Ortho Report
Ortho Report
Ortho Report
3nu01 - Gro 1
Aga , Ban o , Ba t a, Buy & Cal o g
● AKA Thromboangiitis Obliterans, is
a recurring inflammation of the
small and medium sized arteries
and veins of the upper and lower
● Blood vessels become inflamed,
swell, and can become blocked with
blood clots (thrombi).
● This eventually damages or
destroys skin tissues and may lead
to infection and gangrene.
● Common in men between 20-35 y/o.
❏ Unknown
❏ Heavy smoking or chewing
of tobacco
❏ Genetics
❏ Autoimmune disorder
❖ Pain in the hands and feet or legs
and arms, which may come and go
➢ can be caused by claudication
❖ Inflammation along a vein just below
the skin’s surface
❖ Fingers and toe that turn pale when
exposed to cold (Raynaud’s
❖ Painful open sores on fingers and
Signs and
Hypersensitivity Inflammation and
Tobacco use / reaction to vasoconstriction
lifestyle tobacco or of arteries and
autoimmune veins of
elements extremities
Amputation Gangrene Necrosis signs and
Diagnostic test
❏ No specific test to confirm the disease.
❏ However, there are tests to rule out
diseases similar to Buerger’s Disease
❏ Blood Tests: to rule out Lupus,
Diabetes, blood clotting disorders,
and other diseases.
❏ Angiogram: a special dye is injected
into the artery, after which the
patient undergoes a series of rapid
X-rays. The dye helps to delineate any
artery blockages that shows up on the
❏ Allen’s Test: checks the blood flow
through the arteries carrying blood to
your hands.
Nursing Managements
Strongly advise the patient to Ensure that the patient has the
completely stop using tobacco. knowledge and ability to assess
Implement a plan for the patient for any postoperative
to manage pain. complications such as infection
Encourage the patient to make and decreased blood flow.
lifestyle changes necessary to Administer antibiotics to treat
adequately manage the disease any infected ulcers.
including modifications in diet, Administer analgesics to manage
activity, and hygiene (skin the ischemic pain.
care). Teach patients to avoid trauma
Advise patient to avoid limb to the extremities.
exposure to cold temperature.
Medical managements
➢ Although there is no cure, the main
objectives are:
○ Improve circulation to the extremities,
○ Prevent the progression and,
○ Protect the extremities from trauma and
➢ Quit smoking; avoid nicotine replacement
➢ Sympathectomy: the surgical cutting of the
nerves to the affected area to control
severe pain and increase blood flow.
➢ Amputation: if gangrene occurs.
➢ Vasodilators are rarely prescribed.
Raynaud’s Disease, or Raynaud’s
Syndrome is a rare disorder of
the arteries, blood vessels
that carry blood from the heart
to various parts of the body
❏ Vessels experience vasospasms,
in which they narrow when you
are exposed to cold or are
feeling stressed
❏ Blood cannot reach the surface
of the skin, causing it to turn
white or blue.
Primary Raynaud's Disease:
(2) Classification:
all cases diagnosed occur in
women between 15 and 40 years
Secondary Raynaud's Disease:
Affected area is
Color change to Blood flow increase,
warm and
bright red high 02 supply
throbbing pain
The attacks can affect the fingers and toes, and rarely the nose,
ears, nipples, or lips. The affected body parts will usually have two
or more of the following changes:
➔ Look pale due to lack of
blood flow
➔ Look bluish due to a lack
of oxygen
➔ Feel numb, cold, or painful
➔ Redden and throb or tingle
as blood returns to the
affected area
Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) lab test
ANA are unusual antibodies,
detectable in the blood, that have
the capability of binding to certain
structures within the nucleus of the
Diagnostic test
faster-than-normal rate may signal
an inflammatory or autoimmune
Nailfold Capillaroscopy Test
A drop of oil is put on the nail
folds and then looked at under a
magnifying glass to see whether
Diagnostic test
there are changes in the capillaries
which are indicative of connective
tissue disease.
Cold Stimulation Test
A heat sensor is taped to your
fingers and the temperature is
recorded. Your hand is then immersed
in ice water for 20 seconds. Then it
is removed from the bath and the
Diagnostic test
temperature recorded every 5 minutes
until your finger temperature is the
same as it was before the bath.
Primary Raynaud's Disease:
➔ Periodic vasospastic attacks of
pallor (whiteness) or cyanosis Secondary Raynaud's Disease:
➔ Normal nailfold capillary ➔ Periodic vasospastic attacks of
pattern pallor (whiteness) and cyanosis
➔ Negative antinuclear antibody (blueness)
test (ANA)
➔ Abnormal nailfold capillary
➔ Normal erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR)
➔ Positive antinuclear antibody
➔ Absence of pitting scars or
test (ANA)
ulcers of the skin, or gangrene
➔ Abnormal erythrocyte
(tissue death) in the fingers
sedimentation rate (ESR)
or toes
➔ Presence of pitting scars or
ulcers of the skin or gangrene in
the fingers or toes
➔ Assist the client to identify
and avoid precipitating factors
such as cold.
