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Identities at Work

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Technical and Vocational Education and Training:
Issues, Concerns and Prospects

Volume 5
Series Editors-in-Chief:
Dr. Rupert Maclean, UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and
Training, Bonn, Germany
Professor David N. Wilson, OISE, University of Toronto, Canada

Associate Editors:
Professor Felix Rauner, University of Bremen, Germany
Professor Karen Evans, Institute of Education, University of London, UK

Editorial Advisory Board:

Professor Munther Al-Masri, National Centre for Human Resource Development, Al Jubeiha, Jordan
Dr. David Atchoarena, Institut international de planification de l’edication (IIEP), Paris, France
Dr. András Benedek, Hungarian Ministry of Employment and Labour, Budapest, Hungary
Dr. Paul Benteler, Stahlwerke, Bremen, Germany
Mr. John Budu-Smith, formerly of Ministry of Education, Accra, Ghana
Professor Michel Carton, NORRAG c/o Institut Universitaire d’Etudes du Développement (IUED), Geneva,
Dr. Chris Chinien, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Dr. Claudio De Moura Castro, Faculdade Pitagoras, Horizonte/MG, Brazil
Dr. Lavinia Gasperini, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy
Dr. Peter Grootings, European Training Foundation (ETF), Torino, Italy
Professor Norton Grubb, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Dr. Dennis Herschbach, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
Dr. Oriol Homs, Fundació Centre d’Iniciatives i Recerques Europees a la Mediterrània, Barcelona, Spain
Professor Phillip Hughes, ANU Centre for UNESCO, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Professor Moo-sub Kang, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET), Seoul,
Dr. Wanjala B. Kerre, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya
Dr. Wilfried Kruse, Sozialforschungstelle, Dortmund, Germany
Professor Jon Lauglo, Senior Researcher at NIFU STEP, and NOVA, social research institutes, Oslo, Norway
Dr. Alexander Leibovich, Institute for Vocational Education and Training Development, Moscow, Russia
Professor Robert Lerman, Urban Institute, Washington D.C., USA
Mr Joshua Mallet, Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Vancouver, Canada
Dr. Phillip McKenzie, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), Camberwell, Victoria, Australia
Ms. Naing Yee Mar, GloCorp, The Netherlands
Dr. John Middleton, Academy for Educational Development, Washington D.C., USA
Dr. Mohan Perera, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris, France
Dr. Theo Raubsaet, Centre for Work, Training and Social Policy, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Mr. Trevor Riordan, International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva, Switzerland
Professor Chris Selby-Smith, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
Professor Barry Sheehan, Melbourne University, Parkville, Australia
Dr. Madhu Singh, UNESCO Institute of Education (UIE), Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Manfred Tessaring, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP),
Thessaloniki, Greece
Dr. Jandhyala Tilak, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi, India
Dr. Daniel Weinberg, Centro Interamericano de Investigación y Documentatión sobre Formación Profesional
(CINTERFOR), Montevideo, Uruguay
Professor Adrian Ziderman, Bar-llan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Identities at Work
Edited by

University of Warwick, UK

University of Bremen, Germany


University of Bremen, Germany
A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

ISBN-10 1-4020-4988-9 (HB)

ISBN-13 978-1-4020-4988-0 (HB)
ISBN-10 1-4020-4989-7 (e-book)
ISBN-13 978-1-4020-4989-7 (e-book)

Published by Springer,
P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands.


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The purpose of this Book Series is to meet the needs of those interested in an in-depth analysis of
current developments concerning various aspects of education for the world of work with partic-
ular reference to technical and vocational education and training. The Series examines areas that
are at the ‘cutting edge’ of the field and are innovative in nature. It presents best and innovative
practices, explores controversial topics and uses case studies as examples.
The audience for the Book Series includes policy-makers, practitioners, administrators, plan-
ners, researchers, teachers, teacher-educators, students and colleagues in other fields interested in
learning about TVET, in both developed and developing countries, countries in transition and
countries in a post-conflict situation.
The Series complements the International Handbook of Technical and Vocational Education
and Training, with the elaboration of specific topics, themes and case studies in greater breadth
and depth than is possible in the Handbook. The Book Series also augments the various other pub-
lications in the International Library of Technical and Vocational Education and Training.
Topics to be covered in the Series include: training for the informal economy in developing coun-
tries; education of adolescents and youth for academic and vocational work; financing education for
work; lifelong learning in the workplace; women and girls in technical and vocational education and
training; effectively harnessing ICT’s in support of TVET; planning of education systems to promote
education for the world of work; recognition, evaluation and assessment; education and training of
demobilized soldiers in post-conflict situations; TVET research; and school-to-work transition.
The Book Series Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and
Prospects, and other publications in the International Library of Technical and Vocational
Education and Training, are publications of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNESCO-UNEVOC) in Bonn, Germany.
Those interested in obtaining more information about the Book Series, or who wish to explore
the possibility of contributing a manuscript, should (in the first instance) contact the publishers.

Books published to date in the series:

1. Vocationalisation of Secondary Education Revisited
Edited by Jon Lauglo and Rupert Maclean
2. Meeting Basic Learning Needs in the Informal Sector:
Integrating Education and Training for Decent Work, Empowerment and Citizenship
Edited by Madhu Singh
3. Training for Work in the Informal Micro-Enterprise Sector:
Fresh Evidence from Sub-Sahara Africa
Hans Christiaan Haan
4. The Transformation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the Baltic States—
Survey of Reforms and Developments
Edited by Frank Bünning
5. Identities at Work
Edited by Alan Brown, Simone Kirpal and Felix Rauner


Work is a central feature in the life of most people. Not only does it
provide them with the means of survival in terms of food, shelter and
clothing, but for most the type of work undertaken gives purpose and
meaning to their life, and, if they are fortunate enough to be undertak-
ing work that they truly like, it is a major source of pleasure and satis-
faction in their life. Because of such matters, most of those who are
unemployed suffer from feelings of alienation, and a loss of self
esteem, work-related identify and status.
It is also no coincidence that when we meet someone for the first time
we are often keen to find out ‘what they do for a living’. This is because
to know a person’s occupation gives the inquisitive observer a great deal
of information about the person in question, such as their likely level of
income, educational attainment, standard of living, and the types of peo-
ple they associate with in both work and leisure time. This information
is also likely to provide an indication of their likely attitudes and values
regarding a wide range of social, political and economic issues. In other
words, a person’s work has a significant influence on their identify, both
as individuals and as members of social groups.
The relationship between an individual and their work is an interac-
tive one, in that while work helps define an individual’s identity, so an
individual’s identify impacts on and helps shape their work, and their
relationships with their employer, fellow employees, and the occupa-
tional group with which they work.
For many in the workplace, due to a shift from the Industrial Age to
the Information Age, and related matters such as globalisation, and the
greater mobility of employees across national and international
borders, individuals are increasingly working in rapidly changing envi-
ronments where they need to take on new areas of responsibility and
master increasingly complex work situations. The extent to which indi-
viduals and groups of employees are able to cope with, and adjust to,
such major change does not only rely on their commitment to, interest

viii Introduction by the Series Editors

and training for the job in question, but also upon their level of com-
mitment and identification with their employment. That is, it affects their
Identities at Work, which is the subject of this book.
In this age of increasing mobility of workers across national borders,
an individual’s ties and commitment to a particular employer or com-
pany tends to become weakened, as does the commitment of employers
to those they employ. The impact of globalisation, particularly the out-
sourcing of jobs, also affects these ties and commitment.
This volume examines the interdependence between employees’
identification with work and their work commitment. As such, it relates
to such important matters as an individuals’ commitment to their work
organisation and employer in terms of loyalty and motivation, which in
turn impacts on workforce stability and improved performance. It also
addresses how work identities are formed, learned and obtained.
A feature of this book, which contributes to its importance in the
field, is that it adopts a truly multi-disciplinary approach and interna-
tional perspective, drawing as it does on research insights offered by the
disciplines sociology and psychology, and on the literature relating to
organisational management and to vocational education and training.

Rupert Maclean,
Director of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre,
Bonn, Germany


David N. Wilson,
Professor Emeritus at OISE,
University of Toronto, Canada

Book Series Scope v

Introduction by the Series Editors vii
List of Figures and Tables xi
Contributors xv

Introduction and Overview 1

Alan Brown, Simone Kirpal and Felix Rauner

Part One Vocational Identity in Theory

and Empirical Research

1 Decomposing and Recomposing Occupational

Identities—A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 13
FAME Consortium
2 Tensions in the Vocational Identity of Danish Bankers 45
Morten Smistrup
3 The Role of Developing a Vocational Identity for Women—
The Example of Young Single German Mothers 69
Gwendolyn Paul and Uta Zybell
4 The ‘Double’ Vocational Identity of the Working
Population in the Greek Tourist Industry 91
Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis
5 Vocational Education and Training—A European Perspective 115
Felix Rauner

Part Two Work and Personal Identity

6 Career Changes and Identity Continuities—A Contradiction? 147

Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

x Table of Contents

7 Exercising Self Through Working Life: Learning,

Work and Identity 183
Stephen Billett
8 The Much Vaunted ‘Flexible Employee’—What Does
it Take? 211
Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown

Part Three Work and Commitment

9 The Dynamics Between Organisational Commitment

and Professional Identity Formation at Work 241
Yehuda Baruch and Aaron Cohen
10 Apprentices’ Experiences of Occupational and
Organisational Commitment: An Empirical
Investigation in a German Automobile Company 261
Bernd Haasler
11 The Individualisation of Identification with Work in
a European Perspective 285
Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown and M’Hamed Dif
12 Work Identity in the Japanese Context: Stereotype
and Reality 315
Akihiro Ishikawa

Part Four Modern Work and the Creation

of New Professional Identities

13 The Construction of a New Professional Self: A

Critical Reading of the Curricula for Nurses and
Computer Engineers in Norway 339
Monika Nerland and Karen Jensen
14 US Efforts to Create a New Professional Identity
for the Bioscience Industry 361
David Finegold and Robert Matousek

Concluding Chapter 391

Alan Brown and Simone Kirpal
Index 403


2.1 A diagrammatic representation of vocation 50

2.2 A diagrammatic representation of vocational identity 59
5.1 Development of the skilled labour segment
(Tessaring, 1994; Schüssler et al., 1999) 116
5.2 Alternative qualification scenarios for Europe 119
5.3 Youth unemployment at the transition stage from
vocational training to employment in EU member
states (Descy and Tessaring, 2001) 125
5.4 Productivity of apprentices relative to the productivity
of skilled workers 131
5.5 Models of apprenticeship training—classification
according to the extent of learning taking place in
practical work processes 132
5.6 OECD statistics on the proportion of university students 134
5.7 Attainment of work-readiness depending on the
training amount in qualifying work processes 138
5.8 Work ethic and professional ethic in two
Swiss enterprises 140
6.1 Example of communicative validation (category
locus of control) 157
6.2 Example of communicative validation for the
category self-esteem 158
9.1 A general model of the association between multiple
commitments, multiple identities, their antecedents
and their work outcomes 253
10.1 Motivation behind choice of occupation 264
10.2 Previous experience 266
10.3 Perception and expectations of vocational training 267

xii List of Figures and Tables

10.4 Image of the company I 268

10.5 Image of the company II 268
10.6 Initial experiences of vocational training I 270
10.7 Initial experiences of vocational training II 270
10.8 Career plans 271
10.9 Solution type of a manual unit production—
‘the craftsperson’ 275
10.10 Solution type mass production—‘the toolmaker’ 276
10.11 Overall categorisation and allocation of the
presented solutions 277
10.12 Results of additional questionnaire 278
14.1 Comparison of the increasing speed of decoding
of different organisms’ DNA with the advances
in computing captured Moore’s Law—that the
amount of information a chip can process will
double every 18 months 362
14.2 Number of US degree programs in bioinformatics 373


Anx1 Factors Affecting the Vocational Identity

of the Employees 107
6.1 Empirical studies on work and identity
discussed in this chapter 148
6.2 Psychological identity concepts discussed
in this chapter 152
6.3 Subcategories and examples of coding for high
biographical continuity 159
6.4 Subcategories and examples of coding for low
biographical continuity 160
6.5 Subcategories and examples of coding for high
ecological consistency 162
6.6 Subcategories and examples of coding for low
ecological consistency 163
6.7 Subcategories and examples of coding for internal
locus of control 164
6.8 Subcategories and examples of coding for interactionist
locus of control 164
List of Figures and Tables xiii

6.9 Subcategories and examples of coding for external

and fatalistic locus of control 166
9.1 Table overview of approaches to measure
organisational commitment 246
11.1 Sample composition 288
11.2 Patterns of employees’ adjustment to changing work
and skills demands 304
12.1 Work Centrality in percentages according to
MOW Research 1981–1983 (Misumi, 1987, p. 18) 318
12.2 Work Centrality presented in percentages from
Denki Rengo Research 1994/1996 and 1999–2001
(Denki Rengo, 1996, 2000) 319
12.3 Work Satisfaction presented in percentages from
Denki Rengo Research 1994/1996 and 1999–2001
(Denki Rengo, 1996, 2000) 321
12.4 Company Commitment in Denki Rengo
Research 1994/1996 and 1999–2001 in percentage
(Denki Rengo, 1996, 2000) 322
12.5 Work Centrality by different employee groups 325
12.6 Correlation of ‘work centrality’ with ‘meaning of
working’ (regression analysis) 326
12.7 Meaning of ‘working’ by job strata
(correlation coefficient) 327
12.8 Importance of different fields of life 329
12.9 Work satisfaction by size of enterprise 330
12.10 Company commitment by the size of enterprises 330
12.11 Trend of orientation in life 331
14.1 Biologists: work settings and job characteristics
1980–2005 (Leicht and Fennell, 2001; Bureau of
Labor Statistics, 2005) 371

Yehuda Baruch is Professor of Management at UEA Norwich, UK

and formerly a visiting Research Fellow at London Business School
and Visiting Professor at the University of Texas at Arlington, USA. His
research interests are careers, strategic and global human resource man-
agement and technology impact on management. He has published
numerous papers in refereed journals and has recently published a book
on ‘Managing Career: Theory and Practice’. He is also the editor of the
academic journal Career Development International and past chair for
the Careers Division of the Academy of Management.

Stephen Billett has worked as a vocational educator, educational

administrator, teacher educator, professional development practitioner
and policy developer within the Australian vocational education system
and more recently as a teacher and researcher at Griffith University,
Nathan, Australia. His research interests include the social and cultural
construction of vocational knowledge and learning in and through
working life. In addition, he has a broad interest in policy and practice
within adult and vocational education.

Alan Brown is a Professorial Fellow at the Institute for Employment

Research at the University of Warwick, UK. He is also Associate
Director of the UK’s Teaching and Learning Research Programme
(TLRP) with responsibility for workplace learning, professional learn-
ing and links with other international and national programmes with a
focus on knowledge and learning. He has been centrally involved in a
number of national and European research and development projects,
concerned with the use of ICT to enhance learning, work-based learn-
ing, career development and skill formation.

Aaron Cohen is Associate Professor at the Department of Political

Science, University of Haifa, Israel. He received his Ph.D. in

xvi Contributors

Management at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and taught

three years at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. His current
research interests include commitment in the workplace, organisational
citizenship behaviour (OCB) and cross-cultural research. His most
recent work has been published in journals of management, vocational
and organisational behaviour, human resource management and human

M’Hamed Dif is an Associate Senior Researcher at BETA/Céreq

Alsace (University Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg, France) working on
various multidisciplinary (regional, national and European) research
programmes as an expert in vocational education and training and
human resource management. He is a member of VETNET Board and
reviewer for the European Conference on Educational Research
(ECER/EERA) and has been involved in various European research
projects on learning, skill formation and career development. He also
worked outside of France and Europe for 12 years as an Associate
Professor, Consultant and Project Manager.

David Finegold is Professor of Strategy and Organisation at the Keck

Graduate Institute (KGI) of Applied Life Sciences in Claremont,
California, and is leading the development of KGI’s strategy, manage-
ment and ethics curriculum. He is the author of numerous journal articles
and book chapters and has recently written a book on ‘BioIndustry
Ethics’ (Academic Press, 2005). He consults and provides executive edu-
cation and coaching to public and private sector organisations on issues
about designing effective organisations. His current research includes:
models of ethical decision-making in bioscience firms, business models
of Asian bioscience companies, international comparisons of successful
life science businesses and elements of effective corporate governance.

Gudela Grote is Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at the

ETH Zurich, Switzerland. In her research she focuses on psychologically-
based concepts and methods for integrative job and organisational design
under conditions of changing technological, economic and societal
demands and opportunities with a special interest in the increasing flexi-
bility and virtuality of work and the consequences for the individual and
organisational management of uncertainty. Application fields of her
research are the design of high-risk work systems, intra- and inter-organi-
sational planning, support for individual employability and learning and
cooperation in distributed teams.
Contributors xvii

Bernd Haasler is Assistant Professor at the Institute Technology and

Education (ITB), University of Bremen, Germany in the Department of
Work Processes and Vocational Training. His areas of teaching and
research centre around vocational education and training research with
a focus on vocational competence development, qualification research
and domain-specific expertise in technical work areas, predominantly
in metal work and engineering.

Akihiro Ishikawa is Professor of Sociology at Chuo University, Tokyo,

Japan. He has done extensive research on social change, labour rela-
tions and working life in an international comparative perspective. His
more recent studies concentrate on transforming processes at the inter-
mediate level of society in ex-socialist countries in particular.

Karen Jensen is Professor at the Institute for Educational Research,

University of Oslo, Norway. She has published widely on issues of pro-
fessional learning and moral motivation, especially related to health
care professions. She is currently scientific leader for the research proj-
ect ‘Professional Learning in a Changing Society’ financed by the
Research Council of Norway, a comparative study of four professional
groups that aims to develop theories of professional learning and iden-
tity formation in a direction that is sensitive to the shifts in knowledge
and culture characteristic of today’s society.

Simone Kirpal is a Junior Research Fellow at the Institute for

Empirical and Applied Sociology (EMPAS) and a researcher and lec-
turer at the Institute Technology and Education (ITB), University of
Bremen, Germany. She has been involved in several European research
projects dealing with skills formation and assessment, careers, work
orientations and employee commitment in an international comparative
perspective. Before joining the University of Bremen she worked as
Education Specialist for the Human Development Network of the
World Bank in Washington, DC.

Robert Matousek studied Science and Innovation Management and

Computer Science at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. His
main interests are innovations in the biosciences and informatics. He
was a visiting scholar at the Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life
Sciences in Claremont, California, where he studied the integration of
computers and biology using cross-functional teams under the supervi-
sion of David Finegold.
xviii Contributors

Monika Nerland is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Institute for

Educational Research, University of Oslo, Norway. Her research inter-
ests relate to institutional practices in professional education and work
as well as in the field of music education. Her doctoral dissertation
(2003) is a study of cultural practices in the education of professional
musicians. She is currently working on the research project
‘Professional Learning in a Changing Society’ financed by the
Research Council of Norway, which aims to develop theories on
professional learning and identity formation.

Nikitas Patiniotis is Professor of Sociology at the Panteion University

of Athens, Greece. His areas of research include education and its rela-
tion to employment, skills formation and qualification, educational pol-
icy and quality assessment of education and lifelong learning. He has
published several books and journal articles in Greek and foreign aca-
demic journals. He has also officially represented Greece at numerous
working groups of the European Commission and other international
bodies and has often served as head or member of the Board of
Directors of several Greek research institutions.

Gwendolyn Paul worked as a researcher at the Center for Research in

General and Vocational Education, Technical University of Darmstadt,
Germany in the pilot project JAMBA that supported the participation of
young single mothers in vocational training programmes. Currently, she
is a member of academic staff at a State Government Office
(‘Landesstelle’) dealing with the vocational socialisation and integration
of women and further vocational training in a European perspective.

Gerasimos Prodromitis is Assistant Professor of Experimental Social

Psychology at the Department of Psychology of Panteion University,
Athens, Greece. His current research interests focus on social influence
processes and the mechanisms of formation, diffusion, and transforma-
tion of social representations.

Sabine Raeder is a Senior Researcher in the Organisation, Work and

Technology Group at the ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Her current research
activities focus on the consequences of increasing work flexibility for
individuals and their employment relationships, particularly in relation
to psychological contracts and vocational identity. Her wider research
interests in organisational sciences encompass alternative and critical
approaches towards the organisation and organisational culture.
Contributors xix

Felix Rauner is Professor for Technical Vocational Education and

Training at the University of Bremen and founder of the Institute
Technology and Education (ITB), Germany’s largest independent
research institute in the field of vocational education. His domains of
expertise cover vocational qualification research, analysis and develop-
ment of vocational training systems, human resource development and
comparative perspectives on industrial cultures. He is member of sev-
eral expert committees for the German government and at European
level. He holds visiting professor status at the Tongji-University,
Shanghai, the Institute of Education in London and the University of

Morten Smistrup is Assistant Professor at the Department of

Educational Studies, Roskilde University, Denmark. While his earlier
studies focused on the interdependence between the vocational identity
and qualification demands among Danish bankers, his current research
interests are within the area of work-life learning and vocational educa-
tion and training. He is currently working on a research project dealing
with the transition from vocational training into gainful employment.

Uta Zybell is a researcher at the Center for Research in General and

Vocational Education, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
focusing on vocational education and gender studies. Based on her
involvement in the scientific monitoring of the pilot project JAMBA
(1998–2003), her doctoral dissertation (2003) is a study of the con-
flicting demands that young mothers experience who undergo a voca-
tional training programme and raise children at the same time.
Currently, she is providing scientific support to a project on career
paths support (‘BerufsWegeBegleitung’) that deals with the integration
of young people who have difficulties entering the job market.
Introduction and Overview

Alan Brown*, Simone Kirpal† and

Felix Rauner†
*University of Warwick, UK;

University of Bremen, Germany

This edited volume on Identities at Work brings together internation-

al theory and empirical research that deals with continuity and change in
identity formation processes at work in the context of changes in work-
ing processes and labour market requirements, one outcome of which
may lead to new forms of mobility and flexibility for both employers and
employees. By emphasising perspectives from sociology, psychology,
organisational management and vocational education and training the
different contributions connect the debates of human resources develop-
ment, skills formation and career development with those relating to
individual’s work commitment and vocational orientations. In this sense
this volume presents a new research area embedded in a wholly interdis-
ciplinary and international perspective.
Some modern work settings that make use of decentralised organisa-
tional structures based on flat hierarchies and team working also require
that employees at all skills levels are able to assume much broader respon-
sibilities, master complex work processes, work independently, take ini-
tiative and organise their own, partly self-directed, work-related learning.
Modern work processes in manufacturing and service organisations
increasingly rely upon responsible and competent employees who are
willing and able to engage both with the tasks that their job requires and in
learning and developing their skills. The degree to which employees are
successful in taking on new forms of responsibility and mastering com-
plex work situations is, however, not only dependent upon employees’
skills composition and how well they have been trained, it also relates
to the extent to which employees identify with what they do and their

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 1–10.
© 2007 Springer.
2 Alan Brown, Simone Kirpal and Felix Rauner

commitment to their work and performance of their tasks. Employee

responses to changing work processes are therefore not just a matter
of skill development, they essentially involve development in the forms
of identification, identity building and commitment that employees
experience while engaging with changing work processes and contexts.
Studies of management and behavioural sciences have long since con-
firmed the interdependence between employees’identification with work
and their work commitment. Organisational commitment in particular
has received considerable attention, as it is believed (and has been tested)
that individuals’ commitment towards their employing organisation
correlates with outcomes such as loyalty and motivation of employees,
workforce stability and improved performance. While these (predomi-
nantly quantitative) approaches tend to emphasise the organisational or
management perspective on enhancing workforce effectiveness, recent
studies stress that organisational commitment is essentially a dual trust-
based relationship that also requires commitment from the organisation
towards its employees. Under conditions of increased international com-
petition and pressures of rationalisation and economic constraints organ-
isations tend to undermine commitment to their employees resulting in
the psychological contract undergoing change and in some cases both
parties investing less in establishing forms of commitment and building
trust-based relationships.
Perspectives focused more on the employee have emphasised that indi-
viduals are challenged to develop and exhibit forms of commitment and
identification with work that do not just relate to the organisation. The
concept of multiple commitments shifts the focus beyond the organisation
to include other sources or dimensions of commitment and identification
such as work group, occupational specialisation, task performance or
the union, for example. This approach analytically differentiates between
organisational commitment, occupational commitment, job involvement,
work involvement and group commitment, or in more broader terms,
between workplace commitment relating to the direct work environment
such as the employing organisation, professional roles, colleagues and the
work team, and those commitments external to the immediate workplace
such as to the union, occupation, professional association or future career
prospects (for more on this see Baruch and Cohen in this volume). Such
research suggests that work outcomes can be better understood and
explained as a function of several forms of commitment in combination
rather than by just exploring one kind of commitment alone, and this has
meant that occupational commitment and job involvement in particular are
gaining renewed importance as foci for analysis.
Introduction and Overview 3

Studies on work identities connect occupational commitment, job

involvement and levels of tasks performance (work outcomes) to
employees’ vocational socialisation and skills development. From this
perspective, vocational socialisation and becoming skilled are the basis
for individuals identifying with their work and vocational roles and
developing work commitment and a professional ethic, which can con-
stitute the basis for effective and productive performance. In countries
where the tradition of vocational training and apprenticeship pro-
grammes is strong, becoming a member of a ‘community of practice’ is
closely linked to developing a vocational identity. Furthermore, devel-
oping an occupational commitment and high levels of identification with
work are believed to foster the integration of young people into society,
particularly of those who perform relatively poorly at school. Hence
developing an occupational identity is regarded as an important tool to
foster labour market integration and stabilise school-to-work transitions,
both at the first threshold (making the transition from general education
to vocational training) and the second threshold (making the transition
from training into gainful employment). That those processes are intrin-
sically linked and interdependent with the development of a person’s
overall identity is the focus of another strand of research in this area that
is strongly represented in this volume.
The latter approaches tend to underline a subjective-oriented per-
spective (hence, at least in this volume, qualitative methods predomi-
nate), which develops in the complex interplay between structure and
individual agency. Against the interdependence between developing
forms of identity at work and a personal identity these approaches
acknowledge that individuals’ patterns of identification and commit-
ment at work may vary in the intensity with which they are held and in
the significance individuals ascribe to them, and that if and how
employees identify with their work is dependent upon a variety of fac-
tors and conditions. As a pioneering work, this volume aims at investi-
gating in more detail some of those factors and conditions. At the same
time it seeks to provide a framework for presenting the factors that
influence the development of work identities in their full complexity
and to encourage and stimulate the creation of fruitful linkages as a
basis for further research.
Changes in work contexts, employment conditions and patterns of
work organisation affect individuals’ career orientations and in many
contexts patterns of commitment and identification with work are them-
selves undergoing significant change. At the same time the occupation
continues to remain a key factor in supporting work-related identity
4 Alan Brown, Simone Kirpal and Felix Rauner

development and work socialisation as well as often constituting a sig-

nificant element of a person’s more general social identity. Some com-
mentators express concerns that the increasing flexibility of skills, work
and employment may negatively affect employees’ work motivation,
learning aptitude and commitment and even carry the danger of having
disruptive effects on the development of an individual’s overall person-
ality. By investigating the role and meaning of identity formation
processes in different work contexts and under conditions of increasing
flexibility of work and employment, the contributions in this volume
provide theoretically and empirically grounded insights that provide
a significant contribution towards addressing this topic of wider social,
political and academic interest.
Changes in work contexts and patterns of employment may mean that
some employers and employees are more open to building in more flex-
ibility and independence in the organisation of work, but in other con-
texts there are dangers that these changes will lead to lower levels of
identification with the company, lack of work commitment and instabil-
ities for both the employer and the employees. In practice, the loosening
of the employer-employee contract may mean that risk management and
responsibility for individual development at work are largely transferred
from the company to the individual, requiring from the employees
a much higher level of self-initiative and individual agency in making
sure their skills and competences are valued in the labour market. While
empowered employees may benefit from this trend and may even assert
their flexibility and independence by taking their intelligence and know-
how with them upon leaving the company to enhance their career
chances, disempowered and less qualified employees on the periphery of
organisations will more likely tend to be over-challenged when dealing
with and adjusting to expectations of self-initiated learning and career
planning. The latter group bears a higher risk of long-term labour market
exclusion. At the same time some companies increasingly invest in
aligning and integrating corporate and individual goals and values for
those they consider their key employees, who in return are expected to
commit to and identify with the organisation.
Fostering the development of forms of identification with work can
help employees to overcome uncertainties in employment conditions and
instabilities at work. On the other hand, under the conditions of flexible
labour markets and organisational restructuring, strong work identities
and the persistence of previous forms of organisational commitment
may be a barrier to enhancing the mobility of the workforce and the
flexibility of economic processes. Thus in certain work contexts some
Introduction and Overview 5

employers and employees may consider strong work identities and occu-
pational attachments produce strong inter-firm demarcations and con-
fine employees to particular job positions in ways that may restrict the
competitiveness of companies. In such circumstances there may be ten-
sions between an employer’s desire for more flexibility and a wish that
employees had more adaptable forms of attachments and those employ-
ees who wish to retain former attachments and values.
Certainly, we can identify conflicting interests and a number of unan-
swered questions. Although the different book chapters do not address
all of the questions and issues raised, we hope that with this compilation
of results from theoretical and empirical research some of those issues
can be addressed and clarified. Most of all, however, we hope to have
contributed to a reinvigoration of the debate about the nature and devel-
opment of work-related identities and that discussions of these issues
will continue.
The volume is structured into four parts. The first part presents ideas
and concepts about work-related identities from different theoretical and
empirical perspectives, including mapping out different approaches
towards conceptualising vocational identities and investigating the mean-
ing these can have for particular societal or occupational groups. The
empirical studies, all of which present their own approach towards a the-
oretical foundation for the investigations undertaken, focus on bankers in
Denmark, young mothers entering training programmes in Germany,
tourism employees in Greece and skilled workers in Europe.
The FAME Consortium starts this section with an overview of how dif-
ferent national European research traditions connect theoretical concepts
of vocational identity formation with empirical research and related the-
oretical concepts and topics. It outlines how ‘identity’ is conceptualised
in psychology, psychoanalysis and sociology and delineates a new con-
ceptual framework for the analysis of vocational identity. Furthermore,
with examples drawn from Estonia, Greece and France it shows how the
debate on vocational identity has been anchored in different national,
empirically-based research traditions.
The presentation of three empirical studies follows this introductory
overview in part one. Combining quantitative and qualitative methods,
Morten Smistrup investigates the vocational identity of Danish bankers
and the role it used to play in the past and currently plays in processes of
becoming a committed bank employee. From the analysis of the banking
sector he delineates some general aspects of vocation and vocational
identity and the significance of these phenomena to society and the indi-
vidual. The vocation herein is conceptualised as a formative collective
6 Alan Brown, Simone Kirpal and Felix Rauner

organising principle as opposed to the self, which presents a subjective

organising perspective.
Based on a German pilot project with young mothers, Gwendolyn
Paul and Uta Zybell discuss the role of vocational training for an indi-
vidual’s vocational socialisation and the development of a vocational
identity. For teenage mothers who break with the regular structure of sta-
tus passages of German employees (i.e. general schooling, vocational
training, gainful employment and then starting a family) being able to
take part in a vocational training programme strongly confirms the value
of a person learning a trade, becoming skilled and being involved in
work contexts as a ‘gateway to the world’ and as an opportunity for soci-
etal participation. By following a considerable number of young mothers
during the course of their training, they forcefully show how integration
into and participation in work settings also influences the overall identity
of these mothers, hence underlining the interdependence between work
and family life in identity formation processes.
With a different focus Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis
introduce the issue of the ‘double’ vocational identity of self-employed
owners of small, often family-run, businesses that are to some extent
characteristic of people working on the margins of a number of sectors
in the economy. Based on an empirical investigation, they discuss the
situation of employees working in the Greek tourist industry and hypoth-
esise that self-employed owners in this sector in particular develop
a complex vocational identity that reflects responses to the demand for
more flexible work practices and the low recognition of formal qualifi-
cations and training related to the field. Employees working in this sec-
tor find themselves challenged to deal with multiple, and sometimes
ambiguous, vocational identities not only due to their position as being
self-employed, but also because of the unstable, seasonal and sometimes
precarious employment conditions, which are quite common across
Europe, but in southern and eastern European countries in particular.
From the policy debate about whether an occupationally structured or
a flexibility-based modular system of vocational training drives labour
markets more effectively, Felix Rauner explores and discusses the future
of vocational education and training systems in Europe and their role in
fostering or inhibiting the development of a vocational identity. In his
analysis vocational training systems in Europe can be structured accord-
ing to two qualification scenarios: first, education and training for and by
means of skilled work—the vocational education scenario, and second,
the accumulation of skills necessary for employment—the market-driven
employability scenario. He introduces a number of possible criteria that
Introduction and Overview 7

could support the assessment of vocational training systems in an inter-

national comparative perspective. One major finding in this comparative
approach is that skilled workers trained according to the first scenario
tend to develop a vocational identity in the course of their train-
ing process, which has the positive effect of strengthening employees’
performance orientation and quality awareness.
Part two brings together contributions that thematise the dynamics
between personal identity and work and employment, a strand of research
that has received major attention since the first empirical investigations of
industrial sociology and work psychology.The dominant theme here is how
individuals deal with the flexibility demands of some modern work settings
and manage to integrate diverse work experiences into a coherent self-image
to generate continuities in their personal identity and career narratives. All
three contributions take a subject-oriented approach by methodologically
addressing these issues with the help of qualitative studies that present indi-
vidual narratives from Switzerland,Australia, Germany and the UK.
Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote explore personal identity in the
context of work flexibility drawing on a psychological approach towards
identity. Based on an empirical study with individuals who experienced
career changes they conceptualise, according to Hausser’s identity
model, the dimensions biographical continuity and ecological consis-
tency as aspects of the self-concept, locus of control and self-esteem.
They conclude that their interview participants generally succeeded in
integrating career changes in their identity through emphasising biogra-
phical continuity and a high overall ecological consistency. They argue
that detailed analysis is necessary to capture the wide variety in individ-
ual biographies and personal identities and that in order to support per-
sonally valued vocational identities, individuals should be supported in
establishing an appropriate balance within their identity construction.
Stephen Billett also looks at how individuals construct continuity in
their lives under conditions of change that include re-directions in their
careers and employment, and connects his approach with investigating
individuals’ motivations to engage in lifelong learning. He proposes that
individuals’ sense of self shapes and is shaped by their participation and
learning throughout working life through a quest to become ‘them-
selves’ in the sense of creating a coherent self-image. In this process,
individuals’ agency and intentionality is likely to be directed by and
towards their sense of self, which also includes the negotiation of identity
as they engage in work. He concludes that in understanding the processes
of learning and the remaking of work practice this individual sense
of self needs acknowledging and to be accounted for, particularly in
8 Alan Brown, Simone Kirpal and Felix Rauner

policies and practices associated with lifelong learning and when it

comes to attempting to mobilise that learning.
What it takes for individuals to fulfil expected demands of becoming
a ‘flexible employee’ is explored by Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown on
the basis of three narratives. Some human resources departments and
managers increasingly favour multi-skilled, mobile and adaptable
employees who can potentially perform a variety of tasks as the ‘ideal
model’ against which they wish to recruit. While this may put great pres-
sure on some employees, others may regard themselves as actors who
actively try to use flexibility, mobility and learning as instruments to fos-
ter their broader vocational goals and career prospects. To what extent
this may conflict with or support the development of strong work identi-
ties and whether the increasing flexibility of skills, work and employ-
ment may negatively affect the development of forms of identification
with work and an individual’s overall personality is further explored.
The contributions to the third part of this volume connect vocational
and professional identity formation with theoretical and empirical
research on work and organisational commitment. The chapters pre-
sented in this section are either based on quantitative methods or larger
qualitative empirical investigations.
Yehuda Baruch and Aaron Cohen start this section with a theoretical
chapter introducing the concepts of organisational commitment and
professional identity as two major constructs in behavioural and man-
agement studies. They deduce an integrative conceptual framework to
clarify the association between organisational commitment and profes-
sional identity by relating those two constructs to each other, exploring
their multi-dimensional character and the multiple constituent compo-
nents of which they are comprised. By discussing the relevance and
implications of commitment and professional identity for the working
life of individuals, they hope to suggest a new perspective for further
studies into the combined effect of both constructs.
Based on an empirical investigation in the German automotive indus-
try Bernd Haasler explores young trainees’ experiences of occupational
and organisational commitment as they make their way through the
German apprenticeship system. During this period young people
typically are expected to meet various expectations of developing
attachments and forms of identification with the company and the occu-
pational field they train for at the same time as it is believed that the
direction these processes take during this formative period also
significantly influences the young people’s subsequent work-based
learning, competence development and career orientation. Although the
Introduction and Overview 9

German vocational training system in the first place aims to foster

apprentices’ vocational identity formation the results show that during
the first year of the training young people develop a much greater attach-
ment towards their employing organisation than to the vocational field
they are specialising in.
Looking at a broader European perspective, Simone Kirpal, Alan
Brown and M’Hamed Dif discuss how individuals’ attachments to more
classical forms of commitment and identification with work may con-
flict with new flexibility and learning demands. They observe a general
trend towards the ‘individualisation’ of employee commitment and work
identities, which challenge the individual to develop a proactive and
‘entrepreneurial’ work attitude based on multi-skilling and flexibility.
They argue that employees at the intermediate skills level in particular
may in many contexts be over-challenged to fulfil increased demands of
flexibility and continuous learning, because they may lack the necessary
resources, skills and capacities on the one hand, and, on the other hand,
are not sufficiently supported in their working environment to become
equipped to meeting changing work demands. Especially when consid-
ered from a perspective of potential labour market exclusion this is highly
problematic and may disadvantage a potentially high number of employees
in Europe.
Taking a different perspective and methodological approach Akihiro
Ishikawa challenges some contemporary stereotypes of Japanese workers
by means of cross-cultural comparative study as well as longitudinal analy-
ses. While Japanese workers are commonly assumed to develop their work
identity and commitment largely in relation to the organisation they work
for, his analyses reveal that attitudes of Japanese permanent full-time
employees are not so work centralised, work satisfied and company
dependent as compared to workers in other countries. The meaning of work
and working, however, differs considerably between different job strata
(i.e. between manual workers, administrative staff, supervisors and techni-
cal staff). The author regards the growing number of semi-unemployed
Japanese youth as one major reason for the declining work-oriented life
style in Japan.
Part four of this volume deals with how professional identities are
actively shaped through organisational and institutional mechanisms.
The two contributions present two case studies of how professional iden-
tities are institutionally being created or constructed as newly emerging
job profiles or work demands that require new forms of work identity,
for example, when professional tasks are being re-defined or require a
new skills background or composition.
10 Alan Brown, Simone Kirpal and Felix Rauner

Monika Nerland and Karen Jensen address the role that initial edu-
cation can play in constructing a new professional self. They analyse
curricular and policy documents in order to demonstrate how new kinds
of work identities are offered to students in Norway who want to
become nurses or computer engineers. These documents, which recently
have been newly adopted for both professional groups, also define,
implicitly or explicitly, emerging visions and expectations of the pro-
fessional self. Based on theoretical concepts introduced by Foucault the
authors discuss how the formulation of goals, activities and evaluation
procedures in the curricula impose new demands on the learning self as
they view the students as creators of knowledge, boundary crossers and
innovators of self and ethics.
The second case study, which David Finegold and Robert Matousek
present, focuses on the bioscience industry in the US. While historically
the diverse skills required in the sector were embodied in specialists
from different disciplines such as biology, chemistry and computer sci-
ence, who spoke different technical languages and had different
approaches to solving problems, major advances in biotechnology
require new types of professionals. The authors introduce two new types
of bioscience professionals who embody a new combination of skill mix:
computational biologists who are able to integrate programming skills
and biological knowledge, and bioscience business professionals who
can integrate science and business to help commercialise new products.
The authors discuss some of the key labour market, organisational and
individual-level factors related to the creation of new professional pro-
files and identities and identify processes that may also apply to similar
developments in other forms of complex knowledge work.
Part One

Vocational Identity in Theory

and Empirical Research

Decomposing and Recomposing

Occupational Identities—A Survey
of Theoretical Concepts

FAME Consortium
The following individuals contributed to this article: Alan Brown (University of
Warwick, UK), M’Hamed Dif (University of Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg, France),
Leena Helemäe (University of Tallinn, Estonia), Simone Kirpal (University of
Bremen, Germany), Sokratis Koniordos (University of Patras, Greece), Gabriele
Laske (University of Bremen, Germany), Nikitas Patiniotis (Panteion University
of Athens, Greece) and Olga Strietska-Ilina (Czech National Observatory of VET
& Labour Market, National Training Fund, Czech Republic)

1.1 Occupational Identities in

Historical Perspective1

In Europe, the existence of occupations has a long-standing tradition

deriving from the medieval history of the organisation of crafts, the
formation of guilds with certain requirements for membership, the
industrial revolution and the establishment of a mass system of com-
pulsory education (Greinert, 1997; Stenström and Lasonen, 2000).
Historically changing political and economic environments connect the

Reference is made to ‘vocational’, ‘occupational’, ‘professional’ or ‘work-related’
identity as any kind of identity formation processes that develop through the interac-
tion between the individual and the work context including vocational education and
training. The most inclusive terminology may be applied when referring to ‘work-
related’or ‘work identity’, whereas ‘vocational’or ‘occupational identity’more specif-
ically refers to certain features of the work context or a specific concept of work. For
example, ‘occupational identity’ may be more applicable to labour markets and work
concepts that are structured along occupational lines. However, the project partners
reached a common understanding to use the different terminology in an interchange-
able manner referring to the same kind of identity formation processes at work.

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 13–44.
© 2007 Springer.
14 FAME Consortium

individual to the work context in very different ways and each period
called for a different kind of identification with work. Thus, vocational
and broader work-related identities are not constant over time; rather
they need to be understood in a dynamic way.
In agricultural, pre-modern times organised around the feudal sys-
tem each individual was socially, politically and economically depend-
ent upon a work-and-bread giver. Work was closely linked to a person’s
social relations and status and identities were largely ascribed and
attached to pre-defined social roles (Gellner, 1992). Under capitalist
economic relations work became contracted whereby the person was
politically free. However, the economic contractual relationships of
early industrialisation still preserved a high level of interdependence
between work and social status. It provided a newly emerging collec-
tive work identity that at least for the first half of the 20th century could
be considered relatively stable. During that period the qualifications to
perform in an occupation both in industry and crafts were mostly
obtained through on-the-job training and usually served as the basis for
a lifetime occupational specialisation.
With the establishment of modern welfare states, the relationship
between work and social status became much more complex. As over
the past decades working conditions have been constantly improved
and legally regulated, work tasks and duties have become clearly
defined in time, space and function marking a clear distinction from
private time and leisure. The welfare state also provided for a harmon-
isation of life-styles across the hierarchy of occupations and the private
sphere. ‘The liberation from economic vulnerability and subjection’
(Gellner, 1992, p. 142), the separation of work and the social life
beyond it, and the homogenisation of life styles also brought about
greater freedom in terms of how individual work identities are linked to
social roles.
For hundreds of years apprenticeships in the crafts and trade busi-
ness all over Europe had two main functions. First, to equip a person
with some basic skills that would secure an income to sustain a family.
The second function was to socialise a person into a community of
practice whereby the person would acquire not only skills, but also
internalise a certain kind of conduct and outlook. Both aspects, the
establishment of an economic foundation and the internalisation of
certain norms and behaviours, were geared towards the individual’s
smooth and successful transition and integration into society. At the
same time, the socialising function of apprenticeships worked in two
directions: from the individual’s point of view as a learner it enabled
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 15

her or him to become equipped and prepared to succeed in a given

profession; and from the occupational community’s point of view it
helped to ‘mould’ a person to conform with the established norms and
professional standards within this particular community (Heinz, 1995).
Two major historical developments lead to the reorganisation of
communities of practice and the traditional forms of work-related
socialisation: the emergence of an industrial work force and the expan-
sion of formal schooling. These developments resulted, among other
aspects, in an ‘industrial culture’ that dominated most Western societies
until the 1970s. The extension of formal education, either in the form
of a generalist type of schooling or in the sense of vocational or tech-
nical schools, to a certain extent replaced major socialisation functions
that were formerly related to the work context. Today, secondary social-
isation through formal education has largely replaced the former role of
extended apprenticeships, which for some young people used to begin
as early as at the age of 11.
Since the 1960s occupational communities with long traditions and
which for decades relied on a high level of collective solidarity and rela-
tional interactivity like, for example, collectives of farmers or workers
with a strong proletarian tradition and identity have become disembed-
ded. Traditional forms of identity are increasingly challenged and are
undergoing changes, whereas concurrently societal openness creates
new opportunities for individuals to have and make choices in all aspects
of life including work (Beck, 1986; Keupp et al., 1999). Structural fac-
tors and shifts like the incorporation of computer technology in industrial
labour processes and the tertiarisation of the economy trigger labour
market demands for greater flexibility and mobility of the labour force.
For the individual worker this means fewer opportunities to identify with
a clearly defined vocational milieu or community of practice, which the
earlier arrangements cultivated and linked with the formation of
occupational identities.
One characteristic of modern societies is the decomposition and frag-
mentation of structures and institutions that historically provided the
individual with a framework of stability and pre-defined elements with
which individuals could identify (Berger et al. 1975; Sennett, 1998). As
a consequence, workers today are increasingly challenged to develop a
more individualised type of worker identity (Kirpal, 2004). As ‘actors’
and ‘agents’ they need to respond to the intensification of competition,
technological innovation, shifting skilling needs, new employment pat-
terns and uncertain labour market developments. They are required to
actively seek and select varying features and characteristics from
16 FAME Consortium

different models of skill development, professional conduct and prac-

tices that have multiplied and have become more available and accessi-
ble. Workers today are challenged to actively shape and recompose their
occupational identity.
In this process modern education systems play a key role as they are
oriented towards the acquisition of formal certificates, which increas-
ingly constitute a prerequisite for subsequent insertion into the labour
market. The new role of formal schooling has considerably delayed job
entry until late adolescence and beyond. In terms of identity formation
this means a more open orientation making work-related identities
nowadays rather the result of a personal trajectory than of something
ascribed by a societal role occupied in one’s late childhood or early ado-
lescence. Longer and broader education exposes young people to a
variety of influences that offer a wide range of opportunities, situations
and practices with which to identify. When young people today enter
the work setting most of them have already shaped, at least partially, an
identity that is rooted outside the work context. Developing an occupa-
tional identity has become optional. Furthermore individuals are placed
within a framework that gives them choices and opportunities for
actively shaping structures and processes around them.
Choice and complexity are modern features not only with which
individuals are challenged to deal, but they are also reproduced at the
systemic and institutional level. Concepts of work and how vocational
training, skills acquisition and insertion into work contexts connect vary
across occupations, sectors and countries. Technological innovation and
global market competition not only result in permanent changes of work
organisation that put high demands on flexibility and mobility, but they
also increasingly challenge formal education and training systems to
supply modern qualifications and ‘just-in-time’ knowledge in response
to the demands of the labour market. Looking at European countries
today, we have to acknowledge that the institutional responses to those
demands can be quite different and may range from a flexible to a highly
formalised vocational education system (see Rauner in this volume). In
any case, each strategy presents a different kind of solution and concept
of work (Jaeger, 1989). While the Anglo-Saxon approach followed the
path of a liberal and flexible system of labour market arrangements and
vocational preparation that is output-oriented when it comes to skills
acquisition and learning (Deißinger, 1996), other nations followed the
tradition of combining practical work experience with school-based
vocational training as is the case with the apprenticeship systems of
Austria, Germany and Switzerland. While the first example builds in
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 17

a high level of flexibility into its training and accreditation system, the
latter emphasises the process of learning and becoming skilled support-
ing the formation of a vocationally-based identity through a socialisation
process that focuses on becoming a member of a particular community
of practice.
The general education and vocational training systems across
Europe are challenged to respond to labour market demands that push
for greater flexibility. Today, they need to consider and prepare young
people to be able to master a whole range of work tasks and associated
vocational roles. Multi-skilling, changing job profiles and employment
patterns, competitive requirements on job performance and the creation
of hybrid occupations (like, for example, the European job profile
‘mechatronic’) assume insertion of people into various communities of
practice simultaneously and the development of a complex skill mix.
Modern forms of work organisation with highly complex internal
structures (like teamwork, project-based teams that cross traditional
organisational boundaries and interdisciplinary interdepartmental work)
are increasingly combined with links to external and international com-
munities of practice. Forming part of different communities, however,
may not always be compatible and may demand conflicting loyalties
(Cohen, 1994). The insertion of the Self into incompatible communities
of practice certainly is not unproblematic, because the individual may
encounter discomfort and conflict also at the level of his or her self-iden-
tity. This may not question the identification with a particular commu-
nity of practice as such, but puts great challenges on the individual to
integrate different expectations, professional roles and levels of identifi-
cation into a coherent self-picture (Sennett, 1998).

1.2 Concepts of Identity—Contributions

from Sociology, Social Psychology
and Psychoanalysis

Identity is a relatively recent concept of the social sciences. It was

introduced and further developed through two different currents: the tra-
dition of American social psychology views identity as a principle of
social organisation (Goffman, 1969; Mead, 1937), whereas in the tradi-
tion of psychoanalysis, primarily represented by Erikson (1970; 1973),
identity is regarded as a principle of psychological organisation.
Goffman developed the concept of identity as a principle of social organ-
isation the furthest. He refers to ‘personal’ and ‘social’ identities that are
18 FAME Consortium

ascribed to the individual through interacting with others. Personal identity

stresses the uniqueness of an individual, for example, through her or his
distinctive and clearly identifiable biography, habits and attitudes. The indi-
vidual obtains a social identity through the attribution of certain specified
characteristics by others that have the nature of normative expectations
(Huber and Krainz, 1987).The individual is expected to subordinate herself
or himself to these expectations by acting accordingly, and behaving as
others would do in the same social context. These expectations also imply
performing very particular and clearly defined social and professional roles
as they relate, for example, to being a ‘good’ mother or doctor.
The expectations are structured according to acting in conformity
with a role within a given social context, such as a professional group.
Benefits for acting in conformity with the expectations of the profes-
sional group may be, for example, recognition and acceptance by other
members of the group. These processes of social acknowledgment act
as an external guidance that helps the individual to build up certain
dimensions of identity that can be shared with others.
In the case of personal identity, by contrast, there is a demand to
distinguish oneself from all others, i.e. to be like no other. These
conflicting expectations require a balance otherwise there is a
risk of non-identity in two ways. In one case the completely
objectified blending into different depersonalized role contexts,
in the other case stigmatization on the basis of behaviour deviat-
ing from norms (Huber and Krainz, 1987, p. 475).
The psychoanalytical concept of identity as a psychological organisa-
tion is rooted in the work of Freud. Erikson extended Freud’s libido the-
ory regarding development in early childhood. According to Erikson,
shaping an ego identity or a psychosocial self-definition is a crucial
developmental step that demands distinction from others. The aware-
ness of having an identity is tied to the ‘perception of one’s own same-
ness and continuity in time and the related perception that others also
recognize this sameness and continuity’ (Erikson, 1973, p. 18). In this
regard adolescence becomes the decisive phase ‘during which the per-
son looks for his place in some sector of the society through free role
experimenting, a niche that is clearly outlined and, nevertheless,
appears to be made especially for him’ (Erikson, 1973, p. 139).
Psychoanalytical social research, as influenced by Marxist ideas, con-
siders work as the most important medium for transforming the individ-
ual into a social being through socialisation processes (Leithäuser and
Volmerg, 1988). Socialisation during formal education and in the work
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 19

context plays a decisive role, because occupational categories provide

a major offer of society to the individual for finding a ‘clearly defined
place’ through vocational education and training and the entry into
a vocationally structured world. This world offers predefined roles,
which help the individual to create a concept of one’s self as a specific
role is taken up. Accepting a role also implies taking on an identity and
helps the individual to become integrated into a community of practice
and to display certain features that distinguish one group from another.
In the classical approaches towards describing the formation of
an identity during youth and early adult age the profession was
always the focus as the anchor of one’s view of oneself. Failing
here was considered to be the key risk factor for what could be
lifelong misadjustments (Silbereisen, 1997, p. 184).
In the German-speaking countries, Habermas (1976) in particular fur-
ther developed the American concept of ego identity. He distinguishes
between three types and stages of identity: in the first stage he defines a
natural identity that stands for the identity of the biological human being
as well as of all plant and animal organisms. The second type, the per-
sonal identity, is supposed to be maintained consistently throughout life
despite the various and sometimes conflicting demands of different role
systems to which a person belongs. Being part of these role systems in
turn leads to the formation of a social identity. In the second stage
Habermas integrates aspects of both the personal and the social dimen-
sion of identity. In modern societies this stage sometimes breaks down
during the adolescence phase, before, on a third level, the ego identity is
developed. This level is characterised by the ability of the adult to build
up new identities and integrate them with those overcome.
In the context of occupational identity formation Habermas’ third
stage of identity is of particular importance as labour market demands
for increased flexibility and mobility of workers challenge the individ-
ual’s ability to build up new identities and integrate them with those
overcome. This issue creates a linkage to the concept of bricolage iden-
tity, a term originally stemming from Levi-Strauss and adopted by
Carruthers and Uzzi (2000). Bricolage identity ‘involves the decompo-
sition of existing identities into their constituent components and their
recombination into a new identity’ (Carruthers and Uzzi, 2000 p. 486).
Taking a bricolage, or third stage, identity perspective for delineat-
ing a theoretical framework of occupational identity formation, we
must ask to what extent the actors themselves take part in shaping their
own career paths. As research shows (Witzel et al., 1996), the status
20 FAME Consortium

passage from school to work is not just a structurally determined, situ-

ated problem that assigns the individuals to their life paths. Rather it is
co-shaped by the actions of the actors themselves and thus must also be
examined as a complex socialisation process during which outside
selection is complemented with self-selection. Whether and how indi-
viduals modify and shape their own occupational biographies in ways
that do not follow exactly the paths suggested to them by their occupa-
tional choices is an interesting question for further research. The indi-
vidual’s ability to shape, modify and adjust her or his own career path
is what Habermas has described as a highly cultural achievement: the
ability of an adult to build up new identities and to integrate in them
those left behind.

1.3 Occupational Identities and Culture:

Social Anthropological and Ethnographic
Perspectives on Identity Formation

Social anthropology and ethnography scrutinised the concept of

identity, individuality and the Self in the context of society and culture.
During the last decades of the twentieth century two schools crys-
tallised among the traditions of scholars in social anthropology and
related sciences. The two mainstreams can be roughly defined as ethno-
cultural and modernity schools, the former represented mainly by
Anthony Smith, the latter by Ernest Gellner, Benedict Anderson, Eric
Hobsbawm and others. Within these two traditions, the ethno-cultural
school views identity as ascribed by ‘objective characteristics’, whereas
the modernity school understands identity as a conscious construction
of the individual resulting from modern socio-economic developments
and the extended role of communication. This approach stresses the
‘subjective characteristics’.
Transferring these approaches to aspects of occupational identity for-
mation, we are confronted with the dynamics between the institution-
alised structures of labour markets, vocational training systems and
communities of practice, and the individual’s ability to choose from and
to combine certain elements of these structures for constructing her or
his occupational identity. On the one hand, occupations are composed of
a number of ‘objective characteristics’, which provide a framework for
the individual to identify with when developing an occupational identity.
They are typically linked to performance expectations and professional
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 21

roles, which the individual takes up and internalises while undergoing a

vocational socialisation process. Although the kind of division of labour
that largely defines the structure and concrete features of work-related
roles and functions is often rooted in long-standing traditions, most of
these roles remain relatively stable even in post-modern work contexts
(Palán, 1997). They are typically sustained by specific requirements in
terms of learning, skills and work practice.
On the other hand, job profile and professional roles are not static,
but they change and are modified according to changing work practice,
work demands and skill requirements. While workers are challenged
constantly to adjust and enhance their vocational skills, sometimes per-
forming tasks that require a combination of skills completely different
from the ones initially set out in their vocational preparation, they may
entirely re-shape their work-related identities in response to the
actual work practice. In so doing, the individual plays an active role in
re-defining professional roles that may even lead to the establishment
of new job profiles. Depending on the rigidity of the work situation, the
workers may shape the duties and tasks imposed by the job thus being
in a position to contribute significantly to re-conceptualising a formerly
pre-defined occupational situation. From this perspective, occupations
and professional roles are also shaped by individuals’ ‘subjective
As identity formation processes connect these two dimensions, the
‘social’ and the ‘personal’, they have to be understood in a dual way.
The development of an identity is constrained, circumscribed and
shaped by existing social structures and processes (Jenkins, 1996;
Sarup, 1996). At the same time, identity formation implies an element
of active engagement and self-definition on the part of the individual.
From an external perspective society offers social roles and structures
(family, gender, social status, etc.) to the individual, while as part of an
internal process, the individual accepts or rejects aspects of the offer as
he or she internalises certain roles and other societal elements
(Giddens, 1984). From a sociological perspective this is described as
the interdependence of structural and individual aspects of identity for-
mation. Already existent structures like occupations with specific
work profiles, qualification requirements, social acknowledgement
and traditions exist and evolve. These structures may change over time
and provide opportunities and restrictions. However, they do not nec-
essarily force the individual into a given structural path as there is
always scope for individual agency.
22 FAME Consortium

1.3.1 Collective Identities

Occupational categories and specialisations do not exist without indi-

viduals. In the context of group dynamics identity formation processes
also function as a form of differentiation and separation from ‘the
other’. They are linked to a feeling of ‘us’ and ‘them’ generating a sense
of sameness with some and difference from others (Tajfel, 1981). This
process also includes the urge for reliable social relations and places
to make the individual feel belonging to one particular group in
distinction to other groups. Occupational identities in the sense of
membership of a community of practice or as a form of collective
social identity distinguish the members of one occupational communi-
ty from another. They provide for continuity and stability in the work
context and are based on vocational traditions. These traditions have
long sustained biographic elements for individuals, which the mere job
concept does not (Jaeger, 1989). One central aspect of collective iden-
tities therefore is to hold on to demarcations. These demarcations often
exhibit highly regulated features leading to inflexibility when it comes
to work organisation and innovation. To the extent to which they gen-
erate specific, rather narrow and closed professional cultures they can
turn out to be highly resistant towards change (Kern and Sabel, 1994).
The collective dimension of occupational identities manifests itself as
workers combine in associations and establish professional communi-
ties. The purposeful creation of occupational structures and specialisa-
tions may derive from workers’ initiatives, but more often they tend to be
the result of experts’ and practitioners’ interests. In this context, the cre-
ation of unifying symbols attached to a specific occupation plays an
important role. These symbols typically become instrumental for occu-
pational identity formation processes and often are developed in order to
pursue a particular purpose like, for example, enhancing the prestige of
an occupation. These mechanisms can also be transferred to the compa-
ny level when promoting a corporate identity. Here, symbols and pres-
tige may be artificially created, but they serve as powerful tools for the
creation, modification, or redefinition of occupational identities.
Collective memory or nostalgia (Armstrong, 1982) is sustained by
myths or symbols, which can easily be made instrumental to manipu-
late group dynamics and identity formation processes at the individual
and collective level. Symbols may be real or false, but they always
serve to promote the distinctiveness of the social group. As Hobsbawm
(1992) puts it, the ‘invention of tradition’ by creating common myths
can be very powerful. Once created and sustained, they are difficult to
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 23

reshape, alter or abandon, because it is the ‘symbolic rather than the

material aspects of common fate that are decisive for identity’
(Armstrong, 1982, p. 9).

1.3.2 The Active Construction of Work Identities:

the Estonian Case

In Estonia, studies focusing on early life careers can look back at a tra-
dition of more than 35 years. Studies at Tartu University initially focused
on vocational counselling and the process of how individuals decide to
follow a particular vocational track. Influenced by communist education
one major concern was how to ‘locate the right person to the right place’
and to define ‘a scientific direction of labour force allocation through
individuals’ occupational choices’ (Titma, 1972, p. 22). Distinct from the
official ideology, this concept emphasised the active role of young people
showing some similarities with the American human resources approach
of that time (Ginzberg, 1968; Ginzberg et al., 1951). In this context, the
vocational orientation was linked to an individual’s personal development
assuming that occupational choices are dependent upon understanding
the ‘interconnections between society and individual as well as the ability
to pursue socially meaningful goals’ (Titma, 1972, p. 46).
The communist regime promoted a concept whereby work became
the central element of life, connecting the society and the individual as a
necessity and the basic sphere of self-realisation of every human being
(Titma, 1972). That a person’s skills, abilities, knowledge and experi-
ences should match the specific requirements of a particular job was
regarded as the main factor when making occupational decisions. In
addition, work values were also assumed to have an impact on how peo-
ple value and choose a particular occupational specialisation. Values as
criteria for choices were conceptualised as being dynamic and subject to
change. In the light of labour force allocation, these values should be
‘consciously shaped’to help young people make ‘the right’choices in the
sense of being aware of one’s own abilities and skills in combination with
the chosen work context and socially acceptable goals.
Inspired by the American sociologist Ginzberg, occupational choice
was conceived as a process of different stages that connects general
education, vocational training and the chosen vocational track with the
specific job or workplace. During the 1960s self-determination and ‘sub-
jective aspects’ of occupational choice were emphasised like, for exam-
ple, how an individual perceives and values the popularity and prestige
of a particular occupational specialisation. In those early studies the
24 FAME Consortium

meaning of work and individuals’ attitude towards work were closely

related to work ethics.The meaning of work was assessed in the context of
life orientations by measuring a person’s emotional, cognitive and behav-
ioural attitude towards different spheres of life such as study, work, non-
profit activities, family, leisure, etc., all of which were treated as values
(Saarniit, 1997).
In the 1970s the attention shifted towards analysing the dynamics
between work, occupational specialisations and inequality. As the
Soviet institutional structure constructed society as an undifferentiated
whole that in the first place valued the individual as part of a social
entity, the level of self-realisation and individuals’ autonomy at work
were also conceptualised as being determined by social structures.
Researchers started to focus on the ‘objective aspects’ of occupational
identity formation and the influence of institutional structures upon the
behaviour of a cohort instead of looking at an individual’s value orien-
tation. Life course approaches that were later introduced during the
transition period in the 1990s also emphasised a structural perspective
by conceptualising an individual’s life course as a ‘product’ of social
structures. However, it also acknowledged the interdependence
between structure and individual agency as
variations from institutionalized patterns not only affect subse-
quent events in the life of any given individual but also can, (. . .),
generate new social structures and institutions. Social forces thus
not only ‘trickle down’ from social institutions to individuals’
lives but also ‘percolate up’ from individuals’ actions to modify
existing social patterns and institutions, and perhaps even create
new ones (Mayer and Tuma, 1987, pp. 3–4).
This conceptual innovation was accompanied by the methodology of
behaviour-centred, life event analyses.
When we connect the research phases described above with the
political situation of Estonian society it is possible to delineate how the
ideological pressure influenced the discourse on work-related identity
formation. The official discourse and censorship placed work in the
centre of existence. The meaning of work, work values and expecta-
tions of work performance were normatively constructed. In the context
of socialism and the communist society work was considered not only
to be the basis of existence, but also as a mediator between the society
and the individual. It was perceived as a necessity and the basic sphere
of self-realisation of every human being. During the 1960s scholars
from socialist societies were given the opportunity to exchange ideas
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 25

with Western scholars. Subsequently, Western theories and approaches

influenced career studies and induced a new emphasis on value orien-
tation and behaviour.

1.4 The Role of Vocational Training

on Work-related Identity Formation:
Experiences from Greece

Vocational training and skills acquisition highly influence the devel-

opment of work-related identities. Drawing on empirical research, this
section discusses the role that vocational education and training can
play for identity formation using the example of skilled manual work-
ers in Greece, who at some point became self-employed. The empirical
research was carried out between 1988–1989 and 1998–1999. In total,
170 self-employed artisans working as machinists in the metal-working
industry or in the garment industry were interviewed. The interviewees
were grouped according to three categories: artisans, smaller employers
and larger employers depending on the amount of managerial tasks that
their work entailed. Interviewees had businesses that employed between
one and 14 staff. Most of them considered skills acquisition and
enhancement as their most important asset for ensuring the
sustainability of their business. As for decades the required skills
changed slowly, the specialised skills base provided a fundamental
source of stability. Skills were typically acquired through on-the-job
training, a long process that could take up to seven years and that was a
major source for developing vocational identities. Today, rapid techno-
logical change make on-the-job learning and apprenticeships lose their
‘enskilling’ role thus decreasing their earlier importance for the shaping
of work-based identities.
In Greece, the artisans-to-be on average began working at the age of
14. For the older generation it was even common to start an appren-
ticeship at the age of 9, 10, or 11 years. This implies that their work ori-
entation was not in any way a matter of individual choice (Watson,
2001). Rather, they were obliged to work and, since they were minors,
it was the adult guardian, who would set up a contractual agreement
with the employer.
Most artisans had a poor peasant, worker, or marginal urban ‘petit
bourgeois’ background. Coming from low-class families with restricted
language codes most of them underachieved at school or had dropped
out (Bernstein, 1975; Frangoudakis, 1978; Willis, 1977). The weak
26 FAME Consortium

level of school performance meant that many of them did not progress
through what Piaget designated the ‘formal operational stage of cogni-
tive development’, which largely unfolds under the impact of formal
education during early adolescence (from 11 to 15 years) and involves
the development of the capacity to understand abstract and hypothetical
ideas (Piaget and Inhelder, 1973). Instead, on-the-job apprenticeships
largely consisted of ‘learning-by-doing’, and the repetitive performance
of routine tasks, making it very difficult for the trainees to acquire an
understanding of abstract and higher level work processes. This system
of vocational training operated a mechanism of exclusion that effec-
tively channelled apprentices with a lower class background into man-
ual jobs, while individuals with higher-level general education and of
middle class origin were favoured to become larger employers
(Koniordos, 2001).

1.4.1 Traits and Skills

‘Traits’ is a notion taken from psychology. It originally means ‘dis-

positions’, or ‘enduring tendencies within the individual to behave in
certain ways’ (Krech et al., 1962, p. 105). The concept has also been
applied in the context of dual and segmented labour markets, initially
developed on the basis of the U.S. experience.2 It links ways and types of
skill acquisition to labour market segmentation. In the latter context,
traits have been defined as ‘behavioural patterns, which will be repro-
duced in response to a given stimulus in a particular type of environ-
ment’ (Piore, 1975, p. 130). They are differentiated into specific and
general traits.
A specific trait is a behaviour produced in direct response to a stimu-
lus from the environment. It is acquired in a given environment by means
of imitation and socialisation. Thus a specific trait acquired in the work-
place by the process of on-the-job training, i.e. a productive trait, may be
thought of as a habit. General traits are sets of rules from which
behaviour may be derived which enables an individual to deduce
from the environment and the stimulus [at hand] what the cor-
rect response may be, although the particular combination of

On primary and secondary labour markets and industrial dualism see Doeringer and
Piore (1971), Piore (1975) and Berger and Piore (1980).
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 27

circumstances may never have been encountered before (Piore,

1975, p. 130).
Traits of this kind are generated either by induction from a series of
specific traits, or are taught at various levels of formal education. If,
however, general traits are to be retained, they must be reinforced by
continuous on-the-job usage. Otherwise they may degenerate into a set
of specific traits.
Applying the traits concept to vocational training, on-the-job train-
ing and formal education respectively is decisive for the distinction
between specific and general traits and, concomitantly, for the distinc-
tion between the lower (semi-skilled and skilled workers) and upper
(professionals and managers) tiers of primary labour markets, which
also resemble mobility chains:

The concept of mobility chains represents an attempt to formalise

the intuitive notion that socio-economic movement in our society
is not random, but tends to occur in more or less regular channels.
These channels are such that any given job will tend to draw
labour for a limited and distinct number of particular points [sta-
tions]. As a result people hold jobs in some regular order or
sequence. We shall term such a sequence a mobility chain (Piore,
1975, p. 128).

The concept of traits allows for deciphering the importance of educa-

tion and on-the-job training for the formation of particular types of
assets and skills profiles, which orient artisan apprentices in the selec-
tion of their subsequent vocational paths. It is useful to distinguish
between specific and general traits as either crafts oriented or associated
with administration, management and commerce. Accordingly, artisans
as wage-dependent workers would have an abundance of specific tech-
nical traits that they picked up on-the-job, obtained some general tech-
nical traits by attending low-grade technical classes and some basic
specific administrative traits by observing what others did (for exam-
ple, their supervisors). The small employers would typically have
acquired some low-level general administrative skills, mainly by expe-
rience and imitation, as well as specific technical traits on-the-job and
in technical schools. Lastly, the larger employers would be imbued with
general administrative traits picked up in enterprises with which they
had a family connection, and/or in management training at college.
Confirming the traits hypothesis, the Greek investigation shows that
the length of formal education (as one of the two ways of imputing
28 FAME Consortium

general traits) correlates with the type of proprietor. The emergent pat-
tern is that the longer someone attended formal schooling, the closer
the person approaches the large employer type of entrepreneur.
Inversely, decreasing numbers of years of formal education tend to cor-
relate with the artisan worker type. Although the quality of education
could not be considered, longer schooling also facilitates that students
have the possibility to absorb more theoretical and general knowledge.
A comparison of the average years of schooling between the two voca-
tional specialisations investigated shows that (with the exception of the
small employers) machinists in metal-working on average attended
school about 1.5 years longer than the workers engaged in garment
making. The greater differential in years of school attendance can also
be attributed to the traditional role expectations of women that placed
emphasis on assuming housekeeping and family responsibilities after
completion of elementary education. Accordingly, the female intervie-
wees working in the garment industry on average attended 6.6 years of
schooling compared to their male counterparts, who attended on aver-
age 8.1 years (Koniordos, 2001).
Closer study also reveals that the majority of the independent artisan
and small-employer machinists attended technical school courses at
evening classes alongside working during the day. This combination
exposed them to formal education and elementary general technical
traits while practical on-the-job training provided them with specific
technical traits and a chance to apply the more general knowledge
learned at school. These people were trained as skilled craft workers.
By contrast, practical technical education did not form part of learning
the garment trade. Here, the character of the trade itself, its domestic
environment and the overall state of the industry further supported the
traditional role of women in Greece. Finally, most of the large employer
type of entrepreneurs had followed high-school, college, or university
courses. With their middle-class background and a considerably higher
proportion of formal education they were being prepared for non-manual
labour and supported to develop abstract thinking capabilities and
administrative skills.
Since most of the artisans and small employers could not or only to
a very limited extent rely on financial assistance from their families,
their skills became their primary asset. Skills turned into the basic
means for obtaining higher wages that would allow for securing some
savings and eventually turn into capital for the individual to establish
her or his own business. Once a business was set up, skills again
became the crucial resource in order to safeguard know-how, technical
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 29

independence and to keep down unit labour costs. The skills acquired
during the artisan apprenticeship and working prior to establishing an
independent workshop had to be fairly broad in order that the individ-
ual was prepared to tackle successfully new challenges at work (Piore
and Sabel, 1984). By being skilled and successful, the artisan was able
to attract customers and to acquire a good reputation in the trade. It
would be extremely difficult to remediate the lack or insufficiency of
skills in order to survive as an independent employer. The process of
becoming an independent artisan, however, also implied a shift from
accumulating specific technical traits to developing general technical
traits. While, in the sample, the machinists showed a strong inclination
towards combining a longer and higher-level technical schooling with
on-the-job training, practical work experience was of paramount impor-
tance for skill acquisition in garment manufacturing confirming the
notion that in garment manufacturing technical skills are mainly picked
up on-the-job.
In summary, we can conclude that machinists in metal-working
attended school much longer than skilled workers in the garment trade.
Also, their on-the-job apprenticeships lasted twice as long as those
involved in garment making, they worked more years as wage-earners
and changed employers more often before becoming independent. This
appears to imply that for becoming and surviving as an artisan a sine
qua non is the acquisition of skills, particularly in machining. But the
making of garments also requires expertise and knowledge of fabrics,
designing, making prototypes, wholesaling and retailing, and the actu-
al sewing implies mastery of operating the machines, fine finishing and
ironing. It also extends to wholesaling and retailing of goods. Still, arti-
san and small-employer machinists who started their own business had
a wider range of technical skills than the skilled workers in garment
manufacturing. This may be due to the technology involved that obliged
machinists to stay longer in education and to have more practical on-
the-job training. This increases their chances of acquiring specific and
general, mostly technical, traits type of skills. By contrast, skilled gar-
ment artisans, due to the greater division of labour in the trade, were
more restricted in their range of work tasks. Small employers in garment
making also displayed administrative skills as part of their qualification
for becoming independent. The higher involvement of general traits
combined with the fact that all of them are male gives them a profile
distinct from that of the same trade artisans, and distinguishes them
from the different types of machinist, among whom there are less
marked disparities.
30 FAME Consortium

1.5 Research on Occupational

Identity in France

Occupational identity formation has received considerable attention

in the French research context during the past three decades. Since the
introduction of the continuous vocational training (CVT) system in
France in the early 1970s, the process of work-related identity formation
has undergone an important structural change. This coincides with the
end of Fordism as the dominant paradigm in the economy and the advent
of an economy based on globalisation and a new flexibility paradigm
(Dif, 1998). During the earlier period of sustained economic growth with
a relatively low rate of unemployment (1965–1975) the French sociolo-
gist Renaud Sainsaulieu conducted major empirical investigations on
work-related identity formation. On the basis of 200 qualitative inter-
views and 8,000 questionnaires that covered employees of different skill
levels, who worked for public and private companies across a range of
sectors, he developed a typology differentiating between four types of
identity formation at work (Sainsaulieu, 1977, 1985).
The first type is characterised by ‘community-based’ relationships
and applies to workers with basic qualifications typically performing
routine tasks. It is built on a close relationship between the members of
a collective based on affection, solidarity and cooperation. The collec-
tive identity among the group members serves as a refuge and a protec-
tion against divergences and clashes. A hierarchical authority in the
form of a leader is accepted for guidance and mediation in cases of con-
flict. By contrast, the ‘negotiation’ type of vocational identities is spe-
cific to professionals and executives and is based on the acceptance of
differences and the use of negotiation and open democratic debate
to solve conflicts. Individuals with a ‘negotiation’ type of identity are
highly attached to their profession and value autonomy and refuse any
imposed hierarchical authority. They rather prefer a leader whose recog-
nition is based on work expertise and mediating competencies in the
context of group dynamics.
Third, Sainsaulieu identified an ‘affinities’ type of identity that is
changing over time due to socio-professional mobility. It is found
among self-directed learners (technicians and executives) within pro-
fessions that are undergoing rapid change. The interpersonal relation-
ships within the groups are selective and affective. A leader is accepted
only as project promoter, but is generally considered a hindrance
to individual professional promotion. Finally, the ‘retreat’ identity is
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 31

typical for individuals who use work as an instrument to benefit other

spheres of life, such as the family or leisure. These individuals may be
socially excluded and marginalised employees due to their low level of
qualification, their age (employees near retirement), their employment
status or ethnic origin, for example. Within groups with these atomised
identities a strong hierarchical authority is often instrumental for coor-
dination and leadership.
These four types of work-related identities were conceptualised
within the context of economic growth and a Fordist production model.
Twenty years later Sainsaulieu and colleagues adapted and extended
this classification to the requirements of the new post-Fordist economy.
In the light of new empirical research (Francfort et al., 1995),
Sainsaulieu’s four forms of vocational identity were adapted taking into
consideration simultaneously two types of interactivity: sociability
(relational interactivity) and the mode of interactivity with the organi-
sation (interactivity and engagement with work processes as opposed to
the interactivity guided by established rules and regulations of the
organisation). Based on a multi-dimensional study with a sample work-
ing in 296 occupational specialisations identified from 81 companies
across different sectors the following changes could be observed
(Sainsaulieu, 1996, 1997):

● The ‘fusion’ type of identity that was anchored in a strong attach-

ment towards colleagues, the community of practice and a formally
established occupational status has been declining. This develop-
ment concerns all categories of employees who have accumulated a
long work experience (generally over 15 years) within public and
private organisations belonging to traditional sectors. Most of these
sectors (such as the steel and automobile industries, banking and
transport) are or have been undergoing rapid organisational and
structural changes. As a result, the attached communities, which
traditionally relied on a high level of collective solidarity and rela-
tional interactivity, are breaking down into micro groups.
● The ‘retreat’ identity is developing in two directions: On the one
hand, it is extending by including a new category of employees
who have been destabilised by technological change and the threat
of labour market exclusion. As a means of protection against
change and potential risks, they are holding on to an established
work routine that is supported by administrative rules and regula-
tions. On the other hand, half way between the original ‘retreat’
32 FAME Consortium

identity and its extension to an ‘administrative approach’, we find

the emergence of a new category of employees, who work directly
with clients and assume counselling responsibilities within the
developing public sector. They distinguish themselves as ‘civil
service professionals’ who develop their own identity features.
● The adaptation of the ‘negotiation’ type of identities includes two
related developments characterised by a high level of relational
and work-based interactivity. The first development takes the
emergence of professionals in the field of new technologies into
consideration. They are highly attached to comradeship values
based on a job well-done as well as autonomy, trustworthiness and
solidarity between members of the profession. The second devel-
opment concerns the emergence of a new category of dynamic
managers, executives, sellers, etc. who possess competences that
allow them to invest in change and collective mobilisation by
being, at the same time, highly integrated in the organisation.
Sainsaulieu calls this new form of occupational identity the ‘entre-
preneurial’ or ‘corporate identity’ model.
● Finally, ‘affinities’ type identities have developed in a way whereby
they now exhibit ‘mobility of identity formation’ based on a combi-
nation of a high level of interactivity with work and low sociability.
As a result of a lack of opportunities for promotion due to the devel-
opment of a flexibility-based mode of human resource management
with flat organisational structures, a new generation of dynamic and
‘mobile’ workers (specialised technicians, executives and gradu-
ates) has evolved during the last three decades. They are more
inclined to secure their professional career through project-based
personal strategies founded on occupational flexibility and mobility.
Their relational network investment is primarily oriented towards
the achievement of their personal career projects rather than those of
the professional group or the organisation.
On the basis of three empirical investigations conducted by different
research groups during the 1980s, Claude Dubar confirmed in different
terms Sainsaulieu’s evolutionary four forms of occupational identities.3
He explained an individual’s work-related identity formation as a process

The first field investigation on ‘Socio-vocational Inclusion Programmes’ was
launched in 1982 and concerned unemployed young school leavers without qualifi-
cations in the region of Nord-Pas-de-Calais (France) (Dubar et al., 1987); the second
field investigation was conducted between 1984 and 1985 and concerned a CVT pro-
gramme for employees’ career development within two production units of thermal
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 33

of double transactions: biographical and relational transactions (Dubar,

1991, 1994; Dubar and Engrand, 1986; Dubar and Tripier, 1998). The
‘biographical transaction’ refers to time-dependent identity formation of
‘negotiating with oneself’by creating an identity for oneself and planning
his or her occupational trajectory as a continuous re-creation of the past
or as a succession of discontinuities. The ‘relational transaction’concerns
the individual’s relational interactivity with the members of a given space
of identification structured by a set of rules and ethics.
Both kinds of transactions are heterogeneous and interrelated. They are
heterogeneous due to their different dimensions: as a ‘subjective’and time-
dependent dimension, the biographical transaction brings into play the
aspect of continuity and discontinuity of the individual’s socio-professional
trajectory and a sense of belonging and commitment. By contrast, the rela-
tional aspect of the transaction triggers, as part of an ‘objective’dimension,
the process of recognition of identity. Through interactivity (negotiation,
adjustment and compromise) the outcome of each type of transaction is
dependent upon recognition by others. That is, the individual’s success in
his or her socio-professional trajectory is partly determined by the acknowl-
edgement of others, who base their judgement on how the individual makes
use of his or her biographical capacities.
Dubar somehow confirms and further develops Sainsaulieu’s four
types of occupational identity, but applies a different terminology.
According to Dubar, a biographical transaction founded on continuity
(within and between generations) allows employees to construct their own
vocational trajectories according to a mode of continuous progression.
When their claim for progression is recognised within the organisation
and under the condition that the relational transaction with the employer
is favourable, it is possible to speak of a ‘corporate identity’ as the princi-
pal element of socio-professional identification (similar to Sainsaulieu’s
‘negotiation identity’). The employees, technicians and executives consider
themselves as members of the organisation and can easily adapt to new
policies of human resource management. In contrast, without the desired
stability or progression in the light of favourable recognition, their identity
will become ‘categorical’ as a socio-professional reference for individuals,
who identify with an occupational category at odds with the dominant
mode of human resource management. In this case, the biographical and

electricity of EDF (Dubar and Engrand, 1986); and the third investigation covering
the period from 1986 to 1989 concerned CVT policies and practice within firms that
applied innovative modes of labour organisation, training and human resources man-
agement (Bel et al., 1988).
34 FAME Consortium

relational transactions do not positively coincide and the individuals’

occupational identification is blocked (corresponding to Sainsaulieu’s
declining ‘fusion’-based identity).
A biographical transaction based on a succession of intra and inter-
generational discontinuities makes some employees construct their
vocational trajectories without a referential sense of belonging to a par-
ticular occupational specialisation and/or organisation. If they succeed
in getting recognition for their qualifications and/or in creating useful
professional links, they form a ‘network identity’ as a means of seeking
further socio-professional recognition and promotion (corresponding to
Sainsaulieu’s ‘affinities’ identity). By contrast, as the less qualified
and/or employees who are lacking professional links experience job
instability and a threat of marginalisation and labour market exclusion,
they may identify with a socially undervalued non-professional sphere.
When the biographical transaction is increasingly becoming structured
along discontinuities and reinforced by negative relational transactions,
individuals are progressively pushed to internalise an ‘identity of
exclusion’, which Dubar calls an ‘outside’ work identity. This would
correspond to Sainsaulieu’s ‘retreat’ identity.

1.6 A Dynamic Approach Towards Occupational

Identity Formation4

Any research tackling the issue of occupational identity formation

processes needs to be sufficiently dynamic to account for continuities
and changes of occupational identities over time. The processes where-
by people develop an occupational identity, and learn the skills necessary
to perform effectively in that occupation, are complex. The following
framework seeks to identify some basic components in order to account
for this complexity. It underlies the aspect of skill acquisition as a
fundamental basis for any kind of work-related identity formation
processes. The main assumption is that certain skills, knowledge and
understanding of work processes have to be mastered before someone
can be considered skilled.
A dynamic representation of occupational identity formation
processes allows for changes to the body of skills, knowledge and under-
standing to be acquired and also recognises the longitudinal dimension
to becoming skilled. In addition, the context-specific competences that

This section is based on Brown (1997).
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 35

an individual develops over time are acquired in particular social

settings. Individuals learn with and from others, and help others learn,
and the significance of this means that the process of skill acquisition
needs to be placed in a social context. Another presumption regards the
individual as an agent in the construction of his or her own particular set
of skills and understandings that he or she acquires. That is, each indi-
vidual may pursue a very different approach by trying to achieve mas-
tery of the different elements that comprise an occupational identity.
Additionally, the process of acquiring an occupational identity takes
place within particular communities of practice. There may be a broad
community of practice at the occupational level, but there will also be
more particular communities of practice associated with particular work
organisations and education and training institutions in which skills are
being developed. Indeed, one influence may be that of a particular work-
group within an institution or company that has very typical ways of
working differentiating it from other groups.
From the above assumptions it is possible to delineate what may be
required from a comprehensive framework of occupational identity for-
mation in particular work settings. It needs to accommodate:

● A dynamic representation, allowing for change and development

over time;
● The social dimension, whereby an individual learns, works and
interacts with others;
● The individual as a significant actor in the construction of her or
his own occupational identity;
● The existence of general and particular ‘communities of practice’
associated with particular occupations and organisations, which
can operate at a number of levels.

