Risos-Vidal v. COMELEC
Risos-Vidal v. COMELEC
Risos-Vidal v. COMELEC
The pardoning power of the President cannot be limited A close scrutiny of the text of the pardon extended to former
by legislative action. President Estrada shows that both the principal penalty of
reclusion perpetua and its accessory penalties are included in
The 1987 Constitution, specifically Section 19 of Article VII the pardon. The sentence which states that “(h)e is hereby
and Section 5 of Article IX-C, provides that the President of the restored to his civil and political rights,” expressly remitted
Philippines possesses the power to grant pardons, along with the accessory penalties that attached to the principal penalty
other acts of executive clemency, to wit: of reclusion perpetua. Hence, even if we apply Articles 36 and
Section 19. Except in cases of impeachment, or as otherwise 41 of the Revised Penal Code, it is indubitable from the text of
provided in this Constitution, the President may grant reprieves, the pardon that the accessory penalties of civil interdiction
commutations, and pardons, and remit fines and forfeitures, and perpetual absolute disqualification were expressly
after conviction by final judgment. remitted together with the principal penalty of reclusion
He shall also have the power to grant amnesty with the
concurrence of a majority of all the Members of the Congress. The disqualification of former President Estrada under
xxxx Section 40 of the LGC in relation to Section 12 of the OEC
was removed by his acceptance of the absolute pardon
Section 5. No pardon, amnesty, parole, or suspension of sentence granted to him
for violation of election laws, rules, and regulations shall be
granted by the President without the favorable recommendation While it may be apparent that the proscription in Section
of the Commission. 40(a) of the LGC is worded in absolute terms, Section 12 of the
OEC provides a legal escape from the prohibition – a plenary
It is apparent from the foregoing constitutional provisions that pardon or amnesty. In other words, the latter provision allows
the only instances in which the President may not extend any person who has been granted plenary pardon or amnesty
pardon remain to be in: (1) impeachment cases; (2) cases that after conviction by final judgment of an offense involving
have not yet resulted in a final conviction; and (3) cases moral turpitude, inter alia, to run for and hold any public
involving violations of election laws, rules and regulations in office, whether local or national position.
which there was no favorable recommendation coming from
the COMELEC. Therefore, it can be argued that any act of
Congress by way of statute cannot operate to delimit the
pardoning power of the President.
The third preambular clause of the pardon did not If former President Arroyo intended for the pardon to be
operate to make the pardon conditional. conditional on Respondent’s promise never to seek a public
office again, the former ought to have explicitly stated the
Contrary to Risos-Vidal’s declaration, the third preambular same in the text of the pardon itself. Since former President
clause of the pardon, i.e., "[w]hereas, Joseph Ejercito Estrada Arroyo did not make this an integral part of the decree of
has publicly committed to no longer seek any elective position pardon, the Commission is constrained to rule that the 3rd
or office," neither makes the pardon conditional, nor militate preambular clause cannot be interpreted as a condition to the
against the conclusion that former President Estrada’s rights pardon extended to former President Estrada.
to suffrage and to seek public elective office have been