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Iptv Broadcaster

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Broadcaster Installation Guide

1. Installation Steps

Broadcaster server comes with all components required to provide IPTV streaming
services. When ordering Broadcaster products the customers must specify the media
source that will be used to capture the signal. Common sources are Digital Cable (DVB-
C), Satellite (DVB-S), Digital T elevision (DVB-T/ATSC) or Analog/Coax (RCA).
A. Make sure that the ordered Broadcaster server comes with built-in cards that
match the digital signal feed. If the built-in card is does not match the digital
signal interface, please call you sales representative to request a different built-in
B. Connect the digital feed to the built-in card interface. Usually the interface is
Coax/BNC or similar . Make sure that the input digital signal has a good quality . If
required, please, verify signal quality using specialized equipment or digital
receiver .
C. Connect the Ethernet interface of the Broadcaster to your network switch.
D. Connect the VGA port of the Broadcaster to a monitor
E. Connect the Smart Card Reader (if equipped) with the USB port of the device, and
then insert the CAM decryption card into the reader . Make sure that proper card
communication frequency is selected (depending on the CAM card).
F . Boot up the Broadcaster .
G. Once the login prompt appears on the monitor , please, write down the Web
access information. It will be required to access the Web management interface of
the Broadcaster . Broadcaster has DHCP enabled by default.
H. Start a Internet Explorer on your PC computer and type the Web access
information: http://broadcaster_ip_address:port
If you can not initiate a Web session with the Broadcaster , please, verify that the
Broadcaster and your PC are on the same subnet and both have properly
configured network masks.
I. Login to the Web management console with login: admin and password: 12345
J. Follow the Configuration Guide to configure Broadcaster .

2. Installation Troubleshooting Steps

Broadcaster is a self-sustained IPTV system that allows direct IPTV signal broadcast to
multiple subscribers. During the installation and configuration process there may be
instances where certain services are not functioning properly . In all these instances,
please, ensure that the device has a valid support contract and contact the SysMaster
Support at support@sysmaster .com. If you experience problem installing the device,
please, ensure that the following steps are taken prior to contacting the Support.
A. Check that the device is powered up. Verify that the light on the front panel is up.
B. Make sure that the built-in digital signal card is properly placed in the PCI slot and
has not been moved during shipping.
C. Make sure that the digital data feed line is inserted into the digital card interface
properly and that the cable is not damaged.
D. Make sure that the cable feed is properly and professionally installed into the
E. Make sure that the Ethernet cable is properly inserted into the Ethernet port of the
Broadcaster and the lights are up both on the Broadcaster and the connecting
Switch/Router .
F . Make sure that the VGA cable is properly plugged into the monitor and it displays
the Web access information properly .
G. Make sure that you have recorded properly the Web access information displayed
on the initial boot up screen of the device.
H. If you cannot access the Web management interface, please, ping the Broadcaster
IP address by typing: ping broadcaster_ip_address. If the ping fails there is a
network issue caused by one of the following: network cable problem or your PC
is not on the same subnet as the Broadcaster .
I. If you cannot resolve the issue by replacing the cable or changing the IP address
and/or network mask of your computer , please, obtain a cross-over Ethernet
cable and connect directly Broadcaster Ethernet port to the Ethernet port of your
PC. Then assign the following IP to your PC: Network Mask: Once you have assigned this IP address try executing: ping If there is a response, please, try to access the broadcaster via
Web by typing into IE: http:// If successful, log into the Web
console and assign a public IP address to the Broadcaster that can be accessed
from other computers on the LAN. If the ping fails, please, contact SysMaster
Support at support@sysmaster .com.

For all other technical issues do not hesitate to contact SysMaster Technical
Support at: support@sysmaster.com or http://www.sysmaster.com

Broadcaster Configuration Guide


How to Access Broadcaster

T o access the device, please, type http://device_ip_address and then enter the
administrator login and password. The default parameters are:
Login: admin
Password: 12345
Once logged, click on the START button - this will open up the main configuration

1. System Management
The System Management dialog allows general system configuration that includes
User Management, Network Management, Service Management, Location
Management, and Samba Management

a. User Management Section – the section allows configuration of login and

access parameters
Admin Login –allows change of the administrator login name. The default
value is: admin

Admin Password –allows change of the administrator password. The default

value is: 12345. Please, change the value once you log into the system for the
first time.