Two aspects are important to keep in mind. First, the sets of activi-
ties at work and communities of practice and the identities they
support are constantly changing. Second, not all aspects of these
activities, practices and identities are passively received by those
engaging in them while in the process of becoming skilled; rather
individuals also actively engage in shaping them. An understanding
of such dynamism is required if a fundamental tension about occu-
pational identity formation processes is to be recognised: that is,
there is both continuity and change in how these processes develop
over time. The framework is further based upon some fundamental
theoretical commitments.
36 FAME Consortium

1.6.1 Learning is a Social Process

An individual learns through interaction and communication with

others. The process of learning though does not generate a single type
of interaction. Rather learning takes place in contexts in which there
may be multiple dimensions to the nature of the interactions: there may
be a host of working and other relationships that have an influence upon
the learning process. Individuals learn from a variety of sources and
relationships. Not only are these relationships patterned differently,
according to differences between individuals and contexts, but also the
sheer variety in what, how and from whom learning occurs is sufficient
to ensure that there is not a linear transmission of learning. Changes in
the particular constellations and configurations of influence and differ-
ent patterns of relationships are sufficient to ensure that learning as
experienced can differ significantly for different individuals even with-
in similar contexts. Thus learning is a social process, but with differen-
tial effects and outcomes on particular individuals.

1.6.2 The Occupational Identity Forms Part of an

Individual’s Overall Identity

When considering the formation of occupational identities, there

are two traps for the unwary. The first is to assume a smooth transi-
tion into appropriate skilled work for those who complete their initial
training. In some cases work would be found in a completely differ-
ent area: in such circumstances the extent to which an individual
feels he or she ‘has’ the occupational identity for which he or she has
been trained is problematic. The second trap is in thinking that the
vocational specialisation in which young people are training or peo-
ple are working in always has particular significance for them.
Particularly a young person may attach far greater importance to
developing an identity in a broader sense than to developing a par-
ticular occupational commitment. The distinction could be portrayed
as the difference between ‘making a life’ and ‘making a living’.
When expressed in that way, it can readily be seen that the former is
of greater significance, and that the extent to which the latter (occu-
pational) orientation is a central component of the former may vary
between individuals and over time. The occupational identity is just
one of a number of other, sometimes competing, identities that make
up the overall identity of an individual.
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 37

The technical possession of the requisite skills, knowledge, under-

standing and expertise necessary to be considered skilled is only one
component to the development of an identity at work. Empirical
research (Bash and Green, 1995) shows that one major distinction
between young people becoming skilled is the extent to which they see
themselves as active in constructing their own identity, and in how they
perceive their developing occupational identity. Some young people
rather passively accept their place at work. They see themselves as likely
to be doing broadly similar work with their current employer for the
foreseeable future. They are not operating with any progressive notion
of career, nor do they have any great expectations of work. Their iden-
tity at work seems bound up with being an ‘ordinary’ (rather than a
‘special’) worker: doing the job steadily, without entertaining thoughts
of promotion or changing employers. On the other hand, there are
examples of young people who are actively constructing dynamic iden-
tities, in which occupational success and making a career are important
factors (Stern and Eichorn, 1989; Weis, 1990).

1.6.3 Having a ‘Skilled Worker’ Status is

Dependent upon External Recognition

The above arguments have indicated that becoming skilled is a social

process in which a number of others also have a role to play. While
acknowledgement of formal status as a skilled worker may come through
completion of an apprenticeship or similar status, both the individuals
themselves and others, may be wary of conferring the epithet ‘fully
skilled’. Indeed, somebody can only become an experienced skilled
worker when the person and others recognise him or her as such.
The acquisition of experienced or skilled worker status is contested
in the sense that it is not clear at what precise point of time an individ-
ual reaches this status, because it is dependent upon judgements of a
number of people, who may be using different criteria in forming their
judgements. One sign of recognition may be that others (for example,
clients, peers or trainees) turn to the individual for advice, because they
acknowledge that the individual possesses valued skills, knowledge,
expertise or experience. Another means of external recognition may
come from management through job grading and/or the type of work or
responsibilities allocated to the individual. Besides external recognition
the individual itself also has to recognise the value of his or her own
skills, to have a sense of self worth and a belief of owning significant
38 FAME Consortium

How individuals are perceived by other working group members,

managers, colleagues, clients and other member of associated profes-
sional communities can be very influential in the formation of an occu-
pational identity for that individual. The judgements of others may not
necessarily be consistent and, even if they were, people may ascribe
different values to particular characteristics. For example, a thorough
painstaking approach to work may be appreciated by trainees and
clients as ‘conscientious’, but be seen as irritating by managers for being
‘too slow’.

1.6.4 Entering into a Community of Practice

is an Important Element of Forming
an Occupational Identity

As mentioned above, the recognition of significant achievement and

attainment of status is in itself a socially mediated process dependent
on the recognition of others and a sense of self-worth. This also implies
that learning and skills acquisition is embedded in relational social
processes. When individuals develop work-related identities these need
to be related to particular socially situated, contextually embedded
practice and the work context. It is the community of practice that
links the skilling aspect with the work context, the field of expertise
and other social processes involved. Thus, a dominant theme in occu-
pational identity formation is entry into a community of practice.
The process of entering a community of practice may be most evi-
dent in Germany, where the initial vocational education and training
system is driven by the principle of ‘Beruf’. Individual organisations,
however, can have their own distinctive communities of practice around
which they structure their work activities and which influence their atti-
tudes towards training. This is perhaps strongest where a specialist
group is set up within a larger organisation, with people from a mix of
occupational backgrounds, a different set of work activities and a dif-
ferent pattern of inter-relationships with other work groups. Such
groups may consciously define themselves as ‘special’.

1.6.5 There Exists Mutual Interdependence

between Structure and Agency

There may be a danger that the idea of a community of practice

is elevated to a position whereby the individual is seen as ‘becoming’
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 39

a practitioner and learning the practice in a rather passive way. It is not

simply a matter of taking on identities and roles, which are pre-existent
and pre-structured. Individuals do not just attach themselves to partic-
ular communities, they may also take a pro-active role in becoming a
full participant or even a change agent actively reshaping the commu-
nity of practice. As has already been outlined in the previous sections,
there is scope for individual agency to act upon the structures and
processes in such a way that it does not only affect the respective com-
munities of practice, but also other elements that form part of his or her
work identity.
Individuals learn how to engage in the activities at work in the way
they do. Company management may have very clear ideas about what
they consider to be appropriate ways for their skilled workers to
engage with their work, but individuals may react very differently to
such expectations. Their behaviours and attitudes may range from
complete rejection to complete engagement leading to very different
types of work identity. However, the reaction of others can also have
direct or indirect effects on perceptions that the individual and/or oth-
ers have on that engagement and developing identity. This is perhaps
most marked when the work activities themselves are changing rapid-
ly. A battle between ‘old’ and ‘new’ ways of working, and ways of
engaging with work, is common at all times, but is given greater impe-
tus when there is major organisational and/or technological change in
a workplace as has been the case in telecommunications during the
past ten years, for example. This ‘battle’ may be given added spice, if
the proponents of the different views represent an ‘old guard’ and a
‘new wave’, trained in different ways and with differing sets of skills
and attitudes.
From the above it is clear that there exist a number of key tensions
in any attempted explanation of occupational identity formation
processes. First, there are always, sometimes conflicting, elements of
continuity and change over time in the processes whereby occupational
identities are formed. The formation, maintenance and change of an
occupational identity are always influenced by the nature of the rela-
tionships around which they are constructed. Second, the individual is
a significant actor in the construction of her or his own occupational
identity, but the process is not wholly subjective. It is rather conditional
upon external recognition and acknowledgement. Third, individuals
and their interactions with others are constrained by the structures and
processes of the work context and the respective communities of prac-
tice in which they take place. Over time these interactions may lead to
40 FAME Consortium

modifications and reshaping of these same structures and the commu-

nities of practice. Fourth, occupational identities vary in the intensity
with which they are held, and in the significance individuals ascribe to
them. They may or may not be of great significance to an individual.
On the other hand, the broader process of identity formation in the
sense of ‘making a life’ is fundamental to all individuals.
These ideas can be linked to those of Lave (1991), whose general
ideas are that changing knowledgeable skills are subsumed in the
process of changing identity in and through membership of a communi-
ty of practice and situated social practice emphasising interdependency
of agent and world. She also points out that activity, meaning, cognition,
learning and knowing are underpinned by inherent processes of social
negotiation of meaning within a socially and culturally structured
world. And finally, newcomers become old-timers as they develop a
changing understanding of ‘practice’ through participation in an ongo-
ing community of practice.

1.7 Concluding Remarks

Identity is not merely a complex notion but it is also a synthetic con-

cept. As Cohen puts it, an individual’s identity is ‘a basket of selves which
come to the surface at different social moments as appropriate’ (Cohen,
1994, p. 11). The declaration of identities varies in different contexts and
a person may identify herself or himself in a more general or a more
specific way in any given environment. For example, the self-definition
of a person’s occupation may correspond to the most detailed level of
specialisation in the work context or within a community of practice, but
it may be very general in a non-work-related environment. This deviation
does not mean that any of these identities are false or true. It only shows
that identities are flexible and that there is not only one truthful identity.
Any self-definition or kind of identification may be perfectly valid at any
given moment. What is important to acknowledge is that identities are not
static, but they are fluid, conditional and subjectively modifiable.
In this process the individual assumes a crucial role in actively shap-
ing their work identity. While we recognise that individuals become
agents of society that actively reflect upon external conditions (Giddens,
1991), we also acknowledge the close interdependence between sociality
and individuality. This is also true for the work context: work shapes the
individual, but at the same time the individual shapes work processes and
structures. The self is not an autonomous agent, but it is socially and
A Survey of Theoretical Concepts 41

culturally constructed and certain elements of a person’s identity will

always be collectively imposed. However, the individual possesses the
ability of a conscious, purposeful act, of a choice of roles and perform-
ances even under a situation of constraints (Cohen, 1994). Increasing
flexibility of work processes and structures create new opportunities for
the individual to become a change agent in the work context.
Concurrently, other factors such as an individual’s socio-economic back-
ground, the length and quality of formal education and/or on-the-job train-
ing or the socio-political context and the extent to which it makes occupa-
tional identities instrumental are structural variables that also have an
influence upon how work identities are shaped.
Today, technological shifts and the tertiarisation of the economy, among
other aspects, result in challenging labour market demands that are geared
towards tacit skills, transversality, competition and a flexible work organi-
sation. These developments do not only play a formative role at the macro-
level, they also set a new framework for individuals to actively engage in
shaping their work-skills profiles and linking them to their work-related
identities. While newly emerging occupations typically involve new skills
and/or new arrays of mixes of older and newer skills profiles, they often
appear to play a generalist role and function in identity formation processes
(see Finegold and Matousek, Chapter 14). This hybridisation character of
modern work makes the development and reformulation of work identities
particularly challenging.
While work remains a formative element of the overall identity of an
individual, it has become being just one option among others. Still, being
able to master a particular occupational specialisation plays a strong role
in developing a social identity. Skilled work is regarded here as a medium
for personal realisation of meaning and interpretation of existence and the
implementation of biographic intentions and interests.The profession not
only proves to be a normative horizon for one’s entire life, but also at the
same time represents one of the key links for conveying social relations.
Thus, to be able to work in a chosen vocation occupies a special position
between ‘social structure’ and action in the ‘private sphere’. It remains
important in social life as a defined passage for social and economic par-
ticipation and can be regarded as a major source of the feeling of one’s own
value or one’s view of oneself, and the means through which someone
presents herself or himself to the outside world (Goffman, 1969). To a
great extent the notion of skilled work continues to define work satisfac-
tion, social and economic participation, social status, inequality and
lifestyle. It co-shapes the socio-cultural personality and is an ‘identity-
supporting’ socialisation factor that should not be underestimated.
42 FAME Consortium

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Tensions in the Vocational

Identity of Danish Bankers
Morten Smistrup
Roskilde University, Denmark

2.1 The Trade of Banking

Economic (Baldvinsson et al., 2000) as well as sociological literature

(Swedberg, 1987) share the basic understanding that the role of banks
is to be propagators of saving funds for the purpose of investment. At
the same time banks assume the risk that is related to the issuing of
credit as well as to handling major parts of the payments in society.
But the role and nature of the work in banks and the vocational self-
understanding—vocational identity—of bankers has changed. The
vocation of the banker has during the last couple of decades been subject
to fundamental transformations due to deregulation, new technologies
and an increasing level of globalisation. These changes have trans-
formed the professional role of the banker from that of the teller to that
of the counsellor—or even the seller (Regini et al., 1999).
The traditional role of banking might be described from three dif-
ferent perspectives (Swedberg, 1987). First, in a functional perspective,
banks can be seen as institutions either for centralising societal capital
in the form of savings or as propagators of capital in the form of loans
or as both (i.e. Marx, Weber and Sombart). Second, from a perspective
focusing on the role of banks in the social economy, banking is consid-
ered according to the nature of the relation to the customer—who is
financing whom and for what purpose (i.e. Parsons and Smelser).
Third, from a power perspective, a judgement is made of the extent of
the influence of the financial institutions and how this is realised (i.e.
critical sociology).

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 45–68.
© 2007 Springer.
46 Morten Smistrup

These different perspectives highlight different functions of banks as

financial institutions, which are still valid even though some of those
functions have developed and been differentiated over time. Historically,
these different perspectives also highlight a number of problems banks
typically face, some of which are constitutive for the nature of banks as
institutions and the collective identities they generate. These problems

● The importance to demonstrate high levels of trustworthiness and

reliability by which banks aim at minimising the risk of a so-called
‘rush’ where people in panic withdraw their money from the bank
causing major crisis or even bankruptcy.
● To signal distance from the ‘loan shark’ and the historically and
religiously founded disrespect for money lending and instead con-
vey that banking is a respectable trade.
● To avoid being linked to any form of fraud or illegal transactions
(even though banks are very often drawn into such) and assure that
‘your economic secrets are well protected by us’.
● To neutralise the fear of some politicians and groups in the popu-
lation that banks or financial capital could exercise too large an
influence in society.

Even though national legislation as well as bank procedures them-

selves have made extensive efforts to reduce these problems they are
still constitutive of the culture of banks and need to be considered in
order to understand the banking environment and the physical arrange-
ments in banks as well as the appearance of the individual banker.
Banking, as well as a number of other industries, has changed dra-
matically during the last decades due to fierce modernisation processes
(Regini et al., 1999; Finansrådet, 2001). These changes are related to
new technologies; deregulation of money markets and sharpened com-
petition; and an increasing degree of globalisation.
New technologies have changed the forms of economic exchange in
society as a whole: all salary and social welfare transfers are performed
electronically as transactions from one bank account to another. The
same goes for private savings in the form of retirement funds, etc.
A major part of the day-to-day payments of households are made using
credit cards, and a lot of operations traditionally conducted by bankers
are increasingly executed through home-banking systems. This means
that the banks do not have to actively motivate people to entrust their
working capital by placing their savings into a bank account. While
The Vocational Identity of Danish Bankers 47

forty years ago the household economy for a large part of the population
was based on cash (and maybe some minor savings), today nearly all
household transactions involve banks. This means that almost everybody—
from the unskilled worker to the manager—is interacting on a daily
basis with banks and bankers must be able to interact with people from
all social groups. Within the bank technological developments have
brought about two major changes: first, the tasks related to the safe
handling of cash have diminished and the importance of jobs related to
this has decreased, and, second, a considerable number of administra-
tive routines have vanished.
The deregulation of the monetary market has opened the way for
broader competition between banks and made room for new actors on
the financial market. This has lead to the creation of so-called ‘finan-
cial supermarkets’, whereby banks engage in providing a number of
new products and services. For the individual banker this means that
she1 has to deal with new and changing products and that his or her role
is changing in direction of that of the seller. The customer, on the other
hand, is developing a growing consciousness about the importance of
checking the different bank offers, and as such customers have gained
a much greater market power while the authority of the banker has
In summary, the situation of the banking sector has been undergoing
change in that the societal role of banks has changed from servicing the
privileged to serving the public in general; the traditional status and
authority of the banker has been shattered; and competition has sharp-
ened with an increasing orientation towards selling products and serv-
ices. However, despite modernisation processes having changed many
aspects of banking, banks as institutions are still functionally based
upon the gathering of free capital and redistributing this in the form of
loans. But this takes place in new ways that have caused great changes
in the work profile and the role of the individual banker.

2.2 The Research Project

In conveying the image of trustfulness and reliability, a precondition

for the smooth functioning of banks, the financial sector relies on high
levels of employees’ identification with the values of banking. As such

Since 60 per cent of bank employees are women I use ‘she’ when nothing else seems
48 Morten Smistrup

a positive vocational identity is recognised in the sector as an important

qualification for an individual banker, even though significant changes
within the sector have changed the conditions for the formation of this
identity. The duality between the importance of vocational identity and
the fundamental changes of the conditions for forming identification
with the banking profession was the background for developing my
research question which was to examine the relationship between voca-
tional identity and qualification demands in the late 20th century in the
Danish banking sector.
Before entering into more detail on the above discussion I will outline
the research project I am referring to in this chapter. The project was a
single case study (Yin, 1994) of bankers but with the ambition to say
something in general about what might be termed ‘commercial service
work’, i.e. areas of work where a trusting, even empathic, relationship to
the client/customer is realised for commercial purposes. Most of the
empirical material was collected in the spring and summer of 2001.
On the meta-theoretical level the project was positioned within crit-
ical realism (Bhaskar, 1989). An important assumption in this position
is that even though the social world is a product of human action and
interaction and is socially constructed, it meets the individual as a real-
ity. In this sense the individual does not produce these social structures,
but it is through social practices that this social world is reproduced and
transformed. Hence, it is the discourses and narrative constructions of
meaning that largely determine the conditions for this reproduction and
transformation. In a meta-theoretical perspective it means that I take on
an ontological stance and not merely an epistemological one. As a con-
sequence of this meta-theoretical perspective the project studied struc-
tural aspects of the social life in banks as well as how individual
bankers on the subjective level produce meaning in an interaction with
these social structures.
In the project several forms of data were collected. This included a
thorough study of theories of identity especially in relation to work and,
based on this, a survey was conducted of 1200 Danish bankers all
working in customer related functions (line functions). This means that
experts who were working as specialists in staff functions were excluded
from the population. All the individuals in the population were mem-
bers of the trades union for bankers, but since more than 90 per cent of
those in customer related functions (including middle managers) are
members of this organisation it was considered not to bias the material.
The quantitative material was analysed and used in a traditional
descriptive way.
The Vocational Identity of Danish Bankers 49

Additionally, I conducted 15 thematic, narrative interviews of between

2 and 3 hours. The opening question was: ‘Tell me everything from
your life that you find important to understand the banker you are today’.
Before putting this question forward I assured them that I considered
them experts of their own lives and conditions of work and as such
wanted them to narrate as freely as possible and that I would wait
before asking more specific questions until late in the interview (this
worked well with the female bankers, while the male bankers typically
needed supporting questions after a rather brief presentation of their
formal career). The interviews were analysed first from the perspective
of individual life histories (Mishler, 1986; Alheit, 1994) and second
with a focus on categories developed on the basis of the individual life
histories methodologically inspired by grounded theory (Strauss and
Corbin, 1990).
The two categories of empirical material, qualitative and quantita-
tive, were only partly brought together. To a large extent they were pre-
sented as parallel approaches since the objective was not to follow a
‘methodological triangulation’, but rather that the different types of
data should reveal different sides of reality and as such they could pos-
sibly tell different stories. This resulted in a multi-faceted and rich
empirical description of the vocation of the banker that has generated
broad interest as well as discussion.

2.3 A Sense of Vocation

The purpose of this chapter is to place the ideas of vocation and

vocational identity as central concepts in the discussion about how to
qualify the labour force to match the demands of late modern produc-
tion. Given the limitations of space I will refrain from an extended dis-
cussion about the nature of the future labour market but just underline
that the necessity of high level vocational skills based on a broad
knowledge base, the competences to facilitate employees’ flexibility
and abilities for lifelong learning are central in the discourse about
what is expected from the labour force in future.
Since the discussions in this chapter connect the concept of vocation
to societal production as well as individual identity formation, it is
necessary to clarify the basis of this notion. Briefly one might say that
the concept of ‘vocation’ implies a continuation, a specification and a
demarcation. Vocations are continuously developed over time through
a historical and cultural process during which the division of labour is
50 Morten Smistrup

institutionalised in the form of physical and social structures. But voca-

tions do not just develop. Being closely related to and founded on the
social division of labour vocations designate specific, separated areas
of work where specific things are done in ways that demand particular
skills. And finally, a vocation creates demarcations within the labour
force and as such constitutes an in-group and an out-group. This demar-
cation is based on internal coherence through the development of
shared meanings and practices and a consciousness about how those
meanings and practices differ from other vocations. This idea of the
nature of the vocation can be illustrated through the following model
(Figure 2.1).
The model suggests the need to understand vocations along three
dimensions. First, vocations are the result of a historical and cultural
process of social construction and institutionalisation. This means that
they must be understood on the basis of their relation to the societal
production process and the way this is organised as a result of tradition
and the historical division of labour (Laske, 2001; Sigurjonsson, 2002)
and the ways these are reified through processes of structuration and
institutionalisation (Giddens, 1984; Berger and Luckman, 1966/1999).
Second, vocations are established as individuals perform work-based
activities and ‘do’ specific things, i.e. concrete work tasks that respond
to social needs. This is not to be understood in an abstract, decontextu-
alised sense but is embedded in specific social structures, concrete phys-
ical surroundings, social relations and structures of power. The concrete
work that members of the respective vocational community do plays

Social conditions

Historical and Specific part

cultural based of the social
institution Vocation production

An autonomous
social world
with its own

Figure 2.1 A diagrammatic representation of vocation

The Vocational Identity of Danish Bankers 51

a formative role in relation to the vocation. This, however, is inseparable

from and in a tensional relation to work in its abstract function as cre-
ation of value. As such the vocation inherits the contradictions that
emerge form this. On the one hand, vocations give individuals the possi-
bility of self-realisation that is a potential in most work (Dewey, 1963;
Kerschensteiner, 1980), but on the other hand, the latent contradictions
inherent in capitalist production create certain ambivalence (Becker-
Schmidt, 1982; Weber, 2002; Salling Olesen, 2000).
Third, vocations establish demarcations between and internal coher-
ence within different areas of working life. The vocation functions as a
basis of social belonging and exclusion since it constitutes an exclusive,
socially autonomous world that enables its members to distinguish
themselves from other vocational groups and establish common under-
standings of the nature and meaning of what they themselves are doing.
As such they are able to identify who is ‘in’ and who is ‘out’ (Turner, 1999;
Wenger, 1998; Bourdieu, 1994, 1997). Those collective understandings or
shared meanings that constitute this exclusive world can also solidly be
found in the historical and cultural roots of banking. As they are per-
ceived and integrated as part of the vocational self-understanding of the
individual banker they function as a formative element in the daily
work and constitute the basis that makes it possible for the individual
employee to personify the confidentiality and trustworthiness that
banks aspire to represent.
These three outlined aspects describe a vocation as a reality that is
socially constructed, but meets the individual as a social reality that
appears as a collectively organising perspective. When the individual
assumes this perspective, certain practices, categories of meaning and
normative expectations become apparent. To be accepted as a compe-
tent expert within the vocational field the individual needs to integrate
this perspective in her expectations of herself in relation to work. This
might, for instance, be those demands the employee in a bank meets
that are generated from the societal function of banking as well as from
the historical development of the profession. This also has to do with
the ability to assume the role of the banker and as such meet the expec-
tations of how to perform on different ‘stages’ (Goffman, 1992): inter-
acting with colleagues, customers etc. This provides members of the
profession as well as outsiders (especially customers) with the possibil-
ity to recognise a person as ‘a banker’, but it also places pre-established
expectations from the same groups on the employee to perform and
make judgements according to these role expectations. This is some-
thing the newcomer can only acquire through practical experience and
52 Morten Smistrup

which through a more or less troublesome process has to be integrated

in relation to the dispositions and biographical experiences of the indi-
vidual. This is a significant precondition to be able to comply with the
expected performance in a competent way, but while understanding and
learning to act according to the (semi-)formulated expectations, some-
thing implicit is also learned: the individual learns to take on the voca-
tional identity of a banker.

2.4 How Bankers Describe Themselves

The above line of reasoning leads to a focus on the individual and

shared ideas about what you must be able to do, what you are expected
to ‘be’ and what you are expected to do in order to be recognised as a
banker. While getting to the heart of these three aspects, the individ-
ual is learning and developing the self-image of a professional
banker, which is established through participating in the dynamic
relations of everyday life in the bank. These learning processes are
closely related to the collective self-image of the members of the
vocation. Empirically, there exists a remarkable coherence between
the demands for integrative adaptation to the collective norms and
standards in the bank and the experience of the individual bank
employee, who experiences the bank as a suitable frame for individual
self-actualisation. As such the ‘meeting’ between the two organising
perspectives is fairly unproblematic. From my investigations, the
following elements seem to signify the shared understanding among
the bank professionals of what the vocation of the banker is from
a collective organising perspective:

● As a banker you must be able to win the trust of the customer and
possess the ability to establish a general view of the customer’s
problems and needs and be able to suggest professional solutions
to these problems based on the products of the bank in a way that
benefits both parties in the long run.
● In the interaction with the customer the banker must preserve a
personal distance to the customer in such a way that what takes
place remains within certain themes and follows the respective
rules. These relations form part of the reproduction of the sym-
bolic space of the bank. While doing so, the banker must be able
to handle the existing demands for control and external regulation
The Vocational Identity of Danish Bankers 53

and, despite this, nurture the intimacy that is necessary for the
banker to assume the role of an adviser.
● The banker must be familiar with and live up to the role expecta-
tions typical for banking, including the maintenance of a personal
front characterised by a subdued ‘professional’ appearance with-
out expressive signs of individuality and visible expressions of
needs and emotions. This means that at all times the banker must
stay in control in any kind of situation since this is strongly related
to the prevailing view of what expresses trustworthiness and reli-
● Through participating in the general basic education shared by
practically everybody in customer-related functions, the new
banker acquires the ability to master what is accepted as the nec-
essary knowledge and gets acquainted with the products and pro-
cedures. This is a central element in developing the professional
ability to thematise and formulate problems in a way that is
expected from a banker and becomes part of the social construc-
tion of meaning within the group.
● The new banker has to learn the norms and values that are func-
tioning as the prescriptive and regulative basis for everyday behav-
iour in the bank and, not least, is the basis of the expectation to
demonstrate loyalty that reaches far beyond the regular working

Learning the collective perspective is a complex process even though

typically perceived as a very natural one. The experiences developed
while practising the vocation have to be integrated into the individual’s
self-image and related to her habitual resources as well as her biograph-
ical experience. As such the vocation also functions as a possibility to
maintain and reproduce the individual self. This self must possess the
ability to contain the meaningful as well as the contradictory side of the
work in the bank. The habitual resources and the biographical experi-
ences represent continuity and coherence in the sense that to the indi-
vidual they are the basis for establishing a reasonably stable self-concept
in relation to the surrounding world. But this is also related to change
since the individual continuously integrates new experiences that
demand transformation of this self-concept. This is elevating the impor-
tance of the vocation from being just a functional, societal institution to
also becoming a subjectively enriching category. The empirical studies
revealed that the following elements of the work of the banker contribute
54 Morten Smistrup

to enhancing personal satisfaction:

● The work enables bankers to satisfy the need to meet people and
help them solve problems that are important in their lives. This
enables them to experience that they are doing something of
social importance and that can be significant in people’s lives
while at the same time they contribute to the success of the
● The work creates the possibility for the banker to experience her
personal and experiential knowledge gathered through her total
life span and in life contexts different from work. At the same
time the individual experiences that her needs and dispositions in
work and personal life are not fundamentally inconsistent. As
such most bankers experience a considerable level of coherence
in their lives.
● The individual experiences that it is possible to realise her per-
sonal inclinations and dispositions within the limitations that are
established by the socially expected personal front. She experi-
ences that she can with very few problems adapt to the expected
behaviour and identify the possible span of deviation from it to
create some space for individuality and self-actualisation.
● In a rule-based work situation dominated by control and reporting
systems the bankers establish the counselling situation as an area
where they can exercise control. Within this space they have the
sense of creating a trusting relationship with the customer and
experience this as two-sided.
● The individual has the possibility to cover her social needs and
enjoy the recognition from colleagues on the back-stage, as a relief
from the privatised space for counselling that is dominant on the
front stage, and that offers personal reinforcement.
The bankers experience that the bank fulfils their expectations in a
way that can be the basis for a significant identification and as such
they experience a high level of authenticity in their work, internally as
well as externally. This establishes a relationship where the demands
placed by the vocation upon the individual and the personally satisfac-
tory sides of work coexist in a stable but fragile balance.2 This balance

This might be the result of a certain over-determination in the material caused by the
construction of the research approach but despite this I consider the conclusions to
be valid.
The Vocational Identity of Danish Bankers 55

is only maintained through a constant effort to control the latent con-

tradictions inherent in this situation. It also appears that this balance
reaches further than just the narrow area of exchange between labour
and the individual. It contains a personal attitude towards work, norms
and expectations as to how tasks are completed and an understanding
of one’s own social role and position. These are important elements in
the formation of a vocational identity.

2.5 Understanding Vocational Identity

Theoretically there is widespread agreement that identity describes

learned ways of handling experiences of difference and concordance
between the individual and the social surroundings (Hetherington,
1998). As such the understanding of vocational identity can neither be
separated from the specific vocation that represents the source of iden-
tification nor from the individual, who experiences difference and con-
cordance. This implies that all the aspects that constitute the vocation
also contribute to the formation of a vocational identity. Learning a
trade in all its dimensions cannot be reduced to training and skills
development, because it also involves individuals identifying such dif-
ferences and concordances and dealing with these while developing
a vocational identity. If the acquisition of the relevant knowledge base
and work practices are separated from developing a matching identity
the individual will never reach a level of ‘genuine understanding’
(Gardner, 1993) or ‘intuitive expertise’ (Dreyfus and Dreyfus, 1991)
that characterise the full member of a community of practice.
When a young apprentice or trainee enters the bank she meets the
vocation as a pre-structured world constituted by established norms,
institutions and shared meanings to which she has to adapt in order to be
accepted as a legitimate participant (Lave and Wenger, 1991; Nielsen
and Kvale, 1999; Wenger, 1998). This is a normative requirement for
integration, which is executed more or less rigidly. As one banker states:
‘we are all kinds of people (. . .) but, of course, (. . .) if someone is too
provocative (. . .) and will not accept what it takes, then I am afraid she
will not “survive” very long’. Others describe how newcomers are
politely but firmly corrected when they deviate from the norms. The
other side of this rigid integration is that the vocation functions as a field
for self-realisation where the young person may enact and realise her
individuality. Several young bank employees described, when talking
about their work experiences, how they have the possibility to develop
56 Morten Smistrup

sides of themselves that they appreciate and that they are able to find
ways to express their individuality. When the employees related to sto-
ries about how they as individuals evoked change in local practices, the
sentence ‘you must realise that I am not a typical banker’ appeared fre-
quently in the interviews. This statement relates to the fact that the
recruitment of new trainees is based on trying to identify candidates who
will fit smoothly into the organisation. Hence, we find a tendency
towards a great uniformity in education, values and social background
among those recruits, which is supported by quantitative (Smistrup,
2002) as well as qualitative data (Smistrup, 2003). In the ways described
here the process whereby a newcomer is allowed participation and mem-
bership is a reproduction process (where she internalises the norms and
expectations) as well as a transformation process (were she is seeking to
establish space for her individuality within this), a process whereby the
successful outcome is largely based on the existence of suitable habitual
preconditions (Bourdieu, 1994).
An essential aspect of learning a trade is to learn what you are
expected ‘to do’ in order to be recognised as a skilled employee or expert
in the vocational field. This implies a shift in focus from the actualisa-
tion of an individual self and the significance of the individual to a col-
lective understanding of what the individual is expected to be, is able to
do and how her actual practice is recognised by others. This shift is a
prerequisite to recognise herself as a banker. Identity is a concept that
is highly suitable to conceptualise encounters between individuality
and context since it is the result of a learning process that evolves in the
space of tension between social norms and individual needs. Vocational
identities are developed as a result of the learning processes that unfold
in the borderland between ‘the collective’ and ‘the subjective’ while the
trainees participate in, conduct and reflect upon the work practice and
their work experiences. This is fundamentally based on conceptualising
identity as relational and a learning process which takes place in the
interaction between a structured social word that pre-exists the individ-
ual and faces her as a reality and a subjective world that has been struc-
tured by the totality of her biographical experiences and life conditions
(Alheit, 1994; Dausien, 1998).
Developing an identity is characterised by continuity as well as change
(Dewey, 1963). The source of change through learning is the social and
material interaction (in its widest sense) under specific contextual
circumstances (Mead, 1934; Goffman, 1992; Wenger, 1998), but the
results of learning, and as such its significance beyond the specific con-
text, is dependent upon the continuity of biographical experience
The Vocational Identity of Danish Bankers 57

(Salling Olesen, 2000; Alheit and Bergamini, 1995; Dausien, 1998).

When the trainee acquires the knowledge base and understands the work
procedures, and integrates those into her existing knowledge base and
former experiences, her conception of self as well as of the social world
develops. When she at the same time learns the social practices of the
vocation—how to act and interact in accordance to role expectations—
and integrates these learning experiences as part of her orientation
towards herself and the social surroundings, her self-concept and her
concepts of the surrounding world are enriched. By learning a trade at a
proficient or advanced level she also develops a vocational identity in the
sense that the integration of the vocational context into her biographical
experiences necessarily includes identifying differences and concor-
dances, and this also involves learning processes in relation to how to
deal with these. This is essential to the formation of identity in relation
to the vocation and the work context. At the same time the trainee con-
tinuously enriches her personal experiences and integrates these into her
vocational practices and in this way she contributes to the development
of the collective self-understanding of bankers on the micro level.
There exists an intrinsic connection between being good at practis-
ing a vocation and having developed a coherent vocational identity. In
saying so it is important to state that this does not imply the assumption
of a static, well-defined, stable identity of ‘the banker’. The weakness
of most models of vocational identity is that they emphasise certain
dominant norms characterising the vocational specialisation and cer-
tain elements of a common self-understanding established among the
members of the respective community of practice. However, what those
models fail to describe is the processes through which people become
proficient in their vocation and how this is related to developing a par-
ticular vocational identity and the way this identity is reproduced and
transformed (Brown, 1999).
Studying vocational identity inspired me to think about this type of
identity as emerging from the interaction of two fundamentally differ-
ent perspectives: the vocation as a collectively organizing perspective
(Berger and Luckman, 1966/99; Bhaskar, 1989) and the self as a sub-
jectively organising perspective (Stern, 1989). As outlined in the previ-
ous section of this chapter, as a collectively organising perspective the
vocation describes a specific part of societal labour in relation to which
specific social structures and institutionalisation processes develop.
Within these a semi-autonomous social world emerges with its own
vocational practices. The self might be understood as the specific men-
tal structuring of the individual based on biological dispositions as well
58 Morten Smistrup

as biographical experiences. In my study, I conceptualised the self as a

subjective structuring perspective founded on a combination of linguis-
tic, narrative and non-verbal, bodily-embedded social and interpersonal
experiences that the individual makes through interacting with her sur-
roundings and which, simultaneously, is the basis of the individual’s
orientations towards herself and these social surroundings.
While working and, through vocational practice, developing her indi-
vidual experiences and self-understanding, the individual contributes to
the reproduction and transformation of the structural organisation as
well as the shared understanding of the members of the respective com-
munity of practice. But while transforming and reproducing the voca-
tional practices and its shared meanings the individual also reproduces
and transforms her own self since this also involves the social experi-
ences the person has gained through this process. Only analytically can
the individual be separated from the collective processes of transforma-
tion and reproduction. The individual is not able relate to and act in this
social context without understanding its structures and having inter-
nalised certain role expectations. But one can also ask whether these
integration processes are the result of acting within these contexts. This,
however, is not a conscious and rational process. It is, on the one side,
affected by unknown or unrecognised conditions and effects in the social
context (Giddens, 1984; Bhaskar, 1989) and, on the other, the self is
characterised by narrative as well as embodied, non-verbal experiences
(Stern, 2000). A psychosocial approach underlines this as well (Salling
Olesen, 2000).
In spite of this mutuality societal and mental processes are funda-
mentally different. While social structures are not only the result of
rational action, mental structures are far from being exact reflections of
the real existing social and physical world. That both types of structures
reproduce each other, but are at the same time fundamentally different,
makes the mutual transformation possible, i.e. opens the possibility of
learning processes. Since the social structures are not the result of
rational planning and decisions, it is possible for people to have unex-
pected and surprising experiences. And as mental structures are not
merely the reflection of the material surroundings it is possible for indi-
viduals to exceed this reality in the form of social imagination and
visions. This understanding of vocational identity is presented in the
model below (Figure 2.2). It is an attempt to illustrate the dynamic nature
of vocational identity trying to bridge the gap between the subject and
the social context while still exploiting the tension between the two.
Vocational identity is developed in a process of interaction whereby the
The Vocational Identity of Danish Bankers 59

The vocation The The The self

as a individual collective as a
collectively in the in the subjectively
organising collective individual organising
perspective perspective

Figure 2.2 A diagrammatic representation of vocational identity

collective forms an integral part of the individual and visa-versa while at

the same time each one is constitutive of the other. It is formed in a
process of reproduction and transformation of the self as well as the
vocation. As such vocational identity might be understood as the prod-
uct of two processes.
First, the collective becomes part of the individual and reproduces
and transforms this individuality. This is a process whereby the individ-
ual internally constructs aspects of identity shared with other members
of the community of practice through social stereotyping and creates
differences in relation to other groups through the social categorising of
these groups (Turner, 1999). The result of this process is the establish-
ment of similarities and differences based on characteristics, actions,
values and practices that are established as desirable within the vocation
and which individuals have embodied through vocational socialisation.
These processes also function to produce a normative standard—the
‘generalised other’. This embodiment is a learning process based on the
individual’s personal biography and general life conditions. It is
realised through vocational training and participation in work processes
and is thus the result of this socialising process (Salling Olesen, 2000).
This socialisation process, however, does not just have the form of blind
adaptation. In the reflective processing of experiences the individual
not only identifies the normative demands but also the possibilities of
deviation from these, and establishes what could be termed a ‘collec-
tive other’ that represents what is possible.
Second, the individual becomes part of the collective and as such con-
tributes to its reproduction and development. In this process the individual
presents herself within the work context as a unique person with an indi-
vidual life history and a variety of personal experiences. It is in this con-
frontation that the individual finds the space for realising her potential and
60 Morten Smistrup

fulfilling her needs for social belonging, security etc. But it is also where
she faces a situation that is ambivalent, needs compromising and forces her
to devalue or silence a number of earlier experiences to survive as part of
the community. Part of protecting one’s own individuality within the voca-
tional context can be understood in terms of back- and front-stage behav-
iour (Goffman, 1992) and the ability to comply with role expectations and
the social identity formation process this implies. This calls for the devel-
opment of tolerance of ambivalence (Becker-Schmidt, 1982) as a central
quality of vocational identity. On the other hand, the individual to some
extent affects the social surroundings through action and negotiation.

2.6 Banking and Bankers

In the empirical studies of bankers the social relation with the cus-
tomer manifested itself very strongly. This relationship is characterised
by a complex exchange of trust and reliability on a professional as well
as personal level and is closely related to two aspects of the vocational
self-understanding of bankers. They, on the one hand, see themselves as
people who help customers solve important problems in their lives and,
on the other hand, as bankers who, as business people, have the respon-
sibility of not involving the bank in risky engagements. The first element
of this self-understanding is based upon a solid vocational knowledge
combined with having highly developed communication skills and pos-
sessing the ability to gain the confidence of others. Bankers typically
perceive these skills as a part of their personality or as something they
have learned from their parents during primary socialisation. The sec-
ond element is connected to bankers being careful, sceptical and criti-
cal, which either derives from their vocational training and/or is related
to personal traits and their work-life socialisation.
The elements of the collective and the subjective self-understanding
(or organising perspectives) described in the previous section are partly
contradictory. The way the individual banker deals with this contradic-
tion is two-sided. On the one hand, she individualises and privatises the
situations when she functions as a counsellor mixing professional
judgements and normative personal understandings in making business
decisions. On the other hand, she assumes a paternalistic role towards
the customer. This attitude is apparent when bankers describe their task
in relation to the customer as parallel to that of a doctor or when they
attempt to ‘mould’ the customer to show economic ‘responsibility’ and
in this way the bankers establish personal norms and values as criteria
The Vocational Identity of Danish Bankers 61

for the evaluation of the customer. This approach positions the banker
in a similar role to that of the ‘concerned parent’, who acts according
to what she thinks is best for her ‘child’, while at the same time this
positioning makes it possible to administer a self-image as being loyal
to the bank and meeting the business requirements.
Another important source of identity formation is the collegial rela-
tionship within the bank. Bankers as a professional group put in a lot of
effort to maintain a stable social balance among themselves. A dominant
feature of this relationship is to help and support one another and to have
a relaxed and easy-going tone outside opening hours. But this is also a
relationship where everybody maintains a distinct distance. Though habit-
ually bank colleagues participate in company-organised sports and other
leisure activities and to some extent engage in social exchange with other
bankers, it is not a very close or empathic culture. A characteristic feature
of this culture is that bankers are reluctant to criticise one another, to
behave in ways that might be interpreted as confrontational or to express
strong and explicit feelings (especially negative ones). This reflects an
established norm of personal distance and emotional control that is also a
key element in customer relations as described above, but is also a means
to maintain the privacy of the counselling situation. Demonstrating emo-
tional control combined with living up to a formal dress code forms part
of the shared understanding of what constitutes the professional appear-
ance. But the interviews also revealed that this is rather founded on the
habitual dispositions of the employees than on corporate rules. As such
those features of the professional appearance appear stable as an element
of the shared vocational identity of bankers. However, it is also obvious
that it is a fragile stability that might easily be shattered.
Any activity in the bank is subservient to strong front-stage backstage
regulations and it is expected that the employee is able to handle the rules
of these two scenes. The opening hours during which customers might be
present are characterised by a rigid bodily and emotional control. This
applies to the dress code, forms of behaviour, not to be seen eating or drink-
ing etc. It is common understanding that a highly controlled appearance
and behaviour expresses a sort of inner virtue and conveys a higher level of
seriousness and precision.At the same time this kind of appearance and the
symbolic signal of the social space are a precondition for the establishment
of the paternalistic position in relation to the customers and to help main-
tain the desired balance between intimacy and distance. This is partly
reproduced in an interaction between explicit rules and the dispositions of
the individual banker, but it is also a highly efficient form of social control.
Only very rarely are reprisals or corrections necessary to maintain this.
62 Morten Smistrup

Loyalty towards the bank as an institution is also an important ele-

ment in the self-understanding of bankers that is formative in relation
to the development of their vocational identity. How this loyalty is
understood and referred to, however, may differ. The expression of
loyalty ranges from a very strong identification to a more reluctant
and limited commitment. But the general picture is that employees
believe that they are obliged to demonstrate their loyalty to the bank
as an institution far beyond their regular working hours. Even if most
ordinary employees are not going as far as seeing themselves as
‘ambassadors of the bank’ in their private lives (though many do) it is
a widespread understanding that since they might be associated with
the bank they should at all times be aware how they appear in public
(not least in smaller communities) and refrain from making critical
remarks about the bank at private social occasions.3 But there were
differences in attitudes. Several young employees, for example,
expressed a strong identification with the bank most likely developed
through their forming vocational training and the positive perception
of having successfully made the transition from school to working
life, feelings which were as yet less influenced by ambiguous organi-
sational experiences. Among the older and more experienced employ-
ees a former strong identification with the employer seemed to have
been replaced by more reluctant expressions of commitment that do
not involve the same level of devotion. This change could be related
to negative organisational experiences due to staff reductions, replace-
ments, organisational restructuring, etc., which have made them develop
a more complex and ambiguous relation to the bank. But since ‘being
loyal’ forms an essential part of a banker’s self-image and this is
based on a high level of identification with the bank, these reserva-
tions do not take the form of criticism towards the bank. Instead, it is
expressed as a more critical attitude towards management. This
enables the individual banker to see herself as loyal even while deal-
ing with the ambiguous experiences.
Summarising this section it seems that bankers in their personal
orientations towards their work through a continuous effort balance
a paternalistic orientation in their relations to the customer with a
high level of loyalty towards and identification with the bank. They

This form of identification might be related to the development of a corporate iden-
tity, but from the bankers’ point of view there is no distinction between a corporate
identity and ‘being a banker’ (i.e. relating to the vocation). Hence, I interpret this as
an element of the vocational identity.
The Vocational Identity of Danish Bankers 63

reproduce these attitudes within the social space they establish which
is characterised by being kept ‘pleasant’ and free of conflicts and
confrontational behaviour. These processes are based on personal
orientations or dispositions as well as the bank-specific vocational
socialisation. It is, however, a fragile balance since it is characterised
by contradictory demands. These contradictions constantly challenge
the employee to make decisions and negotiate to what extent and in
what ways she complies with meeting the different expectations.
What meets the eye as a high level of identification and balance
reveals itself as a permanent struggle to maintain an identity that
is able to mediate these contradictions. The combination of pre-
dictability and precaution that characterises the banker is a product
of this and is combined with a degree of traditionalism that conveys
the image of bankers as being ‘boring’. The individual banker is
aware of this stereotype, but accepts that this is the price that must
be paid in order to appear as professional on the front-stage. This is
contrasted by a much more multi-facetted social life ‘back stage’
than what appears on the ‘front stage’ and the fact that the safe and
controlled social space with a minimum of visible conflicts also con-
tains relationships between colleagues that are characterised by com-
petitiveness. In this context competition is not necessarily expressed
as an urge to win, but rather as a wish not to achieve less than the
other employees in a similar job position. Also in this context it is
important not to be or appear aggressive.
An important basis of the reproduction of the described social
practices, through which the vocation acts as a collective organising
perspective, is the recruitment of new trainees that possess habitual dis-
positions that mirror the existing ones and thus support the current
social practices. This explains why the elements in the work of the
banker that are valued and experienced as a possibility to realise indi-
vidual needs in the work-context, at the same time have a reproductive
function in relation to the vocation itself and as such are promoted and
reinforced. In many aspects the values that the employees exercise in
their private lives do not appear very different from those exercised in
the bank. For instance, bankers’ personal lives appear quite traditional
with a focus on the family and their close social context preserving
traditional family values (for example, most bank employees live in
families with 2 or 3 children and have rarely been divorced). In their
social life in general they mirror their distance to and interest in other
people as well as the traditional and cautious norms that they value in
their counselling practice.
64 Morten Smistrup

2.7 The Significance of Vocational Identity

This chapter outlined how the development of a vocational identity and

mastery within a vocational area are strongly related, not least within
banking. I have tried to show that vocational identity is not a stable entity
established during the period of vocational training. Even though the train-
ing is of fundamental importance for developing a vocational identity and
becoming a part of the community of practice, the vocational identity is
transformed and reproduced in the course of lifelong learning. This duality
between constancy and development is an essential element of vocational
identity as a vocational qualification, not the least during times of change.
The constancy of vocational identity is fundamental for the individual in
the practical dealing with hundreds of specific everyday situations. It is the
basis that makes it possible for the banker to operate in most of these
situations with only a minimum of conscious monitoring. The shared
nature of vocational identity makes the individual banker recognisable as
a member of the community of practice and makes it possible that her
assessments and judgements most of the time are in line with what other
members of the community would do. Finally, it also makes her recognis-
able and predictable to the customers as she meets their expectations and
does not cause anxiety. Developing the vocational identity of a banker is
the basis of internal predictability and as such leads to the mutual recogni-
tion of and between members of the vocation and the surrounding world
as well. But vocational identity can only play this role if it constantly
adapts to the changes of social situations and customer expectations. This
means that the individual as a member of the vocational group has to be
aware of those changes and continuously assess and evaluate her self-
understanding as a banker in the light of change and adapt it accordingly.
Identity is an ongoing learning process.
As underlined earlier the work situation of bankers is characterised
by conflicting interests and demands. The individual banker continu-
ously has to balance these divergent demands and deal with them in
relation to her self-understanding as a banker. Thus, vocational identi-
ties are not coherent in themselves but they might be understood as
socially acceptable ways for the individual to create some form of
coherence or meaning in a working life that typically is characterised
by conflicting interests. The role of vocational identity is to establish
shared ways of containing contradictions and thereby create a common
sense of coherence in the working life of bankers. As such tolerance of
ambivalence has to be a basic quality of vocational identity. This role
of vocational identity is important to make stressing and conflicting
The Vocational Identity of Danish Bankers 65

work situations bearable. At the same time this is also the reason why
vocational identities have a ‘conservative’ connotation during times of
change. Balancing the contradictions of capitalist work life demands
requires immense efforts and a defensive attitude, because this balance
is fragile.
That individuals develop a vocational identity in relation to their
respective community of practice is also of importance in a broader
societal sense. Besides creating internal coherence within the profes-
sional group it is also the basis for establishing and maintaining shared
standards and norms for the quality of work. Through their vocational
identity individuals create demarcations from other groups by which a
shared understanding of the role of the vocation in relation to societal
production and society as a whole are established. In times of increas-
ing complexity of production professional groups cannot be regulated
from one central institution but have to be decentralised. This moves an
important part of control and regulation to the vocational institutions
themselves. Hence employees’ vocational identities must be considered
central to the sustainability of production on a broader level.
Finally, vocational identity plays a key role in lifelong learning.
Incorporating elements of situatedness as well as of biographical con-
structions of continuity, vocational identity can be considered as a basis
of adult learning. Any learning process builds upon previous knowl-
edge, which is negotiated and transformed within situated practices.
But this knowledge is also situated within a biography that includes not
only an individual’s self-image of what she is, but also a vision of what
she may become. In this sense a vocational identity is not just a con-
struction of the present based on a reconstruction of the past but is also
a forecast for the future. Since the motivation for adults to engage in
lifelong learning is strongly related to how meaningful they consider
the topics of learning in the light of their present lives and their future
plans they will typically revert to their vocational identity. Maybe this
identity must be enriched or maybe it has to be transformed, but it can-
not be ignored.
Although these general conclusions about the significance of voca-
tional identity are drawn from my investigation with bankers, I consider
them to be of general relevance. The ‘good’ banker is expected to be
able to juggle three balls at the same time: be helpful to customers,
loyal to the bank and professionally recognised by colleagues. Meeting
these divergent demands is only possible on the backbone of a strong
vocational identity. But the banker today has to stretch her arms still
further to catch the balls.
66 Morten Smistrup

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The Role of Developing a Vocational

Identity for Women—The Example
of Young Single German Mothers

Gwendolyn Paul and Uta Zybell

University of Darmstadt, Germany

3.1 Introduction: The Role of Vocational

Training in Germany

Skilled labour still has a high standing in German society owing to

the dominance of the concept of ‘Beruf’ that reflects a structure of for-
mally recognised occupations. This has to do with the Federal
Republic’s specific organised educational structure for skilled workers
in the Dual System and the associated remarkable importance and
predominance of specialised occupational labour markets. Here, the
occupational concept turns out to be constitutive as far as vocational
training in the Dual System is concerned. Furthermore it is the struc-
turing principle for the job market. Occupational profiles and related
vocational training schemes are the two as yet inseparable sides of
vocationalism, which is oriented towards continuity and securing
employment. Being trained in an occupation therefore relates not only
to ‘specialist expertise associated with a permanent activity based on
the division of labour’ [translated from German] (Negt, 2005, p. 23),
but also to a personal lifestyle, which—in contrast to a job as casual
employment—is constructed on the basis of continuity.
In Germany, the transition from school to gainful employment takes
place in two stages. The ‘first hurdle’ that needs to be overcome is mak-
ing the transition from school into vocational training. This transitional
phase is societally organised and forms a substantial structural element

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 69–90.
© 2007 Springer.
70 Gwendolyn Paul and Uta Zybell

of a person’s life story and trajectory. Vocational training as a form of

socialisation for an occupation forms the basis and essential requirement
for making the transition into the employment market even if it is no
guarantee. It can be assumed that the occupation-related learning and
development processes that individuals are undergoing in the course of
a vocational training programme ‘not only serve the purpose of qualify-
ing for mastering work tasks, but they also influence the entire develop-
ment of the personality’ [translated from German] (Heinz, 1995, p. 12).
Only when vocational training has been successfully completed does the
‘second hurdle’—entry into the job market—need to be overcome.
Starting vocational training marks a considerable change of lifestyle
and brings with it the challenge of new impressions and experiences.
Young people are challenged to deal with work demands and stress,
new norms and rules (including those of the workplace), and accept
that formerly known freedom and free time have to be given up. At the
same time, taking part in this new world of experience and receiving
the first income while in training are found to be a first step towards
financial independence from the parental home (or from reliance on
state benefits). Those elements provide the opportunity to take on
personal responsibility, expand one’s scope of action and to design an
individual life plan. In the course of dealing with the experiences of
working life, the majority of trainees find their expectations of voca-
tional training and of the tasks assigned to them in the company
increasingly change in the direction of wanting to be given greater
responsibility to carry out tasks independently, while their ideas for
their career and own future take a more definite shape. The experiences
gained from vocational training enable individuals to design a lifestyle
and structure their life, for example in terms of time allocation. At the
same time they learn to formulate their own ideas for shaping the
arrangement of work situations.
Working (or completing an apprenticeship) involves acquiring specific
categories of experience such as fitting in with regulated time structures,
collaboration in pursuit of shared objectives, productive activities, social
integration and recognition, all of which help the individual to develop a
socially recognised independent lifestyle. ‘As a result of occupational
socialisation, these categories of experience become anchored in the per-
sonality with a differing sense of subjective obligation’ [translated from
German] (Heinz, 1995, p. 96). Consequently, the lack of employment or
vocational training is personally experienced as a loss of elementary qual-
ities of experience. Hence, the lack of regular and regulated gainful
employment does not only have negative consequences for the material
The Example of Young Single German Mothers 71

security of a person’s livelihood. For unemployed people it also affects

their social integration and psychosocial well-being. Not having a mean-
ingful structure to the day in terms of time and content, and being limited
in terms of leisure activities due to financial restrictions, often accompa-
nies a drop in social status. This gains expression both in dependence on
state benefits and in social isolation. Although socialisation processes in
unemployment take a different direction depending on personal, social,
occupational and regional circumstances, ‘deficiency-creating socialisa-
tion processes’ [‘defizitäre Sozialisationsprozesse’] (ibid.) can often be

3.1.1 JAMBA—a Pilot Project to Foster

the Professional Integration
of Young Mothers

The increasing number of supplementary (state-funded) measures to

support vocational training opportunities for young people clearly shows
that for a long time now the German vocational training system has been
unable to meet current demands and requirements. This is demonstrated
in particular by the continuous growth in support for disadvantaged peo-
ple. Intending to prevent or at least reduce long-term unemployment
among young people and the associated negative socialisation processes,
such supportive measures have almost become an integral part of the
system. An important factor in this respect is the integrative potential of
the system, i.e. its aim and ability to integrate various social groups by
taking into account equal opportunities requirements (cf. Nader, et al.,
2003). The project ‘JAMBA—Junge allein erziehende Mütter in der
Berufsausbildung’ (young single mothers in vocational training) of the
German state of Hesse aimed at improving the opportunities for labour
market integration of a specific group, which is disadvantaged in terms
of participating in dual training programmes.
Initiated in 1998 by the Ministry of Economics, Transportation,
Urban and Regional Development, initially for a duration of five years,
the project tackled the disadvantaged situation in the training market of
young single mothers below 27 years of age. It created a general set-up
that would take into account the situation of young single mothers in
connection with their vocational orientation. An important innovation
here was (and still is) to give them the opportunity to take part in an
in-company training programme that would take up less time than the
usual programmes. This so-called part-time training corresponded with
a reduction in training time of approximately 25 per cent compared
72 Gwendolyn Paul and Uta Zybell

with the standard scope of vocational training. Concretely, for the

young mothers this meant they had to work for only six instead of eight
hours in the company each day. The vocational school tuition was not
affected by this arrangement and reduction in training time.
Within the framework of the project, new and until then unresearched
organisational forms of basic vocational training were tested out. Until
then only few experiences of young mothers in in-company training were
available. The scientific monitoring of the pilot project (provided by the
Technical University of Darmstadt) was based on the idea that the suit-
ability of a vocational training system should be assessed in terms of its
ability to integrate ‘weaker people’ into the system. This criterion meant
it would be appropriate to review whether the German dual vocational
training system provides opportunities for integration for previously
excluded young people so that they can comply with the national voca-
tional qualification standards. Concretely, this meant investigating
whether the Dual System is suitable for young mothers or not.
During the four years of academic support, the sample comprised
two groups each involving approximately 50 young mothers and at least
80 companies. The project discovered a step-by-step expansion in the
area, i.e. each year approximately 100 young mothers take up a voca-
tional training course at established and new locations. Participating in
the state of Hesse are conurbations, small towns and areas with a very
rural structure. By anchoring part-time training in law, it is now possi-
ble, in principle, to complete part-time training throughout Germany
and independently of a pilot project.
The results of the project clearly demonstrate that the structure of the
vocational training system is behind the times in terms of responding to
and accommodating individual patterns of action and orientation. These
results suggest that education policy should push for a much stronger dif-
ferentiation of the Dual System. In this respect the JAMBA project has
trodden new paths and opened new doors, which will provide an important
stimulus for increasing the flexibility of the vocational training system.1
Based on the project’s results this chapter investigates the vocational
socialisation of women and the associated development of a vocational
identity through their participation in a training scheme. Completing
vocational training as a prerequisite for obtaining employment is of

As a response to the unequal conditions for this group to participate in the German
training system that the project disclosed, the new Vocational Training Act
(Berufsbildungsgesetz), which came into force on 1 April 2005, incorporated the
opportunity to make training schemes more flexible.
The Example of Young Single German Mothers 73

central importance in the development of an identity and the opportunity

for social participation. Initially, the category of ‘gender’ shall be
discussed as a deciding factor of influence in the German vocational
training system and the resulting gender-specific differences in terms of
access to the training market as well as to different kinds of training
courses. This shall be followed by a discussion of the situation of young
single mothers in vocational training. Although it is true that due to its
particular situation this group represents a specific clientele within the
vocational training system, those mothers are no different from other
young women in terms of their professional orientation, that recognises
completing vocational training is important as the basis for good
prospects in professional and private life.

3.2 Different Sexes Take Different Transitional

Routes into an Occupation

The prescribed structuring of people’s curriculum vitae through school

education—further education/training—gainful employment is applicable
to women and men alike. The strict institutional structuring of a person’s
‘life course’ in Germany is characterised by clearly organised transitions
from primary school into a tripartite school system, and from there into a
vocational training system (including Fachhochschulen [Universities of
Applied Sciences] and universities) with each stage providing varying
leaving certificates. This is followed by various realisable and positioning
opportunities on the employment market. ‘Social institutions such as the
educational system (. . .) structure the life course by standardising individ-
ual labour market entries, positions, career paths, and long-term perspec-
tives to a high degree’ (Krüger, 1999, p. 192). Vocational training has a
central significance for the ‘structure of the life course as it forms a struc-
tural element of the curriculum vitae, a hinge between school and the
employment market’[translated from German] (Heinz, 1995, p. 138). Thus
it forms the ‘first hurdle’ that needs to be cleared on the job market track,
and it is considered essential for the individual’s occupational socialisation
and the development of an occupational identity.

3.2.1 Job Orientation among Women

Despite the changes in the structure and significance of gainful

employment, it can still be assumed that the occupation itself continues,
to the greatest possible extent for both sexes, to be the decisive ‘core of
74 Gwendolyn Paul and Uta Zybell

social identity ascription and personal self-identification’ [translated

from German] (Beck et al., 1980, p. 223), even if this happens in dif-
ferent ways for women and men. In recent years the labour force par-
ticipation rate for women in Germany has risen to over 65 per cent
(cf. Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland, 2004), which indicates that
women (and increasingly women with children also) give a high prior-
ity to gainful employment and are increasingly job-oriented. But it
should be emphasised that despite this significant increase women’s
labour force participation remains relatively low in comparison to other
countries. Furthermore, the level of labour force participation does not
correspond to the desired level many women express.
‘The individualisation of women’s life contexts (high divorce rates,
for example, compel women to build up their own material existence;
single mothers account for a disproportionately high percentage in offi-
cial poverty figures) is expressed in job-orientation gaining signifi-
cance, but also in increased labour force participation (even if this is
still considerably below the level of educational participation). At the
same time, West Germany is bottom of the league in Europe when it
comes to women’s labour force participation rate’ [translated from
German] (Beck, 2000, p. 29).
Serious differences between the sexes also exist when it comes to
opportunities for accessing the education/training and employment
markets, as well as to the kinds of occupations entered and the positions
held. For example, gender-specific principles of distribution in the edu-
cation and training market remain largely unchanged when it comes to
occupational choices and the share of vocational training places in the
dual system (which is male dominated) and places in school-based
vocational training courses (which are female dominated). Even though
around 90 per cent of young women today, just like young men, attain
a formal qualification in the vocational training system (cf. Cornelißen
et al., 2002, p. 43), their participation in the various forms, routes and
qualifications in the vocational system continue to differ very strongly
from those of male trainees. The sex ratio as a symbolic order and
social condition determines the social placing of the sexes in society,
which consequently also affects access to (vocational) education.

The social ratio into which the sexes are yoked is the result of a
complex process: polarising differentiation, discriminating
assessment, disparate treatment and unequal positioning of peo-
ple according to gender all interact with each other [translation
from German] (Becker-Schmidt, 2000, p. 61).
The Example of Young Single German Mothers 75

3.2.2 The Double Structure of Vocational Training

The splitting of the German vocational training system into a dual

apprenticeship route and a school-based route is one of the most pow-
erful configurations to uphold this polarising differentiation. Whereas
historically, school education was oriented towards bridging the period
until young women were married and, on the other hand, towards sup-
porting activities necessary in society that could not be provided by the
trades or industry, the Dual System was expressly designed for young
men to integrate them long-term into gainful employment and into
society. Even today, young women are under-represented in the Dual
System and in spite of having better school leaving grades their chances
of securing a vocational training place are much worse. They frequently
have to relinquish their original wish to enter an occupation in favour
of following a school-based course. School-based training routes on the
one hand generally require a higher investment in education than
company-based routes, as they often have a longer duration, do not
include any remuneration while attending the course, and, on the other
hand, usually mean lower salary expectations and worse promotion
opportunities in the job market.
Owing to the ‘historical legacy of the double structure of vocational
training’ [translation from German] (Krüger, 2004, p. 27), there exists
a structured assignment of men’s and women’s occupations, which is
associated with unequal valency and a negative label being applied to
what are held to be ‘women’s jobs’.

Whereas, for some time, the significance of an occupation has been

growing more equal with respect to the life courses of the two sexes
(. . .), the old assumptions of normality concerning male and female
life courses have remained stubbornly engrained in the structure of
the transitional system (. . .) [translated from German] (ibid.).

The rigid institutional structuring of people’s vocational development

in Germany and the structuring of the sex ratio that has become embed-
ded within it have proven resistant to normative transformation
processes, with the result that discrimination continues even under
changed conditions. Although the composition of students in the
school-based vocational system is changing due to the change from an
industrial to a service society, and men are now also present in
these areas, the structurally conditioned discrimination against this
transitional route persists. Krüger (2004) impressively demonstrates
76 Gwendolyn Paul and Uta Zybell

institutions’ power of resistance with respect to structural change:

The SVE system (5 school-based vocational educational system,
comment by G.P.) also shows that the cultural historical gender-
ing has become ‘structure’, i.e. that it today operates according to
a gendered logic, but indifferently to the actual sex of their par-
ticipants. Women who escape SVE benefit from the VED
(5 vocational and educational dual system, comment by G.P.)
advantages, and men who enter SVE will have to fight its
disadvantages (Krüger, 1999, p. 224).
Although vocational training turns out to be equally important for
women and men, an unequal concern for the question of life develop-
ment has to be noted. Job-centeredness in the male curriculum vitae,
despite wide-reaching changes in the sex ratio, still retains its validity,
and family commitments are fundamentally compatible with this. For
women, however, the family-centred life course has lost its validity; its
place is taken by the new guiding principle of the so-called ‘double
lifestyle’ [‘doppelte Lebensführung’] (Geissler and Oechsle, 1994,
p. 147). In other words, making a career and building a family are no
longer alternatives, but have become equally relevant life spheres,
which have to be combined (individually!).
For young women, a biographical perspective that focuses only
on the deployment of the worker in the workforce is too limited.
Unlike young men, they are still—as previously—not available
for company-based gainful employment for their whole life
[translated from German] (Geissler and Oechsle, 1994, p. 147).
Accordingly, creating a link between relative work autonomy and family
presence constitutes a specific feature of the female life context. The
relationship between private life and work that is sought, and how this is
brought into a reconcilable solution, i.e. whether a continuous equal bal-
ance, a series of phasing one after the other, or a weighting in favour of
one sphere or the other is preferred, ultimately also depends on how the
individual gets to grips with normative and institutional rules: ‘Life
design (. . .) develops amid the conflicting forces of society’s require-
ments, one’s own orientations and the concrete context’ [translated from
German] (Geissler and Oechsle, 1994 p. 164). It should still be noted
that the horizon of women’s life design today necessarily includes their
occupation, and that within this they wish to realise their own secure
existence, a personal endowment of meaning, and also social status.
The Example of Young Single German Mothers 77

Despite the rapprochement in educational participation and qualifi-

cations gained, and women’s increased job orientation, the category of
gender turns out to be an enduring determining factor of different life
courses and life opportunities. The acquisition of educational and voca-
tional qualifications does not necessarily mean the lifting of the sex-
specific segmentation of the education and employment market and a
change in the sex ratio, which is rooted in the structure of organisations.
Over the following pages, the completion of vocational training is
considered as the basis for the social and occupational integration of
young mothers. Here our interest turns to the development of an occu-
pational identity in vocational training and the freeing from conditions
of dependency—as a result of unemployment—that previously charac-
terised the lives of the young mothers. The acquisition of an occupa-
tional identity evidently has an important function for the stabilisation
of a personal construction of identity.

3.3 Vocational Training as a New World

of Experience for Young Mothers

Despite trends of transformation, social expectations of a nor-

malised life development pattern continue to exist, comprising the bio-
graphic sequence of the successive passage towards a new and higher
status. Anyone who differs from this course will run into difficulties
when it comes to integration:
The education and training market scarcely offers any opportuni-
ties for young women who do not stick to the socially prescribed
route of school, training, commitment to a partner, children.
Thus, despite all the observed individualisation processes, stan-
dardisations in the CV are still to be considered the norm [trans-
lated from German] (Paul-Kohlhoff, 2002, p. 146).
Even with high motivation for education and suitable schooling con-
ditions, young mothers come up against insurmountable barriers in
their search for vocational training places, because they are assumed to
have deficiencies and limitations as a result of their responsibility to
bring up children. They belong to that group of young people who fall
through the net of vocational training positions and who only have very
slender chances of obtaining vocational qualifications. In view of the
great importance of vocational training for long-lasting occupational
78 Gwendolyn Paul and Uta Zybell

integration, the lack of education means worse life opportunities overall

and only a very low level of participation in society.
The outcomes of the pilot project JAMBA conducted throughout the
German state of Hesse are presented and discussed here. The project
aimed at the occupational integration of this group, which as a result of
early motherhood has broken society’s prescribed curriculum vitae
structure of school education, vocational training/education, gainful
employment, and then starting a family. The project
takes effect at a point that almost no other measures reach: young
mothers are encouraged and supported to take an in-company
training course, and companies are encouraged to take them as
trainees. Young single mothers in fact face cumulative disadvan-
tages that result in them being excluded from vocational qualifi-
cations if they do not receive systematic support [translated from
German] (Zybell, 2003, p.12).

3.3.1 Design and Objectives of the JAMBA project

Methodologically, the cognitive interest and research objective of the

JAMBA project were geared towards investigating how young single
mothers successfully cope with their participation in a vocational train-
ing course while at the same time raising their children, what conditions
need to be created to make this arrangement possible, and how the indi-
vidual women organise their daily lives. Furthermore, the project was
concerned with the question of how new organisational structures of
vocational training are gaining acceptance by companies and vocational
training institutions as well as by the young women themselves.
The evaluation- and practice-based accompanying research attached
great value to the empirical method in the development of academic
knowledge. Data collection was designed as an inductive procedure with
individual cases and project-related contexts forming the basis for gen-
erating conclusions that could be generalised. Qualitative methods in the
form of interviews, discussion groups and verbal (expert) surveys facil-
itated access to an as yet little researched area of reality by focusing on
assessing the individuals’ perspectives. This material was supplemented
by quantitative data. The research design was based on the procedure of
triangulation, which offers a multi-perspective view on the phenomenon
under investigation. In order to record and analyse the situation and
interpretation of vocational training of young mothers from various
standpoints, the survey extended not only to the young participating
The Example of Young Single German Mothers 79

mothers, but also to companies offering training and the participating

vocational schools as well as to selected experts.
As regards surveying the young women in the project, equal impor-
tance was attached to quantitative as well as qualitative methods in order
to supplement the research of cross-individual contexts with the subjec-
tive interpretation of these contextual factors. Partially standardised, writ-
ten questions on the circumstances of the mothers’lives, their experiences
at work and the vocational school and their employment prospects were
applied in a three-stage process at the beginning, in the middle and at the
end of their training. A second qualitative line of data collection was per-
formed, on the one hand, via textbook-supported interviews and, on the
other hand, via moderated group discussions in order to gain insight into
common orientations and coping patterns. Analysis and evaluation were
based on qualitative and comparative hermeneutic procedures.
The two partners of dual vocational training—companies and voca-
tional training schools—were surveyed on the basis of a universal written
questionnaire prepared by means of textbook-supported individual inter-
views. Since implementing such a pilot project or even establishing a new
transition model for regular training would not be possible without the
companies’ willingness to provide training places, some experiences
were recorded with greater differentiation at selected companies by way
of interviews. Here, the central themes were the clientele of young mothers
as well as the new organisational form of part-time training. An overall
telephone survey was performed subsequently in order to assess retro-
spectively the general view of the companies that offered training.
Theme-centred and textbook-supported expert interviews comple-
mented the data. These experts were representatives from the Ministry,
social administrative authorities and the chambers of industry and com-
merce. As a whole, the evaluation was understood as a continuous
process of reflection and feedback that was constantly fed into the
training process in the sense of a results transfer so that the training
conditions could be continuously improved.

3.3.2 Skilled Work in Contrast to Housework

and Upbringing Children

Whereas before the training courses began, the young mothers’ lives
were heavily characterised by isolation and little contact with the ‘out-
side world’, the results of the project clearly demonstrate that participat-
ing in a vocational training programme is experienced as forming a link
with society. For the young women, vocational training ‘with children’
80 Gwendolyn Paul and Uta Zybell

means taking a route that leads to independence. In addition to opening

up an additional area of life to them, in which they are active and which
is intended to secure their future, the training situation also reshapes their
perceptions and their relationship with themselves. After all, they used
to identify to a high degree with their situation as caregivers, which gen-
erally implied dependency on state transfer payments and their family of
origin. It also entailed a certain separation from people of the same age
group owing to their different way of life.
That social recognition of the mother role only has a short range is
seen in the contradictory requirement of being a full-time mother on the
one hand, while at same time young people are expected to go out to
work and provide for themselves. In German society housework and
bringing up children are attributed only a diffuse value. In contrast,
skilled work and gainful employment enjoy a high level of esteem. The
young mothers do not beat about the bush when describing the contrast
between the two forms of working: ‘You don’t get much recognition as
a housewife and mother. The fact that you get a salary makes you part
of the working society. Otherwise you’re ‘not worth as much’, so to
speak.’ Especially when women receive social security benefits, they
can feel that they have a lower status because they are non-workers.
Their dissatisfaction with the monotony of everyday life in their vari-
ous dependent situations is expressed in statements such as ‘I thought
life was just passing me by, that nothing was happening. And I’m so
young, it’s not right, that can’t have been all that there was.’ Thus the
‘single-lane’ life context, oriented primarily towards the responsibility
for childrearing, is no longer sufficient for women, neither generally in
society nor individually.
The process of moving into the world of work through training has
the function of setting the course for the subsequent development of
identity. ‘For younger people, pride at their achievements at work is an
important medium for strengthening their self-esteem and creating
social bonds’ [translated from German] (Negt, 2005, p. 23). This is par-
ticularly true for young mothers, who as trainees, school students and
workers enter into new relationships from which they draw a great deal
of self-confidence and confirmation. For them, their occupational work
always stands in contrast to or rather in addition to their work as a
mother and head of the household. As a result of the expansion of their
repertoire of behaviours, their relationship to themselves and to others
also changes.
The young women stress how important it is for them that they have left
behind their old routine thanks to their training and that they have a new
The Example of Young Single German Mothers 81

task that gives additional meaning to their day: ‘It’s just great. I have to get
up in the morning, and I know why. I am there for me, not just for my child.’
In addition to helping them overcome a phase of aimlessness and ‘going
with the flow’, participating in vocational training also allows the women
to move themselves back closer to the centre of their everyday life. Self-
realisation and responsibility for oneself are powerful arguments for voca-
tional training for young mothers with children. One young woman
expresses this in the following way: ‘But it’s also such a good feeling
because at that moment you’re not a mother, you’re simply yourself.’This
‘being oneself’ gains a new dimension as a result of the vocational train-
ing. For the young women, gainful employment does not just mean mak-
ing a proven and positively valued contribution to society. It also means
developing skills that are not directly related to home and child.
In the assessment of the meaning of skilled work in contrast to the
work of reproduction, what the young mothers say in the JAMBA proj-
ect tallies with the values that were also found in other studies. Stauber
(1996), who has analysed the life development of single mothers in
rural regions, states:

The vocational sphere is a social context for these women, which

because of the social status of gainful employment from the outset
stands in a different evaluation context. But it also stands apart from
other social contexts as a result of its different rules—responsibilities
that lie elsewhere, different communication structures. This differ-
ence—namely with respect to the types of contact that are made in
the family context—is described as being liberating [translated from
German] (Stauber, 1996, p. 121).

The company environment challenges people in a completely different

way; it is precisely the contrast to the work of reproduction that appeals
to the young mothers. This, however, also does imply one particular
requirement, namely the maintenance of an inner consistency despite
external changes. Keupp (1999) defines identity as the ‘permanent job
of making adjustments between inner and outer worlds’ [translated
from German] (Keupp, 2001, p. 808). With this statement he describes
the idea of a process that is not necessarily linear and continuous, but
which is carried out in the form of a project. The young mothers in
vocational training have to integrate the newly arrived tasks and rela-
tionships into their existing concept of self—and this is something they
do not always find particularly easy.
82 Gwendolyn Paul and Uta Zybell

3.3.3 Developing a Vocational Identity

Despite of New Lines of Conflict

Ambivalent feelings, i.e. having conflicting attitudes and feelings at

the same time form part of the everyday life of young working moth-
ers. Positive and negative components are often simultaneous and irrec-
oncilable. The central, irresolvable contradiction relevant to all young
mothers in the project is that between attachment to the child and the
ability to let go at the same time. Coping independently with new tasks
outside the family context, which is only possible in temporary separa-
tion from the child, also provides an opportunity for self-awareness,
self-confidence and confirmation, but also for uncertainties, deep-felt
worries, fears, conflicts of conscience and self-doubt. The participants
describe their route through training as being spurred on by motivation
and optimism, but also held back by problems and inner conflicts.
For example, most young mothers in training are accompanied by
daily feelings of insufficiency and of being torn between the two spheres
of life. They permanently experience the feeling of not having sufficient
time and energy to react appropriately to demands and needs. Their
stress and guilty conscience relate most strongly to their children, as it is
here that they experience the greatest changes compared to previously.
But in their jobs, too, the young mothers frequently want to demonstrate
more flexibility and commitment than they are actually able to give.
They have to struggle to persevere with training not just at the level of
real reconcilability, but also at the level of disapproval and criticism from
their social environment and at the level of their own opinions, beliefs
and wishes, where there are potential lines of conflict. They live amid the
conflicting forces of profit and loss, opportunities and risks, enrich-
ments and irritations, and each must cope with this conflict in her own
way. Determining the relationship between the two poles, or between all
the facets, is ultimately crucial in the development of an identity.
As ‘commuters between two worlds’, for which their personal and
social identity is just as important as their vocational one, they share
their fate with all working mothers. In view of the contradictory expec-
tations that various reference groups or persons direct towards the
young mothers and which demand autonomous decisions, Lempert
(1998) states that ‘role conflicts are a significant ‘driving force’
towards improved moral development’ [translated from German]
(Lempert, 1998, p. 185). Owing to these crises, young mothers also
have the opportunity to redefine the norms of their roles.
The Example of Young Single German Mothers 83

The interviews demonstrated that all participating young mothers go

through transformation processes that can trigger immense dynamism,
which may take different forms depending on their actual situation.
If the women succeed in using the conflicts and tensions to their bene-
fit, they make significant progress in terms of gaining independence,
self-determination and emancipation. However, if the woman suffers
experiences of failure and severe frustrations, she may withdraw from
the training programme, which can mean further gaps and hindrances
in her curriculum vitae.
It is remarkable how strongly identification with work is linked to pro-
fessional activity. This is demonstrated in the young mothers’ linguistic
expressions when they talk about their situation in relating conspicuously
to ‘work’ rather than ‘training’. Just by their choice of nomenclature, it
becomes apparent that vocational development signifies membership of
the ‘community of practice’. The status of learning is pushed into the
background against that of working. The training is being connected with
being a participant in the world of work and achieving occupational
success or being occupationally capable. It pays to take up an important
position in the company. As a result of the practice-oriented vocational
training that closely links working and learning, the young women feel
genuinely needed through directly participating in the company’s work
processes. One trainee proudly reported that the company ‘counts on us.’
Through carrying out useful activities, they can demonstrate the concrete
results of their work, interact with the customers and offer services. In
this way they are integrated both into the organisational structure and
time schedule of the company and the social structure it provides
(cf. Zybell, 2003, p.159). To be integrated as a staff member and thereby
being able to prove and strengthen their social skills is extremely impor-
tant for the young mothers, too.
All these elements foster the development of a vocational identity.
The young women know that they are cogs—even if small ones—in the
work process. This means that if they are absent, there is a gap, and if
they are present, their contributions are at least recorded. At any rate,
they are in a certain way responsible and this bolsters their self-esteem:
‘Working for a company you have to be accountable for the work that
you do. And I also can prove to myself, somehow, that I can do it. And
not be left standing like a loser.’ In this respect, the young mothers
regard their training as fully fledged work. Earning their own money,
even if the trainee wages are still minimal and not sufficient to live
independently, also contributes to their high level of identification with
84 Gwendolyn Paul and Uta Zybell

their work. Although not entirely accurate as far as training is con-

cerned, they associate with this the dimension of recognition in the
form of being rewarded for their contributions.
Hence the women (. . .) are more strongly oriented to the concept of
gainful employment instead of to training as socialisation into an
occupation. Rather, they see training as preparation and integration
into work [translated from German] (cf. Zybell, 2003, p. 162).
It should not be forgotten that following a training programme and hav-
ing children can also put women under enormous pressure to be suc-
cessful. They want to prove in their working and social environments
that they are worth the investment that is being made in them and that
they can meet the expected demands. The strongest pressure to succeed
is felt in the vocational school and in the company. Hence this directly
concerns their concrete performance in training and only indirectly
their overall situation. The fear of not fulfilling expectations is present
in many ways. Although being grateful for having the opportunity to
obtain a vocational qualification, this can also lead to a fear of failure.

3.3.4 Route Towards Independence

All project participants were aware of the relevance the vocational

training had for their future employment prospects. They knew that as
an unskilled employee, they would be badly paid and more likely to
lose their job. ‘I want to achieve something in my life. I want to plan a
future. The traineeship gives me the basis to do that.’ The prospects for
their future life gain defined contours and promising aspects as a result
of the vocational training. Added to this is the motivation to be a posi-
tive role model for their own children: ‘I want my daughter to be proud
of me one day and not have to say: my mother is a cleaning woman.’
For the young mothers undergoing a vocational training course
with having children means taking a route that leads to independ-
ence. This independence involves various dimensions. In the first
place, there is the prospect of financial independence. The young
mothers stress how they feel the strain of reliance on state benefits
or the financial support of their family of origin. They feel extremely
restricted and regimented and wish they had more self-determined
financial scope. Closely linked to the desire for financial
independence is increased independence from the family of origin.
Detachment from their parents is often not yet as complete as
The Example of Young Single German Mothers 85

desired. Their own motherhood often has a contradictory effect due

to the need for help and assistance. The parent-daughter ties conceal
the risk of making boundaries and independence more and more dif-
ficult. Vocational training can make a considerable contribution to
removing the young mother from the parents’ influence for the medium
term. Furthermore, training allows the young mothers to become
more independent of negative social labels. Experiences of stigmati-
sation as young mothers, lone parents and recipients of social security
benefits often cumulate to a negative image in the social environ-
ment. As trainees they experience more (and more positive) recognition.
Being a trainee also promotes their self-image to the extent that the
women become more independent of their children. The primary
self-definition of the mother role is extended to the vocational con-
text and their work performance. The dimensions of independence
do not mean that complete independence in all areas can be achieved
by completing vocational training. Rather the young mothers are
treading a path towards greater independence and are equipping
themselves with what is needed to continue this path. Ultimately, it
is gainful employment that will determine their path towards achiev-
ing full independence.
At the end of the training, the young women were extremely proud
of having achieved their qualification. Under difficult conditions and
through various different crises they have achieved something that ‘no-
one can take away from them’. Being accredited as a skilled worker
means more than having a particular activity profile or having
improved ones capabilities to secure a livelihood. The vocational qual-
ification also means a gain in self-determination and stability and the
attainment of a higher social status. ‘Now that I’ve passed the exams
I feel that I have climbed above the background I came from.’ Some
women even found that an across-the-board improvement in their life
took place, from their living situation to their relationship with a part-
ner. The vocational training does not only have significant impact on
their career prospects, but also affects their entire attitude towards life.
‘I’ve been mixing with people and taking an active part in life again.
These are things where I can say that it was the training that brought
them to me’.
The relationship to the world of work creates a new sense of esteem,
as the occupation forms the ‘eye of the needle through which individu-
als are able to transcend the immediate private circle of their family and
their affairs’ and share in societal practice (cf. Schelsky 1965, quoted
after Beck et al., 1980, p. 222).
86 Gwendolyn Paul and Uta Zybell

3.4 Conclusion

Germany is a vocationally-oriented society in which ‘career and

vocationalism have a central normative and regulative importance for
social integration’ [translated from German] (Baethge, 2000, p. 375).
This vocation centeredness can readily be seen in everyday situations
when people respond to the question of ‘What are you?’ by mentioning
the job they do. In Germany, we still define ourselves via our occupational
specialisation—in so far as we have one. The strong socially integrat-
ing force of the occupation has its downside in the exclusion and
marginalisation of those who do not have a vocational background and
are not participating in gainful employment or work in forms other than
full-time schemes. Baethge (2000) delineates the partial exclusion
women experience and the loss of privilege among the uneducated and
part-time workers (cf. Baethge, 2000 p. 377ff). Girls and women gen-
erally demonstrate high levels of job orientation, which is sustained by
the increased level of female labour participation. This clearly indicates
the social recognition that labour participation generates and its impor-
tance in terms of forming an identity attached to performing skilled
work. On the other hand, women’s comparatively low labour force
participation rate in Germany in international perspective cannot be
explained by women’s lack of job orientation, but is an indicator of the
persisting influence of sex-specific structural, normative and also indi-
vidual factors on work biographies.
With regard to the everyday life of young mothers, who tend to be
highly disadvantaged on the training and employment market, working
gains a high significance. With a successfully completed vocational
training they can proudly state that they ‘are something’ and offer
something to society that gives them special recognition. Furthermore,
they can engage in conversations relating to the world of work, their
experiences in the workplace, conflicts arising there and how they
enjoy performing particular work tasks, thus exchanging ideas with
colleagues and becoming socially integrated. Taking part in these
domains means some kind of ‘normality’ and therefore a ‘link’ to a
world that remained closed to them as housewives and mothers.
Numerous empirical studies demonstrate the change in demands of
work and career postulating that employment should have subjective
meaning and its content should be interesting. Such expectations of
personal fulfilment that the career is supposed to meet, is expressed
mainly among young employees and women.
The Example of Young Single German Mothers 87

Among three-quarters of employees subjective demands of work

predominate. These are concentrated either on the content of the
work activity or on the network of communicative relationships
at work (. . .): people want to be inwardly involved in work, be
able to play a personal part in it and gain from work a confirma-
tion of their own competencies [translated from German]
(Baethge, 1991, p. 7–9).
Integration into the world of work also means integration into a
social network. This generally relates to the direct work context and less
to anything beyond that.
From the JAMBA project we can see that the occupation shapes both the
personal and the social identity of a person in its interweaving of cultural
and content structures with personal lifestyle (cf. Albrecht, 2002, Sprache:
Geschlecht—Identität—Beraf. Zum Einfluss der Sprache auf geschlechts-
bezogene Berufsorientierungsprozesse, unpublished essay, p. 7). To have
an occupation means much more to the young mothers than acquiring a set
of skills and expert knowledge. They are now a member of the working
society and therefore have access to a cultural area that offers a different
kind of recognition than that of being a mother only. Skilled work gives a
new direction to their life, a different meaning and ultimately also more
structure. The young mothers see themselves increasingly as active partic-
ipants and as equal members of a community of practice who enjoy equal
rights. Increased self-awareness, new frameworks of reference and realms
of experience change their scope for action and their self-definition.
For these women, their career is even less separable from the rest of
their life context than it is the case for working men and women who
do not have children. In their particular life situation, the young moth-
ers are not only crossing the border between working and family life,
but they also build bridges as they (have to) link the two spheres together.
As a result they develop an

extended concept of work, which is characterised by two bound-

aries: with respect to people of the same age and with respect to
working men. The statements made by the young women revealed
that they contrast training not with free time but with family work
[translated from German] (Zybell, 2003, p. 162).

