unit of heredity. Genes are now known to be molecular “blueprints”
that are repeatedly copied within each cell. They contain instructions on
how to build the organism and how to maintain it.
Genes are passed on to the offspring when a sperm and an egg cell
unite. The resulting fertilized egg consists of one cell that contains all the
genes on strands, or chromosomes, in the cell nucleus. The chromosomes
occur in pairs such that one member of each pair is from the father and one
is from the mother. As growth occurs, certain genes in each cell will be bio-
chemically “read” and will give instructions on what happens next. Genes
are composed of the molecule deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which is
shaped like a twisted ladder and is copied when the “ladder” splits in half
at the middle of the “rungs.” Once the instructions are copied, they are car-
ried outside the cell nucleus by messenger molecules, which proceed to
build proteins (such as enzymes and muscle tissue) using the rungs as a
With this added knowledge of genes as the units of heredity, evolution-
ists could see that natural selection acting on individuals selects not only
traits but also the genes that serve as blueprints for those traits. Therefore,
as well as being a change in a species’ traits through time, evolution is also
often defined as a change in the “gene pool” of a species. The gene pool is
the total of all the genes contained in a species. Individual variation in a
gene pool originally arises via mutations, errors made in the DNA copying
process. Usually, mutation involves a change in the DNA sequence that
causes a change in the genetic instructions.
Most mutations have little effect, which is fortunate because those that
are expressed generally kill or handicap the offspring. That occurs since
any organism is a highly integrated, complex system, and any major alter-
ations to it are therefore likely to disrupt it. Nevertheless, rare improve-
ments do occur, and it is these that are passed on and become part of the
breeding gene pool. Although mutations provide the ultimate source of
variation, the sexual recombination of genes provides the more immediate
source. Each organism has a unique combination of genes, and it is the fit-
ness of this combination that determines how well those genes survive and
are passed on. Although brothers and sisters have the same parents, they
are not alike because genes are constantly shuffled and reshuffled in the
production of each sperm and egg cell.
The Geologic Time Scale
(4,500-544 mya)
Source: Data on time periods in this version of the geologic time scale are based on new
findings in the last decade of the twentieth century as presented by the Geologic Society
of America, which notably moves the transition between the Precambrian and Cambrian
times from 570 mya to 544 mya.
Notes: bya=billions of years ago; mya = millions of years ago; ya = years ago.
Evolution: definition and theories
seems to support the punctuated view. The majority of species show very
little change for long spans of time and then either disappear or rapidly
give rise to another species. The fossil record is very incomplete, however,
being full of gaps where no fossils were deposited. As a result, it is often
impossible to tell whether the “rapid” change in species is real or only fol-
lows a gap in what was actually a gradual sequence. Also, fossils represent
only part of the original organism—usually only the hard parts, such as
shells, bones, or teeth. Therefore, any changes in soft anatomy, such as tis-
sues or biochemistry, are lost, making it impossible to say with certainty
that no change occurred. Whatever the outcome of the debate, all scientists
agree that evolutionary rates vary.
In addition to the rate of evolution, much has also been written about
the patterns produced by evolution since life arose about 3.5 million years
ago. Evolutionary trends are directional changes seen in a group. The most
common trend, found in many groups, is an increase in size. Another
trend, seen mainly in mammals, is an increase in brain size. Life as a whole
has shown an increase in total diversity and complexity. These trends,
however, are only statistical tendencies. They are not inevitable “laws,” as
many have misinterpreted them in the past. Often, groups do not show
them, and in those that do, the change is not constant and may reverse it-
self at times. Finally, trends are often interrupted by mass extinctions. At
least five times in the past 600 million years, more than 50 percent of all the
species on the earth have been wiped out by catastrophes of different
kinds, from temperature changes to impacts of huge meteorites.
Study of Fossils
Fossils, the remains of former life, provide the only record of most evolu-
tion, because more than 99 percent of all species that have ever existed are
now extinct. Paleontology is the study of fossils. Such study begins with
identification of the remains—usually hard parts, such as bones—and
ends with measurement of fossil size, shape, and abundance. The extreme
incompleteness of the fossil record is a major obstacle to this method, since
only some parts are preserved, and these are from strictly limited periods
of the evolutionary past. Nevertheless, many evolutionary lineages can be
traced through time. Indeed, refined measurements of rate and direction of
anatomical change are often possible when used in conjunction with dat-
ing techniques.
The study of living organisms permits observation of the complete or-
ganism. Comparative anatomy reveals similarities among related species
and shows how evolution has modified them since they separated from
their common ancestor. For example, humans and chimpanzees are ex-
Evolution: definition and theories
tremely similar in their organ and muscle anatomy. This method is not lim-
ited to comparison of adults but includes earlier stages of development as
well. Comparative embryology often shows anatomical similarities, such
as those between humans and other vertebrates. For example, the human
embryo goes through a stage with gills and a tail, resembling stages of an
amphibian embryo. Comparative biochemistry is also very useful, reveal-
ing similarities in proteins and many other molecules. Such comparisons
are based on differences in molecular sequences, such as amino acids. Mo-
lecular “clocks” are sometimes calculated in this manner. More distantly
related species are thought to have more differences. The accuracy of such
clocks, however, is hotly debated.
A major technique is DNA sequencing, whereby the exact genetic infor-
mation is read directly from the gene. This method will greatly add to
knowledge of evolutionary relationships, although it is expensive and
time-consuming. Biogeography, or the distribution of organisms in nature,
is a method that Darwin used and that is still important today. This tech-
nique often reveals populations (races) within a species’ overall range that
differ from one another because they inhabit slightly different geographic
areas. These populations give the scientist a “snapshot” of evolution in
progress. Given more time, many of these races would eventually become
different species.
Artificial breeding is a method of directly manipulating evolution. The
most widely used experimental organism for this purpose is the fruit fly,
which is used in part because of its exceptionally large chromosomes; they
make the genes easy to identify. A common experiment is to subject the
flies to radiation or chemicals that cause mutations and then to analyze the
effects. The gene pool is then subjected to extreme artificial selection as the
experimenter allows only certain individuals to breed. For example, only
those with a gene for a certain kind of wing may reproduce. Although such
experiments have often altered the organisms’ gene pools and created new
varieties within the species, no truly new species has ever been created in
the laboratory. Apparently, more time is needed to produce a new species.
Outside the laboratory, artificial breeding has been done for thousands of
years. Food plants and domesticated animals have had much of their evo-
lution controlled by humans. Analysis of the effect of this breeding on the
organisms’ gene pools is the most complete and direct method of studying
The study of fossils has been a major tool in understanding Earth’s history.
This understanding has allowed more efficient exploitation of the earth’s
Evolution: definition and theories
resources. For example, petroleum and coal provide the major energy re-
sources today and were both formed by organisms of the past. Petroleum
comes from the biochemicals of marine organisms, and coal comes from
fossilized plants. Most paleontologists are employed in the costly search
for these “fossil fuels,” and knowing the evolutionary history of these
groups helps to determine the most productive places to search. Fossils
also form nonenergy resources. Limestone is used in many processes, from
making cement to making steel. Most limestone is composed of the fossil-
ized remains of seashells and other marine skeletons. Phosphate minerals,
essential for fertilizers in almost all forms of agriculture, come from marine
fossil deposits as well.
Darwin’s theory of natural selection caused a violent reaction through-
out much of the world when it was applied in social contexts (to which
Darwin himself disagreed) as “social Darwinism.” The notion that humans
evolved from lower life-forms such as the ape was truly revolutionary. In-
stead of creatures of a divine plan, humans were now seen as products of
natural, sometimes “random,” processes. The impact of this realization on
ethics, the arts, and society in general is still being felt. Evolution, however,
does not necessarily conflict with religion, as is often thought. Science
seeks to find out only how things happen, not the ultimate reasons why
they happen. Therefore, most major religions have reconciled their tenets
with the fact of evolution by viewing natural selection as simply a mecha-
nism employed by God to meet his ends.
Michael L. McKinney
Evolution: definition and theories
Schopf, J. William, ed. Major Events in the History of Life. Boston: Jones and
Bartlett, 1992.
Stanley, Steven M. The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes, and the Or-
igin of Species. New York: Basic Books, 1981.
Stebbins, G. Ledyard. Darwin to DNA, Molecules to Humanity. New York:
W. H. Freeman, 1982.
Types of ecology: Evolutionary ecology; History of ecology
Evolution is the theory that biological species undergo sufficient change with time
to give rise to new species. The development of the theory of evolution has contrib-
uted much to two later scientific disciplines, genetics and ecology, by providing ex-
planations for the adaptations and interrelationships of species from early times to
the present.
Evolution: history
Darwin’s Theory
The nineteenth century witnessed a number of books asserting that living
species had evolved from earlier ones. Before 1859, these works were often
more geological than biological in content. Most successful among them
was the anonymously published Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
(1844), written by Robert Chambers (1802-1871). Books of this genre sold
well but contained many flaws. They proposed no mechanism to account
for evolutionary change. They supported the outmoded concept of a scale
Evolution: history
Evolution: history
After Darwin
In the early 1900’s, the rise of Mendelian genetics (named for botanist
Gregor Mendel, 1822-1884) initially resulted in challenges to Darwinism.
Hugo de Vries (1848-1935) proposed that evolution occurred by random
mutations, which were not necessarily adaptive. This idea was subse-
quently rejected, and Mendelian genetics was reconciled with Darwinism
during the period from 1930 to 1942. According to this modern synthetic
theory of evolution, mutations initially occur at random, but natural selec-
tion eliminates most of them and alters the proportions among those that
survive. Over many generations, the accumulation of heritable traits pro-
duces the kind of adaptive change that Darwin and others had described.
The process of branching evolution through speciation is also an important
part of the modern synthesis.
The branching of the evolutionary tree has resulted in the proliferation
of species from the common ancestor of each group, a process called adap-
tive radiation. Ultimately, all species are believed to have descended from
a single common ancestor. Because of the branching nature of the evolu-
tionary process, no one evolutionary sequence can be singled out as repre-
senting any overall trend; rather, there have been different trends in differ-
ent groups. Evolution is also an opportunistic process, in the sense that it
follows the path of least resistance in each case. Instead of moving in
straight lines toward a predetermined goal, evolving lineages often trace
meandering or circuitous paths in which each change represents a momen-
tary increase in adaptation. Species that cannot adapt to changing condi-
tions die out and become extinct.
Evolutionary biology is itself the context into which all the other biolog-
ical sciences fit. Other biologists, including physiologists and molecular bi-
ologists, study how certain processes work, but it is evolutionists who
study the reasons that these processes came to work in one way and not an-
other. Organisms and their cells are built one way and not another be-
cause their structures have evolved in a particular direction and can only
be explained as the result of an evolutionary process. Not only does each
biological system need to function properly, but it also must have been
able to achieve its present method of functioning as the result of a long, his-
torical, evolutionary process in which a previous method of functioning
changed into the present one. If there were two or more ways of accom-
plishing the same result, a particular species used one of them because its
ancestors were more easily capable of evolving this one method rather
than another.
Eli C. Minkoff
Evolution: history
Evolution of plants and climates
Evolution of plants and climates
Evolution of plants and climates
sperms. The presence of the angiosperms marked the end of the typical
gymnosperm-dominated Mesozoic flora and a definite decline in the
leptostrobaleans, bennettites, ginkgos, and cycads.
During the late Cretaceous in South America, central Africa, and India,
arid conditions prevailed, resulting in tropical vegetation dominated by
palms. The southern middle latitudes were also affected by desert condi-
tions, and the plants that fringed these desert areas were horsetails, ferns,
conifers (araucarias, podocarps), and angiosperms, specifically Notho-
fagus (southern beech). The high-latitude areas were devoid of polar ice;
owing to the warmer conditions, angiosperms were able to thrive. The
most diverse flora was found in North America, with the presence of ever-
greens, angiosperms, and conifers, especially the redwood, Sequoia.
The Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) mass extinction event occurred at about
66.4 mya. This event has been hypothesized to be a meteoritic impact;
whatever the cause, at this time an event took place that suddenly induced
global climatic change and initiated the extinction of many species, nota-
bly the dinosaurs. The K/T had a greater effect on plants with many fami-
lies than it did on plants with very few families. Those that did become ex-
tinct, such as the bennettites and caytonias, had been in decline. The
greatest shock to land vegetation occurred in the middle latitudes of North
America. The pollen and spore record just above the K/T boundary in the
fossil record shows a dominance of ferns and evergreens. Subsequent plant
colonization in North America shows a dominance of deciduous plants.
Evolution of plants and climates
The history of life has been punctuated by episodes of great change, some marked by
the loss of large numbers of organisms, others by explosive development. Explana-
tions proposed for these fluctuations have a bearing on current extinction levels
and the extent to which they can be controlled.
Extinctions and evolutionary explosions
Extinctions and evolutionary explosions
Extinctions and evolutionary explosions
Post-Extinction Recoveries
Among the vertebrates, a picture of gradual change is seen for mammals,
with drastic reductions occurring only in the marsupials. The boundary
also does not seem to have been a barrier for turtles, crocodiles, lizards,
and snakes, all of which came through virtually unscathed. The dinosaurs
did become extinct, and much argument has centered on whether this was
abrupt or occurred after a slow decline. In this context, it must be noted
that there is only one area where a dinosaur-bearing sedimentary transi-
tion across the boundary can be seen, and that is in Alberta, Canada, and
the northwestern United States. Records of dinosaurs in this area during
the upper part of the Cretaceous period show a gradual decline in diver-
sity, with a drop from thirty to seven genera over the last eight million
years. Although explanations of the extinction of dinosaurs have ranged
from mammals eating their eggs to terminal allergies caused by the rise of
flowering plants to the current ideas about bolide impacts, the answer may
be climate related. A major regression of the oceans occurred at this point,
resulting in a drop in mean annual temperatures and an increase in season-
ality. The bolide impact may have served as the death blow to taxa (ani-
mals in classification groups) that were already declining.
The main period of evolutionary expansion in the Phanerozoic era is at
the base of the Cambrian period, 544 million years ago. Termed the “Cam-
brian explosion,” it marks the development of all the modern phyla of or-
ganisms, and as many as one hundred phyla may have existed during the
Cambrian period. This period seems to have lasted only about 5 million
years, and the subsequent history of animal life consists mainly of varia-
tions on the anatomical themes developed during this short period of in-
tense creativity. This period is represented in the fossil record by the re-
markably well-preserved Burgess Shale fauna of British Columbia, which
has been extensively described, and faunas of similar age from China and
Greenland. Why the Cambrian explosion could establish all major anatom-
Extinctions and evolutionary explosions
ical designs so quickly is not clear. Some scientists believe that the lack of
complex organisms before the explosion had left large areas of ecological
space open, and when experimentation took place, particularly with the
advent of hard skeletons, any novelty could find a niche. Also, the earliest
multicellular organisms may have maintained a genetic flexibility that be-
came greatly reduced as organisms became locked into stable and success-
ful designs. Why some of the innovations were successful in the long term
and others were not is unknown, as no recognized traits unite the success-
ful taxa. It has even been suggested that success may be due to no more
than the luck of the draw.
In contrast, the recoveries after the major extinctions at the end of the
Permian and Cretaceous periods did not result in the development of new
phyla. The earliest Triassic ecosystems were more vacant than at any time
since the Cambrian period, yet no new phyla or classes appear in the Trias-
sic period. This suggests that despite the overwhelming nature of the ex-
tinctions, the pattern was insufficient to permit major morphological inno-
vations, in part probably because no adaptive zone was entirely vacant.
Hence, despite the fact that the mass extinction at the end of the Permian
period triggered an explosion in marine diversity described as the Meso-
zoic marine revolution, persisting species may have limited the success of
broad evolutionary jumps.
Extinctions and evolutionary explosions
stratigraphic record also influences the composition of the fossil record; for
example, shallow-marine faunas are much better represented than are ter-
restrial faunas.
Diversity patterns are studied at a variety of levels, from the species up-
ward, that vary in their quality and inclusiveness. A basic problem is that
many of the processes that are of interest occur at the species level or even
below it, but the biases of the fossil record mean that data is best at higher
levels. Diversity of shallow-marine organisms for the Phanerozoic era can-
not be read directly at the species level because the record is too fragmen-
tary. The record at the family level is much more complete because the
preservation of one species in a family allows the family to be recorded. For
this reason, paleodiversity studies are often conducted at the family level.
However, higher taxon diversity is a poor predictor of species diversity.
For example, an analysis of the mass extinction at the end of the Permian
period indicates that the 17 percent reduction in marine orders and 52 per-
cent reduction in marine families probably represents a 95 percent reduc-
tion in the number of species. Another problem with the study of fossils is
that soft-bodied and poorly skeletonized groups may leave little or no re-
cord. It has generally been assumed that the ratio of heavily skeletonized
to non-skeletonized species has remained approximately constant through
the Phanerozoic era; however, there is no data to support this and some ev-
idence that skeletons have become more robust through time in response
to newly evolving predators. The net result of these biases is severe. Only
10 percent of the skeletonized marine species of the geologic past and far
fewer of the soft-bodied species are known.
Despite these problems, it has been possible to show that diversity of or-
ganisms has varied in a number of ways during the Phanerozoic era. Tabu-
lations of classes, orders, and families have been used to show that there
were significant periods of increased extinction or increased evolutionary
rates. One of the most important uses of this data has been the tabulation at
the family level that appears to show a regular periodicity of about 26 mil-
lion years for extinction events and that has been used to support ideas
about periodic extraterrestrial events. However, although fluctuations oc-
curred, it has also been possible to show that the number of marine orders
increased rapidly to the Late Ordovician period and has remained approx-
imately constant since then.
Extinctions and evolutionary explosions
and in some cases entire lineages have been wiped out. Evolutionary ex-
plosions, on the other hand, resulted in enormous innovation, particu-
larly at the beginning of the Cambrian period, and the development of
new variations on established morphotypes (animal and plant forms and
structures) later in the geologic record. Understanding the processes that
caused these events is of major importance because people have reached
the point where they are capable of influencing their environment in dras-
tic ways.
Studies of extinction events have shown that they have a variety of
causes, some of which appear to be environmental changes brought about
by natural processes while others may be the result of extraterrestrial
forces. The most severe of these extinction events occurred at the end of the
Permian period, 245 million years ago, and resulted in the loss of up to 95
percent of marine invertebrate species. The cause of this extinction appears
primarily to be that continents were amalgamating and oceans were re-
treating, which resulted in a major reduction in the habitat of shallow-
marine organisms. Terrestrial habitats were also affected as the increase in
continental area and loss of the ameliorating effect of extensive areas of
shallow ocean brought about climatic changes. Although climatic changes
are thought to be the main culprit in the majority of extinction events, some
scientists believe that large bolides, or extraterrestrial bodies, struck the
earth with such force as to create major changes in the environment that
significantly reduced diversity. This theory has enjoyed the most popular-
ity as the explanation for the event at the end of the Cretaceous period, dur-
ing which the dinosaurs became extinct, but evidence for an extraterres-
trial body’s involvement in any of the other events is slight.
Whatever the cause, environmental change that results in habitat reduc-
tion is the main reason for species decline. As humans have risen to domi-
nance over other species, the extinction rate has accelerated, and in the last
half-century, this rate has climbed considerably above natural attrition as
populations have increased and habitats have been altered. Although the
levels of extinction have not yet reached those recorded during major ex-
tinction events of the past, some scientists believe people may be facing an
ecological disaster. A better understanding of the processes surrounding
past extinction events and the rebounds that followed them will help peo-
ple prepare for and deal with the future.
David K. Elliott
Extinctions and evolutionary explosions
Extinctions and evolutionary explosions
Runnegar, Bruce, and James W. Schopf, eds. Major Events in the History of
Life. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 1992.
Stanley, Steven M. Extinction. New York: Scientific American Library, 1987.
Stearns, Beverly Petersen, and Stephen C. Stearns. Watching, from the Edge
of Extinction. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1999.
Ward, Peter D., and Don Brownlee. Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncom-
mon in the Universe. New York: Copernicus, 2000.
Types of ecology: Community ecology; Ecoenergetics
The concept of food chains and webs allows ecologists to interconnect the organ-
isms living in an ecosystem and to trace mathematically the flow of energy from
plants through animals to decomposers.
T he food chain concept provides the basic framework for production bi-
ology and has major implications for agriculture, wildlife biology, and
calculating the maximum amount of life that can be supported on the
earth. As early as 1789, naturalists such as Gilbert White described the
many sequences of animals eating plants and themselves being eaten by
other animals. However, the use of the term “food chain” dates from 1927,
when Charles Elton described the implications of the food chain and food
web concept in a clear manner. His solid exposition advanced the study of
two important biological concepts: the complex organization and interre-
latedness of nature, and energy flow through ecosystems.
Food chains and webs
plants are free to grow to the limits of the nutrients available. Such expla-
nations of the “balance of nature” were commonly taught in biology books
throughout the 1960’s and 1970’s.
Food chains and webs
of DDT in these birds broke down steroid hormones and interfered with
eggshell formation.
Because humans are omnivores, able to feed at several levels on the
food chain (that is, both plants and other animals), it has been suggested
that a higher world population could be supported by humans moving
down the food chain and becoming vegetarians. A problem with this argu-
ment is that much grazing land worldwide is unfit for cultivation, and
therefore the complete cessation of pig or cattle farming does not necessar-
ily free up substantial land to grow crops.
While the food chain and food web concepts are convenient theoretical
ways to summarize feeding interactions among organisms, real field situa-
tions have proved far more complex and difficult to measure. Animals of-
ten switch diet between larval and adult stages, and they are often able to
shift food sources widely. It is often difficult to draw the boundaries of
food chains and food webs.
John Richard Schrock
Whether natural or caused by humans, fires destroy life and property in forest-
lands but are also vital to the health of forests.
E vidence of forest fires is routinely found in soil samples and tree bor-
ings. The first major North American fires in the historical record were
the Miramichi and Piscataquis fires of 1825. Together, they burned 3 mil-
lion acres in Maine and New Brunswick. Other U.S. fires of significance
were the Peshtigo fire in 1871, which raged over 1.28 million acres and took
fourteen hundred human lives in Wisconsin; the fire that devastated north-
ern Idaho and northwestern Montana in 1910 and killed at least seventy-
nine firefighters; and a series of fires that joined forces to sweep across one-
third of Yellowstone National Park in 1988.
Fire Behavior
Fires need heat, fuel, and oxygen. They spread horizontally by igniting
particles at their edge. At first, flames burn at one point, then move out-
ward, accumulating enough heat to keep burning on their own. Topogra-
phy and weather affect fire behavior. Fires go uphill faster than downhill
because warm air rises and preheats the uphill fuels. Vegetation on south-
and west-facing slopes receives maximal sunlight and so is drier and burns
more easily. Heat is pulled up steep, narrow canyons, as it is up a chimney,
increasing heat intensity. For several reasons, only one-third of the vegeta-
tion within a large fire usually burns. This mosaic effect may be caused by
varied tree species that burn differently, old burns that stop fire, strong
winds that blow the fire to the leeward side of trees, and varied fuel mois-
Ecological Benefits
Some plant species require very high temperatures for their seed casings to
split for germination. After fire periodically sweeps through the forest,
seeds will germinate. Other species, such as the fire-resistant ponderosa
pine, require a shallow layer of decaying vegetable matter in which to root.
Fires burn excess debris and small trees of competing species and leave an
open environment suitable for germination. Dead material on the forest
floor is processed into nutrients more quickly by fire than by decay, and in
Forest fires
a layer of rich soil, plants will sprout within days to replace those de-
stroyed in the fire.
Ecological Destruction
Erosion is one of the devastating effects of a fire. If the fuels burn hot, tree
oils and resins can be baked into the soil, creating a hard shell that will not
absorb water. When it rains, the water runoff gathers mud and debris, cre-
ating flash floods and extreme stream sedimentation. Culverts and storm
drains fill with silt, and streams flood and change course. Fish habitat is de-
stroyed, vegetation sheltering stream banks is ripped away, and property
many miles downstream from the forest is affected.
When a fire passes through timber it generally leaves pockets of green,
although weakened, stands. Forest pests, such as the bark beetle, are at-
tracted to the burned trees and soon move to the surviving trees, weaken-
ing them further. Healthy trees outside the burn area may also fall to pest
infestation unless the burned trees are salvaged before pests can take hold.
Forest fires
The ash and smoke from hot, fast-burning forest fires can be transported
for miles, affecting air quality many miles from the actual fire.
Prescribed Burns
In the 1970’s prescribed burning was added to forest management tech-
niques used to keep forests healthy. Fires set by lightning are allowed to
burn when the weather is cool, the area isolated, and the risk of the fire ex-
ploding into a major fire low. More than 70 percent of prescribed burning
takes place in the southeastern states, where natural fires burn through an
area more frequently than in the West.
In some areas, prescribed fires are set in an attempt to re-create the natu-
ral sequence of fire. In Florida, prescribed burns provide wildlife habitat
by opening up groves to encourage healthy growth. Other fires start acci-
dentally but are allowed to burn until they reach a predetermined size.
Although a prescribed fire is an attempt to duplicate natural fire, it is
not as efficient, because private and commercial property within the fire
path must be protected. Once a fire has occurred, burned timber deterio-
rates quickly, either through insect infestation or blueing—a mold that
stains the wood. Private landowners can move quickly to salvage fire-
damaged trees and plant new seedlings to harness erosion. On federal
land, regulations governing the salvage of trees can delay logging of the
burned snags until deterioration makes it uneconomical to harvest them.
Forest fires may be caused by natural events or human activity. Most natu-
Forest fires
ral fires are started by lightning strikes. Dozens of strikes can be recorded
from one lightning storm. When a strike seems likely, fire spotters watch
for columns of smoke, and small spotter planes will fly over the area, look-
ing for smoke. Many of the small fires simply smoulder and go out, but if
the forest is dry, multiple fires can erupt from a single lightning storm.
The majority of forest fires are human-caused, and most are the result of
carelessness rather than arson. Careless campers may leave a campsite
without squelching their campfire completely, and winds may then whip
the glowing embers into flames. A smoker may toss a cigarette butt from a
car window. Sparks from a flat tire riding on the rim may set fire to vegeta-
tion alongside the highway. The sun shining through a piece of broken
glass left by litterers may ignite dry leaves.
Fire Fighting
In fire fighting, bulldozers are used to cut fire lines ahead of the approach-
ing fire, and fuels between fire lines and the fire are backburned. Helicop-
ters and tanker planes drop water with a fire-retardant additive, or benton-
ite, a clay, at the head of the fire to smother fuels. Firefighters are equipped
with fire shelters in the form of aluminized pup tents, which they can pull
over themselves if a fire outruns them. Despite technological advances,
one of the best tools for fighting fires—along with the shovel—remains the
pulaski, a combination ax and hoe, first produced commercially in 1920.
This tool, in the hands of on-the-ground firefighters, is used to cut fire
breaks and to throw dirt on smoldering debris.
Forest fires
Type of ecology: Restoration and conservation ecology
F orests provide lumber for buildings, wood fuel for cooking and heat-
ing, and raw materials for making paper, latex rubber, resin, dyes, and
essential oils. Forests are also home to millions of plants and animal species
and are vital in regulating climate, purifying the air, and controlling water
runoff. A 1993 global assessment by the United Nations Food and Agricul-
ture Organization (FAO) found that three-fourths of the forests in the
world still have some tree cover, but less than one-half of these have intact
forest ecosystems. Deforestation is occurring at an alarming rate, and man-
agement practices are being sought to try to halt this destruction.
Thousands of years ago, forests and woodlands covered almost 15 bil-
lion acres of the earth. Approximately 16 percent of the forests have been
cleared and converted to pasture, agricultural land, cities, and nonpro-
ductive land. The remaining 11.4 billion acres of forests cover about 30 per-
cent of the earth’s land surface. Clearing forests has severe environmental
consequences. It reduces the overall productivity of the land, and nutrients
and biomass stored in trees and leaf litter are lost. Soil once covered with
plants, leaves, and snags becomes prone to erosion and drying. When for-
ests are cleared, habitats are destroyed and biodiversity is greatly dimin-
ished. Destruction of forests causes water to drain off the land instead of
being released into the atmosphere by transpiration or percolation into
groundwater. This can cause major changes in the hydrologic cycle and ul-
timately in the earth’s climate. Because forests remove a large amount of
carbon dioxide from the air; the clearing of forests causes more carbon di-
oxide to remain, thus upsetting the delicate balance of atmospheric gases.
Rain Forests
Rain forests provide habitats for at least 50 percent (some estimates are as
high as 90 percent) of the total stock of plant, insect, and other animal spe-
cies on earth. They supply one-half of the world’s annual harvest of hard-
wood and hundreds of food products, such as chocolate, spices, nuts, coffee,
and tropical fruits. Tropical rain forests also provide the main ingredients
in 25 percent of prescription and nonprescription drugs, as well as 75 per-
Forest management
Management Techniques
Several management techniques have been successfully applied to slow
the destruction of tropical forests. Sustainable logging practices and refor-
estation programs have been established on lands that allow timber cut-
ting, with complete bans of logging on virgin lands. Certain regions have
set up extractive reserves to protect land for the native people who live in
the forest and gather latex rubber and nuts from mature trees. Sections of
some tropical forests have been preserved as national reserves, which at-
tract tourists while preserving trees and biodiversity.
Developing countries have been encouraged to protect their tropical
forests by using a combination of debt-for-nature swaps and conservation
easements. In debt-for-nature swaps, tropical countries act as custodians
of the tropical forest in exchange for foreign aid or relief from debt. Conser-
vation easement involves having another country, private organization, or
consortium of countries compensate a tropical country for protecting a
specific habitat.
Another management technique involves putting large areas of the for-
est under the control of indigenous people who use slash-and-burn agri-
culture (also known as swidden or milpa agriculture). This traditional,
productive form of agriculture follows a multiple-year cycle. Each year
farmers clear a forest plot of several acres in size to allow the sun to pene-
trate to the ground. Leaf litter, branches, and fallen trunks are burned, leav-
ing a rich layer of ashes. Fast-growing crops, such as bananas and papayas,
are planted and provide shade for root crops, which are planted to anchor
the soil. Finally, crops such as corn and rice are planted. Crops mature in a
staggered sequence, thus providing a continuous supply of food. Use of
mixed perennial polyculture helps prevent insect infestations, which can
destroy monoculture crops. After one or two years, the forest begins to
Forest management
take over the agricultural plot. The farmers continue to pick the perennial
crops but essentially allow the forest to reclaim the plot for the next ten to
fifteen years before clearing and planting the area again. Slash-and-burn
agriculture can, however, post hazards: A drought in Southeast Asia in
1997 caused such fires to burn for months when monsoon rains did not ma-
terialize, polluting the air and threatening the health of millions of Indone-
sians. In 1998, previous abuse of the technique resulted in flooding and
mudslides in Honduras after the onset of Hurricane Mitch.
Forest management
Source: Adapted from I. Stjernquist, “Modern Wood Fuels,” in Bioenergy and the
Environment, edited by Pasztor and Kristoferson, 1990.
Harvesting Methods
The use of a particular tree-harvesting method depends on the tree species
involved, the site, and whether even-aged or uneven-aged management is
being applied. Selective cutting is used on intermediate-aged or mature
Forest management
Forest Fires
Forest fires can be divided into three types: surface, crown, and ground
fires. Surface fires tend to burn only the undergrowth and leaf litter on the
forest floor. Most mature trees easily survive, as does wildlife. These fires
occur every five years or so in forests with an abundance of ground litter
and help prevent more destructive crown and ground fires. Such fires can
release and recycle valuable mineral nutrients, stimulate certain plant
seeds, and help eliminate insects and pathogens.
Crown fires are very hot fires that burn both ground cover and tree tops.
They normally occur in forests that have not experienced fires for several
decades. Strong winds allow these fires to spread from deadwood and
ground litter to treetops. They are capable of killing all vegetation and
wildlife, leaving the land prone to erosion.
Forest management
Ground fires are more common in northern bogs. They can begin as sur-
face fires but burn peat or partially decayed leaves below the ground sur-
face. They can smolder for days or weeks before anyone notices them, and
they are difficult to douse.
Natural forest fires can be beneficial to some plant species, including the
giant sequoia and the jack pine trees, which release seeds for germination
only after being exposed to intense heat. Grassland and coniferous forest
ecosystems that depend on fires to regenerate are called fire climax ecosys-
tems. They are managed for optimum productivity with prescribed fires.
The Society of American Foresters has begun advocating a concept
called new forestry, in which ecological health and biodiversity, rather
than timber production, are the main objectives of forestry. Advocates of
new forestry propose that any given site should be logged only every 350
years, wider buffer zones should be left beside streams to reduce erosion
and protect habitat, and logs and snags should be left in forests to help re-
plenish soil fertility. Proponents also wish to involve private landowners
in the cooperative management of lands.
Toby R. Stewart and Dion Stewart
Forests are complex ecosystems in which trees are the dominant type of plant.
There are three main forest biomes: tropical, temperate, and boreal.
B oth humans and animals depend on forests for food, shelter, and other
resources. Forests once covered much of the world and are still found
from the equator to the Arctic regions. A forest may vary in size from only a
few acres to thousands of square miles, but generally any natural area in
which trees are the dominant type of plant can be considered a forest. For a
plant to be called a tree, the standard definition requires that the plant
must attain a mature height of at least 8 feet (about 3 meters), have a woody
stem, and possess a distinct crown. Thus, size makes roses shrubs and ap-
ples trees, even though apples and roses are otherwise close botanical rela-
tives. Foresters generally divide the forests of the world into three general
categories: tropical, temperate, and boreal.
Temperate Forest
The temperate forest lies between the tropical forest and the boreal, or
northern, forest. The forests of the Mediterranean region of Europe as well
as the forests of the southern United States are temperate forests. Trees in
temperate forests can be either deciduous or coniferous. Although conifer-
ous trees are generally thought of as evergreen, the distinction between
types is actually based on seed production and leaf shape. Coniferous
trees, such as spruces, pines, and hemlocks, produce seeds in cones and
have needle-like leaves. Deciduous trees, such as maples, poplars, and
oaks, have broad leaves and bear seeds in other ways. Some conifers, such
as tamarack, do change color and drop their needles in the autumn, while
Boreal Forest
The boreal forest, which lies in a band across the northern United States,
Canada, northern Europe, and northern Asia, is primarily a coniferous for-
est. The dominant species are trees such as white spruce, hemlock, and
white pine. Mixed stands of northern hardwoods, such as birch, sugar ma-
ple, and red oak, may be found along the southern reaches of the boreal
forest. As the forest approaches the Arctic, trees are fewer in type, becom-
ing primarily spruce, birch, and willows, and smaller in size. The under-
story is generally thin or nonexistent, consisting of seedlings of shade-
tolerant species, such as maple, and low shrubs. Patches of boreal-type
forest can be found quite far south in higher elevations in the United States,
such as the mountains of West Virginia. The edge of the temperate forest
has crept steadily northward following the retreat of the glaciers at the end
of the Ice Age twenty thousand years ago.
Asia/Oceania, 16.4%
(565 million hectares;
1,396 million acres)
1995: total area = 3,454 million hectares; 8,533 million acres
Source: Data are from United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAOSTAT
Database, 2000)
time of year, while other animals become totally dependent on one specific
tree. Whitetail deer, for example, browse on maple leaves in the summer,
build reserves of fat by eating acorns in the fall, and survive the winter by
eating evergreens. Deer are highly adaptable in contrast with other spe-
cies, such as the Australian koala, which depends entirely on eucalyptus
leaves for its nutritional needs. Just as the animals depend on the forest, the
forest depends on the animals to disperse seeds and thin new growth. Cer-
tain plant seeds, in fact, will not sprout until being abraded as they pass
through the digestive tracts of birds.
Humans also rely on the forest for food, fuel, shelter, and other prod-
ucts. Forests provide wood for fuel and construction, fibers for paper,
and chemicals for thousands of products often not immediately recog-
nized as deriving from the forest, such as plastics and textiles. In addi-
tion, through the process of transpiration, forests regulate the climate by
releasing water vapor into the atmosphere while removing harmful car-
bon compounds. Forests play an important role in the hydrology of a
watershed. Rain that falls on a forest will be slowed in its passage down-
hill and is often absorbed into the soil rather than running off into rivers
and lakes. Thus, forests can moderate the effects of severe storms, reducing
the dangers of flooding and preventing soil erosion along stream and river
See also: Biomes: types; Deforestation; Erosion and erosion control; Forest
fires; Forest management; Grazing and overgrazing; Mountain ecosys-
tems; Multiple-use approach; Old-growth forests; Paleoecology; Rain for-
ests; Rain forests and the atmosphere; Reforestation; Restoration ecology;
Savannas and deciduous tropical forests; Species loss; Sustainable de-
velopment; Taiga; Trophic levels and ecological niches; Tundra and high-
altitude biomes; Urban and suburban wildlife; Wildlife management.
Types of ecology: Community ecology; Evolutionary ecology;
Population ecology; Speciation
Gene flow represents a recurrent exchange of genes between populations. This ex-
change results when immigrants from one population interbreed with members of
Genes are elements within the cells of a living organism that control the
transmission of hereditary characteristics by specifying the structure of a
particular protein or by controlling the function of other genetic material.
Within any species, the exchange of genes via reproduction is constant
among its members, ensuring genetic similarity. If a new gene or combina-
tion of genes appears in the population, it is rapidly dispersed among all
members of the population through inbreeding. New alleles (forms of a
gene) may be introduced into the gene pool of a breeding population (thus
contributing to the evolution of that species) in two ways: mutation and
migration. Gene flow is integral to both processes.
A mutation occurs when the DNA code of a gene becomes modified so
that the product of the gene will also be changed. Mutations occur con-
stantly in every generation of every species. Most of them, however, are ei-
ther minor or detrimental to the survival of the individual and thus are of
little consequence. A very few mutations may prove valuable to the sur-
vival of a species and are spread to all of its members by migration and
gene flow.
Gene flow
their gene pools will be similar. This sort of gene flow contributes little to
the evolutionary process, as it does little to alter gene frequencies or to con-
tribute to variation within the species.
Much more significant for the evolutionary process is gene flow be-
tween two populations of a species that have not interbred for a prolonged
period of time. Populations of a species separated by geographical barriers
(as a result, for example, of seed dispersal to a distant locale) often develop
very dissimilar gene combinations through the process of natural selec-
tion. In isolated populations, dissimilar alleles become fixed or are present
in much different frequencies. When circumstances do permit gene flow to
occur between populations, it results in the breakdown of gene complexes
and the alteration of allele frequencies, thereby reducing genetic differ-
ences in both. The degree of this homogenization process depends on the
continuation of interbreeding among members of the two populations
over extended periods of time.
The migration of a few individuals from one breeding population to an-
other may, in some instances, also be a significant source of genetic varia-
tion in the host population. Such migration becomes more important in the
evolutionary process in direct proportion to the differences in gene fre-
quencies—for example, the differences between distinct species. Biologists
call interbreeding between members of separate species hybridization.
Hybridization usually does not lead to gene exchange or gene flow, be-
cause hybrids are not often well adapted for survival and because most are
sterile. Nevertheless, hybrids are occasionally able to breed (and produce
fertile offspring) with members of one or sometimes both the parent spe-
cies, resulting in the exchange of a few genes or blocks of genes between
two distinct species. Biologists refer to this process as introgressive hybrid-
ization. Usually, few genes are exchanged between species in this process,
and it might be more properly referred to as “gene trickle” rather than gene
Introgressive hybridization may, however, add new genes and new
gene combinations, or even whole chromosomes, to the genetic architec-
ture of some species. It may thus play a role in the evolutionary process, es-
pecially in plants. Introgression requires the production of hybrids, a rare
occurrence among highly differentiated animal species but quite common
among closely related plant species. Areas where hybridization takes place
are known as contact zones or hybrid zones. These zones exist where pop-
ulations overlap. In some cases of hybridization, the line between what
constitutes different species and what constitutes different populations of
Gene flow
Biologists often explain, at least in part, the poorly understood phenome-
non of speciation through migration and gene flow—or rather, by a lack
thereof. If some members of a species become geographically isolated from
the rest of the species, migration and gene flow cease. Such geographic iso-
lation can occur, for example, when populations are separated by water (as
occurs on different islands or other landmasses) or valleys (different hill-
sides). The isolated population will not share in any mutations, favorable
or unfavorable, nor will any mutations that occur among its own members
be transmitted to the general population of the species. Over long periods
of time, this genetic isolation will result in the isolated population becom-
ing so genetically different from the parent species that its members can no
longer produce fertile progeny should one of them breed with a member of
the parent population. The isolated members will have become a new spe-
cies, and the differences between them and the parent species will continue
to grow as time passes. Scientists, beginning with Darwin, have demon-
strated that this sort of speciation has occurred on the various islands of the
world’s oceans and seas.
Paul Madden
Gene flow
Mousseau, Timothy A., Barry Sinervo, and John A. Endler, eds. Adaptive
Genetic Variation in the Wild. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Real, Leslie A., ed. Ecological Genetics. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Press, 1994.
Stuessy, Tod F., and Mikio Ono, eds. Evolution and Speciation of Island Plants.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Types of ecology: Community ecology; Ecosystem ecology; Population
ecology; Restoration and conservation ecology
Genetic diversity includes the inherited traits encoded in the DNA of all living or-
ganisms and can be examined on four levels: among species, among populations
(in communities), within populations, and within individuals. Populations with
higher levels of diversity are better able to adapt to changes in the environment and
are more resistant to the deleterious effects of inbreeding.
Preservation Efforts
Conservation efforts directed at maintaining genetic diversity involve
both germ plasm preservation (germ plasm kept in a steady state for peri-
ods of time) and germ plasm conservation (germ plasm kept in a natural,
evolving state). The former usually involves ex situ laboratory techniques
in which genetic resources are removed from their natural habitats. They
include seminatural strategies such as botanical gardens, arboreta, nurser-
ies, zoos, farms, aquaria, and captive fisheries, as well as completely artifi-
cial methods such as seed reserves or “banks,” microbial cultures (preserv-
ing bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms), tissue cultures of
parts of plants and animals (including sperm storage), and gene libraries
(involving storage and replication of partial segments of plant or animal
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid).
Conservation areas are the preferred in situ (at the natural or original
place) means of protecting genetic resources. Ideally these include preserv-
ing the number and relative proportions of species and the genetic diver-
Genetic diversity
sity they represent, the physical features of the habitat, and all ecosystem
processes. It is not always enough, however, to maintain the ecosystem
which the threatened species inhabits. It is sometimes necessary to take an
active interventionist position in order to save a species. Controversial
strategies can include reintroduction of captive species into the wild,
sometimes after they have been genetically manipulated. Direct manage-
ment of the ecosystem may also be attempted by either lessening human
exploitation and interference or by reducing the number of natural preda-
tors or competitors. However, management of a specific conservation area
varies in terms of what is valued and how preservation is accomplished.
Crop Diversity
One area of keen interest that illustrates the issues involved with the pres-
ervation of any kind of genetic diversity is how to preserve crop germ
plasm. Largely conserved in gene banks, crop germ plasm was historically
protected by farmers who selected for success in differing environments
and other useful traits. Traditionally cultivated varieties (landraces) diver-
sified as people spread into new areas. Colonial expansion produced new
varieties as farmers adapted to new conditions and previously separated
plant species interbred; other species were lost when some societies de-
clined and disappeared.
By the early 1900’s field botanists and agronomists were expressing
concern about the rapidly escalating loss of traditionally cultivated variet-
ies. This loss accelerated after the 1940’s as high yielding hybrids of cereal
and vegetable crops replaced local landraces. Wild relatives of these land-
races are also disappearing as their habitats are destroyed through human
activity. Gene banks preserve both kinds of plants because, as argued by
Nikolai I. Vavilov in 1926, crop plant improvement can best be accom-
plished by taking advantage of these preserved genetic stocks. Vavilov
also noted that genetic variation for most cultivated species was concen-
trated in specific regions, his “centers of diversity,” most of which are re-
gions where crop species originated.
The vulnerability to parasites and climate of an agriculture that relies on
one or a few varieties of crops necessitates the maintenance of adequate re-
serves of genetic material for breeding. In addition to the preservation of
species known to be useful, many people advocate preservation of wild
species for aesthetic reasons as well as for their unknown future potential.
Maintenance of Productivity
Farmers in developed nations change crop varieties every four to ten years
in order to maintain consistent levels of food production. This necessitates
Genetic diversity
an ongoing search for new breeds with higher yields and an ability to with-
stand several environmental challenges, including resistance to multiple
pests and drought. Over time, older varieties mutate, become less popular
at the marketplace, or are unable to adapt to new conditions. However,
farmers from poorer nations are not always able to take advantage of the
new breeds or afford the expensive support systems, including chemical
fertilizers. Moreover, not all types of crops have benefited equally from
conservation efforts.
Another tension between the world’s poor and rich nations concerns
ownership of genetic diversity. The Convention on Biodiversity, signed by
167 nations in 1992, states that genetic materials are under the sovereign
control of the countries in which they are found. This policy is particularly
controversial regarding medicinal plants, because “biodiversity prospect-
ing” for new drugs has economically benefited either individuals or corpo-
rations based in the developed countries.
Joan C. Stevenson
Types of ecology: Evolutionary ecology; Population ecology
Genetic drift
site, are all drawn from a small number of nearby individuals known as the
neighborhood. If the neighborhood is sufficiently small, genetic drift will
have a significant impact on its genetic composition.
For these and other reasons, population size alone is not sufficient to
predict the magnitude of drift. The effective size of a population, Ne , is a
number that is directly related to the magnitude of drift through a simple
equation. Thus, Ne incorporates all characteristics of a population that in-
fluence drift.
Loss of Variability
The long-term consequence of drift is a loss of genetic variation. As alleles
increase and decrease in frequency at random, some will be lost. In the ab-
sence of mutation and migration, such losses are permanent. Eventually,
only one allele remains at each gene, which is said to be fixed. Thus, all else
being equal, smaller populations are expected to harbor less genetic varia-
tion than larger populations.
An important way in which different plant populations are not equal is
in their reproductive systems. With self-fertilization (selfing), or asexual
reproduction, genetic hitchhiking becomes very important. In the extreme
cases of 100 percent selfing or 100 percent asexual reproduction, hitchhik-
ing will determine the fates of most alleles. Thus, as a new mutation
spreads or is eliminated by selection, so too will most or all of the other al-
leles carried by the individual in which the mutation first arose. This is
called a selective sweep, and the result is a significant reduction in genetic
variation. Which alleles will be swept to fixation or elimination cannot be
predicted in advance, so the loss of variation reflects a small Ne. Consistent
with this expectation, most populations of flowering plants that reproduce
partly or entirely by selfing contain significantly less genetic variation than
populations of related species that do not self-fertilize.
Mutations that decrease fitness greatly outnumber mutations that increase
fitness. In a large population in which drift is weak, selection prevents
most such mutations from becoming common. In very small populations,
however, alleles that decrease fitness can drift to fixation, causing a de-
crease in average fitness. This is one manifestation of a phenomenon called
inbreeding depression. In populations with very small Ne , this inbreeding
depression can be significant enough to threaten the population with ex-
tinction. If a population remains small for many generations, mean fitness
will continue to decline as new mutations become fixed by drift. When fit-
ness declines to the point where offspring are no longer overproduced,
Genetic drift
population size will decrease further. Drift then becomes stronger, muta-
tions are fixed faster, and the population heads down an accelerating tra-
jectory toward extinction. This is called mutational meltdown.
Creative Potential
By itself, drift cannot lead to adaptation. However, drift can enhance the
ability of selection to do so. Because of diploidy and sexual recombination,
some types of mutations, either singly or in combinations, will increase fit-
ness when common but not when rare. Genetic drift can cause such genetic
variants to become sufficiently common for selection to promote their fixa-
tion. A likely example is the fixation of new structural arrangements of
chromosomes that occurred frequently during the diversification of flow-
ering plants. New chromosome arrangements are usually selected against
when they are rare because they disrupt meiosis and reduce fertility. The
initial spread of such a mutation can therefore only be caused by strong ge-
netic drift, either in an isolated population of small effective size or in a
larger population divided into small neighborhoods.
John S. Heywood
Types of ecology: Agricultural ecology; Chemical ecology;
Ecotoxicology; Evolutionary ecology
Applications of genetic engineering in agriculture and the food industry could in-
crease world food supplies, reduce environmental problems associated with food
production, and enhance the nutritional values of certain foods. However, these
benefits are countered by food-safety concerns, the potential for ecosystem disrup-
tion, and fears of unforeseen consequences resulting from altering natural selec-
H umans rely on plants and animals as food sources and have long
used microbes to produce foods such as cheese, bread, and fer-
mented beverages. Conventional techniques such as cross-hybridization,
production of mutants, and selective breeding have resulted in new varie-
ties of crop plants or improved livestock with altered genetics. However,
these methods are relatively slow and labor-intensive, are generally lim-
ited to intraspecies crosses, and involve a great deal of trial and error.
Transgenic Technology
Recombinant DNA techniques, which manipulate cells’ deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA), were developed in the 1970’s and enabled researchers to make
specific, predetermined genetic changes in a variety of organisms. Because
the technology also allows for the transfer of genes across species and
kingdom barriers, an infinite number of novel genetic combinations are
possible. The first animals and plants containing genetic material from
other organisms (transgenics) were developed in the early 1980’s. By 1985
the first field trials of plants engineered to be pest-resistant were con-
ducted. In 1990 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved
chymosin as the first substance produced by modified organisms to be
used in the food industry for dairy products such as cheese. That same year
the first transgenic cow was developed to produce human milk proteins
for infant formula. The well-publicized Flavr Savr tomato, modified to de-
lay ripening and rotting, obtained FDA approval in 1994.
Genetically modified foods
Genetically modified foods
resistant squash are examples of other genetically modified food crops that
have undergone field trials.
Scientists have also created plants that produce healthier unsaturated
fats and oils rather than saturated ones. Genetic engineering has yielded
coffee plants whose beans are caffeine-free without processing and toma-
toes with altered pulp content for improved canned products. Genetically
modified microbes are used for the production of food additives such as
amino acid supplements, sweeteners, flavors, vitamins, and thickening
agents. In some cases, these substances had to be obtained from slaugh-
tered animals. Altered organisms are also used for improving fermenta-
tion processes in the food industry.
Ecological Implications
Food safety and quality are at the center of the genetically modified food
controversy. Concerns include the possible introduction of new toxins or
allergens into the diet and changes in the nutrient composition of foods.
Proponents argue that food sources could be designed to have enhanced
nutritional value.
A large percentage of crops worldwide are lost each year to drought,
temperature extremes, and pests. Plants have already been engineered to
exhibit frost, insect, disease, and drought resistance. Such alterations would
increase yields and allow food to be grown in areas that are currently too
dry or infertile, positively impacting the world food supply.
Environmental problems such as deforestation, erosion, pollution, and
loss of biodiversity have all resulted, in part, from conventional agricul-
tural practices. Use of genetically modified crops could allow better use of
existing farmland and lead to a decreased reliance on pesticides and fertil-
izers. However, critics fear the creation of unpredictable ecological con-
sequences as well. For example, “superweeds”—either the engineered
plants or new plant varieties formed by the transfer of recombinant genes
conferring various types of resistance to wild species—might compete
with valuable plants and have the potential to destroy ecosystems and
farmland unless stronger poisons were used for eradication. The transfer
of genetic material to wild relatives (outcrossing, or “genetic pollution”)
might also lead to the development of new plant diseases.
Diane White Husic
See also: Biopesticides; Erosion and erosion control; Grazing and over-
grazing; Integrated pest management; Multiple-use approach; Pesticides;
Rangeland; Slash-and-burn agriculture; Soil; Soil contamination; Species
Genetically modified foods
Types of ecology: Ecoenergetics; Ecosystem ecology; Global ecology
Geochemical cycles
Respiration in respiration
Decomposition Organic
Fossil fuel Plant compounds
combustion of carbon Photosynthesis
respiration in animals
compounds in
dead organic
Fossilization Feeding
Organic compounds
in green plants
Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen gas (N2) represents 78 percent of the total volume of the atmo-
sphere. However, because of the extreme stability of the bond between the
two nitrogens in the gas, plants and animals are unable to use atmospheric
nitrogen directly as a nutrient. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil and in
the roots of leguminous plants (peas, clover) are able to convert the gas-
eous nitrogen into nitrites and nitrates, chemical forms that can be used by
plants. Animals then obtain nitrogen by consuming the plants. The decom-
position of nitrogen compounds results in the accumulation of ammonium
(NH4+) compounds in a process called ammonification. It is in this form
that nitrogen is commonly found under conditions in which oxygen is lim-
Geochemical cycles
ited. In this form, some of the nitrogen returns to the atmosphere. In the
presence of oxygen, ammonium compounds are oxidized to nitrates (nitri-
fication). Once the plant or animal has died, bacteria convert the nitrogen
back into nitrogen gas, and it returns to the atmosphere.
Phosphorus Cycle
Unlike carbon and nitrogen, which are found in the atmosphere, most of
the phosphorus required for biotic nutrition is found in mineral form.
Phosphorus is relatively water insoluble in this form; it is only gradually
dissolved in water. Available phosphorus is therefore often growth-limit-
ing in soils (it is second only to nitrogen as the scarcest of the soil nutrients).
Ocean sediments may bring the mineral to the surface through uplifting of
land, as along coastal areas, or by means of marine animals. Enzymatic
breakdown of organic phosphate by bacteria and the consumption of ma-
rine organisms by seabirds cycle the phosphorus into forms available for
use by plants. Deposition of guano (bird feces) along the American Pacific
coast has long provided a fertilizer rich in phosphorus.
Bacteria also play significant roles in the geochemical cycling of many
other elements. Iron, despite its abundance in the earth’s crust, is largely
Animal tissues
and feces
Decomposition by Urine
fungi and bacteria
Phosphates Loss in
drainage Assimilation
in solution by plant cells
in soil
Weathering of rock
Incorporation into sedimentary
rock; geologic uplift moves this
rock into terrestrial environments
Geochemical cycles
Type of ecology: Global ecology
Global warming is the term applied to rising global air temperatures. This rise in
temperature has the potential to cause drastic changes in climate and weather pat-
terns worldwide.
