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Mayors of Cebu

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MAYORS OF CEBU CITY  A coalitionist for

assemblyman in the fourth

district of Cebu.

I. Alfredo V. Jacinto (1937-1938,

inaugural mayor)
III. Jose Delgado (1940-1942)
 the duly appointed and acting
Commissioner of Customs of  Delgado is the first official
the Port of Manila (1954) who became Cebu City Mayor
(1940 to 1942) and Cebu
Governor (1943 to 1944.)
 He received "Kigen Setsu" the
Japanese National
Foundation Day on February
1, 1944 as the highest official
of Cebu at that time.

II. Don Vicente Rama (1938-1940)

 Was elected representative

from the third district of Cebu
to the Philippine Legislature
for three consecutive terms
from 1922 to 1925, 1925 to
1928 and from 1934 to 1935.
IV. Juan Cerilles Zamora (1942-
 He was one of the first set of and at the Base Hospital in
councilors in the City of Cebu Dumanjug, Cebu, then
from 1937 to 1941. appointed later as Assistant
 Juan was part of those called Civil Affairs Officer of the said
the "Wise Men" during World unit
War II as their opinions were
given weight by the Japanese
Imperial Army and the Filipino

VI. Nicolas Gandionco Escario


 Mayor of Cebu City during the

post-war era by the late
V. Leandro Tojong (1945)
President Sergio Osmeña, Sr.
 Was the first City Mayor of  Former Provincial Board
Cebu to be appointed during Member of Cebu
the Post-Liberation Period by  Former 7th District
then President Sergio Congressman of Cebiu
Osmeña.  Through Fidel Dagani,
 A patriot of Cebu, he served Amando Alcordo and Jose
in the resistance movement Cavan - all US trained
during World War II and was engineers, Dr. Nicolas Escario
commissioned with the rank of established the Cebu Institute
Captain of Technology in 1946 as the
 Being a doctor he was first engineering and
assigned at the Base Hospital technological school in the
in Bolok-Bolok, Barili, Cebu south. He is the founder and
1st President of Cebu Institute
of Technology University

IX. Miguel Raffinan (1947-1951)

 Builder of the Cebu City Hall (

VII/XI. Vicente S. Del Rosario Post War). There was a
(1946-1947, 1953) prewar city hall building, the
newly renovated city hall
 The son of revolutionary hero,
undertaken by Mayor Tomas
Pantaleon del Rosario
Osmeña was built by Mayor
 He defended the validity of
City Ordinance No. 43,
enacted in 1947 imposing
fees on tickets on theaters.
 Was one of those who led the
people of Barili in fighting the

VIII. Luis Espina (1947) Japanese army that occupied

 He was also the 6th Municipal
 Had the historic three minute
President/Mayor in the City of
conversation with President
Mandaue (1908–1909)
Elpidio Quirino via telephone
radio from Manila to Cebu,
joining him was Don Sergio
Osmeña Sr., former president.
the provincial lot to Tirso
 On the afternoon of April 18,
1952, when Elizalde was
Mayor that Cebu City was hit
by a big fire that left 10,000
victims and P8 million
X. Pedro Elizalde (1951-1952)

 He was the 3rd to the last

appointed Cebu City Mayor
before the Cebu City Charter
was amended by Republic Act
1233 making the Mayor and
Vice Mayor elective.
 He was the youngest
Provincial Treasurer XII. Jose V. Rodriguez (1953-1955)
appointed at that time at the
 A doctor of medicine and a
age of 21.
congressman of the old 7th
 Exonerated by President
district of Cebu before World
Elpidio Quirino on December
War II dismissed Ahmed
29, 1953 on graft charges
Alcamel Abella, a police
relating to his being the
detective when he served as
Provincial Treasurer of Cebu,
city mayor in 1952.
on the payment of road and
bridges, misuse of public
funds and electioneering in
payment of public works
laborers and lastly the misuse
of the proceeds of the sale of
System which extends
towards Lahug;
o 4. The asphalting of
Lorega Street and
many other streets in
city and the
construction of the
footbridge at the back
XIII. Pedro Clavano (1955)
of Zapatera Elementary
 He was Acting Mayor of Cebu School near the old
City in 1955, appointed by railway tracks;
then President Ramon o 5. The construction of
Magsaysay. Liberty Wells at
 As public servant, he was Talamban, Banilad,
responsible for the following Tisa, and Pardo,
projects:  an AWARD OF MERIT from
o 1. The construction of the City Hall Press Club and
barrio feeder roads in the City Legislative Press
Napo- Guadalupe and Association during his term as
Talamban- Budlaan; City Councilor.
o 2. Securing P100,000
from then President
Magsaysay for a
contingent fund to
the fire victims of the
Ramos conflagration in
o 3. The development
and construction of XIV/XVI/XIX/XXI. Sergio "Serging"
the Busay Water Chiong Veloso Osmeña Jr. (1956-
1957, 1960, 1964-1965, 1968-1972)
 In 1951, he was elected becoming a judge of the Court
provincial governor of Cebu of First Instance, Ramon was
and Cebu City mayor for 3 also a Law professor at the
terms- 1955, 1959 and 1963. University of the Visayas and
Elected as congressman for the University of Southern
the second district of Cebu in Philippines.
1958, his notable work as
fiscalizer brought him
recognition from the
Congressional Press Club
which voted him as one of the
Ten Most Outstanding
Congressmen of 1959. In
November 1965 elections, he
won as Senator of the XVII/XX. Carlos J. Cuizon (1960-
Philippines. 1963, 1965-1967)

 Cuizon was a lawyer and

became city fiscal during the
Japanese Occupation, he was
then elected city councilor for
three consecutive terms
 Technical Adviser of the
Office of the Mayor, during the
administration of Mayor
XV. Ramon Gonzales Duterte
Florentino Solon and then
Mayor Ronald R. Duterte.
 Also known as "Lolo Banawa"  He was appointed mayor by
 Ramon Duterte is a Filipino President Ferdinand Marcos
lawyer and politician who during Martial Law.
served as vice-mayor and  A few years before his death,
mayor of Cebu. Aside from he was Dean of the College of
Law of the University of
Southern Philippines.