First, the young women hardly have any free time to themselves, and
second they see their private time also as being work. One woman for-
mulates this double work reference as follows: ‘Work actually gives me
88 Gwendolyn Paul and Uta Zybell

a chance to rest. The exhausting part only begins in the evening, when
I get home.’ The specific nature of their situation compared to people
of the same age lies in the fact that the latter do not yet face the
demands of raising children and family work, and compared to work-
ing men in that, to these men, family does not require any special effort
of reconciliation.
The results of the empirical study we presented confirm the impor-
tance of a person’s occupation as a ‘gateway to the world’ (Beck et al.,
1980, p. 222) and as an opportunity for societal participation. The
young mothers have successfully been able to develop a distinctive
vocational identity, even if they have not in all cases been able to enter
their ‘dream occupation’. They transfer their occupational sense of
belonging into a general membership of society. The majority of the
project participants could no longer imagine not being in employment.
‘I have to say that I now wouldn’t want to give up work and go back to
where I was before. Work has given me a great deal in life.’
Despite being in circumstances that initially seem to be incompati-
ble with undergoing a vocational training programme, the example of
young mothers shows the continued strength of vocational identifica-
tion. The specific characteristic of the group of young mothers lies in
the fact that they became mothers ‘too early’ and not that, just like other
young women, they attach great value to vocational qualifications.
Despite the tendencies for individualisation, their motherhood acts as a
decisive obstacle in the way of obtaining a training place in the German
Dual System. This continues to be the typical route by which most
young men and women become integrated into the labour market in
Germany, even though it has been characterised by a series of crisis
symptoms for many years.

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The ‘Double’ Vocational Identity

of the Working Population in the
Greek Tourist Industry

Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis

Panteion University of Athens, Greece

4.1 Introduction

Human identity presupposes a relation between the individual and

both, the other and the self. Every form of identity, including the voca-
tional one, is expressed as a ‘symptom’ (Lipovatsz, 1991, p. 273), as an
incident experienced by the other through particular forms of behaviour
and social relations accomplished by the individual. In the present chap-
ter, we trace the particular forms of behaviour and social relations that
employees working in tourism display alongside their vocational identity.
The tourism industry in Greece has been rapidly expanding in the last
40 years due to the prosperous post-war economic period in Europe. It is
remarkable that during the period of tourism rise in the south of Europe,
a reciprocal migration movement from the South towards the industrial
countries of the North started to evolve. The workforce started moving
from parts of Italy, Spain, Greece and other southern countries in order
to seek employment in the more industrialised North. Till today, the
emigrants’ remittances and the tourist exchange are welcome since they
contribute to the relief of the commercial deficit, help to reduce the eco-
nomic crisis, and therefore, alleviate poverty in the South, particularly
after those countries became full members of the European Union.
Tourism and migration led to a radical transformation in the countries
of the South including Greece (Patiniotis, 1979). This transformation has
affected the social structures but also the people living in these countries in

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 91–114.
© 2007 Springer.
92 Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis

terms of personality and identity formation. While today migration to other

countries has lost its former importance, tourism has become very impor-
tant. The increase of tourist activities does not only have economic but also
social, cultural and environmental implications. When tourism takes place
in traditionally organised societies, it lays down new rules and influences
the social attitude and behaviour of people in their ways of living and inter-
personal relations within the family and the neighbourhood, but also with-
in the communities of practice and how they practise their trade.
In relation to our subject of research a series of questions arose: Do
employees working in tourism develop a particular vocational identity?
Do they believe that it is worthwhile pursuing permanent employment
in this field or do they regard the arduous but profitable jobs in the
tourist field as a means to make quick savings in order to invest in other
economic fields or activities? In other words, does their employment in
this field form part of their life plan or not? Due to the seasonal
employment patterns in the sector, people typically work for half the
year only, whereas during the other half of the year they either remain
unemployed, work in other fields or engage in other activities while
waiting for the next tourist season. Thus, we ask whether employees
working in tourism develop a vocational identity in this occupational
area or rather build forms of ‘identity bricolage’ (Carruthers and Uzzi,
2000, p. 486) deriving from their diverse employment opportunities. Or
are those people deprived of developing any form of stable vocational
identity because of their diverse activities?
The above-mentioned research questions arose in the context of the
5th EU Framework Project ‘FAME—Vocational Identity, Flexibility
and Mobility in the European Labour Market’ (for further details see
Kirpal, Brown, and Dif in this volume). In the framework of this proj-
ect, the small sample Greek study applied qualitative methods for data
collection with semi-structured interviews conducted in two geograph-
ical regions: on the island of Crete and in a small town in mainland
Greece. Both regions possess different socio-economic features and
have a completely different tourism development background. The data on
the tourism employees interviewed are presented in the compact format of
a detailed table in the appendix of this chapter (Yin, 1994, p. 136f). We
choose to present the data in this format since a more detailed presenta-
tion of the individual cases would exceed the limits of this chapter.
We believe that the analysis of employees’ vocational identities in
Greek tourism enables us to engage with a sector that is continually
expanding in the present period of time. The economic situation in
modern tourism is characterised by uncertainty in the annual course of
this field and, consequently, an uncertainty regarding the future of
The ‘Double’ Vocational Identity: Greece 93

employment, the very long working hours, the flexibility of working

relations and the interchange between periods of intense employment
and unemployment. These are representative examples of the modern
‘risk society’ (Beck, 1986). For this reason we consider tourism as a
typical field of modernity.
In Greek tourism, very frequently we find the ‘self-employed
employer’, a unique form of employee. This form of small business
owner can be met in every European economy. This type of employee
is owner and employee at the same time, working alongside the small
number employees he or she may employ. He or she often works hard,
perhaps harder than the other employees. This type of ‘self-employed
employer’ is met in restaurants, travel agencies, car rentals, small
hotels and similar forms of businesses and is actually very common
across Europe. However, although a considerable proportion of the
workforce is employed in such forms of services and small businesses,
it has not been considered much in current international research.
In our study, we tried to trace and analyse the real situation of
employees working in tourism hence the ‘self-employed employer’ is
well represented. Furthermore, we considered the vocational identity of
these people to be an interesting case.
In order to provide an integrated presentation of our research out-
comes, this chapter has adopted the following structure: First, we refer
to the parameters that determine the Greek tourist industry and the
social effects of this successful sector of the Greek economy. We pro-
ceed with the presentation of the functioning parameters of the tourism
sector and the skills and competences that employers expect from their
employees. In the majority of cases those skills are not acquired from
a particular kind of formal vocational education. In the next section,
we introduce some semantic and theoretical considerations regarding
the study of vocational identity and then present our empirical find-
ings on the vocational identity of people employed in this sector. Apart
from the regular employees, employment in tourism is largely charac-
terised by self-employed owners of small tourist businesses, so we can
observe the emergence of flexible vocational practices, which lead to
the mapping of multiple vocational identities for the tourism industry

4.2 Employment in Greek Tourism

In Greece, tourism is a substantial economic sector that has been

growing constantly since the 1970s. The sector has recently created
94 Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis

approximately 20 per cent of the Greek GDP employing about 17 per

cent of the country’s workforce. In 2005, the number of foreign tourists
is expected to rise to approximately 14 million, which is 1.5 times higher
than the Greek population. The number of tourists should even increase
when the millions of Greek tourists who spend their holidays in Greek
tourist destinations are included.
Greek tourism is characterised by seasonal employment mainly
restricted to the summer season. Tourist businesses usually operate from
April to October. They remain closed for the rest of the year and dismiss
their employees in order to hire them again next year. Although slowly
rising, winter tourism is very low and addressed to Greeks only. Agro
tourism has been greatly supported in the last twenty years in an endeav-
our to combine agricultural and tourist activities (Jacovidou, 1991;
Portalidou and Jacovidou, 2002), but this had a relatively low impact.
The sector comprises different types and sizes of companies ranging
from very small and one-person businesses to large hotel chains. Also
foreign companies are continually gaining ground, particularly foreign
tour operators, which move massive numbers of tourists (Sheldon,
1986; Zacharatos, 1992). They typically aim to satisfy simple tourist
expectations that could be fulfilled in every sunny coastal region on the
planet. Turner and Ash (1970) called these expectations the ‘4s’: sun,
sand, sex and sea (Turner and Ash, 1970, p. 11). Those massive num-
bers of tourists are influenced in their decision concerning their desti-
nation by low prices, the advertisement of foreign tour operators and
their friends’ opinions, who have already visited the chosen destination
(Tsartas and Thanopoulou, 1995, p. 119). Tourists of this type often
have very little social interactions with the employees working in
tourism. They typically spend their holidays in all-inclusive resorts
isolated by the surroundings and have no contact with the local popu-
lation. In such tourist ‘ghettos’ (Tsartas, 1998) like the clubs Méditerranée
in Greece, for example, social interaction between tourists and locals
does not occur. However, there is closer contact in other forms of
tourism such as cultural, ecological and discovery tourism, although
these forms are still largely the province of fringe groups not only in
Greece, but also all over the world.
At any rate, ‘the more mass tourism expands, the more the transition
from a “face to face” relation to a distinctively commercial relation
between the tourists and the locals is evident’ (Tsartas et al., 1995, p. 21),
a reality with obvious impact on the vocational identity of tourism
employees. The vocational identity of employees working in tourism is
obviously affected by the social influence stemming from the tourist
The ‘Double’ Vocational Identity: Greece 95

industry as well as tourists’ behaviours and the opportunities to meet

locals. We should not disregard the fact that this contact takes place at a
time when tourists are on holiday while the employees are working hard.

4.2.1 The Social Effects of Tourism

The social effects of the tourist industry affecting the formation or the
transformation of employees’ vocational identity working in this sector
may be encoded, in no particular evaluative order, as follows (Stott,
1978, p. 81; Andronicou, 1979; Jafari, 1974, p. 238; Tsartas et al., 1995;
Tsartas and Thanopoulou, 1995; Tsartas, 1998; OECD, 1980):
● Tourism as we can observe in Greece leads to the rapid transfor-
mation of agricultural areas into areas that offer mainly tourist
services. People live in opulence owing to high earnings and
income poured into the area under tourist development.
● The level of income becomes the principal indicator of social status
diminishing the importance of factors such as family traditions,
educational background or political power. Pursuing higher earn-
ings becomes a personal strategy leading to individualism, com-
petition and superficial social relations based mainly on personal
interest and selfishness. The ostentatious showing off of wealth
and the consumer goods owned by the ‘successful’ undermines the
role of altruistic relations.
● The practices of local tradition are adjusted and commercialised to
be compatible with the tastes and aesthetics of the foreign tourists.
This leads to an estrangement from tradition.
● Tourists bring with them their own way of life, consumption,
entertainment and food habits, which are imitated by the locals
who aspire to be considered successful. Thus, there is a decline or
even a rejection of local habits and a prevalence of foreign ones.
● The environmental effects from the rapid growth of tourism can be
registered, especially in areas considered as ‘traditional settle-
ments’ or areas of ‘exceptional natural beauty’. The effects may
concern the natural environment as well as buildings, arbitrarily
built settlements, advertisements, etc. that spoil the landscape.
● Young people and women become financially independent by
means of employment in tourism.
● The seasonal nature of employment and long working hours blur
the distinction between work and leisure affecting employees’
relations with family, friends and colleagues.
96 Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis

● The economic dominance of tourism makes employees leave tra-

ditional sectors and areas of employment that do not offer equally
high earnings. Furthermore, the development of the sector leads to
long working hours and the employment of large numbers of for-
eign, often illegal, workers.

4.2.2 Employment Patterns in Tourism

Like other countries with a significantly growing tourist sector,

Greece experiences serious problems due to the lack of a specialist
labour force. However, differentiating from developments in other
European countries with prosperous tourism, Greek employers do not
consider that employees need to be well trained in order to be hired.
This is a general trait of the Greek economy: the phenomenon that busi-
ness activities do not rely upon well-trained and specialised employees,
who would be more productive and, as a result, better paid by the
employers. As we have outlined in another paper:
the predominant form of Greek private business is the small-sized,
family-owned enterprise. Companies are often run on an emotional
basis, managers usually reaching business decisions amateurishly,
through instinct and intuition instead of market investigation. On
the other hand, entrepreneurs, in general, appear reluctant to under-
take expansion activities, albeit profoundly profitable, without
state support. Moreover, many Greek entrepreneurs tend to view
their vocation as temporary, often becoming engaged in short-run,
speculative gains. This propensity seems to stem from the unstable
institutional and economic environment. Data indicate that busi-
nessmen have accumulated substantial profits, but these profits
have come mainly from exploitation of favourable legal devices, as
well as from the squeeze on employees’ salaries. Research has
shown that labour wages and salaries in Greece tend to increase at
a markedly lower rate compared to other EU and OECD countries
(Patiniotis and Stavroulakis, 1997, p. 192).
To better understand the functioning of the Greek labour market and
the sector in the promotion of employees’ vocational identities, we
repeat something formerly mentioned in another publication:
The saying of the famous painter Jannis Tsarouchis that ‘in
Greece you are whatever you declare’ seems to apply to the practice
of most companies with the exception of those requiring a high
The ‘Double’ Vocational Identity: Greece 97

level of specialization. This means that a person can virtually prac-

tise any occupation he or she wishes, regardless of his or her edu-
cation, training or other qualifications. The only requirement is
his or her intention to practise in the area. In Greece, many peo-
ple with different educational qualifications practise the same
occupation alongside another. The lack of correspondence
between peoples’ fields of training and employment is also exac-
erbated by the practice of ‘multi-employment’. In such cases,
wage earners work for two (or even three) employers, sometimes
in completely unrelated occupational fields (Martínez Cellorio,
Ferran, and Patiniotis, 1997, p. 33; see also Mihail, 2003; Kufidou
and Mihail, 1999).

Due to the seasonal nature that characterises Greek tourism, it is

expected that large numbers of employees consider their employment
in the tourism sector as seasonal and non-permanent. Most hotels and
tourist shops or services only operate between six to eight months per
year. Employees who work in tourism only over the summer have sev-
eral options: for the rest of year they may be unemployed, live on their
savings or the unemployment benefit from the State Manpower Agency,
which they are entitled to receive for a period of up to six months, or
they may work in other economic areas. From our research, we found
that other employment opportunities range from the primary sector
(e.g. working as farmer or fisherman) to the tertiary sector (e.g. instruc-
tor, insurer). The seasonality of tourist jobs as well as the awareness that
even without special training it is easily possible to find a job may be
two key reasons why employees typically do not pursue further training
and qualifications.
Employers in tourist enterprises reckon that most of the graduates
from training institutions specialised in tourism do not have the neces-
sary knowledge to practice their profession. As a consequence, they
hire mainly non-specialist employees who cost the employers lower
salaries. Because of their low salaries, their compensation is also lower
in case they are made redundant. As a result of this strategy most tourist
employers prefer not to hire employees who graduated from schools of
tourism. Hence, ‘the graduates of tertiary tourism education institu-
tions, who work in the tourist industry, are considerably fewer than their
respective counterparts in other European countries’ (Igoumenakis,
1992, p. 48).
It is remarkable that research projects and publications after 1981
did not show great concern for professional expertise or work process
98 Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis

knowledge, skills, competences or the quality of the workforce to sup-

port the development of this industry, although strenuous efforts were
being made in order to boost tourism. It seems that during the 1980s
macro-economic, land-planning and advertising policies were consid-
ered sufficient to secure tourism development and its transformation
into an ‘industry’ (Zacharatos, 1980, 1986; Komilis, 1986a, b). This
still seems to be the attitude today. In their papers on the future of
tourism and the factors that can lead to its qualitatively improved devel-
opment, political executives from the two biggest Greek parties
referred only briefly to improving the employees’ vocational training.
With this situation in mind, students of the Greek polytechnics only
rarely specialise in tourism. This is verified from the fact that the fewest
preferences and, therefore, the lowest pass grades in the university
entrance exams for 2005 were achieved in the departments of ‘Tourism
Studies’ of five Greek polytechnics.
The employers’ attitude even makes it difficult for graduates from
tertiary tourism education institutions to find employment in the sector.
Thereby, they are often forced to change employment, while employers,
especially those of small tourist enterprises, continue to hire non-specialist
workers who do not have special salary requirements and pressing
demands for permanent employment.
The aforementioned surely has striking effects on the vocational
identity of tourism employees. These effects can be documented by
studying the tourism employees’ biographies (Patiniotis and Prodromitis,
2002) and will be analysed further below.

4.3 Theoretical Considerations in the Study

of Social Identity

The main issues in the context of theoretical analysis and empirical

pinpointing of ‘social identity’ relate to the individual and collective
components of identity. These issues include the psychological mecha-
nisms that influence self-definition, the ‘external’ social forces that
determine the normative framework for the constitution of identity as
composed of both similarity and difference, and the form and orienta-
tion of emotional investment involving implications for identity, as well
as the corollary of this investment on the social discourse and the
behaviour of social actors.
It is noticeable that social identity comprises conjunctions between
the individual and the social on the one hand, and the psychological and
The ‘Double’ Vocational Identity: Greece 99

the sociological on the other hand. This phenomenon has often been
empirically registered either as a mere addition to some sociological
and central parameters of psychological research or, as use (and in
some cases misuse) of non-conventional psychological mechanisms,
from the researchers’ point of view, used in an effort to analyse wide-
spread phenomena. The outcome that ensues from such options is the
preservation, feedback and disguise of the scientific bipolar ‘method-
ological holism—methodological individualism’ or, in other words, the
reproduction of sociological and psychological reflections and the fail-
ure of transcendence beyond this approach due to a superficial and
‘supplementary’ conjunction between psychology and sociology
(Papastamou, 2002).
On a theoretical level, these one-sided choices of explanatory prin-
ciples are connected to the preservation of a deceptive distinction
between the individual and the society. In terms of modern sociological
theory this distinction is expressed as a problem of tracing the relations
between the social authority of action and the social structure
(Mouzelis, 1991, 1995; Giddens, 1990). The selection of psychologi-
cally reductionist explanations gives maximum autonomy to subsys-
tems of social integration at the expense of social structure, whereas
recourse to sociologically reductionist explanations results in the
detachment of the systemic structure at the expense of a relative auton-
omy of the social action authority. In consequence of this second
option, we have, on the one hand, the image of a ‘highly socialised’
puppet-individual, and on the other hand, an anthropomorphic image of
society in its entirety, in which meanings such as ‘principles of social
values’, ‘collective consciousness’ or ‘collective soul’ have a value in
themselves as entities that control everybody and everything in society.
Integration into social groups and differentiation from others form
the basis for the formation of a social identity through a procedure of
recognition and self-attribution to in-group specific characteristics and,
at the same time, the adoption of original views (Tajfel, 1979; Tajfel,
1982; Turner, 1982; Turner, Oakes et al., 1994). Thus, social identity
could be simultaneously deemed to be a cognitive structure related to
the management and classification of social information, and a struc-
ture of emotional and judgmental investment on both the individual and
collective level. In short, social identity could be considered as an
organisational principle of: the definition of social groups; the regula-
tion of the relations between the individual and her or his reference
group; and the regulation of in-group relations. This specific approach
provides the framework for concepts and formal theoretical analyses,
100 Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis

which could be evaluated in empirical research regarding the social

identity of workers in the tourist industry. Therefore, in our research,
we have studied the formation of the social-vocational identities of
Greek tourism industry employees. We have adopted the basic theoret-
ical principle according to which the constitution of social groups is
directly linked to the individual’s need for a distinctive identity, which
enables individual differentiation from others.

4.4 Method of Investigation

In order to provide a theoretically rich and methodologically rigor-

ous approach to the study of vocational identity, we need to consider
further a number of issues related to individual and collective aspects
of the constitution of identities. In this way, it is possible to dodge, on
the one hand, the overuse of the paradigm of methodological individu-
alism which orientates research unilaterally towards the study of indi-
vidual cognitive and affective procedures and, on the other hand, the
excessive first order magnitude attribution of those macro-social fac-
tors that result in the disregard of intermediate levels in the formation
and interaction of relationships.
In order to reach this goal we considered Doise’s (1982) distinction
of four analytical levels of socio-psychological reality as particularly
useful. This distinction between ‘in-group’, ‘out-group’, ‘inter-group’
and ‘ideological’ levels of analysis provides a useful framework for
the classification of individuals’ expression, in the course of their self-
definition procedures, as personalities and members of a professional
group at the same time. Furthermore, this framework is useful for the
study at the level of the individuals’ convergence with the group, the
relations they promote with other members of the group and the in-
group and out-group power structures. Finally, turning this context to
advantage, there is the potential to pinpoint the main ideological prin-
ciples that intervene in the individuals’ discourse and analyse their self-
definition as personalities and members of social groups during the
formation and elaboration of social relations on various levels.

4.4.1 Data Collection

With these theoretical principles for data collection (realised in the

summer of 2002) we adopted the method of semi-structured interviews.
We modelled the thematic guide for data collection in a way to avoid
The ‘Double’ Vocational Identity: Greece 101

possible sociological or psychological reductionism. The individuals’

discourses were classified in such a way that different levels and
keynotes in the definition of vocational identity could emerge. In a com-
plementary fashion, we followed a common approach to analyse voca-
tional identity formation as identified by the collaborative research team
of the FAME project (see Kirpal, 2004). This approach identified dif-
ferent aspects in the socio-psychological processing of the experience of
work of the employees who participated in the research. These aspects
included: integration into and satisfaction with the work environment;
the meaning of work; feelings of integration into a group with reference
to the organisation and in relation to other workers; recruitment, organ-
isation of work and the experience of hierarchy; and broader implica-
tions in relation to the wider environment and the subject of work.
The model guide for the realisation of the semi-structured interviews
with employees in the Greek tourism industry was outlined as follows:

1. Initially their individual-demographic characteristics were

assessed (length of time in tourism industry, description of tasks
in the present position, motivation to choose to enter the tourist
industry, motives for the choice of the present position, educa-
tional qualifications, education considered compulsory in order
to achieve maximum productivity in their present position,
employment status (permanent or temporary) and the degree of
satisfaction and evaluation of material and symbolic benefits).
2. The second keystone of the model guide covered the individual’s
experience and evaluation in relation to the work environment
(the firm’s profile, hierarchy, evaluation of horizontal and verti-
cal relations, the degree of commitment to both the work and the
employer and the firm, initiative potential, feelings of job self-
autonomy and elements of satisfaction and dissatisfaction).
3. The next keystone studied in-field or inter-field manpower
mobility either existing or as perceived by the employee.
4. The fourth keystone concerned the way in which employees com-
prehended and evaluated their area of employment (e.g. hotel
sector) to assess their experiences in terms of collaboration, com-
petition and institutional structures.
5. The 5th keystone investigated employees’ evaluation of the Greek
tourism industry.
6. The sixth keystone was linked to the previous one in assessing
employees’ definition and evaluation of the macro-social factors
that influence the tourism sector.
102 Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis

A total of thirteen employees working in the tourist industry were

interviewed, of which eight worked on the island of Crete. Crete is one
of the most developed tourist places in Greece and different types of
tourist-related jobs and occupational profiles can easily be spotted. The
remaining five participants were interviewed in a coastal town in
North-western Greece known as a holiday resort for Greeks who come
from the area. This place can be classified as a tourist area ‘under
development’. The comparison of the data between this town and Crete
not only take account of the various rates of tourist growth in Greece,
but also of the different degrees of consciousness of the vocational
identity of the interviewees. The imbalance in consciousness is attested
by the fact that only three out of five latter interviews were included in
the analysis, since the remaining two interviews did not provide suffi-
cient data relevant to the objectives of the present study.

4.5 Data Analysis—The ‘Double’ Vocational

Identity in the Greek Tourism Industry

The occupational profiles of the eleven people interviewed are listed

in the annex, which also details the codification of the data affecting
vocational identity formation. The codification takes into account the
following parameters: (i) the present position (legal relation); (ii) rea-
sons for choosing to enter the tourist industry; (iii) the educational level
of the interviewee; (iv) special training; (v) supporting factors in the
sense of positive aspects of the tourist occupation; (vi) barriers and
obstacles (to employment in tourism); (vii) forms of individual profes-
sional mobility; and (viii) life plans. The research data emerging from
the interviews were evaluated according to the method of thematic con-
tent analysis, which was conducted on the principles mentioned above.
In six cases the interviewees were either self-employed owners or
managers. The ‘double vocational identity’ of somebody who considers
herself or himself as a manager/employer and employee at the same time
is an interesting element of the work identity of people working in the
Greek tourist industry. We believe that this aspect should be a key issue
in related research projects since it is a widespread phenomenon not only
in Greece, but also in large numbers of other countries, especially at the
European periphery. Focusing on regular employees only would for the
tourist industry present a one-sided, distorted and misleading image
ignoring the facets of ‘complex’ or ‘mixed’ identities typical of the self-
employed manager. A first result of our data analysis is that the distinction
The ‘Double’ Vocational Identity: Greece 103

between employee and employer in Greek tourism is not always explicit.

As a sector with many small businesses, self-employment in personal or
family-run units is widespread where personal labour input along with
other employees is combined with managing the unit.
Apart from the self-employed owner we also find other types of
employees working in tourism. Their perceptions and statements were
analysed in the context of the nature of seasonal employment in the Greek
tourist sector. Some seasonal employees hold down two jobs and employ-
ments at the same time, of which one might not be related to tourism, or,
‘out of season’ they work in another completely different area. Other
employees have a permanent job in tourism only and do not work ‘out of
season’. Their earnings from tourist activities are often so high or the
needs of the people of this category are so simple that working very hard
for six or seven months can cover the living needs for the whole year.
These employees seem willing to search for permanent employment
in tourism under more favourable circumstances. For them, it is a desirable
field of occupation, because they regard the relatively high earnings
compared to what they would earn in other segments of the economy as
a positive element. Furthermore, they value the symbolic rewards,
which emanate from the communication and interpersonal relations
with tourists.
The data analysis revealed that people with a positive inclina-
tion towards their vocational identity in terms of developing a self-
understanding as ‘tourism people’ are, apart from the self-employed
owners, those who underwent vocational education and training related
to tourism. Hence, specialised vocational training seems to be a dynam-
ic factor for employees working in tourism developing a distinctive
vocational identity. However, the self-definition of an individual as a
‘tourism person’ not only has to do with the specific training and formal
qualifications, but also with on-the-job acquired practical knowledge,
skills and competences a person has obtained by means of profession-
al practice. These elements count besides the symbolic benefit people
gain from rich interpersonal communication opportunities with large
numbers of different people.
Taking into account that, from the interviewees’ point of view, the
tourist sector is a field of uncertainty which is vulnerable to imponder-
able and uncontrolled factors,1 which can influence the annual number

From our research such factors involve the economic crisis in the country of origin,
inflation due to introduction of the EURO, natural disasters in tourist resorts and wars
and conflicts in countries around the tourist resorts.
104 Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis

of tourist arrivals and the composition of the population of tourists, a

number of personal strategies towards a personal vocational stability
can be identified. Such strategies have to do with both vocational
mobility and movement into fields other than tourism, as well as
strengthening their current job position in the tourist sector. This last
strategy is related to personal efforts at creating a ‘non-formal curricu-
lum vitae’ based on the good reputation the person has acquired at the
workplace. This involves forms of symbolic capital that the employee
has accrued and which can be evaluated positively on the grounds of
interpersonal relations and immediate communication with employers
from the specific area.

4.6 Tourism as an Example for the

Implementation of Flexible Labour
Practices and the Acquisition of
Multiple Labour Identities

Self-employment can be regarded as a common trait of the Greek

economy. Since 1945, at least 25 to 30 per cent of the active working
population in Greece have been registered as self-employed. Tourism in
particular is a sector characterised by widespread self-employment in
small family-owned businesses. Hence, making a distinction between
employers and employees in the Greek tourist industry is extremely dif-
ficult. In their economic function family businesses, which typically
operate with a simple allocation of duties and division of labour among
the members of the family, seem to present a particularly interesting
case. This allocation is ruled by the hierarchy of age and starts off the
younger members of the family in the business without taking into
account their educational level. In large family businesses, the ‘self-
employed employer’ could be either the father or the mother with the
members of the family being the full-time or part-time employees
(Tsivakou, 2000, p. 358). Female employers comprise approximately 25
per cent of all employers in Greek enterprises (Greek Observatory of
Employment, 2000). The Greek Statistics Service (ESYE) registers the
non-formal employees, who are family members and work for the family
business, under the classification ‘assistants and non-paid members’.
Employees, who display a positive attitude in terms of their voca-
tional identity, consider themselves as ‘tourism people’. Apart from the
self-employed owners these are typically professionals who have
The ‘Double’ Vocational Identity: Greece 105

undergone special training related to tourism. However, the self-definition

of a ‘tourism person’ refers to a lesser degree to the training received,
and to a much higher degree to the on-the-job acquired practical knowl-
edge and competences accumulated in the course of professional practice
as well as the symbolic benefits from the interpersonal communication
with a large and diverse number of people in the tourism field. This is
due to the relatively low prestige of vocational education, whereas work
experience is widely recognised in the Greek economy and facilitates
integration into the professional field.
The multiple characteristics of personal strategies and elements of
self-definition that could be identified in this field lead to a distinct and
specific form of vocational identity of people employed in the Greek
tourism sector. When taking into consideration the multiplicity of
incentives in tourism, the different levels of educational backgrounds
and vocational training, the negative and positive aspects of working in
the tourist industry as well as the sumptuousness of the life and the per-
sonal mobility plans of some workers (illustrated in the annex) it
becomes apparent that the vocational identity of tourism employees
does not constitute a clearly framed and strictly recorded network of
self-attributed traits, but rather a dynamic field of elements that are
activated by the individuals themselves.
According to a dynamic socio-psychological approach towards
social identity (Sennett, 1998; Castells, 2003; Brown, 1997; Mike,
1996; Wenger, 1998; Niethammer, 2000; Zavalloni and Louis-Guérin,
1984; Kirpal, 2004) the incorporation into social classes and individu-
als’ active involvement in reference groups lead to the framing of social
representations, which facilitate particular social orientations of
employees in tourism. At the same time, individualistic practices are
developed by means of individual involvement, experience and under-
standing of social knowledge in relation to both personal experience
and social history in the broad sense of the term.
The focus on social identity with a special concern with its vocational
component requires, on a first level, the recording of patterns of the indi-
vidual’s self-presentation and self-definition concerning ‘self-image’
and ‘vocational identity’ as a dynamic process between individuality and
social relationships at work. The pinpointing and practical evaluation of
the interrelationship between socio-psychological identity and the pro-
fessional component of work are important to understanding the devel-
opment of the vocational identities of tourism employees.
Using these concepts and interrelationships, the data analysis
can be undertaken from two different standpoints. According to an
106 Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis

individual-centred approach, the focus can be on elements of the par-

ticipants’ individual self-definition in relation to personal mobility
strategies in terms of moving within or outside the tourism sector. From
a more holistic or sociological perspective, attention can be focused
upon the dynamics between structural demands and needs, which influ-
ence in a subsidiary way job entry, job satisfaction and the organisation
of employment in the tourism field.
Combining these two interpretative approaches it is possible to identify
factors affecting the interrelationship between employees’ vocational
identity and a broader socio-psychological identity. First, the lack of a
tourism infrastructure due to its seasonal nature impedes the establish-
ment of a structured, conscious and well-developed vocational identity
of the ‘tourism employee’. At the same time, the existence of organised
tourist enterprises requiring large numbers of seasonal employees
results in an oversupply of labour. In addition, tourism is a sector that
reacts sensitively to the conjuncture of economic and political factors
that are beyond the control of those involved in the sector. Easy access
to tourism jobs regardless of the individual’s educational level and
training background and workers employing multiple and flexible ‘sur-
vival’ and mobility strategies are dominant features of work in this
sector. Second, the diminishing social presence of arrangements for
joint employer-employee collaboration and the declining role of trade
unions (Esser, 1982; Müller-Jentsch, 1988; Kassimati, 1997; Alexiou,
1994) result in the marginalisation and factionalism of Greek tourism
employees. Not being organised in professional groups for the expres-
sion of joint interests also undermines the development of tourism
employees’ vocational identities in traditional sociological terms.

4.7 Epilogue

The material generated in this research is amenable to analysis and

interpretation from differing standpoints. One can evaluate the results
on micro-sociological grounds shedding light on the individual biogra-
phies of the interviewees. On the other hand, one has the potential to
contrast the individuals’ stories with macro-sociological data to delin-
eate that tourism is a non-cohesive and contradictory segment of the
economy. At any rate, due to the inability to infer the ‘ideal’ or ‘stereo-
typical’ employee in the Greek tourist industry, researchers may be dis-
couraged from attempting further theoretical finishing touches based
on a wide-ranged empirical study.
Annex 1 Factors Affecting the Vocational Identity of the Employees
Job choosing Obstacles
profile to work (experienced Forms of
of the Occupational in the Educational Specialised Supporting and professional
Interviewee status sector background training factors considered) mobility Life plans

The ‘Double’ Vocational Identity: Greece

Restaurant Paid Securing Psychiatry No Balance Difficulties in In-tourism Repatriation;
waiter work livelihood, student between the first steps mobility to Practising the
of Easy in the material and of social and improve income; subject of
Albanian access to 3rd year symbolic economic Working studies;
origin find a job reward; Self- adjustment conditions and Acquisition of
(male) commitment interpersonal personal
relations with the property
employer; Self-
Self- Self- Family Secondary No Reward from Ambiguity; No Overarching
employed employed tradition education practical the ‘aesthetic Insecurity; approach of
(goldsmith) owner work of the Unpredictability personal
(male) in sales commodity’ of the mobility
sector, which potential;
is perceived as Orientation
chaotic towards
own business
Hotel Regular Family Secondary State Commitment, Uncertainty Temporary Possible
receptionist employee; tradition education school personal regarding the transfer in the mobility but
(female) Heir for involvement, future of the past to a similar only in the
to the tourism affective tourist position; field of tourism;
Business studies investment, industry Return to present Final return to
interpersonal position due to the family
relations affective reasons business for


Annex 1 Continued

Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis

Job choosing Obstacles
profile to work (experienced Forms of
of the Occupational in the Educational Specialised Supporting and professional
Interviewee status sector background training factors considered) mobility Life plans

Restaurant Self- Family Secondary Intensive Sense of Problems with In the context of
Manager employed tradition; education training in individual interpersonal family business
(male) owner Personal ‘Tourism superiority relations with regarding an
suitability business customers and hierarchic
and sense Organisation’ colleagues; allocation of
of Limited tasks, according
superiority personal free time to age
Self- Self- Favourable No Balance of Indifference of Mobility to the Enjoyment of
employed employed period relationships/ the central tourist industry 15 personal free
restaurant owner of tourism mutuality government years ago; time after the
owner in the between owner policy on Previous jobs as end of the
(male) 1980s and customers tourism; technician and tourist season;
Absence of commercial Occupation
infra representative compatible
structures and with his
central personal
planning agricultural
Office Paid Supplement Music One Seasonal work Lack of free Seasonal jobs in Desire of
clerk in work income teacher month supply; foreign time tourism making a
car during the of non-formal languages; career in the
rental summer training interpersonal tourist sector;
services period in the relations; Concerned
(female) specific job satisfaction about future

The ‘Double’ Vocational Identity: Greece

post at a symbolic employment
level; insecurity;
Recognition of Exams for a
work; liberal permanent
management position in the
public sector
Restaurant Paid Tourist Higher Graduate Satisfactory No negative Continuous Continuous
waiter work occupation education of the earnings; elements employment in employment
(female) totally higher Liberal the tourist sector; in tourism all
compatible institution management; Seasonal jobs as year round;
with for Interpersonal industrial worker Retirement at
personality tourism relations with in the dull period the age of 45
vocations employer; for tourism
for efficiency
in work is a
personal and


Annex 1 (Continued)

Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis

Job choosing Obstacles
profile to work (experienced Forms of
of the Occupational in the Educational Specialised Supporting and professional
Interviewee status sector background training factors considered) mobility Life plans

Tourist Paid Practical Higher Not Contact with Problems of Previous Intention to
guide of work reasons education mentioned Greek adjusting to occupation in an stay in Greece
Austrian associated civilisation and the Greek airline in his
origin with the Greek way culture country
(male) personal of life;
life Good relations
Campsite Self-employed Alternative Secondary No Personal Lack of Previous
manager for education gratification infrastructure occupation as car
(male) summer from on the local mechanic;
employment ‘intercultural level; Seasonal
exchange’; Intensive employment in
Exploitation of employment, tourism;
the Greek both personal Works in the dull
tradition in the and for the period of tourism
provinces family in a family cattle-
members breeding unit
Waiter Paid Tired of Secondary No Homeland is a Substantial Moved into
at a work previous education way of life; absence of tourism due to
coffee work as a Life tourist tiredness with his
shop sailor; perspective organisations previous
(male) Decision totally in the field occupation as a
to return compatible sailor

The ‘Double’ Vocational Identity: Greece

and live with the
in his particular job
Captain Self- Tired of Lower No Gratification on Income is not Return to
of a employed previous education a symbolic base satisfactory; homeland and
tourist owner work as a level (interpersonal Unbearable permanent
vessel sailor; relations, costs position as a
(male) wanted to mutuality, fisherman
live in his recognition); (previous
homeland; Balance occupation as a
Supplement between sailor);
income loneliness and Tourist
peace during occupation is
winter time clearly seasonal

112 Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerasimos Prodromitis

The presented research results provide useful and accessible evi-

dence for the planning of multiple political interventions. Questions
include whether such interventions should have, for instance, an indi-
vidualised character or whether, within the individual’s micro-field,
they should aim to raise employees’ job satisfaction and to improve
human resources development strategies. Interventions should
emphasise (i) the marked preference of research participants for a lib-
eral form of management (Bourantas and Papalexandris, 1999;
Stavroulakis, 1997; Tsiganou, 1991; Raftis and Stavroulakis 1991;
Szell, 1988) and (ii) the key role of direct interrelationships in the
tourism field. In addition, these research data could form the basis for
macro-structural interventions to support labour supply in the tourism
field and foster employees’ confidence in their vocational identity.
Finally, interventions could aim to sustain the tourism family busi-
nesses and to promote the rationalisation of tourism-related education
and training programmes.

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Vocational Education and

Training—A European

Felix Rauner
University of Bremen, Germany

The debate on the further development of national vocational training

traditions focuses principally on how to qualify the workforce for the
intermediate skills sector (see Figure 5.1). In industrialised countries
this segment accounts for 60 to 70 per cent of all employees (Tessaring,
1994; Grubb, 1999).
This figure explains why the European Council in the Lisbon
Declaration (2000) has attributed such a great economic relevance to
vocational education and training (VET) and in the context of implemen-
tation why it pursued the strategic goal of ‘making the Union the most
competitive and most dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world’
by 2010. It was from these ideas that the European Ministers of Education
formulated the far-reaching aim that ‘the systems of general and voca-
tional education [in Europe] shall become a worldwide reference for qual-
ity’. As a consequence of this aim, the establishment of a common
European area for vocational education and training by 2010 in accor-
dance with the package of measures defined in the so-called Copenhagen
Process, ranks high on the political agenda. This process includes:

● Establishing a common European structure of vocational educa-

tion and training on the basis of the rather open and flexible
European VET area. Such an area ensures both the adaptability
and integration of the national VET systems in the ongoing con-
vergence process.

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 115–144.
© 2007 Springer.
116 Felix Rauner

% %
100 100
14% Highly qualified (MA/BA) 17%
90 90

80 80

70 70
Skilled workers/employees
60 Technicians, Masters etc. 60
50 66% 50

40 40

30 30

20 20
Low skilled workers
10 10
15% Un-skilled workers 9%
0 0
1995 2010

Figure 5.1 Development of the skilled labour segment (Tessaring,

1994; Schüssler et al., 1999)

● Facilitating a structure that allows for transparent and mutually

recognised qualifications.
● Developing a European qualification framework from which the
laterally and vertically differentiated skills that engender trans-
parency can be defined. On this basis, the European Credit Transfer
System for VET (ECEVET) ensures the recognition of formally and
informally acquired skills all over Europe—sustained by a certifi-
cation scheme to be implemented throughout Europe (European
Commission, 2003).

This European vocational education project initiated by the

Copenhagen Process assumes that it will
● Ensure a high level of flexibility resulting from the interplay
between the different employment systems and the qualification of
● Allow for qualifications ‘à la carte’ in the sense that individuals will
have the opportunity to determine their qualification profile.
● Detach vocational education from the highly divergent structures
of national VET systems and convert vocational education and
Vocational Education and Training in Europe 117

training into a European qualification market, which will be regu-

lated through a European certification system, the European
Qualification Framework (EQF).
● Increase the mobility of employees in the European labour market.
● Significantly reduce the reaction time with which the qualification
systems can respond to the changing qualification demands of the
employment system.

During the introduction of vocational training programmes mini-

mal standards will be defined. Whether these can be defined in a sim-
ilar manner to those which occurred during the introduction of the
Europe-wide Bachelor and Master courses when a European area of
higher education was established is an open question. The answer
reached depends on which one of two competing traditions of voca-
tional education and training is accepted. These traditions differ on
how vocational competence development and vocational identity for-
mation are connected. Rousseau’s novel ‘Emile’ made us aware of the
importance of a radically subjective perspective on education. Since
then, it has been commonly accepted in pedagogical science that com-
petence development is inseparably linked to the formation of voca-
tional identity.

Er muss seine spezifische Berufsrolle antizipieren und sich mit

ihr identifizieren—anders würde keine Kompetenzentwicklung
denkbar sein [He has to anticipate his specific professional role
and identify with it—otherwise competence development would
not be possible]; this is how Herwig Blankertz interprets
Rousseau’s educational utopia (Blankertz, 1983, p. 140).

In this context Heinz (1995) observes that empirical findings of

vocational socialisation research show that

die Tätigkeitsanforderungen und die Karriereoptionen eines

Berufes in Verbindung mit den darauf bezogenen
Qualifizierungsprozessen für die Entwicklung der sozialen
Identität von zentraler Bedeutung sind [the job tasks and career
prospects of an occupation together with the respective qualifica-
tion processes are of crucial importance for the development of a
social identity] (Heinz, 1995, p. 104; cf. Brose, 1986; Mönnich
and Witzel, 1994).
118 Felix Rauner

Where competence development is disconnected from occupationally

organised work and the related vocational qualification processes, the
relationship between vocational identity, commitment and competence
development becomes loose and fragile. In which case, modularised sys-
tems of certification function as regulatory frameworks for the recogni-
tion and accumulation of skills that are largely independent from each
other and disconnected from genuine work contexts.1 Here, commitment
and performance orientation are driven by the risks that derive from the
liberalised, non-regulated qualification and employment system. The
alternative—represented by the central European tradition of vocational
education and training—is founded on principles concerning the organ-
isation of work and division of labour along occupational categories.
Here, vocational education and training aims at developing vocational
competence and identity. However, how vocational identity translates
into commitment, performance and quality awareness is a question of
concern. Indeed, it is one that theory and research on commitment have
as yet been unable to answer (cf. Kirpal, 2004; Brown, 2004).
Historical ramifications of a European employment market and a
common European area of vocational education and training are of
vital importance for the future development (Copenhagen Process).
This chapter will further analyse these ramifications and the conse-
quences for the employees and the employment systems in Europe.
This approach, however, requires defining and applying evaluation cri-
teria. Whether modern VET research allows for this, and how possible
gaps might be filled by referring to examples of excellent national VET
practices and examples from the European VET Leonardo programme
shall also be discussed in this paper.

5.1 Vocational Education Versus Employability

The diversity of European VET systems can be structured according

to two qualification scenarios2 (see Figure 5.2): first, education and
training which is both undertaken for the purpose and achieved through
the practice of professional work (vocational education scenario), and

One attempt to establish a national qualification framework on this basis is the UK
system of National Vocational Qualifications (cf. Young, 2005).
These scenarios shall henceforth be referred to as ‘vocational education’ and
Vocational Education and Training in Europe 119

Features Vocational education Employability

scenario scenario
1. Position within the Part of the educational Training market
educational system system
2. Qualification model Work-readiness for skilled Employability,
labour and autonomy in the flexibility
performance of tasks
3. Educational Occupational profiles and Modularised
contents curricula certification systems
4. Target groups Graduates from the general Not specified
education system
5. Training concept Regulated dual Training and
apprenticeship programmes qualification ‘à la carte’
of three to four years
6. Support structures VET research and VET Institutions for
planning accreditation and

Figure 5.2 Alternative qualification scenarios for Europe

second, the accumulation of skills necessary for employment (employ-

ability scenario).
According to the Department for Economic Change and Employment
at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin for the analysis of employment,
vocational education and innovation (see Soskice and Hancké,
1996; Hall and Soskice, 2001) these alternative traditions of quali-
fication correspond to the features of coordinated market economies
(CMEs) on the one hand, and liberal market economies (LMEs) on
the other hand. More specifically, in CMEs advanced VET systems
are embedded within them. Whilst characteristics of LMEs include
qualification strategies that leave it to the individual to decide upon
the portfolio of their skills and qualifications, and to acquire those
in an education market to increase their employability, all of which
is typically sustained by modularised certification systems.
The vocational education scenario has a high affinity to the VET
systems of central European countries like Switzerland, Germany,
Austria and Denmark, which are also characterised by CMEs.
The employability scenario, on the other hand, can be found in LME
countries, of which the United Kingdom and the United States are
prominent examples.
120 Felix Rauner

5.1.1 Scenario 1: Education and Training Achieved

through and for the Purpose of Skilled Labour
(Vocational Education Scenario)

Initial vocational education and training is integrated into the sec-

ondary level of the educational system or located at the post-secondary
level if trainees are already in possession of an upper secondary level
qualification (e.g. ‘Abitur’ in Germany). It is not uncommon that even
graduates with a Bachelor’s degree undergo a dual apprenticeship pro-
gramme in order to improve their employment opportunities. The basis
for vocational education is training programmes of three to four years,
which are oriented towards occupational profiles (‘Berufsbilder’). The
vocational qualification allows for pursuing a higher education degree at
a vocational college or university. The business sector actively partici-
pates in the planning of vocational training via its industrial associations
and trade unions. They jointly shape and define the occupational pro-
files, develop the training plans and curricula and guide the implemen-
tation of the practical training in companies. This qualification model
integrates in-company training with a component of theoretical voca-
tional education in vocational schools, which complements the work
The objective of the apprenticeship training is occupation-specific
employability (‘Berufsfähigkeit’). Upon completing their apprentice-
ship the trainees are expected to have the competences of skilled work-
ers and be able to perform work tasks without any additional training at
the workplace. The integration of initial vocational education and train-
ing into the education system leads to the formulation of objectives that
are also oriented towards general education. A pioneering example in
this respect is the learning objective adopted in 1991 by the Conference
of Education Ministers in Germany, whose aim is to enable trainees to
participate in shaping society and the world of work with a sense of
social and environmental responsibility (KMK, 1991). This is a pio-
neering example insofar that it comprises initial vocational training
with a mission relating to general education. However, the proper
response to the tension between education and qualification is regarded
as a particular pedagogical and didactic challenge.
The training contents are derived from the characteristic tasks and
qualification requirements of the respective occupational area on the one
hand, and by making reference to the educational goals on the other hand.
The educational contents represent action-oriented and action-reflective
Vocational Education and Training in Europe 121

knowledge. The structure of these contents represents action-oriented

knowledge, and is based on criteria of competence development or,
respectively, on the novice-expert paradigm. The training forms part of an
integrated context, which is constituted by the respective occupational
The target group of initial vocational education and training nor-
mally has a lower secondary level qualification. However, since appren-
ticeship training is a method of qualifying adults for skilled work, it is
open to everyone who wants to learn a specific trade.
The training period lasts between three and four years and is spent,
as far as the practical part is concerned, in practical work settings
according to the apprenticeship model. The accompanying school-
based instruction helps to reflect upon and systemise the practical work
experiences in order to transfer the work process-oriented knowledge
that is necessary to enhance the vocational competence. The compe-
tence development is evaluated by appropriate assessment procedures.
Vocational training goes in line with the integration into the respective
community of practice.
The (further) development of occupational profiles and vocational
training programmes requires VET research and a complementary
scheme of VET planning, which involves, in addition to the public
authorities responsible for education, experts from the respective pro-
fessional associations and trade unions. What is of crucial importance
for this model of vocational education is the higher education back-
ground of vocational teachers differentiated according to occupational
domains, and the pedagogical qualification of in-company trainers.

5.1.2 Scenario 2: Accumulation of Competences for

Employment (Employability Scenario)

In this scenario, the qualification of employees for the labour market

cannot be systematically located within the educational system since it is
the employees themselves, who determine whether and when to qualify
for a specific task. Whether they resort to the qualification certification
offered by a college or another training provider, or whether they acquire
the necessary skills through self-learning—for example, in the work
process—is in this scenario not subject to regulation. Vocational qualifi-
cation can therefore be regarded as a part of the training market. Demand
and supply are regulated by the market mechanisms of the training service
122 Felix Rauner

sector. Within the companies the qualification of employees is the respon-

sibility of human resources management and development. Human
resource development is thus a dimension of organisational development.
A distinction between initial and continuing vocational training does
not exist.
From a macro-economic perspective, employability and the realisa-
tion of a flexible labour market are being emphasised. Enterprises’ entry
requirements are generally oriented towards a high level of general edu-
cation of new employees, and towards their ability and willingness to
participate in continuing vocational training—according to the company’s
needs. In this scenario, the employees pursue their own goals. Which
goals they pursue will depend on the individual’s background; goals can
be geared towards employment, attractive job tasks (self-fulfilment),
making a career or increasing one’s income. As a consequence, a cohort
of semi-skilled workers frequently emerges below the level of skilled
In this scenario the contents of the educational programmes are nei-
ther regulated by an occupational profile nor by a vocational training
plan. Instead, they result from the qualification needs of the companies
and economic sectors. Only the professional requirements for health
and security-sensitive tasks are regulated.
A differentiated regulation scheme for the CVET market seems to
act as the certification system; this defines the entirety of vocational
skills by means of verifiable module descriptions. The qualifications to
be certified represent single basic skills, which can be accumulated
individually according to qualification profiles.
This scenario offers qualification to all employees. It does not draw
a distinction between different target groups of initial and continuing
training. A particular target group, however, which should be consid-
ered individually, is the unemployed. Particularly, their employability
can be improved by customised qualification measures that result from
this scenario: qualification ‘à la carte’.
This qualification scenario can be established on different regulatory
levels: as a free and deregulated (or unregulated) market or as a more
regulated market for further education. Although in reality, it is usually
established in a manner very similar to the latter possibility. This
ensures that new competences that are relevant for employment can be
documented and are thus accepted in the sense of a certificate of qual-
ification. The accumulation of certificates can ensure access to formal
continuing education at technical colleges and universities. In order to
Vocational Education and Training in Europe 123

improve the customer orientation of this system, it offers some forms

of guidelines to the target groups. These include:

● An independent evaluation tool for CVET programmes, which fol-

lows the model of good quality test development.
● An assessment and certification system for the recognition of the
acquired qualifications.
● Guidelines to orient oneself in the CVET market.

Formal regulations for the education of vocational teachers and

trainers are not needed. CVET providers (e.g. community colleges) will
instead establish their own professionalisation standards in a bid to
achieve competitive advantage.

5.2 Evaluation Criteria

Within their educational programmes the European Union has intro-

duced evaluation criteria of ‘good’ and ‘best’ practice. The criterion of
‘bad practice’ was sacrificed because of the opportunistic aim not to
explicitly discredit national VET traditions. This procedure challenges
research investigating in educational innovation programmes to adjust
their evaluative procedures to identify such ‘good’ and ‘best’ practice
examples, and to re-define assessment criteria accordingly. Current
evaluation practice is far from able to rank practices as better or worse
than one another. To date, establishing all-encompassing criteria of
better or worse practice of vocational education and training has been
beyond the scope of scientific methodology. A particular problem is the
large numbers of criteria because ultimately they can only be justified
on a normative basis. What research can contribute to this process is to
make the scientifically and normatively justified criteria transparent,
and thus increase the rationality of the discourse on best, better and bad
In the following paragraphs a number of criteria shall be outlined,
which are subject-oriented, economically and socially relevant, and
which explicitly or implicitly serve as theoretical foundations of per-
tinent reports and publications on international comparative studies
of VET systems (see e.g. Descy and Tessaring, 2001; Deißinger,
124 Felix Rauner

5.2.1 Education and Qualification Opportunities

The right to education is a social achievement, which, as far as the

industrialised countries are concerned, includes the upper secondary
level. Accordingly, every young person has the right to obtain an upper
secondary level qualification, usually by the age of 18 years. In countries
with an established dual vocational training system the vocational train-
ing schools form part of compulsory schooling. In countries with a
school-based VET system, compulsory education also extends to initial
vocational education and training, which is completed together with a
state diploma. Regardless of how the national upper secondary school
level is structured, the vocational training at this level improves the
opportunities for further education and qualification for all young peo-
ple. However, countries which do not extend their compulsory education
to the upper secondary level restrict the right to vocational education.
Approximately 80 million citizens in the European Union do not
have an upper secondary level qualification. They are considered low
skilled. According to the objectives of the European Council (2003)
at least 85 per cent of 22-year old European citizens should have completed
an upper secondary level qualification by 2010.

5.2.2 Career Prospects

From a macro-economic point of view, the vocational ‘career’ is ulti-

mately determined by the respective labour markets. For the intermediate
skills segment these are predominantly the local labour markets.
Statistically, a higher level of educational attainments improves an indi-
vidual’s career: university graduates have better career prospects than
skilled workers with a completed vocational qualification, and the latter
have better career prospects than unskilled or semi-skilled workers.
However, when the number of university graduates exceeds the absorp-
tion capacity of the employment system for the highly qualified (see
Figure 5.1), then those graduates have to qualify for the intermediate sec-
tor of the labour market despite the fact that they are holding a university
diploma. The proportion of apprenticeship trainees holding a university
degree is increasing to up to over 50 per cent, this is in most part because
of the increasing number of students in higher education. In contrast, sys-
tems that are characterised by a high vertical permeability between initial
and continuing vocational education and higher education allow for
career plans that are adapted to individual interests and market opportu-
nities, and are less endowed with the inherent risks discussed above.
Vocational Education and Training in Europe 125

5.2.3 Employability and Youth Unemployment

Different models of organising and shaping the transition from school

to work can either increase or decrease the employment opportunities for
young people. At the first threshold of the school-to-work transition in
many countries young people with a lower secondary level qualification
still have the opportunity to opt either for pursuing a vocational track or
for continuing their general school education. In the case where the ini-
tial vocational education is school-based and integrated into the upper
secondary level, access to the vocational track is unproblematic.
It is the second threshold that determines whether the newly qualified
young workers will make the transition into the employment system or
not. At this stage the mechanisms of the labour market, more specifi-
cally the interplay between the education and the employment system,
come into play. Hence, the rate of youth unemployment subsequent to
the completion of the vocational training period or the acquisition of an

65 Country


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Group 1: Group 2: Group 3:

Austria Belgium Greece
Germany Ireland Italy
Denmark France Spain
Netherlands UK

Figure 5.3 Youth unemployment at the transition stage from vocational

training to employment in EU member states (Descy and Tessaring, 2001)
126 Felix Rauner

upper secondary level qualification can be considered an important

indicator of the functionality of the VET system.
An analysis of EUROSTAT data on the transition from vocational
training to gainful employment shows that countries with a well-
developed apprenticeship system have relatively low rates of youth
unemployment (cf. Figure 5.3). In contrast, the entrance barriers are
relatively high in countries with school-based vocational education or
market-based qualification schemes. For example, youth unemploy-
ment directly after completion of a vocational training is between 20
and 38 per cent in Belgium and France, and even in the UK, it is sig-
nificantly higher than in those countries from cluster 1. Moreover, in
Greece, Italy and Spain, the youth unemployment rate subsequent to
upper secondary school education is about 50 per cent, and it takes at
least ten years before this unemployment rate is reduced by labour mar-
ket mechanisms to near the levels of cluster 1.

5.2.4 Income

The type of initial vocational education also affects income during

and after the training period. Traditionally, apprenticeship training
includes remuneration on the basis of the amount of training that has
been completed. For instance, the allowances paid within the Joint
Apprenticeship Programmes in the U.S. usually reach about 50 per cent
of the wages of skilled workers during the first six months, and up to
92 per cent in the last year of training. However, in other countries, the
training allowances are considerably lower, particularly when the
school-based education covers up to 50 per cent of the overall training
programme. In Germany, the training allowances amount on average to
25 to 30 per cent of a skilled worker’s salary. Where the vocational
training takes place in vocational schools and state-owned training cen-
tres the trainees are students of the upper secondary school level and do
not receive any remuneration.
From the companies’ point of view apprenticeship training is prof-
itable when, as a consequence of work-based training, apprentices
engage in value-added work processes. Private training centres, which
offer training programmes comparable to dual apprenticeship schemes,
charge tuition fees of up to 500 Euros per month. This segment of the
training market emerges when there is a shortage of in-company train-
ing positions and attractive programmes of school-based vocational
training are unavailable.
Vocational Education and Training in Europe 127

5.2.5 Competence Development

In regulated VET systems the vocational competences which indi-

viduals are expected to acquire within an initial vocational training
programme are, for the most part, already defined by the occupational
profiles and training curricula. On the one hand, this guarantees a min-
imal standard of qualification. On the other hand, however, it limits the
vocational competence development of each trainee insofar as the com-
petence scope is already pre-defined according to the vocational track.
One criterion important for the overall competence development is the
possibilities of further qualifications, and the possibility of obtaining a
formal qualification from higher education together with a vocational
certificate. In countries without a developed VET system the market for
continuing training and further qualification offers individual qualifi-
cation opportunities, which can be adapted according to the learner’s
specific needs and interests. Making successful use of these opportuni-
ties depends strongly on the self-initiative of the individual and on the
possibilities and restrictions in accessing the appropriate programmes.
General education on the upper secondary school level predomi-
nantly prepares individuals for university studies. Therefore, the acqui-
sition of vocational skills is in competition with the acquisition of the
aptitude for higher education. This competition contributes consider-
ably to the ‘stigmatisation of vocational education’ (Lim, 2005). From
a theoretical point of view, this conflict is addressed with the concept
of ‘education within the medium of occupational work’ (‘Bildung im
Medium des Berufes’), which advocates the integration of vocational
and general education. Only if such integration is realised will it be
possible to avoid the further development of the belief that vocational
competence within the upper secondary education level leads to a dead-
end road, and to halt the academic drift between the two skill sets.

5.2.6 Markets for Skilled Labour

Countries with established systems of vocational education and train-

ing that are aiming at domain-specific work-readiness and vocational
proficiency (‘Berufsfähigkeit’) normally also have well-developed
markets for skilled labour, which are largely defined and structured
along occupational profiles. The dual vocational training systems, as
training markets, form an integral part of the markets for skilled
labour. They are integral because within developed VET systems the
128 Felix Rauner

qualification of skilled workers takes on average three years; this quali-

fication period then acts as a barrier against the emergence of a low-
wage sector and to some extent against societal poverty.
Well-functioning markets for skilled labour are a crucial precondi-
tion for innovative employment systems. Therefore, to what extent VET
systems are able to respond dynamically to the increasingly variable
demand of domain-specific competences is decisive for the future
development of those systems. A major concern for companies in
this context is the question of whether qualifying their workforce for
occupation-based work profiles provides good grounds for organisa-
tional development and innovation, or whether the effects are in fact the
opposite, and lead instead to the emergence of internal demarcations
through occupational role models (Kern and Sabel, 1994).

5.2.7 Innovation and Competitiveness

Innovation and competitiveness seem to depend to a degree on the

skills and competences of the workforce. However, even though this
connection is intuitively transparent, it is empirically difficult to prove.
A differentiation between the company, regional and national level does
at least allow for a better classification of the relevant research find-
ings. At the company level, the realisation of a business process-
oriented work organisation relies on both the decentralisation of
responsibilities, and a high level of vocational competence on the part
of those employees who are directly involved in value-added work
processes, that is, on the part of the skilled workers. This is particularly
true when the principle of open and dynamic occupational cores has
been implemented (Heidegger and Rauner, 1997). Of equal importance
are the criteria of performance orientation, quality awareness and com-
mitment. These, however, are only investigated as a consequence of
either occupational or organisational commitment.
Regional innovation systems and milieus are based on networks of the
sectoral communities. Here, regional dialogue between employees’,
employers’, chambers’ and regional policy-makers’ associations, indus-
tries and companies, and local and regional training providers are all
linked through some kind of informal pact. Innovation research has
shown that a developed apprenticeship system and the ensuing tradition
of skilled workers and engineers promote the emergence of innovative
development and production settings (Ruth and Rauner, 1991). This gen-
erated tradition, which helps to establish innovative communities of
practice, is characterised by mutual recognition, understanding and trust.
Vocational Education and Training in Europe 129

National innovation systems are heavily influenced by the qualifica-

tion of employees for the intermediate sector. In his study on the
‘Competitive Advantage of Nations’ Michael E. Porter (1990) empha-
sises the relevance of the form and structure of vocational education
and training systems to his theory of innovation. As an outstanding
example in international comparison Porter mentions Switzerland with
its highly developed apprenticeship system. This system integrates
about 70 per cent of young people into dual vocational training, and
also features an internationally renowned engineering track. The highly
competitive German industry, according to Porter, is also due to the
excellent qualification standards and volume of skilled workers:

While weak in national endowments, Germany enjoys other advan-

tages decisive to upgrading industry. One is a pool of highly-paid
but highly educated and motivated workers. German workers take
unusual pride in their work, particularly in producing quality
goods (Porter, 1990, p. 3693). Porter identifies ‘the well-developed
and distinctive apprenticeship system [as a] factor-creating mecha-
nism’ [. . .] whose importance is hard to overestimate (Porter, 1990,
p. 369).

Innovative know-how, which is fundamental for competitiveness in

high-tech key industries, is based on the interplay between experience-
based, practical and scientific knowledge. The duality of reflected work
experience and the acquisition of scientific knowledge is outlined in the
first scenario on the level of initial vocational education and training,
and is also increasingly demanded at the level of higher education.
From the perspective of learning and development theory, this duality
is considered an ideal-type for the appropriation of professional skills
(Chi et al., 1988; Ericsson and Smith, 1991).

5.2.8 Social Integration

The multitude of research projects on both the social integration and

exclusion of young people during the transition from school to work
points to the particular relevance of the criterion of social integration for
the evaluation of VET systems and the corresponding VET practices.

‘On the other hand the lack of managerial education contributes to German weak-
ness in many marketing-intensive consumer good and business service industries’,
(Porter, 1990, p. 369).
130 Felix Rauner

If it turns out that VET systems cannot satisfy the demand for training
positions, then the consequences with regard to the social disintegration
of young people might actually be more severe than a future lack of
skilled workers. Statistical data on juvenile delinquency suggest that the
successful integration of young people into a company-based or dual
vocational training programme is a valuable step toward their integration
into society.

5.2.9 Costs and Benefits

Methods and procedures to determine, or at least improve estimates

of, the costs and benefits of vocational education and training are only
available to a limited extent at present. Quantifying the benefits poses
particular difficulties. If one applies a somewhat simplified procedure
to assess training costs and benefits (see Beicht et al., 2004), then it is
possible to demonstrate that the productivity of a trainee reaches a level
of about 80 per cent of that of a skilled worker by the end of only their
second year of qualifying for an occupation in the tradition of appren-
ticeship training (see Figure 5.4).4
If the proportion of time spent between school-based and work-
based learning is about 1:3 respectively, then it is possible to calculate
the appropriate payment for apprentices on the basis of empirical stud-
ies about the productivity of ‘trainees’ work’. Given the fact that, in
international terms, the training allowances in Germany are rather mod-
erate, it is clearly feasible to organise a reasonable self-financing VET
system according to the vocational education scenario. Indeed, costs
would only be caused by the part of the training programme that takes
place in vocational schools.

5.3 A European Perspective

Vocational education and training in Europe finds itself in a paradox-

ical situation. The majority of the EU member states extend the ban on
the harmonisation of the education sector (Article 150 of the Maastricht
According to a study by Wolter et al. (2003) there are net profits of dual apprentice-
ship training in Switzerland of 800 euros per trainee on average. In contrast, in
Germany there are reported net costs of 8.500 euros per trainee per year.
Approximately only 30 per cent of all companies offering training report that the
benefits of apprenticeship training exceed the costs (see Walden and Herget, 2002;
Beicht et al., 2004).
Vocational Education and Training in Europe 131

Figure 5.4 Productivity of apprentices relative to the productivity of

skilled workers

Treaty) to vocational education. Yet, at the same time European institu-

tions undertake great efforts to use the initial and further training of
skilled workers as a strategic resource for the European economic area.
The instruments required for this lay the foundations necessary to estab-
lish a common area of vocational education and training. This is by
virtue of the ‘open structural design’, which nevertheless shows all fea-
tures of a new VET system. The scenarios discussed in part 1 of this
chapter demonstrate that Europe finds itself at a crossroads in terms of
how to design this open VET architecture. The ‘vocational education
scenario’ involves a strategy that allows for actively shaping a new path-
way, whereas the ‘employability scenario’ favours an unstructured path
that leaves the production of vocational qualifications to a liberalised
service market. This was stipulated in the General Agreement on Trade
in Services (GATS) in 1994 (von Kopp, 2002; Scherrer, 2003; Hennes,
2003). The criteria developed in Section 2 make it possible to assess the
strengths and weaknesses of those competing scenarios from a subject-
related, economic and societal point of view.

5.3.1 Vocational Education and Training as a

Part of the Education System

The models of vocational education and training currently established

in the different EU member states can be categorised according to the two
132 Felix Rauner

qualification scenarios, but only to a first approximation. In some coun-

tries we find mixed systems, where school-based, in-company and out-
side-company training as well as informal vocational training tracks
coexist or are combined in some way. Countries where forms of dual
training in the tradition of apprenticeships prevail, or exist at least as a
sub-system, have established different versions of this model. Roughly
speaking, the differences in the design of the training process can be clas-
sified according to the amount of learning undertaken in qualifying work
processes or, alternatively, according to the amount of practical training
which is shifted to external or in-company training workshops (see
Figure 5.5).
In the Anglo-Saxon countries, modern apprenticeship programmes
are oriented towards the tradition of master craftsperson’s training.
Vocational competence development takes place through learning in
work processes and by becoming a member of the community of
practice of the respective company (Rauner, 2002). From the very begin-
ning of their training, apprentices are actively involved in the company’s
value-added work and production processes. During the first half of the
20th century (initially in central European countries) the dual organisa-
tion of apprenticeship training developed: training comprised of compo-
nents of course-based training attached to training workshops. Since
then, systematic practical course-based vocational training, especially in
the first year, is considered to be an advanced model of vocational learn-
ing. This systemised method for acquiring basic vocational skills is the
foundation necessary for the later specialised training in real work
processes. Finally, the third variation of apprenticeship transfers virtually
all practical training into workshops and training centres. An aspect of
this variant is that the transfer of practical skills becomes largely

In-company Practical training outside-company

Modern Dual apprenticeship Practice-oriented

apprenticeship model training
Scotland Switzerland France
Australia Germany Sweden
USA Austria Netherlands
Canada Denmark

Figure 5.5 Models of apprenticeship training—classification according

to the extent of learning taking place in practical work processes
Vocational Education and Training in Europe 133

independent of the unforeseen events of the daily work routines and

business processes of real-world companies.
In school-based VET systems the opportunities for formal education
normally improve. This improvement stems from the fact that voca-
tional education is organised as an integral part of the education system
and therefore vertical and lateral permeability up to college or univer-
sity level is enhanced. At the same time the government and general
administration have the opportunity to restrict this permeability: they
may wish to do so if they felt it necessary to counteract problematic
levels of academic drift within the education system. When evaluating
these competing models of vocational education according to their effi-
ciency of transfer of work-readiness and vocational proficiency, it is
found that the quality of training declines with the increasing distance
from the real work processes in companies (Grubb, 1999; Hamilton and
Hamilton, 1999). However, if evaluated according to their integrating
potential and the permeability between vocational and general educa-
tion, school-based models prove to be more useful; they are particularly
successful at facilitating their students’ pursuit of further education at
schools and universities.

5.3.2 Education and Career Opportunities

VET systems do not completely determine educational opportuni-

ties and career prospects but they do influence them considerably. If the
success of VET systems is measured according to the proportion of
young people who obtain a school-leaving certificate that gives them
access to higher education and the proportion of university students,
then Australia, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Hungary and Norway are at
the top of the ranking with a proportion of students entering HE of
between 60 and 75 per cent. By contrast, Switzerland, Germany and
Austria are at the bottom with figures hardly reaching 30 per cent (see
Figure 5.6).
If instead we gauge success in terms of number of career opportuni-
ties corresponding to training undertaken then the results bring out a
totally different picture. As the employment systems of developed
national economies can only absorb between 15 and 20 per cent of highly-
qualified employees (i.e. holding a university degree), the majority of
graduates in countries with a high or very high proportion of university
students move into the intermediate employment segment, which would
otherwise be supplied by the VET system. Furthermore, the graduates’
134 Felix Rauner

Per cent
80 77 75 73 72 70
70 66 64 62
Per cent

41 39
40 37 36 35 33 32









er e

Be nd



























Figure 5.6 OECD statistics on the proportion of university students

academic qualifications are not appropriate for work profiles at the inter-
mediate level, which means that graduates frequently have to undergo a
programme of vocational training subsequent to their degree. An
increasing percentage of graduates thus face the paradoxical situation
that with a Bachelor’s degree they are rated at ‘level 4’, according to the
European framework for the recognition of vocational qualifications,
but have to undertake dual vocational training, rated at ‘qualification
level 2’, in order to improve their vocational skills and employability
(KOM, 2004, p. 317).
There is a similar picture in relation to educational opportunities.
For example, if our first scenario is detached from the education
system, as is the case with the traditional dual system of vocational
education and training in Germany, and if the educational track that
prepares individuals for higher education is largely separated from
the track leading to vocational certificates, as with the German
Gymnasium, then the decision to pursue dual vocational training, after
obtaining a lower secondary school qualification, acts as a considerable
restriction to entry to university education and thus of further career
opportunities. However, if on the other hand, vocational education is
linked to acquiring entry qualifications for higher education, as prac-
tised with increasing success in Switzerland, then vocational education
and training becomes particularly attractive because the initial training
Vocational Education and Training in Europe 135

not only conveys a comprehensive qualification for a labour market-

relevant occupation, but also facilitates access to the opportunity of
further qualification at technical colleges and universities (compared to
the alternative of actively restricting such access outlined above).
A glance at the transition from school to vocational education, the first
threshold of school-to-work transition, reveals quite divergent figures
for the different EU member states. Whilst this threshold is relatively
low in Austria with its plural VET systems, it has risen increasingly in
Germany, over the past two decades, with its distinct dual system. This
rise was ultimately caused by the reduction of training positions
because this precipitated an extension of the training programmes
between lower secondary school completion and the commencement of
a vocational training programme. The increase in the average age of
trainees, from 16.6 years old (1970) to at present nearly 20 years old, is
regarded as one of the major weaknesses of German apprenticeship
training. This weakness is predominantly attributed to the fact that
German apprenticeship training has become detached from the core
feature of dual vocational education and training; learning in qualify-
ing and productive work processes (Rauner, 2004).

5.4 Competence Development and

Vocational Identity

The results of research concerning the development of vocational

competence in different VET systems can be summarised into three parts.
1. The key to qualifying skilled workers for the intermediate employ-
ment market is to teach them domain-specific vocational
competences and not abstract ‘core skills’ or general education
(Gerstenmaier, 2004). Domain-specific work process knowledge is
thus the pivotal point for developing vocational competence.
International competition over the quality of goods has led to a
revaluation of the skilled work in direct value-added work process-
es, and has thus enhanced the status of the work process knowledge
of employees. Additionally, this competition had also led to ‘the
flattening of hierarchies, the elimination of supervisory layers and
the tendency for employees to have more responsibilities and to
interact with a wider circle of other employees’ (Grubb, 1999,
p. 177). Yet, this tendency towards developing broader job profiles
(core occupations) and scaling down the vertical division of labour
136 Felix Rauner

has not resulted in the de-professionalisation of occupation-based

work, as one might have expected, but instead has led to an actual
enhancement of such work (Grubb, 1999, p. 187; Rauner, 2000).5
2. Vocational learning about work processes is superior to school-
based learning providing the development of the vocational skills
and competences are attained through a process of acquiring
membership in an appropriate community of practice, that is,
through situated learning (Lave and Wenger, 1991). This therefore
requires occupation-based work to be oriented towards modern
occupational profiles and for work tasks and processes during
training to have the character of development tasks (Havighurst,
1972). To illustrate this point let us consider W. Norton Grubb
who quotes a typical statement from the director of a milling tool
manufacturer: ‘I don’t think the technical colleges necessarily
can give the depth of training which can be learned in the indus-
try itself’ (Grubb, 1999, p. 176). Equally, another manager from
a mechanical engineering company said:

The difference [between our apprenticeship programme and edu-

cation programmes] is that we base our instruction on real-life
situations and not on the theory behind it. We bring in actual
parts. We bring in actual prints. We talk about real-life situations.
I don’t think you get that necessarily in a school situation (Grubb,
1999, p. 176).

A comprehensive study among trainees in the German automotive

industry has shown that a shift of their training to workshop settings and
the reduction of their training in actual work processes distinctly impeded

The emergence of the academic system, with its highly diversified structures for
research and teaching, and the privileges associated with a university degree have
together increased demand for higher education on the international scale. At the same
time industrialisation and the subsequent establishment of scientific management in
the early 20th century engendered a far-reaching devaluation of operative work and
therefore a de-qualification of the majority of employees. The result was a worldwide
reduction, and sometimes discontinuation, of the pre-industrial tradition of appren-
ticeship training. It was only the emergence of process-oriented business strategies in
the late 20th century which produced work that once again required highly qualified
and highly motivated employees. The consequence was the re-establishment of com-
prehensive initial vocational education and training schemes as outlined by the
vocational education scenario.
Vocational Education and Training in Europe 137

the building of their vocational competences. In their study, Bremer and

Haasler refer to what they call ‘hospitalisation effects’ (Bremer and
Haasler, 2004, p. 180). However, these effects are (partly) combated in the
third year of training when the apprentices are challenged ‘on the spot’ to
make up for competence deficiencies ‘to which they come naturally
through their work experience, but which also involve an element of cri-
sis’ (Bremer and Haasler, 2004 p. 176). The majority of trainees with an
occupational profile achieve a sufficient vocational proficiency to be con-
sidered ‘work-ready’ after a training period of three years; provided that
the development potential of qualifying work processes is fully exploited.
Studies of competence development typically make a distinction
between three characteristic development paths within a three-year dual
vocational training course. According to type A, the qualifying work
processes aspect of the training amounts to 140 days per year, which is
two thirds of the overall available training time; the final third is assigned
to school-based vocational education. Trainers estimate trainees’ prior
work-related experience and knowledge to be at 25 per cent on average
of what was required. This figure varies between 10 and 30 per cent
according to the particular occupational profile. Training instructors
agree that, when the 140 days of practical training are indeed used for
learning in qualifying work processes, then the objectives of work-
readiness and vocational proficiency are achieved in principle.
Moreover, they also concur that apprentices, upon the completion of
their full training, are in possession of competences which are equivalent
to those of fully skilled workers. If, instead, apprentices spend most of
their training time in training workshops (type B), then it is found that
the development of vocational competence and proficiency is delayed.
This delay is particularly illustrated by their proposed solutions to
occupation-specific tasks; they are often impractical (Figure 5.7).
In a comparative study, two groups of trainees, one who underwent
training according to type A (group A) and one according to type B
(group B), were given an evaluation task to master (see also Haasler,
Chapter 10). 60 per cent of the trainees from group A considered the
assigned task to be a typical skilled worker’s task, while the other 40 per
cent of trainees considered it to be an engineer’s task. In group B, this
judgement ratio was exactly the opposite: in spite of twelve months
training, the majority (60 per cent) of these apprentices’ suggested solu-
tions which indicated that they had not developed an accurate concep-
tion of the occupational expertise that is required of the toolmaker that
they were training to become. The comprehensive basic training in
138 Felix Rauner

Practical training


80 In the work process

60 On the basis of course-based

40 In training centres


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Figure 5.7 Attainment of work-readiness depending on the training

amount in qualifying work processes

metalwork that these apprentices had received in their first year of the
apprenticeship, which although course oriented, took place predomi-
nantly in training workshops and laboratories, did not contribute much
towards professional growth, and is therefore responsible for their fail-
ure to develop and understand occupation-specific solutions (Haasler
and Meyer, 2004, p.145). In addition to these meta-trends, there was
clearly also diversity within the training types (A and B); this is
assumed to reflect the different learning environments and training
methods within the type of training because of the different companies
If vocational training is completely detached from actual work prac-
tice, then the qualifying effects of practical work experience are
renounced (type C). This considerably delays the formation of voca-
tional competence.6 If practical work experience is integrated into the
training process, as is the case with traditional apprenticeship training,
a particularly effective learning method, which also shortens training
periods, is achieved.
A study by Haasler and Meyer (2004) compared trainees from SMEs
(small and medium-size enterprises), who had been largely trained in
practical work processes, and trainees from large companies, who had

All forms of vocational education require a two-year period of practical education for
students to be deemed to have sufficient occupational aptitude. Consequently, even
vocationally-related courses taught at universities, such as medicine, law and teach-
ing, have had to be supplemented with additional periods (about two years) of prac-
tical training in order for students to be regarded as professionally proficient.
Vocational Education and Training in Europe 139

instead been largely trained in workshops during their first year. The
study identified huge differences in the development of both vocational
competence and vocational identity. Trainees from SMEs developed
elements of vocational identity specific to their chosen occupational
domain after the first year of training. Whilst,
Im Gegensatz dazu stehen die Befunde aus der Untersuchung der
Auszubildenden der Großindustrie. Sie verfügen weder über eine
vergleichbare berufliche Kompetenz noch hat sich eine nen-
nenswerte berufliche Identität entwickelt [The findings concern-
ing the trainees from large companies contrast this picture. They
did not develop a comparable level of vocational competence, nor
did they develop anything at all one might wish to call vocational
identity] (Haasler and Meyer, 2004).
The authors attribute this contrast to the varying learning environ-
ment and training methods within different companies (this has already
been identified as an important factor, see above).
Providing that a skilled worker’s chosen occupational specialisation
meets their interests and inclinations, then those trained according to
the first scenario tend to develop a vocational identity during the course
of that training process. The development of this identity strengthens
their performance orientation and quality awareness, particularly when
they are working in the occupational domain for which they have
trained. If, instead, vocational identity is under-developed, or even non-
existent, in the employees of a company because of the absence of an
initial vocational education, the Human Resources Management
department of that company has to undertake a great deal of effort to
compensate for the ensuing lack of commitment. Frequently, this com-
pensation is achieved by mechanisms which increase the employees’
extrinsic motivation, such as a distinctively performance-based wage
system, which comes together with the threat of cutting back under-
performers. Mechanisms at the societal level, such as a divided labour
market and mass unemployment, can also affect employees’ extrinsic
motivation: the potential threat of unemployment strengthens the work
ethic of employees (see Jaeger, 1989, p. 569).
Competence and qualification research show that competence devel-
opment and the formation of vocational identity are in fact closely con-
nected (Raeder and Grote, 2005, p. 337). Conversely, adherence to a
social system which sticks to the normative ideal of the work ethic, as in
European societies, entails the risk that those economies will lose their
competitive edge and capacity for innovation (Jaeger, 1989, p. 566).
140 Felix Rauner





Work ethic (job compliance)
Professional ethic
20 (occupation-based work

No Undecided Yes

Figure 5.8 Work ethic and professional ethic in two Swiss enterprises

A work ethic which consists of a disciplined performance of profession-

al duties without reflection is inconsistent with corporate culture that
emphasise professionalism. The latter corporate culture aspires to an
ethic which leads employees to participate in shaping their own work and
structures. Indeed, it is just such a culture which has been a key feature
of all the developed national economies ever since the late 20th century.
Employees’ cooperation and communication, responsibility for, and
holistic understanding of, their work contexts are all also characteristic
of the ethic to which corporate culture aspired and achieved. Indeed,
such characteristics were also important to developed economies in the
late 20th century; because of the high diversity of such economies they
were particularly crucial to the dynamics of these societies. Two case
studies by Jaeger (1989) provide support for this thesis (see Figure 5.8).
When employees were questioned in these studies, the vast majority (69
per cent) believed that occupational commitment results from a profes-
sional ethic, and that the traditional normative ideal of a work ethic only
plays a minor and somewhat vague role (Jaeger, 1989, p. 569).

5.5 Conclusions
Using the economic, social and subject-related criteria from the
Copenhagen Process to evaluate two competing development scenarios
has provided a strong argument for Europe to adapt its old tradition of
vocational education and training, its apprenticeship system, so it is
suitable for the conditions of a modern economy.
Vocational training that is integrated into actual work processes can
make an important contribution to the social integration of young
Vocational Education and Training in Europe 141

people; it teaches individuals how to participate in social situations, and

other general social competences. These outcomes are not only impor-
tant for the world of work but in fact have ramifications for the very
cohesion of our societies. The experience of mastering a work task in
real work settings can be valuable to the development of a young per-
son’s personality. The assumption that people who perform complex
and challenging tasks at work will tend to develop and apply a similar
approach to other spheres of life is widely supported by empirical
research. Accordingly, the EU member states assign high social and
political relevance to the connection between vocational training and
social cohesion. This is illustrated by their decision to allow the free
movement of employees in the European labour market because it
helped to erode formerly closed regional labour markets and local
milieus. In terms of cultural diversity vocational education has a strong
integrative potential. This is because vocational education can utilise
the previous work experiences of its young pupils as a resource for the
development of vocational identity. Now, given many of these pupils
have different cultural backgrounds—up to 50 per cent of all vocational
pupils in German cities have a migration background—they will most
likely have also had different work experiences. Therefore, the discus-
sion of culturally diverse work experiences can simultaneously develop
vocational identity and increase understanding about other cultures,
thereby facilitating the beginnings of social integration.
Vocational education which is based on the development of voca-
tional competence and identity contributes to a professional ethic. This
ethic is indispensable in pursuit of Europe’s ambitious target of pre-
serving itself as a prospering economic area.