Greenhouse Effect
“Global warming” is the term for the rise in the earth’s average tempera-
ture. Scientists know that the earth’s average global temperature has been
rising since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the second half of
the eighteenth century. Increases in air temperature could alter precipita-
tion patterns, change growing seasons, result in coastal flooding, and turn
some areas into deserts. Scientists do not know the cause or causes of this
phenomenon but believe that it could be part of a normal climate cycle or
be caused by natural events or the activities of humankind.
When the ground is heated by sunlight, it gives off the heat as infrared
radiation. The atmosphere absorbs the infrared radiation and keeps it from
escaping into space. This is called the “greenhouse effect” because it was
once believed that the glass panes of greenhouses acted similarly to the at-
mosphere, capturing the infrared radiation given off by Earth inside the
greenhouse and not allowing it to pass through. Although it has subse-
quently been shown that greenhouses work by simply trapping the heated
air, the name has stuck.
The atmosphere eventually releases its heat into space. The amount of
heat stored in the atmosphere remains constant as long as the composition
of gases in the atmosphere does not change. Some gases, including carbon
dioxide, water vapor, and methane, store heat more efficiently than others
and are called “greenhouse gases.” If the composition of the atmosphere
changes to include more of these greenhouse gases, the air retains more
heat, and the atmosphere becomes warmer.
Global levels of greenhouse gases have been steadily increasing and in
1990 were more than 14 percent higher than they were in 1960. At the same
time, the average global temperature has also been rising. Meteorological
records show that from 1890 to the mid-1990’s, the average global tempera-
ture rose by between 0.4 and 0.7 degree Celsius. About 0.2 degree Celsius
of this temperature increase has occurred since 1950. In comparison, the
difference between the average global temperature in the 1990’s and in the
last ice age is approximately 10 degrees Celsius, and it is estimated that a
Global warming
Global warming
will be basically the same. Actually, the earth’s weather system is very
complicated, and higher global temperatures will result in significant
changes in weather patterns. Most changes will be observed in the middle
and upper latitudes, with equatorial regions witnessing fewer changes.
The areas that will experience most of the changes include North America,
Europe, and most of Asia. The Southern Hemisphere will experience less
severe effects because it contains more water than the Northern Hemi-
sphere does, and it takes more energy to heat water than land.
It is difficult to predict precisely what these changes will be, but obser-
vation of the changing climate and scientific studies allow researchers to
make some rough estimates of the kinds of changes Earth will experience.
Summers will be hotter, with more severe heat waves. Because hot air
holds more moisture than cool air, rain will fall less frequently in the sum-
mer. Droughts can be expected to be more common and more severe.
Through the late 1980’s and into the early 1990’s, annual temperatures
climbed higher and higher, and summer heat waves became more fre-
quent. This is a particularly troubling problem in areas where homes are
typically built without air conditioning. The air in a closed-up house dur-
ing a heat wave can reach temperatures well over 40 degrees Celsius. Be-
cause these temperatures exceed people’s normal body temperature,
which is about 36.5 degrees Celsius, it becomes very difficult for the body
to cool down. For this reason, heat waves are particularly dangerous for
the very young, the elderly, and people who are ill. More frequent heat
waves will cause increases in the use of air conditioning, which requires
more energy and will release additional greenhouse gases.
Global warming will also produce severe autumn rains. The overheated
summer air will cool in the autumn and will no longer be able to hold all of
the moisture it was storing. It will release the moisture as heavy rains,
causing flooding. This phenomenon has already been observed, but not for
a period of time that is scientifically significant. It is difficult to tell the dif-
ference between long-term changes and short-term fluctuations with only
a few years of observations.
These changing rain patterns—droughts and severe autumn storms—
will certainly have an effect on the earth’s landscape. Some areas may be
turned to deserts, and others may be transformed from plains to forests.
One of the strange aspects of global warming is that it is predicted to re-
sult in not only hotter periods during the summers but also colder periods
during the winter. It takes energy to move large cold-air masses from the
polar regions in winter, so it is possible that large winter storms will be
colder, more violent, and more frequent. This pattern has been evident
since about the mid-1970’s. Winter storms have brought record low tem-
Global warming
peratures and enough snow to close cities for days. However, this time
span is too short to determine whether this is a temporary phenomenon or
a trend. It is possible that some smaller, less permanent event than global
warming is responsible for the more severe winter storms. A shorter (al-
though more severe) winter may create a surge in pest populations and
diseases that are normally controlled by long winters.
Global warming will cause ocean levels to rise because water expands
when heated and also because of the melting of glaciers on Greenland and
Antarctica. The melting of the ice in the northern polar areas will not con-
tribute to rising ocean levels because that ice, unlike the ice on Greenland
and Antarctica, is already in the ocean. Just as the melting of the ice in a
drink does not cause the level of the drink to rise, the melting of the north-
ern oceanic ice sheets will not affect sea levels.
Global warming
that the observed changes may only be a warm phase of a climatic cycle
that will make the earth warmer for a few years, then cooler for a few years.
If this is true, then the coming decades may see average temperatures lev-
eling off or even dropping.
A major source of the confusion involves the way global warming is stud-
ied. It would seem easy to record temperatures for a number of years and
then compare them. However, detailed records on the weather have not
been kept for more than a few decades in many areas. Scientists are forced to
rely on interpretations of historical accounts and the clues left in fossil rec-
ords. The analysis of tree rings, sedimentary deposits, and even very old ice
from deep within glaciers can provide data about the climate in the past.
In addition, the existing records must be reviewed carefully to identify
local changes that may not reflect global ones. For example, as towns grow
into cities, the temperature climbs simply because larger cities are warmer
than smaller ones, a phenomenon known as the urban heat island effect.
Measurements taken years ago in a more rural environment should be
lower than those taken after the population around the measuring station
increased. This problem can be overcome with balloons. By sending instru-
ments high in the atmosphere on weather balloons, air temperatures can
be measured without being affected by urbanization. Although data re-
corded this way show a consistent rise in global temperature, again such
measurements go back only a few decades.
Measurements of the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are
also affected by urbanization. As a small town becomes a city, levels can be
expected to rise. However, recording stations located in regions far re-
moved from cities and factories also show an increase in the level of green-
house gases. One station on the island of Hawaii has shown a rise in the
amount of carbon dioxide present in the air since early 1958, with similar
reports coming from stations in Point Barrow, Alaska, and Antarctica.
Another important variable in looking at global warming is sea surface
temperature. Measurements can be skewed by local effects that have no
impact on the global climate. One method used to make detailed measure-
ments of seawater temperature is to broadcast a particular frequency of
noise through the water and measure it at distant locations. The speed and
frequency of the sound are affected by the temperature of the water. How-
ever, more accurate and more global data are becoming available through
observations made from satellites placed in geosynchronous orbits, which
can take a variety of detailed measurements of many conditions that are
factors in global warming. These data will help immensely in enabling sci-
entists to understand the global climate and the changes it is undergoing.
Christopher Keating
Global warming
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology
G rasslands occupied vast areas of the world more than ten thousand
years ago, before the development of agriculture, industrialization,
and the subsequent explosive growth of the human population. They are
characterized by the presence of low plants (mostly grasses), experience
sparse to moderate rainfall, and are found in both temperate and tropical
climatic zones. The main grasslands of the planet include the prairies of
North America, the pampas of South America, the steppes of Eurasia, and
the savannas of Africa.
Grasslands are intermediate between deserts and woodlands in terms
of precipitation and biomass. The warmer tropical savannas average 60 to
150 centimeters (25 to 60 inches) of rain. The temperate grasslands range
between twenty-five to seventy-five centimeters (ten to thirty inches) of
precipitation, some of which may be in the form of snow. The biomass of
grasslands, predominantly grasses, is quantitatively intermediate between
that of deserts and woodlands, which produce 10 to 15 percent and 200 to
300 percent, respectively, of the amount of plant material. It should be rec-
ognized that the grassland biomes can be subdivided in terms of climate,
plant species, and animal species. It should also be noted that grasslands
do not always shift abruptly to deserts or woodlands, leading to grada-
tions between them. In addition, grasslands do have scattered trees, often
along streams or lakes, and low-lying brush.
Grasses have extensive root systems and the ability to become dormant.
These permit them to survive low rainfall, including periodic droughts, or
the winter cold typical of temperate regions. Furthermore, grasslands have
always been subjected to periodic fires, but the deep root systems of grass-
land plants also permit them to regrow after fire. Grasses coevolved over
millions of years with the grazing animals that depend on them for food.
Ten thousand years ago, wild ancestors of cattle and horses, as well as ante-
lope and deer, were on the Eurasian steppes; bison and pronghorn pros-
pered on the North American prairies; wildebeest, gazelle, zebra, and buf-
falo dominated African savannas; and the kangaroo was the predominant
Grasslands and prairies
Grasslands and prairies
Grasses have extensive root systems and the ability to become dormant, permitting
them to survive the low to moderate rainfall that characterizes regions on the dry
sides of mountain ranges. The grassland ecosystem includes native grazers such as
bison or, more often today, domesticated grazers such as cattle, as well as worms,
insects, birds, reptiles, rodents, and predators such as wolves or large cats.
Overgrazing Grasslands
While grazing is of mutual benefit to plant and animal, overgrazing is ulti-
mately detrimental to both the plant and animal populations, as well as the
environment. Continued heavy grazing leads to deleterious consequences.
Removal of leaf tips, even repeated, will not affect regeneration of grasses
provided that the basal zone of the plant remains intact. While the upper
half of the grass shoot can generally be eaten without deleterious conse-
quences, ingesting the lower half, which sustains the roots and fuels
regrowth, will eventually kill the plants. Overgrazing leads to denuding
Grasslands and prairies
the land, to invasion by less nutritious plant species, to erosion due to de-
creased absorption of rainwater, and to starvation of the animal species.
Because the loss of plant cover changes the reflectance of the land, climate
changes can follow and make it virtually impossible for plants to return,
with desertification an ultimate consequence. It is not just the number of
animals, but the timing of the grazing that can be detrimental. Grasses re-
quire time to regenerate, and continuous grazing will inevitably kill them.
Consumption too early in the spring can stunt their development.
Semiarid regions are particularly prone to overgrazing because of low
and often unpredictable rainfall; regrettably, these are the areas of the
world where much grazing has been relegated, because the moister grass-
land areas have been converted to cropland. Overgrazing has contributed
to environmental devastation worldwide. Excessive grazing by cattle,
sheep, goats, and camels is partly responsible for the desert of the Middle
East, ironically the site of domestication for many animals and plants. Un-
controlled livestock grazing in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s negatively
affected many areas of the American West, where sagebrush and juniper
trees have invaded the grasslands. Livestock overgrazing has similarly
devastated areas of Africa and Asia. In the early twenty-first century, feral
horses in the American West and the Australian outback are damaging
those environments. Overgrazing by wildlife can also be deleterious. The
1924 Kaibab Plateau deer disaster in the Grand Canyon National Park and
Game Preserve is one such example, where removal of natural predators
led to overpopulation, overgrazing, starvation, and large die-offs.
Riparian zones, the strips of land on either side of a river or stream, are
particularly susceptible to overgrazing. Because animals naturally congre-
gate in these areas with water, lush vegetation, and shade, they can seri-
ously damage them by preventing grasses from regrowing and young
trees from taking root, as well as trampling and compacting the soil and
fouling the water course. The ecosystem can be devastated, threatening
survival of plant and animal species and leading to serious erosion. While
herding and fencing can be used to control animals in these areas, a less ex-
pensive method is to disperse the location of water supplies and salt blocks
to encourage movement away from rivers or streams. Grassland animals
crave salt, and if deprived of it, will seek it out.
Grassland Management
Grassland areas need not deteriorate if properly managed, whether for
livestock, wildlife, or both. Managing grasslands involves controlling the
number of animals and enhancing their habitat. Carrying capacity, which
is the number of healthy animals that can be grazed indefinitely on a given
Grasslands and prairies
Grasslands and prairies
Joern, Anthony, and Kathleen H. Keeler, eds. The Changing Prairie. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Pearson, C. J., and R. L. Ison. Agronomy of Grassland Systems. 2d ed. New
York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Sampson, Fred B., and Fritz L. Knopf, eds. Prairie Conservation. Washing-
ton, D.C.: Island Press, 1996.
Steele, Philip. Grasslands. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, 1997.
Animals that eat grass, or graze, can actually help the earth produce richer land
cover and soil. When the land suffers ill effects because of too much grazing, over-
grazing has occurred.
Grazing and overgrazing
Mammalian grazers have high, crowned teeth with a great area for grind-
ing to facilitate opening of plants’ cell walls as a means to release nutrients.
The cell wall is composed of cellulose, which is very difficult for grazers to
digest. Two major digestive systems of grazing strategies have evolved to
accommodate grazing. Ruminants, such as cows and sheep, evolved stom-
achs with four chambers to allow regurgitation in order to chew food twice
to maximize cellulose breakdown. Intestinal bacteria digest the cellulose,
releasing fatty acids that nourish the ruminants. Other grazers, such as
rabbits and horses, house bacteria in the cecum, a pouch at the junction of
the small and large intestines. These bacteria ferment the plant material in-
gested. The fermented products of the bacteria nourish these grazers.
Grazers such as sheep form a symbiotic relationship with the grasses, getting their
nourishment from these plants and in turn facilitating growth of new grass by re-
moving excess vegetative matter, dispersing seed through their droppings, and re-
cycling nutrients via urine and feces. Overgrazing occurs when the number of
grazers exceeds the carrying capacity of the grassland. (PhotoDisc)
Grazing and overgrazing
cattle that were rarely slaughtered, except on big feast days. Because Cath-
olic missionaries received some financial support from their religious or-
ders in Europe, mission cattle were not restrained as strictly as were those
owned by cattle ranchers, whose sole livelihood came from raising and
selling cattle. Mission cattle roamed greater distances and began the pat-
tern of overgrazing in the Southwest. The impact of overgrazing was par-
ticularly intense because much of the Southwest has desertlike conditions.
Extreme environmental conditions result in particularly fragile ecosys-
tems. Hence the Southwest was, and is, vulnerable to the effects of over-
Another possible—though disputed—contribution to overgrazing may
stem from the fact that much of the land in the Southwest is public land un-
der jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management. This federal agency
leases land to private concerns for the purpose of grazing cattle or sheep.
Some observers feel that the bureau has a conflict of interest in that its pri-
mary source of income is money obtained from leasing public land under
its jurisdiction. They suspect that the bureau has granted, and fear that it
may continue to grant, grazing leases in regions threatened with or suffer-
ing from overgrazing.
Effects of Overgrazing
Overgrazing can lead to a number of ecological problems. Depletion of
land cover leads to soil erosion and can ultimately cause desertification.
Other possible results are the endangering of some species of grass and the
creation of monocultures in regions where certain species have been re-
moved. Desertification is the intensification and expansion of deserts at the
expense of neighboring grasslands. When overgrazing occurs along desert
perimeters, plant removal leads to decreased shading. Decreased shading
increases the local air temperature. When the temperature increases, the air
may no longer cool enough to release moisture in the form of dew. Dew is
the primary source of precipitation in deserts, so without it, desert condi-
tions intensify. Even a slight decrease in desert precipitation is serious. The
result is hotter and drier conditions, which lead to further plant loss and
potentially to monocultures.
Overgrazing of grasslands, combined with the existence of nonnative
species in an ecosystem, can result in the endangerment of species of native
grasses. At one time, cattle in the Southwest fed exclusively on native
grasses. Then nonnative plant species arrived in the New World in the guts
of cows shipped from Europe. They began to compete with the native
grasses. European grass species have seeds with prickles and burs; south-
western native grasses do not, making them softer and more desirable to
Grazing and overgrazing
the cattle. Hence European grasses experienced little, if any, grazing, while
the much more palatable southwestern native grasses were grazed to the
point of overgrazing. The result was drastic decline or loss of native grass-
land species. In such cases animals dependent on native grassland species
must emigrate or risk extinction. For example, many ecologists conjecture
that the Coachella Valley kit fox in California is threatened because of the
loss of grassland habitat upon which it is dependent.
Desertification is usually considered irreversible, but the elimination of
grazing along desert perimeters can help to prevent further desertification.
One kind of attempt to reestablish native grass species involves controlled-
burn programs. Nonnative grassland species do not appear to be as fire-
resistant as native grass species. Controlled burn programs are therefore
being used in some overgrazed grassland areas to try to eliminate nonna-
tives and reestablish native grass species. If successful, such programs will
improve the health of the ecosystem.
Jessica O. Ellison
Type of ecology: Global ecology
The greenhouse effect is a natural process of atmospheric warming in which solar en-
ergy that has been absorbed by the earth’s surface is reradiated and then absorbed by
particular atmospheric gases, primarily carbon dioxide and water vapor. Without
this warming process, the atmosphere would be too cold to support life. Since 1880,
however, the surface atmospheric temperature has been rising, paralleling a rise in
the concentration of carbon dioxide and other gases produced by human activities.
Global Warming
The greenhouse effect occurs because the gases in the atmosphere are able
to absorb only particular wavelengths of energy. The atmosphere is largely
transparent to short-wave solar radiation, so sunlight basically passes
through the atmosphere to the earth’s surface. Some is reflected or ab-
sorbed by clouds, some is reflected from the earth’s surface, and some is
absorbed by dust or the earth’s surface. Only small amounts are actually
absorbed by the atmosphere. Therefore, sunlight contributes very little to
the direct heating of the atmosphere. On the other hand, the greenhouse
gases are able to absorb long-wave, or infrared, radiation from the earth,
thereby heating the earth’s atmosphere.
Discussion of the greenhouse effect has been confused by terms that are
imprecise and even inaccurate. For example, the atmosphere was believed
to operate in a manner similar to a greenhouse, whose glass would let visi-
ble solar energy in but would also be a barrier preventing the heat energy
from escaping. In actuality, the reason that the air remains warmer inside a
greenhouse is probably because the glass prevents the warm air from mix-
ing with the cooler outside air. Therefore the greenhouse effect could be
Greenhouse effect
more accurately called the “atmospheric effect,” but the term greenhouse
effect continues to be used.
Even though the greenhouse effect is necessary for life on earth, the term
gained harmful connotations with the discovery of apparently increasing at-
mospheric temperatures and growing concentrations of greenhouse gases.
The concern, however, is not with the greenhouse effect itself but rather
with the intensification or enhancement of the greenhouse effect, presum-
ably caused by increases in the level of gases in the atmosphere resulting
from human activity, especially industrialization. Thus the term global
warming is a more precise description of this presumed phenomenon.
Clouds and atmospheric gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, meth-
ane, and nitrous oxide absorb part of the infrared radiation emitted by the
earth’s surface and reradiate part of it back to the earth. This process effectively
reduces the amount of energy escaping into space and is popularly called the
“greenhouse effect” because of its role in warming the lower atmosphere.
The greenhouse effect has drawn worldwide attention because increasing
concentrations of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels may result
in a global warming of the atmosphere. Scientists know that the greenhouse
analogy is incorrect. A greenhouse traps warm air within a glass building
where it cannot mix with cooler air outside. In a real greenhouse, the trap-
ping of air is more important in maintaining the temperature than is the trap-
ping of infrared energy. In the atmosphere, air is free to mix and move about.
Greenhouse effect
Human Contributions
A variety of human activities appear to have contributed to global warm-
ing. Large areas of natural vegetation and forests have been cleared for ag-
riculture. The crops may not be as efficient in absorbing carbon dioxide as
the natural vegetation they replaced. Increased numbers of livestock have
led to growing levels of methane. Several gases that appear to be intensify-
ing global warming, including CFCs and nitrous oxides, also appear to be
involved with ozone depletion. Stratospheric ozone shields the earth from
solar ultraviolet (short-wave) radiation; therefore, if the concentration of
these ozone-depleting gases continues to increase and the ozone shield is
depleted, the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface should
increase. Thus, more solar energy would be intercepted by the earth’s sur-
face to be reradiated as long-wave radiation, which would presumably in-
crease the temperature of the atmosphere.
However, whether there is a direct cause-and-effect relationship be-
tween increases in carbon dioxide and the other gases and surface temper-
ature may be impossible to determine because the atmosphere’s tempera-
ture has fluctuated widely over millions of years. Over the past 800,000
years, the earth has had several long periods of cold temperatures—during
which thick ice sheets covered large portions of the earth—interspersed
with shorter warm periods. Since the most recent retreat of the glaciers
around 10,000 years ago, the earth has been relatively warm.
Problems of Prediction
How much the temperature of the earth might rise is not clear. So far, the
temperature increase of around 1 degree Fahrenheit is within the range of
normal (historic) trends. The possibility of global warming became a seri-
ous issue during the late twentieth century because the decades of the
1980’s and the 1990’s included some of the hottest years recorded for more
than a century. On the other hand, warming has not been consistent since
1880, and for many years cooling occurred. The cooling might have re-
sulted from the increase of another product of fossil fuel combustion, sul-
fur dioxide aerosols, which reflect sunlight, thus lessening the amount of
solar energy entering the atmosphere. Similarly, in the early 1990’s temper-
atures declined, perhaps because of ash and sulfur dioxide produced by
large volcanic explosions during that period. In the late 1990’s and early
2000’s temperatures appeared to be rising again, thus indicating that prod-
ucts of volcanic explosions may have masked the process of global warm-
ing. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that
the earth’s average temperature will probably continue to increase because
the greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere longer than the aerosols.
Greenhouse effect
Mitigation Attempts
International conferences have been held, and international organizations
have been established to research and minimize potential detriments of
global warming. In 1988 the United Nations Environment Programme and
the World Meteorological Organization established the International Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC has conducted much research on cli-
Greenhouse effect
mate change and is now considered an official advisory body on the cli-
mate change issue. In June, 1992, the United Nations Conference on Envi-
ronment and Development, or Earth Summit, was held in Brazil.
Participants devised the Framework Convention on Climate Change and
considered the landmark international treaty. It required signatories to re-
duce and monitor their greenhouse gas emissions.
A more advanced agreement, the Kyoto Accords, was developed in De-
cember, 1997, by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change. It set binding emission levels for all six greenhouse gases over a
five-year period for the developed world. Developing countries do not
have any emission targets. It also allows afforestation to be used to offset
emissions targets. The Kyoto agreement includes the economic incentive
of trading emissions targets. Some countries, because they have met their
targets, would have excess permits, which they might be willing to sell to
other countries that have not met their targets.
Margaret F. Boorstein
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology
The biosphere is the sum total of all habitats on earth that can be occupied by living
organisms. Descriptive and experimental studies of habitat components allow sci-
entists to predict how various organisms will respond to changes in their environ-
ment, whether caused by humans or nature.
Habitats and biomes
Habitats and biomes
stretches east to west across Canada and south into the Great Lakes region
of the United States. It is also found at the higher elevations of the Rocky
Mountains and the western coastal mountain ranges. Its upper elevation
limit is the “treeline,” above which only low-growing grasses and herba-
ceous plants grow in an alpine tundra community similar to the Arctic tun-
dra. In mountain ranges, the change in biomes with altitude mimics the
biome changes with increasing latitude, with tundra being the highest or
Approximately the eastern half of the United States was once covered
with the eastern deciduous forest biome, named for the dominant broad-
leaved trees that shed their leaves in the fall. This biome receives more than
75 centimeters (about 30 inches) of rainfall each year and has a rich diver-
sity of bird species, such as the familiar warblers, chickadees, nuthatches,
and woodpeckers. Familiar mammals include the white-tailed deer, cot-
tontail rabbit, and wild turkey. The Great Plains, between the Mississippi
River and the Rocky Mountains, receives 25 to 75 centimeters (about 10 to
30 inches) of rain annually to support an open grassland biome often called
the prairie. The many grass species that dominate this biome once sup-
ported vast herds of bison and, in the western parts, pronghorn antelope.
Seasonal drought and periodic fires are common features of grasslands.
The land between the Rockies and the western coastal mountain ranges
is a cold type of desert biome; three types of hotter deserts are found from
western Texas west to California and south into Mexico. Deserts receive
fewer than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of rainfall annually. The hot deserts
are dominated by many cactus species and short, thorny shrubs and trees,
whereas sagebrush, grass, and small conifer trees dominate the cold
desert. These deserts have many lizard and snake species, including poi-
sonous rattlesnakes and the Gila monster. The animals often have noctur-
nal habits to avoid the hot, dry daytime.
Southern Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula are covered by evergreen,
broad-leaved trees in the tropical rain-forest biome, which receives more
than 200 centimeters (almost 80 inches) of rain per year. Many tree-dwell-
ing animals, such as howler monkeys and tree frogs, spend most of their
lives in the tree canopy, seldom reaching the ground.
Aquatic biomes can be broadly categorized into freshwater, marine, and
estuarine biomes. Freshwater lakes, reservoirs, and other still-water envi-
ronments are called lentic, in contrast to lotic, or running-water, environ-
ments. Lentic communities are often dominated by planktonic organisms,
small, drifting (often transparent) microscopic algae, and the small ani-
mals that feed on them. These, in turn, support larger invertebrates and
fish. Lotic environments depend more on algae that are attached to the bot-
Habitats and biomes
The Biosphere
All the biomes together, both terrestrial and aquatic, constitute the bio-
sphere, which by definition is all the places on earth where life is found.
Organisms that live in a biome must interact with one another and must
successfully overcome and exploit their abiotic environment. The severity
and moderation of the abiotic environments determine whether life can ex-
ist in that microhabitat. Such things as minimum and maximum daily and
annual temperature, humidity, solar radiation, rainfall, and wind speed di-
rectly affect which types of organisms are able to survive. Amazingly, few
places on earth are so hostile that no life exists there. An example would be
the boiling geyser pools at Yellowstone National Park, but even there, as
the water temperature cools at the edges to about 75 degrees Celsius, bacte-
rial colonies begin to appear. There is abundant life in the top meter or two
of soil, with plant roots penetrating to twenty-two meters or more in ex-
treme cases. Similarly, the mud and sand bottoms of lakes and oceans con-
tain a rich diversity of life. Birds, bats, and insects exploit the airspace
above land and sea up to a height of about 1,200 meters (nearly 4,000 feet),
with bacterial and fungal spores being found much higher. Thus, the bio-
sphere generally extends about 10 to 15 meters (33 to 50 feet) below the sur-
face of the earth and about 1,200 meters above it. Beyond that, conditions
are too hostile. A common analogy is that if the earth were a basketball, the
biosphere would constitute only the thin outer layer.
Habitats and biomes
cate how much environmental change each population can tolerate before
it begins to migrate or die.
Methods to study the interaction of populations with one another or
even the interaction of individuals within one local population are much
more complicated and are difficult or impossible to bring into a laboratory
setting. These studies most often require collecting field data on distribu-
tion, abundance, food habits or nutrient requirements, reproduction and
death rates, and behavior in order to describe the relationships between in-
dividuals and populations within a community. Later stages of these field
investigations could involve experimental manipulations in which scien-
tists purposely change one factor, then observe the population or commu-
nity response. Often, natural events such as a fire, drought, or flood can
provide a disturbance in lieu of human manipulation.
There are obvious limits to how much scientists should tinker with the
biosphere merely to see how it works. Populations and even communities
in a local area can be manipulated and observed, but it is not practical or
advisable to manipulate whole ecosystems or biomes. To a limited extent,
scientists can document apparent changes caused by civilization, pollu-
tion, and long-term climatic changes. This information, along with popula-
tion- and community-level data, can be used to construct a mathematical
model of a population or community. The model can then be used to pre-
dict the changes that would happen if a certain event were to occur. These
predictions merely represent the “best guesses” of scientists, based on the
knowledge available. Population ecologists often construct reasonably ac-
curate population models that can predict population fluctuations based
on changes in food supply, abiotic factors, or habitat. As models begin to
encompass communities, ecosystems, and biomes, however, their knowl-
edge bases and predictive powers decline rapidly. Perhaps the most com-
plicating factor in building and testing these large-scale models is that nat-
ural changes seldom occur one at a time. Thus, scientists must attempt to
build cumulative-effect models that are capable of incorporating multiple
changes into a predicted outcome.
James F. Fowler
Habitats and biomes
Habituation and sensitization
must learn to ignore reactions of its prey which pose no danger, reactions
that the predator initially feared.
A theory known as the dual-process habituation-sensitization theory
was formulated in 1966 and revised in 1973. It establishes criteria for both
habituation and sensitization. Criteria for habituation (similar to those
proposed by E. N. Sokolov in 1960) are that habituation will develop rap-
idly; the frequency of stimulation determines the degree of habituation; if
stimulation stops for a period of time, habituation will disappear; the
stronger the stimulus, the slower the rate of habituation; the frequency of
stimulation is more important than the strength of the stimulus; rest peri-
ods between habituation series increase the degree of habituation; and the
organism will generalize and therefore exhibit habituation to an entire
class of similar stimuli. Stimulus generalization can be measured: If a dif-
ferent stimulus is used in the second habituation series, habituation occurs
more rapidly; it indicates generalization.
Sensitization, a very strong response to a very painful, injurious, or harm-
ful stimulus, is not limited to stimulus-response circuits but involves the
entire organism. After sensitization, the individual may respond more
strongly to the habituating stimulus than it did prior to the start of habitua-
tion training.
There are eight assumptions about sensitization in the dual-process the-
ory. Sensitization does not occur in stimulus-response circuits but involves
the entire organism. Sensitization increases during the early stages of ha-
bituation training but later decreases. The stronger the sensitizing stimulus
and the longer the exposure to it the greater the sensitization; weaker stim-
uli may fail to produce any sensitization. Even without any external inter-
vention, sensitization will decrease and disappear. Increasing the fre-
quency of sensitization stimulation causes a decrease in sensitization.
Sensitization will extend to similar stimuli. Dishabituation, the loss of ha-
bituation, is an example of sensitization. Sensitization may be time-related,
occurring only at certain times of the day or year.
According to the dual-process theory, the response of an organism to a
stimulus will be determined by the relative strengths of habituation and
sensitization. Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, observed and de-
scribed habituation, although he did not use the term. He noted that the
birds of the Galápagos Islands were not disturbed by the presence of the gi-
ant tortoises, Amblyrhynchus; they disregarded them just as the magpies in
England, which Darwin called “shy” birds, disregarded cows and horses
grazing nearby. Both the giant tortoises of the Galápagos Islands and the
Habituation and sensitization
grazing horses and cows of England were stimuli which, though present,
would not produce profit or loss for the birds; therefore, they could be ig-
Habituation and sensitization
Habituation Studies
Habituation studies have utilized a wide variety of approaches, ranging
from the observation of intact organisms carrying out their normal activi-
ties in their natural surroundings to the laboratory observation of individ-
ual nerve cells. With different types of studies, very different aspects of ha-
bituation and sensitization can be investigated. Surveying the animal
kingdom in 1930, G. Humphrey concluded that habituation-like behavior
exists at all levels of life, from the simple one-celled protozoans to the
multicelled, complex mammals.
E. N. Sokolov, a compatriot of Ivan P. Pavlov, used human subjects in the
laboratory. In 1960, he reported on the results of his studies, which in-
volved sensory integration, the makeup of the orientation reflex (which he
Habituation and sensitization
credited Pavlov with introducing in 1910), a neuronal model and its role in
the orientation reflex, and the way that this neuronal model could be used
to explain the conditioned reflex. Sokolov measured changes in the diame-
ter of blood vessels in the head and finger, changes in electrical waves
within the brain, and changes in electrical conductivity of the skin. By low-
ering the intensity of a tone to which human subjects had been habituated,
Sokolov demonstrated that habituation was not the result of fatigue, be-
cause subjects responded to the lower-intensity tone with the startle or ori-
entation reflex just as they would when a new stimulus was introduced.
Sokolov concluded that the orientation response (which is related to sensi-
tization) and habituation are the result of the functioning of the reticular
network of the brain and central nervous system. Sokolov emphasized that
the orientation response was produced after only the first few exposures to
a particular stimulus, and it increased the discrimination ability of internal
organizers. The orientation response was an alerting command. Heat,
cold, electric shock, and sound were the major stimuli that he used in these
E. R. Kandell used the sea hare, Aplysia, in his habituation-sensitization
studies. Aplysia is a large sluglike mollusk, with a sheetlike, shell-produc-
ing body covering, the mantle. Aplysia has a relatively simple nervous sys-
tem and an easily visible gill-withdrawal reflex. (The gill is withdrawn into
the mantle shelf.) Early habituation-sensitization experiments dealt with
withdrawal or absence of gill withdrawal. Later experiments measured
electrical changes that occurred within the nerve cells that controlled gill
movement. These were followed by studies which demonstrated that the
gap (synapse) between the receptor nerve cell (sensory neuron) and the
muscle-moving nerve cell (motor neuron) was the site where habituation
and dishabituation occurred and that neurohormones such as acetylcho-
line and serotonin played essential roles in these processes. Kandell called
the synapse the “seat of learning.”
Charles Sherrington used spinal animals in which the connection be-
tween the brain and the spinal nerve cord had been severed. Sherrington
demonstrated that habituation-sensitization could occur within the spinal
nerve cord even without the participation of the brain. Pharmaceuticals
have also been used in habituation-sensitization studies. Michael Davis
and Sandra File used neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepineph-
rine to study modification of the startle (orientation) response.
Habituation studies conducted in the laboratory enable researchers to
control variables such as genetic makeup, previous experiences, diet, and
the positioning of subject and stimulus; however, they lack many of the
background stimuli present in the field. In her field studies of the chimpan-
Habituation and sensitization
zees of the Gombe, Jane Goodall used the principles of habituation to de-
crease the distance between herself and the wild champanzees until she
was able to come close enough to touch and be accepted by them. The
field-experimental approach capitalizes on the best of both laboratory
and field techniques. In this approach, a representative group of organisms
that are in their natural state and habitat are subjected to specific, known
Learning to Survive
Habituation is necessary for survival. Many stimuli are constantly imping-
ing upon all living things; since it is biologically impossible to respond si-
multaneously to all of them, those which are important must be dealt with
immediately. It may be a matter of life or death. Those which are unimpor-
tant or irrelevant must be ignored.
Cell physiologists and neurobiologists have studied the chemical and
electrical changes that occur between one nerve cell and another and be-
tween nerve and muscle cells. The results of those studies have been useful
in understanding and controlling these interactions as well as in providing
insights for therapies. Psychologists utilize the fruits of habituation studies
to understand and predict, modify, and control the behavior of intact or-
ganisms. For example, knowing that bulls serving as sperm donors habitu-
ate to one cow or model and stop discharging sperm into it, the animal psy-
chologist can advise the semen collector to use a different cow or model or
simply to move it to another place—even as close as a few yards away.
Conservationists and wildlife protectionists can apply the principles of
habituation to wild animals, which must live in increasingly closer contact
with one another and with humans, so that both animal and human pop-
ulations can survive and thrive. For example, black-backed gulls, when
establishing their nesting sites, are very territorial. Males which enter the
territory of another male gull are rapidly and viciously attacked. After ter-
ritorial boundaries are established, however, the males in contiguous terri-
tories soon exhibit “friendly enemy” behavior: They are tolerant of the
proximity of other males that remain within their territorial boundaries.
This has been observed in other birds as well as in fighting fish.
Walter Lener
Habituation and sensitization
Types of ecology: Behavioral ecology; Ecoenergetics
Herbivores, animals which eat only plants, include insects and other arthropods,
fish, birds, and mammals. They keep plants from overgrowing and are food for car-
nivores or omnivores.
H erbivores are animals whose diets consist entirely of plants. They oc-
cupy one of the major trophic levels and have two ecological func-
tions. First, they eat plants and keep them from overgrowing. Second, they
are food for carnivores, which subsist almost entirely upon their flesh, and
omnivores, which eat both plants and animals. Herbivores live on land or
in oceans, lakes, and rivers. They can be insects, other arthropods, fish,
birds, or mammals.
Insect Herbivores
Insects are the largest animal class, with approximately one million spe-
cies. Fossils show their emergence 400 million years ago. Insects occur
worldwide, from pole to pole, on land and in fresh or salt water. They are
the best developed invertebrates, except for some mollusks. They mature
by metamorphosis, passing through at least two dissimilar stages before
adulthood. Metamorphosis can take up to twenty years or may be com-
plete a week after an egg is laid.
Many insects are herbivores. Some feed on many different plants, oth-
ers depend on one plant variety or a specific plant portion, such as leaves
or stems. Relationships between insects and the plants they eat are fre-
quently necessary for plant growth and reproduction. Among the insect
herbivores are grasshoppers and social insects such as bees.
Artiodactyls are another type of herbivore—hoofed mammals, including
cattle, pigs, goats, giraffes, deer, antelope, and hippopotamuses. Artiodac-
tyls walk on two toes. Their ancestors had five, but evolution removed the
first toe and the second and fifth toes are vestigial. Each support toe—the
third and fourth—ends in a hoof. The hippopotamus, unique among artio-
dactyls, stands on four toes of equal size and width.
What makes artiodactyls herbivorous is the fact that they lack upper in-
cisor and canine teeth, whereas pads in their upper jaws help the lower
teeth grind food. Domesticated artiodactyls include bovids such as cattle,
sheep, and goats. Many artiodactyls, such as antelope, cattle, deer, goats,
and giraffes, are ruminants. They chew and swallow vegetation, which en-
ters the stomach for partial digestion, is regurgitated, chewed again, and
reenters the stomach for more digestion. This maximizes nutrient intake
from food. Members of the deer family, which include approximately 40
species from the seven-foot-tall moose to the one-foot-tall pudu, are
hoofed ruminants that inhabit many continents and biomes: Asia, Europe,
the Americas, and North Africa; woods, prairies, swamps, mountains, and
tundra. These animals eat the twigs, leaves, bark, and buds of bushes and
saplings, and grasses.
Most antelope, a group of approximately 150 ruminant species, are Af-
rican, although some are European or Asian. They live on plains, marshes,
deserts, and forests, eating grass, twigs, buds, leaves, and bark. In Asia, Si-
berian saigas and goat antelope (takin) inhabit mountain ranges. Chamois
goat antelope live in Europe’s Alps.There are no true antelope in North
America, where their closest relatives are pronghorns and Rocky Moun-
tain goats (goat-antelope with both goat and antelope anatomic features).
The smallest antelope, the dik-dik, is rabbit-sized. Elands, the largest ante-
lope, are ox-sized.
Giraffes and hippos are artiodactyls that inhabit the dry, tree-scattered
land south of the Sahara in Africa. Giraffes rarely graze and can go for
Deer are herbivores, eating grasses and the tender buds, shoots, bark, and twigs of
trees. The boundary between forest and field offers them the widest range of food
choices. (PhotoDisc)
months without drinking, getting most of their water from the leaves they
eat, because it is difficult for them to reach the ground or the surface of a
river with their mouths. By contrast, the short-legged, stocky hippos are
semiaquatic, spending most daylight hours nearly submerged eating
aquatic plants. At night they eat land plants.
Aquatic Herbivores
Fish are aquatic vertebrates, having gills, scales, and fins. They include
rays, lampreys, sharks, lungfish, and bony fish. The earliest vertebrates,
500 million years ago, were fish. They comprise more than 50 percent of all
vertebrates and have several propulsive fins: dorsal fins along the central
back; caudal fins at tail ends; and paired pectoral and pelvic fins on sides
and belly. Fish inhabit lakes, oceans, and rivers, even in Arctic and Antarc-
tic areas. Most marine fish are tropical. The greatest diversity of freshwater
species is found in African and rain forest streams.
Ecological Importance
It is clear that wild herbivores are ecologically important to food chains.
This is because they eat plants, preventing their overgrowth, and they are
eaten by carnivores and omnivores. Domesticated herbivores—cattle,
sheep and goats, used for human sustenance—account for three to four bil-
lion living creatures. Future production of better strains of domesticated
herbivores via recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) research may
cut the numbers of such animals killed to meet human needs. Appropriate
species conservation should maintain the present balance of nature and
sustain the number of wild herbivore species living on earth.
Sanford S. Singer
See also: Balance of nature; Food chains and webs; Omnivores; Predation;
Trophic levels and ecological niches.
Type of ecology: Behavioral ecology
A ll animal species strive for their share of fitness. In this struggle for re-
productive success, individuals that make up a population often
compete for essential resources such as food, mates, or nesting sites. In
many species, competition over resources may lead to fighting among in-
dividuals. Fighting, however, can be costly to the individuals involved.
The loser may suffer real injury or even death, and the winner has to ex-
pend energy and still may suffer an injury. In order to prevent constant
fighting over resources, many animal species have adopted a system of
what sociobiologists call a dominance hierarchy or social hierarchy. The
dominance hierarchy is a set of aggression-submission relationships among
the animals of a population. With an established system of dominance, the
subordinate individuals will acquiesce rather than compete with the domi-
nant individuals for resources.
the more social species, the subordinate only has to await its turn to rise in
the hierarchy. In some species, cooperation among subordinate groups, es-
pecially kin groups, can lead to the formation of a new colony and a new
opportunity to establish dominance. In other species, it may well be ad-
vantageous for the subordinate to stay with the group. For example, indi-
vidual baboons and macaques will not survive very long if they are away
from the group’s sleeping area, and they will have no opportunity to repro-
duce. It has been shown that even a low-ranking male eats well if he is part
of a troop, and he may occasionally have the opportunity to mate. In addi-
tion, the dominant male will eventually lose prowess, and the subordinate
will have a chance to move up in the dominance hierarchy.
Types of Hierarchies
The simplest possible type of hierarchy is a despotism, in which one indi-
vidual rules over all other members of the group and no rank distinctions
are made among the subordinates. Hierarchies more frequently contain
multiple ranks in a more or less linear fashion. An alpha individual domi-
nates all others, a beta individual is subordinate to the alpha but dominates
all others, and so on down to the omega individual at the bottom, who is
dominated by all of the others. Sometimes, the network is complicated by
triangular or other circular relationships in which two or three individuals
might be at the same dominance level. Such relationships appear to be less
stable than despotisms or linear orders.
Nested hierarchies are often observed in some animal species. Societies
that are divided into groups can display dominance both within and be-
tween the various components. For example, white-fronted geese establish
a rank order of several subgroups including parents, mated pairs without
young, and free juveniles. These hierarchies are superimposed over the
hierarchy within each of the subgroups. In wild turkeys, brothers estab-
lish a rank order among their brotherhood, but each brotherhood competes
for dominance with other brotherhoods on the display grounds prior to
ing, but in a moment of crisis such as a quarrel over food the hierarchy will
suddenly be evident. Some species are organized in absolute dominance
hierarchies, in which the rank orders remain constant regardless of the cir-
cumstances. Status within an absolute dominance hierarchy changes only
when individuals move up or down in rank through additional interaction
with their rivals. Other animal societies are arranged in relative dominance
hierarchies. In these arrangements, such as with crowded domestic house
cats, even the highest-ranking individuals acquiesce to subordinates when
the latter approach a point that would normally be too close to their per-
sonal sleeping space.
The stable, peaceful hierarchy is often supported by status signs. In
other words, the mere actions of the dominant individual advertise his
dominance to the other individuals. The leading male in a wolf pack can
control his subordinates without a display of excessive hostility in the
great majority of cases. He advertises his dominance by the way he holds
his head, ears, and tail, and the confident face-forward manner in which he
approaches other members of his pack. In a similar manner, the dominant
rhesus monkey advertises his status by an elaborate posture which in-
cludes elevated head and tail, lowered testicles, and slow, deliberate body
movements accompanied by an unhesitating but measured scrutiny of
other monkeys he encounters. Animals use not only visual signals to ad-
vertise dominance but also acoustic and chemical signals. For example,
dominant European rabbits use a mandibular secretion to mark their terri-
Uses of Hierarchies
A stable dominance hierarchy presents a potentially effective united front
against strangers. Since a stranger represents a threat to the status of each
individual in the group, he is treated as an outsider. When expelling an in-
truder, cooperation among individuals within the group reaches a maxi-
mum. Chicken producers have long been aware of this phenomenon. If a
new bird is introduced to the flock, it will be subjected to attacks for many
days and be forced down to the lowest status unless it is exceptionally vig-
orous. Most often, it will simply die with very little show of fighting back.
An intruder among a flock of Canada geese will be met with the full range
of threat displays and repeated mass approaches and retreats.
In some primate societies, the dominant animals use their status to stop
fighting among subordinates. This behavior has been observed in rhesus
and pig-tailed macaques and in spider monkeys. This behavior has been
observed even in animal societies, such as squirrel monkeys, that do not
exhibit dominance behavior. Because of the power of the dominant indi-
Type of ecology: Population ecology
J ust eleven thousand years ago, only about five million humans lived on
the earth. The initial population growth was slow, largely because of the
way humans lived—by hunting and gathering. Such a mobile lifestyle lim-
ited the size of families for practical reasons. When simple means of birth
control, often abstention from sex, failed, a woman would elect abortion or,
more commonly, infanticide to limit her family size. Furthermore, a high
mortality rate among the very young, the old, the ill, and the disabled
acted as a natural barrier to rapid population growth.
Agricultural Revolution
It took more than two million years—from the earliest animal considered
to be human, Homo habilis—or about 100,000 years from the time mod-
ern human beings, Homo sapiens sapiens, migrated out of Africa into the rest
of the world, for the world’s population to reach one billion. The second
billion was added in about one hundred years, the third billion in fifty
years, the fourth in fifteen years, the fifth billion in twelve years. By the
close of the twentieth century, the world’s population was exceeding six
This explosion had become possible with the development of agricul-
ture. A hunting-gathering lifestyle requires a nomadic existence over a
large range of territory, which makes the establishment of infrastructures,
such as permanent housing and long-range food stores, impractical. Agri-
cultural societies, by contrast, can support more people in a limited area
and, because settlements are permanent, can build infrastructures over
time and therefore minimize efforts directed to basic subsistence, such as
the erecting of shelters. Moreover, when humans became sedentary, some
limits on family size were lifted. With the development of agriculture, chil-
dren became an asset to their families by helping with farming and other
Starting about eleven thousand years ago (5 million people), humans
began to cultivate such plants as barley, lentils, wheat, and peas in the
Human population growth
Middle East—an area that today extends from Lebanon and Syria in the
northwest eastward through Iraq to Iran. In doing so, human beings began
to have a profound ecological impact as well. In cultivating and caring for
these crops, early farmers changed the characteristics of these plants, mak-
ing them higher yielding, more nutritious, and easier to harvest. Agricul-
ture spread and first reached Europe approximately six thousand years
ago. By the beginning of the common era (1 c.e.), human population had
grown to about 130 million, distributed all over the earth.
Agriculture might also have originated independently in Africa in one
or more centers. Many crops were domesticated there, including yams,
okra, coffee, and cotton. In Asia, agriculture based on staples such as rice
and soybeans and many other crops such as citrus, mangos, taro, and ba-
nanas was developed. Agriculture was developed independently in the
New World. It began as early as nine thousand years ago in Mexico and
Peru. Christopher Columbus and his followers found many new crops to
bring back to the Old World, including corn, kidney beans, lima beans, to-
matoes, tobacco, chili peppers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and
squashes, avocados, cacao, and the major cultivated species of cotton.
Ecological Impact
For the last five to six centuries, important staple crops have been culti-
vated throughout the world. Wheat, rice, and corn, which provide 60 per-
cent of the calories people consume, are cultivated wherever they will
grow. Other crops, including spices and herbs, have also been brought
under cultivation. One of the results of the agricultural developments—
particularly pronounced since the Green Revolution of high-yield crops in
the mid-twentieth century—has been a tendency toward “monoculture,”
or the reduction of diversity, in crop plants worldwide.
The growing population has also changed the landscape, distribution,
and diversity of plants dramatically. Clear-cutting and deforestation have
driven many species (both plant and animal) to extinction. Relatively little
has been done to develop agricultural practices suitable for tropical re-
gions. As a result, the tropics are being devastated ecologically, with an es-
timated 20 percent of the world’s species likely to be lost by the mid-
twenty-first century.
Industrial Revolution
By 1650, the world population had reached 500 million. The process of in-
dustrialization had begun, bringing about profound changes in the lives of
humans and their interactions with the natural world. With improved liv-
ing standards, lower death rates, and prolonged life expectancies, human
Human population growth
5 5.3
4 4.5
3 3.3
2.6 2.6
1 1.4
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Sources: Data are from U.S. Bureau of the Census International Data Base and John Clarke,
“Population and the Environment: Complex Interrelationships,” in Population and the
Environment (Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1995), edited by Bryan
Note: The world’s population passed 6 billion in the year 2000.
Threats to Sustainability
Without effective measures of control, the human population could exceed
the earth’s carrying capacity. Humans are, at present, estimated to con-
sume about 40 percent of the total net products generated via photosynthe-
sis by plants. Human activities have reduced the productivity of earth’s
forests and grasslands by 12 percent. Each year, millions of acres of once-
Human population growth
productive land are turned into desert through overgrazing and deforesta-
tion, especially in developing countries. As a result of overfertilization and
aggressive practices in agriculture, topsoil is lost at an annual rate of 24 bil-
lion metric tons. Collectively, these practices caused the destruction of 40
million acres of rain forest each year during the 1960’s and 1970’s and the
extinction of enormous numbers of species.
Through technological innovation and aggressive practices in agricul-
ture, a 2.6-fold increase in world grain production has been achieved since
1950. However, this increase in food output is not nearly enough to feed
the population. Based upon an estimate by the World Bank and the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, one out of every five
people is living in absolute poverty, unable to obtain food, shelter, or cloth-
ing dependably. About one out of every ten people receives less than 80
percent of the daily caloric intake recommended by the United Nations. In
countries such as Bangladesh and Haiti and in regions as East Africa, hu-
mans are dying in increasing numbers because of the lack of food. This
food shortage may stem from drought, soil depletion, or soil loss; more of-
ten, famine results from inequitable distribution of resources among popu-
lations. Situations exacerbated by a growing population also pose threats
By the end of the twentieth century, the world’s human population had passed the
6 billion mark, and most of that population lived in or near large urban centers
typified by this street in Barcelona, Spain: with high-rises and other structures de-
signed for high-density living and working accommodations. (PhotoDisc)
Human population growth
to the environment, aggravating the problems of acid rains, toxic and haz-
ardous wastes, water shortages, topsoil erosion, ozone layer punctuation,
greenhouse effects, and groundwater contamination.
Ming Y. Zheng
Types of ecology: Ecoenergetics; Ecosystem ecology; Global ecology
The hydrologic cycle, one of the most important geochemical cycles with both
short- and long-range impacts on the biosphere, is a continuous system through
which water circulates through vegetation, in the atmosphere, in the ground, on
land, and in surface water such as rivers and oceans. The sun and earth’s gravity
provide the energy that drives the hydrologic cycle.
Evaporation is the process whereby a liquid or solid is changed to a gas.
Heat causes water molecules to become increasingly energized and to
move more rapidly, weakening the chemical force that binds them to-
gether. Eventually, as the temperature increases, water molecules move
from the ocean’s surface into the overlying air. The rate of evaporation is
influenced by radiation, temperature, humidity, and wind velocity.
Each year, about 320,000 cubic kilometers of water evaporate from
oceans. It is estimated that an additional 60,000 cubic kilometers of water
evaporate from rivers, streams, and lakes or are transpired by plants each
year. A total of about 380,000 cubic kilometers of water is evapotranspired
from the earth’s surface every year.
Hydrologic cycle
tion begins. Most precipitation events are the result of three causal factors:
frontal precipitation, or the lifting of an air mass over a moving weather
front; convectional precipitation related to the uneven heating of the earth’s
surface, causing warm air masses to rise and cool; and orographic precipi-
tation, resulting from a moving air mass being forced to move upward
over a mountain range, cooling the air as it rises.
Each year, about 284,000 cubic kilometers of precipitation fall on the
world’s oceans. This water has completed its cycle and is ready to begin a
new cycle. Approximately 96,000 cubic kilometers of precipitation fall
upon the land surface each year. This precipitation follows a number of
different pathways in the hydrologic cycle. It is estimated that 60,000 cubic
kilometers evaporate from the surface of lakes or streams or transpire di-
rectly back into the atmosphere. The remainder, about 36,000 cubic kilome-
ters, is intercepted by human structures or vegetation, infiltrates the soil or
bedrock, or becomes surface runoff.
In cities, the amount of water intercepted by human structures may ap-
proach 100 percent. However, much urban water is collected in storm sew-
ers or drains that lead to a surface drainage system or is spread over the
land surface to infiltrate the subsoil. Interception loss from vegetation de-
pends upon interception capacity (the ability of the vegetation to collect
and retain falling precipitation), wind speed (the higher the wind speed,
the greater the rate of evaporation), and rainfall duration (the interception
loss will decrease with the duration of rainfall, as the vegetative canopy
will become saturated with water after a period of time). Broad-leaf forests
may intercept 15 to 25 percent of annual precipitation, and a bluegrass lawn
may intercept 15 to 20 percent of precipitation during a growing season.
Plants are continuously extracting soil moisture and passing it into the at-
mosphere through a process called transpiration. Moisture is drawn into
the plant rootlet through osmotic pressure. The water moves through the
plant to the leaves, where it is passed into the atmosphere through the leaf
openings, or stomata. The plant uses less than 1 percent of the soil moisture
in its metabolism; thus, transpiration is responsible for most water vapor
loss from the land in the hydrologic cycle. For example, an oak tree may
transpire 151,200 liters per year.
Hydrologic cycle
Rain clouds
Cloud formation
e fal l
Precipitation wh il
ve o ma t i o
st r a t i o
tran spi r a t io n
f ro m soi l
fr o m o c e
fr o
ru n
Infiltration o ff
Wat er ta bl e
Zone of Percolation
saturation Groundwater
Deep percolation Ocean
excess water begins to run off, a process termed overland flow. Overland
flow begins only if the precipitation rate exceeds the infiltration capacity of
the soil. Infiltration occurs when water sinks into the soil surface or into
fractures of rocks; the amount varies according to the characteristics of the
soil or rock and the nature of the vegetative cover. Sandy soils have higher
infiltration rates than clay rock soils. Nonporous rock has an infiltration
rate of zero, and all precipitation that reaches it becomes runoff. The pres-
ence of vegetation impedes surface runoff and increases the potential for
infiltration to occur.
