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Kult Player Moves

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Examples of serious wounds: lacerated arm, facial cuts, broken • Influence other

ribs, bone-deep cut, concussion, profuse bleeding, broken When you influence an NPC through negotiation, argument, or
fingers, sprained ankle. from a position of power roll +Charisma.
Critical wounds (15+) She does what you ask
Player Moves The wound will not heal on its own, and will get worse if (10–14) She does what you ask, but the GM chooses one:
untreated. A critically wounded character must get medical care ◊ she demands better compensation
• Act under pressure urgently if they wish to live. When a critical wound has been ◊ a complication will arise at a future time
When you do something risky, under time pressure, or try to stabilized and given time to heal it’s considered a stabilized ◊ she gives in for the moment, but will change her mind and
avoid danger, the GM will explain what the consequence of serious wound. regret it later
failure is and you roll +Coolness. Examples of critical wounds: punctured lung, severed aorta, (−9) Your attempt has unintended repercussions. The GM
(15+) You do it. spilling intestines, mangled arm, gun-blasted genitalia, torn out makes a hard or soft move.
(10–14) You do it, but hesitate, is delayed, or must deal with a eyeball, shattered shoulder, internal bleeding, spinal cord
complication – the GM reveals an unexpected outcome, a high damage, cerebral hemorrhage. When you influence a player character roll +Charisma.
price, or a difficult choice. Wound penalties (15+) Both:
(−9) There are consequences, you make a mistake, or you’re If you have any non-stabilized serious or critical wounds (10–14) Choose one:
exposed to the danger. The GM makes a hard or soft move. you’re subject to the penalties below. ◊ she’s motivated to do what you ask, and gets +1 for
If you have any Deduction her next roll if she does it
…serious wounds (non-stabilized) -1 ongoing ◊ she’s worried what might happen if she doesn’t do what you
• Avoid Harm ask, and gets −1 Stability if she doesn’t do it
When you dodge, parry, or block harm, roll +Reflexes. …critical wounds -1 ongoing
…both serious and critical wounds -2 ongoing (−9) The character gets +1 on her next roll against you.
(15+) You emerge completely unharmed. The GM makes a hard or soft move.
(10–14) You avoid the worst of it, but the GM decides if you
end up in a bad spot, lose something, or partially sustain harm. • Engage in Combat No matter the outcome it is always the player character’s
(−9) You were too slow to react or you made a bad judgment When you engage an able opponent in combat explain how option whether to do as you ask or not.
call. Perhaps you didn’t avoid any harm at all, or you ended up and roll +Violence.
in an even worse spot than before. The GM makes a hard or soft (15+) You inflict damage to your opponent and avoid
move. counterattacks. • Investigate
(10–14) You inflict damage, but at a cost. The GM chooses one: When you investigate something roll +Reason. On a success
◊ You’re subjected to a counterattack. you uncover all direct leads and may ask questions to get
• Endure Injury additional information.
When enduring injury roll +Fortitude −Harm. If you are wear ◊ You do less damage than intended.
◊ You lose something important. (15+) Ask 2 questions.
ing armor, add its rating to the roll. (10–14) Ask 1 question, but the information comes with a cost
(15+) You ride out the pain and keep going. ◊ You expend all your ammo.
◊ You’re beset by a new threat. determined by the GM: you need someone or something to get
(10–14) You are still standing but the GM picks one: the answer, you expose yourself to danger, or you must expend
◊ The injury throws you off balance ◊ You’ll be in trouble later on.
(−9) Your attack didn’t go as anticipated. You might be time or resources.
◊ You lose something. (−9) You may ask one question anyway but you expose yourself
◊ You receive a serious wound. subjected to bad luck, miss your target, or pay a high price for
your assault. The GM makes a hard or soft move. to unexpected dangers or costs. The GM makes a hard or soft
(−9) The injury is overwhelming. You choose if you: move.
◊ Are knocked out (the GM may also choose to give you a Questions:
serious wound). • Helping or hindering ◊ How can I find out more about what I’m investigating?
◊ Receive a critical wound, but may continue to act (if you When you help or hinder another player character’s move, ◊ What is my gut feel about what I’m investigating?