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Part Two

Work and Personal Identity


Career Changes and Identity

Continuities—A Contradiction?
Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

6.1 Introduction

Current assumptions concerning the consequences of increasingly

demanded work flexibility on personal identities are contradictory.
Some researchers question whether people can develop a personally
valued identity if the work environment does not remain stable and the
individual cannot control the changes. Sennett (1998) even assumed
that high work flexibility may cause the disruption of identities. Other
researchers emphasised new opportunities for the individual. Keupp
(1997) pointed out that it will be necessary to challenge the assumption
of stability as a prerequisite for a healthy identity development, and to
adapt the current approach towards identity by focusing more on con-
tinuous processes of identity construction.
Three empirically derived typologies analysing the interrelation of
work and identity support the assumption that individuals can deal with
flexibility. The typologies of the European FAME Consortium (Kirpal,
2004b), the Special Collaborative Centre 186 (Heinz, 2002; Witzel and
Kühn, 2000) and developed through our own research (Raeder and
Grote, 2004) consist of types characterised by different degrees of flex-
ibility (cf. Table 6.1). All types show different patterns of adaptation to
demanded flexibility and of shaping individually desired flexibility,
none of them leading to identity disorders. The typologies present an
overview by abstracting from the individual cases. They do not provide
detailed information on what flexibility means to individuals, how indi-
viduals interpret it and integrate it into their personal identity. They also

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 147–182.
© 2007 Springer.
148 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

Table 6.1 Empirical studies on work and identity

discussed in this chapter
team Discipline Approach Key findings

FAME Vocational Typology of Continuum of forms of

Consortium Education work work identities ranging
(Kirpal, Research/ identities in from ‘classical’ to
2004a, b) Sociology the context of ‘flexible’
work flexibility
Heinz Sociology Typology of Six modes of
(2002), modes of biographical agency in
Witzel and biographical three categories:
Kühn (2000) agency (1) Status
(longitudinal Arrangement with
study) the modes
Identification’ and
(2) Advancement
Ambition with the
modes ‘Career
Orientation’ and
(3) Autonomy Gain
with the modes
‘Personal Growth’
and ‘Self-
Raeder and Work Identity types Four types of
Grote psychology in the context vocational identity:
(2004) of work (i) Continuous, (ii) Job-
flexibility centred, (iii) Critical-
flexible and (iv) Self-
Hoff et al. Work Locus of Due to individual
(1991); psychology control of options, situational
Hoff (1990) skilled constraints and
workers experiences of conflict,
(longitudinal the participants
study) developed an
integrationist locus of
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 149

do not consider the underlying desire to present their individuality in

the biographical narrative and personal identity construction. In order
to show the complexity of decisions in one’s life course and of process-
es of identity formation, it is necessary to reveal individuality beyond
the information given in these typologies.
In this paper, we first present these three typologies and introduce
the concept of personal identity on which our research is based. With
the aim of describing vocational identity in the context of flexibility in
detail, we present a qualitative analysis of the identity of persons with
career changes, people who have been working in two or more occupa-
tional areas (Sheldon, 1995). Vocational identity is thereby understood
as part of the overall personal identity specific to the sphere of working
life (Hausser, 1995). Our research is based on psychological concepts
and theories.

6.2 Typologies of Work and Identity

The European FAME team (Kirpal, 2004a, b) analysed vocational iden-

tities in considering the context of vocational education and training,
historical developments and economic features. The study produced a
continuum of forms of work identities leading from a classical to a flex-
ible, individualised work identity. The classical form was characterised
by high identification with the company and the work tasks. Employees
with few resources like qualification, motivation or self-esteem typi-
cally perceived work-related changes as a threat. People with a more
flexible identity were more able to use flexibility and competence
development for achieving their goals. Commitment towards the com-
pany or the occupation was subordinated to these goals. Most study
participants, however, developed forms of adaptation to flexibility
demands somewhere between these poles of the continuum.
In a longitudinal study, Heinz (2002), Witzel and Kühn (2000)
developed a typology of six modes of biographical agency belonging to
three categories. The category ‘Status Arrangement’ comprised people
who emphasised continuity in their career characterised either by high
loyalty to the employer or by looking for job security and a reasonable
salary. This category included the modes ‘Company Identification’ and
‘Wage-worker Habitus’. The category ‘Advancement Ambition’ con-
sisted of individuals who either intended to climb the career ladder or
to gain responsibility without aiming at the next career step. The
respective modes were ‘Career Orientation’ and ‘Optimising Chances’.
150 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

The category ‘Autonomy Gain’ described people who concentrated on

their development with a focus either on their own personality or on
setting up their own business. This category subsumed the modes
‘Personal Growth’ and ‘Self-employment Habitus’. These six career
types varied in their experiences of discontinuity, and flexibility, in the
course of their biography. People of the modes ‘Personal Growth’ and
‘Optimising Chances’ decided for a temporary time-out for travelling
or learning languages. People of the modes ‘Career Orientation’ and
‘Optimising Chances’ invested time in further training or higher educa-
tion. People of the mode ‘Personal Growth’ used periods of unemploy-
ment for a vocational reorientation. Women of the modes ‘Company
Identification’ and ‘Wage-worker Habitus’ interrupted employment for
their family.
Our own typology resulted in four types of identity: the
‘Continuous’, the ‘Job-centred’, the ‘Critical-flexible’ and the ‘Self-
determined’ (Raeder and Grote, 2004). Compared to the other types,
the continuous type was characterised by the most prominent golden
thread drawing through the work biography. The job-centred type
reported the lowest consistency between the spheres of life often caused
by a dominance of working life. The self-determined type showed high
internal locus of control attributing control to personal factors as
opposed to the interactionist locus of control attributing control to sit-
uational and personal factors. The latter was predominant in the other
types. The critical-flexible type did not show specific features concern-
ing identity. The identity types differed in their position in working life.
Many people with a continuous career, including managers, appeared
in the continuous and job-centred type. In the critical-flexible and self-
determined type were more employees without managerial functions,
employees working in highly flexible companies and more people with
a career change. Opposed to all other types, the critical-flexible type
assessed the flexibility demands of employers negatively. The results
showed that the widely postulated high individual flexibility does not
enhance a successful career.
The typologies refer to two different aspects of flexibility. On the
one hand, employees search for flexibility in their working life for pur-
suing their personal goals. Such flexibility ranges from flexible
arrangements in working time and place to portfolio work and career
changes (cf. Sheldon, 1995). On the other hand, employees have to
adapt to the flexibility demands of employers or the labour market
(cf. Reilly, 1998). Personal biographies and work identities interact
with these processes of flexibility. The national context of educational
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 151

and occupational structures delimits or opens up the range of flexibility.

Flexibility may be restricted by a system that requires specialisation in
an occupation and a specified vocational training for working in an
occupation (cf. Kirpal, 2004b). Under such circumstances, individually
desired job changes are only possible after having acquired the
necessary competences.
With the aim of presenting individuality beyond such typologies, it
is necessary to consider the definitions of identity used. The existing
variety of approaches towards identity can be roughly distinguished by
the definition of identity as outside perception or as self-perception
(cf. Frey and Hausser, 1987). The first perspective uses the term iden-
tity for describing someone’s position in the social context by referring
to the social role, the identification with social groups and one’s occu-
pation or work task (e.g. Ellemers et al., 2002). The FAME team
(Kirpal, 2004b) followed this approach. The typology of the Special
Collaborative Centre 186 (Heinz, 2002; Witzel and Kühn, 2000) can be
added to this approach as it applied similar information although not
drawing on the term identity. The latter perspective understands identity
as a self-reflexive process of an individual. We applied this approach in
our research, because it allows—as the study of Hoff (1990; Hoff et al.,
1991) shows—a more detailed analysis closer to the subjective and
individual self-perception of the person.
In a longitudinal study, Hoff et al. (1991) analysed the develop-
ment of locus of control—one dimension of personal identity (Hoff,
1990)—in a sample of skilled workers (cf. Table 6.1). The authors
decided to extend the bipolar locus of control concept that concen-
trates on internal and external control (cf. Rotter, 1966). They dis-
tinguished deterministic, i.e. internal (events are determined by the
person), external (events are determined by the situation) or fatalis-
tic (events are determined by chance of fate) locus of control and
interactionist locus of control (events are determined by an interac-
tion of person and situation). In the first wave, internal, additive-
deterministic (events are determined either by the person or the
situation) and interactionist locus of control were equally distributed
in the sample. Only a few participants expressed a fatalistic locus of
control. In the second wave six years later, the fatalistic locus of con-
trol vanished and some people adopted an additive-deterministic or
interactionist locus of control. The authors concluded that the variety
of individual options and situational constraints as well as experi-
ences of conflict fostered the development of an interactionist locus
of control.
152 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

While the three typologies turn towards researching flexibility, Hoff

et al. (1991) focus on the interrelation between work and identity in line
with Sennett’s (1998) assumption that work should both remain stable
over one’s life course and allow personal development. Although they
limit their study to the dimension of locus of control, they show that
this perspective of identity as self-perception can lead to a detailed
description of identity. The identity model of Hausser (1983), Hoff
(1990) refers to, does not call for such a narrow perspective as it con-
ceptualises identity in three components and several sub-dimensions.
The use of this identity model would allow analysis of the complexity
of personal identity constructions while maintaining their individuality.

Table 6.2 Psychological identity concepts discussed in this chapter

Researcher Approach Key assumptions

Erikson Identity Identity achieved in adolescence

(1959) theory remains unchanged during
adulthood. The perception of
continuity in time and consistency
across contexts is crucial for
personal identity.
Marcia Model of Identity develops during one’s
(1980) identity lifetime going through four
development identity states:
● Identity Achievement
● Foreclosure
● Identity Diffusion
● Moratorium
Hausser Model of Structural model with three
(1983, identity dimensions:
1995) structure and ● Self-esteem
development ● Locus of control
● Self-concept (with the aspects:
biographical continuity;
ecological consistency,
consequence in the relation of
attitudes and behaviour,
authenticity in the relation of
emotion and behaviour,
individuality and equality)
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 153

Three more reasons support applying Hausser’s model (1983, 1995).

Hausser referred to the tradition of identity researchers like Erikson
(1959) and Marcia (1980) and integrated a variety of aspects of a per-
sonal self-definition and conceptualised identity structure and develop-
ment. To introduce the identity topic, we first show how the model of
Hausser relates to the tradition of identity theory particularly to the work
of Erikson and Marcia. Table 6.2 summarises their key assumptions.

6.3 The Concept of Personal Identity

Hausser followed Marcia in understanding personal identity as ‘self-

constructed’ (Marcia, 1980, p. 159). Identity is part of the self-perception
and cannot be completely captured from an outside perspective as is the
case with personality or social roles. Identity does not comprise all
facets of self-perception but only those, which are subjectively mean-
ingful and which affect the person. Thus, personal identity is defined as
a self-reflexive process of an individual that is structuring and relating
a variety of personal experiences (Frey and Hausser, 1987).
Hausser drew on Erikson’s assumption that identity comprises the
perception of continuity in time and consistency across contexts
(Erikson, 1968 as cited in Kroger, 2000). Continuity, however, does not
stand for limiting the process of identity development to youth and ado-
lescence and assuming that the personal identity once achieved remains
unchanged during a lifetime (Frey and Hausser, 1987). Like Marcia,
Hausser conceptualised identity as a life long developmental process
and did not support the normative assumption that continuity is a pre-
requisite for healthy identity development.
Although Hausser agreed with Marcia in defining identity as a
developmental process, he did not support the notion of attaining the
goal of an ‘ideal’ identity status. Marcia adopted Erikson’s ideal status
of achieved identity and further differentiated it into four identity
states, which a person may go through once or more often during life-
time. Marcia (1980) described these four stages as follows:
Identity Achievements are individuals who have experienced a
decision-making period and are pursuing self-chosen occupation and
ideological goals. Foreclosures are persons who are also committed
to occupational and ideological positions, but these have been
parentally chosen rather than self-chosen. They show little or no evi-
dence of ‘crisis’. Identity Diffusions are young people who have no
set occupational or ideological direction, regardless of whether or not
154 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

they may have experienced a decision-making period. Moratoriums

are individuals who are currently struggling with occupational and/or
ideological issues; they are in an identity crisis (p. 161).

Frey and Hausser criticised the idea of setting normative criteria

for a normal and personally valued identity and argued for not norma-
tively assessing individual identities. Hausser’s developmental model,
therefore, is not bound to stages that are to be achieved. Based on the
circular model of identity process by Whitbourne and Weinstock
(1979), Hausser assumed a life long developmental process by
which current experiences are continually integrated into one’s general
Frey and Hausser (1987) pointed out four core topics of the dynamic
of identity: the relation of the perspective from the inside and from the
outside (problem of reality); the relation of the various elements of iden-
tity (problem of consistency); stability and change of these elements
(problem of continuity); and the creation and presentation of a unique
identity (problem of individuality). Hausser’s (1983, 1995) identity
model aimed at treating these four core topics. In his structural model,
he succeeded in integrating three usually separated research fields con-
cerning the self: self-concept, self-esteem and locus of control. With
these dimensions of self-perception, self-evaluation and personal con-
trol, he covered a cognitive, an emotional and a motivational dimension
of identity. He further divided the self-concept into six aspects: biogra-
phical continuity, ecological consistency, consequence in the relation of
attitudes and behaviour, authenticity in the relation of emotion and
behaviour, individuality and equality. Hausser followed Hoff et al.
(1991) in defining locus of control as comprising internal, external,
fatalistic and interactionist locus of control, as he assumed the bipolar
control concept of internal and external locus of control (cf. Rotter,
1966) to be unrealistically simplistic. Thus, Hausser addressed the prob-
lem of reality in defining identity as self-perception and discussing its
relation to reality. The aspects of the self-concept biographical continu-
ity, ecological consistency and individuality cover the problems of con-
sistency, continuity and individuality. The problem of individuality
refers to the assumption that a person attempts to present an individual
identity construction, and this is the main focus of this chapter.
Like Marcia (1980), Hausser assumed that identity may differ
with respect to different spheres of life. Vocational identity, one of
the identities specific to a particular sphere of life, refers to one’s
working life.
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 155

6.4 Research Question

The main objective of this chapter is to analyse the personal identity

of people with career changes. In order to consider the complexity of
individual identity constructions we developed a system of categories
for describing such identity constructions. Furthermore, we analysed
whether the career changers use specific strategies within their personal
identity construction.
Drawing on the identity definition of Hausser (1995), we confined
our qualitative analysis to four dimensions of identity, i.e. biographical
continuity, ecological consistency, locus of control and self-esteem. We
chose these dimensions, because they are especially important in the
context of changing careers. The first two reflected the main identity
concern of Erikson (1959) further elaborated and discussed by Marcia
(1980), Frey and Hausser (1987) and Keupp (1997). We assumed that
continuity is not anymore assured through the golden thread of the
occupation, and that consistency between spheres of life is questioned
if people have to invest a lot of time in their qualification. The dimen-
sion of locus of control referred to processes of decision and control in
the context of biographical changes. Self-esteem was included for eval-
uating the other identity dimensions (cf. Hausser, 1995).

6.5 Methods

6.5.1 Sample

The sample consisted of 18 men and 12 women, who had worked in

two or more occupations, i.e. had changed their career at least once
(cf. Sheldon, 1995). At the time of the interview, they were living in
Switzerland and were aged 40 to 50. In the sample, we considered as
many different occupations and combinations of occupations as possi-
ble. Occupations were classified according to a German classification
system (Statistisches Bundesamt, 1996). Careers within an occupational
direction in terms of a further qualification in the same area (e.g. tech-
nical school after an apprenticeship in a technical occupation) were not
included in the sample. In the context of the Swiss education system
and labour market with a clear occupational orientation, working in a
different occupation implies to acquire the corresponding formal com-
petences and qualification. Individuals completing three levels of edu-
cation were considered in the sample: secondary level II with a
156 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

‘Lehrabschluss’ (equivalent to a completed apprenticeship) or

‘Maturität’ (equivalent to A-levels); tertiary level I with a degree from
a ‘Höhere Fachschule’ or ‘Berufsprüfung’ (equivalent to a tertiary tech-
nical or vocational institution); and tertiary level II with a university
degree. In comparison to the Swiss population as a whole, participants
with higher education were slightly overrepresented in the sample.
This sample formed part of the sample used for developing the iden-
tity typology (Raeder and Grote, 2004), which was based on quantitative
data of employee surveys and on qualitative data of these 30 people with
a career change, and of another 29 people with a continuous career in
one occupation. The more detailed analysis in this chapter aims at
revealing additional information on personal identity constructions.

6.5.2 Procedures

We conducted semi-standardised interviews. The interview guide

comprised questions concerning the vocational biography, reasons for
work-related decisions, competences, resources and the importance of
working life in relation to other spheres of life. The interviews were
The data analysis proceeded in three steps. In the first step, the data
was analysed by means of qualitative content analysis (Mayring, 2000).
This method was chosen so as to include the data of all cases in one
procedure and find out similarities as well as common patterns. In the
process of systematic analysis, the interview data was divided into con-
tent analytic units. A content analytic unit was a statement consisting of
one or several sentences. These content analytic units were then assigned
to the identity-related categories determined by the identity model.
In the second step, the results of the qualitative content analysis con-
cerning personal identity were validated communicatively (Lechler,
1982) for verifying that the participants accept their personal results as
a description of their identity. In the process of communicative valida-
tion, the participants assigned their statements, which were coded for a
category and printed on cards, to a continuum within each category
(cf. Figure 6.1). They could add new information, put aside cards and
decide at which point of the continuum they wanted to locate their
statements. They could, therefore, choose the appropriate classification
for every identity category. Their classification did not always agree
with our coding, but was respected as their individual interpretation of
their personal life story.
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 157

the offer to replace the Theology:

else, what is much better decides during school head of administration “calling contre coeur”
in the end” in the school of life
of life to reorientate
was convenient

although he did not plan

to stay in theology
ntity crisis:
“theais was
active choice of shaking
universities for PhD
“a PhD thesis is “if I conclude, that won’t
part of studying” work,I do something
job in the mission in Zaire
fell through

gives reasonsjob
forwas a co
plansand gets suppo
school decisions
looks for a new job due to e
not consciously mad
problems with colleague

identity crisis:
“the basis was shaking incidence

no clear idea about work postgraduate studies:

“I decided to fight for my no clear idea about work after studies: “I didn’t have
job, not against someone. “I had to pause”
after studies: “I didn’t have a clear idea, where
I wanted toassert myself and a clear idea, where I will work. And who does
I managed to do that.” I will work. And who does not know where to go may
not know where to go may arrive somewhere else.”
arrive somewhere else.”

Figure 6.1 Example of communicative validation (category locus of


As self-esteem was used for evaluating the other identity dimen-

sions, the participants were asked to locate cards representing these
dimensions on a continuum leading from low to high self-esteem
(cf. Figure 6.2).
In the third step, the continua of the categories were divided into
three sections corresponding to a high, medium or low level. The cards
assigned by the participants were thus divided into three groups. The
data was further differentiated by inductively developing subcate-
gories as recommended by Mayring (2000). We derived the subcate-
gories from the data assigned to each category and revised them in the
process of analysis. Each subcategory represented high, medium or
low values within the category. In order to reproduce the statements of
the participants as accurately as possible, we applied a highly differ-
entiated system of categories. This system of subcategories completely
represented the data, because all content analytic units were coded for
subcategories. Our coding and the coding by the participants during
the communicative validation did not always correspond. Example: a
participant coded his statement that he has an artist’s soul as highly
158 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote


ecological y




Self-esteem internal control/ Self-esteem

external control
positive evaluation
negative evaluation

Figure 6.2 Example of communicative validation for the category


continuous, but rated his statement as moderately continuous in that he

had been interested in the work of a policeman from childhood
onwards. Both statements represented a golden thread in his vocation-
al interests and goals, but he assigned them to different levels within
one category.

6.5.3 Categories

In this paper, we present the results concerning the identity cate-

gories ‘biographical continuity’, ‘ecological consistency’, ‘locus of
control’ and ‘self-esteem’. Below, we provide the definitions and exam-
ples of coding of these main categories as well as the subcategories and
examples of coding of the subcategories (cf. Tables 6.3–6.9).
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 159

Table 6.3 Subcategories and examples of coding for high

biographical continuity
High biographical
(subcategories) Examples of coding

Golden thread in tasks ‘I have always worked with young occupation,

job or work people.’
Golden thread in non-work ‘I have always had relationships that resembled
spheres of life my job situation.’
Recurring pattern in ‘It is always like that: I get some kind of input.
working life Something fascinates me. And then, that’s
what I want, I exactly want to go there.’
Permanent vocational ‘I’m finishing this [vocational training] and
training have already enrolled for the next course.’
Permanent vocational ‘I have always been interested in history.’
interests and goals
Golden thread in ‘The logic is that I could always use later
vocational competences on what I had learnt in an earlier phase.’
Stable importance of work ‘I want to work while I’m living and to live while
and private life I’m working. That’s a statement I made very
Continuity in one’s ‘The big stumbling block, that always
personality accompanied me, really was: “You are
Abstract pattern of ‘To be precise, because I again and again
continuity experienced, when I let myself in for
something, something new, when I had the
feeling that’s my next step, something became
possible as a step after the next that I could
not see at the moment. It only became
possible, because I said yes to the next.’
160 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

Table 6.4 Subcategories and examples of coding for low

biographical continuity
Low biographical
(subcategories) Examples of coding

Changes in working life ‘For a long time, I didn’t set goals actively. For
the first time, when I took this job.’
Changes in non-work ‘It always sounds brutal when you say
spheres of life the family is over. But this responsibility is
Clear-cut phases in ‘The aspect of staying someplace for a longer
working life time, 101⁄2 years. Compared with the periods
before where I did nothing for more than three
Clear-cut phases in non- ‘I really have the feeling as if I had
work spheres of life different lives. And I remember the first
very poorly.’
Break in working life ‘At the same time, the price of dropping
out. You have to start from anew. And you
behave as if you were really good in your job.
It takes you a long time until you are good
in your job.’
Break in non-work ‘I had a baby very late, which is radically
spheres of life cutting in one’s life. Suddenly, the whole
organising. Flexibility is enormously
cut in.’
Developmental process ‘There, I gained my first work experiences.
in working life In a team and a big organisation, it was
an important experience. (. . .) First you
don’t think you can do it and then you just
have to do it. Then you grow into it and
that’s okay.’
Developmental process in ‘With every step I took I added something
non-work spheres of life to that, what I am today, what I do today.’
Exception in working life ‘This education is not focused that way
[like my other education]. This education
does not lead to a new occupational
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 161

Table 6.4 Continued

Low biographical
(subcategories) Examples of coding

Exception in non-work ‘In South Wales, it had been the only time
spheres of life I had to pack my bags without wanting to.’
Ongoing search for ‘I always need a new challenge.’
a new challenge in
working life
Variety in the ‘That’s why I changed [the job] that often,
occupation or job because as soon as I knew it inside out, it
was boring to me. I always needed something
multi-faceted so that I’m faced with a challenge.’
Change in vocational ‘By handcraft. By producing something
competences where you have to look carefully. That’s
training for the eyes. (. . .) I remember that
I made this development. I wasn’t able to see
at the beginning of my apprenticeship.’
Change in vocational ‘At home, it was not important what we women
interests and goals did, what kind of education we had. (. . .) What
we achieved at school was not appreciated.
Therefore, I made no efforts and I didn’t learn
anything. (. . .) I wanted to show that I am able
to learn and I wanted to have a basis of gen-
eral knowledge.’
Personality development ‘I experienced a lot more ups and downs than
today. I was less even-tempered.’
Changed importance of ‘The job isn’t as predominant as it has
work and private life been in the past.’
Abstract pattern of change ‘zigzag way’
162 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

Table 6.5 Subcategories and examples of coding for high ecological

High ecological
(subcategories) Examples of coding

Spheres of life influence ‘Obviously, I had another field of experience

one another (. . .) that’s the field of family. (. . .) There are
always relations back and forth [between
family life and working life].’
Non-work spheres of ‘I’m not going to have children, to have a
life influence work family, and I will work till the age of 65.
Therefore, I really want to do something
what absolutely satisfies me.’
Work influences other ‘A good occupation is the basis for all sorts of
spheres of life things you can develop in your life.’
Balance between ‘Private and working life are totally interwoven
spheres of life in my life.’
Development in ‘Well, I’m working well in such a cultural field.
working life Before, I was lacking all that, because it was so
uninspiring. I was dying like a flower. (. . .)
Here, I have the feeling that I can develop, even
when I have stress. It’s much better mentally.’
Personality development ‘And in the phase of design, there comes
in working life stability in. (. . .) Designing myself through
designing, that was of course closely connected.
The designing of something and designing
myself and finding my shape, who am I.’
Personality development in ‘More and more clearly, being able to perceive
non-work spheres of life more and more clearly what really matters. I
learnt that best in my psychotherapy. (. . .) It
was about reflecting what happens and how I
can understand that and accept it. That really
was a very important additional thread for
seeing more and more clearly for myself.’
Support from non-work ‘For now about 18 years, I’m living with the
spheres of life for same partner and it is really permanent. I
working life needed something like a secure anchor and
there was always someone earning money.’
Vocational competences ‘For me it’s always like that, things I’m
are applicable in various learning somewhere go into all other fields and
spheres of life are realised there.’
Similar behaviour in ‘Due to my age and my experiences, I had
different spheres of life other demands. I would have expected that a
professor of fundamental theology satisfies on
the personal level, too.’
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 163

Table 6.6 Subcategories and examples of coding for low ecological

Low ecological
consistency Examples of coding

Separation of spheres of life ‘As police chief I managed a wonderful

separation (. . .) between private and
Discrepancy between ‘If I wouldn’t have to work anymore,
spheres of life mustn’t work anymore, for me it is an
intellectual challenge. That’s no use at
home. (. . .) There are a lot of challenges
you don’t have at home.’
No development in ‘And I was disappointed that I was of no
working life importance as a person.’
No support from non- ‘Friends [supported me] not that much.
work spheres of life for They didn’t realise (. . .) that people said,
working life you draw well, it would be good, if you did
something like that. (. . .) I would never have
had the idea of doing something in this area.
I wouldn’t have known where to find an
apprenticeship. (. . .) My parents didn’t know
a lot about that.’
Vocational competences ‘In my job always [use my competences].
are not applicable in (. . .) In my private life to a lesser extent.’
other spheres of life
Importance of working life ‘I enjoy working, it’s enriching my life.’
Dominance of working life ‘My job got enormously important to me. A
great deal actually happens in my job.’
Importance of private life ‘Several love stories absorbed me more than
the work content.’
Dominance of private life ‘School was a substitute for the family.’
or other spheres of life
Different behaviour in ‘I am politically committed, but in my
different spheres of life job I do not fight.’
164 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

Table 6.7 Subcategories and examples of coding for internal locus

of control
Internal locus of
control (subcategories) Examples of coding

Personal choice or ‘I knew for a long time when I’ve had enough,
decision I’m going and then I’m travelling.’
Self-responsibility ‘You are responsible for your own life
Actively pursuing ‘When I intended something, I actually
interests or goals made it.’
Personal activity ‘Yes, I attended a lot of courses to really
find out, what [which occupation] belongs to me.’
Strong personal influence ‘In an organisation like the police, few is made
possible, you have to fight for a lot.’
Matter of course ‘Into theology studies, the way was absolutely
obvious to me.’
Actively shaping the ‘I formed a department, that’s called urban
situation planning. (. . .) And then with my department
urban planning and tourism, I began to take the
public spaces in our town into my own hands.’

Table 6.8 Subcategories and examples of coding for interactionist

locus of control
Interactionist locus of
control (subcategories) Examples of coding

Interplay of personal and ‘At that time, I accepted the role of leader,
situational factors because nobody was there and because I
thought I could gather some experiences.’
Personal decisions ‘Actually I had the idea of making the technical
depending on situation school after the [apprenticeship as a] draftsman.
factors But family came in between.’
Personal decisions ‘I come to a decision myself, but I like to
coordinated with other coordinate myself with others.’
Personal decisions ‘It was a period during which I would have
adapted to other people wanted to set up a family and have children, but
my partner never wanted to.’
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 165

Table 6.8 Continued

Interactionist locus of
control (subcategories) Examples of coding

Personal decisions ‘Now you are certainly in family obligations, you

adapted to situation get older. That you have to confine yourself to
factors and say “you have to do something with that,
what you are now and what you can do”. And
I’m just staying on this track and I’m looking at
what’s coming next.’
Influence of other people ‘I made my “Matura” [i.e. A-levels]. At first, I did-
n’t really want to start. She [girlfriend] pushed a
little bit.’
Negotiating ‘I had a really good supervisor, whom I esteemed.
She was 15 years older than me, but had no
training for teaching. She thought if I made the
vocational training for teaching, she would have
to leave. I could prevent that by motivating her
to attend this training, too. She made it part-
time. Then we did job sharing.’
Conditions allow ‘I could realise a lot of things with this
realising personal colleague and later on with other people too,
concerns launch projects, really concrete equal
opportunities projects.’
Seize an opportunity ‘I’m a strategist, too. (. . .) It was a good
opportunity, which I seized.’
Adapting to the situation ‘It’s not a pressure to communicate like I’m
experiencing it with teachers. You always have
to talk to one another and come out of your
shell. And at the beginning that was a problem
for me. (. . .) But you learn it somehow, that it is
just all part of it. That’s the rule. That you can
talk about commonplaces, the discourse,
language, communicate, approach the other.
That’s something fundamental in this world, in
the area of education. That’s something I had
much pain learning it at all.’
166 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

Table 6.9 Subcategories and examples of coding for external and

fatalistic locus of control
External and
fatalistic locus of
(subcategories) Examples of coding

Determined by ‘That is, basically, I already focused on the

situation factors aim, which I reached now, in infancy. (. . .) It
has been inhibited by, the way I perceive it
today, a difficult situation at school, which
probably had to do with the family situation.’
Determined by other ‘That [apprenticeship as a bricklayer] was
people decided over my head.’
Strong influence of ‘You can’t talk of conscious decisions as
other people regards vocational choice. With hindsight, let’s
say, you are simply in an environment, where
there are certain options, where something like
that happens, where you can’t say you are the
master of one’s fate.’
Not able to take over ‘The company was very conservative. Just
control after my entry, the managing director changed.
Under the old managing director, I would never
have entered. (. . .) At this time, no one
realised that finally I am too informal, frank and
unconventional, than the company could ever
change to. After a half year, it came to a
breach due to leadership questions. (. . .)
I started in April in this position and interviewed
my co-workers for understanding how they
work, what their goals personally were, where
they wanted to go. Then, the personnel manager
told me that this procedure is basically wrong,
because appraisal interviews are to be con-
ducted in November within the annual cycle
and limited to the performance of the employee
and salary questions. Then, I had to say “sorry,
I don’t agree”.’
No personal control ‘Theology came out of the inner feeling that I
had to do that. You would call it a calling.
Namely “contre coeur”.’
Indecisiveness ‘(. . .), because I didn’t know, what I wanted.’
Helplessness ‘At that time, when I was a teacher, I didn’t like
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 167

Table 6.9 Continued

External and
fatalistic locus of
(subcategories) Examples of coding

to stay in the village over the weekend. I lived

in the same district as half of my pupils. (. . .)
When I went out, the children would call me
“Madame”. That was awful for me. I found that
awful at the age of 20. That was like running
the gauntlet.’
No clear intention ‘I didn’t feel a pressure, because I didn’t know
what I really wanted.’
Luck ‘Luckily, it worked that I could change my job.’
Fate ‘I was always short-listed, destiny always
selected. I never decided that.’
Chance ‘By chance, I found a job in the city I was

Biographical Continuity

Definition: ‘the immediate perception of one’s selfsameness and

continuity in time; and the simultaneous perception of the fact that
others recognize one’s sameness and continuity’ (Erikson, 1959, p. 23
as cited in Hausser, 1995). Examples of coding: ‘The logic is that I
always could use what I had learnt in an earlier phase’ (high biograph-
ical continuity); ‘I suppose from the age of 35 on I had an idealistic
period. It was changing into an economic period. It got more impor-
tant to earn good money and to have a good job’ (low biographical

Ecological consistency

Definition: ‘perception of coherence of one’s own behaviour in dif-

ferent spheres of life’ (Hausser, 1995, p. 29). Examples of coding: ‘At
that time, I could realise a lot of things, which were important to me in
my life. To live and shape my own life’ (high consistency); ‘I am polit-
ically committed, but in my job I do not fight’ (low consistency).
168 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

Locus of Control

Definition: ‘generalized, subjective explicability, predictability and

influenceability’ (Hausser, 1995, p. 42) of events concerning oneself.
Subcategories, which were theoretically defined in advance, were
‘internal’, ‘external’, ‘fatalistic’ (chance or fate) and ‘interactionist’
(interplay of external, internal and fatalistic factors) locus of control.
These subcategories were refined in the process of data analysis. The
continuum prepared for communicative validation led from internal to
external control, as it was only possible to consider two dimensions.
The interactionist locus of control was situated in the middle and the
fatalistic locus of control merged with the external (cf. Rotter, 1966).
Examples of coding: ‘I am now at the peak of what I do. I have a lot
of work. I earn good money. If I changed my occupation again, I would
have to start all over again. Then, I realised I do not want that at the
moment. I try to carry on, but thought I have to do something for me,
which gives me suspense and some challenge. Two years ago, I started a
master’s course in philosophy in England and I am studying part-time in
England’ (internal locus of control); ‘I had to learn that the community
is important in a city council. It is a collegial board and you have to sup-
port decisions you personally do not approve. (. . .) I learnt to guide the
team processes’ (interactionist locus of control); ‘It is getting unpleas-
ant. I am in New York nearly every two weeks. That is for nearly three
years. It is still escalating. I am not the only one in the department, sim-
ply 250 per cent overburdened’ (external locus of control); ‘By chance,
I found a job in the city where I was living’ (fatalistic locus of control).


Definition: ‘self-esteem is usually thought to be the evaluative compo-

nent of a broader representation of self, the self-concept’ (Blascovich and
Tomaka, 1991, p. 115). As the participants assigned cards representing
biographical continuity, ecological consistency and locus of control to the
self-esteem continuum, no sub-categories were developed (cf. Figure 6.2).

6.6 Results

The subcategories show the broad spectrum of statements and expla-

nations given. It was not possible to find patterns or strategies across
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 169

subcategories. We, therefore, present the data for the whole sample
along the categories ‘biographical continuity’, ‘ecological consistency’,
‘locus of control’ and ‘self-esteem’ based on the respective subcate-
gories. The results are illustrated with the examples of seven individuals
focusing on the most frequently assigned subcategories.
In visualising their identity in the process of communicative valida-
tion, the participants seemed to look for a balanced image of their iden-
tity. They laid emphasis on the pattern of all their statements and not on
the exact position of each card. The participants made use of a broad
range of interpretations. They reinterpreted episodes of their biography
and decided upon the importance they should assign to the different
aspects of one story. They, therefore, assigned their statements differ-
ently than we did. An interviewee, for instance, told that he got his first
job by chance after having obtained his doctorate. In the process of
communicative validation, he assigned this card to the category inter-
nal control instead of external or fatalistic control.

6.6.1 Biographical Continuity

The participants put more emphasis on high continuity than on low

continuity, but no one assessed oneself as completely continuous or
discontinuous. All participants chose some subcategories indicating
low continuity, some subcategories indicating high continuity and some
subcategories somewhere in between. The participants found high biog-
raphical continuity in:
● the golden thread in their occupation, job or work task,
● the vocational interests and goals they permanently pursued,
● a recurring pattern in working life,
● the golden thread in their private life or other spheres of life.

They expressed low biographical continuity in describing:

● clear-cut phases in their working life or other spheres of life,
● disruptions experienced in working life,
● changes in working life.
For illustrating these subcategories, we present two interviewees. The
first gave examples for all the subcategories indicating high biographi-
cal continuity, the second for all subcategories indicating low biogra-
phical continuity. We present examples of either high or low continuity,
although overall the two interviewees showed elements of both. The
170 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

subcategories, to which we assigned the content analytic units, are pro-

vided in brackets.

Person 1: After finishing school, he underwent his apprenticeship

in business and administration. He then preferred working as a social
worker, attended a school for social work and studied psychology after
some years of work experience. With the degree in psychology he started
working as a process and business consultant. He is now self-employed
as a partner in a consultants’ network, teaches at a college and is prepar-
ing for his master’s degree at a foreign university.
He explained his high biographical continuity as follows: he tried to
integrate the economic and the social phase of his past into his present
job as a consultant and succeeded in doing this (golden thread in work-
ing life). He always had the motivation to change society, but his aims
altered. During his studies, he decided to stop working ‘reactively’ and to
start consulting preventatively (permanent vocational interests and
goals). As a social worker, he experienced symptoms of fatigue, as he had
the feeling that his working days were all similar and he had to do the
same kind of work every day (recurring pattern). He regularly left for
some months for travelling around the world (golden thread in non-work
spheres of life).

Person 2: She started her working life with an apprenticeship in

gardening, which she quit due to the monotony of the work tasks. She
then followed an apprenticeship as a physician assistant and worked for
several years in this occupation. Between her various jobs, she was
always travelling for some months. Not being satisfied in her job, she
decided to attend a school for occupational therapy. After having
worked for various institutions, she decided to become self-employed
running her own practice.
She reported the following elements of low biographical continuity:
she described the period of working as a physician assistant as a phase
now concluded. At that time, she did not have any influence on decision-
making. Today, she is more critical and decides on her own (clear-cut
phases). After working for a homeopath, she decided to quit her career
as physician assistant (break). She explained that she adopted a more
realistic stance during the years as an employee. She realised that struc-
tures in institutions cannot be changed easily and that a lot of effort is
required to change them (change). After having completed the school
for occupational therapy she needed a time-out, which she used for
travelling. At a certain point in time, she realised that the time had come
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 171

to look for a job in the city where she was living (clear-cut phases in
private life).

6.6.2 Ecological Consistency

The participants described themselves as predominantly consistent.

They mentioned few aspects or examples of low ecological consistency.
No interviewee assessed herself or himself as completely consistent or
inconsistent. In the participants’ descriptions high ecological consist-
ency referred to:

● the influence of non-work spheres of life on their working life,

● the influence of their working life on non-work spheres of life,
● the support they got from non-work spheres of life for their work-
ing life,
● the balance between spheres of life.

They characterised low ecological consistency by:

● the influence of non-work spheres of life on their working life,
● the separation between spheres of life,
● the dominance of working life.

Person 3: He started his working life with an apprenticeship as a

carpenter and as a draftsman. He was then working as a carpenter, mar-
ried and started building a family. Due to health problems, he could not
continue working in this occupation and decided to study architecture
at a technical college. He then worked as a self-employed architect con-
structing buildings for disabled people. In the meantime, he attended
theology courses for laypersons and after some years started to study
theology at university. He is now working as a pastor in a catholic
He reported the following elements of consistency: in general, he
explained that his career changes were closely related to his personal
development during lifetime and gave several examples. His private life
had an influence on the decisions in his working life. He started his con-
tact with the occupation of the carpenter through his family and then
decided to follow that path. He decided to study architecture due to his
health problems, which did not allow him to continue working as a car-
penter. His theology hobby nurtured his decision to study theology. He
172 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

assessed his present job as consistent, because he personally wants to

stay in contact with people (influence of non-work spheres life on work-
ing life). Besides, he admitted that his private life had changed through
learning processes in his working life (influence of working life on non-
work spheres life). His family supported him in studying theology while
working as an architect (support from private life for working life). He
perceived work and non-work as balanced, as he finds compensation for
work in handcraft and meditation. He is only employed 80 per cent, thus
having more time for his family life. In his job, his personal life and his
working life converge (balance between spheres of life).

Person 4: He decided to start an apprenticeship as a laboratory

assistant against the will of his parents. Because he set up a family, he
decided to attend the police school for one year. Then he worked as a
police officer and advanced in his career. In his spare time, he started
painting and furnished a studio in his house. Having reached the top of
the career ladder, he decided to quit the police and to work as an artist.
He mentioned the following elements of low ecological consistency:
he reported two examples in which his private life had an influence on
his working life. He was interested in the occupation of the policeman
as his father was an auxiliary policeman. Setting up a family led to his
career change and to the decision to attend police school. In the process
of communicative validation, he judged both influences as low in con-
sistency (influence of non-work spheres of life on their working life).
He explained that he had managed to separate work and family life
completely when he assumed a chief position at the police (separation
between spheres of life). During his police career, he had clearly
focused on his professional life and was not in power of control over his
life and time management (dominance of working life).

6.6.3 Locus of Control

Overall, the interviewees mentioned as many examples for internal,

as for external or interactionist, locus of control. No interviewee could
be assigned to one specific category of locus of control, i.e. internal,
interactionist or external locus of control. The participants described
internal locus of control by:
● personal choice or decision,
● actively pursuing interests or goals,
● self-responsibility.
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 173

They characterised interactionist locus of control by:

● personal decisions depending on situational factors,
● adapting to situational factors,
● the interplay of person and situational factors.

They explained external or fatalistic locus of control as:

● determined by situational factors,
● determined by other people.

For illustrating these subcategories, we present three interviewees. The

first has given examples for all dimensions of internal locus of control,
the second for interactionist and the third for external locus of control.
All three of them showed elements of the other categories, too.

Person 5: After having left school, she started an apprenticeship as

a secretary. She was working as a secretary while she was continually
searching for her true vocational interests, as she was not content with
the various jobs she had. During a course of photography she felt con-
vinced that photographing could become her future occupation. She
applied for studying at a school of art and design. She is now employed
part-time at this school working as a self-employed photographer.
She mentioned the following elements of internal locus of control:
After her apprenticeship, she decided to move to the city, because she
wanted to live there with her friend (personal choice or decision). For
finding out which occupation was the right one for her, she attended
several courses. In one of these courses, she realised that she wanted to
become a photographer (actively pursuing interests or aims). During
the process of communicative validation, she added two aspects. She
described her work as independent, because she is self-employed and
only depends on the clients. She can plan her future self-responsibly
according to her own aims (self-responsibility).
Person 6: She started her working life with an apprenticeship as a
draftsman. After having worked for some years on this job, she decided to
study architecture at a technical college. She left college due to an attrac-
tive job offer. After some years of being politically active, she decided to
work in the field of equal opportunities at a labour union. She attended a
grammar school for adults in order to be admitted to a master’s course.
She showed the following elements of interactionist locus of control:
after her apprenticeship, her parents did not allow her to move alone to
the southern Italian-speaking part of Switzerland. She, therefore, decided
174 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

to go to Lausanne, a city in the western French-speaking part, where a

friend of her sister was living. For studying architecture, she preferred
Berne to Zurich, as she could continue living in Lausanne. She
described being discriminated against in her job as a very illuminative
experience. She had become aware of the antagonistic behaviour pat-
terns and had to find ways to act against these patterns (personal deci-
sions depending on situational factors). She judged male dominated
industries and labour unions as a demanding work context, as she had
to restart anew with every project. After she had quit her position in this
labour union, internal structures were modified according to her sug-
gestions. Due to her child, her own flexibility is very limited, as she has
to organise the child-care for her working days (adapting to the situa-
tion). The labour union with which she was employed provided oppor-
tunities for directly influencing the equal opportunities policies in the
companies (interplay of person and situational factors).
Person 7: Her parents decided that she had to attend grammar
school, which she left with a diploma as a primary school teacher. After
some years of working and travelling around the world, she started an
apprenticeship as a goldsmith. She is now working in her own studio
and offers vocational training courses.
She mentioned several examples of external locus of control: while
she was attending grammar school, she often felt left alone. She
always had to cheat and to pretend that she had done her homework
(determined by situational factors). Her parents decided that she had
to attend grammar school, although she disagreed (determined by
other people).

6.6.4 Self-Esteem

In the communicative validation, the participants assigned most

cards to a high or medium degree of self-esteem. They arranged only
a few cards at a low level of self-esteem. The participants assessed
their self-esteem on average as medium or high. They, thus, seemed
to be content with their identity construction. Dissatisfaction with
their biography or identity was only tied to certain aspects. For
instance, an interviewee expressed dissatisfaction with her career
because she did not find a part-time job corresponding to her qualifi-
cations. However, when considering her overall life course, she was
very content.
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 175

6.7 Discussion

The results show that the participants generally succeeded in inte-

grating the career changes they experienced into their identity con-
struction; the overall high level of self-esteem indicates that they felt
content with their identity construction.
Biographical continuity appeared in the occupation, job or work task
and in their vocational interests and goals. The participants also used
abstract patterns and their private sphere of life to explain continuity.
Low biographical continuity was expressed in clear-cut phases experi-
enced in working or private life, and in breaks or changes experienced
in working life. Continuity did not evolve over the whole life course,
but included periods and sequences of years. It was rare that one gold-
en thread would lead through their entire life, but several smaller gold-
en threads covered some years, themes or events. Those typically were
tied together and let continuity appear. Discontinuity did not vanish, but
was not threatening the personal identity construction.
The participants reported a high level of overall ecological consis-
tency. They explained high ecological consistency with influences
between working life and non-work spheres of life, with the support
they got for their work and with the balance between different spheres
of life. Low ecological consistency appeared through the influence of
private life on working life, the separation between spheres of life and
the dominance of working life. The participants interpreted the influ-
ence of private life on working life as an indicator for high as well as
low consistency. Although consistency was high in the sample, most of
the participants invested a lot of time in their job or education and train-
ing. They attempted to fulfil their personal interests, dreams and goals
in their working life. Many of them did not achieve a better work-life-
balance, as the sphere of work was predominant in their life.
The statements of the participants were equally distributed across
the categories ‘internal’, ‘external’ and ‘interactionist’ control. The par-
ticipants carefully reported the various influences that led to their deci-
sions. They described personal control by examples of personal choice
or decision, of actively pursuing their interests and aims and of acting
self-responsibly. They characterised interactionist locus of control by
personal decisions, which were adapted to or even depending on the sit-
uation, and by the interplay of person and situational factors. In the case
of external control, decision-making was determined by the situation or
by other people.
176 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

The results reveal that limiting control to an internal and external

dimension (cf. Rotter, 1966) is not sufficient to adequately describe
vocational identities (Hausser, 1995; Hoff et al., 1991). In the process
of communicative validation, the participants reinterpreted the events
reported before and weighted all aspects of control. The interactionist
locus of control should, therefore, be considered in research and inte-
grated into the locus of control concept. We conclude that differentia-
tion is needed concerning the interpretation process, in which a person
assesses a factor as internal or external, its importance and the resulting
locus of control.
Although some topics of identity were more frequently mentioned
than others, the participants did not rely on consistent strategies.
Individual differences were, therefore, limited to using specific expla-
nations. Individuals could not clearly be distinguished by the pattern of
subcategories they used. The participants seemed to deal effectively
with the career changes. Our results show communalities with the find-
ings of Billett (cf. Billett in this volume), who illustrates how the five
individuals of his study adapted well to transformations in their work-
ing life. They succeeded in developing their sense of self through
changes in their working life and through the interplay of work and
private life.
In our study, it has to be considered that the participants were qual-
ified and could rely on their education and vocational training.
Additionally, they could benefit from the favourable conditions on the
Swiss labour market, as they had the opportunity to find adequate
employment in a new occupation, although they had few experiences
directly relevant for the new job. Only few were employed below their
qualification level, e.g. a psychologist working in her former occupa-
tion as a nurse. Considering the research on self-esteem and unem-
ployment (cf. Wacker and Kolobkova, 2000), it has to be assumed that
someone assesses the personal identity in a less favourable employment
situation more negatively. The assumption of the development of the
identity construction implies that this personal assessment may also
change over the years. For example, during personally difficult periods
of their biography, the participants may have assessed their identity
more critically indicated by a lower self-esteem. For analysing this
developmental process and its personal evaluation, it would be neces-
sary to follow the individual identity development over the course
of years. An aim would be to find out, in which way the identity
construction is affected by life events and whether people regain their
balance in coming to terms with what has happened.
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 177

The participating individuals looked for explanations and past

events that supported their present identity construction. In our retro-
spective analysis, it is not possible to reconstruct the importance of past
experiences and events for the personal identity in the past. For exam-
ple, an interviewee explained that she always had the desire to cooper-
ate. This explanation fits to her present view of her biography. Asked
twenty years ago, she possibly may have given another explanation.
The analysis of personal identity based on a biographical narrative
includes a variety of experiences, which cover a broad range of aspects
within the identity dimensions. It therefore has to be assumed that such
an identity construction is less focused than an identity construction
mainly referring to the present point of view. Although reported retro-
spectively, events experienced during adolescence or early adulthood
differ from events in recent years. The analysis of the dimension locus
of control showed, for instance, that a considerable number of examples
for external locus of control took place during youth or adolescence.
This fact may be explained by parental restrictions during this period.
The differences between our coding and the perspectives of the indi-
viduals conveyed in the communicative validation indicate that there is
a broad range of interpretation between the extreme values of the cate-
gories. It was a matter of interpretation whether there is a tiny or a
prominent golden thread, how much time is a lot of time for the family
and to what degree one’s own control can be exerted. The participants
chose the balance between the poles that was appropriate for them.
They achieved resolution in constructing and reconstructing their identity
and managed to redefine events in a way that meant they could accept
them as an important part of their biography. They integrated inconsis-
tencies that appeared in the interpretation process, i.e. chance was rede-
fined as internal control into their life stories. They, thus, developed
their identity in an ongoing process of interpretation and construction
by which they integrated current events and experiences (cf. Hausser,
1995; Keupp et al., 1999).
In the course of the active process of identity construction, the par-
ticipants continuously defined and redefined the golden thread in their
life, although continuity in their working life was not necessarily evi-
dent. Occupation and work played an important role in their lives, but
the many changes experienced did not lead to a disruption of identity.
They found continuity in their work. Even in those cases where what
was required by the employment situation was not desired by the person,
career changes did not pose a threat to personal identity constructions
(cf. Billett in this volume; Keupp, 1997; Sennett, 1998). The participants
178 Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote

developed manifold interpretations and constructions, which all

seemed to be viable for them. Considering this portfolio of interpreta-
tions and subcategories, it did not prove to be necessary to normatively
assume an ideal identity status (cf. Marcia, 1980).
The typologies of the Special Collaborative Centre 186 (Heinz,
2002; Witzel and Kühn, 2000) and of the FAME Project (Kirpal,
2004b) support the assumption of a reciprocal relationship between
work flexibility and identity. The first typology puts emphasis on the
interaction between personal options and goals and the work setting.
The latter leads to the conclusion that flexibility raises the necessity
to constantly reinterpret one’s identity construction (cf. Kirpal,
2004b). Our results mirror these findings, as the participants in our
study adapted their identity construction to what had happened and
decided on options that fitted their identity construction. Furthermore,
the work biographies of our participants corresponded to the flexible
type of work identity of the FAME typology. While the flexible type
of work identity, representing a concept of social identity (cf. Ellemers
et al., 2002), focused on the way people deal with requirements of and
adaptation to work flexibility, the analysis emphasised how work flex-
ibility is experienced and integrated into one’s self-perception.
In following the personal desire to present identity as individual, our
analysis revealed a broad spectrum of aspects describing identity. The
results showed the complexity, the details and the differentiation within
personal identity constructions. It would therefore be useful to contin-
ue analysing identity constructions based on the presented system of
analysis and to develop it further.
Our results did not provide arguments against work flexibility.
Considering the classical type in the FAME typology (Kirpal, 2004b)
and the critical-flexible type in our typology (Raeder and Grote, 2004)
working flexibly appears to be more demanding than working in a
standard employment. A well-considered amount of flexibility is useful
for employers and individuals. Although the participants succeeded in
finding their adequate balance, the results indicate that it is advisable to
support people in finding such a balance between elements of continu-
ity and discontinuity, in the relation between spheres of life as well as
between controlling and accepting the need to be controlled.
In the context of the present employment situation, employers and
individuals should positively assess career breaks and changes in
individual’s biographies and provide career opportunities despite these
disruptions. Employers should facilitate the process of establishing
links from present to past work characteristics and events as well as
Career Changes and Identity Continuities: Switzerland 179

bringing in and realising vocational interests and goals. The possi-

bility of change and development as well as finding one’s own posi-
tion in these processes should be offered. Individuals should be
enabled to find an appropriate balance between work and non-work
spheres of life.
In the context of counselling, within or outside the employment
relationship, this would imply the need to provide a setting for dis-
cussing personal interests and goals, personal choices, decisions and
responsibilities. The interaction of these elements with restrictions
and opportunities of the context should be regarded as well as con-
sidering the variety of possible interpretations. In order to enhance
self-esteem, support should be offered in finding an adequate under-
standing and a positive evaluation of individuals in developing their
own biography.


We gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the Swiss

National Science Foundation (SNF-Grant 4043-58298) and the
assistance of Katrin Good, Nathalie Portmann and Ricarda Seidel in
conducting the study. We also thank the colleagues of our research
group for their very helpful comments on an earlier version of this

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Exercising Self Through Working

Life: Learning, Work and Identity
Stephen Billett
Griffith University, Australia

7.1 Part I: Learning, Self and Work

7.1.1 Exercising Self through Working Life

This chapter seeks to understand how individuals engage in and

learn through work and throughout working life, for what purposes and
how they are motivated to learn effortfully. Without such an under-
standing there can be little certainty about whether the expectations
placed on individuals by government and employers about individuals’
helping themselves will be fulfilled, in the ways they intend. So it is
important to know more about how individuals participate in and learn
throughout their working life, how they exercise their agency in partic-
ipating in and learning through work, and for what purpose, and how
these are linked to their values and beliefs. In short, what is it that
directs individuals’ learning throughout working life? In what ways will
the goals of government, industry groups and enterprises likely to be
achieved through the actions of workers as actors and learners.
It is advanced here that an individual’s sense of self and its exercise
through her or his agency and intentional acting does much to direct
and shape this learning and also the ongoing remaking of the practices
enacted at work. It proposes a greater acknowledgement and consider-
ation of the interdependence between individual and social agency of
employees, not just the actions of employers and government. This is
warranted within current conceptions of learning throughout working
life and, in particular, the role of individuals’ quest to ‘be themselves’.

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 183–210.
© 2007 Springer.
184 Stephen Billett

This quest includes the re-shaping of that sense of self as individuals

participate in and remake their work practice (Billett et al., 2005; Billett
and Somerville, 2004). This may well lead to contradictions and
complexities among the intentions of governments, employers and indi-
viduals. The contributions of both social agency, in the forms of
suggestion provided through societal cultural practices and norms, the
complex of social factors comprising the situated experiences of the
workplace, and also individual agency, in the form of intentions, gaze
and engagement, are held to be interdependent. There is mutual
reliance or interdependence between these contributions for sustaining
their respective continuities and development in the remaking and
transformation of the cultural practices that constitute paid work and in
the development of individuals’ capacities or learning. Central to both
of these forms of continuity and their interdependence, yet less under-
stood and acknowledged, is the agentic and transformative role of self
as an element of identity in forming and energising this interdepend-
ence. To explore, illuminate and understand further this interdepend-
ence, a study of five individuals working life and life outside of work
is discussed.
This study sought to identify bases of engagement by individuals in
their working lives and the role played by their agency, intentions and
sense of self in their work and learning within their working lives
(Billett and Pavlova, 2005). Each of these five individuals confronted
significant change at work and with their work during the period of the
investigation. It found that, against expectations, in each instance these
individuals’ exercise of their agency and intentionality was directed
towards ‘being themselves’, as they negotiated their place in changing
work environments and work tasks. For four of the five, these actions
and negotiations lead to improving, supporting or easing their standing
in the workplace. In the fifth instance, it was not a lack of workplace
support as much as the over exercise of agency that resulted in a less
than satisfactory outcome. By different degree, for each worker, there
was evidence of interdependence between their needs and the affor-
dances of the workplace, but with the negotiations directed by their
agency and goals. While governments are expecting individuals to be
responsible for their own lifelong learning and helping themselves
(Edwards and Boreham, 2003), the learning may not be directed in the
ways that government and their employers envisage. So there may be
inconsistencies among what individuals, employers and government
want to arise from this helping themselves, because it is directed
towards personal goals, albeit negotiated and reshaped through working
Exercising Self: Learning, Work and Identity 185

life experiences. This suggests that policies and practices associated

with aiming to secure particular kinds of working life outcomes need to
be considerate of or consonant with individuals’ agency in securing
their sense of self. This includes the negotiation between the individual
and the workplace in transforming and reshaping that sense of self. The
conceptual premises and their embodiment in data about individuals’
working lives are used to argue that while governments, education insti-
tutions and workplaces are keen to mobilise workers as learners
throughout their working lives to serve economic and civic purposes
(Field, 2000), such mobilisations are inevitably mediated though indi-
viduals’ sense of self and intentions: their agency. These need account-
ing for in consideration of policy and practice.
To elaborate these propositions, this chapter initially outlines and
discusses the relational interdependence between social and individual
agency as a means to understand learning through and for work, and the
role that individual agency and subjectivities play in that interdepend-
ence. Following this, the procedures for, participants in and findings of
a study that investigated the five workers’ working lives are described.
The findings are elaborated in sections that discuss the alignments
among the changing work of these individuals and their interests and
intentions. It also elaborates how individuals’ goals, preferences and
intentions are intertwined with their work and working life and the cen-
tral role of their personal agency in shaping how they work, and the
interdependence between the changing nature of work and their ‘sense
of self’.

7.1.2 Learning throughout Working Life in Times

of Change

Interest in learning through and for work seems to be on many minds

at the moment. Much of this interest is motivated by government,
industry and enterprise concerns about the availability and level of
skills within national, industry sector and enterprise workforces and
maintaining or developing these workforces through times of changing
demand and requirements for workplace competence. Yet, while focus-
ing on a common concern about the levels and quality of workplace
skills, the goals of government, industry, enterprises and individuals
and their preferred means to address these goals may be quite different
and even divergent. Governments are interested in the provision of a
workforce that can adapt to changing demands of an increasingly globalised
and uncertain economic environment and can also resist unemployment
186 Stephen Billett

(Green, 2001). Industry representatives and leaders are likely to be

primarily concerned about the maintenance and development of skills
for that industry sector, which includes competing for public funds for
educational provision, for instance, against other sectors. Enterprises
are more likely to be concerned with the specific set of skills required
for the continuity and development of their products and services.
Individuals may be most concerned about their continuity of employ-
ment or progression along a career path.
These different purposes lead to distinct acts of agency. For governments,
the aim seems to be to mobilise individuals to participate energetically
and resourcefully in a global competition against counterparts in other
countries (Field, 2000). This mobilisation is to be focused on individu-
als taking responsibility for their own learning—helping themselves—
with government enabling their engagement rather than providing
(Edwards and Boreham, 2003). Industry groups develop skills stan-
dards, develop and endorse courses to generate industry-specific skills
and arrangements for their certification. They also implement schemes
to attract or retain workers in the sector and identify skill shortages and
relay these concerns to government. Depending upon their needs, enter-
prises might act to encourage or restrict training opportunities, facili-
tate enterprise specific certification, engage with national schemes or
not bother with either. Enterprises also elect how they distribute and
expend their resources for employee development, and often in ways
impervious to government mandate (Brunello and Medio, 2001). They
may deny more portable skill recognition and will likely not accentuate
the complexity of the work to be learnt (except in advertising their
wares), lest this be used to undermine the enterprises’ capacity to con-
trol their labour costs. More than a lack of consonance, there are also
contradictions in these distinct actions. The strategic goals of govern-
ment may not always be consistent with those of the industry sector.
Similarly, enterprises, where the engagement in and learning from work
occurs, may have different priorities from those of both government and
the industry sector. Somewhere in here sits the individual whose role in
achieving any of these goals is central to their success, yet whose con-
tributions appear to remain misunderstood and/or under-acknowledged.
And therein lies a key problem. These diverse and contradictory
goals and processes may well misunderstand and underplay the role of
the individuals, who are to be subjected to them. They seem to down-
play the likelihood of individuals having their own interests and inten-
tions, which may or may not coincide with others goals and concerns
(Billett et al., 2004). So there may well be contradictions between
Exercising Self: Learning, Work and Identity 187

individuals’ goals and those of government, industry groups, and their

employers, which may be exercised when they help themselves. This
can lead to negotiated, and possibly contested, bases for interaction
between individuals and the intents of their workplaces (Billett, 2001),
industry or government (Billett, 2000). Individual interest and engage-
ment is far from a secondary or peripheral consideration. Because of its
role in learning and remaking of work practices, individuals’ sense of
self, their agency and intents are central to the prospects for govern-
ment, industry and enterprises ever achieving their goals.
More than learning through their participation in work, individuals
also actively engage in the remaking of the kinds of participation, voca-
tional practice and skilled performance that governments, industry
groups and enterprises seek to secure. How individuals elect to be
mobilised through the exercise of their agency to secure governmental
goals, engage with industry-designated attributes of their work, and
enterprises’ priorities are in some ways personally dependent. In part,
they are an outcome of individuals’ construal of, engagement with and
construction of these goals and their associated practices in their work-
ing lives (Billett, 2006b). Yet, what initiates and directs individuals’
learning throughout working life and the role that individuals’ agency
and intentions play, their consequences for their workplaces and the
strategic goals of industry and government are far from being fully
understood. Central to elaborating this understanding is individuals’
sense of self.

7.1.3 Working, Learning and Identity

Work is a key element of adult life and, for many individuals, it is

the means through which their identity is shaped and exercised (Noon
and Blyton, 1997; Pusey, 2003). So more than engaging in work being
solely about exchanging time and labour for remuneration, there are
potentially important outcomes for individuals that arise from engaging
in work activities and interactions. The salience of work to individuals’
identity appears also to be more than positioning within different
socially privileged forms of work. If this were the case, presumably
only those employed in the most prestigious and highest-paid jobs
would enjoy any sense of fulfilment in their work. The rest would be
disillusioned and disempowered by their relative standing on such an
externally mediated measure. Yet, workers engaged in what many
would classify as low status and lowly paid work have been shown to
188 Stephen Billett

exercise significant agency and pride in their work, and in ways asso-
ciated with localised recognition and personal satisfaction (Billett,
2003a). This suggests powerful personal motivations for participation
in work that might not be highly regarded in the wider community. One
way to understand the importance of and links between self and work
is that the process of engagement in activities is central to ongoing and
moment by moment individual learning (Rogoff, 1990). The engage-
ment in work of any kind leads to particular and possibly significant
legacies in terms of individuals’ development, in ways that are genera-
tive of close links between individuals’ sense of self and their work.
Consequently, work and learning are so intertwined as to almost
inevitably link individuals to their work activities in some way.
Concepts, procedures and values are often learnt, reinforced and
transformed through engagement in work activities. The workplace
provides an environment that is rich in its contributions to individuals’
learning as they engage in work activities and, in doing so, remake the
cultural practices that comprise paid work (Hodkinson and Hodkinson,
2003; Somerville and Bernoth, 2001). The privileging of environments
in which learning takes place should not be according to whether they
are sites claiming to promote learning as their key purpose. Instead, it
should be according to the degree to which they provide the inter-
psychological experiences of activities and interactions that underpin
substantive learning. It is through these that knowledge is experienced,
accessed, engaged with and constructed. Development of knowledge
and understanding is perhaps most effectively achieved when supported
by the assistance of a more experienced partner who understands that
knowledge and can make accessible what is otherwise inaccessible, and
support and monitor learning and development (Billett, 2006a). Such
affordances or invitational qualities are central to what constitutes a
learning environment.
Nevertheless, central to this process of learning and what constitutes
a learning environment is also the degree to which individuals act agen-
tically in the process of constructing knowledge (Billett, 2005b). This
epistemological agency likely comprises individuals’ construal of what
they experience (e.g. what constitutes welcome or unwelcome affor-
dances), the degree of, and intent in, their engagement with those
affordances (e.g. activities and interactions) and their construction of
meaning, procedures and values. This process is shaped by and
premised upon individuals’ agency, through the focus and expenditure of
conscious thought and action, and their intents—the particular focus
and direction of that agency. These processes are shaped by individuals’
Exercising Self: Learning, Work and Identity 189

sense of self and their subjectivity: how they view the world. The con-
cept of individuals’ gaze can be seen as a metaphor for the enactment
of a sense of self and subjectivity. It is this gaze that shapes how indi-
viduals construe and construct the immediate experience they
encounter at work. So individuals’ learning, albeit the refinement of
what is already known or its reinforcement, arises through their engage-
ment in everyday conscious thought through what constitutes their per-
sonal epistemology (Bauer et al., 2004; Smith, 2004), notwithstanding
that epistemology is itself being shaped iteratively and relationally
through a history of engagements with the social world.
Transformational learning can also arise through engaging in new
activities and interactions. These are particularly plentiful in turbulent
times of employment, or when other experiences confront individuals
with perturbations requiring new insights (Rogoff, 1990), novel proce-
dures or diverse values (Somerville, 2002). These learning processes
have parallel and analogous consequences for the cultural practices that
comprise paid work. That is, as individuals engage in even the most
routine form of learning they are participating in the active process of
remaking cultural practices. Culture and society are remade and trans-
formed as individuals engage with their practices, learn and construct
them at particular points in their personal histories and points in time
as they engage with a battery of social suggestions and norms (Billett
and Somerville, 2004). It follows that central to individuals’ learning
and their remaking of culture is the degree to which their agency
directs, engages and constructs what they experience: their epistemo-
logical agency which both shapes and is shaped by their sense of self
(Billett and Pavlova, 2005). Consequently, both continuities and trans-
formations in work and individuals’ learning are linked to how individ-
uals construe, engage in and construct the activities and interaction that
comprise the historical, cultural and situational contributions that col-
lectively constitute the gift of the social (Archer, 2000): that is, the
norms, values and practices that are accessible in and projected by the
social world.

7.1.4 Interdependence Between Social Suggestion

and Individual Agency

There is interdependence between both individual and social agency

in the dual process of two kinds of change: individuals’ learning and
remaking culture. Given this relational interdependence between the
190 Stephen Billett

social (e.g. geneses of subjectivities, cultural demands and situational

requirements) and individual (e.g. intentionality and agentic action)
contributions to thinking and acting, and therefore learning (e.g.
Valsiner and van der Veer, 2000), individual agency and intentionality
play central roles in both kinds of change.
The key premise behind this relational interdependence is that nei-
ther the social suggestion nor individuals’ agency alone is sufficient to
enact the desired learning and the remaking of the cultural practices
that constitute work (Billett, 2006b). The social suggestion or press of
the social comprises societal norms, practices and values, and their
enactment, albeit shaped by local factors in particular ways. However,
this press or suggestion is unlikely to ever be complete or comprehen-
sive enough in workplaces to secure complete socialisation: the
unquestioned and unquestionable transfer of knowledge from the social
world to the individual. As Newman et al. (1989) propose, if the social
world was able to extend its message so unequivocally, there would be
no need to communicate. This is because understandings would be
implicit, not requiring further communication to be construed and com-
prehended. However, as Berger and Luckman (1967) propose, the
social suggestion is not amplifiable in ways that lead to complete
socialisation, because individuals engage with the suggestion with
greater or lesser reception. For no other reason, because of the limits of
the social suggestion, individuals have to be agenetic and active in the
construction of meaning. Meaning and practices arising from the social
world require interpreting and construing. Yet, even beyond simply
attending to, engaging with and comprehending what is being sug-
gested, importantly individuals also bring possibly unique bases of con-
ceptions, procedures and values to their engagement with social forms
and practices. These considerations lead to some premises for the cen-
tral role of self in the learning of and remaking cultural practices that
comprise work.
So, the first premise is that there is an inevitable and important inter-
dependency between the agency of the social world in projecting or
pressing its suggestion and that of the individuals in making sense of
what is suggested to or afforded them. This is particularly salient for
learning the cultural practices that constitute paid work. Much voca-
tional knowledge has its origins in cultural practices and historical
precedents (Scribner, 1985). This genesis is important because it arises
from a cultural need and has been refined over time through enactments
of the practices. Consequently, to access this knowledge with its his-
torical and cultural legacy requires engaging with the social world, as
Exercising Self: Learning, Work and Identity 191

this knowledge does not arise from within the individual. Rather when
individuals engage with this knowledge and reconstruct it, in addition
to their individual development, they are also remaking these cultural
practices at a particular point in time and through particular relation-
ships to the social suggestion.
From the ideas advanced above, the remaking of cultural practice
and individual learning is not through some faithful process of repro-
duction. Instead, there is a remaking through individual’s engagement
with and construction of those practices, albeit mediated by the exer-
cise of social and cultural norms and practices whose needs have to be
met at particular points in time in individuals’ personal histories.
Moreover, the exercise of this personal agency is essential in trans-
forming cultural practices as new cultural needs arise, such as those
brought about by changing times or technologies. Wertsch (1998) dis-
tinguishes between mastery (i.e. compliant) learning and appropriation.
Compliant learning is superficial and may well be the product of force-
ful or compelling social suggestion of the kind which Valsiner (1998)
identifies. Appropriation is the socially derived learning in which indi-
viduals engage willingly that leads to a concurrence between what is
experienced and individuals’ values and beliefs. In this way, compliant
learning may be superficial or appropriated depending upon the degree
to which they are aligned with individuals’ beliefs and values. Given
that richer or deeper kinds of learning likely require effortful engage-
ment buoyed by interests and intentionality (Malle et al., 2001), this
kind of learning may arise more frequently when it engages individuals’
interests and agentic action.
The second central role of individuals’ agency in learning and the
remaking of culture is that there is likely to be some degree of person-
dependence in these processes. Individuals’ construal of what they
encounter is socially shaped, through a personally unique set of negoti-
ations with the social suggestion, in a way that comprises their organic
growth or life histories. These negotiations are encountered continu-
ously through the myriad forms of social practices that individuals
engage in throughout their lives that contribute microgenetically—
moment-by-moment—to their ontogenetic development. From the ear-
liest age, those processes that Piaget (1968) referred to as securing
equilibrium, and more recently von Glasersfeld (1987) refers to as
maintaining viability, comprise an enduring personal epistemological
venture. As well as confronting novel experiences, individuals’ con-
struals are premised on an expectation of variability and inconsistency
in the response from the social world as well as aspects of certainty and
192 Stephen Billett

consistency. For instance, Baldwin (1894) noted that from the earliest
age, children learn to expect inconsistency in their dealings with the
social world. He notes how a request for a biscuit will be fulfilled on
one day, but rejected on the next, by the same person. In this way, indi-
viduals’ ontogenetic development arises through a personally agentic
epistemological process that is shaped through ongoing interactions
with the social world, whereby individuals come to expect and therefore
monitor for inconsistency. In turn, this process subsequently influences
how they engage with new experiences. These experiences are likely to
be in some ways unique to individuals, are highly formative in ways that
Vygotskians describe as inter-psychological, and link to intra-psychological
attributes. As a consequence there will inevitably be personally distinct
conceptions as well as areas of commonality or shared understanding
with others in their process of knowledge construction and remaking of
cultural practices (Billett, 2003b).
The third premise then is that, because of the ontogenetic legacy and
personal epistemology, consideration needs to be given to individuals’
pre-mediate experiences—those that come earlier and, in turn, shape
subsequent construals. These construals shape their conceptions and
subjectivities—gaze, if you like—and, consequently, how they con-
struct subsequent experiences. It is these conceptions and subjectivities
that shape individuals’ intentionality and agency in the processes of
their learning and the remaking and transformation of cultural prac-
tices. Because these pre-mediate experiences are themselves shaped by,
yet contribute to, unique personal epistemologies, even the most appar-
ently uniform social experience, which affords its contributions seem-
ingly equally to all parties, will be the subject of a partly individualised
process of interpretation, construal and construction. This leads to par-
ticular and possibly unique personal kinds of epistemological bases,
albeit that they are socially shaped. So life histories comprising indi-
viduals’ prior social experiences stand as an important premise on to
how they engage with the contributions of the social that they
encounter in the immediate experience (i.e. workplace activities and
The final premise is that the relationship between individual and
social agency is not mutual or reciprocal, it is relational. Just as the
social suggestion can be either weaker or stronger, so too can be indi-
viduals’ engagement with a particular social suggestion (e.g. situated
practice, cultural norm or cultural practice). The prospects for the com-
ing together and contributions of the individual and social being
enacted in equal parts or ways that are equally shared is quite remote.
Exercising Self: Learning, Work and Identity 193

The very interactive processes arising will be individually unique in

some ways, and individuals may be selective in their reading of a par-
ticular social suggestion or simply be unaware of it (Billett, 2006b). So
central to issues of the interdependence between social and individual
agency is the fact that it is rendered relational as individuals encounter
social experiences projected in multitudinous and diverse forms and
construct meaning through ontogenetically diverse bases.
This relational interdependence is continually being negotiated
between both social and individual intentions, and their relations are
transformed. Within these ongoing negotiations a key role is the agentic
exercise of individuals’ sense of self or identity. Rose’s (1990) concept
of the ‘enterprising self’ provides an instance of this kind of agency.
Here, the focus and direction of the individual, as an entrepreneur, is
towards self-regulation and individualisation aimed at securing the
employer’s economic goals and, therefore, securing their relations as an
employee. Yet, an inherently individually constructed set of intentions
may also be characterised by resistance to or the clever manipulation of
the regulatory practices of the workplace (Grey, 1994), as much as
either unquestioning compliance to them or their expedient reproduc-
tion in the self. That is, the exercise of agency may not always be
directed towards securing further social subjugation or faithfully repro-
ducing existing subjectivities. Instead, it may focus sharply on securing
more personal goals.

7.1.5 Appraising the Individual within

Interdependencies at Work

In emphasising the individual and granting their agency as being

distinct from the social experience, the issue arises of on what bases
individual agency should be evaluated. Through a privileging of indi-
vidual agency and intentionality the risk of a different kind of relativism
emerges, that of the ‘anything goes’ kind. Beyond acknowledging the
descriptive and personal-dependent phenomenological construction of
self, there is a need to identify bases from which to discuss and evalu-
ate the role of individual agency and intentionality in and for work.
Social forms advance an objective valuing of work, which while
flawed, reflects particular views of privilege and elitism (Wright Mills,
1973), and provides a basis for critique and evaluation, which is less
easy from within a highly individualistic or personal-dependent form.
For instance, such an objective account of what constitutes worthwhile
194 Stephen Billett

work might be premised on benefits to the individual in terms of pay

or advancement to higher status and paid positions. Of course, it is
possible to propose that whatever the self in work means to individu-
als should suffice. However, some commentators would be quick to
suggest that individuals are being duped into false consciousness
(Ratner, 2000) or an incomplete or unsatisfactory sense of self. O’Doherty
and Willmott (2001) hold that individuals are entangled with the social
world and that they are working to identify a ‘sense of self ’ in their
work. Given the negotiated relationships between individuals and
workplaces, and the need for individuals to engage in practices con-
structed by others, they propose it is more useful to view personal
agency in terms of individuals securing a ‘sense of self ’ within con-
tested and negotiated relations. Even when able to exercise high levels
of freedom, this offers a device for individuals to secure a sense of
well-being and satisfaction that is associated with the goals of the
work, rather than the allegedly more problematic humanistic concep-
tion of individual agency of ‘being themselves’ (O’Doherty and
Willmott, 2001, p. 117).
So, a starting point for an evaluation of individual agency might
be the capacity of individuals to negotiate and construct a ‘sense of
self ’ from what is encountered, rather than ‘being oneself ’, which is
held to be unrealistic in such socially saturated times (Gergen, 2000).
This does not imply some chaotic privileging of a highly individu-
alised epistemology. Instead, it reflects a constantly shifting and
uncertain foundation of what comprises the self, but implies being
agentic in securing a sense of self. This suggests that interactions
between the individual and the workplace are negotiated, contested
and above all are highly relational. It follows that individuals may
attempt to construct a sense of self within the socially-derived con-
straints of their work.
It follows that as work requirements and the means of participation
in work are transformed, there are direct consequences for individuals’
subjectivities and identities, and possible renegotiation of the self.
Understanding these consequences may be enriched through a consid-
eration of the enactment of individuals’ agentic action. In this way,
learning throughout working life can be viewed as a transformative
journey as individuals selectively negotiate their engagement in work,
and with changing work requirements, work practices and the shifting
bases for participation in work. Throughout, individuals’ identity, sub-
jectivities and actions will likely be subjected to selective, yet con-
tested, and interdependent engagement.
Exercising Self: Learning, Work and Identity 195

7.2 Part II: Relations Among Work, Identity

and Learning—Five Narratives

7.2.1 Studying Self, Learning and Work

The investigation described and discussed here attempted to identify

the bases by which five individuals engage in their working lives and
what guides their practices and decision-making. The data gathering
comprised a series of sequenced tape-recorded conversations with the
participants during a series of semi-structured interviews. The initial
interviews were used to identify what constituted the work of these five
individuals, through an analysis of their work activities and interaction,
and then their personal histories including their working lives. These ini-
tial interviews were followed by conversations occurring every two
months over the next twelve months. They were used to elicit data about
work, working life, life outside work and transitions in working life. The
aim here was to map changes in working life, subjectivity and decision-
making over the twelve-month period. Specific questions were used to
elicit data and refine and extend it beyond the initial analyses. The analy-
sis included identifying the trajectories of participants’ working lives and
life outside of work. To appraise, verify and validate initial analyses, the
data from each interview and its initial analysis and deductions were dis-
cussed with participants in subsequent interviews. A key concern of the
investigation was to continue the conversations through a process of
refinement and extension of data over a yearlong period.

7.2.2 Five Workers

The selection of the five participants was premised by a concern to

include individuals engaged in different kinds of work (e.g. technically
mediated), modes of engagement with work, and with diverse work his-
tories (e.g. migrant, part-time worker). There was, however, no attempt
to select participants who were well positioned to exercise personal and
autonomous agency. The participants were as follows. Carl arranges
insurance quotes and sells insurance to customers working on a
commission-only basis as a broker for a large national insurance bro-
kerage company. He is essentially a sole operator business within a
large enterprise. Ken is a manager of an information and communica-
tions technology unit within a corporatised state government depart-
ment. His unit has particular responsibilities for electronic security
196 Stephen Billett

across the department. Lev is an electronics engineer working in a large

multinational corporation, which designs and manufactures rail trans-
portation systems. Lyn works part-time in a wholesaling business in the
metropolitan fruit and vegetable market, as a member of small team of
workers. Commencing at 2:00 a.m., she works two or three days a
week, continuing until the day’s orders are complete and dispatched.
Mike works as a supervisor and customer service coordinator in a large
motor vehicle dealership, working with the workshop and sales depart-
ments and with customers. He is a car mechanic by training and exten-
sive practice. Collectively, these five individuals engage in diverse
forms of work embracing different kinds of performance requirements
and means of engaging in work.
Diverse and circuitous routes are common to each of these five indi-
viduals’ working lives. Carl, the insurance broker, was a professional
sportsman before retiring and developing a career in insurance broker-
ing. So there is significant discontinuity between his original and cur-
rent career. Ken, the manager of an information technology unit, grew
up in and remains part of a Christian community. His first work expe-
riences were church-related activities. After this, he worked in a range
of service-oriented occupations (e.g. retail, restaurant management,
pest eradication) before developing expertise with electronic security
systems. It was through this expertise that he eventually became the
manager of an information technology unit within a recently corpora-
tised government department. Lev, the electronic engineer, learnt his
electronics skills through a structured program of study during service
in the Russian military. Later, he was employed as an electronics engi-
neer in the Russian railway system. However, upon migrating to
Australia, because of low levels of English language proficiency, he
had to find employment in work that he described as being menial and
demeaning (e.g. hospital night time orderly). Only when his English
language competence improved was he able to secure employment in
electronics. Lyn, who works in the fruit and vegetable market, had
worked in forms of employment that would be classified as being low-
skill and low paid (e.g. retail work, detailing cars in sales yards and
factory work) while continuing to be the sole parent and provider for
her three children. Mike’s move into a supervisory role is relatively
recent in the dealership in which he works. He had worked as a motor
mechanic, throughout his working life. However, he had spent much of
that time as a road-side service mechanic assisting motorists whose
vehicles had broken down, which is quite different work than being in
an automotive workshop.
Exercising Self: Learning, Work and Identity 197

So, of the five participants, only Mike has had a continuous vocational
focus as a car mechanic, although his interests in customer servicing saw
him engage in roadside emergency assistance work. The others, by dif-
ferent degree, have experienced discontinuities or transformations in
their working lives and occupational identities. For Lyn, who works part-
time in the fruit market, unlike the others, that work identity still remains
unclear, uncertain and immature. Yet, she is quite intentional in working
to transform her identity from that of a caregiver to her children to that
of a worker. These diverse and meandering working life trajectories sug-
gest that lifelong learning and learning throughout working life are
focused on more than the development of skills. These processes also
included the making and remaking of occupational identities and sub-
jectivities through uncertain pathways that comprise these individuals’
work life histories. As will be elaborated below, each pathway is marked
by evidence of intentions and the exercise of their agency in attempts to
secure those goals. Noteworthy in these pathways is the contrast with the
linear developmental journey that was advanced by Erikson (1968).
Rather than negotiating psycho-social crises that were primarily sourced
within individuals as they negotiate their sense of identity and worth at
socially sanctioned life stages, these five workers’ trajectories empha-
sise the need to secure their sense of identity or self through disruptive
and uncertain working lives. To understand the context in which these
negotiations occurred, it is helpful to elaborate the changes to work and
work practices and their consequences for these individuals.