Water infiltrating the soil or bedrock encounters two forces: capillary
force and gravitational force. A capillary force is the tendency of the water
in the subsurface to adhere to the surface of soil or sediment particles. Cap-
illary forces are responsible for the soil moisture a few inches below the
land surface.
The water that continues to move downward under the force of gravity
through the pores, cracks, and fissures of rocks or sediments will eventu-
ally enter a zone of water saturation. This source of underground water is
Hydrologic cycle
called an aquifer—a rock or soil layer that is porous and permeable enough
to hold and transport water. The top of this aquifer, or saturated zone, is
the water table. This water is moving slowly toward a point where it is dis-
charged to a lake, spring, or stream. Groundwater that augments the flow
of a stream is called base flow. Base flow enables streams to continue to
flow during droughts and winter months. Groundwater may flow directly
into the oceans along coastlines.
When the infiltration capacity of the earth’s surface is exceeded, over-
land flow begins. Broad, thin sheets of water a few millimeters thick are
called sheet flow. After flowing a few meters, the sheets break up into
threads of current that flow in tiny channels called rills. The rills coalesce
into gullies and, finally, into streams and rivers. Some evaporation losses
occur from the stream surface, but much of the water is returned to the
oceans, thus completing the hydrologic cycle.
Residence Time
Residence time refers to how long a molecule of water will remain in vari-
ous components of the hydrologic cycle. The average length of time that a
water molecule stays in the atmosphere is about one week. Two weeks is
the average residence time for a water molecule in a river, and ten years in
a lake. It would take four thousand years for all the water molecules in the
oceans to be recycled. Groundwater may require anywhere from a few
weeks to thousands of years to move through the cycle. This time period
suggests that every water molecule has been recycled millions of times.
Methods of Study
Several techniques are used to gather data on water in the hydrologic cy-
cle. These data help scientists determine the water budget for different
geographic areas. Together, these data enable scientists to estimate the total
water budget of the earth’s hydrologic cycle.
Scientists have developed a vast array of mathematical equations and
instruments to collect data on the hydrologic cycle. Variations in tempera-
ture, precipitation, evapotranspiration, solar radiation, vegetative cover,
soil and bedrock type, and other factors must be evaluated to understand
the local or global hydrologic cycle.
Precipitation is an extremely variable phenomenon. The United States
has some thirteen thousand precipitation stations equipped with rain
gauges, placed strategically to compensate for wind and splash losses. Pre-
cipitation falling on a given area is determined using a rain-gauge network
of uniform density to determine the arithmetic mean for rainfall in the
area. The amount of water in a snowpack is estimated by snow surveys.
Hydrologic cycle
The depth and water content of the snowpack are measured and the extent
of the snow cover mapped using satellite photography.
The amount of precipitation lost by interception can be measured and
evaluated. Most often, interception is determined by measuring the
amount above the vegetative canopy and at the earth’s surface. The differ-
ence is what is lost to interception.
The volume of water flowing by a given point at a given time in an open
stream channel is called discharge. Discharge is determined by measuring
the velocity of water in the stream channel, using a current meter. The
cross-sectional area of the stream channel is determined at a specific point
and multiplied by the stream velocity. Automated stream-gauging stations
are located on most streams to supply data for various hydrologic investi-
The U.S. National Weather Service maintains about five hundred sta-
tions using metal pans, mimicking reservoirs, to measure free-water evap-
oration. Water depths of 17 to 20 centimeters are maintained in the pans.
Errors may result from splashing by raindrops or birds. Because the pans
will heat and cool more rapidly than will a natural reservoir, a pan coeffi-
cient is employed to compensate for this phenomenon. The wind velocity
is also determined. A lake evaporation nomograph determines daily lake
evaporation. The mean daily temperature, wind velocity, solar radiation,
and mean daily dew point are all used in the calculation.
The amount of evapotranspiration can be measured using a lysimeter, a
large container holding soil and living plants. The lysimeter is set outside,
and the initial soil moisture is determined. All precipitation or irrigation is
measured accurately. Changes in the soil moisture storage determine the
amount of evapotranspiration.
Samuel F. Huffman
See also: Balance of nature; Biomass related to energy; Food chains and
webs; Geochemical cycles; Herbivores; Nutrient cycles; Omnivores;
Phytoplankton; Rain forests and the atmosphere; Trophic levels and eco-
logical niches.
Types of ecology: Behavioral ecology; Population ecology
Ants, termites, and many kinds of bees and wasps live in complex groups known as
insect societies. Studies of such societies have enriched scientific knowledge about
some of the most successful species on earth and have provided insights into the bi-
ological basis of social behavior in other animals.
M any of the most robust, thriving species today owe their success in
great part to benefits that they reap from living in organized groups
or societies. Nowhere are the benefits of group living more clearly illus-
trated than among the social insects. Edward O. Wilson, one of the fore-
most authorities on insect societies, estimates that more than twelve thou-
sand species of social insects exist in the world today. This number is
equivalent to all the species of known birds and mammals combined. Al-
though insect societies have reached their pinnacle in bees, wasps, ants,
and termites, many insects show intermediate degrees of social organiza-
tion—providing insights regarding the probable paths of the evolution of
Scientists estimate that eusociality has evolved at least twelve times:
once in the Isoptera, or termites, and eleven separate times in the Hymen-
optera, comprising ants, wasps, and bees. In addition, one group of aphids
has been found to have a sterile soldier caste. Although the eusocial species
represent diverse groups, they all show a high degree of social organi-
zation and possess numerous similarities, particularly with regard to di-
vision of labor, cooperative brood care, and communication among indi-
The organization of a typical ant colony is representative, with minor mod-
ifications, of all insect societies. A newly mated queen, or reproductive fe-
male, will start a new ant colony. Alone, she digs the first nest chambers
and lays the first batch of eggs. These give rise to grublike larvae, which are
unable to care for themselves and must be nourished from the queen’s
own body reserves. When the larvae have reached full size, they undergo
metamorphosis and emerge as the first generation of worker ants. These
workers—all sterile females—take over all the colony maintenance duties,
including foraging outside the nest for food, defending the nest, and clean-
ing and feeding both the new brood and the queen, which subsequently
Insect societies
The termites, or Isoptera, differ from the social Hymenoptera in a number of
ways. They derive from a much more primitive group of insects and have
been described as little more than “social cockroaches.” Instead of the
strong female bias characteristic of the ants, bees, and wasps, termites have
regular sex determination; thus, workers have a fifty-fifty sex ratio. Addi-
tionally, termite development lacks complete metamorphosis. Rather, the
Insect societies
young termites resemble adults in form from their earliest stages. As a con-
sequence of these differences, immature forms can function as workers
from an early age, and—at least among the lower termites—they regularly
do so.
Termites also differ from Hymenoptera in their major mode of feeding.
Instead of feeding on insects or flowers, all termites feed on plant material
rich in cellulose. Cellulose is a structural carbohydrate held together by
chemical bonds that most animals lack enzymes to digest. Termites have
formed intimate evolutionary relationships with specialized microorgan-
isms—predominantly flagellate protozoans and some spirochete bacte-
ria—that have the enzymes necessary to degrade cellulose and release its
food energy. The microorganisms live in the gut of the termite. Because
these symbionts are lost with each molt, immature termites are dependent
upon gaining new ones from their nestmates. They do this by feeding on
fluids excreted or regurgitated by other individuals, a process known as
trophallaxis. This essential exchange of materials also includes, along with
food, certain nonfood substances known as pheromones.
Pheromones, by definition, are chemicals produced by one individual
of a species that affect the behavior or development of other individuals of
the same species that come in contact with them. Pheromones are well doc-
umented throughout the insect world, and they play a key role in commu-
nication between members of nonsocial or subsocial species. Moth mating
attractants provide a well-studied example. Pheromones are nowhere
better developed than among the social insects. They not only appear to in-
fluence caste development in the Hymenoptera and termites but also permit
immediate communication among individuals. Among workers of the fire
ant (Solenopsis saevissima), chemical signals have been implicated in con-
trolling recognition of nestmates, grooming, clustering, digging, feeding,
attraction or formation of aggregations, trail following, and alarm behav-
ior. Nearly a dozen different glands have been identified which produce
some chemical in the Hymenoptera, although the exact function of many of
these chemicals remains unknown.
In addition to chemical communication, social insects may share infor-
mation in at least three other ways: by tactile contact, such as stroking or
grasping; by producing sounds, including buzzing of wings; and by em-
ploying visual cues. Through combinations of these senses, individuals
can communicate complex information to nestmates. Indeed, social insects
epitomize the development of nonhuman language. One such language,
the “dance” language of bees, which was unraveled by Karl von Frisch and
his students, provides one of the best-studied examples of animal behav-
ior. In the waggle dance, a returning forager communicates the location of
Insect societies
a food resource by dancing on the comb in the midst of its nestmates. It can
accurately indicate the direction of the flower patch by incorporating the
relative angles between the sun, the hive, and the food. Information about
distance, or more precisely the energy expended to reach the food source,
is communicated in the length of the run. Workers following the dance are
able to leave the nest and fly directly to the food source, for distances in ex-
cess of one thousand meters.
Benefits of Cooperation
Living in cooperative groups has provided social insects with opportuni-
ties not available to their solitary counterparts. Not only can more individ-
uals cooperate in performing a given task, but also several quite different
tasks may be carried out simultaneously. The benefits from such coopera-
tion are considerable. For example, group foraging allows social insects to
increase the range of foods they can exploit. By acting as a unit, species
such as army ants can capture large insects and even fledgling birds.
A second benefit of group living is in nest building. Shelter is a primary
need for all animals. Most solitary species use naturally occurring shelters
or, at best, build simple nests. By cooperating and sharing the effort, social
insects are able to build nests that are quite elaborate, containing several
kinds of chambers. Wasps and bees build combs, or rows of special cells,
for rearing brood and storing food. Subterranean termites can construct
mounds more than six meters high, while others build intricate covered
nests in trees. Mound-building ants may cover their nests with a thatch
that resembles, in both form and function, the thatched roofs of old Euro-
pean dwellings. Colonial nesting provides two additional benefits. First, it
enhances defense. By literally putting all of their eggs in one basket, social
insects can centralize and share the guard duties. The effectiveness of this
approach is attested by one’s hesitation to stir up a hornet’s nest.
Nest construction also provides the potential to maintain homeostasis,
the ability to regulate the environment within a desirable range. Virtually
all living creatures maintain homeostasis within their bodies, but very few
animals have evolved the ability to maintain a constant external living en-
vironment. In this respect, insect societies are similar to human societies.
Workers adjust their activities to maintain the living environment within
optimal limits. Bees, for example, can closely regulate the internal temper-
ature of a hive. When temperatures fall below 18 degrees Celsius, they be-
gin to cluster together, forming a warm cover of living bees to protect the
vulnerable brood stages. To cool the hive in hot weather, workers initially
circulate air by beating their wings. If further cooling is needed, they resort
to evaporative cooling by regurgitating water throughout the nest. This
Insect societies
water evaporates with wing fanning and serves to cool the entire hive.
Other social insects rely on different but equally effective methods. Some
ants, and especially termites, build their nests as mounds in the ground,
with different temperatures existing at different depths. The mound nests
of the African termite, Macrotermes natalensis, are an impressive engineer-
ing feat. They are designed to regulate both temperature and air flow
through complex passages and chambers, with the mound itself serving as
a sophisticated cooling tower.
Finally, group living allows the coordination of the efforts of individu-
als to accomplish complex tasks normally restricted to the higher verte-
brates. The similarities between insect societies and human society are
striking. An insect society is often referred to as a superorganism, reflect-
ing the remarkable degree of coordination between individual insects. In-
dividual workers have been likened to cells in a body, and castes to tissues
or organs that perform specialized functions. Insect societies are not im-
mortal; however, they often persist in a single location for periods similar
to the life spans of much larger animals. The social insects have one of the
Insect societies
Insect societies
tion of the mixture is allowed to flow over the surface of a porous solid ma-
terial. Since each component of the mixture will flow at a slightly different
rate, eventually they will become separated or spaced out on the solid ma-
terial. Once the components of the pheromone have been separated and
identified, their activity is assessed separately and in combination using
living insects. Such bioassays allow researchers to determine exactly which
fractions of the chemical generate the highest response.
Other biochemical techniques, such as electrophoresis, have been used
to determine subtle behavioral differences, such as kin discrimination
among hive mates. Each individual carries a complement of enzymes or
proteins that catalyze biological reactions in the body. The structure of such
enzymes is determined by the genetic makeup of the individual, and it var-
ies among individuals. Because enzyme structure is inheritable, however,
much as eye color is, the degree of similarities between the enzymes can be
used as a measure of how closely related two individuals are. The amino
acids composing the enzyme differ in their electrical charges, so different
forms can be separated using the technique of electrophoresis. When a liq-
uid containing their enzymes is subjected to an electrical field, the proteins
with the highest negative charge will move farthest toward the positive
pole. This provides a tool to distinguish close genetic relatives for use in
conjunction with behavioral observations to test, for example, whether
workers can discriminate full sisters from half sisters, or relatives from
nonrelatives, as kin selection theory would predict.
Insect societies
theory, which provides insights into the evolution of many kinds of seem-
ingly altruistic behaviors, arose primarily from his perceptions regarding
the asymmetrical relatedness of nestmates in the social Hymenoptera. These
insects, then, should be credited with providing the model system that has
led to a subdiscipline of behavioral ecology known as sociobiology, the
study of the biological basis of social behavior. Moreover, given their cen-
tral roles in critical ecological processes such as nutrient cycling and polli-
nation, it would be hard to imagine life without them.
Catherine M. Bristow
Types of ecology: Agricultural ecology; Ecotoxicology; Restoration and
conservation ecology
Chemical Effects
After 1939 the use of pesticides such as dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane
(DDT) was so successful in controlling pest populations that farmers be-
gan to substitute a heavy dependence on pesticides for sound pest man-
agement strategies. Soon pests in high-value crops became resistant to one
pesticide after another. In addition, outbreaks of secondary pests occurred
because either they developed resistance to the pesticides or the pesticides
killed their natural enemies. Among birds ingesting DDT in the food chain,
eggshells were so thin as to render many eggs unviable, reducing the bird
population. Such impacts of DDT supplied the impetus for chemical com-
panies to develop new pesticides, to which the pests also eventually devel-
oped resistance.
Integrated pest management
Integrated pest management
Types of ecology: Ecosystem ecology; Ecotoxicology
Nonnative (also termed “exotic”) fungi and plants that can outcompete native
species are called invasive plants. Invasive plants cause irreversible changes to eco-
systems, threaten plant and animal species, and cost billions of dollars to control.
B etween the damage they cause and the cost of control efforts, invasive
plants cost the United States more than $140 billion every year. For ex-
ample, nearly half of the threatened and endangered plant species listed
for the United States in 1999, 400 of 958, were in peril because of competi-
tion from invasive species. Thus, invasive plants are capable of causing ir-
reparable changes in ecosystems.
Most invasive species in the United States originated in Asia or Europe.
The seeds or spores of these plants are accidentally transported into new
habitats by humans, leaving the plants’ natural enemies and competitors
behind. Without natural biological controls, the alien species can thrive
and outcompete the native flora, driving the native plants toward extinc-
tion and creating a near monoculture of the invader.
Invasive plants are weedy species that grow rapidly, produce large
numbers of long-lived seeds, and frequently have perennial roots, or rhi-
zomes, that enhance asexual propagation. Invasive plants have a variety of
effects on invaded ecosystems. Many invasive species deplete soil mois-
ture and nutrient levels, either by growing more vigorously than native
plants early in the growing season or by being more tolerant of reduced
levels of water and nutrients than are natives. Some invasive species pro-
duce toxic chemicals (allelopathy) that are released into the soil and inhibit
the growth of competitors. By outcompeting native plants, the invader de-
creases species diversity as it replaces many native species. As a result, ani-
mal species dependent on native flora are also affected. Fungi and seed
plants are among the most disruptive invasive plants in the United States
Control Methods
Invasive species are carried to new habitats, either in or on machinery or
organisms, and are usually transported by humans, so prevention is the
most cost-effective method of control. Once an invasive species has en-
tered an area, plant quarantine is an effective first line of defense. For ex-
ample, living plants and animals brought into the United States must pass
Invasive plants
Many of the most serious plant pathogens are invasive species introduced
into the Americas since the beginning of European settlement. Two classic
examples are Dutch elm disease, caused by the fungi Ophiostoma ulmi and
Ophiostoma novo-ulmi and chestnut blight, caused by the fungus Crypho-
nectria parasitica. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the most com-
mon street tree growing in the cities of the eastern United States was the
Invasive plants
American elm. About 1910, the European bark beetle was introduced into
the United States. It was not until the 1930’s that Dutch elm disease was ob-
served in Ohio and a few eastern states. The fungal spores are carried by
the beetles, which burrow under the elm bark. The native elm has little re-
sistance to this fungus, whose spores rapidly germinate and form exten-
sive mycelia within the phloem of the host tree, killing it within a few
years. After its initial contact, the fungus spread throughout the cities and
forests of the East and gradually westward, so that by 1990 nearly all the
native American elm trees in the United States had been killed.
American chestnut was also one of the early dominant trees of the east-
ern U.S. forest. In addition to providing edible fruit, the chestnut became a
commercially important timber tree. Chestnut blight fungus was first re-
ported in 1904 on chestnut trees in the New York Zoological Garden and
quickly began to spread. This infestation led directly to passage of the
Plant Quarantine Act of 1912, the forerunner of APHIS. By 1950 most na-
tive chestnut trees were reduced to minor understory shrubs. Biological
control using virus strains first isolated in Italy show promise for control-
ling the blight.
Invasive plants
tion into irrigation projects. It is now found in all the lower forty-eight
states except Florida. At present, there are no effective controls.
Types of ecology: Behavioral ecology; Ecosystem ecology; Evolutionary
ecology; Speciation
Isolating mechanisms act to prevent interbreeding and the exchange of genes be-
tween species. The establishment of isolating mechanisms between populations is a
critical step in the formation of new species and ensuring biodiversity.
Premating Mechanisms
Reproductive isolating mechanisms are usually classified into two main
groups. Premating (prezygotic) mechanisms operate prior to mating, or
the release of gametes, and, therefore, do not result in a wastage of the re-
productive potential of the individual. Postmating (postzygotic) mecha-
nisms come into play after mating, or the release of gametes, and could re-
sult in a loss of the genetic contribution of the individual to the next
generation. This distinction is also important in the theoretical sense in that
natural selection should favor genes that promote premating isolation;
those that do not presumably would be lost more often through mis-
matings (assuming that hybrids are not produced, or are sterile or inferior),
and this could lead to a reinforcement of premating isolation.
Ethological (behavioral) isolation is the most important category of
premating isolation in animals. The selection of a mate and the mating pro-
Isolating mechanisms
cess depends upon the response of both partners to various sensory cues,
any one of which may be species-specific. Although one kind of sensory
stimulus may be emphasized, different cues may come into play at differ-
ent stages of the pairing process. Visual signals provided by color, pattern,
or method of display are often of particular importance in diurnal animals
such as birds, many lizards, certain spiders, and fish. Sounds, as in male
mating calls, are often important in nocturnal breeders such as crickets or
frogs but are also important in birds. Mate discrimination based on chemi-
cal signals or odors (pheromones) is of fundamental importance in many
different kinds of animals, especially those where visual cues or sound are
not emphasized; chemical cues also are often important in aquatic animals
with external fertilization. Tactile stimuli (touch) often play an important
role in courtship once contact is established between the sexes. Even elec-
trical signals appear to be utilized in some electrogenic fish.
Ecological (habitat) isolation often plays an important role. Different
forms may be adapted to different habitats in the same general area and
may meet only infrequently at the time of reproduction. One species of
deer mouse, for example, may frequent woods, while another is found in
old fields; one fish species spawns in riffles, while another spawns in still
pools. This type of isolation, although frequent and widespread, is often
incomplete as the different forms may come together in transitional habi-
tats. The importance of ecological isolation, however, is attested by the fact
that instances in which hybrid swarms are produced between forms that
normally remain distinct have often been found to be the result of disrup-
tion of the environment, usually by humans. Mechanical isolation is a less-
important type of premating isolation, but it can function in some combi-
nations. Two related animal species, for example, may be mismatched be-
cause of differences in size, proportions, or structure of genitalia.
Finally, temporal differences often contribute to premating isolation.
The commonest type of temporal isolation is seasonal isolation: Species
may reproduce at different times of the year. A species of toad in the east-
ern United States, for example, breeds in the early spring, while a related
species breeds in the late spring, with only a short period of overlap. Dif-
ferences can also involve the time of day, whereby one species may mate at
night and another during the day. Such differences, as in the case of ecolog-
ical isolation, are often incomplete but may be an important component of
premating isolation.
Postmating Mechanisms
If premating mechanisms fail, postmating mechanisms can come into play.
If gametes are released, there still may be a failure of fertilization (inter-
Isolating mechanisms
sterility). Spermatozoa may fail to penetrate the egg, or even with penetra-
tion there may be no fusion of the egg and sperm nucleus. Fertilization fail-
ure is almost universal between remotely related species (as from different
families or above) and occasionally occurs even between closely related
If fertilization does take place, other postmating mechanisms may oper-
ate. The hybrid may be inviable (F1 or zygotic inviability). Embryonic de-
velopment may be abnormal, and the embryo may die at some stage, or the
offspring may be defective. In other cases, development may be essen-
tially normal, but the hybrid may be ill-adapted to survive in any available
habitat or cannot compete for a mate (hybrid adaptive inferiority). Even
if hybrids are produced, they may be partially to totally sterile (hybrid ste-
rility). Hybrids between closely related forms are more likely to be fer-
tile than those between more distantly related species, but the correlation is
an inexact one. The causes for hybrid sterility are complex and can involve
genetic factors, differences in gene arrangements on the chromosomes that
disrupt normal chromosomal pairing and segregation at meiosis, and in-
compatibilities between cytoplasmic factors and the chromosomes. If the
hybrids are fertile and interbreed or backcross to one of the parental
forms, a more subtle phenomenon known as hybrid breakdown some-
times occurs. It takes the form of reduced fertility or reduced viability in
the offspring. The basis for hybrid breakdown is poorly understood but
may result from an imbalance of gene complexes contributed by the two
It should be emphasized that in most cases of reproductive isolation
that have been carefully studied, more than one kind of isolating mecha-
nism has been found to be present. Even though one type is clearly of para-
mount importance, it is usually supplemented by others, and should it fail,
others may come into play. In this sense, reproductive isolation can be
viewed as a fail-safe system. A striking difference in the overall pattern of
reproductive isolation between animals and plants, however, is the much
greater importance of premating isolation in animals and the emphasis on
postmating mechanisms in plants. Ethological isolation, taken together
with other premating mechanisms, is highly effective in animals, and
postmating factors usually function only as a last resort.
Isolating mechanisms
Isolating mechanisms
Isolating mechanisms
evolutionary biology and systematics has been, and continues to be, on the
various factors that influence the development of reproductive isolating
John S. Mecham
Types of ecology: Aquatic and marine ecology; Biomes; Ecosystem
Lakes are inland bodies of water that fill depressions in the earth’s surface. They are
generally too deep to allow vegetation to cover the entire surface and may be fresh
or saline. The study of the physical, chemical, climatological, biological, and eco-
logical aspects of lakes is known as limnology.
Lakes and limnology
With few exceptions, most lakes exist in relatively small depressions and
serve as the catch basins for sediment from the entire watershed around
them. The natural process of sedimentation ensures that most lakes fill with
sediment before very long periods of geologic time have passed. Lakes with
areas of only a few square kilometers or less will fill within a few tens of
thousands of years. Very large lakes, the inland seas, may endure for more
than ten million years. Human-made lakes and reservoirs have unusually
high sediment-fill rates in comparison with most natural lakes. Human-
made lakes fill with sediment within a few decades to a few centuries.
Lake sediments come from four sources: allogenic clastic materials that
are washed in from the surrounding watershed; endogenic chemical pre-
cipitates that are produced from dissolved substances in the lake waters;
Lakes offer rich habitats for complex ecosystems comprising organisms that live on
land, in water, or in both environments. Depending on their elevation, lakes can
support wildlife typical of taiga, such as freshwater fish and bears, or lower eleva-
tions, such as migratory seabirds. (Digital Stock)
Lakes and limnology
Lakes and limnology
Water Circulation
Lake waters are driven into circulation by temperature-induced density
changes and wind. Most freshwater lakes in temperate climates circulate
completely twice each year; they are termed dimictic lakes. Circulation ex-
erts a profound influence on water chemistry of the lake and the amount
and type of sediment present within the water column. During summer
stratification, the lake is thermally stratified into three zones. The upper
layer of warm water (epilimnion) floats above the denser cold water and
prevents wind-driven circulation from penetrating much below the
epilimnion. The epilimnion is usually in circulation, is rich in oxygen (from
algal photosynthesis and diffusion from the atmosphere), and is well
Lakes and limnology
Riparian ecosystems vary widely, depending on the course of the river. Upper
courses, at higher and colder elevations, typically run faster and are highly oxy-
genated, supporting trout, bass, salmon, and other freshwater fish and their
predators, but not as many grasses, for example, as middle or lower courses and
estuaries. (PhotoDisc)
lighted. This layer is where summer blooms of green and blue-green algae
occur and calcite precipitation begins. The middle layer (thermocline) is a
transition zone in which the water cools downward at a rate of greater than
1 degree Celsius per meter. The bottom layer (hypolimnion) is cold, dark,
stagnant, and usually poor in oxygen. There, bacteria decompose the bot-
tom sediment and release phosphorus, manganese, iron, silica, and other
constituents into the hypolimnion.
Sediment deposited in summer includes a large amount of organic mat-
ter, clastic materials washed in during summer rainstorms, and endogenic
carbonate minerals produced within the lake. The most common carbon-
ate mineral is calcite (calcium carbonate). The regular deposition of calcite
in the summer is an example of cyclic sedimentation, a sedimentary event
that occurs at regular time intervals. This event occurs yearly in the sum-
mer season and takes place in the upper 2 or 3 meters of water. On satellite
photos, it is even possible to see the summer events as whitings on large
lakes, such as Lake Michigan.
As the sediment falls through the water column in summer, it passes
through the thermocline into the hypolimnion and onto the lake bottom.
Lakes and limnology
Lakes and limnology
present in the layer of water just below the ice, to reproduce. Their settling
remains contribute small amounts of organic matter and diatom frustules.
At the lake bottom, the most dense water (that at 4 degrees Celsius) accu-
mulates. As in summer, some dissolved nutrients and metals can build up
in this deep layer, but because the bacteria that are active in releasing these
substances from the sediment are refrigerated, they work slowly, and not
as much dissolved material builds up in the bottom waters.
When spring circulation begins, the ice at the surface melts, and the lake
again goes into wind-driven circulation. Oxidation of iron and manganese
occurs (as in autumn), although the amounts of dissolved materials avail-
able are likely to be less in spring. Once again, nutrients such as phospho-
rus and silica are circulated out of the dark bottom waters and become
available to produce blooms of phytoplankton. Spring rains often hasten
the melting, and runoff from rain and snowmelt in the drainage basin
washes clastic materials into the lake. The period of spring thaw is likely to
be the time of year when the maximum amount of new allogenic (exter-
nally derived) sediment enters the lake.
Spring diatom blooms continue until summer stratification prevents
further replenishment of silica to the epilimnion. Thereafter, the diatoms
are succeeded by summer blooms of green algae, closely followed by
blooms of blue-green algae. Silica is usually the limiting nutrient for dia-
toms; phosphorus is the limiting nutrient for green and blue-green algae.
After sediments are buried, changes occur; this process of change after
burial is termed diagenesis. Physical changes include compaction and
dewatering. Bacteria decompose much organic matter and produce gases
such as methane, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide. The “rotten-egg”
odor of black lake sediments, often noticed on boat anchors, is the odor of
hydrogen sulfide. After long periods of time, minerals such as quartz or
calcite slowly fill the pores remaining after compaction.
One of the first diagenetic minerals to form is pyrite (iron sulfide). Much
pyrite occurs in microscopic spherical bodies that look like raspberries;
these particles, called framboids, are probably formed by bacteria in areas
with low oxygen within a few weeks. In fact, the black color of some lake
muds and oozes results as much from iron sulfides as from organic matter.
Other diagenetic changes include the conversion of mineraloid particles
containing phosphorus into phosphate minerals such as vivianite and apa-
tite. Manganese oxides may be converted into manganese carbonates
(rhodochrosite). Freshwater manganese oxide nodules may form in high-
energy environments such as Grand Traverse Bay in Lake Michigan.
Lakes and limnology
Lake Ecosystems
Freshwater and saline lakes account for 0.009 and 0.008 percent of the total
amount of water in the world, respectively. Although this is a minute frac-
tion of the world’s water—almost all of it is in the oceans and in glaciers—
lakes are an extremely valuable resource. In terms of ecosystems, lakes are
divided into a pelagial (open-water) zone and a littoral (shore) zone where
macrovegetation grows. Sediments free of vegetation that occur below the
pelagial zone are in the profundal zone.
The renewal times for freshwater and saline lakes range from 1 to 100
years and 10 to 1,000 years, respectively. The length of time varies directly
with lake volume and average depth, and indirectly with a lake’s rate of
discharge. The rate of renewal, or turnover time, for lakes is much less than
that of oceans and glacial ice, which is measured in thousands of years.
The aging of a lake by biological enrichment is known as eutrophication.
The water in young lakes is cold and clear, with minimal amounts of plant
and animal life. The lake is then in the oligotrophic state. As time goes on,
streams that flow into the lake bring in nutrients such as nitrates and phos-
phates, which encourage aquatic plant growth. As the fertility in the lake
increases, the plant and animal life increases, and organic remains start ac-
cumulating on the bottom. The lake is now becoming eutrophic. Silt and
organic debris continue to accumulate over time, slowly making the lake
shallower. Marsh plants that thrive in shallow water start expanding and
gradually fill in the original lake basin. Eventually the lake becomes a bog
and then dry land.
This natural aging of a lake can take thousands of years, depending
upon the size of the lake, the local climate, and other factors. However, hu-
man activities can substantially accelerate the eutrophication process.
Among the problems caused by humans are the pollution of lakes by nutri-
ents from agricultural runoff and poorly treated wastewater from munici-
palities and industries. The nutrients encourage algal growth, which clogs
the lake and removes dissolved oxygen from the water. The oxygen is
needed for other forms of aquatic life. The lake has now entered a hyper-
eutrophic state as declining levels of dissolved oxygen result in incomplete
oxidation of plant remains, a situation that eventually causes the death of
the lake as a functioning aquatic ecosystem. In a real sense, the lake chokes
itself to death.
Research Methods
Scientists who study lakes (limnologists) must study all the natural
Lakes and limnology
Lakes and limnology
Type of ecology: Landscape ecology
Humans live in natural landscapes that they have modified and managed to suit
their own needs of shelter, security, aesthetics, and usefulness. The science of man-
aging the habitat components of modified landscapes is called landscape ecology, a
burgeoning field concerned with preserving the naturalness of modified land-
scapes while minimizing the negative impact of human intrusion in natural habi-
tats within these landscapes.
Landscape Fragmentation
The splitting of a contiguous area of natural landscape into two or more
smaller blocks of habitat is called landscape fragmentation. The smaller
Landscape ecology
habitat parcels that result are called fragments or patches. As human popu-
lations grow they appropriate more and more of the natural landscape to
accommodate their immediate needs for housing and agriculture, thus the
rate of landscape fragmentation continues to increase. Because human
populations are projected to grow for several more decades, at least, land-
scape fragmentation is considered to be a global wildlife and wildlife habi-
tat issue of immediate and serious concern.
Natural processes such as floods, ice storms, winds, and landslides con-
tribute to landscape fragmentation, but the vast majority of fragmentation
occurs through human activities. Logging, agriculture, roadways, rail
lines, power lines, gas lines, trails, the construction of houses, housing
clusters, commercial and industrial developments are all some of the ways
in which humans fragment natural habitats.
Landscape ecology
habitat patches that necessarily support fewer species and smaller wildlife
populations, thereby increasing the risk of extinction of remaining species.
As habitat patches shrink in size or disappear, the remaining habitat
patches become increasingly isolated, inhibiting wildlife interchange be-
tween patches and making recolonization of the more remote habitat
patches increasingly difficult.
As habitat patches diminish in size, species populations begin to disap-
pear. The first to go are the species that need large areas for their activi-
ties such as predators that require large territories for their food base. Thus,
as patches shrink to a critical point the area cannot support sufficient
prey populations to sustain viable populations of larger predators, such
as northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) or red-shouldered hawk (Buto
Area-sensitive species and interior species are also increasingly placed
at risk. Area-sensitive species such as the Carolina chickadee (Poecile atri-
capilla) and eastern wood-peewee (Contopus virens) require large areas of
undisturbed habitat for nesting, foraging, and other activities. As habitat
patches decline in size, the numbers of these species dramatically decrease.
Interior species such as the ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapillus) select habitats
deep within the interior of natural habitats. As the size of habitat patches
decreases, there is insufficient amount of core area needed to sustain their
activities. The decline in populations of many neotropical migrants that
nest in woodlands of Eastern North America is attributed to habitat frag-
Landscape ecology
Landscape ecology
Landscape ecology
Landscape ecology
L ichens are classified as members of the kingdom Fungi, with most be-
ing placed under the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. It is esti-
mated there are seventeen thousand species of lichen, representatives of
which have been found nearly everywhere in the world.
Symbiosis is an extreme form of an ecological relationship or mutualism
between members of different species, in which each partner in the union
derives benefits from the other. In symbiotic unions, the partners are so de-
pendent on each other they can no longer independently survive.
In lichens, the fungal (mycobiont) symbiont provides protection, while
the green-algal or cyanobacterial (photobiont) symbiont provides sugars,
created by photosynthesis. It is often suggested that the fungus in lichen
species might also pass water and nutrients to the photobiont, but this
function is less well documented. This special relationship allows lichens
to survive in many environments, such as hot deserts and frozen Arctic
tundra, that are inhospitable to most other life-forms. As a result, the lichen
whole is greater than the sum of its parts. While in nature lichen partners
always exist together, under laboratory conditions it is possible to take the
lichen apart and grow the two partners separately.
Whereas in most plant species the anatomy of the organism is identified
with structures associated with a single vegetative body, the “lichen body”
is more aptly described as a colony of cells that share a variety of associa-
tions with one another that vary from one species of lichen to the next. In
some species of lichen, fungal and algal cells merely coexist. Coenogonium
leprieurii, for example, is a lichen that lives in low-light tropical and sub-
tropical forests in which the filamentous green-algal partner (Trebouxia) is
Life Cycle
Lichens typically live for ten years or more, and in some species the lichen
body can survive for more than a hundred years. Reproduction in most
fungal species proceeds by the development of a cup- or saucer-shaped
fruiting body called an apothecium, which releases fungal spores to its sur-
rounding. Procreation in lichens is more problematic, in that the fungal off-
spring must also receive the right algal symbiont if they are to survive. The
most common form of dispersion in lichen is by the accidental breaking off
of small pieces of the thallus called isidia, which are then spread by wind to
new substrates. In some species, small outgrowths of the thallus known as
soralia arise, composed of both fungi and algae and surrounded by
hyphae, to form soredia, which after dispersion give rise to a new thallus.
Type of ecology: Behavioral ecology
Social organization in mammals ranges from solitary species, which come together
only to breed, to large and intricately organized societies. Understanding the social
systems of mammals is essential for effective conservation of species.
Reproductive Determinants
More than any other group of animals, mammals are required to form
groups for at least part of their lives. Although in all sexually reproducing
animals the sexes must come together to mate, mammals have an addi-
tional required association between mother and young: All species of
mammal feed their young with milk from the mother’s mammary glands.
This group, a female and her young, is the basis for the development of
mammalian social groups. In some species, the social group includes sev-
eral females and their young and may involve one or more males as well.
Environmental Determinants
Mammalian societies are always organized around one or more females
and their offspring. Males may also be part of the group, or they may form
separate groups. The size and structure of the group are determined by the
ecological setting in which it evolves. The particular ecological factors that
seem to be of greatest importance in this determination are food supply,
the distribution of the food, and predation (including the hiding places
and escape routes available in the habitat).
Large groups occur when food is scattered in a patchy distribution.
Mammalian social systems
These groups are largest when the patches contain abundant food. Many
organisms are more likely to find the scattered patches than is a single indi-
vidual. As long as the patches have enough food for all members of the
group, it is to each member’s advantage to search with the group. On the
other hand, if food is evenly dispersed in small units throughout the envi-
ronment, the advantage of a group search is lost. Each individual will be
better off searching for itself, and some strategy involving a very small so-
cial group or even solitary existence would be advantageous.
A somewhat similar argument follows for predators. If large prey are
taken, a group of predators should be able to subdue the prey and protect
its remains from scavengers more efficiently. If small prey are taken, soli-
tary predators have the advantage, since the prey is easily dispatched and
the predator will have it to itself. Many other factors are involved in deter-
mining the final form of a species’ social organization, but the family unit
and environmental context are fundamental in determination of all mam-
malian social structures.
Mammalian social systems
it exists in large groups of several adult males, several adult females, and
their young. Finding fifty or more animals in a group is not uncommon. In-
dividual males do not guard or try to control specific females except when
the females are sexually receptive. The group’s food supply is in scattered
patches, but each patch contains an abundance of food. The advantage of
having many individuals searching for the scattered food is obvious: If any
member finds a food-rich patch, there is plenty for all.
Predation probably also plays a role in the olive baboon’s social organi-
zation. The savannas they roam have many predators and few refuges for
escape. A large group is one defense against predators if hiding or climb-
ing out of reach is not practical. Having many observers increases the
chance of early detection, giving the prey time to elude the predator. A
large group can also mount a more effective defense against a predator.
Large groups of baboons use both of these tactics.
The hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas), on the other hand, lives in
deserts in which the food supply is not only scattered but also often found
in small patches. The hamadryas baboon’s social structure contrasts with
that of the olive baboon, perhaps because the small patches do not supply
enough food to support large groups. A single adult male, one or a few
adult females, and their young make up the basic group of fewer than
twenty individuals. Several of these family groups travel together under
certain conditions, forming a band of up to sixty animals. Within the band,
however, the family groups remain intact. The male of each group herds
his females, punishing them if they do not follow him. The bands are prob-
ably formed in defense against predators. They break up into family units
if predators are absent. At night, hamadryas baboons sleep on cliffs, where
they are less accessible to predators. Because suitable cliffs are limited,
many family groups gather at these sites. Hundreds of animals may be in
the sleeping troop, probably affording further protection against preda-
Though there are exceptions, forest primates consistently live in smaller
groups. In many species, fewer than twenty individuals make up the social
group at all times. These consist of one or a few mature males, one or a few
mature females, and their offspring. The groups are more evenly distrib-
uted throughout their habitat than are groups of savanna or desert pri-
mates. In forests, the food supply is more abundant and more evenly dis-
tributed. Escape from predators is also more readily accomplished—by
climbing trees or hiding in the dense cover. Under these conditions, the ad-
vantages of large groups are minimal and their disadvantages become ap-
parent. For example, in small groups the competition for mates and food is
Mammalian social systems
Mammalian social systems
tors can be seen from a distance. Prairie dogs warn one another with a
“bark” when they observe a predator, and the burrow system affords a ref-
uge from most predators.
The only vertebrate known to be eusocial is the naked mole rat. It occurs
in hot, dry regions of Africa. The colony has a single reproductive female, a
group of workers, and a group of males whose only function is to breed
with the reproductive female. The workers cooperate in an energetically
efficient burrowing chain when enlarging the burrow system. In this way,
they are able to extend the burrow system quickly during the brief wet sea-
son. Digging is very difficult at other times of the year. The entire social
system is thought to be an adaptation to a harsh environment and a sparse
food supply.
Mammalian social systems
Types of ecology: Aquatic and marine ecology; Biomes; Ecosystem
The world’s oceans contain the largest and most varied array of life-forms on earth.
The marine environment is divided into coastal, open water, deep-sea, and bottom
zones and the lives of animals living in each of these regions are dictated by the
physical conditions present in these zones.
Marine Zones
The marine environment can be divided broadly into different zones, each
of which supports numerous habitats. The coastal area between the high
and low tide boundaries is known as the intertidal zone; beyond this is the
neritic zone, relatively shallow water that extends over the continental
shelves. The much deeper water that extends past the boundaries of the
continental shelves is known as the oceanic zone. Open water of any depth
away from the coastline is also known as the pelagic zone. The benthic
zone is composed of the sediments occurring at the sea floor. Areas in
which freshwater rivers empty into the saltwater oceans produce a contin-
ually mixed brackish water region known as an estuary. Estuarine zones
often also include extensive wetland areas such as mudflats or salt
Zones in the marine environment are distributed vertically as well as
horizontally. Life in the ocean, as on land, is ultimately supported by sun-
light in most cases, used by photosynthetic plants as an energy source.
Sunlight can only penetrate water to a limited depth, generally between
one hundred and two hundred meters; this region is known as the photic
or epipelagic zone. Below two hundred meters, there may be sufficient
sunlight penetrating to permit vision, but not enough to support photo-
synthesis; this transitional region may extend to depths of one thousand
meters and is known as the disphotic or mesopelagic zone. Below this
depth, in the aphotic zone, sunlight cannot penetrate and the environment
is perpetually dark, with the exception of small amounts of light produced
Marine biomes
Marine life can be divided broadly into three major categories. Those small
organisms that are either free-floating or weakly swimming and which
thus drift with oceanic currents are referred to as plankton. Plankton can
be further divided into phytoplankton, which are plantlike and capable
of photosynthesis; zooplankton, which are animal-like; and bacterio-
plankton, which are bacteria and bluegreen algae suspended in the water
column. Larger organisms that can swim more powerfully and which can
thus move independently of water movements are known collectively as
the nekton. Finally, organisms that are restricted to living on or in the sedi-
ments of the seafloor bottom are referred to as the benthos.
The phytoplankton, which are necessarily restricted to the photic zone,
are by far the largest contributors to photosynthesis in the oceans. The
phytoplankton are therefore responsible for trapping most of the solar en-
ergy obtained by the ocean (the primary productivity), which can then be
transferred to other organisms when the phytoplankton are themselves
ingested. The phytoplankton are composed of numerous different types
of photosynthetic organisms, including diatoms, which are each encased
in a unique “pillbox” shell of transparent silica, and dinoflagellates. The
very rapid growth of some species of dinoflagellates in some areas results
in massive concentrations or blooms that are sometimes referred to as
red tides. Chemicals that are produced by red tide dinoflagellates often
prove toxic to other marine organisms and can result in massive die-offs of
marine life. Smaller photosynthetic plankton forms comprise the nano-
plankton and also play an important role in the photosynthetic harnessing
of energy in the oceans.
The zooplankton are an extremely diverse group of small animal organ-
Marine biomes
isms. Unlike the phytoplankton, which can make their own complex or-
ganic compounds via photosynthesis, the phytoplankton must ingest or
absorb organic compounds produced by other organisms. This is accom-
plished by either preying upon other planktonic organisms or by feeding
on the decaying remains of dead organisms. A number of zooplankton
species also exist as parasites during some portion of their life cycles, living
in or upon the bodies of nekton species. The largest group of zooplankton
are members of the subphylum Crustacea, especially the copepods. These
organisms typically possess a jointed exoskeleton, or shell, made of chitin,
large antennae, and a number of jointed appendages. Space precludes a
definitive listing of all of the zooplanktonic organisms, however virtually
all of the other groups of aquatic invertebrates are represented in the bewil-
dering variety of the zooplankton, either in larval or adult forms. Even
fish, normally a part of the nekton, contribute to the zooplankton, both as
eggs and as larval forms.
The bacterioplankton are found in all of the world’s oceans. Some of
these, the blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), play an important role in the
photosynthetic productivity of the ocean. Bacterioplankton are usually
found in greatest concentrations in surface waters, often in association
with organic fragments known as particulate organic carbon, or marine
snow. Bacterioplankton play an important role in renewing nutrients in the
photic zones of the ocean; such renewal is important in maintaining the
photosynthetic activity of the phytoplankton, upon which the rest of ma-
rine life is in turn dependent.
One of the principal problems facing plankton is maintaining their posi-
tion in the water column. Since these organisms are slightly denser than
the surrounding seawater, they tend to sink. Clearly this is a disadvantage,
particularly since plankton typically have very limited mobility. This is es-
pecially true for the photosynthetic phytoplankton, which must remain
within the photic zone in order to carry on photosynthesis. A number of
strategies have evolved among planktonic species to oppose this tendency
to sink. Long, spindly extensions of the body provide resistance to the flow
of water. Inclusions of oils or fats (which are less dense than water) within
the body provide positive buoyancy by decreasing the overall density of
the plankton. Finally, some species, such as the Portuguese man-o’-war,
generate balloonlike gas bladders, which provide enough buoyancy to
keep them at the very surface of the epipelagic zone.
The nekton comprise those larger animals that have developed locomotion
to a sufficient degree that they can move independently of the ocean’s
Marine biomes
Marine biomes
shark, tuna, and many billfish also rely on the generation of hydrodynamic
lift to maintain vertical position in the water column. The tail and body of
these fish generate forward thrust, moving the animal through the water,
and the fins, notably the pectoral fins, generate lift from the water flowing
over them in a manner similar to that of an airplane’s wing. Thus these ani-
mals fly through the water, but are in turn required to move continuously
in order to generate lift.
All members of the nekton are carnivores, feeding on other nektonic
species or upon plankton, particularly the larger zooplankton. In general,
the size of the prey consumed by nekton is directly related to the size of the
predator, with larger species consuming larger prey. However, the organ-
isms that feed upon plankton, the planktivores, include a wide variety of
fish species such as herring, salmon, and the whale shark, the largest extant
fish species. They also include the largest marine animals of all, the baleen
whales. The case of large animals feeding upon very small plankton di-
rectly addresses the need of all animals to meet their energy requirements.
For all animals, the amount of energy obtained from food consumed must
necessarily exceed the energy expended in acquiring the prey. Very large
animals, such as whales and whale sharks, require a great deal of energy to
move their bodies through the aquatic environment, but because of their
Marine biomes
great size they are necessarily less agile than smaller forms. The amount of
energy required to chase and catch these smaller animals would generally
exceed the energy derived from ingesting them. Plankton, however, are
relatively easy to obtain due to their very limited mobility. However, be-
cause of their small size, vast quantities of plankton must be ingested in or-
der to meet the metabolic requirements of large marine animals. Some very
large species that are not planktivores solve the energy problem by evolv-
ing behaviors for acquiring specialized diets that yield higher energy.
White sharks, for example, feed on fish when young, but as they age and
increase in size, marine mammals, notably seals and sea lions (pinnipeds),
become a major part of their diet. Marine mammals all possess blubber, an
energy-rich substance that yields much more energy than fish. Similarly,
sperm whales, the largest hunting carnivores on the planet, have a diet that
consists in large part of giant squid, which are hunted in the ocean depths
largely using the whale’s acoustic echolocation sense. Orcas (killer whales)
effectively use pack hunting techniques to hunt larger whales and other
marine mammals.
The deeper regions of the ocean are dominated by different types of
nekton. However, we know even less about their ecology due to their re-
lative inaccessibility. The disphotic or mesopelagic zone contains many
animal species that migrate vertically into surface waters at night to feed
upon the plankton there. Many of these organisms possess large, well-
developed eyes and also possess light organs containing symbiotic lumi-
nescent bacteria. The majority of the fish species in this group are colored
black and the invertebrates are largely red (red light penetrates water less
effectively than do longer wavelengths, and these animals appear dark-
colored at depth). Beneath this zone, in the bathypelagic and abyss-
alpelagic zones, there are many fewer organisms and much less diversity
than in the shallower levels. Animals in this region are typically colorless
and possess small eyes and luminescent organs. Because organisms in
these deep regions are few and far between, many species have become
specialized in order to maximize their advantages. Thus, deep-sea fish are
characterized by large teeth and remarkably hinged jaws that allow them
to consume prey much larger than might be expected from their size. Simi-
larly, since encounters with potential mates are presumably scarce, a num-
ber of unique reproductive strategies have evolved. In the anglerfish
(Ceratius), all of the large individuals are female and the comparatively
tiny males are parasitic, permanently attaching themselves to the female.
Much, however still remains to be learned of the ecology of these deep-sea
Marine biomes
The benthos of the world’s oceans consists of animals that live on the solid
substrate of the water column, the ocean floor. Scientists typically divide
benthic organisms into two categories, the epifauna, which live on the sur-
face of the bottom at the sediment-water interface and the infauna, those
organisms living within the sediments. In shallow water benthic commu-
nities, members of virtually every major animal group are represented.
Ecologists generally differentiate between soft bottom benthic communi-
ties (sand, silt, and mud, which comprise the majority of the benthic zone)
and rocky bottom communities, which are less common proportionately.
Soft bottom communities have an extensive diversity of burrowing
infauna, such as polychaete worms, and mollusks, such as clams. Rocky
bottom communities possess a larger proportion of epifauna, such as crus-
taceans and echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins, and brittle stars), living on
the surface of what is essentially a two-dimensional environment. Vertical
faces of the hard bottom environment, such as canyon walls or coral reefs,
are often home to a wide variety of animals occupying various crannies
and caves. In some parts of the world, kelp plants that are anchored to the
substrate and which extend to the water surface dominate the rocky bot-
tom substrate. In these kelp forests, large kelp plants (actually a species of
brown algae) form a forestlike canopy that plays host to a wide and com-
plex array of animals extending throughout the water column. On the
deep ocean floor, the benthos is composed of representatives of virtually
major animal group: crustaceans such as amphipods, segmented poly-
chaete worms, sea cucumbers, and brittle stars. Less common are starfish,
sea lilies, anemones, and sea fans. The fish of the deep benthos include rat
tails and a number of eel species.
Estuaries, where freshwater rivers empty into marine environments,
are typified by large, cyclic changes in temperature and salinity. Although
estuaries have played an important role in human history as the sites of
major ports, the variety and number of estuarine species tend to show less
diversity of animal species due to the difficulty in adapting to the large
swings in environmental conditions.
Animal life in the sea, like that on land, shows an astonishing variety of
forms and behaviors, the result of natural selection. The inaccessibility and
hostility of much of the world’s oceans to human exploration and observa-
tion leaves much yet to be learned about the biology of marine life. Much
remains to be achieved in order to obtain a useful body of knowledge con-
cerning life in the sea.
John G. New
Marine biomes
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology
Mediterranean scrub
the fire and send up new growth shortly after the fire passes. Other species
have specialized, long-lived seeds that require intense heat to stimulate
germination. Still other species combine the two strategies. In communi-
ties that burn regularly, such species have a great advantage over their
Mediterranean shrubs are not just adapted to recover after a fire; they
are actually adapted to carry the fire once it is started. These species syn-
thesize and store highly flammable chemicals in their leaves and stems.
The flammable vegetation ensures that most fires will burn large areas.
The most widespread shrub in North American chaparral is chamise
(Adenostoma fasciculatum), which sprouts from underground structures
and produces large numbers of seedlings after a fire. Various species of
manzanita (Arctostaphylos) and wild lilac (Ceanothus) are also widespread
throughout chaparral. Some species in each genus both sprout and pro-
duce large numbers of seedlings after fires. Other species in each genus de-
pend entirely on heat-stimulated seeds to reestablish their presence in a
burned area.
Mediterranean vegetation also occurs on western coasts in southern
Australia, where it is called mallee; the Cape region of South Africa (fyn-
bos); the central coast of Chile (matorral); and around the Mediterranean
Sea (maquis). In all these areas, the vegetation has the same adaptive char-
acteristics and appearance, but the species are not related to those of other
areas. Although there are differences among the regions besides the spe-
cies that occur in each, the similar physical and vegetational characteris-
tics lend a continuity that is widely recognized as the mediterranean scrub
Human Impact
As people moved into Mediterranean scrub regions, two major and related
concerns surfaced. First, the fires, which are such an important part of
scrub ecology, were destructive and dangerous, leading to fire suppres-
sion. Second, fire suppression may actually increase fire damage and may
threaten the mediterranean scrub biome’s very existence when combined
with other human activities. A comparison of the fire history in the chapar-
ral of California and that of Baja California lends credibility to the idea that
fire suppression increases fire damage. Fire suppression has long been
practiced in Southern California. In contrast, much less fire suppression
has gone on in Baja. Fewer, larger, and more destructive fires burn in
Southern California chaparral than in Baja chaparral. The simplest expla-
nation is that fire suppression allows fuel to build up, so that when a fire
starts it is essentially unstoppable, as often occurs in California chaparral.
Mediterranean scrub
With less fire suppression and less fuel accumulation, Baja fires burn more
frequently but are smaller and less destructive. The small fires remove the
fuel periodically, thus decreasing the danger of large, destructive fires.
There are other differences between California and Baja chaparral that
may account for the differences in the fire regimes, but the foregoing hy-
pothesis is interesting from the perspective of human impact on chaparral
as well as that of fire’s impact on humans. Population growth and its atten-
dant activities threaten the very existence of the chaparral. Humans de-
stroy chaparral to build home sites, suppress fires, and plant grass in
burned areas to stabilize the soil and to mitigate future fires. The grasses
compete with chaparral plants and retard chaparral recovery. The impact
of these and other activities on the native chaparral ecosystem is not well
understood but is almost certainly negative. Other mediterranean scrub
areas suffer similar fates. Although mediterranean scrub is still well repre-
sented in comparison to some biomes, its response to human impact
should be carefully studied and monitored, both to protect human invest-
ment in mediterranean ecosystems and to preserve the intriguing mediter-
ranean scrub and its many unique plant species.
Carl W. Hoagstrom
See also: Biomes: determinants; Biomes: types; Chaparral; Forest fires; For-
est management; Forests.
Type of ecology: Chemical ecology
Primary Metabolites
Primary metabolites comprise many different types of organic compounds,
including, but not limited to, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic
acids. They are found universally in the plant kingdom because they are
the components or products of fundamental metabolic pathways or cycles
such as glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the Calvin cycle. Because of the im-
portance of these and other primary pathways in enabling a plant to syn-
thesize, assimilate, and degrade organic compounds, primary metabolites
are essential.
