Short explanation of the meaning of recollection
Drawing expectation from both sides
First session: Who do you think you are? Or who am I?
Activity 1: Name your name
ice breaker
The facilitator introduce himself by the meaning and history behind his name.
The facilitator asks the students to reflect on why their parents gave that kind of
The students are given several minutes to reflect/write down their answer in the
Activity 2: Sharing
Some students will share the meaning of their names.
a. name is the first gift from our parents. It’s the first sign of love since they
wanted us to be born. It’s our first identity that we are loved. We don’t earn
our names but someone gives to us this identity.
b. God commanded us to name the creations (Gen 2:18). It is thus our
destiny to name the creation and become the co-creator of God. Naming
is very powerful act since it brings things under our domination. We are
free to use this power to destiny others or to love and give life to others.
Second Session: Common errors concerning self-image
Activity 1: Gift from Heart
ice breaker
The facilitator will group the students into two or more groups.
The students should have paper, pens/pencils and colored markers or crayons.
Each member of the group chooses an imaginary gift to give to each person in
the group. Each gift is drawn as described on a piece of paper to be given to the
recipient. The gifts should be thought out so they represent the individuals who
receive the gifts.
Once everyone has completed their gifts, let one person at a time give out his/her
gifts to the others. When giving the gifts, the giver should explain what the gift is
and why she or he chose to give that particular gift to the individual.
If the group is large, assign each person a select number of group embers to
create a gift for or break the large group into smaller group
Activity 2: Sharing
a. Giving and receiving gifts is often a very special and magical event. The
giver expresses caring for the receiver by selecting something he or she
feels would be appreciated. The receiver gets a token of affection and
b. This activity is about giving your understanding of others to them and
learning how others see you through the exchanges of thoughtful gifts.
c. The gifts may be deep and thoughtful suach as “courage to face life’s
difficulties”, for someone who has shared many deep problems with the
group. Or the gifts may simply be something the receiver would enjoy
such as “a season ski pass to go skiing any time you want” for someone
who enjoys skiing
Group sharing with guide questions
1. Did I make decision which hurt my parents, siblings, friends and classmates?
2. Is my decision consistent with my goals or what I want to be, my sense of where
God is leading me?
Third session: I am who am
Activity: Our story in God
Ice breaker
The facilitator shares his vocation story to set the mood and after inspiration.
The facilitator gives questions to ponder on
o What do people say about me?
o Who I am actually
o What is the greatest experience that changes my life and greatly shapes
my identity?
o How do I see God working in this experience?
The students are to be given enough time to reflect on the questions.
Activity 2: Sharing
a. Let them remember that God is always forgives and waiting turn us from
our sinful ways.
b. To have a mature choices and decisions in life.
Reconciliation activity
Activity: Candle and Flower
The facilitator introduces the 4 magic words ( I Love You, Thank You, I am Sorry,
Help Me)
The students are to be given candle and flower
The student will give the candle/flower to the person that is special to him/her as
they say the magic word to his /her special friend.
a. In God, that we find our true identity (in his image and likeness) and destiny (You
are mine)
b. Our stories are caught in the story of God. We find the meanings and fulfillment
of our stories in Him.
c. Make them realize to do penance for the wrong thing they have done
d. To forgive and pray those who have hurt them and those they have hurt
e. The facilities make clear to the participants about the reconciliation requires a
sincere change of life be re-establishing our relationship with God and others, we
commit ourselves to change our behavior, our attitudes, our ways of life by
receiving the sacrament of reconciliation.
Recapitulation and Conclusion
The facilitator will remind the students of the whole activities and the values they
could instill
The facilitator will close the recollection with the thank giving and prayer
Required: The students of STI College Lipa should attend and participate in the
Recollection Day