Income Tax: (As Amended by The Finance Act, 2017) Short Notes On Basic Concepts (A.Y. 2018-19)
Income Tax: (As Amended by The Finance Act, 2017) Short Notes On Basic Concepts (A.Y. 2018-19)
Income Tax: (As Amended by The Finance Act, 2017) Short Notes On Basic Concepts (A.Y. 2018-19)
(As amended by the Finance Act, 2017)
Short Notes on Basic Concepts
(A.Y. 2018-19)
Sunil Ahmad
1. Assessee:
“Assessee” means a person by whom any tax or any other sum of money is payable
under Income Tax Act, 1961, is called an Assessee.
In addition, it includes –
➢ Every person in respect of whom any proceeding under this Act has been
taken for the assessment of
o his income; or
o Assessment of fringe benefits; or
o the income of any other person in respect of which he is assessable; or
o the loss sustained by him or by such other person; or
o the amount of refund due to him or by such other person.
➢ Every person who is deemed to be an assessee under any provision of this Act;
➢ Every person who is deemed to be an assessee-in-default under any provision
of this Act.
2. Person: A person includes–
An Individual, (HUF), (AOP), Body of Individuals (BOI), a Firm &LLP, a Company ,
Local Authorities and Artificial Juridical Person etc.
3. Previous year (P.Y.): Previous year is the Financial Year immediately preceding the
assessment year i.e., it is the financial year ending on 31st March, in which the income
has accrued/received.
4. Assessment Year (A.Y.): means the Period of 12 months commencing on the
1st April every year. F.Y. in which you pay the tax is called A.Y.
5. Financial Year (F.Y.): commences on 1st April and ends on 31st March- (12 Months).
IV. Company:
Domestic Company Turnover Or Gross Receipt RATE
In the P.Y.2015-16 25% of Total Income
In other case 30% of Total Income
Company other than 40% of Total Income
Domestic Company **NOTE
**However, Specified royalties and fees for rendering technical services (FTS) received
from Govt. or an Indian concern in pursuance of an approved agreement made by the Co.
with the Govt. or Indian concern between 1.4.1961 and 31.3.1976 (in case of royalties)
and between 1.3.1964 and 31.3.1976 (in case of FTS) would be chargeable to tax @50%.
Maximum marginal rate mean the rate of income-tax (including surcharge on the
income-tax, if any) applicable in relation to the highest slab of income in the case of an
individual, AOP or BOI, as the case may be, as specified in Finance Act of the relevant year.