Examples of primary metabolites include energy-rich fuel molecules,
such as sucrose and starch, structural components such as cellulose, in-
formational molecules such as DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ri-
bonucleic acid), and pigments, such as chlorophyll. In addition to having
fundamental roles in plant growth and development, some primary me-
tabolites are precursors (starting materials) for the synthesis of secondary
Secondary Metabolites
Secondary metabolites largely fall into three classes of compounds: alka-
loids, terpenoids, and phenolics. However, these classes of compounds
also include primary metabolites, so whether a compound is a primary
or secondary metabolite is a distinction based not only on its chemi-
cal structure but also on its function and distribution within the plant
Many thousands of secondary metabolites have been isolated from
plants, and many of them have powerful physiological effects in humans
and are used as medicines. It is only since the late twentieth century that
secondary metabolites have been clearly recognized as having important
functions in plants. Research has focused on the role of secondary metabo-
lites in plant defense. This is discussed below with reference to alkaloids,
though it is relevant to many types of secondary metabolites.
Alkaloids are a large group of nitrogen-containing compounds, examples
of which are known to occur in approximately 20 percent of all flowering
plants. Closely related plant species often contain alkaloids of related
chemical structure. The primary metabolites from which they are derived
include amino acids such as tryptophan, tyrosine, and lysine. Alkaloid
biosynthetic pathways can be long, and many alkaloids have correspond-
ingly complex chemical structures. Alkaloids accumulate in plant organs
such as leaves or fruits and are ingested by animals that consume those
plant parts. Many alkaloids are extremely toxic, especially to mammals,
and act as potent nerve poisons, enzyme inhibitors, or membrane trans-
port inhibitors. In addition to being toxic, many alkaloids are also bitter or
otherwise bad-tasting. Therefore, the presence of alkaloids and other toxic
secondary metabolites can serve as a deterrent to animals to avoid eating
such plants.
Sometimes domesticated animals that have not previously been ex-
posed to alkaloid-containing plants do not have acquired avoidance mech-
anisms, and they become poisoned. For example, groundsel contains the
alkaloid senecionine, which has resulted in many recorded cases of live-
stock fatalities due to liver failure. More frequently, over time, natural se-
lection has resulted in animals developing biochemical mechanisms or be-
havioral traits that lead to avoidance of alkaloid-containing plants.
In other, more unusual cases, animals may evolve a mechanism for se-
questering (storing) or breaking down a potentially toxic compound, thus
“disarming” the plant. For instance, caterpillars of the cinnabar moth can
devour groundsel plants and sequester senecionine without suffering any
ill effects. Moreover, the caterpillars thereby acquire their own weapon
against predators: the plant-derived alkaloid stored within their bodies.
Over time, plants acquire new capabilities to synthesize additional defense
compounds to combat animals that have developed “resistance” to the
original chemicals. This type of an “arms race” is a form of coevolution and
Medicinal Alkaloids
Many potentially toxic plant-derived alkaloids have medicinal properties,
as long as they are administered in carefully regulated doses. Alkaloids
with important medicinal uses include morphine and codeine from the
opium poppy and cocaine from the coca plant. These alkaloids act on the
nervous system and are used as painkillers. Atropine, from the deadly
nightshade plant, also acts on the nervous system and is used in anesthesia
and ophthalmology. Vincristine and vinblastine from the periwinkle plant
are inhibitors of cell division and are used to treat cancers of the blood and
lymphatic systems. Quinine from the bark of the cinchona tree is toxic to
the Plasmodium parasite, which causes malaria, and has long been used in
tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Other alkaloids are used as
stimulants, including caffeine, present in coffee, tea, and cola plants (and
the drinks derived from these plants); and nicotine, which is present in to-
bacco. Nicotine preparations are, paradoxically, also used as an aid in
smoking cessation. Nicotine is also a very potent insecticide. For many
years ground-up tobacco leaves were used for insect control, but this prac-
tice was superseded by the use of special formulations of nicotine. More re-
cently the use of nicotine as an insecticide has been discouraged because of
its toxicity to humans.
Terpenoids are derived from acetyl coenzyme A or from intermediates in
glycolysis. They are classified by the number of five-carbon isoprenoid
units they contain. Monoterpenes (containing two C5-units) are exempli-
fied by the aromatic oils (such as menthol) contained in the leaves of mem-
bers of the mint family. In addition to giving these plants their characteris-
tic taste and fragrance, these aromatic oils have insect-repellent qualities.
The pyrethroids, which are monoterpene esters from the flowers of chry-
santhemum and related species, are used commercially as insecticides.
They fatally affect the nervous systems of insects while being biodegrad-
able and nontoxic to mammals, including humans.
Diterpenes are formed from four C5-units. Paclitaxel (commonly known
by the name Taxol), a diterpene found in bark of the Pacific yew tree,
is a potent inhibitor of cell division in animals. At the end of the twenti-
eth century, paclitaxel was developed as a powerful new chemothera-
peutic treatment for people with solid tumors, such as ovarian cancer pa-
Phenolic Compounds
Phenolic compounds are defined by the presence of one or more aromatic
rings bearing a hydroxyl functional group. Many are synthesized from the
amino acid phenylalanine. Simple phenolic compounds, such as salicylic
acid, can be important in defense against fungal pathogens. Salicylic acid
concentration increases in the leaves of certain plants in response to fungal
attack and enables the plant to mount a complex defense response. Inter-
estingly, aspirin, a derivative of salicylic acid, is routinely used in humans
to reduce inflammation, pain, and fever. Other phenolic compounds, called
isoflavones, are synthesized rapidly in plants of the legume family when
they are attacked by bacterial or fungal pathogens, and they have strong
antimicrobial activity.
Lignin, a complex phenolic macromolecule, is laid down in plant sec-
ondary cell walls and is the main component of wood. It is a very impor-
tant structural molecule in all woody plants, allowing them to achieve
height, girth, and longevity. Lignin is also valuable for plant defense: Plant
parts containing cells with lignified walls are much less palatable to insects
and other animals than are nonwoody plants and are much less easily di-
gested by fungal enzymes than plant parts that contain only cells with pri-
mary cellulose walls.
Other phenolics function as attractants. Anthocyanins and antho-
cyanidins are phenolic pigments that impart pink and purple colors to
flowers and fruits. This pigmentation attracts insects and other animals
that move between individual plants and accomplish pollination and fruit
dispersal. Often the plant pigment and the pollinator’s visual systems are
well matched: Plants with red flowers attract birds and mammals because
these animals possess the correct photoreceptors to see red pigments.
Valerie M. Sponsel
Type of ecology: Behavioral ecology
Among the animals known to navigate are birds (the best-studied group),
lobsters, bees, tortoises, bats, marine and terrestrial mammals, fish, brittle
starfish, newts, toads, and insects. Some migratory species can orient
themselves—that is, they know where they are in time and space. Many
birds and mammals, for example, have an inherent sense of the direction,
distance, and location of distant habitats. Orientation and travel along un-
familiar routes from one place or habitat to another is called navigation.
Navigators use environmental and sensory information to reach distant
geographical locations, and many of them do so with a remarkably accu-
rate sense of timing. Homing pigeons are perhaps the best-studied animal
navigators. These birds are able not only to discover where they are when
released but also to return to their home loft from distant geographical lo-
Much has been learned about how animals successfully navigate over
long distances from the pioneering studies of Archie Carr. Carr proposed
that green sea turtles successfully find their widely separated nesting and
feeding beaches by means of an inherent clock sense, map sense, and com-
pass sense. His investigations and those of many others continue to stimu-
late great interest in the physiology and ecology of navigating species and
in the environmental cues to which they respond. Sensory biologists, bio-
physicists, and engineers have incorporated knowledge of how animals
detect and use environmental information to develop new and more accu-
rate navigational systems for human use.
Animals use a variety of cues to locate their positions and appropriate
travel paths. Most species have been found to use more than one type of in-
formation (sequentially, alternatively, or simultaneously) to navigate. In-
cluded among the orientation guideposts that one or more of these groups
may use are the positions of the sun and stars, magnetic fields, ultraviolet
light, tidal fluctuations caused by the changing positions of the moon and
sun, atmospheric pressure variations, infrasounds (very low frequency
sounds), polarized light (on overcast days), environmental odors, shore-
line configurations, water currents, and visual landmarks. Celestial cues
also require a time sense, or an internal clock, to compensate for move-
ments of the animal relative to changing positions of celestial objects in the
sky. In addition to an absolute dependence on environmental cues, young
or inexperienced members of some species may learn navigational routes
from experienced individuals, such as their parents, or other experienced
individuals in the population. Visual mapping remembered from explor-
atory excursions may also play a role in enhancing the navigational abili-
ties of some birds, fish, mammals, and other animals.
Benefits of Migration
The different categories of animal movements, however, are perhaps not as
important as the reasons animals migrate and the important biological
consequences of the phenomenon. As a general principle, migrations are
adaptive behavioral responses to changes in ecological conditions. Popula-
tions benefit in some way by regularly or episodically moving from one
habitat to another.
An example of the adaptive value of migratory behavior is illustrated
by movement of a population from a habitat where food, water, space,
nesting materials, or other resources have become scarce (often a seasonal
phenomenon) to an area where resources are more abundant. Relocation to
Programmed Movements
While many factors are believed to initiate migratory events, most fall into
one of two general categories. The first and largest category may be called
programmed movements. Such migrations usually occur at predictable in-
tervals and are important characteristics of a species’ lifestyle or life cycle.
Programmed migrations are not, in general, density-dependent. Move-
ments are not caused by overcrowding or other stresses resulting from an
excessive number of individuals in the population.
The lifestyle of a majority of drifting animals whose entire lives are
spent in the water column, for example, includes a vertical migration from
deep water during the day to surface waters at night. Thus, plankton ex-
hibit a circadian rhythm (activity occurring during twenty-four-hour inter-
vals) in their movements. An abundance of food at or near the surface and
escape from deep-water predators are among the possible reasons for
these migrations. Daily vertical movements of plankton are probably initi-
ated by changes in light intensity at depth, and the animals follow light
levels as they move toward the surface with the sinking sun. It is interest-
ing to note that zooplankters living in polar waters during the winter-long
night do not migrate.
Monarch butterflies and many large, vertebrate animals, such as her-
ring, albatross, wildebeests, and temperate-latitude bats, migrate from one
foraging area to another, or from breeding to foraging habitats, on a sea-
sonal or annual basis. Annual migrations usually coincide with seasonal
variation. Changes in day length, temperature, or the abundance of pre-
ferred food items associated with seasonal change may stimulate mass
movements directly, or indirectly, through hormonal or other physiologi-
cal changes that are correlated with seasonal environmental change. The
onset of migration in many vertebrates is evidenced by an increase in rest-
lessness that seems, in human terms, to be anticipatory.
In addition to their daily vertical migrations (lifestyle movements), the
life cycles of marine zooplankton involve migrations, and it is convenient
to use them as examples. As discussed, most adult animal plankters are
found at depth during the day and near the surface at night. In contrast,
zooplankton eggs and larvae remain in surface waters both day and night.
Bird migrations are among the most noticeable of animal migrations, with huge
flocks passing through the skies on their way to a seasonal home that can be thou-
sands of miles distant from their original location. (Corbis)
As the young stages grow, molt, and change their shapes and food sources,
they begin to migrate vertically. The extent of vertical migrations gradually
increases throughout the developmental period, and as adults, these ani-
mals assume the migratory patterns of their parents. Patterns of movement
that change during growth and development are examples of ontogenetic,
or life-cycle, migrations.
Episodic Movements
The second large category of migratory behavior includes episodic, density-
dependent population movement. Such migrations are often associated
with, or caused by, adverse environmental changes (effect) that may be
caused by overlarge populations (cause). Local resources are adequate to
support a limited number of individuals (called the carrying capacity of
the environment), but once that number has been exceeded, the population
must either move or perish. Unfortunately, migration to escape unfavor-
able conditions may be unsuccessful, as another suitable habitat may not
be encountered. Migrations caused by overpopulation or environmental
degradation are common. Pollution and habitat destruction by human-
kind’s activities are increasingly the cause of degraded environments, and
Ecological Import
Environmental or physiological factors that initiate migrations may be of
interest to sensory biologists and physiological ecologists; knowledge of
variation in population distributions is important to biogeographers and
wildlife biologists; and migrations in predator-prey relationships, compe-
tition, pollution, and life-history strategies are important aspects of classi-
cal ecological studies.
In addition to the specific aspect of migration being studied, the partic-
ular group of animals under investigation (moths, eels, elephants, snails)
requires that different methods be used. Some of the approaches used in
migration-related research illustrate how information and answers are ob-
tained by scientists.
Arctic terns migrate from their breeding grounds in the Arctic to the
Antarctic pack ice each year. The knowledge that these birds make a
twenty-thousand-mile annual round-trip comes from the simplest and
most practical method: direct observation of the birds (or their absence) at
either end of the trip. Direct observation by ornithologists of the birds in
flight can establish what route they take and whether they pause to rest or
feed en route. Many birds have also been tracked using radar or by obser-
vations of their silhouettes passing in front of the moon at night. Birds are
often banded (a loose ring containing coded information is placed on one
leg) to determine the frequency of migration and how many round-trips an
average individual makes during its lifetime. From this information, esti-
mates of longevity, survivorship rates, and nesting or feeding site prefer-
ences can be made.
Factors that initiate migratory behavior in terns and in other birds
can often be determined by ecologists able to relate environmental condi-
tions (changes in temperature, day length, and the like) to the timing of mi-
grations. Physiological ecologists study hormonal or other physiological
changes that co-occur with environmental changes. Elevated testosterone
levels, for example, may signal the onset of migratory behavior.
How Arctic terns orient and navigate along their migratory routes is
usually studied by means of laboratory-conducted behavioral experi-
ments. Birds are exposed to various combinations of stimuli (magnetic
fields, planetarium-like celestial fields, light levels), and their orientation,
activity levels, and physiological states are measured. Experiments involv-
ing surgical or chemical manipulation of known sensory systems are
ferences between them. First, many species travel repeatedly during their
lives between two habitats, on a daily basis (as plankton and chimney
swifts do) or on an annual basis (as frogs and elks do). Second, some spe-
cies migrate from one habitat (usually suitable for young stages) to another
(usually the adult habitat) only once during their lives (for example, sal-
mon, eels, damselflies, and most zooplankton, which live on the bottom as
adults). Third, some species (many butterflies, for example) are born and
mature in one geographical area (England, for example), migrate as adults
to a distant geographical area (Spain, for example), and produce offspring
that mature in the second area. These migrations take place between gener-
ations. In a fourth pattern, one may include the seasonal swarming of so-
cial arthropods such as termites, fire ants, and bees. A fifth but ill-defined
pattern is discernible, exemplified by locust “plagues,” irruptive emigra-
tion in lemmings and certain other rodents, and some mass migrations by
humankind, as caused by war, famine, fear, politics, or disease. These are
episodic and often, if not primarily, caused by severe population stress or
catastrophic environmental change.
Sneed B. Collard
Types of ecology: Behavioral ecology; Physiological ecology
Mimicry is the process whereby one organism resembles another and, because of
this resemblance, obtains an evolutionary advantage.
and black stripes of bees and wasps, red, black, and yellow stripes of the
coral snake, and the bright orange of the monarch butterfly. Several species
of harmless insects have the same yellow and black pattern that is seen on
wasps. In addition to mimicking the coloration of the more dangerous in-
sects, some harmless flies even mimic the wasps’ flying patterns or their
buzzing sound. In each case, animals that have been stung by wasps or
bees avoid both the stinging insects and their mimics. This mimicry of
warning coloration is called Batesian mimicry. Batesian mimicry is also
seen in the mimicry of the bright red color of the unpalatable red eft stage
of newts by palatable salamanders.
Sometimes two or more dangerous or unpalatable organisms look very
much alike. In this case, both are acting as models and as mimics. This
mimicry is called Müllerian mimicry. Müllerian mimicry is seen in mon-
arch and viceroy butterflies. Both butterflies have in their bodies many of
the chemicals found in the plants they ate as larvae. These include many
unpalatable chemicals and even toxic chemicals that cause birds to vomit.
If a bird eats either a monarch or a viceroy that has these chemicals, the bird
usually remembers and avoids preying on either species again—a classic
Aggressive Mimicry
Mimicry by predators is called aggressive mimicry. The reef fish, called the
sea swallow, is a cleaner fish, and larger fish enter the sea swallow’s terri-
tory to be cleaned of parasites. The saber-toothed blenny mimics the
cleaner in both appearance and precleaning behavior, but when fish come
to be cleaned, the blenny instead bites off a piece of their flesh to eat.
Anglerfish have small extensions on their heads that resemble worms.
They mimic worms to lure their prey close enough to be eaten. The alliga-
tor snapping turtle’s tongue and the tips of the tails of moccasins, copper-
heads, and other pit vipers are also wormlike and are used as lures. Certain
predatory female fireflies respond to the light flashes of males of a different
species with the appropriate response of the female of that species. This
lures the male closer, and when the unsuspecting male is close enough to
mate, the female devours him. This mimicry is quite complex, because the
predatory females are able to mimic the response signals of several differ-
ent species.
There are many other instances of mimicry, but the world champion mim-
ics may be octopuses. As predators, these animals show unbelievable ag-
gressive mimicry of other reef organisms. Octopuses can take on the color,
shape, and even texture of corals, algae, and other colonial reef dwellers.
As a prey species, the octopus can use the same type of mimicry for camou-
flage, but can also be a Batesian mimic, taking on the color and shape of
many of the reef’s venomous denizens.
Since in each case, being a mimic helped the organism in some way, it is
not hard to understand how mimicry may have evolved. In a population in
which some organisms were protected by being mimics, the protected
mimics were most likely to mate and leave their genes for the next genera-
tion while the unprotected organisms were less likely to breed.
Richard W. Cheney, Jr.
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology
Mountains cover one fifth of the earth’s terrestrial surface, and they are one of the
most extreme environments in the global ecosystem. Mountains are globally sig-
nificant landforms that function as storehouses for irreplaceable resources such as
clean air and water, biological and cultural diversity, as well as timber and mineral
Mountain Habitat
Mountains are globally significant reservoirs of biodiversity. They contain
rich assemblages of species and ecosystems. Because of the rapid changes
in altitude and temperature along a mountain slope, multiple ecological
zones are stacked upon one another, sometimes ranging from dense tropi-
cal jungles to glacial ice within a few kilometers. Many plant and animal
species are found only on mountains, having evolved over centuries of iso-
lation to inhabit these specialized environments. Mountains can also func-
tion as biological corridors, connecting isolated habitats or protected areas
and allowing species to migrate between them. These extraordinary eco-
logical conditions, coupled with many bio-climatic zones, have resulted in
a high number of ecological niches available for habitation in mountain
Because of the great diversity in habitats within mountainous regions,
with each region showing a different combination of environmental fac-
tors, total mountain fauna is relatively rich and the variety of small com-
munities very great, in spite of the general severity of the mountain envi-
ronment as a whole. Likewise, this diversity has resulted in a wide range of
Mountain ecosystems
endemic species that have evolved over centuries of isolation from other
genetic material. Rocky Mountain National Park typifies this diversity as a
home to some 900 species of plants, 250 species of birds, and 60 species of
mammals. Some are easily seen and others are elusive, but all are part of
the ecosystem in the park. On a global scale, the diversity of mountain
fauna extends to many species of ungulates, including elk, bighorn sheep,
moose, and deer. Also present in mountain communities are many species
of rodents. Rodent species may include beaver, marmots, squirrels, and
chipmunks. Other mammalian animal life include bear, canids, such as
coyote and wolf, and many species of felids, such as mountain lions and
bobcats. Mountain avian fauna comprise many families of hummingbirds,
bluebirds, hawks, falcons, eagles, and many more.
Ecological Threats
Mountains are threatened in a variety of ways, but without question, hu-
man settlement and activities such as camping, hiking, and other recre-
ational activities constitute the biggest threats to the mountain ecosystem.
Mountain ecosystems
Hikers and motorized offroad vehicles, for example, create tracks in the
soil that form erosion gullies and trample vegetation that has taken many
years to grow. Commercial harvesting of trees in the lower forest zones of
mountains is having an increasingly detrimental effect on biodiversity.
Global warming is another threat to mountain ecosystems. Snowlines are
receding, and continued melting of glaciers and polar ice caps could even-
tually lead to drying of major river systems which feed from them.
In an attempt to restore or conserve mountain ecosystems, many coun-
tries have replanted indigenous trees with fast-growing coniferous trees,
in an ill-fated effort to supply a growing human population with wood
products. These hybrid forests are not nearly as beautiful as the native for-
ests, but more to the point, they do not offer environments conducive to the
ecosystems that the native species supported. This loss of habitat creates a
loss of wildlife, which then becomes threatened and eventually endan-
gered because of the decline of native vegetation.
Jason A. Hubbart
See also: Biomes: types; Forest fires; Forest management; Forests; Grazing
and overgrazing; Habitats and biomes; Lakes and limnology; Old-growth
forests; Rain forests; Rain forests and the atmosphere; Restoration ecology;
Savannas and deciduous tropical forests; Sustainable development; Taiga;
Tundra and high-altitude biomes; Wildlife management.
Types of ecology: Agricultural ecology; Restoration and conservation
The multiple-use approach is a concept of resource use in which land supports sev-
eral concurrent managed uses rather than single uses over time and space.
Historical Background
The history of the intertwined multiple-use and sustained-yield ap-
proaches to land management in the United States dates from the late
1800’s. Prior to that time, forestlands were used for timber production,
rangeland for grazing, and parklands for recreation. Little attention was
given to the interrelated aspects of land use. By the late 1800’s, however,
some resource managers began to see land as a resource to be managed in a
more complex, integrated fashion that would lead to multiple use. This
awakening grew out of the need for conservation and sustained yield, es-
pecially in the forest sector of the resource economy.
Sustained Yield
Since the earliest European settlement of North America, forest resources
had been seen both as a nearly inexhaustible source of timber and as an im-
pediment to be cleared to make way for agriculture. This policy of removal
led to serious concern by the late 1800’s about the future of American forests.
By 1891 power had been granted to U.S. president Benjamin Harrison to set
aside protected forest areas. Both he and President Grover Cleveland took
action to establish forest reserves. To direct the management of these re-
serves, Gifford Pinchot was appointed chief forester. Pinchot was trained in
European methods of forestry and managed resources, as noted by Stewart
Udall in The Quiet Crisis (1963), “on a sustained yield basis.” The sustained-
yield basis for forest management was thus established. Essentially, the
sustained-yield philosophy holds that the amount of timber harvested
should not exceed the ultimate timber growth during the same period.
Multiple-use approach
Multiple Use
Properly managed, forestlands can meet needs for timber on an ongoing,
renewable basis. However, land in forest cover is more than a source of
timber. Watersheds in such areas can be protected from excessive runoff
and sedimentation through appropriate management. Forest areas are also
wildlife habitat and potential areas of outdoor recreation. The combination
of forest management for renewable resource production and complex, in-
terrelated land uses provided the basis for the development of multiple-
use sustained-yield as a long-term forest management strategy.
Multiple-use approach
Mycorrhizae may be classified into two broad groups: endomycorrhizae
and ectomycorrhizae. Endomycorrhizae enter the cells of the root cortex.
Ectomycorrhizae colonize plant roots but do not invade root cortex cells.
The most common form of endomycorrhizae are the vesicular-arbuscular
mycorrhizae. The fungi involved are zygomycetes. These mycorrhizae
have internal structures called arbuscules, which are highly branched,
thin-walled tubules inside the root cortex cells near the vascular cylinder.
It is estimated that 80 percent of all plant species may have vesicular-
arbuscular mycorrhizae. This type of mycorrhiza is especially important in
tropical trees.
There are several other subtypes of endomycorrhizae. Ericoid mycor-
rhizae, found in the family Ericaceae and closely related families, supply
the host plants with nitrogen. These are usually restricted to nutrient-poor,
highly acidic conditions, such as heath lands. Arbutoid mycorrhizae, found
in members of the Arbutoideae and related families, share some similarities
with ectomycorrhizae in that they form more developed structures called
the sheath and Hartig net (described below).
Monotropoid mycorrhizae, found in the plant family Monotropaceae, are
associated with plants that lack chlorophyll. The host plant is completely
dependent on the mycobiont, which also has connections to the roots of a
nearby tree. Thus the host, such as Monotropa, indirectly parasitizes an-
other plant by using the mycobiont as an intermediate. Orchidaceous
mycorrhizae are essential for orchid seed germination.
Ectomycorrhizae are common in forest trees and shrubs in the temperate
and subarctic zones. Well-developed fungal sheaths characterize these
mycorrhizae, along with special structures called Hartig nets. Basidio-
mycetes are the usual mycobionts and often form mushrooms or truffles.
Ectomycorrhizae help protect the host plant from diseases by forming a
physical fungal barrier to infection.
Types of ecology: Evolutionary ecology; Speciation
Natural selection
ences in color lead to fitness differences: Dark moths will become more fit if
air pollution increases, renders them less visible to predators, and thereby
makes it likelier that their genetic material will pass into another genera-
tion. In fact, this proved to be the case: In the early nineteenth century, the
dark-colored form was very rare. In the last half of the nineteenth century,
however, air pollution increased, and the dark-colored form became much
more frequent as a result of natural selection.
Directional Selection
The characteristics of a population can be changed by natural selection in
several ways. If individuals in a population with an extreme value for a
trait have the greatest fitness on average, then the mean value of the trait
will change in a consistent direction, which is called directional selection.
For example, the soil in the vicinity of mines contains heavy metals that are
toxic to plants. Individuals with the greatest resistance to heavy metals
have the highest survivorship. Evolution leads to an increase in resistance.
Stabilizing Selection
If individuals in a population with intermediate values for a trait have the
greatest fitness on average, then the variation in the trait will be reduced,
which is called stabilizing selection. For example, in many species of birds,
individuals with intermediate numbers of offspring have the greatest fit-
ness. If an individual has a small number of offspring, that parent has re-
duced reproduction and a low fitness. If the number of offspring is large,
the parent will not be able to provide enough food for all the young, and
most, or all, will starve, again resulting in reduced reproduction and a low
fitness. Evolution leads to all birds producing the same, intermediate num-
ber of offspring.
Disruptive Selection
If individuals in a population with different values for a trait have the
greatest fitnesses on average and intermediates have low fitness, then the
variation in the trait will be increased. This is called disruptive selection.
For example, for Darwin’s finches, individuals with long, thin bills are able
to probe into rotting cacti to find insects. Individuals with short, thick bills
are able to crack hard seeds. Individuals with intermediate-shaped bills are
not able to do either well and have reduced fitness relative to the more ex-
treme types. Evolution therefore leads to two different species of finch
with different bills.
Natural selection is a slow process. The rate of evolution—that is, re-
sponse to selection—is determined by the magnitude of fitness differences
Natural selection
Correlational Selection
Natural selection does not act on traits in isolation. How a trait affects fit-
ness in combination with other traits—called correlational selection—is
important. For example, fruit flies lay their eggs in rotting fruit. Con-
sidered in isolation, a female should always lay as many eggs as possible.
One fruit is not big enough for all the eggs she might lay, however, so she
must fly from fruit to fruit. Flying requires energy, and the more energy
that is used in flight the less that can be used to make eggs. Hence, natural
selection results in the division of energy between eggs and flight that
yields the greatest overall number of offspring. This example demon-
strates that the result of natural selection is often a trade-off among differ-
ent traits.
Sexual Selection
By acting differently on males and females, natural selection results in sex-
ual selection. This form of selection can explain differences in the forms of
males and females of a species. In general, because male gametes, sperm,
are much smaller and “cheaper” to produce than female gametes, eggs,
more sperm than eggs are produced. As a result, it is possible for one male
to fertilize many eggs, while other males fertilize few or no eggs. For exam-
ple, a lion pride usually consists of one or a few males and many females.
Other males are excluded, and they live separately; larger males are able to
chase away smaller males. The thick mane on male lions helps to protect
their throats when they fight other males. Thus, larger males with thicker
manes tend to survive, fathering more cubs than other males, leading to
additional bias in selection favoring these traits. This is an example of sex-
ual selection because the only selection pressure for the trait in question is
on males; all females, regardless of size, will mate. The result is that males
are larger than females and have manes.
Natural selection
Natural selection
horses’ teeth became thicker. It is inferred, therefore, that tough grass re-
sulted in natural selection for thicker teeth. Third, comparisons are made
of gene frequencies of natural populations, with predictions from mathe-
matical models. Gene frequencies are measured using various techniques,
including scoring differences in appearance, as with light-colored and
dark-colored moths; using electrophoresis to observe differences in pro-
teins; and determining the sequence of base pairs of deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA). The models make predictions about expected frequencies in the
presence or absence of selection. Indirect methods are best at revealing
long-term responses to evolution and general processes of natural selec-
tion that affect many species. The indirect methods suffer from the prob-
lem that often many processes will result in similar patterns. So, it must be
assumed that other processes were not operating, or other predictions
must be made to separate the processes.
Direct methods involve two kinds of observation. First, there is obser-
vation of changes in a population following some change in the environ-
ment. There are many types of environmental changes, including human-
made changes, natural disasters, seasonal changes, and introductions of
species into new environments. For example, from the changes in the pep-
pered moth following a change in pollution levels, one can measure the ef-
fects of natural selection. The second type of observation is the direct mea-
surement of fitness differences among individuals with trait differences.
For example, individual animals are tagged at an early age and survival
and reproduction are monitored. Then, statistical techniques are used to
find a relationship between fitness and variation among individuals in
some trait. Alternatively, comparisons of traits are made between groups
of individuals, such as breeding and nonbreeding, adults and juveniles, or
live and dead individuals, again using statistical techniques. For example,
lions that breed are larger than lions that do not breed. Direct methods are
best at revealing the relative importance to natural selection of the three
factors (variation, fitness differences, and heritability). The direct methods
suffer from two limitations. It takes a long time for evolution to occur. So,
although one can measure natural selection, it is often not known if it re-
sults in evolution. Also, for many species, it is impossible or impractical to
mark individuals and follow them through their lives.
Many methods can be used to study natural selection and evolution.
Each method provides information about different parts of the process.
Only through the integration of these methods can the entire process of
evolution be revealed.
Knowledge of natural selection is still growing; many questions pro-
posed by Darwin and others are yet to be answered. It is still not known to
Natural selection
Ecological Implications
Scientists and researchers combined their knowledge of natural selection
with a revolutionary breakthrough in molecular biology in the 1950’s: the
discovery of the helical structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and sub-
sequent discoveries and developments surrounding recombinant DNA
technology. The resultant manipulation of traits in organisms from crops to
mammals led to an age of genetic engineering. Today, strawberries, soy-
beans, dairy products, and a host of other foods, as well as higher organ-
isms including human tissues, can be genetically manipulated to benefi-
cial, as well as often unintended negative, ends. The addition of a new gene
into an organism will result in natural selection on that gene and change
selection on other genes. For example, certain crop plants genetically mod-
ified to resist herbicides have begun to mix with native species considered
weeds, creating a new problem of “superweeds” resistant to herbicides.
An understanding of natural selection is also critical for conservation
biology. During the twentieth century, the rate at which natural areas are
being destroyed and species are becoming extinct has accelerated tremen-
dously. Conservation biology attempts to stop that destruction and pre-
serve species diversity. For extinction of endangered species to be halted, it
must be understood how natural selection will affect these species given
massive environmental changes. By discovering how evolution is occur-
ring under natural conditions, researchers are learning how to design na-
ture preserves to maintain species.
Samuel M. Scheiner, updated by Christina J. Moose
Natural selection
Nonrandom mating, genetic drift, and mutation are three mechanisms, besides nat-
ural selection and migration, that can change the genetic structure of a population.
Nonrandom Mating
Nonrandom mating occurs in a population whenever every individual
does not have an equal chance of mating with any other member of the
population. While many organisms do tend to mate randomly, there are
some common patterns of nonrandom mating. Often, individuals tend to
mate with others nearby, or they may choose mates that are most like them-
selves. When individuals choose mates that are phenotypically similar,
positive assortative mating has occurred. If mates look physically differ-
ent, then it is negative assortative mating. Population geneticists use the
term “assortative” because it means “to separate into groups,” usually in a
pattern that is not random. The terms “positive” and “negative” refer to
the probability that mated pairs have the same phenotype more or less of-
ten than expected by chance. Two color varieties of snow geese (Chen
hyperborea), blue and white, are commonly found breeding in Canada, and
they show positive assortative mating patterns based on color. The geese
tend to mate only with birds of the same color; blue mate with blue and
white with white. Since a bird’s color (phenotype) is determined by the
presence of a dominant blue color allele, matings between similar pheno-
types are also matings between similar genotypes. Matings between simi-
lar genotypes cause the frequency of individuals that are homozygous for
the blue or the white allele to be greater, and the frequency of heterozy-
gotes to be less than if mating were random and in Hardy-Weinberg equi-
librium. Negative assortative mating increases the frequency of hetero-
zygote genotypes in the population and decreases homozygote frequency.
Nonrandom mating, genetic drift, and mutation
Assortative mating does not change the frequency of the blue or white al-
leles in the goose population; it simply reorganizes the genetic variation
and shifts the frequency of heterozygotes away from Hardy-Weinberg
equilibrium frequencies.
Inbreeding is the mating of relatives and is similar to positive assortative
mating because like genotypes mate and result in a high frequency of
homozygotes in the population. In assortative mating, only those genes
that influence mate choice become homozygous, but inbreeding increases
the homozygosity of all the genes. High homozygosity means that many of
the recessive alleles that were masked by the dominant allele in heterozy-
gotes will be expressed in the phenotype. Deleterious or harmful alleles
can remain hidden from selection in the heterozygote, but after one gener-
ation of inbreeding, these deleterious alleles are expressed in a homozy-
gous condition and can substantially reduce viability below normal levels.
Low viability resulting from mating of like genotypes is called inbreeding
Genetic Drift
Genetic drift, like positive assortative mating, reduces the frequency of
heterozygotes in a population, but with genetic drift, the frequency of al-
leles in a population changes. Nonrandom mating does not change allele
frequency. Genetic drift is sometimes called random genetic drift because
the mechanism of genetic change is random and attributable to chance
events in small populations, such that allele frequencies tend to wander or
drift. Statisticians use the term “sampling effect” to describe observed fluc-
tuations from expected values when only a few samples are chosen, and it
is easy to observe by tossing a coin. A fair coin flipped a hundred times
would be expected to produce approximately fifty heads and fifty tails,
plus or minus a few heads or tails. Yet, if the coin is flipped only four times,
it is not too surprising to get four heads or four tails. The probability of get-
ting either all heads or all tails on four consecutive flips is one out of eight,
but the probability of getting all heads or all tails decreases to much less
than one in a billion as the sample size increases from four to a hundred
tosses. Similarly, it is much easier for nonrandom events to occur in small
populations than in large populations. If a population has two alleles with
equal frequency for a particular trait, then the result of random mating can
be simulated by tossing a coin. The frequency of each allele in the next gen-
eration would be determined by flipping the coin twice for each individ-
ual, since sexually reproducing organisms have two alleles for each trait,
Nonrandom mating, genetic drift, and mutation
and counting the number of heads and tails. In a small population, only a
few gametes, each containing one allele for the trait, will fuse to form zy-
gotes. Chance events can cause the frequencies of alleles in a small popula-
tion to drift randomly from generation to generation; often one allele is lost
from the population.
In small populations with fewer than fifty mating pairs, alleles may be
eliminated in fewer than twenty generations by random genetic drift, leav-
ing only one allele for a particular trait in the population. Thus, all individ-
uals would be homozygous for the remaining allele and genetically identi-
cal. Theoretically, in any finite population random genetic drift will occur,
but it is usually negligible if the population size is greater than a hundred.
Sometimes, disasters or disease may drastically reduce the population
size, causing a bottleneck effect. The bottleneck in population size reduces
genetic variability in a population because there are only a few alleles and
results in random genetic drift. Many islands and new populations are
established by a small group of founders that constitute a nonrandom ge-
netic sample because they have only a fraction of the alleles from the origi-
nal large population. Founder effects and bottleneck effects are phenom-
ena that result in a loss of heterozygosity and decreased genetic variability
because of the chance drift in allele frequency away from Hardy-Weinberg
equilibrium values in small populations.
Mutations are any changes in the genetic material that can be passed on to
offspring. Some mutations are changes at a single point in the chromo-
some, while at other times, pieces of genetic material are removed, extra
pieces are added, or pieces are exchanged with other chromosomes. All
these changes could result in the formation of new alleles or could change
one allele into a different allele. The random mistakes in the chromosomes
occur at the molecular level, and only later are the changes in information
or alleles translated into phenotypic differences. Thus, mutation is the ulti-
mate source of genetic variability and is random with respect to the needs
of the organism. Most mutations are lethal and are never expressed, but
nonlethal mutations provide the necessary variation for natural selection.
Even though mutations are very important for evolution, they have only a
small effect on allele and genotype frequencies in populations because mu-
tation rates are relatively low. If an allele makes up 50 percent of the gene
pool and mutates to another allele once for every hundred thousand ga-
metes, it would take two thousand generations to reduce the frequency of
the allele by 2 percent. The net effect of mutations is to increase genetic
variability, but at a very slow rate.
Nonrandom mating, genetic drift, and mutation
Nonrandom mating, genetic drift, and mutation
Zookeepers and others that breed and protect rare and endangered spe-
cies must continually be concerned about the negative effects of both in-
breeding and genetic drift. Most zoos are lucky if they have two or three
pairs of breeding adults, and total population sizes are usually very small
compared to those of natural populations. These conditions mean that in-
breeding may reduce the vigor of the population and genetic drift will re-
duce the diversity of alleles in the population, thus reducing the chances of
survival for the captive species. There is hope for rare and endangered spe-
cies if independent inbred lines are crossed, thus reducing the effects of in-
breeding depression, and if breeding adults from other zoos or popula-
tions are traded occasionally, thus increasing the effective population size.
Mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variation and so are very
important in the study of evolution, but the population-level effects of one
mutation are difficult to study because of the low frequency of natural mu-
tations. Certain nonlethal mutations may have little evolutionary impact
but may be important medically because spontaneous mutations result in
hemophilia or dwarfism (achondroplasia) in more than 3 out of 100,000
cases. As exposure to background radiation and chemical levels increases,
mutation rates are likely to increase, as well as the incidence of mutation-
related diseases.
William R. Bromer
See also: Biodiversity; Gene flow; Genetic diversity; Genetic drift; Pollina-
tion; Population genetics; Speciation; Zoos.
Types of ecology: Ecoenergetics; Ecosystem ecology
Input of Nutrients
The input of nutrients to an ecosystem depends on the type of biogeo-
chemical cycle. Nutrients with a gaseous cycle, such as carbon and nitro-
gen, enter an ecosystem from the atmosphere. For example, carbon enters
ecosystems almost solely through photosynthesis, which converts carbon
dioxide to organic carbon compounds. Nitrogen enters ecosystems through
a few pathways including lightning, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and atmo-
spheric deposition. In agricultural ecosystems, nitrogen fertilization pro-
vides a great amount of nitrogen influx, much larger than by any other in-
flux pathways.
In contrast to carbon and nitrogen with input from the atmosphere, the
input of nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus depends on the weath-
ering of rocks and minerals. Soil characteristics and the process of soil for-
mation have a major influence on processes involved in nutrient release to
recycling pools. Supplementary soil nutrients come from airborne parti-
cles and aerosols, as wet or dry depositions. Such atmospheric deposition
can supply more than half of the input of nutrients to some ecosystems.
The major sources of nutrients for aquatic ecosystems are inputs from
the surrounding land. These inputs can take the forms of drainage water,
detritus and sediment, and precipitation. Flowing aquatic systems are
highly dependent on a steady input of detrital material from the watershed
through which they flow.
Internal Cycling
Internal cycling of nutrients occurs when nutrients are transformed in eco-
systems. Plants take up mineral (mostly inorganic) nutrients from soil
through their roots and incorporate them into living tissues. Nutrients
Nutrient cycles
Output of Nutrients
The output of nutrients from an ecosystem represents a loss. Output can
occur in various ways, depending on the nature of a specific biogeo-
chemical cycle. Carbon is
released from ecosystems
to the atmosphere in the
The Nitrogen Cycle form of carbon dioxide via
Nitrogen in the process of respiration
atmosphere by plants, animals, and mi-
croorganisms. Nitrogen is
Nitrogen Denitrification
fixation by bacteria lost to the atmosphere in
gaseous forms of nitrogen,
nitrous oxide, and ammo-
nia, mostly as by-products
of microbial activities in
Protein Uptake Nitrates in Protein
in plants by roots the soil in animals soil. Nitrogen is also lost
through leaching from the
Nitrification soil and carried out of eco-
systems by groundwater
flow to streams. Leaching
Death and Nitrites Death and also results in export of car-
decomposition decomposition
bon, phosphorus, and other
Nitrifying nutrients out of ecosystems.
Output of nutrients from
ecosystems can also oc-
Ammonia cur through surface flow
of water and soil erosion.
Nutrient cycles
Nutrient cycles
Types of ecology: Aquatic and marine ecology; Ecotoxicology
Oil spills resulting from human error often affect marine and coastal areas. Past oil
spills in different areas of the world demonstrate that environmental damage de-
pends on the toxicity and the persistence of the oil; both vary widely depending on
a variety of factors.
Environmental Damage
The most common sight during an oil spill is dark, gelatinous masses of
“mousse”—an oil and water emulsion that floats on the water, sticking to
everything with which it comes into contact. Mousse usually causes the
majority of the environmental damage during an oil spill by the process of
mechanical toxicity, as it suffocates and smothers organisms that ingest it
or are covered by it. Seabirds and furry marine mammals are highly sus-
ceptible to this process, succumbing to exposure, dehydration, or starva-
Crude oil is a complex mixture of thousands of different chemicals
called hydrocarbons, named after a molecular structure based on hydro-
gen and carbon atoms. Different hydrocarbons vary in their chemical
properties, toxicity, and behavior during an oil spill. The major groups are
classified by molecular geometry and weight. The low-molecular-weight
molecules (aliphatics) are single-bonded, chain-shaped molecules, such as
gasoline. They are the most chemically reactive and volatile, and they are
acutely toxic. These compounds tend to evaporate or burn easily during
Ocean pollution and oil spills
an oil spill and therefore do not persist in the environment for long peri-
ods. Intermediate-molecular-weight hydrocarbons, or aromatics, are ring-
shaped molecules, such as benzene. They are also highly reactive and
cause biological impacts because of both acute and chronic toxicity. Aro-
matic hydrocarbon compounds are more environmentally persistent than
aliphatics. Since many are carcinogens, they can cause different forms of
biological damage, disease, and death even after a long time period and
in low doses. The high-molecular-weight oil compounds are mostly poly-
cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons structured of ring shapes bonded together to
form molecules. Although they are not very chemically reactive and do not
dissolve well in water, many are carcinogenic. They tend to be very envi-
ronmentally persistent.
For hundreds of millions of years before humans evolved, oil was
“spilled” naturally into the world’s oceans by natural oil seeps—fractures
in the earth’s crust that tap deep, oil-bearing rocks. A variety of natural
processes act to reduce the environmental impacts of this oil, and these
same processes also take place during a human-caused oil spill. Oil is dis-
persed from the oil slick and into the larger environment by five basic pro-
cesses. Evaporation of the low-molecular-weight hydrocarbon com-
pounds removes most of the oil relatively quickly. Sunlight can degrade
additional oil in a process called photodegradation if the oil is exposed for
enough time. Because oil is an organic substance, additional oil is removed
by natural biodegradation thanks to “oil-eating” microorganisms. Most of
the rest of the oil either washes up onto a coastal area or breaks up into
heavy “tar balls” rich in high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons that eventu-
ally sink.
Some oil spills put so much oil into the environment that these pro-
cesses cannot respond quickly enough to prevent environmental damage.
Other factors can also enhance environmental damage from oil spills.
Some types of oil or refined petroleum products are more toxic than others.
Oil spills in cold climates generally cause more damage because cold tem-
peratures retard evaporation and the microbial metabolic rates necessary
for rapid oil removal. Furthermore, sunlight is often of low intensity, which
retards photodegradation. Wave conditions and tidal currents can affect
how much oil washes up onto a coastal area and how rapidly it is moved
elsewhere or removed. Finally, the amount of environmental damage from
an oil spill is highly dependent on the type of coastal environment oiled in
the spill, as coastal environments vary in density (or biomass) and varieties
of wildlife. Coastlines also vary in the degree to which they are sheltered
from natural oil-removal processes. In general, rocky headlands, wave-cut
rock platforms, and reefs exposed to high wave activity suffer far less dam-
Ocean pollution and oil spills
age during an oil spill than do sheltered marshes, tidal flats, and mangrove
forests. The damage on beaches is related to the grain size of the beach sed-
iment. Fine-sand beaches are relatively flat and hard-packed, and oil does
not soak into the sediment or persist for long. Oil will soak deeply into
coarse sand, gravel, and shell beaches, causing more damage over a longer
Most of what has been learned about oil spill behavior, environmental
damage, and oil spill cleanup techniques comes from studying past spills.
In most cases, spill prevention is far cheaper and more effective than spill
response, and cleanup efforts usually capture very little of the spilled oil.
Ixtoc I
The Ixtoc I spill of June 3, 1979, was the result of an explosion, or “blow-
out,” of an offshore oil well that was drilling into a subsurface oil reservoir.
Although human error was definitely a factor, the cause of the blowout re-
mains unresolved. It has been blamed on the use of drilling mud that was
not dense enough to counteract the pressure of the oil and gas at depth, as
well as on the improper installation of the blowout preventer—a fail-safe
device used on drilling rigs to prevent just this type of disaster. The result
was a continuous 290-day oil spill, during which an estimated 475,000 met-
ric tons of crude oil (one metric ton equals approximately five barrels) were
released into the environment. In addition to doing considerable environ-
mental damage on the coast of Mexico, oil fouled much of the barrier is-
land coast of Texas. However, most of the oil did not make it to shore, and
the final accounting for this spill gives a good indication of the long-term
fate of spilled oil in offshore areas: 1 percent burned at the spill site, 50 per-
cent evaporated, 13 percent photodegraded or biodegraded, 7 percent
washed up on the coast (6 percent in Mexico, 1 percent in Texas), 5 percent
was mechanically removed by skimmers and booms, and 24 percent sank
to the seafloor (assumed by mass balance).
Ocean pollution and oil spills
Seabirds are often casualties of ocean oil spills, succumbing to exposure, dehydra-
tion, starvation, suffocation, or the oil’s toxicity. In 1989, experts estimated that,
in addition to thousands of sea otters and deer, more than half a million seabirds
died as a result of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska.
accident. His blood alcohol level nine hours after the grounding was mea-
sured at 0.06 percent; the estimate at the time of the accident was 0.19 per-
cent—almost twice the legal level for drivers in California. Convicted of
negligence and stripped of his commander’s license, he was subsequently
employed as an instructor to teach others to operate supertankers.
Leaking oil was observed immediately. Oil-spill response crews funded
by Exxon and the Alyeska Pipeline Consortium—oil companies that used
the Port Valdez terminal—were poorly prepared and reacted too slowly
and with inadequate equipment. The first response arrived ten hours after
the accident with insufficient booms and skimmers. Chemical dispersants
applied to break up the oil slick were ineffective in the calm seas and
caused the oil slick to thin and spread more rapidly. Four days later, the
weather changed: 114-kilometer-per-hour winds mixed the oil with seawa-
ter, creating a frothy mousse. More than 65,000 metric tons of oil spilled
over several weeks. About 15,600 square kilometers of ocean and 1,300 ki-
lometers of shoreline were affected.
Federal estimates of wildlife mortality include 3,500 to 5,500 otters;
580,000 seabirds; and 300 deer poisoned by eating oiled kelp. Economic
damages totaled more than $5 billion. The long-term effects on commercial
Ocean pollution and oil spills
Ocean pollution and oil spills
Ocean pollution and oil spills
See also: Acid deposition; Lakes and limnology; Marine biomes; Pollution
effects; Reefs.
Ocean pollution and oil spills
Etkin, Dagmar Schmidt. Financial Costs of Oil Spills in the United States.
Arlington, Mass.: Cutter Information, 1998.
_______. Marine Spills Worldwide. Arlington, Mass.: Cutter Information,
Hall, M. J. Crisis on the Coast. Portland, Oreg.: USCG Marine Safety Office,
Smith, Roland. The Sea Otter Rescue: The Aftermath of an Oil Spill. New York:
Puffin Books, 1999.
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology; Restoration and
conservation ecology
Ancient ecosystems, old-growth forests consist of trees that have never been har-
vested. These forests are, in some cases, the only habitat for a number of plant and
animal species.
Old-growth forests
fungi (mycorrhizae), which attach themselves to the roots of the trees and
enhance their uptake of water and nutrients. The fruiting bodies of these
fungi are eaten by small mammals such as voles, mice, and chipmunks,
which then spread the spores of the fungi in their droppings. There are nu-
merous species of plants and animal wildlife that appear to be dependent
on this ecosystem to survive.
Old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest are the only habitat for not only the fa-
mous endangered northern spotted owl but also a host of other wildlife species.
Old-growth forests
old growth, and its listing under the federal Endangered Species Act in
1990 caused a decade of scientific, political, and legal conflict.
Under law, the U.S. Forest Service was required to protect enough of the
owl’s habitat to ensure its survival. An early government report identified
7.7 million acres of forest to be protected for the bird. Later, the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service recommended 11 million acres. In 1991 U.S. District
Court judge William Dwyer placed an injunction on all logging in spotted
owl habitat until a comprehensive plan could be finalized. The timber in-
dustry responded with a prediction of tens of thousands of lost jobs and re-
gional economic disaster. In 1993 President Bill Clinton convened the For-
est Summit conference in Portland, Oregon, to work out a solution. The
Clinton administration’s plan, though approved by Judge Dwyer, satisfied
neither the industry nor the environmentalists, and protests, lawsuits, and
legislative battles continued.
As the twentieth century came to an end, timber harvest levels had been
significantly reduced, the Northwest’s economy had survived, and addi-
tional values for old-growth forests were found: habitat for endangered
salmon and other fish, a source for medicinal plants, and a repository for
benefits yet to be discovered. The decades-long controversy over the for-
ests of the Northwest had a deep impact on environmental science as well
as natural resource policy and encouraged new interest in other native for-
ests around the world, from Brazil to Malaysia to Russia.
Joseph W. Hinton
See also: Endangered animal species; Forests; Habitats and biomes; Lakes
and limnology; Mountain ecosystems; Rain forests; Rain forests and the at-
mosphere; Savannas and deciduous tropical forests; Slash-and-burn agri-
culture; Taiga; Tundra and high-altitude biomes.
Types of ecology: Behavioral ecology; Ecoenergetics
Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and animals. They are found in all
types of animals, including arthropods, fish, birds, and mammals. Omnivore diets
may vary seasonally.
M any animals are either herbivores, which eat only plant food, or car-
nivores, which eat only the flesh of other animals. The preference
for one type of food or the other depends largely on the type of digestive
system that the animal has, and the resources it can put into its “energy
Ecological Advantages
Meat is generally easier to digest and requires a less complex digestive sys-
tem and a relatively short intestinal tract. However, in order to get meat,
carnivores have to invest a lot of time hunting their prey, and the outcome
of a hunt is always uncertain. The food of herbivores is much easier to ob-
tain, since plants do not move and all the herbivore has to do is graze on
the grasses, leaves, or algae readily available around it. However, the cellu-
lose that plants are made of is very tough to digest, and thus herbivores
must have a much lengthier and more complex digestive tract than carni-
vores. Many herbivores are ruminants, with multipart stomachs, which
have to chew and digest their food more than once in order to get adequate
nutrition from it.
Carnivores and herbivores are also vulnerable to a loss of their food
source. Herbivores whose digestive systems are specialized to process
only one type of food will starve if that food becomes scarce as a result of
drought or some other climatic change. Carnivores often have specialized
hunting patterns that cannot be changed if the prey (usually herbivores)
become scarce due to loss of their own food source.
Omnivores maximize their ability to obtain food by having digestive
tracts capable of processing both plant and animal food, although they are
usually not capable of digesting the very tough plant material, such as
grasses and leaves, that many large herbivores eat. Omnivores may also be
scavengers, eating whatever carrion they may come across. Omnivores of-
ten lack the specialized food-gathering ability characteristic of pure carni-
vores and herbivores. Many animals often thought of as carnivores are ac-
tually omnivores, eating both plants and animals.
Diversity of Omnivores
Omnivores can be found among all types of animals, living on land and in
water. They include fish, mollusks, arthropods, birds, and mammals.
Most insects are either herbivores, such as grasshoppers, or carnivores
such as mantises. However some, such as yellow jacket wasps, are omni-
vores, eating other insects, fruit, and nectar. Omnivorous snails and slugs
eat algae, leaves, lichens, insects, and decaying plant and animal matter.
Their main organ for eating is called a radula, a tonguelike, toothed organ
that is drawn along rocks, leaves, or plants to scrape off food; it is also used
to bore holes through shells of other mollusks, to get to their flesh.
Omnivorous fish include the common carp, goldfish, catfish, eels, and
minnows. Since a fish’s food is often suspended in the medium through
which the fish swims—water—being able to gulp up whatever comes into
its mouth is an efficient way for a fish to eat. Similarly, bottom-feeders (fish
that suck up material from the floor of whatever body of water they in-
habit) also benefit from not needing to sort through the material before
they ingest it.
Many birds are omnivores, such as robins, ostriches, and flamingos. The
pink or red color of flamingos occurs because they eat blue-green algae and
higher plants which contain the same substances that make tomatoes red.
They also eat shrimp and small mollusks.
Mammal omnivores include bears; members of the weasel family, such
as skunks; the raccoon family (raccoons and coatimundis); monkeys; apes;
and humans. Raccoons and coatis, found only in the Americas, eat insects,
crayfish, crabs, fish, amphibians, birds, small mammals, nuts, fruits, roots,
and plants. Like other omnivores, they also eat carrion. Bears eat grass,
roots, fruits, insects, fish, small or large mammals, and carrion.