7.2.3 Changing Work

There was transformation and change in each individual’s work

and work requirements in recent times, including during the yearlong
data gathering period. Yet, instead of being disruptive and disarming
or marginalising, as some accounts predict (e.g. Bauman, 1998; Beck,
1992; Rifkin, 1995), these five individuals largely adapted well to the
transformation in their working life. Further, rather than being an
impediment, in some instances, these changes were quite instrumen-
tal in bolstering their career progression and sense of self in their
The work of insurance brokers, such as Carl, had experienced
considerable change because the Australian government had recently
introduced regulations and legislation that demand greater evidence
and transparency when advising clients about insurance quotes. Each
198 Stephen Billett

quote now requires to be documented more fully and meticulously and,

therefore, takes far longer. Consequently, small insurance quotes and
policies have become less attractive to Carl because of the additional
work and relatively minimal return. These small quotes are now passed
on to the company’s clerical employees. Carl’s preference is to work on
high value insurance policies and provide services to large policyhold-
ers by nurturing interactions and relations with these clients, and sub-
sequently he has directed more attention to these kinds of projects. He
reports being successful in this venture. This kind of work suits well his
work preferences and it is profitable. The legislated changes also
directly supported him in the second half of the year in a quite differ-
ent and unanticipated way. He became involved in a lawsuit in which a
potential client claimed malpractice and a failure to insure a property
that was subsequently destroyed by fire. However, the more meticulous
record keeping required under the new legislation provided clear docu-
mentation that no agreement had been concluded. So, these changes
have ultimately served Carl’s interests well in terms of his preferred
business focus and the capacity to add greater probity to his practice.
Recently heightened global concerns about security have done much
to enhance the standing and permanency of Ken’s work in the informa-
tion technology unit. This work comprises establishing and maintaining
informational technology-based security systems within and outside
the government department for whom he works. In particular, because
of his rather itinerant early working life, now his primary work goal
is to secure employment that will take him through to retirement.
Consequently, changes that have brought about the requirement for
heightened levels of security in his department and elsewhere are
assisting him achieve this goal. A significant change in the global envi-
ronment and sentiments of workplaces has served to bolster and make
secure his work, and indeed elevated his work.
In recent years, the Russian electronics engineer Lev held a techni-
cal position in a large Australian enterprise that, upon being taken over
by a multinational company, had centralised its maintenance work else-
where, thereby rendering him redundant. However, this redundancy saw
him move to a more prestigious and well-paid job in a multinational
transportation corporation. The downturn and crisis in the global avia-
tion sector following the 2001 attacks on New York and Washington
deleteriously affected this corporation. However, because he works in
the division associated with rail transport Lev has been spared redun-
dancy again, unlike some clerical workers whose contracts were not
renewed. Moreover, the corporation shifted its focus away from aviation,
Exercising Self: Learning, Work and Identity 199

and the rail transport division was given primacy, thereby securing his
Lyn is a relatively new employee at the fruit and vegetable market,
and is aiming to secure and develop a niche role for herself. Yet her
workplace, like the other wholesale businesses in the fruit and veg-
etable market, tends to have high employee turnover. Changes in this
workplace include staff leaving or going on holidays and a new task of
exporting fruit and vegetables by airfreight to retailers in Papua New
Guinea. Lyn’s employment seems buoyed by her interest in, and the
capacity to undertake, new tasks and those conducted by others during
their periods of leave. This has been exercised through her interest in
managing the export orders, which includes her becoming solely profi-
cient in customs processes. As Lyn is in the process of seeking and
forming an occupational identity based upon her work in the fruit and
vegetable wholesaler, opportunities afforded by new requirements in
the workplace (i.e. export orders) to bolster her place in the work team
and make more secure her position are greatly welcomed.
Mike works as a supervisor in a large vehicle dealership, coordinat-
ing relations between clients and the workshops. This position exists in
large part as a response to the extended warranty periods offered by
automotive manufacturers to customers purchasing new vehicles.
These warranties tend to wed customers to the dealership. The purchase
of a new vehicle is now the beginning, not the end, of the relationship
between the customer and the dealership. Nevertheless, this change has
particular consequences for workshop staff. Interacting with and main-
taining clients have become a key focus for dealerships, because clients
might purchase another new vehicle at the end of the warranty period.
Mike, it seems, possesses the combination of automotive and inter-
personal skills and values required to address customers’ needs and
coordinate work activities to support the continuity of positive relation-
ships between the dealership and its customers. Moreover, he enjoys this
kind of work as it brings together a range of professional interests asso-
ciated with automotive engineering, customer service and some per-
sonal preferences about dealing with people and precision in one’s work.
So these changes to his work have directly served to meet his needs.
Although changes to work bring about challenges for those seeking
to meet these requirements, in the case of these five workers it has also
supported the continuity and development of their work-related goals.
Only one participant experienced major disappointment over the
twelve-month period of the study. This arose when Lev, the electrical
engineer, on returning from a training course, became highly proactive
200 Stephen Billett

and corresponded with each of three departmental heads about how his
newly developed skills could transform the profitability of their
departments. His invitations were treated with silent dismissal, not even
acknowledgement. This suggests his agency had brushed up against
and possibly contravened the workplace’s regulatory practices and set
himself outside of these practices. He also recounted angrily how the
national human resources manager had failed to acknowledge his exis-
tence on a visit to the office where Lev worked. These incidents threat-
ened his sense of self, and he responded accordingly. He resented the
status afforded to others, such as his manager, while his own contribu-
tions went unrecognised. This may well have been the motivation for
his pro-activity in promoting his services to senior management. Yet,
his exuberant agency led not to his desired promotion, but to him being
reassigned to other work duties.
In sum, against the researchers’ expectations and predictions in the
literature, the churning and transformations that have impacted these
five individuals’ work have broadly served to buttress their employment
and standing. That is, changes in work assisted rather than inhibited
these individuals’ work goals. In at least three instances, there is a clear
coincidence between their work goals and the changing requirements of
their workplaces. Moreover, as discussed below, these changes permit
the projection of their personal values into their work. Certainly, else-
where in the transport corporation, for whom Lev the electronics engi-
neer works, there have been significant job losses, career truncation
and dislocations. Still, the experience of these five randomly selected
participants suggests that generalised claims about changes in work
leading to disempowerment, marginalisation and the generation of anx-
iety are not supported. Instead, a more nuanced and less prescriptive
account of the relationships between changes in work and individuals’
continuity and identity may be required. This account should comprise
an engagement between both individual and social agency in the con-
duct of their work. To consider this relationship in more detail it is use-
ful to identify the role that these individuals’ identity, motivation and
goals played in how they engage with changing workplaces, and how
that affected their sense of selves.

7.2.4 Identity, Motivation and Goals

Interests outside their working lives were proposed by each partici-

pant to be of greater importance than their work and working lives. The
Exercising Self: Learning, Work and Identity 201

insurance broker Carl emphasised the importance of his family life, his
good relationship with his wife and his interest in his children and their
development, and involvement in coaching junior sports teams. He
noted the need for a balance between work and family life. Carl
referred to some colleagues’ divorces that were a product of focusing
too much time and energy upon their work and neglecting their home
life. Ken, the manager of the information technology unit, was quite
insistent that his family and church represented the key goals towards
which his work efforts were directed. This commitment was evident in
the weekly tithe he pays to his church and the senior role he plays in its
governance. He stated that upon retirement he would never think about
his paid work. For Lev, family life, aesthetic pursuits and a small busi-
ness installing security equipment were claimed as important goals
beyond the corporate transport workplace in which he worked as an
engineer. He directed efforts into his small business, and looked to this
and his salary to generate the income he required to maintain his life-
style and to educate his son. He stated that he would readily change
jobs if it could secure him greater financial benefit. As a single parent,
Lyn’s goal for her work in the produce market was to provide more for
her family through work. Her existing rental home was too noisy and
she needed to move somewhere far quieter for the sake of herself and
her children. She was also hoping to secure enough money to take her
children on a holiday to the beach. Rather than working in the automo-
tive dealership, Mike stated that he would much prefer to spend his time
messing around with computers. His home life was claimed, in part,
with working on computers and he referred to purchasing two exotic
spiders, for which he cared and had established video technology links
to monitor and record their lives. His home life was used to exercise
other vocations. These activities were taken seriously. These, and his
family, were the ends to which his work efforts were directed.
In this way, all five participants stated that life outside work was the
major focus point of their lives. That is, work was not the only source
of securing individuals’ sense of identity and self. The participants
referred to specific cultural activities, interests and communities that
played a significant role in who they are, in how they see themselves,
and provided evidence of the exercise of agentic action in their lives
outside work. This is akin to them wanting to ‘be themselves’. Dewey
(1916) held that vocations are individuals’ directions in life and not
constrained to paid employment, however high or low in societal stand-
ing. The opposite of vocations, from the Deweyian perspective, is not
leisure, but activity that is aimless, capricious and involves dependence
202 Stephen Billett

upon others (Quickie, 1999). In their lives outside work, the partici-
pants demonstrated the exercise of their vocation as parents, local sport
coach, church leader, technology enthusiast, entrepreneur, etc.
However, Dewey (1916) argued that each of us is not restricted to just
one vocation. This seemed to be the case here. Their engagement with
work was premised on different goals and as such was relational.
Yet, while emphasising their life outside of work, each participant
also acknowledged the significance of their working lives to their iden-
tity and sense of fulfilment: their sense of self. Commonly, each referred
to being required to be competent at their work, in order to secure their
employment. Each also referred to the importance of being respected as
being effective and valued by their peers and other workers, and being
identified as a person from whom others would seek advice and be val-
ued for their counsel. Underlining this concern about respect were
issues associated with identity and sense of self. There was also a rich
intertwining between individuals’ sense of self in the workplace and
outside of it and that elaborated the significance of its exercise. Their
work roles provided quite diverse bases for the exercise of their sense
of self.
After a successful career as a professional sportsman, Carl now
views himself as a successful insurance broker. He enjoys the interac-
tions with people his work brings, the freedom to develop his clientele
and contacts, to manage his own time and capacity to watch his busi-
ness grow. So, aspects of his working life were claimed to be highly
consistent with his sense of self and through his interactions with
clients he is often able to get close to ‘being himself’. Given the free-
dom he enjoys in his job and his indebtedness to the brokerage com-
pany in making this opportunity possible, Carl is in no hurry to achieve
his ultimate goal of owning his own brokerage. Ken finds his work in
the information technology unit rewarding, because it is an area of
growth and employment security and stability, elements that did form
part of his earlier working life. His current employment stands to pro-
vide him with engaging and well-paid work until retirement. He claims
that any stable, well-paid work will suit his needs, because he does not
associate his identity with work. Nevertheless, he takes pride in his
efficient management of a unit within a government department, which
reinforces his sense of self. So his work identity is shaped by a more
general employment goal of security of employment, not the particular
kind of work. His working life in the public sector is positioning him to
support and direct his energies towards his church community and family.
Yet, he works hard to secure this goal.
Exercising Self: Learning, Work and Identity 203

Quite openly, Lev referred to his electronic engineering work as pro-

viding him with respectable middle class status as well as the financial
freedom that a good salary provided for him and his family. That is, the
professional standing of his work afforded him a particular level of sta-
tus in the community that is regulated by his occupational identity.
Since arriving in Australia, Lev has worked agentically and intention-
ally to become proficient in English and realise fully the application of
his electronics knowledge in well-paid, high status and productive
employment. However, this came only after a period of engaging in
menial work roles, constrained by his poor English language. His cur-
rent job provides a sense of self that is more closely aligned to ‘being
himself’ insofar as it represents a step towards the ideal he is trying to
achieve: that is, higher levels of remuneration, autonomy and discretion
at work. Nevertheless, he remains frustrated at not being able ‘to be
himself’ in his approach to work and his conduct in the workplace, his
dress and work habits have been questioned. He also feels under-
utilised in his current position and believes he has the capacity to con-
tribute more and is deserving of much higher remuneration and better
conditions. Also, he regrets his work has not provided close friendships
with his colleagues. For Lev, positive relationships with others are an
important part of his identity and sense of being. Elsewhere, he realises
these through socialising in the local Russian émigré community. This
suggests a sense of work identity and agency that is strong, yet frus-
trated by a lack of potential fulfilment, acknowledgement and respect.
Through not being allowed to ‘be himself’, Lev feels his ‘sense of
sense’ is threatened.
For Lyn, work in the fruit market provides an opportunity to demon-
strate a capacity to perform roles, other than being the caregiver to her
children, outside of the home. She consistently reported having a strong
sense of industry and organisation, and a desire to build a further finan-
cial foundation for herself and her children. These intentions were the
basis of her being energetic and proactive in her work, ‘being herself’.
Becoming a paid worker and having sole responsibility for an area of
work seems to fulfil an urgent need to re-affirm her identity outside the
home. Her intentionality and agency here was evident throughout the
yearlong period of the interviews. In the first interview, she expressed
an interest in becoming proficient in the purchasing and transportation
of fresh herbs. This arose from an opportunity in previous employment.
By the second interview, her intentions and agency were being directed
to another opportunity, being responsible for export orders. This requires
understanding and responding to quarantine and custom requirements
204 Stephen Billett

in which she alone was knowledgeable. As the year progressed she

reported and was observed as having established herself well within the
workplace, not only in a further specialist role, but also as a keen,
proactive and reliable worker. Her intention was to become indispensa-
ble in the workplace and she pursued this agentically and with some
success. She was buoyed by the owners’ positive comments and ges-
tures towards her and offers of additional work. Towards the end of the
interviews, she had been offered a job to manage a plant nursery in an
attractive coastal city about 100 kilometres north of where she lived and
worked. Surprisingly, given her stated goals, she refused this offer. It
also offered a living environment quite different from the one in which
she had expressed constant dissatisfaction. However, the intertwining
between her work and home lives may have influenced this decision.
Such a move would disrupt her children’s lives, she claimed. Also, she
had met a man who operated a forklift at the fruit market, and they
became engaged. So while exercising her agency in establishing herself
within the workplace, there is also an intertwining between the work-
place and her life outside of work, which in this case sought to reject a
job offer that seemed to meet other of her stated intentions.
At the commencement of the interviews, Mike was experiencing dif-
ficulties with another supervisor in the automotive dealership over who
had line authority within the workshops. This conflict threatened his
commitment to the workplace. Subsequently, it was reported that this
matter had been resolved in his favour. Then, despite claiming his home
interests were the primary ones, he began to spend more and more time
at his workplace. He went in early and came home late, sometimes driv-
ing to and from work in a car that had a persistent or difficult fault to
diagnose. In earlier interviews, he claimed to have no career ambitions
beyond his current supervisory position. There were more important
things to do with his time. However, by the later interviews he had
changed his mind. He noted his intention to apply for a more senior
position in the future. A key purpose for Mike’s practice in the dealer-
ship is to provide service to others, in which he found satisfaction and
personal fulfilment. He referred back to his earlier career as a mobile
service operator assisting stranded motorists, often holidaymakers,
whose vehicles had broken down. He reported satisfaction in being able
to assist these individuals and minimise disruption to their holidays. In
this way, his new role in providing a high level of service is consistent
with key personal intentions and subjectivities; of ‘being himself’.
In these ways, the process of self-construction for each of these
workers relates to and represents an entwining or interweaving of both
Exercising Self: Learning, Work and Identity 205

working life and that outside of it; this is reflected in seeking to secure
the self, and possibly ‘be themselves’. The degree of relative or partic-
ular importance of ‘being themselves’ differs across these individuals
and possibly fluctuates over time as particular events or priorities arise
in their lives. For instance, Ken is not interested in securing his self
through work in the public sector information technology role, although
he wants to exercise a ‘sense of self’. Yet, he is not alone. Common to
all participants was a strong desire to exercise their sense of self in the
workplace; and where possible for these individuals to ‘be themselves’,
which encompassed both life inside and outside work, which is edging
closer to the humanistic conception that O’Doherty and Willmott
(2001) so strongly deny. There were differences between the role work
plays for male and female participants.
However, for each of the five individuals work relates to their identity:
they are identified as an engineer, supervising mechanic, effective worker,
diligent and trusted insurance broker and manager. Moreover, all five
participants were able to exercise in part personal agency. If the exercise
of individual agency through personally fulfilling activities is a measure
of the link between individuals’ identity and their work, it might be con-
cluded that all five individuals were exercising their ‘sense of self’ and
engaged willingly and interdependently in their work. That is, part of
their identity and construction of self and the exercise of agentic action is
being directed and remade through interdependence with their work. This
sentiment reflects what Pusey (2003) concludes is the role of work for
middle Australia: ‘For nearly everyone work is a social protein, a buttress
for identity and not a tradable commodity’ (p. 2). Each participant
referred to the importance of being able to exercise their agency in their
work activities. Perhaps Lev over exercised his. Whether it was the own-
ership of the work undertaken, the possibilities of trying to do new things,
being able to manage oneself, being able to exercise standards of work
and discretion that reflect individual goals, or the exercise of personal
licence, the significance of the exercise of agency was amplified by each
informant. So while they claimed work not to be as important as their life
outside work, the evidence holds that these five workers’ sense of self is
negotiated, shaped and sustained in the workplace.
All this suggests the significance of agentic action in assisting and
directing individuals to exercise their ‘sense of self’ through their work,
with a goal beyond that of being able to ‘be oneself’, albeit through work
or life outside work. Moreover, that sense of self changes over time and
through negotiation with work. Somerville notes how aged care workers
often engage in aged care work through convenience, rather than particular
206 Stephen Billett

interest (Billett and Somerville, 2004). However, once engaged in this

work they form identities as aged care workers and even carry emblem-
atic back injuries of aged care workers with pride (Somerville and
Bernoth, 2001). In this way, the transformation of self arises through
engagement and negotiation with their work, as was the case with Lyn.

7.2.5 Self, Agency and Learning at Work

In conclusion, through the intertwining of work and life outside of

work, these individuals are held to exercise a sense of self in efforts to
‘be themselves’ and, therefore, in how they engage in and what they
learn through work and throughout working life. For some of the par-
ticipants this was more readily achievable than for others. For Ken, his
family and church community and relative lack of interest in the
specific focus of his work meant that workplace conflicts were less
significant to him than for Lev, for instance. So although both these
individuals worked in large organisations that exercised regulatory
practices (Bernstein, 1996) they were relational, seemingly having less
impact upon Ken, the public servant, than upon Lev, the disgruntled
electronics engineer. Ken was able to work around a new boss’ agenda,
for instance. Lev’s sense of self seemed more violated by having his
suggestions and existence being summarily dismissed. In these two
cases, employees in large organisations prescribe a set of rules that reg-
ulate employees’ behaviour and relationship towards others, their regu-
latory practices. True, the practices were not as prescribed as others
have recorded (e.g. Grey, 1994). However, what is amplified in this
study is how these individuals’ sense of selves influences how, and for
what purposes, they engage with work, and how they negotiate their
sense of self accordingly, as exemplified by Lev and Ken’s distinct
Against some predictions and expectations about changes adversely
affecting workers, it was found that change for these five workers had
either buttressed or facilitated their standing in the workplace and their
vocational goals. While all five participants claimed that their working
life was merely a means to an end, the evidence suggests their identi-
ties, agentic actions and subjectivities were exercised in their work in
consideration of securing their ‘sense of selves’. By different degree,
there was evidence of interdependence and intertwining between their
work and life outside work. In particular, it seemed that these individ-
uals’ capacity to exercise their agency at work was strongly associated
with how they valued that work and identified with it as permitting
Exercising Self: Learning, Work and Identity 207

them to exercise a ‘sense of self ’. It reflected how they might exercise

their efforts in participating in and learning through their working life.
This suggests that for lifelong learning to be successfully enacted
consonance between the qualities of work and individuals’ identity and
interests may be required. Otherwise, there would be a contested ongo-
ing negotiation between individuals’ sense of self and the goals of the
work practice. What the evidence suggests here is that because of these
negotiations, the humanistic and perhaps unlikely goal of ‘being them-
selves’ may not always be possible to drive individuals’ intentions and
agentic action at work. However, for individuals to exercise a ‘sense of
self ’ in their work, they need to go on engaging in ways that sees the
attainment of their interests and intentions. The consonance between
individual and workplace goals that are identified in the study may
well lead to unreflective, uncritical and limited learning outcomes. The
sense is that, in some ways, Lev has had the richest of learning expe-
riences. While not fully accounted for in Wertsch’s (1998) account of
appropriation and mastery, Lev’s contestation with the corporate work-
place had likely generated rich learning for him, albeit not the kind of
learning he intended. At the commencement of the interviews he cel-
ebrated living and working in Australia, because he could exercise his
agency and intents to their full in ways not possible in Russia. By the
final interview, his sense of self and, perhaps overly idealistic, views
about his adopted country were being tested. This suggests that learn-
ing throughout working life arises as much from dissonance, as cogni-
tivists have long claimed, than through appropriation where shared
values exist between the learner and the social practice.
It seems that from this small study that there is a need to consider
lifelong learning in terms of individuals’ drive towards securing a
‘sense of self’ and ‘being themselves’, both in their work and lives out-
side of work. Therefore, the quest of achieving the ambitious govern-
ment, industry and enterprise goals of lifelong learning should be
directed as much by individuals and thier identities and goals, as by
government and employers. The mobilisation of the self will be likely
realised in ways that are commensurate with the self, and directed
towards individuals ‘being themselves’.


The author acknowledges the research assistance provided by Ray,

Dimitri and Margarita in the original study. Also, the contributions of
208 Stephen Billett

Alan Brown and Simone Kirpal assisted the revision of the chapter.
This research was funded through the small grants scheme of the
Australian Research Council.

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The Much Vaunted ‘Flexible

Employee’—What Does it Take?
Simone Kirpal* and Alan Brown†
*University of Bremen, Germany;

University of Warwick, UK

8.1 Introduction

Work identities vary in the intensity with which they are held and in
the significance individuals ascribe to them. They may have more or
less significance for an individual at different times depending upon
other interests as identities change in their meaning for the individual
over the life course and depending upon the personal occupational tra-
jectory (Heinz, 2003). This perspective, on the one hand, underlines
that work identities are highly dynamic (Brown, 1997) and dependent
upon a variety of factors and conditions. On the other hand, as work
identities closely interlink with aspects and elements of work with
which individuals identify (Kirpal, 2004b) we can assume that some
level of identification with work is inherent to any kind of successful
job performance. As research has shown, even under the most severe
and restrictive working conditions a certain level of identification with
work is still recognisable despite the ambiguity the experience might
entail (Hoff et al., 1985). It is primarily identification with the work
environment, the company, the company’s objectives or the work-based
tasks which individuals perform that make individual and collective
productivity possible and functional, not only for the company, but also
for the individual. These forms of identification with work typically
generate some kind of work-related identity.
In countries with occupational labour markets such as Germany, occu-
pational socialisation through apprenticeship training typically used to
attach employees to specific occupational specialisations and largely

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 211–238.
© 2007 Springer.
212 Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown

determined future skills development, career progression and company

attachment over long periods of time, if not a lifetime (Greinert, 1997).
Although the defining image of the Dual System as guaranteeing perma-
nent skilled employment and carrying the possibility of further firm-based
career progression is increasingly difficult to sustain (Kutscha, 2002), the
concept of ‘Beruf’ persists as the dominant organising principle for the
German vocational education and training system and national labour
market (Reuling, 1996). In those systems that closely link skills acquisition
with institutionalised training structures and labour markets, the
formalised vocational training and the socialisation into acquiring an
occupational specialisation form essential elements of developing an
occupational identity (Heinz, 1995). Complemented and further support-
ed by company-based socialisation, both elements are directly linked to
belonging to particular work-based communities through occupationally
defined categories with which individuals identify.
Modern work arrangements and flexible employment patterns
increasingly mean that such classical forms of work-related identity for-
mation are often undergoing significant change (Brown, 2004; Dif, 2004;
Kirpal, 2004a). Classical occupational socialisation in some contexts is
losing significance and organisational commitment is taking new forms
as some of the earlier commitment and identification patterns are being
questioned (Baruch, 1998). What this implies for the individual employee
in terms of work orientation and commitment is still an open question.
Some authors postulate that the ‘entrepreneurial’ employee will become
the new prototype, gradually substituting for the Fordist worker, who
used to rely on a standard set of occupational, predominantly technical
skills and stability of work settings (Voß and Pongratz, 1998; Pongratz
and Voß, 2003). This new ‘entrepreneurial’ type of worker is charac-
terised by individualised sets of skills, internalised control mechanisms
and the prioritisation of generic over technical skills while emphasis is
given to the individual’s responsibility to produce and market those com-
petences in order to increase his/her own employability when changing
The studies in this volume draw attention to how aspects of the model
of the ‘entrepreneurial’ employee is no longer restricted to highly quali-
fied professionals or employees working in certain sectors (such as ICT
or multi-media). Indeed, where modern working practices have been
introduced this increasingly puts pressure on the ‘ordinary’ skilled worker
to adapt to new ‘norms’ in both manufacturing and service sectors
(Holman et al., 2005). Of particular relevance to this trend is the finding
that human resources (HR) development specialists and managers
The ‘Flexible Employee’—What Does it Take? 213

increasingly favour this entrepreneurial type of employee as the ‘ideal

model’ against which they wish to recruit (FAME Consortium, 2003).
Although studies of management and behavioural sciences confirm the
interdependence between employees’ identification with work and their
work commitment (Steers, 1977; Cohen 1993; Whetten and Godfrey,
1998), strong work identities may, on the other hand, be perceived as a
barrier to enhancing the flexibility of economic processes as companies
are under pressure to respond to increased international competition and
flexible labour markets with complex organisational restructuring
(Herrigel and Sabel 1999; Finegold and Wagner, 1999). These develop-
ments mean that many employers in aggregate require a mobile, adaptable
and flexible workforce making the ‘flexible employee’ highly desirable for
an increasing number of employers.
In what way high levels of mobility and flexibility may conflict with
or support the development of strong work identities shall be further
explored in this chapter. Sennett (1998) postulates that the increasing
flexibility of skills, work and employment negatively affects the develop-
ment of forms of identification with work and, ultimately, has disruptive
affects on an individual’s overall personality. Employees, however, pursue
different strategies as they try to make sense of their constantly changing
work agenda and to integrate their diverse work experiences into a coher-
ent self-image. Although the number of employees who are not ade-
quately prepared and supported to respond to the new challenges may be
potentially high, for some individuals mobility and flexibility can
become important tools for pursuing their broader vocational goals. This
chapter concentrates on looking at individuals who regard themselves as
actors who actively try to shape their own work identities by using flexi-
bility and mobility as instruments to foster their vocational development
and broader career prospects. It is seeking to illuminate some basic fea-
tures of the work attitude of the much vaunted ‘flexible employee’.

8.2 Images of Identity in a Time of Change

The ideas presented in this article build on experiences and findings

from the EU 5th Framework project ‘Vocational Identity, Flexibility
and Mobility in the European Labour Market’. The issue of flexibility
presents a pressing topic to employees, because it can be expected that
future economic and technological developments will influence the
restructuring of labour markets and employment patterns in many sec-
tors and work settings all over Europe. In some countries there has been
214 Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown

a shift towards more flexible, temporary and short-term employment

contracts and new emerging forms of self-employment in some con-
texts (Gottlieb et al., 1998). This shift is most marked in the transition
economies (Loogma, 2003), but is also in evidence in particular con-
texts in Germany (Heinz, 2002a; Pongratz and Voß, 2003), Italy
(Tomassini and Brown, 2005) and Spain (Marhuenda et al., 2004).
Interestingly, however, in the UK where labour markets are less regu-
lated permanent employment is still very much the norm (Moynagh and
Worsley, 2005). Whether there has been a significant shift towards
greater flexibility is an empirical question and needs to be raised in
relation to particular contexts rather than being reified into a universal
trend beyond the scope of organisational choice and human agency. The
project tried to gain insight into how these developments affected
employees’ work attitudes, work identities and career orientations in
particular sectors in seven countries. If the hypothesis is that greater
flexibility and mobility result in looser employee commitment towards
the workplace, the occupation, the company or the community of prac-
tice, it is of topical interest to identify what individuals perceive as
essential factors of the work context they relate to and that potentially
can generate motivation and effective work performance.
The restructuring of work and uncertainties over prospects of obtain-
ing work in the field for which individuals have trained have increased
the importance of transitions discontinuities and shifting contexts of
career development in those countries such as Germany (Heinz, 2002b)
that had clearly demarcated well travelled pathways into the labour
market via a training system based upon clearly defined occupations
(Reuling, 1996) and those transition economies that were previously
centrally planned. In economies such as Greece, Spain and the UK, for
a variety of reasons associated with labour market functioning, there
were already uncertainties over prospects of obtaining work in the field
for which individuals had been trained in a number of sectors. While
Heinz (2002b) looks at how the processes of increased transitions dis-
continuities and shifting career development contexts affect the biogra-
phical shaping of early work careers, our study examined the effects on
experienced workers, who would be expected to have more established
work identities. The investigation of work identities extended beyond
company attachment to include other sources of identification with
work. These could vary and include not just the organisation or occu-
pational specialisation, but could relate to a specific work group
(Baruch and Winkelmann-Gleed, 2002), a particular work environment,
a set of work activities, interaction with colleagues or clients and so on,
The ‘Flexible Employee’—What Does it Take? 215

all of which may change over time, as may the significance individuals
ascribe to them (Brown, 1997; Ibarra, 2003).
Connecting to Giddens’ (1984) structuration theory, the project
emphasised the reciprocal relationship between social structure and
individual agency in particular work settings. The project partners
anticipated that, at the individual level, emerging new demands, with
their implications for shifting skill needs, generate a potential for con-
flict with traditional work orientations and associated values, norms,
work ethics and work identity patterns of employees. One focus of the
analysis was therefore placed on identifying individuals’ strategies for
dealing with such conflicts. In those contexts where work-related iden-
tities are becoming increasingly unstable and disrupted (Carruthers and
Uzzi, 2000), what kind of mechanisms and strategies do individuals
develop in order to compensate for instabilities, fragmentation and
uncertainties of work and employment structures? In which way do
structural changes and individual strategies interact in the work context
and what role does this interaction play in occupational identity forma-
tion processes? Are some individuals better equipped than others to
handle instabilities and uncertain working conditions?
In line with theories of socialisation and identity formation (see Heinz,
1988; Wahler and Witzel, 1985; Heinz and Witzel, 1995; Heinz, 2002a),
the process of developing forms of work-related identities was regarded as
dynamic, influenced by structural conditions on the one hand, and indi-
vidual orientations and resources on the other hand. This means that work
identities develop in the course of complex negotiation processes at the
interface between personal resources, attitudes and values and structural
variables of the work setting. As they manifest themselves in the interplay
between individual dispositions and structural conditions of the work con-
text, they influence an individual’s concept of work and relationship to, for
example, his or her job, the work environment and the employing organi-
zation. If we look at the individual variables, these encompass ascribed
attributes such as socio-economic background, gender and age, but also
achievements like qualifications, skills and the capacity to learn and to
cope with changing work requirements. The individual employment
trajectories, part of the individual’s ‘strategic biography’ (Brown, 2004),
integrate and structure these variables in very specific ways by further
incorporating personal interests, commitments and career plans. Taking
into account individuals’ responses and adaptations to, and interpretations
of, work situations one major objective of the research project was to iden-
tify individuals’ strategies for coping with changes and new demands at
work and how these affect their work identities.
216 Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown

This shift in focus towards negotiation processes, thus underlining

an interactive perspective, also acknowledges scope for individual
agency. As individuals become more independent from socially defined
stratifications such as social classes, they also become more dependent
upon institutions such as education and training systems, employment
structures or social welfare institutions. At least, this is what Beck’s
individualisation hypothesis (Beck, 1986) postulates. Through this process,
individuals take on new roles as coordinators of their own personal
work biographies: they become actors who actively shape their individ-
ualised work values, commitment patterns and career orientations,
which a few decades ago used to be shaped much more on a collective
basis (see also Carruthers and Uzzi, 2000). At the same time individu-
als are constrained by the institutional embedding of their actions and
also higher-level structures as institutions interlink with the broader
socio-economic and political systems to which they refer. Work identi-
ties and career orientations also need to be interpreted in this way.
Ultimately, any identity formation process is an achievement of the
individual. The process of acquiring an occupational identity takes place
within particular communities of practice where socialisation, interac-
tion and learning are key elements. In these processes, however, modern
socialisation theory regards the individual as an ‘actor’ or ‘agent’.
Individuals are agents of society who actively reflect upon external con-
ditions (Giddens, 1991). This means that work shapes the individual, but
at the same time the individual shapes work processes and structures.
When it comes to the formation of work identities, it is not simply a mat-
ter of taking on identities and occupational roles, which are pre-existent
and pre-structured. Nor do individuals just attach themselves to particu-
lar professional communities. Rather they may also take a pro-active
role in becoming a participant or even a change agent, actively reshap-
ing the community of practice (Brown, 1997). Hence there is scope for
individual agency to act upon the structures and processes. As in some
settings work structures that formerly provided continuity and pre-
defined elements with which individuals could identify decompose and
become fragmented, this active role is reinforced (Sennett, 1998; Beck,
1994; Beck and Felixberger, 1999). Workers are increasingly required to
seek actively and select from models of skill development, professional
conduct and practices that have multiplied and become more available
and accessible. These demands can be quite stressful though in view of
labour market volatility.
As people have and make choices work identities need to be under-
stood in a dynamic way. They are not constant over time, but they may
The ‘Flexible Employee’—What Does it Take? 217

vary in the significance individuals ascribe to them and this significance

is most likely to change over an individual’s life course. The formation,
maintenance and change of an occupational identity are always influ-
enced by the nature of the relationships around which they are con-
structed. Over time these interactions may lead to modifications and
reshaping of these same structures, the communities of practice and the
individual’s work identity. There is always a fundamental tension between
the elements of continuity and change over time in the processes where-
by occupational identities are formed. In addition, work identities have
multiple levels and their meaning for individuals varies, so, for example,
a young person may attach far greater importance to developing an iden-
tity in the broader sense than to developing a particular occupational or
organisational commitment. The distinction could be portrayed as the
difference between ‘making a life’ and ‘making a living’, and it can
readily be seen that the former is of greater significance, and that the
extent to which the latter (occupational) orientation is a central compo-
nent of the former may vary between individuals and over time. The
occupational identity is just one of a number of other, sometimes com-
peting, identities that make up the overall identity of an individual
(Brown, 1997).

8.3 Methods

The following analysis is based on narratives, covering the strategic

biographies of three individuals, who formed part of the data generated
for the research project ‘Vocational Identity, Flexibility and Mobility in
the European Labour Market’.1 The project adopted a qualitative
research approach, using semi-structured, problem-centred interviews
(Witzel, 1996) and case study methods on the basis of common inter-
view guidelines that were agreed by the project partners and slightly
adapted according to the particularities of the respective national con-
texts. In order to assess the manifestation and formation of work identi-
ties in different work settings, the research covered various occupations
across six contrasting sectors and seven different national economies.
The research involved both manufacturing and service sectors, includ-
ing metalwork/engineering, timber and furniture production, health

For more detailed information about the project see Kirpal; Brown and Dif in this
volume, FAME Consortium (2003) and Kirpal (2004b).
218 Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown

care/nursing, telecommunications, IT and tourism.2 The project consor-

tium consisted of partners from the Czech Republic, Estonia, France,
Germany, Greece, Spain and the UK, a combination of countries that
represented different cultural, socio-economic and political embeddings
of work concepts and occupations in Europe. The core partners, Estonia,
France, Germany, Spain and the UK, conducted large sample inter-
views, while the Czech Republic and Greece assumed the role of criti-
cal observers carrying out small-scale empirical investigations.
In total, the project partners interviewed 132 managers and repre-
sentatives of human resources departments and over 500 employees,
mainly employed at the intermediate skills level. Those interviews were
conducted in two research phases in 2001 and 2002. While the first
phase interviews with managers and HR experts were geared towards
exploring structural variables such as work organisation and organisa-
tional changes, job profiles, skills requirements, career opportunities
and recruitment strategies, the larger second part of the empirical inves-
tigation aimed at assessing employees’ perspectives in terms of forms
of identification with work, work attitudes, commitment patterns, per-
formance of work roles and how they deal with changing work and
skills demands. The objective of this research phase was to investigate
the social-psychological dimension of occupational identity formation
in order to complement and contrast the findings on the structural
embedding, in particular work settings and expectations of managers,
by connecting them to employees’ individual dispositions, conditions
and resources (see also Kirpal et al. in this volume).
The narratives presented here were generated through individual,
in-depth interviews that took about 60 minutes each and were tape-
recorded and transcribed verbatim. They are presented as case studies
in order to explore in particular the individual-biographical dimension
of work identities that takes account of an individual’s occupational his-
tory and career development on the one hand, and the individual’s per-
ception of the work context and personal work attitude on the other. The
case studies were developed so as to assess the developments and fea-
tures of work, which the individual perceives as being important for his
or her personal and professional development. These features include
the meaning of work, a sense of belonging, an individual’s work attitude
and commitment, learning, the performance of occupational roles and
work tasks, and how the individual relates to others in the work context.

The findings structured along sectoral analyses are published in Career Development
International, vol. 9, no. 3.
The ‘Flexible Employee’—What Does it Take? 219

By analysing narratives, these elements are assessed from a subjective

point of view; that is, how the individual perceives them over time.

8.4 Examples of Employees with a ‘Flexible’

Orientation to Work

One way of considering an occupational identity, to which we are

adjusted and that is relatively stable over a period of time, is as a psycho-
logical ‘home’. ‘Home’ in this context is a ‘familiar environment, a place
where we know our way around, and above all, where we feel secure’
(Abhaya, 1997, p. 2). Dewey (1916) had seen an occupation as giving
direction to life activities and as a concrete representation of continuity: a
‘home’ with clear psychological, social and ideological ‘anchors’. But
what drives those individuals who seek change and challenge rather than
the security of a ‘home’? These people ‘move on’ following an urge for
change that seems to influence their orientations towards work much more
than the potential risk of feeling the sense of loss and dislocation that
Sennett (1998) identifies as occurring with some people when faced with
discontinuities in their working lives. Religion, literature and film abound
with stories of people ‘breaking free’ and ‘loosening attachments to
“homes” of many kinds, be they psychological, social or ideological’
(Abhaya, 1997, p. 2). In this sense, after a period of stability, the attach-
ment to a particular occupation or employer may come to be viewed as a
confinement from which the individual longs to escape. That is, what is
initially experienced as interesting and stabilising may, with the passage
of time, lead to ‘a sense of profound dissatisfaction with the comfortable
limits’ (Abhaya, 1997, p. 8) of the existing way of life.
It was this sense of looking for fresh challenges that was a dominant
theme of interviews with employees who actively pursued the continual
adjustment of their work identities in the light of flexibility that
involved changing jobs, employers or their vocational specialisation. In
fact, some of them conveyed the notion that flexibility itself formed an
essential part of their work identity instead of forming medium- or
long-term attachments that would produce greater continuity in their
working life. The challenge was then to represent this change in the way
an individual regards the work they do in a dynamic rather than a sta-
ble way. Thus, we needed to develop a representation of occupational
identity that can theorise change as well as continuity, and one that
allows individuals to move between the poles of regarding aspects of
their work-related identities as ‘anchors’ or ‘chains’.
220 Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown

Typically, when individuals seek to change their occupation and/or

employer, because they want (or see themselves forced) to change
direction, they are confronted with undergoing some kind of personal
re-definition. The examples given below give us insight, among other
aspects, into how such processes of re-definition develop. Martina from
Germany started off as a bank clerk in pursuit of job security, but left
the job due to limited career and development opportunities for women
who worked at the bank at that time. Over the last 20 years she has
experienced several re-directions of her professional trajectory that
often represented a complete break with her former job tasks and work-
based skills profile. When we conducted the interview in 2002 she was
working as an IT project manager, but possibly saw herself changing
direction again in the near future. Sally from England represents
not only a substantive personal re-definition, but also involves a role
re-definition from an organisational perspective. This is an example of
someone undergoing a major career change: it is a case of a woman
who became very purposeful about her own career development after
the age of 30. It is also an example of a woman with highly developed
communication skills and organisational skills challenging the company
stereotype of the background expected of a production manager. Her
gender and lack of a technical background led her to re-define the role
of production manager in an engineering company. Finally, we have the
example of Richard, an engineering graduate, who moved between sec-
tors, functions and eventually moved away from the technical side into
general management. Although his biography does exemplify a strate-
gic career with changing work attachments, it also emphasises that
individuals displaying a flexible attitude towards their work over time
is not a recent phenomenon as it was a common route for those seeking
to move into senior management positions in large organisations. All
three seem able to switch between very different types of work, apply-
ing themselves with a will that leads to mastery of their work before
looking for fresh challenges.

8.4.1 Martina from Germany Working in the IT Sector:

from Bank Clerk to Textile Technician to IT-project

Martina is a woman in her mid forties. After having completed the

‘Abitur’ (school leaving certificate for university entry) she did not
know what occupation she wanted to follow or even the general direction
her career should take. She had a vague interest in studying mathematics,
The ‘Flexible Employee’—What Does it Take? 221

something that was not very common for girls at that time
(in 1977). Since her father was working at a bank, she decided to do an
apprenticeship as a bank clerk. After having completed the apprentice-
ship she stayed on working with the bank for a couple of years to gain
some initial work experience. She attained a small promotion during
that time, but it was clear to her that women did not have great possi-
bilities to make a career in the bank. In the beginning, she liked her
work but became bored when work tasks became routine. She finally
quit the job without having any other job offer. Her friends and col-
leagues could not understand that move, because working at a bank pro-
vided a well paid, relatively secure job, which at that time was thought
to guarantee lifelong employment.
For the following eighteen months Martina worked and lived on a
farm that was producing textiles in a traditional way. Initially she only
intended to work there for a few months to take a break and to think
about her vocational interests, but with time she developed a deeper
interest in textiles and fabrics and decided to stay on. She particularly
enjoyed the work atmosphere that was breaking with the common divi-
sion between work and private life. This was a new experience and a
very contrasting way of working compared to the job at the bank.
Following her interest in textiles and fabrics, Martina studied for five
years on a university course on textile and clothing technology with a
specialisation in threads and fabric development. The course had a very
technical orientation and, as a consequence, had only a very small pro-
portion of female students (most women at that time preferred to study
textile design). After completion of the course in 1988, it took some
time before Martina finally found a job with a textile company. She
stated that it was very difficult to find something corresponding to her
qualification and that she felt discriminated against as a woman who
wanted technical work in the textile industry.
The textile company hired her to work with the new, and at that time
innovative, Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems, which started to
revolutionise the whole textile industry. Working with the new computer
systems and introducing them in the different departments presented a
real challenge. Martina found this task very interesting and enjoyed her
work, but soon started to encounter problems with the rather conserva-
tive and inflexible attitudes of staff reluctant to accept the new technol-
ogy. She was struggling against a lot of resistance and felt that things
were not moving fast enough leading to dissatisfaction with her work. In
addition, after some years most work processes became routine once she
had become familiar with the CAD systems, which became gradually
222 Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown

established and she started to become restless. As a consequence,

Martina decided to quit her job and to look for something else.
For personal reasons, she moved to a new town and started to look
for a new job in the textile industry. Since in the region there were very
few jobs in this sector, Martina started to develop a broader orientation
and, after one year, got a job at a small software company producing
software solutions for the tourist industry. They were looking for some-
body with computer expertise and managerial skills. Although Martina
had no background in tourism, she was recruited to help build up and
systemise the project work. She started off working on project docu-
mentation, the development of project cycles, and project coordination
and management. Today, she is holding a team leading position super-
vising about 20 employees and several projects. She is responsible for
organisational tasks and for the management and recruitment of per-
sonnel, but is also to a lesser extent still involved in project work.
Although learning and skills development have not systematically
evolved and been linked due to several career changes, Martina feels
that there are many elements from her first and second occupations that
she can apply today. Knowledge about accountancy and finance from
her time with the bank helps her in her current position when working
with budgets and introducing a new product cost accounting system.
From her studies of textile technology it is the application of strategic
and analytical thinking and problem solving that she can apply to sys-
temise project work. From her former employment she brought with
her the required technical understanding for working with computer
systems. Interpersonal and managerial skills are competencies that she
considers as being a combination of common sense and her own strong
points. She feels that in her work as a project manager she has the func-
tion of a ‘translator’ between the client and the computer expert, who is
developing the software system for the client. In this function, she has
to understand what the client wants and translate it into a technical
language for the programmer. At the same time she has to be able to
translate the technical aspects of software development to make it
understandable for the client when selling the product.
With time, Martina has found out that what she really likes doing and
what she is good at is organising and shaping work structures and
processes. She needs to be in a work environment that allows her to be
creative and innovative. Thus, the work environment (the work atmos-
phere and the interaction with colleagues and supervisors) and how the
work is organised are the most important aspects to her largely deter-
mining her motivation and performance. For her, these two elements are
The ‘Flexible Employee’—What Does it Take? 223

subordinated to work content or the actual work tasks. For example, she
is now working in tourism and had to acquire a lot of knowledge about
the tourist sector although she does not have a particular interest in it.
But she likes the sector, because it is dynamic and gives room for bring-
ing in new ideas. She feels that she could easily and flexibly adapt to dif-
ferent kinds of work structures, processes, or sectors as long as the work
situation provides room for creativity and professional self-realisation.
To be able to change is a key aspect here. In her perspective it only
takes 1–2 years of work experience to be more or less able to master a
new job. After having reached the level of mastering a job, Martina usu-
ally very soon comes to a point where she wants to optimise processes
and bring in her own ideas. She experienced that if the structures are
too rigid for innovation or the staff are not open and flexible so that
progress cannot really be achieved, she will soon become frustrated and
dissatisfied. She may then still continue for some time, but if she feels
that things are not moving, she would rather leave the job and, if nec-
essary, the profession and look for something else.
The aim for professional self-realisation is the key element of her
occupational identity and ranks higher than her commitment to a par-
ticular company, an occupation, a professional community or the per-
spective of making a career. And it also ranks higher than her personal
life, social ties, family or being bound geographically. Thus, she does
not only feel that she is a flexible person who can easily adapt to dif-
ferent work settings and tasks, but she needs the challenge of changes
and flexibility in order to be satisfied at work. ‘When I like what I’m
doing, it is not important if I work 8, 10, or 14 hours’.
She does not see herself remaining with her current employer or in
the sector, but thinks that she will soon move on. She can imagine her-
self starting again in a totally new field and from her side she is not tired
or lacking the energy to start something new. It is only that she feels that
with increasing age the opportunities become less as employers are
more critical and reluctant to recruit employees who are older than forty.
She would like to start again working in a smaller company with maybe
20–30 employees and striving to grow. She would also prefer to work in
a dynamic sector like, for example, IT or tourism, because here things
are moving and structures are still open and easier to modify. People
working in these sectors are younger giving generally more room for
innovation and developing new ideas.
The original wish for job security that once guided her when opting
for an apprenticeship in the bank has been replaced by accepting a high
risk level when leaving a job in order to find something more suitable.
224 Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown

She is now trusting in her skills and competencies and feels that she can
always find a new job, only that maybe the time between two employ-
ment situations will become longer with increasing age. Martina is
aware that her attitude towards work and employment is not and never
has been compatible with building a family. The high level of personal
flexibility and risk taking is probably only possible, because Martina
has no family responsibilities, but is only responsible for herself.

8.4.2 Sally from England Working in Engineering:

from Sports Teacher to Production Manager

Sally went to university straight from school and completed her

degree in Sports Science. After graduation she went to work in outdoor
pursuits, before returning a year later to study on a one-year full-time
Physical Education teacher training course with Biology as a secondary
subject. She chose the course because she was having problems getting
a decent job, and did not know what else to do: ‘it was a way of putting
things off for a year.’
After completing her teacher training, she took a teaching post. It was
short-lived. ‘I discovered I didn’t like kids.’ She did not complete her pro-
bationary year, but took a job instead with local authority leisure provision.
Through the next five to six years, she held various posts starting with life
saving in a public baths and moving up into junior management in baths
and parks facilities fairly quickly as posts became available. She gained
membership of the Institute of Baths and Recreational Management during
this period.
She left her last post with the plan to live abroad, but this plan did
not work out. She was now 30 and needed work, so did some temping
(involving temporary office work) for a couple of years. One of these
jobs was with a small automotive company that is a first-tier automo-
tive components manufacturer, specialising in the design, production,
installation and testing of a particular set of components. She started as
a temporary clerical worker. She asked for a permanent post, and was
taken on in ‘Customer Scheduling’. The job consisted of calculating
and costing customers’ requirements and keeping track of what was
being produced and what had been dispatched. She took the job on a
permanent basis because she needed the work and it seemed to be a rea-
sonable company. Her starting salary was very modest.
Sally encountered no difficulties in undertaking the tasks of this job.
She was promoted, and was eager to leave her first job as she felt it was
not utilising all her skills and did not give her the level of responsibility
The ‘Flexible Employee’—What Does it Take? 225

she wanted. After three years, she was offered promotion to the post of
‘Head of Logistics’—‘which was not as grand as it sounds’. In this post,
she managed the work of the clerical staff doing the jobs she had previ-
ously been doing herself. She managed six people. The only company
training she received at this time was at her own instigation; she asked
to go to Head Office abroad for a two-week period to orientate to the
work of the company. They gave her this time, but it was left to her to
structure this period for herself. She spent the time walking around the
factory and talking to people, finding out for herself what was being
done by whom and why. She found this period very informative and
After four years with the company, it was reorganising, and she was
offered another promotion—as a ‘Logistics Specialist’, ‘which was a
non-job; I had no role’. Her salary for this ‘non-job’ was now double her
initial salary. The following year she was given a further promotion to
‘Production Manager’ for a major customer group. Her job involved
complete responsibility for resourcing the production and delivery of
orders for this car manufacturer. In this job, she manages 100 perma-
nent, mostly full-time, staff on a three shift system, plus 7 support work-
ers based in the office. Her work involves the ordering and control of all
materials, and responsibility for the production process itself, health and
safety issues, staff management and customer liaison.
When the post became vacant, she had been encouraged to apply for
it by her then bosses, and Sally was pleased to get this promotion. ‘It
was a proper job with a decent salary, and it was a challenge. (. . .) Did
I encounter any difficulties? Huge difficulties. I had no knowledge of
engineering production whatsoever. I knew nothing of production plan-
ning or engineering prioritising. Nothing.’ She also had problems with
managing the hourly paid non-staff employees who operated on a com-
pletely different basis from the permanent shop-floor staff, and there
were difficulties for her in integrating the work of the two groups. Sally
had had no university training relevant specifically to her new job;
nothing to fall back on: ‘my skills acquisition at this time was mainly
on-the-job training; finding out as I went along.’ The company did pro-
vide training opportunities over time to help her to cope with her new
responsibilities. These included courses on interviewing skills, Health
and Safety, disciplinary procedures, time management, IT, work study
time and motion processes and procedures.
She found all this training very relevant and of good quality, and it
helped her to build skills to tackle her job. It was as she began to ‘get a
handle’ on her job that she decided to do a Master’s degree so as to gain
226 Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown

a greater understanding of the underpinning of the technical work of

her department. On her own initiative, she had entered two courses at
evening class level—one on the Japanese view of the auto industry.
This was rather disappointing, but the other course was on leadership
and self-management, and this was reasonably interesting and useful.
The Master’s in Engineering Business Management, however, offered
the technical underpinning Sally was seeking. It was scheduled over a
three-year period, organised in 12 units incorporating a week-long res-
idential study block plus associated work assignments for each unit for
the first two years, and a dissertation in year 3. She chose to do post-
graduate study in engineering because she was by then in a manage-
ment role in engineering whilst knowing little about the theory of the
field of work. ‘I wanted to understand what lay beneath what I was see-
ing on the shop floor, and what I was controlling in my job.’ She chose
this course because it was the one which had been researched by her
bosses; which they had attended, and which they were now recom-
mending and paying for. She had no independent choice in this, but was
happy with the situation. Sally feels she has progressed satisfactorily
through the course without too much trouble. In particular she valued
the modules on ‘leadership’ and ‘industrial engineering quality man-
agement’. The skills she has been learning have been intrinsic to her
field of work, and she finds she has learned much on all three levels of
the course—business, technical and operational. Her salary as produc-
tion manager is over four times the salary at which she started less than
ten years previously.
When reflecting upon her career development, Sally states that her
‘career has gone every which way. It has gone differently to what might
have been expected. I think there was a lot of luck involved in finding
myself as a temp at my present company—being in the right place at
the right time.’ Sally considers she has come a long way in the last ten
years. She is very satisfied with her salary now, and enjoys her job, but
there are frustrations and these are to do with being a woman working
in what is still very much a man’s world. ‘It’s not so much a glass ceil-
ing as a huge steel ceiling.’ She has often felt that she could have done
more, got further, but found she was not given the opportunities, and
this she attributes to gender prejudice, ‘although I am sure they would
deny this’. She feels that the prevailing environment constrains her to
behave in ways she does not like and which she believes others do not
understand. ‘I suppose I could have done more about this situation, but
it is difficult, and I find myself coping with it by taking on some of the
male attitudes, and this makes me feel guilty. I think I confront it with
The ‘Flexible Employee’—What Does it Take? 227

aggressive behaviour, and people don’t always understand why this is

Sally had never expected to enter the engineering world. ‘The last
place I wanted to work was a factory. (. . .) I suppose because I saw fac-
tories as being mundane places with repetitive work; I would have
thought of [the matchstick men of] Lowry, and terms like “factory fod-
der” ’. She feels she has changed her view quite a lot since those days.
‘I think I have changed. What I have come to realise is that it doesn’t
much matter what the workplace is, or where it is, or what it makes,
most of the processes for getting something resourced and produced
and delivered are the same.’
She considers that the learning she has undergone on her course has
helped her considerably at all levels of her job, but especially in under-
standing the technical and operational aspects of her work with planning
for the production process. The company-provided training down the
years has always been of a high standard and has given her the skills she
needed early on in her current job. Earlier, in her career with the com-
pany, this training was absolutely minimal, and what training she got
was only because she pushed for it. It was all mainly ‘on-the-job’ learn-
ing. In the same way, her decision to do the Master’s was her own idea,
and she had had to negotiate her own entry onto the course. However,
once she had indicated her wish to take further study, there had been no
resistance from her bosses. As yet, she has no membership of any pro-
fessional engineering associations.
The principal skills gaps she can identify are in the area of assertive-
ness to deal with the gender problem. ‘Some influencing skills training
is probably what I need to do.’ She also wants to follow-up on work she
has already done on her course on the personal performance module,
and around issues in leadership and dealing with frustration. ‘I need to
learn how to deal with getting shouted down if I confront issues around
gender discrimination. (. . .) But the gaps go right back, really. I went to
an all-girls’ school. Engineering was never, ever even mentioned. We
were to be teachers or nurses, or librarians. Those who couldn’t would
have to marry and have babies. But never engineering; it was just not a
subject for girls. (. . .) What would I change? I would have planned
things differently from age 16; at that age, I would have got myself
some career advice. I wouldn’t have had to have re-planned and started
again at age thirty then’. But even with all this, she is doubtful that she
would want to have missed some of the good times she has had. Sally
enjoyed her Sports Science course; enjoyed being at university at that
time, and quite enjoyed some of her work in the leisure industry. She
228 Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown

feels she has learned a lot through her various experiences, and whilst
things have gone differently than she might have expected, she is fairly
happy with where she is now.
Sally has been successful undertaking very different types of work,
but feels that after mastering the work she needs to take on fresh chal-
lenges in relation to work and this is also reflected in a willingness to
commit to further education and training. In her current organisational
context it has proved possible to move both vertically and horizontally to
take on new challenges. That she was able to do so without initial tech-
nical training demonstrates her flexibility, the extent of her organisational
and communication skills and the value of these in the co-ordination that
is at the heart of modern management manufacturing processes.

8.4.3 Richard from England Switching Sectors,

Roles and Functions and Ending up in
General Management

Richard is an engineering graduate, in his mid-forties, who first worked

in engineering, then moved into the expanding IT industry in the 1980s
working in contract electronics, before switching back to supply chain
development with his job being underpinned by his IT expertise, and then
deciding to move out of IT and into the commercial area. His career also
involved changing employers several times. His case is included here,
because it demonstrates that certain traditional pathways have always put a
premium upon flexibility and have been underpinned by an expectation
that some individuals will pass through organisations and occupations in
active pursuit of individual development and a ‘strategic career’.
Richard did an engineering degree and was sponsored while at uni-
versity by a large engineering company for whom he then worked for
seven years. Initially he undertook a range of project work within one
division of the company. Part way through his time with the company
he undertook a manufacturing management conversion programme for
engineers at a university that specialised in technological subjects.
Richard then returned to another division of the company in a manage-
ment role concerned with logistics and supply chain management. He
had, however, become increasingly interested in electronics in the early
1980s and decided strategically that he wanted to work in the expand-
ing electronics industry. He applied for a job in another part of the
country working in contract electronics. Richard worked there for a
couple of years, learning while working on different contracts. One of
The ‘Flexible Employee’—What Does it Take? 229

the contracts involved working with a global IT company and eventu-

ally he moved with the contract as the company took the work in-house.
He worked with this company for two years and then switched to being
a supply chain manager with a large company of drinks suppliers.
The job as supply chain manager in the group planning division,
although nominally similar to that which he had previously before going
into the electronics industry, is now transformed because of technologi-
cal development, restructuring of work processes and the changed nature
of supply chain relationships. The job is totally underpinned by IT and
it was his experience in this area that was responsible for him getting the
job. Richard has now worked for his current company for thirteen years
although it has expanded considerably as the company has been
involved in a number of high profile mergers. Initially in the late 1980s
his IT expertise coupled with the ability to combine this with business
development and to lead project teams had been rather rare. However,
since then and partly as a consequence of rationalisations following
mergers, the standards of the company have gone up: ‘you are working
with some very, very capable people, very motivated people, and you
have to work hard to keep ahead or to keep up with them. So this is a
competitive environment . . .’
Richard is highly committed to his work and regards the company as
a ‘very good employer, a good company to work for, I enjoy working
here and they reward you well’. He transferred to London where his
work now involves being part of specially formed project teams with an
international remit, whether they are engaged in managing a change
programme, supporting global customer development or brand build-
ing. He is increasing his experience in areas that are business-led rather
than technically-led, although he recognises he has much less interna-
tional market experience than others in the commercial field. The work
has though represented a new challenge and has been exciting—he had
the feeling he was getting ‘in a bit of a rut’ in his previous job. On the
technical operations side he had gone as far as he was likely to go. This
was partly because he had had a very good relationship with his previ-
ous boss, who had sponsored his career development, but who had left
the company when his counterpart from the other company had got his
job in the merged organisation. Politically, Richard was then ‘badged as
one of his men’, so he felt he had to move on. This is a ‘classic’ exam-
ple of a strategic career with, for example, Richard’s decisions to get
into and out of the IT industry, switch employers and change jobs all
being taken for strategic reasons linked to his longer-term career devel-
opment. Richard was aware that he needed to be geographically mobile
230 Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown

and flexible in terms of a willingness to learn new skills and undertake

new experiences if he was to continue on an upward path.

8.5 Stability and Flexibility in Work Identities

Looking at the overall research results (Kirpal, 2004a), the vast

majority of the employees who were interviewed connected the issue of
flexibility primarily to the ability to cope with, and adapt to, changes at
work such as new work tasks, job situations and work organisation,
generally involving the need to broaden and even re-direct vocational
skills and career plans. There was, however, great variation in whether
flexibility was personally perceived as creating opportunities, or
conversely, rather viewed as putting new demands and pressure on
employees. As a consequence the forms of ‘strategic action’ undertak-
en by employees in forming their work-related identities and commit-
ment patterns also varied greatly.
Employees with an affiliation towards ‘classical’ types of occupa-
tional identities typically identified either with their occupational spe-
cialisation, the company they worked for, the company’s ‘products’ or
the daily work tasks they performed. These types of employees were
particularly to be found in the traditional segments of metalwork/engi-
neering, health care and telecommunications (see Kirpal et al. in this
volume). To those employees changes at work presented a conflict,
often because as individuals they did not have the means or personal
resources to adjust to new demands, for example due to lack of moti-
vation, qualifications or self-confidence. Changes at work were typi-
cally perceived as being beyond their control and unpredictable. While
the project identified this form of ‘strategic action’ as a ‘retreat strategy’,
by which employees were largely resisting pressures for change and
further learning, employees with a ‘classical’ type of identification with
work could also respond in a more pro-active way in adjusting to the
way their occupation or their employer was changing. If employees
were able to move with, or were in the vanguard of changes and new
requirements, they would develop what the project identified as a ‘clas-
sical progressive’ occupational identity. They would, for example, fol-
low a classical career progression most likely by pursuing a higher level
qualification (e.g. the Meister qualification) to move to supervisory or
more specialist positions. They would still strongly identify with the
classical elements of their occupation, but were at the same time able
to make use of opportunities in the course of changing work situations
The ‘Flexible Employee’—What Does it Take? 231

to develop their professional career. Moving into more specialist or

supervisory positions can also be considered a well-trodden path and
they may retain their allegiance to their initial occupational specialisa-
tion. However, by assuming additional responsibilities and tasks they
are also challenged to comply with new professional roles and adjust or
even re-define their work identity.
The three narratives presented here illustrate how employees can
perceive changes and new work demands as creating opportunities and
what this can involve in terms of adjusting their work orientations and
career strategies. They exemplify employees, who in the course of their
employment trajectory have developed a highly ‘flexible’ identification
with work with a much more individualist basis than any occupational
and organisational commitment. One typical characteristic of these
‘flexible’ employees is the willingness and ability to use flexibility,
mobility and learning as tools to achieve their broader professional
(and personal) goals and in doing so our interviewees were ready to
change organisations and/or their occupation if necessary.
Interestingly, from the overall project sample a flexible and individ-
ualised work identity could be found among the highly qualified, for
example the IT specialist who combines a good mix of hybrid techni-
cal and social skills, but also among the less skilled workers with an
unstable employment situation, for example in tourism. Typically, the
‘flexible’ employee is able to anticipate and internalise requirements for
continuous adjustments and changes in the workplace, leading to a
transitory work attachment and identity for the less qualified, and a
highly individualised work identity based on professional skills and
competences for the higher qualified. The key feature here is that the
individual is active in pursuit of her or his own goals, professional
development and self-realisation. Their work identity is highly individ-
ualised, primarily based on personal skills, a capacity for continuous
learning and a rather project-oriented work attitude. A variation of this
flexible type of identification with work would be the ‘strategic
careerists’ who see their current occupational position and/or organisa-
tional attachment as one phase of a career that involves relatively fre-
quent changes in the nature of work they do. They are committed to
‘moving on’ and see their careers as something that they actively con-
struct. Their attachment to their current role is partly influenced by the
knowledge that they are only ‘passing through’.
The three narratives we introduced carry relevant features of such a
‘flexible’ type of work identity, although only one of the three cases,
Richard, can be considered a ‘strategic careerist’. While for ‘strategic
232 Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown

careerists’ flexibility is used as an instrument to pursue a particular

career plan, the other employees, Martina and Sally, had long periods
when they were not acting strategically but rather can be characterised
as being open towards how their work interests and career opportunities
might develop. In this sense, flexibility can be regarded either as a
strategic tool, or as a characteristic of the individuals themselves that is
closely linked to their pursuit of self-realisation. In either case, in sup-
port of flexibility as a strategic tool or as an aspect of self-realisation
learning can play a critical role. That learning can be used as a strate-
gic tool for individual development can readily be seen in the biogra-
phies of the three employees presented here—each put in a lot of effort
and investment in training and skills enhancement, mostly on their own
account. Then, learning allied to flexibility becomes a major aspect of
professional development and self-realisation. With Martina we also
have a case where aspects of creativity, innovation and being in a posi-
tion to ‘move things’ are valued more highly than performance of a par-
ticular role in a work context. She even stated that work stress for her
is not related to the amount of work or work pressure (deadlines), but
colleagues and organisational structures that inhibit progression is what
causes stress for her.
This chapter aimed at illustrating and presenting a more in-depth
analysis of the ‘flexible’ employee as one possible form of identifica-
tion with work. From the sample of the research project, the three nar-
ratives presented here were exceptional cases we came across when
interviewing over 500 employees. Apart from a considerable number of
employees who were identified as holding on to ‘classical’ forms of
work identities, the largest group of interviewees developed different
forms of adaptation that resulted in various, very complex forms of
responses along the continuum from ‘classical’ to ‘flexible’. The
changing nature of their attachment to work could be more or less
intense and transitional. For example, adaptation and adjustment to
work may be long-term or short-term oriented; be passive (accepting)
or involve the individual in an active search for resolution of problems
or conflicts. These results are presented in more detail elsewhere (see
Kirpal, 2004a).
Interesting in the light of the issues presented here, however, is the
aspect that among the different forms of ‘adjustments’ a considerable
number of employees identified with their work, but were at the same
time much more active in re-defining, rather than passively accepting,
work-related roles. Actually, in all groups, from ‘classical’ to ‘flexible’
work identities, we found employees who were actively re-defining and
The ‘Flexible Employee’—What Does it Take? 233

challenging traditional professional roles and concepts of identification

with work. We had examples of employees who used re-defining strate-
gies operating at the cutting edge of norms and expectations, thus pushing
at the boundaries of expectations of employers, colleagues and others. In
certain aspects they could be considered change agents, typically negoti-
ating, challenging and leading their peers in some respect. From the cases
we presented we can see that while for Sally the conflicts that arise from
this situation persist, but are at the same time a strong motor for learning
and skills enhancement, Martina decided to ‘move on’ and look for an
employment situation where she would feel less discriminated against
and accepted.
What kind of work identity an individual develops over time
depends on a variety of factors leading to a complex process of negoti-
ation between personal resources, dispositions and constraints on the
one hand, and structural conditions, on the other hand. What is impor-
tant and could be illustrated is that work identities are subject to change
as they are being adjusted over an individual’s lifetime employment tra-
jectory. These changes can also mean an individual can shift back and
forth between developing forms of attachments and highly flexible
forms of identification with work. What seems to be decisive in this
context is the individual’s response or ‘strategy’: whether he or she
takes on a passive or active role; the level of risk affinity, the openness
and ability to use flexibility, mobility and learning as tools to pursue
their own interests; and general attachment to work. Some of those vari-
ables are clearly determined by an individual’s personality such as the
level of risk affinity or taking a passive or active role in negotiation
processes that concern work and employment. Other variables, howev-
er, have to be interpreted in the light of work-related socialisation and
learning. How individuals develop forms of attachment to work is high-
ly influenced by work-related socialisation and work experiences in
combination with personal interests. On the other hand, the extent to
which employees are willing and able to use flexibility and mobility, and
have developed an active learner’s attitude, are closely linked to learning
processes. At this point the project could identify a clear distinction
between employees who had been socialised and trained to be more
flexible and active in developing their professional orientation and
identity, and employees who had not been socialised in this way.
Many employers increasingly expect that employees develop a pro-
active and ‘entrepreneurial’ work attitude based on multi-skilling and
flexibility (FAME consortium, 2003). This implies for the individual
the need to develop complex, flexible and multi-dimensional work
234 Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown

attachments that can be continuously adjusted to the requirements of

change. It also means that stability and continuity that former work
arrangements promoted increasingly have to be actively constructed by
the employees themselves, who are sometimes also expected to assume
the responsibility to manage employment instabilities and to continuous-
ly up-date their vocational skills. The three individual cases we present-
ed illustrate that complying with such demands requires personal efforts
and a whole range of individual resources. From the research undertaken
it is obvious that this cannot be taken for granted and it cannot be the
individual alone who carries the burden for making these adjustments.
A highly flexible form of identification with work was rather excep-
tional among European employees in our sample and where employer
support is insufficient or virtually lacking, employees were largely
over-challenged to respond to changes at work in a way whereby their
own professional development and employment could be progressing
or even stabilise. Particularly employees at the intermediate skills level
tend to develop their work identity in the complex discourse of adjust-
ment and/or conserved more ‘classical’ forms of identification with
work, and for some employees this meant largely resisting demands for
flexibility and mobility. In segments of the economy that are charac-
terised by fast changing technology and work organisation this could
for the unprepared worker lead to stress, lack of control over work per-
formance and lack of work commitment. Such a situation can also be
risky and costly for the organisation as it may induce high levels of staff
turnover, for example. In this context it is important to acknowledge that
the majority of employees in Europe have undergone a work-related
socialisation that did not yet anticipate the requirements for increased
flexibility, mobility and lifelong learning. This strengthens the role of
socialisation into the work context, one of the major functions of initial
and continuing vocational training. In addition, preparing employees to
meet future challenges at work also requires major organisational sup-
port. Only if employees are equipped with the right set of skills and suf-
ficient self-confidence, will they be willing and able to deal with new
flexibility and learning demands at work.

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Part Three

Work and Commitment


The Dynamics Between

Organisational Commitment
and Professional Identity
Formation at Work
Yehuda Baruch* and Aaron Cohen†
*School of Management, University of East Anglia, UK;

Department of Political Science, University of Haifa, Israel

In our new age of boundaryless organisations (Ashkenas, et al., 1995) and

boundaryless careers (DeFillippi and Arthur, 1994; Hall, 1996; Sullivan,
1999), the role of the organisation as identity creator and the major recip-
ient of commitment would appear to be less prominent than it was in the
past. Within the post-corporate career realm (Peiperl and Baruch, 1997),
professional identity is one of the possible substitutes for organisational
identity. Indeed as Rafaeli (1997) describes, traditional perspectives on
organisations tend to view membership as a simple dichotomy and deny
membership status to individuals with non-traditional work relationships.
Given that the major portion of an individual’s life often revolves
around organisations and work, investigations of forms of commitment
in the workplace are vital for understanding the psychology of human
behaviour. The need to explore more than one commitment form is
timely given the changes in the workplace (Cohen, 2003; Cooper-
Hakim and Viswesvaran, 2005). The typical working life of individuals
is no longer tied to an individual organisation. In fact, individuals can
anticipate changing jobs several times in their career. The rapid global-
isation of business also suggests that individuals have multiple forms
and bases of commitments (Cooper-Hakim and Viswesvaran, 2005).
In this chapter, we present and discuss a conceptual framework of
two major constructs in the study of organisational behaviour and

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 241–260.
© 2007 Springer.
242 Yehuda Baruch and Aaron Cohen

management, Organisational Commitment (OC) and Professional Identity

(PI). Both are highly relevant to people’s working life. The two are inter-
related and associated, and have major implications on both work-related
outcomes and the wider life of a person. Our understanding of both OC
and PI benefited from subjecting these constructs to intense study.

9.1 Organisational Commitment

The concept of organisational commitment (OC) has grown in pop-

ularity in the literature of industrial/organisational psychology and
organisational behaviour (Mathieu and Zajac, 1990). Of all the forms
of commitment, the organisational form still receives most attention
(Griffin and Bateman, 1986, p. 166). This interest is apparent from the
numerous studies that have examined the relationships between OC and
its antecedents and outcomes (e.g. Mathieu and Zajac, 1990; Mowday
et al., 1982). This high degree of attention, it is argued, stems from the
fact that OC ‘is theory based, broad in focus, holds significant integra-
tive potential, and may be more manageable than other forms’ (Griffin
and Bateman, 1986, p. 166). Another reason is the perception that OC
can predict labour turnover better than other work attitudes, especially
job satisfaction (Williams and Hazer, 1986; Clugston, 2000). Moreover,
it has been argued that organisations whose members have higher levels
of commitment will show higher performance and productivity, and
lower levels of absenteeism and lateness (Bateman and Strasser, 1984;
Morris and Sherman, 1981).
Organisational commitment (OC) is defined in terms of attitude as
well as a set of intentions. Attitudinal commitment exists when ‘the
identity of the person is linked to the organization’ (Sheldon, 1971,
p. 143), a definition that re-emphasises the association between OC and
identity. A different definition is ‘when the goals of the organization
and those of the individual become increasingly integrated or congru-
ent’ (Hall et al., 1970, p. 177). Of all the individual characteristics and
attitudes within the organisation, OC is a major focus for academic
study. Much of it is due to the role it plays as an antecedent to other atti-
tudes and behaviours. A large number of studies address OC and its
effects in employment relationship. The growing interest in OC has
probably contributed to the conceptual richness of its definition. This
has correspondingly led to diverse approaches to measuring this con-
struct (Griffin and Bateman, 1986; Morrow, 1983; Mowday et al.,
Organisational Commitment and Professional Identity 243

1982; Reichers, 1985). The differences among measures of OC have

generally paralleled the distinction between two theoretical approaches
to the construct: the side-bet or calculative approach, and the moral or
attitudinal approach (Cohen and Lowenberg, 1990; Cohen and Gattiker,
1992; Ferris and Aranya, 1983; Griffin and Bateman, 1986; McGee and
Ford, 1987).
The calculative approach rested on the ‘side-bet’ theory of Howard
Becker (1960), who used the term to refer to the accumulation of
investments valued by the individual that would be lost or deemed
worthless if he/she were to leave the organisation. Becker argued that
over a period of time certain costs accrue which make it more difficult
for the person to disengage from a consistent line of activity, such as
membership of an organisation. The threat of losing these investments,
along with a perceived lack of alternatives to replace or make up for
them, commits the person to the organisation. According to this view,
the individual is bound to the organisation by extraneous factors, such
as income and hierarchical position, and internal factors, such as
‘knowing the ropes’ and interpersonal relationships (Cohen, 1993;
Cohen and Gattiker, 1992; Cohen and Lowenberg, 1990; Meyer and
Allen, 1984; Wallace, 1997). The loss of friendships and seniority
rights also can be a factor when employers are changed. Becker himself
phrased his argument as follows:
The man who hesitates to take a new job may be deterred by a
complex of side-bets: the financial costs connected with a pen-
sion fund he would lose if he moved; the loss of seniority and
‘connections’ in his present firm, which promise quick advance if
he stays; the loss of ease in doing his work because of his success
in adjusting to the particular conditions of his present job; the
loss of ease in domestic living consequent on having to move his
household, and so on . . . (Becker, 1960, pp. 38–39).
The measure based on this theory attempted to reflect the basic argu-
ments of this approach. Those were first developed by Ritzer and Trice
(1969), with some methodological modifications added later by
Hrebiniak and Alutto (1972) and Alutto et al. (1973). These measures
question the respondents on the likelihood of their leaving the organi-
sation, given various levels of inducement in pay, status, responsibility,
job freedom and opportunity for promotion. The revised measure is
used often, especially in research on the side-bet theory (e.g. Fukami
and Larson, 1984; Hunt et al., 1985; Parasuraman and Nachman, 1987;
Wittig-Berman and Lang, 1990).
244 Yehuda Baruch and Aaron Cohen

The second approach sees commitment as affective or attitudinal,

and has been called the ‘organisational behaviour’ (Staw, 1977) or
‘psychology’ (Near, 1989) approach. It regards the individual as iden-
tifying with the organisation, hence being committed to retaining
membership in order to pursue his or her goals. The origins of this
treatment of commitment perhaps lie principally in the work of Porter
and his associates (e.g. Porter et al., 1974; Mowday et al., 1982); it has
also been termed affective commitment (Meyer and Allen, 1984)
and value commitment (Angle and Perry, 1981). This approach devel-
oped the most commonly used measure of OC, the attitudinal
Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) introduced by
Porter and Smith (1970).
This scale, also known as the Porter et al. measure (1974), is ‘the most
visible measure of affective commitment [and] has enjoyed widespread
acceptance and use’ (Griffin and Bateman, 1986, p. 170). It consists of
fifteen items (a shortened version has nine positively phrased items)
reflecting the three dimensions of the definition of commitment sug-
gested by Porter et al. (1974). These are: a desire to maintain member-
ship in the organisation, belief in and acceptance of the values and goals
of the organisation, and willingness to exert effort on behalf of the organ-
isation. While Mowday et al. (1982) and Mowday et al. (1979) demon-
strated the well-proven psychometric properties of this measure, they
also noted that the relationships between their measure and some attitu-
dinal variables such as job satisfaction and job involvement were too
high for an acceptable level of discriminant validity. Later, in separate
examinations of the OCQ characteristics, Morrow (1983), Blau (1985,
1987) and Commeiras and Fournier (2001) supported the general con-
clusion that it contains good psychometric properties.
Despite the existence of alternative conceptualisations and measures
of OC such as the side-bet approach (Becker, 1960), the OCQ domi-
nated the literature from the early 1970s to the mid-1980s. Most of the
findings, conclusions and proposals for a future research agenda on OC
are based on this measure. Furthermore, the many studies of OC and its
relationships with antecedents and work outcomes have meanwhile
been subjected to several meta-analyses (Mathieu and Zajac, 1990;
Cohen, 1991, 1993; Cohen and Gattiker, 1992; Randall, 1990; Gaertner,
1999) that quantitatively summarised the findings on the concept. But
recently some criticism has arisen regarding Porter et al.’s (1974) meas-
ure, the OCQ. The basic difficulty is that two of the dimensions of com-
mitment of the OCQ, a strong desire to maintain membership in the
organisation and a willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of
Organisational Commitment and Professional Identity 245

the organisation, overlap with intentions of outcome behaviours such as

withdrawal and performance (Reichers, 1985; O’Reilly and Chatman,
1986; Bozeman and Perrewe, 2001). The response to that criticism has
taken two directions. First, researchers have tended to use the nine-item
version of the OCQ more frequently than the full fifteen items to avoid
the six problematic negatively phrased items of the measure that dealt
with withdrawal and performance (Beck and Wilson, 2001; Iverson,
1999). Second and possibly of equal importance, a new trend has start-
ed to evolve in the definition and measurement of OC (Baruch, 1998).
On the argument that OC can be better understood as a multi-
dimensional concept, Meyer and Allen (1984) proposed a two-dimensional
measure of OC. Conceptually their distinction between the two dimen-
sions paralleled that between the side-bet calculative approach of Becker
(1960) and the attitudinal approach of Porter and his colleagues (1974).
The first dimension was termed affective commitment and was defined
as ‘positive feelings of identification with, attachment to, and involve-
ment in the work organization’ (Meyer and Allen, 1984, p. 375). The sec-
ond was termed continuance commitment and was defined as ‘the extent
to which employees feel committed to their organizations by virtue of the
costs that they feel are associated with leaving (e.g., investments or lack
of attractive alternatives)’ (Meyer and Allen, 1984, p. 375).
McGee and Ford (1987) in their factor analysis found that the con-
tinuance commitment scale is itself a two-dimensional construct. One
sub-dimension represented the sacrifices made by an employee in stay-
ing with the organisation, and was termed high sacrifice, and the other
represented available employment alternatives, and was termed low
alternatives. Meyer et al. (1990) replicated this finding. In a subsequent
paper Allen and Meyer (1990) added a third dimension termed norma-
tive commitment, which was defined as the employee’s feelings of obli-
gation to remain with the organisation.
The factor analysis of Allen and Meyer (1990) supported the pro-
posed three-dimensional scales. In their assessment of the scales Hackett
et al. (1994) generally supported the existence of three dimensions.
However, based on a ‘Confirmatory Factor Analysis’ model, a better fit
with the data was found for a four-component model with the continu-
ance commitment being divided into two dimensions along the lines sug-
gested by McGee and Ford (1987). However, certain studies (Jaros,
1997; Ko et al., 1997) indicated problems with the dimensionality of
commitment based on Meyer and Allen’s (1997) scales. In a later study
Ko et al. (1997) found that reliabilities of the affective commitment and
the normative scales were acceptable, whereas the reliability of the
Table 9.1 Table overview of approaches to measure organisational commitment

Conceptual Approach

Calculative Affective Multidimensional

Term Side-bet theory approach Organizational Commitment Affective, normative, continuance
Questionnaire (OCQ)

Yehuda Baruch and Aaron Cohen

Definition Refers to the accumulation (1) A desire to maintain Affective commitment : positive feelings of
of investments valued by the membership in the identification with, attachment to, and
individual that would be lost organization; involvement in the work organization
or deemed worthless if he/she
were to leave the organization (2) Belief in and Continuance commitment : the extent to
acceptance of the which employees feel committed to their
values and goals of organizations by virtue of the costs that they
the organization; feel are associared with leaving (e.g.,
investments of lack of attractive
(3) Willingness to exert alternatives)
effort on behalf of
the organization. Normative commitment : the employees’
feelings of obligation to remain with the
Measurement The measures question the The scale consists of Three eight-item scales for each of the
respondents on the likelihood fifteen items (a shortened commitment dimensions: affective, normative
of their leaving the organization, version has nine positively and continuance. Meyer and Allen (1997)
given various levels of inducement phrased items) reflecting suggested later on a longer nine-item
in pay, status, responsibility, job the three dimensions of version for continuance commitment, and
freedom, and opportunity for the definition of commitment a shorter six-item version for normative
promotion (Ritzer & Trice, 1969; as suggested by Porter commitment
Hrebiniak & Alutto, 1972: Alutto et al. (1974).
et al., 1973)
Organisational Commitment and Professional Identity 247

continuance commitment scale was low. The three scales had acceptable
convergent validity, but the affective and the normative scales lacked dis-
criminant validity. The construct validity of the affective commitment
was supported, whereas the construct validities of the continuance com-
mitment and the normative commitment scales were questionable. These
authors concluded that a new measure should be devised for continuance
and normative commitment (Table 9.1).

9.2 Identity and Identification

An individual’s self-concept is made up from their personal identity,

which derives in part from the combination of social groupings they
belong to (in addition, of course, to their personality, intelligence and
other personal traits). A person has a specific identity, which is ‘the
state of having unique identifying characteristics held by no other per-
son (or thing); the individual characteristics by which a person (or
thing) is recognized’ (Oxford Dictionary, 2000). Certain basic identity
constructs are personal identity and social identity. Personal identity
represents individual aspects of how we see ourselves relative to others
in the same social group, whereas social identity comprises those
aspects of our self concept we believe we have in common with others
in the same social group (Arnold, 2005, p. 333). Social identity theory
was introduced to the behavioural sciences by Turner (1975) and Tajfel
(1981), and continues to be relevant to management and behavioural
studies (see Jenkins, 1996), as identity influences much of our
approach to work and behaviour at work, including commitment.
Each person has a number of social identities, many of them con-
cerned with their working life. Foreman and Whetten (2002) explored
how members identify with multiple-identity organisations. They
argued that the operationalisation of organisational identification can
be expressed in terms of multiple and competing identities. Van Dick
et al. (2004b) proposed different foci of identification (e.g. with own
career, team, organisation, occupation). Indeed, like OC, identity is also
multi-dimensional: People have self-identity, group/sub-group identity,
organisational identity, National identity, and professional identity.
As indicated, in addition to commitment, identification is another
major construct associated with employees’ attachment to organisations.
The more people identify with a certain group or organisation, the more
they will be ready to devote their efforts for and be involved in the group
248 Yehuda Baruch and Aaron Cohen

or organisation. Of course, there are other work attitudes that shape the
way people approach their careers and working life, for example work role
centrality (Mannheim et al., 1997). Other types of attachments exist, for
example, to the trade union (Cohen, 2003; Kelly and Kelly, 1994). These
might account for a decline in the commitment to and in the identification
with the organisation, and reduced levels of employees’ attachment to
organisations. Furthermore, there is a growing tendency for self-focused
and individualisation of work-related attitudes and practices, clearly man-
ifested in growing focus of individual career planning and management,
compared with that conducted by organisations (Baruch, 2004).

9.3 Organisational and Professional


Two of the most prominent social groups that working people belong
to are their organisation and their professional group or community of
practice. Hence organisational and professional identity are major
social identities, and are of major importance within the realm of work
and career. Jenkins (1996, p. 142) emphasises how both organisational
identity and professional identity are ‘achieved’ identities, i.e. identities
acquired or assumed through life development (as opposed to
‘ascribed’ identities, which are identities socially constructed on the
basis of birth—see later for elaboration).
Organisational identification consists of the members’ shared beliefs
about the central, enduring and distinctive characteristics of the organisa-
tion (Golden-Biddle and Hayagreeva, 1997). It is one of the important
forms of employees’ attachment to organisations (Brown, 1969; Rotondi,
1975). Mael and Ashforth (1995) argue that organisational identification is
a specific form of social identification by which individuals define them-
selves in terms of their membership of a particular organisation. Research
establishes organisational identification as a perceptual cognitive construct
that is different, both conceptually and empirically, from organisational
commitment as well as from other related work and job attitudes (Mael and
Tetrick, 1992). Mael and Ashforth (1995) distinguish organisational
identification from organisational commitment as follows:
Although identification is necessarily organization-specific,
commitment may not be. The focal organization’s goals and val-
ues may be shared by other organizations, such that one could
score high on commitment without perceiving a shared destiny
Organisational Commitment and Professional Identity 249

with that particular organization. With proper incentives, the

individual could readily transfer his or her commitment to a dif-
ferent, even competing, organization with similar goals and val-
ues. However, if one identified with the organization, then he or
she would necessarily experience some psychic loss upon leaving
the organization (Mael and Ashforth, 1995, p. 312).
As is the case for OC, different dimensions of organisational identi-
fication may exist, such as cognitive, affective, evaluative and behav-
ioural (van Dick et al., 2004b).
Researchers have applied organisational identification in a variety of
settings, not only to employees of work organisations (e.g. Wan-Huggins
et al., 1998), but also to different types of psychological group members,
such as soldiers (Mael and Ashforth, 1995), college alumni (Mael and
Ashforth, 1992) and accounting firm alumni (Iyer et al., 1997). These
studies find that organisational identification reflects the individual’s
psychological attachment to a specific organisation, and that organisation-
alidentificationisassociatedwithdesirableoutcomesfortheindividual and
the organisation, including job involvement and intent to remain.

9.4 Professional Identity and Identification

Under social identity theory, individuals classify themselves into var-

ious social groups, both ascribed (e.g. gender, race) and achieved (e.g.
organisational and professional memberships) (Tajfel and Turner, 1985;
Dutton et al., 1994). Interestingly, religious affiliation is one identity that
starts as ascribed, but later in life can be changed, thus achieved.
Professionals are likely to identify with both their profession and their
firm (in a similar way that ‘cosmopolitans’ share high commitment to
their profession and organisation, as Gouldner (1957, 1958) argues). Of
course, we can find other deviations, such as an engineer who highly iden-
tifies with his or her discipline, but not with the organisation, thus easily
moving between employers, and an engineer who identifies with the
employing firm, moves across projects, and possibly takes a managerial
position, leaving his or her professional affiliation low on the agenda.
An individual typically decides to become a member of a profession
(e.g. medical doctor, accountant or psychologist) long before he or she
joins a particular employer. Thus, professional identification would
normally be expected to develop before organisational identification.
This is in line with Aranya et al. (1981), who argue that a professional
affiliation is both separate from and precedes the development of an
250 Yehuda Baruch and Aaron Cohen

affiliation to a particular organisation. Furthermore, even when a pro-

fessional leaves her or his organisation for another employer, they keep
their professional affiliation and qualification.
One challenge for organisations is to get employees to associate,
combine or connect their professional and organisational identities.
Such is the case when companies like Intel or Digital build their image
as leading in technology, enabling their employees to feel that being a
member of, say, Intel, also means being a member of the electronics
Research and Development (R&D) community. It can be easily assumed
that the ability of the organisation to facilitate the individual’s profes-
sional expectations and to strengthen a professional identity will also
increase the individual’s organisational identification (Aranya et al.,
1981; Norris and Niebuhr, 1984; Meixner and Bline, 1989). In support
of the cosmopolitan view, Kalbers and Fogarty (1995) find that internal
auditors with higher levels of professionalism were more committed to
their organisation. Along the same lines, Russo (1998) studied the
organisational and professional identifications of a group of newspaper
journalists and found that professional identification strengthens organ-
isational identification. This may be because organisations provide the
means necessary for an employee to work as a professional and share a
professional identity.
Ibarra (2003, p. 18) suggest three approaches for managing trans-
formation of identity within the professional identity context. These
depend on three different aspects of working identity:
● When the working identity is defined by What we do, such as pro-
fessional activities we are engaged with;
● When the working identity is defined by Whom we do it with, i.e.
working relationships and membership in professional groups
(e.g. associations);
● When the working identity is defined by formative events in our
lives, events that change us and put us in different paths.
Corresponding to these three aspects with strategies for renewal and
revival of working identity, Ibarra suggests:
● When the working identity is defined by What we do, the suggest-
ed route is crafting experiments, trying out, on a minor scale, new
activities, roles, and according to the success and feeling of doing
that, to embark on higher commitment to the change.
● When the working identity is defined by Whom we do it with, the
suggested route is shifting connections, apply different networks,
new role models, peers, and to benchmark our progress.
Organisational Commitment and Professional Identity 251

● When the working identity is defined by formative events in our

lives, the suggested route is making sense—creating or identifying
catalysts and triggers for change. These can be utilised to rework
our ‘story’.