already have a critical wound you may not choose this option explain how before their roll and roll +attribute, where the ◊ Is there anything weird about what I’m investigating?
again). attribute is the same as the other player is rolling.
◊ Die. (15+) You may modify the subsequent roll by +2/−2.
(10–14) You may modify the subsequent roll by +1/−1.
Serious wounds (−9) Your interference has unintended consequences.
The wound requires appropriate care and time to heal, but will The GM makes a hard or soft move.
not get worse on its own. Alcohol and painkillers can remove
the penalty the wound imposes, if only temporarily. A PC can With the GM’s assent a player may make a case for a retroactive
have at most 4 serious wounds. Additional serious wounds are assist or hindrance after a roll is made, but in stressful situations
considered critical. this often results in a hard choice between two possible actions.
• Keep it Together ◊ Fragments from the character’s dark secrets manifests in • See through the Illusion
When you exercise self-control to keep from succumbing to present-day reality When you suffer shock, injuries, or distort your perception
stress, traumatic experiences, psychic influence, or supernatural ◊ The character gets a new disadvantage based on the through drugs or rituals roll +Soul to see through the Illusion.
forces, roll +Willpower. event (15+) You perceive things as they truly are.
(15+) You grit your teeth and stay the course without undue ◊ The character becomes suicidal and must succeed at (10–14 ) You see Reality, but you also affect the Illusion.
influence. a Keep it Together roll to resist the impulse The GM chooses one:
(10–14) The effort to resist instills a condition which remains Or give the character one of these: ◊ Something senses you
with you until you have had time to recuperate. Choose one: ◊ You undergo change: Switch two attributes with different ◊ The Illusions tears
◊ You become angry (−1 Stability) values. Improve Stability to Anxious. (−9) The GM explains what you see and makes a hard or soft
◊ You become sad (−1 Stability) ◊ Your life changes direction: Choose a new Archetype. move.
◊ You become scared (−1 Stability) Improve Stability to Neurotic.
◊ You become guilt-ridden (−1 Stability) ◊ You catch a glimpse of the Truth: +1 Experience.
◊ You become obsessed (+1 Relation to whatever caused the
condition) • Observe a situation
◊ You become distracted (−2 in situations where the condition When you observe a situation roll +Perception. On a success
will limit you) you may ask the GM questions about the situation. When you
◊ You will be haunted by the experience at a later time act on the answers take +1 to your roll.
◊ You get −1 in situations where this condition would be a (15+) Ask 2 questions.
hindrance to you. (10–14) Ask 1 question.
(−9) The strain is too much for your mind to handle. The GM (−9) you get to ask a question anyway but you attract unwanted
chooses your reaction: cower powerless in the threat’s presence, attention or expose yourself to danger. The GM makes a hard
panic with no control of your actions, suffer emotional trauma or soft move.
(−2 Stability), or suffer life changing trauma (−4 Stability).
Stability ◊ What is my best way through this?
〇 Composed
◊ What here poses the biggest threat?
〇 Uneasy Moderate stress: ◊ What can I use to my advantage?
〇 Unfocused -1 disadvantages ◊ What should I be on the lookout for?
◊ What is being hidden from me?
〇 Shaken Serious stress: ◊ What seems strange about this?
〇 Distressed -1 Keep it Together
〇 Neurotic -2 disadvantages • Read a person

〇 Anxious Critical stress: When you Read a Person roll +Intuition. On a success you may
〇 Irrational -2 Keep it Together ask the GM/player questions about their character anytime
〇 Unhinged -3 disadvantages during this scene while in conversation with their character.
+1 See through the Illusion (15+) Ask 2 questions.
(10–14) Ask 1 question.
〇 Broken The GM makes a move
(−9) You accidentally reveal your own intentions to the person
you’re trying to read. Tell the GM/player what these intentions
are. The GM makes a hard or soft move.
Stability measures how comfortable the player character is
mentally. A character will start out in a composed state but her Questions:
Stability may decrease upon experiencing traumatic events. ◊ Are you lying?
◊ How do you feel right now?
◊ When the character is Broken the GM makes a move at a time ◊ What are you about to do?
of her choosing as follows: ◊ What do you wish I would do?
◊ Activate a disadvantage’s failure (−9) effect ◊ How could I get you to… ?
◊ The Illusion tears around or for the character
◊ Shift the character in time or space

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