Sanford S. Singer
See also: Balance of nature; Biomass related to energy; Food chains and
webs; Herbivores; Nutrient cycles; Predation; Trophic levels and ecological
Types of ecology: Ecotoxicology; Global ecology
Ozone occurs naturally in the atmosphere and absorbs ultraviolet radiation from
the sun. In the past few decades, a “hole” in the atmosphere’s ozone layer has been
recorded over Antarctica, and its size, although fluctuating, has increased over
time. Scientists are concerned with the damage to all living organisms from ultra-
violet radiation if the atmosphere’s ozone continues to decrease.
Discovery of a “Hole”
Beginning in the early 1970’s, a new and unexpected decrease in strato-
spheric ozone concentration was first observed. The decrease was local-
ized in geography to the Southern Polar region, and in time to early spring
(which begins in October in the Southern Hemisphere). The initial de-
crease in ozone was small, but by 1980, decreases in total column abun-
dance of ozone of as much as 30 percent were being seen, well outside the
range of variation expected as a result of random fluctuations. This sea-
sonal destruction of stratospheric ozone above Antarctica, which by 1990
had reached 50 percent of the total column abundance of ozone, was soon
given the label “ozone hole.”
Ozone depletion and ozone holes
Area of Antarctica
Ozone depletion and ozone holes
curring processes, and chlorine and bromine atoms and their correspond-
ing oxides.
A major source of chlorine in the stratosphere is the decomposition of
a class of compounds called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Such compounds
can be used in refrigeration and air conditioning, as aerosol propellants,
and as solvents. Chlorofluorocarbons are extremely stable in the lower at-
mosphere, with lifetimes of several decades. The main fate of chlorofluoro-
carbons is slow migration into the stratosphere, where they absorb ultravi-
olet light and release chlorine atoms. The chlorine atoms produced from
the breakdown of chlorofluorocarbons in the stratosphere provide an ad-
ditional catalytic process by which stratospheric ozone can be destroyed.
A similar set of reactions involving a class of bromine-containing com-
pounds called halons, used in some types of fire extinguishers, leads to ad-
ditional ozone destruction. By 1986, the average global loss of strato-
spheric ozone caused by the release of chlorofluorocarbons, halons, and
related compounds into the environment was estimated to be 2 percent.
Ozone depletion and ozone holes
lysts that convert reservoir species into diatomic chlorine and other gas-
eous chlorine compounds that, in the presence of sunlight, re-form ozone-
destroying species. At the same time, the nitrogen oxides found in the res-
ervoir species are converted into nitric acid, which remains attached to the
ice crystals. As these ice crystals are slowly removed from the stratosphere
by gravity, the potential for conversion of active forms of chlorine into res-
ervoir species is greatly reduced. Because of this, when spring arrives,
large amounts of ozone-destroying chlorine species are produced by the
action of sunlight, and only a small fraction of this reactive chlorine is con-
verted into reservoir species. The increased rate of ozone removal caused
by the abundance of reactive chlorine present in the stratosphere leads to
ozone depletion and formation of the ozone hole.
An additional process important in formation of the ozone hole is the
unique air-circulation pattern in the stratosphere above Antarctica. During
the winter and early spring, a vortex of winds circulates about the South
Pole. This polar vortex minimizes movement of ozone and reservoir-form-
ing compounds from other regions of the stratosphere. As this polar vortex
breaks up in midspring, ozone concentrations in the Antarctic stratosphere
return to normal levels, and the ozone hole gradually disappears.
Arctic Depletion?
Similar processes appear to be at work in the Arctic stratosphere, leading
to ozone depletion, as in the Antarctic; however, the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Aeronomy Laboratory in Boulder,
Colorado, reported a discrepancy between observed ozone depletion and
predicted levels, based on models that account accurately for the Antarctic
depletions. This report suggests that some other mechanism is at work in
the Arctic. Thus, good models can be very useful in studying new data.
Ozone depletion and ozone holes
There are two models favored by most scientists in this area. Some scien-
tists put forth a chemical model that says the depletion is caused by chem-
ical events promoted by the presence of chlorofluorocarbons created by
industrial processes. Acceptance of this model was promoted by the dis-
covery of fluorine in the stratosphere. Fluorine does not naturally occur
there, but it is related to CFCs. The other model assumes that the ozone
hole was formed by dynamic air movement and mixing. This model best
fits data gathered by ozone-sensing balloons that sample altitudes up to 30
kilometers and then radio the data back to Earth. Ozone depletion is con-
fined to air between 12 and 20 kilometers. While the total ozone depletion
is 35 percent, different strata showed various amounts of depletion from 70
to 90 percent. Surprisingly, about half the ozone was gone in twenty-five
days. This finding does not fit the chemical model very well.
Besides ozone-sensing balloons, satellites are of much help. The Na-
tional Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) obtains measure-
ments with its Nimbus 7 satellite. Ozone measurements made by this satel-
lite helped to develop flight plans for the specialized aircraft NASA also
deploys in ozone studies. NASA’s ER-2 aircraft is a modified U-2 recon-
naissance plane that carries instruments up to 20 kilometers in altitude for
seven-hour flights to 80 degrees north latitude. A DC-8, operating during
the same period, is able to survey the polar vortex, owing to its greater
range. In addition, scientists utilize many meteorological techniques and
instruments, including chemical analysis of gases by means of infrared
spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy and gas spectroscopy combined, gas
chromatography, and oceanographic analysis of planktonic life in the
southern Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. As new research methods
become available, they are applied to this essential study.
Ozone depletion and ozone holes
Ecological Concerns
Many other forms of life—from bacteria to forests and crops—are ad-
versely affected by excessive radiation as well. Ultraviolet radiation affects
plant growth by slowing photosynthesis and by delaying germination in
many plants, including trees and crops. Scientists have a great concern for
the organisms that live in the ocean and the effect ozone depletion may
have on them. Phytoplankton, zooplankton, and krill (a shrimplike crusta-
cean) could be greatly depleted if there were a drastic increase in ultravio-
let A and B. The result would be a tremendous drop in the population of
these free-floating organisms. These organisms are important because they
are the beginning of the food chain. Phytoplankton use the energy of sun-
light to convert inorganic compounds, such as phosphates, nitrates, and
silicates, into organic plant matter. This process provides food for the next
step in the food chain, the herbivorous zooplankton and krill. They, in turn,
become the food for the next higher level of animals in the food chain. Ini-
tial studies of this food chain in the Antarctic suggest that elevated levels of
ultraviolet radiation impair photosynthetic activity. Recent studies show
that a fifteen-day exposure to UV-B levels 20 percent higher than normal
can kill off all anchovy larvae down to a depth of 10 meters. There is also
concern that ozone depletion may alter the food chain and even cause
changes in the organism’s genetic makeup. An increase in the ultraviolet
radiation is likely to lower fish catches and upset marine ecology, which
has already suffered damage from human-made pollution. On a world-
wide basis, fish presently provides 18 percent of all the animal protein con-
International Response
The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) is working with gov-
ernments, international organizations, and industry to develop a frame-
work within which the international community can make decisions to
minimize atmospheric changes and the effects they could have on the
earth. In 1977, UNEP convened a meeting of experts to draft the World
Plan of Action on the Ozone Layer. The plan called for a program of re-
Ozone depletion and ozone holes
search on the ozone layer and on what would happen if the layer were
damaged. In addition, UNEP created a group of experts and government
representatives who framed the Convention for the Protection of the
Ozone Layer. This convention was adopted in Vienna in March, 1985, by
twenty-one states and the European Economic Community and has subse-
quently been signed by many more states. The convention pledges states
that sign to protect human health and the environment from the effects of
ozone depletion. Action has already been taken to protect the ozone layer.
Several countries have restricted the use of CFCs or the amounts pro-
duced. The United States banned the use of CFCs in aerosols in 1978. Some
countries, such as Belgium and the Nordic countries, in effect banned CFC
production altogether.
George K. Attwood and Jeffrey A. Joens
Types of ecology: Evolutionary ecology; Paleoecology
Paleoecology is the study of ancient organisms and their relationships to one an-
other and to their environments. The characteristics of ancient environments may
be determined by examining rock and fossil features.
One of the most intensively investigated paleoecological problems has been
the changing environments associated with the ice ages of the past million
years. Analysis of pollen from bogs in many parts of the world indicates that
there have been at least four advances and retreats of glaciers during that
period. Evidence for this is the changing proportions of pollen from tree
species found at the various depths of bogs. In North America, for exam-
ple, spruces (indicators of cool climate) formerly lived much farther south
than they do now. They were largely replaced almost eight thousand years
ago by other tree species, such as oaks, which are indicative of warmer cli-
mates. This warming trend was a result of the latest glacial retreat.
Tree-ring analysis, also known as dendrochronology, not only enables
paleoecologists to date past events such as forest fires and droughts but
also allows them to study longer-term cycles of weather and climate, espe-
cially those of precipitation and temperature. In addition, trees serve as ac-
cumulators of past mineral levels in the atmosphere and soil. Lead levels of
tree wood showed a sharp increase as the automobile became common in
the first half of the twentieth century because of lead additives in gasoline.
Tree rings formed since the 1970’s have shown a decrease in lead because
of the decline in use of leaded fuels. Tree-ring analysis has also been a valu-
able tool for archaeologists’ study of climatic changes responsible for shift-
ing patterns of population and agriculture among native Americans of the
southwestern United States.
Fossil Deposition
Fossil arrangement and position can be a clue to the environments in
which the organisms lived or in which they were preserved. Sea-floor cur-
rents can align objects such as small fish and shells. Not only can the exis-
tence of the current be inferred, but also its direction and velocity can be
determined. Currents and tides can create other features in sediments
which are sometimes indicators of environment. If a mixture of gravel,
sand, silt, and clay is being transported by a moving body of water such as
a stream, tide, or current, the sediments will often become sorted by the
current and be deposited as conglomerates—sandstones, siltstones, and
shales. Such graded bedding can be used to determine the direction and
velocity of currents. Larger particles, such as gravel, would tend to be de-
posited nearer the sediment source than smaller particles such as clay. Sim-
ilarly, preserved ripple marks indicate current direction. Mud cracks in a
rock layer indicate that the original muddy sediment was exposed to the
atmosphere at least for a time after its deposition.
Fossil Composition
Certain minerals within fossil beds or within the fossil remains themselves
can sometimes be used to interpret the paleoenvironment. The presence of
pyrite in a sediment almost always indicates that the sedimentary environ-
ment was deficient in oxygen, and this, in turn, often indicates deep, still
water. Such conditions exist today in the Black Sea and even in some deep
lakes, with great accumulations of dead organic matter.
The method of preservation of the remains of the fossilized organism can
be an indication of the environment in which the creature lived (or died).
Amber, a fossilized resin, frequently contains the embedded bodies of
ancient insects trapped in the resin like flies on flypaper. This ancient envi-
ronment probably contained resin-bearing plants (mostly conifers), and
broken limbs and stumps that oozed resin to trap these insects. Mum-
mified remains in desert areas and frozen carcasses in the northern tundra
indicate the environments in which the remains were preserved thousands
of years ago.
Marks made on fossil parts by other organisms offer indirect evidence
of the presence and activity of other species that might not have left fossil
remains. Predators and scavengers can leave such marks on bones and
shells by boring, scratching, and gnawing. One of the most controversial
taphonomic problems in paleoecology is distinguishing between tooth
marks left by animal scavengers and predators on bones and those marks
left by the stone and bone tools of early human ancestors.
One of the most important methods to be mastered by paleoecologists is
stratigraphy, the science of correlating and determining the age of rock lay-
ers with those of the fossils contained within these layers or formations.
Rock layers or strata are not usually connected over large regions. While
they might have been deposited as sediments at the same time and under
the same conditions, subsequent erosion has usually made the layers dis-
continuous. Stratigraphers attempt to correlate discontinuous rock strata
by measuring and describing them and by noting the presence of unique
fossils called index fossils. If two strata are correlated, then they were prob-
ably deposited during approximately the same period, although there may
be a gradation of conditions.
For example, there may be a layer of sediment deposited at the same
time, but under nearshore conditions at one spot and under offshore con-
ditions at another. Relative ages are determined by using the law of super-
position: Older rocks lie beneath younger rocks. One can say that a certain
stratum is older than, the same age as, or younger than another layer, de-
pending upon their relative positions. Absolute ages (estimated age in
years before the present) are determined by measuring the amounts of cer-
tain radioactive elements within igneous rocks. Such radiometric age de-
terminations are of less value for sedimentary rocks since they give the age
of the minerals of the rock, not the age of the rock itself.
Related Fields
Paleoecological data are applicable to other, related paleo-fields of the
earth and life sciences. The study of fossils, paleontology, is enhanced by
the inclusion of information about the fossil organisms’ environments and
relationships with other organisms. Paleontologists should attempt to re-
construct ancient environments because organisms did not exist alone or in
vacuums: They lived in dynamic biological communities. Paleogeography
relies heavily on paleoecological information to discern the locations, di-
rections, and time intervals of glaciation, deposition of sediments, temper-
ature, and other environmental variables. This information has been used
to determine the past positions of continents and has been a valuable con-
tribution to scientists’ knowledge of continental drift.
Paleoclimatologists, who study ancient regional and planetwide condi-
tions, must make use of local bits of paleoecological information to see the
big picture of climate. One of the major concerns of paleoclimatology is the
recognition of planetary climatic cycles and associated environmental and
biological cycles. If there is a repeated recurrence of global environmental
change, then predictions about future climatic change become more accu-
rate and probable.
P. E. Bostick
Bennett, K. D. Evolution and Ecology: The Pace of Life. New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1997.
Brett, Carlton E., and Gordon C. Baird, eds. Paleontological Events: Strati-
graphic, Ecological, and Evolutionary Implications. New York: Columbia
University Press, 1997.
Cowen, Richard. History of Life. 3d ed. Malden, Md.: Blackwell Science,
Davis, Richard A. Depositional Systems: A Genetic Approach to Sedimentary
Geology. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1983.
Dodd, J. Robert, and Robert J. Stanton, Jr. Paleoecology: Concepts and Applica-
tions. 2d ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990.
National Research Council. Commission on Geosciences, Environment,
and Resources. Board on Earth Sciences and Resources. Effects of Past
Global Change on Life. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1995.
Newton, Cathryn, and Léo Laporte. Ancient Environments. 3d ed. Engle-
wood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1989.
Shipman, Pat. Life History of a Fossil: An Introduction to Taphonomy and Paleo-
ecology. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1993.
Types of ecology: Agricultural ecology; Ecotoxicology
Pesticides are substances designed to kill unwanted plants, fungi, or animals that
interfere, directly or indirectly, with human activities. The unintended impacts of
pesticides such as DDT have been to change ecosystems and their components.
T he major types of pesticides in common use are insecticides (to kill in-
sects), nematocides (to kill nematodes), fungicides (to kill fungi), her-
bicides (to kill weeds), and rodenticides (to kill rodents). Herbicides and
insecticides make up the majority of the pesticides applied in the environ-
ment. Biopesticides are beneficial microbes, fungi, insects, or animals that
kill pests. While the use of pesticides has mushroomed since the introduc-
tion of monoculture (the agricultural practice of growing only one crop on
a large amount of acreage), the application of toxins to control pests is by
no means new.
Herbicides are classified according to their method of killing rather than
their chemical composition. As their name suggests, contact herbicides
such as atrazine and paraquat kill when they come in contact with a plant’s
leaf surface. Contact herbicides generally disrupt the photosynthetic mecha-
nism. Systemic herbicides such as diuron and fenuron circulate through-
out the plant after being absorbed. They generally mimic the plant hor-
mones and cause abnormal growth to the extent that the plant can no
longer supply sufficient nutrients to support growth. Soil sterilants such as
triflurain, diphenamid, and daiapon kill microorganisms necessary for
plant growth and also act as systemic herbicides.
Current Use
In the United States, approximately 55,000 different pesticide formulations
are available, and Americans apply about 500 million kilograms (1.1 bil-
lion pounds) of pesticides each year. Fungicides account for 12 percent of
all pesticides used by farmers, insecticides account for 19 percent, and her-
bicides account for 69 percent. These pesticides have been used primarily
on four crops: soybeans, wheat, cotton, and corn. Approximately $5 billion
is spent each year on pesticides in the United States, and about 20 percent
of this is for nonfarm use. On a per-unit-of-land basis, homeowners apply
approximately five times as much pesticide as do farmers. On a worldwide
basis, approximately 2.5 tons (2,270 kilograms) of pesticides are applied
each year. Most of these chemicals are applied in developed countries, but
the amount of pesticide used in developing countries is rapidly increasing.
Approximately $20 billion is spent worldwide each year, and this expendi-
ture is expected to increase in the future, particularly in the developing
Despite current concerns about their toxicity and biomagnification,
pesticide use has had a beneficial impact on the lives of humans by in-
creasing food production and reducing food costs. Even with pesticides,
pests reduce the world’s potential food supply by as much as 55 percent.
Without pesticides, this loss would be much higher, resulting in increased
starvation and higher food costs. Pesticides also increase the profit mar-
gin for farmers. It has been estimated that for every dollar spent on pes-
ticides, farmers experience an increase in yield worth three to five dol-
lars. Pesticides appear to work better and faster than alternative methods
of controlling pests. These chemicals can rapidly control most pests, are
cost-effective, can be easily shipped and applied, and have a long shelf
life compared to alternative methods. In addition, farmers can quickly
switch to another pesticide if genetic resistance to a given pesticide de-
Perhaps the most compelling argument for the use of pesticides is
the fact that pesticides have saved lives. It has been suggested that since
the introduction of DDT, the use of pesticides has prevented approxi-
mately seven million premature human deaths from insect-transmitted
diseases such as sleeping sickness, bubonic plague, typhus, and malaria.
Perhaps even more lives have been saved from starvation because of
the increased food production resulting from the use of pesticides. It has
been argued, therefore, that this one benefit outweighs the potential health
risks of pesticides. In addition, new pesticides are continually being devel-
oped, and safer and more effective pest control may be available in the
Environmental Concerns
In spite of all the advantages of using pesticides, their benefit must be bal-
anced against the potential environmental damage they can cause. An
ideal pesticide would have the following characteristics: It should not kill
any organism other than the target pest; it would in no way affect the
health of nontarget organisms; it would degrade into nontoxic chemicals
in a relatively short time; it would prevent the development of resistance in
the organism it is designed to kill; and it would be cost-effective. Since no
currently available pesticide meets all of these criteria, a number of envi-
ronmental problems have developed, one of which is broad-spectrum poi-
soning. Most, if not all, chemical pesticides are not selective; they kill a
wide range of organisms rather than just the target pest. Killing beneficial
insects, such as bees, lady bird beetles, and wasps, may result in a range of
problems. For example, reduced pollination and explosions in the popula-
tions of unaffected insects can occur.
When DDT was first used as an insecticide, many people believed that it
was the final solution for controlling many insect pests. Initially, DDT dra-
matically reduced the number of problem insects; within a few years, how-
ever, a number of species had developed genetic resistance to the chemical
and could no longer be controlled with it. By the 1990’s there were approxi-
mately two hundred insect species with genetic resistance to DDT. Other
chemicals were designed to replace DDT, but many insects also developed
resistance to these newer insecticides. As a result, although many synthetic
Types of ecology: Behavioral ecology; Chemical ecology; Physiological
Pheromones are chemicals or mixtures of chemicals that are used as messages be-
tween members of a species. They are integral parts of the social communication
within most species. They may prove to be of great value in pest control and in en-
hancing agricultural production.
Types of Pheromones
There are two general types of pheromone: those that elicit an immediate
and predictable behavioral response, called releaser or signal pheromones,
and those that bring about a less obvious physiological response, called
primer pheromones (because they prime the system for a possible behav-
ioral response). Pheromones are also categorized according to the mes-
sages they carry. There are trail, marker, aggregation, attractant, repellant,
arrestant, deterrent, stimulant, alarm, and other pheromones. Their func-
tions are suggested by the terms used to name them.
To appreciate fully the complexity of the interactions under consider-
ation, it is important to remember that a pheromone may also be acting as a
kairomone, allomone, or hormone. For example, klipspringer antelope
mark vegetation in their environment with a chemical secreted from a spe-
cial gland. Other klipspringer investigate the marks to gather information
on the marking individual. Ticks that parasitize the klipspringer, however,
are also attracted to the chemical marks and thus increase their chance of
ulate mating behavior, but only in males of the same species. Thus the re-
quired specificity is achieved by a different mechanism. This is only one of
many examples of the diversity of pheromonal schemes among organisms.
Prevalence in Nature
Pheromones are widespread in nature, occurring in most, if not all, species.
Most are poorly understood. The best-known are those found in insects,
partly because of their potential use in the control of pest populations and
partly because the relative simplicity of insect behavior allowed for rapid
progress in the identification of pheromones and their actions. Despite
these advantages, much remains to be learned even about insect phero-
mones. Mammalian pheromones are not as well known, although they
may also be of economic importance. The more complex behavior of mam-
mals makes the study of their responses to pheromones much more diffi-
Research Methods
Both behavioral and chemical techniques are required to study phero-
mones and other semiochemicals. The observation of behavior, either in
nature or in captivity, often suggests pheromonal functions. These hypoth-
esized functions are then tested by presenting the pheromone to a poten-
tially responsive organism and observing the response. Situations may be
arranged which demand the subject’s response to a particular pheromone
under otherwise natural conditions. Alternatively, the organisms may be
observed in enclosures to help control the experimental context. The pre-
sentation of the hypothetical pheromone may be in the form of another or-
ganism of the same species or some structure to which the presumed
pheromone has been applied. The observed response (or lack of response)
gives information on the status of the presented chemical as a pheromone
in that behavioral context.
While the pheromonal function of secretions from a gland or other
source can be determined from these behavioral tests, the tests can give in-
formation on specific chemical compounds only if the compounds can be
isolated and identified. The isolation and identification of pheromonal
compounds are challenging because of the great complexity of the secre-
tions in which they are found and the exceptionally small amounts that are
required to elicit a response. Many separation and identification tech-
niques are used. One of the most powerful is a combination of gas chroma-
tography and mass spectrometry.
Gas chromatography is used to separate and sometimes to identify
chemicals that are volatile or can be made volatile. The unknown chemical
is mixed with an inert gas, called the mobile phase of the gas chromatogra-
phy system. This mixture is passed through a tube containing a solid,
called the stationary phase. The inert gas does not interact with the solid;
however, many of the compounds mixed with it do, each to an extent de-
termined by the characteristics of the compound and the characteristics of
the stationary phase. Some members of the mixture will interact very
strongly with the solid and so move slowly through the tube, whereas oth-
ers may not interact with the solid at all and so pass through rapidly. Other
Most plankton are microscopic and are usually single-celled, a chain of cells, or a
loose group of cells. Algal and cyanobacterial plankton are referred to as phyto-
Red Tides
The term “red tide” is applied to red, orange, brown, or bright-green
phytoplankton blooms, or even to blooms that do not discolor the water.
Red tides are poorly understood and unpredictable. No one is certain what
causes the rapid growth of a single species of phytoplankton, although
they can blossom where sunlight, dissolved nutrient salts, and carbon
dioxide are available to trigger photosynthesis. Dense phytoplankton
blooms occur in stable water where lots of nutrients from sewage and run-
off are available. Natural events, such as storms and hurricanes, may
remobilize populations buried in the sediment. These nuisance blooms,
usually caused by dinoflagellates, which turn the water a reddish brown,
Types of ecology: Behavioral ecology; Chemical ecology; Physiological
Animal poisons, or venoms, are used both as a defense mechanism and as a preda-
tory strategy. These toxins can be delivered by biting, stinging, or body contact.
Poisonous species occur throughout the animal kingdom and include snakes, in-
sects, spiders and other arachnids, mammals, lizards, and fish.
Poisonous animals
Most poisonous arthropods are spiders and scorpions. Both use venom
to subdue or kill prey. As stated earlier, few spiders endanger humans be-
cause their venom is weak and is not injected in large quantities, but some
species have very potent venom and harm or even kill humans. Best
known of these are black widow spiders. Though rarely lethal to humans,
black widow bites cause cramps and paralysis.
All of the approximately six hundred scorpion species, of sizes between
one and ten inches, have tail-end stingers. Large, tropical scorpions can kill
humans, while American scorpions are smaller and less dangerous. Scor-
pions are more dangerous than spiders because they crawl into shoes and
other places where their habitat overlaps with that of humans.
Many insects, such as caterpillars, bees, wasps, hornets, and ants, use
venom in self-defense or to paralyze prey to feed themselves or offspring.
Caterpillars use poison spines for protection. Bees, wasps, hornets, and
ants use stingers for the same purpose. The venom of insects also kills
many organisms that seek to prey on them. Humans, however, are rarely
killed by insect bites. Such bites are usually mildly to severely painful for a
period from a few minutes to several days. However, for some humans
who are particularly sensitive, severe anaphylaxis occurs, in some cases
followed by death.
Poisonous Snakes
Poisonous snakes are colubrids, elapids, or vipers, depending on their ana-
tomic characteristics. All have paired, hollow fangs in the front upper jaw.
The fangs fold back against the upper palate when not used, and when a
snake strikes they swing forward to inject a venom that attacks the victim’s
blood and tissues. The heads of poisonous snakes are scale-covered and tri-
angular. Such snakes are found worldwide and include pit vipers, named
for the pits on each side of the head that contain heat receptors. The pits de-
tect warm-blooded prey, mostly rodents, in the dark. Pit vipers include rat-
tlesnakes, moccasins, copperheads, fer-de-lance, and bushmasters.
The populations and species of American and European poisonous
snakes differ. In North America, twenty such snake types occur: elapid
coral snakes and copperheads, sixteen rattler types, and cottonmouths (all
vipers). Vipers are found everywhere but Alaska. Rattlers have the widest
habitat, as shown by their abundance in the snake-rich Great Plains, Mis-
sissippi Valley, and southern Appalachia. In contrast, copperheads and
cottonmouths are abundant in Appalachia and the Mississippi Valley, re-
spectively. Mexican poisonous snakes are divided into two ranges: the
northern, from the U.S.-Mexican border to Mexico City, and the southern,
south of Mexico City. In the north, snakes are mostly rattlers, as in the con-
Poisonous animals
tiguous United States. Coral snakes and pit vipers are plentiful in the
south. Most perilous are the five- to eight-foot fer-de-lance, whose venom
kills many humans. All South American vipers live in tropical environ-
ments, except for rattlesnakes. Rattlers prefer arid environments, although
some are also found in tropical climates. Bushmasters, the largest South
American vipers, and elapid coral snakes are nocturnal and rarely endan-
ger humans. Tropical rattlers and lance-headed vipers, somewhat less noc-
turnal, kill many. Europe has few snakes, due to its cool climates and scarce
suitable habitats. Its few vipers range almost to the Arctic Circle. Eastern
Mediterranean regions hold most of the European vipers.
There are many poisonous snakes in Africa and Asia. North Africa,
mostly desert, has few snakes. Central Africa’s diverse poisonous snakes
are colubrid, elapid, and viper types. Elapids include dangerous black
mambas, twelve to fourteen feet long, and smaller cobras, which also occur
in South Africa. Among diverse vipers, the most perilous are Gaboon vi-
pers and puff adders. The Middle East, mostly desert, has few poisonous
snakes. Southeast Asia has the most poisonous snakes in the world, ela-
pids, colubrids, and vipers. This is due to snake habitats that range from
semiarid areas to rain forests. The huge human population explains why
this area has the world’s highest incidence of snakebite and related deaths.
Vipers bite most often, but elapids cause a larger portion of deaths. The Far
East snake population is complex, and its snakebite incidence is also high.
Its important poisonous snakes are pit vipers.
Australia and New Guinea have large numbers of poisonous snakes.
Australia has 65 percent of the world’s snakes, while New Guinea has 25
percent. Also, sea snakes occur offshore and in some rivers and lakes.
However, these countries have few snakebite deaths, because of the small
size and nocturnal nature of most of the indigenous snakes.
Poisonous animals
American rivers, such as the Amazon, hundreds of miles from the river
mouths. Stingrays near Australia grow to fifteen-foot lengths. The wide
distribution of stingrays and their danger to humans are mentioned in the
writings of Aristotle in the third century b.c.e. and they played a role in the
death of John Smith in 1608, who was killed by a stingray while exploring
Chesapeake Bay.
Also well known are the venomous Scorpaenidae fish family, many mem-
bers of which cause very painful stings. Zebrafish and stonefish are good ex-
amples. Both, like all scorpaenids, have sharp spines supporting dorsal fins.
The spines, used in self-defense, have venom glands. The most deadly fish
venom is that of the stonefish, which, when stepped on, can kill humans.
Ecological Significance
The ecological function of poisonous animals is to keep down the popula-
tion of insects, rodents, arachnids, and small fish. They thus contribute to
maintaining the balance of nature. Poisonous land animals, such as scorpi-
ons and many poisonous snakes, are often nocturnal and add another di-
mension to pest control by nighttime predation.
Sanford S. Singer
Poisonous plants have evolved toxic substances that function to defend them
against herbivores and thereby better adapt them for survival.
One of the most interesting aspects of plants, especially prevalent in the an-
giosperms (flowering plants), is their evolution of substances called sec-
ondary metabolites, sometimes referred to as phytochemicals. Once con-
sidered waste products, these substances include an array of chemical
compounds: alkaloids, quinones, essential oils, terpenoids, glycosides (in-
cluding cyanogenic, cardioactive, anthraquinone, coumarin, and sapo-
nin glycosides), flavonoids, raphides (also called oxalates, which contain
needle-like crystals of calcium oxalate), resins, and phytotoxins (highly
toxic protein molecules). The presence of many of these compounds can
characterize whole families, or even genera, of flowering plants.
Effects on Humans
The phytochemicals listed above have a wide range of effects. In humans,
some of these compounds will cause mild to severe skin irritation, or con-
tact dermatitis; others cause mild to severe gastric distress. Some cause hal-
lucinations or psychoactive symptoms. The ingestion of many other types
of phytochemicals proves fatal. Interestingly, many of these phytochem-
icals also have important medical uses. The effects of the phytochemicals
are dependent on dosage: At low doses, some phytochemicals are thera-
peutic; at higher doses, some can kill.
Poisonous plants
Alkaloids are nitrogenous, bitter-tasting compounds of plant origin. More
than three thousand alkaloids have been identified from about four thou-
sand plant species. Their greatest effects are mainly on the nervous sys-
tem, producing either physiological or psychological results. Plant fami-
lies producing alkaloids include the Apocynaceae, Berberidaceae, Fabaceae,
Papaveraceae, Ranunuculaceae, Rubiaceae, and Solanaceae. Some well-known
alkaloids include caffeine, cocaine, ephedrine, morphine, nicotine, and
Glycosides are compounds that combine a sugar, usually glucose, with an
active component. While there are many types of glycosides, some of the
most important groups of potentially poisonous glycosides include the
cyanogenic, cardioactive, anthraquinone, coumarin, and saponin glyco-
Cyanogenic glycosides are found in many members of the Rosaceae and
are found in the seeds, pits, and bark of almonds, apples, apricots, cherries,
peaches, pears, and plums. When cyanogenic glycosides break down, they
release a compound called hydrogen cyanide.
Two other types of glycosides, cardioactive glycosides and saponins,
feature a steroid molecule as part of their chemical structure. Digitalis, a
cardioactive glycoside, in the right amounts can strengthen and slow the
heart rate, helping patients who suffer from congestive heart failure. Other
cardioactive glycosides from plants such as milkweed and oleander are
highly toxic. Saponins can cause severe irritation of the digestive system
and hemolytic anemia. Anthraquinone glycosides exhibit purgative activi-
ties. Plants containing anthraquinone glycosides include rhubarb (Rheum
species) and senna (Cassia senna).
Household Plants
Many common household plants are poisonous to both humans and ani-
mals. One family of popular household plants that can cause problems
is the Araceae, the philodendron family, including plants such as philo-
dendron and dieffenbachia. All members of this family, including these
plants, contain needlelike crystals of calcium oxalate that, when ingested,
cause painful burning and swelling of the lips, tongue, mouth, and throat.
This burning and swelling can last for several days, making talking and
even breathing difficult. Dieffenbachia is often referred to by the common
name of dumb cane, because eating it makes people unable to talk for a few
Poisonous plants
Landscape Plants
Many landscape plants are also poisonous. For example, the yew (genus
Taxus), commonly planted as a landscape plant, is deadly poisonous.
Children who eat the bright red aril, which contains the seed, are poisoned
by the potent alkaloid taxine. Yews are poisonous to livestock as well, caus-
ing death to horses and other cattle. Death results from cardiac or respira-
tory failure.
Other poisonous landscape and garden plants include oleander, rhodo-
dendrons, azaleas, hyacinths, lily of the valley, daffodils, tulips, and Star-
of-Bethlehem. Many legumes are also toxic, including rosary pea, lupines,
and wisteria. Castor bean plant, a member of the family Euphorbiaceae, pro-
duces seeds that are so toxic that one seed will kill a child and three seeds
are fatal to adults. The toxin produced by the seeds is called ricin, which
many scientists consider to be the most potent natural toxin known.
Arrow Poisons
Toxic plant and animal products have been used for thousands of years in
hunting, executions, and warfare. Usually the poisonous extracts were
smeared on arrows or spears. The earliest reliable written evidence for
these uses comes from the Rigveda from ancient India. Arrow poisons come
in many different varieties, and most rain-forest hunters have their own se-
cret blend. South American arrow poisons are generically called curare.
Poisonous plants
There are more than seventy different plant species used in making arrow
poisons. Two of the main arrow poison plants are woody vines from the
Amazon: Strychnos toxifera and Chondodendron tomentosum. Some types of
curare have proven medically useful. They are used as muscle relaxants in
surgery, which lessens the amount of general anesthetic needed. A plant
called Strychnos nux-vomica from Asia yields the poison strychnine, a stim-
ulant of the central nervous system.
In ancient times, toxic plant products were also commonly used in exe-
cutions. Many people were expert, professional poisoners in the ancient
world. They could select a poison that would take days or even months to
take effect, thus ensuring, for example, that an unfaithful spouse or lover
would not suspect the reason for his or her lingering illness. On occasions
when a more rapid result was required, a strong dose or more powerful
poison could be prescribed.
Poison Ivy
Toxicodendron radicans, commonly known as poison ivy, is well known for
causing contact dermatitis. Poison ivy is a member of the Anacardiaceae, or
cashew family, and is a widespread weed in the United States and south-
ern Canada. It grows in a variety of habitats: wetlands, disturbed areas,
and the edges of forests. It has many forms, appearing as either a shrub or a
woody vine which will grow up trees, houses, fences, and fence posts. It
has alternate leaves with three leaflets, forming the basis of the old saying
“Leaves of three, let it be.” After poison ivy flowers, it develops clusters of
white or yellowish-white berries. Related species are poison oak, western
poison oak, and poison sumac, which some scientists consider to be differ-
ent types of poison ivy.
Roughly half the world’s population is allergic to poison ivy. Very sensi-
tive people develop a severe skin rash; about 10 percent of the people who
are allergic require medical attention after exposure. The chemical com-
pound causing the allergic reaction is called urushiol, a resin found in all
parts of the plant. Urushiol is so potent that in some individuals, just one
drop produces a reaction. Inhaling smoke from burning poison ivy can re-
sult in eye and lung damage. For some people, mere contact with the
smoke from burning poison ivy can trigger a reaction. Urushiol lasts for-
ever; in herbaria, dried plants one hundred years old have given unlucky
botanists contact dermatitis.
Carol S. Radford
Poisonous plants
Types of ecology: Community ecology; Physiological ecology
Insect pollination occurs in the majority of flowering plants. There is no
single set of characteristics for insect-pollinated flowers, because insects
are a large and diverse group of animals. Rather, each plant may have a set
of reproductive features that attracts mostly a specific species of insect. The
principal pollinating insects are bees, although many other kinds of insects
act as pollinators, including wasps, flies, moths, butterflies, ants, and bee-
Bees have body parts suitable for collecting and carrying nectar and
pollen. Their chief source of nourishment is nectar, but they also collect
pollen for their larvae. The flowers that bees visit are generally brightly
colored and predominantly blue or yellow—rarely pure red, because red
appears black to bees. The flowers they visit often have distinctive mark-
ings that function as guides that lead them to the nectar. Bees can perceive
ultraviolet (UV) light (a part of the spectrum not visible to humans), and
some flower markings are visible only in UV light, making patterns per-
ceived by bees sometimes different from those seen by humans. Many bee-
pollinated flowers are delicately sweet and fragrant.
Moth- and butterfly-pollinated flowers are similar to bee-pollinated
flowers in that they frequently have sweet fragrances. Some butterflies can
detect red colors, and so red flowers are sometimes pollinated by them.
Many moths forage only at night; the flowers they visit are usually white
or cream-colored because these colors stand out against dark backgrounds
in starlight or moonlight. With their long mouthparts, moths and butter-
flies are well adapted for securing nectar from flowers with long, tube-
shaped corollas (the petals collectively), such as larkspur, nasturtium, to-
bacco, evening primrose, and amaryllis.
The flowers pollinated by beetles tend to have strong, yeasty, spicy, or
fruity odors. They are typically white or dull in color, in keeping with
the diminished visual sense of their pollinators. Although some beetle-
pollinated flowers do not secrete nectar, they furnish pollen or other foods
which are available on the petals in special storage cells.
Birds and the flowers that they pollinate are also adapted to each other.
Birds do not have a highly developed sense of smell, but they have a keen
sense of vision. Their flowers are thus frequently bright red or yellow and
usually have little, if any, odor. The flowers are typically large or are part of
a large inflorescence. Birds are highly active pollinators and tend to use up
their energy very rapidly. Therefore, they must feed frequently to sustain
themselves. Many of the flowers they visit produce copious quantities of
nectar, assuring the birds’ continued visitation. The nectar is frequently
produced in long floral tubes, which prevent most insects from gaining ac-
cess to it. Examples of bird-pollinated flowers are red columbine, fuchsia,
scarlet passion flower, eucalyptus, hibiscus, and poinsettia.
ers are usually white and strongly scented, often with a fruity odor. Such
flowers are large, to provide the pollinators enough pollen and nectar to
fulfill their energy requirements. The flowers are also sturdy, to bear the
frequent and vigorous visits of these small mammals.
Orchid Pollinators
The orchid family has pollinators among bees, moths and butterflies, and
beetles. Some of the adaptations between orchid flowers and their polli-
nators are extraordinary. Many orchids produce their pollen in little sacs
called pollinia, which typically have sticky pads at the bases. When a bee
visits such a flower, the pollinia are usually deposited on its head. In some
orchids, the pollinia are forcibly “slapped” on the pollinator through a trig-
ger mechanism within the flower. In some orchids, a petal is modified so
that it resembles a female wasp or bee. Male wasps or bees emerge from
their pupal stage before the females and can mistake the orchids for poten-
tial mates. They try to copulate with these flowers, and while they are do-
ing so, pollinia are deposited on their heads. When the wasps or bees visit
other flowers, the pollinia are caught in sticky stigma cavities.
When moths and butterflies pollinate orchids, the pollinia become at-
tached to their long tongues by means of sticky clamps instead of pads.
The pollinia of certain bog orchids become attached to the eyes of the fe-
male mosquitoes that pollinate them. After a few visits, the mosquitoes are
blinded and unable to continue their normal activities (a good example of a
biological control within an ecosystem).
Among the most bizarre of the orchid pollination mechanisms are those
whose effects are to dunk the pollinator in a pool of watery fluid secreted
by the orchid itself and then permit the pollinator to escape underwater
through a trap door. The route of the insect ensures contact between the
pollinia and stigma surfaces. In other orchids with powerful narcotic fra-
grances, pollinia are slowly attached to the drugged pollinator. When the
transfer of pollinia has been completed, the fragrance abruptly fades away,
and the insect recovers and flies away.
imals to transport their pollen, they do not invest in the production of re-
wards for their visitors. However, they have to produce enormous quanti-
ties of pollen. Wind pollination is not efficient because most of the pollen
does not end up on the stigmas of appropriate plants but on the ground,
bodies of water, and in people’s noses (a major cause of allergic reactions).
Wind pollination is successful in cases where a large number of individu-
als of the same species grow fairly close together, as in grasslands and co-
niferous forests.
Water pollination is rare, simply because fewer plants have flowers that
are submerged in water. Such plants include the sea grasses, which release
pollen that is carried passively by water currents. In some plants, such as
the sea-nymph, pollen is threadlike, thus increasing its chances of coming
in contact with stigmas. In eelgrass, the entire male flower floats.
Danilo D. Fernando
Type of ecology: Ecotoxicology
Pollutants in soil, water, and atmosphere have created enormous problems for the
living world. Destroyed habitats and polluted food sources and drinking water for
animals have caused deformations in animal growth, development, and reproduc-
tion, as well as a shortening of life span, all of which contribute to an accelerated
decrease in biodiversity and the extinction of more species.
D uring the last decade of the twentieth century, the ecological prob-
lems predicted by environmental scientists decades previously began
to accelerate in a variety of ways. These included the human population
explosion, food imbalances, inflation brought about by energy resource
scarcity, acid rain, toxic and hazardous wastes, water shortages, major soil
erosion, a punctuated ozone layer, and greenhouse effects. As a result of
pollution, decreases in biodiversity and the extinction of both plant and
animal species has accelerated. The burning and cutting of thousands of
square miles of rain forests not only destroyed habitats for numerous ani-
mal species but also caused irreversible damage to ecosystems and cli-
mates. Industrialization and the expansion of the human population had
left relatively few places on earth undisturbed. Heavy dependence upon
fossil fuels for energy and synthetic chemicals has resulted in the dumping
of millions of metric tons of nonnatural compounds and chemicals into the
Recurrent drought and famine in Africa testify to human mischief to-
ward Mother Nature. The well-being of animals as well as humans will not
be protected against the ecological consequences of human actions by re-
maining ignorant of those actions. Effective measures taken to reduce pol-
lution and protect natural resources and the environment first come with a
recognition of these problems. The ignorance and inaction of ordinary citi-
zens will lead to disastrous consequences for the environment, threatening
humanity’s very existence.
Pollution effects
pensive fertilizer, and animal manure into rivers and lakes, where these
potential resources become pollutants and cause eutrophication and the
subsequent death of fish and other wildlife.
In the city, water pours from sidewalks, rooftops, and streets, picking
up soot, silt, oil, heavy metals, and garbage. It races down gutters into
storm sewers, carrying household pollutants from cleaning solutions to
prescription medications, and a weakly toxic soup gushes into the nearest
stream, river, or ocean. Many of these chemicals also seep into the ground,
causing contamination of groundwater.
Plants and factories manufacturing these chemical products are another
source of pollutants and contamination. Burning fossil fuels releases
greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, and methane. Coupled with deforesta-
tion in many regions of the world, carbon dioxide concentration in the at-
mosphere has steadily climbed, from 290 parts per million in 1860 to 370
parts per million in 1990, a more than 25 percent rise due to industrializa-
tion. The resultant global warming will have far-reaching effects on plants,
animals, and humans in ways still not understood. Acid rain, a result of
overcharging the atmosphere with nitric oxides and sulfur dioxide (two
gases also released by burning of fossil fuels), has increased the acidity of
soil and lakes to levels at which many organisms cannot survive. The most
acidic rain is concentrated in the Northeast of the United States. In New
York’s Adirondack Mountains, for instance, acid rain has made about a
third of all the lakes and ponds too acidic to support fish. First, much of the
food web that sustains the fish was destroyed. Clams, snails, crayfish, and
insect larvae die first, then amphibians, and finally fish. The detrimental
effect is not limited to aquatic animals. The loss of insects and their larvae
and small aquatic animals has contributed to a dramatic decline in the pop-
ulation of black ducks that feed on them. The result is a crystal-clear lake,
beautiful but dead.
Another serious problem created by the chemical industry is ozone de-
pletion. Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) compounds contain chlorine, fluorine,
and carbon. Since their development in the 1930’s, these compounds were
widely used as coolants in refrigerators and air conditioners, as aerosol
spray propellants, as agents for producing Styrofoam, and as cleansers for
electronic parts. These chemicals are very stable and for decades were con-
sidered to be safe. Their stability, however, turned out to be a real problem.
They were in gaseous form and rose into the atmosphere. There, the high
energy level of ultraviolet (UV) light breaks them down, releasing chlorine
atoms, which in turn catalyzes the breakdown of ozone to oxygen gas. As a
result of the decline of ozone and the punctuation of the ozone layer, UV
radiation has risen by an average of 8 percent per decade since the 1970’s.
Pollution effects
Sulfur Nitrogen Organic Carbon Lead
Source Particulates Dioxide Oxides Compounds Monoxide (tons)
Fuel Combustion
(stationary sources)
Electric utilities 302 13,217 6,103 54 417 68
Industrial 245 2,895 2,969 161 1,114 19
Other fuel combustion 544 609 1,117 678 3,843 416
Residential 432 127 742 654 3,699 6
Subtotal 1,091 16,721 10,189 893 5,374 503
Industrial processes
Chemical and allied 65 299 152 396 1,129 175
product manufacturing
Metals processing 171 444 88 75 1,495 2,098
Petroleum and related 32 345 138 496 368 NA
Other 339 370 408 450 632 54
Subtotal 607 1,458 786 1,417 3,624 2,327
Solvent utilization 6 1 2 5,278 2 NA
Storage and transport 94 3 7 1,324 80 NA
Waste disposal and 310 42 97 433 1,154 620
Highway vehicles
Light-duty gas vehicles 56 130 2,849 2,832 27,039 12
and motorcycles
Light-duty trucks 40 99 1,917 2,015 18,726 7
Heavy-duty gas vehicles 8 11 323 257 3,067 —
Diesels 152 86 2,676 222 1,554 NA
Subtotal 257 326 7,765 5,325 50,386 19
Off highway2 461 1,084 5,280 2,461 19,914 503
Miscellaneous3 31,916 12 328 786 8,920 NA
Total emissions 34,742 19,647 24,454 17,917 89,454 3,972
Source: Adapted from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Air Pollutant
Emission Trends, 1900-1998, EPA-454/R-00-002. From Statistical Abstract of the United
States: 2001 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2001).
Note: In thousands of tons, except as indicated.
— Represents or round to zero.
NA Not available
Represents both particulates of less than 10 microns and particulate dust from sources
such as agricultural tilling, construction, mining, and quarrying, paved roads, unpaved
roads, and wind erosion.
Includes emissions from farm tractors and other farm machinery, construction equipment,
industrial machinery, recreational marine vessels, and small general utility engines such
as lawn mowers.
Includes emissions such as from forest fires and other kinds of burning, various
agricultural activities, fugitive dust from paved and unpaved roads, and other
construction and mining activities, and natural sources.
Pollution effects
This depletion of the ozone layer poses a threat to humans, animals, plants,
and even microorganisms.
Pollution effects
Air Pollution
Air pollution leads to acid rain and the greenhouse effect, as well as damage
to the ozone layer. Acid rain drops out of the skies onto areas at great dis-
tances from the source of the acids and destroys forests and lakes in sensi-
tive regions. As a result, fish populations are dwindling or being elimi-
nated in lakes and streams by a lower pH caused by acid deposition. The
strongest evidence comes from data collected from the past twenty-five to
forty-five years in Adirondack lakes and in Nova Scotia rivers. Studies
during this period clearly show declines in acid-sensitive species. Similar
results were obtained from analyzing fish population and water acidity in
Maine, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. The consensus is that
fish populations would be eliminated if the surface waters acidify to be-
tween pH 5.0 to pH 5.5. The effects of acid rain on other animals are indi-
rect, either through the dwindling fish population (as a food source for
other animals) or stunted forest growth (disturbance to habitats).
The effect of global warming on the animal kingdom is also a serious
and complex issue. As global temperature rises, ice caps in polar regions
and glaciers melt, ocean waters expand in response to atmospheric warm-
ing, and thus the sea level elevates. The expected sea level rise will flood
coastal cities and coastal wetlands. These threatened ecosystems are hab-
itats and breeding grounds for numerous species of birds, fish, shrimp,
and crabs, whose populations could be severely diminished. The Florida
Everglades will virtually disappear if the sea level rises two feet. The im-
pact of global warming on forests could be profound. The distribution of
tree species is exquisitely sensitive to average annual temperature, and
small changes could dramatically alter the extent and species composition
of forests. This in turn could dramatically alter the population distribution
of animals, and hence biodiversity.
The effect of the punctuated ozone layer on animals is yet to be fully un-
derstood. It is known that the high energy level of UV radiation can dam-
age biological molecules, including the genetic material deoxyribonu-
Pollution effects
cleic acid (DNA), causing mutation. In small quantities, UV light helps the
skin of humans and many animals produce vitamin D and causes tan-
ning. However, in large doses, UV causes sunburn and premature aging of
skin, skin cancer, and cataracts, a condition in which the lens of the eye be-
comes cloudy. Due to UV radiation’s ability to penetrate, even animals
covered by hair and thick fur cannot escape from these detrimental effects.
Ozone damage costs U.S. farmers over $2 billion annually in reduced crop
yields. All who depend on forestry and agriculture may bear a much
higher cost if the emission of pollutants that destroy ozone are not regu-
lated soon.
Possible Remedies
The various types of pollution all have serious effects on the plant and ani-
mal species that share this planet. It is all too easy to document the impacts
of pollution on human health and ignore their effects on the rest of the liv-
ing world. Any possible remedies to alleviate these problems should start
with education, the realization of these problems at an individual as well
as a global level. The tasks seem to be insurmountable, and no organiza-
tion, no country can do it alone. It takes willingness to accept short-term in-
convenience or economic sacrifice for long-term benefit. A couple of exam-
ples serve to illustrate what can be done to alleviate the problems of
Synthetic chemical pollutants that are poisoning both people and wild-
life could be largely eliminated without disrupting the economy, as re-
ported in a study published in 2000 by the Worldwatch Institute, a Wash-
ington, D.C.-based environmental organization. The report presents strong
evidence from three sectors that are major sources of these pollutants—
paper manufacturing, pesticides, and PVC plastics—to show that nontoxic
options are available at competitive prices. Agricultural pollution can be
mitigated, significantly reduced, or virtually eliminated through the use of
proper regulation and economic incentives. Farmers from Indonesia to
Kenya are learning how to use less of various chemicals while boosting
yields. Since 1998, all farmers in China’s Yunnan Province have elimi-
nated their use of fungicides, while doubling rice yields, by planting more
diverse varieties of the grain. In most, if not all, cases, the question is
not whether it is possible to alleviate the pollution of the environment;
rather, it is whether we realize the urgency and/or are willing to take a
high road to do it. For the common well-being of generations to come,
better approaches have to be taken to preserve the environment and biodi-
Ming Y. Zheng
Pollution effects
Type of ecology: Population ecology
Population analysis
Mathematical Models
The dynamics of animal populations are affected by a wide variety of de-
mographic factors, including the population birthrate, death rate, sex ra-
tio, age structure, and rates of immigration and emigration. In order to un-
derstand the effects of these factors on a population, biologists use popula-
tion models. A model is an abstract representation of a concrete idea. The
representation created by the model boils the concrete idea down into a
few critical components. By building and examining population models,
population analysts investigate the relative importance of different factors
to the dynamics of a given population.
A basic mathematical model of population size is as follows:
Nt+1 − Nt + B − D + I − E (equation 1)
where Nt+1 equals the population size after one time interval, Nt equals the
total number of individuals in the population at the initial time, B equals
the number of births, D equals the number of deaths, I equals the number
of immigrants into the population, and E equals the number of emigrants
leaving the population. This simple model boils population size down to
just four factors, B, D, I, and E. This model is not meant to be a true or pre-
cise representation of the population; rather, it is meant to clarify the im-
portance of the factors of birth, death, immigration, and emigration on
population size. To use the same model to examine the rate of growth of a
population through time, it can be rearranged as follows:
Nt+1 − Nt = B − D + I −E (equation 2)
That is, the increase or decrease in the population size between time inter-
vals t and t + 1 is reflected by the number of births, deaths, immigrants, and
When population biologists choose to focus specifically on the impor-
tance of birth and death in population dynamics, population models are
simplified by temporarily ignoring the effects of immigration and emigra-
tion. In this case, the degree of change in the population between time in-
tervals t and t + 1 becomes:
Nt+1 − Nt = B − D (equation 3)
It is usually safe to assume that the total number of births (B) and deaths
(D) in a population is a function of the total number of individuals in the
population at the time, Nt. For example, if there are only ten females in a
Population analysis
where b and d represent the per capita rate of birth and death, respectively.
Given this understanding of B and D, the original model becomes
It would be useful to find a variable that can represent per capita births and
deaths at the same time. Biologists define r as the per capita rate of increase
in a population, which is equal to the difference between per capita births
and per capita deaths:
r=b−d (equation 6)
Thus, the equation that examines the changes in population size between
time intervals t and t + 1 becomes:
Nt+1 − Nt = 0.06(1000) = 60
Population analysis
Continuous Populations
This model works for populations in which events take place during dis-
crete units of time, such as a population of squirrels in which reproduction
takes place at only two specific times in a single year. In contrast, many
populations are continuously reproductive. That is, at any given time, any
female in the population is capable of reproducing. When these conditions
are met, time is viewed as more fluid than discrete, and the population ex-
hibits continuous growth. Models of population growth are slightly differ-
ent when births and deaths are continuous rather than discrete. One way
to imagine the difference between a population with continuous rather
than discrete growth is to imagine a population in which each time interval
is infinitesimally small. When these conditions are met, the model for pop-
ulation growth becomes:
δN/δt = rN (equation 8)
Population analysis
and the rate of population growth is zero. In other words, the population
has ceased growing. On the other hand, if the population is very small rela-
tive to the number of individuals the habitat can support, then N << K and
the expression (1 − N/K) becomes approximately equal to 1. When so,
equation 9 takes the form
and the rate of population growth remains a function of the rates of birth
and death, but not the population size or carrying capacity. Thus, equation
9 represents what is called density-dependent growth.