9.5 Developing Professional Identity—A

Social Learning Perspective

Social learning (Mitchell et al., 1979) is concerned with feedback

from the environment, in particular in relation to career counselling and
the development of self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977, 1997) as a result of
reinforcement cycles. External intervention can help to facilitate high
self-efficacy via learning that affect people’s attitudes and behaviours.
Self-efficacy has repeatedly been shown to be an antecedent of
performance in organisational settings (Bandura 1977, 1997). Both
feedback from the wider environment (i.e. not just from parents) and
reinforcement of successful performance help people in choosing pro-
fessions and careers that would fit them best (Baruch, 2004). Hogg and
Terry (2000) argued that members’ perceptions of an organisation (e.g.
prototypical beliefs, attitudes, feelings and behaviours) are constructed,
maintained and modified by features of both transitory and more
enduring social contexts.
To make a ‘proper’ choice, i.e. to optimise their career prospects,
people first need to realise their own type of vocational inclination, and
second get acquainted with the occupational environment associated
with their professional options (Baruch, 2004). Identification of this
type depends on the motivation, knowledge, personality and compe-
tence of a person. Occupation is much more than a collection of activ-
ities and functions. It is the culture, the reputation, status and associat-
ed life style that go together. Cooper (2004) suggested that the lack of
a strong professional identity means, from the organisational view
point, leaving employees thinking only of their employment role rather
than understanding with clarity the difference between the obligations
of employment to an organisation and those associated with being a
member of a profession.
Ibarra’s (1999, 2003) study of novice investment bankers and con-
sultants helps us to understand how individuals initially define their
membership status or ‘provisional selves’ by seeking out role models,
experimenting with behaviours and soliciting feedback. Bartel and
Dutton (2001) describe the crucial role of social interaction tactics that
252 Yehuda Baruch and Aaron Cohen

novice and veteran members may exhibit within organisational con-

texts. Their idea is applicable and can be echoed or replicated within
professional membership contexts, too. Bartel (2001) investigated how
experiences in a particular boundary-spanning context (community
outreach) affected members’ organisational identity and identification.
Inter-group comparisons with clients (emphasising differences) and
intra-group comparisons with other organisation members (emphasis-
ing similarities) changed according to how members construed their
organisation’s defining qualities. Inter-group comparisons also
enhanced the esteem members derived from their organisational mem-
bership, which in turn strengthened their organisational identification.
Becoming an organisational member is concerned not merely with
acquiring certain technical information, but also with adopting or accept-
ing its culture, which means shared ideologies, specialised language, cus-
toms and rituals, and appropriate member etiquette and demeanour (Van
Maanen and Schein, 1979). We argue that the same applies to professional
membership. Membership claiming is accomplished through more ways
than talk. Individuals can equip themselves with the material and sym-
bolic resources that help to legitimate the assertions to which they lay
claim and that do, indeed, belong to them. Claiming by equipping can take
the form of behavioural and artifactual displays that help to communicate
the validity of an organisational self (Kunda, 1992). For example, indi-
viduals can use dress to claim organisational membership. Dressing
appropriately for organisational membership can be an effortful activity
involving physical, emotional and cognitive work (Rafaeli and Pratt,
1993). Similarly, certain groups will use dress to reinforce professional
identity, be they medical doctors (or nurses), bakers, or army officers.
The boundaryless organisations (Ashkenas et al., 1995) generated
boundaryless careers (DeFillippi and Arthur, 1994; Hall, 1996; Sullivan,
1999). As a result, the role of the organisation as identity creator has
declined, compared with what we have known in the past. Within the
post-corporate career realm (Peiperl and Baruch, 1997), professional
identity is one of the possible substitutes for organisational identity.
Perceptions of organisational membership are context dependent
(Bartel and Dutton, 2001). Identification is a perception of belonging
(for example, to an organisation or to a profession) that is triggered
when situational cues highlight common interests or shared outcomes
between an individual and the organisation (Ashforth and Mael, 1989).
The existing literature seems to contain some overlap between OC and
identification, to which Ashforth and Mael (1989) draw attention.
However, one can be committed to stay with an organisation for a
Organisational Commitment and Professional Identity 253

number of reasons (Meyer and Allen, 1997) without necessarily identi-

fying with what that organisation symbolises. Finally, organisational
identity is a major factor influencing intentions to quit, and subsequent-
ly actual turnover. The intentions stem from the strength of the bond
created with the organisation (van Dick et al., 2004a).

9.6 Integrated Model

Figure 9.1 presents a general model, which depicts what we believe

to be an integrative framework embracing both, identity and commit-
ment, their antecedents and outcomes.
Relating to the two major constructs, identity and commitment, we
believe that while there is a reciprocal association between the two, it is
mostly that identity influences, even formulates, commitment. Once a

Professional Performance
Professional commitment
Team Intention to
commitment quit
Team identity

identity Career

Social learning Trust
Time, Role conflict/
Interaction ambiguity (-)
S. Efficacy
J. Satisfaction
J. Involvement
Stress (-)
Mental &
physical ability

Figure 9.1 A general model of the association between multiple com-

mitments, multiple identities, their antecedents and their work outcomes
254 Yehuda Baruch and Aaron Cohen

person comes to identify with an organisation, he/she starts to become

committed to it. Of course, being committed reinforces the identity in
a cyclical manner. Within working life, both organisational identity and
professional identity are powerful in influencing organisational and
professional commitment. People have multiple identities, thus they
also posses multiple commitments. Each person has several domains of
life comprising multiple constituencies. The level of commitment to
each constituency is different, and depends on a variety of antecedents.
Carson and Bedeian (1994) acknowledged the existence of multiple
commitments, and further studies manifested the relevance of distin-
guishing among these (Baruch and Winkelmann-Gleed, 2002; Cohen,
1999, 2003; Gregersen, 1993). Foreman and Whetten (2002) show that
organisational identity congruence has a significant effect on member
commitment, and form-level identity congruence has significant
effects on both cognitive and pragmatic legitimacy, lending support for
the use of identity as a multi-level construct.
A growing body of research seeks to establish theoretical parameters
for organisational identity management (Ashforth and Mael, 1989;
Elsbach and Kramer, 1996). Self-identification is closely linked to the
identification with a group, be it the organisation, profession, or any
other group to which the person belongs. Individuals seek a positive
social identity through belonging to an in-group, which subsequently
enhances personal worth and self-belief (Tajfel and Turner, 1985;
Ashforth and Mael, 1989). Members of an organisation tend to apply
the sociological categorisation of the group or organisation to define or
transform their individual selves. Thus membership is linked to a deeper
psychological process (Tajfel and Turner, 1985).
The model relates to sets of prospective antecedents that feed into
identity constituencies (organisational, professional, team and social).
Social interactions such as social learning can transform ambiguous
memberships, providing the impetus for both organisational and pro-
fessional identification. Individual identity is both internal (how I per-
ceive myself) and external (professional as well as organisational) and
identification depends also on whether or not other people affirm or
validate this social claim of organisational and professional member-
ship through different forms of identity granting. Other issues influ-
encing identity development and sustainability are the time invested in
the interaction, the type and depth of interaction and, of course, the
match or fit between the value system of the person and the organisa-
tion, profession, team and social class to which they belong (Rokeach,
1973). Indeed, Ostroff (1993) found a positive relationship between
Organisational Commitment and Professional Identity 255

person-environment congruence and organisational effectiveness (see

also Osipow, 1987). A meta-analysis by Assouline and Meir (1987)
found a close relationship between congruence and well-being meas-
ures, e.g. satisfaction and stability.
Similarly, a vast literature on organisational commitment lists a num-
ber of prospective antecedents to commitment (see in particular Cohen,
2003). At the organisational level, these include, but are not restricted to,
issues such as justice, trust and the negative impact of role conflict and
ambiguity. At the individual level, within working life aspects such as
self-efficacy, satisfaction, involvement and a variety of emotions that
would influence commitments, we can find both psychological and
physical well-being. Most, if not all, of these constructs influence out-
puts such as performance and work-related behaviours, both directly and
via the creation and maintenance of commitment.

9.7 Outcomes and Managerial Implications

Both identity and commitment are responsible, to a large extent, for

people’s work-related behaviour. While identity influences commitment,
the outcomes of both are of crucial importance to organisations—and can
be tangible or intangible. The most practical one is performance, but
other outcomes exist, such as intention to quit, absenteeism (to represent
possible negative outcomes) or organisational citizenship behaviour and
life satisfaction and well-being (to represent positive outcomes).
Organisational identity influences the construction and enactment of
executive roles and relationships (Golden-Biddle and Hayagreeva, 1997).
While not ‘hard’ issues, the creation, development and maintenance
of strong identity and commitment would result in outcomes that are
most desirable to any organisation. The aspect of people management,
industrial relations, psychology and sociology of work, all lead to the
simple conclusion that soft issues, sometimes intangible, have the poten-
tial to generate very strong, hard tangible benefits for organisations.

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Apprentices’ Experiences of
Occupational and Organisational
Commitment: An Empirical
Investigation in a German
Automobile Company

Bernd Haasler
University of Bremen, Germany

10.1 Introduction

In respect of their professional development and future career path,

withdrawal from schools of general education and transition into dual
vocational training in Germany characterises young people starting out
in working life for the long term. Even before this first hurdle is
reached, choosing a particular vocational training route and company
are crucial steps for setting the course for subsequent identity-forming
processes through gainful employment. Such identity-forming processes
at the first hurdle of transition into working life are the subject of
research from various perspectives (cf. Broeder, 1995; Heinz, 1999;
Müller and Gangl, 2003; Ryan, 2000; Schober and Gaworek, 1996;
Stern and Wagner, 1999). One characteristic feature of the German ini-
tial vocational training system, which is respected worldwide, is that
those completing their apprenticeship develop strong vocational ties,
and form an identity associated with these. Those ties typically overlie
company-specific loyalties to the employer (cf. Rauner in this volume).
The vocational self-awareness of skilled workers is valued as an impor-
tant factor in relation to human resources distinguishing the workforce
of German companies in processes of global competition.

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 261–284.
© 2007 Springer.
262 Bernd Haasler

This chapter reports on the results of a research project, which

examined vocational skills and competence development among young
people, who started out their working life in the German automotive
industry with Volkswagen (VW) automobile company.1 Empirical data
collected during the first year of their apprenticeship shall be used to
discuss decisive factors that significantly influence learning and work
performance as well as apprentices’ attitudes towards their vocational
specialisation and the company they work for during this first phase of
transition from school to work. The contextual background is charac-
terised by highly automated production processes of an automobile
company that belongs to German large-scale industry.
Although the instrument of evaluation tasks was developed primarily
to assess facets of vocational competence that should foster work-based
practice and performance (Haasler and Beelmann, 2005), the interpreta-
tion of the results in this context takes a different direction in order to
understand better the identity formation processes that take place
through learning a particular trade or vocational specialisation. The task
solutions that the apprentices developed after their first year with the
company are taken as an indicator of whether and to what extent the sub-
jects are developing an understanding of the occupation to be learned.
This is derived from the manner in which they tackle, cope with or fail
to complete routine work tasks. While the results of the written survey
served primarily to record motivations behind the young people’s choice
of occupation and different dimensions of identification (e.g. identifica-
tion with the company, the occupation, progressive career options), the
two sub-investigations in combination (written survey and vocational
evaluation tasks) help to draw conclusions on the development of a
vocational self-awareness among young apprentices.
The presentation of the methodological structure and the results of the
investigation obtained with each instrument are set out below in the order
in which they were positioned in the design of the research project. Within
the framework of the project, studies were carried out with trainees learn-
ing five different occupational specialisations. This chapter confines itself
to present the results of only one occupational group—taking those train-
ing as industrial toolmakers as an example. In industrialised countries, the
toolmaker is a key occupation in the mass production of items (e.g. auto-
mobiles, household appliances, toys, furniture, packaging). In Germany,

The research project was conducted in Germany between 1999 and 2003 and funded
by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Bund-Länder
Commission for Educational Planning and Research Promotion (BLK).
Apprentices’ Experiences: Germany 263

there are currently around 18,000 young people in trade and industry
undergoing vocational training to become toolmakers (cf. Bundesinstitut
für Berufsbildung (BIBB), 2000).

10.2 Results of the Written Survey

Initially, the research project surveyed the beginner status of the
trainees, the status at which they entered the company, concentrating on
the following dimensions: the motivation behind the choice of occupa-
tion to be learned; if the young people had any previous experience that
could be related to their vocational training; the expectations they had
of their vocational training; their overall perception of the occupation
they were learning; and the image they had of the company. The
apprentices’ attitudes to these dimensions can provide important infor-
mation about their motivation, learning strategies and orientations
on the basis of which they will be able to meet future work demands
typical of their occupational field. In order to gain insight into skill-
developing and identity-forming processes in a longitudinal perspec-
tive, the young people’s attitudes and expectations were assessed four
times over a 31⁄2 -years apprenticeship period. The first point of inter-
vention that is subject to this analysis took place in the very initial
phase of the training programme, just a few weeks after joining the
To generate the quantitative data, the apprentices were asked to fill
out the first written survey three months after joining the company. All
beginning apprentices from one year at five of the company’s branches
in Germany were surveyed. The written survey comprised around 70
questions and statements on which the participants were to give answers
and opinions. The response categories were presented as a unified con-
cept and those surveyed were able to select from multiple choices. The
survey was carried out on a time-scale of one hour and on the basis of
voluntary participation at the vocational training school.
At the time of the survey the 194 trainees were on average 17.7 years
old, the proportion of young males participating was 77 per cent. The
overwhelming majority of trainees (78 per cent) entered the company
with the educational background of a general school-leaving certificate
above average. This means that young people taken on by the company
as toolmaker apprentices have a significantly higher level of general
school education than the toolmaker apprentices in German industry on
average, who enter into the occupation with an attested lower level of
264 Bernd Haasler

certificates (Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB), 2000). This is

partly due to the large number of applicants for apprenticeships at
Volkswagen from which trainees can be selected each year (even though
these are primarily for business/administrative jobs). Although quite
typical for big companies, it was striking that in the case of Volkswagen
74 per cent of all those surveyed affirmed that they had relatives who
worked at the company (at the company’s headquarters in Wolfsburg this
figure even reached 86 per cent).

10.2.1 Motivation Behind Choice of Occupation

The first question of the survey dealt with motivations for choosing
to train as toolmaker. Only 15 per cent of the participants chose ‘I always
wanted to be a toolmaker’ as their primary motivation (see Figure 10.1).
This means that only a rather small proportion of the young people con-
sider their chosen occupational specialisation also to be their dream job.
42 per cent admitted that they actually wanted to learn a different trade,
but Volkswagen only offered them to train as toolmaker. In the choice
of occupational specialisation, the trend of preference for business/
administrative over industrial/technical jobs is demonstrated here too:
for 17 per cent of those who actually wanted to learn a different spe-
cialisation, training in a commercial field at Volkswagen was their first

I’ve always wanted

to be one (dream job).

I’m interested in car


I’m interested in
engineering in general.

Above all else, I wanted

to do my vocational 49%
training at Volkswagen.

Figure 10.1 Motivation behind choice of occupation

Apprentices’ Experiences: Germany 265

choice. Overall, a large number of the applications for the approximately

30 different vocational training courses that the company offers are
directed towards ‘white-collar jobs’. After a general selection process
that is identical for all applicants and occupational areas, many appli-
cants who do not seem suitable for making a commercial career are
advised to ‘lower their sights’ in that—against their original choice—the
company offers them to follow an industrial/technical training path.
Taking into account the company’s strategy to direct applicants to
follow a technical instead of a commercial training route, it may not be
surprising that the new apprentices are characterised by an evident dis-
tance from engineering. While about half of the young people confirm
a general interest in engineering as their primary motivation, 26 per
cent rather have a general interest in the production of cars. However,
the primary motivation behind choosing the dual training programme
to become a toolmaker is not the occupational field itself, but to work
for Volkswagen: for 49 per cent of the participating apprentices being
part of the company is the main reason behind their choice of occupa-
tion. Notably, the car manufacturer is the dominant employer over
broad sections of particular regions in Germany, such as at the head-
quarters in Wolfsburg, where the company employs approximately
55,000 staff. This study, however, also included trainees from locations
where Volkswagen does not hold the leading position in the labour mar-
ket (e.g. in Brunswick and Hanover), but is just one employer among
others where one can learn and practise the trade of toolmaker.

10.2.2 Previous Experience

The question about previous experiences may be another way to

bring out the motivation behind occupational choices. It relates to expe-
riences that the young people may have gained from the general educa-
tion system or leisure through, for example, their hobbies, and that are
considered useful for their vocational training. 44 per cent of the
apprentices stated that while in general education prior to their voca-
tional training they were interested in lessons relating to engineering
(e.g. physics lessons). Nearly half of those surveyed had previous expe-
rience with technical equipment that they have dismantled and repaired
(e.g. washing machine, moped, computer). Within the framework of
practical work experience acquired during general education, 34 per
cent of those surveyed had previously been to production works and
gathered their first impressions of industrial/technical work there (see
Figure 10.2).
266 Bernd Haasler

I have already
dismantled and repaired
technical equipment 49%
(e.g. washing machine,
moped, computer).

I have already worked at

a production works as a
holiday job or
temporary job.

I have done work

experience at a 34%
production works.

At school I was
interested in all lessons
that had something to do 44%
with engineering (e.g.
physics lessons).

Figure 10.2 Previous experience

That about half of the young people have gained previous practical
experience through dabbling with technical equipment (repairs to house-
hold appliances, vehicles, computers) corresponds with an interest in
engineering as the main reason behind their occupational choice.
However, the fact that fewer than half of the apprentices state interest
in engineering or previous technical experience as their motivation is
surprising, considering they are choosing to train in a rather demanding
occupational area in the high-technology sector following a 31⁄2-year
apprenticeship programme.

10.2.3 Ideas and Expectations of the Vocational


In order to draw conclusions about the trainees’ learning and work

motivation, they were also asked about their ideas and expectations of the
vocational training they were undergoing (see Figure 10.3). 8 per cent of
the young people have no expectations of the 42-month vocational
training, as what is more important to them is to make fast progress in
their career development at the company afterwards. 13 percent of those
surveyed showed a rather passive approach and displayed disinterest: they
stated that they had not thought about the vocational training assuming
that it is already mapped out anyway.
Apprentices’ Experiences: Germany 267

I have not thought about it; the

training is all mapped out in 13%
detail anyway.

What the training itself is like

is not that important to me.
Making fast career progress 8%
afterwards is more
important to me.

First of all, the training will

help me to learn everything
that is important in my 62%
occupation and then I will
be given practical tasks where
I can apply this knowledge.

Through the apprenticeship

training I will get to know
the latest developments in 37%

Figure 10.3 Perception and expectations of vocational training

The expectation of getting to know the latest developments in tech-

nology through training is shared by 37 per cent, a figure that appears
rather surprising, considering that these are young apprentices, who
start out their working life with Europe’s biggest car manufacturer. In
terms of technology, tool and mould design in the leading companies in
the automobile industry are regarded as the ‘cutting edge’ in the sector
of tool making. The young apprentices’ expectations of their training
and future vocational specialisation seem to be dissociated from this.

10.2.4 Image of the Company

For this question, the range of response categories in the survey was
of a four-level gradation. The scale ranged from complete agreement
(‘correct’), via a toning down (‘more correct than incorrect’) through to
the opposite pole of rejection (‘more incorrect than correct’ and ‘incor-
rect’). For clearer presentation purposes, the following illustrations
bring together both positive assessments and both negative assessments
respectively. This section revealed the following: most of the young
people (the overwhelming majority of those who did not yet have a dri-
ver’s licence at the time the survey was performed) agreed that the car
268 Bernd Haasler

Our products are the best

93% 7%
in the world.

If I am good, I will make

97% 3%
fast career progress.

In any case I will receive

good training at 96% 4%

The company offers me

secure job and 99% 1%

correct/more correct than incorrect incorrect/more incorrect than correct

Figure 10.4 Image of the company I

The company pays well. 100%

The company works along

59% 41%
strict hierarchies.

It is difficult to get overview

47% 53%
of the company.

The company is a
47% 53%
bureaucratic shop.

correct/more correct than incorrect incorrect/more incorrect than correct

Figure 10.5 Image of the company II

Apprentices’ Experiences: Germany 269

manufacturer’s product range is the ‘best in the world’. One important

reason for the extraordinarily positive image the employees have of the
products they manufacture is probably the attractive offers that the car
manufacturer makes to its employees for buying vehicles from the
group’s own range. Sales to its own employees—without costly sales
channels—represent an important share of the group’s turnover in
Germany. The young people’s expectations of the company include pri-
marily receiving good training and, if one performs accordingly, to
progress quickly in their careers (see Figure 10.4).
The trainees’ belief that the employer pays well for its employees’
work is prominent as is the impression that the company offers secure
jobs and employment to its employees (99 per cent agreement). Rather
ambivalent are the young people’s feelings about the organisational
structure of such a large company (see Figure 10.5): more than half of
those surveyed attested that they experience rather fixed hierarchical
structures at the company. Accompanying this assessment the appren-
tices find it difficult to get an overview of the company, which they
regard as being highly bureaucratic.

10.2.5 Initial Experiences of Vocational Training

After three months at the company, the participants were asked

about their experiences of learning and working at the company up to
that point. Figure 10.6 shows in what way initial expectations of the
vocational training at Volkswagen have been confirmed or rather dis-
appointed and how learning and work practice reality differ from what
the trainees initially expected. 94 per cent of the participating appren-
tices document the noted change of learning from general education to
vocational training by affirming that ‘you can knuckle down to work
here’. At the same time, 41 per cent of the young people stated that
what they experienced in the first three months of vocational training is
that they have to learn a lot of theory before they are introduced to
interesting job tasks. Accordingly, many trainees understand the way
the week is arranged in the first year of the dual training programme
(two days a week at the vocational school and three days learning and
working at the company) as a predominantly theoretical way of accu-
mulating knowledge. The provocative statement ‘In principle, it is just
like school, only with a bit more practical work involved’ is affirmed by
18 per cent. In contrast to this, however, 82 per cent of all participating
apprentices expect that they will be given challenging tasks very soon
after starting training so that they can ‘show their stuff’.
270 Bernd Haasler

Compared to school, I don’t

just have to cram in dry
94% 6%
facts, I can really knuckle
down to work here.

I will have to learn a lot of

theory; the interesting tasks
41% 59%
probably won’t come along
till later.

I will be given challenging

tasks very soon after
82% 18%
starting training so that I
can ‘show my stuff’.

In principle, it is just like

school, just with a bit more 18% 82%
practical work.

correct/more correct than incorrect incorrect/more incorrect than correct

Figure 10.6 Initial experiences of vocational training I

What we produce here has

27% 73%
hardly featured yet.

I have been given

57% 43%
meaningful tasks.

I have mainly produced

43% 57%
practice pieces.

I feel as though I am
among friends and 95% 5%
acquaintances here.

correct/more correct than incorrect incorrect/more incorrect than correct

Figure 10.7 Initial experiences of vocational training II

Apprentices’ Experiences: Germany 271

As acquiring basic knowledge and skills during the first year mainly
takes place in the company’s training workshops, training centres and
laboratories, 27 per cent of the young people agree with the statement
that elements related to automobile production hardly appear in the first
three months of their vocational training. Instead, the young apprentices
mainly produce practice pieces and, according to the results of the sur-
vey, many of them are not sure of the connection between those work-
shop tasks and the occupational specialisation they are training for. The
mainly context-free basic technical skills training in metal engineering
led half of the trainees to believe that they have not been given mean-
ingful tasks in the first three months at the company (see Figure 10.7).
The trainees’ feeling of being integrated in the social milieu at the com-
pany scored the highest level of agreement. Due to their positive social
experiences, 95 per cent of the new apprentices feel ‘as though they are
among friends and acquaintances’ after just three months at the company.

10.2.6 Career Plans

The final section of the survey addressed forms of medium-term

career planning that the apprentices are pursuing shortly after joining
the company (see Figure 10.8).

For me, the main thing is to

have a secure job and earn 78% 22%
a decent income.

I will try to continue in

education and training to
86% 14%
make a career at the

I would like to take up a

degree course after
27% 73%
completing the vocational

The company group is so

large that it can offer me
lots of development
correct/more correct than incorrect incorrect/more incorrect than correct

Figure 10.8 Career plans

272 Bernd Haasler

The rather unambitious statement that the main concern would be a

secure job and a decent income does not rule out the option of pursu-
ing further continuing training. What stands out is the apprentices’ will-
ingness to offer long-term loyalty to the company, evidenced by 80 per
cent of those surveyed in their statement that they wish to continue in
education and make a career at the company. All participants consider
there to be lots of professional development opportunities at the com-
pany, due to the company’s size, employing approximately 340,000
staff worldwide. 27 per cent of the young people would like to take up
a degree course after finishing their training.
In summary, the survey results lead to the conclusion that the pri-
mary motivation behind the young people’s choice to enter into voca-
tional training to become a toolmaker is not an interest in engineering
or mass production, but to join the Volkswagen company and become a
member of staff there. The toolmaker had only been the dream job of a
very small number of participating apprentices. Instead, almost half the
trainees wanted to learn a different trade, most of them wanting to enter
into a business/administrative occupation rather than a technical one.
Previous experience with, or a marked interest in, engineering among
the young people, which could be useful in specialising as a toolmaker,
is not present in any prominent form.
The young apprentices have an extremely positive image of the
Volkswagen company in terms of working conditions, job security and
product range, and are expecting to receive good training. Their initial
experiences after having been training with the company for three
months stand out for the extremely positive social climate among
colleagues, supervisors and trainees. Desired career options for approx-
imately one quarter of those surveyed involve a degree course after
having completed the 31⁄2-year apprenticeship programme. A large
number of the new apprentices, however, also aim at making a career at
the company, which is documented by their high level of willingness to
pursue continuing company-based training.

10.3 Evaluation Tasks

In the research design, the written survey was supplemented by a
second investigation applying an instrument of qualitative research. In
combination with the written survey as presented above, vocational
evaluation tasks were realised during the course of the apprenticeship
training to evaluate stages of trainees’ skills and competence development.
Apprentices’ Experiences: Germany 273

Evaluation tasks confront the apprentice with practical work challenges

in the form of concrete work tasks that need to be mastered in a partic-
ular realistic work situation. These tasks are designed in a way so as to
be considered prototypical of the domain-specific challenges, and
therefore their solution characteristics can be abstracted and applied to
similar tasks within the same domain. Based on the concept of devel-
opment tasks (Havighurst, 1948), Gruschka (1985) developed domain-
specific evaluation tasks, which were initially used in the area of voca-
tional education as an instrument for evaluating in-school training of
prospective teachers (Gruschka, 1985). An attempt to formulate such
tasks for the area of industrial/technical vocational training has been
presented by a German working group led by Rainer Bremer (Bremer,
2003; Bremer and Haasler, 2004).
In principle, vocational evaluation tasks present the subjects with a
problem of a type that they have never before tackled (these tasks are
expressly not an input-output measurement in the form of monitoring
the ability to learn). The way in which the participants solve (or fail to
solve) these problems demonstrates and reveals their work practice-ori-
ented problem solving strategies. The formulation of the task should
avoid any kind of help or guidance: from a professional point of view a
concise and matter-of-fact formulation of the task must disclose a clear
order, which implies and determines the route towards a solution by
way of performance requirements, but without favouring one particular
The identification and formulation of domain-specific evaluation
tasks (which essentially represent core tasks of an occupation) require
an intensive knowledge of the requirements of skilled work and the
practical expertise of those who perform the daily work tasks typical of
the particular occupational field. In order to be able to interpret the par-
ticipants’ various solutions in an adequate manner, it is also necessary
to have a sound knowledge of the conditions under which vocational
skills and competences are acquired (e.g. curricula, work environment,
organisational forms of training).
Extensive empirical investigations of research into vocational training
has led to the supposition that successful skilled workers have inter-
nalised three distinctive strategies that enable them to use new work expe-
riences to enhance and update their professionalism (Bremer, 2003,
p. 112f ). Typically, they have adopted (i) a vocational learning strategy,
(ii) a particular working strategy, and (iii) a strategy for professional
cooperation. These strategies are embodied and ‘interconnected’ in the
concrete work outcomes, methods, procedures and organisational forms
274 Bernd Haasler

of skilled work. The data collected by using and implementing evaluation

tasks—in the form of the various problem-solving solutions that the
subjects are presented with—are interpreted with the help of develop-
ment hermeneutics and then structured and categorised according to the
three strategies. The way in which a vocational evaluation task is tackled
and the inherent problem resolved does not only give insight into trainees’
competence development and the effectiveness of their vocational train-
ing, it also provides valuable information on the occupational under-
standing and self-awareness that the trainees develop in the course of their

10.3.1 Tackling the Presented Evaluation Task

Out of the 194 toolmaker trainees, 90 were presented with a voca-

tional development task at the end of the first year of training (46 per cent
of the total number). The task consisted of the following exercise: to
incorporate into existing blank dice made from light metal (length of
edge: 30 millimetre) the ‘number of spots’ found on a dice (to mark the
correct number of depressions for each of the six sides). In addition, a
production proposal should be put forward to one customer who requires
a lot size of 1,000 units, as well as to another customer who wants 50,000
dice. In the run-up to the investigation, several experts of skilled work
generally accepted this task as a standard problem arising in the domain
of tool making; one which, on the one hand, can be tackled successfully
by trainees and, on the other, still possesses challenging problem charac-
teristics for an advanced worker or an expert. Given a time limit of four
hours, the trainees were asked to penetrate the problem theoretically and
demonstrate various solutions by means of descriptions and sketches.
The task was carried out in the company’s training rooms; the aids the
young people were allowed to use included textbooks, tables, calculators
and drawing materials.
The main result of the investigation shall be explained below by tak-
ing two different types of solution generated by the subject groups as
an example. While the trainees who suggest producing the depressions
on the blank dice by following manual production processes (see
Figure 10.9) prove that after a training period of 12 months they still
have no concept of the work processes the toolmaker typically deals
with, the second example illustrates a realistic professional solution.
The first example illustrates a solution type that is conceptualised
along manual work processes. The trainees suggest processing the item
‘directly’, the ‘indirect’ production of items using tools characteristic of
Apprentices’ Experiences: Germany 275

Figure 10.9 Solution type of a manual unit production—‘the


the occupation is not present in the solutions offered. Here, the presented
solution reflects the experiences the trainees gained at the training work-
shop. They provide a workable model of how the depressions can be
made. They fail, however, to understand that the toolmaker does
not manufacture the final product, but that the occupational profile
essentially consists of making the tools to produce parts. Thus, the
trainees present a solution that does not correspond with the occupa-
tional profile, because the solution may only work if the task was to con-
sist of producing one single dice, but not for mass production.
The most obvious result is that a large number of trainees fail to realise
that essentially the tool making occupation is an ‘implementer of mass
production’. This gross misunderstanding may be explained by the nature
of the vocational training during the first year. Basic training in all aspects
of the metal engineering trade in the first year—which in the field under
investigation is mainly organised in training workshops and laboratories
and taking forms of general instead of domain-specific teaching—does
not seem to contribute to an understanding of the domain-specific problem
solving processes at the level of skilled work. The learning and working
strategies of the training workshop (embodied here by the manual pro-
duction of units) are for the most part transferred directly by the trainees
to practice-based professional problems and challenges. This is revealed
clearly in the young people’s obvious lack of general knowledge about the
tool making sector. Knowledge from context-free basic training in the area
of metal engineering is applied and characterises the various solutions
276 Bernd Haasler

presented for this evaluation task, which take completely insufficient

account of the utility value aspect. With this kind of implemented work-
ing strategy only very few solutions satisfy the utility value aspect of mass
production. Making thousands of punch marks ‘by hand’ without any aids
would, without thinking, transfer learning and working strategies from the
training workshop to realistic work problems in a way that is completely
unsuitable for the task.
Trainees, whose various solutions could be designated to the type
‘toolmaker’, generated proposals for solutions ranging from simple aids
through to complex tools (such as the impressing tool in Figure 10.10).
The illustrated proposal enables the 21 depressions on the dice to be
manufactured in one stage of production. Although this production
approach was generated by a trainee after just one year of training, it
can be rated as a professional solution on the level of skilled work. The
technical faithfulness to detail of the sketch or trouble-free implemen-
tation in practice is not a deciding factor in the interpretation of this
solution type. Essentially, it is recognisable that the applied working
and learning strategies are adequately geared towards the current prob-
lem situation. Trainees, who presented a solution of the type ‘toolmaker’,

Figure 10.10 Solution type mass production—‘the toolmaker’

Apprentices’ Experiences: Germany 277

13% Machine unit
Toolmaker 28%

Unit production by
Production line

Figure 10.11 Overall categorisation and allocation of the presented


demonstrate that they have developed both specialist skills as well as an

understanding of the occupational field they are training for. Their pro-
posed solution proves that they are able to approach realistic work tasks
from a professional perspective.
Although all 90 apprentices chosen randomly were trained under
very similar conditions in their first year of training, it is the ‘range’ of
various solutions generated that stands out most of all (see
Figure 10.11). The various solutions to the problem that the participants
produced were allocated to five solution types developed from the mate-
rial. In addition to the two solution types described above (the ‘craftsper-
son’ and the ‘toolmaker’), the evasive solution type, which was chosen
by 13 per cent of subjects, remains to be discussed. This group rejected
the task by passing it on to others (‘give the task to the milling shop in
the form of an order’) or by drawing a ‘black box’ sketch, in which the
production step to be implemented is deliberately ignored. These exam-
ples show that a considerable number of participants evade the task,
either because they are completely over-challenged or because they do
not consider the task to be within their area of responsibility. In terms of
directing the question under investigation towards assessing the young
apprentices’ vocational understanding and self-awareness as prospective
toolmakers, we can conclude that evading the evaluation task means that
the trainee has not developed an occupational identity as toolmaker in
her or his approach to problems. The fist step would imply to try to
develop a solution and to recognise that it is professional to be able to
provide an answer to this type of problem.
278 Bernd Haasler

Skilled workers do not

propose solutions and
designs as in this task: they
66% 34%
only work in accordance
with given instructions and
I would have liked to have
solved this problem 78% 22%
together with skilled

I am already confident that

I can successfully tackle 48% 52%
this type of task.

This type of task should be

presented more frequently
in vocational training (at 53% 47%
vocational school and at
the company).
correct/more correct than incorrect incorrect/more incorrect than correct

Figure 10.12 Results of additional questionnaire

At the end of the exercise, the evaluation task was complemented by

a short questionnaire that the participants were asked to fill in directly
after completing the task. The aim was to assess the participants’ view
on four pre-determined statements. The first statement presented the
subjects with a deliberately polarising expression about the require-
ments of skilled work (see Figure 10.12). Here, 66 per cent confirmed
that tasks such as the presented evaluation task typically do not or do not
tend to form part of the duties of a skilled worker. The majority of the
trainees pictured the skilled worker as somebody who mainly performs
tasks under supervision and according to clear instructions with little
scope for individual design. The second statement presented a collective
dimension asking whether the trainees would have liked to solve this
problem together with more experienced colleagues. A very significant
majority (78 per cent) agreed with this item, while by contrast, 22 per
cent expressed that they would not like to cooperate with other skilled
workers to solve the problem. These responses allow for a preview of the
trainees’ concept of professional collaboration, which they need to
develop in order to position themselves in their future community of
practice. This group of participants, who prefer to work individually,
reflects the training practice of the first year of industrial vocational
training in the German large-scale industry, during which encounters or
Apprentices’ Experiences: Germany 279

cooperation between the young apprentices and experienced workers do

not occur. During the first year of training apprentices typically spend
most of their time in training rooms, training workshops and laborato-
ries away from the practical work environment. In-company operations,
where apprentices learn to deal with and process real work orders under
realistic working conditions, do not tend to start until the second year of
The third statement concerns issues of self-confidence and whether
the trainees feel confident to be able to successfully tackle this type of
task. Despite the large number of rather unsuitable and unprofessional
proposals for task solutions (only 9 per cent can be considered a ‘tool-
maker’ type of solution), almost half the young people confirm this item
largely trusting in their vocational abilities and skills, while 52 per cent
disagree professing that they cannot yet successfully tackle this type of
task. The last statement assesses whether the apprentices think that such
kinds of evaluation tasks should be presented more frequently in the
vocational training. Just as in the previous question, one half of the
trainees is polarised in the negative section, while the other half take a
more positive view. The problems the young trainees experienced in
grasping and tackling tasks that appeared to be highly unusual and open
to interpretation were evident during the performance of the evaluation
task. With abundant queries the participants aimed at obtaining more
concrete guidelines to channel through to a correct result and rule out
any incorrect possibilities. The much observed, expectant and intensive
leafing through of textbooks with the hope of discovering a sample solu-
tion that could be adapted was a clear indication of helplessness, in
many respects admitting the unsuitability of the learning strategies pur-
sued until then.

10.3.2 Interpretation of the Results

The rather high percentage of solution types ‘machine unit production’

and ‘unit production by hand’ is clearly attributable to the training practice.
One can favourably describe the still crafts-oriented basic training in
metal engineering as a complete success. This training approach, how-
ever, has formed the trainees to such an extent that they tend to apply
those basic metal working skills they have acquired during their first
year of training to all kinds of work-related tasks and challenges. Those
who had little previous contact with the field of the toolmaker occupa-
tion, and within the scope of training have only manufactured compo-
nents manually and by unit production, cannot develop a comprehensible
280 Bernd Haasler

perception of industrial mass production. Up to this point, of course, the

apprentices’ contact with tools used in production was limited to the
phase of ‘exploring the company and the occupational field’ during
the first weeks at the company. This excursion, which tended to focus on
the organisation of the company and less so on the occupation, provid-
ed even the most interested trainees with little insight into what is
involved in mass production. The primarily context-free basic training in
metal engineering has marked generations of electrical and metal engi-
neering trainees in Germany—not just in large-scale industry—in the
first phase of their training. Even though today they take a different
shape and are full of melodious terminology specific to vocational edu-
cation, the training courses are still strongly tied to their 1930s origins
(following the motto ‘Eisen erzieht’ (‘iron forms’)).
From the investigation, it remains to be stressed that most of the
trainees believe that skilled toolmakers act as ‘executors’ in accordance
with the directions and instructions of others, and that they do not take a
problem-solving approach independently. The idea the trainees have of
the tasks of skilled work related to the occupational field they are train-
ing for after one year of training can well be explained by their formative
working and learning environment, which is far away from the actual
community of practice they will themselves become a part of at a later
stage. In their perception of the occupation, the young people spectacu-
larly underestimate the demanding tasks that the skilled toolmakers are
required to tackle and the important role that the intermediate skills level
in engineering plays at the interface between mass production and design.
The method of assessing vocational learning by way of evaluation
tasks, as presented here, requires some final appreciation and also crit-
ical examination. This methodological approach to recording relevant
domain-specific facets of competence presents the subjects with prac-
tically relevant, but not trivial, tasks, whereby it is assumed that these
are prototypical of the requirements of the occupation and therefore
their solution characteristics can be assessed to provide an indication of
the vocational skills acquired to date. This encumbers the method with
hermeneutically not unproblematic implications that are not accessible
to any basic solution. Therefore, in principle, the objection cannot be
refuted that ultimately it remains to be seen whether reliable conclu-
sions can be drawn from the subjects’ ability to penetrate and resolve
problems theoretically, and their ability to act and deal with challenges
and problems in a realistic work situation. It is possible and likely that
skilled workers, who demonstrate their expertise every day in their
work practice, are not necessarily experts on verbalisation or drawing.
Apprentices’ Experiences: Germany 281

As, in this sense, we cannot take for granted that they are ‘experts on
communication’, there remains the suspicion that their ability to reveal
their own learning and work strategies may be less developed than their
actual ability to apply those strategies in a real work setting (cf. Hacker,
1996, p. 9). In this respect, it is worth taking this view into account
when interpreting the presented solutions of the evaluation tasks. An
appropriately sensitised investigation design and intelligently devel-
oped items for the accompanying written surveys can, however, limit
the risk of misinterpretations.

10.4 Reflections

In conclusion for the two sub-investigations, it can be stated that the

German apprentices at Volkswagen in the first phase of their vocational
training identify with the company to a considerably stronger extent than
they do with their chosen occupational specialisation. They are well
informed about the products, working conditions and services offered by
their employer. In contrast, after one year of training at the company
most of the trainees are still unclear about the training content, the occu-
pational profile they are training for and, above all, about the work
demands that they are likely to encounter later on as fully skilled work-
ers. Motivations behind their choice of occupational specialisation are
not really connected to the occupational profile. Other elements prevail
such as becoming a member of the company and job security. What is
rather surprising for industrial/technical apprentices in the high technol-
ogy driven automobile industry is the young people’s apparent distance
to engineering and mass production. The young apprentices do not dis-
play any distinct interest in engineering, neither in terms of motivation
behind their choice of occupation, nor in respect of previous practical
experience, which could be useful for the chosen domain.
From the perspective of the company, the trainees’ first phase at the
company can be regarded as very successful. For Volkswagen the voca-
tional training programmes form part of a broader staff development
strategy that works towards developing the young people’s loyalty to the
company, including already at a very early stage socialising them to
become committed staff members. After just a few months, the young
people have detached themselves from their status as students, now
fully identifying themselves as Volkswagen employees. In the sense of
a corporate strategy and aligning corporate and individual values this is
highly desirable. The overall goal, however, of the German vocational
education and training system, that an apprenticeship training should
282 Bernd Haasler

be the basis of young people’s future autonomy in working life enabling

the individual to actively use opportunities for professional mobility for
enhancing the acquired knowledge and skills, does not become evident
from this investigation.
Most of the young people, who participated in the investigation, feel
at the company ‘as though they are among friends and acquaintances’.
This finding reflects, on the one hand, the high proportion of inter-
generational connections among employees working for the company
(nearly 80 per cent of the participants confirmed having relatives who
work at the factory), and also, on the other hand, the positive social
atmosphere that the trainees perceive while undergoing the vocational
training. The ‘soft transition’ from school to the labour market, a distinct
feature of the German Dual System, certainly contributes greatly
towards the trainees’surprisingly smooth integration as employees of the
company (cf. Rauner, 2000). In addition, the major company involved in
this study shapes the young people’s process of transition into learning
and working arrangements in a very ‘school-like’ manner. The practical
work environment does not appear during the first phase of the voca-
tional training, and similarly, the domain-specific work challenges are
not addressed and can largely be ignored. The first year of training at the
company is distinguished by its protective character organised largely
along school lines and dissociated from the day-to-day work of the
skilled workers in the factory, and can be described as a toned down
continuation of learning strategies used during general school education.
Based on the results of the investigation it can be stated that the level
of development of vocational skills achieved by the trainees is markedly
inferior to the level of integration as employees of the company. The
young people’s identification with the occupation and aptitude for fitting
into the practical environment of a toolmaker are hardly noticeable after
one year at the company. According to this investigation in a large-scale
industry, it seems that the first phase of transition from pupil to employee
is mainly shaped by the young people’s identification with the company,
the occupational specialisation is significantly less important. However,
investigations into later stages of training show that as apprentices are
being increasingly confronted with the day-to-day company-based work
practice and demands, they also necessarily tend to focus on their occu-
pational area. Whether the tradition of German employees’ strong iden-
tification with their occupational specialisation is actually showing signs
of disintegration and which loyalties are moving to the fore instead
(Haasler and Kirpal, 2004) addresses issues of wider research interest.
The results could contribute to an elaboration on and evaluation of
skilled workers’ facets of identification with gainful employment.
Apprentices’ Experiences: Germany 283

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The Individualisation
of Identification with Work in
a European Perspective

Simone Kirpal*, Alan Brown† and M’Hamed Dif‡

*University of Bremen, Germany;

University of Warwick, UK;

University Louis Pasteur, France

Individuals are actors in society who shape their own occupational

trajectories and careers. Through the process of individualisation
(Beck, 1992) individuals take on a new role as coordinators of their per-
sonal work biographies: they become actors who actively shape their
individualised work orientations and commitment patterns, which a few
decades ago used to be shaped much more on a collective basis. While
companies frequently respond to market competition in a global econ-
omy by increasing external and internal flexibility of work and employ-
ment (Müller and Scherer, 2003; Reilly, 1998), new skills demands and
more flexible employment patterns have major implications for
employees affecting their learning and skills development as well as
employees’ work and career orientations.
While inter-firm mobility increases (DeFillippi and Arthur, 1994;
Kanter, 1989) and new forms of flexible work arrangements emerge
(Gottlieb et al., 1998) job security and long-term company attachment
are becoming less prevalent in many contexts. For many individuals
this means that developing a vocational orientation and planning a pro-
gressive career become more complex and difficult processes (Beck
and Beck-Gernsheim, 1994; Keupp et al., 1999). Today, employees in
some contexts are challenged to plan and organise their individualised
careers away from long-term company attachment and pre-structured

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 285–314.
© 2007 Springer.
286 Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown, and M’Hamed Dif

career patterns under the condition of much higher possibilities for

occupational mobility and transitions. The notion of the ‘boundaryless’
career (DeFillippi and Arthur, 1994; Hall, 1996; Mirvis and Hall, 1994;
Sullivan, 1999) not only suggests that in future organisational commit-
ment and socialisation may lose their significance for employees, but
also that careers become much more individualised. Even though these
ideas are far from being realised in many contexts, and counter trends
are also evident, it is clear that for some individuals who previously
could have expected relatively stable organisational careers these hopes
are being dashed. For such individuals, this means they need to inte-
grate their changing work agenda and divergent work experiences into
a coherent self-picture. Sennett (1998) has illustrated that this process
can present quite a challenge to the individual, if unexpectedly made
redundant, as it creates internal and external conflicts that need to be
resolved in order to secure successful integration, not only into work,
but also into society as a whole.
This chapter presents results of a qualitative study looking at how
employees at the intermediate skills level working in manufacturing and
service sectors respond to changes at work, high levels of work flexibility
and changing skills requirements in particular. The objective is to illus-
trate and better understand how employees respond to changes in their
working environment and working lives through identifying strategies
that individuals develop in dealing with such changes and delineating
patterns of individuals’ reactions, adjustments and forms of adaptation.

11.1 Methods

The results we are presenting are based on interviews conducted in

2001 and 2002 with employees working in engineering, nursing and
telecommunications in France, Germany and the UK. These data were
generated in the context of the research project ‘Vocational Identity,
Flexibility and Mobility in the European Labour Market—FAME’
funded under the 5th EU Framework Programme (for details see FAME
Consortium, 2003; Kirpal, 2004a).
The three sectors were selected, because they represent different
occupational traditions and work settings on the one hand, and differ-
ent dynamics and challenges with regards to flexibility and mobility on
the other hand. The metal working industry represents a traditional pro-
duction sector that has gradually declined during the last two decades
under the pressure of rationalisation. The strong industrial tradition in
Identification with Work in a European Perspective 287

many areas attributes a significant weight to the national and cultural

embedding of the industry, and findings for metal work and engineer-
ing differed considerably between the three countries of investigation.
The tradition of strong collective identities can be attributed to the his-
torical role of professional associations and unions, but changes in the
structural context have led to changes in employees’ identification with
work, particularly in response to increased competition and changing
patterns of work organisation. In health care, a traditional service
sector, the focus was placed on nursing. Nursing represents a highly
formalised profession showing many similarities in terms of nurses’
identification with work across the three countries of investigation.
Apart from being linked to a strong work ethic and moral commitment,
the rather homogeneous professional profile across countries can be
explained by a more or less standardised set of work tasks organised
around direct patient care. Finally, telecommunications is characterised
by dynamism and high pressures for flexibility and mobility of employ-
ees combined with fast changing job profiles, skills requirements and
organisational structures. Here, we can observe the strong influence
that flexibility, as well as internationalisation and globalisation, can
have on the development of skills and work identities. More highly
qualified young employees, in particular, use flexibility, mobility and
learning as a means to develop transversality, shape their professional
careers and improve their working conditions. In the modern segments
of the sector the trend towards patterns of self-employment and indi-
vidualised work identities was most obvious.
Overall, the project was structured into three research phases, each
supporting the previous one both methodologically and with contextu-
al information. After a literature review that investigated key topic-
related concepts (see FAME Consortium in this volume), the empirical
investigation aimed at assessing organisational as well as individual
perspectives. Interviews with managers and representatives of human
resources departments helped to assess the issue from the management
or organisational perspective. The focus here was to explore structural
conditions including changes in work organisation, work profiles and
skilling needs, and identify employers’ expectations in terms of
employees’ levels of identification with work or with the company.
Interview questions related to how managers experience and value
employees’ capacity to deal with changes at work (in terms of flexibil-
ity, mobility, work organisation, working conditions and learning
demands) and how this might affect employees’ work and learning atti-
tudes (for details see FAME Consortium, 2003). The interview results
288 Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown, and M’Hamed Dif

addressed company data and products, work profiles of skilled workers,

skills requirements and recruitment principles, learning, initial and fur-
ther education and training, career options, work organisation and
demands for flexibility and mobility of employees.
As the emphasis of the project was placed on individuals’ orienta-
tions and strategies of making adjustments at work over time, the major
qualitative research focused on interviews with employees (see
Table 11.1). This second part of the empirical investigation aimed at
deciphering how employees perceive and cope with changes at work,
and how these changes might affect their work identity, commitment
patterns, work and learning attitude and career orientations. Interview
questions included, for example, with what employees identify at work;
how they respond to new skill requirements; how they perceive formal
and informal learning; how they cope with changing work settings; and
how they think all this affects their motivation and work performance.
The project focused on employees at the intermediate skills level, main-
ly skilled workers, representing a wide range of qualifications, work
experiences and job profiles. Based on common selection criteria (dif-
ferent levels of initial education and training; varying job profiles and
occupational backgrounds; work experiences ranging from newly qual-
ified to those having a work experience of 20 years or more; gender
balance) the project partners attempted to sample a diversity of employ-
ees’ backgrounds and work experiences. The results presented here are
based on interviews with 345 individuals.
The project adopted a qualitative research approach applying semi-
structured, problem-centred interviews (Witzel, 1996), which, depend-
ing on the situational appropriateness, were either individual, in-depth
interviews or focus group discussions with 2 to 6 employees usually
not exceeding 90 minutes. Typically interviews were tape-recorded
and transcribed verbatim. The project partners reached a common

Table 11.1 Sample composition

Sector of Investigation

Engineering Health Care/Nursing Telecommunications N

Country Managers Employees Managers Employees Managers Employees

France 8 30 7 25 6 30 106
Germany 10 33 8 35 7 31 124
UK 10 38 10 24 8 25 115
N 28 101 25 84 21 86 345
Identification with Work in a European Perspective 289

understanding on a set of interview guidelines that were slightly adapted

according to the particularities of the respective national contexts. All
partners carried out initial pilot interviews for each empirical research
phase to pre-test the interview guidelines and the feasibility of compar-
ing the results later on.
Data analysis followed an inductive, grounded theory development
approach (Glaser, 1978; Strauss and Corbin, 1990) that was comple-
mented by developing collective case studies (Stake, 2000). This mate-
rial was synthesised according to evaluation categories that the partners
commonly identified and that were adjusted and refined in the course of
categorising and interpreting the empirical data. Evaluation categories
included learning (the role of initial and continuing training); organisa-
tional features (such as work organisation, job profiles, hierarchical
structures, demands for flexibility and mobility) and the individual (i.e.
skills profile, employees’ autonomy and types of responsibility, forms of
identification with work and commitment). These categories were fur-
ther refined and interpreted from two perspectives according to the two
phases of the empirical investigation: the company and the individual.
Finally, the categories were related to flexibility and mobility (for details
see Kirpal 2004a).
In times of severe economic constraints, flexibility and mobility
were initially regarded as demands that put pressure on companies and
employees. However, both flexibility and mobility also create opportu-
nities in terms of the learning environment at work, job profiles, pro-
fessional development and career options of employees, autonomy and
self-realisation. Companies’ organisational strategies may open up new
opportunities for employees, or they can create pressure, for example,
through work intensification—a prevalent feature that was mentioned
throughout all three sectors of investigation. The study revealed that
flexibility and mobility are experienced and valued quite differently in
the different occupational groups.

11.2 Changes in Work Organisation and their

Implication for Skills, Identification with
Work and Employee Commitment

11.2.1 Engineering
The extent of changes in the structural context means that patterns
of identification with work in engineering are undergoing significant
290 Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown, and M’Hamed Dif

change, particularly in response to increased competition and changing

patterns of work organisation. This is particularly the case for employ-
ees working in multi-functional teams, people working as company
change agents, team leaders, supervisory staff whose influence has
been reduced and skilled workers in companies where there is a shift
from direct manufacturing to providing engineering services. In all
these cases the type of work undertaken and the mix of skills required
were changing, in some cases dramatically (Brown, 2004a).
The drivers of introducing greater flexibility in work in some cases
were because of a switch to team working, while in others it was due to an
attempt to improve manufacturing practice through a focus upon continu-
ous improvement (on quality, costs and delivery). In the UK, there was an
explicit attempt to follow Japanese ‘best practice’ with an emphasis upon
machine turn-round times, ‘right first time’ and so on (Brown et al., 2004).
All these changes are driven by a desire to improve competitiveness, and
major manufacturers themselves have been pressurising their own suppli-
ers, sometimes through the use of very aggressive year on year cost-downs.
For the employees this has meant that employers have been changing roles
and responsibilities and experimenting with different patterns of work
organisation such as team working, manufacturing cells and varying skill
mixes. In the UK in particular, organisational commitment rather than
occupational specialisation drives much of the organisation of work, with
particular emphasis being given to flexibility and possession of a wider set
of competences than those usually associated with a single occupation
(Davis et al., 2000; Mason and Wagner, 2002).
However, there are also enormous variations in the degree of skills
required of workers in different workplaces and companies across the
three countries. While many companies seek to move further towards
knowledge intensive high value added strategies (through high skills
levels and high performance standards), as in aerospace, others may
still rely upon low technical specification and low levels of specialist
knowledge intensive work (Doyle et al., 1992). The UK, for example,
has in the past made more use of low skilled labour than France or
Germany, particularly in small or medium size companies. Here, we
can distinguish between companies where skilled workers are a very
small minority and production is largely routine and those where more
highly skilled workers play more of a role in production, support and
related activities. In the latter case companies are in a position to make
different choices about the appropriate skill mix, particularly in relation
to the employment of graduates or those with craft or other intermedi-
ate skills (Mason, 1996; Drexel et al., 2003).
Identification with Work in a European Perspective 291

A clear distinction could be drawn between those cases where most

workers are being given more autonomy and responsibility and those
where the manufacturing process is being even more tightly controlled,
with an emphasis upon cost reduction (Wood, 2005). While with major
changes to flexible working human resources staff are trying to reshape
the focus of commitment more towards the team and away from individual
commitment to a particular occupational specialisation, identification
with the company may also be encouraged, but not to the extent of in
the past where workers were more likely to be expected to work with
the same employer for a lifetime. This process is evident in all coun-
tries, but probably has gone furthest in the UK where employers are try-
ing to achieve balances between autonomy, control and identification
with the company without over-identification (and dependence)
(Brown, 2004a). In addition, there is a greater emphasis upon mutual
support by employees, whether or not this is part of a shift to team
working. Also in Germany the greater commitment being demonstrat-
ed to the company is thereby mediated by a desire not to let colleagues
down. This means that although organisational attachment (in the sense
of an expectation of a long relationship with the particular employer)
may be less than it was in the past, de facto commitment in terms of
task completion and role fulfilment may be higher.
In terms of learning and skills development, companies vary great-
ly in the extent to which they facilitate an expansive or restrictive learn-
ing environment (Fuller and Unwin, 2004), depending upon how work
is organised, the nature of production and the size of the company (Bull
et al., 1995; Scott and Cockrill, 1997). General competitive pressures
and actions across supply chains, however, seem to be driving some
learning in the workplace, with greater attention being given to work-
based learning, in relation to team working, continuous improvement
programmes and supervisory training (Brown, 2004a). In France
employers’ hiring decisions act as a strong incentive for prospective
employees to obtain relevant initial technical qualifications, while the
German ‘dual system’ confine employers to support initial craft and
technician education and training. Craft qualifications are valued by
employers in the UK too, but there is a much greater variety of ways of
becoming skilled, with the initial skills formation system being rela-
tively under-developed (Brown, 2004a).
Employers increasingly demand skilled workers with ‘modern’ skill
sets, including abilities to work in teams and communicate effectively
(Davis et al., 2000). This means that employees who currently rely sim-
ply upon their technical skills may struggle to get similar status work if
292 Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown, and M’Hamed Dif

they lose their jobs. Particularly promotion opportunities for skilled

workers through to supervisory or specialist positions are dependent
upon having ‘modern’ skill sets and/or undertaking further training.
Overall, there are far fewer promoted positions because of organisa-
tional restructuring, particularly at supervisory and junior managerial
levels, and there is increased competition for such posts particularly
from graduates (Drexel et al., 2003).
The increasing use of graduates in the engineering and metal work-
ing sector is a widespread trend (Drexel et al., 2003). In France, the prin-
cipal driver for some large companies is the desire to get young, more
highly qualified workers who are expected to be more flexible in their
approach to work, easier to retrain as required, and willing to undertake
a wide range of work. They are expected generally to display attitudes
more in tune with ‘modern workplaces’ (Holman et al., 2005). These
trends are typically reinforced where companies are making more com-
plex sub-assemblies and/or are selling their expertise in collaboration
over design and manufacture, not just selling components. Such
changes, evident across Europe, though not in all companies, have
resulted in the need for a more extended knowledge base, and this pres-
ents a significant challenge not only in terms of initial qualifications,
but also in relation to a continuing commitment to learning and devel-
opment. These changes favour the employment of graduates. However,
such graduates need not necessarily have entered higher education
straight from school. In all three countries employers also encourage
progression routes that build upon work experience and work-based
qualifications and lead through to degree qualifications (Brown, 2004a).
Whereas the employment of more graduates seems relatively
unproblematic in France and the UK, potentially such developments are
more disruptive in Germany as this has major implications for the work
activities and learning and development of those skilled workers who
seek to build a career within the company by becoming ‘Meisters’. The
whole structure of a progressive work-based route could be undermined
in companies where work previously undertaken by experienced
Meisters is now performed by graduate design and process engineers
(Drexel et al., 2003). Overall, the German engineering sector gives the
impression of a system in flux. While the sector has traditionally been
based upon strong institutional support, employer interdependence and
complexity of (high value-added) products (Rubery and Grimshaw,
2003), the dual system and Meister training are currently under strain
(Kutscha, 1996; Culpepper and Finegold, 1999). Also companies are
finding that strong attachments to a particular occupational field are
Identification with Work in a European Perspective 293

under pressure in relation to the need for new forms of interaction with
customers and working teams, and this has consequences for learning and
development in relation to communication skills and multi-disciplinary
In France, the attempts of employers to make greater use of more
highly qualified labour, including graduates, seem to align with the
efforts of the national training system. This includes the development of
the vocational baccalaureate, the strengthening of technical education
and training and giving more attention to both employer-directed con-
tinuing vocational training and employee self-directed continuing learn-
ing and development (including through the process of skills review
contained within ‘bilán de competences’). The UK shows a somewhat
different picture. As apprenticeship and other intermediate skills devel-
opment routes remain under-developed compared with most other coun-
tries, employers need to develop different strategies than their German
and French counterparts in terms of product market and work organisa-
tion. Even where they are trying to follow a ‘high value added strategy’
or upgrade their skill base they have been making use of the expanded
pool of graduates and/or using work-based development strategies,
sometimes based around formulaic approaches to continuous improve-
ment derived from Japanese manufacturing practices (Brown, 2004a).
A question of wider interest and significance arising from the
research undertaken in engineering deals with the issue of congruence
or divergence of different expectations, for example between employ-
ers and employees. One issue is whether employers’ expectations in
terms of levels of identification and commitment of their employees
align with societal ‘offers’ and individual perspectives in a sustainable
way. For example, should employees’ identification with work in
Germany be based around a more fully developed (graduate) knowl-
edge base rather than building on the traditional strengths of ‘incre-
mental’ innovation, built around specialised knowledge of work
processes and practices based upon advanced craft skills up to Meister
level? The model of incremental innovation is itself linked to powerful
societal and institutional support, including employer networks, related
to the use of medium-level technology and the production of high qual-
ity products in established industries. The old skill formation system,
however, was also highly gendered and slow to respond to the increas-
ing cultural diversity of the workforce (Krüger, 1999). In this sense
patterns of identification and commitment have to be linked to related
systemic and institutionalised mechanisms in the wider society. Some
of the employee interviews though indicated the extent of resistance
294 Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown, and M’Hamed Dif

encountered in their everyday work practice by those who challenge

stereotyped occupational roles even when they were offered a job by
employers looking for talent beyond the ranks of young German males.
In summary, employers are seeking to actively shape employees pat-
terns of identification and commitment through different strategies.
The first concerns the level of engagement with work activities, work
challenges in particular, and high levels of employee autonomy in the
performance of work tasks and taking responsibility for the outcomes.
A second strategy concerns the interaction with supervisors and devel-
oping a key relationship with the employer in the sense that high trust
and high levels of commitment were expected. Third, learning through
working presents the major form of development supported by training
and the company’s support for key roles, such as project leaders and
system engineers. These at least the study identified as the classic
forms of ‘professional engagement’ of highly skilled workers. These
were, however, not unproblematic. The focus upon quality, personal
performance and identification with a particular type of work could all
in some circumstances cause problems, particularly where the employ-
er was giving more emphasis upon balancing quality with cost and time
considerations. Similarly where multi-disciplinary teamwork had been
introduced and workers were expected to be willing to undertake a wide
range of duties, then strong attachment to particular occupational per-
spectives could generate tensions.

11.2.2 Nursing

Changing work requirements, new skills profiles and a tendency

towards professionalism in providing quality health care are major
issues that have dominated debates around care provision during the
past decade. Today, the provision of health care has become a growing
sector due to demographic shifts. These shifts and an ageing European
society demand greater work flexibility and mobility of nurses than in
the past. Furthermore, health care needs and provision today require a
broader perspective looking at staffing and skills demands across coun-
tries, but also shifting the focus from simply providing care to preven-
tion, counselling and the support of a patient-oriented self-help
approach (Kirpal, 2004b).
In the three countries of investigation the national health care sys-
tems have been challenged to deal with severe structural changes. This
has affected health care professionals, particularly through adjustments
in work organisation and human resources policies. In Germany, the
Identification with Work in a European Perspective 295

factor pushing change is the financial burden of health care expenses

that lead to the reform of the economic framework and financing con-
ditions of the health care system since the mid 1990s. These interven-
tions have affected the organisational structures of hospitals and other
health care providers, work profiles, kinds of health care provision and
the interaction with patients. The highly regulated French health care
system seems to benefit from a strong potential for learning and open-
ness for the implementation of technical innovations in the medical
field by, at the same time, promoting rich learning environments and a
strong ethical professional code of conduct for employees. More flexi-
bility is introduced through the private sector, institutionalised inter-
professional exchange and a more flexible allocation of nurses through
the ‘Service de Compensation et de Suppléance’. In the UK, the
demand for high flexibility of staff has become less of an issue in the
light of persistent problems in the recruitment and retention of nurses.
Improved working conditions, interdependency of staff, team working,
further training and promotion are major tools to combat the problem
of staff shortages that occur throughout the UK health care sector.
There is an increasing demand for nurses to be flexible and mobile
in terms of changing work positions, wards and tasks. In both private
and public health care institutions nurses are expected to be universal-
ly appointed according to staffing needs. While in France and the UK
nurses seem to be better prepared to adjust to these demands, nurses in
Germany are more reluctant to accept changes in work organisation and
taking over new task responsibilities. That German nurses commit very
early in their career to a particular field of interest and may decide to
stay with the same employer in the same position for their entire
professional life is not unusual. Even under the circumstances of the
current pressures, work structures in Germany still allow for those
kinds of continuities and nurses rather perceive flexibility and mobility
demands to meet staffing needs as an individual choice rather than a
necessity. The French ‘Service de Compensation et de Suppléance’
(pool for supplementary labour) seems to provide a well-functioning
model to deal with the increasing demand for flexibility due to staff
shortages. Being a voluntary institution the pool recruits general, assis-
tant and a few specialised nurses on the basis of permanent work con-
tracts, who are functionally and horizontally mobile on demand
between different departments of public hospitals. In the light of dif-
ferent departmental needs for temporary work or replacement nurses,
the pool distributes the work between its members according to their
profile and pre-planned time for shift work.
296 Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown, and M’Hamed Dif

In terms of learning and skills development, the nursing profession

in Europe relies upon a highly formalised education and training sys-
tem with three to four years initial training in most European countries
(León, 1995). In the light of establishing nursing as an independent
profession, increasing its status and broadening the career perspectives
for nurses all three countries have established the possibility to follow
a higher education career path in nursing. This, however, is not unprob-
lematic, because it also means an increase of theoretical knowledge
while work practice during the initial training period is being reduced.
Particularly in the UK this has resulted in young job entrants lacking a
substantial amount of practical workplace knowledge and young nurs-
es being over-challenged when they start working (Eraut, 2005). In
addition, establishing nursing as a degree course results in a significant
number of graduates not entering the profession, because with a sci-
ence degree they may also be recruited into other kinds of jobs.
Continuing work-based learning and further training play a key
formative role for nurses to develop levels of identification with work
and the performance of their roles. While the professional profile is
linked to a strong work ethos and moral commitment combined with
high levels of responsibility and a certain degree of autonomy in the
performance of tasks related to direct patient care, nurses typically
develop a commitment towards the ethics of the profession (Benner,
1994; Seidl, 1991). These forms of commitment and identification with
the professional ethics largely superimpose any kind of organisational
commitment or attachment to a particular employer. In addition, nurs-
es show a strong commitment towards their community of practice fos-
tered through team working and mutual encouragement and recognition
between colleagues. Apart from the field of specialisation, the immedi-
ate work group (the team) and the broader professional community
(nurse association), it is the direct interaction with the patients that
presents a key element with which nurses identify in their work.
In France, Germany and the UK, most hospitals and other health
care providers offer a rich learning environment and a variety of train-
ing courses for skill enhancement and further qualification ranging
from short courses to qualifying courses of one or more years general-
ly leading to an additional qualification. Since implicit knowledge and
competences are expected to grow with work experience, continuing
development is important and instrumental for both employees and
employers. For nurses continuing development through formal training
predominantly plays a motivational role. Such training helps them to
develop expertise, supports the process of becoming confident, facilitates
Identification with Work in a European Perspective 297

the professional exchange with colleagues and balances the daily work
routine with new options for learning and professional development. In
addition, continuing training facilitates horizontal mobility and, to a
much lesser degree and depending on the specific training, also verti-
cal mobility. Since most training is not systematically linked to career
progression, it is regarded as an individual choice rather than as a
requirement for good work performance. Particularly in Germany and
France, the predominant mode observed in nursing is internal horizon-
tal mobility and not vertical mobility. Some hospital nurses may choose
to change wards within the same hospital every couple of years,
because it can be one way of gaining more expertise and fostering one’s
own professional development. This choice may sometimes be regard-
ed as an alternative option or strategy for nurses who do not wish to
assume a team leading position and who are keen not to lose responsi-
bility for providing direct patient care.
Across all three countries nurses were expected to have highly
developed interpersonal and communication skills, particularly with
regards to working directly with patients. However, nurses stated that
they often felt overwhelmed with performing a variety of caring tasks
that, from a professional point of view, did not form part of their
responsibilities. It was also perceived that this reality contributes
towards lowering their professional status, particularly compared to
other medical staff like doctors, who are not expected to perform such
roles. Other conflicts arose between providing patient-oriented servic-
es and new forms of work organisation that increasingly allocate time
and energy of nurses to more technical, instrumental, administrative or
coordinating tasks. While major reasons for choosing the nursing pro-
fession relate to an almost intrinsic motivation of helping and caring for
others, new pressures for cost control, time efficiency and documenta-
tion for quality assurance purposes lead to nurses finding themselves
torn between caring and complying with efficiency demands (Kirpal,
2004b). Not being able to resolve those conflicts in a satisfactory way
and having the feeling of not performing to the expected standards
leads to the danger of a nurse becoming ‘burned-out’, loosening fun-
damental work motivation or even causing the individual to abandon
the nursing profession after having been in the profession for a consid-
erable length of time.
In summary, structural reforms, changes in work organisation and
division of tasks, higher demands for flexibility and mobility and med-
ical innovations considerably affect nurses’ daily work routine, skills
development and time allocation to different tasks, including direct
298 Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown, and M’Hamed Dif

patient care. Nurses experience increased pressure and time constraints

leading to a conflict between providing patient-oriented care and ratio-
nalisation. The trend towards greater professionalism questions some of
the core values of an idealised model of nursing which also includes
full personal dedication. This may in some cases be regarded as a relief,
particularly for those nurses who generally feel overwhelmed with a
personally too demanding caring role. Whatever the personal percep-
tion may be, finding a balance between caring and efficiency demands
will likely be entirely left to the individual nurse. The individualised
character of this process seems to constitute a considerable burden for
nurses, because typically they lack any kind of support from their
employing institution. This is also true for dealing with psychological
stress, as nurses expressed they do not feel sufficiently supported in
their work environment. While newly qualified nurses tend to develop
a more ‘professional’ work attitude and seem better prepared and
trained to balance an idealised model of caring with a more functional
caring approach, one reason for young nurses increasingly leaving the
profession is that they are often over-challenged with managing the
work practice, particularly in terms of work load and level of responsi-
bility in the performance of their tasks. At the same time managers
complained that they are lacking the dedicated attitude and commit-
ment that were characteristic of the older generation of nurses and that
are highly valued by patients and employers (Brown and Kirpal, 2004).

11.2.3 Telecommunications

The telecommunications industry has been undergoing rapid

changes in terms of technological developments, product markets, job
profiles and skills requirements. The principal drivers for change are
technological innovation, privatisation, emerging markets and deregu-
lation resulting in a high level of uncertainty that is affecting employ-
ees and the sector as a whole. Since the early 1990s work profiles and
skills related to traditional telephony techniques have gradually become
redundant in favour of the incorporation of new computer technology
in all working areas. This development has largely transformed occu-
pational structures and traditions and how employees relate to their
work. Formerly, telecommunication technicians used to rely upon a high-
ly formalised initial training scheme and a high level of employment
security guaranteed by the formerly state-owned telecommunications
companies. While this structure favoured stable and continuity-based
Identification with Work in a European Perspective 299

identification and commitment patterns over a considerable length of

time, telecommunication technicians had to re-define their work and
learning attitudes in the course of coping with major organisational
restructuring and new skill demands.
Today, both technical and hybrid skills are in great demand, as are ‘soft
skills’ related to communication and team working and companies need to
be very flexible in developing and deploying the skills of their workforce.
Skill development strategies emphasise learning while working, training
on-the-job and the acquisition of ‘just-in-time’ knowledge, particularly in
responding to fast changing product cycles (Brown, 2004b). Companies
in the sector can be differentiated according to two basic variations: well
established large telecommunication firms on the one hand, and small
companies including small and medium subsidiaries of multinational
firms. Both kinds of companies are differentiated according to the nature
of employees’ identification with work, the characteristics of the implied
model of flexibility and mobility and their implications for change, learn-
ing and professional development (Dif, 2004).
Large telecommunication firms in France are still anchored in their
traditional organisational structure and mode of human resource man-
agement and development. However, they have been undergoing, dur-
ing the last decade, important structural changes due to privatisation
and technological development. In their patterns of work organisation
they are introducing greater flexibility by increasingly loosening the
link between job profiles and qualification requirements and more jobs
require a combination of functional flexibility and mobility of employ-
ees and the use of transversal competences. Informal and experimental
learning is gaining importance. Small firms show more flexible and
simple organisational structures where individuals are highly
autonomous and assigned greater responsibility. Employees also show
higher levels of professional mobility and regard themselves as ‘tele-
com professionals’. Work- and product-related learning and training is
targeted towards responding to work demands in a prompt and func-
tional manner, whereas continuing training opens up access to some
sort of promotional mobility including higher professional status.
Overall, the average size of telecom companies has been decreasing
since the liberalisation of the telecommunication market in Europe
resulted in both break-ups and the emergence of new firms. The
decreased size of companies has been accompanied by a decreasing
level of unionisation and bargaining coverage and individual negotia-
tions to deal with tension and conflict situations is increasingly sup-
planting traditional forms of collective bargaining.
300 Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown, and M’Hamed Dif

The German telecommunication sector underwent a similar process

as in France, transforming from a state monopoly to a liberalised
market. This caused considerable transformation processes through
organisational restructuring and privatisation with the privileging of
shareholder interests. However, given its overwhelming size and the
historical domination of German ‘Telekom’ in the sector customers still
adhere to the company’s established products and services and small
competitors and providers are only gradually gaining market share. The
fast changing structural and technological environment generated great
demands for new skills profiles and challenged the sector to come to
terms with an unexpected lack of adequately qualified technicians. As
a response the ‘Telekom’ launched major retraining programmes in
order to promote employees’ professional conversion to become tele-
com sales staff or acquire ICT-related technical knowledge, in particu-
lar. Under pressures of redundancies in the light of the company’s
rigorous rationalisation strategies, employees were required to adjust
their skills profiles and develop advanced communication skills and
competences in computer technology otherwise they were threatened
with losing their jobs (Kirpal, 2006). Establishing new occupational
routes as part of the German dual apprenticeship programme provided
another strategy to meet changing skill demands and shortages. In
1996, four new IT-professions were created, two with a technical focus
and two with a greater commercial component, generating more than
50,000 new IT jobs in Germany between 1997 and 2002. Today these
training programmes provide the basis for skilled workers in the
telecommunication and broader ICT sector.
Although the process of privatisation and restructuring of British
Telecom started earlier than in France and Germany beginning in the
early 1980s, the whole sector is still undergoing rapid change, espe-
cially in terms of its product markets. Like in the other two countries
technological development, rapidly changing product markets and
deregulation have been the principal drivers for change. Customers’
demands for integrated technical solutions require telecom companies
to recruit people with hybrid technical and soft skills. Communication-
related (‘soft’) skills and team working are required as employees are
expected to become increasingly flexible. One major skill development
strategy lies in making greater use of graduates, work-based learning
and on-the-job training. Transfer of skills and knowledge, including
tacit knowledge, is facilitated by high levels of staff mobility. The
increased utilisation and management of sub-contracting, including the
use of staff from temporary employment agencies is another emerging
Identification with Work in a European Perspective 301

feature. Work-related interactivity is high within the telecom industry

not only due to deregulation and the need for standards, but also
because people are moving around. In some cases large companies even
encourage that technical staff are taken over by suppliers, thus facili-
tating better exchange of information, know-how and contacts. One
implication of these high levels of flexibility and staff mobility is that
employees’ attachment to both organisations and particular occupation-
al specialisations is decreasing (Brown, 2004b).
In all three countries, most of employees’ learning and training is
highly product oriented and to a large extent geared towards acquiring
‘just-in-time’ knowledge that is rapidly outdated. This kind of learning
often needs to be complemented by self-directed learning based on
employees’ own initiative and time. Access to further continuing training
generally favours employees with higher initial levels of qualifications.
This tendency has effectively led to internal labour market segmenta-
tion into a ‘core’ segment of employees who are more able to cope with
the requirements of change, flexibility and mobility thus having better
career prospects; and on the other hand, the development of a ‘peripheral’
segment made up of socio-professionally disadvantaged employees who
are unable to cope with changing work requirements and are more
exposed to involuntary undervalued redeployment or redundancy
schemes (Dif, 2004).
In terms of work organisation, companies are moving towards sim-
pler and more flexible organisational structures, flat hierarchies and
team working in particular. This tendency is reinforced by medium size
and large firms increasingly concentrating on a few ‘core’ activities
while outsourcing and externalising most of the rest. At the same time
they follow a strategy of acquisition and merger to gain access to new
skills, technologies and markets. Small to medium size companies tend
to promote higher levels of flexibility not only in terms of work organ-
isation, but also in relation to employees’ identification with work. In
the construction of their work identities employers expect them to
intensify their work-related relational interactivity with customers
(with high levels of autonomy and responsibility) and to identify high-
ly with the products and services they are providing. This generates
more individualised patterns of commitment and identification with
work. Particularly newly qualified employees find it easier to develop
those flexible and individualised forms of commitment combined with
a proactive work attitude and multi-skilling abilities.
Overall in telecommunications, we can observe the decomposition
of traditional occupational identities that used to be based upon
302 Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown, and M’Hamed Dif

a professional career-based mode of socialisation at work, and the

emergence of more flexible, individualistic forms of identification with
work. In between these two extremes we find cross-border redefinition
strategies with varying levels of identification and commitment.
Traditional forms of occupational identities were largely construct-
ed and reproduced through socialisation processes in the large national
telecommunication companies in monopolistic positions. The sociali-
sation into and training for occupations related to telephony lead to
high levels of employees’ identification with the company as well as
their occupational field and the related technology. This was combined
with adhering to their acquired secure work status within the organisa-
tion. A considerable number of telecommunication technicians, who
continue to work for the ex-state monopoly companies, have been able
to preserve their work status (generally as civil servants) and to some
extent even their former job profiles. New structural requirements,
however, are eroding these forms of identification and commitment and
increasingly confront this group of employees with employment inse-
curity and discontinuities. While lower qualified and older employees
are typically threatened by uncertain job-conversion, undervalued
employment or redundancy and exclusion, higher qualified and mana-
gerial staff are faced not only with more employment insecurity, but
also with fewer opportunities for internal promotional mobility and
career development.
While both groups are being challenged to re-define their identifi-
cation and commitment patterns, former telecommunication techni-
cians, who felt disadvantaged by the process of rapid transformation
and experienced a drastic devaluation of their former skills and compe-
tences, may be more likely to respond to new work demands with a
kind of ‘retreat’ strategy largely resisting new challenges for learning
and adjustment. The higher qualified, who were formerly recruited as
executives on the basis of relatively high levels of specific technical
knowledge, may be more likely to adopt a new work attitude with a
more offensive response taking a proactive role in redefining profes-
sional roles and responsibilities. In this context continuing training,
flexibility and mobility and developing transversal competences are
regarded as important instruments in order to achieve these goals.
The more flexible and individualistic type of employee, typically
qualified young telecom technicians or sales engineers, possess highly
developed technical skills (increasingly incorporating ICT knowledge)
as well as transversal competences. They consider themselves as ‘tele-
com professionals’ or ‘experts’ and are primarily committed to their
Identification with Work in a European Perspective 303

current field of activity. They use either established telecom companies

or small dynamic IT firms as a ‘passing-through’ stage for realising
their career project that may involve frequent changes in the nature of
work to be performed. Attachments to their current occupational posi-
tion or employer are rather transitional. Work-related learning, rela-
tional interactivity, flexibility and mobility are used as tools to foster
their professional development. These employees are committed to
continuous adaptation and ‘moving on’ in order to actively enhance
their skills and career prospects. They are confident in their skills and
do not regard themselves as being threatened by unemployment. Given
that flat hierarchies are steadily reducing opportunities for upward
mobility, they seek to make a career through project-based personal
strategies based on high levels of work-related interactivity, flexibility
and mobility. Typically, they are more committed to their professional
projects than to their employing organisation.