➔ Instruct the client to wear warm
clothing, socks and gloves in
cold weather.
➔ Avoid repetitive hand movements
and stressful situations.
➔ Understand and cope with stress:
◆ Regular Exercise
◆ Yoga/Mediation
◆ Therapy/Counseling
➔ Quit smoking and avoids
secondary smoke as nicotine is
potent vasoconstrictor.
➔ Assist in alleviating some
distress from the condition.
Calcium channel blockers:
Drugs that relax and open small
blood vessels in your hands and
feet, stabilizing blood flow
Alpha blockers:
Act as antagonists to
norepinephrine, a
neurotransmitter that causes the
constriction of blood vessels
Relaxes blood the vessels (e.g.
nitroglycerin cream)
Nerve surgery:
Through small incisions in the affected
hands or feet, a doctor strips away these
tiny nerves around the blood vessels. The
surgery, called sympathectomy, may reduce
the frequency and duration of attacks.
Chemical injection:
Doctors can inject chemicals to block
sympathetic nerves in affected hands or
Sometimes, doctors need to remove tissue
damaged from a lack of blood supply. This
may include amputating a finger or toe
affected by Raynaud's in which the blood
supply has been completely blocked and the
tissue has developed gangrene.
Bone malignancies
3nu01 - Gro 1
Aga , Ban o , Ba t a, Buy & Cal o g
● The most common benign neoplasm
of the nose and paranasal
● A new piece of bone usually
growing on another piece of
bone, typically the skull.
● When the bone tumor grows on
other bone it is known as
"homoplastic osteoma"
● When it grows on other tissue
it is called "heteroplastic The prevalence of osteoma is
3% in general population.
·The osteoma is still
·The possibility of a
reactive mechanism,
triggered by Trauma
or Infection, has
also been suggested.
There is increase
Abnormal growth of cells
pressure within the Increased prostaglandin
in the cortex of bones
bones that stimulate E2 and COX 1 and 2.
that lead to forming of
This state-of-the-art,
minimally invasive approach allows
surgeons to access the tumor
NSAIDs, Aspirin through the natural corridor of
the nose, without making an open
incision. Surgeons then remove the
osteomas through the nose and
nasal cavities.
·Assesses the patient’s
understanding of the disease
process, how the patient and
the family have been coping,
and how the patient has Management
managed the pain.
• Periosteal (juxtacortical)
Low-Grade Osteosarcoma
• Slowest-growing osteosarcoma
• Looks like normal bone and
have few dividing cells
• Parosteal (juxtacortical
• Intramedullary or intraosseous
well differentiated (low-grade
Other high-grade osteosarcoma
• Pagetoid: a tumor that develops with
Paget disease of the bone
• Post-radiation: a tumor that starts in
a bone that had once been treated with
➔ Localized
- Resectable: all visible tumors can be
removed by surgery
- Unresectable (non-resectable): tumors
cannot be removed completely by surgery
➔ Metastatic
- spread to other parts of the body
- harder to treat
- improved cure rate if chemotherapy is
also given
Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) Staging
• Enneking System
- Grade (G):
a. Low-grade (G1): normal looking cells
b. High-grade (G2): abnormal looking
- Extent of Primary Tumor (T):
a. Intracompartmental (T1): remained
within the bone
b. Extracompartmental (T2): extended
beyond the bone
- Metastasized (M):
a. Not spread (M0)
b. Spread (M1)
Medical management
➔ Chemotherapy
- First treatment for this cancer
- Before (neoadjuvant) and after (adjuvant)
surgery up to 1 year
- Shrinks tumor to become resectable
➔ Surgery
- to remove the tumor or cancer
➔ Radiation Therapy
- High energy rays or particles that kill
cancer cells
- slow tumor growth and control symptoms like
pain and swelling
➔ Monitor for any signs of bleeding and febrile
episodes. Check lab findings.
➔ Inform parents to avoid exposure to people
with upper respiratory infection because
patients are more susceptible to infection.
➔ Maintain aseptic technique such as
➔ Provide comfort measures such as change of
position and use of heat or cold application
➔ Assess oral cavity for painful burning
sensation erythema ulcerations and difficulty
eating and drinking to provide information
about the effect of chemotherapy.
➔ Encourage avoidance of contact sports to
decrease chances of injury.
➔ Encourage diversional activities.
➔ Administer analgesics as
indicated to maximal dose as
➔ Encourage the client to increase
fluid intake.
➔ Encourage rest periods to prevent
➔ Assess muscle strength, gross and
fine motor coordination.
➔ Provide quiet environment and
calm activities to prevent or
lessen pain.
➔ Provide pillows for cushion and
The End!