User Login - allows change of the user password. There is no default value.
Please, change the value once you log into the system for the first time. This
login will allow user login into the Broadcaster with limited administrative

User Password - allows change of the administrative password. There is no

default value. Please, change the value once you log into the system for the
first time.

b. Network Management Section – the section is used to configure the network

parameters of the device

LAN Status – allows enabling or disabling the Ethernet port of the device. This
is used if the device should only use Wireless network connectivity.

IP Via – allows the IP address to be configured using a Static IP Address or

DHCP configuration (Dynamic IP Address). If the device is behind a NAT server
that has a DHCP server , use the DHCP selection.

Static IP – allows the administrator to configure the Static IP Address of the

device. This address is used to access the device.

Netmask – allows the administrator to configure the network mask of the


Uplink Gateway – used to configure the uplink gateway of the device

Default Gateway – used to define the selected Uplink Gateway as a default

gateway . This option is useful if the device has more than one network
connection such as Wireless and Ethernet connections.

DNS Server – used to configure the DNS (Domain Name Server) server that
the device will use.

NTP Server – used to define the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server . The NTP
server is used to precisely adjust the internal clock of the device

c. Service Management Section – this section allows configuration of the admin

console and debug service parameters.

HTTP Server Port – used to define the port of the HTTP service used to access
the administrative console of the device. The default value is: 80
Debug Server IP – used to define the IP address of the debug information
collection server . This is only used to troubleshoot problems with the device

Debug Server Port – used to specify the port that is used by the debug server
to read troubleshooting information.

d. Location Management Section – this section is used to store the location

specific parameters of the device

Country –allows the administrator to select the country where the device is
located. This is useful for interface localization, closed caption, and other

Language – allows the administrator to select the language that is specific for
this country.

Time Zone – allows selection of the time zone where the device is located.

Daylight Saving – allows the selection of daylight time offset. If checked the
device will adjust its time to match the Daylight Savings time.

Time Format –allows the selection of the time format specific for the
geographical zone where the device is used. T wo formats are supported – US
Format (MM/DD/YYYY) and European Format (DD/MM/YYYY).

e. Samba Management Section – the section allows configuration of remote

data file recording and access. The device supports Samba file access that is
commonly used by Windows computers to upload or download files directly
to/from the device using the Windows Explorer program. T o access the device
file system type: file://device_ip_address into the File section of the Windows
Explorer . The access is limited only to the particular Samba directory. For
security purposes it is recommended to create secure access by changing the
Samba Password.

Samba Password - allows configuration of Samba access password. By default

there is no password, which means that all local Windows Computers can
freely access the device. Please, change the password to enable secure access
to the Samba Directory tree.

Samba Workgroup –allows the administrators to configure the Windows

Workgroup within which domain the Samba access will be available. This
allows only a group of computers to have access to the Samba directory tree.

2. Channel Management – the dialog allows configuration of the channels that will
be streamed by the Broadcaster . Please, note that Broadcaster supports both
multicast and unicast (TCP/UDP) data streams. T o start creating a new channel,
please, select the Add Channel option.
a. Channel Section – this section allows the administrator to define new
channels, edit existing channels, and delete old channels.

Channel Status - allows the channel status to be enabled or disabled.

Channel ID – allows the definition of unique channel ID that is used to identify

the channel

Channel Name – this is the name of the Channel.

b. Encoder Section – the section defines the data capture methods. The
Encoder is the service that captures video/audio data and transforms this data
into an IP network media signal.

Processing T ype - identifies the processing type of the inbound data.