11.3 Employees’ Patterns of Adjustment to

Changing Work and Skill Demands

How individuals respond to structural changes and adjust their

forms of identification and commitment depend to large extent on indi-
vidual variables and dispositions ranging from socio-economic back-
ground, gender and age to skills, the capacity to learn and to cope with
changing work requirements as well as personal interests. Overall, the
research project identified different forms of identification, with ‘clas-
sical’ and ‘flexible’ as two poles of a continuum of possible responses.
In addition, regardless of the level of identification, all employees, over
time, adapt to their work environment and changing requirements in a
variety of ways (see Table 11.2).
In all occupational groups across the sectors investigated, we found
employees with an affiliation towards ‘classical’ forms of identification
with work by which individuals highly identified either with their occu-
pational specialisation they trained for, their daily work tasks, the com-
pany or the company’s product. To the extent that some of these
employees were trying to hold on to those rather traditional elements of
identification we would argue that they were pursuing a ‘retreat strate-
gy’ largely resisting pressures for change. To them changes in their
work environment presented a conflict, often because they did not have
the means or personal resources to adjust to new demands, for example
due to lack of motivation, qualifications or self-confidence. They typically
304 Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown, and M’Hamed Dif

Table 11.2 Patterns of employees’ adjustment to changing work and

skills demands
Patterns of Adjustments

Classical forms of
identification Long- Short- Re-
term term Flexible/ definition/
Classical Adjust- Adjust- indivi- nego-
Individual Reactions Retreat progressive ment ment dualised tiation

Risk affinity Low Low Low High Varies Varies

Flexibility/ Low Low Low High High Varies
Motivation for Low Gradual Low High High High
Occupational/ Strong Strong Condi- Transi- Condi- Strong
Organisational tional tional tional

experienced changes at work as not transparent, unpredictable and

beyond their control, particularly in areas characterised by rapid and
radical changes, as has been the case in telecommunications during the
last decade. In order to establish some continuity these employees often
tried to conserve as much as possible their current work status and work
tasks with little or no inclination towards learning, professional devel-
opment or changing working situations, including changing employers.
On the other hand, employees with a ‘classical’ type of identification
could also be more or less open to change. Some individuals in this
group developed a more proactive kind of response seeing themselves as
comfortable with the way their occupation was developing and/or how
their employer was changing. If employees were able to move with, or
were in the vanguard of, changes and new requirements, they would
develop ‘classical progressive’ forms of identification with work. Such
employees would follow a classical career progression most likely by
pursuing a higher level qualification (e.g. the German ‘Meister’ qualifi-
cation) to move to supervisory or more specialist positions. They would
still strongly identify with the classical elements of their occupation, but
were at the same time able to make use of opportunities in the course of
changing work situations to develop their professional career. Moving
into more specialist or supervisory positions can also be considered a
well-trodden path and they may retain their allegiance to their initial
technical occupation. However, by assuming additional responsibilities
and tasks they will most likely be challenged to adjust and even re-
define their professional roles and forms of identification.
Identification with Work in a European Perspective 305

At the opposite end of the continuum were those employees who had
developed a highly ‘flexible’ type of identification with work. This had
a much more individualist basis than any occupational and organisa-
tional commitment. One typical characteristic of these employees was
that they were willing and able to actively use flexibility, mobility and
learning as tools to achieve their broader goals, and in doing so they
were ready to change organisations and/or their occupation, if neces-
sary. Flexible employees anticipate and internalise requirements for
change, while making continuous adjustments in the workplace could
lead to more transitory forms of work attachment for the less qualified,
and highly individualised patterns of commitment and identification
for the higher qualified. The key feature here is that the individual is
active in pursuit of her or his own goals, professional development and
self-realisation based on personal skills, the capacity for continuous
learning and a rather project-oriented work attitude. A variation of this
flexible type of identification with work would be the ‘strategic
careerists’ who see their current occupational position and/or organisa-
tional attachment as one phase of a career that involves relatively
frequent changes in the nature of work they do. They are committed to
‘moving on’ and see their careers as something that they actively con-
struct. Their attachment to their current role is partly influenced by the
knowledge that they are only ‘passing through’.
The largest group of interviewees, however, developed different
forms of adaptation that resulted in various, very complex forms of
responses along this continuum. The changing nature of their attach-
ment to work could be more or less intense and transitional and often
depended on re-definition processes. For example, adaptation and
adjustment to work may be long-term or short-term; be passive (accept-
ing) or involve the individual in an active search for resolution of prob-
lems or conflicts. The pressures external to the individual to adapt may
be high or low and they may be general (relating to all those involved
in an organisation or occupation) or specific (relating to an individual
or small group).
In any case, forms of those kinds of ‘re-definition strategies’ gener-
ally represented a more conditional form of adaptation—the individual
may remain in an occupation and/or with a particular employer, but he
or she recognises that this represents a compromise rather than an ideal
situation. Typically, factors from outside work (family commitments,
personal networks, attachment to a particular location) may ‘hold’ an
individual in place. The individual may still seek to satisfy expectations
(of employer, colleagues and customers or clients) with regards to role
306 Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown, and M’Hamed Dif

performance, but she or he typically has some reservations about her or

his work or employer. However, employees may remain in the same job
for a considerable period of time, but may (internally or externally)
move on, if the ‘holding’ circumstances or external conditions change.
This means that patterns of identification with work and commitment
may be adjusted, re-defined or stabilised. Depending on the level of
flexibility involved and whether employees would take a rather passive
or active role in the process of adaptation, the project distinguished
between long-term and short-term adjustment. The first involves a
rather passive approach leading to a certain continuity and stability,
whereas the second presents a more proactive attitude of employees
seeking to change their current situation by accepting a higher degree of
flexibility and mobility, an approach that may also involve risk and inse-
‘Long-term adjustment’ represents a conditional form of adaptation
by which employees somehow accept their current work situation as a
compromise. In pursuit of job security and maintaining a certain level
of stability, employees would remain in the same job for a considerable
period of time despite the dissatisfaction they encounter at work. Many
of them subordinated their own career and working life to other aspects
of life, generally diminishing the overall meaning of work, at least for
a certain period of time. Examples of reasons why interviewees felt
‘locked into’ their current work included accommodation to working
patterns of a partner, attachment to a particular locality (‘we have lived
here all our lives’) and attachment to their immediate work group.
‘Short-term adjustment’, by contrast, represents a fully conditional
form of adaptation: the individual recognises that he or she only intends
to remain in an occupation and/or with a particular employer for a rel-
atively short period of time. Either because of individual circum-
stances, choice or long-term career plans, or because of dissatisfaction
with the work, the individual is actively seeking or intending to seek
alternative employment. Particularly in the UK sample, we had exam-
ples of interviewees who were in the process of changing employers or
However, also alongside people exhibiting these different forms of
‘adjustment’ a considerable number of employees identified with their
work and were, at the same time, much more active in re-defining,
rather than passively accepting, work-related roles. Actually, in all
groups, from ‘classical’ to ‘flexible’ forms of identification with work,
we found employees who were actively re-defining and challenging tra-
ditional occupational roles and work identities. We had examples of
Identification with Work in a European Perspective 307

employees who used re-defining strategies operating at the cutting edge

of norms and expectations, thus pushing at the boundaries of expecta-
tions of employers, colleagues and others. In certain aspects they could
be considered change agents, typically negotiating, challenging and
leading their peers in some respect. These were rare, but we did find
some examples of these patterns of behaviour, as in the case of women
taking leading roles in engineering or a dynamic young Turkish super-
visor working in a German galvanising factory. Also German male
nurses often challenged the traditional image of nurses, for example in
terms of fulfilling expectations of being able to provide ‘unconditional
care’ against gendered expectations.
The forms of identification with work that individuals develop over
time depend on a variety of factors leading to a complex process of
negotiation between personal resources and (internal and external) con-
straints on the one hand, and structural conditions, on the other. What
seems to be decisive in this context is the individual’s response or ‘strat-
egy’: whether he or she takes a passive or active role, the level of risk
affinity, the openness and ability to use flexibility, mobility and learn-
ing as tools to pursue their own interests and their general attachment to
work. In addition, different forms of adaptation or responses must not be
interpreted as ‘exclusive categories’. They may be mutually exclusive at
a given point in time, but may change and be adjusted in the course of
the overall lifetime employment trajectory of an individual, shifting in
either direction across a continuum of possible responses.
The approach (or approaches), which an individual adopts over a
lifetime trajectory, combines a set of different individual variables.
Taking a passive or active role, or the level of risk affinity with regards
to employment and work, may to a large extent depend on an individ-
ual’s personality, whereas attachment to work may be a combination of
tertiary work-related socialisation, work experience and personal inter-
est. On the other hand, the extent to which employees are willing and
able to use flexibility and mobility, and have developed an active learn-
er’s attitude is closely linked to learning processes. At this point the
project could identify a clear distinction between employees who had
been socialised and trained to be more flexible and active in developing
their professional orientation and identity, and employees who had not
been socialised this way. This, in some cases, correlated with age in that
skilled workers who trained during the last decade typically would be
much better prepared to deal with changes and instabilities at work than
a generation that had been trained during the 1970s in a sector that was
then characterised by stability and progressive employment perspectives,
308 Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown, and M’Hamed Dif

but which was now encountering severe problems. However, age was
not always the critical factor as we also interviewed highly dynamic
‘older’ and less flexible ‘younger’ employees across all occupational
groups. In terms of learning, the national embedding and workplace
specific conditions also played a decisive role. For example, UK and
French employees generally seemed to be better prepared to anticipate
and deal with changing work demands than German employees. The
same was true for employees working in dynamic segments of engi-
neering, for example, versus employees working in large institutions or

11.4 Conclusions

The project identified a general trend towards the ‘individualisation’

of patterns of identification with work away from classical collective
forms. Individuals are increasingly required and expected to develop a
proactive and ‘entrepreneurial’ work attitude based on multi-skilling
and flexibility. This also implies the need to develop complex, flexible
and multi-dimensional levels of identification and commitment that
can be continuously adjusted to the requirements for change. Stability
and continuity that were formerly generated through, for example, per-
manent employment contracts and long-term company attachment,
increasingly have to be actively constructed by the employees them-
selves. In addition, risk management of employment instabilities and
responsibilities for relevant skills acquisition are being transferred from
the company to the individual.
These developments have significant implications for employees’
work orientations, forms of attachments and career plans. Whilst the
‘entrepreneurial’ model assumes highly dynamic and flexible levels of
identification with work a potentially high number of employees at the
intermediate skills level may rather wish to hold on to more ‘classical’
forms of identification with work, largely resisting high demands for
flexibility, mobility and continuing learning. These employees often do
not possess the personal resources to cope with the requirements of a
fast changing work environment and this can lead to stress, lack of con-
trol over work performance, high levels of staff turnover, lack of com-
mitment and, in some cases, poor work performance. This could be
observed especially within occupations and organisations that demand
high levels of flexibility and mobility due to a fast changing work
organisation, such as in the telecommunication industry.
Identification with Work in a European Perspective 309

The model of the flexible ‘entrepreneur’ that is increasingly

favoured and expected by managers and human resources departments
(FAME Consortium, 2003) may exclude an increasing number of peo-
ple who cannot or do not have the means to develop highly flexible
work attachments. This may be because they either lack the right qual-
ification or skills, come from a disadvantaged socio-economic back-
ground, may not be very flexible in general or may prefer to hold on to
more classical forms of work attachment. Since the majority of employ-
ees in Europe have undergone a work-related socialisation that did not
yet anticipate the requirements for increased flexibility, mobility and
lifelong learning, the number of disadvantaged workers in Europe who
are not of an ‘entrepreneurial’ type could be potentially huge.1 The role
of socialisation into the work context, one of the major functions of
vocational and continuous education and training, plays a key role in
this context.
If individuals are increasingly challenged to actively construct their
own, mainly individualised, forms of identification and professional
orientations, they need guidance on how to do this most effectively in
order to meet changing demands. This may not be so much an issue of
formal accreditation of prior learning, but rather a question of how to
give individuals confidence in their own competences and to empower
them to become agents of their own professional development. This
means that employees need to be supported and guided to cope with
changing work environments, including meeting new demands for
being flexible and mobile. From the investigation it seems that to most
employees this kind of support is insufficient or not given at all.
However, such guidance, be it at institutional, employer or at a more
individualised level, seems to be indispensable in order to avoid
employees falling into a passive ‘retreat’ or ‘long-term adjustment’
strategy that may lead ultimately to their labour market exclusion.
Such forms of guidance could, for example, be integrated into
formal and informal, initial and continuing vocational training
schemes. Emphasising continuing training and informal learning
against (formalised) vocational education would stress the importance
of self-directed and work-based learning. If these forms of learning are
also linked to the recognition of competences acquired through these

Notably, the employee sample of this investigation represented a privileged segment
of the workforce by only including individuals currently employed and with at least
some level of basic vocational training. Individuals, who are already excluded like the
large number of unemployed workers, were not represented in the study.
310 Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown, and M’Hamed Dif

processes, then this trend may create new opportunities for employees.
However, to the extent that this approach transfers the responsibility for
skills acquisition from the company to the individual, it may also cause
a high level of stress. Employees increasingly experienced a constant
pressure for learning while working and self-study, in which they felt
were not sufficiently supported by their employer and without such
support they felt the pressure to continue learning was unsustainable
over a longer period. Combined with lack of training support and high
demands on flexibility, for many employees this also resulted in an
imbalance and conflict between work and private or family life.
Employees who are equipped with the right set of skills and suffi-
cient self-confidence are also usually willing and able to deal with new
demands at their workplace. Some even actively use new concepts of
flexibility and mobility at work as instruments to adjust their work to
their personal needs. Given enough support they may also feel com-
fortable that in changing contexts earlier forms of identification and
commitment are loosening their former role and significance and are
being re-defined. This may be particularly the case where hybrid skills
are in great demand involving a combination of business and technical
skills, as well as ‘soft’ skills of communication and team working. In
such environments employees could perform a wide variety of roles
and there were examples of companies being very flexible in deploy-
ing the skills of such people. Indeed, that employers saw these indi-
viduals as capable of fulfilling a variety of roles was a key part of their

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Work Identity in the Japanese

Context: Stereotype and Reality
Akihiro Ishikawa
Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan

12.1 Introduction

12.1.1 Background

Japanese companies are not just vehicles for economic performance;

they also perform an important social function. Studies of Japanese
human resource management have revealed that they attach much
importance to providing their employees with job-security in the form
of lifelong employment (Matsushima, 1962; Hazama, 1979). This
stems from a human resource development practice which is founded
upon a commitment to using the internal labour market for develop-
ment and progression.
The classic stereotypical behaviour of large-scale Japanese compa-
nies, and to a certain extent medium-sized enterprises, was to recruit
employees who have just graduated from school and do not have any
occupational skills. It is after entering the company that the company
trains them internally to become ‘a company person’. This training
endows the employees with both social and relevant occupational skills.
It is also hoped that this training instills considerable organizational com-
mitment. Indeed, most employees stay with the same company for a long
time and experience both horizontal and upward mobility in the organi-
zation, in contrast to European workers, who largely remain in the same
job (Ishikawa, 2004). Thus, the main decision new entrants to the
Japanese labor market have to make is about which company they should
join, not which occupation they should choose. Also, the range of work

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 315–336.
© 2007 Springer.
316 Akihiro Ishikawa

undertaken by Japanese workers is wider than the work typically

performed by European workers, and Japanese workers tend to adjust
themselves more flexibly to reorganization at work than European
workers. This is because they believe that however circumstances change
they will share a common fate with their company.
It is understandable, therefore, that, when an employee is asked what
their occupation is, they will almost always not relate their answer to a spe-
cific specialization or job profile, such as lathe operator or treasurer or
designer, but will instead respond by focusing on the name of a company,
for example: ‘I am an employee of X Company’, or if their company is
unknown in the society they are in, they might reply, ‘I am working in a
company that is cooperating (or trading) with X Company’.
Japanese employees are not only trained occupationally in the compa-
ny, but also socially. They are taught the social rules and norms with
which they are expected to comply so as to behave as mature citizens.
Furthermore, employees regard their company as their reference group
from which they lead their social life (Ishikawa, 1992). Deviant behav-
iour by an employee inflicts ‘shame’ on the company for which they
work. An employee’s fear of shaming their company like this acts as a
form of social control in their daily life. ‘Disgracing the company in soci-
ety’ has fatal consequences for the prospects of an employee.
For the reasons mentioned above, Japanese employees’ work identi-
ties are assumed to revolve around a ‘company identity’rather than a ‘job
identity’. As a result, Japanese employees are stereotypically described
as being ‘group-oriented’ and having ‘collectivist’ attitudes, and being
prepared to devote themselves to the success of their company in
the spirit of self-sacrifice. Consequently, Japanese workers are charac-
terized as being ‘workaholics’ and having mind-sets that result in an
over-commitment to work.

12.1.2 Aims and Methods

This conventional picture of Japanese workers has been outlined to

provide a context for the rest of the chapter; this chapter aims to reveal
some specific features about the work identities of Japanese employees
based on relevant empirical data, and contrast these results with the
stereotypical view outlined above. Three aspects of work identity are
considered: normative, emotional and organizational. In this chapter,
Work Centrality is used as an index for the normative aspect of work
identity, Work Satisfaction for the emotional aspect, and Company
Commitment for the organizational aspect.
Work Identity in Japan: Stereotype and Reality 317

Work Centrality (WC) describes the extent to which people regard

work as important in their life. There is a research instrument in Japan
that measures WC on a seven point scale. Although the following
analysis uses this instrument respondents are classified into just three
groups: those for whom work is regarded as ‘very important’ (points 6
and 7), ‘more or less important’ (points 3, 4 and 5), and ‘not important’
(points 1 and 2). Work Satisfaction (WS) refers to the degree to which
people are satisfied with their present working life. For the following
analysis, although the data is collected on a five point scale, it will
again be reclassified such that respondents’ answers are categorised
into three groups: ‘satisfied’ (points 4 and 5), ‘more or less satisfied’
(point 3) and ‘dissatisfied’ (points 1 and 2). Company Commitment
(CC) is an important index to consider when investigating Japanese
work identities. It indicates the willingness of individuals to devote
themselves to the company’s success. The following analysis will order
all responses into three categories of company commitment: ‘self-
devoting’, ‘calculative’ and ‘indifferent’. Responses similar to ‘I would
like to put my best efforts toward the company’s success’ will be
classified as ‘self-devoting’. Whilst ‘calculative’ describes responses
similar to ‘I would like to give as much effort to the company as the
company gives to me in reward’, responses such as ‘I do not have much
feeling toward the company’ and ‘I am indifferent to any matters con-
cerning the company’ will be categorized as ‘indifferent’.
By using these indices, the work identities of Japanese employees
will be illustrated within an international framework, and then the dif-
ferences in these identities between the different strata of the Japanese
employment structure will be considered.

12.2 International Comparison

12.2.1 Work Centrality

Data from two research studies which applied the same scale for
measuring work centrality were available for this analysis. Some of the
most important research on work centrality is provided by an interna-
tional study on the ‘Meaning of Work’ (MOW research conducted
between 1981–1983 which drew its data from samples which were
nationally representative (Misumi, 1987). Therefore, this study pro-
vides an excellent illustration of the differences in WC between coun-
tries, as shown in Table 12.1.
318 Akihiro Ishikawa

Table 12.1 Work Centrality in percentages according to MOW

Research 1981–1983 (Misumi, 1987, p. 18)

Very important More or less Not important

Japan 61 38 1
Israel 55 43 2
USA 54 44 2
Netherlands 40 57 3
Belgium 39 59 2
Germany 38 56 6
UK 36 59 5

From the results presented in this table it is clear that, in terms of

work centrality, Japan scores the highest among the presented coun-
tries. Over 60 per cent of respondents in Japan regarded work as ‘very
important’ in their lives. This is significantly higher than in the other
countries, but especially higher than in the West European countries,
where it was 40 per cent or less. This research, however, was conducted
at the beginning of the 1980s. Hence, it is rather out-dated and took
place at a time when the idea of lifetime employment was unchallenged
in Japan. Besides, the only countries surveyed were the USA, Israel,
Japan and some from Western Europe. Nevertheless, the data is consis-
tent with the stereotypical picture of Japanese workers as strongly
committed to work.
The data shown inTable 12.2 (below) was obtained more recently, in the
second half of the 1990s, and included countries from both Western and
Eastern Europe, and East Asia. It was an international research study
(Denki Rengo International Research:1 Denki Rengo 1996, 2000;
Ishikawa et al., 2000; Shikawa and Shiraishi (ed.) 2005) on the working
life of employees from the electrical and electronic machine industry.
Clearly, this research was carried out more recently than the MOW
research and covered a broader range of countries, but the composition of
its samples were also different. The MOW research was based on national

Denki Rengo is the Japanese abridged name of the Japanese Electrical, Electronic
and Information Union. Previously it was called Denki Roren, and its English name
was ‘Japanese Federation of Electric Machine Workers’ Unions’. It is the largest
trade union federation at branch level in Japan.
Work Identity in Japan: Stereotype and Reality 319

Table 12.2 Work Centrality presented in percentages from Denki Rengo

Research 1994/1996 and 1999–2001 (Denki Rengo, 1996, 2000)

Very More or less Not

important important important
1994/1996 1994/1996 1994/1996
1999/2001 1999/2001 1999/2001

Japan (N  981; 870)1 24 30 72 64 2 4

France (N  105; 116) 21 1 72 93 3 3
Italy (N  764; 246) 64 – 30 – – 4
Finland (N  363; 340) 47 78 47 20 1 4
Sweden (N  570; –) 50 – 42 – – 7
Poland (N  640; 631) 54 55 34 37 5 7
Czech R. (N  386; 308) 35 42 56 54 3 7
Slovakia (N  411; 214) 56 48 40 43 7 4
Hungary (N  411; 517) 50 54 42 44 1 1
Slovenia (N  635; 339) 52 47 37 46 3 4
China (N  549; 453) 45 57 45 40 2 3

The two figures are the numbers in the samples of 1994/1996 and
1999/2001 respectively.

representative samples in a given country, while the samples of the Denki

Rengo research consisted only of employees of large-scale electrical or
electronic machine producing plants in each country. More specifically, a
research partner from each participating country selected two plants
(except in Japan where four plants were selected), one that produced elec-
tronic communication equipment and one that produced household elec-
trical appliances, both of which had more than 500 employees each. From
these plants, participants were selected randomly from all the employees
that existed below the managerial level.
The research from the 1990’s suggests WC in Japan decreased after
the MOW research was conducted in 1981–1983. There are two possi-
bilities of explanations for this decline. First, it is possible that between
the two periods there may have been a fundamental change in the work
values of Japanese workers. This explanation is supported by longitudi-
nal research conducted by the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK,
320 Akihiro Ishikawa

2000). Second, it is possible that the different sampling strategies used

by the two studies generated the contrasting results. For example, the
degree of WC among the employees working for large-scale enterprises
might be lower than among Japanese workers in general. These two
explanations will be further examined later in the text.
When considering Table 12.1, it was noted that the data suggested
the WC of Japanese employees was higher than that of all their coun-
terparts. However, the data from Table 12.2, which is only concerned
with the WC of employees of large-scale electrical and electronic
machine producing companies, implied that while this was still true
when Japan and some Western-European countries (France) were com-
pared, it was no longer true when Central- (former East-) and North-
European countries, as well as Italy and China were compared to Japan;
these countries had higher ratings of WC than Japan. Therefore, it
seems that if the number of countries for comparison is extended and
more recent data is included, then Japan defies its stereotypes and
demonstrates a level of WC which is not particularly high.

12.2.2 Work Satisfaction

The Denki Rengo International Research (Denki Rengo 1996, 2000;

Ishikawa et al., 2000) also considered the working life of employees
from the electrical and electronic machine industry in terms of work
satisfaction (WS). This data is presented below in Table 12.3.
This data reveals that in the international context Japan does not have
a markedly high level of WS. The number of employees in Japan who
rated themselves as ‘satisfied’ was below 50 per cent, which is lower
than the majority of the other surveyed countries. The data from both
1994/1996 and 1999/2001 indicate that the WS of Japanese employees
was lower than that of their counterparts from most of the European
countries. Poland and Slovenia are the only two countries where the WS
of their employees was significantly lower than in Japan in 1994/1996,
but even then their WS figures improved to either an almost equivalent
or higher level than Japan by the end of the 1990s. In 1994/1996, the
levels of WS for employees from the other former communist countries
in Central Europe were similar to those in Japan, but by 2000, when
their socio-economic transitions had been in the most part completed,
these WS levels were significantly higher than in Japan. Whilst in China
in 1994/1996, their employees’ WS was conspicuously higher than to
that of their Japanese counterparts; by 2000 it had declined to a level that
Work Identity in Japan: Stereotype and Reality 321

Table 12.3 Work Satisfaction presented in percentages from Denki

Rengo Research 1994/1996 and 1999–2001 (Denki Rengo, 1996,

More or less
Satisfied satisfied Dissatisfied
1994/1996 1994/1996 1994/1996
Country 1999/2001 1999/2001 1999/2001

Japan 44 47 30 28 26 22
France 62 53 17 27 11 17
Italy 65 72 11 12 25 13
Finland 67 78 27 16 6 6
Sweden 57 – 28 – 15 –
Poland 17 41 53 49 29 8
Czech 45 64 30 21 25 14
Slovakia 47 65 35 31 18 4
Hungary 41 58 47 36 11 6
Slovenia 35 65 38 30 24 4
China 63 36 20 35 16 27

was significantly lower than that in Japan; this is attributed to Chinese

state-owned enterprises being thrown into the stormy situation of priva-
tization and restructuring in the intervening period.

12.2.3 Company Commitment

The stereotypical view of Japanese employees supports the image

that they are deeply involved in company life with a strong commitment
toward the organization. The data from the research both in 1994/1996
and in 1999/2001, however, provide another picture.
As seen in Table 12.4, the proportion of ‘self-devoting’ attitudes in
Japan is the lowest among the surveyed countries, and the proportion of
those holding ‘indifferent’ attitudes is greatest in Japan together with
France. Roughly speaking, around 20 per cent of Japanese employees
are very positive, while another 20 per cent are negative, and 60 per cent
are in between. In this respect, Japanese employees no longer seem to be
such ‘company persons as pictured stereotypically. The reasons for this
322 Akihiro Ishikawa

Table 12.4 Company Commitment in Denki Rengo Research

1994/1996 and 1999–2001 in percentage (Denki Rengo, 1996, 2000)

Self-devoting1 Calculative2 Indifferent3

1994/1996 1994/1996 1994/1996
Country 1999/2001 1999/2001 1999/2001

Japan 19 26 54 49 24 20
France 24 34 49 42 26 20
Italy 33 39 44 42 19 15
Finland 62 69 32 22 4 2
Sweden 41 – 49 – 8 –
Poland 40 30 42 48 16 9
Czech 36 44 55 51 8 4
Slovakia 44 49 46 47 11 4
Hungary 28 35 57 51 14 13
Slovenia 44 51 50 44 4 2
China 49 70 24 17 9 7
Self-devoting: ‘I would like to put my best efforts toward the company’s
Calculative: ‘I would like to give as much effort to the company as the com-
pany gives to me in reward’.
Indifferent: ‘I do not have much feeling toward the company’ and ‘I am indif-
ferent to any matters concerning the company’.

have been hypothesized from two viewpoints. One points to the partic-
ular Japanese mentality of preferring a moderate reaction like ‘in
between’, and therefore the responses gather somewhere in the medium,
but not at the extreme poles. This trait of Japanese respondents is
revealed by Hayashi and his research group in the study of the method-
ology of international comparison (Hayashi et al., 1991: Part III). The
other explanation considers that the figures in the table represent a real-
ity, referring to managerial experiences that 20 per cent of ‘self-
devoting’ employees would be enough for a company. These 20 per cent
would promote the activities of business and production and
others would follow their example. From this viewpoint, what should be
stressed is not the proportion of active employees, but the managerial
Work Identity in Japan: Stereotype and Reality 323

and organizational skill with which their self-devoting spirit is

connected organically with the others who do not necessarily pursue as
active a company commitment2.
In practice, although the stability of permanent full-time employees
is objectively quite high in Japanese firms, particularly in large-scale
ones, a considerable number the employees have a latent desire for quit-
ting from their present employer. According to Denki Rengo research
in 1999/2001, the proportion of employees who have never moved
between companies are rated 89 per cent in Japan, while 12 per cent in
Finland, 25–40 per cent in France, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia
and Hungary, and 45–64 per cent in Slovenia, France and China. On the
other hand, those who consider leaving their present company ‘very fre-
quently’ or ‘frequently’ (on a five point scale) are rated 20 per cent,
which is larger than in other surveyed countries except for France.
In the Japanese context, these findings imply that the high level of
staff stability in companies does not necessarily mean a strong commit-
ment of employees to company life. In the system of conventional
seniority-based wage increase and career promotion inside the firm, it is
disadvantageous for an employee to move from one company to another.
If an employee moves to another firm, his/her length of service in the
new firm would be surely shorter than that of his/her colleagues. This
means that he/she would receive a smaller allowance at retirement
age, experience stagnancy in relation to promotion prospects, and be
regarded as ‘an outsider’. Therefore, even when suffering from an
unpleasant treatment at work, an employee would rather prefer to stay
patiently in his/her current workplace, sometimes dreaming to move
somewhere else and hoping for something better.
Such situations where there are expectations of internal progression
after initial recruitment have changed to some extent, due initially to a
shortage of workers in the labour market around 1990 caused by ‘bub-
ble economy’, and then to pressures to reduce labour costs in the face
of global competition after the collapse of the domestic economy. This
spread a preference of human resource management to hiring ‘ready-
made skilled workers’, above all in the newly developing industries like
IT-related businesses. But the permanent full-time employees of large-
scale firms in established industries still kept the conventional attitudes
about the value of staying for a long time in a given firm.

This viewpoint was presented by audiences at a conference for Japanese managers,
where the author gave a speech on employees’ corporate identity.
324 Akihiro Ishikawa

12.3 Patterns of Work Identity of Japanese


Looking at patterns of work identities, the focus will be kept on the

permanent employees of Japanese large-scale enterprises. The data are
an outcome of a research study in four plants of electrical and elec-
tronic machine industry in 1999. For reference, a statistically signifi-
cant correlation exists between WC, WS and CC, which means there is
a possibility that one indicator can substitute for the others in measur-
ing aspects of work identity.

12.3.1 Differentiation of Work Centrality by

Different Employee Groups

Initially WC will be analyzed from two perspectives. One concerns

the differentiation of the extent of WC between different Japanese
employee groups sorted by job profile, gender, age and educational
background. The other aspect will be devoted to figuring out the nature
of work identity by analyzing the meaning of WC. Table 12.5 displays
the degree of WC among different employee groups by showing the
average point score, and standard deviation, of each group on a seven-
point scale.
This analysis points to the following features:
● The degree of WC is highest among supervisors, while it is lowest
for technical staff such as engineers and technicians. Manual
workers and administrative staff are located in between. It is note-
worthy that technical staffs’ WC is not higher than the WC of
manual workers.
● There is no great difference between men and women in the
degree of WC. This implies that permanently employed women
are mostly as work oriented as men, in spite of the fact that,
according to a prevailing view, women are usually allocated to
subordinate jobs.
● The degree of WC rises with age. This might be understandable
from the fact that older employees would involve themselves in
work and the company and benefit from the practice of long-time
employment and age-linked wage stratification. This might also
partly reflect a generational shift away from more traditional
attitudes towards work commitment.
Work Identity in Japan: Stereotype and Reality 325

Table 12.5 Work Centrality by different employee groups

Average point Standard

score deviation

(1) Job Strata

Manual workers (N  155) 5.03 1.231
Administrative staff 5.01 1.032
(N  240)
Technical staff (N  403) 4.86 1.077
Supervisors (N  38) 5.20 0.994
(2) Gender
Male (N  625) 4.94 1.111
Female (N  194) 5.03 0.978
(3) Age Group
Below 30 (N  231) 4.79 1.120
30–39 (N  400) 4.92 1.021
40–49 (N  139) 5.21 1.054
50–59 (N  54) 5.53 1.182
(4) Educational Level
Low1 (N  40) 5.33 1.137
Middle (N  397) 5.09 1.086
Upper Middle (N  89) 4.86 0.930
High (N  300) 4.78 1.095
The low educational group consisted largely of older employees.

● Interestingly, educational level shows a negative correlation with

WC, with the most highly educated exhibiting lower degrees of WC.

In Japan, like other advanced economies, industrial and technological

changes have resulted in reduced demand for manual workers with a
lower educational background, while the number of technical staff with
a higher level of education has increased, and this trend is continuing.
The findings above might imply a gradual decline of WC of Japanese
employees is in part due to the structural change in the workforce as a
326 Akihiro Ishikawa

12.3.2 The Meaning of Work Centrality

Now, let us shift the concern from the degree of WC to what it means.
In the research of 1999/2001 six items were available for the analysis of
the meaning of WC. These were: ‘Working gives you status and prestige’,
‘Working provides you with an income that is needed’, ‘Working keeps
you occupied’, ‘Working permits you to have interesting contacts with
other people’, ‘Working is a useful way for you to serve society’, and
‘Working itself is basically interesting and satisfying for you’.The answer
for each item was chosen from a five-point scale. A regression analysis,
putting WC as the dependent valuable, reveals the figures in Table 12 6.
The data in Table 12.6 indicate that the most meaningful factors con-
nected with WC are ‘status and prestige’ and ‘keeping occupied’ and
then ‘work in itself’, while ‘income’ is not correlated to work centrality
at all. In other words, those who attach an importance to work (WC)
perceive ‘working’ as a source of social recognition and belonging, giv-
ing you something to do and insofar as it is interesting and satisfying
then as a place for self-actualization, rather than the centrality of work
being related to income. More generally, attitudes to WC appear to be
related more to moral and self-realizing values of work than to materi-
alistic ones. However, the meaning of ‘working’ is significantly differ-
entiated between job strata, as shown in Table 12.7.
In the case of manual workers in particular, the factor most related to
WC is ‘income’. It means that the most work-centred manual workers

Table 12.6 Correlation of ‘work centrality’ with ‘meaning of working’

(regression analysis)

Standardized Significant
B T Probability

Status and 0.121 3.656 0.0001

Income 0.001 0.023 0.981
Keeping occupied 0.129 3.034 0.0021
Contact with 0.075 1.984 0.048
Serving society 0.088 2.327 0.020
Work in itself 0.115 2.563 0.0111
Significant correlation.
Work Identity in Japan: Stereotype and Reality 327

Table 12.7 Meaning of ‘working’ by job strata (correlation coefficient)

Manual Administrative Technical Supervisor

worker staff staff

Status and 0.083 0.373 0.026 0.0881

Income 0.0711 0.415 0.187 0.712
Keeping 0.079 0.0241 0.066 0.814
Contact 0.366 0.276 0.635 0.471
with others
Serving for 0.281 0.137 0.195 0.549
Work in 0.937 0.514 0.0021 0.917
The most significant factor for each group.

tend to regard ‘working’ as a means to generate an ‘income’. Their work

orientation seems to be based largely on materialistic values, with ‘work
in itself’ not being regarded as interesting and satisfying and therefore
not related to WC for this group. WC for manual workers is not so much
concerned with the self-actualizing value of work.
By contrast, WC for technical staff is most strongly connected with
‘work in itself’ being seen as interesting and satisfying, but not with
‘income’. Their WC is presumably bound up with the value of self-
actualization, and not with the materialistic value of work. The next most
important factor for technical staff after ‘work in itself’ is ‘status and
prestige’. For technical staff social recognition and reputation at work
seem to be important as well. WC for administrative staff is mainly relat-
ed to ‘keeping employed’ and neither ‘work in itself’ nor ‘income’ show
a significant influence. Their WC might be characterized as neither
materialistic, like manual workers, nor self-actualizing, like technical
staff, but it seems influenced more by a need for a sense of belonging.
For supervisors, WC is most positively related to ‘status and prestige’,
and neither ‘work in itself’, nor ‘income’, nor ‘keeping occupied’ are
significant influences for this group. Their WC seems to be rooted in a
strong concern with social recognition and their reputation at work.
These findings recall Maslow’s (1954) hypotheses of the five
phases of need: physiological, safety, belonging, social recognition and
328 Akihiro Ishikawa

self-realization. If this scheme would be adapted to the findings above,

it might be said that WC for manual workers is related mostly to concerns
about what is needed to make a living, that is focusing on the elementary
phases; for administrative staffs the focus is on a need for belonging; for
supervisors the primary need is social recognition; and for technical
staffs the goal is self-realization, that is the highest phase of the
needs hierarchy. If the ratio of manual workers further decreases and of
technical staff increases in the employment structure of post-industrial
society, the meaning of self-realization would be enhanced all the more
in Japan.

12.3.3 Traits of Employees in Small- and

Medium-sized Enterprises

The data outlined and analyzed above are concerned only with per-
manent full-time employees of large-scale enterprises. Now, let us look
into the traits of workers in small- and medium-sized enterprises
(SME) compared to large-scale enterprises (LE). There is, however, a
lack of data available to be able to make a direct comparison between
enterprises of different sizes. Therefore, at first, some traits of SME
employees will be drawn in an indirect way.
Denki Roren research in 1984 (Denki Roren, 1986), close in time to
the MOW research considered earlier, did not use the tool of a seven-
point scale for measuring WC that was used in their research in the
1990s, but another tool was applied which makes a comparison with the
data of MOW more meaningful. This tool considered five areas of life,
namely ‘work’, ‘leisure’, ‘community’, ‘religion’ and the ‘family’. The
MOW respondents were asked to give points to each of these categories
in order for the total number of points to be 100, while the Denki Roren
respondents were asked to rate two fields as most important. From both
sets of answers in aggregate it was then possible to calculate the aver-
age relative importance of each area in percentage terms. The average
point score (from a possible total of 100) for each of the five fields for
the two sets of data is illustrated in Table 12.8.
As seen in Table 12.8, MOW data that included working people from
SMEs show a comparatively higher percentage defining ‘work’ as more
important than those of Denki Roren drawn exclusively from LEs.
From this we can assume that WC would be a little higher among SME
employees than LE ones, though the difference between the two groups
is not great. In contrast, a stronger ‘leisure’ orientation of employees
can be surmised to exist among LE employees than SME ones. This
Work Identity in Japan: Stereotype and Reality 329

Table 12.8 Importance of different fields of life

Work Leisure Community Religion Family Total

MOW Data 36 20 5 4 35 100

Denki Roren 28 33 3 1 34 100
Data (1984)

The number in the sample in the Denki Roren data is 3,077.

could be understood from the fact that income and living conditions
among SME workers are not so favorable than for LE employees,
whose wage level on average is higher and employment situation more
secure, thus giving them a stronger base from which to enjoy their
The preceding part of this chapter pointed out that the degree of WC
of Japanese employees in the Denki Rengo research of the 1990s was
recorded as lower than for those employees involved in the MOW
research in 1981–1983. Two reasons may account for this. First,
changes of the work value structure might have occurred accompany-
ing the decline of WC; and second, the different sample structure of the
two research studies may account for the difference, since WC is gen-
erally lower for permanent employees of LEs than for all other cate-
gories of employees, including those of SMEs. The first assumption
will be examined later, but the second one can be considered to be more
or less valid.
Another comparison between LEs and SMEs employees is possible
by looking at data obtained from two research studies that applied com-
mon variables of Work Satisfaction (WS) and Company Commitment
(CC). One is the study on SMEs conducted by the Tokyo Metropolitan
Labor Research Institute in 1999 (Okunishi, et al., 2000), and the other
is the Denki Rengo research conducted in the same year (Denki Rengo,
2000). For reference, as mentioned earlier, there is incidentally a posi-
tive correlation between WC, WS and CC. Therefore, the trait of WC
can be presumed from findings on the situation or condition of WS and
CC. The outcomes of both researches are outlined in Table 12.9.
The figures in this table point to a higher degree of work satisfaction
of employees in LEs compared to those working in SMEs. This trait was
found also in the research on employees working in the chemical indus-
try (Ishikawa, 2002, p. 147). This research revealed a larger satisfaction
330 Akihiro Ishikawa

Table 12.9 Work satisfaction by size of enterprise

Satisfied More or less Dissatisfied

SME (Tokyo) 42 8 32
LE (Denki 47 28 22

Table 12.10 Company commitment by the size of enterprises

Self-devoting Calculative Indifferent

SME (Tokyo) 29 42 18
LE (Denki Rengo) 26 49 20

by LE employees not only with their work, but also with their compa-
nies. It is noteworthy, however, that ‘satisfied’ employees outnumber
‘dissatisfied’ ones not only in LEs but also in SMEs. In summary, one
could conclude that SME employees are more work oriented, but less
satisfied with work than employees working for LE, though the differ-
ence between those two groups is not large in these respects.
Additional data is also available that allows us to make a compari-
son of work satisfaction between full-time permanent and part-time
temporary employees. According to this data, ‘satisfied’ people among
the permanent employees are rated at 61 per cent (male) and 66 per cent
(female), while satisfaction among temporary employees scores 51 per
cent (male) and 59 per cent (female) respectively (Iwai and Sato, 2002,
p. 85). This indicates a higher satisfaction with work for permanent
employees than temporary ones, but the difference between them in this
respect is not great. In both groups the ‘satisfied’ account for more than
half of those surveyed. With respect to company commitment, as seen
Table 12.10, there is comparatively little difference between employees
in SMEs and LEs. This means that CC in SME is not necessarily weak.
However, a component of CC does vary between the two groups.
According to the research in the chemical industry (Ishikawa, 2002), a
wish for a security of employment up to the retirement age is larger in
SMEs, while a wish for actualizing one’s own professional potentiality
is greater in LEs. This in part reflects the greater prevalence for securi-
ty of employment in large companies compared to smaller enterprises,
such that employees in the latter case are more likely to aspire to greater
Work Identity in Japan: Stereotype and Reality 331

security. For reference, manual workers are more prevalent in SMEs,

while specialists in different jobs are mainly in LEs.

12.4 Trends and Perspectives

Two pieces of research conducted in the first half of the 1980s, men-
tioned before (cf. Table 12.8), indicated LE employees were rather
more leisure-oriented than work-oriented, while SME employees were
rather more work-oriented. According to longitudinal researches on
Japanese people’s perception of their life, leisure-oriented people
exceeded those who were primarily work-oriented from the second half
of the 1980s according to trends (NHK 2000), as shown in Table 12.11.
Presumably, the mid 1980s was a turning point from a predominant
work-orientation to a predominant leisure-orientation in the mind of
Japanese people.
These figures, however, do not necessarily mean that there is a gen-
eral trend for work commitment to be declining, as having seen in the
Denki Rengo research data (cf. Table 12.2 and 12.3), between 1994/
1996 and 1999/2001 WC increased and WS kept at almost the same
level (Denki Rengo, 1996, 2000). Therefore, the data could be inter-
preted as follows: life orientation has been visibly diversified and the
concern for leisure has been increasing, but attachment to the impor-
tance of work has not collapsed and is maintaining a certain level,
though this is fluctuating.
Japanese employees are still devoting much of their time to work.
According to government statistics, the total working time of Japanese
employees is 140.5 hours a month (January 2005), of which overtime work
is 10.1 hours (Ministry of Welfare and Labor, 2005). This is an average
figure including part-time workers, who occupy 25 per cent of the whole
workforce (but excluding casual workers). Lengthy overtime work is par-
ticularly conspicuous for specialists in technical or administrative jobs,
and for employees working in sales and marketing. Specialists work an

Table 12.11 Trend of orientation in life

1978 1983 1988 1993 1996

Work-oriented 43 39 31 26 26
Both-oriented 25 28 32 35 35
Leisure-oriented 29 31 34 36 37
332 Akihiro Ishikawa

average amount of 39.2 overtime hours, while the figure for marketing and
sales employees is 36.4 hours a month (Fujimoto, 2005). In spite of such
overtime work, their WS is significantly high (Ishikawa, 2002). This is
supposedly because their main concern is focused on ‘work itself’ related
to a desire for self-actualization at work, and this concern is often realized.
On the other hand, dissatisfaction with their working time and workload is
high as well, as revealed by technical staff in the Denki Rengo research
(Denki Rengo, 2000). In their case, presumably, dissatisfaction with
working time does not always damage the satsifaction at work as a whole.
As has been shown, work centrality (WC) is rated higher by manual
workers and employees with lower levels of education, whose main concern
is ‘income’ and ‘employment security’. These groups of workers, however,
are decreasing in both proportion and number. Instead, the ratio of techni-
cal staff and sales workers with a higher educational level has increased, and
this trend is continuing. They are bound to devote a considerable amount of
their time to work leaving little spare time for other activities in life,
although their concerns and values are largely diversified today.
Unsurprisingly, they are mostly dissatisfied with the extent of their work-
ing time and workload, but they still keep a certain degree of WC as the
interesting and satisfying nature of ‘work itself’is often their main concern
in work. Their attachment to the company could be maintained and devel-
oped, as long as they are provided with work they consider interesting and
that gives them the possibility for self-actualization at work, while seeking
a balance between work and other spheres of life such as family and leisure.
Apart from those employee groups considered above, we can observe
an increase of irregular workers such as part-time, casual or remote
workers, due to the diversification in the structure of employment.
Workers with a working time of less than 35 hours a week were rated 13
per cent of the total number of the workforce in 1990, and this figure
increased to 23 per cent in 2003 (Ministry of Welfare and Labor, 2003),
though the real figure might be much higher if illegal foreign workers
were included in the count.
Those irregular employees receive much lower wages than regular
employees. Reasons why people have the status of an irregular employee
vary (Ishima, 2003). On the one hand, there are those workers, who do not
have any other choice because they have difficulties in finding regular
employment in the labour market. This, however, is not always the major
reason. On the other hand, many workers also choose irregular positions
willingly, because they are combining their work with other obligations
they have at home (mainly women) or at school (mainly students), or
because they prefer not to be bound to an organization as a regular staff
Work Identity in Japan: Stereotype and Reality 333

member. Just because their priority is focused on family, school or some

other area of life, however, does not mean they exhibit less attachment to
the importance of their work. As outlined previously, 50 per cent or more
of all irregular employees are satisfied with their work, while the propor-
tion of dissatisfied workers is rather small.
It is clear that both regular and irregular employees are integrated in
the framework of working life. A problem today is the increase of those
workers who are floating outside this framework. They are drifting from
one place to another without any intention of finding a stable job and
have no concern for the formation and accumulation of their occupa-
tional skills, and, subsequently, do not develop any specific kind of work
identity. These (mostly young) people are called ‘fleeters’3. Their num-
ber was estimated to be 2,090,000 in 2003, a figure ten times higher than
only ten years before (Ministry of Welfare and Labor, 2003). Another
type of ‘floating’ person, again mostly to be found among the young, has
also been increasing recently: the so-called ‘NIET’, who are not in edu-
cation, employment or any kind of training. The number of these people
was roughly estimated to be 520,000 in 2004 (Ministry of Welfare and
Labor, 2004). They are individually isolated from society and refuse to
be integrated in mainstream society at all.
The increase of this type of semi- or fully-jobless people during the
past 10 years is, on the one hand, presumably due to the tight labor mar-
ket after the collapse of the ‘bubble economy’ in the 1990s. On the
other hand, we can observe a cultural change accompanied by weaken-
ing social bonds in an ‘affluent society’. This is the area where there
now appears to be a new crisis of work identity in Japan, and the young
people concerned show attitudes to work very different from those
stereotypically attributed to earlier generations.
Empirical data in this chapter portrays another picture of Japanese
workers than their stereotype that characterizes them as believing in the
centrality of work to their lives and strongly identifying with the com-
panies for whom they work. Attitudes of workers with permanent full-
time jobs in the core industries of the Japanese economy reflect lower
levels of work centrality, work satisfaction and company dependence
than those of workers in many other countries. These traits are found
more frequently among highly-educated groups such as engineers.

‘Fleeter’ comes from the English word ‘fleet’ which means ‘swift’. The Japanese gov-
ernment defines ‘fleeters’ as people of the age between 15 and 34 (except students
and housewives) who are engaged with part-time or casual jobs or are jobless in spite
of a will to work (Cabinet Office, 2003).
334 Akihiro Ishikawa

Technical workers as a proportion of all employees in Japanese indus-

try have been growing and their values and attitudes may be influenc-
ing the representation of work identities of Japanese workers as
unchanging. However, as discussed in this chapter, groups in other seg-
ments of the labour market, whether belonging to the periphery of the
labour market workforce like ‘fleeters’ or those who form part of the
non-technical employment structure in large-scale enterprises, do cer-
tainly undermine the traditional stereotype of the ‘company employee’
strongly committed to his/her work. The work identities of Japanese
employees have become increasingly multi-faceted and the differences
in attitudes to work between different groups are marked even among
those who are part of the mainstream employment structures.

Cabinet Office (2003). White paper on the national life-style. Tokyo: Gyosei (in
Denki Rengo (1996). Research report of electrical machine workers’ consciousness in
14 countries (Chosa Jiho No. 287). Tokyo: Denki Rengo (in Japanese).
Denki Rengo (2000). Research report of electrical machine workers’ consciousness in
14 countries (Chosa Jiho No. 315). Tokyo: Denki Rengo (in Japanese).
Denki Roren (1986). Research report of electrical machine workers’ consciousness in
10 countries (Chosa Jiho No. 212). Tokyo: Denki Roren (in Japanese).
Fujimoto, T. (2005). Overtime work by white-collar employees. Business Labor Trend,
6, 2–6 (in Japanese).
Hayashi, Ch. et al. (1991). Cultural link analysis for comparative social research.
Tokyo: Institute of Statistical Mathematics (in Japanese).
Hazama, H. (1979). Toward managerial welfarism. Toyokeizaishinpo-sha (in
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12, 19–21 (in Japanese).
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Japanese general social survey. Tokyo: Yuhikaku (in Japanese).
Work Identity in Japan: Stereotype and Reality 335

Maslow, A.H. (1954). Motivation and personality. New York: Harper and Row.
Matsushima, S. (1962). Japanese characteristics of personnel management and their
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Ministry of Welfare and Labor (2003). White paper of labor economy. Tokyo: Gyosei
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Misumi, J. (Ed.) (1987). Meaning of working life. Tokyo: Yuhikaku (in Japanese).
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Research Institute (in Japanese).
Part Four

Modern Work and the Creation

of New Professional Identities

The Construction of a New

Professional Self: A Critical
Reading of the Curricula
for Nurses and Computer
Engineers in Norway

Monika Nerland and Karen Jensen

University of Oslo, Norway

13.1 Introduction

The vision of what it means to be a professional has changed

profoundly in the course of the last decades. In contrast to prior phases
of history, where the professional was envisioned as a collective being
whose main challenge was to appropriate the shared knowledge and
values of the occupation and to act in accordance with these, we now
face an era where the professional ‘self’ is cast as innovative and
autonomous; as an ‘overriding self’ who is expected to bear the brunt
of producing new knowledge as well as creating new relationships of
commitment and trust in an ever-changing and increasingly complex
society. The shifts entail what sociologists have described as ‘insourc-
ing’ (Lash, 2003), that is, a reallocation of functions, activities and
responsibilities onto the individual, that were traditionally understood
to be a collective matter. In this chapter1 we aim to draw attention to a

This chapter is written as part of the project Professional Learning in a Changing
Society, which is being carried out at the University of Oslo, Institute for Educational
Research. For more information, see Jensen and Lahn (2003).

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 339–360.
© 2007 Springer.
340 Monika Nerland and Karen Jensen

theme that has been less discussed, namely how new notions of the self
are envisioned and realized within the framework of formal education.
What is done to enhance the development of this new professional self,
and how do these efforts play out in the current policy reform of the
education and training of professionals?
Focusing on how qualities of the self are sought and inscribed in the
curricula for initial professional education2 in Norway, we approach
these questions by way of several steps. First we provide a theoretical
and methodological ground for exploring the role of policy documents
in the construction of professional selves. Using concepts and ideas
introduced by Foucault and his followers, we point to how curricular
documents serve as governing technologies that seek to ‘transform’ the
students and shape their subjectivity in accordance with dominant dis-
courses in contemporary society. Then we use these insights to analyze
notions of the self in recent policy documents, first within the field of
Norwegian higher education in general, and thereafter delving into the
particulars of two professional groups to point out ways in which the
self is constructed in the new curricula for these groups. The groups on
which we are focusing are nurses and computer engineers.

13.2 The Professional Self as Constituted

within Curricular Games of Truth

From a Foucauldian point of view, the curriculum represents a sys-

tem of knowledge and reason that regulates the students’ (and teach-
ers’) possible ways of thinking, learning and knowing. Through the
organization of knowledge, a curriculum expresses expectations to the
students regarding how to reason about the world and about the self in
the world. The curriculum could thus be understood as
part of a discursive field through which the subjects of schooling
are constructed as individuals [who ought] to self-regulate, disci-
pline, and reflect upon themselves as members of a community/
society (Popkewitz and Brennan, 1998, p. 13).
In this way, curriculum serves as a constitutive force in the con-
struction of the learning professional self. It seeks to ‘transform’ the

Throughout this chapter we restrict the concept of professional education to the three-
year initial professional education qualifying for the bachelor’s degree.
The Construction of a New Professional Self 341

individual student by means of knowledge acquisition and participation

in educational practices, and hence to provide the student with a new
potential for (socially approved) agency.
The specific means of organizing knowledge are the products of
negotiation and of dominant ways of thinking in the current period of
time. One important feature of curricular documents is that they take up
crucial contemporary discourses about society and the individual. For
instance, a worldwide ideological trend in curriculum today is described
as related to a notion of societies built on citizenship and of individuals
imbued with choices and capacities in a rationalized, lawful world
(McEneaney and Meyer, 2000). Such notions are powerful in the con-
struction of aims and learning activities, although they are often taken
for granted by those who participate in the educational practices.
Another feature of curricula, at least where Norwegian professional
education is concerned, is that they are the products of negotiation
between professional associations and educational authorities. This
holds especially true for the development of the nursing curriculum, in
which the Norwegian Nurses’Association has played a crucial role. The
general plans for professional education thus encompass tensions
between diverse needs and interests, for example between dominant
ways of thinking in the professions and in the system of education,
respectively. As Popkewitz (2001) notes, the curriculum is a means of
governing that is historically formed within the accepted systems of
ideas, and that also has a productive effect on the individuals through
its selection of knowledge and incorporated systems of reason. The
processes of construing and deploying curricular documents could thus
be conceptualized as participation in ‘curricular games of truth’.3
Foucault (2001) uses the term governmentality to describe modes of
governance in modern societies. In light of these perspectives the cur-
riculum can be said to comprise three dimensions of governmentality
that interrelate in the constitution of the self (Rose, 1996). First, it
entails a political dimension in governmentality that concerns how
political authorities seek to act upon institutions and individuals to
achieve social wealth, welfare and so forth. In the curriculum this
comes into play in the manner in which authorities seek to manage and
control the underlying norms and values that guide education. Second,

Popkewitz borrows the concept of ‘truth games’ from Foucault (1994a, b), who uses
it to explore the way sciences and disciplines operate as social games in which the
production of knowledge is regulated through certain rules, standards, and techniques
that human beings use to understand themselves.
342 Monika Nerland and Karen Jensen

the curriculum involves an institutional dimension of governmentality

that operates through the organizing of knowledge as well as in the
learning goals and proposed methods for teaching and assessment.
Third, a dimension of self-technologies is displayed in how the curricu-
lum provides standards and rules that regulate the ways in which stu-
dents are to understand and govern themselves. Such technologies of
the self are about the individuals’ ways of defining and regulating
themselves by means of both subjugating and contesting the legitimate
standards, norms and values embedded in the system of knowledge
(Infinito, 2003). Alternatively, as Foucault describes them, they are
technologies which ‘permit individuals to effect by their own means, or
with the help of others, a certain number of operations on their bodies
and souls, thoughts, conduct, and way of being, so as to transform
themselves in order to attain a certain state of happiness, purity, wis-
dom, perfection, or immortality’ (Foucault, 1994a, p. 225)
According to Foucault (1994a, p. 225) the types of technologies
hardly ever function separately. On the contrary, it is in the encounter
between the political/institutional technologies and the technologies of
the self that governmentality operates. The curriculum thus represents
a site where powerful discourses merge and regulate the formation of
identities and selves. Its constitutive force derives from the power of
language and the provision of categories through which people under-
stand both themselves and the world. In the case of Norway there is a
strong tradition of regulating professional education by means of
national curricula provided by the Ministry of Education. Although this
method of regulation in advance of the actual pedagogical practice is
increasingly being replaced with forms of output controls of educa-
tional results, the curriculum still has a crucial position in structuring
professional education. Viewed in an overall perspective, this makes the
curriculum, with its written statements, goals and designated learning
activities etc., an interesting arena for exploring the construction of a
new professional self.

13.3 A Curriculum Analysis of Two

Core Groups

In our analysis we employ these understandings as a point of depar-

ture in exploring recent constructions in Norwegian curricular documents
for two professional groups, namely nurses and computer engineers.
Nursing is among the oldest professions in Norway, and the first nursing
The Construction of a New Professional Self 343

educational program was established in 1868. For the first 80 years,

however, there was no state regulation of nurse education. The
Norwegian Nurses’ Association had—and still retains—a strong posi-
tion in the development of educational standards, and state regulation
in the form of government directives gradually emerged from the 1950s
(Karseth, 2002). In 1977, nursing education gained status as a higher
education program; in 1981 the education of nurses was incorporated
into the programs offered by the regional colleges and placed under the
authority of the Ministry of Education; and as from 1987, nursing edu-
cation has been regulated by curriculum guidelines provided by the
Ministry (Karseth, 2002).
Computer engineering first gained status as a three-year professional
program in 1987. Together with other programs in engineering it is reg-
ulated today by a national curriculum. The program is, however, strong-
ly influenced by international standards and trends and is thus less open
for negotiations by local and national interest groups (Hatlevik, 2000).
This is illustrated in the close link between the goals provided in the
national curriculum and the standards listed in the FEANI index.4
During recent decades, the training programs for nurses as well as
computer engineers in Norway have been the object of extensive reform
and revision. The regional colleges have been granted status as univer-
sity colleges, and both programs have thus now become integrated into
the Norwegian system for higher education. Further, both groups have
deep roots in practical work and have struggled to legitimize them-
selves as full-fledged professions. Today, however, both are enjoying
increasing popularity and a high level of public trust and respect, indi-
cating their ability to adapt to the needs of our time.5 The two groups
also differ in interesting ways. Where gender is concerned, the educa-
tion in computer engineering is mainly (and increasingly) occupied by
male workers. For the nurses, however, a Norwegian study shows that

FEANI is an international federation for engineering organizations in Europe,
‘Fédération Européenne d’ Associations Nationales d’Ingénieurs’.
A survey among leaders in the public community sector in Norway showed that
between 75 and 90 per cent of the leaders regard the competence of recently educat-
ed nurses and engineers as satisfactory, and express trust in the educational programs
when it comes to preparing students for working as a nurse or engineer (Folkenborg
and Jordfald, 2003). However, they also point to needs for curricular changes at the
time when the survey was conducted (2002). Among the competences they would
like to be strengthened are practical skills for the nurses and knowledge about legis-
lation and community organization for the engineers.
344 Monika Nerland and Karen Jensen

every 5th woman, who applied for higher education in 2003, listed the
program in nursing as her first choice (Abrahamsen and Smeby, 2004;
Christiansen et al., 2005). Further, the two professions have different
traditions of knowledge. While nurses traditionally exhibit a strong
commitment towards moral obligations and the concept of care, the
engineering traditions are based on technological knowledge and pro-
cedures for problem solving. Although this division of knowledge is
currently somewhat diffuse, as we will show later, the differences in
knowledge cultures may produce different manifestations of the policy
trends in the respective educational programs.
In our analysis of the curricular documents we employed a decon-
structive approach inspired by Foucauldian perspectives (Popkewitz and
Brennan, 1998; Burr, 1995). This approach entails a back and forth read-
ing of central documents, focusing on specific statements as well as
their interrelational context. The aim of the analysis was to explore how
the organization of knowledge and learning activities, as well as the
aims and goals of the program, contribute to the production of a new
professional self, both implicitly and explicitly. In line with the three
dimensions of governmentality described above, the documents we have
examined represent diverse ‘levels’ of educational governance. At the
level of political technologies we have looked into national policy doc-
uments related to reforms in higher education carried out in 2003 and
2004, which again are related to the Bologna process aiming at creating
a common framework for higher education in Europe. At the level of
institutional technologies we examined the national curricula for nurses
and engineers as well as the local curricula within one university col-
lege. The main documents selected for analysis are thus as follows:

● A government white paper (Report no. 27 [2000–2001] to the

Storting) initiating the latest reform in Norwegian higher education;
● Central documents from the Norwegian Ministry of Education that
guided the reform;
● The national curriculum for the bachelor’s degree in engineering
● The national curriculum for the bachelor’s degree in nursing (2004);
● The local curricula for nurses and computer engineers within Oslo
University College.

In the following we start by exploring notions of the self in the doc-

uments that guided the reform in higher education, since these provide
an important basis for the emergence of the subject-specific curricula.
The Construction of a New Professional Self 345

13.4 Constructions of the Self in Recent

Reforms in Norwegian Higher Education

In 1994 the vocational programs, along with the rest of the non-
university sector, were integrated into a unified system for higher
education. The aim of the merger was to improve qualities related to
management and governance and to make the programs more cost
effective. Although these goals have to some degree been achieved, the
merger has had dramatic side-effects. It has led to increased bureaucra-
tization and, even more importantly, to what researchers describe as an
academic drift and a weakening of the distinctiveness of the programs
(Kyvik, 2002).
In 2001, a Government white paper (Report No. 27 [2000–2001] to
the Storting) entitled ‘Do your duty—demand your rights’6 called for
massive reforms within the field of higher education. Driven by a
desire to partake in what the Bologna Declaration (1999) describes as
‘a European area of higher education’ (p. 1), Norway agreed to amend
its degree and credit systems to conform to a common European
framework. This implied implementing a more flexible study structure
and, ultimately, also contributed to a fragmentation of the students’
learning environment. Guided by the wish to promote an educational
system that ensures ‘mobility, flexibility and employability’, a modu-
larized system has been developed and a new pedagogy involving
teaching methods aimed at ensuring a high level of student activity and
more regular forms of feedback has been introduced.
In order to underline the responsibility the students themselves have
for their own learning process, the Ministry of Education also stipulates
that contracts be drawn up defining not only the rights but also the obli-
gations entailed in participating in a European network of learning:
In order to enhance learning . . . and progression, emphasis shall
be placed on teaching methods involving a high level of student
activity combined with assessments that promote learning by
means of regular feedback. Educational institutions are to enter
into agreements with students clearly outlining the rights and obli-
gations of the institutions and students in relation to each other
(Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, 2002, p. 2).

An English summary of the white paper was provided by the Ministry of Education
in 2002. The quotations we have included are taken from this summary.
346 Monika Nerland and Karen Jensen

Thus, in Norwegian policy documents a notion of the ‘self-driven

student’ appears to coalesce with educational discourses emphasizing
the institutions’ role in ensuring educational quality. In recent years, the
mechanisms used to govern the institutions have changed relative to
previous phases of history. The individual colleges are afforded greater
freedom when it comes to the range of subjects, courses and disciplines
they offer. At the same time they have been given greater responsibility
for realizing national educational ambitions. As the Minister of
Education stated in a recent speech (2004), ‘Norwegian higher educa-
tion institutions have been exposed to a more demanding environment,
but also given the tools and the opportunity to foster their own growth’
(p. 3). And the standards for growth are defined by what the Minister
herself has described as a ‘new quality assurance regime’ focusing on
outcomes, results and outputs (Ministry of Education, 2004). In a
broader perspective, these policy documents represent strategies for
responding to the new challenges raised in the ‘knowledge society,’
where—according to the Norwegian Ministry of Education and
Research (2002)—universities and colleges are to function as ‘spear-
heads for competence’ (p. 1).
Viewed together the policy documents represent governing tech-
nologies at the ‘political’ level that contribute to a shift of responsibility
from the institutions and collectives to the individual learner. Students
in professional education are conceptualized as having autonomy,
rights and responsibility regarding their learning processes and it seems
to be a central notion that the continuous desire and ability to learn will
emerge as a motivating force in the student, provided that the educa-
tional aims are explicit and the learning possibilities are good. Such
technologies of individualization are the products of contemporary dis-
courses operating both in Norway and in other European countries. As
Edwards and Nicoll (2001) have shown, the idea of lifelong learning
represents a generally embraced notion in post-industrial societies, and
this is closely related to the development of a knowledge-based econo-
my. It might be said to work as a powerful technology for ‘human
capital development’, which aims at harnessing people’s desires and
values, and which prescribes to a notion of the individual as an active
citizen who desires to learn and willingly adapts to changes (Edwards
and Nicoll, 2001).
For the professional self, however, the current political technologies
also serve to position the subject in a counter-discursive space. As
pointed out above, the notion of the ‘self-driven student’ coalesces with
discourses that emphasize the institutions’ role of ensuring educational
The Construction of a New Professional Self 347

quality by means of establishing close ties to the student’s work, e.g. by

means of regular feedback and written agreements between the student
and the institution. This trend towards ‘intimization’ also implies a gov-
erning of the student by means of technologies of surveillance
(Foucault, 1984; Sennett, 1992; Krejsler, 2004). The motto ‘Do your
duty—demand your rights’ thus points to a kind of double positioning of
the learning self; a sense of freedom is offered to the student, while at the
same time he/she is expected to adapt to certain values, interests and col-
lective forms of agency, which are up to the educational institution to
define and manage. It points towards what Beck et al. describe as ‘quasi-
subjectivity,’ that is, ‘a situation of socially constructed autonomy that is
understood and experienced as such’ (Beck et al., 2003, p. 26).

13.5 Constructions of the Self in the

Curricula for Nursing and
Computer Engineering

In this section we illustrate how these overall trends play out within
the curriculum for nurses and computer engineers. The national curric-
ula for nurses (2004) and engineers (2003) have similar structures,
consisting of the descriptions of aims, goals, content, organization of
subjects and learning activities, and assessment procedures. Further,
both plans conclude by quoting the regulations for the programs in
question, underlining the formal character of the documents. While the
curriculum for nurses applies exclusively for nurses, the program for
engineers comprises several specialties. At the local level, however,
both programs are specific.7
For the sake of comparison we have chosen not to present the two
groups separately, but rather to portray four common attributes of the
self that emerge as implicitly stipulated qualities in our analysis of both
curricula. The attributes relate in various ways to the above-described
changes in higher education, and represent nuances of what it implies to
be a ‘self-driven student’ within the new ‘quality assurance regime’.
New dimensions are, for instance, brought to the learning self as a result
of the new ways of organizing knowledge and the individualization of
responsibility for learning. A joint thematic organization of the discussion
allows us to elucidate how these tendencies manifest themselves in the
current curricula for nurses and computer engineers: How do contemporary
Quotations from the national and local curricula have been translated by the authors.
348 Monika Nerland and Karen Jensen

notions of the professional self come into play in these documents? And
which corresponding demands are raised for the students to master in
order to regulate themselves as ‘good professionals’?

13.5.1 The Binding Self

We will start out by pointing to how current ways of organizing

knowledge and learning impose new demands upon the learning self.
As mentioned earlier, higher education is characterized by an increased
fragmentation of learning arenas. This also applies to the professional
programs, where we find indications that the learning community, in
which the students are supposed to participate, is broken up into diverse
subjects, courses and locations. For the computer engineering students,
this takes the form of a module-based curriculum consisting of five-to-
ten-credit modules, which cover both theoretical and practical issues
(Curriculum for computer engineering, Oslo University College,
2004). Although the curriculum for nurses consists of larger thematic
components (30–72 credits) and still contains a substantial element of
practical training,8 this plan, too, is characterized by what Bernstein
(1990) describes as strong classification of knowledge and a diversity
of sites for learning.
Against this background it is interesting to note the emphasis both
plans place on the capacity to link together knowledge provided through
the different parts of the program into a coherent whole, expressed as
goals that encourage the students to reflect over their experiences and
develop learning strategies, which transcend disciplinary boundaries
and the divide between knowledge forms. For instance, the national
nursing curriculum states that ‘transference and integration between the-
oretical and practical knowledge work’ is required if good learning is to
take place (p. 10). Correspondingly, the national engineering curriculum
stresses the importance of getting the students involved in cross-
disciplinary activities, that is, activities that demonstrate ‘connections
between diverse disciplines and domains of knowledge’ (p. 7). Another
example of the emphasis placed on the capacity to link together knowl-
edge may be found in goals related to reflective qualities: the engineer-
ing students must be able to reflect on ‘technological solutions from
economical, organizational and environmental perspectives’ (p. 4). For

From the 180 credits which comprise a bachelor’s degree in nursing, 90 credits are to
be earned in practice and 90 in the school (General plan for bachelor’s programme in
nursing 2004).
The Construction of a New Professional Self 349

the third-year students, this culminates in a request to carry out a ‘main

project’ as part of their final exam. Here they are expected to draw
insights and knowledge from different subjects and combine these in a
‘methodological and problem-oriented project’. This 20-credit project is
often carried out in groups, and preferably in cooperation with an engi-
neering company or another work-life enterprise.
Another curricular characteristic that contributes to a fragmentation
of knowledge and identities is what we will describe as a shift towards
more individualized learning trajectories. With a weakening of the
community as a provider of visible learning trajectories and profes-
sional identities, the task of constructing meaningful professional biog-
raphies is given to the student. Using nursing education as an example,
portfolio assessment has emerged as a widespread means of organizing
learning activities. As Wittek (2004) shows, the portfolio serves as an
artefact in nursing education through which actions and knowledge are
mediated, learning cultures are transformed and professional trajectories
constructed. However, what generally distinguishes portfolio-organized
learning is that the learner herself is responsible for constructing a port-
folio that meets the appropriate educational requirements and, in this
way, also for building a professional trajectory by drawing connections
between the diverse learning experiences. Portfolio assessment is also
deployed in engineering education. The curriculum for the two first
years of this program is largely structured by mandatory modules. In
the third year however, the students are requested to choose elective
courses in addition to the mandatory subjects, in order to specialize
their competence and distinguish themselves in relation to the general
community. The learning self thus bears the responsibility for produc-
ing a biography that justifies his/her professional choices and provides
him/her with the necessary distinctiveness to be perceived as attractive
on the labor market.
In both cases the students are positioned as the site where the bind-
ing functions are expected to take place. The division of learning activ-
ities and knowledge and the module-based curriculum may result in an
‘insourcing’ of binding functions, where the processes of integrating
knowledge and experiences earned at the diverse learning arenas are
allocated to the individual student. It leaves to the individual student to
make sense of and draw lines between different subjects, between the-
ory and practice as well as the myriad of experiences that constitute a
professional identity. The student is thus construed as a binding self,
who is supposed to develop an understanding of professional work as a
whole through partaking in diverse and fragmented arenas for learning.
350 Monika Nerland and Karen Jensen

13.5.2 The Boundary-setting Self

A second characteristic in the two curricula that brings new dimen-

sions to the self is related to an expansion of the domains of knowledge
in which the students are expected to gain competence. The range of
topics and spheres in which the education is supposed to provide stu-
dents with insights and skill is increasing, challenging the traditional
demarcation of professional knowledge domains and communities. For
instance, the computer engineers are expected to gain competence not
only in technical issues but in moral and aesthetic issues as well. They
are also requested to ‘take on a responsibility for the environment,
broadly defined, in both a local and a global sense’ (p. 4), and to acquire
an array of interpersonal as well as self-reflexive competencies and
skills. For the nursing students, we find formulations of goals where
the students are requested to deal with and respect the client’s right to
influence medical decisions, as well as to take responsibility for
‘strengthening the healthiness and preventing illness among healthy
and vulnerable groups’ (p. 5). And parallel to these extensions of the
knowledge domain, the students are also expected to specialize through
enrolling in and profiling elective subjects. The curriculum for com-
puter engineering at the Oslo University College (2004–2005) even
encourages the students to take more exams and credits than the 180
required for the bachelor’s degree.
The curricula thus introduce an unending range of complex relation-
ships and themes for the students to deal with, generating a vision of
knowledge acquisition as a never-ending process. Similar expansions
are also found to be a general trend in curricula worldwide, and may be
related to the emergence of what researchers describe as knowledge
societies (e.g. Chisholm, 2000). This is discussed by for instance
McEneaney and Meyer (2000), who identify three arenas in curricula
that are currently expanding: rationalities of society, of the individual,
and of the natural environment. It is thus not surprising that we also
find an expansion of knowledge domains in the professional curricula.
The important question for the discussion in this chapter, however, is
how the expanding demands contribute to the formation of professional
identities. In the face of seemingly over-ambitious aims and goals,
impossible to fulfill for any individual, boundaries must be drawn and
limits set. This task, too, appears to be left to the individual student. The
learner is thus constituted as a boundary-setting self, responsible for
developing appropriate self-technologies to deal with limitless goals
and demands.
The Construction of a New Professional Self 351

13.5.3 The Self-monitoring Self

A third characteristic in the general plans is the conceptualization of

professional ethics as a matter of individual responsibility. This differs
from earlier notions of professionalism, where collective regulation
within the professional group was emphasized. As Karseth (2004)
shows in a discussion of nursing education, a shift in conceptualizing
moral and ethical issues seems to have taken place in the course of the
past decades. The Norwegian nursing curriculum of 1987 emphasized
the learning of disciplinary ethical concepts and modes of argumenta-
tion, while the curriculum of 2000 links the moral obligations to the
single practitioner and his/her performative skills.
In the current curricula for both nurses and computer engineers this
trend is continued in a focus on quality assurance and self-surveil-
lance. In the general engineering curriculum plan this comes into view
in objectives, which state that the candidates are ‘required to manage
to take care of the concept of quality in all situations,’ and to ‘under-
stand and be able to function as morally responsible agents’ (p. 4). The
nursing curriculum contains comparable formulations, but this plan is
at the same time more concrete, possibly due to this group’s more
extensive negotiations within the professional association regarding
the formulation of goals. The students are here expected to ‘document,
to ensure the quality of, and to evaluate their own nursing practice’
(p. 7). Further, they are expected to possess the capacity both to define
standards for good work, and to assess their own practice in accor-
dance with these. Also, in addition to maintaining high ethical stan-
dards in their relationship to clients, the nursing candidates are
requested to ‘act for the profession in an ethically distinctive manner,’
to ‘beware of their professional and ethical responsibility in society
in general,’ and to ‘support colleagues in difficult professional or
personal situations’ (p. 7).
This strong emphasis on ethics combined with the absence of explicit
standards or descriptions of good practice, implies a construction of the
self as an inventor, regulator and evaluator of his/her own ethical prac-
tice. The shift in organizing ethical responsibility from the collective to
the individual level implies mechanisms of insourcing that could be
related to the increasing focus on managing risk in today’s society. As
Ericson and Doyle (2003) argue, the rise of risk discourse and risk man-
agement entails a rise in new moralities of responsibility and account-
ability at multiple levels of society, where the level of the individual is
given emphasis in contemporary liberal regimes. For the professional
352 Monika Nerland and Karen Jensen

self, however, meeting such demands requires trained skills in ethical

reflexivity as well as self-monitoring and self-inventing skills.

13.5.4 The Knowledge-producing Self

In our introduction we claimed that thinking in terms of innovation

and change are crucial aspects in today’s general notion of the profes-
sional self. We find these ideas reflected in the two curricula in the
form of a present ‘ethos of innovation,’ that is, an emphasis on prepar-
ing the students to partake in research-like activities. At the bachelor’s
level this comes into view in aims and goals that encourage the students
to develop an interest for and understanding of the importance of such
activities as a basis for continuing education and lifelong learning.
The nursing general plan describes it as an aim to ‘work systemati-
cally with the development of the discipline and quality assurance, to
contribute to developing the role of the nurse, and to participate in clin-
ical research and in disseminating results from such research’ (p. 7). An
emphasis on scientific thinking is also reflected in a described task
where the students are requested to discuss observations from the hos-
pital and to suggest improvements in the light of research literature.
The engineering plan (2003) reflects a similar take, in formulations
such as the following:

The educational programs should provide insights in the use of

research in engineering, and in the importance of research where
innovation is concerned. (p. 3)
Engineering education should educate candidates who show a
positive attitude towards innovation—engineers who acknowl-
edge the usefulness of participating in such activities, in their
work or in continuing education. (p. 4)
The education should provide the candidates with the updated
technological knowledge necessary for contributing to innova-
tion. They should build up a basis for developing their innovative
skills, and be prepared for entrepreneurial teamwork. (p. 4)

Such formulations incorporate a way of thinking that we conceptu-

alize as an ‘ethos of innovation’. The importance of questioning the
existing truths and developing new insights is emphasized. Inherent in
this is also a notion of continuous learning. The limited scope of initial
education is recognized and the bachelor’s programs in no way seek to
provide the candidates with all the knowledge and skills needed in their
The Construction of a New Professional Self 353

forthcoming innovative work. Hence, an attempt is made to resolve the

problem by allocating the task of further learning to the individual pro-
fessional. It is not surprising, then, that we also find this discourse
reflected in descriptions of working life. For instance, a Norwegian
study describes how competence development and documentation
among engineers appears to be allocated to the individual practitioner
and left to personal initiative (Eldring and Skule, 1999). Nurses are also
expected to carry a personal responsibility for further learning and
knowledge development after having finished their formal education
(Christiansen et al., 2005)—a responsibility that moreover is stated
explicitly in the national code of ethics for nurses (Norwegian Nurses’
Association, 2001).
For the learning professional self, the conveyed importance of inno-
vation implies demands for developing the right desire and motivation
for further education and research activities. The student is constructed
as a knowledge-producing self—as a coming innovator and agent of
change, who paradoxically is asked to appropriate the innovative way
of thinking while at the same time postponing this kind of practice to a
later stage in his/her professional career.

13.6 Discussion

Obviously, history is never clear-cut. Among the diverse trends and

flows operating in today’s professional education we have highlighted a
story that concerns how the professional self is altered by means of new
demands and stipulated qualities. One reservation to this narrative
involves the fact that our analysis is limited to the written curriculum.
It should thus not be read as a description of how students and teachers
actually engage with the goals and demands of their everyday work prac-
tice. Further, we find aspects in the curricula that are counter-discursive
to the description above. One example of this is the relatively structured
curriculum for the first two years of the computer engineering program,
in which the knowledge domains and learning activities are somewhat
more fixed in time and space and where the idea is apparently that the
students need to develop basic knowledge and skills before they are
able to use these innovatively or to make choices to specialize their
competence during their third year. The plans could thus be read as
multi-signifying locating the learner in contested sites that will also
inevitably be sites of resistance. Nevertheless, the notion of an overrid-
ing and self-regulating professional self is strongly exposed in the
354 Monika Nerland and Karen Jensen

reform policies as well as in the national and local curricula. The cur-
ricular constructions at both levels forge a vision of the individual as
self-motivated, self-regulated, and self-driven: able to bear the brunt of
setting boundaries and constructing meanings in a fragmented and
complex learning ecology.
In these ways the Norwegian curricula for nursing and computer
engineering reflect general trends in curricular documents worldwide,
often described in terms of increased organization around choice and
expanded formulations of goals (McEneaney and Meyer, 2000).
Although the curricula do not provide the students with fixed profes-
sional identities, their formulation of goals and ways of organizing
knowledge implicitly require a certain mentality where the ‘good stu-
dent’ is requested to show ‘commitment to a particular view of self in
environment’ (McEneaney and Meyer, 2000 p. 200). Above all the curric-
ula help to shape a self who is requested to understand himself/herself
as an active member of a professional community, responsible for man-
aging knowledge, making good choices, and for keeping involved in a
process of continuous learning and self-improvement. This notion of
the professional is part of a wider trend whereby government authori-
ties seek to empower their populations to become more responsible for
their own life courses (Edwards and Usher, 2001). It could be described
as a variant of the enterprising self, who is responsible for carrying out
best practice, for overriding existing structures and for producing new
insights. Further, becoming such a self implies notions of a search for
autonomy, freedom and personal fulfillment, where the self is to find
meaning in existence by shaping its life through acts of choice’ (Rose,
1996, p. 151).
Viewed together, the current movements imply a shift in the govern-
ing mechanisms, where the self emerges as the core object for regula-
tion and change. Regulation has become ‘transferred’ in the way that
practices at the micro-level have emerged as increasingly important
sites for regulation (cf. also Martínez Lucio and MacKenzie, 2004).
Governmentality in the mode of self-formation seems to be brought to
the fore, apparently taking the place of previously powerful institutions.
At this point our analysis of the two curricula corresponds to other
findings in contemporary research on governmentality and education,
which describe how the inner self becomes the core object for regula-
tion, and how the individual is positioned as the central ‘place’ where
societal paradoxes and complex relations are expected to be managed
(Fendler, 1998; Krüger and Trippestad, 2003; Miller, 1993; Rose, 1989).
As Fendler (1998, p. 55) puts it, ‘Becoming educated, in the current
The Construction of a New Professional Self 355

sense, consists of teaching the soul—including fears, attitudes, will and

desire.’ This shift does not, however, necessarily imply a weakening of
political and institutional forms of governmentality. Social theorists
discuss whether these changes imply a deregulation or rather a change
in, and perhaps a strengthening of, the disciplinary mechanisms. Such
strengthening could take place through a ‘governing at a distance’ by
way of articulating explicit standards that the individuals are supposed
to realize (Amoore, 2004; Evetts, 2003; Fournier, 1999).
For the professions however, this is not merely a question of whether
the regulation is in decline or in growth. More importantly, the shifts
entail changes regarding the instances and institutional levels where the
regulatory mechanisms are located. Traditionally, professions were rec-
ognized by a high degree of autonomy and dominance and by their abil-
ities to exercise occupational control of work (Freidson, 2001).
Professionalism was related to an exclusive ownership of an area of
expertise, to the power to define the nature of problems in that area, to
the control of access to potential solutions, and to the ability to moti-
vate and control work from ‘within’, by way of collegial organizations,
shared values and identities—all principles in what Freidson (2001)
conceptualizes as a ‘third logic’ of organizing work, distinct from that
of the market and that of the bureaucracy. Today the characteristics of
society and the shifts in governing mechanisms imply that a number of
functions, activities and responsibilities previously attributable to the
professions have been otherwise located—changes that also come into
view in professional education. On the one hand, we find what Lash
(2003) describes as insourcing, that is, a reallocation of functions,
activities and responsibility onto the individual which traditionally
were understood to be a collective matter. The constructions of the self
in the current curricula reflect insourcing mechanisms in the way that
the individual practitioner is held responsible for professional ethics,
innovation and the construction of a professional identity. On the other
hand, there is a general trend in the professions towards an outsourcing
of functions by way of managerial and bureaucratic control systems. In
our discussion the emergence of a national ‘regime for quality assur-
ance’ in higher education could be read as a process of outsourcing, in
the way that the power to define educational standards and quality indi-
cators is relocated from the professional communities to the national
The potential consequences of these shifts on the professions are
open to question. The processes of detraditionalization and individual-
ization in today’s society are said to challenge the embeddedness of
356 Monika Nerland and Karen Jensen

individuals in ‘communities of practice’ and to undermine the profes-

sions’ abilities to motivate and control work from ‘within’. In this
regard the mechanisms of insourcing may represent a productive step
in their response to the contingency, ambivalence and rapid shifts of
today’s society. The notion of the self-managing self offers a ‘vision of
mastery’ that goes beyond the modernist attempt to overcome ambiva-
lence and uncertainty. It paves the way for a reconfiguration of the
notion of the profession in a direction that is more sensitive to the con-
tingent and specific, but is not entirely left afloat. The new positioning
of the professional self corresponds to Bauman’s description of the
postmodern demands, where the self is expected to be ‘taking stocks of
the dangers and opportunities inherent in the scene’ (1995, p. 9).
Assigning the responsibility for learning to the individual may be a
constructive way to deal with challenges related to incredulity and
doubt in a so-called ‘postmodern condition of knowledge’, where
knowledge-creating practices are left in a state of permanent instability
and change. As Edwards and Usher proclaim; ‘learning is the condition
of flexibility, and flexibility is seen as the condition of learning’ (2001,
p. 279). One possible impact of the current constructions of the self
may thus be a potential for renewal of confidence and affiliation.
Provided that the students embrace the positions they are offered, the
standards and ideals conveyed in the curriculum may be transformed to
desires, wants, and productive self-technologies. This may contribute to
creating new collective identities based on a more ‘post-modern atti-
tude’ that goes beyond the stable communities and knowledge hierar-
chies. Further, the new visions of the self provide a space for engaging
with a fuller range of professional learning without bestowing privi-
leges on certain predefined models and bodies of knowledge as inher-
ently worthwhile. The opening of epistemological spaces and possible
trajectories may bring new modes of practice into the professions that
may also help to reshape and strengthen the communities.
However, there is no guarantee that such promises will be realized.
A positive outcome requires individuals who are truly able to cope with
the multiple demands. This again requires a learning environment that
provides students with the tools necessary to do this. Competence in
self-management could be understood in terms of skills, and where
development of skills is concerned, extensive research on learning has
highlighted the need for guided training within clearly defined bound-
aries. However, the insourcing of functions related to, for example,
binding and boundary setting may undermine the scaffolded training of
such capabilities. In the case of Norway, research also indicates that
The Construction of a New Professional Self 357

many students in higher education are not provided with the supervision
needed to develop flexible and generic skills (e.g. Bråten et al. 2003).
It is thus crucial for the educational institutions to avoid over-adapting
in their response to the new needs and demands. If the educational
institutions withdraw themselves as agents of knowledge, for instance
by avoiding developing standards for ethical responsibility, this may
create an opening for societal and neo-liberal forces to act directly upon
the individual. At the next juncture, this could have a dramatic under-
mining effect upon the professions as autonomous and self-regulating
The current forms of regulation thus represent ambivalent and multi-
signifying forces that could assume a myriad of forms, as is the case for
constructions in the postmodern world in general. As we see it, they
could take at least two imagined directions where the professions are
concerned. They could have an emancipatory effect upon the individu-
als, laying the groundwork for the growth of revitalized and strong
communities. At the same time however, there is a risk that they could
have a paralysing effect upon the overloaded selves, thus resulting in an
undermining of collective structures in the professions. Such scenarios
need to be investigated empirically, a task that goes beyond the scope
of this chapter.

