Vxworks Installing 6.5
Vxworks Installing 6.5
Vxworks Installing 6.5
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
2. Installing Toolchain ........................................................................................................... 2
2.1. Installing GCC on Windows ..................................................................................... 2
2.1.1. Installer ...................................................................................................... 2
2.1.2. Manual install .............................................................................................. 2
2.2. Installing GCC on Linux .......................................................................................... 2
3. Installing LEON VxWorks distribution ................................................................................. 4
3.1. Overview ............................................................................................................... 4
3.2. Installing on Windows ............................................................................................. 4
3.3. Installing on Linux .................................................................................................. 5
3.4. Manual installation .................................................................................................. 6
4. Building LEON VxWorks ................................................................................................... 7
4.1. Windows ............................................................................................................... 7
4.1.1. GUI Kernel builder ....................................................................................... 8
4.1.2. WindRiver Shell .......................................................................................... 9
4.2. Linux .................................................................................................................. 10
4.3. Build status .......................................................................................................... 10
4.4. Rebuilding kernel and libraries ................................................................................ 10
5. Update build rules ........................................................................................................... 11
6. Proceeding ...................................................................................................................... 12
7. Support .......................................................................................................................... 13
Installing LEON VxWorks-6.5 1
1. Introduction
This document is a guide on how to install the Aeroflex Gaisler VxWorks 6.5 Source distribution. The
distribution includes a SPARC port of the VxWorks 6.5 kernel, a MMU BSP, a non-MMU BSP, GNU
GCC LEON toolchain, DIAB patches and LEON plug-ins for the Workbench. The installation process is
separated in the steps,
The installation steps are described in separate chapters, each step must be executed in order as indicated
by the chapter arrangement.
Before proceeding with the installation, the WindRiver VxWorks platform, including the Workbench, full
kernel sources and the DIAB compiler must be installed and working.
For the default paths to match, the WindRiver Platform should be installed into C:\WindRiver6.5 on
Windows or /opt/WindRiver6.5 on Linux, this is however not a requirement.
Note that the VxWorks version from WindRiver must be of the same version as the Aeroflex Gaisler
VxWorks distribution, i.e. WindRiver VxWorks 6.7 can not be used with the Aeroflex Gaisler VxWorks
6.5 distribution.
Installing LEON VxWorks-6.5 2
2. Installing Toolchain
The section describes how to install the GNU GCC LEON toolchain. LEON VxWorks can be used together
with GNU GCC or DIAB. DIAB comes with the WindRiver installation DVD whereas the GNU GCC
toolchain is available together with the LEON VxWorks distribution or can be downloaded from the
protected web download area at www.gaisler.com/vxworks6.
2.1.1. Installer
The Windows GCC toolchain installer is named sparc-wrs-vxworks-3.4.4-x.y.z-mingw.exe,
the installation procedure is started by executing the file.
The installer will install the toolchain to C:\opt\sparc-wrs-vxworks-mingw, and add the bin
directory where the executable files are located to the Windows PATH environment variable.
The PATH variable is changed but is not updated until next log-on, please log-out and log-in again
before proceeding. Otherwise the kernel compilation step will fail.
The toolchain must be extracted into C:\opt creating the directory C:\opt\sparc-wrs-vxworks-
mingw. The C:\opt\sparc-wrs-vxworks-mingw\bin directory must be added to the PATH
variable by "My Computer -> Advanced Tab -> Environment Variable".
The toolchain is extracted into /opt creating the directory /opt/sparc-wrs-vxworks. The /opt/
sparc-wrs-vxworks/bin directory must be added to the PATH variable:
Installing LEON VxWorks-6.5 3
$ cd /opt
$ tar -xf sparc-wrs-vxworks-3.4.4-x.y.z-linux.tar.bz2
$ export PATH=/opt/sparc-wrs-vxworks/bin:$PATH
Installing LEON VxWorks-6.5 4
First the Zip-file must be extracted, the Zip-file is password protected. Please contact support@gaisler.com
for the password.
3.1. Overview
The installation is performed by a installation script located at dist-x.y.z/install/install.sh,
the script either invoked directly from the WindRiver shell or from the Windows installer on Windows
systems. The installation script will,
The installation script require write permission in the WindRiver directory, the WindRiver/
vxworks-6.5 directory will be backed up to WindRiver/vxworks-6.5.ori, all written files
outside the vxworks-6.5 directory will be backed up with the filename ending ".grbak" and for new files
an empty file with the ending ".grnew" will be created. This way the uninstallation script can restore the
original files.
After the installation is finished the LEON sources will be located in the vxworks directory in the WindRiver
directory. The distribution Makefile used to build the kernel will jump into the WindRiver directory when
The installation script requires the WindRiver path, the path to where the WindRiver platform were installed.