Online Content – defines that the media source is located online and the
device should retrieve it using its network connection
Card/Real-Time – defines that the media source is a built-in card such as
DVB-S/DVB-S2/DVB-T/DVB-C/ASI/Analog card.
Online Video T ranscode – defines that the video source is located online
but it needs to be transcoded (the encoding of the stream should be changed)
Online Audio T ranscode - defines that the audio source is located online but
it needs to be transcoded (the encoding of the stream should be changed)
Online Audio List T ranscode - defines that the audio list source is located
online but it needs to be transcoded (the encoding of the stream should be
User Object – defines that the media source is stored into the device file
system using the User Object dialog. This option is commonly used for VOD
and PPV files.
Play List – defines that the media source is a Play List that is created within
the device. The Play Lists represent groups of User Objects to create multi-
files media streams.

Source Name – used to identify the exact parameters of the media source. The
section is generated automatically and may be modified by the administrator if
required to complete some custom tasks.

Card Media Input – used to define the card media input source. These sources
represent supported media formats that are received by a built-in DVB/ASI
cards, S-Video port or DVD player .

Hardware Card – allows selection of the media card that is used to capture the
data stream.

Input Channel Name – describes the channel name that is used to identify the
channel within the DVB stream. There should be exact match for the channel
names in the DVB stream.

Output Video T ype – represents the video output type. Common types are PAL
(Europe) and NTSC (USA).
Output Video Resolution – represents the output video resolution. High
Definition video streams require higher resolutions.

Output Sample Rate – represents the data bandwidth in kbps that the data
stream will occupy . The higher the rate, the more bandwidth it will take, and
the better stream quality will be. High Definition video streams require higher
sample rates.

Output Burst Sample Rate – represents the maximum data rate in kbps for the
stream. The parameter is commonly used to restrict data stream bandwidth to
a particular value (stream cap) that the stream will use.

Output Audio Volume – represents the audio volume that will be used during
the audio encoding procedure.

Cache Size – represents the size of the data cache that is used to offset
inbound stream problems in kBytes. Larger data cache will offset temporary
inbound data stream problems but will increase stream latency .

Output I-Frame Interval – used to represent the interval in seconds between

sending I-Frames within the stream. Recommended value is 1-3 seconds. I-
Frames represent full screen data packets that compensate for data sync
problems, but also account for higher bandwidth consumption.

Output Video Codec – represents the video encoding format of the output
video stream. Currently the device supports multiple formats such as MPEG2,
MPEG4, H.264, WMV , FLV .

Disable T ranscoding – allows direct media stream processing without

conversion from one code to another . This option optimizes CPU performance
dramatically .

c. Streamer Management Section – this section supports the outbound

streamer configuration. The streamer is the service that delivers the content
to the end subscribers.

Streamer IP Address – this is the IP address of the streamer that is used by

subscribers to connect for media stream purposes. It represents the Private
and Public IP addresses of the device as well as all available Multicast IP
addresses. If the stream should be send using multicast, a specific multicast IP
should be selected.

Additional Stream IPs – this is a list of additional Streamer IP addresses that

should receive the stream. For example, if the channel is distributed by more
than one stream, the administrator can specify the IP addresses (separated by
comma) of the additional streamers that will distribute the stream to

Subscriber Authentication T ype – represents the authentication method used

by subscribers to authenticate in order to receive the stream. Supported
methods are: MAC Address authentication, IP Address authentication, and
MAC and IP Address authentication.

DoS Attempts – this parameter is used to limit the failed data stream
subscription attempts. Commonly , such attempts are used to create a “Denial
of Service” attacks and to overload a server . The administrator can limit and
prevent DoS attacks by specifying a value that will automatically reject
connection attempts from unauthorized subscribers.

DoS Timeout – this is the timeout in seconds after which time the DoS
Attempt records will expire and will allow one subscriber to reconnect.

d. Remote API Section – this is the section that defined the interface between
the device and the external billing and middleware servers.

Remote API – allows the device to send HTTP requests before and after each
channel subscription. This option can enable data to be send to an external
billing server upon channel start and stop. The following parameters are

$MAC – the MAC address of the subscriber . Format XXXXXXXXXX

$IP – the IP address of the subscriber . Format: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
$CID – the id of the subscriber
$COST- the cost of the channel. It is commonly used for VOD and PPV
channels. Format: XX.XX
$CMD – the command id. 1- Start channel; 2 – Stop channel
$NAME – the subscriber name
$SNTIME – session duration in seconds
$STIME – session start time. Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
$ETIME – session end time. Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
$OBJID – the channel id

Remote API URL – allows the administrator to define a custom remote URL
that will be called upon channel start or/and stop. The HTTP request will
contain the above parameters that can be captured and processed by a third-
party billing server .