Population analysis
men are often restricted in the size of fish they are allowed to keep when
fishing. These wildlife management and population analysis restrictions
on the sex and size of animals that can be hunted arise from the fact that
both age and sex can influence population growth rates. Models that incor-
porate the effects of age structure and population sex ratios will not be cov-
ered here. Suffice it to say that a population that consists mostly of young
individuals yet to reproduce will grow more quickly than an equally sized
population of mostly older individuals who have finished reproducing.
Similarly, a population with a highly skewed sex ratio that has many more
males than females will not grow as quickly as a population of equal size in
which the number of males and females is equal.
Erika L. Barthelmess
Type of ecology: Population ecology
The simplest realistic models of population growth produce populations that rise to
some level and then stay there. These models cannot produce the complicated array
of fluctuations observed in natural populations. Fluctuations vary in period from a
few weeks to many decades and can reach sufficient amplitude to threaten popula-
tions (and entire species) with extinction.
Population fluctuations
Regular Fluctuations
Nonseasonal fluctuations are of two main types: those that exhibit more or
less regular cycles of abundance over several years and those that seem to
fluctuate irregularly or noncyclically. A three- to four-year cycle of abun-
dance is characteristic of several species of mice, voles, and other rodents
found in far northern latitudes. Probably the best-known example of this
type of cycle is that observed in lemming species in the northern tundra of
Europe and North America. Lemming populations exhibit very high den-
sities every three to four years, with such low densities in the intervening
years that they are difficult to locate and study. This boom-or-bust cycle is
apparently caused by alternating selection regimes. When lemmings are
rare, high reproductive capacity and nonaggressive social behavior are fa-
vored, and the population grows rapidly. As the growing population be-
comes more crowded, aggressive individuals are favored, because they
can hold territories, secure mates, and protect offspring better than passive
individuals. The aggressive interactions, however, inhibit reproductive ca-
pacity, increase mortality attributable to fighting and infanticide, and ex-
pose more lemmings to predation as subordinate individuals are forced by
dominants to occupy more marginal habitats. The behavioral changes that
occur in response to crowding apparently persist for some time even as the
density declines, so that aggressive interactions and a depressed birthrate
continue until the lemming population reaches very low levels. Finally,
passive individuals with high reproductive rates are again favored, and
the cycle repeats.
Although the breeding cycles of many predators, including snowy
owls, weasels, and foxes, are tied to lemming abundance, it appears that
the regular fluctuation of lemming populations is a product of crowding
and resource limitation rather than of a classical predator-prey cycle; that
is, there is no tight coupling between the population fluctuations of lem-
mings and those of their predators. There is, however, a tight coupling
between the population cycles of the snowshoe hare and the Canadian
lynx. Beginning in 1800, the Hudson’s Bay Company kept records of furs
produced each year. Both the hare and the lynx showed a regular ten-year
Population fluctuations
cycle, with the peaks in lynx abundance occurring about a year behind
the hare’s peak abundances. Since the hare is a major food source for the
lynx in northern Canada, it is logical to assume that this is a coupled oscil-
lation of population sizes, precisely as predicted by classical predator-prey
Some regular cycles of abundance appear to have evolved as a means
of avoiding predation rather than being a direct reduction caused by pre-
dation. There is a periodicity in the populations of cicadas and locusts.
The hypothesized explanation is that predators cannot reproduce rapidly
enough to increase their population sizes quickly in response to the sud-
den availability of a large food supply. When millions of adult cicadas
appear above ground for a few weeks after surviving for seventeen years
as nymphs in the soil, predators cannot possibly consume them all: No
predator could specialize on adult cicadas unless it also had a seventeen-
year cycle.
Several northern bird populations (such as crossbills, grosbeaks, and
waxwings) fluctuate dramatically, in some years rising to several times
their usual levels. This fluctuation may be a response to changing habitat
quality. These bird populations always produce as many eggs as food
availability and their natural fecundity allow, even though many offspring
will not survive. In a good year, a higher proportion of the offspring sur-
vives, and the population experiences an irruption, often leading to intense
competition and consequent expansion of the range of the population. In
subsequent years, population size returns to preirruption levels. Thus,
these fluctuations are entirely consistent with normal density-dependent
processes responding to a fluctuating environment.
Irregular Fluctuations
Population fluctuations that occur irregularly or noncyclically often ap-
pear to be responses to natural disturbances rather than to density-depen-
dent processes or predator-prey relationships. For example, blue grouse
persists at a relatively low level of abundance in coniferous forests until a
fire occurs. The species rapidly increases in number following a fire and
gradually diminishes again as the forest regenerates over the next several
The population fluctuations of some species are not easily attributed to
disturbance or to any other single cause. For example, swarming locusts
typically remain at low abundance in a restricted area for several years;
then, apparently without warning, they may increase more than a hun-
dredfold and swarm over large areas, consuming large amounts of veg-
etation. The locust outbreak lasts for several years, then the population
Population fluctuations
Measuring Fluctuations
There are two parts to the study of population fluctuation: detecting and
measuring the pattern of the fluctuation and identifying the underlying
causes of the fluctuation. In general, any method designed for measuring
population size can be used repeatedly over time to detect fluctuations
in the population. Reference to a specialized textbook on ecological sam-
pling techniques is strongly recommended when using any of these meth-
ods, in order to assure validity of the sampling for subsequent statistical
analysis. The mark-recapture method is commonly used with animal pop-
ulations. There are many variants of this technique, but they all involve
capturing and marking some number of individuals, then releasing them;
after some time period appropriate to the study, a second sample is cap-
tured and the proportion of marked individuals in the second sample
(those that are “recaptured”) is recorded. This proportion is used to esti-
mate the size of the population at the time when the individuals were origi-
nally marked.
The quadrat method is used primarily with plants and other sessile or-
ganisms. Plots (called quadrats) are laid out, either randomly or in some
pattern; all individuals within the plots constitute a sample. Quadrats are
usually square, but any regular shape may be used. The appropriate size of
each quadrat depends on the sizes of organisms to be sampled and on their
spatial distribution. If nondestructive sampling techniques are used, the
same quadrats may be sampled repeatedly; otherwise, new quadrats must
be established for each sampling episode.
A variety of plotless techniques are available for sessile organisms, in
lieu of the quadrat method. These techniques were developed to eliminate
some of the uncertainties associated with selecting proper quadrat size
Population fluctuations
and location. Most plotless methods locate points on the ground, then
measure distances to nearby organisms; each plotless technique identifies
the individuals to be measured in a slightly different way.
None of these techniques is adequate by itself to identify the origin or
cause of any fluctuation in population size. Experimental manipulation of
a population is necessary to elucidate the underlying mechanisms and de-
termining factors. Populations of small, rapidly reproducing species (such
as species of Paramecium or Daphnia) can be manipulated in the laboratory,
and hypothesized causes of fluctuation can be tested under controlled con-
ditions. This has been done primarily to develop theoretical predictions re-
garding environmental conditions (such as temperature, moisture, and hu-
midity), resource limitations and fluctuations, and the effects of predators
and competitors.
Population fluctuations
Population fluctuations
Mech, L. David. The Wolf: The Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species.
Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1970.
Smith, Robert Leo. Elements of Ecology. 4th ed. San Francisco: Benjamin/
Cummings, 2000.
Wohrmann, K., and S. K. Jain, eds. Population Biology: Ecological and Evolu-
tionary Viewpoints. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1990.
Type of ecology: Population ecology
Population genetics is the analysis of genes and genetic traits in populations to de-
termine how much variability exists, what maintains the variability, how selection
(natural or controlled) affects a population, and what the mechanisms of evolution
C lassical genetics deals with the rules of genetic transmission from par-
ents to offspring, developmental genetics deals with the role of genes
in development, and molecular genetics looks at the molecular basis of ge-
netic phenomena. Population genetics uses information from all three
fields and helps explain why populations are so variable, why some harm-
ful traits are common, why most animals and plants reproduce sexually,
how evolution works, why some animals are altruistic in a cutthroat
world, and how new species arise.
Population genetics
tion because if a person has only one gene with the trait rather than two,
that gene confers resistance to malaria, the major cause of debility in that
part of the world.
Although the genes in these two examples have large and conspicuous
effects, the great majority of mutations and the great bulk of genetic vari-
ability in the population are the result of a large number of genes with indi-
vidually small effects, often detected only through statistics. The variabil-
ity of quantitative traits such as size is due mainly to the cumulative action
of many individual genes, each of which produces its small effect. The av-
erage size stays roughly constant from generation to generation because
individuals who are too large or too small are at a disadvantage. However,
such individuals continuously arise from new mutations.
The driving force in evolution is natural selection, that is, the differen-
tial survival and fertility of different genotypes. New mutations occur con-
tinuously. Most of these are harmful, although usually only mildly so, but
a small minority are beneficial. The rules of Mendelian inheritance ensure
that the genes are thoroughly scrambled every generation. Natural selec-
tion acts like a sieve, retaining those genes that produce favorable pheno-
types in the various combinations and rejecting others. Such a process, act-
ing over eons of time, has produced the variety and specific adaptations
that can be found throughout the animal kingdom.
Population genetics
Population genetics
Population genetics
Research Methods
Population genetics involves theory, observation, and experiment. Popula-
tion genetics examines how genes are influenced by mutation, selection,
population size, migration, and chance. Scientists develop mathematical
models that embody these theories and compare the results obtained using
the models with data from laboratory experiments or field observations.
These genetic models have become more and more sophisticated to take
into account complex gene interactions and increasingly realistic popula-
tion structures. The models are further complicated by efforts to account
for random processes. Often the mathematical geneticist relies on comput-
ers to perform complex analyses and computations.
Population genetics
One of the simpler models, which makes the assumption that mating is
random, is the Hardy-Weinberg principle. If the proportion of gene A in
the population is p and that of gene a is q, then the three genotypes AA, Aa,
and aa are in the proportions p2, 2pq, and q2, respectively. The proportion of
Aa is 2pq rather than simply pq because this genotype represents two com-
binations, maternal A with paternal a and paternal A with maternal a. This
principle can be used to predict the frequency of persons with malaria re-
sistance from the incidence of sickle-cell anemia. If one-tenth of the genes
are sickle-cell genes and the other nine-tenths are normal, the frequency of
two genes coming together to produce an anemic child is 0.1 × 0.1, or 0.01.
The frequency of those resistant to malaria, who have one normal and one
sickle-cell gene, is 2 × 0.1 × 0.9, or 0.18. A slight extension of the calculation
(using the rates of malaria infection and death from the disease) can be
used to estimate the death rate from malaria. Another mathematical model
can be formed based on the molecular genetics theory of neutral mutation.
A neutral mutation, because it is not influenced by natural selection, has an
expected rate of evolution that is equal to the mutation rate. Mathematical
models embodying this theory are used to quantitatively predict what will
happen in an experiment or what an observational study will find and act
as a test of the theory. Neutral mutation theory is quite complicated and re-
quires advanced mathematics.
Observational population genetics consists of studying animals and
plants in nature. Evolution rates are inferred from the fossil record.
Field observations can determine the frequency of genes in different
geographical areas or environments. The frequency of self- and cross-
pollination can often be observed directly. Increasingly, DNA analysis,
which can detect relationships or alterations that are not visible, is be-
ing used to support field observations. For example, molecular mark-
ers have been used to determine parentage and relationship. DNA analy-
sis revealed that certain birds that do not reproduce but care for the
progeny of others are in fact close relatives, consistent with kin selection
Increasingly, population genetics has begun to rely on experimentation.
Plants and animals can be used to study the process of selection, but to
save time and reduce costs, most laboratory experiments involve small,
rapidly reproducing organisms such as the fruit fly, Drosophila. Some of the
most sensitive selection experiments have involved the use of a chemostat,
a container in which a steady inflow of nutrients and steady outflow of
wastes and excess population permits a population to maintain a stable
number of rapidly growing organisms, usually bacteria. These permit very
sensitive measurements of the effects of mutation. Evolutionary studies
Population genetics
that would require eons if studied in large animals or even mice can be
completed in a very short time.
Population genetics
Type of ecology: Population ecology
Populations typically grow when they are found on sites with abundant resources,
and biologists have developed two models to describe growth. In exponential
growth, the population is exposed to ideal conditions, and new individuals are
added at an ever-increasing rate. Logistic growth recognizes that resources are
eventually depleted, however, and that the population density ultimately stabilizes
at some level, which is defined as the carrying capacity.
Population Behaviors
Most populations change so much through time because there is constantly
turnover among individuals. That is, new individuals are constantly being
born, hatched, or germinated, while others die. Moreover, animals are also
able to enter a population by immigration and leave by emigration. Since
the number of births and new immigrants hardly ever exactly matches the
number of deaths and emigrants, the dynamic nature of populations
should not be a surprise. Because changes in population size are common
in nature, biologists have tried to understand the changes that are ob-
Population growth
served. One approach has been to model populations; the model is a sim-
plified graphical or mathematical summary of the actual changes that are
occurring in the species of interest. The relationship between a model and
the actual population that it represents is similar to that between a map
and the area of land that it represents. Because modeling is such an impor-
tant aspect of population biology, biologists who study population must
often have a good background in mathematics.
Perhaps the simplest mode of population behavior is the difference
equation, which states that the number of individuals in a population at
some specified time in the future is equal to the number at present, plus the
number of births, minus the number of deaths, plus the number of new im-
migrants, minus the number of emigrants. Thus, by knowing how many
individuals are on a site at a given time and knowing the usual number of
births, deaths, immigrants, and emigrants, one can predict the number of
individuals on the site at some future time.
Obviously, the number of births, deaths, immigrants, and emigrants
will vary from one place to another and from one time to another. For ex-
ample, on a site with abundant food and space and with favorable physical
conditions for growth and development, births and immigration will be
much greater than deaths and emigration. Thus, the population will in-
crease. Conversely, if food or space is limiting or if the physical conditions
are more severe, losses to the population through death and emigration
will equal or exceed gains through birth and immigration. Thus, the popu-
lation will remain constant or decline.
Biologists often are concerned about what happens in extreme con-
ditions, because such conditions define the limits within which the pop-
ulation normally operates. When conditions are very bad, a population
normally declines rapidly, often to the point of local extinction; when con-
ditions are very good, a population will increase. That increase is attribut-
able to the fact that each individual normally has the capacity to produce
many offspring during its lifetime. For example, a woman could produce
more than forty children if she conceived every time that she was fertile.
Other individual organisms, particularly many invertebrates and plants,
can produce hundreds of thousands of offspring in their lifetime.
Population growth
fertile until they reach an age of thirteen or fourteen). The third is the num-
ber of times that an individual reproduces in its lifetime (salmon spawn,
that is, lay eggs, only once before they die, whereas chickens lay eggs re-
peatedly). Even under ideal conditions, death must also be considered
when examining population growth. Nearly all organisms have a maxi-
mum life span that is determined by their innate physiology and cannot be
exceeded, even if they are supplied with abundant food and kept free from
Population biologists frequently express birth and death in the form of
rates. This can be done by counting the number of new births and deaths in
a population during a predetermined period of time and then dividing by
the number of individuals in the population. That will give the per capita
(per individual) birth and death rates. For example, suppose that during
the course of a year there were thirty births and fifteen deaths in a popula-
tion of one thousand individuals. That per capita birthrate would be 0.030
and the per capita death rate would be 0.015.
Next, one can subtract the death rate from the birthrate to find the per
capita rate of population growth. That rate should be greatest under ideal
conditions, when the birthrate is greatest and the death rate is least. That
per capita rate of population growth is called the “maximal intrinsic rate of
increase” or the “biotic potential” by population biologists, and it is a very
important attribute. It is often symbolized as rmax or referred to as “little r.”
Normally, rmax is considered an inherent feature of a species. As one might
expect, it varies greatly among different types of organisms. For example,
rmax, expressed per year, is 0.02-1.5 for birds and large mammals, 4-50 for in-
sects and small invertebrates, and as high as 20,000 for bacteria.
Exponential Growth
By knowing the intrinsic rate of increase and the number of organisms in a
population, one can predict much about the behavior of a population un-
der ideal conditions. The rate at which the population grows is merely the
intrinsic rate of increase (rmax) multiplied by the number of individuals in
the population. For example, suppose that there are ten individuals in a
population whose annual rmax is 2. That population would increase by an
annual rate of twenty (which would be a healthy increase). Next, suppose
that one returned to that population at some later time when the popula-
tion was fifty individuals. At that point, the annual rate of population in-
crease would be one hundred new individuals (which would be an even
healthier increase). If the rate of increase were measured when the popula-
tion reached five hundred, the annual rate of increase would be one thou-
sand individuals.
Population growth
Logistic Growth
Biologists have created a second model to account for the behavior of pop-
ulations under finite resources and have called it logistic growth. If the
number of individuals in a population undergoing logistic growth is plot-
ted as a function of time, the curve would resemble a flattened S shape. In
other words, the curve would initially be flat, but would then curve up-
ward at a progressively faster rate, much like exponential growth. At some
point (called the inflection point), however, the curve would begin to turn
to the right and flatten out. Ultimately, the curve would become horizontal,
indicating a constant population over time.
An important aspect of pure logistic growth is that the population ap-
proaches, but does not exceed, a certain level. That level is called the carry-
ing capacity, and is represented by the symbol K in most mathematical
treatments of logistic growth. The carrying capacity is the maximum num-
ber of individuals that the environment can support, based on the space,
food, and other resources available. When the number of individuals is
much fewer than the carrying capacity, the population grows rapidly,
much as in exponential growth. As the number increases, however, the rate
of population growth becomes much less than the exponential rate. When
the number approaches the carrying capacity, new population growth vir-
tually ceases. If the population were to increase above the carrying capac-
ity for some reason, there would be a net loss of organisms from the popu-
There are few studies that have documented logistic growth in nature. It
would be necessary to watch a species in a habitat from the time of its first
Population growth
Population growth
Population growth
Thus, organisms that are highly active, such as birds, large mammals, and
most flying insects would be extremely difficult to study. Finally, one can
set up numerous populations and expose each to a slightly different set of
conditions. That would enable the researcher to ascertain which environ-
mental factors are most important in determining the carrying capacity.
For example, populations of aquatic invertebrates could be monitored un-
der a range of temperature, salinity, pH, and nutrient conditions.
Research Applications
Since exponential growth is unrealistic in practical terms for almost all
populations, its scientific usefulness is limited. The concepts derived from
logistic growth, however, have important implications to biologists and
nonbiologists alike. One important aspect of logistic growth is that the
maximum rate of population growth occurs when the population is about
half of the environment’s carrying capacity. When populations are very
sparse, there are simply too few individuals to produce many progeny.
When populations are dense, near the carrying capacity, there is not
enough room or other resources to allow for rapid population growth.
Based on that relationship, those who must harvest organisms can do so at
a rate that allows the population to reestablish quickly.
Those who can apply this concept in their everyday work include wild-
life managers, ranchers, and fishermen. Indeed, quotas for hunting and
fishing are often set in a way that allows for the population to be thinned
sufficiently without depleting it too severely. Unfortunately, there are two
problems that biologists must confront when they try to use the logistic
model to help manage populations. The first is that it is often difficult to es-
tablish the carrying capacity for a given species on a particular site. One
reason is that the populations of many species are profoundly affected by
density-independent factors, as well as by other species, in highly complex
and variable ways. Further, for reasons unclear to most biologists, some
species have a maximum rate of population growth at levels well above or
well below the level (one half of the carrying capacity) that is normally as-
sumed. Thus, the logistic model typically gives only a very rough approxi-
mation for the ideal size of a population. However, the logistic model is
useful because it emphasizes that all species have natural limits to the sizes
of their populations.
Kenneth M. Klemow
Population growth
Type of ecology: Behavioral ecology
The relationships among predators and their prey in natural communities are var-
ied and complex. These interactions provide clues as to how natural populations
regulate one another, as well as to how to preserve and manage exploited popula-
tions more successfully.
Predator-Prey Interactions
Predator-prey interactions can be divided into two considerations: the ef-
fects of prey on predators, and the effects of predators on their prey. Preda-
tors respond to changes in prey density (the number of prey in the habitat)
in two principal ways. The first is called numerical response, which means
that predators change their numbers in response to changes in prey den-
sity. This may be accomplished by increasing or decreasing reproduction
or by immigrating to or emigrating from a habitat. If prey density in-
creases, predators may immigrate from other habitats to take advantage of
A hungry bear nabs a salmon for lunch as the fish hurls itself upstream to spawn.
and consume prey. In order to be profitable, a prey item must yield much
more energy than it costs. Natural selection should favor reduction in ener-
getic cost relative to energetic gain, the basis for optimal foraging theory.
According to this theory, many predators have evolved hunting strategies
to optimize the time and energy spent in searching for and capturing prey.
Some predators, such as web-building spiders and boa constrictors, am-
bush their prey. The low energetic cost of sit-and-wait is an advantage in
environments that provide plentiful prey. If encounters with prey become
less predictably reliable, however, an ambush predator may experience
starvation. Spiders can lower their metabolic energy requirements when
prey is unavailable, whereas more mobile predators, such as boa constric-
tors, can simply shift to active searching. Probably because of the likeli-
hood of facing starvation for extended periods of time, ambush predation
is more common among animals that do not expend metabolic energy to
regulate their body temperatures (ectotherms) than among those that do
(endotherms). Some predators, such as wolves and lions, hunt in groups.
This allows them to tackle larger (more profitable) prey than if they hunted
alone. Solitary hunters generally have to hunt smaller prey.
Natural communities consist of food webs, constructed of links (feed-
ing relationships) among trophic levels. Each prey species is linked to one
or more predators. Most predators in nature are generalists with respect to
their prey. Spiders, snakes, hawks, lions, and wolves all feed on a variety of
prey. Some of these prey are herbivores, but some are themselves preda-
tors. Praying mantises eat grasshoppers (herbivores), but they also eat spi-
ders (carnivores) and each other. Thus, generalist predators have a
bitrophic niche, in that they occupy two trophic levels at the same time.
Studying Predation
The central question in the study of predation is: To what extend do preda-
tors and their prey regulate one another? Most studies suggest that preda-
tors are usually food limited, but the extent to which they regulate their
prey is uncertain. It is one thing to observe predators in nature and another
to assess their importance to the dynamics of natural communities. Like
other aspects of ecology, studies of predation can be descriptive, experi-
mental, and/or mathematical.
At the descriptive level, characteristics of both predator and prey popu-
lations are assessed: rates of birth and mortality, age structure, environ-
mental requirements, and behavioral traits. Qualitative and quantitative
information of this type is necessary before predictions can be made about
I n 1972, Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould applied a new concept of
speciation to the fossil record, predicting that species should arise sud-
denly (“punctuated” by a speciation event) rather than gradually, and then
persist virtually unchanged for millions of years in “equilibrium” before
becoming extinct or speciating again.
Although Charles Darwin’s most influential work was entitled On the
Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859), in fact it did not ad-
dress the problem in the title. Darwin was concerned with showing that
evolution had occurred and that species could change, but he did not deal
with the problem of how new species were formed. For nearly a century,
no other biologists addressed this problem either. Darwin (and many of his
successors) believed that species formed by gradual transformation of ex-
isting ancestral species, and this viewpoint (known as gradualism) was
deeply entrenched in the biology and paleontology books for a century. In
this view, species are not real entities but merely arbitrary segments of con-
tinuously evolving lineages that are always in the process of change
through time. Paleontologists tried to document examples of this kind of
gradual evolution in fossils, but remarkably few examples were found.
Punctuated equilibrium vs. gradualism
Punctuated equilibrium vs. gradualism
cellular organisms, which have both sexual and asexual modes of repro-
duction. Many of the classic studies of gradualism in oysters, heart ur-
chins, horses, and even humans have even been shown to support a model
of stasis punctuated by rapid change. The model is still controversial, how-
ever, and there are still many who dispute both the model and the data that
support it.
One of the more surprising implications of the model is that long pe-
riods of stasis are not predicted by classical evolutionary theory. In neo-
Darwinian theory, species are highly flexible, capable of changing in re-
sponse to environmental changes. Yet, the fossil record clearly shows that
most species persist unchanged for millions of years, even when other evi-
dence clearly shows climatic changes taking place. Instead of passively
changing in response to the environment, most species stubbornly persist
unchanged until they either go extinct, disappear locally, or change rapidly
to some new species. They are not infinitely flexible, and no adequate
mechanism has yet been proposed to explain the ability of species to main-
tain themselves in homeostasis in spite of environmental changes and
apparent strong natural selection. Naturally, this idea intrigues paleontol-
ogists, since it suggests processes that can only be observed in the fossil
record and were not predicted from studies of living organisms.
Species Selection
The punctuated equilibrium model has led to even more interesting ideas.
If species are real, stable entities that form by speciation events and split
into multiple lineages, then multiple species will be formed and compete
with one another. Perhaps some species have properties (such as the ability
to speciate rapidly, disperse widely, or survive extinction events) that give
them advantages over other species. In this case, there might be competi-
tion and selection between species, which was called species selection by
Steven Stanley in 1975. Some evolutionary biologists are convinced that
species selection is a fundamentally different process from that of simple
natural selection that operates on individuals. In species selection, the fun-
damental unit is the species; in natural selection, the fundamental unit is
the individual. In species selection, new diversity is created by speciation
and pruned by extinction; in natural selection, new diversity is created by
mutation and eliminated by death of individuals. There are many other
such parallels, but many evolutionary biologists believe that the processes
are distinct. Indeed, since species are composed of populations of individ-
uals, species selection operates on a higher level than natural selection.
Punctuated equilibrium vs. gradualism
Punctuated equilibrium vs. gradualism
Punctuated equilibrium vs. gradualism
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology
A forest growing in a region that receives over one hundred inches of rain annually
is considered to be a rain forest. Rain forests can be found in both tropical and tem-
perate climates and are noted for their remarkable biodiversity. Thousands of dif-
ferent animal and plant species can be found within only an acre or two of a rain
R ain forests are forests found in regions of the world that receive large
amounts of precipitation annually. Rain forests present an incredibly
diverse range of habitats, as they exist both at low elevations and high in
mountain ranges. Many unusual and seldom-seen creatures inhabit the
world’s rain forests, including spiders so large they eat small birds, and
colorful but highly poisonous tree frogs. The enigmatic sloth, an animal
that spends its entire life hanging upside down from tree limbs and mov-
ing so slowly that moss grows on its fur, is found in the rain forests of South
Although tropical rain forests, such as those in the Amazon River drain-
age system of South America, are perhaps the best known, rain forests do
exist in temperate regions as well. Olympic National Park in the state of
Washington preserves a temperate climate rain forest, while much of the
coast of British Columbia and southeastern Alaska also receives well over
one hundred inches of rain annually. The primary difference between tem-
perate and tropical rain forests is that in a temperate rain forest, often one
or two species of trees will become dominant. In the coniferous rain forest
of the Pacific Northwest, for example, Douglas fir and western red cedar
are the dominant species, while other trees are found in much smaller
numbers. In a tropical rain forest, in contrast, several hundred species of
trees may grow side by side within a very small geographic area. The ma-
jority of trees found in tropical rain forests tend to be broad-leaved, such as
the rubber tree, while temperate rain forests are dominated by conifers.
The leaves of many plants in rain forests often have a waxy texture or come
to a point to help shed water more quickly and prevent the growth of fungi
or mold.
Rain forests
Rain forests
sons change annually, plants bloom in the spring or early summer; fruit
ripens in the fall, photosynthesis slows, and leaves change color and die. In
the tropics, where the number of hours of sun light daily never varies,
plants follow a different schedule. Many tropical plants bear new flowers
and mature fruit simultaneously. The evergreen foliage and continuous
supply of certain fruits has led to the adaptation of some animals to a very
restricted diet: koalas, for example, which feed exclusively on eucalyptus
leaves, or parakeets that eat only figs. Exceptions to this pattern are the for-
ests where rain fall is seasonal, such as regions of the world like southeast
Asia, where much of the rain comes in the form of annual monsoon storms.
In those cases, flowering and setting fruit will coincide with the seasonal
Forest Zones
A rain forest can be divided into four zones, each of which has its own dis-
tinct characteristics. The lowest level, the forest floor, is often dark and
gloomy. Little sunlight penetrates to this level, and there is little air move-
ment. Numerous insects, such as beetles, cockroaches, and termites, live in
the decaying litter and provide food for larger animals and birds. Many of
the insects, birds, reptiles, and amphibians that live in the lower levels of
the rain forest are brightly colored. Scientists speculate that the animals
have evolved in this fashion to more easily attract potential mates. Other
scientists believe that colors warn potential predators to stay away. In ei-
ther case, the vivid colors make the animals more easily seen in what is oth-
erwise a dark environment.
Just above the forest floor is the understory. Many of the plants in the
understory have large, dark leaves to maximize their light-collecting abil-
ity. Because there is little natural air movement within the lower levels of a
rain forest due to the canopy blocking any natural breezes, the flowering
plants in the understory often have strongly scented or vividly colored
flowers to help attract insects or birds to assist with pollination. Lizards,
snakes, amphibians such as tree frogs and salamanders, small birds, and
mammals as large as the jaguar all call the understory home. The plants
found only in the understory seldom exceed fifteen to twenty feet in
height. The coffee shrub is an example of a small, shade-tolerant, tropical
tree. Until horticulturalists developed strains of coffee for use in planta-
tions where the coffee bushes are the only plants grown, coffee grew natu-
rally in the understory of tropical forests.
The densest layer of plant life is the canopy. High above the rain forest
floor, the branches of mature trees form a dense intertwined zone of vege-
tation extending up as much as 150 feet above the ground. Numerous
Rain forests
plants sprout in the crotches of trees, where debris may collect. Tree limbs
are festooned with vines and mosses, and bromeliads and orchids grow on
the rough bark of tree trunks. Even other trees may start their life cycle a
hundred feet above the ground: The strangler figs of Borneo are a relatively
shade-intolerant species. A fig seed that lands and sprouts on the ground
will probably not survive due to low light levels on the forest floor. Stran-
gler figs have adapted so that their seedlings do best high in the canopy.
The figs begin life in the crotches of other trees. The roots of a young fig will
gradually creep down the trunk of the tree on which it sprouted. Over
time, the strangler fig’s roots will completely encircle the host tree and pen-
etrate the forest floor. The fig thrives, but the host tree dies, choked off by
the strangler fig. Primates such as gibbons, orangutans, and lemurs spend
much of their lives in the canopy, feeding on the fruit of trees such as the
strangler fig, as do the sloth and other herbivorous mammals.
The emergent layer of the rain forest consists of the tallest trees, some of
which exceed two hundred feet in height. The tops of these trees provide a
habitat for large, predatory birds, such as eagles, as well as being home to
assorted snakes, monkeys, and other animals. Every layer of the rain forest
teems with life, and often what can be found at ground level gives no hint
of the diversity that exists two hundred feet above in the tree tops.
Rain forests
agricultural use, even when the farmers and ranchers know the exposed
soil’s fertility will be quickly exhausted. In some cases, the cleared land be-
comes an arid wasteland as the tropical sun bakes the soil too hard to ab-
sorb rain water. In others, the land is farmed for a year or two and then
abandoned. Given enough time, the rain forest may regenerate, but the
process will take hundreds of years.
Nancy Farm Männikkö
Because photosynthesis releases large amounts of oxygen into the air, a curtail-
ment of the process by rain-forest deforestation may have negative effects on the
global atmosphere.
R ain forests are ecosystems noted for their high biodiversity and high
rate of photosynthesis. The rapid deforestation of such areas is of
great concern to environmentalists both because it may lead to the extinc-
tion of numerous species and because it may reduce the amount of photo-
synthesis occurring on the earth.
All living things on the earth—plants, animals, and microorganisms—
depend on the “sea” of air surrounding them. The atmosphere includes
abundant, permanent gases such as nitrogen (78 percent) and oxygen (21
percent) as well as smaller, variable amounts of other gases such as water
vapor and carbon dioxide. Organisms absorb and use this air as a source of
raw materials and release into it by-products of their life activities.
Cellular Respiration
Cellular respiration is the most universal of the life processes. A series of
chemical reactions beginning with glucose and occurring in cytoplasmic
organelles called mitochondria, cellular respiration produces a chemical
compound called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This essential substance
furnishes the energy cells need to move, to divide, and to synthesize chem-
ical compounds—in essence, to perform all the activities necessary to sus-
tain life. Cellular respiration occurs in plants as well as animals, and it oc-
curs during both the day and the night. In order for the last of the series of
chemical reactions in the process to be completed, oxygen from the sur-
rounding air (or water, in the case of aquatic plants) must be absorbed. The
carbon dioxide that forms is released into the air.
For cellular respiration to occur, a supply of glucose (a simple carbohy-
drate compound) is required. Photosynthesis, an elaborate series of chemi-
cal reactions occurring in chloroplasts, produces glucose, an organic car-
bon compound with six carbon atoms. Energy present in light must be
trapped by the chlorophyll within the chloroplasts to drive photosynthe-
Rain forests and the atmosphere
Oxygen Cycle
Oxygen is required for the survival of the majority of microorganisms and
all plants and animals. From the surrounding air, organisms obtain the ox-
ygen used in cell respiration. Plants absorb oxygen through the epidermal
coverings of their roots and stems and through the stomatal openings of
their leaves.
The huge amounts of oxygen removed from the air during respiration
must be replaced in order to maintain a constant reservoir of oxygen in the
atmosphere. There are two significant sources of oxygen. One involves
water molecules of the atmosphere that undergo a process called photo-
dissociation: Oxygen remains after the lighter hydrogen atoms are re-
leased from the molecule and escape into outer space.
Rain forests and the atmosphere
Another form of oxygen is ozone. Unlike ordinary atmospheric oxygen, in
which each molecule contains two atoms, ozone molecules have three oxy-
gen atoms each. Most ozone is found in the stratosphere at elevations be-
tween 10 and 50 kilometers (6 and 31 miles). This layer of ozone helps to
protect life on earth from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Scien-
tists, especially ecologists, are concerned because the amount of ozone has
been reduced drastically over the last few decades. Already, an increase in
the incidence of skin cancer in humans and a decrease in the efficiency of
photosynthesis has been documented. Another concern related to ozone is
that of an increase in ozone levels nearer to the ground, where living things
are harmed as a result. The formation of ozone from ordinary oxygen
within the atmosphere is greatly accelerated by the presence of gaseous
pollutants released from industrial processes.
Carbon Cycle
All forms of life are composed of organic (carbon-containing) molecules.
Carbohydrates include glucose as well as lipids (fats, oils, steroids, and
waxes), proteins, and nucleic acids. The ability of carbon to serve as the
backbone of these molecules results from the ability of carbon atoms to
form chemical bonds with other carbon atoms and also with oxygen, hy-
drogen, and nitrogen atoms.
Like oxygen, carbon cycles in a predictable manner between living
things and the atmosphere. In photosynthesis, carbon is “fixed” as carbon
dioxide in the air (or dissolved in water) is absorbed and converted into
carbohydrates. Carbon cycles to animals as they feed on plants and algae.
As both green and nongreen organisms respire, some of their carbohy-
Rain forests and the atmosphere
drates are oxidized, releasing carbon dioxide into the air. Each organism
must eventually die, after which decay processes return the remainder of
the carbon to the atmosphere.
Greenhouse Effect
Levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide have fluctuated gradually during
past millennia, as revealed by the analysis of the gas trapped in air bubbles
of ice from deep within the earth. In general, levels were lower during gla-
cial periods and higher during warmer ones. After the nineteenth century,
levels rose slowly until about 1950 and then much more rapidly afterward.
The apparent cause has been the burning of increased amounts of fossil fu-
els associated with the Industrial Revolution and growing energy de-
mands in its wake. The global warming that is now being experienced is
believed by most scientists to be the cause of increased carbon dioxide lev-
els. The greenhouse effect is the term given to the insulating effects of the
atmosphere with increased amounts of carbon dioxide. The earth’s heat is
lost to outer space less rapidly, thus increasing the earth’s average temper-
Forest Ecosystems
The biotic (living) portions of all ecosystems include three ecological or
functional categories: producers (plants and algae), consumers (animals),
and decomposers (bacteria and fungi). The everyday activities of all organ-
isms involve the constant exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between
the organisms of all categories and the surrounding atmosphere.
Because they release huge quantities of oxygen during the day, produc-
ers deserve special attention. In both fresh and salt water, algae are the
principal producers. On land, this role is played by a variety of grasses,
other small plants, and trees. Forest ecosystems, dominated by trees but
also harboring many other plants, are major systems that produce a dis-
proportionate amount of the oxygen released into the atmosphere by ter-
restrial ecosystems.
Forests occupy all continents except for Antarctica. A common classifi-
cation of forests recognizes these principal categories: coniferous (northern
evergreen), temperate deciduous, and tropical evergreen, with many sub-
categories for each. The designation “rain forest” refers to the subcatego-
ries of these types that receive an amount of rainfall well above the aver-
age. Included are tropical rain forests (the more widespread type) and
temperate rain forests. Because of the ample moisture they receive, both
types contain lush vegetation that produces and releases oxygen into the
atmosphere on a larger scale than do other forests.
Rain forests and the atmosphere
Rain forests and the atmosphere
Types of ecology: Agricultural ecology; Biomes; Ecosystem ecology
Rangelands as Ecosystems
Rangelands constitute natural ecosystems with nonliving environmental
factors such as soil and climatic factors. Life-forms are primary producers
(grasses, forbs, and shrubs), herbivores (livestock; big game animals such
as deer and bison; and many rodents and insects), carnivores (such as coy-
otes, bears, and eagles), and decomposers (fungi and bacteria) that break
down organic matter into elements that can be utilized by plants. Plants
convert carbon dioxide and water into complex carbohydrates, fats, and
proteins that nourish animals feeding on the plants.
Rangeland Dynamics
Rangelands vary considerably with time. Scientists are gaining a better un-
derstanding of some factors related to rangeland change. Pollen records
and, in the southwestern United States, packrat middens have been used
to reconstruct past climate and vegetational conditions. Some areas have
become drier and others more mesic. The formation and retreat of glaciers
influenced climatic patterns and soil development. A recent general trend
in many rangelands is an increase in woody plants at the expense of
grasses. Many factors are probably responsible for these shifts, but fire con-
trol, overgrazing, climatic shifts, introduction of exotic species, and influ-
ence of native animals are likely causal agents.
Rangelands are being threatened by encroachment from crop agri-
culture as worldwide development increases. Nomadic herders tradi-
tionally met periodic drought conditions by having the flexibility to move
to areas not impacted by drought. Now, with area lost to livestock graz-
ing and other political restrictions, herders are often forced to maintain
higher livestock numbers to support those directly dependent on live-
stock. Despite various kinds of disturbances and stresses on rangelands,
these areas have supported many large grazing animals and people for
Rex D. Pieper
See also: Forest management; Grasslands and prairies; Grazing and over-
grazing; Multiple-use approach.
Types of ecology: Aquatic and marine ecology; Biomes; Ecosystem
Reefs are among the oldest known communities, existing at least 2 billion years
ago. They exert considerable control on the surrounding physical environment, in-
fluencing turbulence levels and patterns of sedimentation. Ancient reefs are often
important hydrocarbon reservoirs.
Reef Classification
Modern reefs are classified into several geomorphic types: atoll, barrier,
fringing, and patch. Many of these may be further subdivided into reef
crest or flat, back-reef or lagoon, and fore-reef zones. Atoll reefs are circular
structures with a central lagoon, thought to form on subsiding volcanic is-
lands. Barrier reefs are elongate structures that parallel coastlines and pos-
sess a significant lagoon between the exposed reef crest and shore. These
often occur on the edges of shelves that are uplifted by faulting. Fringing
reefs are elongate structures paralleling and extending seaward from the
coastline that lack a lagoon between shore and exposed reef crest. Patch
Reef Environments
Modern reefs are restricted to certain environments. They occur abun-
dantly only between 23 degrees north and south latitudes and tend to
be restricted to the western side of ocean basins, which lack upwelling of
cold bottom waters. This restriction is based on temperature, as reefs do
not flourish where temperatures frequently reach below 18 degrees Cel-
sius. Reef growth is largely restricted to depths greater than 60 meters, as
there is insufficient penetration of sunlight below this depth for symbiont-
bearing corals to flourish. Reefs also require clear waters lacking sus-
pended terrigenous materials, as these interfere with the feeding activ-
ity of many reef organisms and also reduce the penetration of sunlight.
Finally, most reef organisms require salinities that are in the normal oce-
anic range. It appears that many fossil reefs were similarly limited in their
environmental requirements.
Some of the most striking features of modern reefs include their pro-
nounced zonation, great diversity, and high productivity and growth rates.
Reefs demonstrate a strong bathymetric (depth-related) zonation. This
zonation is largely mediated through depth-related changes in turbulence
intensity and in the quantity and spectral characteristics (reds are absorbed
first, blues last) of available light. Shallow (1- to 5-meter) fore-reef environ-
ments are characterized by strong turbulence and high light intensity and
possess low-diversity assemblages of wave-resistant corals, such as the
elk-horn coral, Acropora palmata, and crustose red algae.
With increasing depth (10-20 meters), turbulence levels decrease and
coral species diversity increases, with mound and delicate branching colo-
nies occurring. At greater depths (30-60 meters), corals assume a flattened,
platelike form in an attempt to maximize surface area for exposure to am-
bient light. Sponges and many green algae are also very important over
this range. Finally, corals possessing zooxanthellae, which live in the coral
tissues and provide food for the coral host, are rare or absent below 60 me-
ters because of insufficient light. Surprisingly, green and red calcareous al-
gae extend to much greater depths (100-200 meters), despite the very low
light intensity (much less than 1 percent of surface irradiance). Sponges are
also important members of these deep reef communities.
Diveristy of Life-Forms
Coral reefs are among the most diverse of the earth’s communities; how-
ever, there is no consensus on the mechanism(s) behind the maintenance of
this great diversity. At one time, it was believed that reefs existed in a low-
disturbance, highly stable environment, which allowed very fine subdivi-
sion of food and habitat resources and thus permitted the coexistence of a
great number of different species. Upon closer inspection, however, many
reef organisms appear to overlap greatly in food and habitat requirements.
Also, it has become increasingly apparent that disturbance, in the form of
disease, extreme temperatures, and hurricanes, is no stranger to reef com-
Coral reefs exhibit very high rates of productivity (carbon fixation),
which is a result of extremely tight recycling of existing nutrients. This is
necessary, as coral reefs exist in virtual nutrient “deserts.” Modern corals
exhibit high skeletal growth rates, up to 10 centimeters per year for some
branching species. Such high rates of skeletal production are intimately re-
lated to the symbiosis existing between the hermatypic or reef-building
scleractinian corals (also gorgonians and many sponges) and unicellular
algae or zooxanthellae. Corals that, for some reason, have lost their zo-
oxanthellae or that are kept in dark rooms exhibit greatly reduced rates of
skeleton production.
In addition to high individual growth rates for component taxa, the car-
bonate mass of the reefs may grow at a rate of some 2 meters per 1,000
years, a rate that is much higher than that of most other sedimentary de-
posits. This reflects the high productivity or growth rates of the component
organisms and the efficient trapping of derived sediment by the reef frame.
Although the framework organisms, most notably corals, are perhaps the
most striking components of the reef system, the framework represents
only 10-20 percent of most fossil reef masses. The remainder of the reef
mass consists of sedimentary fill derived from the reef community through
a combination of biosynthesis (secretion) and bioerosion (breaking down)
of calcium carbonate. An example of the relative contributions of reef or-
ganisms to sediment can be found in Jamaica, where shallow-water, back-
measuring the amount of skeleton added since the time of staining. An-
other method for determining growth is to X-ray a thin slice of skeleton
and then measure and count the yearly growth bands that are revealed on
the X-radiograph. Variations in growth banding reflect, among other fac-
tors, fluctuations in ocean temperature.
Reef sediments, which will potentially be transformed into reef lime-
stones, are examined through sieving, X-ray diffraction, and epoxy im-
pregnation and thin-sectioning. Sieving enables the determination of sedi-
ment texture, the relationships of grain sizes and abundance (which will
reflect environmental energy and the production), and erosion of grains
through biotic processes. X-ray diffraction produces a pattern that is deter-
mined by the internal crystalline structure of the sediment grains. As each
mineral possesses a unique structure, the mineralogical identity of the
sediment may be determined. Thin sections of embedded sediment or
lithified rock are examined with petrographic microscopes, which reveal
the characteristic microstructures of the individual grains. Thus, even
highly abraded fragments of coral or algae may be identified and their con-
tributions to the reef sediment determined.
Because of their typically massive nature, fossil reefs are usually stud-
ied by thin-sectioning of lithified rock samples collected either from sur-
face exposures or well cores. Reef limestones that have not undergone ex-
tensive alteration may be dated through carbon 14 dating, if relatively
young, or through uranium-series radiometric dating methods.
higher than that of adjacent open shelf areas. Reef organisms may one
day provide an important source of pharmaceutical compounds, such as
prostaglandins, which may be extracted from gorgonians (octocorals). In
addition, research has focused upon the antifouling properties exhibited
by certain reef encrusters. Reefs also provide recreational opportunities for
snorkelers and for scuba divers, a fact that many developing countries are
utilizing to promote their tourist industries. Finally, reefs serve to protect
shorelines from wave erosion.
Because of the highly restricted environmental tolerances of reef organ-
isms, the occurrence of reefs in ancient strata enables fairly confident esti-
mation of paleolatitude, temperature, depth, salinity, and water clarity. In
addition, depth- or turbulence-related variation in growth form (mounds
in very shallow water, branches at intermediate depths, and plates at
greater depths) enables even more precise estimation of paleobathymetry
or turbulence levels. Finally, buried ancient reefs are often important reser-
voir rocks for hydrocarbons and thus are important economic resources.
W. David Liddell
See also: Defense mechanisms; Marine biomes; Ocean pollution and oil
spills; Phytoplankton.
Type of ecology: Restoration and conservation ecology
Reforestation is the growth of new trees in an area that has been cleared for human
activities. It can occur naturally or be initiated by people.
M any areas of the eastern United States, such as the New England re-
gion, reforested naturally in the nineteenth and early twentieth cen-
turies after farmland that had been abandoned was allowed to lie fallow
for decades. After an area has been logged, environmentalists, as well as
the commercial logging industry, advocate planting trees rather than wait-
ing for natural regrowth because the process of natural regeneration can be
both slow and unpredictable. In natural regeneration, the mixture of trees
in an area may differ significantly from the forest that preceded it. For ex-
ample, when nineteenth century loggers clear-cut the white pine forests of
the Great Lakes region, many logged-over tracts grew back primarily in
mixed hardwoods.
Land that has been damaged by industrial pollution or inefficient agri-
cultural practices sometimes loses the ability to reforest naturally. In some
regions of Africa, soils exposed by slash-and-burn agriculture contain high
levels of iron or aluminum oxide. Without a protective cover of vegetation,
even under cultivation, soil may undergo a process known as laterization.
Laterite is a residual product of rock decay that makes soil rock-hard. Such
abandoned farmland is likely to remain barren of plant life for many years.
In polluted areas such as former mining districts, native trees may not be
able to tolerate the toxins in the soil; in these cases, more tolerant species
must be introduced.
Early Efforts
Reforestation to replace trees removed for commercial purposes has been
practiced in Western Europe since the late Middle Ages. English monarchs,
including Queen Elizabeth I, realized that forests were a vanishing re-
source and established plantations of oaks and other hardwoods to ensure
a supply of ship timbers. Similarly, Sweden created a corps of royal forest-
ers to plant trees and watch over existing woodlands. These early efforts at
reforestation were inspired by the reduction of a valuable natural resource.
By the mid-nineteenth century it was widely understood that the removal
of forest cover contributes to soil erosion, water pollution, and the disap-
pearance of many species of wildlife.
Clear-cutting removes all the trees on a tract of land, leaving none standing. At
one time a standard practice in logging, it has become one of the most controversial
harvesting techniques used in modern logging. With its windrows of slash and de-
bris, a clear-cut tract of land may appear as though a catastrophic event has devas-
tated the landscape. (PhotoDisc)
Reforestation Programs
In 1988 American Forests, an industry group, established the Global ReLeaf
program to encourage reforestation efforts in an attempt to combat global
warming. In addition to supporting reforestation efforts by government
agencies, corporations, and environmental organizations, Global ReLeaf
and similar programs encourage people to practice reforestation in their
own neighborhoods. Trees serve as a natural climate control, helping to
moderate extremes in temperature and wind. Trees in a well-landscaped
yard can reduce a homeowner’s energy costs by providing shade in the
summer and serving as a windbreak during the winter. Global ReLeaf is
one of many programs that support reforestation efforts.
Arbor Day, an annual day devoted to planting trees for the beautifica-
tion of towns or the forestation of empty tracts of land, was established in
the United States in 1872. The holiday originated in Nebraska, a prairie
state that seemed unnaturally barren to homesteaders used to eastern
woodlands. Initially emphasizing planting trees where none had existed
before, Arbor Day is observed in U.S. public schools to educate young peo-
ple about the importance of forest preservation. Organizations such as the
National Arbor Day Foundation provide saplings (young trees) to schools
and other organizations for planting in their own neighborhoods.
Nancy Farm Männikkö
Types of ecology: Behavioral ecology; Population ecology
Reproductive strategies
mating system and the amount of parental care. Mating systems include
monogamy (in which one male is mated to one female) and polygamy (in
which an individual of one sex is mated to more than one from the other).
The type of polygamy when one male mates with several females is called
polygyny; the reverse is known as polyandry.
Finally, physiological events such as those involved in ovulation (what
happens when the egg or eggs are shed from the ovary) may also be used
to characterize a reproductive strategy. Some mammals are spontane-
ous ovulators. Females shed their eggs during the reproductive cycle
without any physical stimulation. Other mammalian species are induced
ovulators—a female ovulates only after being physically stimulated by a
male during copulation. These patterns, induced and spontaneous ovula-
tion, may be regarded as alternate reproductive strategies, each enabling a
type of species to reproduce successfully under certain conditions.
The overall effectiveness of a reproductive strategy is important to con-
sider with respect to the relative success of the offspring (even those in fu-
ture generations) in leaving their own descendants. A sound reproductive
strategy results in increased fitness. An organism’s fitness as it affects the
population’s gene pool may not be adequately assessed until several gen-
erations have passed.
Reproductive strategies
Male seals can successfully defend areas containing from eighty to a hundred fe-
males from other males. Very dense clusters of females, however, attract too many
males for one male to monopolize. When this happens, the largest male typically
dominates the rest and maintains disproportionate access to females. (PhotoDisc)
Reproductive strategies
Reproductive strategies
Reproductive strategies
tive traits are associated and of how they can be explained by several fac-
tors. One might determine that a certain bird species produces its greatest
number of young, and that the young grow most rapidly, at northern loca-
tions having high snow levels. Such an approach is often needed in dealing
with reproductive strategies—a combination of traits typically requires ex-
Reproductive strategies
Type of ecology: Restoration and conservation ecology
Restoration ecology is concerned with converting ecosystems that have been modi-
fied or degraded by human activity to a state approximating their original condi-
Restoration ecology
Restoration ecology
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology
Savannas are areas of continuous grass or sedge cover beneath trees that range
from scattered, twisted, and gnarled individuals to open woodlands. Deciduous
tropical forests have continuous to open forest cover and undergo a leafless period
during a seasonally lengthy dry season.
W here the annual rainfall in tropical regions is less than 2,000 millime-
ters and three to six months out of the year are dry, savannas and de-
ciduous forests are common. Deciduous tropical forests often occur where
the annual rainfall is less than that of savannas. Together, the two biomes
are referred to here as the dry tropical biome.
A pronounced pattern of seasonally wet and dry periods is the most im-
portant factor affecting the distribution of these types of plant cover.
Higher soil fertility favors forest over grasses and savanna such as in the
cerrado of Brazil, which occurs only on certain geological formations and
low-nutrient soils. Fire has been a dominant feature of these biomes, and
human influences—fires, agriculture, and grazing of animals—have inter-
acted with climate to produce a varied landscape.
The dry tropical biome is most geographically widespread on the conti-
nents of Africa, South America, and Australia, with smaller enclaves in
Asia. The world’s largest expanses of dry forest—the Brachystegia wood-
land across Central Africa, the cerrado (savanna) and caatinga (dry forest)
of the Amazon basin, and much of interior Australia—are notable exam-
ples. “Elephant grass savanna,” with tall grasses up to 4 meters tall and
scattered trees, occurs exclusively in Africa. In the West Indies, dry forest
occurs in rain-shadow zones on the leeward sides of islands affected by the
Savannas and deciduous tropical forests
Savannas are landscapes of dense grass and scattered trees, such as these yellow fe-
ver trees growing in Nakura National Park in Kenya. Common on the continent of
Africa, savannas are also found in India, Australia, and the northern part of South
America. (Corbis)
Savannas and deciduous tropical forests
types occur in different habitats and are adapted differently to their respec-
tive environments.
Trees of the cerrado in northeast Brazil are deeply rooted, tap ground-
water, and have high rates of transpiration. Drought here is atmospheric,
as water is always available below two meters of soil depth. The deciduous
caatinga of central Brazil, however, receives only 500 millimeters of rain
yearly, and transpiration of trees is low. Here, trees suffer significant water
deficits during the long, dry season, are truly xerophytic, and exhibit clas-
sic adaptations to drought.
Trees of the cerrado have a number of adaptations that confer resistance
to fire. These include a thick, corky bark, the ability to form adventitious
roots from buds on roots following the burning of the stem, and the
cryptophyte or hemicryptophyte life-form (cryptophytes produce buds
underground). Many herbaceous species are induced to flower by fire.
Savannas and deciduous tropical forests
Types of ecology: Agricultural ecology; Ecotoxicology
Habitat Fragmentation
One of the most easily recognized results of slash-and-burn agriculture is
habitat fragmentation, which leads to a significant loss of the vegetation
Slash-and-burn agriculture
Human Health
The impact of slash-and-burn agriculture on human health and the envi-
ronment is best exemplified by the 1997 Asian fires that resulted from such
practices. Monsoon rains normally extinguish the fires set by farmers, but
a strong El Niño weather phenomenon delayed the expected rains, and the
fires burned out of control for months. Thick smoke caused severe health
problems. It is estimated that more than 20 million people in Indonesia
alone were treated for asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and eye, skin, and
cardiovascular problems as a result of the fires. Similar problems have
been reported for smaller agricultural fires.