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US Efforts to Create a New

Professional Identity for the
Bioscience Industry

David Finegold and Robert Matousek

School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgars University
New Brunswick, NJ, US

14.1 Introduction

Computers and related information technologies (IT) were the key

drivers of the technological revolution of the latter half of the 20th
Century, affecting most industries and the daily lives of individuals
across the advanced industrial countries. The first half of the 21st
Century has already been dubbed ‘The Age of Biology’, as break-
throughs in biotechnology have given birth to an entirely new industry
and are having major impacts on large existing sectors of the economy.
Shahi (2004) estimates that new developments in the biosciences will
have major effects on up to half of global GDP in the coming decades,
with the largest impact being felt in the health and agricultural sectors.
These two revolutions—computers and biology—are closely inter-
twined. The continuous improvements and sharply falling costs in com-
puting power have been one of the key technologies that have enabled
the historic transition in biology from a descriptive to a quantitative
science. As Figure 14.1 illustrates, the advances in decoding of differ-
ent organisms’ DNA have been highly correlated with the advances in
computing captured by Moore’s Law—that the amount of information
a chip can process will double every 18 months. At the same time, it is
the growing computational demands of large scale quantitative biology—
such as the Human Genome Project (HGP)—that have supplanted

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 361–390.
© 2007 Springer.
362 David Finegold and Robert Matousek

defense and entertainment applications as a key driver of cutting-edge

computing technology, such as Blue Gene, IBM’s record-setting super
Although the decoding of the 3 billion base pairs in the human
genome, along with deciphering of the genetic code for many other key
crops and animal species, represents a tremendous scientific accom-
plishment, it is only the most recent in a series of research breakthroughs
that have given birth to a new sector of the economy: the biotechnology
industry. In the mid-1970s the twin breakthrough in genetic engineering
by Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer in San Francisco and monoclonal
antibodies by Cesar Milstein and Georges Kohler in Cambridge made
possible the creation of the first biotechnology companies, like
Genentech and Cetus. Within 20 years the US biotechnology industry




(log 107 transistor

Base pairs
Moore's law


1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Figure 14.1 Comparison of the increasing speed of decoding of

different organisms’ DNA with the advances in computing captured
Moore’s Law—that the amount of information a chip can process will
double every 18 months
Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences 363

had grown to approximately 1500 firms. Today the European Union also
has approximately 1500 biotech companies, and Asia has another 1900
and is growing rapidly (although these newer firms tend to be much
smaller than their US counterparts and have thus far brought fewer prod-
ucts to market) (Shahi, 2004). Virtually all of the industrialized countries
and many industrializing nations are investing heavily to grow their own
biotechnology industry (Cooke, 2003).
To fill the growing number of positions in the biotech industry and to
turn the rich new genetic knowledge and other advances in biotechno-
logical research into beneficial products and processes requires new
types of professionals with new skill sets. Historically, the diverse
knowledge and skills required were embodied in specialists trained in
different disciplines (e.g. biology, chemistry, computer science, busi-
ness), who spoke different technical languages, and had very different
mindsets and approaches to solving problems. As the technology and
biotech industry have continued to evolve, it became apparent that new
types of professionals who could integrate these different disciplines
were needed (Riggs, 1999). Specifically, this chapter will focus on
US efforts to develop two new types of bioscience professionals: bioin-
formaticists or computational biologists who are able to integrate pro-
gramming skills and biological knowledge to come up with new
scientific discoveries or tools to enable them, and bioscience business
professionals who can integrate science and business to help commer-
cialize these new innovations.
Although our primary focus is on understanding the evolution of
these new professional identities in the biosciences and the wider insti-
tutional context in which these new identities are developing in the US,
the insights from this field may apply to the creation of new profes-
sional identities involved in other forms of complex knowledge work.
As in the biosciences, many of the most challenging problems facing
contemporary society—such as climate change, educational under-
achievement in the inner cities, and sustainable development—are
systemic in nature, and hence beyond the scope of a single discipline.
Likewise, many of the most important discoveries and innovations—
ranging from the Manhattan Project and the discovery of the structure
of DNA to the development of the IBM personal computer (PC)—were
produced through cross-functional work.
The need for interdisciplinary work is at odds with the growing
division of labor among academic disciplines brought about by the
explosion in new knowledge creation and the accompanying need for
individuals to specialize in order to develop and maintain an area of
364 David Finegold and Robert Matousek

expertise. The different parts that make up complex systems require

highly specialized inputs which in turn lead to social and cognitive
boundaries between the professions that make it harder for people to
work together effectively. Such barriers are thought to be especially
problematic when professionals have well-defined roles, identities and
traditional work practices (Ferlie et al., 2005). Our focus on efforts to
overcome these difficulties in the biosciences by creating new profes-
sionals—or boundary spanners—may thus yield important insights for
other areas of knowledge work that involve different functional spe-
cialists and where the different tasks to be carried out are highly inter-
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. First, we provide a
brief overview of the core elements of a professional identity and the
historical evolution of professional identities in the biological sciences.
Then we look at the US higher education (HE) system’s recent efforts
to create new identities in computational biology and professional sci-
ence masters programs to prepare scientists for careers in the bio-
science industry. We then turn to a case study of a new start-up within
higher education—the Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life
Sciences (KGI)—and discuss the environment it is trying to provide for
such an interdisciplinary degree and the outcomes of the program. The
key factors affecting success with respect to the labor market, organi-
zational and individual levels are discussed. Finally, some conclusions
and comparisons are drawn about the ability of the US educational sys-
tem to establish new professional identities in these two, related fields.

14.2 Creating New Professional Identities

A professional identity is defined as the relatively stable and endur-

ing constellation of attributes, beliefs, values, motives, and experiences
in terms of which people define their careers and work roles (Ibarra,
1999). Professional identities are embedded in communities of practice
in which individuals interact with other members of their profession.
Commitment to the values of this community is the outcome of a pro-
longed training and socialization process during which an individual is
effectively shielded from competing vocational and intellectual inter-
ests, becoming dependent on others within the profession who strong-
ly influence the fate and the self-conception of the individual
(Hagstrom, 1965). This commitment is reinforced by selecting individ-
uals for entry into the profession based on their commitment to its
Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences 365

attitudes and values, by then conditioning them through routines (ways

of working that evolve over time within the community of practice),
and by distributing rewards in exchange for their contributions to the
goals of the community (Hagstrom, 1965).
When a new professional identity starts to come into being,
professionals inevitably must enter from related fields as there is no
well-defined educational or career path yet devoted to the new pro-
fession. Eventually, however, for a professional identity to become
established, new educational options and career paths will need to be
developed to provide different points of entry into the profession
depending on the skills and experience of an individual. Establishing
a new professional identity thus requires a form of institutional
change and innovation in order to provide subsequent stability, con-
tinuity and direction through coordination of the profession (Ibarra,
1999). When thinking about how professional identities come into
being or change, we therefore need to take into account the different
levels (individual and inter-personal, organizational, and the wider
institutional and labor market environment) at which such change is
The professional identities that are the focus of this chapter provide
a useful means to study both change in professions and change in the
organizational settings in which such work is performed. Such occupa-
tions can be defined by the traits that are characteristic of the individu-
als in the profession, such as a particular knowledge base, the required
training period and the tasks to be performed for example. The organi-
zational settings in which such work is performed constitute a second-
level of analysis. They determine in part the decisions made and
procedures undertaken during the work process (content), the charac-
teristics of employment or work contract (terms), and the settings in
which such work is performed (context) (Leicht and Fennell, 2001).
The final level of analysis needed to understand changes to a profession
or a new profession coming into being, is that of the position of the pro-
fession as an institution within society. As such, professions represent
‘identifiable structures of knowledge, expertise, work and labor mar-
kets, with distinctive norms, practices, ideologies, and organizational
forms’ (Leicht and Fennell, 2001, p. 90). Analysis of professional labor
markets, for example, needs to consider both the demand for new skills
coming from hiring organizations, and how the supply of new people
entering the profession may be controlled by institutional actors who
regulate the flow through qualification examinations, and peer review
of funding and publications.
366 David Finegold and Robert Matousek

14.3 The Need for New Professional Identities

in the Biosciences

The integration of computers into biology has fundamentally trans-

formed how the science is conducted. With the advances in technology
and the accompanying greater understanding of underlying biological
processes, the focus is shifting from small-scale experiments focused
on individual elements of organisms to analysis of complex systems. At
the same time, the vast amounts of data being produced by large-scale
genome projects and high throughput techniques for screening poten-
tial drug candidates are making the development of computer algo-
rithms and data analysis skills essential components of life science
research and development (R&D). The skills needed for this research,
however, have traditionally not been strong within the biological
community. Fortunately there are signs of increasing acceptance of
quantitative methods in biology. The emerging fields of computational
or systems biology are seeking to develop professionals who can organ-
ize and analyze this data and build models that can provide real insights
into the basis for disease (Gatenby and Maini, 2003). While compre-
hensive models capable of describing even relatively simple examples
of such systems are still in the early phases of development, the hope is
that they could eventually help transform the drug development
process, reducing the cost, time and very high failure rates associated
with current methods (IBM, 2004).
Along with computational biologists, another requirement for soci-
ety to obtain the full potential benefit from new biotechnologies is
developing professionals who can bridge the gap between science and
business. Although good quality scientific research provides the foun-
dation for biotech innovation, it is only a starting point. Turning R&D
into new drugs or devices requires the capabilities to raise finance and
manage product development, manufacturing, the regulatory approval
process and marketing of new products. The complementary assets
needed to commercialize biotech products lie mainly in the private
sector, whereas a substantial part of the capabilities needed for biotech-
nological research are located in public research organizations. Yet his-
torically there was outright animosity between many of the scientific
and medical professions and the bioscience industry in the US and
Europe. The American Medical Association’s (AMA) first code of
ethics, written in 1847, considered the patenting or advertising of drugs
to be unethical, while the American Society for Pharmacology and
Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences 367

Experimental Therapeutics, founded in 1908, stated in its bylaws that

‘no one shall be admitted to membership who is in the permanent employ
of industry’ (Hilts, 2003, p. 97). These restrictions remained in force until
1941. Professor John Jacob Abel of Johns Hopkins University, the lead-
ing US pharmacologist prior to WW II, summed up academia’s attitude
to industry: ‘I personally would not think of working on a problem sug-
gested to me by any firm, anywhere’ (Hilts, 2003, p. 97).
This situation began to change in the 1970s with the birth of the
modern biotechnology revolution. University research produced the key
breakthroughs that made possible the creation of the first biotechnology
companies. Most of these new start-ups were located close to the univer-
sity labs that spawned them, and the star scientists typically stayed close-
ly connected to the firms (Zucker and Darby, 1996), sitting on the
Scientific Advisory Boards and sending their graduates to work in them.
The passage of the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980 further strengthened the grow-
ing ties between US HE institutions and industry, by giving universities
both the right and obligation to commercialize the federally-funded
research conducted by their faculty (Mowery et al., 2004). But as Leroy
Hood, the inventor of some of the key technologies that made possible the
HGP, observed, academia’s skepticism regarding industry remained strong
even when there were potentially large amounts of money to be made by
the universities. He recalled his experience at Cal Tech where he devel-
oped the concept for the first automated DNA and protein sequencers:
When I approached Murph Goldberger, the President of Cal Tech,
about creating a company to commercialize the technology in the
late 1970s, he said the University wanted nothing to do with it. I
offered Cal Tech a 25 per cent stake in what became Applied
Biosystems, but he turned me down. That stake was eventually
worth about a billion dollars (Hood, 2003, Telephone and in-
person interviews with author. May–June).
Hood’s own subsequent career path, as both a pioneer in the field of
systems biology and a co-founder of ABI and Amgen, suggests the
need for individuals who can bridge the gap between academia and
industry. People integrating science with business are thought to play a
critical role in transferring technology from research to industry by act-
ing as disseminators of new technology and translators of competencies
to user sectors (Fontes, 2001).
Although the task of developing new professional identities that
bridge the gaps between computing and biology and biology and
368 David Finegold and Robert Matousek

business may appear daunting, a recent example from within the bio-
sciences suggests it may be possible—the case of bioengineering.
Bioengineering is the application of systematic, quantitative and inte-
grative way of thinking about and approaching the solutions important
to biology and medicine (NIH, 1997). The last two centuries have laid
the groundwork in physics needed for understanding biology and medi-
cine from an engineering perspective. Many of the early engineering
concepts and instruments found applications in biomedical research,
such as X-ray imaging. This prompted more and more investigators to
start using the concepts of physics and engineering in biological and
medical research, but it was due to a number of radical breakthroughs in
medicine, such as the cardiac pacemaker and heart-lung machine, that
engineering has been able to establish a prominent position in medicine.
The 1950’s saw the first steps towards bioengineering as a disci-
pline, with professional societies, regular meetings and publica-
tions, and formalized training programs (Nebeker, 2002, p. 10).
Before assuming a distinct identity, bioengineering had been inter-
twined with biophysics and medical physics, but since then it has moved
from being an inter- and multi-disciplinary activity to a discipline in its
own right (Nebeker, 2002). This has required significant changes to the
engineering profession as well as the professional educational curricu-
lum of engineering students in universities. In the process, it has changed
the context in which engineering is defined and put to use—what are the
tasks of a bioengineer and what is her or his relationship with others. This
change has been driven in part by the demand for innovative approaches
to solve problems in biology and medicine as well as the numerous
opportunities for the application of engineering to the biological
sciences and for commercial development (Nerem, 1997).

14.4 Educating New Types of Professionals

for the Bioscience Industry

The way in which different nations respond to the perceived need to

educate a new type of professional will be strongly shaped by the struc-
ture of the higher education system and surrounding institutions
(Finegold, 2006). In most countries, all or most HE institutions are
public—that is, funded and governed by the state. The government
typically regulates the content and quality of what is offered in these public
institutions, and has to approve the development of new qualifications.
Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences 369

In contrast, the US has a variety of public and private colleges and uni-
versities, including for-profit HE institutions, operating in a market
environment. The stiff competition and lack of regulatory barriers gen-
erates a high degree of responsiveness to student and company needs
and to economic and technological changes. The free market for HE,
however, also results in very uneven quality across institutions, making
it difficult to know in many cases what completion of a degree signifies.
The US HE system benefits from a greater diversity of funding
sources for new educational innovations, such as the development of
courses for new professionals. While individuals and the government
pay for basic tuition and student living costs, research universities rely
heavily on their often substantial endowments, raised predominantly
through alumni contributions, to invest in new programs. In addition, a
very large and growing set of private foundations, each with a distinc-
tive mission, provides a major, flexible source of funding for new pro-
gram development that is largely absent in other advanced industrial
countries. The Gates Foundation, for example, has been in existence
less than a decade but, with an endowment of over $30 billion, is
already providing more money to fund innovations in global health than
most national governments. In addition, US universities are able to
leverage their own endowment funds to invest in new courses that are
seen to have promise for the future.
The US experience with creating new qualifications for bioscience
professionals reveals both the advantages and some of the dangers of
this very flexible HE system. Until very recently, the educational
options for students interested in entering this sector in the US were
very limited. They could enroll for a science PhD—which is designed
to prepare people to conduct research in a narrow scientific disci-
pline—or become a medical doctor or pharmacologist. These educa-
tional routes are very costly to deliver and time-consuming, with
Biology PhDs averaging more than 7 years to completion and medical
students typically completing an internship and three or four-year resi-
dency after their MD (Doctor of Medicine or Medical Doctor) if they
want to enter a specialty. Unlike engineering, biology and chemistry
have not had well-established and respected career paths for individu-
als to obtain a master’s degree and then to put their new specialized
skills to use in industry. Typically, a student only got a master’s in biol-
ogy if he or she decided to drop out of a PhD program.
Although the Bayh-Dole Act significantly altered the relationships
between academia and industry, bringing universities and companies
much closer together, traditional PhD programs still did little or nothing
370 David Finegold and Robert Matousek

to prepare researchers for a career in industry. As Table 14.1 illustrates,

however, the creation of the biotech industry in the late 1970s not only
opened up new, private-sector career options for PhDs, but also
spurred the growth of new technical masters programs. Although com-
puter scientists are not recognized as a biology-related profession in
these US Department of Labor occupational statistics, such skills are
increasingly deemed essential for biologists as employers prefer job
applicants who are able to apply computer skills to modeling and
simulation tasks and to operate computerized laboratory equipment.
So too are strong business and communication skills, familiarity with
regulatory issues and marketing and management techniques for people
who aspire to management or administrative positions.
To address these skill needs, universities began in the late 1990s to
experiment with a new type of degree program: Professional Science
Master’s (PSM). With start-up support from the Sloan and Keck
Foundations, colleges created new, more applied course offerings that
combine science with some business skills intended to help graduates
prepare for careers in commercializing biotechnology. ‘Science
faculty are realizing and beginning to enjoy the fact they can help
educate people for important roles in society other than researchers
and teachers,’ said Jesse Ausubel, a program manager at the Sloan
From virtually none a decade ago, there are now around 100 PSM
programs spread across the US, with most located in established
research universities. Although the number of programs has been
growing rapidly, most are still quite small and seeking to establish
themselves. They span a wide range of science subjects, but most are
concentrated in the biological sciences, with a particular concentra-
tion in bioinformatics and computational biology. As more of the bio-
logical innovation process has moved from in vivo to in silico, HE
institutions have sought to fill the perceived shortage of biologists
with computational skills by creating new PSM programs, as well as
adding computational biology options to traditional degrees, from
undergraduate to doctoral studies. A recent survey by Black and
Stephan (2004) demonstrated the extreme responsiveness of the US
HE system to changes in industry demand. In just the four years
between 1999 and 2003, number of bioinformatics programs grew
from 21 to 74, with the largest growth taking place at the Masters
level (see Figure 14.2).
Table 14.1 Biologists: work settings and job characteristics 1980–2005 (Leicht and Fennell, 2001; Bureau of Labor
Statistics, 2005)
1980 1985 1990 1996–97 2004–05

Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences

60% faculty in colleges/ Same as 1980 Same as 1980, 33% faculty in colleges/ (Same as 1996–97)
universities 1985 universities
40% in fed/state/local 33% federal/state/local 50% in fed/state/local government
government, private sector, government
nonprofit research 33% drug industry— 50% in scientific research and testing
organizations pharmaceutical and biotech laboratories, pharmaceutical and
establishments; hospitals, manufacturing industry, or hospitals
research and testing labs
Rest faculty in colleges/universities
Ph.D. for college teaching, Same as 1980 Ph.D.—same as Same as 1990 Ph.D.—Same as 1980, 1985, 1990.
independent research, 1980, 1985 1996–97)
advancement to administrative
Masters for applied research Masters for applied Masters for some jobs in basic research,
research and jobs in applied research or product
management, development, management, or inspection
inspection, sales,
Bachelors sufficient for some Bachelors—same Bachelors—same as 1980, 1985, 1990,
non-research jobs as 1980, 1985 1996–97)
Good for these with advanced Expected to Expected to grow Expected to grow faster than Expected to grow as fast as average for
degrees more competition grow faster faster than the the average for all occupations all occupations through 2012.
with leser degrees increase than the average for all through 2005, continued continued biotech research and

faster than average for all average for all occupations genetics and biotech research, development

Table 14.1 Continued
1980 1985 1990 1996–97 2004–05

occupations through the occupations through 2000 growth due to efforts to clean Doctoral degree holders can expect to
1980s because of increased through the mostly in private and preserve environment, face considerable competition for
attention to preserving the mid-1990s industry, expected expansion in research independent research positions
natural environment, medical due to recent continued growth related to health issues, such as particularly in universities increase in

David Finegold and Robert Matousek

research growth in industry advances in in genetics and AIDS, cancer and the Human number of newly trained scientists
and government genetics biotech research Genome Project Applied research positions in private
research growth due to industry in private industry may become
biological efforts to clean more difficult to obtain if increasing numbers
technology, and preserve of scientists seek jobs in private industry
efforts to environment Holders of bachelor’s or master’s degrees
clean and Slow growth in in biological science can expect better
preserve federal opportunities in non-research positions,
environment government increase in number of science related jobs,
Better for in sales, marketing, and research
those with management
Conservation occupations, Same as 1980 Conservation Same as 1990 Medical scientists, agricultural and
agricultural scientists, occupations, food scientists, and conservation
biochemists, soil scientists, animal breeders, scientists and foresters, as well as
oceanographers, and life horticulturist, other health occupations such as physicians
science technicians agricultural scientists, and surgeons, dentists, and
medical scientists, veterinarians
medical doctors,
dentists, vets
Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences 373







Bachelor's Masters Doctorate Post-doctorate
1999 2003

Figure 14.2 Number of US degree programs in bioinformatics

14.5 A Case Study: The Keck Graduate


The Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences (KGI) was the
first new HE institution created specifically to offer a PSM. Launched
in 1997 with a $50 million grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation, KGI
is the newest of the Claremont Colleges, a collection of institutions that
operate on a similar model to Oxford and Cambridge Universities in the
UK. There are seven independent Claremont Colleges, each with its
own faculty, endowment, and distinctive identity—e.g. Harvey Mudd
College specializing in undergraduate science and engineering or all-
women’s Scripps College. The colleges are physically co-located, allow
students to cross-register for free in each other’s courses, and share
some collective resources (such as a central library, payroll, benefits
administration, etc.). KGI is the second graduate college in Claremont,
joining Claremont Graduate University, which contains the Drucker
School of Management.
KGI was created without traditional academic departments to foster
interdisciplinary collaboration in research and teaching among its fac-
ulty. It offers a new two-year Masters of Bioscience (MBS) degree. The
MBS combines computational biology, systems biology and bioengi-
neering in project-based learning oriented around the key tasks facing
bioscience companies in fields such as drug development, diagnostics,
medical devices, bioprocessing and industrial biotechnology, along
374 David Finegold and Robert Matousek

with a mini-MBA, pharmaceutical development, regulatory and ethics

training all tailored to the life science industry. The MBS was designed
as a professional degree, with the intent that graduates would be pro-
vided with a broad foundation of management and science skills that
would help them eventually to advance into leadership roles in the life
science industry. For students who elect to pursue a career in research,
KGI has launched a small PhD program in Computational Biology in
partnership with CGU. KGI is thus seeking to develop both types of
professionals needed for the commercialization of the biosciences:
developing applied researchers who have mastered computers and biol-
ogy and professionals who bridge the gap between the business and
science of biotechnology.
One of the central ways in which KGI has tried to foster new profes-
sional identities for the biosciences is by building close partnerships
with industry, taking advantage of its proximity to Southern California’s
wealth of bioenterprises, from San Diego’s dense biocluster (Casper,
2005) to the less concentrated, but growing number of medical device
and biotech firms in Orange and Los Angeles Counties. Some elements
of these industry partnerships are quite standard within HE—i.e. creat-
ing a strong industry advisory board to shape the initial curriculum,
inviting industry experts to serve as guest lecturers and adjunct faculty,
attracting company sponsorship for applied research, and requiring all
students to undertake a paid internship in industry between their first and
second years. Others are more unusual: under a National Science
Foundation-funded ‘Partners for Innovation’ program, teams of KGI
students partner with leading research institutes (e.g. Scripps, Salk,
Burnham, Buck, Karolinska) or early-stage bioentrepreneurs to write
market analyses or a full business plan for a promising technology. And
in lieu of a master’s thesis, all KGI students conduct a full-year Team
Masters Project, which is a company-sponsored consulting project
where groups of 3–5 students can perform a wide range of tasks,
i.e. designing and building a prototype for a new piece of equipment or
diagnostic assay and the marketing strategy and business plan for this
product. Since admitting its first class in 2000, KGI has already spun out
several companies. Students have been involved in all aspects of creat-
ing these businesses, from helping to develop the technology, to writing
the business plan and negotiating the first supplier partnership. The first
of these spinouts, Ionian Technologies (Upland, CA), is based on a dra-
matic advance in amplifying DNA, an essential step in virtually all drug
development and diagnostics that represents a potential $7 billion/year
Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences 375

market.1 In essence, KGI has sought to create a learning laboratory for

the commercialization of biotechnology, believing that the best way for
students to learn and become socialized into a new professional identity
is to work on real problems and novel technologies in cooperation with
scientists and entrepreneurs.
For a brand new institution, KGI has had a high degree of success
placing its graduates in jobs in the bioscience industry. Approximately
90 per cent of graduates from KGI’s first three classes found jobs or
pursued continuing education in the bioscience industry within six
months of completing their degree, many staying in Southern
California’s large biotech cluster. Amgen, the world’s largest biotech
company, has been KGI’s top employer and provided evidence of the
breadth of the degree, hiring over 20 of the first 115 graduates to work
in 11 different departments, ranging from competitive intelligence and
business development to project management, process engineering and
quality control. What these jobs have in common is that individuals
need to be able to analyze both the science and business side of an
opportunity, to work in teams, and to communicate effectively with the
different functions within an organization.

14.6 Challenges to Creating a

New Professional Identity

Our research on KGI and PSM programs more broadly suggests that
there are a number of barriers that must be overcome to establish a new
professional identity in the biological sciences. These challenges occur
at three levels: labor market and technological trends, organizational,
and individual and inter-personal.

14.6.1 Labor Market for Bioscience Professionals

A clear sign that a new professional identity has been established is

when talented individuals compete to enter the profession and are then
able to secure good jobs once they have become qualified. Although

Ionian was recently awarded two of the first dozen contracts granted by the US
Department of Homeland Security and a major contract from the Defense Advanced
Research and Planning Agency (DARPA) to use its technology to develop detection
devices to combat bioterrorism.
376 David Finegold and Robert Matousek

still very early in their development and after encouraging starts, both
the Computational Biology and PSM programs have faced issues with
attracting a supply of top students to enter the programs and with estab-
lishing clear career pathways for their graduates. On the supply side,
the new PSMs are competing for the best applicants from a limited
talent pool of science undergraduates whose alternative is a free educa-
tion: the PhD. They must convince individuals who want to remain in
the biosciences, but are not seeking a career in basic research, that the
upfront costs of paying for a two-year professional degree offer sub-
stantial benefits compared to the substantial opportunity cost of many
years of study required to complete a PhD and subsequent post docs.
A key to making this case is demonstrating that a high percentage
of graduates in the new field area are able to secure well-paying jobs.
A comparison of job advertisements for bioinformatics graduates
that appeared in Science from 1996–2002 (Black and Stephan, 2004,
pp. 21–24) indicates that at the time the new Masters and PhD cours-
es in computational biology were being created the demand for their
graduates was rising rapidly, from 209 positions in 1996 to 443 in
2000. By the time the flow of graduates from these new programs
was beginning to enter the job market, however, demand had fallen
substantially, with the number of positions declining to 254 by 2002.
In addition, there was a shift in the type of employer—industry
accounted for the majority of jobs in 1996–97, but by 2002 nearly 80
per cent of the openings were in academia. The job picture was even
worse for Masters graduates, as the number of openings dropped
from 42 to just 6.
This sharp decline in the labor market for bioinformatics graduates
reflected a broader shift in the industry, as many of the leading compa-
nies created to capitalize on the decoding of the human genome—
Incyte, Celera, Human Genome Sciences—ran into trouble in 2000–01.
After the initial exuberance surrounding the HGP, it became clear that
once this genomic information was placed in the public domain these
firms did not have a sustainable business model to go with their excit-
ing technological capabilities. Combined with the more general down-
turn in high-tech stocks following the dot-com collapse and 9/11, the
failure of many bioinformatics companies created a double blow for the
new programs: some of the firms that were fueling the demand not only
stopped hiring, but also were laying off experienced personnel who
were competing with new graduates for jobs. This suggests a broader
difficulty with trying to prepare individuals for a still emerging, rapidly
changing new professional field—because of the inevitable time lag in
Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences 377

creating new professional qualifications, there is a risk that the demand

may have shifted before the new supply of professionals can be
In a slack job market, it can be particularly difficult for new gradu-
ates emerging with a new form of professional qualification to find
jobs. As KGI Professor Bob Watson2 observed:
It’s hard for young people trained as interdisciplinary scientists
to find jobs. A computer science graduate is generally not going
to find a good job in a biology department as an academic fac-
ulty member. It’s very difficult. A biology graduate is never
going to find a job in the computer science department. So peo-
ple will be labeled and will have to demonstrate that they’re
very good at either computer science or biology. So these inter-
disciplinary post docs are somewhat of a liability. In the indus-
try it’s the same problem; you’re either a very good programmer
or a you’re a very good experimental biologist or you could
go to a bioinformatics software development company which
requires both, but these days such companies are in a precarious
state as there is little funding for pure bioinformatics compa-
nies. They’re dying like flies. The job opportunity for purely
interdisciplinary young scientists at companies is somewhat dif-
ficult these days. I’m only hoping that there will be more oppor-
tunities both in academia as well as companies, but it’s going to
be difficult.
For those seeking to pursue an academic career in the emerging
fields of bioengineering, computational and systems biology, the
prospects have been a bit more encouraging. The two essential elements
for establishing a new professional identity in academia are the ability
to secure funding to support research and to publish the results of this
work in prestigious journals. These new, interdisciplinary researchers
have benefited from significant new Federal and foundation funding
initiatives in these emerging fields and the growth in university depart-
ments and faculty positions this has stimulated and the rapid growth of
new journals in these areas, along with a growing acceptance among
the most established journals of the value of this work. Despite this
progress, overcoming the strength of traditional disciplinary approaches
can still prove a barrier to academics in these new fields, as Harry

The names of KGI professors, researchers and students have been changed to protect
their confidentiality.
378 David Finegold and Robert Matousek

Brenner, a post doc in computational biology at KGI noted:

At smaller universities, people are likely to follow the leaders
within a certain field without questioning the approach used.
When you mention that this approach is incorrect, they refer to
the people from Nature—‘the people from Nature said it’s ok’—
and their authority is not to be questioned.
Likewise, in today’s highly competitive environment, these tradi-
tional attitudes can hurt the chances of obtaining research funding from
the largest, more general sources not targeted specifically at interdisci-
plinary research. KGI Professor Tom Gilbert described his experience
with seeking support for an innovative line of research creating artifi-
cial life within computers as an accelerated way of studying evolution:
We’ve had a lot of trouble getting funding . . . The interdiscipli-
nary nature doesn’t help. The problem is if you write a proposal
that has a theoretical and an experimental component then
inevitably you get referees who don’t understand both aspects and
therefore never get really excited. In a proposal that can be the
difference between getting the money or not. In a paper that
would be fine, for example if one referee says, ‘The experiments
are fine. I don’t understand the theory,’ and the other referee says,
‘The theory is fine, but I don’t understand the experiments,’ then
that’s fine and the paper will go through. For a proposal that
might kill it because both reviewers might only give it a very
good instead of an excellent, because they don’t understand the
other part.
Most PSM graduates, however, are not interested in academic jobs,
but instead would like to find managerial positions in the bioscience
industry. To secure these positions they must often compete with grad-
uates of business schools who have a much more established MBA
qualification and PhDs. The graduates of the new PSM programs are
well aware of the relative advantages and disadvantages they face in
the labor market. Hank Roberts, a member of KGI’s first class,
I think it depends on the position I’m going for. If I’m going for
a position, a clinical research type of position for example, some-
where where you interface between working with management
and working with biologist, with doctors, this (degree) is pretty
ideal for something like that. Anywhere you have to work with
Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences 379

multiple disciplines, work in a team of people with a lot of dif-

ferent backgrounds, the education at KGI pretty much taught me
how to do that. I can talk to the engineers and understand what
they’re saying and then go talk to the biologists and understand
what they’re saying and find a way to relay that to my manager
who might be just fresh out of an MBA program and might not
have much of an engineering or a biology background. I feel like
I can pick up such things really easy which gives me a head start.
For doing laboratory work, I think someone would be better off
doing a straight masters degree, like a person who did the mas-
ters in biology and focused on that for two years.
Joan Curie, a member of KGI class of 2005, added:
I feel that my degree is more competitive than an MSc in a more
traditional discipline since I have a broader background.
Obviously my degree is not as competitive as a PhD, since I don’t
have as much experience. I feel comfortable however discussing
results and making suggestions on subjects that I’m familiar with,
otherwise I need to dig in. Computational biology requires very
specific skills such as familiarity with a specific programming
language, whereas biology seems to require more general skills
and competencies within the field of biology.
To better position themselves in the labor market, a few of KGI’s
graduates have also chosen to obtain an MBA despite the MBS’s sig-
nificant and more bioscience-specific business content. They have
done this in two ways: by studying for an MBA part-time that is paid
for by their employer’s tuition reimbursement program, or by enrolling
in a pilot MBS/MBA dual-degree program that KGI established with
the nearby Drucker School of Management.3 This 2-plus-1 program
enabled them to accumulate just under half of the credits towards an
MBA during their time at KGI, and then to complete their MBA in
another 6–12 months of full-time study. Perhaps surprisingly, it was
some of the KGI graduates who had the most work experience and
best job prospects, who elected to pursue the MBA. For example
Hannah McClintock (KGI, 2004), who had extensive project manage-
ment and marketing experience in online science-content providers,
KGI and Drucker subsequently decided not to continue the 2-plus-1 program despite
its popularity with students. One of KGI’s concerns was that it was competing with
the objective of establishing the MBS as an alternative, standalone professional
degree for the biosciences.
380 David Finegold and Robert Matousek

turned down a good job offer when she graduated from KGI in order
to complete her MBA. She explained her rationale for staying on in the
2-plus-1 program:
So much of my reason for doing it was credibility. When my boss
introduces me, he mentions my MBA, which doesn’t go unnoticed.
The title is more important than the content . . . My hope is that
in 10 years KGI grads won’t require an MBA. But my decision
was driven by the current circumstances in a very competitive
market. I wanted the best job I could find. You’re always going to
find MBAs are in a higher salary bracket.
Ironically, McClintock notes that while the position she was able to
secure as a Product Manager and her salary were heavily influenced by
the MBA qualification,
“my contributions are valued more for my science and what I
learned at KGI than at Drucker.” David Crick, one of Sawyer’s
classmates who elected not to pursue the MBA, echoes her senti-
ments: “The problem is the brand name. I feel we’re very qualified
for many jobs, but the firms don’t know who we are. They might
just want to go to a place they know like Harvard (Business
His solution to secure a job as a Program Systems Analyst at Amgen
was, like many KGI grads, to try to differentiate his skill set, rather than
compete head-to-head with MBAs. Crick remarked that:
You try to sell yourself as someone specialized, who can under-
stand science and the business. You don’t want to compete against
MBAs for finance jobs, go for more integrator roles then move
up from there.
Even one of KGI’s top-earning graduates, Dr. Tom Salk, who lever-
aged his prior medical training in India to join Amgen’s Medical Affairs
Department, has elected to enroll part-time in UCLA’s Anderson School
of Management to obtain an MBA. He described his motivation:
I would eventually like to move from my current department into
a more general leadership position, and when I look around the
company I see that the people being chosen for these roles all
have an MBA.
Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences 381

14.6.2 Organizational

A second type of barrier to creating these new cross-functional pro-

fessional identities is the way the work and accompanying hiring prac-
tices in many organizations are structured. Most universities are set up
along traditional disciplinary lines with relatively limited interaction
among the faculty in different departments. Hood, one of the pioneers of
computational and systems biology, recalled how hard he had to struggle
as a tenure-track professor at Cal Tech to pursue his chosen research strat-
egy of dividing his time between doing cutting-edge biological experi-
ments and building the tools that could enable quantitative biology:
One of the interesting experiences came after three years there,
when the chairman [of the Biology Department] came to see me
and recommended in the strongest terms I give up working on
technology. All the senior faculty felt it was unseemly for me to
be doing technology development. They felt I should go to engi-
neering if I wanted to do that kind of work. Cal Tech biologists
still have that view to a certain extent today. There is a refusal by
many to recognize a cross-disciplinary approach to biology.
Hood went on to explain some of the underlying personal reasons
for this resistance (see next section):
Biologists were very unsophisticated; most hadn’t used much
technology. They felt you could learn the whole sequence of
life from studying phage in a test tube [an influential line of
research that Cal Tech had pioneered]. It was a kind of arro-
gance on their part. Building new tools to push biology for-
ward seemed like something an engineer should be doing
rather than a real biologist. I was never sympathetic to that
point of view.
Watson confirmed that the difficulties of conducting interdiscipli-
nary research have persisted, describing his experience trying to build
an early collaboration with a colleague in computational biology:
I was in the biology department and he was in the computer sci-
ence department. The two buildings were side by side, but until
then there was absolutely zero communication between the two
departments; nobody knew anybody.
382 David Finegold and Robert Matousek

When it was first established, the University of California San Diego

(UCSD) made a series of design choices to try to foster interdiscipli-
nary work that closely mirrored KGI—avoiding traditional depart-
ments, alternating the offices of biologists and chemists to maximize
informal interactions, creating common core labs, and team-teaching
core courses.
‘It worked very well initially,’ recalled Prof. Russell Doolittle,
one of UCSD’s initial biology faculty members. ‘Until budget
crises came, and then people began to fight over whose centrifuge
it was.’
As UCSD grew dramatically, it was cheaper and easier to revert to
traditional courses and disciplinary departments located in separate
The tenure process, and accompanying pressure to become an expert
and publish in a narrow area within a particular discipline, can create
strong disincentives for new scientists to pursue interdisciplinary work.
As Watson noted:
The reward structure within universities is extremely important. In
fact it’s one of the most important factors. I faced this prob-
lem . . . Some of the people in biology who were most closely con-
nected to computing, the evolutionary biologists, came in and told
me it was fantastic stuff I was doing, but where was the biology in
it? When the tenure situation came up, I realized there was tremen-
dous conflict going on among the senior faculty about what to do.
One way around the traditional departmental boundaries is to create
new inter-disciplinary organizations, but as Watson observed, this can
be difficult within traditional university structures:
The older model of just getting interdisciplinary people in con-
ventional departments is not going to work because there are very
old ivory towers that do not like the pollution of their department
by other kinds of people. So university administrators will prob-
ably have to side step this by producing interdisciplinary insti-
tutes or centers in their universities. Money for those is a big
problem because no department wants to spare any of its hard-
earned funds if they don’t see how they’re benefiting directly. So
there has to be an external input of funds to create these institutes
and there is a limitation to external funds. Foundation money may
be the only way to go to develop these institutes.
Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences 383

Some leading universities—such as UCSF, Harvard and Purdue—

have recently adopted just this strategy for going around traditional
barriers in the biosciences, creating new interdisciplinary research
institutes outside the normal department structure. Purdue, for exam-
ple, has raised $1 billion to endow 200 new professorships, all located
in new interdisciplinary centers.
Even where US foundations or wealthy individuals provide the sup-
port to create entirely new research institutes, such as San Diego’s Salk,
Scripps and Burnham Institutes or KGI, there may be barriers to fos-
tering interdisciplinary work and identities. One problem is that of
scale, as it is hard for a new institute to hire a sufficient number of
experts in different areas to get sufficient depth in individual profes-
sional areas and breadth to encourage cross-disciplinary research. As
KGI’s Roberts observed:

Most of my collaborations are external right now. With our current

number of computational [biology] faculty, to have a good balance
so that we could really collaborate internally, we would probably
have to double or triple the research activities on the experimental
side . . . . Essentially it’s an obstacle of critical mass.

Several faculties cited the need for scientific leadership that can help
identify exciting problems that require close collaboration among
researchers from different disciplines and secure the resources needed
to enable them to work together.
The organizational environment within bioscience companies
appears to closely parallel higher education when it comes to impeding
new cross-disciplinary work and professional identities. The tradition-
al functional departments within large pharmaceutical companies can
discourage these new approaches. As KGI Prof. Nancy Franklin noted
to work in this new way,

especially in the bigger companies, people have to step outside

their comfort zone. That is [a biologist might think] if it’s a prob-
lem in the chemistry department, it’s not my problem.

To try to combat this and address the more general problem of

falling R&D productivity, many large pharmaceutical firms have
recently shifted from functional departments to cross-disciplinary
teams or small business units focused on particular therapeutic areas.
Along with internal reorganization of existing firms, a whole new tranche
of biotech start-ups has emerged that have pioneered the commercialization
384 David Finegold and Robert Matousek

of these new technologies by being more open to new identities and

cross-disciplinary ways of working (Oliver and Montgomery, 2000).
‘The smaller companies really do not have the kinds of attitudes or
boundaries’ that impede cross-disciplinary work, according to Franklin.
The close interaction between many biotech start-ups and the uni-
versity labs or research institutes that have spawned them can help
transfer these new organizational models back into academia.
“Biotech companies commercialize the fundamental discoveries
originating from research institutes,” said Franklin. “The investi-
gators or scientists get invited to the company to become the
founder or sometimes work as consultants or scientific advisors
and get exposed to a new way of working.”
For research universities not located near a biotech cluster, however,
this lack of two-way exchange can impede the transition to a new
model, according to Franklin:
They aren’t exposed to interdisciplinary work. Even their director
or chairman doesn’t know what interdisciplinary research is
about; they’ve never seen it happen. Places where biotech is
housed have had many interactions, many examples or models
right in front of them; their view of science and how the science
is conducted is very different from someone in the Midwest,
because they just don’t get the exposure, experience or education
about how it really can be conducted. You can read it from a book,
but if you’ve never done that, it’s totally different.

Although the informal organization and team environment of small-

er firms may be more conducive to interdisciplinary work, even in these
settings the lack of experts with sufficient knowledge of both compu-
tational and wet-lab biology can be a major stumbling block to inte-
grating the two domains effectively. One senior leader within a start-up
that was using a buddy system, pairing a biologist and programmer to
build new computational tools for drug discovery commented:
The difficulty for the employees developing these tools was that
they didn’t really understand what they were doing. They were
trying to build a really complicated database with many func-
tions. Because it’s a complex product, the project needs to be well
coordinated and it wasn’t. Not many people had an overall view
of what the product entails or what it needs to be composed of.
I tried many times to convince the company to set aside time to
Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences 385

educate the employees, to make them communicate better. Even

if they don’t have an overall view, they will at least be able to talk
to their colleagues about another component that the other person
is building. Since they were all too busy with the individual ele-
ments, that didn’t happen.
Another potential pitfall with this approach can be the difficulty of
motivating programmers who aren’t themselves deeply interested or
expert in biology, as the same leader observed:
Although they have the programming capability, they don’t know
what the purpose is of the piece that they are building. They’re
just told to do something. How can that be successful? If you
build it right you don’t know what has been accomplished. It’s
just work done, code, nothing more. It’s very hard to get them
motivated or make them feel gratified by their own work.

14.6.3 Individual and Interpersonal

A third challenge in forging new interdisciplinary professional iden-

tities in the biosciences is finding ways to integrate the very different
individual approaches to framing and solving problems associated with
the different disciplines from which people come to this new field. The
differences in mindset between the more quantitative, theory-driven
disciplines such as applied math, computer science and physics versus
biology occur at each step in the research process. The differences
begin with the way a problem is defined, according to KGI Professor
Jim Baltimore, who was making the transition from physics to compu-
tational biology:

There are differences in the way we approach problems, because

they [biologists] come from the other end. They come from the
results. Let me give you an example. I was working on protein-
fold recognition. To me that was a very interesting problem
because it involves a lot of very complex modeling. I was inter-
ested in the models, in learning how to treat the models to
improve accuracy and things like that. From a biologist’s point of
view that’s not interesting at all. The interesting thing is, if you
figure out the fold accurately, what can you do with it? How
would our improved models help in terms of elucidating cellular
function? That’s what a biologist is interested in.
386 David Finegold and Robert Matousek

A second difference occurs in establishing the best way to approach

solving a problem, said Brenner:
Every single step needs to be clearly defined in order to construct
a model. However, when confronting biologists with this ques-
tion, they don’t seem to care about and understand why one
would use such a model. They only think about how to do the
experiment. They use a ‘picture or schemata’ for representing the
natural world under investigation.
Baltimore agreed:
The idea of a controlled experiment is very common in biology,
but not too common in physics. Because physics experiments
tend to be extremely precise, you don’t need a control. But biol-
ogists are looking for qualitative results. They don’t trust the
numbers that come out of the experiments, so the numbers are
extremely error prone. To physicists that would be a completely
stupid experiment to do. It’s a good experiment for biology. Again
there are detailed theoretical models in physics, described by dif-
ferential equations and mathematical equations, and they want to
check if the data fits those models perfectly. So they need very
precise measurements. Biologists don’t need precise measure-
ments, they just want to know if they were on one side of the con-
trol or on the other side of the control and that’s it.
A third difference occurs in how to interpret the findings. Observed
If I find for example a disagreement between my model and some
data, I’m disappointed as a physicist, whereas a biologist considers
that extremely interesting because that’s an outlier and outliers are
classically interesting in biology. Any gene that doesn’t obey the
normal rules is an interesting gene. Whereas to a physicist, it means
that it’s a failure of their model. To biologists it’s not a failure of the
model. It tells us that most genes behave according to the model,
but then there are some really interesting genes. They can now go
into the lab and work on these genes for a number of years.
And a final difference occurs in how to write up the results and
where to publish them, as Watson observed:
Computer scientists want to write a paper on the tool itself and
there are a lot of good reasons for that because their professional
Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences 387

recognition is dependent on making those tools and those tools

are very generalizable. The tools that they’re making for me can
be used for other things. These tools are of general use, but of
course it’s for a particular case, biological data . . . So they’re
interested in a publication on the tool itself in a computer science
journal. That’s not very exciting to me. I want this tool to perform
some computation on a biological dataset that will give me some
insights in biology. So there is this conflict for recognition and it’s
extremely important to satisfy them on their needs and also satis-
fy ourselves for our needs and to come to some sort of common
ground given the limited resources.
Overcoming these issues of differences in problem definition,
approach, and interpretation can be done in several ways. One approach
is to attempt the difficult task of creating a shared mindset among indi-
viduals from different disciplines (Mohrman et al., 1997). An alternative
is for an individual trained in one discipline to make a full transition to
the other, which appears to have occurred more from quantitatively-
trained physicists or computer scientists entering biology, than the
reverse. Brenner contrasted those who have succeeded and failed in this
transition, and his personal journey:
I’ve looked at a lot of work done by physicists and the good ones
tend to make a complete crossover—they almost exclusively read
biological journals, cite biological journals and publish in biolog-
ical journals. The ones that do bad work typically are the ones that
ultimately don’t want to go the whole way. I really want to evolve
into the role of a computational biologist. What happens with a lot
of physicists who try to just enter the field without having all the
knowledge, they make models that you cannot test, because they
use parameters that you cannot measure. They don’t contribute to
science, because although they might address the right questions,
they don’t do it in such a way that it is possible for people to ver-
ify the results. That could be a problem and I hope I’m not doing
this anymore. That was certainly a problem of my early work.

14.7 Conclusions

Recent US experience with initiatives to develop new skill sets and

qualifications for individuals in the biosciences suggests some of the
potential and pitfalls of efforts to create new professional identities in
388 David Finegold and Robert Matousek

today’s rapidly changing global economy. The institutional flexibility of

the US higher education system means that generating a supply of pro-
fessionals with new qualifications is relatively unproblematic. Creating
such a labor supply, however, is only half of what’s needed to establish
a new professional identity—there must also be a steady employer
demand for individuals with the new competencies and qualifications.
We analyzed two very new and still evolving efforts in the US to pre-
pare professionals to lead the biotechnology revolution of the 21st
Century—training interdisciplinary PhDs in computational or systems
biology to develop the next generation of biotechnology tools and
breakthroughs, and developing a new type of professional masters
degree that integrates business and technical skills for individuals who
want to help turn research breakthroughs into commercial products.
The preliminary results of this comparison suggest that it may be
quicker and easier to create a new cadre of computational biology
researchers within the established PhD track, rather than to create an
entirely new type of degree that lacks recognition or established career
paths in industry. One reason for this is that at the PhD level, the HE
sector is capable of generating not just a supply of new graduates, but
also the demand for them to fill its research and teaching positions.
Most cutting-edge biotechnologies are developed first in universities
and only gradually reach the stage where they have commercial appli-
cations, so the initial demand for these researchers is concentrated in
academia. The private sector then began to hire them, but when demand
for bioinformatics graduates dropped, most of the hiring that remained
was in higher education.
This study also showed that the ability of US universities to generate
quite rapidly a new professional identity for academics integrating biol-
ogy with computational and engineering skills has been dependent on a
number of institutional factors that have helped overcome the tradition-
al barriers between departments and professional bodies. These include:

● Support from alumni and foundations (Sloan, Keck, Whittier) to

fund the creation of new institutes or interdisciplinary depart-
● Encouragement from the main Federal funding bodies (NIH, NSF,
DoD) to support interdisciplinary and translational research.
● The relative ease in today’s global, Internet-connected economy
with which it is possible to create new scientific journals and pro-
fessional meetings to share information among members of a new
professional field.
Creating a New Professional Identity for the Biosciences 389

What remains to be determined is whether the members of this new

academic field can firmly establish a new and distinct professional
identity, like their predecessors in biochemistry and bioengineering, or
whether computational skills will simply become part of the tool kit for
all 21st Century biologists. If, as appears likely, a separate, more spe-
cialized discipline does succeed in carving out a distinctive niche or
niches, alongside a more generally computer literate biologist popula-
tion, then the competition that is now underway is over what this iden-
tify will be: bioinformatics, computational biology, and/or systems
For those who’ve followed the PSM route, the more difficult challenge
will be demonstrating that there is a legitimate third way—integrating
science and business—between the twin, well-established peaks of the
PhD and MBA. The ultimate success in meeting this challenge will be
companies’ willingness to hire these graduates and how quickly they
are able to advance into leadership roles in the bioscience industry.
Dennis Fenton, Amgen’s Executive Vice President of Operations, has
little doubt about the value of this interdisciplinary education:
Success in biotechnology business depends on both an under-
standing of science and the practical business management
techniques. KGI’s MBS degree is superb preparation for an indi-
vidual who wants to translate the promise of science into products.

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Concluding Chapter

Alan Brown* and Simone Kirpal†

*University of Warwick, UK;

University of Bremen, Germany

This edited volume on Identities at Work has brought together a

range of perspectives on dealing with continuity and change in work-
related identity formation processes at a time when in many contexts
there has been considerable change in the organisation of work, the
labour market and in the wider environment in which work is situated
as well as in the expectations of employers. Such changes in work con-
texts, employment conditions and patterns of work organisation affect
individuals’ career orientations and in many contexts patterns of com-
mitment and identification with work are themselves undergoing sig-
nificant change. However, the extent to which these changes affect
different groups of workers varies considerably and for many workers
there are also significant continuities with how work was performed in
the past.
Both the occupation and the organisation remain key elements in
work-related identity development, which itself constitutes a signifi-
cant element of a person’s more general social identity. While vocation
can still be a significant organising principle for the identity develop-
ment this is mediated for many people by a much stronger sense of
‘self’ whereby the balance of the internal dimension of ‘making’ an
identity as opposed to the externally-oriented ‘taking’ an identity is
shifting towards the former. It is worthwhile reviewing what the various
contributions to this book can contribute to such issues.
The contributions to Part One looked at the meaning of vocational
identity for different occupational groups. The FAME Consortium con-
tribution drew attention to how an individual’s identity is made up of

A. Brown, S. Kirpal and F. Rauner (eds.), Identities at Work, 391–402.
© 2007 Springer.
392 Alan Brown and Simone Kirpal

‘a basket of selves which come to the surface at different social

moments as appropriate’ (Cohen, 1994, p. 11). Thus the self-definition
of a person’s work-related identity may vary between contexts, as iden-
tities are flexible, conditional and subjectively modifiable. In this
process the individual assumes a crucial role in actively shaping her or
his work identity, as part of a dynamic interaction where work shapes
the individual, while at the same time the individual shapes work
processes and structures. The self is not an autonomous agent, but it is
socially and culturally constructed and certain elements of a person’s
identity will always be collectively imposed. However, the individual
possesses the ability of conscious, purposeful action, of choice of roles
and performances even under a situation of constraints (Cohen, 1994).
While work remains a formative element of the overall identity of an
individual, it has become just one component among a variety of factors
influencing identity development. Still, being able to master a particular
occupational specialisation often plays a strong role in developing
a social identity. Skilled work can be a medium for personal realisation
of meaning and interpretation of existence and the implementation of
biographic intentions and interests. An occupation may prove to be a
normative horizon for one’s entire life, as well as representing one of the
key sites for meaningful social relations. Thus, to be able to work in
a chosen vocation occupies a special position between ‘social structure’
and action in the ‘private sphere’. It remains important in social life as
a defined passage for social and economic participation and can be
regarded as a major source of the feeling of one’s own value or one’s view
of oneself, and the means through which someone presents herself or
himself to the outside world (Goffman, 1959).
In his chapter on being a Danish banker Morten Smistrup argued that
while training is of fundamental importance for developing an initial
vocational identity and becoming part of a community of practice, an
individual’s vocational identity is reproduced and transformed in the
course of working and learning throughout life. This duality between
continuity and development is an essential element of vocational identity,
not least during times of change. Additionally, the work situation of
bankers is characterised by conflicting interests and demands. This
means that the individual banker continuously has to balance these
demands in relation to each other and deal with these in relation to his or
her self-understanding as a banker. This highlights how vocational iden-
tities are not necessarily internally consistent but may be a frame within
which individuals have to create some kind of coherence or meaning in
a work life characterised by conflicting interests. Vocational identities
Concluding Chapter 393

can establish shared ways of containing contradictions but these may

typically be shared by more experienced practitioners, whereas those
who have recently completed their initial training may feel that they are
struggling to achieve such a resolution (Eraut, 2004).
The vocational identity of an individual is strongly situated in a par-
ticular context, but also has elements of biographical continuity, as any
learning process is building upon previous knowledge, understanding
and values. The biographical aspect, however, includes not only an image
of what you are and were, but also a vision of what it is possible to
become. In this sense a vocational identity is not just a construction of the
present based on a reconstruction of the past but is also a forecast for the
future. The contribution of Gwendolyn Paul and Uta Zybell on teenage
mothers in Germany provides a powerful reminder of how entry into the
world of work can have significant social and psychological benefits,
helping young mothers overcome possible social isolation and a feeling
that they were using only a limited set of their capabilities. Integration
into and participation in work settings influences the overall identity of
these mothers, underlining the interdependence between work and family
life in identity formation processes and drawing attention to how for
many people participation in a community is now based around work
rather than the place where they live.
The contribution of Nikitas Patiniotis and Gerassimos Prodromitis
also pointed to the interdependence between work and family life in
identity formation processes in their investigation of the work-related
identities of people working in small, often family-run, businesses in
the Greek tourist industry. These people have to respond to the chal-
lenge of having multiple identities that have significance for how they
perform their work. Not only are family identities often entwined with
work, but individuals may also engage in a variety of other work on a
seasonal or part-time basis; work which may be subject to precarious
employment conditions. In such contexts, the challenge of being flexi-
ble and adaptable in the labour market appears to be spread across the
family rather than simply being an individual concern—the work in the
family business can be tailored to fit the shifting demands of other
work on the family members.
The contribution by Felix Rauner provides an account of the extent to
which countries with ‘strong’ initial vocational education and training
(VET) systems, as in Germany, can provide socially recognised path-
ways to particular types of work and work-related identities and how
this approach can have clear organisational benefits in terms of employ-
ees’ performance orientation and quality awareness. The value of VET
394 Alan Brown and Simone Kirpal

pathways leading to skilled work and ‘strong’ occupational identities is

clear in systems with well defined occupational labour markets and
Finegold and Wagner (1999) highlight how this works particularly well
in areas of manufacturing built upon a system of diversified quality pro-
duction, using the abilities of highly skilled workers and engineers.
Finegold and Wagner (1999) also point out, however, that this system
was essentially based around individual performance and how the shift
towards the multi-functional team as the basic organisational unit for
work performance in lean manufacturing, typical of US practice, posed
particular challenges in a German context. Mason and Wagner (2000)
take this line of argument a stage further, highlighting how the ‘strong’
occupational identities, formal structures and institutional support that
have been so successful in supporting traditional manufacturing in
Germany appear less suitable for high technology industries, whereas the
reverse is true for the UK, where trade and innovation performance is
much stronger in fast changing areas like electronics rather than in tradi-
tional manufacturing industries like chemicals and engineering. Mason
and Wagner (2000) argue that the high degree of individual mobility of
highly-qualified scientists and engineers helps to spread tacit knowledge
and experience and to develop collaborative research links between enter-
prises. Overall then, the extent to which work-related identities are indi-
vidual or collective, occupational or organisational at a systemic level can
have differential effects for organisational performance in different sec-
tors and work contexts.
Part Two brought together contributions that examined the dynamics
between personal identity, work and employment and, particularly, how
individuals deal with the demands for flexibility of some modern work
settings and manage to integrate diverse work experiences into coherent
self-images in order to generate continuities in their personal identities
and career narratives. Sabine Raeder and Gudela Grote explored per-
sonal identity in the context of work flexibility in an investigation of
Swiss workers who experienced career changes. They concluded that
most of these workers had generally succeeded in integrating career
changes in their identity through emphasising biographical continuity
and a high overall ecological consistency. Where individuals had been
able to construct a coherent career narrative this proved to be psycho-
logically valuable, although Raeder and Grote argue that individuals
may need support in making sense of their individual biographies in the
light of changed circumstances and may need help in the construction
of new work-related identities that can link to what had happened in the
past and look towards the future.
Concluding Chapter 395

Stephen Billett also looked at how individuals construct continuity

in their lives when experiencing changes that included major redirec-
tions in their careers and employment. As with Raeder and Grote, a
quest to create a coherent self-image was clearly evident and individu-
als were active agents in this process influenced by their own sense of
self. The quest to create a coherent self-image included the negotiation
of a new work-related identity and this in turn influenced how they
engaged in their new work. This was important as these individuals
were not passively accepting new roles, but rather they were engaged in
processes of learning and remaking work practice. That is, the work
itself became different—there was not a one way process whereby they
adapted to the ‘new’ work, rather they were also active in adapting work
processes. As a consequence their new work-related identities were
actively shaped in ways that were important to the individuals con-
cerned and this in turn gave a sense of the individual being able to con-
struct a coherent career narrative where they were able to exercise a
degree of control over the direction their careers were taking, even if
the initial disjunction in their careers was involuntary. The importance
of aligning policies and practices associated with lifelong learning with
engagement with this individual sense of self needs acknowledging—
support needs to be available to these individuals not just those who
have not yet formulated a clear career direction. These individuals were
eager to engage in learning to shape work in the direction they wanted
in order to align with their sense of self and the type of work-related
identity they saw as consonant with that sense of self.
Simone Kirpal and Alan Brown focused upon three case studies
drawn from England and Germany of individuals who were ‘flexible’ in
their attitudes towards work, actively using flexibility, mobility and
learning to meet their broader vocational goals and develop their careers
and who were ready to change aspects of organisations and/or their
occupation if necessary. They exemplified employees who, in the course
of their employment trajectory, had developed a highly ‘flexible’ identi-
fication with work with a much more individualist basis and this was
more powerful for them than any occupational or organisational com-
mitment. Their work identities were highly individualised, primarily
based on personal skills, a capacity for continuous learning and a project-
oriented attitude to work. A variation of this flexible type of identifica-
tion with work was apparent in the ‘strategic careerists’ who saw their
current occupational position and/or organisational attachment as one
phase of a career that involved relatively frequent changes in the nature
of work they do. They are committed to ‘moving on’ and see their
396 Alan Brown and Simone Kirpal

careers as something they actively construct. Their attachment to their

current role is partly influenced by the knowledge that they are only
‘passing through’.
Flexibility can be regarded either as a strategic tool or as a charac-
teristic of the individuals themselves that is closely linked to their pur-
suit of self-realisation, and Kirpal and Brown highlight cases, drawn
from the wider sample of over 500 employees from seven countries
across Europe, of how workers in a wide variety of contexts were active
in re-defining, rather than passively accepting, work-related roles. They
were actively re-defining and challenging traditional work roles and
concepts of identification with work. Work identities, also, are subject
to change as they are adjusted over individuals’ lifetime employment
trajectories. This can mean the identities shift back and forth between
developing forms of attachment and highly flexible forms of identifi-
cation with work. What seems to be decisive in this context is the indi-
vidual’s response or ‘strategy’: whether he or she takes on a passive or
active role; the level of risk affinity, the openness and ability to use
flexibility, mobility and learning as tools to pursue their own interests;
and general attachment to work. There was a clear distinction between
employees who had been socialised and trained to be more flexible and
active in developing their occupational orientation and identity, and
employees who had not been socialised in this way.
The contributions to Part Three examined the links between occupa-
tional identity formation and organisational commitment. Yehuda
Baruch and Aaron Cohen discussed the relevance of commitment and
identity for the working life of individuals, and suggested one focus for
further studies could be into the combined effect of both constructs.
Personal identity represents individual aspects of how we see ourselves
relative to others in the same social group, whereas social identity com-
prises those aspects of our self concept we believe we have in common
with others in the same social group (Arnold, 2005, p. 333). One chal-
lenge for organisations is to get employees to associate, combine or
connect their occupational and organisational identities. Ibarra (2003,
p. 18) suggests that when a working identity is defined by formative
events in his or her life, the individual response is often an attempt
at making sense—creating or identifying catalysts and triggers for
change. These can be utilised in career narratives that involve a rework-
ing of our ‘story’. Relating the two major constructs, identity and com-
mitment, Baruch and Cohen believe that while there is a reciprocal
association between the two, it is mostly identity that influences, or
even formulates, commitment. Once a person comes to identify with an
Concluding Chapter 397

organisation, he or she starts to become committed to it. Of course,

being committed reinforces identity in a cyclical manner. Within work-
ing life, both organisational identity and occupational identity are pow-
erful influences upon organisational and occupational commitment.
Bernd Haasler in his study of first year apprentice toolmakers in a
major Volkswagen plant in Germany found that their identification with
the company was very much stronger than their attachment to their cho-
sen occupational specialisation. Indeed most engineering apprentices in
the company would have preferred to have undertaken a commercial
apprenticeship—they did not display any distinct interest in engineer-
ing, neither in terms of motivation behind their choice of occupation,
nor in respect of their previous practical experience. They saw them-
selves, first and foremost, as company employees. Even if identifica-
tion with their occupational specialisation builds later in their training
or employment, it is interesting that occupational interest is no longer
the common driver it was in the past (Haasler and Kirpal, 2004). Heinz
(1995) had drawn attention to how the socialising function of appren-
ticeships worked in two directions: from the individual’s point of view
as a learner in order to become equipped and prepared to succeed in a
given occupation; and from the occupational community’s point of
view to ‘mould’ a person to conform with the established norms and
standards within a particular community.
One conclusion to be drawn from the evidence of Haasler’s contri-
bution could be that attention needs to be given to the development of
organisational commitment, particularly if the roles to be performed
within the organisation are liable to shift over time. This is particularly
interesting in the light of Herrigel and Sabel’s (1999) earlier argument
that ‘most German assemble-to-order and customized plants had made
relatively little use of multi-functional teams, at least in part because
the personal identity of German skilled workers appeared to conflict
with the blurring of individual roles and narrowing of some technical
skill requirements that can accompany the move toward a team-based
organization’ (pp. 152–153). It may be that this becomes less of an
issue for more recently qualified skilled workers, if Haasler’s findings
are part of a wider trend for employees to have less strong occupational
identities when compared to the influence of their organisational
attachment and individual orientation to work.
The qualitative study with over 300 employees from France, Germany
and the UK by Simone Kirpal, Alan Brown and M’Hamed Dif
showed how individuals’ attachments to classical forms of commitment
and identification with work may conflict with increased demands for
398 Alan Brown and Simone Kirpal

flexibility and learning at work. They observed a general trend towards

the ‘individualisation’ of employee commitment and work identities
which challenge the individual to develop a proactive and ‘entrepre-
neurial’ work attitude based on multi-skilling and flexibility. As with the
cases outlined by Billett and Raeder and Grote some workers coped well
with new challenges, engaged in learning and incorporated the changes
into new career narratives. On the other hand, the challenges of change
daunted some workers because they lacked the necessary resources,
skills and capacities, and they were not sufficiently supported at work to
meet changing work demands and this could potentially lead to their
labour market exclusion.
In his contribution, Akihiro Ishikawa showed that some contempo-
rary stereotypes of Japanese workers are far from the mark, in that even
for many permanent full-time workers work is not seen as so central in
their lives, satisfying or as company dependent as compared to workers
in other countries. The meaning of work and working, however, differs
considerably between different job strata (between manual workers,
administrative staff, supervisors and technical staff). This is not to say
that long hours and additional work-related commitments do not exist
for many workers, but it does question the extent to which positive atti-
tudes towards work are widely shared as part of a supposed exceptional
organisational commitment. The negative attitudes towards a strong
commitment towards work of those not in permanent employment,
especially among Japanese youth, further undermines the traditional
picture of a widespread dedicated work-oriented life style in Japan.
Individual agency can play a significant role in how work-related
identities are adapted to changing conditions, but the contributions to
Part Four show how work identities are also shaped by organisational and
institutional mechanisms, as when changing job profiles or work
demands facilitate the emergence of new forms of work identity. Monika
Nerland and Karen Jensen show how changes in initial education can
play a role in the construction of new professional identities that are
more individualised than those created in the recent past when there was
a stronger collective sense of the professional role. The curricular and
policy documents associated with becoming a nurse or computer engi-
neer in Norway outline, either implicitly or explicitly, expectations of
students as creators of knowledge, boundary crossers and innovators
of self and ethics. These studies showed how important it is to contextu-
alise identity development—identities are strongly influenced by
place and time—but increasingly identities at work are differentiated
from each other too. This is due not only to the general trend towards
Concluding Chapter 399

individualisation, but also specifically because the task of constructing

meaning within identity development processes is increasingly individ-
ualised. Lash (2003) describes this process as insourcing, that is, a real-
location of functions, activities and responsibility onto the individual
which traditionally were understood to be a collective matter.
David Finegold and Robert Matousek in their contribution showed
how changing skill requirements in the bioscience industry in the US
have led to a desire for new curricular forms that could lead to the
emergence of two new types of bioscience professionals. These new
professionals would embody new skills mixes: computational biolo-
gists who are able to integrate programming skills and biological
knowledge, and bioscience business professionals who can integrate
science and business to help commercialise new products. However,
even when such students emerge with new prototypical vocational
identities from these newly designed programmes there are still key
labour market and organisational challenges to surmount before these
new professional profiles and identities are translated into new roles
at work.
Overall then, the contributions to this volume highlight how individ-
uals are actors who shape important aspects of their own occupational
trajectories and careers. Many of the contributors identified that indi-
viduals have increasingly taken an active role as coordinators of their
personal work biographies. They become actors who actively shape their
individualised work orientations and commitment patterns, which a few
decades ago were often more collectively shaped. However, employers
too shape work-related identities, for example as in their demands for
skilled workers with ‘modern’ skill sets, including abilities to work in
teams and communicate effectively (Davis et al., 2000). Broader societal
influences come into play too; for example, in France, the strengthening
of technical education and training and giving more attention to employer-
directed continuing vocational training has been complemented by an
emphasis on self-directed continuing learning and development (includ-
ing through the process of skills review contained within ‘bilán de com-
The contributors identify that while some work-related identities
retain strong continuities with those of the past, in other cases there has
been a decomposition of traditional occupational identities that were
based on relatively strong work-related collective socialisation processes.
Thus some traditional identification processes have been supplanted with
the emergence of more flexible, individualistic forms of identification
with work. It is important, however, to acknowledge both continuity and
400 Alan Brown and Simone Kirpal

change within identity development processes: ‘classical’ forms of iden-

tification with work whereby individuals identified with the occupational
specialisation for which they had trained, their daily work tasks, and/or
the company or the company’s products partly persist, while other
employees are developing a more ‘flexible’ type of identification with
work. The latter had a much more individualist basis that was more devel-
oped than any occupational and organisational commitment. One typical
characteristic of these ‘flexible’employees was that they were willing and
able to actively use flexibility, mobility and learning as tools to achieve
their broader goals, and in doing so they were ready to change organisa-
tions and/or their occupations, if necessary.
While in some contexts occupations and organisations remain key
elements in shaping individual work-related identity development,
several of the contributors illustrated how for many people the internal
dimension of ‘making’ an identity has gained in significance, whereby
self-definition processes and the individual’s agency in actively shap-
ing her or his work identity are emphasised. Where individuals were
aware of their active role in this process this was often influenced
by their own sense of self. The quest to create a coherent self-image
included the negotiation of a new work-related identity and this in
turn influenced how they engaged in their work. Instead of passively
accepting new roles, these individuals were actively engaged in
processes of learning, remaking work practice and shaping work in the
direction they wanted in order to align their sense of self with dimen-
sions of their work-related identity.
Several contributors highlighted how initial training could give a
particular emphasis to the development of a work-related identity, but
that this could be reproduced and transformed in the course of subse-
quent working and learning throughout life. Indeed one common theme
across many contributions was how hard individuals worked to create
some coherence or meaning even where a work life was characterised
by conflicting interests, changes in direction or other discontinuities.
The commentaries used to express that these self-defined biographical
continuities often involved elements of growth, learning, recovery or
development as individuals moved between images of what they were,
had been in the past or thought they might become, thereby emphasis-
ing biographical continuity and ecological consistency. While major
dislocations in individual careers could obviously be traumatic, where
individuals had been able to construct coherent career narratives and
‘move on’ this proved to be psychologically valuable.
Concluding Chapter 401

Individuals, who were able to adapt to change and to shape impor-

tant aspects of their own occupational trajectories and careers, actively
co-ordinated their personal work biographies, and sought to shape the
patterns of their work orientation and commitment. Although occupa-
tions, organisations and broader societal influences all still influence
the nature and set of work offers available to individuals, work-related
identities are becoming less collectively shaped than they were a few
decades ago. Thus, we can observe the emergence of more flexible,
individualistic forms of identification with work. Evidence for conti-
nuity and change persist, but the number of people who strategically
develop a flexible approach to their work-related identity and career
development appears to have grown considerably.
The drivers of this more flexible approach appear two-fold. First,
there are those individuals who have a strong strategic sense of the need
to actively shape their own career development. Second, the desire for
many individuals to make sense of their evolving work history and to
construct career narratives that emphasised biographical continuity and
ecological consistency meant that a common response to an externally
induced change in their work situation was to take action whereby they
regained a certain degree of control. This latter point appears particu-
larly significant, psychologically robust work-related identity develop-
ment has a strong sense-making component. This means there could be
real value in helping individuals disoriented by change in their work sit-
uations to make sense of their evolving careers in order to produce a
career narrative that is forward-looking and could generate the drive
necessary for active work-related identity development.
Although individual agency plays a significant role in how work-
related identities are adapted to changing conditions, work identities are
also shaped by organisational and institutional mechanisms that may be
used in realising employers’ expectations or policy goals. These institu-
tional mechanisms can also play a role in helping individuals respond to
changing job profiles and work demands. One major challenge for insti-
tutions and organisations, then, is to get employees to associate, combine
or connect their occupational, organisational or individualised identities
to foster their engagement with work. A significant number of individuals
certainly need support in making sense of their individual biographies in
the light of changed circumstances and in constructing a work-related
identity that can link to what had happened in the past and look towards
the future. This means that some employees need to be supported to cope
with changing work environments, including in some environments
402 Alan Brown and Simone Kirpal

meeting demands for being more flexible and mobile, and making sense
of their evolving careers under changing and sometimes apparently con-
tradictory directions. One key challenge therefore is to give those indi-
viduals confidence in their own competences and to empower them to
become agents of their own career development.

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Ibarra, H. (2003). Working identity. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
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adjustment, 33, 107, 219, 232, 234, 302, 75–77, 86–87, 98, 154, 156, 161,
304–06, 309 166–7, 170, 172, 176, 179, 184,
agency, 7, 148–9, 183–95, 197, 200, 189–90, 197–9, 201, 206,
203–07, 214–16, 341, 347, 400 211–12, 215–17, 219–20, 223,
apprenticeship, 3, 8, 14–16, 25–26, 29, 227, 229–31, 233–4, 250–51,
37, 70, 75, 119–21, 124, 126, 269, 290, 295, 297–301, 303–08,
128–30, 132, 135–6, 138, 140, 316, 319, 325, 333, 352–6, 363,
155–6, 161, 163–4, 166, 170–4, 365, 367–8, 391–2, 395–6,
211, 221, 223, 261–4, 266–7, 272, 398, 400–01
274, 281, 293, 300, 397 collective identities, 22, 46, 287, 356
commitment, 2–4, 8–9, 33, 36, 62, 77,
banking, 5, 31, 45–8, 51, 53, 64 82, 101, 107, 118, 128, 139–40,
biographical continuity, 7, 152, 154–5, 201, 204, 212, 216–18, 223, 230,
158–61, 167–70, 175, 393–4, 241, 244–50, 253–5, 285, 287–9,
400–01 291–4, 296, 298–9, 301–04, 306,
bioscience industry, 10, 364, 366, 375, 308, 310, 315–17, 321, 323, 330,
378, 389, 399 339, 344, 354, 364, 391, 397,
399, 401
career, 1–4, 7–8, 19–20, 32, 37, 49, 70, community of practice, 3, 14–15, 17, 19,
73, 76, 85–87, 109, 117, 122, 124, 22, 31, 35, 38–40, 55, 57–9, 64–5,
133–4, 149–50, 155–6, 170–2, 83, 87, 121, 132, 136, 214, 216,
174–8, 186, 196–7, 200, 202, 204, 248, 278, 280, 296, 365, 392
212–16, 218, 220–2, 223, 226–32, computer science, 10, 363, 377, 381,
241, 247–8, 251–2, 261–2, 265–8, 385, 387
271–2, 285–6, 288–9, 292, 295–7, conceptual framework, 5, 8, 241
301–06, 308, 323, 353, 365, 367, consistency, 7, 81, 150, 152–5, 167,
369–70, 374, 376–7, 388, 391, 171–2, 175, 192 see also ecological
394–6, 398, 400–02 consistency
career change(s), 7, 147–50, 169, 171, curriculum, 73, 76, 78, 83, 104, 340–4,
175, 177, 181, 220, 222, 394 347–51, 353, 356, 368, 374
career orientation, 8, 148–50, 216
careers, 7, 23, 25, 155, 214, 231, 241, Denmark, 5, 45, 119, 132
248, 251–2, 269, 285–7, 305, 364,
370, 395–6, 399–402 ecological consistency, 7, 152, 154–5,
change, 1–3, 7, 21–23, 25, 30–32, 35, 39, 158, 162–3, 168–9, 171–2, 175,
41, 47, 53, 56, 62, 64–65, 70, 394, 400–01 see also consistency

404 Index

employability, 6, 119–120, 122, 131, 292, 296, 340, 343–8, 355, 357,
134, 212, 345 364, 368, 383, 388
employee commitment, 9, 214, 398 hybrid skills, 299, 310
engineering, 129, 136, 199, 203, 217,
220, 225–8, 230, 264–6, 271–2, identification, 2–4, 8–9, 14, 17, 33–34,
275, 279, 280–81, 286–7, 289–90, 40, 47–8, 54, 55, 62–3, 74, 83, 88,
292–3, 307–08, 343–4, 348–54, 149, 151, 211–14, 218, 230–4,
362, 368–9, 373, 375, 379, 381, 245–50, 252, 254, 262, 273, 282,
388, 394, 397 287, 289, 291, 293–4, 296, 299,
‘entrepreneurial’, 9, 32, 212, 233, 308, 301–10, 391, 395–7, 399–401
309, 398 identification with work, 211, 234, 287,
Europe, 5–6, 9, 13–14, 17, 74, 91, 93, 301, 305, 308, 395–6, 399–400
115–19, 121, 123, 127, 129–31, identity, 1–7, 9, 13–25, 30–7, 39–41,
133, 135, 137, 139–41, 143, 214, 48, 49, 55–59, 61–5, 73, 77, 80–2,
218, 234, 267, 292, 296, 299, 309, 86, 91–4, 98–103, 105–06, 117–18,
318, 320, 343–4, 139, 141, 147–58, 169, 174–8, 184,
366, 396 187, 193–4, 197, 200–03, 205, 207,
evaluation tasks, 262, 272–3, 279–81 211–12, 215–17, 219, 231, 233–4,
241–2, 247–8, 249–55, 261–3, 288,
flexibility, 1, 4–9, 15–17, 19, 30, 32, 41, 307, 316, 323–4, 333, 365, 368,
49, 72, 82, 93, 116, 119, 147–52, 373, 391–3, 395–401
174, 178, 213–14, 219, 223–4, 228, identity concepts, 152
230–4, 285–90, 295, 297, 299, identity research, 153
301–03, 305–10, 345, 356, 388, in-company training, 71, 78, 120, 126, 132
394–6, 398, 400 see also work individual agency, 3, 4, 21, 24, 39,
flexibility 184–5, 190, 193–4, 205, 401
Foucault, M.10, 340–2, 347 Individualisation of Identification, 285
Freidson, E, 355 initial vocational education, 38, 120–21,
124–6, 129, 136, 139, 393
gender, 21, 73–4, 77, 215, 220, 226–7,
249, 288, 303, 324, 343 Japan, 9, 134, 315, 317–23, 325, 327–9,
Germany, 5, 7, 13, 16, 38, 69, 72–75, 86, 331, 333, 335, 398
88, 115, 119–20, 125–6, 129–30,
132–3, 134–5, 211, 214, 218, 220, knowledge, 10, 16, 23, 28–29, 34, 37, 49,
261–3, 265, 267, 269, 271, 273, 53–5, 57, 60, 65, 78, 87, 97–98, 103,
275, 277, 279–81, 283, 285, 105, 115, 121, 129, 135, 137, 161,
286, 288, 290–7, 300, 188, 190–92, 203, 223, 225, 231,
393–5, 397 251, 267, 269, 271, 273, 275, 282,
governing technologies, 340, 346 290, 292–3, 296, 299–302, 305, 339,
governmentality, 341–2, 344, 354–5 340–4, 346–50, 352–4, 356–7,
graduates, 32, 97–8, 120, 124, 133–4, 363–5, 384, 387, 393–4, 396, 398–9
290, 292–3, 296, 300, 367, 370,
374–80, 388–9 labour market participation, 1, 3–4, 9–10,
Greece, 5, 13, 25, 28, 91–7, 99, 101–05, 15–17, 19, 26, 31, 34, 41, 49, 71,
107, 109–11, 113, 125–6, 214, 218 73, 88, 96, 117, 121–2, 124–6, 135,
139, 141, 150, 155, 176, 212, 214,
higher education, 117, 120–21, 124, 216, 265, 282, 301, 309, 315, 323,
127, 129, 133–4, 136, 150, 156, 332, 334, 391, 393, 398–9
Index 405

learning, 1, 4, 6–10, 16–17, 21, 25–26, 257, 259, 261, 286, 290, 296, 305,
28, 36, 38–40, 49, 52, 56–9, 64–5, 395–8
70, 83, 120–21, 129–30, 132,
135–9, 150, 162, 165, 172, performance, 2–3, 7, 17, 20, 24, 26, 52,
183–92, 194, 207, 216, 218, 84–85, 118–19, 128, 131, 139–40,
222, 226–8, 230–4, 251, 253–4, 166, 187, 196, 211, 214, 218, 222,
262–3, 266, 269, 273, 275–6, 227, 232, 234, 242, 245, 251,
279–82, 285, 287–9, 291–7, 255, 262, 273, 279, 288, 290,
299–305, 307–10, 340–2, 344–9, 294, 296–8, 306, 308, 315,
351–4, 356, 373, 375, 385, 393, 394
392–3, 395–6, 398–400 personal identity, 3, 7, 18–19, 147, 149,
lifelong learning, 65, 184, 197, 207, 151–3, 155–6, 175–8, 247, 394,
346, 395 396–7
locus of control, 7, 148, 150–2, 154–5, Popkewitz, T., 340, 341, 344
157–8, 164–9, 172–7 professional identification, 33, 249,
250, 254
Meaning of Work, 317, 326 professional identity, 8, 241–3, 245,
‘modern’ skill sets, 291–2, 399 247–5, 257, 259, 349, 355, 361,
motivation, 2, 4, 65, 77, 82, 84, 101, 363–5, 367, 369, 371, 373, 375,
139, 149, 170, 200, 214, 222, 377, 379, 381, 383, 385, 387–9
230, 251, 263–6, 272, 281, professional role, 45, 117, 398
288, 297, 303, 353, professional self, 10, 223, 340, 342, 344,
380, 397 346, 348, 352–3, 356
multiple commitment, 253 professionalism, 140, 250, 273, 294,
multiple identities, 253–4, 393 298, 351
multi-skilling, 9, 233, 301, 308, 398
qualification framework, 116, 118

national contexts, 217, 289 relational interdependence, 185, 189–90,

Norway, 10, 133, 339–40, 342–3, 345–6, 193
356, 398 Rose, N., 193, 341, 354
nursing, 218, 286–7, 296–8, 341–4,
348–52, 354 school-to-work transition, 20, 129, 262
self-employment, 103–04, 214, 287
occupational choice, 23, 266 self-esteem, 7, 80, 83, 149, 154–5,
occupational community, 15, 22, 397 157–8, 168–9, 174–6, 179
occupational identities, 15, 22, skills development, 3, 55, 212, 222, 285,
32, 34, 36, 39–41, 197, 291, 293, 296–7
217, 230, 301–02, 394, social identity, 4, 18, 19, 22, 41, 60, 74,
397, 399 82, 87, 98–100, 105, 117, 178, 247,
occupational identity, 3, 13, 16, 19, 249, 254, 391–2, 396
20, 22, 24, 32–9, 73, 77, 199, social identity theory, 247
203, 212, 215–19, 223, 230, 277, (work and) social roles, 14, 21, 153
396, 397 (work and) social status, 14, 21, 41, 71,
organisational citizenship behaviour, 76, 81, 85, 95
255 social suggestion, 190–3
organisational commitment, 2, 8, socialisation, 3–4, 6, 15, 17–18, 20–21,
128, 241–9, 251, 253, 255, 26, 41, 59, 60, 63, 70–73, 84, 117,
406 Index

190, 211, 212, 215–16, 233–4, 286, 117, 120–2, 124–7, 129–30, 132,
302, 307, 309, 399 134–5, 137–8, 141, 151, 159, 165,
Switzerland, 7, 16, 119, 129–30, 132, 174, 176, 212, 234, 261, 263–7,
133–4, 147, 149, 151, 153, 155, 269–75, 278–9, 281–2, 293,
157, 159, 161, 163, 165, 167, 169, 309, 399
171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 181
work, 1–10, 13–17, 18, 21–6, 29–32,
telecommunications, 39, 218, 230, 34–41, 45, 47–51, 53–7, 59–60,
286–7, 298, 301, 304 62–5, 70, 72, 76, 79, 80–81, 83–8,
tourism, 5, 91–8, 100–12, 164, 218, 92, 95, 97, 101–11, 118, 120–21,
222–3, 231 126–41, 147–53, 156, 158–63,
training, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13–14, 16–17, 166, 168–79, 183–90, 193–207,
25–29, 33, 35–36, 41, 55, 64, 211–34, 241–50, 252–3, 255,
69–75, 77–88, 97, 102, 105–10, 262–3, 265–6, 269–70, 273–82,
112, 115, 117–18, 120–4, 126–40, 285–310, 315–20, 323–4,
149–50, 159, 161, 165, 175, 186, 326–34, 343, 346–9, 351–3,
196, 199, 211–12, 214, 216, 224–5, 355–6, 363–5, 367, 371, 375,
227–8, 232, 261–82, 288–9, 377–9, 381–7, 391– 401
291–302, 309–10, 315, 333, 340, work attitude, 9, 213, 218, 231, 298, 301,
343, 348, 356, 364–5, 368, 374, 302, 305, 308, 398
380, 388, 392–3, 397, 399, 400 work biography, 150
work centrality, 316, 317, 318, 319, 324,
vocational competence, 117, 118, 121, 325, 326
127–8, 135, 137–9, 141, 262 work commitment, 1, 2, 3, 4, 213, 234,
vocational education and training (VET), 324, 331
6, 19, 25, 38, 103, 115, 118, 120, work flexibility, 7, 147, 148, 178, 286,
124, 131, 134–6, 393 294, 394 see also flexibility
vocational skills, 21, 49, 122, 127, work organisation, 3, 16, 22, 230, 234,
132, 134, 136, 230, 234, 262, 273, 287, 288, 290, 295, 308, 391
280, 282 work satisfaction, 316, 317, 320,
vocational training, 3, 6–7, 9, 16–17, 20, 321, 329
23, 26–7, 30, 59–60, 62, 64, 69–79, working lives, 184, 185, 187, 195, 196,
81, 83–6, 88, 98, 103, 105, 115, 197, 200, 202, 219, 286
Technical and Vocational Education and Training:
Issues, Concerns and Prospects

1. J. Lauglo and R. Maclean (eds.): Vocationalisation of Secondary Education Revisited.

2005 ISBN 1-4020-3031-2
2. M. Singh (ed.): Meeting Basic Learning Needs in the Informal Sector. Integrating
Education and Training for Decent Work, Empowerment and Citizenship. 2005
ISBN 1-4020-3426-1
3. H. C. Haan: Training for Work in the Informal Micro-Enterprise Sector. Fresh Evidence
from Sub-Sahara Africa. 2006 ISBN 1-4020-3827-5
4. F. Bünning: The Transformation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the
Baltic States – Survey of Reforms and Developments. 2006 ISBN 1-4020-4340-6
5. Brown, Alan, Kirpal, Simone, Rauner, Felix (eds.): Identities at Work. 2006
ISBN 1-4020-4988-9
6. S. Billett, T. Fenwick and M . Somerville (eds.): Work, Subjectivity and Learning.
Understanding Learning Through Working Life. 2006 ISBN 1-4020-5359-2


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