Channel Cost – this is the cost of the channel. The cost is used to be compared
with the available subscriber credit and then the credit reduced with this cost.
Billing T ype – this is the billing type for the channel. The system supports
Free, Every Access, Daily and Monthly billing types. If Daily or Monthly types
are selected the device will deduct the channel cost from the subscriber’s
credit once every day or month.

Save Billing Record – enables the local storage of the billing record for every
channel start and stop. If enabled the system will store records for this
channel within its files system so these records can be retrieved using the
“History” section of the Menu tree.
3. Conditional Access Management – this menu dialog allows the administrators
to manage the subscribers that will connect to the media stream. This section
represents the Conditional Access function based on subscribers’ MAC address
and/or IP address.

a. Subscriber Access Management Section– the section that allows subscriber

access parameters to be defined

Subscriber ID – this is the unique id that the system has assigned

Subscriber Name – this is the name of the subscriber .

IP Address – this is the subscriber IP address. The IP address can be partial.

For example, 192.168.0 will match all subscribers with IP addresses such as

MAC Address – this is the MAC address of the subscriber . Exact match is

Block Subscriber – if checked this option will block the selected subscriber and
insert the parameters into a Black list to reject access to the device.

b. Subscriber Billing Management Section – this section is used for subscriber

credit control

Max Credit – this is the maximum credit amount of the subscriber . Once this
credit is depleted, further access to channels that are paid is rejected. The
administrators can change this value manually , by putting an alternative
value. T o update the maximum credit of all subscribers, the administrator can
use the menu options in the Edit menu of the Conditional Access menu –
“Update All Max Credit”

Used Credit – this is the amount of credit that has been used by the subscriber
to this moment. The administrators can change this value manually, by putting
an alternative value. T o reset the used credit of all subscribers, the
administrator can use the menu options in the Edit menu of the Conditional
Access menu – “Reset All Used Credit” .

4. Session Filter Management – this is the section that allows IP address filtering.
This function is used to accept or reject requests from sessions. The session filters
are checked after the Conditional Access rules have been enforced, thgus allowing
to create default session access filters.

IP Address – this is the substring of IP address that will be used for matching
purposes. For example, if the entry is “192” only IP addresses that have the
format 192.xxx.xxx.xxx will be matched. If the entry is “0” then IP addresses that
have the following format 0xx.xxx.xxx.xxx will be matched.
Action T ype – this is the action type. If Reject is selected every session request
that has an IP address match will be dropped. If Accept is selected the session
that has an IP address match will be accepted.

5. Current Subscribers Management– this is the list of all subscribers that are
currently receiving media data stream in real-time. The administrator can perform
the following tasks using the Edit menu.

a. Disconnect Subscriber – this will disconnect a selected subscriber

b. Disconnect All Subscribers – this will disconnect all subscribers

c. Block Subscriber – this will block permanently a selected subscriber from using
the service

6. User Objects Management – this menu dialog allows the administrators to

define their own custom media objects -- useful for VOD and PPV media

Object Index - used to store the index of the defined object. The index is used for
intuitive EPG (Electronic Program Guide) navigation.

Object Name – this is the name that will identify the object in the EPG.

Object Extension – this is the file extension of the object. Common extensions
are: .avi, .mp3, .wmv

Object T ype – this is the type of the user object. Based on the type the object will
appear in a different section of the EPG sections of the Set-T op-Box devices or
DMC software. For example, based on parameter the User Object will appear in
one of the IPTV , VOD, PPV sections.