Installing LEON VxWorks-6.5 5
When the installation script is started a Windows console will appear as in Figure 3.3, it must not be
shutdown. Note that the backup procedure of the installer may take quite some time. Press [Enter] in the
console window when installation is complete.
shell. The script requires write permission in the WindRiver directory and the distribution directory as
mentioned above.
The script requires one argument, the WindRiver directory. It can be started as follows if the WindRiver
installation is located in /opt/WindRiver6.5:
$ cd dist-x.y.z
$ bash ./install.sh /opt/WindRiver6.5
The distribution must be extracted before continuing, the distribution is ZIP password protected, please
email support@gaisler.com for the password if needed. After unzipping, the distribution is extracted as
indicated below. For windows users the commands can be executed from the WindRiver shell (Run: C:
\WindRiver6.5\wrenv.exe -p vxworks-6.5 sh).
$ gunzip dist-vxworks-6.5-x.y.z.tar.gz
$ tar -xf dist-vxworks-6.5-x.y.z.tar
The distribution directory includes build scripts (Makefile) to build the kernel for one or multiple TOOLS,
however it is not supported to build using both DIAB and GNU GCC toolchain at once. Please the next
section how to start the build script. The different tools are described in the compiler document that comes
with this distribution. The different TOOLs are also listed hereafter.
Note that the build script will only update the VxWorks directory used to build the kernel, in case of a non-
standard installation where the VxWorks source directory is outside the WindRiver directory the VxWorks
libraries must be copied into the WindRiver VxWorks directory so that the Workbench is able to find them.
4.1. Windows
The kernel and libraries can be built invoking the build scripts from the WindRiver shell, or by using the
GUI build utility found in dist-x.y.z/install/compile-6.5.exe.
Installing LEON VxWorks-6.5 8
The installation script requires the WindRiver path, the default path is taken from the install/
settings created by the installation script.
In the second step, one select with what TOOLs the kernel will be built with, the kernel can be built multiple
times using different compiler flags, however it will take longer time. Later on when a BSP is created one of
the TOOLs used when building the kernel must be selected to link against. Building the kernel for multiple
TOOLs makes is possible to create different projects with different hardware, or for example benchmarking
with/without hardware FPU.
Installing LEON VxWorks-6.5 9
When the build script is started a Windows console will appear as in Figure 4.4, it must not be shutdown.
Note that the build procedure may take quite some time.
The target multibuild can be used to build the kernel with one or multiple TOOLs. The make utility must be
started from the WindRiver shell. The WindRiver shell is started by:
Where C:\WindRiver is the installation directory of Wind River Workbench. The TOOLS variable
determines for which tools the kernel and libraries will be built. Below is an example building the kernel
twice, once for a SPARCv7 with FPU and once for a SPARCv8 with FPU.
# cd dist-x.y.z
# make multibuild TOOLS="gnu gnuv8"
4.2. Linux
The kernel and libraries can be built invoking the build scripts from a shell, bash and the WindRiver shell
has been tested. The WindRiver shell is started by:
$ /opt/WindRiver/wrenv.sh -p vxworks-6.5 sh
Where /opt/WindRiver is the installation directory of Wind River Workbench. The target multibuild can be
used to build the kernel with one or multiple TOOLs, the TOOLS variable determines for which tools the
kernel and libraries will be built. Below is an example building the kernel twice, once for a SPARCv7 with
FPU and once for a SPARCv8 with FPU.
$ cd dist-x.y.z
$ make multibuild TOOLS="gnu gnuv8"
Note that the PATH variable when installing the GNU toolchain using the Windows-installer is not updated
until next log-on. Failing to find ccsparc will result in a build error.
It is always recommended to verify that the build was successful, especially when DIAB is used. On some
systems DIAB crash causing the build process to fail. If "abnormal termination" is printed by DIAB it is
most often due to bug in the optimizer part of DIAB, turning optimization off (removing -XO or -O flag)
will make DIAB avoid the bug.
The TOOL options determines what toolchain and compiler flags are used, the available tools are described
in the Compiler document, they are gnu, gnuv8, sfgnu, sfgnuv8, diab, sfdiab.
Installing LEON VxWorks-6.5 11
The build rules can be updated by starting the workbench and selecting "Window -> Preferences -> Build
Properties" as indicated by Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2.
All VxWorks the build rules must be updated by selecting a build rule, one at a time in the combobox, and
pressing "restore Defaults" every time.
6. Proceeding
The installation procedure is now complete and the kernel build done. There is a getting started guide how
to create a project and run it on a LEON target, please see the docs directory in the distribution.
Installing LEON VxWorks-6.5 13
7. Support
For Support, contact the Aeroflex Gaisler support team at support@gaisler.com.