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Articles On Refugees

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ILI : Indian Law Institute Library, New Delhi

ISIL : Indian Society of International Law Library, New Delhi
NHRC: National Human Rights Commission Library, New Delhi
SCJL : Supreme Court Judges Library, New Delhi

ABVYA, Edwin O: Revisiting liberalism and post – colonial theory in the

context of asylum applications. (Netherlands Quarterly of Human
Rights, Vol 24, No.2, June 2006, p 193) (NHRC)

ANANTHACHARI, T: Refugees in India: Legal framework, law

enforcement and security. (ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian
and Refugee Law, Vol 1, 2001, p 118-143) (ISIL)

BARNES, Richard: Refugees law at sea. (International & Comparative

Law Quarterly, Vol 53, Part 1, Jan 2004, p 47) (SCJL)

BATCHELOR, Carol A: Statelesness and the problem of resolving

nationality status. (International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol 10, 1998, p
156-183) (ISIL)

BHALLA, HariJyot Singh & SHIVA, Sumedha: Need for national

legislation on refugees: Some issues. (Delhi Law Review, Vol 24, 2002,
p 227) (SCJL)

CARBONNIER, GILLES: Corporate responsibility and humanitarian

action: What relations between the business and humanitarian Worlds?
(International Review of the Red Cross, Vol 83, 2001, No. 844, p 947-
968) (ISIL)

CARE, Geoffrey: Judiciary, state and the refugee: Evolution of judicial

protection in asylum, a UK perspective. (Fordham International Law
Journal, Vol 28, No. 5, 2005, p 1421) (ISIL)
CARE, Geoffrey: Persecution and common characteristics: A refugee
problem in particular social group. (ISIL Yearbook of International
Humanitarian and Refugee, Vol 6, 2006, p 265)

CHETTY, A Lakshmana: Resolution of the problem of boat people: The

case for a global initiative. (ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian
and Refugee Law, Vol 1, 2001, p 144-163) (ISIL)

CHHANGANI, R C: Rights of refugees under Nigerian law. (Journal of

Constitutional & Parliamentary Studies, Vol 30, No.1-2, Jan – June
1996, p 43) (NHRC)

CONROY, Melanie A.: Refugees themselves: The asylum case for

parents of children at risk of female genital mutilation. (Harvard Human
Rights Journal, Vol 22, 2009, p 109) (NHRC)

COUPLAND, Robin: Humanity : What is it and how does it influence

International Law.(International Review of the Red Cross, Vol 83, 2001,
No. 844, p 969-989) (ISIL)

DAS, Bharat B: A refugee problem – humanitarian approach. (ISIL

Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 5, 2005,
p 193) (ISIL)

DEOSTHALE, J K: Human rights, humanitarian law and armed forces-

problems and challenges ahead. (Journal of the Institute of Human
Rights, Vol 5, 2002, No. 1, p 79-93) (NHRC)

DHAWAN, Rajeev: Refugee in India. (Hindu, Jun 28, 2003)

DUFFY, P J: Article 3 of the European convention on human rights.

(International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol 32, 1998, p 316-346)

FELLER, Erika: International refugee protection 50 year on: The

protection challenges of the past, present and future. (International
Review of the Red Cross, Vol 83, No. 843, 2001, p 581-606) (ISIL)

FITZPATRICK, Joan: Temporary protection of refugees: Elements of a

formalized regime. (American Journal of International Law, Vol 94,
No.2, April 2000, p 279) (SCJL)
FOSTER, Michelle: Protection elsewhere: Legal implication of requiring
refugees to seek protection. (Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol
28, No. 2, 2007, p 223) (ISIL)

GILBERT, Geoff: Protection of refugees in international law post,

September 11, 2001. (ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and
Refugee Law, Vol 6, 2006, p 389) (ISIL)

GORIS, Indira & HARRINGTON, Julia: Statelessness: What it is and

why it matters. (Forced Migration Review, April 2009, p 4) (NHRC)

GORLICK, Brian: Who needs and deserves protection? Applicability of

the exclusion clauses in international refugee law. (Indian Journal of
International Law, Vol 37, No.4, Oct – Dec 1997, p 677) (SCJL)

HADMARKER, Jeff: Advocating accountability: The reforming of a

refugee rights discourse in South Africa. (Netherlands Quarterly of
Human Rights, Vol 25, No.1, March 2007, p 53) (NHRC)

HARRELL-BOND, Barbara: Can humanitarian work with refugees be

humane. (Crime in India, Vol 24, No.1, Feb 2002, p 51) (SCJL)

HARVEY, Colin & BARNIDGE, Robert P: Human rights, free

movement and the right to leave in international law. (International
Journal of Refugee Law, Vol 19, 2007, p 1) (ISIL)

HATHAWAY, James C. & HARVEY, Colin J: Framing refugee

protection in the New World disorder. (Cornell International Law Journal,
Vol 34, No. 2, 2001, p 257-320) (ILI)

HELTON, Arthur C.: Protecting the world’s exiles: The Human Rights of
non-citizen. (Human Rights Quarterly, Vol 22, No.1, Feb 2000, p 280)

HELTON, Arthur C: Rescuing the refugees. (Foreign Affairs, Vol 82,

No.2, p 71) (ILI)

HUMANITARIAN REFORM: Fulfilling its promise? (Forced Migration,

No.29, Dec 2007, p 4) (NHRC)
INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN law: An Indo-Asian perspective.
(International Review of the Red Cross, Vol 83, 2000, p 59-76) (ISIL)

JAEGER, Gilbert: On the history of International Protection of refugees.