Three major problems are associated with air pollution: particulate mat-
ter, pollutant gases, and volatile organic compounds. Particulate com-
pounds of 10 microns or smaller that are inhaled become attached to the al-
veoli and other blood cells, resulting in severe illness. Studies by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the University of Washing-
ton indicate that death rates associated with respiratory illnesses increase
when fine particulate air pollution increases. Meanwhile, pollutant gases
such as carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur diox-
ide become respiratory irritants when they combine with vapor to form
acid rain or fog. Until the Asian fires, air pollutants stemming from the
small fires of slash-and-burn agriculture that occur every planting season
often went unnoticed. Thus, millions of people in the tropics experience
environmental health problems because of slash-and-burn agriculture that
are never reported.
Slash-and-burn agriculture
moval of vegetation cover, huge areas of land become exposed to the tor-
rential rainfalls that occur in these regions. The result is severe soil erosion.
As evidenced by the impact of Hurricane Mitch on Honduras during 1998,
these exposed lands can give rise to large mudslides that can lead to signif-
icant loss of life. While slash-and-burn agriculture may not be the ultimate
cause for sudden mud slides, it does predispose these lands to erosional
Associated with erosion is the impact of slash-and-burn agriculture
on water quality. As erosion continues, sedimentation of streams in-
creases. This sedimentation affects stream flow and freshwater discharge
for catchment-area populations. Mixed with the sediment are minerals
such as phosphorus and nitrogen-related compounds that enhance algal
growth in streams and estuaries, which depletes the supply of oxygen that
aquatic organisms require to survive. Although fertility is initially in-
creased on noneroded soils, nutrient deposition and migration into drink-
ing water supplies continues to increase.
Slash-and-burn agriculture
systems but also in other regions of the world, it has become necessary to
explore different approaches to controlling this form of agriculture. How-
ever, slash-and-burn agriculture has evolved into a sociocultural liveli-
hood; therefore, recommendations must be consistent with the way of life
of a people who have minimal resources for extensive agricultural sys-
Among the alternatives are new agroecosystems such as agroforestry
systems and sustainable agricultural systems that do not rely so much on
the slashing and burning of forestlands. These systems allow for the culti-
vation of agronomic crops and livestock within forest ecosystems. This
protects soils from being eroded. Another possibility is the education of
small rural farmers, absentee landlords, and big agribusiness concerns in
developing countries to understand the environmental impact of slash-
and-burn agriculture. While small rural farmers may not have the re-
sources for renovating utilized forestlands, big business can organize eco-
systems restoration, as has been done in many developed nations of the
Oghenekome U. Onokpise
Types of ecology: Agricultural ecology; Ecosystem ecology; Soil ecology
Soils are complex chemical factories. Regardless of the type of soil—and twelve
types of soil are identified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture—chemical pro-
cesses such as plant growth, organic decay, mineral weathering, and water purifi-
cation, as well as living organisms, constitute the ecosystem commonly referred to
as soil.
S oil chemistry has been studied as long as there has been sustainable ag-
riculture. Although they did not recognize it as such, those first suc-
cessful farmers who plowed under plant stalks, cover crops, or animal
wastes were actively managing the soil chemistry of their fields. These
early farmers knew that to have productive farms in one location season
after season, they had to return something to the soil.
It is now understood that soil chemistry is a complex of chemical and
biochemical reactions. The most obvious result of this complex of reactions
is that some soils are very fertile whereas other soils are not. Soil itself is a
unique environment because all the “spheres”—the atmosphere, hydro-
sphere, geosphere, and biosphere—are intimately mixed there. For this
reason, soil and soil chemistry are extremely important.
Rock Weathering
Soil chemistry begins with rock weathering. The minerals composing a
rock exposed at the earth’s surface are continually bathed in a shower of
acid rain—not necessarily polluted rainwater but naturally occurring acid
rain. Each rain droplet forming in the atmosphere absorbs a small amount
of carbon dioxide gas. Some of the dissolved carbon dioxide reacts with the
water to form a dilute solution of carbonic acid. A more concentrated solu-
tion of carbonic acid is found in any bottle of sparkling water.
Most of the common rock-forming minerals, such as feldspar, will react
slowly with rainwater. Some of the chemical elements of the mineral, such
as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, are very soluble in rain-
water and are carried away with the water as it moves over the rock sur-
face. Other chemical elements of the mineral, such as aluminum, silicon,
and iron, are much less soluble. Some of these elements are dissolved in the
water and carried away; most, however, remain near the original weather-
ing, where they recombine into new, more resistant minerals. Many of the
new minerals are of a type called clays.
Soil Horizons
O = organic debris
A = topsoil (minerals)
B = subsoil
(clay, iron oxide,
carbonate calcium)
ing front (the line between weathered minerals and fresh rock) penetrates
farther into the rock, and the overlying soil gets thicker.
Biological Processes
Throughout the weathering process, biological processes contribute to the
pace of soil formation. In the very early stages, lichens and fungi are at-
tached to what appear to be bare rock surfaces. In reality, they are using
their own acids to “digest” the rock minerals. They absorb the elements of
the mineral they need, and the remainder is left to form soil minerals. As
the soil gets thicker, larger plants and animals begin to colonize. Large
plants send roots down into the soil looking for water and nutrients. Some
of the necessary nutrients, such as potassium, are available as exchange-
able cations on soil clays or in the form of deeper, unweathered minerals.
In either case, the plant obtains the nutrients by using its own weathering
reaction carried on through its roots. The nutrient elements are removed
from minerals and become part of the growing plant’s tissue.
Without a way to replenish the nutrients in the soil, the uptake of nutri-
ents by plants will eventually deplete the fertility of the soil. Nutrients are
returned to the soil through the death and decay of plants. Microorganisms
in the soil, such as bacteria and fungi, speed up the decay. Since the bulk of
the decaying plant material is found at the surface (the dead plant’s roots
also decay), most of the nutrients are released to the surface layer of the
soil. Some of the nutrients are carried down to roots deep in the soil by in-
filtrating rainwater. Most of the nutrients, however, are removed from the
water by the shallow root systems of smaller plants. The deeper roots of
typically large plants can mine the untapped nutrients at the deep, rela-
tively unweathered soil-rock boundary.
The soil and its soil chemistry are now well established, with plants
growing on the surface and their roots reaching toward mineral nutrients
at depth. Water is flowing through the soil, carrying dissolved nutrients
and the soluble by-products of weathering reactions.
Soil as an Ecosystem
Not to be forgotten in this mix are the microbes, insects, nematodes,
worms, and other organisms that, along with fungi and plants, occupy the
soil ecosystem. There are at least twelve different classifications of soil rec-
ognized by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and these reflect the many
communities that occupy various soil ecosystems. In fact, when ecologists
discuss soil as an ecosystem, they are referring not only to the biotic and
abiotic components of soil itself but also to the living organisms, from all
kingdoms, that occupy, partially occupy, or travel through soil. Disruption
Soil Chemistry
Soil ecologists and soil chemists are concerned not only with the composi-
tion of soil and soil water but also with how that composition changes as
the water interacts with the atmosphere, minerals, plants, fungi, animals,
and mechanical forces at work on it. Soil and its chemistry can be studied
in its natural environment, or samples can be brought into the laboratory
for testing. Some tests have been standardized and are best conducted in
the laboratory so that they can be compared with the results of other re-
searchers. Most of the standardized tests, such as measures of the soil’s
acidity and cation-exchange capacity, are related to measures of the soil’s
fertility and its overall suitability for plant growth. These tests measure av-
erage values for a soil sample because large original samples are dried and
thoroughly mixed before smaller samples are taken for the specific test.
Increasingly, soil chemists are looking for ways to study the fine details of
soil chemical processes. They know, for example, that soil water chemistry
changes as the water percolates through succeeding layers of the soil. The
water flowing through the soil during a rainstorm has a different chemical
composition from that of water clinging to soil particles, at the same depth,
several days later. Finally, during a rainstorm, the water flowing through
large cracks in the soil has a chemical composition different from that of the
same rainwater flowing through the tiny spaces between soil particles.
Sampling Techniques
Soil chemists use several sampling techniques to collect the different types
of soil water. During a rainstorm, water flows under the influence of grav-
ity. After digging a trench in the area of interest, researchers push several
sheets of metal or plastic, called pan lysimeters, into the wall of the trench
at specified depths below the surface. The pans have a very shallow V
shape. Soil water flowing through the soil collects in the pan, flows toward
the bottom of the V, and flows out of the pan into a collection bottle. Com-
paring the chemical compositions of rainwater that has passed through
different thicknesses of soils (marked by the depth of each pan) allows the
soil chemist to identify specific soil reactions with specific depths.
After the soil water stops flowing, water is still trapped in the soil. The
soil water clings to soil particles and is said to be held by tension. Tension
water can spend a long time in the soil between rainstorms. During that
The Twelve Soil Orders in the U.S. Classification System
Alfisols Soils in humid and subhumid climates with precipitation from 500 to
1,300 millimeters (20 to 50 inches), frequently under forest vegetation.
Clay accumulation in the B horizon and available water most of the
growing season. Slightly to moderately acid soils.
Andisols Soils with greater than 60 percent volcanic ash, cinders, pumice, and
basalt. They have a dark A horizon as well as high absoption and
immobilization of phosphorus and very high cation exchange capacity.
Aridisols Aridisols exist in dry climates. Some have horizons of lime or gypsum
accumulations, salty layers, and A and slight B horizon development.
Entisols Soils with no profile development except a shallow A horizon. Many
recent river floodplains, volcanic ash deposits, severely eroded areas,
and sand are entisols.
Gelisols Soils that commonly have a dark organic surface layer and mineral
layers underlain by permafrost, which forms a barrier to downward
movement of soil solution. Common in tundra regions of Alaska.
Alternate thawing and freezing of ice layers results in special features in
the soil; slow decomposition of the organic matter due to cold
temperatures results in a peat layer at the surface in many gelisols.
Histosols Organic soils of variable depths of accumulated plant remains in bogs,
marshes, and swamps.
Inceptisols Soils found in humid climates that have weak to moderate horizon
development. Horizon development may have been delayed because of
cold climate or waterlogging.
Mollisols Mostly grassland soils, but with some broadleaf forest-covered soils with
relatively deep, dark A horizons, a possible B horizon, and lime
Oxisols Excessively weathered soils. Oxisols are over 3 meters (10 feet) deep,
have low fertility, have dominantly iron and aluminum oxide clays, and
are acid. Oxisols are found in tropical and subtropical climates.
Spodosols Sandy leached soils of the cool coniferous forests, usually with an
organic or O horizon and a strongly acidic profile. The distinguishing
feature of spodosols is a B horizon with accumulated organic matter plus
iron and aluminum oxides.
Ultisols Strongly acid and severely weathered soils of tropical and subtropical
climates. They have clay accumulation in the B horizon.
Vertisols Soils with a high clay content that swell when wet and crack when dry.
Vertisols exist in temperate and tropical climates with distinct dry and
wet seasons. Usually vertisols have only a deep self-mixing A horizon.
When the topsoil is dry, it falls into the cracks, mixing the soil to the
depth of the cracks.
time, it reacts with soil mineral grains and soil microorganisms. Tension
water is sampled by placing another type of lysimeter, a tension lysimeter,
into the soil at a known depth. A tension lysimeter is like the nozzle of a
vaccum cleaner with a filter over the opening. Soil chemists actually vac-
uum the tension water out of the soil and to the surface for analysis.
chemical processes to help them survive their own past mistakes. Soil has
been and continues to be used as a garbage filter. Garbage, whether solid or
liquid, has been dumped on or buried in soil for ages. Natural chemical
processes broke down the garbage into simpler forms and recycled the nu-
trients. When garbage began to contain toxic chemicals, those chemicals,
when in small quantities, were either destroyed by soil bacteria or firmly
attached to soil particles. The result is that water—percolating through
garbage, on its way to the local groundwater, stream, or lake—does not
carry with it as much contamination as one might expect. Soil chemistry
has, so far, kept contaminated garbage from ruining drinking water. There
are well-known cases, however, where the volume and composition of
waste buried or spilled were such that the local soil chemistry was over-
whelmed. In cases of large industrial spills, or when artificial chemicals are
spilled or buried, the soil needs help to recover. The recovery efforts are
usually very expensive but, faced with the possible permanent loss of large
parts of the soil chemical factory, humankind cannot afford to neglect this
aspect of the environment.
Richard W. Arnseth
Types of ecology: Ecotoxicology; Restoration and conservation ecology;
Soil ecology
Types of Contamination
Soils can become contaminated by many human activities, including fertil-
izer or pesticide application, direct discharge of pollutants at the soil surface,
leaking of underground storage tanks or pipes, leaching from landfills,
and atmospheric deposition. Additionally, soil contamination may be of nat-
ural origin. For example, soils with high concentrations of heavy metals can
occur naturally because of their close proximity to metal ore deposits. Com-
mon contaminants include inorganic compounds such as nitrate and heavy
metals (for example, lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and chromium);
volatile hydrocarbons found in fuels, such as benzene, toluene, ethylene,
and xylene BTEX compounds; and chlorinated organic compounds such
as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and pentachlorophenol (PCP).
Contaminants may also include substances that occur naturally but
whose concentrations are elevated above normal levels. For example, ni-
trogen- and phosphorus-containing compounds are often added to agri-
cultural lands as fertilizers. Since nitrogen and phosphorus are typically
the limiting nutrients for plant and microbial growth, accumulation in the
soil is usually not a concern. The real concern is the leaching and runoff of
the nutrients into nearby water sources, which may lead to oxygen deple-
tion of lakes as a result of the eutrophication encouraged by those nutri-
ents. Furthermore, nitrate is a concern in drinking water because it poses a
direct risk to human infants; it is associated with blue-baby syndrome.
Soil contamination
Environmental Interactions
Contaminants may reside in the solid, liquid, and gaseous phases of the
soil. Most will occupy all three phases but will favor one phase over the
others. The physical and chemical properties of the contaminant and the
soil will determine which phase the contaminant favors. The substance
may preferentially adsorb to the solid phase, either the inorganic minerals
or the organic matter. The attraction to the solid phase may be weak or
strong. The contaminant may also volatize into the gaseous phase of the
soil. If the contaminant is soluble in water, it will dwell mainly in the liquid-
filled pores of the soil.
Contaminants may remain in the soil for years or make their way into
the atmosphere or nearby water sources. Additionally, the compounds
may be broken down or taken up by the biological component of the soil.
This may include plants, bacteria, fungi, and other soil-dwelling microbes.
The volatile compounds may slowly move from the gaseous phase of the
soil into the atmosphere. The contaminants that are bound to the solid
phase may remain intact or be carried off in runoff attached to soil particles
and flow into surface waters. Compounds that favor the liquid phase, such
as nitrate, will either move into surface waters or leach down into the
Metals display a range of behaviors. Some bind strongly to the solid
phase of the soil, while others easily dissolve and wind up in surface or
groundwater. PCBs and similar compounds bind strongly to the solid sur-
face and remain in the soil for years. These compounds can still pose a
threat to waterways because, over long periods of time, they slowly dis-
solve from the solid phase into the water at trace quantities. Fuel compo-
nents favor the gaseous phase but will bind to the solid phase and dissolve
at trace quantities into the water. However, even trace quantities of some
compounds can pose a serious ecological or health risk. When a contami-
nant causes a harmful effect, it is classified as a pollutant.
There are two general approaches to cleaning up a contaminated soil site:
treatment of the soil in place (in situ) or removal of the contaminated soil
followed by treatment (non-in situ). In situ methods, which have the ad-
vantage of minimizing exposure pathways, include biodegradation, vola-
tilization, leaching, vitrification (glassification), and isolation or contain-
ment. Non-in situ methods generate additional concerns about exposure
during the process of transporting contaminated soil. Non-in situ options
include thermal treatment (incineration), land treatment, chemical extrac-
tion, solidification or stabilization, excavation, and asphalt incorporation.
Soil contamination
The choice of methodology will depend on the quantity and type of con-
taminants and on the nature of the soil. Some of these treatment technolo-
gies are still in the experimental phase.
John P. DiVincenzo
Types of ecology: Community ecology; Evolutionary ecology; Speciation
Processes whereby new species arise is referred to as speciation. The term is used
most often to refer to the multiplication of species.
M any types of speciation have been proposed, but most can be grouped
into three main modes. Geographic (allopatric) speciation depends
upon geographic isolation of populations. Semigeographic (parapatric)
speciation involves divergence between populations in continuous geo-
graphic contact. Nongeographic (sympatric) speciation involves specia-
tion at a restricted locality, without geographic separation.
Allopatric Speciation
Geographic, or allopatric, speciation is widely accepted as the most impor-
tant mode of speciation for sexual species. According to this model, a new
species develops when a population becomes geographically isolated
from the remainder of the species and gradually evolves independently to
the extent that it becomes reproductively isolated. If the two populations
reestablish contact subsequent to the development of reproductive isola-
tion, no interbreeding will take place. Geographic speciation is a slow pro-
cess not amenable to experimental testing, but abundant indirect evidence
is furnished by patterns of geographic variation, the development of re-
productive isolation between geographically remote elements of the same
species, varying degrees of divergence between isolates, and correlation
of speciation with periods of isolation produced by past climatic or geolog-
ical events. An unproven variant of the allopatric model is the founder-
effect model, in which an isolated population established by a few found-
ers goes through a drastic genetic reorganization because of the limited
genetic variability introduced by the founders and chance fluctuations in
gene frequencies (genetic drift). Such a reorganization supposedly could
accelerate the speciation process.
Parapatric Speciation
The possibility of parapatric (semigeographic) speciation is suggested by
the occurrence of hybrid zones or belts along which two races interbreed
freely. Many hybrid belts are undoubtedly the result of secondary contact
between previously isolated populations, but others may have been
formed in place. The origin of hybrid zones, interactions at hybrid zones,
Sympatric Speciation
The origin of an asexual form from a sexual one always takes place in a
nongeographic (sympatric) mode. There are many variants of asexual repro-
duction, including egg or seed development without fertilization (parthe-
nogenesis and agamospermy, respectively), vegetative reproduction, and
simple fission. Obligatory self-fertilization in hermaphrodites accomplishes
the same end. Considerable attention has been given to the adaptive signif-
icance of uniparental reproduction and factors influencing its origin.
The only unquestioned mode of sympatric speciation for sexual forms
is through polyploidy, with doubling of the entire complement of chromo-
somes, a phenomenon often associated with hybridization. Tetraploids
(4N), for example, produced by a doubling of the diploid (2N) chromo-
some number, are often fertile, but are reproductively isolated from the pa-
rental forms because backcrossing produces sterile triploids (3N). Sexual
polyploids are known from many animal groups but are generally rare.
Polyploids are common among plants, however, and polyploidy has been
an important speciation mechanism in plants.
Many other models for sympatric speciation have been proposed, and
most are controversial. Many of these models involve disruptive selection,
a type of selection in which two or more phenotypes have high fitness,
while intermediates between them have low fitness. If an organism, for ex-
ample, exploits two subniches in the same locality, and there is some im-
pediment to free gene exchange, disruptive selection could produce two
different genotypes, each adapted to one of the subniches; heterozygotes
would be adapted to neither. This type of speciation has received some
support from studies on herbivorous insects and insects with parasitic lar-
vae; conditioning may favor egg deposition by the insect on the plant or
host where it developed. This would inhibit free gene exchange and allow
adaptation to different plants or hosts.
Types of ecology: Evolutionary ecology; Restoration and conservation
Species loss, particularly the extinction of species that is caused by human activi-
ties, has increasingly concerned scientists in a number of fields, threatening biodi-
versity both locally and globally.
P ublic and scientific concern about species loss stems from several fac-
tors and encompasses a variety of viewpoints. Ethically, many people
believe that species have value in and of themselves and that humankind
does not have the right to cause the extinction of any species. A species
may also have an unknown potential to enrich human life and health. The
latter argument is important in that many synthetic medicines and com-
mercial products were first produced by plants and animals. The loss of
species could potentially mean the loss of beneficial new products for hu-
man society. Species that exist today are the result of millions of years of
evolutionary success, and to lose species is to lose that evolutionary his-
tory. From a resource management point of view, ecologists and land man-
agers alike are concerned about the effects that species loss may have on
the function and stability of biotic communities.
Ecological Concerns
Relationships such as predation, competition, and parasitism link species
into complex community relationships. One way species are linked is by
trophic levels within the community food chain, which is more accurately
described as a food web. Starting with plants at the base of the web, trophic
levels begin with producers, followed by several successive levels of con-
sumers: herbivore, first-level carnivore, second-level carnivore, and so on,
up to top carnivore. Omnivores feed both as herbivores and as carnivores
and thus feed at more than one trophic level. Finally decomposers feed on
dead organisms and their waste products from all trophic levels.
Therefore, although the ramifications of loss of a species are not easily
predicted, such a loss will have significant impact on ecosystems—often
beyond merely the obvious one of increasing a population of its prey or de-
creasing a population of predators. Such a loss will disturb the entire food
chain—or, more properly, food web—involving the complex relationships
among all species in a community. Such community disturbance inevitably
expands beyond the community’s borders to affect the larger ecosystem.
Species loss
Species-Removal Studies
Species-removal studies provide some indication of what may occur when
a species becomes extinct. In more than 90 percent of predator-removal
studies, population densities of prey species in the trophic level immedi-
ately below the predator have shown a significant increase or decrease. In
many cases, the change in density was twofold. Rarely has the removal of
predator species had no effect on the population density of its prey. How-
ever, not all studies have shown the expected increase in prey density;
many have shown an unexpected decrease.
For species that possibly compete with one another, more than 90 per-
cent of competitor-removal studies have shown an increase in the “remain-
ing competitor” population density. Several factors may influence the
strength of community response in species-removal experiments. For ex-
ample, a predator may prey more heavily on a large, aggressive prey spe-
cies and thus allow the coexistence of a less aggressive, competitor prey
species. If the predator is removed, the aggressive prey may increase in
density while the less aggressive one may actually decrease. Studies in
aquatic communities indicate that the higher the trophic level in which
species removal occurs, the greater the effect on population densities at
lower trophic levels.
The ramifications of species loss can only partially be predicted with
knowledge of community food webs. The size and direction of population
density change within a community may or may not be as expected. It is
safe to predict, however, that species loss will cause changes in most in-
Species loss
Several North American species and subspecies are now extinct because of
similar exploitations: The passenger pigeon, Carolina parakeet, heath hen,
Merriam’s elk, and Badlands bighorn sheep are some of the best known ex-
During the 1960’s increasing concern about an accelerated species ex-
tinction rate attributable to human exploitation and disturbance of the
environment culminated in the first federal protective legislation for en-
dangered species, the Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966. This
act was limited to listing endangered birds and mammals and funding
research on their population ecology and habitat acquisition. This legis-
lation was expanded in 1969 to include all vertebrate animal species
and some invertebrates. The definitive protection legislation is the 1973
Endangered Species Act. This act set procedures for listing threatened
and endangered species, called for designation of critical habitat for each
threatened or endangered species, and mandated the development of
recovery plans for these species. The act prohibits the use of federal funds
for projects that would harm threatened or endangered species. The cover-
age of the 1973 act was also expanded to include plants and invertebrate
animals (except pest insects), subspecies, and distinct vertebrate popula-
Since 1966 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has had the legal
responsibility of compiling and maintaining an official threatened and
endangered species list. There are formal petitioning processes for plac-
ing additional species on the list and for removing them from the list. Peti-
tions may be initiated by the USFWS or by private organizations. Petitions
are reviewed by scientific panels using all available information on the
species. If sufficient information is available to support the petition, a pro-
posed addition to the list is published in the Federal Register and other
appropriate places to solicit public comment. Final decisions about list-
ing, “down-listing” (for example, changing a species designation from
“endangered” to “threatened”), or “de-listing” are made by the USFWS.
The ultimate goal of the listing process and the implementation of a recov-
ery plan is to increase the abundance and distribution of a species to the
point of being able to remove it from the threatened and endangered spe-
cies list.
James F. Fowler
Species loss
Type of ecology: Community ecology
Stages of Succession
The entire sequence of communities is called a sere, and each step or com-
munity in the sequence is a seral stage. The climax community is in bal-
ance, or equilibrium, with the environment and displays greater stability,
more efficient nutrient and energy recycling, a greater number of species,
and a more complex community structure than that of each preceding seral
Each seral stage is characterized by its own distinctive forms of plant
and animal life, which are adapted to a unique set of chemical, physical,
small, and have short life cycles. By moderating the environmental condi-
tions, these species make the area less favorable for themselves and more
favorable for plants that are better adapted to the new environment. Such
plants are normally long-lived and relatively large. Secondary succession
usually proceeds at a faster rate than primary succession, because a well-
developed soil and some life are already present.
Aquatic Environments
Succession can also take place in aquatic environments, such as a newly
formed pond. The pioneer community consists of microscopic organisms
that live in the open water. Upon death, their remains settle on the bottom
and join with sediment and organic matter washed into the pond. An accu-
mulation of sediment provides anchorage and nutrients for rooted, sub-
merged aquatic plants such as pondweeds and waterweeds. These add to
the buildup of sediment, and as water depth decreases, rooted, floating-
leaved species such as water lilies prevent light from reaching the sub-
merged aquatics and eliminate them.
At the water’s edge, emergent plants rooted in the bottom and extend-
ing their stems and leaves above water (cattails, rushes, and sedges) trap
sediment, add organic matter, and continue the filling-in process. The shal-
low margins fill first, and eventually the open water disappears and a
marsh or bog forms. A soil rich in partially decomposed organic matter
and saturated with water accumulates. As drainage improves and the soil
becomes raised above the water level, trees and shrubs tolerant of wet soils
invade the marsh. These act to lower the water table and improve soil aera-
tion. Trees suited to drier conditions move in, and once again a climax com-
munity characteristic of the surrounding area develops.
Theories of Succession
The American ecologist Frederic E. Clements (1874-1945) believed that the
characteristics of a climax community were determined solely by regional
climate. According to Clements, all communities within a given climatic
region, despite initial differences, eventually develop into the same climax
community. Some seral stages might be abbreviated or skipped entirely,
while others could be lengthened or otherwise modified; however, the end
result would always be a single climax community suited to the regional
climate. This phenomenon is called convergence, and Clements’s single-
climax concept is known as the monoclimax theory.
Some ecologists have found the monoclimax theory to be simplistic and
have offered other theories. One of these, the polyclimax theory, holds that,
within a given climatic region, there could be many climaxes. It was noted
that in any single climatic region, there were often many indefinitely main-
tained communities that could be considered separate and distinct cli-
maxes. These developed as a result of differences caused by soil type, soil
moisture, nutrients, slope, fire, animal activity (grazing and browsing),
and other factors. Clements countered that these would eventually reach
true climax status if given enough time and proposed terms such as
subclimax (a long-lasting seral stage preceding the climax) and disclimax
(a nonclimax maintained by continual disturbance) to describe such situa-
A third theory, the climax pattern concept, views the climax as a single
large community composed of a mosaic or pattern of climax vegetation in-
stead of many separate climaxes or subclimaxes. Numerous habitat and
environmental differences account for the patterns of populations within
the climax; no single factor such as climate is responsible.
While there is little doubt about the reality of succession, it is apparently
not a universal phenomenon. For example, disturbed areas within tropical
rain forests do not undergo a series of seral stages leading to reestablish-
ment of the climax community. Instead, the climax is established directly
by the existing species. Nevertheless, in most regions succession is the
Types of ecology: Restoration and conservation ecology; Theoretical
A Value System
Sustainable development is a normative philosophy, or value system, con-
cerned with equal distribution of the earth’s natural capital among current
and future generations of humans. Sustainable development promotes
three core values. First, current and future generations should each have
equal access to the planet’s life-support systems—including Earth’s gas-
eous atmosphere, biodiversity, stocks of exhaustible resources, and stocks
of renewable resources—and should maintain the earth’s atmosphere,
land, and biodiversity for future generations. Exhaustible resources, such
as minerals and fossil fuels, are used sparingly and conserved for use by
future generations. Renewable resources, such as forests and soil fertility,
are renewed as they are used to ensure that stocks are maintained at or
above current levels and are never exhausted.
Second, all future generations should have an equal opportunity to en-
Sustainable development
Sustainable development
Type of ecology: Community ecology
All animals live in close association, or symbiosis, with other species. Most symbi-
oses are based on nutritional interrelationships involving competition or coopera-
tion. Some animals cannot survive without their symbiotic partners, while others
are harmed or killed by them.
Defining Symbiosis
Symbiosis involves many types of dependent or interdependent associa-
tions between species. In contrast to predator-prey interactions, however,
symbioses are seldom rapidly fatal to either of the associating species
(symbionts) and are often of long duration. With the exception of grazing
animals that do not often entirely consume or destroy their plant “prey,”
most predators quickly kill and consume their prey. While a predator may
share its prey with other individuals of the same species (clearly an exam-
ple of “living together”), such intraspecific behavior is not considered to be
a type of symbiosis. Fleas, some ticks, mites, mosquitoes, and other blood-
sucking flies are viewed as micropredators rather than parasites.
All organisms are involved in some form of competition. The abun-
dance and availability of environmental resources are finite, and competi-
tion for resources occurs both between members of the same species and
between individuals and populations of different species. When the num-
ber of individuals in a population increases, the intensity of competition
for limited food, water, shelter, space, and other resources necessary for
survival and reproduction also increases. Thus, competition plays a major
role in populations of free-living animals (those not inhabiting the body of
other organisms) and in populations living on or in other animals. For ex-
ample, both tapeworms and whales must compete for resources, and both
Remoras attach themselves to larger fish for transport. This form of symbiosis is
called phoresis, the passive transportation of the commensal (here, the remora) by
its host. (Digital Stock)
The most diverse type of commensalism is mutualism. In some works, par-
ticularly those dealing with animal behavior, mutualism is used as a syn-
onym of symbiosis; hence, the reader must use caution in order to deter-
mine an author’s usage of these terms. As used here, mutualism is a special
case of commensalism, a category of symbiosis. The relationship between
mutuals may be obligatory on the part of one or both species, but it is al-
ways reciprocally beneficial, as the following examples illustrate.
Some species of hermit crab place sea anemones on their shells or claws
(sea anemones are carnivores which possess stinging cells in their ten-
tacles). Hermit crabs without anemones on their shells or claws may be
more vulnerable to predators than those with an anemone partner. Hermit
crabs, which shred their food in processing it, lose some of the scraps to the
water, which the anemones intercept, and eat. Thus, the crab provides food
to the anemone, which in turn protects its provider. Such relationships,
which are species-specific, are probably the result of a long period of co-
A different type of mutualism, but one having the same outcome as the
crab-anemone example, is found in associations between certain clown
fish and sea anemones. Clown fish appear to be fearless and vigorously at-
tack intruders of any size (including scuba divers) that venture too close to
“their” anemone. When threatened or attacked by predators, these small
fish dive into an anemone’s stinging tentacles, where they find relative
safety. Anemones apparently share in food captured by clown fish, which
have been observed to drop food on their host anemone’s tentacles.
Cleaning symbiosis is another unique type of mutualism found in the
marine environment. In this type of association, marine fish and shrimp of
several species “advertise” their presence by bright and distinctive color
patterns or by conspicuous movements. Locations where this behavior oc-
curs are called “cleaning stations.” Instead of being consumed by preda-
tory fish, these carnivores approach the cleaner fish or shrimp, stop swim-
ming, and sometimes assume unusual postures. Barracudas, groupers,
and other predators often open their mouths and gill covers to permit the
cleaners easy entrance and access to the teeth and gills. Cleaners feed on
epizoites, ectoparasites, and necrotic (dead) tissue that they find on host
fish, to the benefit of both species. Some studies have shown that removal
of cleaning symbionts from a coral reef results in a significant decrease in
the health of resident fish.
Parasitism is a category of symbiosis involving species associations that
are very intimate and in which competitive interactions for resources may
be both acute and costly. The extreme intimacy (rather than damage) be-
tween host and parasite is the chief difference between parasitism and
other forms of symbiosis. Parasites often, but not always, live within the
cells and tissues of their hosts, using them as a source of food. Some types
of commensals also consume host tissue, but in such cases (pearl fish and
sea cucumbers, for example) significant damage to the host rarely occurs.
Commensalism is associated with nutritional theft.
Some, but not all, parasites harm their hosts, by tissue destruction (con-
sumption or mechanical damage) or toxic metabolic by-products (ammo-
nia, for example). Commonly, however, damage to the host is primarily the
result of the host’s own immune response to the presence of the parasite in
its body, cells, or tissues. In extreme cases, parasites may directly or indi-
rectly cause the host’s death. When the host dies, its parasites usually die
as well. It follows that the vast majority of host-parasite relationships are
sublethal. A number of parasites are actually beneficial or crucial to the
survival of their hosts. The modern, and biologically reasonable, definition
of parasitism as an intimate type of symbiosis, rather than an exclusively
pathogenic association between species, promotes an ecological-evolu-
tionary understanding of interspecies associations. Most nonmedical ecol-
ogists and symbiotologists agree that two distinct forms of intimate associ-
ations, or parasitisms (with many intermediate types) occur in nature. The
most familiar are those involving decreased fitness in humans and in their
domestic animals and crops.
Among animal parasites, malarial parasites, hookworms, trypano-
somes, and schistosomes (blood flukes) cause death and disease in mil-
lions of people each year. The degree to which these parasites are patho-
genic, however, is partly the result of preexisting conditions of ill health,
malnutrition, other diseases, unsanitary living conditions, overcrowding,
or lack of education and prevention. Parasites which frequently kill or pre-
vent reproduction of their hosts do not survive in an evolutionary sense,
because both the parasites and their hosts perish. Both members of inti-
mate symbiotic relationships constantly adapt to their environments, and
to each other. Over time, evolutionary selection pressures result in co-
adaptation (lessening of pathogenicity) or destruction or change in form of
the symbiosis.
Nonpathogenic or beneficial host-parasite associations are among the
most highly evolved of reciprocal interactions between species. The ex-
treme degree of intimacy of the symbionts (not lack of pathogenicity) dis-
tinguishes this type of parasitism from mutualism. Parasitic dinoflagel-
lates (relatives of the algae that cause “red tides”) are found in the tissues
of all reef-building corals. These photosynthetic organisms use carbon
dioxide and other waste products produced by corals. In turn, the dino-
flagellates (Symbiodinium microadriaticum) provide their hosts with oxy-
gen and nutrients that the corals cannot obtain or produce by them-
selves. Without parasitic dinoflagellates, reef-building corals starve to
death. Similar host-parasite relationships occur in termites, which, with-
out cellulose-digesting parasitic protozoans in their gut, would starve to
Ecological Implications
All species are involved in complex interrelationships with other species
that live in or on their bodies, or with which they intimately interact
Noble, Elmer, Glenn Noble, Gerhard Schad, and Austin MacGinnes. Para-
sitology: The Biology of Animal Parasites. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lea &
Febiger, 1989.
Toft, Catherine Ann, Andre Aeschlimann, and Liana Bolis, eds. Parasite-
Host Associations: Coexistence or Conflict? New York: Oxford University
Press, 1991.
Whitefield, Philip. The Biology of Parasitism: An Introduction to the Study of
Associating Organisms. Baltimore: University Park Press, 1979.
Zann, Leon P. Living Together in the Sea. Neptune City, N.J.: T. F. H., 1980.
Zinsser, Hans. Rats, Lice, and History. Reprint. New York: Bantam Books,
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology
“Taiga” derives from a Russian word for the forests of cone-bearing, needle-leaved,
generally evergreen trees of northern Eurasia and North America. “Coniferous
forest” and “boreal forest” are other names given to this biome. Some botanists in-
clude the temperate rain forests along the Pacific Coast of North America and the
coniferous forests in the western mountains in the taiga.
The dominant plants in the taiga are cone-bearing, needle-leaved, ever-
green trees, such as pines, spruces, and firs. North American taiga is domi-
nated by two species of spruce: black spruce (Picea mariana) and white
spruce (Picea glauca). Jack pine (Pinus banksiana), balsam fir (Abies balsamea),
and eastern larch (Larix laricina, a deciduous conifer) are also important in
parts of the taiga. A few deciduous flowering trees are also important com-
ponents. Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides, the most widespread tree
species in North America) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera) are two ex-
amples. Eurasian taiga is dominated by related species of spruce and pine
and has the same character.
The length of the growing season may help explain why the dominant
taiga trees are evergreen. Because they retain their leaves through the win-
ter, these trees can carry out some photosynthesis on mild winter days.
More important, they avoid the energetic expense of replacing all their
leaves at one time. Deciduous trees put tremendous amounts of energy
into leaf replacement each spring and must replace those energy stores as
well as produce energy for growth during the growing season. Deciduous
forests generally occur south of the taiga, where the growing season is lon-
ger. However, some deciduous trees are successful in the taiga, so other ad-
aptations must also be important.
Asexual reproduction probably contributes to the success of taiga trees,
especially in severe environments. Black and white spruce reproduce by
layering, the growth of a new tree from a lower branch which makes con-
tact with the ground. Most deciduous trees of the taiga can sprout from the
roots or other underground parts if the aboveground part of the tree is
damaged or killed. Both strategies allow new trees to develop using the re-
sources of the parent tree. In contrast, some plants growing from seed do
not have sufficient resources to survive.
Adjacent Zones
The taiga is bordered by tundra to the north, and the meeting place be-
tween the two biomes is a broad transition zone often called the “taiga-
tundra,” or forest-tundra. This ecotone is composed of a mixture of forest
and tundra plants, with trees becoming fewer and smaller from south to
north until conditions become so harsh that trees can no longer grow.
The southern boundary of the taiga is often adjacent to deciduous for-
est, grassland, or parkland. These are also broad, transitional ecotones. In
eastern North America, the northern hardwood forest region is such a
transition zone and is composed primarily of a mixture of trees from the
deciduous forests and the taiga. The aspen parklands in the west are also
transitional. Quaking aspen from the taiga and grasses from western grass-
lands mix in this zone between the taiga and grassland biomes.
Environmental Concerns
Human activities may have less impact on the taiga than on many other
biomes, primarily because the taiga occurs in a harsh environment less ac-
cessible to humans than many other biomes. Still, there are serious con-
cerns. Acid rain became a problem for the taiga in eastern Canada in the
late twentieth century. These forests are northeast of the industrial centers
in the United States, and the prevailing southwesterly winds move nitro-
gen and sulfur oxides into eastern Canada, where they precipitate on
plants and soil. Both oxides interact with water to produce acids, thus acid-
ifying the soil and plant leaves. Many ecologists believe that acid precipita-
tion has seriously damaged the taiga of both North America and Eurasia.
Global warming is a second and perhaps more insidious threat to the
taiga. The taiga will almost certainly be negatively impacted by changes in
temperature, the length of the growing season, fire frequency and inten-
sity, and precipitation patterns. Taiga itself may play a role in carbon stor-
age and mitigation of the greenhouse effect. This possibility, its role as a
source of timber, and the inherent value of the biome and its component
species make it imperative that the taiga be conserved.
Carl W. Hoagstrom
Causes of Territoriality
The existence of aggression and territorial behavior in nature hardly comes
as a surprise. Even casual observations at a backyard bird feeder reveal
that species that are commonly perceived as friendly can be highly aggres-
sive. The observation of birds at feeders can lead to interesting questions
concerning territorial behavior. For example, bird feeders usually contain
much more food than any one bird could eat: Why, then, are aggressive in-
teractions so common? Moreover, individuals attack conspecifics more of-
ten than birds of other species, even when all are eating the same type of
Aggressive defense of superabundant resources is not expected to occur
in nature; however, bird feeders are not a natural phenomenon. Perhaps
the aggressive encounters that can be observed are merely artifacts of birds
trying to forage in a crowded, novel situation, or perhaps bird feeders in-
tensify aggressive interactions that occur less frequently and less conspicu-
ously in nature. While the degree to which aggression observed at feeders
mirrors reality is open to question, the observation of a greater intensity of
interactions between conspecifics definitely reflects a natural phenome-
Territoriality and aggression
non. Members of the same species are usually more serious competitors
than are members of different species because they exploit exactly the
same resources; members of different species might only share a few types
of resources. Despite the ecological novelty of artificial feeders, noting
which individuals win and lose in such an encounter can provide valuable
information on the resource-holding potential of individuals that differ in
various physical attributes such as body size, bill size, or even sex. For or-
ganisms that live in dense or remote habitats, this type of information can
often be obtained only by observations at artificial feeding stations.
Territorial defense can be accomplished by visual and vocal displays,
chemical signals, or physical encounters. The sequence of behaviors that an
individual uses is usually predictable. The first line of defense may involve
vocal advertisement of territory ownership. One function of birdsong is to
inform potential rivals that certain areas in the habitat are taken. If song
threats do not deter competitors, visual displays may be employed. If vi-
sual displays are also ineffective, then residents may chase intruders and, if
necessary, attack them. This sequence of behaviors is common in territorial
interactions because vocal and visual displays are energetically cheaper
than fighting and involve less risk of injury to the territory owner.
It may be less obvious why fighting is a necessary component in territo-
rial interactions for both territory owners and intruders. Without the threat
of bodily injury, there is no cost to intruders that steal the resources of an-
Territoriality and aggression
Functions of Territory
Territories can serve various functions, depending on the species. For some,
the area defended is only a site where males display for mates; for others, it
is a place where parents build a nest and raise their offspring; for others, it
may be an all-purpose area where an owner can have exclusive access to
food, nesting sites, shelter from the elements, and refuge from predators.
These different territorial functions affect the area’s size and the length of
time an area is defended. Territories used as display sites may be only a
few meters across, even for large mammal species. Territorial nest sites
may be smaller still, such as the densely packed nest sites guarded by par-
ents of many colonial seabirds. All-purpose territories are typically large
relative to the body size of the organism. For example, some passerine
birds defend areas that may be several hundred meters across. Although
all three types of territories may be as ephemeral as the breeding season, it
is not uncommon for all-purpose territories to be defended year around.
The abundance and spatial distribution of needed resources determine
the economic feasibility of territoriality. On one extreme, if all required re-
sources are present in excess throughout the habitat, territory holders
should not have a reproductive advantage over nonterritory holders. At
the other extreme, if critical resources are so rare that enormous areas
would have to be defended, territory holders might again have no repro-
ductive advantage over nonterritory holders. If needed resources, how-
ever, are neither superabundant nor extremely rare and are somewhat
clumped in the habitat, territoriality might pay off. That is, territorial indi-
viduals might produce more offspring than nonterritorial individuals.
Territoriality and aggression
Sex Roles
In some species, only males are territorial. In other species, both sexes de-
fend territories, but males defend larger territories than females do. In
some mammals in which both sexes are territorial, males are aggressive
only to other males, and females are only aggressive to other females. In
these species, male territories are sufficiently large to encompass the terri-
tories of several females. Presumably, these males have increased sexual
access to the females within their territories. Perhaps the most curious ex-
ample of sex-specific territorial behavior is observed in a number of coral
reef fish, in which all individuals in the population are initially female and
not territorial. As the individuals grow older and larger, some develop into
males. Once male, they engage in territorial behavior.
Territoriality and aggression
Territoriality and aggression
Territoriality and aggression
species range. Males defend areas in marshes (or sometimes fields), and
some males obtain significantly more mates than others. Biologists think
that males defend resources that are crucial for female reproduction. Some
males may be more successful at mating than others because of variation in
territory quality. Yet the large number of studies done on this species has
not yielded a consensus on what the important resources are, whether
food, nest sites, or something else.
Theoretical investigations of territorial behavior often employ opti-
mality theory and game theory approaches. Optimality theory considers
the benefits and costs of territorial defense for an individual. Benefits and
costs might be measured simply as the number of calories gained and lost,
respectively. Alternatively, benefits might be measured as the number of
young produced during any one season; costs might be measured as the re-
duction in number of future young attributable to current energy expendi-
tures and risks of injury. For territorial behavior to evolve by means of nat-
ural selection, the benefits of territorial behavior to the individual must
exceed its costs.
Game theory analyses compare the relative success of individuals using
alternative behaviors (or “strategies”). For example, two opposing strate-
gies might be “defend resources from intruders” and “steal resources as
they are encountered.” In the simplest case, if some individuals only de-
fend and other individuals only steal resources, the question would be
which type of individual would leave the most offspring. Yet defenders in-
teract with other defenders as well as with thieves, and the converse holds
for thieves. By considering the results of interactions within and between
these two types of individuals, a game theory analysis can predict the
conditions under which one strategy would “win” or “lose” and how the
success of each type of individual would vary as the frequency of the other
increases in the population. A complete understanding of territoriality in-
volves not only empirical approaches in the field but also the development
of testable theoretical models. Considerable advances have been made re-
cently merging these two methodologies. Future investigations will no
doubt include experimental control over resource levels that will allow de-
finitive tests of predictions of alternative theoretical models.
Evolution of Terrioriality
Among animals in general, some species are highly aggressive in defend-
ing their living space, and others ignore or tolerate conspecifics in a nearly
utopian manner. Some animals are territorial during only part of the an-
nual cycle, and some only in specific areas that they inhabit; others remain
aggressive at any time and in any place. Thus, a main goal for researchers is
Territoriality and aggression
Types of ecology: Community ecology; Ecoenergetics; Ecosystem
T he idea of the niche probably had its first roots in ecology in 1910. At
that time, Roswell Johnson wrote that different species utilize different
niches in the environment. He theorized that individuals of a particular
species are only in certain places because of food supply and environmen-
tal factors that limit their distribution in an area. Later, in 1924, Joseph
Grinnel developed his concept of niche that centered on an organism’s dis-
tribution having limits set on it by climatic and physical barriers. At the
same time, Charles Elton was defining his own idea of niche. His descrip-
tion of niche involved the way an organism makes its living—in particular,
how it gathers food.
Trophic levels and ecological niches
Types of Niches
Through the years, two concepts of niche have evolved in ecology. The first
is the place niche, the physical space in which an organism lives. The sec-
ond is the ecological niche, and it encompasses the particular location oc-
cupied by an organism and its functional role in the community.
The functional role of a species is not limited to its placement along a
food pyramid; it also includes the interactions of a species with other or-
ganisms while obtaining food. For example, the methods used to tolerate
the physical factors of its environment, such as climate, water, nutrients,
soils, and parasites, are all part of its functional role. In other words, the
ecological niche of an organism is its natural history: all the interactions
and interrelationships of the species with other organisms and the envi-
The study of the interrelationships among organisms has been the focus
of ecological studies since the 1960’s. Before this time, researchers had fo-
cused on the food pyramid and its effect on population changes of merely a
single species. One example, the classic population study of the lynx and
the snowshoe hare of Canada, originally focused on the interactions of the
species in the food pyramid. It was discovered that the lynx had a ten-year
population cycle closely following the population cycle of its prey, the
snowshoe hare. The lynx population appeared to rise, causing a decline in
the population of the snowshoe hare. In the investigations that followed,
however, studies diverted the focus from the food pyramid to other ele-
Trophic levels and ecological niches
Bacteria, Fungi,
Buzzards, Hyenas
Seconday Consumers:
Primary Consumers:
ments of the niche of the two species. For example, the reproductive nature
of the hare provided a contradiction to the simple predator-prey explana-
tion. The hare has a faster rate of reproduction than the lynx. It seemed im-
possible that the significantly lower population of lynx could effectively
place sufficient predator pressure on the hare to cause its drastic decline in
numbers. Therefore, it appeared that the population dynamics of the hare
and lynx were regulated by more than simply a predator-prey relation-
Later studies of the lynx and hare suggested that the peaks and dives in
the two populations may also be a factor of parasites of the hare that are
Trophic levels and ecological niches
carried by the lynx. A rise in the lynx population increases the carriers of
parasites of the hare. Therefore, it is thought that, although the hare has a
much greater reproduction rate than the lynx, the population of hares will
still decline because of the combination of predation by the lynx and the in-
creased frequency of parasites of the hare. This study involved looking at
more than one dimension of the ecological niche of a species and broke
away from concentrating on only the interactions between organisms in
the food pyramid.
Trophic levels and ecological niches
panda will probably starve, being unable to switch to another food source.
On the other hand, the coyote is a generalized feeder. A broad variety of
food types make up its diet. If humans initiate a pest-control program, kill-
ing the population of rabbits, the coyote will not fall victim to starvation,
because it can switch to feeding predominantly on rodents, insects, fruits,
and domesticated animals (including cats, dogs, and chickens). Hence,
species with specialized ecological niche demands (specialists) are more in
danger of extinction than those with generalized needs (generalists). Al-
though this fundamental difference in survival can be seen between spe-
cialists and generalists, it must be noted again that exclusion is not an inev-
itable result of competition. There are many cases of ecologically similar
species that coexist.
Field Research
Theoretical studies of ecological niches are abstract, since humans are lim-
ited to three-dimensional diagrams, and there are more dimensions than
three to an ecological niche. This multidimensionality is referred to as the
n-dimensional niche. This abstract n-dimensional niche can be studied
mathematically and statistically, but the study of ecological niches is
mainly a field science. Therefore, its techniques are mainly those used for
field research.
Research that attempts to describe all the elements of the n-dimensional
ecological niche would require extensive observations. Yet, ecological
Trophic levels and ecological niches
niches are difficult to measure not only because of the plethora of data that
would have to be collected but also because of the element of change in na-
ture. The internal and external environment of an organism is always dy-
namic. Nothing in life is static, even if equilibrium is established.
These constant fluctuations create daily and seasonal changes in space
and ecological niches. Therefore, because of the constant fluctuations,
merely descriptive field observations would not be reliable depictions of
an organism’s ecological niche. Ecologists must also resort to quantitative
data of measurable features of an organism’s ecological niche. For exam-
ple, the temperature, pH, light intensity, algae makeup, predators, and
activity level of the organism are measurable features of an ecological
niche in a pond community. The difficulty is in the collection of each of
the necessary measurements making up an ecological niche. The ecolo-
gist would have to limit the data to a manageable number of specific di-
mensions of the niche based on conjecture and basic intuition. Such limi-
tations often lead to incomplete and disconnected measurements that can
at best only partially describe a few of the dimensions of the ecological
Ecologists realize that complete observations and measurements of all
the dimensions of an organism’s ecological niche are unattainable. The
focus in understanding how a species interacts with its community cen-
ters on determining the degree of niche overlap between any two species.
In other words, the level of competition for space niche and resources.
Studies of this niche overlap are typically limited to dimensions that can
be quantitatively measured. Yet, there is still the problem of deciding
which of the dimensions are involved in the competition between the two
species. Again, the ecologist must usually rely on inherent knowledge
about the two species in question. Often, researchers investigating niche
competition measure no more than four ecological niche dimensions to de-
termine the niche overlap in an attempt to understand how two individu-
als competing for the same space, resources, or other ecological niche fea-
tures can coexist.
Field methods for observations and quantitative measurements of ele-
ments of ecological niches, niche overlap, and niche competition are prob-
ably endless. To name a few, describing an organism’s niche may involve
fecal samples to determine its diet, fecal samples of possible predators to
identify its primary predator, animal and plant species checklists of its
space niche along with soil components, climatic trends, and the like.
Niche competition and overlap often can be studied first in the laboratory
under controlled situations. One method might involve recording the pop-
ulation dynamics of the species as different elements in the ecological
Trophic levels and ecological niches
Trophic levels and ecological niches
cies to its particular preferred habitat. This knowledge involves the details
of many of the dimensions of its ecological niche integral to its population
distribution. Another common means of endangering the survival of a
species is to introduce an organism or exotic species that competes for the
same resources and displaces the native species. Solving such competition
between native and introduced species would first involve determining
niche overlap.
It is often stated that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Thus, the researching and understanding of all the dimensions of ecologi-
cal niches are key to preventing environmental manipulations by human-
kind that might lead to species extinction. Many science authorities have
agreed that future research in ecology and related fields should focus on
solving three main problems: species endangerment, soil erosion, and
solid waste management.
This focus on research in ecology often means that studies of pristine
communities, those undisturbed, will be the most helpful for future resto-
ration projects. Although quantitative and qualitative descriptions of pris-
tine areas seem to be unscientific at the time they are made, because there is
no control or experimental group, they are often the most helpful for later
investigations. For example, after a species has shown a drastic decline in
its population, the information from the observations of the once-pristine
area may help to uncover what niche dimension was altered, causing the
significant population decrease.
Jessica O. Ellison
Trophic levels and ecological niches
Ricklefs, Robert E. Ecology. 4th ed. New York: Chiron Press, 1999.
Shugart, Herman H. Terrestrial Ecosystems in Changing Environments. New
York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Smith, Robert L. Ecology and Field Biology. 6th ed. San Francisco: Benjamin/
Cummings, 2001.
Stone, Richard. “Taking a New Look at Life Through a Functional Lens.”
Science 269, no. 5222 (July, 1995): 316-318.
Type of ecology: Physiological ecology
Phototropism is a growth response of plants to light coming from one di-
rection. Positive phototropism of stems results from cells on the shaded
side of a stem growing faster than cells along the illuminated side; as a re-
sult, the stem curves toward the light. The rapid elongation of cells along
the shaded side of a stem is controlled by a plant hormone called auxin that
is synthesized at the stem’s apex. Unidirectional light causes the auxin to
move to the shaded side of stems. The increased amount of auxin on the
shaded side of stems causes cells there to elongate more rapidly than cells
on the lighted side of the stem. This, in turn, causes curvature toward the
Only blue light having a wavelength of less than 500 nanometers can in-
duce phototropism. The photoreceptors in this system are called crypro-
chromes and may alter the transport of auxin across cellular membranes,
thereby facilitating its transport to the shaded side of the stem. Photo-
tropism is important for two main reasons: It increases the probability of
stems and leaves intercepting light for photosynthesis and of roots obtain-
ing water and dissolved minerals that they need.
