Yr 9 English Poetry Unit Plan
Yr 9 English Poetry Unit Plan
Yr 9 English Poetry Unit Plan
- Produce poetry texts in a range of different forms (haiku, simile, ballads, slam poetry)
- Incorporate different language features to portray different meanings and for different purposes
- Understand how different forms of poetry have different messages and intentions
- Annotate texts to identify choices made by authors
- Interpret poetry texts and identify specific features used
- Understand that authors innovate with text structures and language for specific purposes and effects (ACELA1553 - Scootle )
- Compare and contrast the use of cohesive devices in texts, focusing on how they serve to signpost ideas, to make connections and to build semantic
associations between ideas (ACELA1770 - Scootle )
- Explain how authors creatively use the structures of sentences and clauses for particular effects (ACELA1557 - Scootle )
- Analyse texts from familiar and unfamiliar contexts, and discuss and evaluate their content and the appeal of an individual author’s literary style (ACELT1636 -
Scootle )
- Investigate and experiment with the use and effect of extended metaphor, metonymy, allegory, icons, myths and symbolism in texts, for example poetry, short
films, graphic novels, and plays on similar themes (ACELT1637 - Scootle )
- Analyse text structures and language features of literary texts, and make relevant comparisons with other texts(ACELT1772 - Scootle )
- Create literary texts, including hybrid texts, that innovate on aspects of other texts, for example by using parody, allusion and appropriation (ACELT1773 -
Scootle )
- Experiment with the ways that language features, image and sound can be adapted in literary texts, for example the effects of stereotypical characters and
settings, the playfulness of humour and pun and the use of hyperlink(ACELT1638 - Scootle )
- Apply an expanding vocabulary to read increasingly complex texts with fluency and comprehension (ACELY1743 - Scootle )
- Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse texts, comparing and evaluating representations of an event, issue, situation or character in different
texts (ACELY1744 - Scootle )
- Use a range of software, including word processing programs, flexibly and imaginatively to publish texts(ACELY1748 - Scootle )
Students analyse the ways that text structures can be manipulated for effect. They evaluate and integrate ideas and information from texts to form their own
interpretations. They select evidence from texts to analyse and explain how language choices and conventions are used to influence an audience. Students understand
how to use a variety of language features to create different levels of meaning. They edit for effect, selecting vocabulary and grammar that contribute to the precision and
persuasiveness of texts and using accurate spelling and punctuation.
- Plan and produce different kinds of poetry, in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories & Literacy
particular a ballad. cultures Numeracy
- Annotate poetry texts to identify different features Information & Communication Technology
and the effects they have. Asia & Australia’s engagement with Asia Capability
- Incorporate different language devices to portray Critical & Creative Thinking
Sustainability Personal & Social capability
meaning and emotion.
- Interpret poetry texts in terms of meaning and Ethical Understanding
Intercultural Understanding
how it has been represented.
support the learning intention
Subject Learning outcome Achievement standard
Prior knowledge: Poetry revision lesson at the beginning of the unit. Revise the core elements of poetry, what it is, what it contains, the different kinds of poetry in a
brainstorm or general discussion. Suggestions will be taken from the students. Students will be asked to produce a short piece of poetry of their choice with basically no
guidelines. They will be given numerous topics to write about, but how they construct it is completely up to them. They need to justify what they wrote and how they wrote
Formative: Students will annotate pieces of poetry to identify different language features used by authors and the effect this has on the purpose of the text.
Provocation: Initial poetry writing, free choice on topics, exposure to a range of different examples of poetry to represent differences and break potential stereotypes.
EVALUATION: To what extent did we achieve our purpose? How could you develop the learning experiences & assessment tasks? What evidence is there to show the students’
connection to the organising concept? What student directed learning arose from the unit? Assess the unit by providing evidence of students’ understanding of the learning
intention. What connections can be built between this unit and another?
Poetry Revision:
Prior knowledge
- ask students to suggest anything they know about poetry, categories, types etc.
- get students to write a short ‘poem’ of their choice, provide numerous topics they can write about. Keep it broad, formatively assess what they
create. Share with a partner, discuss how they created it, what language features they used, ideas etc. (rhyme, short sentences etc.) (10/15
- View different examples and kinds of poetry, examine the features.
- Small groups, research one category of poetry e.g. imagery, limerick, haiku, similie, metaphor etc. come up with 4-5 pieces of information about
that category. Record and share with the class.
- Introduction – what are they, what form do they come in, what do they involve etc. play two different ballads and ask students to note down what
they notice about each song. Discuss their findings.
- Share numerous different examples, relevant to students (e.g. modern songs…). Analyse features/characteristics of ballads.
- Choose some to annotate as a class, identifying, questioning different things.
- Students can begin to find their own ballad to annotate. Revision on annotation, what it involves, how to do it, what are they looking for? etc…
- First assignment – annotate a ballad.
- Begin to look into creating/production of a ballad,
- More examples, small practice activities
- Second assignment, writing a ballad, discuss topic with me before writing.
- Extension activities?