Object Location – this defines the location of the physical file that the object is
represented by . Common locations are:

1. Local file: /directory/media_file_name.avi

2. UDP TS multicast, unicast: upd://ip_address:port
3. All file types via HTTP TCP: http://ip_address/media_file_name.avi
4. RTP TS multicast, unicast: rtp://ip_address:port
5. RTSP multicast, unicast: rtsp://ip_address:port
6. Microsoft Streaming ASF format: mms://ip_address:port

Object Description – this is the object description that will appear in the EPG
listing of the STB or DMC.

7. Play List Management – this media dialog allows configuration of Play List. Play
Lists are groups of User Objects that are played in sequence.

Play List Index – this text field is used to store the index of the defined playlist.
The index is used for intuitive EPG (Electronic Program Guide) navigation.
Play List Name – this is the name that will identify the playlist in the EPG.

Play List T ype – this is the type of the playlist. Based on the type the playlist will
appear in a different section of the EPG of the Set-T op-Box devices or DMC
software. For example, based on parameter the Play List will appear in one of the
IPTV , VOD, PPV sections.

Play List Objects – this control allows the administrators to select user objects into
one play list and group them together within the list for sequential play .

8. Local Files Management – this is the list of all files that are locally stored. The
administrator can use these files to define User Objects to provide direct
streaming services for VOD and PPV purposes. The system will scna directory
trees up to 3 levels deep.

9. Session History – the section allows the administrator to access the channel
billing and access information (if the “Save Billing Record” option in the channel
has been checked). The information has the following format:

SESSION_ID – this is the unique session id of the streamer session

SIGNAL_TYPE- this is the signal type: Start – the beginning of the session; Stop –
the end of the session
MAC_ADDRESS – this is the subscriber MAC address
IP_ADDRESS – this is the subscriber IP address
DEVICE_TYPE – this is the device type (example: m50, m60, m55)
START_TIME – this is the session start time
END_TIME – this is the session end time
DURATION – this is the session duration in seconds
OBJECT_ID – this is the id of the channel
COST – this is the channel cost.

10. Digital Card Management – the menu section allows configuration of the digital
cards that are built-in or connected to the device.

a. DVB-C Card Management – this section supports configuration of DVB-C

cable cards.

Channel Name – this is the exact name of the channel that is received. Exact
channel name match is required for proper decoding.

T ransponder Frequency – this is the cable transponder frequency in kHz.

Symbol Rate – this is the digital cable symbol rate in seconds (symbols/sec)

Modulation – this is the digital signal modulation type.

b. DVB-T Card Management – this section allows configuration for digital
terrestrial television cards

Channel Name – this is the exact name of the channel that is received. Exact
channel name match is required for proper decoding.

T ransponder Frequency – this is the television transponder frequency in kHz.

Bandwidth – this is the bandwidth of the received channel

Code Rate (high priority) – this is the code rate for high priority

Code Rate (low priority) – this is the code rate for low priority

Modulation – this is the digital signal modulation type.

T ransmission Mode – this is the transmission mode of the transponder signal

Guard Interval – this is the guard interval of the digital television transponder

Hierarchy – this is the hierarchy of the transponder signal.

c. DVB-S Card Management – this section is used to create configuration for

digital satellite cards.

Channel Name – this is the exact name of the channel that is received. Exact
channel name match is required for proper decoding.

T ransponder Frequency – this is the satellite transponder frequency in kHz.

Symbol Rate – this is the digital satellite symbol rate in seconds (symbols/sec)

Polarization – this is the transponder signal polarization

Error Correction – this is the transponder signal error correction type.

d. ATSC Card Management – this section allows ATSC card configuration. ATSC
cards are commonly used in USA.

Channel Name – this is the exact name of the channel that is received. Exact
channel name match is required for proper decoding.

T ransponder Frequency – this is the transponder frequency in kHz.

Modulation – this is the digital signal modulation type.

e. Smart Card Configuration – this configuration allows management of CAM
cards that are used to decrypt the media stream. The cards are connected to
the device using USB/Serial port. One smart card can be used to decrypt
multiple channels.

Card Status – this is the Smart Card status

Frequency – this is the frequency that is used by the smart card reader to
communicate with the decryption CAM card

Parity – this is the signal parity that is used between the smart card reader
and the card to communicate.

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