XXIII/XXV. Eulogio Enriquez

Borres (1968-1971, 1972-1978)

XVIII. Mario Diez Ortiz (September  Became acting mayor of Cebu

18, 1963-December 31, 1963) City when Mayor Sergio
"Serging" Chiong Veloso Jr.
 a young man who was jailed
vacated his office to seek for
by the Japanese in 1941 for
a national position in 1968.
aiding Filipino guerillas, spent
five months under starvation
conditions in the former Cebu
provincial jail.
 Ortiz was elected councilor in
1960 with the highest number
of votes. In 1963, he
advanced to acting vice
mayor and then briefly served
XXIV. Florencio S. Urot (September
as mayor of Cebu city from
13, 1971-December 31, 1971)
September to December r
during a gap period of Mayor  He was among the illustrious
Serging Osmena. sons of Cebu, a law professor
 Ortiz was appointed to the and practitioner, who had
Commission on Elections in distinguished himself for
July 30, 1985. having served the city
government as councilor for
35 uninterrupted years since  Named Most Outstanding
his election in 1940. Physician, Cebu Medical
 Years later, the Cebu City Society, (1961-1962)
council established a city high  Most Outstanding Filipino
school in the Mabolo District Physician, Philippine Medical
and named it as "Hon. F.S. Association (1978)
Urot High School." After 2
decades later it renamed the
school as Mabolo National
High School.

XXVII. Ronald Regis Duterte (1983-


 Ronald Regis Duterte

(became a lawyer on March 2,
XXVI. Florentino S. Solon (1978-
1956 and born on January 15,
1934), was no ordinary
 (1956-1961) Municipal health lawyer.
officer, Department Health  He was a doctor of Laws, and
Cebu City, Philippines became Cebu City mayor in
 (1974) executive, director 1983, succeeding Dr.
National Nutrition Council Florentino Solon (born on
 And president, and executive September 17, 1931) who
director Nutrition Center resigned to become director
Philippines of the Nutrition Center of the
 Deputy Minister Health, Philippines.
Manila (1983-1986)  Mayor Ronald Duterte
became president of the
University of Southern
Philippines and served as
dean of its College of Law.

XXIX. Jose Veloso Cuenco (May

19, 1987-November 27, 1987)

 Cuenco succeeded OIC

XXVII. John Henry Osmeña (1986- Mayor John “Sonny” Henry R.
1987) Osmeña, after the latter
resigned to run for the Senate
 Also known as Sonny
in 1987.
Osmeña or simply John
 Cuenco is the son of Dr.
Osmeña, is the grandson of
Manuel Cuenco, the post-war
Philippine President Sergio
governor of Cebu.
Osmeña. He served as
 Jose was fondly called by his
Senator of the Philippines
nickname “Boy” and was also
from 1971 to 1972, 1987 to
a Cebu City Councilor before
1995, and 1998 to 2004.
the EDSA People Power
 Osmeña is the incumbent
revolt in 1986.
Mayor of the City of Toledo,
Cebu as of 2013.
 In 1970, he was named as
one of the Ten Outstanding
Young Men of the Philippines.
 He was also responsible for
the creation of the
Department of Energy (DOE)
the former Philippine
President Sergio Osmeña.
 In 1990, he was elected as
the National Executive Vice-
President of the League of
City Mayors of the Philippines.
On that same year, he was
chosen as one of the Ten
XXX. Antonio R. Veloso (November
Outstanding Young Mayors in
27, 1987-February 2, 1988)
the Philippines.


XXXII. Alvin Biano Garcia (1995-
Rama Osmeña (1988-1995, 2001-
2010, 2016-present)
 MAYOR- Cebu City 1995-
 is a Filipino politician who
2001 VICE MAYOR- Cebu
served as Congressman for
City 1988-1995 PRESIDENT-
the second district of Cebu
Vice Mayors League of the
City from 2010 to 2013. Prior
Philippines 1992-1995
to his congressional term, he
 During his term as Mayor of
has also served as mayor of
Cebu he positioned Cebu to
Cebu City from 1988 to 1995,
be the IT capital of the
2001 to 2010, and 2016 to the
present. He is the grandson of
 Father of Socialized Housing
in Cebu City
XXXIV. Michael Lopez Rama

 is a Filipino politician in the

Philippines who had served
as mayor of Cebu City from
June 30, 2010 until his
suspension on May 17, 2016.
Prior to his mayoral term, he
has also served as vice mayor
of Cebu City from 2001 to
2010. He won the mayoral
elections in Cebu City twice,
but was defeated by Tommy
Osmeña on his third attempt.

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