Gravitropism is a growth response to gravity. The positive gravitropism of
roots involves the root cap, a tiny, thimble-shaped organ approximately 0.5
millimeter long that covers the tip of roots. Decapped roots grow but do
not respond to gravity, indicating that the root cap is necessary for root
gravitropism. Gravity-perceiving cells, called columella cells, are located
in the center of the root cap. Each columella cell contains fifteen to twenty-
five amyloplasts (starch-filled plastids) which, under the influence of grav-
ity, sediment to the lower side of columella cells. This gravity-dependent
sedimentation of amyloplasts is the means whereby roots sense gravity,
possibly by generating electrical currents across the root tip. These gravity-
induced changes are then transmitted to the root’s elongating zone, lo-
cated 3 to 6 millimeters behind the root cap. The differential growth that
causes curvature occurs in the elongating zone.
When roots are oriented horizontally, growth along the lower side of the
elongating zone is inhibited, thereby causing the root to curve downward.
Among the first events that produce this differential growth is the accumu-
lation of calcium ions along the lower side of the root tip. Calcium ions
move to the lower side of the cap and elongating zone of horizontally ori-
ented roots. This movement may be aided by electrical currents in the root.
The accumulation of calcium along the lower side of the root causes the
auxin to accumulate there as well. Because auxin inhibits cellular elonga-
tion in roots, the lower side of the root grows slower than the upper side of
the root, and the root curves downward. When the root becomes vertical,
the lateral asymmetries of calcium and auxin disappear, and the root
grows straight down.
Gravity-sensing cells in stems are located throughout the length of the
stem. As in roots, the auxin and calcium ions in stem cells direct the nega-
tive gravitropism (in this case, upward curvature) of shoots. As auxin ac-
cumulates along the lower side, calcium ions gather along the upper side
of horizontally oriented stems. The accumulation of auxin along the stem’s
lower side stimulates cellular elongation there. Gravitropism increases the
probability of two important results: Roots will be more likely to encounter
water and minerals, and stems and leaves will be better able to intercept
light for photosynthesis.
Thigmotropism is a growth response of plants to touch. The most common
example of thigmotropism is the coiling exhibited by specialized organs
called tendrils. Tendrils are common on twining plants such as morning
glory and bindweed. Prior to touching an object, tendrils often grow in a
spiral. This type of growth is called circumnutation, and it increases the ten-
dril’s chances of touching an object to which it can cling. Contact with an
object is perceived by specialized epidermal cells on the tendril. When the
tendril touches an object, these epidermal cells control the differential
growth of the tendril. This differential growth can result in the tendril com-
pletely circling the object within five to ten minutes. Thigmotropism is often
long-lasting. For example, stroking one side of a tendril of garden pea for
only a few minutes can induce a curling response that lasts for several days.
Thigmotropism is probably controlled by auxins and ethylene, as these reg-
ulate thigmotropic-like curvature of tendrils even in the absence of touch.
Growing tendrils touched in the dark do not respond until they are illu-
minated. This light-induced expression of thigmotropism may indicate a
Practical Implications
Biologists are studying tropisms in hopes of being able to mimic these de-
tection and “guidance” systems for human use. Scientists at the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), for example, have been
studying the way plants perceive and respond to gravity to learn how to
grow plants in deep space. Understanding the gravity detection and guid-
ance systems in plants may help people design more effective rockets,
which, like plants, must respond to gravity to be effective.
Randy Moore
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology
Regions where no trees grow because of frozen soil or extreme water runoff due to
steep grades (at high altitudes) are known as tundra. High altitude biomes have
similar limitations on the growth of plant life.
The low temperatures of the tundra regions cause the formation of a per-
manently frozen layer of soil known as permafrost. Characteristic of Arctic
tundra, permafrost, which varies in depth according to latitude, thaws at
the surface during the brief summers. As the permafrost below is impene-
trable by both water and plant roots, it is a major factor in determining the
basic nature of tundra.
The alternate freezing and thawing of soil above the permafrost creates
a symmetrical patterning of the land surface characteristic of Arctic tun-
dra. Perhaps the best known features of the landscape are stone polygons
that result when frost pushes larger rocks toward the periphery, with
smaller ones occupying the center of each unit. This alteration of the tun-
dra landscape, called cryoplanation, is the major force in molding Arctic
tundra landscapes.
In contrast, alpine tundra generally has little or no permafrost. Even
though alpine precipitation is almost always higher than for Arctic tundra,
steep grades result in a rapid runoff of water. Alpine soils are, therefore,
much drier, except in the flat alpine meadows and bogs, where conditions
are more like those of Arctic areas.
Both Arctic and alpine tundra regions are composed of plants that have
adapted to the same generally stressful conditions. Biodiversity of both
Tundra and high-altitude biomes
Tundra and high-altitude biomes
Like all world biomes, tundra regions are subject to degradation and de-
struction, especially as a result of human activities. Because of low human
population density and their unsuitability for agriculture, tundras gener-
ally are less impacted by humans than are grasslands and forests. How-
ever, tundra ecosystems, when disturbed, recover slowly, if at all. As most
tundra plants lack the ability to invade and colonize bare ground, the pro-
cess of ecological succession that follows disturbances may take centuries.
Even tire tracks left by vehicles can endure for decades. The melting of per-
mafrost also has long-lasting effects.
The discovery of oil and gas in tundra regions, such as those of Alaska
and Siberia, has greatly increased the potential for disturbances. Heavy
equipment used to prospect for fossil fuels and to build roads and pipe-
lines has caused great destruction of tundra ecosystems. As the grasses
and mosses are removed, the permafrost beneath melts, resulting in soil
erosion. The disposal of sewage, solid wastes, and toxic chemicals poses
special problems, as such pollutants tend to persist in the tundra environ-
ment longer than in warmer areas.
Animals of the Arctic tundra, such as caribou, have been hunted by
the native Inuit using traditional methods for centuries without an im-
pact on populations. The introduction of such modern inventions as snow-
mobiles and rifles has caused a sharp decline in caribou numbers in some
Although efforts at restoring other ecosystems, especially grasslands,
have been quite successful, tundra restoration poses difficult problems.
Seeding of disturbed Arctic tundra sites with native grasses is only mar-
ginally successful, even with the use of fertilizers. In alpine tundra, restora-
tion efforts have been somewhat more successful but involve transplant-
ing as well as seeding and fertilizing. A recognition of natural successional
patterns and long-term monitoring is a necessity in such efforts.
Thomas E. Hemmerly
Tundra and high-altitude biomes
Types of ecology: Landscape ecology; Restoration and conservation
The global increase in the human population growth and density has seen a simul-
taneous increase in the growth of urban and suburban areas throughout the world.
As urban habitats and their suburban extensions have become more common, the
wildlife of these human landscapes has become the focus of attention and study.
Urban Habitats
Urban landscapes present a seemingly stark and forbidding environment
for wildlife. The horizontal streets and sidewalks are punctuated by rising
angles and arches of concrete and steel that in turn are topped by wood and
metal rooftops. Overhead, a maze of telephone, power, and cable lines lim-
its vertical movement, while vehicle and foot traffic poses a constant threat
to surface movement. All of these edifices and connecting corridors and
lines result in a complex, vertically structured environment that some ani-
mals find difficult to maneuver yet to which other animals quickly adapt.
In addition to this monotonous and often dangerous structural diver-
sity, urban wildlife is subject to elevated and often almost continuous noise
and disturbance and is constantly exposed to an enormous variety of resi-
dential wastes (garbage, litter, excess water, salts, sewage), vehicular pol-
lutants (lubricants, greases, gasoline, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides), and
chemical wastes (pesticides, paints, lead, mercury, contaminants).
Despite the forbidding features of urban habitats, a surprising variety of
wildlife manages to exist on a more or less permanent basis. In fact, some
kinds of wildlife can be found even in the midst of the most degraded forms
of urban blight. Ailanthus, which is also commonly called tree-of-heaven, is
but one of many opportunistic trees and shrubs that can take root and
Urban and suburban wildlife
grow given a bare minimum of soil and nutrients. A simple linear crack in
the pavement of a sidewalk, a little-used roadway, an unused parking area,
or a vacant lot can trap enough windswept dirt to offer a growing substrate
for Ailanthus and similar hardy plants. Each Ailanthus, in turn, provides
food and shelter for equally tough and adaptable wildlife, ranging from
the variety of invertebrates that colonize and feed upon Ailanthus to birds
and mammals that take shelter or find food in its branches and foliage.
Similarly, every invading sprig of grass, wildflower, shrub, or tree, how-
ever large or small, creates its own suite of microhabitats which, in turn, of-
fer colonization opportunities for other plants and animals, the whole ulti-
mately contributing to an overall increase in urban biodiversity.
Urban and suburban wildlife
Urban Scavengers
Urban wildlife just as quickly concentrates in areas where potential food
is made available—for instance, during trash pickup—then just as quickly
disperses to find new food sources. Most forms of urban wildlife for-
age opportunistically as scavengers, specializing in finding and consum-
ing all bits of discarded food, raiding trash cans, and concentrating at
waste collection and disposal centers. Thus, the rubbish dumps, found
in or immediately adjacent to every city of the world, attract an amaz-
ing diversity of small mammals and birds. Feeding on the scavenged
food of urban areas and bird feeders is much more efficient because it re-
quires less energy to find or catch and is usually available throughout the
Because of the need to find and exploit temporary food resources, some
of the most successful urban animals forage in loose groupings or flocks:
The more eyes there are for searching, the more feeding opportunities can
be identified and exploited. Solitary and nonsocial species often do less
well in urban environments simply because they lack the collective power
of the group to find food and shelter, and avoid enemies.
The availability of a year-round food supply—however tenuous and
temporary—along with the presence of an enormous variety of safe shel-
ters and breeding sites promotes a higher life expectancy, which partly or
mostly balances the higher vehicle-related death rates to which urban
wildlife is continuously subject.
Urban Parks
Parks and open space provide the only true natural habitat refuges set
deep within urban and suburban landscapes. Such open-space habitats
function as ecological islands in a sea of urbanism. Most are necessarily
managed habitats rather than entirely natural and, like the urban environ-
ment that surrounds them, are usually subject to constant disturbance
from adjacent traffic, noise, and other forms of pollution. Economically,
since most open-space parks are set aside and maintained for a variety of
recreational purposes rather than as natural habitats, the wildlife that colo-
nizes these unnatural natural habitats must have an unusually high toler-
ance for human presence and recreational activities of all kinds.
Urban Birds
For some forms of urban wildlife, the urban landscape is merely a human-
made version of their natural environment. Thus, for pigeons the ledges,
cracks, and crevices of buildings and bridges represent an urban version of
the cracks and crevices of cliffs and rock outcrops that they use for roosting
Urban and suburban wildlife
and nesting in their native habitats. Similarly, the short-eared owls (Asio
flammeus) and snowy owls (Nyctea scandiaca) that show up in winter to
stand as silent sentinels at airports, golf courses, and other open areas are
simply substituting these managed short-grass habitats for the tundra hab-
itats preferred by snowy owls and the coastal marshes hunted by short-
eared owls. Their summer replacements include a host of grassland nest-
ing species such as grasshopper sparrows, kildeer, and upland sandpipers,
which all find these managed habitats to be ideal substitutes for the native
grasslands which they displaced or replaced.
Many bird inhabitants of urban and suburban environments are exotics
which were deliberately or inadvertently introduced into urban areas. Cer-
tainly the three birds with the widest urban distribution in North America,
the pigeon or rock dove, European starling, and house sparrow or English
sparrow, all fit within this category. The introduction of the European star-
ling into North American cities and suburbs resulted from the dedicated
efforts of the American Acclimitization Society of the late 1800’s. The goal
of this society was the successful introduction of all birds mentioned in the
works of Shakespeare into North America. Unfortunately for North Amer-
icans, the character of Hotspur in Henry IV makes brief note of the starling,
so the society repeatedly attempted to introduce the starling into Central
Park until they were finally successful. Since then, the starling has become
the scourge of cities and suburbs throughout much of North America and
the rest of the civilized world. Starlings damage and despoil crops, and
dirty buildings with their droppings.
The association between house sparrows and urban centers is appar-
ently very old. Evidence suggests that they abandoned their migratory
ways to become permanent occupants of some of the earliest settlements
along the Nile and Fertile Crescent, a trend that has continued to this day.
Sparrows and starlings both share certain characteristics that enable them
effectively to exploit urban and suburban habitats; both are aggressive col-
onizers and competitors, able to feed opportunistically on grains, crops,
discarded bits of garbage, and other food supplies.
Avian occupants also include an increasing diversity of released caged
pets, avian and otherwise. Thus, urban locales in Florida, Southern Califor-
nia, and along the Gulf Coast support an ever increasing diversity of para-
keets, parrots, finches, and lovebirds, all stemming from caged pet birds ei-
ther deliberately released or lost as escapees.
Feral Animals
Feral animals, mostly dogs (Canidae) and cats (Felidae), represent another
important source and component of urban wildlife. Feral dogs revert to
Urban and suburban wildlife
Along with squirrels, opossums, rats, coyotes, deer, bears, and other animals, the
omnivorous raccoons are among the most familiar forms of wildlife that coexist
with humans in urban and suburban neighborhoods, eating everything they can
find and often so accustomed to the human presence that they approach people to
beg for handouts. (PhotoDisc)
Urban and suburban wildlife
a book, Red-Tails in Love. Other animals, while not nearly as large, conspic-
uous, and glamorous in their color and disposition, also elicit interest. Ur-
ban wildlife adds lively color and contrast to the otherwise monotonous
gray and grime of streets and sidewalks. Part of the attraction is that urban
birds are usually already sufficiently tolerant to be semitame in spirit, eas-
ily seen and observed, and, in some instances, easily attracted by strategi-
cally placed bird feeders and birdhouses.
Public attitudes toward urban predators vary considerably. Some peo-
ple find them attractive and interesting and even put out food for them.
Others consider them pests or potentially dangerous and avoid them. Dur-
ing rabies outbreaks or public scares, most urban wildlife is targeted by
various control programs to remove unwanted animals.
Urban and suburban wildlife
Well-wooded suburban habitats that attract a variety of wildlife also at-
tract an increasing number of predators. American kestrels (Falco spar-
verius), Cooper’s hawks (Accipiter cooperi), barn owls (Tyto alba), screech
owls (Otus spp.), and little owls (Athene noctua) provide but a small sam-
pling of birds of prey that nest deep within urban and suburban environ-
ments, taking advantage of open-space habitats deep within cities and
quickly exploiting unused areas within most suburbs. Terrestrial predators
are almost equally common, but most are nocturnal or nearly so; conse-
quently, their contacts with humans are quite limited. Many urban preda-
tors, are, in fact, mistaken for neighborhood pets and left alone or are rec-
ognized and avoided: Coyotes (Canis latrans) are often mistaken for dogs,
especially when seen in twilight. The wily coyote is equally at home in the
suburbs of Los Angeles, California, and the urban parks of New Haven,
Connecticut, joining a host of small and medium-sized mammal predators
such as foxes (Vulpes spp.) and scavengers such as opossums (Didelphis
marsupalis), raccoons (Procyon lotor), and skunks (Mephitis mephitis). These
urban predators have many behavioral attributes in common. All are om-
nivorous and able to feed on a wide variety of natural foods such as fruit,
small birds and mammals, insects, and invertebrates such as beetles, grass-
hoppers, and earthworms.
Foraging and food habits of urban predators sometimes conflict with
human concerns. Urban foxes hunt and kill cats, especially kittens, if given
the opportunity, while the larger and stronger urban coyote will often not
hesitate to kill and eat cats and dogs, to pet owners’ dismay.
Wildlife Management
Urban wildlife must be much more closely managed than wildlife of natu-
ral environments because urban and suburban habitats attract an enor-
mous number of pest species as well as interesting and beneficial species.
Introduced species such as starlings may also transmit histoplasmosis, a
fungal disease that attacks human lungs. Other birds may also be harbin-
gers, carriers, and vectors of various diseases, the most notable of which
are the parrots and parakeets, which transmit parrot fever or psittocosis.
Rats and mice (Rodentia) carry and spread disease and despoil both resi-
dential and public buildings and other structures.
The growing interest in urban wildlife has stimulated innumerable pro-
grams to promote beneficial wildlife. Both public and private organiza-
tions and agencies have embarked on a variety of programs aimed at re-
modeling existing habitats and even creating new habitats for urban
Urban and suburban wildlife
See also: Biodiversity; Food chains and webs; Landscape ecology; Trophic
levels and ecological niches; Wildlife management.
Types of ecology: Ecotoxicology; Restoration and conservation ecology
Waste management concerns the physical by-products of human activity that can-
not be reintegrated into the ecological biomass cycle. These by-products include
solid, liquid, and airborne substances that are potentially harmful to living organ-
isms. As the human population grows and the use of manufactured materials ex-
pands, disposing of waste becomes more challenging.
Solid Waste
Solid waste is the familiar garbage that households and businesses in the
United States have sent to the dump since garbage collection began late in
the nineteenth century. The largest portion, more than 40 percent, consists
of paper products, especially newspaper and containers. Yard waste, food
debris, plastic containers and wrappings, bottles, metals, and appliances
are also regularly thrown away. About 1 percent of this waste involves haz-
ardous materials, typically insecticides, beauty aids, and cleaning prod-
ucts. Construction waste accounts for a large share—about 12 percent—of
solid waste and may contribute a higher proportion of hazardous materi-
als, such as solvents and paint.
Although most of these materials are solid, when dumped together
Waste management
they can soak up rainwater and then ooze chemical-laden liquids. This
leachate may filter down into the groundwater and pollute nearby streams
and wells. If it contains toxic elements, such as the lead or mercury from
batteries, the leachate can be dangerous to health. The odor from rotting
garbage may also foul the air, seldom enough to be harmful but still repel-
lent to people living nearby. It can attract animal scavengers, which may
become infected with diseases from the garbage and spread them to other
animals or even humans, especially if feces are part of the waste.
In order to combat these effects, sanitary landfills place a plastic lining
under the waste to contain leachate and cover each day’s load of garbage
under a thin layer of soil. Pipe systems also disperse methane gas pro-
duced by rotting organic materials. The landfills are therefore less danger-
ous to human health or the environment, but many old, abandoned sites
were not so well engineered. They may continue to dribble harmful chemi-
cals into groundwater for decades and emit methane, which is flammable.
Numerous small, illegal dumps and litter compound the problem.
Measures to reduce the amount of waste deposited in landfills have
partially succeeded. Recycling has drastically cut the total paper, metal,
Waste management
and glass waste in some U.S. states and industrialized countries. The use of
garbage disposals and composting has caused the proportion of organic
materials to decline. However, such reductions did not eliminate solid
waste. By the end of the twentieth century, cities were finding it increas-
ingly difficult to find room for new landfill sites, even when the space was
urgently needed. Stringent regulations about the geological composition
of landfills reduced the number of usable sites, while objections from citi-
zen action committees, known as “not in my back yard” (NIMBY) groups,
also eliminated sites near populated areas.
Facilities used to incinerate waste, which sometimes powered electrical
generators with the resulting heat energy, also faced objections because
burning could release health-threatening materials, such as dioxins, into the
air. Moreover, a significant proportion of waste, such as appliances and con-
crete, cannot be eliminated by burning. Tires, too hazardous to burn, float
to the surface in landfills, causing continuous problems for waste manag-
ers; they often end up stacking the tires in immense piles that, if acciden-
tally ignited, can burn out of control and create large clouds of black fumes.
Industrial Waste
The effluent stream of by-products from factories, as well as chemical and
petroleum refineries, is made up of water, solid filings and cuttings, liquid
solvents and oil derivatives, and semisolid sludge. The solid components
are usually no more hazardous than household wastes, although medical
waste—particularly tainted blood and used “sharps,” such as needles and
scalpels—may pose the additional danger of spreading disease. However,
liquids and semiliquids sometimes contain a high proportion of hazardous
chemicals. Rain also leaches chemicals, such as cyanide and mercury, out
of the smelted tailings from mines. Agricultural fertilizers and pesticides
can enter groundwater or streams as well. Because these liquid wastes rap-
idly spread through waterways and groundwater, they are often collec-
tively known as toxic waste.
Industry now uses all ninety-two naturally occurring elements on the
periodic table, and the isotopes of some of these are radioactive. Nuclear
weapons manufacturing in particular leaves radioactive debris, but medi-
cal procedures that use radioactive tracers and scientific instruments may
also create radioactive wastes. This nuclear waste continues to emit radia-
tion for thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, and improperly
stored radioactive materials have been associated with increased risk of
disease for people, animals, and plants.
During the 1980’s and 1990’s federal and state regulations brought in-
dustrial waste management under rigorous control. Facilities known as se-
Waste management
Environmental Consequences
Many critics of waste management insist that only source reduction—a
drastic decrease in the use of raw materials—will make waste disposal
safe. Accordingly, during the 1990’s some countries, notably Denmark and
Germany, sought to reduce virgin material use as much as 90 percent by in-
tensifying recycling. In the United States, Superfund legislation was
passed to set aside federal funds to pay for cleanups of the most dangerous
hazardous waste sites. Other industrial countries have similar projects.
Still, only a fraction of sites receive attention, and until source reduction
goals are met, household and industrial wastes will continue to swell land-
Waste management
Types of ecology: Biomes; Ecosystem ecology
Wetlands, transitional areas between aquatic and terrestrial habitats, are home to a
variety of flood-tolerant and salt-tolerant plant species.
Definition of Wetlands
Ecologists recognize wetlands as a type of ecotone. Ecotones are unique ar-
eas that represent a transition from one type of habitat to another. Often,
these transitional areas have characteristics of both habitats. Wetlands
are areas located between aquatic, water-based habitats and dry land. Be-
cause they are located at the edge of an aquatic habitat, wetlands are al-
ways influenced to some degree by water. They are not always under
water, as are aquatic habitats, and they are not always dry, as are terrestrial
The most important environmental factor in wetlands is the periodic or
frequent occurrence of water. This presence of water influences both the
nature of the soil and the flora and fauna of a region. Soils which experi-
ence periodic coverage with water become anoxic, develop a dark color,
and give off an odor of hydrogen sulfide. These soil characteristics differ
from those of upland soils and give wetland soils their unique hydric na-
ture. In these soils influenced by water, only flood-tolerant hydrophyte
species can exist. Hydrophytic plants vary in their tolerance to flooding
from frequent (such as bald cypress) to infrequent (such as willows).
In defining a particular area as a wetland, often all three of the compo-
nents listed above are used: water, hydric soils, and hydrophytic plants.
However, the presence of water is not always a reliable indicator because
water rarely covers a wetland at all times. Often, a wetland is dry during a
period of low river flow or during a low tide. For this reason, only hydric
Freshwater Wetlands
Of the two categories, freshwater wetlands are by far the most common.
Freshwater wetlands are subdivided into two categories: tree-dominated
types and grass-dominated types. Tree-dominated freshwater wetlands
include areas that are frequently covered with water (such as cypress
swamps) and those that are only occasionally covered with water (such as
bottomland forests). Grass-dominated types include freshwater marshes,
prairie potholes, and bogs.
While freshwater marshes are widespread, prairie potholes and bogs
occur regionally in the United States. Prairie potholes are located in the
central portion of the United States, while bogs are found in the Northeast
and Great Lakes regions.
Saltwater Wetlands
Saltwater wetlands are also subdivided into tree-dominated and grass-
dominated types. Tree-dominated types include tropical mangrove swamps.
Grass-dominated types can be further subdivided into salt marshes and
brackish marshes. Salt marshes occur in bays along the coast where salt
water and fresh water mix in almost equal proportions. Brackish marshes
occur farther inland than salt marshes do; their mix contains less seawater
and more fresh water. Both grass-dominated types are common in bays
along the Gulf of Mexico and the East Coast of the United States.
storing large amounts of water during periods of heavy rainfall. This capa-
bility can be important in minimizing the impact of flooding downstream.
Saltwater wetlands along coastlines are an effective barrier against storms
and hurricanes. These natural barriers hold back the force of winds, waves,
and storm surges while protecting inland areas. Wetlands are also capable
of increasing water quality through the trapping of sediment, uptake of
nutrients, and retention of heavy metals. Sediment trapping occurs when
moving water is slowed enough by grass and trees to allow suspended
sediment particles to settle. Wetland plants take up nutrients, such as ni-
trates and phosphates, from agricultural runoff and sewage. For this rea-
son, wetlands are used as a final treatment step for domestic sewage from
some small cities. Wetland soils are capable of binding heavy metals, effec-
tively removing these toxic materials from the water.
“keep our water clean and help provide habitat for hundreds of species of
wildlife.” Several conservation organizations also support wetlands pres-
ervation, including Ducks Unlimited, the National Audubon Society, the
National Wildlife Federation, and the Nature Conservancy. These organi-
zations keep the public informed regarding wetlands issues and are active
in wetlands acquisition.
Steve K. Alexander, updated by Christina J. Moose
Type of ecology: Restoration and conservation ecology
Wildlife management strives to allow the use of ecological communities for human
benefit while preserving their ecological components unharmed. It also seeks to re-
store biological communities by managing habitats and controlling the taking of
organisms for sport or economic gain.
Wildlife management
Wildlife management
Wildlife management
Keeping wild animals has evolved, over the past five thousand years, from animal
collections maintained by ancient societies to modern zoological gardens and
aquariums with significant programs in wildlife appreciation, education, science,
and conservation. Originally entertainment venues, zoos have shifted their focus
to education and active conservation of endangered and threatened species.
History of Zoos
Early zoos were the sole province of the wealthy; the first recorded zoo
in history belonged to a Chinese emperor in 1100 b.c.e. It was not until the
nineteenth century that zoos were open to the public. The word “zoo” de-
rives from the phrase “zoological park,” and that was what the first zoos
were designed to be: afternoon diversions along the same lines as the
amusement park or the circus. Exotic beasts from newly charted regions
were captured and displayed with little regard for their health or emo-
tional well being. Mortality was high, and display animals were constantly
replaced with animals captured from the wild, of which there seemed to be
an inexhaustible supply.
The first zoo to use moats to separate animals from visitors was estab-
lished in Germany by Carl Hagenbeck in 1907. These moats provided visi-
tors with an unobstructed view and, depending on their placement, made
it seem as if the animals were free. While the bars were gone, the habitat
was still nothing like what the animals were accustomed to in the wild.
Those animals that did not spend their days sleeping often displayed near-
psychotic behavior patterns, such as pacing, head butting, and even self-
A New Role
Two things changed the way zoos functioned during the twentieth cen-
tury. First, movies and television allowed potential visitors to see the ani-
mals in their natural habitats, and suddenly giraffes, lions, and zebras
were no longer quite so exotic. Second, wild animals were becoming more
scarce, and words such as “conservation” and “endangered” entered the
collective vocabulary. Acquiring specimens from the wilderness became
more costly, and zoos began to look at internal breeding programs to re-
plenish their stock. However, they found that animals kept in unnatural
and in some cases inhumane conditions would not breed.
New zoo enclosures were designed to encourage natural behavior in
animals by replicating their natural environment as much as possible
while still ensuring the safety of both the animals and the zoo visitors. Ani-
mals began receiving healthier diets and, when possible, were allowed to
feed in much the same way they would in the wild—by digging, foraging,
or grazing. Human contact with orphaned and injured animals was kept to
an absolute minimum, and some zoos took the additional step of not nam-
ing their animals to discourage anthropomorphism. By 1995, 80 percent of
the mammals on display in zoos were born in captivity.
Another trend that began in the late twentieth century was the building
of “wild animal parks.” The San Diego Zoo, for example, established one
of the earliest wild animal parks northeast of San Diego near Escondido,
California, which turns the tables by restricting human visitors behind
fences and within tram cars as the animals roam freely over large land
tracts that approximate their natural habitats.
Mission: Preservation
As concern over endangered animal species, coupled with ecologists’
alarm over a decline in biodiversity, spread at the end of the twentieth
century, zoos increasingly took on the mission of preservation and breed-
ing. The American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA), a nonprofit
organization dedicated to the advancement of zoos and aquariums in
the areas of conservation, education, science, and recreation, states its
members’ mission as “work[ing] cooperatively to save and protect the
wonders of the living natural world.” The AZA has accredited more
than two hundred zoos worldwide and sponsors a variety of research, ed-
ucation, and preservation programs. One of these, the Species Survival
Plan (SSP) program, was established in 1981 to “help ensure the survival
of selected wildlife species into the future and to provide a link be-
tween zoo and aquarium animals and the conservation of their wild coun-
terparts” through breeding and, where possible, reintroduction into the
Zoo managers continue to struggle to balance science, conservation bi-
ology, scarce resource allocation, and ethics. Among the choices that must
be made are whether predators should be offered the chance to exercise
natural hunting behaviors by being offered live prey, or whether zoos
should maintain potentially deadly animals that are necessary for breed-
ing programs but are dangerous and difficult to control, such as macaques,
many of which harbor the deadly hepatitis B virus, or adult male ele-
phants. Another dilemma is the question of what should become of “sur-
plus” animals that are inbred, unable to reproduce, or are otherwise geneti-
cally inferior.
Municipal bureaucracies can also hamper zoo conservation efforts. Zoo
managers must often combat local governments and public opinion when
dealing with unpopular issues, such as surplus animals and resource allo-
cation. In addition, budget cuts have forced zoo managers to turn to the
private sector for financial assistance. Fund-raising activities range from
the traditional “adopt an animal” programs to the extraordinary commer-
cial venture of selling “exotic compost.”
There are those who question whether zoos should exist at all—
Tudge, Colin. Last Animals at the Zoo: How Mass Extinction Can Be Stopped.
Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1992.
Wemmer, Christen M., ed. The Ark Evolving: Zoos and Aquariums in Transi-
tion. Front Royal, Va.: Smithsonian Institution Conservation and Re-
search Center, 1995.
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abiotic: Not living; used to refer to the nonliving elements of an ecosystem
or biome, consisting of climate, the minerals in soil, rocks, water, oxy-
gen, carbon dioxide, and other physical components.
abundance: The density and prevalence of organisms living in a particular
population, community, or ecosystem.
abyssal marine zone: The dark marine zone that extends from the ocean
floor to where the continental slope begins.
acclimatization: A process by which animals habituate their physiological
responses to the conditions of a particular environment.
acid deposition: The process whereby acidic (very low pH, usually under
5.6) gases, particles, and precipitation (rain, fog, dew, snow, or sleet) fall
on the surface of the earth.
active or wide foraging: Moving across a relatively large area in search of
adaptation: In evolutionary biology, a heritable structure, physiological
process, or behavioral pattern that gives an organism a better chance of
surviving and reproducing; in physiology, the change in the response
of a sense organ following continuous application of a constant stim-
adaptive radiation: The relatively rapid evolution of several new species
from a common ancestor following invasion of a new geographic region
or ecological niche, or exploitation of a new ecological opportunity.
aerobic: Characterizing any biological process that occurs in the presence
of free oxygen.
aestivation: See estivation.
aggregation: A group of organisms that live in closer proximity than they
would were they to be randomly or evenly distributed. Aggregations of
the same species are known as populations.
aggression: A physical act or threat of action by one individual that re-
duces the freedom or genetic fitness of another.
agricultural ecology: Also called agroecology, the study of agricultural eco-
systems, their components (such as crop species), functions, interactions,
and impact on natural ecosystems and abiotic factors such as atmo-
spheric and water systems—often with an emphasis on the develop-
ment of sustainable systems.
agricultural revolution: The transition by humans from hunting and gath-
ering all their food to domesticating plants for food.
alleles: Different forms of a particular gene, located at the same position on
brood: All the immature insects within an insect colony, including eggs,
larvae, and, in the Hymenoptera, the pupal stage; also, to cover young
with the wings.
brood parasite: See nest parasite.
browser: An animal that feeds on leaves and twigs from trees.
budding: A form of asexual reproduction that begins as an outpocketing of
the parental body, resulting in either separation from or continued con-
nection with the parent, forming a colony.
definitive host: The host in which a symbiont (the organism living within
the host) matures and reproduces.
defoliant: A chemical that kills the leaves of trees.
deforestation: The removal of trees from forests to an extent that degrades
the forest biome without human intervention. See also reforestation.
deme: A local population of closely related living organisms.
demography: The study of the numbers of organisms born in a population
within a certain time period, the rate at which they survive to various
ages, and the number of offspring that they produce. Also referred to as
dendrochronology: The examination and comparison of growth rings in
both living and aged woods to draw inferences about past ecosystems
and environmental conditions.
dendroclimatology: The study of tree-ring growth as an indicator of past
denitrification: Process in which bacteria convert nitrogenous compounds
in the soil to nitrogen gas.
denning: The period of winter sleep during which a bear does not eat,
drink, urinate, or defecate.
density: The number of animals present per unit of area being sampled;
for example, ten mice per hectare or five moose per square kilometer.
density-dependent growth: Growth in a population in which the per ca-
pita rates of birth and death are scaled by the total number of individu-
als in the population.
density-dependent population regulation: The regulation of population
size by factors or interactions intrinsic to the population; the strength of
regulation increases as population size increases.
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): The genetic material of cells, having the
molecular form of a twisted double helix that is linked by purine and
pyrimidine base pairs; carries the inherited traits and controls for cell
desert: Biome that receives less than 10 inches of precipitation per year.
desertification: The degradation of arid, semiarid, and dry, subhumid
lands as a result of human activities or climatic variations, such as a pro-
longed drought.
despotism: A type of hierarchy in which one individual rules over all other
members of the group and no rank distinctions are made among the
detritus feeders (detritivores): An array of small and often unnoticed ani-
mals and protists that live off the refuse of other living beings, such as
molted shells and skeletons, fallen leaves, wastes, and dead bodies.
eclipse plumage: The drab plumage of male birds following the post-
breeding molt, in which their bright courtship feathers are replaced by
dull earthy feathers that provide inconspicuous coloring.
ecocentrism: A philosophy that emphasizes the value of nature as a whole
and an identification of the self with the natural world.
ecoenergetics: The flow of energy through ecological systems at all levels,
from individual organisms, populations, and communities to ecosys-
tems and the global environment. Includes abiotic factors (such as geo-
chemical cycles) as well as biotic factors.
ecofeminism: A consideration of gender differences in the experience of
the self and nature, which includes an analysis of the tie between the op-
pression of women and nature.
ecological niche: See niche.
ecology: The study of the interactions between organisms and the living
(biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) components of their environment, in-
cluding the distribution and abundance of organisms.
ecomorph: Species of different phyletic origins (at most distantly related)
with similar structural and behavioral adaptations to similar niches.
ecophysiology: See physiological ecology.
ecosystem: A biological community and the physical environment con-
tained in it.
ecosystem diversity: Variety of biomes and habitats occuring in the bio-
ecosystem ecology: The study of the flow of energy into, through, and out
of large-scale systems, and how that flow influences all abiotic factors
and living organisms in the ecosystem.
ecotone: The meeting place between the two biomes, a transition zone.
ecotourism: Tourism based on the promotion of ecologically important
sites, such as national parks, wildlife refuges, endangered ecosystems,
and the organisms for which they form the habitat.
ecotoxicology: The study of natural and man-made pollutants and their
toxic effects on organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems,
as well as the ways these pollutants impact ecological processes to
change ecosystems and their components.
ectoparasite: A parasitic organism that attaches to the host on the exterior
of the body.
edge species: Certain species of wildlife that exploit edge habitat, which is
the transition habitat zone between two distinct habitats.
elfin forest: A stunted forest growing at high elevations in warm, moist cli-
emergent vegetation: Vegetation that grows tall enough to be visible at
the highest level of a rain forest or, in aquatic systems, above the water
emigration: The movement of animals out of an area; one-way movement
from a habitat type.
encounter effects: The reduction in the probability of death from a preda-
tor due to a single group of N members being more difficult to locate
than an equal number of solitary individuals.
endangered species: A species of animal or plant, as designated by bodies
such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, that is threatened with extinc-
endemic: Belonging to or native to a particular place; often referring to
species that have evolved in a given area and are found nowhere else in
the world.
endosymbiosis: A symbiotic relationship in which one member lives in-
side the other’s body.
endocannibalism: A form of human cannibalism in which members of a
related group eat their own dead.
endoparasite: A parasitic organism that attaches to an interior portion of
the host’s body.
endophyte: An organism living within a plant, such as a fungus living in a
endosymbiotic theory: Theory that chloroplasts and mitochondria devel-
oped from bacteria that moved into and became essential to the survival
of early eukaryotic cells.
endotherm: An animal that, by its own metabolism, maintains a constant
body temperature (warm-blooded); birds and mammals are endo-
energy: The ability to do work. Energy takes several forms, such as chemi-
cal energy in the bonds of a compound, light energy, and kinetic energy,
the energy of movement.
energy budget: The amount of resources available to an organism, which
is accepted to be limited or finite. Energy acquired from food (ani-
mals) or sunlight (plants) must be partitioned among growth, main-
tenance, and reproduction. The greater the energy allocated to the
care of offspring, for example, the fewer the offspring that can be pro-
energy flow: The capture of radiant energy, its transformation into chemical
energy by producers via photosynthesis, and its translocation through
all biological systems via consumers and decomposers. All organisms
are considered as potential sources of energy. See also food chain.
energy pyramid: A graphical representation of the energy contained in
global warming: The theory that the atmosphere is becoming warmer over
time as a result of an increase in greenhouse gases, resulting in climate
change, melting ice caps, rising sea levels, severe weather events, and
their impacts on the world’s living organisms.
glycosides: Compounds produced by plants that combine a sugar, usually
glucose, with an active component. Potentially poisonous glycosides
include the cyanogenic, cardioactive, anthraquinone, coumarin, and
saponin glycosides.
gradient analysis: A method for studying the distribution of species along
an environmental gradient.
gradualism: A model of evolution in which transformation from ancestor to
descendant species is a slow, gradual process spanning millions of years.
grassland: A biome in which the dominant plants are grasses.
grazer: An organism that feeds primarily on grasses.
Green Revolution: Several decades of dramatic advances in yield and
quality of crop species. This was the outcome of attempts to increase
food production begun in the 1940’s.
greenhouse effect: The process whereby the infrared radiation from the
earth is absorbed by the atmosphere, keeping it from escaping into
space. Because it was once believed that the glass panes of greenhouses
acted similarly, this phenomenon was termed the “greenhouse” effect,
although it has subsequently been shown that greenhouses work differ-
ently (by trapping heated air and not allowing it to blow away).
greenhouse gases: gases, including carbon dioxide, water vapor, and
methane, store heat more efficiently than others and contribute to the
magnification of the so-called greenhouse effect.
gregarious: Forming groups temporarily or permanently.
gross primary productivity: The amount of the sun’s energy actually as-
similated by autotrophs. See also net primary productivity; secondary
haploid: Having one set of chromosomes and one of each kind of gene. Ga-
metes (eggs or sperm) are usually haploid. See also diploid.
Hardy-Weinberg law: A concept in population genetics stating that, given
an infinitely large population that experiences random mating without
mutation or any other such affecting factor, the frequency of particular
alleles will reach a state of equilibrium, after which their frequency will
not change from one generation to the next.
hazardous waste: Any waste product that is toxic to living beings or
threatens life.
hemiparasite: A plant (such as mistletoe) with some chlorophyll which
lives as a partial parasite.
herbicide: Chemical that is lethal to plants.
herbivore: An animal that eats living plants, usually specialized to digest
heritability: The extent to which variation in some trait among individuals
in a population is a result of genetic differences.
heterochrony: Any phenomenon in which there is a difference between
the ancestral and descendant rate or timing of development.
heteroecious: Describes fungi that spend parts of their life cycle on entirely
different species of plants. Black stem rust of wheat spends part of its
life cycle on wheat and part on American barberry.
heterotrophs: Organisms that cannot make their own food from simpler
materials but must ingest and digest complex molecules made by other
organisms. Animals are heterotrophs, but so are nongreen plants such
as Indian pipes. See also consumer.
heterozygous: Having two different alleles at a particular gene locus.
hibernation: A sustained period of torpor (lack of activity) triggered by
cold environmental conditions, achieved when an animal reduces its
metabolic rate. See also estivation.
hierarchy: A social structure in which animals are dominated by those
higher on the linear ladder.
home range: Geographic area used by an individual, pair, or group for
their daily, seasonal, and sometimes their yearly activities; the defended
portion of the home range is called a territory.
homeostasis: The dynamic balance between body functions, needs, and
environmental factors which results in internal constancy.
homologous: Referring to chromosomes that are identical in terms of
types of genes present and the location of the centromere; because of
their high degree of similarity, homologous chromosomes can synapse
and recombine during prophase I of meiosis.
homozygote: A diploid organism that has two identical alleles for a partic-
landscape ecology: A relatively new field of ecology, the study of how eco-
systems, including the built environment, are arranged and how their
arrangements affect the wildlife and environmental conditions that
form them. Landscape ecologists examine land patterns (topography,
water, forest cover, and human uses) and how these affect wildlife pop-
lichen: An organism formed by the symbiotic relationship between a fun-
gus and an alga. The alga is protected from drying by the fungus, while
the fungus receives food molecules from the alga.
life cycle: The sequence of development beginning with a certain event in
a organism’s life (such as the fertilization of a gamete), and ending with
the same event in the next generation.
life expectancy: The probable length of life remaining to an organism
based upon the average life span of the population to which it belongs.
life span: The maximum time between birth and death for the members of
a species as a whole.
life table: A chart that summarizes the survivorship and reproduction of a
cohort throughout its life span.
ozone layer: The ozone-enriched layer of the stratosphere that filters out
some of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, which causes skin and other
types of cancer.
plant ecology: The study of plant life (often including fungal and algal
forms) on all levels of ecology, from physiological to population to com-
munity to ecosystem ecology. Applications are particularly important
in agriculture.
poikilotherm: Cold-blooded or ectothermic; any organism having a body
temperature that varies with its surroundings; in general, reptiles, am-
phibians, fish, and invertebrates.
pollination: Transfer of pollen to a stigma in angiosperms or an ovule in
pollution ecology: The study of the impacts of water, air, and waste pollu-
tion on populations, communities, and ecosystems.
polyclimax theory: Within a given climatic region, there can be many cli-
maxes. See also monoclimax theory.
polygamy: A mating system in which one male mates with several females
(polygyny) or one female mates with several males (polyandry).
polygenic inheritance: Expression of a trait depending on the cumulative
effect of multiple genes; human traits such as skin color, obesity, and in-
telligence are thought to be examples of polygenic inheritance.
polymorphism: The occurrence of two or more structurally or behaviorally
different individuals within a species.
polyphyletic: Having similar characteristics but originating from more
than one ancestor.
polyploidy: Genetic condition in which the hereditary material is present
in three or more complete sets. Plants may be triploid (three sets of chro-
mosomes), tetraploid, or have even greater numbers.
population: A group of individuals of the same species that live in the
same location at the same time.
population analysis: The study of factors that influence growth of biologi-
cal populations.
population density: The number of individuals in a population per unit
area or volume.
population distribution: Variations in the density of a population in a par-
ticular area.
population dynamics: The patterns of population growth and decline over
the population’s existence, influenced by reproductive rates, predator-
prey relationships, carrying capacity, and other such factors.
population ecology: The study of the growth and decline of groups of in-
dividuals of the same species, and how these fluctuations function in re-
lation to other populations in the same ecosystem. Examines such fac-
tors as the availability of food and hence predation, herbivory, and
mutualisms. Community ecology is closely related to population ecol-
quadrat: A sample plot of a specific size and shape used in one method of
determining population size or species diversity.
are identical to each other and to the original molecule. The two mole-
cules formed are each composed of one strand from the original DNA
molecule and one newly synthesized strand.
reproductive (genetic) isolation: Describes any of many mechanisms that
prevent one organism from sexually reproducing with a second.
reproductive strategy: A set of traits that characterizes the successful re-
productive habits of a group of organisms.
reservoir host: A host species other than the one of primary interest in a
given research study.
resilience stability: Stability exhibited by a community that changes its
structure when disturbed but returns to its original structure when the
disturbance ends.
resistance: The ability of an organism, population, or community to sur-
vive in the face of natural or human-made threats.
resource: A requirement for life, such as space for living, food (for ani-
mals), or light (for plants), not including conditions such as tempera-
ture or salinity.
resource-holding potential: The ability of an individual to control a needed
resource relative to other members of the same species.
respiration: The utilization of oxygen; in air-breathing vertebrates, the in-
halation of oxygen and the exhalation of carbon dioxide.
restoration ecology: Restoration ecology is the study and implementation
of ways to return degraded or deteriorating communities and ecosys-
tems to their original condition. Restoration ecologists work to restore
habitat and return endangered species to viable numbers; they do not
seek to restore extinct species or re-create ancient habitats. See also con-
servation biology.
riparian ecosystem: An ecosystem in and around a river.
ritualization: An evolutionary process that formalizes the context and per-
formance of a display so that its meaning is clear and straightforward.
runoff: Surface water effluent from precipitation, irrigation, or other hu-
man activity and the chemicals and other materials it ultimately carries
into aquatic systems.
specialists: Species with narrow niches that are not well generalized, often
able to live in only one habitat.
speciation: The evolution of new species as a result of geographic, phys-
iological, anatomical, or behavioral factors that prevent previously in-
terbreeding natural populations from breeding with each other any
species: A group of animals capable of interbreeding under normal natural
conditions; the smallest major taxonomic category.
species diversity: The variety of different organisms at the species taxo-
nomic level, a value that combines measures of both species richness
and species evenness.
species loss: Extinction.
species selection: The idea that species are independent entities with their
own properties, such as birth (speciation) and death (extinction); a
higher level of selection above that of natural selection is postulated to
take place on the species level.
species-specific: Innate and exclusive to a single species.
status badge: A visual feature that, based on its size or color or some other
variation, indicates the social status of the bearer.
stereotyped behavior: An unlearned and unchanging behavior pattern
that is unique to a species.
stimulus: Any environmental cue that is detected by a sensory receptor
and can potentially modify an animal’s behavior.
strategy: A behavioral action that exists because natural selection favored
it in the past (rather than because an individual has consciously decided
to do it).
stratification: Division of a community into layers, such as canopy, shrub,
and herb layers of a forest.
stress: A pressure on an organism, population, or community as a result of
ecosystem disturbance or an inadequate resource such as water or nu-
stromatolite: Fossilized masses of cyanobacteria that represent some of the
first evidence of photosynthetic life on earth.
subspecies: A group or groups of interbreeding organisms within a single
species that are distinct and separated from similar related groups but
not reproductively isolated.
substrate: The substance, such as soil or bark, on which a plant grows.
Also, in biochemical reactions, the chemical compound upon which an
enzyme acts.
succession: Change in a plant or animal community over time, with one
kind of organism or plant being replaced by other organisms or plants
taiga: Biome located across Canada, northern Europe, and northern Asia
that consists of forests of spruces, firs, and birches. See also boreal forest.
taxonomy: A classification scheme for organisms based primarily on struc-
tural similarities; taxonomic groups consist of genetically related ani-
mals. See also classification; systematics.
understory: In a rain forest, the shorter trees and shrubs that grow under
and live in the shade of the canopy formed by the crowns of the tallest
uniformitarianism: The belief that the earth and its features are the result
of gradual biological and geological processes similar to the processes
that exist today.
urban ecology: The study of the ecology of cities and human settlements,
including energy and water flows, resource use, and how and where
humans build. See also landscape ecology.
urban heat island: A relatively hot area in the atmosphere above an urban
area produced by a concentration of cars, factories, reflective surfaces,
and other heat-producing factors.
urbanization: The process of converting natural habitats into urban com-
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NOTE: The Web sites listed below offer an entry into the many resources available
on the Internet. These are simply some of the better known and more reliable sites.
The editors accessed these URLs in April, 2003.
Earth’s 911
Aimed at children, students, and the general public, this site offers in-
formation on recycling and waste management options, including links
to state-by-state listings of recycling centers, businesses, and regula-
Web Sites
This nonprofit organization has been providing access to online environ-
mental resources since 1991, organized by categories such as Ecosys-
tems, Environmental Disasters, Forests, and many more. The Ecology
subsection files sites under such subcategories as Actions You Can Take,
Educational Resources, General Info, Government Resources, Organi-
zations, Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities, and Publications.
Web Sites
Web Sites
Sierra Club
In addition to its outreach programs encouraging public involvement in
recycling, conservation, and nature activities, the Sierra Club is active in
environmental issues, offering updates on current events in water, en-
ergy, global population, and more.
Web Sites
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Agricultural ecology Reproductive strategies, 576
Biopesticides, 65 Territoriality and aggression, 633
Erosion and erosion control, 211
Genetically modified foods, 284 Biomes
Grazing and overgrazing, 304 Biomes: determinants, 55
Integrated pest management, 351 Biomes: types, 59
Multiple-use approach, 422 Chaparral, 76
Pesticides, 470 Deserts, 154
Rangeland, 560 Forests, 269
Slash-and-burn agriculture, 590 Grasslands and prairies, 298
Soil, 594 Habitats and biomes, 313
Lakes and limnology, 364
Aquatic and marine ecology Marine biomes, 391
Acid deposition, 1 Mediterranean scrub, 399
Lakes and limnology, 364 Mountains, 419
Marine biomes, 391 Old-growth forests, 452
Ocean pollution and oil spills, 444 Rain forests, 549
Reefs, 564 Rain forests and the atmosphere,
Behavioral ecology Rangeland, 560
Altruism, 18 Reefs, 564
Communication, 95 Savannas and deciduous tropical
Competition, 111 forests, 586
Defense mechanisms, 125 Taiga, 629
Displays, 167 Tundra and high-altitude biomes,
Ethology, 215 655
Habituation and sensitization, 319 Wetlands, 672
Herbivores, 326
Hierarchies, 329 Chemical ecology
Insect societies, 343 Allelopathy, 15
Isolating mechanisms, 358 Bioluminescence, 43
Mammalian social systems, 385 Communication, 95
Migration, 407 Defense mechanisms, 125
Mimicry, 415 Genetically modified foods, 284
Omnivores, 455 Metabolites, 402
Pheromones, 476 Pheromones, 476
Poisonous animals, 486 Poisonous animals, 486
Predation, 536 Poisonous plants, 490
Categorized Index
Categorized Index
Categorized Index
Categorized Index
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Abiotic components of 287; and rangelands, 562; slash-
ecosystems, 186, 191, 314 and-burn, 590, 593; world food
Abundance, cycles of, 513, 539 supplies, 336
Abyssal marine zone, 63, 392 Ailanthus (tree-of-heaven), 659
Acacia-ant mutualisms, 87 Air pollution, 591; lichens as
Acceleration (heterochrony), 163 bioindicators, 383
Acid deposition, 1, 6, 110, 189, 591, Alarm calls, 97
631 Alarm pheromones, 476
Acid rain, 501; and soil Alerting system, 321
generation, 594 Algae, 315; earliest life on land, 91;
Adaptation, 171, 428, 521; eutrophic environments, 223;
behavior as, 217; Darwin on, killer, 357; phytoplankton, 482.
238; mechanisms of, 7, 11; See also Phytoplankton;
migration, 408; ontogeny as, Plankton
162; and speciation, 606; Algal blooms, 224, 370, 482-483
Triassic period, 250 Aliphatics (hydrocarbons), 444
Adaptive coloration, 10 Alkaloids, 103, 403, 491
Adaptive radiation, 12, 14, 122, Alleles, 12, 274, 281, 435;
239; and speciation, 606 frequency, 436
Adders, 488 Allelochemicals, 15
Adelgids, 41 Allelopathy, 15, 17, 101, 354
Adult survivorship patterns, 139 Allen’s rule, 81
Africa, habitat loss, 207 Alligator River Wildlife Refuge,
Agave lechuguilla (indicator 116
species), 156 Alligators, 203
Age structures, 140, 508; Allochthonous deposition, 465
population analysis, 511 Allogenic clastic materials, 366
Aggregation pheromones, 476 Allomones, 477
Aggression, 22, 633, 640; in Allopatric speciation, 543, 604
dominance hierarchies, 329 Alpha individuals, 330
Aggressive mimicry, 417, 538 Alpine tundra, 61, 315, 655
Agrichemicals, 500 Altruism, 18, 23, 522
Agricultural ecology. See Alvarez, Luis, 247
Agriculture; Categorized Index Alvarez, Walter, 247
Agriculture; uses of allelopathy, Amazon basin, 558
15; and deforestation, 131; Amber, 466
genetic diversity, 279; Ambush predation, 539
genetically modified crops, 284, Amensalisms, 100
Subject Index
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Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Mortality rates. See Death rates National Park Service, U.S., 677
Mother-young relationships, 385 National Wildlife Federation,
Moths; peppered, 428; 678
pheromones, 478; as National Wildlife Refuge System,
pollinators, 497 200
Mount Tamalpais, California, 78 Native plants, 40
Mountain ecosystems, 419, 421 Natural selection. See Selection;
Mountain lions, 385 Selection regimes; Sexual
Mousse (oil spill), 444 selection
Müllerian mimicry, 128, 416, 538 Nature preserves, 33. See also
Multiple-use approach, 422, 424 Parks; Wildlife refuges; Zoos
Multiple Use-Sustained Yield Act Navigation, 407
(1960), 423 Nectar, 496
Murrelets, marbled, 109 Negative assortative mating, 435
Musk, 127 Nekton, 393
Mutagens, 438 Nematocides, 470
Mutational meltdown, 283 Nematocysts, 129
Mutations, 229, 274, 428, 435, 439, Neoteny, 163
520; and divergence, 12; and Neritic marine zone, 63, 391
natural selection, 7; random, Nested hierarchies, 330
239 Nesting; social insects, 346;
Mutualisms, 24, 87, 100; and territoriality, 635
coevolution, 174; pollinators, Net production, 51, 172
495; distinguished from Neurobiology, 216
symbiosis, 623. See also Neurotoxins, 486
Symbioses Neurotransmitters and
Mycobionts, 381, 425 habituation, 321
Mycorrhizae, 101, 425, 427; in old- Neutral mutation, 524
growth forests, 453 Neutralisms, 100
New forestry, 268
Naess, Arne, 123 Niche generalizations, 645
NASA. See National Aeronautics Niche overlap, 644
and Space Administration Niches, 13, 419, 641, 649; and
Natality rate, 138 competition, 113; competition
National Aeronautics and Space for, 115; defined, 171; and
Administration, 461 hybridization, 83
National Environmental Nicotine, 404
Protection Act (1970), 677 Nightshade family, 404
National Oceanic and Nimbus meteorological satellites,
Atmospheric Administration, 461
449, 460 NIMBY (not in my backyard), 669
Subject Index
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Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index
Subject Index