(International Review of Red Cross, Vol 83, No.843, 2001, p 727-736)

JHA, U C: Refugees right to work: An Indian perspective. (ISIL

Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 3, 2003,
p 194)

KADAM, Umesh: Promoting humanitarian law at the national level:

Usefulness of national bodies. (ISIL Yearbook of International
Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 1, 2001, p 36-46) (ISIL)

KADAM, Umesh: Recent developments in of violations of international

human rights and humanitarian law. (Journal of the Institute of Human
Rights, Vol 6, No. 1, 2003, p 14-25) (NHRC)

KATJU, Markandey: India’s perception of refugee law. (ISIL Yearbook

of International Humanitarian and Refugee, Vol 1, 2001, p 251)

KELLEY, Ninetle: International refugee protection, challenges and

opportunities. (International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol 19, No. 3,
2007, p 401) (ISIL)

KJAERUM, Morten: Refugee protection between state interests and

human rights: Where is Europe heading? (Crime in India, Vol 24, No.2,
May 2002, p 513) (SCJL)

KOLB, Robert: The relationship between international humanitarian law

and human rights law – A brief history of the 1948 Universal Declaration
of Human Rights and the 1949 Geneva Conventions. (International
Review of the Red Cross, No. 324, 1998, p 409-20) (ISIL)

KUMAR, S Y Surendra: Afghan refugee post 9/11: Dilemmas and

prospects. (ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee,
Vol 4, 2004, p79)

LAENKHALM, Christer: Resettlement for Butanes refugees. (Forced

Migration, Vol 29, Dec 2007, p 59) (NHRC)
LAMBERT, Helene: Asylum qualification directive, its impact on the
jurisprudence of the United Kingdom and international law.
(International & Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol 55, Part 1, Jan 2006, p
161) (SCJL)

LEE, Lay Tang: Denationalization and statelessness in modern world.

(ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee, Vol 6, 2006,
p 19)

LEE, Lay Tang: Refugees from Bhutan: Nationality, Statlesness and

the right to return. (International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol 10, 1998,
p 118-153) (ISIL)

LIM-KABAA, Wei Meng: Migratory movement and refugee protection in

South Asia. (ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee
Law, Vol 2, 2002, p 58) (ISIL)

LONG DE, D. Cornelis: The legal framework: The Convention relating

to the status of refugees and the development of law half a century
later. (International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol 10, 1998, p 688-699)

LOPER, A: Montagnard asylum seekers: Importance of protecting the

human rights of refugees. (ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian
and Refugee Law, Vol 3, 2003, p 135)

MAJUMDER, Sumita Das: Refugee management in India: Policy

introspection. (ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and
Refugee, Vol 5, 2005, p142)

MANI, V S: International humanitarian law: Challenges in the twenty first

century. (ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee, Vol
4, 2004, p 1)

MANI, V S: The International Court and the humanitarian law of armed

conflict. (Indian Journal of International Law, Vol 39, 1999, p 32-46)

MANOHAR, Sujata V: An Indian perception of international

humanitarian law and refugee law. (ISIL Yearbook of International
Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 2, 2002, p 1-6) (ISIL)

MAYILVAGANAN, M: Sri Lankan refugees in India. (ISIL Yearbook of

International Humanitarian and Refugee, Vol 5, 2005, p 262)

MCNAMARA, Dennis: Protecting refugees: A challenge of International

Law. (Law & Justice, Vol 4 – 7, 1997, p 109) (SCJL)

MODEL NATIONAL law on refugees. (ISIL Yearbook of International

Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 1, 2001, p 295) (ISIL)

MUDDARAJU, N & Ramesh: Creating space for refugees in India.

(Karnataka Law Journal, Vol 2, Part 5, March 2009 p 8) (SCJL)

NARIMAN, Fali S: Refugee protection. (ISIL Yearbook of International

Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 2, 2002, p 7) (ISIL)

NEW DELHI WORKSHOP on international refugee law. (Indian Journal

of International Law, Vol 39, No.1, Jan – March 1999, p 1) (SCJL)

NIRMAL, B C: Refugees and human rights. (ISIL Yearbook of

International Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 1, 2001, p 94-117)

NIRMAL, B C: Some aspects of the right to leave, right to return and the
question of the right to remain with special reference to Indian law and
practice. (ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee
Law, Vol 7, 2007, p 229)

O’DONNELL, Daniel: Trends in the application of International

humanitarian law by United Nations Human Rights mechanisms.
(International Review of the Red Cross, No. 324, 1998, p 481-504)

OYELADE, O S: A critique of rights of refugees under the OAU

convention governing specific aspects of refugees problem in Africa.
(ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee, Vol 6, 2006
p 201)

PARIKH, Sanjay: Refugees in international and national frame work.

(ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 1,
2001, p 263) (ISIL)
PIOTROWICZ, R: International focus: Dual nationality and refugee
status. (Australian Law Journal, Vol 71, No.8, Aug 1997, p 590) (SCJL)

PIOTROWICZ, Ryszrd & ECK, Carina Van: Subsidiary protection and

primary rights. (International & Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol 53, Part
1, p 107) (SCJL)

PRADHAN, H N: Human rights and refugees. (Supreme Court Journal,

Vol 8, Part 46, Nov 2006, p 25) (SCJL)

RAJ, Sushil: The gender element in international refugee law: Its

impact on agency programming and the North-South debate. (ISIL
Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 1, 2001,
p 164-182) (ISIL)

RAMASUBRAMANIAN, R & SASTRY, T S N: Policy perspective of

UNCHR in protecting the rights of refugees children. (ISIL Yearbook of
International Humanitarian and Refugee, Vol 5, 2005, p 118)

RAMJI, Jaya: Legislating away international law: The refugee

provisions of the illegal immigration reform and immigrant responsibility
act. (Stanford Journal of International Law, Vol 37, No. 1, 2001, p 117-
162) (ILI)

RANI, Shobha: The problem of refugees in India and international

response. (Andhra Weekly Reporter, Vol 2, Part 24&25, Dec 2007, p 7)

RAO, Y Baskar: Refugee law vis-à-vis international humanitarian law.

(ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 5,
2005, p 215)

REINISCH, August: Developing human rights and humanitarian law

accountability of the Security Council for the imposition of economic
sanctions. (American Journal of International Law, Vol 95, No. 4, 2001,
p 851-872) (ISIL)

RIZVI, Sumbul: International dimension of refugee law. (ISIL Yearbook

of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 5, 2005, p 103)
RIZVI, Sumbul: Refugees as human dimension of national security.
(ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 3,
2003, p106)

ROY, Sanjay K: Bangladeshi refugee in India: Statelessness,

rehabilitation and citizenship. (ISIL Yearbook of International
Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 2, 2002, p 207) (ISIL)

SAHA, K C: Legal status of asylum seekers in India: A study of selected

cases. (ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law,
Vol 2, 2002, p 190) (ISIL)

SAMADDAR, Ranbir: Institutional requirement on protection and care

of the victims of forced migration in South Asia. (ISIL Yearbook of
International Humanitarian and Refugee Law, Vol 2, 2002, p 74-87)

SAXENA, J N: Environmental degradation and refugees. (Indian

Journal of International Law, Vol 36, No.2, April – June 1996, p 72)

SEMINAR OF UNHCR & Madras Bars Association on international law

on refugees. (Law Weekly, Vol 1, Part 6, 1999, p JS45) (SCJL)

SEN, Sumit: Exiled at home: The International regime of internal

displacement. (Indian Journal of International Law, Vol 38, No.2, April –
June 1998, p 182) (SCJL)

SEXENA, PHABODH: Creating legal space for refugees in India:

Milestones crossed and the road map for the future. (International
Journal of Refugee Law, Vol 19, No 2, 2007, p 246) (ISIL)

SHASTHRI, V Seshaian: Application of international human rights

principles and standards for effective refugee protection. (ISIL Yearbook
of International Humanitarian and Refugee, Vol 5, 2005, p 174)

SINHA, Manoj Kumar: Crisis in Darfur: International response. (Indian

Journal of International Law, Vol 45, No. 3, 2005, p 389)

SINHA, Manoj Kumar: Regional approaches to refugees: The

European context. (ISIL Yearbook of International Humanitarian and
Refugee Law, Vol 7, 2007, p 188)

SMITH, MERRILL: Development without refugee rights? A civil society

response. (Fordham International Law Journal, Vol 28, 2005, p 1479)

SMITH, Peter Magalister: Refugees and displaced persons in a

troubled world: Human needs human rights and the role of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). (Indian Journal of
International Law, Vol 37, No.4, Oct – Dec 1997, p 633) (SCJL)

SUBRAMANYA, N: Refugees and human rights-an overview. (Journal

of the Institute of Human Rights, Vol 6, No.1, 2003, p 37-53) (NHRC)

Sushil Raj: Gender element in international refugee law. (ISIL

Yearbook of International Humanitarian and Refugee, Vol1, 2001, p

WALLAGE, R M M: Making the refugee convention gender sensitive:

The Canadian guidelines. (International & Comparative Law Quarterly,
Vol 45, Part 3, July 1996, p 702) (SCJL)

WANI, M Afzal: Refugee crisis and the universal human rights

instruments: An overview of fifty years developments. (Journal of Indian
Law Institute, Vol 41, NO.2, April – June 1999 p 201) (SCJL)

WEISSBRODT, David & COLLINS, Clay: Human Rights of stateless

persons. (Human Rights Quaterly, Vol 28, No.1, Feb 2006, p 245)

ZARD, Monette: Exclusion, Terrorism and the refugee convention,

(Forced Migration Review, No. 13, June 2002, p 32-34) (ISIL)

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